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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 24 KB, 236x346, 2a9334939116dd3c939471da664fa264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8523902 No.8523902 [Reply] [Original]

New General, old one below

What are your favorite color combinations and themes?

>> No.8523904

I love navy and wine together.

>> No.8523911

I love light green/ivory and navy/ black, tbh I'm surprised that it's frowned upon most of the time on here.
I really am a sucker for painterly dresses too

>> No.8523971

Navy and lavender.
Sax and pink.
Sax and lavender.

>> No.8523973

Navy x white
Pink x white

>> No.8523974
File: 63 KB, 480x640, coordisnap-93728-342805-08xrwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue and brown, black and blue, grey and white, and startling combos like pic related

ghosts, literature/folklore, butterflies, and puppets

>> No.8523978
File: 15 KB, 400x533, 11831770_10100293078256162_8264449840776027412_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love wine x black.

What kind of blouse would you wear with pic related?

>> No.8523979

Navy x Black for gothic
Mint x Brown for sweet
Ivory x Brown for sweet and classic

>> No.8523983

Most of my wardrobe is brown/ivory/red and I love it but at my last meet some girl went on and on about how red with brown looks like period blood-covered shit and now I feel a bit squicked out when I look at my clothes.

>> No.8523996
File: 126 KB, 400x533, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something without a collar to be sure; square-necked or even turtleneck? a nice cutsew could also work (pic related).

>> No.8523998

what the fuck. it could also be chocolate covered strawberries/cherries, anon, if that helps.

>> No.8524000
File: 175 KB, 400x533, 20150706_01jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None works too.

>> No.8524132

black x gold
black x silver
black x blue

>> No.8524366

Does anyone know Europe based sellers of lolita basics like wristcuffs and lace gloves?

>> No.8524374

Summertales Boutique from the netherlands has a wide range of wristcuffs and the Claire's often has lace gloves

>> No.8524380

I just freaking love purple. Purple is good with almost anything (well, probably not olive though) in classic and gothic. Purple as accent, white as main color works for sweet too.

I'm not really into themed coords at all since for me lolita is more of a daily fashion than a dress-up game.

>> No.8524388

Unless I'm blind Summertale Boutique has absolutely no wristcuffs right now. Thanks anyway, I'll keep them in mind for basics.

>> No.8524397

That was so rude of her

>> No.8524405
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x1836, 20150801_161006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys tell me if this is an A-line petticoat or not? I'm comparing it to my bell shaped ones and it doesn't seem the same but doesn't seem A-line either. I don't own any A-line dresses yet since I mostly dress in sweet. I saw it at a vintage store and the poof is really nice so I bought it anyway.
I'm going to try it on under my bell shaped dresses after I take a shower though.

>> No.8524427

Nvm it is most definitely a-line. I have a terrible eye for things.

>> No.8524435

The extra layers at the bottom usually point to A-line. You can roll it up or pin it up to make it a bell shape and wear it under another petti for extra poof! A-lines are really versatile.

>> No.8524442

Yeah, I was actually trying to find an a-line since I plan on buying more classic. And I was looking for an a-line to wear under a bell for extra poof since I always see people talking about it.
Thanks anon. I have a terrible eye for judging things and I always second guess myself lol.

>> No.8524450

>Lavender/Black (or lavender/anything really)

>Nautical in general
>Alice in Wonderland
>Fairy tales
>Horror things like witches and vampires

>> No.8524455
File: 34 KB, 386x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where I can get a similar blouse (seeing as it's sold out)? mainly looking for similar sleeves and being able to wear it off the shoulder

>> No.8524468

>come to /cgl/ for boystyle
>end up reading all the lolita threads after a while
>joke about how i know so much about lolita i might as well wear it
>realize recently i am planning my first coord

whelp. can't afford another luxury hobby for a while but i have gone from "lolita is interesting but not my thing" to "will this type of JSK fit me?" and "dammit i don't have funds for that release."


>> No.8524476

This happened to me anon. I came for cosplay a few years ago, got into lolita, and recently bought a few jsks.
At least I waited until I could afford it haha.

>> No.8524484

Navy/Silver/Offwhite, Navy/Gold/Ivory, Black/Bronze/Offwhite, Brown/Gold/Cream.
As for themes, I love Halloween/horror stuff, urban themes, royalty and crowns, bats, sea animals, and playing cards.

>> No.8524520

So what does cgl find so wrong about black with navy? If I have a A&tP gothic-style navy dress what color am I supposed to wear it with then??

>> No.8524528

I love this so much.

>> No.8524533

... /cgl/ has a thing about navy? I see it posted here all the time and met with love. Also, black/navy Moitie is most popular Moitie.

>> No.8524545

that is more a royal blue.

generally people dislike black x navy because navy is very dark and dull and can resemble black. i think it's an outdated fashion faux pas.

>> No.8524568

>that is more a royal blue.
moitie calls it nay tho

>> No.8524587

is it better to reserve a dress with BTSSB through the japanese website or one of the US websites? i live in the US and im not entirely sure how a baby reservation works so im worried that a dress would sell out while im trying to figure out the website :c

>> No.8524611
File: 82 KB, 434x390, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where these tights are from?

>> No.8524616

"Did you get dressed in the dark?"
If it doesn't look deliberate, it looks like a mistake.

>> No.8524651

So why do so many lolitas flip shit over Iron Gate?
It's literally just that, as in I don't see why it's so special for such a boring print.

>> No.8524700
File: 30 KB, 293x599, nvplkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something simple with a very high neck or none I reckon, sometimes no blouse really is ok, it just gets repeated like gospel because of the whole 'think of the noobs' thing. Plus the shoulders would be covered here, it's not like a typical jsk.

I also think gloves are a nice match for no blouse coords as well - not the frilly or lacy kind with this though of course.

>> No.8524725

have you seen it in person?

>> No.8524730

These actually are OTKs:

I really don't know why these criss-crossy socks by Baby always get rereleased and replicated, but not those. I've been trying to get my hands on a pair for like forever.

>> No.8524752

Navy x dark emerald green
Navy x burgundy
Navy x white
Navy x gold
I don't see anything wrong with Navy x Black, but it's not like black is your only choice. You can also do a monochromatic coord.

>> No.8524765

white x gold
white x silver

>> No.8524768

color combinations:
>emerald ANYTHING
>rich purples x black

>old poetry (I love BABY's labyrinth because lady of shalott omg)

>> No.8524798

hope I can vent here. I'm sad, gulls. I had to miss out on an afternoon tea event someone in my comm was hosting because as I was leaving to go to the train station, my dad (I'm 20, but I don't drive) realized the car had a flat tire. By the time it was all sorted out, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to make it in time for it to be worth travelling for, so I ended up just going back home. I'm super super bummed cause I'd been looking forward to this for a few months now, it was for a visiting lolita and I spent like an hour getting ready to look all nice and stuff. I don't even have any pics of my makeup because I took it off when I was all grumpy and same with nice pics of my coord. I really wanted to go to like, ~represent the comm~ and whatnot and I feel horrible for cancelling so last minute even though the hostess told me there were no like, fees or anything like that (so at least I didn't lose any money?). I think a few other people cancelled too which is also why I feel bad and I just don't want the host to think I just didn't feel like going or something.

