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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 960x720, goin' to jail lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8555843 No.8555843 [Reply] [Original]

Old general: >>8550875

All this stupid stuff has been going and let's start this off nicely, what's the most stupidest thing you ever heard from someone who is in lolita? Was it at a comm meet, FB group, tea party, etc tell us gulls!

>> No.8555848


If they said there was going to be money for his work, then I am sure it's illegal but I am no lawyer. But really, they can't pay the guy his $400 bucks and call it a day?

>> No.8555869

this. fucking kate is full of shit. her face shows it.

>> No.8555872

we all know she's full of shit

>> No.8555889

But she can afford a vacation to Canada for god knows how long has it been now.

>> No.8555943

From what I understood, Masaki did the job "as a friend" and wasn't expecting money, he just explained that usually it would cost 400$ for him to do it. He's getting angry cause he didn't get any thank you, his translation was never used and nobody recontacted him to explain him why. He doesn't like the KA and LACE to begin with, but I guess he likes Briz enough.

>> No.8555947

This is different, but if he was promised money to do it then it is illegal.
He needs to post caps.

>> No.8555953

I'm gonna try to clear up a bit the Masaki thing going on.
Masaki is a nice guy who has been involved in the lolita community for a while. His long-time girlfriend is a french "lolita" (I will avoid emitting a judgment on this person) and they act as a small shopping service. He is really serviceable and goes out of his way to find the pieces I want, he's nice.
I think the problem with Masaki is that he react really strongly against hierarchy. I'm not aware of what his job is but I've come to understand that he is a bit of an outcast. He doesn't like at all that a street fashion like lolita "sold out" and that some people like Misako use it for pure profit with no creativity (which let's face it is pretty true). He doesn't like that there is now a form of hierarchy in lolita and that it's loosing it's street fashion vibe. He try to reunit people so they can be friend without a hierarchy, but since he is a 50 yo man with meh english skills, it's sometimes difficult for him to transmit his message.
As for what happened, I think what I said in >>8555943 is the closest to reality.
He means no arm but truth be told he is a nobody and lolitas are quite warry of men generally speaking.

I'm gonna try and see with him if he have any more caps.

>> No.8555968

That makes a lot more sense now. Makes me wonder now, why was he a translator in the first place if his english is really broken. Usually translators have to write and speak fluently in the languages to even be a professional translator.
Still Kate is not posting enough caps to justify her "fears" while being the founder of a dumb anti-bullying and harassment group and pinning most of the problem on Briz is stupid on her side and what does Cadney have to do with this? Also why are they just outting this man out now for wanting to boycott the JLA and Misako? When the AM scandal happened, a lot of ppl wanted to do and said exactly what Masaki said, boycott the JLA, KA's, and Misako but why is he the target?

>> No.8555972

I'm sorry for asking here, but what happened to staminarose? I've been away for so long, is there a replacement? Where are the gals congregating nowadays?

>> No.8555974

people like to use scapegoats

>> No.8555976

As for the translating part, I guess he free-lance a bit from english to japanese. He understand english fairly well, he is just not comfortable with writing/speaking it because he picked it up late. Still better than most japanese people, for what it's worth.

>> No.8555980

And also because it's the perfect timing to swift the Kate self-posting drama under the Masaki rug.

>> No.8555982

As well as that, Misako's favour was very easily bought by the Leighs before the AM thing went down, they paid for holidays, designers purses, and god knows what else to keep her sweet, and she lapped it up. I'm still pretty disappointed about it to be honest.

I like this guy's attitude. Lolita is a subculture, and it barely feels like it anymore.

>> No.8555987

Yes, he was really really angry at Misako during the whole AM/KA debacle and was pretty vocal about it. He asked for the KA to be dissolved, but I don't think anything can be done for that since it depends on the Japanese Ministery of Culture/MEXT.

>> No.8556002

She is filming so that is not helping money being used to stay in Canada.,

It died, i believe that the other shut it down wiry fears that pt is a pedo after something came up. Was not true in the end. Use lolcow.

>> No.8556006

The KA thing could've been great, but I mean, so could communism, both much better in theory than in practice.
The fashion/subculture as a whole gives too much importance to brands, models, and those who are just shouting loud enough.

>> No.8556007

And it's totally being used by the Japanese government as a easy way to make weebs come to Japan, just like anime. All lolita shops issue tax refunds for foreigners purchasing instore in Japan. And we're just giving in because it's flatter our ego, to look so important when we're just a band of freaks.

>> No.8556011

Can't we have a non-stupid-drama edition? For gods sake just make a kate-drama-post elsewhere and don't throw it in lolita general, I don't see you guys posting about dresses or brands or whatever.

>> No.8556014

And all the while, Japanese Brands barely give a fuck about what the western Lolitas want.


>> No.8556017

Question that relates to your first comment. Why do lolita brands not give a fuck about western lolitas? I always hear this but never understood the meaning.

>> No.8556032

They don't need our business to stay afloat. Compered to what they make in Japan, their profits from foreigners are like the spare change you find in your couch. They don't need to cater to us, and it's extra effort, so they don't.

>> No.8556037

Japan never really liked the US... that's for sure.

>> No.8556038

>All lolita shops issue tax refunds for foreigners purchasing instore in Japan
That's not a lolita or weeb specific thing though?

>> No.8556045

do you have a link to their shopping service? i'm curious

>> No.8556046

How is it not?

>> No.8556048

>Japan never really liked the US
Untrue. It's more like really mixed feelings.

>> No.8556052

You know you can get the tax refunded at department stores, right?

>> No.8556058

I want to post a general warning about Masaki Deguchi. He friends a lot of lolitas, and sends PMs to get you to follow his ideology. I fundamentally agree with a lot of what he says, but he thinks lolitas should be activists in trying to improve both lolita and Japanese culture. If he perceives you are not agreeing with him, he gets very aggressive suddenly. He is very passionate but it scared me.

I imagine a similar situation occured, where he encouraged LACE to behave in a way he wanted by maybe talking shit about Misako or whatever agenda he has now, they did not agree, so he flipped his shit and now brings out this $400 figure out of his ass.

This is from someone who thinks LACE is bullshit but I would like everyone to be very careful about what you say to this guy.

>> No.8556062
File: 12 KB, 240x240, i4ST7Ntk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit if you know anything about Japanese history. And don't go "Hiroshima!" now. A lot of things happened after Hiroshima, years of occupation, cultural exchange and emulation have shaped Japan big time and while there are traditionalists who aren't so happy about it, there's just as many or more people who love it.

>> No.8556064

see >>8556052
As a tourist you just get a refund on taxes charged for Japanese people to encourage shopping of any kind. Not just lolita.

>> No.8556081

It's nothing Japan-specific, either.

>> No.8556093

Damn, I didn't know he was such a cool guy. I really like him demanding the stupid Kawaii Ambassador thing be dismantled too. I literally thought that was a joke for months and was floored when I figured out it was real. It always sounded like /cgl/ making a bad joke. Japan is really pandering to the weebs hard.

He's so right about it being a street fashion and subculture but being hijacked by brands. I think lolita, of all the street fashion styles, suffers from this the absolute worst. There's plenty of other street fashion brands over there that don't pander so hard.

>> No.8556138

Yeah, that's the point. Do comic book shop have taxe refunds in the US ? Because sure as hell they don't where I live. Tax refund is made to encourage foreigners shopping and in Japan it covers "big" Harajuku brands as well as anime merch because it's a huge selling point for foreigners.

>> No.8556140

lol you actually believe this shit. Since when do they like whitey?

come on now.

>> No.8556146


>> No.8556158

Wait, did he actually bill them or is saying $400 is what his work is worth?

>> No.8556174

Why did the mods delete the secret thread? It just started to get interesting ffs.

>> No.8556201

Secret threads aren't allowed any more since the dramu ban, regardless of what goes on in them.

