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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 851x315, 10177449_648186335269779_614578533187762805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8512938 No.8512938 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you like, and what you don't like. Keep on topic please.

>> No.8512948
File: 661 KB, 922x670, for sock anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that anon that hates these socks, this is for you

>> No.8513153
File: 91 KB, 692x960, 10403077_1618225171796821_2445240020091558090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually like this girl but she put that the dress is AP when it's a replica, and even deleted someone's comment asking if it's the replica after ignoring it and thanking people for the other comments. I also saw that she ignored questions about where she got it on her page. Why do people do this? It's so slimy. Just own up to it fuck, the whole outfit is taobao anyway. The headbow doesn't even match.

>> No.8513156

why does this girl always get posted when her coords are meh at worst? vendetta? how did she hurt you

>> No.8513159

I wasn't posting it because of her outfit, I know those type of socks are being hated for some reason, I thought it would be amusing.
I don't even know her.

Her outfit is nitpick at worst, I would personally just change out the shoes. She has a nice face for lolita

>> No.8513163

Yeah, she should have just owned up to it. I dislike the headbow with this, but I love the rest of this coord

>> No.8513167

how do you know it's a replica?

Im still new to recognising the difference between replicas and authentic ones.

>> No.8513171

This isn't an ita thread.

>> No.8513184
File: 1.39 MB, 1118x724, dream of lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gonna post some of the coords that I liked on here

I love her coord, although I feel bad that her shoes didn't work out. But hey, things like that happen from time to time
Although she could have possibly just put the shoes on for the photo and switched back to these ones

>> No.8513186
File: 778 KB, 1053x800, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's cute, but there's something that feels off? I don't know if i'm feeling the dress for lolita, maybe something more casual.

>> No.8513193

I think the dress could work but I'm not digging the beret or belt
That little bee on the bag is too cute though

>> No.8513195

I was under the impression that replicas weren't allowed on CoF but I guess that's just the sales comms?

It doesn't look lolita to me at all. It could be made lolita with some heavy alterations to the bodice and sleeves and maybe addition of some kind of trim to the skirt but right now it just looks like any other ill-fitting Modcloth 'vintage' dress.

>> No.8513198

I think they're allowed, but you can't list the source. Or something.

>> No.8513205
File: 527 KB, 494x693, i like that dresser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gonna keep dumping

>> No.8513209
File: 787 KB, 934x726, digging the braids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really like this

>> No.8513213

lol good job selfposting >>8513205

>> No.8513219

whoops, internet crashed and I lost the rest of my comment

Meant to ask for concrit on here for this post, my bad. I didn't get any on CoF, so I thought maybe some people on here would have suggestions.

>> No.8513221

>>8513219 is meant for >>8513213
stupid internet

>> No.8513235
File: 253 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have words.

>> No.8513237

Is there a close up of her make up
>I'm scared shitless by this

>> No.8513249
File: 169 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly in photos her wig and everything looks a liiiittle better, the editing on her post makes it look so shitty
But she's still wearing a collar with a bell with DDC nonetheless

>> No.8513252

The bell, the eye make up, and all those piercings
When I do lolita, I take my lip stud out, or put a clear one in, or get a small colored one that matches my coord

>> No.8513264

It's darn cute. I recommend changing the headbow so it doesn't sit so far above your head (maybe teasing the wig would help) and possibly a white pair to socks/tights as the pink doesn't seem to quite match.
Those are both heavy nitpicks though.
Also some pearl bracelets or something would be cute as hell.

>> No.8513274

Thanks! I've never worn a headbow that's off to the side like this, typically they're dead center, so I kept thinking it was sliding off.
I meant to put on pearl bracelets and a necklace but I recently moved and most of my lolita is still packed away somewhere.

Thanks for the help though! I appreciate it!

>> No.8513277

Somebody just commented 'yes' on this
She's a comm leader

>> No.8513304

Her piercings are harsh, but she can leave them in for lolita if she so chooses.

I wish she had done a basic silver or gold piercings though.

