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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8538577 No.8538577 [Reply] [Original]

New Instagram thread. Post your cosplay/ jfashion instagrams. We all know you want followers so let's get some f4f ITT for those who don't want to tag that publicly.

>> No.8538596

I enjoy these threads and often find great new people to follow but I hate posting mine first... so have some people I follow!!


>> No.8538618
File: 227 KB, 640x946, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recs! I followed some!

I'm going to bite the bullet since I only have 25 followers anyway (sorry for posting in this thread and the last one). I'll definitely follow back anyone I recognize from this thread or the old one. So far my favorite seagull is robestpierre, she's so cute.

>> No.8538626

You know she's a scammer right? she's not really worth supporting.

>> No.8538642

I just follow her instagram, I don't know anything about her

>> No.8538679
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-07-16-17-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made an insta the other day, so id love some f4f to make some friends! i am "snackysnad" .

>> No.8538736
File: 93 KB, 640x960, 11830885_472004669644935_1564851452_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made an account last week so I don't have any progress pictures up yet. I'll be working on stuff for DragonCon soon though.

>> No.8538740

leave. we don't want trannies here.

>> No.8538743

You leave. I'm not trying to derail a fucking thread.

>> No.8538744


>> No.8538751

Is it MtF? They look 100% female to me.

>> No.8538760

It claims it's both mtf and ftm. Sometimes it says it has a dick and one time it said it was born a boy but its mom wanted a girl so she forced it to dress in girl clothes and shit. Most of the time it says it has a vag.

>> No.8538771


>> No.8538773

So it's a girl then.

>> No.8538774

Mine is himelita. Mostly Lolita and cats and personal life stuff. Nothing fancy.
I'll follow some of you ladies!

>> No.8538780
File: 202 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much selfies in cosplay and occasional Lolita/jfash

>> No.8538781

I'm in Costa Rica for an internship and there are capuchin monkeys everywhere here. I posted the picture with the caption "13 days left in Costa Rica then when I get back it's time to work on cosplay for D*Con".

>> No.8538788
File: 239 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devilorns !!

Posted last time but why not again. I rly like these threads cuz I wanna follow more cosplayers but I'm never sure how to find nice ones on Instagram alone.

I post cosplay/figs but I'm working on my first Lolita coord so hopefully soon that too :0

>> No.8538806
File: 114 KB, 577x1024, CL2GZ8aWwAAidCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate doing s4s so I'll bite. (Sorry for the figures I'm really gross for Vocaloids)

Also, some cosplayers I love following:

I love following ppl's cosplay progress on Insta so I'm gonna lurk this thread hardcore

>> No.8538867
File: 834 KB, 1006x666, Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 5.52.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's pineberry.pop!
I haven't updated it in a while since I've been busy lately but I'll post more pics soon.

>> No.8538918

What breed of Asian are you?

>> No.8538975

Scammer? Deets?

>> No.8538987

snackysnad here, followed!

>> No.8538993

I (>>8538618) followed you! You have a cute feed!

>> No.8539002

proof on this?

>> No.8539005


>> No.8539009



>> No.8539015
File: 179 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm homuraismyhomie, mostly ootd and pastel things. Sometimes art.

>> No.8539035

Im too scared to share mine, so Ill just go follow people and see if they figure out who I am!

>> No.8539070


>> No.8539089

I sure am.

>> No.8539094
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-07-20-03-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost con time, so I'm starting to have more posts

I'd love to follow more people!

>> No.8539102

>no insta name on screenshot

>> No.8539104



>> No.8539125

no offense, but what's up with lolitas having such horrible instagrams?
it's not that hard to keep a simple theme, like having all of your photos edited the same way. imo i think a bunch of posts that vary in lighting look ugly.
and then a lot of you guys post stuff like.. too close selfies, cup noodles, not great food in general, irrelevant stuff (shopping carts with boring stuff, one boring hair accessory, a cup), etc. i really don't get it.

>> No.8539132

Because lolitas are real people who have lives outside of jfash.

>> No.8539141

Right here is the reason >>8539132

>> No.8539160

If I post mine will you post yours?