I dunno, I'm just grumpy and bummed out I couldn't get to go when I spent all that time getting ready and something so stupid and simple stopped me from going...if we had left my house just a little bit earlier maybe I could've made it but idk. I guess there will be other events in the future so I'll get over it, but I was just super super bummed out by this. Anyone else ever had something like this happen to them?

>> No.8524825

Thank you! Hearing that you're having a hard time finding a pair I know I definitely will too.

>> No.8524836

bordeaux x dusty pink 5ever

lately I like navy x black too though

>> No.8524863

Brown x pink
Bright royal blue x gold


>> No.8524914

>emerald ANYTHING
Even emerald x mint ?

>> No.8524923
File: 43 KB, 345x437, 153801-s-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me first hand how accurate the measurements are from IW's Millefeuille boleros in a L? Particularly the shoulder and bust measurements.

>> No.8524967


fuck yeah, I wish they did a giselle print. The coppelia series that baby did was okay. A don quixote/kitri one will be urghh the death of me.

>> No.8525081

I live in an area with 1 comm and that comm has only 1 mod who doesn't like me (the feeling is mutual). I love lolita but I dislike her with a passion, and her unwillingness to change the way she runs the comm is driving a lot of lolitas away.
Should I
A- leave the comm and lone-lita it
B- join the outcast lone-litas and start a new comm
C- suck it up cause its better to be in a comm that sucks but be with my friends
I have quite a bit of friends both in and out of the comm, but I think demographic wise, we don't have the capability of having 2 comms here. 1 would probably fail and it would most likely be the new one and I know I wouldn't be able to handle it if my name was attached to a project that failed. I've tried to be an adult and see if maybe she and I could talk it out to see if maybe our dislike for each other stems from a misunderstanding but she just ignored me..

>> No.8525092

Not the same bolero, but I purchased the peachskin one that was a bit similar. I think all their boleros tend to have about 35cm shoulders. I have 40cm shoulders and it was snug in that area. Not the worst I've had but enough to make me sell it in favor of something else.

>tfw: linebackerwithtits-chan never gonna be cute frail IW lady

>> No.8525239

I woule vote for 2 but I don't necessarily see it as two comms. Do you happen to like the other lone-litas? Then whats wrong with wanting to hang out with them and dressing up? Why should somebody ruin your fun? And if she can't be an adult abt it then she can stay in her corner and really, it's not your problem

>> No.8525260

Can anyone tell me that the actual price is for this? The part with the full price is an image and can't be translated. I'm guessing it's either 140 or 170 CNY?


>> No.8525287

What do you think is the approximate weight and height of the lolita models like Misako, Yui and Midori? Just curious.

>> No.8525298

Maybe around 5'4 height and definitely under 115 lbs.

>> No.8525308

>What are your favorite color combinations?
White x blue
Ivory x light blue
Black x Blue
White x Black
Ivory x Periwinkle

Halloween prints
Architecture prints
Gothic cat prints

>> No.8525367

>What are your favourite colour combinations and themes?
I love pink and yellow the most. I also really like red a stark white. Theme wise probably country.

>> No.8525387

This is like those people who think chocolate looks like shit regardless of what kind it is or how good it tastes.
people are just fucking dumb.

>> No.8525389

Question: Would it be against the rules to sell a Bodyline maid outfit on LM? I'm not sure if it counts as something loliable or a costume or if it just doesn't matter because Bodyline is a brand either way.

>> No.8525390

I believe more like 5'2 or 5'3, 105 pounds (idk what that is in metric, sorry eurofriends)

>> No.8525397

>don quixote print
I would buy every color way though

>> No.8525399

If people can get away with selling pants and sailor uniforms on LM, then I don't see why not.

>> No.8525404

I'm a huge noob, only have one dress and want to eventually go to meet ups, but are there usually fees to just go hang out with other lolitas? Who would the money go to? Or is it to pay for drinks and things like that? Cause from most of what I read on meets is usually a bunch of people going to get tea or something.

It just seems odd to me cause I live in a city, I understand group outings where you all pitch in... but I wouldn't want to pay some other lolita to just organize a meet up...

>> No.8525417
File: 131 KB, 500x501, IMG_3306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in the process of making a pseudo bergère hat and I'd like some advice/feedback.

The circle formed by the flower trim is what the crown will look like (the white circle and red pin are ribbon roses), and the brim will be a bit wider than the embroidery hoop. I was wondering if the trim is too much and if you guys think i should pleat the fabric on the brim? This is my first time hatmaking and ribbon embroidering so I'm a bit in over y head right now.

>> No.8525430

I don't have any helpful input, but that looks absolutely gorgeous so far, well done.

>> No.8525433

lol. it depends on what kind of event you go to, but sometimes events that need a reservation - like most hotels or restaurants that offer an afternoon tea or large group outings at a place like that in general - sometimes require a fee. the tea thing I was going to was going to was an afternoon tea at a hotel, $47 for all the food and drink + tax and tip, but I wasn't sure if the hostess was going to be charged for that or not. it turns out there was no charge for cancellations, but some places do charge cancellation fees if not everyone in the initial reservation shows up or cancels that day. obviously if you're just going to a potluck picnic where people bring their own food there's no fee but sometimes places that require reservations may charge one for cancellations. have you ever stayed in a hotel room and were told you can only cancel until a certain date? it's similar, to that, where a hotel will charge you for cancelling too late.

>> No.8525439

Oh ok, that's way better. Lmao, I thought there were like queen lolitas organizing meet ups and getting paid to do pretty much nothing (why would I pay someone to use Facebook?) But yeah, what you said sounds way better.

>> No.8525455

i mean, it also depends on the type of event. there are restaurants and hotels that host afternoon teas that you make a reservation for, but some comms may host their own indepedent tea parties that would require a ticket purchase that would be paying for the venue, catered food, etc. if they chose to put something together themselves and not go to a restaurant or hotel that already does their own teas and people just pay when they show up.

>> No.8525510

ah, Indeed. I thought they still had them, but I guess they sold them all. you can always ask them if they can make a pair for you, they do take custom orders from time to time

>> No.8525517

>color combos
ivory and wine, navy and white, pastel pink and wine, pastel pink and gold, dark green and brown. I love classic coords that are in pastels and sweet coords that are in jewel tones. I don't like the brighter colors AP is putting out now, like Dolly Cat and such.
I shoehorn nautical elements into most of my non-print coords, and all but 2 of my print pieces are are marine or pirate themed already. But I usually try to keep it subtle. It's been a great summer for me. But now I'm kind of worried that people will think I'm holding onto the trend, when I've really just been obsessed with the ocean for as long as I can remember. I also like roses and strawberries, but so do most people.
Post her on BtB and say she's a period blood-covered shit

>> No.8525519

Japan often calls darker blue navy, just like they call lighter blue "sax". It has to do with how colors are defined in Japanese vs. English and many other European languages. Real navy is blue so dark it almost looks black, which is why it can clash with true black. Regular blue with black is fine.

>> No.8525539

The closest English equivalent would probably be differentiating between cyan and indigo when talking about blues.

>> No.8525566

You are referring to for-profit meetups. Typically this is very frowned upon in lolita and people who attempt this are usually blasted on cgl. The only organizations who get away with it are anime cons.

>> No.8525624


The way I see it, the real reason to have a comm is to be able to find others like you in the same area who are also into dressing up. So if you already have quite a few friends, why not go ahead and organise meetups just between your friends? You don't have to leave the current comm, or create a new comm right off the bat, just arrange with some friends to get together for ice cream or a movie or something, invite whichever lone-lita you feel like inviting, and tell everyone to wear lolita if they feel like it.

