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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8531354 No.8531354 [Reply] [Original]

Let's try not to be too heavy on "Well there was this one odd person at the con that creeped me out" stories and instead get some variety.

>Costume malfunctions
>Cosplay meet-ups gone wrong
>That one overly 'in character' person ruining everything
>To/From convention travel story from hell
>That one time you loaned someone a costume/prop and it ended badly

>> No.8531372
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Short one from a couple of years ago.

>cosplaying pic related
>returning from CCS photoshoot
>really have to go to the bathroom
>fumbling with costume in tiny stall
>go and manage to get costume back into place
>reach back to make sure back part of robe isn't caught in pants before I open stall door
>bottom part of robe from knees down is wet
>oh fuck
>look back, fabric is in the toilet I just flushed
>scramble to sink to soap and water it before using paper towels
>fabric is now clean but still damp
>everyone's going to think I've wet myself or something because it got some of my pants wet as well
>sneak out of bathroom and try to calmly but quickly walk towards the elevator to go up to my room
>"Hey, can I have a photo?"
>fuck me
>completely frozen in place trying to think of a quick excuse for saying no
>girl takes a picture, compliments me again and then walks off
>go change out of my costume as quick as possible

>> No.8532110

I'm still bitter about this
>pay for badge, hotel, and request days off work for Anime Midwest in FEBRUARY. I'm an assistant manager so this shouldn't be an issue.
>Go to con on Friday. Amazing. See friends I haven't seen in over a year because they couldn't make it to Acen.
>Boss calls. Another manager has a family emergency and no other asst. managers are willing to cover it. He tells me I HAVE TO come back.
>Check out of hotel at 5AM and go home to get ready for work.
Turns out the other people who "couldn't do it" were just screening calls from work because they didn't want to get called in. No one apologized to me.
I put my two weeks in a little while later and I only have a couple days left there now. This kind of shit where they wanted me to help them but would never help me has been an ongoing problem so fuck them. I already have a better job lined up.

>> No.8532203

Damn that sucks. I wouldn't have even picked up the phone.

>> No.8532227

>running disney photoshoot at colossalcon
>get into cosplay and head down to photoshoot location
>shoot starts in 15 minutes, right after a different shoot
>get down to location, lots of cosplayers already there
>oh good lots of people came to my photoshoot
>hear someone call for all the villians to come up
>realize someone started the shoot
>go up to the group and ask who started it
>guy says he did
>i ask him why
>"the host was taking way too long"
>"i'm the host and i'm fifteen minutes early to the shoot"
>"yeah well nobody wanted to wait for you so i took over. but if you want you can start the entire shoot over"
>cosplayers from shoot staring now
>"go ahead, take over, start over. see how they like it"
>trying not to get so angry that i cry
>"this was my shoot. i was on time. i don't need to be yelled at"
>"well you should have been here earlier"
>i leave the photoshoot and just let him do it
>rest of time i'm in disney cosplay at the con other disney cosplayers stare and laugh.
>never running a photoshoot again

>> No.8532247

this summer was a huge mess
>two big cosplays, one prop isn't done due to needing a 28 hour glue time, my father promises to try to finish in time, constantly going between my house and his workshop trying to get it done, he says he doesnt know if we'll have time (the only way i can get to my prop is if he is off work)
>calls me the day before we leave to the con saying he hasn't been able to set the glue yet (i got everything else done)
>other costume still not done, freaking out
>friend offers to help finish the one that isn't done, comes over and helps me sand and paint
>day of leaving, other costume still isnt done
>friend arrives early in the morning (he's the ride) and helps spraypaint whats left while i calm down
>everything is done, morning we leave dad has ear infection and can spend all day gluing together prop, says he'll deliver it in the evening, cool, thats fine, everythings good, im calm now

day of con
>getting ready
>unpacks stuff my friend painted the day before, notices they're stuck together because he didnt let them fully dry before putting them ontop of eachother
>pulls them apart, chunks of paint are coming off as they separate
>friend's mom gets wood filler and a 6th can of spray paint, god bless her
>has to fill in the holes and paint in the hotel parking lot
>texture difference is obvious
>woke up at 9am and doesnt get into con until 3am because of this

in the end my dad delivered the prop and that worked out great, but fuck, what a mess. my anxiety causes me to get sick so i felt like shit the entire con, though, but i'm never going through that again.

>> No.8532269

What a power-tripping asshole. That sounds like a horrible experience, anon.

>> No.8532270


>> No.8532293

>day two of anime north
>wait in line to meet one of my favourite voice actors for 4 hours
>two people ahead of me
>line closed
>"meet and greet is over folks, everyone out."
>grumpy as fuck for the rest of day
>give up on trying to make the day worth it
>head back to hotel
>spend travel time to my room planning on sleeping cuddling a bottle of jack
>slam floor button on elevator door
>"Wait! Hold the door!"
>punch button to close doors
>look up to see j michael tatum dashing towards the doors i just closed on him with the same face i had when the con volunteer closed the line between me and his meet and greet table

>> No.8532346

and now you realize that the entire disney cosplay scene is full of people like that or official disney princess wannabes.

>> No.8532363

>actually going into work on your BOOKED TIME OFF
Stand up for yourself, jesus christ. Next time, be generic about why you're booking time off, and say you're out of state if this ever happens at your new job.

>> No.8532375

Hahahahahaha serves you right for being a prick to other people just because you didn't get your way before. I get how frustrating it is to have a line close after hours and hours of waiting (been there, done that) but that's still no excuse to stomp around being a shit to everyone else.

>> No.8532378
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Con-related, just not at the con
>win 2 tickets for a con in an official contest run by the con
>con never contacts me about it
>pester them with phone calls
>no answers
>the PR division of the con that ran the contest goes down after a few weeks
>just bought my own and went to the con anyway

Didn't mind paying for it but would've been nice to get them for free.

>> No.8532395

Retail doesn't give a shit about you and I wasn't risking getting fired over that. My new job is going to be a real job with real pay and real benefits so I don't think it'll ever happen again. My current coworkers are just all huge cunts. Two days later one of the people who wouldn't work called me asking me to work a bunch of time for her but I sent it to voicemail and texted her no a couple hours later. I've had enough of people walking all over me, legit.
Lately they've been all pissy because I'm leaving and not picking up hours so they can leave early but my 2 weeks are in and I'm untouchable now.

>> No.8532414

>attend con as a press person
>con is gaming commercial type so full of LOL competitions, youtubers and most congoers are kids
>go to cosplay contest for which we were given a big space in front of stage to work on photos and stuff
>kids right behind us keep on pushing and moaning cause there was a youtuber concert scheduled next on stage and it was being delayed
>no security people around and no fences behind us so we spend the whole time trying to deal with rude kids (with no parents in sight)
>cosplay contest finishes, and as we are waiting for winners to be announced, suddenly kids fucking running over press people to the front of the stage

fucking rude kids. I was ok but people were working with reflex cameras and tripods. kids didn't give a damn.
I also had to drag a press person out of the crowd after she couldn't move from panicking

>> No.8532419

>"the host was taking way too long"

here's where you lose credibility. why would you not calmly tell this dickshit that shoots are scheduled for a reason, and that, yes, you're absolutely waiting until the official allotted time for everyone to show up rather than starting early because one domineering douchefuck who didn't put any effort into creating and organizing this event is impatient.

nobody who would go through all that trouble to create the event would pussy out so hard. nor do i buy your pity party story about people laughing at you afterward.

>> No.8532431

I guarantee they're just bluffing you. My job used to give me the "but you have to come in" for example, during a snowstorm. I physically couldn't make it there, I drive a small car and the roads were unplowed and unsafe. "But you have to come in or else!!" ... "Ok, someone with a truck can come get me and I'll work" ... "... nevermind we'll find somebody else."

Jobs know you as the one they can call and you'll come in. If you hesitate they can guilt trip you. Learn to say no and have good excuses. You really don't have to have an excuse for being called in on a vacation day. You should not have to come in on your day off unless your work is extremely specialized.

Congrats on getting the hell out of there though, so maybe this post is pointless. Maybe someone else can learn from it though.

>> No.8532437

You sound weak as fuck. I would told that dickhead to back the fuck up and wait for the scheduled time. If he didnt want to wait then he shown have manged his time to arrive closer to the correct time

>> No.8532447

Damn, you deserved that one.

>> No.8532471

My district manager threatened me for not coming in during a hell storm this past winter when my buildings' management "forgot" to have someone come and plow the streets. Over 2 feet of snow and I had my car stuck for over an hour. STILL got yelled at because I HAD to go in. Finally the fucker realized we only made $6 in sales in 6 hours and said we could just close the store. That job was shit. The police actually issued a thing saying no one should be on the roads that day too but DM didn't give a fuck.
Adding more tips for other seagulls too, get out of retail. It will never get better. Holding out because you're afraid of change will fuck you over forever. Some temp agencies and job agencies actually don't suck and can get you a real job that pays a living wage. My new job is desk work (checking, matching and filing invoices) and I don't interact with customers at all. I'm really excited!

>> No.8532487

Okay I can understand why you would say these things. I did what I did because I'm a tiny girl and I was hosting my first shoot. I didn't know how to deal with the situation very well but I did my best.

>> No.8532490

My father used to tell me about how he worked at a chicken shop and was feeling unwell one day so he called in sick. The manager wouldn't let him because the shop was crowded that day and demanded that he come in, saying: "If you don't come in, you'll be in trouble!", etc, etc. To which my father got pissed off and replied: "No, I think you're the one who'll be in trouble. I quit" and hung up. Lol, it was a satisfying story.

Anyway, I hope your new job treats you well, anon!

>> No.8532500


I'm thinking about doing a temp agency just to get my foot in the door somewhere. Been doing retail for way too long.

>> No.8532545

Some agencies suck to do some research to see what jobs are usually offeres to make sure you won't get stuck with shitty low paying warehouse work that will destroy your back. The one I went through is owned by Goodwill but I was friends with someone there so I probably got a better offer that way.
The hardest thing for me (being a weakass person) was making the initial move to go to the talent bridge office but I'm so glad I did. I've been in retail for almost 8 years making shit money. Now I feel like I can actually plan for and afford some good conventions, not just Acen.
I guess it's kind of pathetic that this whole thing happened because I got fucked out of a convention, but conventions and cosplay make me happy and it led to me actually going to a better place in life.

>> No.8532552

Shoulda kicked him in his ass. Right in his hole. Since you're tiny, I'm sure you could have walked away like you were leaving and sneak up behind him.
If anyone gave you shit for it, fake cry and say you were fustrated--Or walk away with a middle finger in your mind.
Something girl.
But then again, I'm quite aggressive, and would've ruined his ass physically, or mentally. Online or offline.
Other than me threatening people, no one thought what he did was wrong and tried to stick up for you? They sound like cunts who want their pictures not caring who gets hurt because of it.

>> No.8532554
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>Night 1 Fanime
>drunk as fuck
>piss in the hotel hallway on 38 floor
>Night 2 Fanime
>high as fuck at music fest
>Night 3 Fanime

Anime Expo
>ask for photo with qt cosplayer
>hand reaches for her shoulder
>[Moon Landing Theme Intensifies]
>Houston we have landed
>skin on skin contact
>called a creeper

>ask for phtograph of qt cosplayer (not with her)
>she puts down her full yogurt cup
>crowded hallway someone else knocks it down
>no yogurt for her
>I gtfo

I am the Horror.

>> No.8532561

comments like this are so autistic. yeah, just start a physical fight to solve your problem. It's especially effective when you're dealing with someone who's clearly nuts and/or aggressive. Solid advice, thank you tru alpha! You've effectively shown everyone how badass you are as well!

>> No.8532581
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I got one

>be married
>be 28
>go to convention cosplaying pic related
>cosplay bretty good
>girl approaches me
>says she is 18
>tells me how she made her lolita
>I genuinely listen to her
>listening to her turns into listening to her emotional and physical problems
>Bowel problems, allergic to everything
>farts constantly
>can't eat anything because allergic to everything
>act cool, "I'll see you at the dance tonight"
>turn on inner sociopath
>talk to other girl
>compliment her lolita
>girl cannot keep eye contact, blurts out dank may may's every few minutes
>I genuinely listen to her
>2 kids
>working on ged
>cosplay isn't consent, strong womyn
>hates her neckbeard bf/father of kids / also her real dad
>communicates with me through her trans best friend
>I keep straight face
>act cool, "I'll see you at the dance tonight"
>talk to third girl
>girl is 6' and towers over me
>best friend of girl number 2
>genuinely listen to her
>hates boyfriend

>> No.8532583

>ran away from rich family
>lives NEET lifestyle
>tell her I am asexual
>hear the ignition of a dormant animalistic desire
>dance comes
>18 year old finds me, chats me up
>girl number 2 physically stands infront of her
>18 year old realizes she is cucked
>looks down, walks away
>hear fart sound
>feels batman
>tell trans bestfriend I don't like girl number 2 and am married
>talk to tall girl
>girl number 2 freaks out and pouts in the corner
>tall girl invites me to afterparty
>meet both boyfriends
>baby talking and cuddling all around
>both neckbeard+fat/10
>end up watching deadman wonderland
>edgelord anime complete with linkin' park tier intro
>good grief
>decide to leave
>reflect on all the cringe, autism, and mental illness I experienced
>probably will continue to go

>> No.8532597
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>hates her neckbeard bf/father of kids / also her real dad
Her boyfriend and father of her children is her father?

