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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 354 KB, 2048x1094, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528655 No.8528655 [Reply] [Original]

Old SJ thread is here >>8487863
Pic related is cosplay show winners.
Heard a lot of panels were canceled and no one was dtf.
I bought way too much stuff and am now broke.

>> No.8528671

Haven't seen any of them on stage yet, but the staff posted pictures of every entrant in both FB groups.
Setzer won the top prize, that's all I remember.

>> No.8528811

>bought too much stuff and now I'm broke
I think my trip was pretty cheap somewhere around $200-250
>hotel $59
>badge $55
>parking $7
> set of 3 prints $30
>other shiny print $20
>gas estimate $30+
>food and alcohol estimate $40+

How much did you anons spend?

>> No.8528873

Had fun going to my first big con/san japan ever.
>bought crap ton of gudetama shit
>bought sonico figures i've salivated over
>dude i've liked made a move on me there and had cute moments with him
Over all pretty awesome save for the painful walking and kind of awkward lolita tea party.

>> No.8529049

I just spent 10 minutes in the group trying to find this...no luck

>> No.8529109

Search "The Men Who Stare At Suits" on facebook, they're posted there too. I couldn't post the links, 4chan thinks it's spam.

>> No.8529114

No surprise you couldn't find it though, the groups are flooded right now.

>> No.8529119

My entry isn't in her photos.. Hm.
I entered the hall contest.

>> No.8529136

Who were you dressed as? That sucks though

>> No.8529246

I was in Claymore attire. (Alicia the Black)

>> No.8529252 [DELETED] 

So many cancelled panels this year. I think it was due to no emails actually being sent out saying panels were excepted though. No one knew for sure if there panel was there until after the final schedule came out, which didn't leave time for people to say they can't host their panels.

>> No.8529263

So many cancelled panels this year. I think it was due to no emails actually being sent out saying panels were accepted though. No one knew for sure if there panel was there until after the final schedule came out, which didn't leave time for people to say they can't host their panels. As a panelist who showed up for all of their panels, it was still really frustrating.

>> No.8529271

Besides the hotel and badge stuff, I spent a good 150+ some on con things and food. Felt pretty great, I had a good time for the most part!! For now, I'm just waiting for any pictures of me or my boyfriend to hopefully surface.

>> No.8529296

yeah, they announced the schedule and list of approved panels way too late. Where do people leave feedback for the con? We need to let them know it was a serious issue (3 panels I tried to attend got nixed at the last minute).

>> No.8529302


>> No.8529303


>> No.8529314

>Where do people leave feedback for the con?
Theres a section for negative feedback on the San Japan forum you can get to from the con's main page.

I have no idea what your problem is or if you're being sarcastic but either way calm your tits.

>> No.8529315






>> No.8529323

>l o b b y

>> No.8529422

were friends on fb, ill message her. probs just missed you when uploading

>> No.8529439

Thought you all would enjoy this, a blog dedicated to shit cosplay at San Japan nastycosplay.tumblr.com/

>> No.8529700

It was totally unprofessional and unacceptable. I don't know if they just didn't feel like notifying people or what- they tried to make it seem like they just weren't doing that this year, and when they realized that was a stupid fucking idea they quick scrambled to do it. Fucked a lot of people over and makes them look bad.

Actually, there's a lot of people who could do this particular job better. Who's the fucking crybaby in here, really.

>> No.8529702


Dude, I was the Nathan Drake you made a comment about my bandolier and the Mad Max on Saturday did you go the the meetup Saturday Night? And do you have any pics of me?

>> No.8529752

any place to see a full gallery of cosplayers?

>> No.8529886 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 960x960, 11805785_885536528149626_1791075107_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go anon, she thought she had uploaded it
cool costume btw!

>> No.8529896
File: 62 KB, 540x720, 11013474_960556127297764_8467820051250997607_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go anon! woops accidentaly uploaded a selfie of her instead of u first but here u go!
she says shes sorry she thought she uploaded
cool costume btw!

>> No.8529990

Aww, you're very sweet for asking! Thank you.