The only thing I'd advise is to try and be polite about things -- meetup photos should not be posted to the existing comm's FB, because the girls you didn't invite will certainly feel slighted. Some of the girls still in the comm might not want to anger the existing mod by coming to an "unofficial underground" type of meetup, you can tell them to show up in non-lolita, so that way it's obvious your meet is between friends and not a lolita meetup. Try to keep things low-key, and stress that it's a meetup with a group of friends rather than a general open-to-all-lolitas type of meetup.

Depending on the results, you can then decide whether there are enough decently enthusiastic, sane girls willing to leave the existing comm and help you with the new comm, in which case you can start a new comm with a group of ready members. On the other hand if they're pretty happy with the current status quo and refuse to leave the existing comm, you can then decide whether to continue being a member of the comm, or drop out -- either way at least you can still see your friends outside of the comm. Or, maybe after organising a few friends meets, you find you can't be bothered with the fuss.

>> No.8525639


I think it looks a bit unbalanced if all of the trim, embroidery, etc is only on the crown with plain fabric/pleating on the brim. The trim might look better balanced going around the side of the crown instead of being on top of the crown, and then a few 3D roses in matching colour placed where the brim meets the crown (can be ribbon embroidery if you think you can fit it there, or silk flowers), in little mini arrangements, would help to balance out the design.

I have no opinions on pleating the brim. Mostly I want to avoid what sounds like a green hat with pink decorations only on the crown.

>> No.8525653
File: 934 KB, 1280x1920, tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another question. Does anyone know where these tights are from?

>> No.8525798

diff anon but I would actually love that
>I am tacky af don't trust my judgement

>> No.8525808

>giselle print
Yes please

>> No.8525811

Mint x sax
sax x pink
sax x white
mint x brown
sax x brown
pink x brown
lavender x pink/sax
and every color with white.

I love sweets theme and chocolate themes a lot, as well as bear themes.

>> No.8525820

>sax x brown
any examples of this?

>> No.8525828

heck, I can vision it now; two jsks -- one of giselle's villager outfit and the second (similar to the swan lake jsk 1) will be the wilis' design, little wings at the back waist area, pure white etc (veils if you wanna go OTT)
gahh baby hear my prayers

>> No.8525831

>tfw I can't back this up cause I never save pictures when I see them

If I find any, I will post two or three but right now, I have none.

>> No.8525911
File: 773 KB, 1831x1817, 20150503_150135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for selfpost but here's one of my coordinates just for an example. Hope you can find more in this combination anon, i think it's cute too!

>> No.8525921

Peacockalorum is UK based for wristcuffs

D. Hang out with your friends separately and just happen to wear frills at those times

I love purple as well, but there's so little royal purple and so much more plum/almost dark red purple in lolita that it sucks, plus the iris/odd mid toned mauves. I do love light purples though I wish there were more blue toned light purples rather than the pinker one AP generally uses

>> No.8525928


I'm a gothic, old school & classic Lolita:

>> No.8526000
File: 59 KB, 345x437, 153710-s-02-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say buying Innocent World dresses new is worth it, or should I buy it second hand? I'm in love with this dress but I'd be tight on money after I buy it.

>> No.8526028

Is there a real time Yahoo Auction SS that ships within Japan that isn't Chibi or Tokyo Pirates?

>> No.8526036

It honestly depends on
>how patient you are
>how badly you want it
>how popular you think it may be
>similarly: how much it will be on 2nd hand market and will it even show up there frequently
>how big of a hit your lifestyle/paycheck will take if you buy it on IW for convenience's sake

>> No.8526037

Seconding, I'm looking for something like this in black.

>> No.8526038

FromJapan or Japonica?

>> No.8526041

FromJapan say they can ship domestically.. But then there's no option on the drop down, and hidden in their terms they say they charge an extra 8% fee to ship within Japan. If Yahoo Auctions accepted my card it would be ok but I have no idea if I'm guaranteed to have the option to do a bank transfer from my Japanese bank (which only works as a cash card). I'll check out Japonica.

>> No.8526053

Any service can although they might give you a bit of an attitude about it

>> No.8526055

It's a gorgeous dress. I considered waiting for mushroom clock on the second hand market, but I'm glad I didn't. I've still never seen it up in the cut/color way I wanted

>> No.8526205

The ones I like to wear most often are jewel tones x black and with each other, but for slightly rarer combos I really enjoy brown x pink and navy x pink. Although I don't wear pink often those are the two I make some exception for. I also really like navy x cream. I think red x pink in sweet looks really cute.

Themes, I'm a sucker for royal motifs and roses.

>> No.8526223

>bordeaux x dusty pink 5ever
I love that combo too
Honestly that combo sounds super cute. Maybe with light pink as a 3rd accent?

Definitely worth it but I think this dress was not as popular as some anticipated and you shouldn't have a huge problem finding it secondhand. I'm currently debating about buying this series first or secondhand as well.

>> No.8526292


If you:

>want a specific cut and colourway
>really want it like it haunts your dreams

then getting it now is easier than tracking it down later.

If you're waffling on it or you're not picky on style and colourway, you could always wait and see if they go on sale in December.

>dress was not as popular

This is actually more reason to get the dress now if she's after a specific cut and colourway -- IW dresses are cheap secondhand, but they aren't sold as often as Baby or AP. She'll actually have more trouble tracking down a specific, less popular, IW dress than a more popular one.

>> No.8526585

what's the drama with lor? The secrets showing what she said was deleted and I dont have fb so I can't get caps

>> No.8526666

Completely worth it depending on what you want. The ones I want generally never go on sale, at least not in the colour/cut I want. The IW prices are great for the quality.

>> No.8526703

navy x wine
wine x ivory
pink x ivory
red x pink
red x white
sax x brown
sax x red

>> No.8526726

Can you use other shipping options than EMS with tenso ? On their FAQ, it looked like it was only possible if your items were too big for being shipped with it or something.

>> No.8526755

How the fuck do I submit a post to behind the bows?
"Please check the front page for rules and a guide for how to post secrets."
Where can I find this??

>> No.8526758

From what I just know, she broke up with her boyfriend because according to her story, he left her to go to NY for job over staying with her and basically left her hanging for awhile until he broke up with her then she went on her facebook and wrote about he abandoned her and didn't want to work things out and wanted to "warn others" that he is "the bad guy".

That's basically the TL:DR version. Maybe some other anon know more since that's the wrap up of it and maybe someone else has the caps of the actual posting she made.

>> No.8526763

On the community info page.


>> No.8526767
File: 690 KB, 700x461, tumblr_nii4ucR3t31s1yl17o6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replying to this, oops

>> No.8526789

Yeah, just hit the grey select button under the shipping choice you want after your item has arrived at tenso and you go to pay for shipping.

>> No.8526795

that's not navy, mmm uses blue.

>> No.8526806

he broke up with her in a really fucked up way. i think the method of the break up just really tore her up and she can't trust anyone.

>> No.8526862

Yeah he broke up with her in a pretty messed up way. Plus the anon took caps from lor's private facebook page. But she probably sounded more dramatic/more angry than usual since they just broke up. Personally, I feel bad for her. Break ups suck.