>> No.8532598

I really know the feeling. It's not pathetic, everyone has their hobbies and you should be able to have one thing that truly makes you happy. Part of what I'm looking for in a job is a flexible schedule so I can go to conventions as much as I'd like. (It's pretty much the only time I get to see all my friends together...)

>> No.8532603

>hates her neckbearded boyfriend/father of her kids and also hates her real father.

>> No.8532611

>cosplaying Meme of Thrones
Yeah you should probably stop going to anime cons.

>> No.8532614


>> No.8532621

Well if he's clearly nuts or aggressive, reflect it back with aggression.
Then again, I have different morals than most.
If he wants to get nuts or be aggressive for a photo shoot he was too lazy to plan himself, then so be it. Not listening to the host? Gtfo or beat his ass up.

>> No.8532623

That sounds like absolute hell. I hope you brought it to someone's attention about the lack of security.

>> No.8532627

Maybe if you stopped chatting up people like that and telling them you'll see them later at an event? You brought it on yourself.

>> No.8532650

Sorry for sharing my cringe story, I forgot 4chan is the biggest cesspool of people like in my story. I should have stuck to the expected formula of the thread and not trigger anyone's PTSD.

>> No.8532701

He likes to fart in elevators and blame it on other people.

>> No.8532703

Okay so I was the host and I'm a tiny girl not even 5" there was no way was going to fight an aggressive 6" something male. I'm not really one to resort to violence and fighting anyway.

>> No.8532723
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No you dipshit, you should learn to write stories that make sense on the first goddamned read-through.

>> No.8532747

...but my story makes sense

>> No.8532771
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>A-kon 2015
>Walking around in cosplay
>Talking with friends
>Tap on shoulder
>Spin around, wondering if somebody wants a picture or to talk
>Really fat guy in terribad L cosplay
>party city wig
>grease-stained white shirt
>raccoon eyes
>starts handing me a camera and I'm really confused
>asks me in the throatiest voice to take a pic of him with a qt girl cosplayer
>I accept and he goes over to her
>literally grabs her bridal style and hoists her up
>She's wearing a dress, obviously trying to get upskirt
>she covers her crotch and I snap the pic, but I'm genuinely creeped out
>Mfw I notice the camera is literally sweaty
>Mfw I see his badge name is 'Vendetta Rage'

>> No.8532787
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>> No.8532792
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>> No.8532810

I never suggested violence, but its just plain rude for him to try to take over your shoot.
In the future if you think your size isnt heloing you get a friend or security.

>> No.8532820
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>> No.8532834

>anime north
>wear skin tight body suit
>wear jock strap to hide treasures
>having a blast, lots of fun
>hanging out with friends running around everywhere
>notice a lot of girls staring at me with smiles
>i lift but only started a month prior so cant be mires
>as I continue walking more girls start staring
>some start staring at crotch
>look down
>jockstrap somehow rided up and made me look like I had a gigantic dong
was pretty hilarious but I felt pretty embarssed

>> No.8532835
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>ax day 0
>be me in Miku cosplay since it's been ages
>having great time with two friends walking around dealers hall
>friend A has to go bathroom so we wait outside so we don't get hot or smell bathroom stank
>while waiting guy wearing all white comes up excitedly asking for pic
>say yes, he seems to really like miku
>he takes 2 pics, I bend to pick up my stuff when
>''wait can you do one like this"
>makes moe pose for me
>okay sure no prob
>takes pic again, then before I even go out of pose he makes another pose for me to do
>makes 3 more moe poses, continuously takes pics
>begin to get uncomfortable, nobody's ever asked for more than at most 2 pics in the middle of a dealer hall
>huge line + friend behind me watching as this happens
>knees weak arms sweaty
>timidly say ok we gotta go
>"wait one more"
>his mom(?) says "ok that's enough we gotta go, show them their pic"
>he finally gets up shows me the last pic he took, they both leave
>friend B who was watching says I looked visibly uncomfortable, and mom probably noticed
>scurry off away from line, really flustered

Friend A who went to the bathroom came in the middle of this happening and apologized for not saying anything since she didn't want to be rude, the guy wasn't overly creepy or anything he just didn't know when to stop, and I'm not big on attention from a whole line full of people watching a 'photoshoot' happening

We now have a code of "I could go for pizza tonight" of one of us needing bail or help from whatveer situation we're in

>> No.8532876


As someone who has experienced creep photos at A-Kon, I feel that pain.

Did that guy absolutely not know the person in cosplay?

>> No.8532910 [DELETED] 

You know, if Hitler had won the war, you wouldn't have to worry about people like that.

Things could have been so much better. But this is the future that the Jews and their sycophants chose for you.

>> No.8532952

God you're such an entitled brat, you made him work while he had an ear infection and you sound so ungrateful.

>> No.8532985

what the fuck how many people did you have working on your cosplays for you? make your own shit from now on. problem solved.

>> No.8533235

Seconding this. Supervisor tried to guilt trip me every time, even when I was experiencing colon-shattering diarrhea. Now I either call in super early and talk to night crew, or I use the extension for the bakery so that I can contact the store manager directly and skip my department altogether.

It's way more confrontational but it felt real good to grow a backbone.

>> No.8533258

Does anyone remember the horror story where the roommate stole a costume and then wore it to the cosplay contest? Archive isn't helping much.

>> No.8533267

So.. You're the horror story here, right?

>> No.8533271

Oh okay, I'd understand why then. Sorry, I'm just a very aggressive person myself and feel people should stick up for themselves. Sorry. But next time(if you haven't already had a photoshoot) bring a friend who can act as a security or something.

>> No.8533272

He absolutely didn't know her, and he even went so far as to try to give her an awkward side hug afterwards.

>> No.8533440
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This has been posted before but I think years ago so I'm gonna try and remember all the details. Sorry if I forget any details since it happened 5+ years ago.

>fairly big cosplay group in the area
>we had anime store cosplay events at the local mall every few months
>in between people in the group organize fun outings
>one day in middle of summer, everyone agrees to a cosplay/jfashion picnic in a fairly big park
>it's kinda hot, humidity is fairly bad but everyone dresses appropriately
>everyone is either in casual cosplay or jfashion
>everyone knows everyone except for a new girl
>new girl is around 13 and first met up with the local group online
>we have all ages in our group and we're very welcoming and the invitation was for anyone that could go
>by now everyone knows to pitch in for the picnic since it's a potluck. you bring blankets/beach towels/etc and a food item

>everyone's hanging out in the big grass area in the sun, setting up blankets and food
>all of a sudden we hear a loud call and here comes the new girl running her way over
>she's in full Soul Reaper costume and waving her arms, typical teen hyperness
>dressed as pic related in the full outfit (or maybe it was a genderbent Ichigo?), but instead of a wig she's used can spray on her hair
>head practically glows orange in the sun, she's talking a mile a minute and just so excited
>has nothing with her at all. no blanket and no food
>well she's new, it's alright

>a really nice older lolita has an extra beach towel and lets the new girl sit on it
>new girl starts chatting people up while others are setting up the food area
>she's hyper but not so bad, typical teen weeb but something's weird
>notice her fingers are stained bright orange up to her knuckles with the colored hair spray
>looks like she's been digging around in a Cheetos bag


>> No.8533473

>food is ready and people line up to start making their plates
>Cheeto-chan sticks to the lolita that helped her with the towel
>gets to the buffet area and ignores everyone using toothpicks and plastic spoons to get their food from the containers
>Cheeto-chan decides to just stick her fingers into the containers to grab foods
>fingers are still stained orange, probably haven't been washed or sanitized either
>pretty squicked out by this and stay away from the containers she stuck her hand in

>it's the middle of summer and it's hot
>gazebo nearby is already full so we're all in the grass area in full sunlight
>most of us are alright because like I mentioned, casual cosplay with just wigs and accessories
>even then I'm starting to sweat a little
>across from me, Cheeto-chan is practically melting in her full cosplay
>sweat is trickling down from her hair into her face leaving orange streaks
>just can't look away as Cheeto-chan keeps rubbing at her face with her sleeve and smearing the color

>nice lolita notices what's going on and how bad it is
>then again I think everyone was starting to notice because Cheeto-chan is beginning to complain about the heat
>lolita tells her she probably needs to go wash her face to get the color off
>lolita even offers to go show Cheeto-chan where the outside faucet is
>Cheeto-chan and lolita head across the grass area to where the water fountain and faucets are
>faucets are there for filling up water containers or dog bowls, etc and it's just a pipe sticking up out of the ground like you'd attach a garden hose to

>Cheeto-chan turns on the water nearly full blast
>immediately leans down and sticks her whole head under it
>can't look away as she scrubs at her orange hair, getting her costume pretty soaked and just making a huge orange puddle beneath her feet
>lolita is standing a foot or two behind her looking in disbelief, clutching a paper towl from the buffet table she had gotten for Cheeto-chan's face


>> No.8533488

You have rights, you know. You don't have to bend over every time they ask you to come in. It's okay to do it every now and again but being walked all over makes it easier for them to do it again.

Glad you got out of that place. They're gonna feel the sting when they don't have someone to walk over.

>> No.8533503

>Cheeto-chan shuts off the water after only a few seconds
>stands up with her orange dripping hair covering her face
>rears her head back to fling her hair behind her
>orange water goes everywhere
>splatters the girl behind her everywhere
>holy shit

>Cheeto-chan doesn't even seem to notice, comes trotting back to the picnic area
>grabs up the towel lolita had loaned her to sit on and wraps it turban style around her head
>a few people hurry over to check on lolita
>dress is splattered with orange everywhere and she's in tears
>they take her to the restroom area back on the trail to try and clean her up
>Cheeto-chan doesn't seem to care
>everyone's pretty upset because we're a close community and you don't do that to other people

>picnic is nearly over and everyone's packing up
>Cheeto-chan is starting to get concerned, but not about the lolita
>"I thought this didn't end until X time!"
>Cheeto-chan, who got dropped off by her mother, told her mother to pick her up at nearly sunset
>Cheeto-chan who doesn't live in town and doesn't have a phone and is 13
>no one wants to give her a ride home since she's still wet and still orange
>lolita didn't even come back to the picnic, others in the group got her things and took them to her car for her and she left with a friend

>one of the event organizers can't leave a teen by herself in a park
>ends up staying there for hours with Cheeto-chan until her mother comes


>> No.8535121

>friends invite me to my first con
>buy ticket for AX months in advance
>spend over $300 building wolfwood's punisher
>buy E for everyone
>day before, friends went to SF instead
>at AX, really bummed out because i got ditched and am alone.
>going alright, plenty of people want to take pics. but no one looking to hang out. Still early.
>never done E before. called a friend and asked how many i should take.
>everything is awesome
>darkhorse comics ask to take pics of my wolfwood in their booth. everything is awesome.
> 20 min later, took to much E. freaking out. can't walk. had to sit for a couple hours to sober up. really obvious i'm drugtarded.
> leave at noon.

one of the more cringe worthy experiences in my life.

>> No.8535153

OH GOD please tell me it didn't stain whatever Lolita girl was wearing

>> No.8535185
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>looks down, walks away
>hear fart sound
>feels batman
I'm entertained.

>> No.8535239

It's sad but which one?

>> No.8535293


>> No.8535301

How much E did you take? The first time I rolled, I only took half a pill and it was insane. I can't imagine how badly taking multiple pills your first time all at once would fuck you up

>> No.8535368

Have you considered capping this story? I would've sworn you have told it befor in the last few horror story threads.

>> No.8535378

I think I know which one she means. Link? Wore it to a hall cosplay contest and entered as the friend? Contest organizers go "wait didn't you already enter?" because of that

>> No.8535443

Yea i think thats the one

>> No.8535483

Are you retarded or angry because your reading comprehension sucks?

>> No.8535489

Jesus H Christ. If you were my kid I'd abort you, you ungrateful shit stain.

