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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8527233 No.8527233 [Reply] [Original]

These keep dying and I'm determined to bring them back. Anyway, to start the thread off, here are some questions:

>What are your pet peeves in the fashion?
>Favorite western shops / indie brands?
>Favorite color combinations?
>How many accessories can be added before it's considered OTT?

Some inspiration snaps and cute finds would be nice too.

>> No.8527613
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Please don't let this thread die early.
>What are your pet peeves in the fashion?
Probably the numerous non-fairy kei items, coordinates, etc. being tagged fairy kei on tumblr.
>Favorite western shops / indie brands?
CKK! PEA used to be my favorite, but then they closed.
>Favorite color combinations?
>How many accessories can be added before it's considered OTT?
If your head has more than 3/4 accessories, in which it covers more than half of your head, you're entering OTT territories.

I have enough fairy kei pictures to fill up 2/3 of the thread. OP, what do you suggest?

>> No.8527629

Post as much as you'd like!
Maybe we can start with some fall looks, since autumn is fast approaching?

I'd be interested in seeing some coords with scarves, if you've got any. I love wearing them and I think that they can really add to the fluffy look of the fashion.

>> No.8527669
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Dumping - tumblr sucks at this fashion soooo much

>> No.8527674
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>> No.8527678
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>> No.8527681
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>> No.8527688
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>> No.8527695
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>> No.8527699
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>> No.8527703

why does peachie always look like she's trying to suck your soul out

>> No.8527786
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Dropping a recent coord of mine, I appreciate concrit. And yes, I know my mirror is dirty. I didn't realize it until way later. :(

>What are your pet peeves in the fashion?
I used to think this way, but I guess people who think it's really easy to pull coords together from stuff you buy at the mall/throwing on some pastel accessories and a hello kitty shirt and calling it good. I guess buying westeen "brands" and mall clothes isn't bad but I've noticed a lot of improvement in my coords with "main pieces" actually meant for the fashion.
>Favorite western shops / indie brands?
CCK is nice but I haven't bought from her in forever. I wish sweetie cakes came back.
>Favorite color combinations?
Mint, pink and lavender. I always get stuck buying things in these colors.
>How many accessories can be added before it's considered OTT?
It depends on the coord.
I actually do like pastel "fairy decora", Mio was one of my bigger inspirations for that way back when.

On another note, do you guys think the fashion is big enough to have certain " trends" that sprout up?
I'm not really sure the whole "boystyle" trend counts but I could be wrong.

>> No.8527812
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For someone just starting off in the fashion, do you guys have any tips? I've began thrifting/buying online some cute pieces to coord, but I want to start off kind of casual (pic related) before diving into lots of tutus and wigs, I go to university and am just a liiiitle shy of going super OTT. Should I just forget it and go full fairy?

>> No.8527845

Easing into it isn't a bad idea but if you're worried about normies they're probably going to stare even with pic related. It's good to start kinda casual until you've built up a wardrobe anyway.

>> No.8527902

you look cute as fuck tho

>> No.8528103

I knew you were a seagull.

>> No.8528569

Are you still an ageplayer?

>> No.8528676
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You're cute and I think I follow you.

As for trends, "mahou kei" and "uchuu kei" were originall trends that started off from fairy kei.

>> No.8528685
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I'll dump in several segments then. I've got sweaters and stuff, don't know if I have scarves.

I typed out a giant mass of text a thread awhile ago, but basically fairy-tips (on tumblr) is your friend. Pastels are like 90% of the outfit, but 10% of the outfit has to have the floaty fairy feeling. It's easily achieved with puffy tutus and lots of tulle two way clips, but for casual coordinates, it's a bit harder. When you're making an outfit, think about whether or not you can imagine a fairy in a cartoon wearing your clothes and if so, then you should be good.

>> No.8528687
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Also barbie inspired looks like pic related could work for casual outfits.

>> No.8528688
File: 57 KB, 537x720, 11705324_10205707630222339_6290926493732544147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to get into fairy kei and decora but I feel like i am struggling to fit the correct criteria for the fashion and I dont want to end up being like the people on tumblr who tag stuff as fairy kei when its not even close.
I came up with my first outfit, and while I think its cute I am not sure which category it would fall under, if any at all.
pointers and suggestions are greatly appreciated (ignore the cat ears/set. I was at a con and felt like being obnoxious lol I feel it almost takes away from the outfit now that i look back at the photos)

>> No.8528706

I'm sometimes fairly open about it, for better or worse.