>> No.8526875

Vampire Nocturne is on the btssb reservation page. Yea, still really bitter abt it

>> No.8526907

Anyone know if there are any lolita sellers in Fukuoka? My bf is going there soon and might bring some gifts back but I'm unsure of shopping there.

>> No.8526923

Thank you anon !

>> No.8526927
File: 37 KB, 540x228, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_tumblr_nsc5q3Dsvv1ubrnvgo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone has seen this dress for sale on the IW online shop? A tumblr lolita update page posted it but I can't seem to find it.

>> No.8526946

Me neither. It's beautiful.

>> No.8526991

Navy is a shade of blue, anon. And Moitie's blue is a navy.

>> No.8527038

is the really fucked up/messed up way the going to NY for job and leaving her hanging or something else?

>> No.8527084

I can't speak to shoulder measurements too well because I don't know my own (I have a thin build, so it's never been an issue) but I have tried both M and L and can say a few things on fit.

I have a 90cm bust, both fit perfect in the bust, like there was no difference. The shoulders fit me better in M (aside from bust size and sleeve length, all my other measurements are IW size M). The L shoulders were about 6cm too big, I'd say, but I'd have to get the L because the sleeve length was just so much better. The M overall fit better, but those damn sleeves hit me mid-forearm and it just looked bad.

>> No.8527098

Might be a stupid question, but what's the point of feeler posts? I just don't get them. Either you want to sell the item or you don't.

>> No.8527103


My favorite themes: birds and ballet.
Right now I am planning my wardrobe around gold, with pastels as the first focus. After I get my wardrobe basically settled, I'll move onto jewel colors, but keeping the gold focus.

>> No.8527240

I post feeler for that reason. I don't know if I want to sell it or how much to sell it for so I post a feeler and take it from there. Most times I do end up selling but its just a way for me to gauge interest

>> No.8527253

I do feeler trades a lot. I get some offers, and I'd say 1/4 I end up doing the trade, but in the meantime I get to see who is interested in selling and 100% of feeler trades that I did not trade I ended up selling within two weeks because I was able to gauge the price and interest.

>> No.8527257

***interested in buying


>> No.8527264

Briz won that contest she advertised in CoF, she came in 4th but got a prize anyway. She won because of how many votes she got.

>> No.8527268

How are the trades usually? I really want to trade in a dress but, I guess I want to trade value to value

>> No.8527277

Pretty so-so, which is why I only trade 1/4 of the time. I've been offered once or twice items that were WAY more valued than mine, but they wanted to even trade just because they really wanted the item I had, so of course I've gone with those. Occasionally I've accepted lower value items just because I really liked them and said, meh, this would be harder to sell anyways. I've had some really embarrassing offers, though; like someone straight up offered me a Halloween store dress for an IW JSK and was dead serious about it, so it's all hit or miss. Half and half good and bad stuff, but no matter what I've never put an item up for trade and didn't get at least 1-3 offers.

>> No.8527285


>> No.8527321

>offered me a Halloween store dress for an IW JSK and was dead serious about it
Tell us more. Like, did they get offended that you wouldn't take the offer? I need to hear this story.

>> No.8527322

I think the problem for Lor was that ther boyfriend didn't tell her about the leaving for a job at NY. Then the other problem was being "emotionless like a robot" (paraphrased since I don't know the direct quote) when she was trying to talk to him to make it work between them.

The only thing I did not agree on was that Lor put out that "warning" so others know "how he hurt her and can hurt other ppl's feelings." That's the only issue I had with her post since why out him out to literally everyone on a public post? I mean, she can be angry and be hurt but I don't think she should of done that.

>> No.8527343

It's pretty uneventful. I put it up for trade, got a message with an offer of a total shit-tier altered Halloween store dress and it said:
>"Hi, I'm really interested in your dress. I can't offer money right now, but I have this gorgeous OP that I can trade. I wanted to do so much coording with it, but I ended up only passing out Halloween candy in it. I don't know what brand it is, but it's pretty rare!"

I wanted to be like, is this a joke? but I went the nice route and just said "No, thanks.", to which she responded, "It's cool! Let me know if you change your mind!"

>> No.8527350

Her easy acceptance just makes it even odder.

>> No.8527354

does anyone have a cap of that "warning"?

>> No.8527387

Ah so that's what it was. When people said messed up I thought after the move he broke up with her by email or text, or just stopped all contact with her.
Breaking up buy just up and moving to a new city without saying anything is pretty messed up. I wonder if he's always been a dick or if this was a special occasion.

>> No.8527439

Its never the end of the whole post but sadly I don't have caps. Hopefully another anon does.

He officially broke up with her after he left to New York after 3 weeks(?) of not contacting her and told her via phone call. So it's kinda messed up since he did leave her in the dark for a good while before saying anything to her before the break up.

>> No.8527466

three weeks of not contacting her only to dump her? that is pretty jerkish.

>> No.8527556

is baby's vampire nocturne print expected to be popular/sell out? I like it but I'm not sure if I like it enough to reserve it, if it will still be easy to get my hands on when it's released in september.

>> No.8527587

Does Innocent World send you a message when they ship your order? I paid the invoice they sent me about a week and a half ago and haven't heard anything from them since then. I know that they only have one girl doing overseas orders so I wasn't sure if they were just busy.

>> No.8527625

Yeah, they'll email you again with a tracking number. A friend of mine had to wait two weeks between paying her invoice and them sending her package. My last order I waited about five days, and I'm currently on day six for a current order.

>> No.8527637

Yes they do - you get a tracking number.
I waited 3 weeks. They are very slow but it happens.

>> No.8527670

Lor is being a whiny baby about this breakup. Talking about how she doesn't want to be told she will find someone better, how she has to stop herself from leaving mean comments on couples photos...shes being an attention seeking brat. She's acting like a 14 year old girl lost her boyfriend, not a twenty something woman.

She was in denial that the relationship was ending and she clung to it. Warning signs that a relationship is ending are always there. She was just too desperate to see them

>> No.8527684

Hey she just got broken up with by a guy she still cared for, let her be. Very few people are completely calm after being broken up with. I know very few people that wouldn't be sad, crying, and at least a little whiny afterwards. It's human.

>> No.8527690

Its perfectly reasonable to be upset after a breakup. But airing out your dirty laundry on facebook for days straight is obnoxious.

>> No.8527761

Black x gold
Black x red
Navy x gold
Navy x red
Red/bordeaux x white/ivory
Green x brown x ivory

I love mermaid/sea/nautical themes the most. I also love cat themes.

>> No.8527777

navy and wine or forest/hunter green in classic
navy and lavender or sax for sweet
black for classic or gothic with metallic accents
black and blue, since i love MMM

the occult/alchemy/esoteric shit
space themes

>> No.8527923


The blues vary from dress to dress, the older series in particular don't always match up. and a good deal of the black x navy dresses are royal blue rather than actual navy blue.

>> No.8527978

What would be some keywords I can use for a"vintage lolita" coord?

>> No.8527990

Has anybody had trouble dealing with lady sloth? I responded back to her initial email with my order for and didn't receive a confirmation or anything back.

>> No.8528068

My Innocent World tracking number says it's in Australia. I'm German. Is there any point in asking them about it or can I just wait and hope they really just switched tracking numbers?

>> No.8528109

just to clarify, did you use storenvy to place an order or did you email her an order request/form?

