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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8550725 No.8550725 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone from /cgl/ going? How about a meetup?

My first time going to this con. Not sure what to expect.

Also, FNAF cosplayer from Beavercreek, please be my waifu. You were so freaking cute. :3

>> No.8550998

I'm down, but I'm a shit tier cosplayer who just orders cosplays from China for fun. Not sure what to expect of this convention either, first time going to it.

>> No.8551001

I'll be going. Since it's my roadbump con before youmacon im just going to be wearing really casual or easy to wear cosplays.

>> No.8551017

Is Youmacon fun Anon? I've been debating going but I'm not sure it's worth the 5 hour trip from PA from what I've seen. Seems like a big con, but I haven't heard much about it.

>> No.8551114

I'm selling in the artist alley but if a meet up happens at an off time I'd love to show up. I wanted to last year but it was move in weekend for the dorms at school.

Regarding waifus, idk if he posts here anymore but Higgdog you are handsome

>> No.8552278

going in today. will there be a meetup?

>> No.8552288

Just a heads up, Charizard will be around at Matsuricon.

>> No.8552761

Different anon, but I've gone the past two years and love it. It's the same location as Ohayocon, but way less people = way more room to breath and move around. It's a fun, chill con. I myself wouldn't drive 5hrs for it, tho.

>> No.8552922


same, 1st year, going to party and shit

anyone want to join me to hang and meet girls ?

>> No.8552945

Third time going this year. In terms of content, it's actually more enjoyable than Ohayocon at this point. My only gripe is they dropped the Friday night dance.

>> No.8552991

I'll be there in Lolita the entire time because I still haven't finished my cosplay.

Friday: Dream Marine (navy)
Saturday: Honey Cake (mint)
Sunday Triple Tart (lavender)

>> No.8553670

This is my first year and I'll be walking around and taking pictures most likely.
The schedule looks better than Ohayocon so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.8553837

I'll be going as Ragna from Blazblue, so if anyone knows who that is, don't be afraid to say hi.
Think it'd be awesome I finally get to meet some of you guys and gals.

>> No.8555290

Anyone seen any cute Rei's yet?

>> No.8555937

I'll be there Saturday walking around with somebody cosplaying Juvia from Fairy Tail. Feel free to say hello.

It's my first time going. Hoping to get drunk and have an awesome time. :)

>> No.8556425

Homestuck con

>> No.8556760

nigga plsssss

>> No.8556774

Just reporting what I'm seeing the most of.
Hope everyone is having a good time.

>> No.8557062

Playing Tanto Cuore at the hotel room in between panels.

>> No.8558122

Worst con experience ever.
>rarely drink, never been drunk drunk
>get too wasted Friday night
>don't remember much, wake up to a bunch of apologies I've sent on my phone and a bad feeling
>run into friends I was with, they try to avoid me
>apparently I got too clingy and paranoid and really freaked them out, especially one that I used to crush on
>friends don't want to chill with me anymore for the rest of the weekend
>tfw I pretty much lost two friends I really enjoyed hanging out with and who really made me feel good about myself because I couldn't handle alcohol

Shit sux man. I really don't like losing friends, and I've apologized, but they haven't replied to me. The one told me it should blow over, but I'm worried that it won't. They said they weren't mad, and that I didn't get mean or hurt anybody, but I really hate to think that I made my friends uncomfortable. I feel like such a terrible person and the worst part is that I don't even know what I did, so I can't apologize or atone for it properly. They were such awesome people to be around, and now its fucked.

>> No.8558294

Don't drink, this is a sign to stop anon

>> No.8558370

Yeah, I'm not going to for a long while, if ever.

I just wish I didn't have to lose friends to learn this.

>> No.8558654

Homestuck, Deadpool fucks, and Steven Universe garbage all over the place this year.

I've gone to this con before. It was better last year. Way more condensed. They spread everything out all over the place through 3 buildings for some reason which is completely unnecessary for this con.
Dealers room was eh, kinda lame.
Artist Alley was pretty awesome this year though. Got a few really good prints, and I'm not usually someone to spend money in the artist alley.

Honestly Artist Alley was my favorite part of the con. Some cool cosplays here and there too.

>> No.8558665

I didn't see nearly as many Steven Universe cosplayers. There was pretty much a conga line of homestuck though and I ran into a trio of people who all seemed to be cosplaying Deadpool together. I'm disappointed I didn't stop by the artist ally now.
As for spreading it out over three buildings that was a little rough. I'm sure the Hyatt had a couple more rooms they could have used. One of my last moments today was running from the Crowne to the Columbus convention center because a panel ran over. Had one guy say something under his breathe because I cut in front of his daughter when she was just standing in front of the escalator.

The convention center did seem pretty busy on the last day though. There was apparently different groups on each floor of the Hyatt and then the other half of the CCC had the news crew for Commit to be Fit. Maybe that's why they stretched it all weekend.

>> No.8559072

Dealers hall was pretty shit, some vendors even had the same stock from last year. Rooms weren't planned right, homestuck panel taking an entire ballroom while AMV contest put in a side panel with maybe 30 chairs. Also, FAR to many homestuck this year. They had a damn near 2 hour photo shoot in the main hall. Hearing "1..2..3" screamed over and over. They should just have their own damn Con, ball pit and all.

>> No.8559103

Fuck, I was in the Gainax panel while that was going on. He decided to not use the mic so I couldn't hear anything.

>> No.8560155

Dealers was super lame for a con of this size, artist alley was copyright infringement central but I guess that doesn't matter cause it was basically hidden out of the way.

Curious to hear what actually happened with the hotel. Everyone keeps saying "oh it's not their fault there was a bunch of other events going on" but that's kinda no excuse. That just means they suck at negotiating or weren't willing to buy for enough space that they'd agree to put them all in one location.

>> No.8560171

What do you mean copyright infringement?

>> No.8560178

"i knitted/etched/painted this logo that's not my IP on this item and I'm going to sell it"

>> No.8560195

Ohhhh you mean the stupid glass people that weren't even that good. Yeah I see them everywhere.

>> No.8560649

With the hotel, the con had the center all booked, then the center doublebooked over their reservation.

Not 100% on this part but apparently the con is getting their next year's reservation at an extreme discount because the center screwed up the reservation dates for 3 different events that weekend

>> No.8561067

yeah, Pulpfest was almost invisible and the Gay softball teams didn't even setup till Sunday. Dunno how Hyatt screwed that up. Also did anyone see the winners for the Costume contest? I was gonna see it but saw the line wrapping around the convention center..

>> No.8561070

"Gay softball teams"

the fuck...

>> No.8561087

NAGAAA - The North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance. When I got there thursday they had wall pictures and everything for them. They arrived Saturday night and had their "shop" setup on Sunday. Was funny watching them freak out over kids in pokemon outfits

>> No.8561323

I was like this is a punchline to a joke, like it was some south park level of 'this isn't real'
I did and am uploading my shit, the cull is real

>> No.8561334

Oh were the costume winners any good? Usually they pick some obscure ones I never saw during the con. Hell there was a movable Dalek one year that never entered, must have been bought?...

>> No.8562252
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This was the first place for "Closet Cosplay", there was plenty of butthurt around afterword, mainly due to there being no separate group and individual contests

>> No.8562926

I don't think the con center screwed anything up I think they just gave them a shitty deal because poor negotations/matsuri slacking on paying their bills in previous years

>> No.8564006

"Closet cosplay"? The hell...Did they at least give out trophies or are they still doing the printed sheets of paper?