Thank you, anon!

Even if this a bait/trick question and I'm somehow falling for it, I'm not to the extent or degree one would think hearing the term. I don't wear diapers, etc. but it's still weird fetish shit and I won't try to justify it too much. My biggest mistake was a certain mildly lewd pic I took in fairy kei/j-fashion once, now I try to keep it way more low-key.
Especially since I'm equally grossed out by tumblr DDlg blogs reblogging j-fashion pics and adding gross captions.

>> No.8528713

The kandi gives a more decora feel, if you had more hair clips this would be decora, technically. It's a pretty cute outfit though!

>> No.8528720
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Feels more decora. The kandi, cat paw and the busy patterns of your clothing, especially the contrasting stripes of your shorts against the pattern of your tights, makes it more decora.

>> No.8528722
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Posting more PEA, stuff like pic related is lolita inspired but not quite there due to shape and length.

>> No.8528724
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>> No.8528728
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>> No.8528731
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I wanted to like mahou kei (I'm really into decora/fairy-kei looks involving Precure, pic related) but I don't think it really warrants being its own style.

>> No.8528735
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>> No.8528738
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Same, which is why it's a trend rather than a style.

>> No.8528740
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>> No.8528741
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I miss PEA, I wonder why they're gone?
Speaking of indie shops that are gone, MilkyWayCute had some really nice stuff, kind of going further from the typical fuzzy 2way stars everyone else tried to make.

>> No.8528743

Weren't people trying to make that and uchuu their own styles though?

>> No.8528744
File: 277 KB, 610x610, 240479-3501-2014-12-16636316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is meant to be casual fairy kei. it's not quite there mainly due to bag, shoes and lack of accessories.

>> No.8528748
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The owner closed down the shop because she wasn't making enough and it was very difficult to run an indie brand shop with quality but cheap.

I feel like mahou kei to fairy kei is like sweet lolita to lolita fashion. Uchuu kind of died early on, but it seems as though cgl wants to make it an entirely seperate fashion.

>> No.8528750
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>> No.8528752
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>> No.8528756
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>> No.8528757

That's really too bad. It feels like a lot of people are leaving the style and indie shops are giving up on their business. It would be really sad to see the fashion turn into a decora blended mess of taobao clothes.

>> No.8528760
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>> No.8528764
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Making a clothing brand is much more difficult than jewelry brand. Clothing is pricier and harder to design, which means extra pressure for the owner.

Fairy kei definitely feels like its dying though, which sucks. I hope some magazines post fairy kei/larme kei combinations and inspire a boost in fairy kei.

>> No.8528766
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>> No.8528768
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>> No.8528770
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>> No.8528774
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>> No.8528775
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>> No.8528779

ageplay /=/ always diapers

And no, posting nudes and fetishy pics to your main tumblr that mostly had fairy kei and pastel crap was the mistake, especially making your newer fetishy blog clearly connected to it after the fact.

The seattle lolitas hate you btw.

>> No.8528782

MilkyWayCute was a scammer ffs.

And PEA "retired" because they were making no money.

Jesus christ learn2use google.

>> No.8528786

A lot of people are interested in fairy kei it feels like, but the inspirations might not be the same as they used to be. Spank! isn't as popular, a lot of western girls who were kind of around for the start of the fashion getting popular have left. And with people tagging everything as anything, I guess there's going to be confusion when they look at a tagged picture and think that's what fairy kei is even if its more of decora or something else.

>> No.8528799

I never posted nudes to my main blog, and I pretty much already said what you did. But okay.

>> No.8528806

I know they were, which is sad because their designs were really cute. It's a shame.