>> No.8529991

>Pic related is cosplay show winners.
I still can't find where this is posted in the SJ fb groups! I went to the photog's page this morning, and I didn't see this in their albums either. Kind anon, pls tell me where you found it exactly in the group. We didn't really take many pictures in our cosplay before or after the show, so if they happened to have any more from when we were individually on stage or accepting our awards, let me know!

>Heard a lot of panels were canceled and no one was dtf.
I actually didn't know about the cancelling of panels until after the con, when we checked out the group posts. I knew about some yaoi panel or something like that which got cancelled, but I didn't find out about anything else until after.

>I bought way too much stuff and am now broke.
There actually wasn't so much we wanted to buy this year...I guess the booth selection wasn't as great as it has been in the past. No snack vendors really sucked and there was only two booths selling anything Cinderella Girls related. One of which was pricing their figure for almost triple the going price online, which was really insane.

The wristband policy was amazing and we never waited in line for an elevator, which is crazy. We were able to request they put them on loose so we could take off our wristbands while in cosplay, and put them back on to get on the elevator. Then again, we did have the elevator that went to a few floors (I think it was 20-26 only), so I guess that helped too.

>> No.8530056

Damn, so edgy.

>> No.8530083

They make fun of a girl who dressed up to go to the masquerade but that was wheelchair-bound. I just...wat? It's like babbies first /b/ post or something.

>> No.8530091

The cosplayers featured on the page aren't even bad, they're just average quality for a convention. The wheelchair post made me feel sad though, that's fucked up mang.

>> No.8530135

Anyone have any photos from the lolita tea party?

How was the tea party? Why was it awkward?

>> No.8530170
File: 128 KB, 1128x1128, 10275578_1469117060045941_5977574625264275838_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh them again

>> No.8530235

I'm looking for pictures too. I'm wondering how it compares to AM's tea party. I went a couple years ago and was disappointed, if San Japan's is good I want to try and go next year!

>> No.8530252

Not the anon you're quoting, but I went and had a really good time! I can see how it might've been awkward for someone who didn't know anybody there, there was a lot of mingling and walking around taking photos/videos. The atmosphere was very comfortable though, the food was yummy and there was plenty of time to talk to/take photos with the guests. They also raffled off a lot of things, and everyone in attendance got a small gift from Enchantilly.
My only minor nitpicks:
1. The lighting in the room wasn't great and the pillars made it a little hard to see everyone, but the SATX girls already know that and I seriously doubt they'd book the same room again next year.
2. There was no award for Best Dressed as advertised. There were a lot of really amazing coordinates in the room and several of them would've been deserving of an award (though few of those were actually wearing the host brand as a main piece).

>> No.8530281

This makes me really wish someone will post outfit photos of what people wore. I really want to see the outfits now!

>> No.8530285

anyone got pics of me as kung fury or protoman. Short asian guy

>> No.8530302
File: 173 KB, 1272x852, 11838610_784317321665798_8263767086440562345_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the only group photo that was taken, but this is only a small fraction of the people who attended. It was taken as the room was being deconstructed and a few people were still mingling.

>> No.8530345

there was a photographer taking pictures of all the tables, where are they?

>> No.8530348

Not processed yet, Im sure. That was a different photographer. It's only been a day anon lmao

>> No.8530370

This is pretty much /a/ in dresses.

>> No.8530398

i think it was kinda crummy how they took two separate photos, one with just a few girls and the rest with the whole group mainly because everyone went with the group with the honored guests.

>> No.8530401

Dat quick photoshop on all the faces :^)

>> No.8530405

Mintymix was there! I don't get to see photos of her to often.

>> No.8531973

What did you all think of the fashion show?

>> No.8531983

Kind of boring, but Chantilly isn't my thing anyway.

>> No.8532073

The dating game was shit this year. People need to stop letting Dezzy host anything that's supposed to be even remotely entertaining.

>> No.8532147

Yeah, I really hope they get a different host next year.

>> No.8532166

I think what happened is they ran out of time, it seemed to me like they were really emphasizing guest interaction. And as someone who got stinted on that at previous AM tea parties, I thought it was great.

>> No.8532195

It was good

>> No.8532198

Who was the ita lolcow at the lolita horror stories panel that had to share a story for every single prompt. She was also at the swapment and left early because obviously no one wanted her shit.

