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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 529 KB, 512x720, UR_556_Transformed_Hanayo_White_Day_Ver..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8542985 No.8542985 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is saging. I'm trying to make this Hanayo but I have no idea how to do the scallops on the skirt. Suggestions?

>> No.8543061
File: 2.57 MB, 1600x1129, stvkm4S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some scallop shears and a low-fraying fabric, and then do the edges with fray check if it's a natural fabric, and a soldering iron or fire, if it's synthetic.
I just got some scallop fabric scissors off ebay for $10 for Police Kotori's underskirt.

>> No.8543209

This. Don't try facing on scallops that tiny it would be too much fabric for it to turn right

>> No.8543270
File: 185 KB, 512x720, Eli_pure_sr545_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I make the pattern for this dress? I'm thinking of making a strapless bodice pattern and alter it to be a dress, but I'm not sure on how to draft the pattern in the first place and I can't buy patterns where I live.

>> No.8543273

thank you, anon. may I ask for a link or at least what brand of scissors you have?

>> No.8543324

You can probably just draft a half circle skirt and attach it to the bodice. It will have a seam at the waist. Just Google circle skirt calculator.

>> No.8543342

You can definitely do that without a seam in the middle it's just a fitted tube dress be sure to do a mockup first though

>> No.8543606

I don't have a laser cutter or anything like that, so I just cut them manually and fray check them.

>> No.8543616 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1068x1600, FB_IMG_1439176144280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cucks! You missed the best Nicos birthday. Why don't you faggots get over there and give her a like at Kohimebashiri facebook page and her awesome photography husbando GARticuno. Don't be a bunch of hags. Just do it!

>> No.8543640
File: 178 KB, 640x901, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to punch your Stupid selfish self-promoting idiot face if I ever see you
Unless this is strange vendetta. Either way let it die nobody cares and it's annoying. More annoying than Nico even.

Also wedding Nozomi anon and I am wondering how to get into nice appliqué and t-shirt emblems because my best friends asked me to do pic related next year and I have been seeing 3 years but not had to do exact lettering like such. I like making things myself but would I be better off just buying the outfit in that case?

>> No.8543653

You could do screenprinting with gold ink for the shirt and arm band depending on how handy you are with an exacto knife and how good you are at making stencils.
Her shirt looks kinda complicated but if you can cut out fine details, it shouldn't be too bad

>> No.8543730

I have tiny steady hands. I know I could learn it, just unsure if messing up a bunch is worth it. So cute tho.

>> No.8543731

This cosplay isn't even good, please just stop and let it die, give the poor unfortunate-looking girl a rest.

>> No.8543802

Imo screenprinting is fairly easy and a really good technique to pick up for future use.
A 8"x10" screen is around $15 and you need a squeegee which is about $5.
Speedball fabric inks are $6-10 depending on what kind you get and where you get it (metallic gold is usually around $8), but excess ink that hasn't dried up can be put back in the container.
Definitely grab some cloth scraps you don't plan on using again or some muslin and do test prints first and troubleshoot as you go.

>> No.8543853

Heck yeah some good motivation thanks
I might upload attempts but I have to get through this upcoming con first

>> No.8543896

I have a laser cutter. Is weird scalloped cosplay lace something people would want?

>> No.8543926

Yes anon please I love you long time.

>> No.8543963

Anon I would give you my first born for good scalloped cosplay lace.

>> No.8543987

MAKE A STORE I'm also doing white day so you would have Demand even outside cosplay too if you had like chiffon and silks

>> No.8543989
File: 170 KB, 640x900, Nico_cool_sr425_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please. The white day cards probably use it the most extensively, but almost every SIF outfit with lace uses that same shape.

>> No.8544002

As long as you don't charge crazy high prices, I'm totally down.
Just wondering, but are you also the anon who cut out flowers for their Yume no Tobira cosplay with a laser cutter? Because those turned out awesome!

Yay! Hopefully you'll get a hang of it really quickly!
Really the hardest part is making the stencil but if you have a steady hand then it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.8544084
File: 73 KB, 426x600, 426px-Maki_cool_sr405_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow I'll get on it then. I've done bridal satin well in the past but haven't tried chiffon yet. Looks like a satin trim in white is a good start and then longer pieces in the white day colors? I also noticed some large gold trim and black fabric with the same dilemma in the cafe maids.

Yep that's me! I was hoping to get some premade crowns or kits in my store before the end of August

>> No.8544099

These are the ones I bought, you may want to look for some larger (7mm) scissors for Hanayo's though (here's a listing with more size options http://www.ebay.com/itm/351470660567).).
The scallops I've cut out to test them are pretty crisp, I don't know how they'll fare in the long run though.

>> No.8544163

I have time so no worries thank god

>> No.8544437

The bottom isn't supposed to be very full and I think having a seam at the waist would look bad but thank you anyways for helping.

Yes, I thought of that at first, but I'll have to sew some darts right? I'll just do the mockup first and see how it looks, thanks.

>> No.8545459
File: 190 KB, 768x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you obsessed with this idea of darts? It isn't in the card and it's very possible to do it without a vertical seam

>> No.8545462

Horizontal* sorry

>> No.8545469
File: 74 KB, 852x453, patterns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can minimise or eliminate darts if you use a stretch fabric. If you want to use a non-stretch one you'll at least have to put in a bust dart or waist darts. Pic related, some options.

>> No.8545478

not that anon, but darts or seams (like in your pic) give a dress shape. There aren't any in the card because the designers didn't have to put any in because it's a 2D illustration, not a 3D garment. The only way to achieve that fit without darts or seams is like >>8545469 said, with a stretch knit.

>> No.8545528

I'm sorry it just sounded different from the way it was phrased. I thought they meant godets instead of darts. As long as there isn't a horizontal seam like the circle skirt anon suggested you will be fine.

>> No.8545555

Yes this is what I was talking about to have a better fit, since the fabric isn't very stretchy English is not my first language so sorry if I said something wrong. I'm doing a mockup first anyways to see how it looks, thanks everybody for the help.

>> No.8545592

No don't apologize I read it wrong and somehow thought that you were taking a circle skirt idea seriously
You'll look great just buy some muslin and fuck around with it till you are happy

>> No.8545664

I only suggested a circle skirt because she said she wanted to use a pre existing bodice pattern and didn't know how to draft. Drafting a circle skirt just takes math and a compass.

Where are you that you can't get patterns anyway?