>> No.8513314

Agreed, personally I love piercings in lolita, but only if they're cohesive with the rest of the coord. Gold or silver always look nice, or if they match the jewelry to the dress. Black looks good with goth, but clashes so badly with sweet like this.

>> No.8513329

That makeup is hideous, and as for the accessories? I'm having 2009 scene kid flashbacks. I hope she doesn't have some greasy guy in tripp pants walk her around on a leash or something.

>> No.8513536

Looks like normie modcloth outfit with a petticoat shoved under it.

>> No.8513537

It's ok minus that damn headpiece. I hate those so much they're awful.

>> No.8513543

Opinion spam coming in
If she wore pink shoes instead this would be perfect
Doesn't have the right styling to be lolita
Reads more as normie vintage/vintage inspired fashion
This is just a mess
They say you can't learn taste and she seems particularly stubborn

>> No.8513553

Ugh, her and everyone associated with her are the same, they're all just horrid messes and I wish they'd stop

>> No.8513558

Is that a replica? Wow I didn't know that this print had replicas...the waistbow seems off but that's the only thing I noticed.

>> No.8513562


Someone tried to tell her the makeup was too much but

"Its just her style of makeup bc she likes to be OTT"

Get out.

>> No.8513565

At least edit your photo out when you post this shit.

>> No.8513571

>pictured: garbage with money

>> No.8513578

IMO the pink blouse is a bit overwhelming. If you ever wanted to coord it differently you could try a white blouse with white shoes.

>> No.8513593
File: 356 KB, 920x730, 1437846072567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah I saw that to!
I was at a loss until I saw her fb profile.... then it explained everything.

>> No.8513606

God damn it, any other white socks would have looked so much cuter. The sheerness makes it look like it's a different shade of white next to her dress. I hate those fucking socks.

>> No.8513620 [DELETED] 

Not necessarily in tripp pants, but yes a guy does walk her on a leash. Cringe.

>> No.8513642
File: 539 KB, 2000x2000, FB_IMG_1438094665481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seeing how this is a simple coord.
She has macarons dangling from her hair!

>> No.8513646

She's wearing shorter socks than usual. That's literally it.

>> No.8513649

And her con badge dangling from ehr hair too
This is super super nitpicky but I think this would look better with a warm brown or milk tea wig in the same cut and style. She has a cute face though

>> No.8513654

I think this might be one of the worst things we've seen from her.

>> No.8513663

It might be the lighting but some of her pictures lately have made it look like she has really greasy, unwashed hair (I know it's a wig) and is wearing old makeup.

>> No.8513669

Honestly I think it's fine from the neck down. If she toned down her head in general I think the coord could be cute.

>> No.8513676

i love this

>> No.8513686
File: 226 KB, 1365x2048, 11807738_450034395176034_5312128592186476943_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wore her overskirt... as a blouse?

>> No.8513689

I honestly think Kate doesn't really know how to dress herself outside of full brand coordinates, OOT outfits. She always tries to shoehorn in all the latest trends and shit, so whenever she tries to do something simple, it ends up looking like this.

It's strange, because when she first started posting, she had really nice coords, even though they were all similar. It's like she's regressing.

>> No.8513692

Uhhh, sorry to burst your hate bubble but that's an actual blouse and it's a pretty popular style currently. You know, rococo sleeves? Where have you been.

>> No.8513706
File: 67 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1438096739089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That overdress does not work.
Maybe if the dress itself was a lighter colored floral print.

>> No.8513722

The style of the overdress actually looks pretty cute, in my opinion, but the color is totally wrong. Maybe lavender or sax? I really like the concept as a more daily/otome look.

>> No.8513727
File: 261 KB, 1765x2048, 11705387_10103333525749504_4915102752239268953_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am glad she is still in the fashion and sharing coords. i do not like all of them but i like this one a lot. so simple and cohesive. younger lolitas take note.

>> No.8513740

She said in her post that it's an overskirt

>> No.8513745

This makes me shudder tbh.

