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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8551168 No.8551168 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in autosage.

>Upcoming Events:
Tokonatsu 14-17th Aug
Glasgow Film and Comic Con 22-23rd Aug
Ireland MCM Expo 29-30th Aug
Alcon 3-6th Sept
Chibi Sunny 13th Sept
Eurogamer Expo 24-27th Sept

>Last Thread
- Photog discussion, current favourites and ones to look out for in the 'scene'
- Josh split from Shades On- drama or no drama?
- Collidacon is cancelled because of poor turnout and few people were surprised.
- Some Toko discussion.

Is anyone here going to be at Toko? Taking any costumes or just going for a chill weekend?

What do we think of this year so far in terms of quality? Any 'trends' in the UK Scene that you wish would die already?

Got anything exciting planned for the last few events of the year?

>> No.8551242

>Is anyone here going to be at Toko? Taking any costumes or just going for a chill weekend?
Still not sure what costume to take, and it's tomorrow...

>> No.8551249

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that just means you're normal. I'm like that at pretty much every event
I'm still a bit Salty about Toko because someone else booked that weekend off so I couldn't do the same. Now they've cancelled the holiday request but it's too late for me to arrange travel/accom/everything. I still haven't been but I've heard it's great

>> No.8551251

Me neither so I've just packed a couple of indestructible/comfortable ones alongside the big fancy one that I agreed to do with a mate that I'm now regretting. As much as I want to wear it, if it gets muddy it'll be a pain in the arse to deal with. Hers is white though, so small mercies.

>> No.8551257

>yellow weather warning for toko
hahahahaha oh fuck

>> No.8551263

Just a reminder that there is a yellow weather warning in place for toko.
Pack your waterproof clothing as today and tomorrow are gonna be wet. Torrential rain, hail ans lightning are very likely

>> No.8551419

Nonononono please don't
All I pray for is a camping trip that doesn't have fucking rain, and this happens

>> No.8551421


>> No.8551424

Accomodation is still available here http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3075331.htm

>> No.8551426

honestly it's Kita's fault and I'm mad. Every year I've been to Toko, it's been at the start of August, and the weather has been gorgeous. Kita moves to that weekend, BOOM, Toko gets a weekend with shitty weather. Thanks Kita, you cunts. And it's gonna be on this weekend every year now probably, so no more sunny Toko. Mid-August weather is nearly always shit.

>> No.8551474
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>> No.8551557

Lmao yeah I guess 'accom' was a poor choice of word! 'Gear' probably would be more appropriate, having not been to Toko I wasn't really thinking straight. Though you have gotten me looking at prices of camping gear online, good going anon...

>> No.8551566

Why not just get a TokoTent? I don't think it's too late.

>> No.8551836

>What do we think of this year so far in terms of quality?
Really unimpressive. Nobody has done anything that will be remembered by the start of next season.

>Any 'trends' in the UK Scene that you wish would die already?
Begging on Twitch and Patreon to fund a hobby and not have to work/avoid the shame of going on the dole.

>> No.8551840

Really? I think some of the LSCC stuff was good quality back in march

>> No.8551895

I agree. Bar competition winners, nothing has really stood out so far. There have been good-ish groups but no standalone person or costume worth mentioning so far. It seems a lot of the talked about cosplayers have either slowed down or are making simpler costumes at the moment.

>> No.8551910


Sonofabitch. I got soaked just going out for lunch today.

What time is it recommended to arrive for Toko. Its my first year. I know its open from noon but I read there's an opening ceremony.

>> No.8551938 [DELETED] 

Can we talk about people we've not mentioned before

>> No.8551946

Like who ?

>> No.8551949

dose Chiquita even go to cons any more ?

>> No.8551965

There's the Glasgow MCM Expo in September too, I'll be going to that.

>> No.8551969

Yeah but 80% of that comp is from mainland Europe so it's hardly UK cosplay.

She's judging Sailor Moon cosplayers for AnimeLeague at some meet up in Hyde Park on Saturday.

>> No.8551980

dose she go to cons shes not guesting at, i just dont see her very active any more, and ive not seen her make anything intresting in a long time

>> No.8551982 [DELETED] 

Holly is so up every togs ass is embarrassing

>> No.8551990 [DELETED] 

Throw up some names? If I've heard of them I'll give you my opinion since I'm bored as heck

>> No.8551994

I saw some entertaining cosplays but they were clearly bought or not well-made, which is a shame.

>> No.8551997 [DELETED] 

I want to hear some dirt on the Disney crew, Bex and Mika and some other princess party girls.

>> No.8552006 [DELETED] 

Misty cosplay
Emi zone

>> No.8552009 [DELETED] 

Whos bex? *looks up on fb, oh wait that girl *rolls eyes.

>> No.8552027 [DELETED] 

Confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8552030 [DELETED] 

Hollita is CONSTANTLY mentioned here.
Same with Alienqueen.
I do really like Smallfry, Catlin and Kyokyo's work. Also Sian Kitteh

>> No.8552031 [DELETED] 

But so far up her own that she just sees shit and treats people like shit.

>> No.8552039 [DELETED] 

ive never her holly mentioned

>> No.8552041 [DELETED] 

shes so desperate

>> No.8552048 [DELETED] 

You think with all the money her dad gives her she would have brought someone to make her stuff for her. Or at least clean up.
Shot with her once and spent an hour editing out un-ironed creases and loose threads.

>> No.8552053 [DELETED] 

Says people whole sell prints should get a "real" job, live of daddy's money, starts selling prints.

>> No.8552059 [DELETED] 

She would be alright is she didn't have such a shit mentality about people

>> No.8552060

New to the UK Cosplay scene,

I will take this list and search them... Just so I start learning who everyone "efamous" is

>> No.8552066 [DELETED] 

Shes acts so popular every time i saw her at kita she was by her self.

>> No.8552072 [DELETED] 

I wish someone would show her how to style a wig. Every cosplay of hers has a poorly styled or not styled at all wig. It's depressing.

>> No.8552074 [DELETED] 

Im jealous of Catlin's face not gona lie

>> No.8552078 [DELETED] 

This, it all looks like it came straight out the bag.

>> No.8552084 [DELETED] 

Her Honey Lemon wig makes me sad and her Ariel wig... Why does she let a shitty looking wig ruin what are otherwise great cosplays?

>> No.8552090 [DELETED] 

Her Makeup is basic to, all the same.

>> No.8552093 [DELETED] 

She need a bigger and more volume wig, and some red lipstick, she looked so plain.

>> No.8552103 [DELETED] 

This is true. Even when she was in "group" costumes. When she was with people she was stood on the edge and everyone was ignoring her when she talked. She's got the mild efame but I don't think she's actually that popular with people.

>> No.8552104 [DELETED] 

What even is Akwa

>> No.8552107 [DELETED] 

She's like Taylor Swift and Natalie Dormer combined. I'm jelly.