>> No.8545731
File: 618 KB, 561x757, IMG_20150810_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help choosing a wig for honoka

I'm very picky with wigs colors, and it seems that creators can't decide on honoka's hair color because sometimes it's brownish, sometimes orange, and sometimes copper brown, even the figures get different colors

I like the doll's hair color, do you think that color would be ok? I just don't want it to be orange, most cosplayers use that color and I don't like how it looks

So, which color do you think is better? Have you cosplayed as honoka? Which color of wig did you get?

>> No.8545732

Thank you!

Yes but I was thinking of drafting the bodice pattern and altering it to be a dress, like "extending" it. I live in Portugal, as far as I know you can't find patterns in stores here and buying one online would take too much time to arrive.

>> No.8545772
File: 41 KB, 480x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most cosplayers I've seen use a bright orange wig like pic related but I think the doll's hair color works too since her hairstyle is so recognizable.

>> No.8545943

Oh, OK. I guess I just didn't understand what you meant. I've done that too. I just continued the line from the bodice down however long you want the dress to be, then add inches at the bottom and connect that point to the point at the waist. It will be a diagonal line. I think I added 4 inches on each side of all the pieces. It's been a long time since I did it.

>> No.8546052

I had the same problem with Asuka, I ended up using a wig that had some browns in it to make it look more natural.

>> No.8546166

Natural always makes you stand out more from other characters. I have a Takatsuki Yayoi wig that is a dark orange/rust brown color and when next to other people's bright orange wigs, it really stands out and looks appropriately natural. So go for brown orange/dark ginger rather than dayglo orange like most.

>> No.8546260

Could you possibly link to the wig or shop, or post pics? I'm just curious about what people consider to be a natural orange.

>> No.8546274
File: 866 KB, 823x2048, 15281562576_14628c7ed1_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arda's Warm Light Brown or Dark Copper Red are what I'd consider a natural orange. If you're Honoka hair anon, then warm light brown looks like a great color to go with in my opinion.

>> No.8546285

not honk cosplay anon, but i actually think peach and ginger blonde would make really good honk hair colors.

>> No.8546294

peach is fucking blonde bro honoka has brown hair

>> No.8546307

I think warm light brown is too brown for Honoka. IMO, ginger blonde looks way off in the first image but almost perfect in the second and third. It looks like her hair color in the old official art, like the one on her solo album cover.

>> No.8546322

Well, it all depends, I was thinking in terms of extra natural looking.

>> No.8546421

might be my monitor settings but it looks orange to me. not neon orange but like a really natural orange. sorry we don't have the same monitor settings, anon.

>> No.8546441

it's an incredibly light blonde except with like pink added in, i think your screen is fucked up

>> No.8546448
File: 280 KB, 721x638, Doma.Umaru.full.1878090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this color essentially

>> No.8546540

wait i just realized I was looking at the peach on the very bottom where it shows the color number under the name. like the ones taken under studio lights. the pic at the very top clarifies why you guys are seeing it as blonde. sorry guys.

>> No.8547243

I know this color is the most used, but o don't like for honoka, is not that i have something against orange wigs, i have around five of different tones and styles

Could you post pics of the wigs? Or the link where you got them?

>> No.8547333

My Yayoi wig was just an Arda wig in Dark Copper Red.

>> No.8547489

I think Pumpkin would look best as Honoka. I think of her hair as a burnt-orange sort of color.

>> No.8547882

Agreed. I'm not sure why you guys are looking at all these extremely inaccurate wigs when you can still get a vibrant orange without it being neon.

>> No.8547885

Can anyone recommend one of these colours for Rin? I know her hair is lighter/brighter than Honoka's but I'd like to get a more natural colour too.

>> No.8547888

Why do people use green wigs for Hanayo? This always confused me.

>> No.8547954

The Sherbet Orange is the only one that really screams Rin to me. Maybe Peach if you're super pale.
I think of Rin's hair as a slightly-faded orange, but that color might be hard to find in a wig.

Her hair has a slight green undertone (sort of like Makoto in Free!) but everyone exaggerates it (also like Makoto).

>> No.8548069

Pics? I've never seen this.

>> No.8548078
File: 861 KB, 1365x2048, 25567-94dc3efd5ed33d2cddc3151e563e7b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8548129
File: 158 KB, 1065x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Hanayo's wig, what do you think about the l-email one? Somebody has it? I find it a little dark, but maybe irl is better?
I take other wigs options too

>> No.8548272
File: 204 KB, 600x600, TB1h5C5GVXXXXacXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sellers with Hanayo wigs I like are: ghostcos (pic related), bluebeard, weiwei/takoya, and aoi cos. These sellers have good love live wigs in general

>> No.8548320

In my experience, l-email wigs are even darker in person than they are in photos. Don't go for it.

>> No.8548546
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x1280, Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 8.20.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used a hot knife on some non-natural fabric and it turned out just fine, no fraying or anything. Just get some freezer paper, trace a design, cut it out and follow it with a hot knife on a glass surface. (I just used an old picture frame.)

>> No.8548571
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1056, TB29dkybpXXXXX3XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!292373892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing these versions done well

Nice, they look really neat. What do you heat up the knife with?

Thanks, I agree and I'll probably keep looking for a more faded orange for now.

>> No.8548595

Anyone has maki's version of this?

>> No.8548601
File: 477 KB, 512x720, SR_548_Transformed_Maki_White_Day_Ver..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The angel card? Here you go!

I've seen a whole group (sans Umi), but I don't remember if it was here or on Twitter. I can hunt around for it.

>> No.8548619
File: 63 KB, 599x447, CJBs39FUYAEB5Lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was Twitter.
The hats look floppy but as far as group-cohesiveness, I think they did well.

>> No.8548683
File: 13 KB, 450x450, k2-_a6f6c4ab-955a-4720-ba22-cbd1b28be3dc.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I just used a cheap hot tooling knife from Walmart/Harbor Freight like pic related.

>> No.8549036

fucking perfect

>> No.8549042
File: 69 KB, 960x679, minami_kotori_by_lennemoon-d5z8kg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or silver wigs for Kotori

>> No.8549600
File: 35 KB, 400x239, Loveliveseiyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The silver wigs are a sign of an older cosplay, but even in the original art, Kotori's hair was just a really dull brown. I guess there another piece of art that made her hair look really grey?
It seems like another case of "exaggerating the undertone" like >>8547954 mentioned.