>> No.8528826
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>> No.8528831
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>> No.8528837
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>What are your pet peeves in the fashion?

tumblr sucking at doing it
e.g. absolutely everyone thinking that hotpants look good?
shorts with badges and accessories -> ok
vaguely pink tight hotpants -> no
also the original themes n shit being lost in the western sea of bodyline tutus - i miss actually seeing 80's themes, some bolder pastels and goddamn fabric skirts instead of tutus
i kinda disagree with the "i wish fk was more popular" peeve because i prefer smaller niche communities and it just means there is less drama in general (and it also means that less tumblrinas can butcher it)

>Favorite western shops / indie brands?

i liked pea while they lasted, i regret not buying their stuff. i mostly shop on taobao but i like some of thekawaiimachine's designs

>Favorite color combinations?

FUCK this is difficult because i wear n love so many different combos
mint/pink, yellow/pink, pink/lavender, any combinations of those + some white to balance out
i'm not a massive fan of pink/blue for some reason?

>How many accessories can be added before it's considered OTT?

if you do the clips in fringe thing it's definitely verging on pastel decora territory. bracelets and necklaces and rings are less standy-outy than hair accessories so i feel as though the line between fk and decora comes down to that. up to seven head accessories and it's decora. 5+ necklaces/12+ bracelets/5+ rings seems to be my kinda cutoff point

>> No.8528849

I really don't want cgl to blend uchuu in with fairy. To me the hole holographic alien themes just look like a mess and I don't want to have to see all the pastel tutus and vintage sneakers be replaced with sparkly skater skirts and silver platforms. It's not for me, but I know a lot of people seem to like it. It's fine as it's own style but it doesn't even resemble fairy kei so I just don't want it lumped in here.

General gull question:
>if you had to see a particular theme be popular and/or revived in fairy kei (i.e. sheer items, itabags, seifukus, etc.) what would it be?

>> No.8528871

I think a fairy kei itabag would be kinda cute, maybe with pins of cute characters or art?
I'd like to see more candy and ice cream motifs. I haven't seen as much of that lately for whatever reason.

>> No.8528881

Any sellers in aliexpress/eBay? I'm trying to get into fairy kei and I don't find anything.

>> No.8528884

Oh sorry, nudes with kawaii stickers over certain bits.

Regardless, you already made a bad rep for yourself so you might as well try to stay out of any wa jfash comms.

>> No.8528888

If you're looking for basic pieces in pastel colors, then yes.

>> No.8528907

So high school isn't going well for you, huh?
The mean girls kick you out of their table?

>> No.8528916

Man if you only knew half the drama about this girl kek

>> No.8528953
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>> No.8528960
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Those still count as nudes, but y'know.

>> No.8528966

sorry, what do you mean by hotpants? Where I'm from that means super tight black leather pants

>> No.8528975
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i mean like short shorts, the kind that people wear to the beach, pic related. i just don't think that pastel short shorts look good in fairy kei at all

>> No.8528977

Probably a dumb question, but would a white petti work with fairy kei if i put bows on it or something? i really want to wear these tights I got but the pink on the tights and my pink petti look stupid together. Also, question for you guys
>what do you wear under your pettis in fairy kei (if anything other than tights)

>> No.8528981

I'm not even into fairy kei and just came here to look at cute outfits but you're shitting up the thread. Honestly, this girl has responded civilly in spite of your failed attempts to humiliate her. You seem like the bitch, so fuck off and finger yourself to bullshit drama elsewhere.

>> No.8528986

I wear shorts or bloomers under mine, even with tights. Also a white petti with bows doesn't sound bad, but how big or small of bows are you thinking?

>> No.8528990

oh, actually, i saw a few coords with oversized pastel shorts and it was pretty cute imo

>> No.8528997

Oversized pastel shorts? Like those saggy crotch ones (for lack of a better term) or...?

>> No.8528998

I have a bunch of small bow clips, maybe like 1x2 inches?

>> No.8529001

Oh, then that should be fine! I feel like a bunch of huge bows hanging off your petti might look odd.

>> No.8529012
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no like, normal shorts but with a wider leg if that makes sense? pic related

>> No.8529017

Ohh! Yeah those are cute. I like those or more frilly shorts in fairy kei rather than "normal" tight/jean ones.

I wish I knew where to find cute overalls (short or long) tbh.

>> No.8529023

Tokyo Otaku Mode has a pair of milklim overalls for sale,

>> No.8529039

man i love oversized shorts in fairy kei, i wear them all the time! i just meant the really short ones, like in the last pic. stuff like that looks cute as hell tbh

>> No.8529042

They're cute but I'm kind of worried about being too tall for them. I wonder if DIYing a pair of overalls and dying them a pastel color would be cute.