>> No.8556203

he's saying that's what his work is worth. He did this as a good gesture for LACE

>> No.8556208

So it wasn't a job then
How is Lace at fault for this then?

>> No.8556217

Except the JLA is entirely run by Misako and her handlers, she just ripped off the "KA" thing for her own use. It could theoretically dissolve any time it's sponsors say the word, but they won't because promoting Misako and advertising Lolita > western girls complaints.

>> No.8556224

...which is fucking ridiculous since that Crunge 2.0 thread had way more drama than the BtB one did.

>> No.8556281

To be honest, most of Japanese translators aren't that great at English - but they can understand it well enough to translate well into Japanese

>> No.8556286

"Likes Briz enough"
Yeah, until he starts going off against Mexicans

This guy is fucked.

>> No.8556343

I just washed Cinema Doll in ivory and the black lace ran. Is there any way to fix it?

>> No.8556396

There's a girl in my comm who considers SnK Lolita a legitimate substyle, but when I summed up my style as nautical lolita, she scoffed at me and made a huge deal about how that's not a thing. She then tried to act like she knew more about Lolita (I've been into it for 9 years, her 6 months) and was like "the correct label is pirate or sailor". When I tried to explain that I'm well aware, but my wardrobe is almost entirely sailor, pirate, and mermaid prints, so "nautical" is easier to say since it covers all three categories, she laughingly accused me of backpedaling to avoid embarrassment for not knowing the style names. Even though she follows me on Tumblr and I reference sailor and pirate Lolita almost every day, they even have their own tag on my blog.

>> No.8556503

Update, used a stain remover on the colour runs and washed it again with extra colour catcher sheets but dress is still stained. Oh well.

>> No.8556589

Darn, is it bad or will it be unnoticeable when worn? One of my dream dresses so good for future reference!

>> No.8556598

Hand wash it in cold water (icy cold) with color catchers. Use an old tooth brush to scrub where the color has run until you get it out.

rise in ice water with color catchers.

when you are ready to dry, lay it out on towels, and scrunch paper towel all around the lace. you can try blowdrying with a cold blowdryer if yours has that setting. Basically, it's all about keeping the water in the lace from getting back on the dress once you get the runs out.

>> No.8556624

Anyone heard from their SS abt Sheherazade? Also, I really wish that AP will release more hints of their Halloween Print

>> No.8556648
File: 29 KB, 275x371, o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone remind me the name of this series? I know it had something to do with time. I can't remember anything now that lolibrary keeps going down.

>> No.8556667

It's mostly on the bodice area (it's the small eyelet like lace they used to edge the sleeves/straps and bodice that ran, everything else is fine as far as I know) and they're fairly faint so they aren't extremely noticeable, but still. I guess I'll just keep this dress for concerts and the like.

Thank you so much anon! Does it matter if the dress has dried? I have it hung up to dry at the moment and I won't have a bathtub until a couple of weeks later where I can dunk it in ice cubes. I suppose I might as well give it a wear or two before washing it again.
Honestly, bless you anon, you've given me a shard of hope in the thick of black colour runs.

>> No.8556673

I sort of miss when people didn't have so much brand.
Like fair enough, some trends pop up started by actual adherents of the fashion, but brands dictate so fucking much of what we like, it's ridiculous. When brands keep throwing the same shit out, people are going to like it eventually. I wish handmade was so much more important still today.

>> No.8556682

>girlfriend is a french "lolita"
Ooooh I think I might've seen them at AP Shinjuku last year then...

>> No.8556696
File: 228 KB, 400x400, 1_400sq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend has cancer and is looking now for cheap but natural/realistic looking wigs. Does anyone have recommandations?

Pic related, I got this wig (similar) cheap from eBay and people think it's my real hair. I self wonder how because it looks fake to me.

>> No.8556698

This is so true. People overestimate the profit brands make from westerners. At this point, I'd say the money they make from the Chinese might even be more than what they make from the local Japanese lolitas, especially for AP.
>in line for release at AP in Japan
>more than half of the lolitas in the queue speak Chinese

>> No.8556703

People who aren't used to wigs generally won't think you're wearing a wig as long as you're wearing a decent one and not a shitty halloween one.

I'd say get a lacefront wig from Cyperous, they're on a pricey side but totally worth it.

>> No.8556711

sauce on this wig? is it actually as thick as a real rhapsody wig from GL?

>> No.8556725

it should still work if it's dried. Don't get it hot, so don't wear it out if it's summer where you live.

>> No.8556735

Milky Rail Train, Johan Frill Pants

>> No.8556762

Janitors hardly seem to pay attention to the things they delete. I've seen secrets threads be deleted for "singling out" when the only few replies were treelita jokes. Doesn't help that they're all cosplayers so they have no feel for lolita drama vs. jokes.

>> No.8556843

I've seen them delete threads that don't break any of the rules in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.8556845

Meanwhile threads that are along the lines of "do girls have sex in cosplay??" or the obvious "cosplay is not consent" meme are allowed to stay up.

What's wrong with our janitors?

>> No.8556854

I'm just starting out, but most of my wardrobe is handmade/taobao brand so far.

>> No.8556898

Is the tumblr community dying?
It seems that most of my favourite lolitas stopped posting completely or just moved on to pinterest or facebook. There are also less good OC coords being posted under the brand tags than it used to be about ~2 years ago. I used to be able to scroll for hours through my dash, it's a fucking wasteland nowadays, completely boring and unexciting. Anyone else got this feeling, or is it just me?

>> No.8556911

I'm starting to think tumblr in general is falling apart because everyone by now only knows it for it's infamous SJW movement. That or porn.

>> No.8556939

It's not their fault, he's just upset they never used his translation.

Ir's hard to for everyone that gets into the fashion to be handmade since it requires a lot of skill and time, something not everyone has. Brands in my opinion make it easier to just buy pieces and plug-in play. I'd love to see more handmade though, I used to see some good pieces back in the day.

>> No.8556962

that sucks anon. Just another newbie who thinks they know better because they spend a couple hours on google and fyeahlolita.

next time find something stupid to laugh at her about/find someone to do that to her.

>> No.8557044

idk i run into lots of younger people who are arrogant and grossly misinformed about some stuff, laughing at them doesn't solve the problem i think. i usually just nod and politely agree to disagree if they won't listen to reason.

also, in the end anon is the one with a ton of sailor items vs noob who probably doesn't even own one- i'd be shocked by anyone who finds the latter more credible lol

>> No.8557061

I really hope no. I hate the SJW stuff but right now it's the only sn that I post on. At least the Lolitas I follow are still active...

>> No.8557077

Same here anon, but with art. Tumblr is the only decent site right now since dA has gone down the shitter, I won't use facebook for this stuff, and all the new art sites seem to be populated by 14 year olds.

>> No.8557102

Mines got shipped last weekend. Otks, jsk1 but headdress not yet released

>> No.8557110

What an idiot. Is nautical a grown up word? Cant comprende?

>> No.8557170

Lacemarket has really been off the ball lately. My auction was won on the 13th and they sent out no notification to let me know. The seller even sent me a message but there was no notification.

Ahh, LM you're killing me.

>> No.8557191
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-15-18-46-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck...I hope this is not what I think it is.

>> No.8557230

were you not around when they changed servers a few days ago? that kinda kicked everything off kilter, for a few days notifications weren't working. I think they should be all good now because when I got a PM the other day I actually finally received an email.

>> No.8557233

Next time you see her, get really excited and tell her you've found out about a new substyle recently. Make something up. Ask her if she's tried it yet, really make it sound like you're seeking her approval. If she takes the bait and pretends to know it, scoff and laugh and carry on.

... just kidding. But fantasies can be nice.

>> No.8557247

Get hydrogen peroxide on that stat

>> No.8557258

Nobody likes the U.S...