>> No.8549971

Is it taboo to cosplay from Love Live if you're chubby?

>> No.8550043

Absolutely not. People constantly argue about whether Hanayo and Nozomi are chubby anyways

>> No.8550047

Not if you look nice and don't have your rolls hanging out. My Hanayo is pretty pudgy and got a nude Spanx and tights when she did one of the skimpy outfits, and it worked well. Gave her a smoother shape, kept any potential fat rolls from falling out of place, and she was still cute as fuck.

>> No.8550180
File: 308 KB, 426x600, 426px-Hanayo_pure_r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG that awful early art. It always looks so weird in the game next to the new art

>> No.8550241
File: 86 KB, 589x325, Kotori-Minami-love-live-school-idol-project-34951670-589-325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like some of the early art. I really prefer Kotori with darker hair. I also like Hanayo's hair and Umi's hat.

>> No.8551970

Same! Kotori looks better with a natural looking dark shade. Hanayo looks better with a darker hair color too.

>> No.8552087
File: 100 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nlrfeofHKa1s2jn44o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Umi's hat, wished she had a beret or something for the anime.

>> No.8552750
File: 75 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1439513842145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best love live faggos. Like at GARticuno or KohimeBashiri on facebook

>> No.8552757

i admire your dedication

>> No.8552774

They're all so ugly...

>> No.8553035

Only the Maki and Nico look okay and that's because of sunglasses and washed out features.
Nozomi's forehead looks shooped and it's freaking me out.

>> No.8553112

You do realize that Nico is the same cosplayer as the ugly panda Nico and teacher Nico, right? The one who looks like she's 40 or some shit?

>> No.8553224
File: 468 KB, 1280x586, 1427832451556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8553230

what the shit is this?

>> No.8553239

why does nozomi have cellulite on her tits? what the fuck?

>> No.8553249
File: 253 KB, 1333x960, FB_IMG_1439499175537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out which outfit I want to do next year. If I should choose from these or wait to see if there will be any cards coming out in the future I'd like.

>> No.8553251

I don't keep up with most people, the Nico's just managed to blur absolutely everything so she can look vaguely cute.

>> No.8553255

Man I need to find this picture where someone drew Nozomi and Rin as black.
Everyone else was somewhat expected as far as Tumblr diversity goes, but holy shit.

>> No.8553267

LMFAO I remember this
Relative body shape/size wise, Kotori, Umi, and Nico don't look too far off. The ugly is all wrong though.
Do people just not acknowledge that the girls have canon heights/measurements? Like, even if the actual number is bs, I think the proportion is supposed to be correct (Maki being more pear shaped, Nico being boyish, Eli being hourglass-y, Nozomi being top heavy, etc).

I think they're supposed to be stretch marks

>> No.8553295

i guess stretch marks make sense but with the placement of the others it seemed more cellulite

i think rin's isn't as bad aside from the fuckin armpit hair and excessive ginger freckles

eli's face will haunt my nightmares

>> No.8553319
File: 100 KB, 480x720, BenjenStarkheadshotpromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even notice the armpit hair until you pointed it out. Jeepers.

Also this is totally what Eli looks like

>> No.8553357

I like how Hanayo's bra is failing horribly at its job. Like...okay some girls don't have super perky breasts, but that's what bras are supposed to fix. Unless you want to imply she doesn't care about wearing her stretched out weekend bra in whatever this fucked up lineup is?

Anyone have those buttons with the terribad man faces?

>> No.8553374

Lol sjw love live

>> No.8553435

this is the most Tumblr thing I've seen this year

>> No.8553439

I hate everything about this. What the actual fuck.

>> No.8553456

I can stomach that they tried to be diverse with body types and skin colours, but they all have the same ugly face.

>> No.8553457
File: 2.52 MB, 250x201, 1434611171709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>midget mexican nico
>rin's armpit hair and saggy stomach
>hanayo's droopy tits
>I don't even fucking know what's up with Honoka
>hamplanet Nozomi
>everyone is fucking ugly
>everyone has massive feet
Tumblr, I...

>> No.8553458

It's a bikini, not a bra.

All of this effort into "diversity" and they still all have small waists. Not a single banana.

>> No.8553464

Bananas don't have large waists, they're just flat. Nico is a banana.

>> No.8553474
File: 75 KB, 426x600, 426px-Nozomi_cool_sr454_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bizarre to me because the artist clearly has understanding of anatomy, just not how to make them feminine despite trying to push the "all bodies are beautiful" thing.

Also they spend so much of their day practicing Nozomi would never look like that. Unless this is supposed to be 10 years later...and after hormone replacement therapy for 80% of the group.

>> No.8553484
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, CMWF3L1UcAAzZSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8553488

Different anon. I thought banana was the same as a straight or rectangle figure, meaning the hip to waist ratio is practically even.

>> No.8553502

Umi looks like she'd be really cute if she was Hanayo instead. Rin looks terrible and Kotori straight up looks like a pig.

>> No.8553503

The point is that they look like pigs. The sign there literally says "FattyLive".

>> No.8553504

okay I don't feel so bad any more

>> No.8553505

It's a matter of definition. All I'm saying is there's lots of women who have tube waists or otherwise non-ideal waists without being fat.

>> No.8553518
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, 9fu4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8553531

The more I look at them the more cute they get. Looks like they made their own costumes and everything.

Still, how did they manage to get an entire group of whales??

>> No.8553533

I think some of them are men, anyway LoveLive is HUGE thing in Japan so there shouldn't be a problem in finding a group of fat fans.

>> No.8553536
File: 128 KB, 570x570, 1435551193959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.8553560

They formed a pod, it's cute.

>> No.8553571

I can tell this person draws yaoi for a living.

>> No.8553576

that ain't kawaii

>> No.8553630

I mean, I get the thing about trying to give them more diversity than in the show, but these pin have like three different faces. And they ARE idls, so why don't give them some make-up which they clearly would have if they were on stage

>> No.8553999

Rin's hands make it really obvious to me.

>> No.8554023

These are horrible.

>> No.8554283
File: 35 KB, 650x650, 10990046_1115046241846238_1927987156743523786_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hanayo' wig gull here, thanks! I wish I could orden from taobao, but my country have super shitty customs, so it's kinda impossible right now.

What do you think about this colour? I think it's close to the ghostcos one, and I really like that.

>> No.8554329

Is it wrong that I really think this is cute

>> No.8554340

That's closer to her in-game hair, so go for it.