Also want her measurements.

>> No.8552112 [DELETED] 

Shes always hanging out with togs, and they look weird there all like middle aged men,

>> No.8552115 [DELETED] 

shes stunning so is emi

>> No.8552118 [DELETED] 

Trys to guess what tog this is

>> No.8552185 [DELETED] 


Can we include pics with posts? Like best and/or worst of named?

>> No.8552250 [DELETED] 

They all have really bad smack habits

>> No.8552307 [DELETED] 

Those Elf pictures she took the other day are just stunning

>> No.8552364


Lol hi circlejerk

>> No.8553317 [DELETED] 

Bex is the one who sleeps around right?

>> No.8553409

Despite the rain, the tokonatsu site is in pretty good shape.

>> No.8553462 [DELETED] 

Argh no her up turned nose looks like a pig

>> No.8553513



>> No.8553537

I'm already there. There's a lot set up so far actually.
The guys in ops were saying people turned up who didn't buy early bird and they let them in anyway. Most didn't even need to pay the extra.

>> No.8553607

Saw a girl doing the walk of shame while wrapped in a union jack earlier this morning. Toko has officially started.

>> No.8553619

Does anyone wish CosplayIsland was still something people used? It was so organised...rather than the clusterfuck of fb groups we've got going.

>> No.8553623

Nah anon, I wish it was still used too. A lot of my friends still use it but not as often as Facebook etc. It was so easy to work with

>> No.8553636 [DELETED] 


>> No.8553643

I wish this to. I rarely use the forums these days as everyone uses Facebook for groups or cosplay/wig selling posts. I keep putting up cosplay plans but hardly anyone comments on each other's plans as much as we all used to. Now it's all about Facebook likes

>> No.8553646

It amuses me all these people freaking out over apps that let them calculate how much each cosplay will cost when CI has had that feature for at least 5 years.

>> No.8553703

Yeah, but CosplayIsland isn't easily accessible on your phone like an app is

>> No.8553800 [DELETED] 

I shot with her. Never again. Rude and unprofessional and didn't take my difection so the shots were unuseable. I'm usually more selective with who I shoot but I thought I would give her a chance but it was a waste of my time.

>> No.8553836

So is anyone going to the last AutoAssembly next weekend?

>> No.8553991 [DELETED] 

Hollita's one of the nicest people I met at a convention, people need to stop being so salty.

>> No.8553996 [DELETED] 

hi holly.

>> No.8554002 [DELETED] 

She's a spoilt brat. Completely intolerable.

>> No.8554218 [DELETED] 

Decided against my better judgement to come on here, read the comments and try to nip it in the bud, especially since I'm concerned for people trying to defend my ass now.

As I posted on Facebook if you have issue with me do it in person or on messenger with your face to it, if you dislike me that much it'd be beneficial because I'm the type to try and avoid people I know loath me.

As for being popular, I've never considered myself to be, I'm an outspoken bitchy type, it's who I am and that doesn't attract a lot of friends, as for being alone, at kita especially I spent a lot of time trying to find people, the people I'm friends with run in different circles, not to mention I get burned out by being in close proximity to people for extended amounts of time, I'm a bit of a loner and that's how I'll always be.

As for my wig game/makeup game/costume game, I'm not a professional, I'm lazy, I rush and I do need to improve... But Meh, it's just a hobby to me.
As for the selling of prints, I was asked by NEO to sign prints last MCM, I didn't turn them down because I thought if I did itd be missing out on an opportunity, the selling prints thing I still find uncomfortable and I have too many spare, I think if I'm asked to do signing again I'll just give them away

As for being up tog's asses... when I joined the cos scene properly they were the first people I met, I don't ditch people I've made friends with if I've got no reason to. And I won't deny, no matter how shit my costumes are most of them I do want to have photos of, usually I try and work with plenty of togs per costume because my modelling isn't great, usually shots come out crap because of me, so that's how it is.

For salty togs to my knowledge I've never been deliberately rude to anyone on a shoot, but if I have I'm very sorry, but once again, message me about it before ranting about it on anon.

I could go on, but I know the vendetta here against me is strong, and word count is running out

>> No.8554223 [DELETED] 

Seen her at loads of cons and everyone is always saying what a cunt she is and have heard the spoiled thing from some of the people she hangs around with. It's a shame you get these people at cons as it's just not good for the community.

>> No.8554230 [DELETED] 

>lone wolf is lonely and aware people loath her.
>neo asked me to sign prints. This is a hobby to me, I'm lazy and unprofessional, its just a hobby. I can't sell prints
>even though though I shoot with lots of togs regularly I have never learnt how to pose.

>> No.8554246 [DELETED] 

I wish you posted this earlier as I just had to read all that shit from hollibrat

>> No.8554261

I wish CI was still popular, it's my favourite site for uploading cosplays and pictures as it's the easiest to use.

>> No.8554270 [DELETED] 

I find it quite odd that when she entered the cos scene togs were the first people she met. When I entered, and most of my friends, it took a good while to learn about shoots and whatnot, and make tog friends. Maybe that's just me, though.

>> No.8554292 [DELETED] 

Not just you. Lots of people noticed the exact same thing.

>> No.8554336
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This whole thread.
so much vendetta, no actual goss

What is this secret cinema thing, I want in

>> No.8554346

>Family Guy image

you're the only gross person in this thread

>> No.8554354

Kita's moved again now. They announced it'll be in April again.

>> No.8554358


be circlejerk, that's how you in

>> No.8554361

Or fucking Google it moron.

>> No.8554417

Is it really 80 quid to watch a movie I could just sit at home and watch or am i reading it wrong?

>> No.8554435

Kita and Ame are alternating Spring/Summer slots. 2017 Kita will be the Summer Event again

>> No.8554470

This interests me
Cosplayers in the UK scene who have good makeup, off the top of my head can't think of any

Maybe Ross?

>> No.8554495

Has where it's moved to been announced? The closing ceremony said the Hilton again for next April?

>> No.8554503

Sorry, I meant date not physical location. They haven't said anything since the closing ceremony about that.

>> No.8554518

Ross's makeup is shit sorry. His Ursula was the only good quality one.

>> No.8554521

I think one of the beths is a professional mua?

>> No.8554533

So it's not April 1st-3rd anymore?

>> No.8554558

Ross is good but I do think he can over do it occasionally - but normally on fb or test photos.

I always like Ragemore's make-up, but I think she's also just pretty. I think Alias cosplay's eight eyes were pretty good, and I like that she changes it up for different characters. I love Teacup_Erinyes' make-up, her bodypaint for that Monster High character looked good, but I love her anyway. That girl who does Elizabeth from Infinite with her boyfriend - his weathering/bloodied up make-up is fantastic. I think TigerLily is good when she puts the effort in. I think we have more people who don't try than people who try too hard with make-up.

