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8536111 No.8536111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you woke up with the body of Misako Aoki tomorrow morning, what would you do?

>> No.8536114

Just her body in appearance or in her home? In both cases the answer is be a horrible tripfag on cgl who is a horrible person to people and posts ugly ita coords.

>> No.8536122

If I actually wake up as Misako?
Roll around in all her burando.

>> No.8536124

you mean like dead, laying in bed next to me?

>> No.8536126

hide the evidence and scram before the coppers find out whodunnit

>> No.8536134

Wear all the btssb super fancy ops and live the true Lolita dream. Since I can't afford or fit the actual ones.

>> No.8536146
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post nudes on /b/

>> No.8536302

If I woke up in her body in her house I would play dress ups in all of her burando and shit on the western lolitas for being annoying, complaining pissbabies.
If I woke up with her body but still being myself I would wear all of the cute small sized burando pieces that my cow tits don't allow me to.

If I woke up with her dead body I would mourn her loss and put her on a burning float out to sea.

>> No.8536305


I like the way you guys think.

>> No.8536311

>not posting them on cgl instead for maximum effect

>> No.8536317

If I woke up with her body type I'd check the callendar to see how long I've been in the coma and then wear the innocent world dress I've kept in hopes all my weightloss efforts one day pay off. Probably cry tears of joy and then see if I'm still employed.
If I woke up with her dead body, I'd call police and hope I didn't harm her in my sleep, as I sleep walk, talk and flail which has caused injury to others. Then I would call a lawyer.

>> No.8536325

i'd still be fucking broke but at least i'd be a cute girl?

>> No.8536336

you're adorable.

>> No.8536358

it doesn't seem like she has a hugely unrealistic body type or anything.... she seems to be just average skinny. What's the deal?

>> No.8536394

Take a photograph not making that stupid smile with dead-ass eyes.

>> No.8536449

How long do we have the body for? A day? A month? Few years?

If it was for the day I'd wreak havoc in her name. Post weird pictures and stuff. If it was for longer I'd wait until the last day to do it, and in the meantime enjoy having a body I don't hate and dress up how I want.

>> No.8536452

Everyone on this board is fat.

>> No.8536454

Stay home and sniff her underwear like any other rational human being.

>> No.8536465

... wtf is going on with her arms?

>> No.8536484

Cry about my banana lips.

>> No.8536491

If I woke up in her home, I'd try to live her life for the day,whilst dropping some hints to promote my own blog, but I'd probably go chat up some hosts to experienceh how they treat nonwhites. Hopefully this isn't a day when she's a nurse.

If I woke up in her body in my own home, first I'd dress up and play about being the lolita Queen in my own dresses, then take some pics to promote my blog, then go and chat up cute guys since its not my identity.

If I woke up with her dead body first I'd call the police, then I'd inspect her out of curiosity whilst waiting for them. Hope I won't get blamed.

>> No.8536495

be scared shitless because I know John Leigh has probably planted to body to blackmail me later!

>> No.8536512

If only for a day, probably nothing. If for forever, shopping spree. So many clothes I'd now be able to look good in that I can't buy with the body I have now.

>> No.8536655

Probably die from AIDS, duh!

>> No.8536669

Fuck the bodybuilder dude I think she's dating. Have you all seen him? Tall muscular mexican that's missing an arm. He picks her up from work usually, I saw them eating out two times too

>> No.8536675
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nice fanfic

>> No.8536686

Pics anon?

>> No.8536693

Be a bit sad that I've just lost a large portion of my lifespan.

>18 years I'll never get to live myself.

>> No.8536698

No wait, 12. I googled it.

>> No.8536726

If this is the guy I think you're thinking about, he's dating her sister, not her. They're just good friends.

>> No.8536738

wtf do you creepers just follow her around all day?

>> No.8536754

With her vocal cords too presumably? I'd record an autotune-free version of Maepatsuhimeka so it's actually listenable.

>> No.8536762

Prance around in my lolita dresses and have a nice day out

>> No.8536976

im anorexic try again

>> No.8536983


>> No.8536984

if i woke up in her body i'd cry because i'm still not as cute as risa nakamura

>> No.8536986

>western lolitas for being annoying, complaining pissbabies
>on cgl

>> No.8536996
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<-- obigatory male answer

also no more lurking crossplay threads i guess

>> No.8537185

I was thinking about this too.

>> No.8537194
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I would go out and show off what a cute face I have (misako's of course) I'd up to a bunch of itas and say WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE I would also give shit to all those efame stuck up girls ,I would go on a hot ass date with akira and flick off Mr.yan.

>> No.8537195
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I chuckled

>> No.8537235

Bake her body into a pie. It's said that consuming the flesh of the enemy will give your their power.

>> No.8537412

Hi, buddy~

>> No.8537447

This is OT, but why is that? Just a year ago seagulls were like "loose weight fatty chan", and now it's all jfash plus size threads and "just dress for your body type".... What happened? Where is all the skinny bitches?

>> No.8537454

Go through her wardrobe and send the most rare and expensive pieces back to me.

>> No.8537471

Hej bud

>> No.8537481


Mosquito bites. Those Japanese zebra mosquitos for some reason really fuck up people with darker skin. You can see a lot of girls who have them on their legs, they look like they've been burned with cigarettes.

>> No.8537498

make her put a fucking wig on and stop making that dead-ass expression

>> No.8537502

It could be blocked pores. I get them on the backs of my arms too for some awful reason.