>> No.8557282

I totally feel this, a lot of my favorite tumblr lolitas have stopped posting. I hate that the most active online communities for lolita are /cgl/ and fucking facebook groups

>> No.8557285

yeah >>8556703 is right, normies often think average/ecent quality cosplay wigs are real hair as well. I remember at a school event I wore one of those rainbow wigs from arda, and there were a few people who came up to me specifically because they thought it was real, even though I thought it looked very much like a wig. even shinier cosplay wigs have convinced people.

natural-looking wigs like the ones often used in lolita only confuse people more, though I do agree there are some pretty realistic looking wigs for cheap these days. not too sure about ebay wigs specifically but if your friend is also interested in spending a little bit more money, lockshop has some pretty good, realistic looking wigs. they're a bit thicker too (I find sometimes ebay/taobao wigs can be a little thin)

>> No.8557289

Not mine Takoyaki is selling this dress with a "few" stains for $230

>> No.8557294
File: 161 KB, 600x856, tumblr_nt35m02CFu1sd87t7o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8557300

Nah, I didn't realize they switched servers that's awesome.
I just got a message from the buyer in the past hour, and I'm still not getting e-mail notifications. There may still be some bugs lingering then.

I messaged the mods hopefully this isn't a problem for anyone else.

>> No.8557376

Most of AP and Baby's sales are actually to Chinese lolitas now. Japanese sales aren't even that high...

>> No.8557384

You get tax refunds everywhere as a tourist in Japan. Basically any shop that's not a combini, liquor shop, or mom-and-pop tiny store either refunds or doesn't charge you tax. The line for the tax free counter at department stores is fucking horrendous sometimes. I thought I was in China for a minute.

>> No.8557387

Looks like bleed/dye transfer from the lining. Not the other kind of bleeding.

>> No.8557390
File: 136 KB, 805x494, braidfray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my daily wear JSKs from IW has a small fray in the braid trim. How can I protect it from fraying further and remove the fray?

>> No.8557412

if no one else helps you, you can use my jank method. put a little bit of clear nail polish on the fray and the connected bits. you can trim the fray once it dries. it sounds shitty, but it's worked for me a bunch.

>> No.8557555

Diff anon, but they don't have tax refunds in second-hand stores either (e.g Closet Child) right?

>> No.8557567


That's right.

>> No.8557568

Has anyone here had luck with having a jsk professionally altered to a skirt?

>> No.8557570

I don't think you can fix it but you can hide it. Just scoop the frayed part up with some thread and sew it so it's hidden under the nice braid.

>> No.8557596

chink lolitas are really ruining brand for the rest of us. they're driving up prices and stealing pieces so they can scalp them later (typical chink scammer behavior). brand shops should have a limit on the number of them that can buy new releases.

agreed. tumblr itself is falling apart since they don't have the ~ooh fandom~ reputation that they had years ago. it's all about autist sjws coddling anyone whose skin is darker than just a little bit tan. even naturally pale asians get shit on tumblr for supposedly bleaching their skin or some dumb shit like that. only blacks, spics, and dark asians get special treatment. indiginous people are still not a thing to tumblr.

kek this is true

why would you buy from a bunch of scalpers who scream "RARE DRESS" as an excuse to jack up the prices of certain dresses?

>> No.8557631

Any advice on how to get a small water stain out of a dress? It's 100% polyester if that helps.

>> No.8557632

why limit the chinese though? It's gotta be making them boatloads of cash.

>> No.8557639

Aw. That really sucks, especially with the yen being pretty weak against the US dollar right now.

>> No.8557644

You sound like a horrible person.

>> No.8557663

I've seen some Cyperous wigs and wasn't impressed by their quality but at least they are better than Lockshop.

I bought it a year ago from this seller http://www.ebay.com/usr/karenqianyun

It wasn't not only muggles that thought my wig was real hair also experienced Lolitas.

I am not too keen on Lockshop wigs. I bought one in the past and it's shedding and frizzy like crazy, not really suitable for daily wear. Maybe they improved their quality. I heared they have a daily wear line now.

>> No.8557669

how does water even stain?

>> No.8557673

rust/minerals in the water

>> No.8557717



I think you underestimate the number of lolitas in China, the country itself literally has four times the population of the United States, stands to reason the lolita market is at least four times what anything in the US would be. Why do you think there are so many taobao indie brands, it's not just that they have access to factories, but their internal market alone has enough demand to sustain all of them.

Besides, the brands do have purchase limits. AP in particular limits their popular prints to one main item plus one headwear in same colourway per buyer. Anyone who has more than one of those prints either hunted them down on the secondhand market or paid multiple shopping services for them. I also don't see how "stealing them to sell at higher prices later" can possibly work if the item in question is going for $800, not many Western lolitas are even willing to shell out that kind of money, now or ever, and a few years later when the print goes out of style it's going to lose value very rapidly.

I hate that they're driving the prices of dresses up, yes, but it's better to have the right facts while ranting. I both hate them and am grateful they're at least propping up a few brands that I like by spending money like water, while the rest of the world seems to be facing some kind of economic dip.

>> No.8557752

That's hella oldschool.

>> No.8557789

You can use as many racial slurs as you want, I'm still laughing my ass off all the way to my chinese bank to buy the dresses you can't afford ;^)

>> No.8557792


>> No.8557823

Is she 12?

>> No.8557826

I haven't noticed that at all, but I guess I mostly reblog from friends who post Lolita stuff.

So if the current most active Lolita communities are FB and /cgl/, does anyone think that something new will come along? I'm not hugely fond of facebook groups, especially since people have started making them for stuff at the drop of a hat without checking if it already exists. I like /cgl/, but it's not a community that is really useful to the subculture because there's so much shitposting (don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good stuff too), and we're lumped in with cosplay (again, not speaking ill, they're just very different hobbies).

I've noticed that the Lolita subreddit is kicking off, I've been checking in now and then and there's been a notable jump in activity and subscribers for a place that had otherwise been dead, but I'm not sure if it's really a great format.

Nobody but a handful of people seem to want to go back to LJ, which I guess is understandable, but what about Lacebook?

What ever happened with that? Are they ever going to just let people join? I was really hyped but was strung along by one or two different people for invite codes who never bothered getting back to me. Are any seagulls involved with it?

>> No.8557837

Of all the platforms, I still enjoy LJ the best. They've improved their shitty system over the last year.. so I want to believe it'd work if people went back. Otherwise I feel like the rest of these platforms are too disconnected and not ideal to sift through.

I'm also curious about lacebook. it seemed so promising, but I also got strung along a bit by people for invite codes, so I lost interest. I haven't heard anyone mention it in ages though. Are people still active?

>> No.8557841

Seconding the Lacebook thing. I forgot that existed. It'd be nice to contain lolita to a community so it doesn't face comm diaspora every time normies jump from one social media to another. I feel like the death of egl and those communities got rid of some culture specifically to it.

Also, /cgl/ is trash as a "community". I imagine a community as a place to meet others without having to fight off sleezey /r9k/ losers. I think /cgl/ is a wealth of information, but will forever not understand why lolitas think this is a good place to share info. Facebook, on the other hand, is just too far in the other spectrum. I don't want to see the full name of any lolita and your coworkers posting comments on your dresses. I kind of wish there was just a forum or a standard place to post. Tumblr is a bit scary with their wildfire witch hunts and I really do hope it's dying as a medium. No one should have to fear Social Justice rage just for not being what the want or slipping up on something. That weird Haenuli post about that Pocahontas dolls he fixed to just look like a lolita one is such a perfect example of how hostile the community is and how quick it is to pounce on shit that doesn't matter and/or they know nothing about in any form.

>> No.8557846


On lacebook, their website currently says:
"The Lacebook team is still working really hard on some amazing projects for Lacebook, therefor our service will be stopped for a while and we go on a brief hiatus

We will be back with some changes, awesome news and some surprises soon.