>> No.8535492

I remember this story

>> No.8535499

But you would be pissed if you'd waited hours and then missed out because of a couple of people. Anon never even said they were shitty to everyone else, they were just understandably grumpy.

I went to a con the day after I broke up with my ex and I was grumpy and upset and my friend at the time didn't give a shit, which made me grumpier. If you're sad about something the con doesn't make it better.

>> No.8535525

Lmfao your friend didn't have to give a shit.

>> No.8535547

Whats your point

>> No.8535580


God I was fearing for that nice Lolita since the beginning of this story.

>> No.8535585


Took me a minute to find, just used 'Zelda'

>> No.8535749

Oh, it stained. The dress was an itamonster though so nothing of value was lost.

3/3 the story's done. I can type up a few more though.

I think it's been capped and reposted that way but I haven't written it up myself in years.
>mfw I found the old version and got details wrong

>> No.8535751

Whoops, didn't notice I had missed replies.

Yeah, it's been capped and posted a few times, I think, but not by me since I don't save my own stuff.

I don't think she came back to anymore events in lolita. What she had was Milanoo-tier though.

>> No.8535777
File: 100 KB, 229x501, Anko_Mitarashi_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay gonna try and remember a few more that haven't been capped and reposted to death. Kinda says a lot about how bad of a magnet I am for this shit that I've got at least a dozen horror stories I could do.

This one is less of a horror story about me and more like Cheeto-chan where the horror is being associated with these people and not being able to get away.
>yearly convention is coming up
>the big thing is Naruto, this is back in the middle of the frenzy for it
>back when it's still posting in Shounen Jump
>neighborhood friend from way back wants to cosplay it
>decides to do pic related because she's got a total crush on husbando Orochimaru
>tries to talk me into cosplaying Orochimaru cause I do male characters a lot
>sulks and pouts because I'm already doing Haku because I'm fujoshit and Haku and Zabuza arc had me bawling

>Anko-chan (calling her that cause of her costume) basically closet cosplays all the time
>borrows a trench coat from her dad, gets her mesh shirt from her emo-goth closet, gets a khaki school uniform skirt, cuts up knee-high sports socks for the leg guards
>invites me over to show off her costume
>notice one huge problem
>she's not wearing anything under her shirt
>the mesh shirt that can barely contain her huge chest and nipples poking out from the gaps in the fabric

>"Uh, Anko-chan.. they're not going to let you in the convention like that."
>Anko-chan tells me she'll just button up one of the buttons on her trench coat
>yeah, no. That's not gonna fly because Anko-chan has a notoriously short memory and would unbutton it the moment she got too warm
>tell Anko-chan she'll have to cover up with a flesh colored bra or something
>she huffs and sulks about it because she doesn't want to look 'stupid' but says she'll come up with something before the con the next day


>> No.8535802

>next day she comes and picks me up to drive to the convention
>she's already in full costume, trenchcoat gaping open
>all I can see is side-boob everywhere
>"Hey Anko-chan, you really should have gotten a bra. They're going to throw you out."
>Anko-chan gets annoyed and tells me they won't because she bought pasties from the adult store and she's totally fine
>well, at least her nipples aren't showing anymore but I still have doubts

>since Anko-chan is my ride and one of my few friends in the neighborhood I sort of have to stick to her during the convention
>we hang out and wait for the Naruto photoshoot
>Anko-chan is getting asked for a LOT of pictures
>she thinks it's because of her oh so wonder closet cosplay
>it's actually because of her boobs and every time she poses for a camera she does a 'ninja high kick' that you can see right up her skirt
>she's not wearing any safety shorts under them

>she tries to drag me into photos with her and sticks her tongue out like Orochimaru (who she loves to the end of the earth)
>tries to do fanservice shots with me as well, trying to grab my hands and put them on her chest
>hiding my shame behind my mask, hoping no one knows who I am

>Naruto photoshoot starts
>one lone Orochimaru, is actually a guy and looks a lot older than us
>his costume is pretty good but his face paint is terrible, like the cheap Halloween sets you get in the stores
>Anko-chan practically pushes people out of the way to secure a spot next to him in the photoshoot
>Orochimaru doesn't seem to care a bit

>all normal photos out of the way, people start doing couple ones
>Naruto x Sasuke is the majority but others get called
>Anko-chan keeps yelling until people finally call her and Orochimaru
>Anko-chan slings a leg up around his waist, wraps her arms around his neck and makes a loud porno noise and moans Orochimaru's name


>> No.8535813

>expect Orochimaru to be weirded out
>dude grins and gropes her ass for the photo and then presses his face into her chest
>not sure if anyone even took a picture
>my jaw is dropped but Anko-chan looks like she hit the lottery
>photoshoot quickly ends but she's glued to Orochimaru's side
>apparently word spread quick or something about what had happened
>staffer in bright red tshirt is power-walking down the corridor towards them

>staffer snaps at Anko-chan and tells her she's breaking the dress code rules even with her pasties and she has to either change or leave
>Anko-chan gets upset and tries to tell the staffer she can just cover up with her trenchcoat
>staffer finally relents and tells her to close the trenchcoat and NOT to unbutton it

>kinda feeling like the third wheel with this new creepy fetish couple thing going on
>decide to go to an autograph signing
>Anko and Orochimaru are inseparable
>dude clearly thinks he's gonna get laid even though we're leaving in two hours
>from what Anko-chan told me later they kept wandering around
>posing for pictures together
>he doesn't have a hotel room
>well that's fine, there's a back emergency stairwell in the hotel no one uses
>Anko-chan actually brags to me on the way home about getting laid in a stairwell

>couple weeks later, Anko-chan's missed her period
>didn't even get Orochimaru's name, much less a number
>freaks out and goes online to the convention group
>tries to find out who he is
>friend of a friend of a friend or something gives her the information
>whole community knows by now what's going on and how it happened
>dude's pushing 30 and Anko's barely 18
>they end up getting together anyway
>she moves into his trailer park home barely two months later
>gives birth to a daughter, gives her a Naruto name


>> No.8535817

>shows up at the next convention after the baby's first birthday
>wearing a Bleach Soul Reaper costume
>sleeves are cut off, top is barely closed
>side boob and cleavage everywhere
>Orochimaru is dressed as a Soul Reaper too
>weeb named baby is dressed up from Bleach as well
>barely one year old and being paraded around as a cosplay prop

>neither Anko or Orochimaru care if the baby is screaming and crying
>still pose for photos with ticked-off and miserable infant
>just put her away in a carrier off to the side when they're not using her
>run into them a few times over the weekend
>never once see a diaper bag or bottles or anything
>feel really bad for the baby but there's nothing to be done about it

>last I heard Anko was pregnant again
>never hear anything from her or anything about her weeb baby
>only see them at conventions doing a couple cosplay
>always toting child around and then ignoring it unless there's a camera on them
>fully expect their next baby to be named after whatever fandom they're in now

>> No.8535902


I took 3 T-T

>> No.8536421
File: 64 KB, 956x718, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me with friend
>Metrocon a few years ago
>we're staying at the Marriott near the convention center
>were looking for a place to get high
>pool area is completely empty so we light up there
>group of fem hetalia cosplayers show up, with an Italy, Germany, Russia and Japan
>friend and I ask them if the smoke is bothering them and how well move if they'd like
>Italy gives us the freaking death stare, she's about to open her mouth to give us what I could only assume would be the biggest fucking bitchfest anyone's ever seen
>Germany manages to pipe up before Italy, she cracks up and says she misses smoking pot all the time
back when she was in HS but says her gf (the Italy) doesn't like it when she does it
>Italy stares daggers at Germany and then stomps off to her hotel room
>Once Germany sees that Italy is out of view her and Russia and Japan all take hits of the blunt
>we talk more, finish the blunt and chuck the roach aside, but still stay in the same place and continue talking
>10 minutes pass
>Tampa police officer walks up to us, says she got a call about some teens smoking pot
>the smell is gone, she has to probable cause, we don't give her anything to go on, so she leaves
>Germany is enraged at this point cause she knows who called in the complaint, she says she is going to get us an apology from
Italy by the end of the night
>We all go up to their hotel room, Germany tells friend and I to wait outside while her, Russia and Japan go inside the hotel room
>we can hear arguing,
door muffles most of the chatter but we can clearly hear Italy calling us losers
>Germany and friends come out, with no Italy
>Germany apologizes that Italy is being childish, says she's close to just calling it quits with Italy
>Tell her it's ok, and how she can't control other people, we also say that breaking up with Italy would
be a good call
>we go get Waffle House
>con passes, Germany and I become good friends, she leaves Italy 2 months later
>mfw hetalia kiddos

>> No.8536727
File: 490 KB, 1256x1955, 1368652544022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last time I read this story it wasn't a lolita but instead another cosplayer so...

>> No.8536797
File: 76 KB, 848x477, Show-by-Rock-04-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. That's definitely the original version I posted and I found another one in the archive to where I switched it to a lolita.

Cheeto-chan was a real person though. Just, she showed up at a mall even with her hair sprayed with the canned temp dye and her fingers stained bright orange from it and entered the anime store sponsored cosplay contest like that and inspiration struck.

>mfw I really need to brush up on my own stories from years ago

>> No.8536806

Reminds me of this....


That poor babby...

>> No.8536845

>doing drugs in public
I hate people like you.

>> No.8536847

>having the courtesy to go out of their way to smoke by ourselves
>having the courtesy to ask them if the smoke bothers them, and then proceeding to offer to move if the smoke offended them

God you anti-weed weebs are fucking stupid

>> No.8536942

I'm not anti weed. I just don't like anyone who even gives notion to doing something like that in public. I simply find it obscene. If someone does it in their house, then I see no problem with it. Or even a hotel room provided they know how to get rid of the smell and clean up properly.

I let someone do it in mine.

>> No.8537267

Yeah.. I find it really tacky when people wear shit like shirts with weed leaves all over them. Stuff like that. We get it. You smoke. You so cool. Go back to junior high now.

>> No.8537406


See yeah, coming from a daily smoker yeah god that's tacky as shit, but getting caught IN the hotel room would be a lot worse for one thing (even though it rarely happens i understand OP's paranoia). but i don't understand why anyone would find it "obscene" for god's sake. that's a strong word.

>> No.8537416

The FUCK. You made your father and friends work on your big prop you didn't start early yourself? Why didn't you just cancel the costume like holy shit doing the props on the hotel parking lot? Jesus christ. I'll never understand these people who get their whole family working on their costume instead of starting early and prioritizing work. Of course props take a long ass time to do due to sanding and gluing and painting, it's not something you whip together in a few days. God damn.

>> No.8537418

This almost made me scream. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if some bitch did that to me. This is by far the worst thing I've ever read in any con horror story thread.

>> No.8537493

No, she didn't, but my ex was manipulative and abusive and she didn't even try and console me or talk about it. She just acted like even bringing it up inconvenienced her. I was also pretty ill so I didn't want to do much, and I left early. She messaged me later saying I completely ruined her day even though as soon as I left she called in her other friends to replace me, which is what she'd been wanting to do from the start.

My point is that people can be grumpy at cons. The con doesn't magically make things better. I understand if people are taking it out on other people but you guys were ragging on anon literally just for being upset at the con then going back.

>> No.8537550


> do something ilegall
> how dare someone call the cops on me

>> No.8537566

Didn't she steal your forks or something? Also stole the Lolita's towel and threw away her Tupperware?

I have a feeling the lolita told the story before.

>> No.8537596

Depending on where you are, it may be legal. Sorry you have to live in some backwoods hellhole.

>> No.8537603

>be at con in lolita
>whale-sized neckbeard asks for a picture
>say yes because too polite to say no
>asks for me to pose for him
>sure, no big deal
>asks me to lift skirt up for picture
>nope the fuck out

I don't understand how people can think that's a normal request.

>> No.8537611

Oh yes, because doing something that not only shouldn't be illegal, but shouldn't be a problem for anyone because we were out of everyone's way is warrant enough to distract cops from murderers, thrives, rapists and other shit that actually requires their attention instead of some crazy butthurt little weeaboo girl

I bet you're the type of person that calls the cops on someone collecting rain water

>> No.8537657

see >>8536727 and >>8536797

>> No.8537701

>That calls the cops on someone collecting rain water
People do that? Thought it was normal, or is it illegal in some places to collect rainwater?

>> No.8537801

just stop. you're embarrassing everyone.