>> No.8528110


Better to ask. Even if it's just a swapped tracking number you can't even track your own package and don't know if it's sitting at the post office or if you missed a note from customs.

Worst case scenario if they really did write the wrong address, it's better you tell them now that it's in Aus instead of waiting for it to be delivered to a complete stranger and IW be like, "it's delivered, wat?"

>> No.8528141

Anyone else excited for the Usakumya and Kuma Kumya bag/backpacks and shoe reservations?

>> No.8528155

Does anyone own this purse?
I'm curious about the white as it appears off-white in the stock photos but on the one review I could find it is a bright white?

>> No.8528162

REAL votes or not? Hmmmm

>> No.8528167

I wonder if she actually has anyone close by she can talk to. People are less prone to venting online if they can get it all out to a friend.
Anyway, I like Lor and regardless of which efamous lolita did this, I'd still take their side (yes, even Kate) because breakups suck and she is allowed to react to it how she feels.

>> No.8528213

yesss! i've been waiting months for them to restock them! I'm getting a usakumya pochette in redxwhite

>> No.8528242

Thank you both!

>> No.8528380

nobody likes it, which means it will sell out in record time.

>> No.8528426

I bought something from store envy in a custom size, she emailed me the order for and i emailed it back to her filled out. I even sent another email with it again asking if she could confirm if she's received it but nothing so far.

>> No.8528523

Trying to pay my EMS shipping to Taobaospree. I got an error message that said "recipient is unable to receive payments currently". Anyone know why that would be?

>> No.8528531

I feel like Lor is one of those people who has a lot of friends but barely any 'good' friends that she can actually vent and get personal with. This is a pretty tough situation - i remember her posting about it a little on her Tumblr, then asking if anyone had a 1-bedroom in NYC, then nothing aside from some 'i'm sad :(' vagueblogging.
Wonder if her video quality will suffer from this, didn't Jared do a lot of her filming and use his nicer camera?

>> No.8528563

If you want it in black get it now, the underbust cut will also be popular. The high waist cut will be the easiest to find.

>> No.8528667

I don't know if this was brought up before but I was searching for posters and found this:


>> No.8528672
File: 157 KB, 1245x521, Lolita1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528674

shit, this again

>> No.8528759

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I've been out of the loop for a while and avoid the secondhand market. Is AP's Cosmic losing popularity? There's a BNWT skirt/ headpiece/ socks set on Lacemarket right now, it ends in a couple of hours, and there's only one bid. Kind of surprised me.

>> No.8528958

that's really weird and aggravating...I personally don't have any experience with that so all I can say is I think you should send her another email or a message on facebook. I ordered a standard size from her, I remember I had a question about when my order would ship out (since it had been a month, just wanted to know if it would take longer to finish or not), took a few days to respond but I got a weird vague answer then a tracking number.

If it's been a few days since she's emailed you she could possibly be busy but I think I would definitely keep pestering her for some sort of confirmation back...she needs a better system. Her blouses are nice but I feel like there's always 1 thing wrong/that didn't go too well about her services once everything is all said and done...like, communication was off, a blouse missing ties, fabric color/description being slightly off than what you were told, order takes longer than usual to process, etc.

>> No.8529118

Cosmic in Ivory is probably the most popular/still popular colorway? idek about the others though.

>> No.8529159

They can only take payments of $100 or lower, so they are asking for payments to be made via Western Union.

It is the reason why I bailed and switched to taobaorig. Good thing, because I am enjoying my experience with them better. The shopping cart glitches less, and I really like getting informed the status of individual items.

>> No.8529167 [DELETED] 

The one on Lacemarket right now is in the sax colorway. I actually thought navy was the most popular, maybe it's just a close second?

>> No.8529216

Noob question, but where to buy decent petticoats in Europe, more specifically, Germany?

I went full cheapskate and bought one meant for carneval, but yeah... I just can't wear that with lolita, it wouldn't do it justice.

>> No.8529226

Buy online from Lolitabukiten or basiclove on etsy

>> No.8529243

Will check out, thanks!

>> No.8529262

Wait, really? I sent them a payment of $190 less than a month ago just fine and I'm trying to send $60 now and I'm having issues.

>> No.8529305
File: 18 KB, 320x197, 1436560131270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of lolita generals ago, I posted about going to Regalia and being super nervous about it. No friends and don't want to ott, and wondered how to do pretty, but simple coords.

There were 2 anons in a similar boat to me. I messaged one of them, but somehow missed the other. If you're out there, my email is here! Let's support each other!

>> No.8529347

Navy is by far the most popular

>> No.8529552

>This is actually more reason to get the dress now if she's after a specific cut and colourway -- IW dresses are cheap secondhand, but they aren't sold as often as Baby or AP. She'll actually have more trouble tracking down a specific, less popular, IW dress than a more popular one.

I disagree. Closetchild has had nearly every single print IW has released in the past season in multiple cuts/colorways, some surviving for weeks on end, for quite a while now. Same happened even with Union Jack which had equal or a bit more popularity- UJ also sold 2ndhand on LM a decent bit. I'd say it's safe to pass and wait for secondhand.

But, I also agree IW is 'worth it' firsthand, as in the price you pay is worth the value most times.

Could be from the VIP page.

>> No.8529703

Has anyone seen pictures floating around of the Kira Imai Pool of Tears dress yet? Really curious to see how the dress fits.

>> No.8529731

In regards to the IW dress- thanks for all the help, guys. I'm not very picky on cut or color so I think I will wait until my money situation is a bit more secure.

>> No.8529947

No worn photos, though.

>> No.8529970

I received mine, the bust is a little smaller than listed imo

>> No.8529979

I've been experimenting in coords with using black/brown "tougher" looking shoes in otherwise light colored outfits. I like the look, but honestly, I probably would have called it ita a few years ago.
Is lolita fashion too matchy-matchy for that? I know it could definitely be an otome thing.

>> No.8530001

I am super short on accessories. Anyone have some good US indie sellers or things along those lines that they'd recommend? Classic and Gothic stuff would be the most relevant.

>> No.8530184

Uggg I want to love this but I hate that gold tassle square this has going on. If they had just left out the parts going down the dress and just kept the ones going around.
Although if they had made this in ivory I would have been all over it regardless.

>> No.8530189

Lolita, as it stands today, is definitely 100% matchy-matchy.
It's one those 'rules' that makes no sense, though, because darker shoes almost universally look better.

>> No.8530259

As long as it's not pastel vomit sweet, it looks great. Black shoes look amazing with simple sax x white coords, because it gives an elegant oldschool feel.

>> No.8530379

Yeah, I'll bug her on facebook if she doesn't respond soon. Thanks for sharing your experiences anon! None of my friends have ordered from her so I wasn't sure if the lack of communication was normal from her...

>> No.8530438

That's what I thought. It's probably for the best, hah.
I like sax x white with dark tightly laced short boots. It makes me feels like I'm an elegant but practical victorian lady splashing across the rainy streets.

>> No.8530656

same on the tassels. I would have jumped onto this if it didn't have the wormy rope things

>> No.8530713

>Closetchild has had nearly every single print IW has released in the past season in multiple cuts/colorways

Yes, but closetchild doesn't have every single cut and every single colourway of every single print IW has done. I'm still looking for Rabbit Letter jsk in wine, for some reason it just doesn't pop up for sale at all. I've seen the skirt in blue, that's it. The other one I'm looking for is Original Chocolate in wine, long jsk. Seen it pop up once and it slipped through my fingers. Never saw it again. In all that time I've seen the short wine jsk go up for sale twice, and the wine skirt not at all. That's how hard it is to find when you want a specific cut and colourway of an IW print.