>> No.8513747

Oh sweet jesus, it got worse. Ultimate cringe shudder.

>> No.8513750

I'm really confused why she picked that color. And those shoes... the fuck? This would have been so cute if she had just picked better colors.

>> No.8513751

headpiece throws it off. Not the same aesthetic at all. It's too ott and for a more princess or extravagant look.

>> No.8513759

what dress is this?

>> No.8513761

Maybe she meant overdress? I think its pretty cute... Wish we could see the shoes.

>> No.8513767

Her wig looks like those over-shooped cosplay wigs from taobao.
>inb4 vendetta
It's not the worst thing on earth, I like it from the neck down (hair not included), but it's literally like someone too the headwear for an OTT coord and put it with an almost-casual coord.

>> No.8513821

I really wish people would stop taking photos at that low angle. It's so unflattering; it adds pounds to your legs and makes you look like a giant.

>> No.8513843

I saw her on instagram, it looks like she hardly wears lolita, did she used to a lot more? This coord was so pretty, I was surprised someone who didn't wear it much coorded so well.

>> No.8513864

Why are you so bad at taking screenshots?

>> No.8513872
File: 151 KB, 443x640, 20121216-67509_959718464374_4848654_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, she was a big figure in the oldschool days. she often traveled to Japan and had a lot of brand like Moitie. if you ever want oldschool inspo, check her early/mid 2000s stuff out.

she has diversified in her fashion but i am happy to see she can still create an effective lolita coord.

>> No.8513876

Yeah it's the lighting. She looked really cute in person. The lighting in that room was really yellow. I had to edit all my photos from the tea party. Dunno why she didn't.

>> No.8513880
File: 69 KB, 720x960, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with this.

>> No.8513888
File: 71 KB, 50x42, 1433781194264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fond of it but I don't like when coord photos are taken from such a distance, you can't see any accessories or anything.

>> No.8513901
File: 60 KB, 500x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a replica? I didn't even noticed. Now I am trying to spot the difference.

>> No.8513907

Hey >>8513205 if you're going to be posting shit with your photo you might as well have just posted on their FB post lol

>pic at bottom of comments and then trying to shoehorn self post with "I like that dress"

>> No.8513908

If she actually tries to go for lolita she looks good. If she wears some JetJ print with silver Vivienne Westwood shoes she doesn't.

>> No.8513918

>but it really does work
It doesn't. It's just some 60s pattern dress that can fit some amount of poof because it's enormous in the first place. Nothing about the cut, pattern or details reads lolita. It's too new. So Otome maybe. That incredibly non-lolita belt doesn't help.

>> No.8514005

I could've sworn she got this from the made to order though?

>> No.8514007

She's pretty nice, just... Questionable fashion sense

>> No.8514013

The sash and bow give it away.

>> No.8514069

I don't get the hate of looking trashy. Plus her make up lines are clean. They both are.
Why is 4chan so ultra normal and conservative?

>> No.8514072
File: 20 KB, 448x335, tumblr_lz07cjaQPW1r2g7mto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking the harsh makeup styling with Lolita
>ultra normal and conservative

>> No.8514102

leur getter's macaron and cream print.

>> No.8514163
File: 45 KB, 625x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8514173

If you look at the fashion walk photos, it's hard to tell, but the answer may be yes. There appears to be a black lead between her and some guy.

>> No.8514216

That's what I thought? She was twinning with her friend in her personal fb photos.
Also everything else in her wardrobe is brand. Weird that she would buy one replica.

>> No.8514272
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 11207374_10204526329702543_205654303454875220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I would like this coord if I could actually see most of it. Terrible angle.

>> No.8514297

Why? She got it long after the made to order (like a month ago probably. It was released in March) when mylolitadress posted their link to it, and when asked about it she ignored it, and then deleted the comment asking if it was a replica. It's pretty obvious. She also posted that she got it at the same time she was posting her other Taobao haul. The bow gives it away though, it's basically the only difference between the replica and the real thing.