Meanwhile follow our Twitter and Facebook!

5 months ago"

I have a feeling they won't be coming back unless someone reminds them at this stage. Their Facebook is just funny/relatable image sharing, and their twitter hasn't been updated in months.

>> No.8557853
File: 134 KB, 689x1155, 136637708280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixyteri is back so I get all my dramu from lolcow

>> No.8557924

She's retarded, isn't she?

>> No.8558332

My package has been at the New York international sort center since the 9th. It's EMS. At what point do I start getting concerned? Should I call on Monday?

>> No.8558460

I don't know whether to love Meta or hate it. They're doing their Gobelin stuff again. That brand is nutso.

>> No.8558468


>> No.8558471

jesus, this picture reminds me of a former roommate who terrified her cat with her excessive use of outside voice (she also used a lot of baby speak to the old thing). She found out about me being involved in lolita through facebook and wanted to wear frilly pink dresses with industrial goth boots. Ughh, so glad she never did. No one would tolerate her in my comm and we have a bunch of weeby newbs too.

Back on topic, I wonder if PT is returning to wearing lolita. I know that she's a big girl and all, but I really liked her in lolita fashion more than her attempts at cosplaying lolis.

>> No.8558473

I like how Meta doesn't really jump on trends, they just sort of do their own thing. You go, Meta, I respect that.

>> No.8558476

Damn. I'd rather go back to lj. I wish that their mobile app was better though.

I should really get used to using reddit. idk why I could never get the hang of it. I feel like baby boomer trying to navigate it.

>> No.8558530

Meta doesn't give two fucks, and I respect that.

>> No.8558531

I started following you girl from my community on tumblr. She reblogs a bunch of black girls selfies, mediocre coordinates bye black girls, and sjw stuff. I know its normal tumblr stuff, but it kinda weirds me out because I'm the only black girl in the community.

>> No.8558555

Brands do have purchase limits, but scalper rings consist of several people. Or buyers bring their friends, family, boyfriends, etc

>> No.8558582

just don't talk to her
tell her it makes you uncomfortable that she fetishises your race.

>> No.8558595

Is there a way to find Juliette et justine stuff on Fril?

>> No.8558624

Just unfollow her and proceed with caution around her.
>tell her it makes you uncomfortable that she fetishises your race.
Oh god, shut the fuck up with that SJW bullshit. As long as a person isn't treating actual people of color differently as a result of their fetish, they're nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8558632

>Oh god, shut the fuck up with that SJW bullshit. As long as a person isn't treating actual people of color differently as a result of their fetish, they're nothing wrong with it.
Fucking this, for fuck's sake.
By the way, showing admiration for a race isn't the same thing as fetishizing it.

>> No.8558633

>what's the most stupidest thing you ever heard from someone who is in lolita?
At this stage, pretty much everything from Isaki.

>> No.8558635

Maybe the point was to turn the sjw's weapons against them. I love attacking sjws with their own arguments.

>> No.8558642

Seconded, I don't remember the last time I cringed at someone so hard.

>> No.8558650

This, whenever someone acts like a massive SJW faggot I use their logic against them and explain to them why they're being racist
Shuts them up 99% of the time.
Most of the time they're American teen girls with little to no actual knowledge of history who base all their opinions on slavery thinking the whole world is America.

>> No.8558663
File: 69 KB, 485x509, whatisreality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite literally the stupidest thing I've seen a lolita say

>> No.8558664

I honestly don't think scalping happens as much as everyone seems to think it does. Sure a couple of dresses het scalped every release and end up on yahoo auctions / mbok, but the majority of people buying seem to be lolitas.

Considering that brands wont sell to you on releases with you being dressed in lolita, the whole 1 main piece per person, etc .. It has helped. I think the issue is that when a piece is going to be popular, it's fucking popular. The outside JP market for brand is huge, so when we all want a print, i.e misty sky, its a blood bath. I think AP needs to up their stock. I feel like they just aren't making enough per batch to satisfy the whole foreign market.

That might be why we've seen them throw around a whole lot of re-releases and MTO's lately. I think they know they're not making enough dresses in one go, but don't want to up the batch size in fear of the dress being a dud.

>> No.8558672

It really doesn't. People think there's more scalping than there actually is because anytime a dress goes over retail, they just chalk it up to that, instead of considering it might be the result of auctions. It's also really convenient to dismiss anyone selling something at a price you don't like as a scalper.

>> No.8558679

Scalping has been happening a lot more than it happened 3-4 years ago, without a doubt. I remember when $400 was the very most anything other than PC, IG, or Lotta would sell for, anything above that just wouldn't sell, but people generally weren't cheeky enough to mark it up beyond its value unless it was the single most popular thing of the moment. Right now, though, that space is filled with as many as ten dresses at a time, so there are markups everywhere "because" of the demand.

I do feel that the MTOs and re-releases are helping a ton, though. It also discourages people from impulse buying their dream dresses at inflated prices from scalpers for fear of never finding them again, and by extension discouraging scalpers from buying with the sole intention of scalping in the first place.

>> No.8558685

I feel so exhausted and frustrated by everything she says.

>> No.8558698

how stupid do you have to be?
Anonymous evolved from /b/
/cgl/ is tame compared to /b/.
She would not want to support anonymous, seeing as their wrath would fall on her if they saw this.

>> No.8558738

I think you mean NANonymous

>> No.8558780

You have to take inflation into account as well. Numbers of lolitas have increased, meaning.more people are willing to compete for their favourite pieces with more cash.too.

>> No.8558797

That's true. Even taking Lolitas who were around back then into account, the number of them who own mostly brand now is likely much higher.

>> No.8558816
File: 241 KB, 719x419, sunctuarygoodspelling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I've ordered from AP international and wow the site is way too Japanese these days. I have no idea why they changed it since this looks much more JP friendly than anything else.

What do the grey buttons mean here? Also kek at AP and their spelling. I expect this of Baby.

>> No.8558820

Anyone have a link to the original video Carly's parodying in this?


>> No.8558821

It means that the item is available in-store and they'll try to order it for you. You'll need a shopping service who is willing to do cash on delivery though, because that's the only payment method for that option.

>> No.8558822

Thank you!

>> No.8558829

What drama is going down in your area/circle, gulls? What insignificant (in the grand scheme) bullshit has been going down?
I like hearing small-scale dramu.

>> No.8558835 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 446x400, 1439502231045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... someone should post her anti bullying video and this to /b/


>> No.8558844

That's too cruel.
That's too fucking cruel.
/b/ will think we are all freaks anyway if we post the video, they don't appreciate women bringing drama to get attention on the board. Trust me, I (embarrassingly) frequent /b/.
I'll do it, but I'm blurring out her name. Those dudes would tear her apart and it isn't fucking fair.

>> No.8558847

Out of curiosity, has anyone here ever purchased a dress that was listed as having stains? In your experience, were the stains more prominent/noticeable in person than they were in the seller's photos?

>> No.8558849

I think bringing /b/ into it is a bit pointless and I think it'll go over her heads. I mean, I thought part of the fun was that she was a lolita cow. Half her fun won't make sense to them.

>> No.8558855

AP does have some scalping issues, though. I think this could all be resolved with a type of reservation system. It'd choke scalpers and actual lolitas could get everything they'd want.

>> No.8558861


>> No.8558862

I feel like she's enough of a lolcow to justify posting there. They get a kick out of PT, and she's definitely getting to her level. You're probably right though, best to just post the screenshot with a bit of back info about how anti-4chan she is so that they understand why it's so funny.

>> No.8558863

Don't they hate that though? I remember them having some sort of "exclusivity" thing about only releasing so many of each piece, which admittedly doesn't add up with all the re-releases.

>> No.8558870

Scalpers would just put in reserves and then continue to scalp; there's bound to be people who missed out on the reserve.