>> No.8529047
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yeah I figured the kandi and neko set would make it look less fairy-kei even though I tried to keep it as pastel as possible (my wardrobe is still primarily black/neon from my teen years) I think I really just need to stock up on more pieces to put together and mix and match stuff to find something good.
I was afraid it would look too plain without any accessories but maybe that's just my personal feeling on it? its the same reasoning for all the patterns, im afraid to look too plain and just look like a person in pastels vs. someone in fairy kei ya feel? Thanks for the advice though im definitely going to try and find some better accessories and maybe some plain pastel tights instead?

here is a pic of basically the same outfit but without the kandi (ignore the obnoxious editing, its the only copy of this picture I have)
is something like this still too decora/busy? I am just a sucker for cute patterns and prints that its hard for me to not want to wear them haha.

>> No.8529085
File: 327 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2013-09-022-002-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also like them in casual fk, i think it looks really cute but helps keep it from looking ott

>> No.8529092
File: 251 KB, 1000x1500, Harajuku-Lolita-Milklim-Fashion-2012-04-28-DSC0492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that a lot of fk staples are released in black colourways as well as pastels, so I'm wondering, is it possible to do fairy kei, but in reverse? keep the floaty fairy feeling, but instead of mainly pastels, black is involved a lot more?

>> No.8529103

You're veering more into pastel goth with black and pastel. Imo black shouldn't be used in fairy kei, that sweater would definitely be good in pastel goth though!

>> No.8529115

I see what you're getting at, but for an outfit to be considered pastel goth, it needs gothic motifs, such as bats, crosses, skulls, ghosts or whatever. If you took a fk outfit and just switched the colours it wouldn't be pastel goth. Pastel goth has a "creepy" feeling. I still want to preserve the floatiness of fk, just in black.

>> No.8529123

I agree with this. There's more to the goth aspect of pastel goth than just black. And I've seen girls use black in fairy kei, even if not in excess. I'd really wanna see a good black fairy kei coord!

>> No.8529124

Hmm, then I'm not sure. Fk has always been pure pastels and even though milklim produced that sweater in black it's not strictly fk, y'know? Like how Angelic Pretty's salopettes are not lolita even though a lolita brand made them.

I couldn't tell you what to do. I'd say have a shot at it but generally pastels + black is just pastel goth or creepy cute or maybe bittersweet as it used to be called in lolita.

>> No.8529150

Not always pure pastels. Spank! style has pastels, black and white, and some neon colors (mostly pink or yellow). Some people prefer to call Spank! pop kei though.

>> No.8529183

I like your outift. I'm sorry for the drama you're getting I this thread. I know how hard it can be to have an interest in those two things

>> No.8529292
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>> No.8529317
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It's closer, but still not quite there. I think in the second picture you're actually under accessorizing. The bow necklace is 10/10 cute, but that's it. A nice fuzzy brooch on your overalls would help, as well as something like scrunchies worn on your wrists. Also I can't tell whether or not you did something with your hair, but if you did put a bow over where you put the sticker bow, it would be very cute.
The colors don't look pastel either, but that might just be the camera color. The shirt/shoes are the ones that don't look pastel.
But even if it's not fairy kei, it's still cute. Would compliment in real life.

>> No.8529319
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>> No.8529329
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>> No.8529337
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>> No.8529339
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>> No.8529340
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>> No.8529342
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>> No.8529345
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>> No.8529348
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>> No.8529366

Uchuukei started off from some girl on tumblr who wears fairy kei and made uchuu kei as an offshoot of fairy kei with space themes. Then cgl got ahold of it and somehow managed to make It worse. But I think the intent was basically fairy kei pastels with a holographic skirt type stuff. Wasn't supposed to be as far removed as the cgl thread has become. The cyber inspired crap is stupid.

>> No.8529371
File: 120 KB, 648x974, 13045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senanan inspires me so much. There's another girl who has great pop-kei coords (I'm not sure they qualify as decora) who I'll drop a picture of in another post. I love the idea of using merch from magical girl anima aside from Sailor Moon (stuff like Precure, Aikatsu and Pripara (do those even count? Idk)) with coords.