>> No.8514403

I know she had one replica in the past back when she first started (Milky chan), but I figured with a stable job and I assume she still lives with her parents, she could be able to afford the real thing.

Pardon me for not stalking her and paying that much attention to her posts? Now going back and searching, the first post about the replica was April 3, and restocking on May 23. She posted about buying Celestial and her taobao haul May 20/21/22, receiving it around a month later, a little less. The Celestial replica has a process time of 45~55, plus shipping time. The timing of it does make it appear to be a replica, but I don't get why she would buy a replica despite being perfectly capable of buying burando

>> No.8514407

Agreed. But this is a very aesthetically pleasing photo
Trashy is OK with certain styles of Gal, not lolita
I personally love the trashy glam look

>> No.8514468

Because it was cheap as fuck and it's nice enough to look like the real thing. She's not made of money, it's probably a dress she liked but didn't want to spend $600 dollars on.

>> No.8514553

If it's true, then that's pretty shady of her to list it as AP. If she ever tried to sell it off as AP then that's totally scamming.

>> No.8514556

Then she didn't like it enough, apparently. Stop trying to justify it replica-chan.

>> No.8514680

I looked at her other photos... she has that nasty split tongue modification ew ew ew

>> No.8514711

>trying to justify buying a replica

>> No.8514979

Even though this is a self post, I want that JSK like you don't even fucking know. DAMN.

>> No.8514992

I'm the one who originally posted her, faggots. Anon asked why she would buy a replica and I'm stating what her reasons probably are.

>> No.8515011

I'm really into the shoes. Do any gulls know the source for those? Antaina?

>> No.8515029

This is pretty cute

I like all the pink in this outfit. Might look nicer with a flowier/chiffon blouse.

I don't know if the hair + outfit go together or not but I do really love this hairstyle, holy shit.

my god this is bad

>> No.8515040

I love this idea but hate the execution.

>> No.8515067

Everyone is saying it's the bow but I swear to god I can't tell it's a replica. Explain?

>> No.8515074

>I'm that anon
God damn those sock, they don't even look good. They're like the worst trend ever fuck

>> No.8515089

At least she isn't wearing those stupid socks like she always does

>> No.8515096

>At least she isnt wearing those stupid socks like she always does

>> No.8515141
File: 88 KB, 960x720, 11813472_1135290953150917_857836824583185315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can tell it's much smaller than the AP bow (Check out pic), also I think she deleted her post, I can't find it on CoF.

>> No.8515146

nvm I found it, it was WAY down on the page ...

>> No.8515149

She is one of the first lolitas. She has a blog that goes back to the really early days. Lauran dot com. You can see more of her old school pictures there.

>> No.8515158

This isn't the ita thread, first off.
second, her lines are clean and the make up itself is fine.
Sorry but the colors match.

>> No.8515163

Looks more like fairy kei tho, and the colors match, the only dark part is the eyeliner which isn't fucked up. She just used a different design.

>> No.8515169

Because it looks terrible with the sweet lolita aesthetic. If your going to do unorthodox makeup at least make it look good with the style. The thick harsh black eyeliner really doesn't go with the rest of this pastel look.

>> No.8515221
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, sure you did.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone called her out for selfposting
>"nooooo, the internet crashed. I was actually requesting for concrit"
>sure you were

>> No.8515258

Nice cheap looking umbrella

>> No.8515295

Yeah I'm pretty sure internet doesn't...do that. Kind of weird but whatever.

>> No.8515307

Attention whore.

>> No.8515309

Another attention whore selfpost. How sad.

>> No.8515369

Obviously a different person since the person who posted that has their username in there

>> No.8515382

So classy

>> No.8515540

anon, the filename is 'i like that dresser'

It is a cute dresser, is it an antique star chan or did you buy it somewhere?

>> No.8516143

Wow I already knew you were obnoxious but that's just embarrassing, Yellow Star-chan.

>> No.8516150

Is that why you gave a screenshot of your own post the filename "i like that dresser"? I guess you really do like it, since it's yours. There's worse ways to be caught self posting so maybe just admit you wanted to get some feedback without saying it way you.