>> No.8538121

>running around otakon in the bare minimum of public decency in cosplay
>no con attendee reacts negatively (less skin = more win), staff doesn't stop me until
>group of staff eye me at dealers room
>after like 10 seconds, one of them tells me I'm showing too much 'bulge' down there
>RIP selfconfidence

>> No.8538159

Was he actually asking you to flash him, or was he trying to ask you to curtsy and spilling his spaghetti?

>> No.8538163

my health is flaring up less than a month before a con and my parents have OFFERED to help me finish my cosplay, and i still feel like a mooching git with their help.

youre an entitled cunt.

>> No.8538164


Not that anon, but in places with high incidence of dengue fever it may warrant you a fine.

>> No.8538169

>dressed as a pokemon gijinka (lame, I know)
>have to run back to my hotel room to eat and sleep
>one the way, stopped by a Team Rocket group
>they press me up against a wall and don't let me go
>"I really need to get back to my room, sorry, I'm done for the day"
>"No, you're coming with us, you don't need to go to your room"
>felt very much like a gangrape scenario

I did manage to bumble my way past them after a minute or two. Generally I'm pretty easygoing about my personal space, and I know they were trying to be in character, but that was too fucking much.

They also intentionally popped a Flying Pikachu cosplayer's light-up balloons. He was unable to replace them for the duration of the con.

>> No.8538217

He wanted me to lift up my dress so he could take an upskirt photo.

>> No.8538219

Sorry, >>8538217 was for you.

>> No.8538445

I'm so sorry, anon.
Situations like this is a fear of mine. Even with regular stuff. I always secretly worried I'm going to drop something in the toilet.

>> No.8538453

hope you learned your lesson. Never answer your phone if work calls while you're on vacation.

>> No.8538544

Be grateful that these people were willing to help you. I wouldn't have put up with you.

>> No.8538563

This didn't happen during the con itself but man it was a horror story for me

> building prop for my cosplay
> using materials I'm not familiar with so lots of trial and error
> first attempt failed
> learn from mistakes, second attempt looks perfect
> it's just the base, still need to smoothen and paint it
> still have two full days left, shouldn't be a problem
> store both props next to each other and call it a day
> next day bf comes over
> show him both props, talk a bit about the process and how I fucked the first one up
> while discussing I suddenly get concerned about its sturdiness
> con is famous for rampant teens, scared some asshole might bump into it and break it
> bf suggests we run a few tests to make sure it won’t break easily
> grabs the good prop and tells me to hold it as if I were carrying it at the con
> he starts giving it little pushes
> slightly nervous about this but I know he's always careful around my stuff
> he bumps into the prop from all angles
> no damage whatsoever
> relieved, I declare that it doesn't seem anyone could break it
> see bf take a few steps back
> "bf, what are you..."
> he runs towards my prop and straight up punches it as hard as he can


>> No.8538565

I got news for you. You are one of them.

>> No.8538568

> it breaks clean off
> stare in shock at my work that is now in pieces on the ground
> bf starts laughing
> “well, let’s hope nobody at the con decides to use it as a punching bag because it clearly wouldn’t survive that.”
> too speechless to respond
> feel tears welling up as I slowly start picking up the pieces
> bf notices something is wrong
> he grabs my failed prop and looks closely at it
> he pales visibly
> “Anon, don’t tell me…. I mean you were carrying the failed one right?"
> shake my head
> bf stutters a never ending flow of apologies
> turns out he thought I was holding the failed prop and thought he could break it because I told him I was going to throw it away later that day
> he offers to repair it but damage can’t be fixed
> have to remake it
> don’t have sufficient amount of materials left and too late to order more now
> have to use slightly different materials
> after two sleepless nights I finish it an hour before I leave for the con
> bf promises to never pull such a stunt ever again

On the plus side, it turned out the different materials made my prop look even better. But that costume took months of hard work so I would’ve been heartbroken if I couldn’t wear it at the con after all that hard work. That prop was crucial to my costume.


>> No.8538613

aw man, sounds like he felt super bad about it!! i feel bad for the both of y'all.

>> No.8538620

You're worst.

>> No.8538702

He really did, that's why I didn't go too hard on him. I suppose I was partly to blame. I was wondering why he didn't test the sturdiness on the failed one instead but dismissed it assuming there was a good reason for it. Should've voiced my concerns before allowing him to push it around.
We were both in the wrong here.

>> No.8538972

stop being a faggot

>> No.8539242

if you're
then why in the name of the lord did you humor a conversation with an 18 year old, or any of these other thirsty weebettes? where was your spouse? what is wrong with you?

>> No.8539363

Well, that's the problem already.
You could have stopped with this first line and the story would have been complete.

>> No.8539369

>>day of leaving, other costume still isn't done
Why don't people have these things done a lot earlier? Plan months in advance and be done THEN, not 2 seconds before you wear it.

>> No.8539376

>may may
French for Grandmother.
You mean "MEHMM"

>> No.8539473
File: 853 KB, 322x176, Umaru Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't comprehend this
>I can only laugh

>> No.8539492

went to anime expo one year

hot, so entire convention smells like sweat

not into cosplay or anime much myself

friend asked me to go with him

get there, ask him "so what do we do?"

literally just stand there nd talk to people

people have no interest or lives out side of trying to be famous, watching anime, making costumes and posing for photogs/blogs/ friends with phones in selfies in costume

bored, friend goes to fuck some 18 year old chubster from UC irvine, Chinese as fuck

walking around "artist ally" which looks like a mixture of etsy rejects and anime store buy-to-resale figures tossed about.

stayed for maybe 2 hours total then just went shooting after waards because a buddy of mine scored a fuck ton of 300 blackout that night

>> No.8539705

> In 2009, a friend and I went to our first con
>Sees table for some guy from Torchwood with no line
>At this time, we didn't know you paid for autographs
>There was no sign on the table about prices, and no handlers around
>We ask for autograph in a notebook
>He signs it and lets us go on our way
15 minutes later
>We're now walking around the dealers room, still fairly close to the guest area
>Some lady comes up behind us, yelling at me about money
>That asshole had his handler hunt us down to pay for the autograph
>An autograph in my personal notebook
>Didn't even get a picture with/of him
>Being polite fucks, we apologetically hand over the money
>The lady is still acting like a cunt as she leaves

In retrospect, I should've ripped the page out and gave the autograph back. Still though, who hunts down a couple of teens when you had no sign on your table, and you didn't ask for any payment when actually giving the autograph?

Stupidest part was that I don't even watch Torchwood. I just wanted the autograph because I had another friend that really liked that show.

>> No.8539712

>Same convention
>We're in the food area
>I just bought some Dippin Dots
>Out of nowhere, some dude dressed like Jesus runs straight into me
>Knocks my fucking Dipping Dots on the floor
>He doesn't apologize for spilling my Dots, but just gives me a thumbs up an keeps running
Fuck you, Jesus guy.

>> No.8542677

Oh god I was at MCM Manchester in 2013 and I saw a guy from Torchwood and my mum thought hey we should get an autograph and there weren't any signs showing that you had to pay or anything so once we got a signature he made us pay, sold that shit on Ebay soon as I got home I don't even like torchwood anymore i just throught it'd be cool

>> No.8542900

Thinking of their children makes me want to cry. This actually breaks my heart holy fucking shit. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive to this since I grew up with three younger siblings but god.

I also have a really hard time containing my rage at everyone I see taking babies/toddlers to conventions, it's a good thing I'm not very confrontational in real life.

>> No.8542946


In the state of Oregon at least it's illegal because the rainwater is property of the state or something. I'd have to check, but a guy just recently got arrested for collecting rainwater on a massive scale.

>> No.8542948

>rainwater is property of the state

what the fuck
this is some dystopian future sounding shit

>> No.8542961


Not really a horror story but annoying:

>Cosplay met up says X place at X time
>Find out that I can't find X place
>Ask the staff and they go "I dunno."
>Ask the convention center workers and they go "I dunno."
>Someone from the convention staff FINALLY answers that it's in X place.
>It's not in X place. Find out from a person looking for the meet up that it's in Y place instead
>Y place is Five Night at Freddy's which happens after the meet up I'm suppose to go to.
>It's overrun with flashing lights and tons of people
>Still trying to find the place. I end up running all over the place with this guy trying to find it.
>Accidentally trip and fall in the dirty grass and get my cosplay pants stained
>Find the place like a long time later in the opposite end of the convention center
>It's still on going because of the fail of the convention staff
>I'm dirty, my wig is a mess but I have fun.

>> No.8542964


I checked, it's not property of the state. It's designated "public use" but the guy had 13 million gallons of the stuff so he was breaking a bunch of laws involving free use of rain and meltwater. It's legal to catch rain off a flat surface like a roof etc and store it in a rain barrel, but he had huge ponds with dams and everything. Apparently the city of Medford holds exclusive rights to the water resources in the nearby river and all its tributaries, and his activities were in violation of the laws surrounding that.

>> No.8542965

I believe it. Oregon has all kinds of silly laws in regards to water. There was that whole fluoride thing awhile back.

>> No.8543128

So, say a family was using a systern for their house, and using rain water for basic activities, and someone found out...Would they get fined/Arrested?

>> No.8543360

Is a married man not allowed to socialize? Is his spouse supposed connected at the hip with him? If he was purposely trying to hit on girls than it's skeezy. Last I checked a married can talk to others of the opposite sex regardless of age. Maybe his spouse has differing interests and doesn't want to go to cons.

>> No.8543434
File: 61 KB, 704x960, bollywood nightwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This literally happened yesterday.

>At Montreal otakuthon
>I find this really nice Nightwing print
>Buy it, Dick is the love of my life
>I move on to buy custom made t-shirt
>Obviously occupied with explaining what I want
>Disgusting skinny indian Nightwing cosplayer walks up to me, interrupting my conversation
>He pint at my print, saying that I had a 'picture' of him
>I laugh awkwardly and say "yeah, I'm a big fan of yours"
>Nightwank looks at me with hungry eyes
>He then pressures me to take a photo of him
>I'm not carrying a camera and the guy wouldn't leave unless I took the damn picture
>I look through my bag and take out my phone
>He gives me his best 'Nightwing pose'
>He finally leaves after 5 minutes of following me around afterwards

Pic related, it's him.

>> No.8543440


>> No.8543449

The thirst is real.

>> No.8543451

God, I fucking hate Indians. There's something about their cultural that makes them retarded, and 95% of the immigrants don't acclimate to their new countries. /rant

>> No.8543589


The guy in Medford got arrested because his giant collecting pools weren't just collecting rainwater. They were also collecting water from a tributary of the nearby river, which was property of the city. If the cistern is collecting rainwater and only rainwate (or melt water, though that may be considered a tributary), it's free to use in the state of Oregon. idk about anywhere else tho.

>> No.8543639

Not necessarily a horror story, but still weird:

>Saturday night of con
>Go find a secluded area of the con at 5am to smoke with friend
>High as fuck, start making out etc
>Random dude approaches us
>In the secluded area
>"Hey do you have any drugs"
>No, fuck off.
>Guy walks three feet away, me and friend awkwardly wait for him to leave to continue what we were doing.

After 30 seconds he left, but damn that was weird. I know you smell weed bro but let some hoes makeout in peace.

Another weird story:

>Friday night of con
>Running panel
>Really drunk friends hyping my panel outside by singing the opening song of the anime my panel is on
>5 minutes into panel
>One friend has to get carried out by others because he's so drunk, can't walk, and nearly vomiting
>Panel continues
>10 minutes until end, they come back and re loud and drunk as usual.

It was my second panel ever, first time running that particular panel so I was a little freaked out. In retrospect, it's hilarious.

>> No.8543643

For the first story, I forgot to mention that both of our rooms were non-smoking rooms full of anti-weed people so we were kinda strapped for a place to smoke.

>> No.8543677

>rawdogging it with con people

You get what you deserve.

>> No.8543693

The only person that was clearly mad was Germany, and I'd be pretty pissed if my significant other called the cops on me for something harmless as well. Who the hell does that?

>> No.8543740

My ex did this to me once, was drinking at 19 with friends and she got mad she wasn't there so she called the police.

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.8543781

>I'll see you at the dance tonight
>talks to multiple girls, tells them all the same thing

It's okay for a married person of any gender to talk to females/males that aren't their spouse but they were specifically telling multiple girls he'd meet them at the dance later that night. It may not be purposely hitting on them (hard to tell with his wording) but he definitely led them on to thinking that. It would be the same thing if a woman chatted with multiple guys at a convention and told them all "I'll see you at the dance tonight" and then complained online about them trying to hook up with her at the dance.

>> No.8543790

>bollywood nightwing.jpg

>> No.8543791

How do guys hide boners or Visible penis lines?

>> No.8543818

I hope you learned your lessons. Gatherings are a waste of time and are usually poorly ran.