That's why I specifically said, if she particularly wanted only that one specific cut and that one specific colourway very much, it's better to get it right now than hunt for years afterwards. If she isn't picky, then yeah, she can wait.

>> No.8530716

> in the past season
Anon was referring to recent IW releases.
Yes, certain cuts/colors can be harder to find, but recent IW releases have been less popular and therefore much easier to track down.

> but closetchild doesn't have every single cut and every single colourway of every single print IW has done
It's ridiculous to expect that.

Opting for second hand IW is generally much better on the wallet, but when you choose to wait you take a calculated risk. It just seems that the risk is much lower for recent IW pieces.

>> No.8530800

doesn't have strahov library so why live
in emerald

>> No.8530817

>Opting for second hand IW is generally much better on the wallet, but when you choose to wait you take a calculated risk.

Yes, that. You seem to be agreeing with me.

>It just seems that the risk is much lower for recent IW pieces.
But the risk is still there, isn't it?


That's actually turned up twice on mbok and more than once on either egl or lacemarket. It's always priced higher than retail, though.

>> No.8530933

Anyone have those dresses where you are still searching for them but can't just seem to bite the bullet of getting? I've been looking at Dream Marine, Misty Sky and Melty Berry Princess but just can't buy it :/

>> No.8530938

It's a gorgeous color, but like >>8530817 said it has popped up. I mainly see it on the Japanese auction sites so keep an eye out.

I totally agree that it's still a risk, but I think in this case the it's very, very low. At the moment the brand market is just so flooded with sales that recent IW prints that seemed quite popular at release are fairly easy to find in the top colorways for a reasonable price.
The original anon also mentioned that they're not in a great financial situation at the moment so waiting a little bit might help them sort that out and will also save them some cash.

>> No.8530952

So any news on SS who buy from Mercari aside from the one on facebook who charges 700 yen + 10%?

>> No.8531138

lmao I saw wine iw rabbit letter on lm for like $860 and she says shes "desperate" to sell it.

>> No.8531398
File: 113 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you call this kind of hat? I want to make/modify something similar, but I can't seem to find a good base with the search terms I've tried.

>> No.8531454

I think it's fucking gold when people post things like URGENT SALE or PLEASE TAKE THIS OFF MY HANDS while they're overpricing the shit out of their stuff.

>> No.8531626

So i bought my first brand peice and i need a bit of help. It arrived today and evetything is perfect except i couldn't find the label. It's cotton candy shop by angelic pretty and im just paranoid it might be fake since i don't really know the differences yet. Did the jsk come with a label and is there anything that would tell a real one from a fake apart beside quality?

>> No.8531633

Uh oh, there is always going to be some sort of label, and is usually either in the back bodice (along the neckline or on the shoulder) or will be in the middle of a seam on the inside of the skirt (folded in half and sewn to a lining, if there is one).

>> No.8531653

Do you have any pictures, anon? I don't know of any fakes but there's no harm in being careful.

>> No.8531687


I saw that listing. Rabbit Letter is popular (and hard to find), but I don't think it's worth $860. I feel like $400, maybe a touch higher depending on condition would be fair.

I honestly can't think of any IW dresses that should be priced that high. Unless the condition is immaculate and it comes with set items, I don't even think Grazia Crown or Lotta should be that expensive.

>> No.8531693

mint/pink, pink/lavender, yellow/lavender, yellow/pink

>> No.8531695

This is a bergere hat!

>> No.8531738
File: 417 KB, 758x1014, sjfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna vomit.. some people are so desperate for money lol

>> No.8531747
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>> No.8531768


>> No.8531771

I fucking hate those sellers. Stop spamming my feed

>> No.8531774

That is so disgusting holy shit.
1. How do you get your socks so filthy?? Do you wash them??
2. Even if socks just became discoloured from use, why would you put them up for sale? Have some sense smh

>> No.8531876

>complaining about $1 or $2 socks whose bottoms can be easily hidden by shoes
>though even i wouldn't be that desperate but it is still burando and others would be

>> No.8531890

It looks disgusting though, like there's no way they've been washed. Why would you want a pair of socks that probably still have someone else's foot sweat embedded in it?

>> No.8531894

then you wash them?
>and don't display them in wardrobe posts

>> No.8531913

you want holes in ur brand socks? aight

>> No.8531915

The seller should be the one doing the washing. Do you actually sell your stuff without washing it (if possible), or at least spot cleaning? I'd be mortified if I sold someone a dirty garment.

>> No.8531969
File: 45 KB, 345x437, 153710-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, I never ordered off of Innocent World's website before and I have a few questions. According to this JSK's webpage, IW was taking reservations until August 2nd and the item would be in stock around mid August. Does that mean I can't reserve it and it will ship out to those who reserved in mid August? Or does that mean it will show up in mid August as an item that you can buy online as part of their inventory?

>> No.8532007

All the gothic/classic sellers I used to buy from seem so inactive these days. I can at least give a list of my favorites but I honestly couldn't tell you which are still very active
>Lily of the Valley (definitely still active)

The tassels are what make it for me. I wish it had tassel trim on the bottom, even. My number one tacky weakness.

The latter!

>> No.8532046

I stumbled upon Frills and Shit, a lolita podcast, and I want to know if "Akira" is actually David from NYC.

Also, are there any other active lolita podcasts? I'm not sure how I feel about Frills and Shit because Akira's voice is kind of annoying tbh.

>> No.8532050

this is vile but I'm disgusting enough that for the price, if they happened to be the perfect match for something I owned I would throw on a pair of gloves and proceed to scrub the shit out of them. Probably wash them several times over until they were 100% hygienic.

Also when sock stains are that bad, it's not usually caused by the sweat, rather color from shoes wearing off when feet are clammy (still kinda gross).

I once owned a pair of socks that I got into a similar state just by wearing them with black shoes. I boiled them and they came up clean again and undamaged. I didn't really have anything to loose.

>> No.8532095

From NYC, CA, and whatever other place he desperately sought fame.
I haven't listened to his casts, but I am legit curious as to what the content is, since his repertoire is basically "Angelic Pretty lol~"

>> No.8532117


>> No.8532121

Ok, I had to go on their blog and I've answered my own question. I'm a theatrefag. I've had my share of effeminately voiced men, but for some reason, his voice really irks me.

Content wise is fine. It seems to mostly be about releases.

>> No.8532141
File: 315 KB, 500x187, weasleyisdaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a video of Canyoudoit-Cathy visiting his room in Japan on the blog (really cringy just thinking about two of them in the same room). Didn't this kid leave for Japan to escape student loan debt? I'm trying to wrap my head around spending absorbent amounts of money on AP accessories.

>> No.8532149

Hey anon you said lily of the valley is still active, but the last blog entry was from 2013? Is there a better place to get informed of updates? A facebook? An etsy? Something?

>> No.8532156

Can anyone recommend some old school looking brands? I know BtSSB is rereleasing some amazing looking ones lately, but I can't think of anyone else. I'm sort of going back to the classic white lace x black and that's all I'm really interested in.

>> No.8532165

lol is she pandering to foot fetishists?