>> No.8554975
File: 697 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n4q2o9u4zD1qzd219o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll do my best, all for the Rice Goddess

>> No.8554998

I don't even..

>> No.8555181
File: 182 KB, 600x900, love_live____nico_nii_s_chinese_restaurant_nico_by_xeno_photography-d8lelze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who scouted chinadress?

>> No.8555185
File: 139 KB, 1500x994, 20141020_01c_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555188
File: 193 KB, 900x600, love_live____kotori__maki__nozomi_by_nyaomeimei-d893wof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555192
File: 305 KB, 1024x1365, love_live__awaken_chinese_dress_07_by_zetsukiyue-d8ctttk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555193
File: 365 KB, 900x1348, nozomi_tojo__love_live__chinese_dress_awakened_by_xlunawolf-d8q42xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555195
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x1060, lovelive_cosplay_02_by_eefai-d846pbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8555198

Japanese girls are starting to get as bad as American girls.

>> No.8555240

They all just straight-up look like men. It's possible to draw girls with body diversity and still have them look remotely female.

Also I fucking hate when people forget that these girls are JAPANESE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. They are all the same goddamn race, and it's even a """minority""" race according to tumblr!

>> No.8555280

This one anon pulled a 10+1 with three of them and then another 10+1 with one more. A few SR too. I hope it was photoshopped

>> No.8555297

You guys have any tutorials/tips for that droppy eye effect most Nozomi cosplayers use? I'm cosplaying Nozomi soon and I have no idea how to do it without looking like a Penus Angelic wannabe.

>> No.8555377

pulled china dress rin the other day, solo yolo'd china maki today and did the blue ticket scout and got ur kotori china dress

>> No.8555715

>Looks like they made their own costumes and everything.
6 out of 9 of them have the Bodyline costume, and I'm pretty sure I've seen the other 3 on Taobao

>> No.8555737
File: 1.07 MB, 768x1082, Nico_smile_sr63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought my tickets for the movie last night since they went up for sale here on Monday, only 4 weeks to go! I'm thinking of maybe pulling together Initial SR Nico if I can't be bothered wearing a full costume

I got Nozomi's with the blue tickets!!

>> No.8555792
File: 3.38 MB, 1836x3264, 2015-08-15 00.17.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy with my Marine Hanayo. Pray that my shoes dry in time for the gathering tomorrow.

>> No.8555839

who murdered Maki's puppy
holy shit she looks horrified

>> No.8555885


But they aren't brown, shun all the white Devils (even if they aren't technically white). Only brown Asians get coddling and special treatment from tumblr.

>> No.8556413

Please post worn pics tomorrow! I'd love to see it. Do you make it yourself or buy it?

>> No.8556521
File: 201 KB, 512x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the newest UR!! The new set's unidolized version is so pretty and simple. Anyone have any pics of cosplays of it yet?

>> No.8556524
File: 1.02 MB, 1700x1197, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full set

>> No.8556539

I like Hanayo, Maki,Umi, and Honoka the best. I might do idolized Hanayo but I wonder how many people would recognize that I'm Hanayo.

>> No.8556660

Honoka and Hanayo always gets the cutest bikinis!

>> No.8556704

It's just out anon, wait at least 2/3 weeks for a decent cosplay version.

Honoka's unidolized looks like a good beginner's project.

>> No.8556755

I'm in the process of making Kotori's idolized right now, but the unidolized are so gorgeous as well. I've never cosplayed Hanayo but hers makes it so tempting since I'd love to just have that dress available to wear. I just don't have a round enough face for her.

>> No.8556919

I just bought tickets to the Utah showing!
>Still haven't started making my cosplay...

>> No.8556945

I feel really really weird cosplaying to a movie. I know a few people that will but I dunno, it just seems..strange

>> No.8556948

It's really common for movies with big fandoms. I know a lot of people that'd cosplay to Harry Potter showings.

>> No.8556951

Anyone going to the NY Alamo on Sunday? Might be nice to meet some local friends

>> No.8556965
File: 75 KB, 600x800, CJnAPSgUMAAddM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also. I've been trying to find casual outfits from the movie without spoiling myself but it's proven to be a little difficult. Is there a tag I can use on tumblr or twitter for it?
I've seen this poster image and the singles from the movies of the trios

>> No.8556979
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_nnbvyc2HNt1qecbqqo8_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already spoiled the movie for myself so I can try looking for you.
Here's a better shot of those outfits.

>> No.8556983
File: 1019 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nnbvyc2HNt1qecbqqo6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute Hanayo outfit

>> No.8556991
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nq02xvcyOy1txbvevo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that little cat hoodie of Rin's

>> No.8557002
File: 1.35 MB, 268x151, tumblr_nnbvezES6u1r5o4ldo4_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of what I'm finding are the idol outfits and gifs like this..

>> No.8557020


>> No.8557048
File: 950 KB, 500x282, tumblr_nq189dDYVP1qj179mo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats what ive been finding as well . I'm trying to find as many nice screenshots as I can so I can convince friends to do casual with me when we go together

Posting what i have

>> No.8557052
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>> No.8557321
File: 296 KB, 770x957, 1423215854-eb5e2967f8f212f678cdd8d781096f16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are these

>> No.8557327
File: 115 KB, 600x600, 2706214_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also these, I can't find a single image with all the outfits but this shop has them all

>> No.8557369
File: 558 KB, 760x992, lbmH5mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to make an outfit from Bokutachi wa hitotsu no hikari to wear to my local screening...

>> No.8557418
File: 56 KB, 425x599, 425px-Nozomi_smile_sr163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the costume and the theater. San Francisco's showing is a cool building in Japantown instead of a tiny tiny tiny indie theater where they showed the Blue Exorcist and Madoka movies. So this time I really want to cosplay but can't get hte courage to do more than unidolized cheerleader Nozomi since I already have the jacket for regular wear.

Also fucking stoked because I love it when anime characters go to English speaking countries. (laughing at the Australia episode of Free! nearly killed me ) Can't wait for the terrible English and watching the Raibus go to Murika.

>> No.8558295

The English in this movie except the main cast is really good because they had natives do the talking. Nozomi's Engrish is pretty cute as well.

>> No.8558306

This could work
or this one

>> No.8558361
File: 858 KB, 1280x4500, iSoCoWh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any casual constellation cosplayers? I can handmake the skirts, but not the cardigans.