>> No.8516392
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 11824940_1032046956808408_2477171619083715501_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8516408

She does understated Classic really well. I like it, it's very wearable.

>> No.8516413

You're not too bright.

>> No.8516415
File: 969 KB, 500x281, amg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see this on CoF yet, but wow I LOVE it. Simple, but not boring, very cohesive and matched well... so pretty

>> No.8516444

Can anyone help with what apps/programs/filters to use to get the effect in the picture? I like the soft muted colors, reminds me of some magazine spreads like in Larme.

>> No.8516449

Not sure what she used, but VSCO has some filters like that.

>> No.8516450

Looks like she just didn't have natural light to me which makes everything yellowy like your lamp.

>> No.8516500

Thanks guys, this is helpful. The app looks great for filter effects and I didn't even think about the indoor lighting factor. Hopefully my next posts will be a little more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.8516877
File: 86 KB, 720x539, 11800181_10153518785275948_3684938648030904092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coord is lovely but something about the socks and shoes just seems off to me. They seem too plain so they stick out tbh

>> No.8516881

I think tights, even plain ones, or much longer socks would look nicer here. I feel like the shoes are fine, but they only tie in with the colour of her hair.

>> No.8516887
File: 95 KB, 742x960, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this girl ever learn?

>> No.8516891

how are they not related to pt

>> No.8516905

What's going on with that wig?

>> No.8516912

Am I missing something here? Isn't this the same outfit from last time? Did she change the post?

>> No.8516914
File: 1.14 MB, 500x281, 1435372517565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally mfw I saw this.

>> No.8516928

god damn this is so horrifying
>oh hey, look at this cute thumbnail
> crotch-length dress
>toothless smile with le epic trollface chin
>that fucking wig
>the stretched-beyond recognition tights
and the topper on this cake of cringe

>> No.8516937

I think the socks would have worked on slimmer legs, but since she has such large calves there's suddenly this big wide white area between her shoes and the hem of her dress. I think something more slimming, like lace tights with a vertical pattern, would have looked better here.
>tfw I'm so glad all my leg fat is in my thunder thighs
>I may look like a weird chicken thing in jeans but at least lolita is flattering on me

Is she getting worse? This is downright painful to look at.
it's escaping and I don't blame it

>> No.8516946

You guys are right, it's definitely the socks throwing me off. The ruffles at the top of them aren't doing her any favours.

That can't be comfortable.

>> No.8516959
File: 202 KB, 960x960, 11816988_10153545052687375_5007452394331216653_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made the mistake of enlarging her current profile picture.

I'm going to have nightmares.

>> No.8516966

Make it stop

>> No.8516979

Her poor boobs :'( dear god...

>> No.8516990

I feel UTK would've looked better, otherwise I think it's a nice coord.
But Cadney please stop making awkward girlyhoot poses. They look stupid.

>> No.8517028

Preach. Her face looks derpy af in the left picture.

>> No.8517035

is that a waist tie on her head or an actual bow?

>> No.8517072

thanks anon

>> No.8517084

that's the actual headbow for Sugar Hearts. I hate it so much because of how flat it looks, so I just use one of Chocomint's headbows instead.

>> No.8517089

Please make this a reaction image.

>> No.8517109

What is it with Cadney and her derpy close-ups lately?

Dear god.

>> No.8517127

why does she not any teeth?

>> No.8517130

What font and what words?

>> No.8517133

"They said I'd never be e-famous" or something.

>> No.8517137


>> No.8517142
File: 85 KB, 500x500, ounlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8517146
File: 91 KB, 500x500, for you anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8517154

it's lovely but honestly it looks like most cinema doll coords

>> No.8517169

Tipi lol-ita strikes again

>> No.8517179


Damn it, I bought those socks 2 months ago, before everyone started hating them and now I don't feel confident enough to wear them

>> No.8517183

That's a ugly man and you can't tell me otherwise

>> No.8517187

I think they can look good if the sheer/gauzy effect is mirrored somewhere else in the coord, like with sheer chiffon or lace sleeves. If the entire coord is solid and opaque and then you have these sheer socks it looks unbalanced.