>> No.8554613

Teacup is adorable she always looks youthful.
You're right about Ross but those makeup tests are just for fun and I don't think he'd ever wear it out especially the blackface stuff.
The Booker is good but there are better Elizabeth's. That girls face just doesn't suit.
Catlin has good makeup. Its never too much.

though none of them do anime makeup and that's a different ballpark.

>> No.8554622

I genuinely don't think I know anyone who does really good anime make-up in the scene over here.

Who are the worst offenders for bad make-up?
>inb4 pokemon-related she who will not be named

>> No.8554633

Sands does good make up she actually does it to suit each character and change her face shape
I like tigerlilys as its never too much but her face is already so sharp it's quite hard to pull off cuter characters.

>> No.8554646

Sian kitteh does good cell shaded makeup

>> No.8554774

I agree about sands, however I'm not a fan of her Cassandra makeup

>> No.8554777

Who was that girl from the UK comm who was being posted all over the bad makeup threads about LSCC time

>> No.8554789

I liked it she did all the collodion scars but she's always smiling loads at conventions so it breaks the look of the character

>> No.8554919

Alias' 8 eyes were pretty good. Its a shame she has the same dour expression in all of her cosplays.

>> No.8554920

I can't think of many bad make up jobs but mostly it's that a lot of UK cosplayers just don't seem to bother properly which really can detract from a good costume. Annoyingly cant think of decent examples right now.

>> No.8554951


What pokemon?

>> No.8555064

For the people stuck with hotel rooms at Collidacon (100% cancellation charge at any time from the time reservation is made) you can do some plane spotting at Heathrow or get drunk at the bar.

>> No.8555087

Sands and Tigerlily have the advantage that they're naturally model-pretty. I do think they do a great job with their make up, too, but I think a lot of it with them comes down to the fact they're both so good looking to begin with. They can put on totally plain everyday make up in 10 minutes and they'll look more pro than someone uglier who spends three hours doing it. They're both awesome but them looking good should not be surprising or noteworthy in any regard.

>> No.8555135

THIS. All the This.

>> No.8555156

A friend of mine was able to completely cancel the Collidacon room they had with no charges. Hotel basically said because the rooms were booked at Collidacon rate and Collidacon is no longer running then the cancellation is free. If you booked a normal room you're probably fucked though.

As for the anon further up asking about Kitacon, so far it's still confirmed for 1-3 April 2016 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole. No word on Reg opening yet though I don't think?

>> No.8555171

Did they give the exact date at the closing ceremony? This is the first I've heard of day. I want to get bookings sorted but their website is a piece of piss as always.

>> No.8555664

Yeah that's where I got it from, the website is a placeholder during thier post-con 'downtime' and they basically said keep an eye on FB/Twitter for announcements when the site is back up and when Reg is opening.
There'll be 800 places if I remember properly, and 100 of those are VIP

>> No.8555667

Also, (sorry for double post!) they've already bulk booked the rooms they'll use for the Kitacon Rates, which is why those dates are already unavailable for the most part

>> No.8555786

Can people post photos, I don't know who half these people are

>> No.8555870

Just google/Facebook them dude everyone's mentioned their names

>> No.8556300

top kek

you're only saying that because you know other anons will agree with you, because they're not hated on this board

>> No.8556314
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Got bored of everyone asking who people was, though to be fair, I don't know who Sands is. I probably would recognise them though.

1. Chiquitita
2. Ross
3. Ragemore
4. Alias
5. Teacup_Erinyes
6. TigerLily
7. Catlin
8. Sian K1tt3h

>> No.8556321

Sands is Laura Sindall.

>> No.8556445
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>> No.8556581

Tabby needs to stop letting this guy do this shit with her

>> No.8556652

He's just milking her, i have lost all respect for her for doing what shes doing.

>> No.8556661

cont...which also runs down the lines, i will never ask Artyfakes to do any of my commissions either.

>> No.8556752

They're a rip off, made the mistake of using them a while ago

>> No.8556763

No, I'm saying it because they give me boners. What would be the purpose of saying something positive "because you know other anons will agree with you" when I am, myself, anonymous? There is nothing to be gained. I would gladly roger them both silly. That is the simple truth.

>> No.8556767

Fucking hell.

He could use anybody else. Naked Lara Croft has been done a hundred million times. There is nothing about it which requires Tabitha specifically. This is literally just a GWC picking his target and trying to see as much of her crotch as possible whilst making a bit of money off it on the side.

Please, if anybody reading these threads is actually close to Tabby, point out to her how obviously she is being used. Tell her how much more she would get out of it if she did it by herself or at least how much better off she'd be with any reputable photographer who could handle things in a non-shady way. It's cool if she wants to get naked but she should at least be the one to make the money from it.

Her tits are making this hack's career.

>> No.8556797

He really needs to fucking stop trying to turn cosplayers into his pay per view glamour models. It's so blatant that's his master plan and seems convinced he can get loads of people to pay him money every week.

>> No.8556803

To be fair though, good for him. If she's stupid enough then who cares.

>> No.8556808
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The guy has no shame with his constant e-begging

>> No.8556836

Hes posting his fucking cosplay day on all the groups. The guy is making me sick, he wants money for everything he does. Fuck off and use your own money like everyone else.

>> No.8556860

It's because he knows she has alot of followers and as she recently beomce single, it's his chance to move in and take full advantage of it.

>> No.8556884

Yeah so like, he's trying to pitch himself as some kind of photography teacher? I get why someone would charge money for that but I don't get why he thinks he's qualified to do it. Professional photographers who have something to teach others don't set up e-begging patreons.

>> No.8556940
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already 2 confirmed! Just needs $4000 every two weeks

>> No.8557000

The other three will never shoot with him eve if he pays them the 4k directly. Nigri's shoots are vetted by her dad and she only works within a specific group. Vampy doesn't get out of bed for less than a few grand. Yaya strictly pics photographers herself.

It also does not cost four grand, even in dollars, to go to America.

>> No.8557035

So he wants 8 GRAND A MONTH and has already been making plans for this?

>> No.8557130

Yes. He wants $8000 (£5200) per month to do _A_ photoshoot each with B-tier cosplayers and he's using A-tier names to sell it even though he has 0 chance of getting them on board and he probably knows it. Which must really rub it in for Tabby. He only wants $500 a month for her tits.

TBH it actually looks as though he thinks Patreon is Kickstarter. Or he really is delusional and up himself enough to believe people will make this a repeat bi-weekly payment.

>> No.8557136

you have got to be kidding me. Whos really stupid enough to patreon him for that? So hes basically saying, fuck you all uk cosplayers, none of you are good enough for my photos, but pay me to fly us instead.

>> No.8557164

I want to know how cosplayers feel about this guy and why they still support him when all he wants is money while there are photographers doing it for nothing and returning photos back to the cosplay community.