>> No.8543834

dancers belt.

>> No.8543835

Bringing babies to conventions is a huge, huge pet peeve of mine. I think it is extremely selfish for parents to bring babies/toddlers to conventions. Leave them with family or friends or a sitter, or stay home until the kid is old enough to enjoy the convention.

>> No.8543948

Taking care of them during a weekend of fun is the least selfish thing you could do. Dumping them off to someone else to take care of is incredibly selfish.

>> No.8543956

What the fuck? Do you honestly think toddlers and babies are appropriate at cons? I can underatand not wanting to leave your kids with someone else but they won't be scarred for life if you're out for a couple days. Cons are unsafe, innapropriate, and overwhelming for children, they're much better off with a trusted adult at home than a place where they could be easily separated from you and get hurt or sick.

I'm probably biting bait but I really hate when people being small children to cons.

>> No.8543958


>> No.8544120

More of a rant than anything.
>Friends and I try to pick our masquerade costumes right after the con before it so that we have 6 months to work on the costumes.
> Decided on Monster Musume for winter.
>Friend wants to do Papi and makes these really nice boots that she can walk in really well. I'm doing Mia.
>It's 1 month before con and ask how her wings are doing.
>"Oh I'm waiting on the feathers I didn't get enough in the first order."
>Okay she can still finish in time. Week of con they're not done, make bet with husband that she'll have them done or I'll have to buy him a drink.
>We go to pick her up- she carries out 1 half done wing and a bare one and a box of feathers.
>"I can finsih them tonight no problem"
They're not done that night, the foam part isn't even connected to her sleeve for her arm.
> I silently rage that day.
>They decide to drink night before masquerade so I bar-tend in room.
>She gets really drunk off my shots. Too drunk to work on it.
> I throw her in bathroom to shower off the booze and start hot glueing feathers like crazy. >3 hours later they're done.
>Next day goes fine till our time to cross stage at masquerade.
> She's suppose to run out and bump into our Darling.
>She books in and falls on her ass hard. We pull her up and get asked the rest of the night if she's okay.
>She buys me a drink to make it up to me. >Still mad and enforced new rule of having to have them done a month before con...neither of us are done with costumes for the next con that is less than a month away, but mine will only take 1 afternoon to finish up, and she's entered separately this time so I don't mind as much.

We think we're gonna do Monster Musume again for winter, she wants to retry Papi and I want to tackle making a spider ass

>> No.8544135

Ah, that makes a lot more sense.

>> No.8544152

Letting your kids stay with relatives or friends you trust is selfish? When I was a kid staying with my aunt or grandma for the weekend was one of my favourite things to do, and they enjoyed it as well, not sure what's wrong with that. Kids do not need to be strapped to their parents 24/7.
Conventions are seriously dangerous for small children or toddlers, considering how many people get sick after cons. There's also all that noise, babies/toddlers react negatively to being in a loud environment for a longer time.

>> No.8544195

>be dumb kid
>be dumb kid wandering around AX for four hours with a dead phone thinking you lost your also underage kid friends since they didn't meet up at the designated lost-the-group place
>turns out they just went to go watch a movie
>"we thought you were just doing something else, anon"
>they didn't even bother to call

fuck you steve

>> No.8544197

Melt water would be water collected from the melting snow on your roof. It's not a tributary.

>> No.8544226

Yeah you're not as bad as these others are making out. It's just pot like

>> No.8544238

Oh my god I havent laughed so hard in ages. It's good you don't seem to hold it against your bf. A lot of people would dump his ass you cool anon.

>> No.8544272

Agreed ausa 2013 my romance thought it was totally cool to allow a couple with a new born in our room. I've never wanted to kill myself more. Ffs you gave birth like two months ago it isn't appropriate to bring your kid especially that small. It can catch so many germs. Ugh just remembering makes me pissed the fuck off.

>> No.8544380

The cringiest customers at my store are Indian... Why? I wonder what it is that makes them unable to meet my gaze, or smile, or say 'thank you.' Too weird.

>> No.8544574

> best Nightwing pose

My god I feel so bad for you anon but this is hilarious.

>> No.8544742

I can kind of see what this >>8543948 anon is saying because when my nephew was a baby, his parents always dropped him off at our parents house to take care of. They never used to ask or anything, just dropped him off without notifying. So I had to go over from my own life to help out because my parents had other important obligations to do. Sometimes his parents wouldn't come back until the next day, or very early in the mornings drunk off their ass. I think it depends on the situation. If you just plop the kids off to their other relatives willy nilly because they're family, and that they have to do it is pretty shitty.
Notifying ahead, making sure the kid is allowed to come, planning back up plans, and realizing if nothing else works you'll just have to skip that con is another story.
>>8543956 is right also, babies aren't meant for cons at a young age. But sometimes, you have to make sacrifices, even If it means no con time.

>> No.8544881

>yesterday leaving Games Com
>me and friend get to our train
>we are a little late
>get to the train in time but it´s full
>have to wait for the next one
>wait about 40 minutes
>ride next train
>we have to exit the train at some random station
>problems with rails or something
>at the trail, no idea where to go or what do to
>look at the plans
>no train to out destination obviously
>ask an employee how we can get there
>tells us we were supposed to take a bus
>we miss the bus be like 10 seconds
>let´s walk
>friend looks online, it´s far away to walk
>I just sit down
>friend gets mad at me for correcting him with something he said
>tells me he´ll call someone related who lifes relativly near our location to pick him up and leave me
>he doesn´t
>another bus arrives
>driver tells us to get in
>bus drives us to a overhead railway
>tells us it´s bring us to the station
>thanks bro
>get on the overhead railway
>arrive at the station
>train left 10 minutes ago
>50 minutes till the next one comes

>> No.8544901

Maybe you shouldn't go to a con at all when you have a small child to care for.

>> No.8544914

>we buy some shit to eat
>he´s not mad anymore just seems super stressed
>train arrives
>get inside
>we talk like weebs while looking at all the useless shit we got
>be weebs and push my Asuka figure at at the window so people outside can see
>adore her like the weebs we are
>pretty relaxed
>seems like we got lucky
>about 22:00
>we realize we won´t make it in time to change trains
>next one would come at like 05:00
>suddenly a some dude from like 2 lines behind me stands up and talks to us
>didn´t notice him earlier
>all the retarded shit we said flashes back into my mind
>he offers help says we could sleep on a couch in his flat if we can´t get home
>tell him we´ll manage to get home somehow
>he gives us his phone number
>tells us not to stay at the station because of junkies and shit
>seems like a nice guy
>but has this weird smile
>train arrives at the last stop
>we don´t go with him since we aren´t stupid
>friends in panic since we don´t know how to get home
>stuck about 200 km away from home
>he´s going crazy
>tells me every minute that he doesn´t want to get robbed and spend the night outside
>meanwhile I give this homeless dude some change
>he apologizes for being homeless
>relatives can´t get us
>what do?
>ask employee for help
>asks what happened
>we tell her
>she´s doing some shit at her PC and tells us the trains we mentioned don´t exist
>the fuck?
>tell her they were there but one of them was full so we couldn´t take it
>tell her about how we had to take a bus because the rails were broken or something
>she´s like ok fuck it, fills in some note and gives it to this weird guy
>he tells us if we got our stuff together
>yes (wtf?)
>turned out he´s a taxi driver and that he´ll drive us home for free
>thank you DB

>> No.8545181

Worked in retail most of my life. There are only two types of people, those who will do that sort of thing and those that won't. You say no, they can't do a damn thing. You say yes, they will always assume you will until you grow a back bone. Is like getting time off, you can get any time you want off if you say you "have" to be off rather than you would "Like" it off. Like suggests you are flexible and won't fight a no.

>> No.8545198


Pics of snake plz.

>> No.8545248

Well I was about to post my story but OP is pretty much my story.

>> No.8545314

Claps.....damn...that was good...

>> No.8546808

i think this is OP http://chibi-rai-chan.deviantart.com/art/Mia-n-Papi-506980829

>> No.8546816

They tried to guilt me when I put my 2 weeks in and offered me better shifts and more desirable days off but I stood my ground then haha. People who only offer to treat you better when they feel threatened will never actually consistently treat you well, you know? Oh well, my last day was two days ago and I'm now free from retail hell.

>> No.8546875

Yeah the descriptions on the other pics match up. That still doesn't really look too good, but hey drunk bird girl and it'd be rather difficult to make a snake bottom that can be lugged around. Appreciated effort/10.

>> No.8546896

>Local Con
>Standing in line outside waiting
>Asshole in sports car
>Shitbox car reeks of petrol as it stops outside car park gate while fatpig driver tries to get a ticket.
>Zebra crossing for con entrance right behind car.
> Walk behind
> Asshat revs engine to move car. Exhaust burns eyes and gets into mouth. Run inside with tears streaming down.
>Cosplay still reaks of car exhaust and petrol end of day
>Fucking shitheaps should be banned.

>> No.8546990
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>> No.8546993
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>> No.8547238

>Started to remove tape from chest after open shirt binding all day for a crossplay
>Notice something weird and slightly yellow come off with the tape, can't figure out what it is
>Look at boob, 1/3 or areola is gone and is what is stuck to the tape
And that's how I learned that deciding to omit putting moisturiser on your nipples to stop the tape sticking to them is a terrible idea. My nipple is now fine.

>> No.8547256

>go to a con because friends who cosplay tell me it will be fun
>I'm 26, educated, have a steady job, own a car and home but single. I do ok.
>get to con, nothing really to see, I kind of stand out as I'm dressed normally.
>I walk through the vendors area and find some old memories in the shape of video games.
>excited buy a few things and then get ready to meet my friends again
>I get stopped by some fat 40 year old man who has a girl on a leash, she couldn't be more than 15
>asks me why I'm dressed so 'formally'
>wearing normal pants and some loafers with a dress shirt.
>I walk away and just ignore it.
>later as I leave see him kissing and fondling another girl who looks really young in his car
>realize I'm basically at a gathering of misfits and outcasts
>never talk to cosplay friends again and never go to a convention again.

Thanks a lot for the experience.

>> No.8547312
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I'm pretty sure this is a logical fallacy but I can't quite place it

The real point of cons is to feel superior to all the cringey weebs. Bring someone to make fun of everyone with and you'll have a blast.

>> No.8547323

You reminded me of why I'm so thankful my dad works with me on my props, and how I'm always appreciative no matter what the outcome. When people offer to help you, you accept it for what it is. You want to complain about other people putting their lives aside solely for your satisfaction? Then do it yourself. Be grateful or shut up.

>> No.8547629

>meanwhile I give this homeless dude some change
>he apologizes for being homeless
top notch lel

>> No.8547815

I've heard worse, some girl locked herself in the bathroom with her roomies Legolas costume and slit her wrists over it because she'd broken up with her boyfriend and they used to watch Lord of the Rings together.

>> No.8547860

Which guy from Torchwood was it?

>> No.8547947

>be kid
>have bunch of young siblings
>go to grandparents every weekend
>parents have time to do whatever housework needs doing without babies, plus a nice date night and just flat out quiet time
>grandparents get to spend time with us and take us places
>we get ice cream and to go somewhere special (usually park or something)
>literally everyone is happy

Plus excusing any argument on how selfless/selfish it is, or how much they would bother other congoers, its proven that taking young kids to things like that is bad for them. Young kids can't handle the constant noise and stimulation, and are not exactly built for endurance yet. They need frequent down time, more frequent snack and water breaks than adults, and no matter how enchanted they are for the first hour or so they just flat out don't have the attention span to keep with it. They get desensitized very quickly and will be extremely bored and need something new to do. If you're really determined to bring your kid to the con, it would be best to do it only on the least crowded day and only for a few hours. My friend has pretty successfully brought her kid to cons to see certain shows or for the masquerade or whatever using that rule, and only once the kid was about 4-5 and was already begging to come along. Her kid is reaching the average "weebs first con" age now (though way better behaved since she isn't overwhelmed by it anymore) and can spend the whole weekend.

>> No.8547961

Was this a SoCal con?

>> No.8547975

i still have a scar on my side from something similar. Must have gotten a blister there from two pieces of tape not quite overlapping and it just lifted off when I removed it. Since then I've started carrying a tiny travel bottle of baby oil with me and soaking the tape before removing.

>> No.8548045

Wow..you are a fucking idiot. Your boyfriend is a fucking douche and just lied to you. He knew it was the good one. Why the fuck would you shown him the failed one?

>> No.8548192

Why would someone endanger the good when when they could test out the broken one?