>> No.8517190

I swear it has to be the lighting in this pic, she did not look nearly this bad in person
>inb4 whiteknight
nah I'm mostly just shocked at the difference

>> No.8517198

thanks anon, maybe I'll post in the coord help thread for concrit (actual concrit, not asspats) to see if I can coord it in a way that makes people not detest the socks, I think they're really pretty, even though they're totally overdone

>> No.8517243


i always mentally call her bad touch dorito face senpai

>> No.8517256


Great taste in yoai anon

>> No.8517284

Just wear them in private then.

>> No.8517300
File: 403 KB, 339x625, lazyshoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can explain in simple terms why this didnt work:
She didnt even attempt to bring the blue from her wig into her coord. I still think she doesnt look great with a full mint wig but it looks 10000x better even with this lazy shoop

>> No.8517323

they do go with some of my coords though, I thought about their coord-ability before buying them
I probably won't wear them, but I feel like I've wasted my money because I know I wouldn't feel this shitty about them if I hadn't been on cgl. Not asking you gulls to change your opinions, just cursing the fact that I'm always on these boards. Maybe I can wear them casually??

>> No.8517346
File: 1.39 MB, 960x960, I can't photshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should gift her a trip to Korea

>> No.8517395

Someone should gift her a trip to the sun.

>> No.8517410
File: 145 KB, 960x960, 11168537_10153513231182812_918953467865599115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I shouldn't like this but I love it so much

>> No.8517419

Instant adoration because of the print, so ashamed

>> No.8517426

>dorito face senpai
I laughed too hard

Her expressions really emphasise her unfortunate facial shape

>> No.8517506

She also has a lisp. Its actually pretty funny.

>> No.8517534

Oh my god this is so disgusting. Please make it stop.
Her face is so sweaty and gross and her mouth is just....ugh. Absolutely horrible
she needs to just stop

>> No.8517574

I talked to this girl for a short bit because her braids really were amazing. I think if she took away the headpiece and wore something else (maybe barettes? Small bow clips?) it would've been nicer.

>> No.8517602

Like I don't even have a problem with the coordinate here because it wouldn't be bad if she wasn't so big and not the best looking.
She really needs to fix her wigs, makeup, and posing because it always makes her look so much worse.

>> No.8517655
File: 1.74 MB, 960x960, DELETE ASAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do this on ms paint?

no amount of photoshop can change that fucking mouth

>> No.8517726

That edit may even be worse than the original, anon.

>> No.8517731

She reposted with a better picture or something.

>> No.8517743

Nope. That still looks like shit

>> No.8517750

both coords look like a hot mess....

>> No.8517758

That sad party city tricorn. What did it do in a past life to deserve all those feathers and that shit lace? Who did it kill?

>> No.8517763

Jesus christ dude, people need SOME amount of chin.

>> No.8517776

My dream dress......

>> No.8517896
File: 384 KB, 2048x1539, 11754541_10207396558615025_5637119192452636490_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8517928

she has such an unfortunate mug, man

>> No.8518074
File: 53 KB, 742x960, 11800439_877979368922785_4907995295140132876_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8518077
File: 81 KB, 742x960, 11813371_877979345589454_9099204522368222463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your dream dress has been stretched and sold on LM like every brand dress she buys and wears.

>> No.8518083

holy.. I thought my thighs were big but JESUS

>> No.8518098

Tbh I don't really find its the fit of the dress that's the problem, I mean yeah it fits bad but about as you would expect on most fatties. Pretty typical honestly. The thing that REALLY kills all her coords is her hideous looking troll-manface. Everyone seems to always love pointing out how Lor has a manface but seriously, compared to this? THIS is what a real manface looks like! If I didn't know of her and I just saw her randomly walking down the street I would literally think she's a pre-OP really ugly MTF, her face is THAT unfortunate.