>> No.8558873

No one's denying that, but it's not as common as people think

>> No.8558874

Just sorta figure she does this coz its the "tumblr" thing to do like this person I used to follow from Australia. Would reblog a SWJ thing and then two post later why it was problematic.

One person I do like following is Lolita-tips. I admire her patience as she deals like enough asks from itas about bodyline coords

Reddit would be a good platform considering the whole upvote and comment system like how LJ was. I use Reddit for everything else, would love Lolita be more active

>> No.8558876

Reddit seems to be full of newbie brolitas though. I don't want to be judgmental, but they're not really trying.

>> No.8558877

Have they actually said that? I kind of believe that with how they behave, even the two-faced side. I know it's a niche fashion, but I think when things become a bloodbath you really need to be catering to your audience more.
That's true. I think it'd be kind of more the lolitas fault then, though. A girl in my local comm missed out on one of those rare AP reserves and I just didn't understand why. It was up for quite a while fon AP USA, if I remember. There wasn't really any excuse except they weren't looking for a dress they "wanted so badly".

>> No.8558878

Did you delete it? It was getting replies, I don't think it died on its own...

>> No.8558892

No, that definitely looks like blood. Gross.

>> No.8558894

Honesty, I just wish that they will do reservations as a MTO with a one item and two accessory limit. The limit that they placed on the releases Ive heard are ridiculous as it is

>> No.8558896

Nah, /b/ moves fast and nobody gives a shit about random-ass drama.

>> No.8558901

Yea, tell me abt it. I don't bother with that subreddit as much because of how tiny it is

>> No.8558902

/b/ hops onto random drama all the time as long as it's laughable enough, plus the last reply was less than a minute before it was deleted. /b/'s fast, but not that fast. Maybe the mods thought it should be kept to here.

>> No.8558903

Nawh son, blood doesn't dry red, it dries brown.

>> No.8558907

I really want to know why she refuses to believe it

>> No.8558916

The thread was dedicated to people who hate 4chan, not just this specific drama

>> No.8558918
File: 65 KB, 737x960, vf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@VF anon. I ordered the same dress plus the Oracle skirt.
Just checked the shipping and it says that it left their location 2 days ago. I plan on doing a review on youtube.

Also how much did you get a refund? and do you have any other pics of damage/bad sewing?

>> No.8558922

I didn't delete it, I figure the mods did.

>> No.8558923

No, it has to do with cost of manufacturing and impulse sales. The way they do business now is more profitable because it's cheaper to do a run of x-pieces and you get more sales when you have physical products than when you do pre-orders, unless you fuck up and don't make enough physical products.

AP actually comes pretty close to making the right number of most things

>> No.8558966

did you cap at least?

>> No.8558976

nothing happened...

>> No.8558980

Speaking of deleting, do btb threads always get deleted bc I watched the first one disappear and then the second said it was pruned too.

>> No.8558987

yes. It's seen as "targeting individuals".

>> No.8558988

>caring about that kind of /b/ garbage
I'd of deleted it too, mostly because who gives a fuck about /b/ aside from retards

>> No.8558993

... me...
Behind all of the shitposting, the people are pretty cool.

>> No.8559026
File: 825 KB, 467x700, tumblr_mbqx03iZyN1rg85awo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people on EGL were chattering about trying to post there once a week in an attempt to revive it. They said they knew LJ and EGL would never be the central hub of lolitas again, but I feel their sentiments and miss the old days and would like to see a little revival of the community. Are any of you guys planning on participating in this? I'm still trying to decide whether I feel brave enough to participate or not, I prefer being anonymous because I'm sensitive and I feel like it's the only way I can feel safe from any hate or negative things being directed at me.

>> No.8559033

What's even there anymore? And don't tell me you enjoy all that silly ass hacktivism bullshit.

>> No.8559036

I don't know anon, the shitposting is a major thing to overlook.

>> No.8559038

I feel you, but I think egl is pretty safe to post on, unless you are an absolute moron or deliberately start drama. If you have a topic you would like to discuss, go for it! All of my experiences posting on egl have been really positive.

>> No.8559040

I just took a look at the front page of /b/ to see if there was anything or worth and the very first post was "I'm in love with my 11 year old neighbor"

I scrolled down and it didn't get any better. /b/ is fucking garbage and there is absolutely no reason to defend the morons who go there.

>> No.8559041

Made a LJ account this year just to post my wardrobe post.
I really hate the way LJ's layed out and the posting process sucks. It's hard to look for good threads so I just said "fuck it". I'm probably not gonna post on it again until my next wardrobe post.

>> No.8559060

I'm so fucking done with LM, I mean more than usual.
Remember how I had a buyer who didn't pay their invoice for days and I was worried because they didn't contact me? Well they messaged me but I never got an email, and it didn't show up in my unread messages at the time.
I checked today and I had 3 unread messages!
Worst for all, somebody won one of my items and I have no idea when! I never got an email telling me somebody had bid/ won. Actually, I got a weird email telling me two of my listings had expired the other day, with prompts to re-list (even though I didn't think they had been up for the full two weeks). I agreed to sell/ do a hold over facebook before I knew about this, and assumed they were down/ not sold. I went on today to un-list them if they were somehow still up and that's how I found out.
Ugh. Of course I'm e-mailing the buyer now. I only use the damn site so I can have detailed descriptions. I'd leave it completely but most of my sales end up being over there.

You use a handle there don't you? I never made a lj in the first place years ago because I didn't like the idea of having anything I posted stuck to me/ people recognising me. I'm glad I didn't, it would be so embarrasing. It's still better than facebook though, where you have to use your real name. It's not like I would be saying particularly edgy/ provocative, I'm just not the best at speaking to people online, I'll hardly follow through with conversations and they all feel fake. At any rate I don't think it's going to be a successful revival, people are just too disinterested, they tried late last year as well. That being said no amount of wishes are going to make a revival happen without solid participation from people, so if you want it to happen, join in. I'm sure people won't care enough to hate you, most posters would be pretty like-minded.

>> No.8559064

My sentences read so awkwardly. Ignore it.

>> No.8559066

Just do it!
I'm happy people liked my idea, hoping to have a mini revival, at least for a little while.
Even if you don't post, be sure to contribute and comment on others posts.

>> No.8559117

you'd have to be there for a while to get it.

>> No.8559185

you should show them the video of her hating on 4chan. That would be funny as fuck, they would rip her to shreds.

>> No.8559194

I used to post there back in like 2008. I grew out of it and realized other boards here are much better and less focused on lolsorandom memes and pedophiles and shaming women into showing their tits. It doesn't look like it's changed any other than no more rate me threads cause soc happened.

>> No.8559195

Isaki and her std shaming is local for me. I wonder if she realizes people can contract the clap from rape? Happend to me.. As much as I want to go punch her in the face for all the std slander next meet, Im not going to lower myself to her level.(which is REALLY low by now)I'll probably just end up avoiding her like the plauge.

I can only imagine what everyone in the com is really thinking about her batshit rampage, because I'm pissed.

Since she's lurking;
Dear isaki, stop using sexually transmitted diseases as an insult. You are just as bad as all the ignorant people in the past that ....no, my bad, you like to call people retarded too. Ironic how you've become the bully.

>> No.8559201


>> No.8559208

/b/ used to be good in it's hayday around 2007-2009 -ish. I used to go on there all the time, it was fun. M00t wasn't so much of a bitch, and join on the fun. Ever since 4chan started anonymous, it all went down hill.

Although /b/ is still better than /pol/, although I enjoy some random threads on there from time to time.

If you really want some random fun check out /x/, definitely one of my favorites.

>> No.8559211

NY customs is slow as hell. Took 10 days for my package to get out of there.

>> No.8559219

It is so embarrassing for the comm. I hope she decides to not attend any upcoming meets since no one wants to see her after all of this.