>> No.8557186

He really is. He does youtube chats as if he is a big celebrity and it consists of him checking the chat for questions and not getting a single one and then explaining how Patreon works over and over again. He seems to think it is this big tragedy that he has to do composites in his spare time and we should all do a big fund raiser to stop him having to suffer doing non other work where he can't look at boobs.

>> No.8557241

>I want to know how cosplayers feel about this guy
The fact that Tabs is the only namable cosplayer who's done anything with him more than once should tell you all you need to know

>> No.8557649

I don't know anyone other than Tabs and that Tasha friend (her only friend) who work with him.

>> No.8557704

Tokonatsu looks like so much fun this year. I really wish I'd gone now!

>> No.8557851

Good point, but how do you know hes not even bothered to ask anyone else? Or as mentioned just so he can see tabs boob and profit from them.

>> No.8557901

It's pretty damn fun

Needs more power sockets in the games tent though

>> No.8557954

Valentine does

>> No.8557964

He did one shoot with him over a year ago (the Fallout stuff) that CE is still making images from. I'd say that's a "did", not a "does".

>> No.8558145

Hi Valentine

>> No.8558190

>over a year ago (the Fallout stuff) that CE is still making images from
>over a year ago
>still making images from
>a year ago

What the fuck is this guy's workflow?

>> No.8558560

Was the girl who won the Toko masq the one who was in the Kitacon one? Not that she didn't deserve to win anyway. I'm impressed it survived tenting.

Definetly fun, would recommend for next year especially if it's less rainy.

>> No.8558589

What won? I didn't see the results.

>> No.8558620

Miss/Mrs? Kimberly in the blue dress with the wings. Lich king got third and the monster hunter (?) group got second and the elves got best skit.

>> No.8558626
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This one I'm guessing? I've recognised her face now, she won the Toko masq a couple of years ago in her Queen of Heart cosplay.

>> No.8558648

I wasn't really paying attention but does she wear her cosplay anywhere else round Toko or does she literally just bring it for the trophy?

>> No.8558724
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>tfw no camping cosplay girl dtf

>> No.8558952

I don't have anything against Ragemore, but her and her kind need to stay the hell away from anime cons like Kita, those stuck up southern cliques of cosplayers only went because it's popular but they stick out like a sore thumb. They don't interact with fans, don't even cosplay from anime. In2thereview shouldn't go to cons like Kita, and Kyoko and her little circlejerk are fucking snooty as anything. The anime scene is friendly and connected and doesn't deserve posers like them who only make friends with other cunts like them.

>> No.8558958

She lives in Scotland.

And In2 photographed anime, all of the group you mentioned did do 1 anime costume or have in the past. Kyoko and co do anime on the damn regular and are really fucking nice. Also not southern by any count.

>deserve posers like them who only make friends with other cunts like them.
So your friends made friends with them and realised than they're better than you, you salty vendetta-chan.

>> No.8559000

Yeah the kyokyo and her mates are all from manc

>> No.8559533

Wasn't kyokyo a judge at Kita? Seemed an odd choice.

>> No.8559554

She's won a lot of shit

>> No.8559610

Not from London but AVOID lolain progress, she had a right attitude towards my tog friend who only said hi to her. She treats people as badly as she does to her fans on her page. No room for people like that in the community.

>> No.8559615

Kyle has a friend. Bless.

>> No.8559730

Who is Kyle?

>> No.8559756

Confirmed for new

>> No.8559913

If your tog friend is Kyle than, yeah, i don't blame her.

>> No.8559920

Honestly, I've been here a while and I'm not 100% on who he is.
I just know he's a photographer that everyone dislikes because he's a creep.

>> No.8559924

Yeah her ultemecia is brill

>> No.8559930

sweetie, don't make it too obvious that you're part of her little circlejerk.
And if you don't see how they only make friends with the same types of people, you're really blind. Being from Manchester or Scotland doesn't prevent you from being part of the southern circlejerks as long as you fit their requirements.

>> No.8559932

As a humble non-tog con goer I asked her for a photo a couple of years back and she posed for me and was generally nice.

Just sayin

>> No.8559937

Bait harder. He's been mentioned like every other thread, and hes not a creep, more of a jerk and a dick for pulling shit to get attention which backfired again and again.

>> No.8559941

I saw a costume that Kyokyo was doing on FB and decided I wanted a picture in person. At MCM I went and said hello. Even though they were in the middle of practicing for the masquerade, they both still took the time to talk to me, let me get some shots of them, and generally have a laugh.

I'm sure she doesn't remember my name or anything but she makes the effort to chat with me every time I say hello. Maybe you are the problem, Anon.

>> No.8559946

I don't even know who Kyle is

>> No.8559948

Years ago compared to Kitacon this year....people change.

>> No.8559956

Kyle from Shades On Productions.

>> No.8559977

I'm not baiting. I normally come here just to see whats what with cons and stuff. I've never really cared about tog drama.

>> No.8560016


>> No.8560030

Fair enough, to be honest theres only a few uk togs that have dramu attached to them because they bring it on themselves and the shit they try to pull. Kyle from shades on, lucas, pk snap and recently that creative edge guy. Even then UK is nothing compared to the likes of U.S because they charge, so they throw shit at other photographers for no reason other than for business.

>> No.8560041

Another non-tog con goer here, tried to tell her I liked her costume, she was sitting with her clique, just looked at me for a second turned to friend, started conversation with them and blanked me. So I also agree with the statement about that circlejerk, they don't interact and she wasn't pleasant.

>> No.8560129

You're basing your judgement on a huge group of people based on a single interaction with one person? The butthurt is so strong.

>> No.8560172

No I agree the circle jerk is cliquey.

They all sat around at Kitacon clearly judging people and making jokes.
My friends even overheard them notching about other cosplayers

>> No.8560176

Who does everyone think this circlejerk is for reference

>> No.8560185

Is this still about Ragemore's group? I met them for the first time this Kita and found them lovely, really friendly and welcoming and it's not like I'm anybody of note, I wasn't even cosplaying.

>> No.8560196

so how was toko out of 10?

>> No.8560212

Organisation was possibly worse than usual if that can be believed. Fucking everything was late. Games tent was a fair bit bigger and better than before. Parties are out, anime cinema is in, they can't run both at the same time because of power issues. Overall I'd give the actual event a 6/10, there were a lot of issues this year that I haven't seen previously, but my weekend at Toko in general was a 10/10 because the people are just fantastic no matter what might go wrong with the event itself.

>> No.8560224


well there we have it girls lolia is NOT haram

>> No.8560277

I heard that Amecon's going to have a bara café! Trying to contain my hype because I know and you know that it's just going to be staffed by greasy DYELs who are trying to get laid, but oh, the dream of a decent bara café at a con is so beautiful...