>> No.8558386


They're fucking lolis, you goddamned degenerates. Their bodies are drawn to be as child-like as possible. Because they're pandering to loli otakus a.k.a pedophiles. They look like they have prepubescent azn body types. Stop trying to justify ur creepy af fetishes. It's not normal to be attracted to this shit.

>> No.8558413

Only Nico is like that though.
Don't you dare look at Nozomi and say she looks prepubescent.

If you want to shit on an idol fandom for fawning over children, go to Aikatsu.

>> No.8558415

ayyy love-live-is-for-pedos-chan is back!!!
welcome back to totally ignoring half of the fan base and almost all of the cosplayers!

>> No.8558416

Also, you completely missed the point of the person you were quoting.
Felt like pointing that out.

>> No.8558433

Yes, LL fandom is sick of passing characters like Pana and Nozo as fatties, they're not.

If you really want to do it, use shapewear and contour your doublechin.

>> No.8558438

if you're pandering to pedophiles, you're a degenerate. also this kind of moeblob shit only appeals to the blind and to ppl who have no taste.

>> No.8558457

kek this

lemme guess, you like ~~deep~~ animu like jojo's or some shit

>> No.8558458

praytell, what sophisticated tastes in Japanese animation do you have?

>> No.8558461

anon won't tell us because why would they associate with degenerates like us when they could be doing meaningful things with their life unlike us pedo-pandering moeblob wannabes?

>> No.8558505
File: 18 KB, 500x500, its a big one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8559524

Wew, I really came off as mean, what I meant to say is don't cosplay Pana and Nozo because they have big tits, do a chubby version of any of the other girls.

>> No.8559835 [DELETED] 

God damn some of these girls are really cute.


>> No.8560617
File: 824 KB, 1200x1200, 7172015143532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lul this is me and I hate this wig with a passion... this was a Lucaille Hanayo and the perfect example of too green.. (Plus stands out more against the orange) I've since gotten an Arda in Sandy Brown but bought a magnum that ended being too short.. recently found a non brand from a seller on storenvy but I have yet to get back photos from the shoot.. she makes me not want to cosplay as her anymore due to this frustration..

Cafe ver uses Lucaille Green/Brown
Clam dig uses Arda Magnum in Sandy brown
Op2 uses Arda Magnum

>> No.8560838
File: 1.77 MB, 900x1350, untitled_by_miyoaldy-d7aevu4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very helpful anon, thanks!

>> No.8560874

From what music video / episode / ova / etc is this?

>> No.8560884

It's from the movie

>> No.8560895
File: 62 KB, 960x768, IMG_340924506194355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and friend wanna do an exhibition of dances with Angelic Angel costumes. We're only five but we're adapted the dances to five.

>> No.8561047
File: 87 KB, 674x960, c5f76a0ee2d0d6a7a6f11527ede1b95f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you do a video or tutorial of it? I'm in a group of 6 and having an already edited to smaller numbers dance is easier than taking the steps from the nine member dance.

>> No.8562448

Is she wearing white bloomers? It just looks like really sad granny panties tbh.

>> No.8563356

I'm pretty sure they are bloomers. I believe they're: http://www.aliexpress.com/item-img/Women-Short-Bloomers-Summer-Beach-Shorts-lolita-Girl-s-Shorts-Cute-Lantern-Pumpkin-Style-Shorts-for/32369844292.html#

>> No.8563872


>> No.8564786

Damn it, I'm usually really against buying costumes but the idolized China Dress would be kinda impossible to make considering I can't even find the fabrics anywhere. Even eBay has failed me.

>> No.8564792

maki looks embarrassed to be a part of that shambles

also why they feet so large

>> No.8564933

Have you searched for brocade?

>> No.8565037
File: 115 KB, 425x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all good, haha. I was actually planning on being this Maki! I feel like it's better for really thin girls to cosplay as her so I was worried, but it is better than trying to be Nozomi or Hanayo.

>> No.8565252

Any A-Rise cosplays?

>> No.8565278
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>> No.8565282
File: 606 KB, 733x1167, lovelive_cosplay_02_by_eefai-d7ojygw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8565614
File: 94 KB, 960x540, 11902306_970010816371571_3611694386707700855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8565664

I've been wondering, but why do people use black pumps with qipao set? I've never seen it with other shoes.

I appreciate them posing as a rainbow, looks good aesthetically

>> No.8565671

That's what they wear in the cards

>> No.8565699
File: 2.13 MB, 1080x1520, SR_376_Rin_China_Dress_Ver..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but no.
If they wanted to go for accuracy, they would need a much shorter and wider heel, not stilletos.

So it's most likely because 1) it was the only thing they could find that is remotely accurate and/or 2) They wanted to make their legs look longer and leaner.

>> No.8565720

Would take Kotori and Maki.

>> No.8565875

That Maki and Nozomi need to cinch.

Not bad as a group though.

>> No.8565917

some of them really need to wear shapewear/pantyhose/dance tights... but damn that's a cute honoka.

wtf is up with hanayo tho

>> No.8565943
File: 292 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8566224

That hanayo

>> No.8566235

>tiny Hanayo looks out of place
>wtf is Rin doing
>Nico frownyface

>> No.8566435

this person looks like theyre in so much pain.

>> No.8566548

Thinking of putting together a list of dances people can do in cosplay. Good idea or bad?

>> No.8566636

I'm not really digging how heavy her eye makeup is, but she makes a pretty Eli.

>> No.8566844

Good idea, I suppose.
Are you going to make a dance cover group?

Seen her at a con. She's tall as fuck.

>> No.8566872
File: 682 KB, 733x1167, lovelive_cosplay_06_by_eefai-d7ojw1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please!

>> No.8567043

if you only look at her face, she looks like a serial killer

is it just me or do rin's legs look weirdly out of proportion with the rest of her body

>> No.8567078

pretty great group overall but i want hanayo and nico to switch characters so badly
kotori and honoka are adorable

>> No.8567088

Yeah I've never seen a thin Hanayo before and now I see why.

>> No.8567390

Nah. I just know a couple of people that do want to so I figured having a list of the dances I can find can be helpful.


>> No.8567445

A ton of "official" cover groups have been popping up in my area. I'm sure if you ask around in LL Facebook groups you'll find some others who are willing.

What do you guys think of V-Project?

>> No.8567456

I like V-Project a lot. Though, I also like, LoveRise too!