>> No.8559342

You're nicer than I am. I'd straight up call her an idiot because that's what she is. Fucking fed up with noobs who get on like this.

>> No.8559352

I know there's been talk about doing a serious revival of the Lolita LJ comms but the only way I see that would be successful imo if a lot of people make an effort, post and stick with it.

>> No.8559356

Meta comes out with some weird ass shit sometimes.

I like it.

>> No.8559362

Aw, I wonder if that's why this seller hasn't gotten back to me about an item I won. They have great feedback too.
I forgot lacemarket is having problems.

>> No.8559372

I would like to. I think the problem is that for a lot of people, it used to be a daily site that you would check and get all caught up on your communities etc, but since it's mostly dead now, the habit is gone and it's just easy to forget about it. If we could bring it back to life a little though it would be great - maybe there could be a thread about this specifically, to make everyone aware?

>> No.8559429

How long does it take for Baby to respond to your emails? I emailed them last week, but I haven't received a response yet.

>> No.8559436

Someone already did. More or less.

>> No.8559441

why do you say a lone lolita instead of saying lonelita. I rolls off the tongue so well, say it with me. Lonelita. (like lonely-ta rushed into one smooth word)

>> No.8559446

It also sounds like "lonely-ita"

>> No.8559460

What's the male version of lolita?

>> No.8559470

Use Dritz Fray-Check. It comes in a dropper bottle and costs like $4. Buy it at Joann's or any other fabric store/craft store/sewing store.

>> No.8559475

Hey, does anyone have a link to that upper floor vid with the girl in Queen's Coach in it?

>> No.8559507

anon. there's a dumb question thread. take this to there.....

also it's "brolita" if they are male dressed as female lolita. or Kodona or Aristocrat if they are just like fancy looking dudes.

>> No.8559544


Their site says 3 business days, so if you emailed them Friday, wait until Wednesday to email them again. Check your spam folder etc to make sure it hasn't ended up someplace odd.

>> No.8559596 [DELETED] 

What's PULL?

>> No.8559620

Seeing it in person, yes it does. Those overweight Chinese aunties aren't buying for themselves. And the wearing lolita rule is only for the Tokyo store, people wearing AP get first chance at shuffle, 2nd chance is wearing lolita, 3rd change is normies.

>> No.8559634

I have no idea what happened, I emailed them several times last week, but I just got an email from them saying they didn't receive any info about my order and that I've been blacklisted. Shit.

>> No.8559635


it's "ouji". calling it "kodona" is like calling lolita babydoll dresses. it is inaccurate and betrays a lack of understanding.

>> No.8559643

This. I've actually had a dress sold to me with blood stains (that were not documented). They were very distinctly rust-brown. Not bright berry red.

>> No.8559695

Now I've received a reply for my previous email, after they blacklisted me. They're asking for my country, even though I've listed my country very clearly in the email. Is Baby's customer service usually this bad?

>> No.8559726

only reason i didn't say ouji beceause i ALWAYS spell it ouija and i didn't wanna look like an idiot and was too lazy to google the correct spelling.
>still look like an idiot in the end.
sorry anon.

>> No.8559734

So I bought a dress off a girl on LSE, she didn't have much feedback (but what she had was good?). She said she didn't know how to use Paypal well and didn't speak good English, so I walked her through how to invoice. She seemed young? But it's been about a week since I paid, and she hasn't shipped it out on the date she said she would, and since then she hasn't replied, but it's only been like 3-4 days. I don't want to get scammed out of money and I could really put that money to better use right now, but I'd rather just have my dress shipped out. I've messaged her again today but she hasn't replied yet. Does anyone have any idea if this is scammer behavior? I've never had any of this happen in other shopping experiences.

>> No.8559759

Why is Voldie whiteknighting Girlytoot so hard on the RC:U thread

>> No.8559767

Lolita-tips used to be a total ita herself. Has she improved?

>> No.8559768


>> No.8559796 [DELETED] 

Who is Voldie on Facebook?

>> No.8559814 [DELETED] 

Carley Rose

>> No.8559817

>"Hey all. I've actually had the opportunity to take a small part in the documentary, since Kate is a friend of mine and she is in our community hanging out with myself and a few other girls."

Welp, there you go. I had no idea she knew Kate or was even on friendly terms with her.

>> No.8559823

What's the documentary about if both Kate and Voldie are involved? Selfposting on cgl until everyone hates you?

>> No.8559843

Wasn't lolibrary up again? I think I saw somebody saying it's up again, but it's still down for me. Does anyone here know more about it?

>> No.8559847

I kek'd.

>> No.8559850


Anonymous was still a thing in 2007-2009. And /x/ is shit now. Better back in 2009

>were you even on /b/ in 2009? It was rate my such and such posts out the ass. How was that fun for you.

>sage for off topic

>> No.8559915

Here: https://picasaweb.google.com/JekylltoHyde/VF
I kinda feel bad for showing this because Magdalena really felt sorry for her mistakes and promised to improve.

I got a 1/4 refund of the total price because that's what I suggested or fixing it on her costs. Meanwhile I found a lot of more flaws and I think it might have been worth of a 1/2 refund but it is too late.
Beside that the most things are sewing issues which I can fix by myself (hopefully).

Out of my experiences with VF now I am really looking forward to your review. Plus I hope that I am the only one with such issues.

>> No.8559916

I had a weird dream about Kate last night... I had to stay at her house because I moved to america for education purposes (backwards in itself considering education is free here) but anyway

The main part of the dream was I discovered that her husband was cheating on her and she knew. She was really lovely in the dream as well, and now I subconsciously sympathize with her, despite finding her infuriatingly fake af before

>> No.8559921

I know that this is supposed to be "Stupid drama edition", but there is not other lolita general that is appropriate so I will ask here.

>Am I the only one having trouble with Lolibrary?
>Is R-Series dead?

>> No.8559929

*no other

>> No.8559934

You got ripped off, a refund should have been with fixing it on her costs, not instead of.

>> No.8559935
File: 33 KB, 320x240, livejournal_glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is exactly the problem. My friended people there don't blog anymore and almost all my groups are dead.

If a LJ revival should happen not only EGL has to be reactivated.

I mostly enjoyed Daily Lolita, Got Lolita and the side groups like Angelic Poodle and Metamorway.

I was thinking to be more active many moons ago but fact I am very busy to write. I will try it anyway but I think my motivation will die when i get no comments like the rest there...

At least I appreciate the changes of LJ. It looks mor up to date now.

>> No.8559939

Looking at this there's only two explanations: she doesn't have the tools or skills to sell dresses, she was in a real hurry for some reason.

>> No.8559942
File: 178 KB, 351x347, 1404508605924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to appear dumb bit since when is Kodona not a correct term for the male substyle?
Back in my days we had Aristocrat, Dandy, Ouji and Kodona which you could all differ.

If I remember it correctly there was a Visual Kei band called Plastic Tree and one of the members gave the younger looking boystyle the name Kodona, because that was what he's wearing. Just like Mana did call his (ita) stage dresses someday Elegant Gothic Lolita (vampire Aristocrat Mana Banana Sama Pajama isaki Drama Lama).

>> No.8559949


Past five years or so from what I've noticed. It's only in the past year or so that people have cared enough to correct others on cgl. Think we got people to stop saying dandy three or four years ago.

>> No.8559959

First she suggested me to get discounts on future orders. But as you can guess at this moment it was very unlikely to order from her again. So I suggested to her a 1/4 refund which was 100€ or fixing it.
Because she is busy with events she refunded me otherwise she would have fixed it for me. I was ok with that.

Because of the lack of communication on her said at the beginning of my order, I assumed she jsut got too many orders and is a one man show. She told me I was right and so I'm assuming she was in a hurry to get everything ready.
otherwise I couldn't explain this heavy construction mistakes and no quality checking/control. To be fair the materials she has chosen are very good, almost no complains there. It is only a construction issue.