>> No.8532169

I think that the best place to find old school pieces are the j-auctions. I think Anna House and Maxicimam still makes those classic designs.

>> No.8532175

They regularly release their pintuck jsk and do a velveteen series in winter which is always very oldschool. I would buy secondhand though. You can get good dresses for like $40-$100.

>> No.8532192

She has an etsy!


>> No.8532253

Thanks so much!

>> No.8532351

Annahouse has like one or two old school dresses, same with bodylline

>> No.8532384

>The latter!

Just to clarify, does that mean I'll be able to purchase the JSK off the website just like any other item without a reservation if it's in stock? If that's the case then that's a relief because I'm really close to my credit limit this month and having to buy that right now, plus a blouse and accessories would really put me close to the edge.

>> No.8532387
File: 94 KB, 636x848, AdBnlqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rather color from shoes wearing off
That usually leaves a more even staining, though. This genuinely looks like she's been walking around somewhere filthy/dusty in JUST the socks.

>mfw wearing my favourite, adorable kitten-face-printed socks with new black heels.
>The leather lining immediately and irreparably stains them.

>> No.8532514

shit man, I forgot about that. I'm mad that they only had three colorways - actually two, now that the black is all sold out. How frequently do they release the pintuck tiered jsk?

>> No.8532551

Yes, that's right

>> No.8532567

haha I'm terrible with blogs, I should perhaps delete that one.

I do have a tumblr that is both personal and has updates about the etsy shop (thank you for linking that kind anon).


I mostly do accessories now but will be debuting two new lines at rufflecon and "rebooting" the brand.

please excuse the self post.

>> No.8532575
File: 2.63 MB, 3264x1836, 14387446020741443031540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Liefs Carousel Theatre when it came out and I didn't like the way the bodice fit. It has sat in my wardrobe undisturbed since I bought it. None of my other dresses are damaged or affected in any way. There's no moisture or any reason why it would be damaged and no gold has rubbed off on anything else. The print just seems to have discoloured all over. I'm so upset! I don't know what to do. I haven't heard of this problem happening to anybody else.

>> No.8532602

I'm tickled by the fact you chose a beautiful fatally poisonous plant as the name of your label.

>> No.8532607

That looks awful anon maybe try emailing lief with your pics?

>> No.8532633


how many children are you going to kill for this, seagulls?

>> No.8532643

I don't like it at all. And it looks so light on the dresses.

>> No.8532654

Would you guys ever modify a brand piece?

I've been thinking about taking the "frill" part of Putomayo's Crown Music Note but I'm not sure

>> No.8532663

No offence, but it's only Putomayo and it's an ugly piece, so go ahead and alter it. You can't make it look any worse, you can only improve.
As for altering brand, I get stung when it's rare pieces like Iron Gate, but I've heard of people doing worse. If you pay for it, you can do what you like. It's not unheard of.

>> No.8532769
File: 131 KB, 853x388, milkyfawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8532785

This is so creepy.

>> No.8532811

I had just screenshotted that too and was about to post it. So many bitches riding Milkyfawn's dick and trying to use it as an excuse to sell their clothes for jacked up prices. This girl and Voldie should start a stalker fan club.

>> No.8532822

I think theyre just stuck with the teenage idol mentality

>> No.8532825

Angelic pretty I forgot the name of the name of the tights tho

>> No.8532836

I'm not loving it, so no more than the usual.

>> No.8532856

...people actually like Voldie? Her coords aren't amazing or anything...

>> No.8532858
File: 55 KB, 323x590, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god why bother listing it as milkyfawn's, it's even in the title. Just sell the fucking dress. Embarrassing.

>> No.8532861

Didn't someone else do this a while ago also?

>> No.8532867

Its because she thinks someone else is idiot enough to buy it off of her for an insane amount just because she threw the name in

>> No.8532869

I don't know what causes this, but my boyfriend has a shirt that (had) a gold print like that on it and it turned grey/green as well. Although that was over the course of a few years.

>> No.8532871

She doesn't sound like as much of a fangirl but it's still pretty stupid, especially considering the drama surrounding last time is pretty well known. Even if she's not scalping it compared to what she bought it from it's completely unnecessary! You can sell a honey cake for a lot as is. Who it is from is completely irrelevant. Will be awk when Alanah sees it...

>> No.8532879

Fake gold tends to be made of copper, right? Oxidation?

>> No.8532882

Gold leaf that is. If they used that for the embossing.

>> No.8532904

I think it's just always done wrong.

My faves are ivory and gold, navy and gold, and brown and red.

>> No.8532909

I'd understand some change over a few years, but it's only been one year and it's completely unworn. It's more of a black/brown colour, the paint seems to clearly be on the fabric, so it's not worn or see-through. I tried washing a patch but there was nothing to wash off. I've emailed Lief to ask if there was something with the paint or if anybody else has had any problems. There's really nothing I can think of to fix it, so the dress is worthless if I decided to sell it. It looks horrible! I'm just so bummed out.

>> No.8532919

i feel like maybe sweaty/dirty feet might make dirt adhere to the socks more

kind of off topic but the same thing happened to one of my blouses because of a taobao brand red velveteen jsk
>pink stains on cute ivory blouse
>blouse is forever coorded with that jsk

>> No.8532989

It happened to me from an Angelic Pretty JSK, grr

>> No.8532996

What? What do I have to do with that? I'm just friends with MF.

>> No.8533088

I screenshoted this as well to post it as soon as I saw. I'm so tempted to say something, that's beyond fucked. Not only because MF was really upset when this happened before, but it makes me worried that someone will actually buy it at such a scalper price because of it. People really need to stop this.

>> No.8533090

I going to say something right away but she seemed pretty bitchy/ curt in the comments so I didn't want to bother starting shit. Anyway she prob knows by know but ugh. Probably thinking about how she's glad she left.

>> No.8533106

I ended up saying something, I never buy from Lolita Sales Worldwide anyway, so if I do get banned for OT it's whatever. Seriously, I don't blame MF at all for leaving, I know this wasn't the reason why she did, but I'd be creeped out and pissed off too if someone was using my name to promote their sales, or jack up their prices. Eugh.

>> No.8533116

Yeah I just got accepted the other day so I didn't want to risk, looking for your post so I can live through you aha
The worst thing is they didn't mention it, the first descriptor is 'milkyfawn's'. Fuck it.

>> No.8533121

Dude guys today I saw the holy lantern pattern printed on some scarves.

Too bad they were on highlighter neon colors though. Bootleg Korea why

>> No.8533122

Haha wow, weird how stolen patterns go around like that.
Should've taken pics.

>> No.8533151

So there's going to be rereleases for Dolly Cat, Castle Mirage and Luminous Sanctuary. I understand the first two, but I thought LS wasn't a popular release, which confuses me a bit.

>> No.8533173
File: 318 KB, 878x400, slider0727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so any guesses on when the ap online sale will start?

also does anyone know the sizing on Dreamy Luna?

>> No.8533179

Are you serious? LS was very popular. It sold out slower because there was a lot of stock. Castle Mirage is the least popular out of all three. I just personally hate Dolly Cat. I'm so glad LS is getting a rerelease.

>> No.8533200

Anon I had the same problem! They exchanged it and it still faded...I thought I was the only one. You should email them. I will do that too

>> No.8533234

Do it. I personally hate shoes that are lighter than the dress, and slightly darker shoes in the same color are usually the wrong hue. Neutral colors like black or brown are a lot less of a hassle.