Which is pretty sad because while she is fat, if she just got into shape and lost a few pounds she would pretty much have the perfect body for Lolita since it looks like she has a naturally small frame and she's short. Her face though just is not suited to Lolita, like at all, ESPECIALLY not Sweet! Maybe if she wants she could try doing Classic and Gothic, but she really should stay away from Sweet because short of plastic surgery, she's never going to look good and will keep getting posted here and mocked regardless of how good her coords are or even how much weight she manages to lose.

I feel bad for her but the truth is the truth, some girls faces are just not suited for the fashion and it honestly just makes them look ridiculous. I mean seriously...

>Dat nose
>Dat chin

>> No.8518106

I just genuinely don't understand why some people are so opposed to wearing clothes that actually fit them

>> No.8518108


Holy shit she has a punchable face and a half

>> No.8518118

Is she trolling or does she actually think this looks good?

I think the fit of her dresses is a big part of it, actually, as well as her gross expressions. She is by no means the first fugly-to-the-point-of-looking-deformed girl to wear lolita and while other ugly girls may be laughed at too, in this case the horror is multiplied by the fact that her clothes look like weird negligees on her and she has her crotch hanging out. She'd need to lose more than a few pounds to fix that fit, it's atrocious. She looks like she's wearing her baby sister's clothes.
If her clothes fit properly then /cgl/ would probably still be making fun of her but we wouldn't be recoiling in horror the way we are now.

>> No.8518119

This is inspired by Hook and Rufio? This could have been so good and so cute, done by someone else entirely.

>> No.8518127
File: 41 KB, 640x960, AHHrealmonsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the problem is that she wants to wear whatever will show her "twootie"

>> No.8518129

Are we sure it's a woman and not a sissy?

>> No.8518132

I've known her for a couple of years now.

>> No.8518134

i hate this so much

the scepter is just too chunky and cheap loooking for it to look good, i know what she was trying to do with the bubbles but it's just as bizarre...don't want to peg her for having a funny looking face, but I think better makeup and properly styled bangs would've fixed that. HATE the hair accessory, doesn't make any sense to me. the sash looks like shit.

this is what happens when you try to shoehorn too many trendy items into your coords to get likes on CoF, kids.

>> No.8518140

holy fucking shit it bothers me SO GODDAMN MUCH that she has that ugly-ass toothless smile. it just looks awful


>> No.8518146

That's what I'm saying though, even if she lost weight and her clothes started to fit her, she'll keep getting posted here and made fun of. I know Lolita is supposedly supposed to be "for everyone" but no matter how much weight she loses and how good her coords are, if she doesn't fix her face either via plastic surgery or some major contouring she's just gonna keep getting posted here and will keep being held up as an example of an ita.

>> No.8518153

Her face actually looks better here. If only because its a side profile and thus we can't fully see her missing tooth and unfortunate nose and chin. Unfortunately it also emphasizes the huge mistake she made in wearing OTKs instead of tights.

Number one rule for fat girls, especially pear-shapes which is what looks to be her body-type: If your legs are packin, always ALWAYS try to conceal them and cover them up fully because ain't nobody wants to see your gross, hammy cellulite covered legs!

>> No.8518368

Her money she can buy whatever the fuck she wants.

Damn sick of this replica shit, unless you are paying for it don't worry about what someone else is buying.

>> No.8518374

Except replicas are illegal, but okay.

>> No.8518380

>replicas are illegal
Please tell me you call the cops over them.

>> No.8518395

You technically could but they would laugh you off.
The sale of counterfeit items is prohibited - it is against Paypal ToS to buy them, it is against American import laws, it is against the postal codes to ship them within the US, etc. But whatever. If it is that worth it to you to own a copy of something that people ARE going to judge you for (we say we don't but we really do) and support art theft, then be my guest.
And I mean, it's totally not like serious crimes are brushed off by cops on a daily basis.