>> No.8560292

God that was awkward. Just get some stock music.
So she's now done this as a tantrum like "WELL IT WAS MYYYY IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE"
And she's not from Reading, she lived in the midlands until about a month ago.

I don't know how many of you have met this girl but she can only ever talk about herself. No matter what topic, she'll make it about her.

>> No.8560309

Anyone know of any cosplayers planning on entering the ECG heats at EGX?

>> No.8560322

Which photographer is this?

>> No.8560323

So Anime League have Cardiff Anime Con this weekend, They tried to make the locals believe it wasn't run by them, can someone fill them in? i remember seeing someone write "I heard a rumour its run by them" and someone tried to make them believe otherwise :P

>> No.8560325

Anime cons like Kita who have main guests from Western video games?

>> No.8560330

What's the name of that superhero photographer who flew to the US for a DC cosplayer photoshoot a couple of years back?

I think he raised money for it on Kickstarter

>> No.8560360

This is pretty out there, but who here /universityofsouthampton/? Got accepted the other day. Do I join the anime society? Or the Japanese society? Will it just be full of autists?

>> No.8560371

Am from around there originally, though didn't go to the uni but you could try Minamicon, that's in Southampton so should be some decent people around.

>> No.8560406

Jaguar best group

>> No.8560427

I went to UoS a few years ago. General recommendation is go to the anime society for a session or two. Make friends with similarly minded non-weebs. Quit going to anime soc and instead watch anime with your new uni friends in your respective halls rooms. Make friends for life.

Losercon Minami for the first year. Then pay for a full ticket if you decide its worth it. If not, continue Loserconning.

>> No.8560435
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>> No.8560438

Sup vendetta. I actually follow her page and I've never seen her treat fans badly? I'd love to know what you're talking about, if someone is an asshole to her she tells them off but so do all cosplayers I know? Maybe you got confused with Holita. But nice try kyle

>> No.8560451

Answers vendetta by trying to start another vendetta? GG

>> No.8560467

Follow both Lolain and hollita, seen neither be bad to fans both online and in person at a few conventions now

>> No.8560477

Assume that after all the shitposting on here for LSCC most will be keeping mute.

Heard Ross?
Rumoured Kenny cosplay and Kerry Cosplay

Looking forward to the mess Animeleague's Harrods thing first

>> No.8560502

Adam Jay. Class A twat.

>> No.8560523

It's the bad shit that will always stick in people's mind. Both those cosplayers seem to have drama around them.

>> No.8560536

>Both those cosplayers seem to have drama around them

Top Kek

Most cosplayers seem to have drama around them, half of which only exists in the world of 4chan

>> No.8560539

>alcon soon


>> No.8560548

Adam Jay. The shoot was awful and showed everyone what a hack he is

>> No.8560560

List of UK Cosplayers/photographers
Who are using patreon? besides creative edge, want to know who's sunk that low and should be avoided.

>> No.8560603


Was Tabitha involved in the shoot?

>> No.8560625
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The rain kinda killed day one. Sunburn city on the Saturday and Sunday. There were a lot less games going on this year or they weren't announced clearly. Gophers on the food team were being fucking assholes all week, pushing people who were slightly inside the door and acting like they didn't want to help anyone.

>> No.8560633
File: 416 KB, 800x293, Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 19.44.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.8560636

Hilarious, that's what.

>> No.8560655


Are they just gonna meet there and congregate or is this booked up for the event? Christ either way it's embarrassing.

>> No.8560657

Dear god....what on earth did they pitch to Harrod's to let them through the door? It's not like it's going to bring them any business...

Although if this takes place in the kid's department perhaps they'll be able to pass it off to their usual clientele.

Fuck this just seems embarrassing.

>> No.8560659

One of the organisers claims that they have permission to be there. What sane Harrods employee would grant such permission remains a mystery.

>> No.8560661

Read the page, I think someone in AL works their so it's all being organized with help from Harrords management.

>> No.8560663

The even says they're meeting at a station and then going en masse.

>> No.8560668

Maybe they said it would be an 'opportunity' for a bunch of autistic kids to see Harrods and they took pity.

>> No.8560670

No one else...Only creative edge. Read between the lines of what he does and you will see it all leads to him begging people to Patreon him.

>> No.8560676


Thanks Anons but that doesn't really answer my question. Is it going to be at the same time as random tourists browsing is what I'm wondering. Nowhere mentions that, but I suppose they wouldn't close on a Saturday in summer just for Animeleague.

Harrods isn't just fancy. There are single shoes in there worth more than a months' wages for me. It's high-end stuff. I couldn't imagine the embarrassment of being associated with weebs there. And it's not like the kids section is empty and breezy; it's almost always packed.

I pity the people at the YooMoo froyo stand. They'll be mobbed.

>> No.8560840
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We should all support great artists like Andrew Dobbell of Creative Edge to create his art

>> No.8560851

They really need some proper loudspeakers or something around the camp to get the word around. And, you know, actually run their events on time (food being served 2 hours after it was meant to etc.)

>> No.8560863

Tabby has lowered herself down a few notches working with someone like him whos in it for a quick buck. Once hes done using her he will move onto someone else.

>> No.8560977

I can't see anyone else working with him really. He's so blatantly just begging all the time and trying to get girls to do naked shoots for his patreon.

>> No.8561004

Shit is going down all over my fb about this harrods meet. People are getting legitimately angry about how people might 'perceive' cosplay after this.

IMO, in harrods it's contained at least. Better than in a random park like last weekend.

Still a fucking terrible idea.

>> No.8561010

There's cosplay meets in London almost everyday. Not gonna change shite.

>> No.8561081

I just can't see that they've been honest with Harrods about what is going to go down. This seems so far beneath anything they'd usually allow?

Fuck what anyone thinks of cosplay. I'm more worried what people would think of Harrods.

You wanna be anime weeb wierd, go do it in a park where you're relatively harmless and might get nice photos against a bush. But fuck off from the legitimately nice places UK is still respected for.

>> No.8561140

So Michael Towers is doing Cosplay events in Harrods now?

>> No.8561175

Slimy shit does events everywhere. If there's a gap in the calender he'll fill it with one of his shitty events. The only reason he didn't move in on Warwick after Ayacon finished is because he's a cheap bastard and he gets ridiculously low rates at De Monfort.

>> No.8561191

>Can't have both a sandwich and fruit

What was the point.

>> No.8561195

Did you see the post tabs did on her page where she posted her underwear? Kelly cosplay commented on how good the photo is (but really it isn't flattering at all) and the guy jumped in and asked if she would like to a shoot like it?

>> No.8561407

Standard GWC behaviour. Priorities are getting out-of-their-league women naked and making a quick buck off it. He'll take advantage of Tabby for now while he queues up his next cashcow.

At least Lucas had the decency to send a little money back to the girls and didn't pretend that what he was doing was anything more than tits for hits.