>> No.8539181

Pretty sure these are personal accounts and most of us don't run blogs catering to others? I know mine is like 50/50 daily shit and cosplay/lolita.

>> No.8539187

This, if you want lame aesthetic blogs go to tumblr to cater to your silly internet ocd.

>> No.8539211

nah son. mine's personal too but i keep it looking nice. i guess i just don't understand why some many of you post random things. like, you're washing your lolita socks? cool! but why post a picture on instagram? also, it's not hard to up the brightness a bit or to make sure the pic isn't blurry. and sometimes food looks delicious irl but bad on camera..

>> No.8539253

So I made an instagram, but none of the people I follow post more than one picture a week. This made me wonder what do you think is an acceptable frequency of posts?

>> No.8539315

Once every few days, I used to update a Few times a day, but I had to cut back

>> No.8539337

I feel like most of social media is like that. Also, you don't have to follow anyone if you don't want to. If someone is posting lame stuff, unfollow them. It's not like you're friends.

>> No.8539346

how about you quit whining and post your instagram so we can all learn from you or whatever the fuck you want us to do

>> No.8539388

You look so cute in the lower right without the Peenus face. You should definitely stick to a more natural smile.

>> No.8539395
File: 631 KB, 1401x2205, IMG_20150807_225128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting into j-fash now that I can kind of afford it, working on a fairy kei coord for my birthday, gonna cosplay after that and then finally get a lolita coord.
Watch out, I post a lot of food.

>> No.8539399

wow you're fat

she looks shitty both ways

>> No.8539435

any jfash people that live in Japan that has a instagram?

>> No.8539517

Thank you, anon.
I'm not very good at smiling in photos so sometimes it turns out natural looking, other times it turns out like :>.
I try to keep it more natural looking.

What style(s) are you looking for?
You could try looking at Instagrams like Fruits (@fruitsmag) because they usually have the person in the photo's IG in the caption.

>> No.8539578

just followed a bunch of you~
would post picture of mine but cgl doesn't work on mobile for me

>> No.8539581
File: 1.79 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-08-08-10-03-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only post things related to Shironuri. I already follow some seagulls, but I would love to meet new people.

>> No.8539931

Found the ugly jealous fatty.

>> No.8539935

Anyone got any gaijin gyaru instagram recommendations?

>> No.8539942

Eww, that gross food...

>> No.8539979
File: 191 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell not? Most of my posts are outfit based if anyone is interested.

>> No.8539983

This looks like cancer.

>> No.8539988
File: 24 KB, 317x350, 733576970_CalmDown_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8539991

Any specific type of cancer or...?

>> No.8540084
File: 739 KB, 640x1136, 4L_7s9xgibm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't usually post on here but I need more instagrams to follow, I'll have more lolita up soon but in the mean time my instagrams pretty basic.

>> No.8540125

>my instagram is pretty basic
What kind of basic is that?

>> No.8540134

She bought them. There's no question.

>> No.8540140

Actually didn't buy them, restarted feed 194728 times because previous wardrobe bothered me after my break

>> No.8540165 [DELETED] 

For now I'm deleting my post, I'm not looking for drama just good instagrams to follow. Not in the mood to deal with "completely fake all bought because no one can do sfs for followers" type of thing

>> No.8540324

I mostly post cosplay and travel stuff. Looking to follow some cosplayers who post progress photos. I love seeing a costume come together

>> No.8540381

I'm not fat but >>8539395 sure is.

>> No.8540589

>not fat or ugly
Pics or you're full of shit.

>> No.8540596

Uh huh. Sure.

>> No.8540601

can't we just have 1 instagram thread without shits like this

>> No.8540610

You're posting your face on a board that is 90% salty jealous cunts. What were you expecting?

>> No.8540611

How many likes do you average per photo?

>> No.8540613

this is true. idk what i was thinking.

>> No.8540621

She gets like 300-400 per photo. Out of 10,000 that's a very small percentage.

So yeah, definitely bought.