I guess it's hard in some ways, but I should have kept it more my business instead of advertising it through my sfw jfashion blog. It's bad enough when creepy tumblr guys mistake fairy-kei and such styles as ageplay on their own, it doesn't help when you're posting suggestive pictures in that sort of style. You just learn from mistakes, understand and accept that people aren't going to be always okay with weird kinks and shit (instead of oversharing followed by screeching about "kink shaming!!!1"), and just, y'know, move on with life.

>> No.8529403
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>> No.8529410
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>> No.8529437
File: 128 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mld3pma1r61snkbjao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529460
File: 374 KB, 1069x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true. I had a separate blog for my age regression stuff, and even though I didn't post full pictures of myself and deleted all of my lower jaw pictures I'm still terrified about getting found out. I suppose it helps to know that there are people like you out there who would understand where I'm coming from though. Have a great night, beautiful!

>> No.8529466
File: 59 KB, 428x640, 0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529499

>posting nudes and fetishy pics to your main tumblr that mostly had fairy kei and pastel crap was the mistake
isn't that literally exactly what she said? Why so salty, anon

>> No.8529507

It does look a little more decora like other people said, but i seriously love this. So so cute

>> No.8529510

>I'm not even into fairy kei and just came here to look at cute outfits

Is that supposed to make your point more valid or...

And yeah, she has to respond civilly now because of all the bs. Also her proving she is a gull on top of her already dodgy tumblr reputation is just icing on the cake for all the suspicions everyone already had.

You can not like it all you want, but she has rubbed lots of people the wrong way. So when she is selfposting an outfit she already received plenty of feedback on via tumblr, she gonna get called out.

>> No.8529517

In some fairness, all I said at first was that I'd posted a picture like that while in jfashion, but me reblogging said picture to my main, mostly sfw jfashion/cute blog wasn't such a great idea either.

>> No.8529518

I never even saw the pron pic she posted while in fairy kei.

She posted other noodz with kawaii stickers lazily slapped over things but you could still see, full on boobs with nip and all, butt, closed vag... all the while talking about her daddy. It wasn't just one instance.

>> No.8529529

lol is the reason why you are watching this thread like a hawk because you still don't have job and just beg for anime figures and dildos from your tumblr daddies?

>> No.8529565
File: 63 KB, 499x750, db13658120228c3c13d4b8de993e63ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the band aid over the nose look, and a few small rhinestones by the eyes, is there a way to wear this with fairy kei without it looking too OTT or decora? (Pic sort of related, obviously with less hair clips)

>> No.8529603

Where can I see these?

>> No.8529606

okay well who is she?

>> No.8529644

Sauce on the skirt? It's so fluffy I need it in my life

>> No.8529660

Can we stay on topic please? It's great that this thread is active and all but seriously.

>> No.8529677
File: 151 KB, 499x750, 1427254366749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever seen it ott, but I suppose it would be fine as long as you didn't go crazy with the rhinestones.

>> No.8529686
File: 118 KB, 698x1024, omocat toastgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen kawaii eyepatches?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing one for fairy kei, and I've only ever seen a couple people wear one in other Jfashions.
Pic semi-related, I'd love to have an anime eye eyepatch.

>> No.8529687
File: 55 KB, 480x640, 1427253367848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8529688
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>> No.8529690
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>> No.8529695
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>> No.8529696

This isn't a decora thread, guys.

>> No.8529706

who even cares?

>> No.8529708
File: 217 KB, 960x1280, bunny ears fairy kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies, anon asked about band-aid noses for fairy kei and I got a little post happy with decora examples.

>> No.8529754
File: 229 KB, 666x1000, ap fairy kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529760
File: 280 KB, 580x870, fairy kei bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529763
File: 76 KB, 500x828, fairy kei leg warmers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529767
File: 122 KB, 683x1024, fairy kei mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529768
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Fairy kei lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529770
File: 155 KB, 500x750, fairy kei mint purple 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529772
File: 128 KB, 400x349, fairy kei sailor pink dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529774
File: 91 KB, 500x738, kokoim fairy kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529777

Seana, previously sodafloat but she was deleted by tumblr.