>> No.8532391

it was very short despite the models trying to pace it out. I wish that they had a runway instead of a proscenium but that can't really be helped

>> No.8532393

sasuga, SJ

speaking of shit panels was there any pannel that anyone actually liked this year?

>> No.8532595
File: 43 KB, 540x532, hypr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Late Saturday
>Dancing with a qt boy at the rave
>Literally the most beautiful specimen ever
>Getting grinded on for god knows how long
>Dick is getting ready to leap out of my pants
>Want to take him back to my place and ravish that cure little body.. And cuddles.
>He already has a bf
>But tells me I'm really cute
>Things could've gone worse

Too bad I'll probably never see him again.

>> No.8532673

Was the bf cute too?
Shoulda gone in for the threesome.

>> No.8532690

Trash can was best cosplay.

>> No.8532691

Shut up Stefan, no it wasn't. Your cosplay was just as stupid as you are.

>> No.8532693

I think she went by Onyx? She was so weird. Every story of hers dragged on without a real punchline, and she kept talking about what an ita lacemonster she was.

>> No.8532700

I want to find her so badly. She was upset that no one wanted to trade her stuffed animals for burando.

>> No.8532706

kill yourself

>> No.8532753

You mean his cosplay and the three others I saw over the weekend just like it

>> No.8532782

The first part, they had some designers kimono design and it was interesting to see. Next was Chantilly show and it was nice. All the models were pretty good with their poses. Only nitpick was the song, while it was upbeat, the same few notes was replayed over and over.

>> No.8532906

> Final attendance count: 18,411

Kek. There is no way in hell attendance was more than last year. This was the worst turnout since sj 2

>> No.8532914

Felt pretty crowded in the dealers' room on Saturday? Didn't they have to shut it down at one point because it reached capacity?

>> No.8533010

Decent crowd Saturday, but Friday and Sunday were flatlined.

Do you really believe sj had more attendees than pax south, which sold out day 1?

>> No.8533011

No, Pax was crazy crowded, I never heard what their attendance numbers were though.

>> No.8533131

PAX as a whole has not published attendance numbers since around 2012. However, south had an attendance over 10k but under 12k.

SJ must have counted the hotel staff, security, parking lot attendees and local homeless for 4 square blocks get those numbers.

>> No.8533359

> south had an attendance over 10k but under 12k.

You are retarded nor can you count.


12k people? Did you even attend? It was elbow to elbow on Saturday.

>> No.8533398

I wish I could disagree

...but we were discussing anime at my table and getting extra cakes

>> No.8533424

Where was the published numbers? All it says is it surpassed the 1st pax east and aus, and passed pax east numbers for 2014. Pax east 2014 had shitty turnout.

Yes it was elbow to elbow. Yes the HBG is a smaller center.

But you can go ahead and believe SJw had another impressive year. Go ahead and deny the decline in attendance. You fuckers deny everything even with facts slapping you in the tits.

>> No.8533476

What do you want to find her for?
She gave me the chills during the swap meet. Every time I happened to look her way she was staring at me and its not like shed look away once I realized that. She just kept having this stare so I would have to look away.
Her daughter (?) is actually kinda cute too bad shes as ita as her mother.

>> No.8533520

Did anyone even go to the meet up? I heard it was shit, as expected.

>> No.8533752

I just want to see her neon green and neon pink outfit she described. And whatever she was posted to cgl for. I didn't believe half her stories though. Esp not the one about a business man wanting her panties.

>> No.8533852

At least it wasn't canceled like every other event.

>> No.8534024


Watch out, SJdif will get you banned from the con.

>> No.8534404

It should've been. You guys are so autistic.

>> No.8534415

it was shitty especially with smoker and his buddies doing bane memes everywhere. Did meet some cool people and hung out later though!

>> No.8534532

what was she wearing??

>> No.8534534

The crowds were spread out, which made it look smaller than it really was. Remember, they had things going on at the convention center, two floors of the hotel, AND at the Marriott. They spread it out so it looked smaller buy given the amount of badges and people coming in for one-days, that's actually a pretty accurate count.