>> No.8533238

the flat measurements i took were: waist 44cms and bust 45cms
pretty big, but if you're on the edge of the measurements, i do not suggest getting the dress since it has 0 stretch and is basically a pull-over

>> No.8533242

Throw them away, holy shit. They're not even popular prints or anything.

>> No.8533243

i am so pumped for it. Hoping to get both Castle mirage and luminous sanctuary. AP finally listened instead of releasing it a year later after no one gives a fuck.

>> No.8533247
File: 100 KB, 500x744, TLS0003-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question- tangentially related, for otome kei or maybe even normalfag wear, would a classical puppets a-shape work for this? Would it be too fluffy?

>> No.8533250

It mightn't be too fluffy, but I think it might be too long. The skirt looks quite short.

>> No.8533251

Not necessarily too fluffy, but much too long.

>> No.8533252

Honestly I think it would be too *long*. That looks like a very short skirt.

>> No.8533253

try their smallest chiffon a line petti
I think it's different to the daily. I have the 46cm non-super poofy one and it's still poofy as under light materials. They have an otome one basically. Also, check out closet child's chiffon petti. It looks about right for otome.

>> No.8533255

also that skirt's like really short
your hips/ ass will give it that amount of poof
at for me that happens
make sure the petti's not too long

>> No.8533260

>Dolly Cat
Maybe they'll release the fucking jewelry.

>> No.8533283

>>8533247 here, thanks guys! I hadn't thought about it being too long, whoops. Will definitely look into those smaller chiffon pettis

>> No.8533300

I placed an order through email after receiving confirmation that she could complete the order and heard nothing for 3 weeks, not even an invoice. I messaged her on FB and she asked me to send my measurements again and invoiced me the same or next day. It has been about 3 weeks since then. Since her timeframe stated a month or less, I'll wait another week or so before checking in. She really needs to work on her communication imo.

>> No.8533310

I wonder what the problem is? I'm glad I'm not the only person! I don't expect they would be able to replace it and because I've had it so long I don't imagine they'd be very willing to refund me any portion at all. It's unwearable, I hate looking at it. My partner suggested going over it with gold fabric paint but it'd be very delicate work that I'm not sure I can replicate well...if I got the wrong shade of gold it would look equally as ridiculous. And chances are, the rest of the print will end up the same way over time anyway.

>> No.8533325

I just want the Dolly Cat headbow so I can't wait :)

>> No.8533375

>so any guesses on when the ap online sale will start?
it says 7/25?

>> No.8533390

Thats for the instore sales, when the online sales starts has not been divulged yet, I was hoping people may be able to predict a rough estimate from previous years.

>> No.8533410

Just saw the model photos, so fucking gross. The brown colourway...the skirt is a different shade of brown to the bodice...like a baby poo brown. The print looks so muted and faded with the rest of the colourways that it reminds me of old tattoos on skin. Great design concept, so terribly executed.

>> No.8533430

This seller disgusts me.
Appearantly she removed comments that said she should remove Milkfawn's name.

>> No.8533441

Nobody likes Voldie. She's an attention whore with a pig nose and a face like an infant that she covers up with Drake to be ironic. She also attempted to sell a JSK that had been blessed by the holy goddess, Milkyfawn. That last sentence was sarcasm, sorry if your autism prevents you from understanding that ;(

Are you the girl who's selling this Honey Cake special set?

>> No.8533448
File: 115 KB, 499x557, BSreason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She responded.
Her bullshit "reason".

>> No.8533462

I am still salty since I was looking forward to it. I will laugh though when it ends up being a really sought-after piece worth thousands

>> No.8533463

I'm super disappointed with chibi tenshi. I put in an order about a month ago, and haven't heard a thing. I saw she bid on the auction and won, however I look at her site today and she's closed until September!? She never let me know about this closure and I emailed her 3 days ago checking on the status and she never got back to me. Between this and her not shipping my last item until a full week and a half after I paid, I'm done. Her service has honestly been a horrible experience and I can't believe she didn't let me know her service was closing in August if she wasn't going to ship until after then. I've been checking my PayPal for invoices just incase I missed the email and of course there's nothing. This was an item I needed by mid-late August that's now going to be useless but I figured close to two months was more than enough time to get it.

>> No.8533492


She has always replied to my emails in a few days...Maybe you can try emailing her again if it's urgent?

>> No.8533494

"Mf doesn't like it when ppl use her name to sell stuff"
"Hou dare u I'm only using her name to sell stuff"


>> No.8533504

This isn't news. She's been telling everyone about this hiatus for a while and /cgl/ has been talking about it for most of summer. You should have e-mailed her earlier to ask if your items were going to get shipped out in time.

>> No.8533523

Well considering that MF herself does this I'm not surprised others do too. She's still trying to sell some of her own dresses for crazy prices. Maybe this seller realised she could do the same by mentioning her name.

>> No.8533525

I really need Luminous Sanctuary, any other SS I could use other than tenshi?

>> No.8533529

Not specifically looking for LS here but I'm definitely curious as to what SS people are using since Tenshi and Tokyo Pirates are both away. Wanna hop on that dollycat rerelease hnnng

>> No.8533532

MF uses her own "fame" to overprice her own dresses. I'm not shocked people are trying to get back what they paid for. Though I've bought dresses from e famous lolitas and I'd find it creepy to list their names in a sale.

>> No.8533550

Even though her shop is close, she is wrapping up for the remaining orders from what I know. I know that it took her like two weeks to invoice me shoes and there is no chance in hell that I will ever get her to do an in store release because she is always full

>> No.8533554

Tokyo pirates is coming off haitus soon

>> No.8533564


Do you mean exorbitant?

>> No.8533583

She didn't tell me, and she honestly shouldn't assume that I browse cgl all the time. Obviously I don't or I would have known about it. You can't assume someone is just going to find out you're closing without you telling them, and there wasn't anything on the site when I placed the order so I have a right to be irritated. Everyone always goes on about her wonderful service but honestly? It's not that great. I've used many different shopping services that we're all better.

>> No.8533585

i went to make a new general and apparently 4chan doesn't let you post more than 5 active threads at a time.

i need to stop making new generals.

can someone make a new one that links to this one? someone made a "lolita general" a while ago but they meant it as an online comm thread and it would probably be best not to confuse the two.

>> No.8533587

She said she's not shipping after the 5th anon.

>> No.8533633

i gave it a shot

new general >>8533631

>> No.8533687

She said it on her fb page too. I don't browse here often either or use her ss but I saw it ages back

>> No.8533699

Gross. Why would you write that? It's like those people buy these dresses to masturbate in them or some shit.

>> No.8533947

You've got your facts wrong m8. I am friends with MF, I didn't try to resell anything of hers. I told the girl off who did try to use her name to sell a dress tho.

>> No.8534055

shes a great ss. she also gets 1000 emails a day with countless orders.
just give it some time.
shes one person, she doesnt have a team. and she has a job.

>> No.8534060

gotta stay on top and email her right away. lol

>> No.8534423

Well that's not creepy, nope not at all

>> No.8535072

I have a 16" petti from leg avenue that I think would be perfect for this

>> No.8535662

Your voldie vendetta is painfully obvious even to a casual cgl lurker like me. Embarassing.