>> No.8548276

>went to anime expo
>not into cosplay or anime

you are part of the problem

>> No.8548602
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>Friend introduces me to some kid
>Kinda self centered and vain but friend sees her like a little sister so I try to get over it
>Says she wants to do a big cosplay group
>Already have costume made so I'm down
>Kid can't decide between two characters
>Tell her honestly that she'll have a harder time finding someone to do character A
>Group fills up
>Photo shoot is booked
>half the group drops out 3 days before the con
>Her included (the organizer of it)
>Says she didn't have money to make her costume
>Day of group at con
>Runs into her dressed as character B
>She didn't own this costume before the con
>pic related

>> No.8548769

>clearly states his friend asked him to go
>being that he's probably the type of guy that enjoys socializing with people he went
>you have no friends therefore you dont understand this concept.


>> No.8548773

No, it was a con in Toronto about 3 weeks ago.

>> No.8548797


You know, im not the guy you are replying too, but i know what my friends like, and my friends know what i like. And we would never invite each other to something we are not interested in. Because that ends up beeing a shitty time for whoever is not into it.

>> No.8548837

I cant stop laughing. Just picturing it. Fuck it's beautiful

>> No.8548852

>realize I'm basically at a gathering of misfits and outcasts
dude what else did you expect? its an anime con.

>> No.8549045

As I said, the failed one was stored next to the good one for the time being so he saw both when I showed him my work.

And no, he really didn't know he got the good prop. The failed prop didn't look horrid or vastly different, some details and proportions just didn't look the way I wanted. If someone is unfamiliar with the prop design, like my boyfriend, I can see why they couldn't tell right of the bat which one of them was the most accurate.

What would he even gain out of destroying my prop?

>> No.8549380

So that's the trick? When a total stranger uses you as an emotional sponge and pours out their life to you, you can get them to think you're more than just an amateur psychologist by telling them you'll see them at the dance?

>> No.8549921

Kai Owen I think

>> No.8550164

Expressing his dominance over you and bragging to his friends how he just shit on your prop and you still kept him around.

>> No.8550171

this tumblr feminist is SALTY mang

>> No.8551683

>Can't tell if troll of just retarded
Emotional manipulation like this requires the second half of the act, which is to blame her for his actions (just like you did actually! - "why would you show the good one and not the broken one"), thus establishing that she's stupid and he's the dominant one. Apologizing, offering to make amends, blaming himself is how a normal person acts when you fuck up.

>> No.8551707

ohmyfuckinggod this. I've had people offer their help on finishing my shit and I'd feel terrible about it and apologize and ask them 47958438 times if they're sure and thank them no matter the end result. Just be grateful about it.

>> No.8551769

>2 years ago
>RWBY gathering
>Make Jaune Arc cosplay
>get noticed by cosplay senpai who is hosting the gathering and asks me to join a photoshoot with a Ren, Nora and Pyhrra
>get excited
>work on costume
>forgot to test run costume
>Gathering time
>armor falls off with little chance of repairs
>tell senpai what happened to costume and can't make it photoshoot
>senpai tried to help fix the costume but we were unable to
>I had to leave after the gathering
>they find another Jaune cosplayer from the gathering to be part of the photoshoot

>month later
>photoshoot results
>photos look awesome
>crying on the inside

I dun goof'd...

>> No.8551881


You sound extremely biased, anonymous. Did you have a bad experience? Do you want to talk about it?

>> No.8551901

RIP My sides

>> No.8551944

Your reply makes zero sense. Are we reading the same post?

>> No.8553568
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>Go on an outing without the wife, she likes comic cons but not anime cons.
>Wearing jusy a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of my old combat boots
>keep getting stopped and asked for pictures where girls "scritch" my beard. Rather unusual request but theyre mildly attractive so i relent.
>Spot on Ranma cosplayer jokingly asks for a scritch and i quip back on what temperature her water was this morning
>we both laugh and chat for a moment, me moving hands away and her shooing away people with cameras
>Unbeknownst to me this certain cosplayer has a specimen of creature known as a stalker. A 350lb female one.
>I suddenly find my lungs lacking proper oxygen levels as this behemoth spears me between the shoulder blades with her head
>As i cough and spin around ready to do damage, Ranma steps up to the plate with a "What the fuck Stacey!?"
>"HOW COULD YOU TALK TO SOMEONE ELSE WITH YOUR EYES AND NOT ME?!" I believe she says, im not really sure since all i wanted to do was turn her into mulch
>They end up getting into a screeching match while i jusy kind of stare on in mild disbelief
>Ranma says sorry to me while Clinger Class IV still screeches how Ranma is hers
>"Good luck with that.." I murmer, and Ranma looks dejected as fuck. Clinger is still yelling over the sanctity of their "roommate marriage"
>Back hurts like a mother fucker so i go home, wife is sitting on a pile of comics like a dragon on a gold hoard and says my hobby is stupid

Should i just avoid all female cosplayers?

>> No.8553574

Dude cosplayers get nasty 350lb female stalkers too, unfortunately.

>> No.8553628

>'because they're attractive'

You scummy piece of shit. I hope your wife leaves you for someone less disloyal who doesn't leer at and flirt with other cosplay girls and appreciates what he has.

>> No.8553639

>less disloyal

I had my ring and plain view and just stood there. Get your puritan knickers out of your crawl space gramma.

>> No.8553644

Lies, you must have looked at them once to even know they are attractive. Everyone knows a long lasting relationship is based on averting your eyes from the opposite gender.

>> No.8553650
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Cheeky bastard

>> No.8553672

you still allowed the flirting on account of the girl being attractive

>> No.8553680

No, i flirted because they WERE attractive, but i didnt invite them to have a tumble behind the picture booth or slobber my nob. Harmless flirting is not the same as sexual invitations

>> No.8553701

As a woman in a long term relationship, I have to say so what? Once you're with someone for awhile you build up real trust and that shit stops phasing you. All they did was touch his beard and take a picture with him. I wouldn't have minded if it happened with my guy. Harmless flirting helps your self-confidence.

>> No.8553733

>Being driven to con by friend

>> No.8554109

Hookay. Not the anon you replied to and I'm on the side of the guy who waited in line, but fuck do I hate your spoiled attitude.

Sure, you just broke up with your gf, that sucks. But that is not an excuse to ruin other people's con experience by, say, huffing, snapping or doing the silent treatment.
Your friend should be there for you in your time of need, but the problems with your ex that you brought to the con do not concern them, and like I said, your bad mood should not bring everybody else down.
Now I know you think I'm a heartless bitch, but honestly when a friend of mine has felt down during a con, they've ALWAYS apologized for seeming so gloom and TRIED to have fun and not snap for the sake of themselves and the people they hang out with in the con.
You are allowed to be angry and sad, cry even if you want to, but your friend (just like you I assume) had propably waited for the fun con for a long time. You should never expect others to guess how you feel either, but instead of sulking and leaving, you could've pulled your friend to the side and explained that you feel horrible about the situation, that you wanted to have fun at the con too and sorry if that all stresses your friend out aswell and asked for a hug and maybe some encouraging words.
Did you think at all, that maybe pouring all your relationship shit to your friend might be a bit unexpected/shocking especially at a con environment? Or that just being grumpy for the sake of it and not trying to lift your own spirits by, oh I dunno, enjoying the con you paid for, would be shitty towards yourself AND your con mates?
I'm always there to help a friend when they hit the low during the con, but I've had so many weekends ruined by people who make their problems everybody else's and expect to be treated with silk gloves while ruining the event from everyone like a child.
You are (I hope) an adult human being who can both take care of yourself and be conciderate of others.


>> No.8554166


(Yes, I'm salty, but I have shittons of con horror stories because of people like this)

Now, to make it clear, many of my friends who've felt bad at a con have gone through awful stuff, a few breakups like yours, panic attacks (even a death of a relative, but in this case of course my friend left the con) and so forth.
But only the people who are mature enough to know how group dynamics and communication work have been able to still enjoy themselves and the company of their friends at the con.

Que horrorstory:
> be me some years ago
> be 21 att
> evening before an animecon nearby
> decided to bunk with the group at friend A's friend's place (only A knows the host)
> group newcomer Grumpy (who's also the oldest) keeps grunting and huffing the entire evening
> Grumpy's gf asks what's wrong and only gets muttering as an answer
> Gf has some props to finish as the rest of us eat and drink
> Grumpy feels the need to huff even louder and since no one pays attention to them anymore (because Grumpy never gave us a reason why they were so mad) they latch on to their gf like a leech
> won't take part in the convo, ignores the host and keeps bothering gf with snuggling and constantly demanding kisses
> wtf.jpg
> I watch as gf barely finishes her tiny prop she could've aced hours ago if it wasn't for Grumpy

> 1st con day
> Grumpy wakes everyone up super early because they had to go to the con venue before they opened. They worked as an info volunteer and had totally forgot to mention they didn't have a ride nor a license to get themselves to the venue
> everyone is pissed needless to say
> Grumpy gets even huffier as they get scolded for it
> doesn't thank friend C who had to drive them to the venue and finish putting their cosplay on at the con bathroom
> Grumpy finds us at their break and starts the silent treatment almost immediately
> pouts the rest of the day
> finally ask gf, she says they had a fight a few days before con but they both apologized

>> No.8554188


> apparently only gf was allright with it all and tried to be discreet not to bring their drama into the con, but Grumpy had decided otherwise
> gf apologizes and I say it's ok, Grumpy's being the bitch here

> in the end Grumpy ends up avoiding eye contact or expressing opinions on anything concerning the whole group during the rest of the con
> finally explodes and explains that everyone was acting all insensitive towards them when they were clearly upset (despite us asking and trying to help, they just kept sulking)
> Got mad when asked what they wanted to do at the con and even angrier when people gave up trying
> apparently was mad that gf didn't snog them 24/7 during the con and wanted to spend the weekend cosplaying with her friends instead of sitting on Grumpy's lap
> Grumpy made 0 effort trying to get to know us better and ruined half the panels by groaning constantly

Grumpy ain't in the picture anymore.

>> No.8554193

>go to con
>get drunk/eat good food
>talk to people
>buy shit and leave

if you do this you'll never have problems at cons. It's only when panels/cosplay/events/guests/signings come into play that things go to shit. took me 11 years to learn this.

>> No.8554222

Why do women allow men to take pervy upskirt pictures of them? Why aren't those maids mashing that man's nose-cartilage up into his skull?

>> No.8554247

One, exhibitionist fetishes exist. Two, being paid lots of money exists.

>captcha pies
>only cakes
>captcha get your shit together

>> No.8554425

>at manga stand at convention
>see junji ito hardcover, super want
>tfw its 30 bucks and already spent a shit ton of money at that con
>take it, walk up to sweaty hamplanet guy with a greasy ponytail who appears to be the manager of the manga stand
>attempt to barter. want like $5 off, so i tell him ill buy it for 22
>says in the weebiest high-pitched voice "no sorry bud no way"
>i say okay 23
>"not even close"
>i say ill go max 25. deal?
>"nope nope no you know what ill just take that from you buddy"
>literally yanks it out of my hands, puts it down in front of him like he would a big mac
>shrug it off, go look at more manga
>literally screams at me from like 20m away "YOU KNOW BUDDY THERES NOTHING FOR YOU HERE IN YOUR PRICE RANGE YOU CAN GO NOW" as sweat rolls down his face

>tl;dr got shamed for trying to barter because convention guy doesnt know how bartering works

>> No.8554432

Bartering is using goods or services in exchange for other goods and services without the need for money, anon. That's not what you were doing.

>> No.8554446
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>book is $30
>wants $5 off
>offer $8 off instead
>go up a single dollar
>finally be gracious and go for $5 off
>surprised you got denied

>> No.8554450

I don't know, this is how I've been taught to haggle.

>> No.8554452


sry meant haggling :B

>> No.8554456


at first you always offer lower than the price you actually want, thats how *haggling works

>> No.8554462

When you're haggling with someone whose job it is to sell stuff to weebs at conventions, it's damn annoying to start off lower than what you want it for if it's only $5 off you're looking to get because by the second or third "No" dealers are so annoyed with you that they don't even want to sell to you for the original price, even if it means getting money.

Should have just asked if $25 was okay and if not, $28. Still would've saved $2 if they had agreed.

>has worked in dealers booths before and got enough of this shit on a daily basis

>> No.8554468


thanks for the advice, mang. ill keep that in mind next time. but haggling is to be expected at conventions, isnt it?

>> No.8554474

>but haggling is to be expected at conventions, isnt it?
Not really. Only time it's usually expected is on Sundays. Most convention goers know that and dealers are used to it because even though it means selling at a discount, you have less stuff to lug back to your vehicles in the end.