They are either floating around tumblr or google.

>> No.8529785
File: 124 KB, 540x540, pink seifuku milklim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529789
File: 94 KB, 399x600, yellow jumpsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529792
File: 580 KB, 956x1280, 1432673619277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529801
File: 81 KB, 500x667, fairy kei eyepatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found a fairy kei eyepatch.

>> No.8529814
File: 141 KB, 500x711, 1432673371023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8529821
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>> No.8529824
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>> No.8529867

Idk her url or name... is it in the thread or did I miss it?

>> No.8530022

Band-aid nose anon here, thanks for posting the examples!

>> No.8530216
File: 65 KB, 400x600, fairy kei cpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem!
Here's another example of rhinestones around the eyes, no bandaid but you get the gist.

>> No.8530814
File: 26 KB, 407x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping to keep thread alive

>> No.8530816
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>> No.8530820

tried to do an img dump but apparently every single pic i have is already in this thread, oh well

>> No.8530850

Ugh I'm dying for pastel sneakers. I normally shop on Taobao but every single pair I've found only goes up to size 39/40 while I need 41.
Any bigfoot fairy kei people that can help me out? W2C some cute pastel sneakers?

>> No.8531159
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 1432673694211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8531163
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>> No.8531165
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>> No.8531170
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>> No.8531174
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>> No.8531178
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>> No.8531182
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>> No.8531184
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>> No.8531188

I really love this coord, I need to look for more cute socks of different lengths like those.
I feel like wearing the socks layered over one another would be so uncomfortable tho.

>> No.8531189
File: 327 KB, 284x519, 1434645567057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8531194
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There are socks on taobao with a fake double sock look.

>> No.8531196
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>> No.8531202
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>> No.8531205
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>> No.8531207
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>> No.8531210
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>> No.8531212
File: 233 KB, 600x900, An-Cafe-Summer-Dive-2012-09-019-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8531215
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>> No.8531219
File: 103 KB, 410x680, fairy-kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8531227
File: 50 KB, 736x490, a8c4eac68dd68edfb7b8f307bf3767fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this same problem as well. I've heard you can customize some Reebok shoes (I forget the name but they're the ones you see in a lot of fairy kei coords). There's also the DIY option of painting shoes but that usually seems to be a hit or miss.

>> No.8532233

w2c skirt?

>> No.8532383

bodyline, but it's sold out except for mint and black

>> No.8532386

why the crocs though

>> No.8534581
File: 103 KB, 400x600, fairy-kei-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8534586
File: 122 KB, 480x643, fairy-kei-cuteness-large-msg-132520354986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't crocs more accepted in Japan?

>> No.8534587
File: 194 KB, 400x600, fairy-kei-fashion-girl-harajuku-japanese-Favim.com-217769_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534590
File: 78 KB, 638x960, harajuku_fashion_fairy_kei_by_mincholic-d8pf4xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534592
File: 106 KB, 600x900, Harajuku-Fashion-Pop-N-Cute-Party-05-2013-013-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534594
File: 157 KB, 900x1350, hoody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534597
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>> No.8534600
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>> No.8534602
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>> No.8534604
File: 72 KB, 600x400, Milklim-Harajuku-Kawaii-Fashion-004-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534607
File: 66 KB, 600x400, Milklim-Harajuku-Kawaii-Fashion-005-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534610
File: 70 KB, 600x400, Milklim-Harajuku-Kawaii-Fashion-006-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534612
File: 165 KB, 600x900, Milklim-Harajuku-Kawaii-Fashion-013-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534615
File: 164 KB, 600x900, Milklim-Harajuku-Kawaii-Fashion-014-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534618
File: 257 KB, 764x1023, null_zps7f73cefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534621
File: 222 KB, 600x900, Moco-Strawberry-Kawaii-Harajuku-2012-08-05-DSC8277-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534623
File: 100 KB, 427x640, miss-neko-fairy-kei-fairykei-angelicpretty-tokyofashion-tokyo-japanese-fashion-pastel-goth-pink-hair-kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534625
File: 238 KB, 400x542, o00-2014-2-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8534628
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>> No.8534634
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>> No.8534640

Where can I get those tights?