I was at PAX too, it wasn't spread out so it was a lot more crowded. Put ten people in a 3x3 spot and it's a tight fit, put them in a 10x10 and you get room to breathe. And with PAX they were busiest on Saturday but Sunday was dead; Sunday at SJ was full of shoppers and so many hungover folks.

>> No.8534570
File: 103 KB, 1000x750, wellcome to the rice fields SJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post good cosplay groups

>> No.8534616

Yeah, you are totally wrong. Ask Dave or Jay for better shill speaking points. You need them.

>> No.8534666

I'm speaking off of my experience at BEING at both cons and roaming around all day, not part of staff at all. Sry 2 burst ur bubble. When a-kon was at 19k it was crowded because it was in a tiny spot where folks weren't moving, but half of my friends spent their time either roaming the city or taking photos on the riverwalk if we weren't shopping. I also think there were more 1-day attendees than 3-days. When I went to PAX I stayed at the con all Saturday and all Sunday. Sunday was dead for most of the area, Saturday was packed everywhere and no one left, no photoshoots, people staying for specific events. Learn to logic.

>> No.8534708

Oh ok. I GOT YOU.

There were more people but spaced out farther. Thats why san japan never sold out. Thats why they had a positive growth despite a smaller turnout. Ive been to larger places with less attendees and it was much busier.

Kek you guys will go to great lengths to defend a shit con. When its much easier to admit it was shit. Nobody showed on friday. Panels were canceled all over. Cosplay show was still a clusterfuck. All the guests are VA or local retards.

Dont dare leave any feedback though. Youll get this response:


>> No.8534718

I think the only one going to great lengths here is you, mang.
Stay salty, bro. It's amusing to watch.

>> No.8534749

I think she was wearig rave attire.

>> No.8534757

San Japan never sells out, I don't know why you thought that.

But anyway my happiness at a con trumps your salt factory samples, Mr Morton, so it's cool.

>> No.8534762

So, does anyone have any cosplay photos to share? I'd go on a photo dump but I can't find my camera.

>> No.8534763

The cosplay show this year was awesome, are you high?

>> No.8534772

How was the cosplay show...what you said? Backstage and being a part of it in general was actually extremely smooth this year, and it started closer to being on time than I've ever seen in the past. We also didn't have to be held for a billion hours beforehand.

I did hear that there was some seating issues and miscommunication on gold pass attendees regarding where they could sit before it started (which was supposedly anywhere, even though they were being herded at one point to fill every seat, being treated like regular pass people), but other than that I didn't see any other complaints. The ticket system wasn't too bad of a thing, either, and people I knew got their tickets fast and without hassle.

>> No.8534777

It ended early too. And I thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.8534802

Six years of being a complete shit head and I still haven't been banned. It's a fucking magical world we live in

>> No.8534809

You're too fast for most of the security staff.

>> No.8534831

Because no one gives two fucks about you.

>> No.8534836
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some pictures faggot

>> No.8534841

Well that'll only be clean for 5 minutes once it's out of the box.

>> No.8534854
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get any pictures of Spider-Man.

>> No.8534859

>those legs on mermaid mad

Godamn dude.

>> No.8534869
File: 1.87 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't take a lot of photos, and most have me in then. Not sure many anon need to see more of me after they all decided I was a narcissistic fuck face. So here's Macho Man.

>> No.8535439
File: 371 KB, 2016x1512, 11221543_952636064780119_7078784904020636731_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late Night Gaming dude here. Hi. Y'all need to chill.

I had a lot of fun. The maid cafe was a bit cringey, but was fun. Talked with some dudebros there that I expected to be asshats (one dude had a shirt that said TITS MAN) but they were pretty chill.

Gaming room was the best ever, but I'm a sucker for music games. My son entered in Killer Instinct and almost got a match on a guy. That was cool.

My son and I were walking around as Beartic/Cubchoo on Saturday. If anyone got a pic, I'd love to see it.

>> No.8535461
File: 74 KB, 576x1024, CLbqcJzVAAAPPvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna post what I have. Didn't take much because I was too busy playing Dance Maniax all weekend.

>> No.8535466
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Obscure webcomic cosplays

>> No.8535468
File: 23 KB, 599x337, CLbqdpFVAAEMJlB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost if you're a strong blac Angewomon who don't need no Angemon.