>> No.8540666

200-250 regular photo 300 for makeup type selfie. I unfortunately loose actives everytime I go through a new makeup shift or feed change. You can ask anyone with even 5k+ Instagram is pretty inactive in general. I have a friend with 100k and she gets about 6k likes a photo

>> No.8540794


>> No.8541023

tbh i don't think she bought them, i quickly scrolled through her followers and a lot of them seem to have relevant interests (kawaii/emo/scene/alternative) and all 'active' accounts. you can tell when someone's bought followers by looking at their followers usernames and profile pic. bought ones are usually from saudi arabia/chav dudes/normies.

>> No.8541025

idk, there are a handful of lolita/otome girls with nice instas. angiiichan (not sure if thats her exact username) is a good example imo, she posts personal stuff but her feed is very nice. i love seeing what other lolitas do outside of meetups, i'm just disappointed that so many accounts are fugly.
can't, comm has a ban on cgl.

>> No.8541249

Any otome IG users out there?

>> No.8541251

That girl is super cute but it also looks like she's a lifestyler, which from what I read on this board isn't all that popular? Seems like a niche thing.

Whatever you're into tho

>comm has a ban on cgl
Naughty, naughty.

>> No.8541257

>cake rolls
>BBQ ribs

Go eat your tendies, peasant.

>> No.8541260

Which one are you? I only replied to one of my haters, but only because I love disagreeing about food, it's why I also post on /ck/

>> No.8541262

Does anyone have any cosplay IG recommendations? I like following progress/good craftsmanship photos and the like.

>> No.8541265

Followed, your stuff is amazing!

>> No.8541570

>which one are you?
i.e. which person that got shit on? none of the above.

>> No.8541742

>comm has a ban on cgl.
wat. that's fucking stupid

>> No.8541753
File: 792 KB, 496x667, instagramhollyannann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is hollyannann I post cosplay, drawings, hauls, selfies, cute food, and outfits most of the time.

>> No.8541757

Some comms do it to prevent members from talking shit. You get banned from the comm if they catch you on cgl. Just don't be dumb and slather your personal info everywhere. Post anyways even if your comm bans cgl.

>> No.8541893


>> No.8541948

My comm has a verbal hate towards CGL about how we are all meanies and bullies but more then half of them talk drama that's current on cgl and post frequently in the draw threads for free art and never contributing. So I think it's a pretend we aren't all on there when we really are but still judge you outloud if you mention it.

>> No.8541950

And to contribute here are some Japan
Otome but lately it's been a bit more food then usual

I have others I can dig for eventually

>> No.8542697

So kind of like how someone here is posting to talk shit even though they're not supposed to be on cgl in the first place and the entire reason their comm has a ban on it, is for the exact thing they're doing?

>> No.8542910

i'm not talking shit, you all just got butthurt once you realized that your feeds are ugly :^)

>> No.8542918

your bitching isn't going to help anyone. suggest improvements or gtfo.
i hope your comm finds out who you are.

>> No.8542922

How exactly is that not talking shit?

>> No.8542943

Followed you!

>> No.8542993

Thank you!!

>> No.8543037

Follow for follow?

>> No.8543648

I'm too chicken to post my own instagram but I'm throwing out josinemaaike as a suggestion. I really like her coords and she serves as inspiration since I'm trying to get into otome.

>> No.8543692

How can you all handle following so many people? I hate not being able to find people in my feed.

>> No.8543711

If you go to your profile and click on following, you'll get a list of everyone you follow, and it had their pic so you can see who is who but there's no search function. They should add one.

>> No.8543769
File: 175 KB, 640x964, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just post generally cute things, sweet lolita, and use lots of sparkles in my pictures. Enjoy

>> No.8543770

Yeah, but I doubt most people remember names well enough to know what content that one person has if you follow, say over 200 people.

>> No.8544607
File: 330 KB, 674x594, biting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biting. I'm sugartrick on Instagram.
I'd really like to follow some fellow seagulls!

>> No.8544797



>> No.8544825

Followed! You're so cute!

>> No.8544940

followed! youre too cute!

>> No.8545023

Hey I started drawing you in the draw thread once. Followed in case I ever finish.

>> No.8545031

For a good second I thought you meant lifting like shoplifting...