>> No.8535529
File: 634 KB, 500x667, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting cleaner, less accessorized pictures of fairy kei? I love the style but I dislike the cluttered pastel wig look and wholly prefer the Japanese fairy kei style, than it being Decora 2.0.

>I wanted to submit this opinion on Fairy Kei Confession, but it's only positivity and sparkles only. I wish the Fairy Kei Community was a bit more organized and had better guidelines than just "pastel colors"

>> No.8535539

Who is she? Also sauce on OTKs?

>> No.8535675

The tights are by spank!

>> No.8535676

I think submitting that to fairykei confessions should be fine unless they changed their submission rules.

That's sanriopalace and I think her OTKs are from AP's Jewelry Jelly.

>> No.8535712
File: 108 KB, 570x855, orig-21083524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to submit that to fairy kei confessions. It doesn't break any rules.

>> No.8535715
File: 38 KB, 570x380, orig-21083528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535716
File: 520 KB, 900x1350, pinkly_ever_after_5_by_banishedinchains-d41s7wn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535719
File: 149 KB, 600x900, SPANK-Tokyo-Kawaii-Fashion-Party-2013-06-014-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535720
File: 151 KB, 600x900, SPANK-Tokyo-Kawaii-Fashion-Party-2013-06-044-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535721
File: 396 KB, 1000x1500, Suiya-DecoLa-Hopping-Harajuku-2012-12-15-DSC0977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535722
File: 212 KB, 600x900, Suiya-Decola-Hopping-Harajuku-2013-02-01-DSC8953-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535725
File: 96 KB, 600x400, SPANK-Tokyo-Kawaii-Fashion-Party-2013-06-066-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535728
File: 139 KB, 600x974, TK-2014-08-02-003-001-Harajuku1-600x974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535729
File: 146 KB, 600x903, TK-11-29-09-11-002-Harajuku-600x903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535731
File: 162 KB, 600x903, TK-11-29-09-11-001-Harajuku-600x903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535735
File: 152 KB, 600x900, tk-2011-02-20-015-001-harajuku-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535738
File: 112 KB, 360x480, tumblr_linkrtymPh1qzf91vo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8535740
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>> No.8535741
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>> No.8535743
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>> No.8535761

Submitted the ask, now I just have to hope that they won't classify it as hate.

>> No.8535765

There's also a fairy kei secrets blog as well, I think it's what spawned fsirykeiconfessions.

>> No.8536194

I'm posting q's because this thread is dying and the only thing bringing it back is image dumps.

>Trends you hate in fairy kei?
>Trends you love in fairy kei?
>What's the difference between OTT fairy and pastel decora? Where do you think the line is drawn?
>What's your favourite piece that you own?
>When do you wear it? Daily, collage, special occasion, meets, cons, etc.
>How long have you been in the fashion? How long do you think you'll stay before moving onto different fashions?

>> No.8536250

>Trends you hate in fairy kei?
not sure if this is the same as the pet peeves question op posted. assuming this is talking about clothing specifically, i really hate sheer overdresses.

>Trends you love in fairy kei?
i really like the "old style" sneakers, not like those ones you see everyone wearing with little twin stars but the ones that normie brands sometimes release. i love the colors and enjoy seeing them on people even if they're slightly darker/don't match everything in the outfit.

>What's the difference between OTT fairy and pastel decora? Where do you think the line is drawn?
the clips-in-fringe trend always leans more on the decora side for me. i think decora accessorizing is mostly clips, and fairy kei can have headbows, star clips, etc.

>What's your favourite piece that you own?
i have a pair of sax, pink and light yellow pumpkin pants/bloomers that look really good with most of my wardrobe.

>When do you wear it? Daily, collage, special occasion, meets, cons, etc.
i wear casual fairy kei nearly everywhere, casual meaning "waking up and throwing on stuff" because most of my wardrobe is pastels. i tend to accessorize more/less depending on event and where i'm going.

>How long have you been in the fashion? How long do you think you'll stay before moving onto different fashions?
i've been into it for five years and have no intention of stopping soon (i'm 23). while i don't think there's a cutoff point, i think early 30's is when you would have to move on.