>> No.8567470

I don't even know if it's too relevant to this thread but does anyone have a certain method of learning the steps? I've learnt some dances before but they were kind of halfhearted attempts and I wasn't too bothered about the accuracy.

>> No.8567479

Repetition out the ass and a mirrored version of the song. No replacement for hard work and time when it comes to idol dances

>> No.8567481

What the other anon said. But also, there's some dances that have been brought down about 2 speed? So it's slower too

>> No.8567495

You should be able to decrease the playback speed in your video player. I think mpc does as low 10 or 25%

>> No.8567514

Oh! Never knew that since I never touched the speed button. Good to know.

>> No.8567538

I used it while trying to practice soldier game ex. I was unsuccessful.

>> No.8567629

Love Rise is my absolute favorite! Their Honoka is adorable, and it's uncanny how Hanayo-like their Hanayo is.

>> No.8567743

She's not perfect, but I've learned a lot of dances from Carol Zhang on youtube

>> No.8567769

Kotori and Honoka are the only good ones here. Everyone else is fat or ugly.

>> No.8567815

I love watching LoveRise! I think they all picked characters that really suit them.

>> No.8567931

I have the best luck working one section at a time - like make sure you can do the first 10 seconds perfectly before moving on to the next bit, and continually go back and practice it from the very beginning. When you're a little further along I find it helpful to film yourself because it's easier to see if something is slightly off.

>> No.8569507
File: 86 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ntggt5x2Ty1u7vvego2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems even official merch can't decide what color Kotori's hair is.

>> No.8569518

Or Hanayos.

>> No.8570561

Speaking of Kotori's hair...why do 99% of cosplayers get her little puffy bang wrong?

>> No.8570642

A lot of people seem to think it's part of the loop-ponytail, even if she still has the poof when her hair's down..

>> No.8570648

That's true, however I personally find that using part of the ponytail hair to make the puffy bang works better than using hair from the actual bangs, at least on the wig I've worked with, since unfortunately there isn't enough hair on the bangs to do it, and using any hair from the rest of the wig would make it look weird.
However, if you get a wig with a lot of hair, maybe then you can do the poof on the bangs themselves with no problems.

>> No.8571059
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>> No.8571073
File: 79 KB, 600x720, 1440133852670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single one is okay
Also that Eli has to be a man.

>> No.8571319

Honoka could have potentially been cute if she had bothered to do anything with her eyebrows. Actually it kind of looks like she tried to paint them orange but did nothing to the shape. Umi needs better makeup and to learn how to make a cute smile.

Eli's the cutest one in a Ladybeard kind of way

>> No.8571588
File: 140 KB, 1024x724, lovelive_nico_cosplay_08_by_eefai-d8mix0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571640

shoop game strong

>> No.8571688

>braided trim
would have been so much better without this

>> No.8572970

>finally be invited to a love live cosplay group
>favourite girls are taken
>get suggested nozomi
>do have big tits and the right colour contacts already
>but chubby, do not want to join the legions of token chubby nozomis, and nozomi is one of my least favourite girls
>wanted to do a love live cosplay group for over a year
>wat do

>> No.8572999

I'd do Nozomi anyway, but make it clear that you can also do <favorite girls> if necessary. There's always be the chance that all 9 girls can't do an outfit or make it to a con/photoshoot.

>> No.8573008

Do it, this is more for keeping the invitations coming. Pull off Nozomi, and you might be invited again to the same group or another earlier so you can pick who you want. But your attitude is the most important here.

>> No.8573009

How much time do you have? I find having a specific cosplay coming up its good inspiration to get 5-10+ pounds off. Makes construction a little frustrating but it's a good time to try using shirring or other flexible techniques.

>> No.8573038

My favourite girls are Hanayo and Honoka, who are both taken by the organisers of the group, so I massively doubt they'll drop out, but thank you for the tip! I'll try it anyway.

Ooh, that's a good point, I hadn't considered that. It would be fun in any case.

I have about 3 months. I'm already in the process of losing weight (no scales but so far lost a few cm off my waist) and it would give me an excuse to learn the dances and add to my exercise routine. In any case I'd probably be buying and altering - if it were a simpler costume I'd make, but it's a complicated one and I've only been cosplaying for a year so my skills are minimal.

Thank you all for the advice!

>> No.8573221
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do it anon! If you get in the good graces for doing other than your favorite character people will often tag you or recommend you to their friends.
Wedding anon back all I have left is finishing the spats and beading

>> No.8573273

damn girl you gonna look cuuuuuuuuute

>> No.8573319

just wondering, what outfits are your group making/buying?

>> No.8573328
File: 20 KB, 255x143, 1425843067882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8573498

Do it and be a team player. Where are you from, anon? If you ever go to the same cons as me, I'd be up for having you in a group with me.

>> No.8574495

Late reply, but yeah. The results look kinda right but then the patterns themselves are really off so they wouldn't work that well. The patterns on the actual cards are really your basic chinese-style patterns on brocades, but ebay mostly gives western-style flowery brocades. Pretty, but looks wrong.

>> No.8574521

>Event in November
>I'm in a little grupal
>Almost two others grupals in the same event

Fuck, I really love LoveLive and the fans, but when almost half girls in the event are LoveLive cosplays didn't motive me.

>> No.8576133

anon are you anywhere near california? i'm looking for a honk for my group.

>> No.8576731

I'm in Europe! I don't want to reveal much more because my friends would rip me apart for coming on cgl.

>> No.8577608

Darn. I was looking for a honkers too but I'm in Canada. :(

>> No.8577621

Do you guys need a Nozo?

>> No.8578619
File: 357 KB, 1433x1056, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, there's this character sorter that automatically generates a list of your favorite idols in order, it would be a pretty useful tool in case you're having a hard time deciding who to cosplay, or your plan b when you can't cosplay your fave.
To do it, check the love live box only and be sure to uncheck the agony mode so you can go back if you've made a mistake.
Share your results! (Please no bully)

>> No.8578621

Damn forgot link

>> No.8578762
File: 132 KB, 1353x346, idolhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty accurate, to be honest. I wouldn't be able to say if I like Hanayo or Kotori better but yeah, these are my girls.

Should we post the rest of the results? Since it gives you a full ranking of all the 9 girls (plus A-RISE)

>> No.8580725

I really want to cosplay my favourite characters (Nozomi and Hanayo) but I don't have the face or body for them... I have a really angular long face. And big legs + no breasts.
Forever condemned.