So yeah, don't expect to haggle unless it's Sunday and even then don't be a dick about it and try to get more than $5-10 off depending on the price of the item.

>> No.8554479


ahh, this makes so much more sense haha. thanks, didnt really understand that haggling was so looked down upon. i thought it was like a common thing

>> No.8554490

Nah, it's not common at all at conventions. People would throw a fucking fit if you tried to haggle in Artist Alley and some dealers won't entertain haggling unless it's Sunday. It's like some unwritten rule that started god knows when but everyone seems to know that if you want a deal, you go to the dealers on Sunday to get it. The rest of the weekend, not so much because they do have to make a living.

But yeah, if you want to haggle just do it on Sunday and keep it $5-10 off or try and get a bundle deal or something if you want multiple items. Just keep bundling simple and to 5 items max so no one gets confused.

>> No.8554502


gotcha, thanks. and no way would i try to haggle in artists alley, thats just offensive

>> No.8554509
File: 131 KB, 370x448, 1272932687475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was underage I was at a con playing as Reimu. I got drunk because some Kamina cosplayer I just met at the con offered (I know, at that age I didn't have easy access to liquor so I went a bit overboard). I don't even remember anything, I just woke up in my hotel room with blue body paint smeared in me from him, it was my first time. I never got to get in contact with him again, hr was just gone when I woke up. I even made a post on /clg/ after to try to get in touch with him, not for charges or anything, but at least so I could learn who took my virginity and talk a bit. Fuck I was stupid.

>> No.8554524

>ever trusting a shirtless male cosplayer

Sorry to hear that though, fuck

>> No.8554602

To be fair, if nobody at the job knew you were going to the con and you said a generic reason for your vacation, there's really nothing they could have done. They couldn't fire you, because you had scheduled off time already. Your case is pretty much made for you if they do pull that stunt. It's a lot more difficult to straight up fire someone than most people think. Labor laws are in place for a reason. Besides, you lost money in this exchange. Not only did you sacrifice your quality of life by going in on vacation, but you sacrificed money for the hotel, con, and transportation that they won't be reimbursing you.

When they say they NEED you in, that's just assertive boss talk. They have other options, they just want to pressure you so they don't have to resort to them. If it really wasn't possible for you, then they can't penalize you for it. Of anything, the one who had to leave on a family emergency would take the heat for leaving while there's a shortage of staff.

I had something similar happen to me before where I was called in on my vacation that I had planned months in advance for a con. They told me that i needed to go in because nobody else could. I could have made my way to work, but I straight up just said I couldn't make it in because I was vacationing out of state (technically not a lie, but it was one state over). I didn't specify which state, but its implied that it was literally impossible aside from getting a personal jet plane for me to make it to work. They said they understood, and then I continued with my vacation. Despite the "need"for me to come in, they managed just fine with other plans.

That being said, I'm glad you stepped it up and made them eat their shit for calling you in. Sounds like you were a good employee they just lost for taking advantage of you. You're better than that job, fuck assholes who take advantage of good coworkers.

>> No.8554984

No we call that not being a doormat, not blaming.

>> No.8554987

Yeah that would be true, except I'm one of his friends lol. It's all good cause you autistics wouldn't belive a thing I said. Anon mode is awesome.

>> No.8555083

It's the same damn thing. In fact, it's worse to haggle with dealers because they often make a living out of it, while artists rarely live out of their AA earnings.

>> No.8555130

This. Its kind of funny, you talk to people who are interested in going and dont believe you that yes it is in fact sweaty fat nerd /mentally imbalanced female / stupid teenagers most of the time. Cons with friends are fine, the worst thing is the congoers and boring panels

>> No.8555207
File: 42 KB, 250x250, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get drunk
>if you do this you'll never have problems at cons
>advocating intoxication in an environment where lots of teens go to have fun
>advocating intoxication
You are the problem. Enjoy your car crash. Jesus at least say something like "drink responsibly." Then there's cases like >>8554509

They're either getting paid or have some kind of warped mentality of if they refuse, then they'll never have any pictures taken by someone with a fancy camera.

>> No.8555227

It's a fun con but dear god I don't want to be surrounded by loud super drunk people when I'm at the rave by myself, it's just terrifying

>> No.8555820

Happy end version of this story
>"Wait, hold the door"
>Realize who it is
>Frantically press the door open button
>He makes it in
>Elevator door closes
>Gets stuck
>Trapped in the elevator for hours with him
>Hey much more time than you would have at shitty meet and greet
>Hit steamy sex

You fucked up.

>> No.8555827

>hotel room with blue body paint smeared in me from him
>smeared IN me

Please tell me you meant to say on.

Didja get fucked by a smurf or something?

>> No.8555948

Yeah, I meant on. Touchscreens are the worst.

>> No.8555952

Kamina once again proving he is the godking of manliness

>> No.8555964
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>> No.8555971

>good food

>> No.8555985

Oh, bless you, anon. Ouch. I once did the same in a Tinkerbell costume, zizag cleavage all autumn. Only I burn red and don't tan, ginger genes. Have fun with that.

>> No.8556009

I had it happen with a visible bodypaint tattoo
it faded quickly though thank god

>> No.8556016 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8556041

Why post their face?

>> No.8556215

Oh man I had this on my arms for weeks and loved it. Yours looks so cool and defined!

>> No.8556253

> AWA 2010
> notice parent and child combo
> child is crying, loudly complaining of tummy issues
> parent gives no fucks, too busy browsing merch
> kid vomits, chokes, starts sobbing
> everyone around is horrified/angry on behalf of the booth owner and kiddo
> kid is still crying, keeps inhaling chunks of vomit that make him puke again
> parent yanks kid away WHILE SCOLDING HIM
> rage forever afterwards

Everyone hates you if you're reading this, Pukey McGee. Take better care of your fucking kid.

>> No.8556258

>parent yanks kid away WHILE SCOLDING HIM
Young parents tend to do this most because they don't understand children and their own parents (if they had any) didn't care for them much. It's especially common where I live because no dads and I'll see scantly clad 20 somethings with 4 year olds and yelling at their kids for not walking fast enough and not even holding their hand.

>> No.8556267

>Friend keeps talking about how attractive she finds some guy all weekend
>She is super shy and can't bring herself to ask him out
>She also thinks he might be gay
>Finally get sick of it, next time I see him just ask "Do you like dick?"
>".....I'm from Vermont"

Turns out he was married to a woman. I explained where I was coming from and he was chill about it (knows I'm in a LTR so I hope he doesn't think I was hitting on him) We have no idea where I'm from Vermont came from but it is now our go to phrase in awkward moments.

>At BCC this year dressed as Miss Frizzle
>Some awkward teen comes up to ask for a photo
>I pose and he just akwardly stands there
>He apparently doesn't have a camera or a phone
>Asks if I could take one on my phone and text it to him
>After an awkward moment, do so, and tell him that if I ever receive a dick pic from that number I will destroy him
>He explains its his mom's phone number, she won't let him have a phone until he's out of high school

He was awkward as fuck, but to be fair I haven't received any response from the text so whatever.

>> No.8556282

> pay for VIP pass for meet & greet with singer I love
> take older cousin with me because the con is out of state
> con is a disaster, staff is rude as fuck
> concert is okay
> singer moves the meet & greet from con to shady as fuck as bar
> bar is far from con, have to take a cab there
> staff offers to buy us beers to make up for it
> I don't drink, tell them so
> they get angry at me for not wanting to drink
> singer arrives, barely enjoy the "meet" because other people keep butting in.
> singer is handsy as fuck, feel a little uncomfortable but say nothing because I knew he was like that beforehand.
> get a photo with him, kiss him on the cheek
> arrive to the hotel and see the photo, it's blurry as fuck.
> cousin apologizes, tells me her hand was shaking before singer kept touching her butt.
> why the fuck didn't she tell me in that moment then
> next day, go get out stuff signed
> singer remembers our names

>> No.8556292

Then why would anyone call the cops?

>> No.8556297

Most Indian women I've met were okay (if a little loud and bossy) but all the men were either straight up autistic or enormous douchebags who were simultaneously super thirsty for female attention and OTT chauvinistic. Wtf, India.

>> No.8556333

>arrive to the hotel and see the photo, it's blurry as fuck.
Among other very wrong things with this, where you using one of those $20 Walmart cameras or something? Why didn't you check first? I took a picture with a VA (granted I had to pay for it) and we all made sure I had the perfect photo before leaving.

>> No.8556350


The bar was VERY dark and I got the photo towards the end of the night, at which point neither me of my cousing felt like sticking around more than necessary. It only ocurred to me to check once we were at the hotel.

>> No.8556385

What singer?
>inb4 VicMicNigNog

>> No.8556399


>> No.8556418

I love Voltaire and have gotten several photos/autographs, but god I wish he would tone down on the drinking and learn to stop being so touchy-feely.

I do like that he's so good with names, though. It's a feelsgoodman.png moment when you see him wandering around a con and he specifically remembers your name after you met him for all of five minutes before.

>> No.8556429

Yeah, he's a cool guy all things considered, but the fact that he moved the meet to a horrible bar just so he could drink pissed me off - the city the con was held in is considered rather dangerous too, so I don't know why the staff even let him.

I'm surprised he doesn't get into more trouble for going around touching people like he does. I remember at one point he had to get up from seat, and rather than use the back of the seat to hold himself up, he put his hands on our legs and slid from the seat.

>> No.8556454

Not sure if I posted this before but sorry if I have.

>at a con with two of my girl friends
>one starts playfully flirting with a robin cosplayer
>He's SUPER into it, a little too into it
>asks for her number and name and face book
>She gives him a fake name and number because he's coming on really strong
>she tries to move away but he keeps getting in her way, asking her more questions
>eventually I get tired of it, literally pick her up and throw her over my shoulder
>look the dude dead in the eye "we gotta go" and walk away
>friend waves at him from over my shoulder
>"oh yeah oh no byeeeee....."

>> No.8557194

Ouch, I've done that. I thought it looked kinda neat until someone said it looked like grilled fish. Couldn't unsee.

>> No.8557201

Because people are dumb? If they're from out of state (likely, because they're at a hotel) then they probably aren't familiar with the local laws?
Or they just want to be that kind of asshole.

>> No.8557292

>If they're from out of state (likely, because they're at a hotel) then they probably aren't familiar with the local laws?

If it wasn't ilegal, cops wouln't have showed up in the first place.

>> No.8557386

I appreciate that it matches with the pattern of whatever you're sitting on kek that's rough though I'm so sorry

>> No.8557413

I had this happen on my arms, except in a pattern of 1cm wide perfectly round dots. My skin also is that type that never quite lets go of a tan line, so they were still faintly visible in December.

>> No.8557427
File: 94 KB, 600x400, amazing-suntan-art-288562981-mar-18-2014-1-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any pictures? I just love this kind of stuff.

>> No.8557428

>not even holding their hand
Eternal rage on this. The mall I used to work at is in a nice area, but has a direct train line to the worst part of the city. The amount of very small children I've had to hold onto in the back of the store while security tries to hunt down mommy is heartbreaking. I mean there's been ones who were barely toddling and not even really talking yet, and wandered in because mom decided to use the stroller as a shopping cart, put baby on the ground while looking at something, and then just forgot and walked off.

>> No.8557443

Nah it was like 11 years ago and I was so dead embarrassed of it, if mostly because I was deep in a must-look-like-cave-fish-pale goth phase. My arms were the only part exposed too so it looked like I painted on leopard spots.

>> No.8557486

>it's worse to haggle with dealers

I'd disagree. Dealers are just resellers while artists have to make everything themselves and make a significantly smaller profit. There are some AA artists who do nothing but AA as their job for a couple years, and granted most don't, the ones that do would never be able to make as much as a dealer even if they went to the same amount of cons per year.

>> No.8557499

holy shit a couple months ago when I was closing the store I used to work at this lady ignored my closing pages and kept shopping. I locked to doors so no one else could come in and started cleaning. a little while later I heard a knocking on the door and this toddler was outside. It was the lady's son. he wondered outside and she didn't even notice. He must have wandered far too because I didn't see him outside when I locked the door. It was 10 pm. The lady saw me let him back in the store and just thought it was funny he managed to get outside.

>> No.8557506

More of a vent
>J-pop summit
>abused my Volunteer Badge to get access to VIP area of stage performace (basically front row seats)
>taking photos is my hobby
>fucking Indian with an half a decade old phone on a selfie stick in the Press area (one step further than VIP area)
>his big head ruined all my photos
Really fucking salty about this. Worst part was that when I try to abuse my Volunteer priviledge again I got rejected but apparently the security allowed friends in front. I highly doubt a fucker with an old ass phone could be actual press. He had no other camera and it looked like he was recording with it. I deserve to be up there more than him.