>> No.8562262

I saw that. He has zero shame and just sees girls as tools for his ebegging

>> No.8562316

Just so the gophers could powertrip. Breakfast shut an hour early on Saturday just so they could turn people away. They wouldn't even let a couple of us in who were in the queue or even pass some bread through the tiny gap in the door.

>> No.8562524

make drunker friends with bigger tents, makes for a more superior party then they could arrange ever

>> No.8562534

she wore it the entire day dude

>> No.8562564

mate I rolled out of my tent hungover and literally crawled to breakfast and I managed to get there in time. git gud.

>> No.8562588

powertrip? they ran out of breakfast and if you ask nicely when they run out towards the end they try their best to make you up something if possible, this happened to me twice over the weekend

eaither stop lying/making shit up or just stop being an asshat lmao

>> No.8562591

esp. important when all the yakisoba went because I was playing a drinking game and they scambled to get me a portion of something even though I said not to worry about it

>> No.8562598

It's amazing people still find shit to whine about when they paid practically nothing to pitch their tent, be fed 3 meals a day and have their con badge included.

>> No.8562611

>Breakfast shut an hour early on Saturday
No it didn't?

>> No.8562613

Was it always 8 till 9?

>> No.8562624
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All these Gophers lying to try and cover their asses.

Even some of the staff said the Gophers were getting out of hand this year.

>> No.8562631

I can never be bothered to Gopher Toko because it's a pain in the ass and I just want to get wasted

try again

>> No.8562637

>All these Gophers lying

>> No.8562639

You don't have to go to cons to get wasted so you are definitely lying.

>> No.8562694
File: 1.48 MB, 245x140, tumblr_nmd2h03aCQ1r3ud65o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what are the odds that this is some salty as fuck weeb trying to give Toko a bad reputation because he's just too awkward to make friends and have a good weekend there?

>> No.8562700

want a picture of my badge to prove I'm not a gopher?
what kinda bullshit statement is that, you think going to a club is the same as going to a con with all your friends from around the country/europe in stupid costumes to get wasted?

>> No.8562704

I'm sorry are you suggesting that being drunk off my ass for three days straight somehow means I can make a decent contribution to running a con and having responsiblities to take care of?

>> No.8562706
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What are the odds this is just a salty gopher who is too awkward to have friends so has to gopher.

>> No.8562708

>want a picture of my badge to prove I'm not a gopher?
Gophers don't get special badges.

>> No.8562711

this is pretty much my reason not to gopher tbh, I could be a credit to team for maybe one day of the con and after that I'm a lost cause for anything that isn't McDonalds runs

>> No.8562714
File: 9 KB, 193x211, disapproving beartato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they were a gopher they'd probably know that, wouldn't they?

>> No.8562717

I bet the people who are shittalking the gophers are the gophers themselves, they probably hated serving all of these nice cosplay campers and are now trying to stir up shit just for the sake of stirring up shit.

You're awful.

>> No.8562719

woops, my mistake they don't, guess if you found a list of gophers I could prove it haha
either way you're salty af, get better friends and enjoy your damn con

>> No.8562724
File: 107 KB, 720x480, faggotdetected.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they did have special badges...

>> No.8562734

Committee and important Gophers had yellow lanyards the badges were the same, literally go home, there's always one seagull that attends toko for the first time makes no friends and shitposts right after

all you have to do is make 2 friends and your connection to the people that run Toko is instant, it's not hard to realise its a tiny con run by decent people with no drama, stop making shit up everyone that actually attends can see your terrible attempts to cause shit

>> No.8562736

noo they didn't they had yellow lanyards

>> No.8562739

Toko's great. The gophers can be total cunts though. Also fuck Foxy.

>> No.8562742

Foxy's sweet, he's just very awkward and weeby. He seems like a nice enough guy. The only time I've really witnessed a cunty gopher is when one guy totally lost his shit at my brother during capture the flag or something and threatened to kick him off site.

To be fair, my brother did shield bash someone.

>> No.8562749

7-9 m8

>> No.8562752

most new Gophers I rarely get on with, but that's alright because they don't tend to stick around.
A few of the regular ones I don't click with and I will agree are dicks, but most are sane people with decent humour

The trick to toko(and life really) is just to be chill because things will happen eventually

Foxy's alright though, just a bit awkward

>> No.8562774

>The trick to toko(and life really) is just to be chill because things will happen eventually
This is so true.

What was up with the lack of games this year tho? Were they not announcing things, or were they actually not happening?

>> No.8562786

I don't really remember because I was 1: really drunk and 2: didn't do a single event this year because I was too busy socialising and didn't want to break of and run around.

from what I remember though the usual word of mouth spread AFTER they did a megaphone annoucement was pretty low this year but when CTF and OtakuRoyal was on at least 70% of the congoers vanished to go do it.
I heard like 2 AnimePictionary 1 CTF 1 Royal1.0 and 1 Royal2.0

They're still finding their feet, it's only the second year at that site that wasn't a last minute rush because of being cucked by the old site and all the old backwards committee members are finally gone so improvements can actually start to happen now

>> No.8562794

>and all the old backwards committee members are finally gone so improvements can actually start to happen now
gib deets, I didn't know about this

>> No.8562820

Not much other than the people that used to run it not being open to suggestions and running it too seriously. Most of them went through the phase of growing up having lives and attending toko as congoers before also phasing that out their lives.

Now the only real level of weirdness is toko-retreat, that for some reason attend toko but dont socialise and pitch their big ass tent really out of the way.
You'll notice now that toko is trying to merge the social events into one area along with the tents so everyone can mingle. Which is why I don't really understand why they're allowed or even want to be there if they just keep to themselves regardless of having children or not.

>> No.8562829

I'd rather that they pitch their massive tents out of the way so there's space for smaller tents

Unlike the cunts with the USSR flag

>> No.8562838

Committee said to me that they're going to totally dissallow tent-nations next year, aka facing tents inward to each other and having those marquees for themselves because it ends up with them partying there and being antisocial

>> No.8562845

Don't know who you heard this off because I heard the complete opposite. They liked the fact that people had made communities and such.

If people want to hang around their tents that is their business.

>> No.8562852

straight up the top two organisers lol
so I wouldn't recommend bringing it next time ;^)

>> No.8562858

No, you're wrong. The organizers are complete nazis at this point, they hate people who have fun on their own. Starting next year they're gonna ban anyone who doesn't show up to all of the events that weekend (unless they have a valid excuse. Not being social is not a valid excuse fyi).

Straight from the organizers mouth.

>> No.8562865

could you try harder to stir shit up please its not quite obvious enough

>> No.8562873

Don't tempt me to try even harder, it'll turn into an awful cringefest

>> No.8562877

you mean like it is now?

>> No.8562881

You know it.

>> No.8562889

I don't see the logic of this, a bunch of my friends have setups like that and they still socialise.