>> No.8535476
File: 55 KB, 960x540, 11221275_1134844346542188_6525238960560186312_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shitty phone pics. Forgot to bring my camera.

>> No.8535477
File: 78 KB, 528x960, 11268072_1134844579875498_7814059066994828661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really glad to see Fifth Element cosplay that isn't Leeloo.

>> No.8535635

Tell us more about the maid cafe cringe? I never made it in there.

>> No.8535923
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>> No.8535979

Did anyone take pictures at this con?

>> No.8536198

this thread is dead anon

>> No.8536237

Just...let it go.

>> No.8536490
File: 81 KB, 528x960, 11828596_1134844396542183_6242728189323626879_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my first maid cafe ever (I'm an anime casual, I mainly go for the gaming/to help out). There were 2 performances and on the second one, the girl singing got horrible stage fright and couldn't finish singing the song. I felt super bad for her; I could barely watch.

I had a lot of fun, caught up with a lot of friends I hadn't seen in forever. I tried to get as much of the con experience as I could, since I never really go to panels or anything. I thought it was pretty rad. Didn't hear anything about panels getting cancelled until after the fact.

>> No.8536494
File: 91 KB, 960x540, 11846511_1134845003208789_9041524657976661851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a ton of pics, they're just all in the FB group.

>> No.8536500
File: 91 KB, 960x540, 11817242_1134844899875466_969880435708514571_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys were adorable. They were playing King of Fighters and the Fio got super salty.

>> No.8536507
File: 68 KB, 960x540, 11826036_1134844269875529_6558894511245282216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one group of people were playing Cards Against Humanity all freakin' night, from midnight-ish to almost 4 AM. They were rowdy as fuck; it was fun to watch.

>> No.8536870

I punched the guy in the jacket. Almost broke his hip.

>> No.8537007

im always salty no matter what :( thanks though!!!!

>> No.8537117

I actually got a butler at my table. He was really charming and made great conversation with his guests. The maids... were pretty shit. Skirts too short, messy hair, no makeup. I mean, I can see the appeal of a girl-next-door maid, but these were zero-effort no-fucks-given maids. Very low standards and no effort. The performances were lame, and could use a lot more rehearsal. If you're going to sign up to be a maid know you're gonna be on-stage you need to be okay with it. I don't want to feel your cringe halfway across the room.

>tl;dr 10/10 butler, 4/10 cafe.

Yeah, we're all very sorry you could actually move around at the con instead of being crushed like at PAX. Will agree that SJ needs better guests though. The musical guests are especially a let down. Last year we had what, The Silent Hill Band? And the year before a 2-for-1 deal with Johnny Yong Bosch's band Eyeshine? Super fucking lame.

>> No.8537178

Would you like some crackers for your salt? It was packed on Saturday to get in to the main hall with the line going to the Hyatt.

>> No.8537221

Mega Ran, Professor Shyguy, and Keiran Strange are pretty big names, at least in nerd circles. I think the big draws this year were the Japanese fashion people and Steve Blum/other VAs.

>> No.8537269


I have heard of the first two, no idea who the fuck Keiren Strange is. I don't know if they are well known in any nerd circle.

>> No.8538053

All are literal whos. Steve Blum was the only reason to even attend this year.

>> No.8539361

>it was packed during peak hours one out of 3 days

Is keirin strange a yearly guest now?

SJDIF cringey as fuck itt

>Have a complaint?

>> No.8540049

> Elbows not in each other faces like A-kon
> Throws bricks of salt

>> No.8541461

What does DIF even stand for and what the fuck are you on about, I really don't get it.

>> No.8541531

Probably meant IDF or internet defense force

>> No.8541708

Am I not looking hard enough or have none of the pictures from the lolita tea party been put up yet?

>> No.8542165

I'm starting to wonder too, I feel like a lot more photos were taken compared to what I've seen.

>> No.8542184

It was pretty shit, but met some cool people. The room parties/movie night with them afterwards was p. fun.

But you did get kicked out of the hotel, so just give it some more time.

>> No.8545029

What the fuck happened at the SU panel? someone on my FB feed announced she was never going to get involved in the SU fandom because of some pretty bad experiences there?