Since through my contact with Magdelane she has really grown on to me and I really hope she will carry on after study a bit more (VF will be on hiatus soon for that). I adore her designs too much!

>> No.8559964

The lack of my knowledge and awareness about that comes from my non existing intrest about the male substyles.
At least I will stop using the outdated terms like dandy and Kodona now.

>and people tell me 4chan is full of shit and you can't learn anything there

>> No.8559966

Brand source?

>> No.8560008

Lose threads no big deal, but OMG that Oracle's construction! I sew myself, so it's easy for me to see all of the errors during the process of making it, and that's a lot of errors. If I get sent something like this I will make a big stink about it and get money back and probably take it apart and fix it myself. I think 50% back is actually reasonable, because otherwise it's unwearable.

VF is a two woman business, I think. From what I gathered from her instagram, but I can't get the other girls name or what she actually does for the brand.
It's weird to hear about the hiatus though 'cause I swear she just posted that she's taking reserves for the letter/ink print soon.
Yeah I really love her designs too. And I had high hopes for this brand because of that. but I will reserve full judgement until I get the items in my paws.

Violet Fane

>> No.8560063

>1/4 refund which was 100€
The dress cost 400€? Seriously?

>> No.8560065

I guess so. I like some of her suggestions and have asked some suggestions too. I just hate how "tumblr ate her asks" like nah, bitch, get a second or third mod

>> No.8560075

She bought two dresses I think. The nurse and the oracle one.

>> No.8560130

It's for three items: two dresses and one hat. Anon here >>8560075 gots it.

It wasn't only those few threads you see in the picture. Both dresses where covered in it like Hagrid. But you are right, I can deal with that, the pen marks aren't worriesome either but the construction made me so upset.

Ok, I don't have FB so I don't know about a new release. There is nothing mentioned on their page violetfaneshop.
>gosh 4chan this can't be spam, my nerves

The problem is that Magdalena is also the owner of madamechocolat shop and what I got from our talk, that she also has another job. So I think so many orders for L'oracle and Asylum came unexpected.

I hope she gets her stuff together, I really do.

>> No.8560132

You got it right. But. Someone translated the interview with him on that incorrectly. He was describing his personal style. A while back, I don't remember if it was the English glb of what, but a proper translation came out and cleared if up.

He called himself and adult (otona) with the heat of a child (kodomo). This is a similar philosophy to one of the designers involved in fairy kei fashion in Japan, but she calls her stuff something else. I'll have to find the video again.

>> No.8560133


Thanks, autocorrect

>> No.8560136

She just has to limit the amount of orders next time. If there ever is a next time. Hope she didn't send all dresses out like that. This is like the one thing I fear from indie brands. Dodgy construction that I could do better with little effort.

>> No.8560170

Oh, okay. I was really shocked there for a second.
But yeah, I'd be seriously upset too, especially with that amount of money.

>> No.8560332
File: 99 KB, 909x453, Brand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does my brand mean?

>> No.8560349

stop self posting or fuck off

>> No.8560353

Oh and what's a coord?

>> No.8560355

It means you need to cherish your juicy cherry

>> No.8560356

brand = fashion brands
coord = coordination, outfit

>> No.8560368

You can't trick me this time, I know that one of those words is a dress.
So when you say my brand you're talking about that particular dress? Why not say my "insert brand name here"?

>> No.8560384

When you say "my brand" you're usually talking of many brand pieces that are usually from different brands. Like if you were talking about your Angelic Pretty dresses and Innocent World dresses, this would be your brand or your burando.
There are instances when people talk about "all that AP", in this case they are talking about pieces of the brand Angelic Pretty.

>> No.8560395

Makes sense, thanks for the help anon.

>> No.8560402

You might also want to know:
AP =Angelic Pretty
IW =Innocent World
BTSSB =Baby the stars shine bright
AATP =Alice and the pirates
MM =Mary Magdalene
MMM = Moi meme moitie
Meta = Metamorphose temps de fille
JETJ =Juliette et Justine
ETC = Emily temple cute (otome brand)

I think that's all the major brands to know.

>> No.8560413

I was just wondering since I've seen my brand and burando posted on other boards recently.

>> No.8560422

>since when is Kodona not a correct term for the male substyle?
since always. other anons already explained it was a mistranslation. in addition, no one in Japan uses "kodona" to describe ouji. they never have.

>> No.8560466
File: 261 KB, 960x1280, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here go to the "angelic pretty" tea party at anime revolution yesterday

>> No.8560480

/fa/ might use it too, as well as other boards who covet certain products with brand names attached. For us it's Japanese frills, for others it might be collectible toys or even guns or whatever.

>> No.8560493


Found it.

Polite sage, because it's unrelated to the kodona debate.

>> No.8560500

(And was wrong. She pronounces it kodona, but they romanised it with an R? Because those two occasionally share pronunciation with one another, but. Uh. I don't know why they chose an R. I haven't seen her write it.)

>> No.8560546

no no honestly, it was the weirdest thing... I don't sympathize with her but I had to give myself a little pep talk about why I don't like her - self posting, LACE etc.

also why would anyone, Kate included, self post about someone having a dream that Kate's husband is cheating on her?

>> No.8560637

What happens if a buyer on yahoo auctions dosent send the items or refund the ss? Is there a way the ss can get the money back?

>> No.8560713

There's 2 for sure releases coming up soon. the ink/letter dress and a circus freakshow one. and then there's 2 other possible ones. a pink victorian one with green leaf trim and a horror orphanage one and one with a macaron design, all posted on her instagram.

I'm pretty sure she sales at madamechocolat and doesn't own it.
>In Madame Chocolat we are a small team of people who love alternative fashion

>> No.8560761

yeah I went. It was alright.

There were no guests, no where near enough food, and it was pretty disorganized in terms of getting started on time. We were supposed to play games but they forgot the games at the con and had to go get them. The gift bags were really nice though. I got a swimmer fan, a folder with some Imai Kira art on it, nail stickers, a postcard and I think that was it.

I wish they had had a few smaller/medium sized prizes instead of one huge one. They raffled off a pink Dream Marine special set, but I thought it would have been better if they raffled off a couple pairs of socks and a blouse or something. The girl that won the coord contest was incredible as well. She wore castle mirage and had a really fancy hand made hat.

Overall: Meh

>> No.8560899

Yeah. The tea party was also in a pretty janky hotel meeting room, the games were delayed, and their stock at the table was lackluster. I was kind of disappointed. Some of the attendees were really cute and very nice though.

>> No.8560961


1. Then you're affording too much of your brainpower about why you shouldn't like someone. Especially someone who wants you to think about her constantly, regardless of why.

2. Because see point number one. Kate doesn't understand /cgl/ and still thinks she can get tonnes of fans to be like "oh no, husbrando would never cheat, she's so perfect!" and then she gets her rocks off for the day. Find anything or anyone else to talk about.

>> No.8560983

hardly? Just had a weird dream was all. I didn't even expect to get replies, much less replies analysing why I'm analysing...... But whatever, this is the stupid drama edition, therefore the best place for my stupid ramblings

I think Kate probably does understand cgl, considering her self post. It's probably fb that she didn't realise compresses the image. If what we've been seeing from recent threads (did I see this on lolcow? idk but anyway) then Jillian definitely knows how to use cgl and is salty about how Carly gets love and she doesn't. If Jillian goes on cgl, then you can bet Kate knows how it works...and would know that the replies she'd get would not be in her defence, haha. Weird how cgl isn't as evil as LACE made it out to be

Also, is btb actually dead or not? The only time that secrets are ever good is when it's drama from cgl (this weeks secrets being a case in point) and the amount of commenters and secrets have been dwindling imo. Do you think more people come onto cgl instead?