>> No.8580756

Same, Pana's my favourite girl but I have an angular face with a stick body. I would love to team up as Rin with a cuddly Hanayo cosplayer to fulfil my dreams but alas, they are not to be.

>> No.8580797

Man I wanna fugg the rabu raibus.

>> No.8580866
File: 214 KB, 680x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really depressed, my friends really want to do Yukata ver. and I hate Maki's design, and the ready made costumes make me hate this outfit even more as they never appear to flatter the models and some of the shades are off. Is it possible to find the fabric for this yukata so I can make it myself?

>> No.8581144

Why are you making an outfit you hate anon? No one if forcing you to cosplay.

>> No.8581285

It'll be hard to make that outfit look good even in the right fabric. Just google for floral/hibuscus fabrics and look in your local stores instead of asking us, there's nothing else you can do.

>> No.8581295

I'd say that you're going to be a lot less miserable not taking on a project you don't enjoy than struggling through it. If you're going to do it anyway, I'd say look for plain pinstriped fabric and do the rest as applique. It could look really nice.

>> No.8581335

Depending on your time you could just get the store-bought one, fluff out everything and get a petticoat under there and maybe brighten up the red with some fabric paint. I've already looked you won't have luck getting that fabric unless you go full on Spoonflower. Even then their black print come out kind of brown.

That being said why Maki if you hate the design? Are the others taken or is she your best girl?

>> No.8581398
File: 120 KB, 426x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that I'm answering like this but I'm on my phone so it's quicker this way. All right so I am Maki in a dance group and we are doing Kaguya as a dance.
My group was keen on these yukatas as they are cheap to buy but I protested because I hate the designs. They are really obsessed with the price, making it much harder to suit their tastes. Seeing as I love Maki and I love dancing her part, I do want to stay in the group but I wish they would take other costumes into consideration.

Now, they told me that if I find any other costumes that are not expensive they might change their minds.

>> No.8581427
File: 145 KB, 512x720, 270idolizedMaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most popular group did the qipaos but I imagine you already considered that. Only other set that seems appropriate that could actually fit in everyone's budget and allow everyone to actually dance without being burdened and still be appropriate would perhaps be March/Flower viewing

>> No.8581438

I like this idea because a lot of LL fans have already seen that Kaguya video with the qipaos and anon probably doesn't want to feel like a copy cat. The flowers could be a good alternative to the fans

>> No.8581439

You know what would be cheaper.
The fucking school uniforms.
I don't know why your friends won't even listen to your concerns... one of my friends just made open groups for all the outfits she would like to do, and all of her friends are free to join as they please for whatever outfits they like without being forced into something they hate.
That being said I love the dance for Kaguya so much I hope it works out for you.

>> No.8581444
File: 193 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're located in the Netherlands, I might have a spot for you, we still need a Honoka!

This was pretty fun. I'm actually stuck between choosing Nozomi or Nico for my cosplay. I like them both a lot. I don't think I have enough boob for Nozomi, and I might be a bit too chubby for Nico.

>tfw nearly flatchested pear

How does /cgl/ pick what idoru they'll cosplay?

>> No.8581452

I cosplay two, my favorite girl and best body match that my friends kinda pushed me into. I don't really hate her tho so it's no issue. One I have the face and voice for, one I have the body and mannerisms for.

>> No.8581470

LoveRise did Kaguya with kimonos with trim on the sleeves in each character's colors.
Maybe your group could try something like that since it seems like it'd be pretty cheap.

>> No.8581475
File: 19 KB, 358x272, 1440279837303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of them don't look remotely japanese
i could less abt body types but if sjw it why make the rest all white looking

>> No.8581479
File: 64 KB, 509x862, 428491_547596425282999_774253549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are doing a mini-group with two other friends, going as Hanayo! We're super hype, and we wish we could make a full group. How is your experience in making groups?

Btw, how are you doing in the event, gulls? I just got the Maki, and I hope to stay in tier 5 because I really need the gems.

>> No.8581484

ehhhhh.... a bunch of flaky kids keep joining the one I'm a part of and I'm just shrugging heavily. I'm the only one making my outfit from scratch and I'm glad I'm not running this cause I would have had an aneurism with how unreliable people are being. Just got event Maki yesterday, I'm in sewing mode so I'm not too concerned with ranking

>> No.8581501

Huge cosplay groups are usually never worth it because there's always going to be flakes and other issues people run into and it's hard to create consistency between outfits. Everyone has to be on the same page and usually there has to be 1-2 group "moms" or "drill sergeant" who checks on everyone's status and makes sure skirt lengths, shoes, fabric choices and everything else is consistent.

>> No.8581625
File: 518 KB, 752x449, 20150827194102fd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do we feel about the new girls?

>> No.8581627
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>> No.8581630
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>> No.8581717

I hope 2 & 3 there are supposed to be sisters.

Looking forward to it. I think the studio knows what they're doing and it was a super ballsy move to move on with a different team rather than trying to squeeze every last drop from Muse. Kinda ick on those outfits though it's like a mashup of the worst of idol outfit tropes

>fake corset lacing
>accessories in girl's color clashing with everything else
>Random star accents
>Plaid-but-not-really on the tops
>Alternating skirt pleats. Wouldn't be too bad but it looks like it continues the weird plaid pattern

I hope if this continues as a dynasty of School Idol Festivals that we can get a team that tries a look and sound that's more mature like Arise. I highly doubt Sunshine Girls will be doing anything like Shocking Party anytime soon.

>> No.8581728

Funny you say that anon! 3 in >>8581630 and 4 in >>8581627 are actually sisters.

I completely agree with you on the outfits - they look like such an unappealing clusterfuck to me. The group name is weird too, but I'm trying to hold off on judging TOO hard.

>> No.8581736
File: 3.24 MB, 6490x4090, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Aug_2015_Watanabe_You_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not loving the outfits but on the flipside Muse has had some really bad costume choices as well. (I really fucking hate Happy Maker's look)

I'm a little excited for new idols, All the dark haired girls look really cute. The only ones I dislike based purely on looks are the Honoka knock off and the twintailed girl.

>> No.8581738
File: 3.29 MB, 6500x4094, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Aug_2015_Kurosawa_Dia_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8581740
File: 3.33 MB, 6491x4096, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Aug_2015_Tsushima_Yoshiko_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feather in the hair ????