>> No.8545368

Idk about the SU fans but the homestuckers and deadpools were being asses at the escalators.

>> No.8545920

bumping bc I also want to know

>> No.8545948
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8545954

SU had a panel, but was not canceled? I'm shocked.

> It was pretty shit, but met some cool people.

Every time I see the same posts. San japan was shitty, but, I had fun because I hate admitting I wasted a few hundred dollars on the con, 8 years in a row.

>> No.8546048

>Implying I lost any money by going to this con
Shit, I made bank there, but if a con sucks it sucks. I have no opinion about the con itself since I didn't really get to explore it, but San Japan easily had my favorite group of seagulls as opposed to any other convention I've ever attended.

>> No.8546120


is that the exact same shirt as the actual safari man?

>> No.8546156
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_3101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill post some pics! I went as punpun and smile

>> No.8546159
File: 1.37 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_3045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


didnt color my hair or wear a wig cause i was too lazy :}.

this is friday when i was punpun, my gf was sachi. used party city hairspray on my punpun and it was awful, never doing that shit again. it leaked down my face in the hot weather lmao

>> No.8546164
File: 181 KB, 900x1600, IMG_3063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my crew

>> No.8546170
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the beimax was p cool but he could hardly get around haha

>> No.8546176
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dark souls was sick !!

>> No.8546182
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these dudes made my day, super blast from the past

>> No.8546203

wait was this you?

>> No.8546209



>> No.8546210


only had like 4 ppl recognize my cosplay tho :{

>> No.8547142

According to my friends it was a lot of annoying things, nothing too terrible. Apparently there was a bunch of shit talking though, but I think that's just normal. Sorry to disappoint.

Also holy hell, I loved that wristband policy. I had never been to a con where something like that was a thing, but I really appreciated the short waiting lines and not having any awkward elevator stories. Anyone notice there was a decrease of assholes with stereos playing? I saw like maybe two at most.

>> No.8547446

Excellent taste, anon. I'm disappointed I didn't see you there! 10/10, would have posed with.
I snagged photos with the francis of the filth group as well.

>> No.8547565

Are you Dave

>> No.8547575

Are you fucking retarded, they're not stupid enough to run that kind of blog

>> No.8547585

>"You're Waifu"
>"O-oh it was intentional! Y-yeah, you're=you are + waifu, you are waifu which means you are trash"
>Being this fucking stupid and not correcting a shittly written paper to "Your"

Try again next time, self post.

>> No.8547603

Some autistic tumblrite that constantly starts drama over nothing decided to hijack the meet and completely derail the entire shoot. Apparently other cosplayers were talking shit about each other as others walked up, it was stupid.

>> No.8548163

But "you're waifu" is a running joke on /a/, anon.

>> No.8548180

like $350 bucks, thankfully I didn't have to grab a seedy motel at the last second and met some cool folks

San japan in general is easily 8/10 con and this was my first time going

>> No.8548279

what did it say when you were allowed to cross? I wanted to leave that WAIT behind so bad i didnt catch it

>> No.8548458

The audio is for blind people. It's like everyone who goes to cons are from hick towns, holy shit.

>> No.8548472

>hotel $370
>merch $170
>gas estimate $50
>food estimate $200? including paying for friends
$790 total
Fuck that looks worse written out. Oh well.

>Yeah, we're all very sorry you could actually move around at the con instead of being crushed like at PAX.
The most pertinent response to that guy and he didn't even reply to it.

"Crosswalk is on" or something.

inb4 "Thread's dead", I don't really care. It was a fun con for me.

>> No.8548485
File: 131 KB, 960x638, 11781882_1022051767827363_3079559818976165048_n.jpg?oh=1fcf052ba509d7f8ac42a994dcab1a2b&oe=564373E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8548495

$200 for food in one weekend? How many friends do you buy food for? That shit be cray.

>> No.8548498


>> No.8548509

We go to sit-down restaurants, not much fast food.

>> No.8548562 [DELETED] 
File: 764 KB, 2560x1440, Dicky note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were pretty cool yourself. We'll miss you!

>> No.8548573
File: 691 KB, 2560x1440, Dicky note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were awesome! We'll miss you!!