>> No.8562896

yeah on paper it sounds a bit dumb but honestly just look at this year
plus the amount of trash that gets generated in those places is massive and it's killer on cleanup the next day after the con ends so I kinda get it

>> No.8562899

Yeah, good point about the trash thing, we cleaned ours up but I wouldn't be surprised if others didn't. What do you mean by 'look at this year'?

>> No.8562900

I only know the guy running it, but he's in decent shape (and actually pretty hot tbh, would bang). If they're all of that standard, I would be one happy lady. I was expecting DYELs too when I heard about it but from what I know, the guys running it are JoJo cosplayers? So that's a good start if you ask me. If they have waiters cosplaying from JoJo, they're going to have to evacuate the venue to mop up the flood from my vagina.

>> No.8562915

i mean as in look at the like 6/7 different tent-nations and the 40 people nobody even saw outside of their tent fort

>> No.8562922

Most of the time when I walked past those in the evening, they were empty? And the Communist people were definitely out socialising, we got chatting to them. Tbh though it's not like Toko has a venue capacity issue anymore, so if people want to come and do that, let them. It's better than banning it and Toko not getting the reg money from them. Making camps is half the fun of camping!

>> No.8562932

nobodys going to ban anyone this is what I don't understand people taking Toko too seriously, it'll just be a case of dont put this massively excessive thing up not 'don't come to the con'

plus getting banned from Toko is pretty much impossible unless you cause actual physical fight that ends in a trip to A&E

>> No.8562935

nah I know the people won't get banned, but people might not come if they can't set up the way they like. We were thinking of getting a gazebo for next year so it'd be a bit disappointing if we brought one and then were told we weren't allowed to put it up.

>> No.8562939

yeah well i'm saving you some £££ because they wont be allowed

>> No.8562946

Think I might message the Toko page and ask, thanks for the warning friendo. Do you know of anything else they're likely to object to?

Also isn't it a total dick move to ban them now that it's taking place later in August and the weather is more likely to be bad? People sticking to their gazebos in the rain is still more social than people sticking inside their tents.

>> No.8562953

I know for a fact that all the guys running the panel will be very hot manly men, so I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8562959

cafe* sorry

>> No.8562984

AnimeLeague seriously thought they could host a cosplay meet this weekend at Harrods in London.

Well the official Harrods Twitter page says otherwise.

Fucking twats lol.

>> No.8562991


>> No.8562996

Nvm found it.

>> No.8563000
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>> No.8563001

Thought as much lmao fucking idiots

>> No.8563004
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Compiled some screencaps instead to make it easier.

>> No.8563016
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It was obviously organised by some little autistic anime League weeb who thought they had booked Harrods for a Cosplay event

>> No.8563025

and you are who exactly?

>> No.8563032

why, who are you? a salty dog or committee?

>> No.8563033

the person saving you some £££

>> No.8563047

This would be pretty backwards way of doing it tbh.
A con can't force people to take part in their events - what people commit their time to is entirely their own business.
Stopping people from forming clusters and barring a key social aspect would destroy the entire point of people attending the event. 90% of con goers are there to socialise with their friends not play pictionary

>> No.8563050 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 547x733, animeleaguethreat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AnimeLeague now claiming Harrods were sent threat calls and their main attention seeking bitch Kerri Louise commented on how "very disappointed" she is.

Fucking LOL. Greatest lie ever.

>> No.8563072

Now AL have claimed Harrods were sent threat calls which is why the cosplay meet was cancelled. Seriously that's just fucking low. Of course Kerri Louise has to act like the martyr of the group.

>> No.8563087

So they decided they could run a cosplay meet in a shop without asking/booking? And of all the shops to pick, Harrods? I must be missing something here because this seems far past normal weeb stupidity.

>> No.8563091

I've messaged Toko, so I'll let you know what they say.

>> No.8563098


apparently it was a Harrods employee's idea, then AL had to take over as they usually do when it's anyhting to do with cosplay

>> No.8563111

They're not trying to force people to go to events by doing this, that's just what some other dumb anon said. You'd know that at Toko they're very lax and cool about people not wanting to go if they don't want to.
the whole event is based off being social im not that retarded to think that

>> No.8563124
File: 37 KB, 500x393, ss (2015-08-18 at 09.07.12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shock.

>> No.8563131

Bunch of fucking numpties.

>> No.8563139


Looks like a lie to cover up the original lie over supposed death threats. What a hot mess.

>> No.8563169

>We'd ask that people calm down and stop trolling this page. That is exactly the reason why the previous post was removed and if need be we'll remove any further responses.

>> No.8563191
File: 33 KB, 604x340, animefacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They did the classic pre teen response...delete all 'mean troll' comments that didn't agree with what they had to say.

Will people finally see that AL are shit after this incident?

>> No.8563195

>Pointing out that they're all morons.

>> No.8563219

>Hey _______! There has been some light conversation about how to better organise tents and manage space, but I am not aware of any talk about banning gazebos. There should be a proper discussion soon and we will let people know when we know ourselves.

So it sounds unlikely that they'll be banned outright. Perhaps they'll have an area for big setups separate from the little individual tents, or something like that.

>> No.8563224

Thankyou anon!

>> No.8563230

Are there any UK cosplayers you'd like to get to know better or meet at your next con?

>> No.8563236

Well good
Tent communities/clusters are hardly antisocial, you could walk up to one and make a bunch of friends with ease

>> No.8563247 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 427x640, elsa_croft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this chick.

>> No.8563270 [DELETED] 

oh god not this girl she such a AL weeb plus I had a run in with her when I did a frozen cosplay.

>> No.8563271

No you don't... You really don't.

>> No.8563333


What was the run in like?

>> No.8563347 [DELETED] 

I post on the mcm fb gourp about my cosplay then she hijacked the therd going on about her fan made dark elsa which was shit.

>> No.8563354 [DELETED] 

At the con she was very overbearing to all frozen cosplay to the point we just have to run away from her.

>> No.8563362

Vendetta could not be more fucking obvious. None of us know who this chick is, at least make an attempt at subtlety next time. Fucking newfags.

>> No.8563413 [DELETED] 

It's Kerry Louise and she is fairly overbearing...

>> No.8563433

but hay if u enjoy overbearing weebs enjoy

>> No.8563441

Thursday, if it was going to happen i thought it was suppose to be on a saturday? Either way it's postponed.

>> No.8563577

Is this even legal? It's a copyrighted character, right? So surely he can't legally make a profit using the design?

>> No.8563584
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>> No.8563589

I just

hypocritical fuckwit

>> No.8563597


AL is full of all of the following which he claims has broken the community...and that includes himself.

Haha wow.

>> No.8563617

Wait hold up, stop the press. That last tweet seems to imply that there will be free cake at Harrods.