>> No.8545291

you're the second person to have said that to me...
I'm thinking about changing my name now

>> No.8545403



>> No.8545660

I don't get how people keep thinking you're shoplifing considering that there's those muscular arm emojis next to your name and also your description clearly states that you mean lifting i.e. weight lifting.

>> No.8547869
File: 280 KB, 540x840, Screenshot_2015-08-11-16-52-58-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting mine since everyone I followed from the last thread was really cool!
I mess around with makeup and I draw a lot, I like drawing cute ppl from cgl so if you want a doodle im down

>> No.8547904

You need to be strong to steal those TVs.

And maybe she shoplifts diet pills for her "hot body".

>> No.8547946

>"hot body"
they're right, you should probably change that. Why not "lift to stay fit" or "lift to get ripped" or like anything but what it says right now

>> No.8547951

Went to add you but I was already following you ha!

>> No.8548025

My comm as well. My comm's mods act holier-than-thou about cgl, they definitely put on the facade of being "above this type of behaviour". But I've caught them posting here. They'll never admit they're as bad as everyone else.

>> No.8548987

Can anyone recommend an instagram scheduling app??

I've tried latergramme and the crowdfireworks one but they both suck and don't save descriptions or hashtags.

>> No.8549362
File: 64 KB, 540x840, 2015-08-12_23.12.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Currently looking through everyone's instagrams.
I usually follow those who spark my interest (as one usually would?) and that are quite active.

>> No.8549435

I think I'm close to my character limit on my bio so I chose the shortest phrase I could. I'll have to check it again and see if I can change it. I mean "hot body" would still apply but I can see how it's a little cringey.

>> No.8549710

haha, awesome, hopefully im following you back!

>> No.8553184


>> No.8554114
File: 75 KB, 540x960, 11903386_1884944691731659_442349471_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm zombrox on Instagram.
I started using it recently and would like to follow more people

>> No.8554475
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-14-15-10-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly post animu figure acquisitions, OOTDs and cosplay progress, so follow me if you're into that shit.
Gonna follow a bunch of people from this thread (I already follow a few of you from previous threads)!

>> No.8554525
File: 358 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-14-20-34-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just made an IG. Will post Cosplay and whatever takes my fancy. Probably a lot from Japanese magazines and some food.

>> No.8555589


Thank you, followed you back!

>> No.8555613
File: 975 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-15-00-23-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. f4f if you post jfashion stuff

>> No.8556987
File: 80 KB, 540x960, 11874023_10153334648892261_281728212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my cosplay and daily adventures, mostly a shrine to Chatime and mtg.

>> No.8557006
File: 780 KB, 638x637, Screen Shot 2015-08-15 at 8.01.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lolita coords, shopping hauls, cute selfies, sometimes (but rarely) cosplay

>> No.8557736

Followed a heap here!
Could anyone recommend some of their favourite accounts to follow?
I'm still pretty new to IG and looking for some inspiration.
Main interests being
- classic or gothic lolita
- makeup
- dress details
- hauls
- and cute cats are a massive bonus.

>> No.8557770


IG: malemodelcitizen

it... it's n-not like i want you to follow m-me or anything...


>> No.8558432
File: 735 KB, 967x560, 0ea80e28b1cfe1d52e6c943c9f45fb44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like just made this account a lil while ago

im mostly gonna be posting cute things n pics of myself. i like cosplay, lolita, and pastel things

i'll follow you back if you follow me b.t.w

>> No.8558459

your makeup is horrific

>> No.8558503

It is but don't be too rude because I don't want her to unfollow me

>> No.8558506

holy shit, do you actually go outside with your makeup like that?

>> No.8558511

Sorry, your eye makeup is awful. Please work on it, I assure you that you can make it look 1000x better with about 1000th of the effort your current method takes.

>> No.8558556

i usually dont wear my makeup like that tbh
only if im trying to be the ~kawaii cosplayer desu~ image
when i go out i just wear basic eyeliner and eyeshadow
i cant be fucked enough to unfollow anyone

>> No.8558558
File: 423 KB, 732x876, 704336eb605141bc33d1ed51fb072e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine. I don't post much fashion or cosplay lately, but I'm hoping to improve on that! I post pictures of food and doodles I do and such too though.