>> No.8536381
File: 22 KB, 300x400, yukapon02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trends you hate in fairy kei?
The idea that pastel decora=fairy kei. And when not, the whole stick pins all over your head but not accessorize anywhere else look.
>Trends you love in fairy kei?
Puffy pastel sneakers. I love oversized shoes, so slender legs clad in OTKs tucked into slightly too big shoes is A+.
>What's the difference between OTT fairy and pastel decora? Where do you think the line is drawn?
It has to go back to the 80's theming for me. OTT fairy kei to me has to be mainly pastels with an 80s theme and not too many accessories. If it has the front bangs with dozens of clips, over three necklaces and more than two layered bags, or any kandi, it's decora rather than fairy kei OTT.
>What's your favourite piece that you own?
Ironically, an offbrand mint shirt covered in tiny holes. I wear it with everything, because those tiny holes means I can put brooches, clips, earrings even in them and just layer the shirt over a cami or another shirt. Perfect temporary customization per outfit.
>When do you wear it? Daily, collage, special occasion, meets, cons, etc.
Daily meaning whenever I feel like it with my other clothes.
>How long have you been in the fashion? How long do you think you'll stay before moving onto different fashions?
Maybe 2/3 years? I probably will stop wearing things like tutus and bloomers when I get into a professional workplace, but I will never give up printed socks. Ever.

>> No.8537337

>Trends you hate in fairy kei?

Galaxy Seifukus. And overaccesorizing. And those snapbacks.

>Trends you love in fairy kei?

Overalls/Salopettes. Less accesories.

>What's the difference between OTT fairy and pastel decora? Where do you think the line is drawn?

Accesorizing especially on the hair. Fairy Kei tends to be a lot lighter and is more focused on the baggy silhouette as well.

>What's your favourite piece that you own?

A thick, big, bright pastel pink cardigan. It goes with everything.

>When do you wear it? Daily, collage, special occasion, meets, cons, etc.

Cons and some outings.

>How long have you been in the fashion?

Over a year.

How long do you think you'll stay before moving onto different fashions?

I've toned it down a lot since I started but I think I can go on for a few more years.

>> No.8537767

> snapbacks
randorasu? or those hats from magic pop?

>> No.8537784

magic pop, lol.

>> No.8538058

you mean randoseru?

>> No.8538301
File: 52 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nrlstj1DIp1rmjsp1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, sorry.

Do people still buy from that company given the reports of art theft and bad ownership?

>> No.8538303
File: 131 KB, 498x750, tumblr_nrliuspfgW1sqfmpao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538306
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>> No.8538308
File: 604 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nr8lbrqY2s1qj132qo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538791
File: 96 KB, 500x542, tumblr_lru4bjOa0C1qcj6avo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8538797
File: 96 KB, 540x405, tumblr_n3qvg2M9at1qdzasfo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8538799

oh woops
image limit reached

>> No.8538870

This is really cute, I love the different palette twinning going on.

>> No.8539032

I wish I knew what store/brand this is. Saw it once on tumblr, saved the image, and never again.

>> No.8539064

Reverse image search gave me one of the girls in the picture's blog, seems like original pieces made for a fashion show/presentation at a design school.

>> No.8542928

People still buy from HolleyTeaTime even after that horrendous review and the fact that she was caught tracing off AP and that her old resin cabochons were actually Michael's buttons with loop thing on the back sawed/dremeled off.

>> No.8543151

People can clean up their act. I can't really say that it's happened with HTT but its true. I don't like Holley on a personal level but if she's learned from her mistakes, good on her.

>> No.8543372

What category do they always cram that skirt under? I always end up looping around for it.

>> No.8543380

Yes please! Anymore examples of fairy-kei with pants?

>> No.8543395

it's just under skirts. The product code is L404, search that and you'll find it

>> No.8543503

This thread maxed out image wise. Anyone want to make another? I can dump some pants tomorrow.

>> No.8545492

>I can dump some pants

>> No.8547038

i absolutely despise this fashion (it gives me middle school flashbacks) but these photos are REALLY swaying me..

>> No.8550226

>it gives me middle school flashbacks
...did you grow up in the 80s?

>> No.8550486

nah, i was just a misguided weeb who thought decora was the epitome of fashion. fairy kei really reminds me of the lame+cheap pastel shit i would put together in trying to look jfash