>> No.8581742
File: 3.23 MB, 6455x4100, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_July_2015_Matsuura_Kanan_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8581744
File: 2.97 MB, 6452x4096, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_July_2015_Sakurauchi_Riko_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8581747
File: 3.37 MB, 6450x4091, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_July_2015_Takami_Chika_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't even bother to give her a different hair ribbon color than Honoka. I'm guessing her plot line will be very "HONOKA IS MY FAVORITE THATS WHY I WANT TO LOOK LIKE HER!"

Much like Aikatsu did..

>> No.8581749
File: 3.09 MB, 6459x4093, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Sep_2015_Kunikida_Hanamaru_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is like Rin with the "~nya" ending. She says "~zura"

>> No.8581752
File: 3.39 MB, 6466x4092, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Sep_2015_Kurosawa_Ruby_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruby is afraid of men. Lesbian lolibait

>> No.8581755
File: 3.00 MB, 6455x4090, Dengeki_G&#039;s_Magazine_Sep_2015_Ohara_Mari_Scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is not Eli's little sister.

I guess thats one thing that kind of bugs me about Aqours and LL Sunshine. I was hoping to see new groups from the same school Muse went to, but it just seems to be the same plot happening to a different school.

It would have been cute to see Eli/Honokas sisters in a group.

>> No.8581779
File: 338 KB, 1280x586, i tried to fix them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really did

>> No.8581799

Yes, that bothers me a lot too. I mean, there was still potential in the same school.
And even if they want to do another school, they could at least made another plot. It's after Muse winning Love Live, or there isn't info about it yet?

>> No.8581831

The movie confirms Muse is done. The music will keep happening bit as far as the anime goes I can't imagine more than cameos later

>> No.8581938

award for the dumbest name

>> No.8582069

Pretty good, considering the nightmare-fuel of the original. Good job on steamrolling Nozomi.
But there's just no saving ugly art..

>> No.8582077

seriously, this. I don't mind the bodies, they just look like they're translated in to real life, but what the fuck is with the faces?

>> No.8582080

it's a combination of same face and not being able to draw a decent face in the first place

>> No.8582084

Seems to me it's a weird mix of:
>good ol Tumblr diversity
>lacking artistic skill to have actual diverse faces
>"I hate anime art" Western style

>> No.8582190

Hey, that's not too bad. They're still ugly, but better.

>> No.8582199

I'm fucking flabbergasted by how big a difference shrinking their feet makes. Like you could've kept everything the same and it'd still look better with smaller feet.

>> No.8582297

Anyone else been waiting for this sort of crossover?

tinyurl / ozzlbmv

Not...quite sure how to beat the spam thing so just doing that.

>> No.8582515

Nico's jacket makes her look like a detective

>> No.8582594

She is probably the chuunibyo

>> No.8582608

One of the girls originally had an intro with something along the lines of thinking she's a demon. I think that girl was the one.

Also why a feather in the middle of her bun? Why not on the side?

>> No.8582745


The Japanese thirst for white foreign girls is so real. They always have a blonde haffu in these things. Reminds me of the french exchange student in that one mobile game. I just find it weird with all the scorn foreigners generally get when they are raised in Japan, but then they're also a fetish in a lot of ways...maybe Japan is tsundere?

Back on track, the new girls aren't wowing me, and those introduction outfits are a mess (they're cute, but the colors don't flatter any of the girls), they aren't cohesive.

>> No.8582771

Those are the concert outfits the real actresses wear.

>> No.8582777

You guys are right, she's the chuuni, her name is Yoshiko Tsushima. She thinks she's an fallen angel/demon because she always has terrible luck. That's probably why she has a feather in her hair for that one picture. Haven't seen her with the feather in other pictures. She's my favourite so far!

>> No.8582782
File: 164 KB, 641x902, 316idolized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my favorite part is Eli is supposedly 1/4 Russian yet she is still blonde haired, blue eyed and taller than the others. Not that any of the other girls look particularly Japanese.

Wish the girls from the International school form the mobile game could make an appearance in the anime. They're all adorable and I'm always up for seeing how they portray weeby Americans

>> No.8582807










>> No.8582840
File: 101 KB, 640x901, shnico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the skirt for snow halation gathered at the waist or pleated? If it is pleated, would box pleats or knife pleats look better?

>> No.8582852

gathered looks better imo, you want it to look frilly and pleated will make it look to "clean"

>> No.8582853

The middle pleats look like a box pleat, but the rest are knife pleats that go separate ways.

Personally I'd go with box pleats. I think it'd look nicer with the bottom of the shirt being gathered by the ribbon. If that makes any sense.

>> No.8582908

That's what I originally thought too.
I get what you're saying, thanks for the input.

>> No.8582937

Look into circle ruffles. Gathers don't really lay that way.

>> No.8582938
File: 460 KB, 1280x586, nightmares.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8582952

Agreed, even in a thick fabric gathers would make the ruffles too small and crinkly.

>> No.8583022

So that's the secret! I never even considered the difference before and I feel like a new world has been opened up.

I obviously don't sew much.

>> No.8584227

This person clearly never draws women, especially young, cute, women. You can tell with the hands/feets, shape of the limbs, faces, especially eyebrows and noses...this person clearly draws shit like Free! yaoi and jumped on the train for this.

>> No.8584393

I did a full group before! It was alot of fun and well orginized. We had soneone get all the fabric for us and keep us on ttack. She even posted video tutorials or how she made things. Everyone matched and got their stuff done the only that sucked is one girl wore a different belt than the rest of us... I was really annoyed by that

>> No.8584485
File: 911 KB, 1194x704, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nozomi is fave but my tits go honoka at their max

>> No.8584540

saw drunk roxy in her nozomi at anime california last night, she looks like a stuffed sausage

>> No.8584994

I'm planning on cosplaying Eli, but I hate her canon hair color (piss yellow). What's the general opinion on finding a more natural shade of blonde for a wig rather than sticking rigidly to that horrid dandelion color?

>> No.8585413

I think the general opinion (it pops up in wig threads fairly often) is that it's better to have a more flattering (and possibly natural) wig tone if it suits you. For example no-one really complains about Sailor Moon wigs being a more natural colour, if anything they complain if the wigs are too bright a yellow.

For Eli it's pretty sensible to get a wig with mixed blonde fibres rather than all a solid yellow.
For example Arda's platinum blonde (https://www.flickr.com/photos/ardawigs/sets/72157626359359212/)) and pale blonde (https://www.flickr.com/photos/ardawigs/sets/72157632294957479/))