I don't follow many cgl related Instas, but I'd like to change that, these three are my favorite at the moment:

>> No.8558565

Will you f4f?

>> No.8558581

Followed! Really love your hamster pictures. ;_; Looks just like my old one.
Very simplistic, love it! Followed!
Followed :)
Followed, love the figures!

>> No.8558588

Sure :)

>> No.8558686


I just made it, due to myself not being Facebook saavy with promotion and more comfortable with Instagram. Mainly things for my maid cafe, jpop/kpop, and just cute things.

>> No.8560431

followed! i just made mine, but all these cute instas are motivating me to be active!

>> No.8560926
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x2560, CAM02490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8560945

Can anyone recommend any gothic lolita who don't post everything they ever eat? All the good ones I find are basically half food and I don't like my feed being flooded with food.

>> No.8564494

Bump! :)

>> No.8565405
File: 949 KB, 720x966, Screenshot_2015-08-20-00-51-01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! My nickname is lacydottie.
I followed some of you! Too cute to resist.
I usually post pin-up/lolita fashion, but now I'm more into cult party and pastel/pale fashion (because of summer)
Hope you will visit my profile~

>> No.8568606

Followed <3 you are so adorable!

>> No.8568612

Holy poop Imma follow you you're so adorable *^*

>> No.8568618

You are unbelievably cute. Followed!

>> No.8569003


>> No.8569008

Anon, one of those isn't even responding to the same post. Your samefag detectors are off.

>> No.8569045

you know samefag doesn't matter if they're not responding to themself right

>> No.8571354

I usually post once a day.

>> No.8571390

Cute and followed ^^

>> No.8571404

My favorites, all lolitas/otome:


>> No.8573606
File: 509 KB, 1084x1843, 11940086_10207734862952570_237757045_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only have one 'real' cosplay right now, but working on some more!

>> No.8573913

>obvious attention whore cosplays
Leave, slut. You aren't even hot.

>> No.8574079
File: 3.12 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-08-24-14-36-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may have posted in the last thread, or maybe it was the one before that... anyway my account isn't practically bare anymore.
Mostly just lolita for now, but I'm planning to post more of my crafting things soon.
Currently I only post once or twice a week.


>> No.8574976

Well I suppose since mine is recent and would love some f4f on it i'll jump on the train
>Aimedcrit is mine.

>> No.8574992

Followed a bunch of you!
My instagram is a hot mess so you don't have to follow back

>> No.8575011

Any super flashy and weird jfash IGs?
Something the likes of hikapudayo, we_can_do_anything or the likes but western? Need more brave and colourful ppl from the west.
Or with kawaii art, toys, hauls?

>> No.8576132

JNig wannabe game strong. You're gonna have to get at least 2 sets of implants if you wanna be a coswhore.

>> No.8576490

You're fucking cute. Was already following you but I wanted to let you know.

>> No.8576520
File: 1.20 MB, 1001x770, bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to lolita, so still learning. I post hauls (far too many) + coords! I post art when I'm not in a serious art block.

>> No.8577790
File: 809 KB, 1058x799, HowToScreenCap101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My insta is morphing into an outfit of the day/cute/cosplay theme... Currently very small.

I'd like to follow more people with similar interests/fashion.

>> No.8577810
File: 244 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenleid is my username!! I'm glad someone made this thread, my feed has been boring and I love seeing progress pics and stuff

>> No.8578245

so fuckin jelly of that homura figure

>> No.8578292

you are so cute omg

>weeb name

>> No.8578395


You mad?

For real though, Hatsune fans and people like you have ruined my name. Anything even remotely sounding Japanese = weeb X, despite being used globally. NBD.

>> No.8578401

>You mad?
what is this? 2010?

>> No.8581566
File: 883 KB, 600x593, ghostie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My insta (steampunk, cosplay, other shit, but I haven't really posted anything yet) - aetherfenris

My best friend's insta (sweet lolita, goth lolita, cosplay) - ghostiehime

pic is ghostiehime

>> No.8581592

followed and I think I have an new interwebs crush. you're adorable!

>> No.8587630