>> No.8557609

Admittedly, I've never haggled with a dealer, but I haggle with people at garage sales, flea markets, antique shops and even reptile shows and it's not considered an issue as long as you're "polite" and not "Indian grandmother".

Is it really that big of an issue at anime cons? Is this the only place Jewry isn't allowed?

>> No.8557729

ITT: shit that never happened

>> No.8557774

>garage sales, flea markets, antique shops

It might work better if you choose better examples. In your example, garage sales and flea markets are well known for being places where some people sell personal items the owners no longer want, garage sales and antique shops basically sell used goods (antiques are basically very old secondhand stuff after all), and all of them have a reputation for being places you're supposed to bargain for better prices at because none of the items have proper prices anyway.

In contrast, dealers hall often work more like pop up stores, they're basically more like a weekend comic shop that closes once the con is over. The merchandise is usually brand new, not someone else's unwanted junk. Most of the items will have a recommended retail price they try to stick to, even the secondhand consignment items usually have price stickers on them. More importantly -- some of them aren't even staffed by the owners, employees may not be authorised to give hefty discounts but they will have had an entire weekend of dealing with underage teenagers who all think they can have the $100 limited edition figurine for like $5 if they pester the employees. That's why they're likely to get snappy and shoo you away if you look underage and start asking for discounts, you're basically just pestering the employee for something they can't do anyway (and no, they won't take a paycut for you if they're not paid on commission basis)

It's not that you can't bargain, but asking for a discount on a weeb merch brand new in box, from someone who may be a shopowner or just an employee on a flat salary with no authority to give discounts, is a completely different kettle of fish from trying to haggle with someone at a garage sale who who just wants a couple of dollars on his old junk that he was going to throw out anyway.

>> No.8558034

what are you doing on this board?

>> No.8558163

I haggle all the time and it usually works, in my case although. Best I've ever scored was saving $60 off a purchase of multiple items.

>> No.8558201

I haggle too, and as an AAer, I usually let people haggle with me. I don't think it's offensive or anything, unless you come straight up and say that I'm scalping/demand that I lower my prices. I know my profit margin, so I can easily work within them (which is also why I don't recommend haggling with mere employees).

>> No.8558213

The way I haggle is with multiple item purchases. "Hey, think I could get this for 40 (original 50) if I buy this other item I want? Then if it feels right I keep stacking this method for the same purchase, it just all adds up. By the end I have everything I wanted and saved quite a bit too. In my experience having a smile on and being very polite yet firm when haggling gets you the best results.

>> No.8558226

They're Japanese.

>> No.8558240

Diff anon. Haggling is super easy if you just ask "can you do any better on the price?" If they can't, they'll say no. If they have a specific number in mind, they'll quote you. If they're flexible, they'll ask what you have in mind.

>> No.8558456

Except you can haggle pretty much anywhere that isn't a retail/chain store that has set prices. Many flea markets/antique stores sell things like legitimate shops, and are hardly "junk" stores, they just don't have upper management. Shit, even places like record stores, privately owned collectible shops, etc. you can haggle a bit.

>> No.8558477

Pretty much. If you value cons more than your child, you're a horrible human being and shouldn't have children in the first place.

>> No.8558489

The end of this actually made me smile, it's really cute! God bless people like this.

>> No.8558599

>be me at gamescom
>bought rei figure, only nge character i don't have a figure of yet
>get into elevator, only me and an awkward british dude
>he's pretty cute
>he's lost and doesn't know where to go, needs to find a room
>know convention center pretty well so i help him
>sees my rei figure and talks about nge with me
>on the way to the room he gets stopped a couple times and asked for pictures
>wtf, he's just wearing normie clothes
>only girls were taking pics with him and they all glared at me
>tfw he was vaguely flirting with me but i was too shy to get his info
>all i know is that his name was dan (?)
>walking alone after he finds his room, see girls who asked for pics
>they all glare at me again
>i think one of them tried to take a pic of me

not super bad but those girls really creeped me out. they follow me a little bit before i got into the elevator. maybe he was a VA or something idk.

>> No.8558705

Motherfuckers don't you understand open bodies of water - which probably is what you get when you collect rainwater - are breeding grounds to insects and mosquitoes? Add in yearly recurrences of diseases, random mutations and you have a recipe for a pandemic.

>> No.8558706

I've been subject to similar experiences when with attractive guys at cons. All he has to be is hot, and the crazy con chicks will come out of the woodworks. I got harassed on AIM back in the day, even, when some chick thought she deserved my boyfriend more than I did somehow. She only wanted him because he was a cute Asian guy that went to cons and cosplayed.

>> No.8558744

Goddamn that's one fucking period hero.

A similar story happened to a friend I was cosplaying with but she wasn't as lucky.

>> No.8558764

yeah, he was really attractive and i can see why girls at cons would want to get with him. but the only reason i found out his name was because they shouted it at him before taking the picture, hence why i put a question mark by it since i'm just assuming it was his name. so it seems like multiple people recognized him from something. and he wasn't in cosplay which made it weirder imo. i'm just gonna assume that he was someone working in the industry since they usually walk around cons alone even if they're guests.

>> No.8558910

I don't tend to buy much at cons aside from weird food/candy. I used to be into swords mainly because of Bleach. For the candy/food I usually just pay for it. For big items I usually go with the method of "Humm, I don't know, maybe". If they are open to dropping the price they will usually offer to take a few dollars off and now they opened up the haggling not me.

>> No.8558933

But was she kill?

>> No.8558968

Dan Howell? Google him and lemme know.

>> No.8558972

no, I remember the story, she survived when the dude was looking for his costume. From what I recall he was rooming with her and a group of friends and she was in the bathroom when he came in to get the costume but couldn't find it, he asked if she had it and i can't remember what she said but like after argueing with her and some friends they managed to do either one or two things (I can't honestly remember)
>they got her to give them the clothes and found blood, went inside called ambulance
>they barged in and saw her cradling the clothes with blood everywhere, called ambulance

>> No.8558982

Ah, thanks anon, i just cant stand stories without end.

>> No.8558991

I'll see if I can find the full story for you anon, it wasn't that long ago

>> No.8558997

Oh wow, i greatly appreciate it.
Truth be told isnt all that used to anons actually doing all that much for eachother, considering im new here and mostly lurked /b
Damn its refreshing.

>> No.8559004

Found it anon! And no problem!

>Going to con for the first time alone
>Only know a few people but friend has said I can crash in hotel with a few people and her
>Get to hotel mid day with bags
>Introduce myself to everyone etc. cool ppl
>One person says their friend is gonna crash for one night
>Np sounds fun
>Get changed into costume and head out with friend and her bf
>Good first day etc. have a few beers get back to hotel to change then roll out again
>Costume was legolas, full extensions and hand engraved bracers etc. as well as some lightweight swords and hand stitched tunic etc. (larpfag)
>We go out for a while and get drunk
>Get back in and chill out and talk for a bit
>Go to get costume ready
>Weapons all there as is wig extensions but clothes are missing
>Pretty drunk so i figure I didn't lay it out
>nope not in bag not on bed
>Friend mentions she saw it on the bed so i definitely had it
>Go to check bathroom
>"Don't come in!"
>Random 1 night stayer is in toilet
>"Dude you seen my legolas get up?"
>"No. Just leave me alone I'll be out soon."
>We hang about for a bit looking for costume
>Door opens slightly "Can you guys leave the room for a sec. Forgot to bring a towel in."
>erm k
>Come back in and she's still in bathroom
>Legolas costume is where I left it.
>Wtf that wasn't there a sec ago
>Get close
>Blood all over the front and the sleeves are torn to shit
>Bracers are ruined and caked in blood
>wtf is going on
>Friend asks randomer to come out a second
>"No leave me alone"
>We just wanna talk etc.
>"I didn't touch his stupid costume!"
>"We didn't mention his costume."
>Friend has enough and opens door
>Blood everywhere
>Randomer crying hysterically with blood over floor, towels and walls
>Knife in hand
>Like a fucking sharp knife
>Friend starts talking to girl
Apparently she hadn't taken meds in weeks and her bf used to watch lotr with her so she nuked my costume. Fucking crazies

>> No.8559005

oh also, heres the entire thread if you want more stories: >>/cgl/thread/8367951

>> No.8559007

Unf, this brings forth untold satisfaction.
Thanks alot mate!

>> No.8559013

no prob pal!

>> No.8559115
File: 17 KB, 149x220, 1415555377335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first convention, first cosplay, 12 yrs old
>bring friends whose parents couldnt give them rides
>their parents, my parents, and even I told them we need to stick together, esp because they were both well-endowed naiive girls who would attract gross pedophillic weebs like flies to a carcass
>get through security and they immediately disappear into crowd, won't answer their phones
>cry from stress from crowd, self-conscious about cosplay, and now is afraid for their lives (I get absurd with fears I know)
>spend entire con searching for them instead of. you know. having fun
>find them at some meetup, dad reads them the riot act
>they stay with us, sulking the whole time, and every time they run off, we chase them down again
>eventually go home
>friends don't contact me for a while
>ask one to hang out
>"maybe, but I don't think I can be friends with you if you keep panicking like that"
>that was an isolated incident (and I usually hide my anxiety quite well), and she was the main cause of it
All these years later, I'm still friends with her. Now she's on that side of tumblr where they really glorify mental illness, and never stops talking about her mental health. But she hasn't given me an apology for damaging mine, and threatening to break off a friendship over it. Not really mad, but amazed at her lack of self-awareness.

>> No.8559209
File: 22 KB, 122x356, roxxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Afest 2013
>me a 22 year old white male
>Crossplaying Roxy from Homestuck (because fuck it)
>Apparently it looked decent
>16 year old girl literally asked me "Will you wait for me?"
>What? wait for what?
>she says when I turn 18.
To be continue

>> No.8559220

Wait...was this somehow bad?

>> No.8559373

I find this kinda cute. Also at least she didn't lie her age.

>> No.8559420

HOLY SHIT ANON. that was him! it makes a lot more sense now, i'm assuming he's youtube famous? and that's probably why the girls were staring daggers at me..
but now i regret not giving him my info, there's no way i'll ever be able to contact him. but at least i have a kinda cool story now.

>> No.8559769

I'm sorry that happened anon, I hope you have met some better friends that understand and don't give you a hard time.

>> No.8560060

Yeah he's danisnotonfire on YouTube and does stuff with his friend Phil, they're major popular, they got a part on the England release of Big Hero Six for a minor role. His fans are suuuuper crazy though, they obsess over to poor lads. He responds to people on Twitter often if you want to attempt to get back in contact, I'm not a fan of his (Phil scares me so I can't watch his videos, the lads got super fuckin creepy eyes) but he seems nice and my boyfriend talked to him on Twitter once I think his handle is danisnotonfire

>> No.8560417

Damn Anon, that's pretty funny. If I was in your situation I would have asked him why people were asking for pictures of him though.

>> No.8560516

Already posted in another thread, but here's mine >>8558122

Probably the worst con experience I've had in terms of feels. Luckily I did find other people to chill with for the rest of the con though.

>> No.8561602

Are you talking about danisnotonfire from youtube?

>> No.8561604

Oh, wow, I missed these replies entirely.

>> No.8561743

When I eventually give my two weeks I'm going for the "I'm sorry for your loss" sympathy card route.

>> No.8561761

Does everyone who disagrees with you have PTSD?

>> No.8561826

Why do you even come here sieg? You are cancerous to every board I've ever seen you on.

>> No.8561846

>flirts with cosplayer
>cosplayer takes advance and flirts back.
>runs away from cosplayer

What kind of a horror story is this?

>> No.8561865

sieg fail has been shitting up this board for some time. He is scum.

>> No.8561877

Did Grumpy not have a gender?

>> No.8561894

Looks like a jeans-filled summer!

>> No.8562344

I noticed that too it's very odd they avoided gender pronouns

>> No.8563288

there are already neutral pronouns, shithead. It's it, not they. They is plural.

>> No.8563305

I want to cosplay as Kamina as well. Any tips for getting girls?

>> No.8563351
File: 18 KB, 587x306, define they.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit the fuck down dumbass

>> No.8563425

this isn't tumblr.
I already learned that they is plural and it is the gender-neutral single pronoun.

>> No.8563448

Dude it's not some bullshit that tumblr made up its fucking basic grammar thats been here for years. Take the example in the oxford definition, "ask a friend if they could help" makes sense, "ask a friend if it could help" connotates and entirely different meaning rather than showing that its a person of either sex or gender. Go to school and learn basic grammar instead of trying to snark random people on the internet with false facts.