>> No.8563621

> not sure if troll or stroke victim

>> No.8564367

top kek

>> No.8564408

I've just had a further message from Myst about this, which he hopefully won't mind me passing on- Toko definitely does not have a problem with gazebos or inwards-facing tent clusters, the comment about 'banning gazebos' was a joke due to one in the festival area that flew off during setup. Apparently Toko is going to have some rules changes next year, but it's going to be aimed at allowing gazebos and diverse tent types in a fair way. So that sounds like nothing to worry about.

>> No.8564412

Did anyone bring a 5+ man tent to them selves this year?

>> No.8564419

We had a 6 man for two people, but we always do that. Well, I guess we had three people in it last year, but we didn't have a third person this time. It's nice for one of the group to have a big tent in case the heavens open.

>> No.8564432

>no drama
>run by Colin

Top kek

>> No.8564434

Oh, and now it all comes out. We have someone in this thread with a vendetta against Colin. Guess that would explain all the shitposting against Toko!

>> No.8564443
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl/ is the only safe place to bitch and moan about petty stuff. Please go back to tumblr and let the big girls vent.

>> No.8564445

Check the post count, dumbass. I'm one of his friends. Even he admits he attracts drama like flies to honey. Once he texted AQA and asked for his own details and they legitimately answered that he was someone who got too much drama and didn't know why.

>> No.8564447

If you come to cgl to bitch and moan about Toko, I'm sorry, you are trash. Toko is pretty much the only drama-free UK event (we shouldn't expect a repeat of this year's bizarrely chill Kitacon) and anyone who doesn't want it to stay that way is an antisocial knobend.

>> No.8564449

Anyone who takes cgl seriously needs to get out.

>> No.8564454

Truly spoken as somebody who has not had IRL shit go down due to /cgl/ vendettas.

>> No.8564457

Denmark pls go

>> No.8564464
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>/cgl/ vendettas

>> No.8564487

>Bizzarely chill Kitacon

Like the 5 ambulances on the Friday night, right?

>> No.8564489


>> No.8564517

Idiots gonna idiot.

I personally found the whole thing hilarious.

>Be in the opening ceremony
>"Hello Kitacon! Who here is drunk yet? Do you like to fucking party?!"
>Just turned 18 fresh out of home take this to heart
>People are still surprised people where THIS stupid
>Next day committee are forced to express displeasure on the Hilton's behalf
>They actually share some blame but instead blame everyone at the con for the saga including sensible drinkers who thought it was retarded too

>> No.8564523

I'm def going to bring a 6 man tent for myself next year. Trying to get changed horizontally on an air bed is harder than I thought.

>> No.8564525
File: 43 KB, 636x340, bigreaczt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember getting into a bit of heated debate online about something AL related once, to which I got jumped by several AL henchmen, one of which I called them out on, they denied.

Checked their name against AL forum
50k posts.

>> No.8564632

Most of us didn't know about that until the masquerade. It was super chill for anyone not involved in that debacle.

>> No.8564644

Did anyone ever find a video of the announcement at the masquerade?

>> No.8564648

I'm glad that Harrods event got shut down
What a terrible idea

I almost forgot how awful some weebs can be until I bumped into one of their meets in the park last weekend
You don't realise that you surround yourself with the good ones until you are faced with the scary ones again

>> No.8564650

I don't know Anon, I was at the masq so I never bothered looking for one.

I was getting super pissed off at the chairman saying things like 'Do you understand why we're disappointed in you?' over and over and expecting a response, though.

I'm an adult who has never met you who is attending your event without causing trouble. Don't be so damn patronising.

So rustled.

>> No.8564688

Wow, I'm glad I didn't go to the masq now. Or the closing ceremony. Fuck that shit, don't treat 1500 paying attendees like children just because just over 1% of them were idiots.

>> No.8564707

The rest of Kita was so good but that was just annoying.
I avoided the closing ceremony like every year. I wonder if my friends wanted to go but eh. It didn't sound as bad as last year. Actually, the whole of Kita felt a lot more organised and cohesive.

I love Kita man I'm gonna go until that thing dies.

>> No.8564708
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>just got my first lolita coord
>really want to watch kamikaze girls for the first time whilst wearing it with a loli friend
>no loli friend
>no lolita comm in my area

>> No.8564709

I have never gone to an AL event and the more hear about them the more it laugh.
Do people not have any common sense?
I would have loved to have seen what would have happened if Harrods didn't find out ahead of time and they turned up only to be carted away by security.

>> No.8564710

Wrong thread there Anon?

>> No.8564714
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>> No.8564725

Fuck off cunt

>> No.8564732
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>> No.8564741

every single thread, somebody thinks I am Denmark.
maybe I am you.
clearly one of us needs to take less drugs.

>> No.8564745
File: 524 KB, 500x620, smug4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does live in a mental asylum...

>> No.8564747

Dont do drugs, that shit is not good for you :/

>> No.8564751

Reece, whatever weird-ass version of Denmark's life you're currently fapping to, I can tell you that it isn't accurate mate.

>> No.8564758
File: 176 KB, 989x894, Saddenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fap anymore, Denmark ate my penis.

>> No.8564763

I would love to try human meat someday but yours is too rotten for me sorry

>> No.8564773
File: 38 KB, 600x410, Bradley-Walsh-cant-stop-laughing-at-Fanny-Chmelar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine it's much of a meal, anyway.

>> No.8564778

Ame and Kita's committee's always go the extra mile when it comes to cringe.

>> No.8564785

I have found cringe to be the case with every committee ever tbh. Toko's no better, I never went to Aya. How's Minami's committee?

>> No.8564844

underated post

>> No.8564845
File: 754 KB, 1280x720, Cross_Ange_10_Sylvia_scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop.

>> No.8564848

You first.

>> No.8564853

Your samefag is showing, Denmark.

>> No.8564859

mods are allowed to samefag

>> No.8564867

So many lies you could pin up on me and you choose samefag. That's kind of upsetting actually.

>> No.8564880

So who the fuck is Denmark and why is she shitting up the thread?

>> No.8564892

:^) I'm a drugwhore who lives in a mental asylum after making the mistake of having feelings for a guy who had issues because of his tiny penis, obviously.

Someone go make a new thread since this one is autosaging. We only shit up threads that are dying.

>> No.8564984

Aya committee were generally cool because they got on with running things and had non committee people (I think) who can actually MC up on stage. Went to Minami once but missed the opening ceremony so no idea who's actually on their committee

>> No.8564990

>I'm new pls spoonfeed me

>> No.8565119


Watching AL kids get banned from places brings me joy. It's the shittiest weeb group ever to roam the UK. They really do hate being told they're wrong.

>> No.8565121

Minami has a unique opening ceremony. They have a little in door festival with game stands and free finger food. Then everyone gathers around a little stage where some introductions and basic dos and donts are said and then there's more games where people are picked from the crowd.

It's a good laugh.

>> No.8565170