>> No.8561021

i was sitting with some lolitas from out of town and they were so salty everytime they didn't win a stupid game ://

>> No.8561271
File: 27 KB, 360x420, 120510330279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone own metamorphose's sweet sailor dress op and can give me the max measurements? meta never lists the full measurements so lolibrary isn't helpful.

>> No.8561622 [DELETED] 

Jillian is posting on her personal fb about how /cgl/ is doxxing her and making fun of her mom

has that thread been deleted or?

>> No.8561653

The gift bags were the only redeeming part of that. I hear Maki and Asuka were suppose to come, but some problems with some of the AP staff caused them to drop out, and with them we lost better booth stock, fashion show, and lots more prizes for the raffle.

>> No.8561671

Yeah someone on the U.S. end apparently dropped the ball on ordering stock. They had display pieces only for most stuff and had to ship everything out for a lot of people.

>> No.8561680 [DELETED] 

it's on lolcow

>> No.8561682

why did they have problems with the staff?

>> No.8561694 [DELETED] 

screenshots? i've only seen one where she's talking about her mom, please post the doxxing one!

>> No.8561798

Do you have a link to her instagram?

>> No.8562057


>> No.8562237
File: 321 KB, 1329x1890, TS341X02W_004_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New dress and skirt from Axes Femme. imo its freakin gorgeous and I'm absolutely in love. But I'm unsure if it would fit my chubby butt since its measurements are 80cm bust and 72cm waist. So I hope some seagulls will make the purchuse so I can live vicariously through you guys.

>> No.8562247

>the little kitties
fuck meee, it's everything brass band cat by meta could have been.

>> No.8562249

I like it! Not entirely sure what's going on with the separation between the skirt and underskirt, though.

>> No.8562257

It should fit fine. I own a decent bit of axes femme and have never had a problem with an 86 cm bust and 67cm waist. A lot of Japanese brands are really not that small. Also agree that it's very cute

>> No.8562324

Oh man that's cute as hell but with 93cm bust and 62cm waist there's no chance in hell for me.

>> No.8562346

just wondering if anyone else reserved the btssb bambi print with chibitenshi? i know it was released a while ago now, and she hasn't emailed me about it at all since she confirmed that she had reserved it and i dont know if i should email her about it or not because i know that she's on break and also pretty backed up so i dont want to seem rude....has anyone else that used her received theirs???

>> No.8562505

She on hiatus until September. Basically says nothing will get shipped since she isn't even there

>> No.8562508

Calm down. She took care of it all before her vacation. She will invoice and ship when she gets back in september. Strangely Scherazade released before bambi, but i think bambi is very popular and had lots of back orders

>> No.8562517

Does anyone have a master post for lolita DIY tutorials? The ones on hello lace are long 404'd.

>> No.8562529

might be a good idea to remember next time you wash your colours that warm water will let the colours run but they should wash out. Cold water on the other hand helps colours to set so if your colours run they are harder to shift.

>> No.8562615

The popularity of secrets seems to come in waves. The people who are complained about on btb will either tone down their behavior or leave the comm. Then the comm becomes more normal, and then guess what, not as many secrets to make. Newbie with poor social skills enters the comm, rinse and repeat.

>> No.8562652

anon, what would you advise for a light dress what got darkened from being mixed in with darks? I'm going to try colour catchers, but I worry it might have set already

>> No.8562674

Cinema Doll anon here, I used room temperature water when I washed the dress (we don't wash our clothes in hot water here). One of the waist ties also took a bit of the staining so I'll try soaking it in hot water and see if the dye comes out. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.8562997

are there more photos are jetjs new cat dress?

>> No.8563027

Fyeahlolita has quite an extensive list

>> No.8563059

Can we start off by getting the mods to change that ugly banner on top? Those hands bother me.

>> No.8563330
File: 78 KB, 704x672, bitchesandwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checking out JetJ for the first time
>70,200+ yen for a motherfucking coat

>> No.8563359

Manteau de Harmonia?
I'll share my tissues so we can cry together anon, don't worry

>> No.8563431

NO. Do NOT use Fray-Check. On anything, ever. It gets yellow and crusty and gross within months. Use a clear modpodge or a clear nail polish as a sealer.

>> No.8563446

Those stains look pretty orange rusty-red to me?

Yes, they are quite known for this, actually.

>> No.8563479
File: 16 KB, 213x355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a thin crochet hook and pull the fray to the other side of the braid. Dritz also makes tools like the snag-nab-it that does the same thing.

>> No.8563488

I never said that it doesn't happen, sure it happens, but I just don't think it's happening as much as people think it does.
A lot of prices are being driven up by lolita's in the various world communities willing to put forth tons of cash for their 'dream dresses' or dresses they really want.
When you have people willing to pay $500 the x dress, it's gonna be worth $500.

>> No.8563524

Can't think where else to post this, I'm looking for a certain coord photo, it's a circus themed coord and the girl is wearing a red jacket, top hat with rabbit ears and round glasses, I've combed the archives because I've seen it posted before, no luck though!

>> No.8563604
File: 397 KB, 497x514, wtf is this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why this

>> No.8563606



>> No.8563612

Can anyone translate Baby's post about 1000 nights? Are they opening up a third round for the red colourway of JSK1?

>> No.8563615

like, I can't tell if it's some guy trying to get us buttblasted, or someone trying to "secretly" buy their sissy bullcrap but wtf
this picture is giving me the heebie-jeebies

>tfw this is what you probably look like to all normies

>> No.8563622


>> No.8563627
File: 410 KB, 520x987, 1439607393996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic lol. jillian's mad as shit. best part is, she claims that she doesn't go on 4chan but magically knows what we say about carly.

>> No.8563632

Isaki "she's a cunt" *says she has chlamydia*

>> No.8563634
File: 156 KB, 626x742, 84783826267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not as good as this, pic related. jillian never responded to this one, wonder why

>> No.8563635

Jfc ageplay anyone

>> No.8563637

>you’re prepared to defend yourself against a bunch of nameless faces but not against someone actively making a point against you
jesus christ this girl is brutal as fuck. i love it

>> No.8563640

"she hasn't got a great amount of views or followers so that sort of speaks volume..."

"this person that literally just started regularly posting videos 1 year ago doesn't have millions of views wow I wonder why"

>> No.8563646

not to mention she gets more views every day because more and more people see what a fucking beast she is. can jillian really not see why people like her??

>> No.8563649

this is so true though about jillian especially...said she was prepared for the backlash but then even says right here that she didn't want to deal with it so she deleted it. pretty sure she didn't even get that many mean/critical comments on the actual video, it was just people on here and then carly's video. she could've easily just blocked carly on youtube, even turned off comments or comment notifications, etc.
if she really believed in what she said she would've had the balls to defend herself but nope, she just wanted a piece of the pie...when it turned out be more trouble than it was worth she tried to giddy up outta there. i think she knows her video was a bit silly/desperate or else she wouldn't have deleted it though, since she does try to defend herself/say her piece otherwise.

>> No.8563651

>knows her video was a bit silly/desperate
well when carly made the parody, she pointed out every stupid thing that jillian said and did. it would be kind of hard NOT to see how stupid the video was, after seeing the parody. the parody itself was funny, but it was genius too.

>> No.8563721

Did anyone get a three day ban for reply or posting in the first BtB thread? I just finished my time and hope I wasn't the only one.

>> No.8563853

New general >>8563849
New general >>8563849

>> No.8563883

BtB threads aren't allowed, retard

>> No.8564020

Because the thread was just a massive circlejerk for people talking shit, instead of actual discussion about the doc. Also because everyone was criticizing it before they saw it or knew what it was about. I just wanted to ask people to reserve judgement until it was released.

>> No.8564394

you do realise you will look a bigger tool when it's released and it's how we all expect you expect. Fuel for girlytoots thirst. you must have seen the thread where she was caught out self posting here, she is one of us