>> No.8518448

I like this but I agree on the socks.
If she switched to tights it would look more elegant.
I'd change the shoes as well as I don't think they go well with the rest and need to be a little more fancy looking.

>> No.8518459

Gosh I can't get over how unfortunate she looks, I know she can't help it but she doesn't even seem to try and look more polished with make-up, etc..
And she keeps insisting this dress fits her too, how delusional. I remember she threw a fit on COF when people told her it didn't fit.
These type of trapeze dresses really only look nice on small chested, skinny petite (petite as in short) Lolitas.
The coord itself is actually not that bad, it's more that she looks like shit in it cause it doesn't fit.
She could look much better if she picked a dress in the right cut, plenty of AP dresses that would fit her properly and flatter her figure.
I have never seen her make coord that flattered her to date, very sad.

>> No.8518470

how does this girl keep getting accepted into fashion shows? She looks absolutely terrible.

>> No.8518547
File: 21 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar Hearts isn't a trapeze dress though. It's empire waisted. She just doesn't fit into the bodice and tries to make up for it my squishing her boobs under where they're supposed to be. She needs to stop trying to fit into empire waist dresses and find some AP cuts that actually fit her.

>> No.8518552

Honestly, looking at this on the amnnequin (presumably at the size it was intended to fit) and then on her.. Makes me wonder how she fit into it at all. It can't be comfortable.

>It also shows just how warped the dress appears on her.

>> No.8518554


>was feeling fat

>no longer feel fat

thanks anon

>> No.8518572

This dress is so pretty on the mannequin...I feel so bad that she's probably stretched it beyond recognition now.

>> No.8518627

>that file name
>top kek

>> No.8518671

Where can I see more of chin whale? I'm guessing she has tumblr

>> No.8518701

Ohhhhh my fuck. Why do almost all of her photos nearly display her vagina? EW. How did she win that AP competition...? Vomit.

>> No.8518720

Comm fashion shows, in a really nice & accepting comm.

>> No.8518735

is it because everyone feels bad for her???

>> No.8518788

Just look up "Twootie" on Facebook.

>> No.8518853

wait so why is she a community as opposed to a person

>> No.8519026

She looks like an ageplayer here, ngl since she has the manly face with wearing clothes that obviously don't fit her, plus the dress is so short that you could see bloomers/diapers

>> No.8519070

She looks like a sissy.

>> No.8519082

That's her fan page, anon

>> No.8519091

i just got what the other anon did >>8517346
and liquified the chin without all of that weird coloring. the other one probably looks better because, surprise, all of her horrible skin/pores/wrinkles are covered which of course automatically makes her look better. proof that even if she got jaw surgery she'd still look like shit.

>> No.8519140

You didn't leave enough of the chin. If she got a botched jaw surgery yeah she'd look like shit.

>> No.8519143

>fan page
she wot

>> No.8519845
File: 339 KB, 487x589, thosepeskysjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an outfit and does this article really need to be shared in every lolita group possible?

>> No.8520116

Yeah I'm really sick of seeing this, especially now that I realize she's a convert who wears fake tanner and dark foundation and overdraws her eyebrows and makeup to appear more arabic

>> No.8520136

I didn't care about this when it first went around, and seeing it more certainly doesn't make me want to care more.
Can't wait until "religion in lolita" sucks up its 15 minutes and everyone can go back to actually discussing fashion.

>> No.8520184

She's a convert? I always thought she was Turkish/Arabic. It's kind of weird to try and change her appearance to look more 'ethnic'.

>> No.8520214

Why would anyone want to convert to Islam? Weird.

>> No.8520446
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 11781879_926808694029419_962164924299259079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me what I needddddddd!

to start completely over

>> No.8520473
File: 118 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1438318331066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-M-My eyes...

>> No.8520483

I just... There are so many men things that come to mind. Y.

>> No.8520493

Why would she try to make a lolita dress and make such a short skirt. I just don't get it.

>that petti sticking out

>> No.8520504

gfdi she posted wearing the same dress before and everyone gave her very nice but solid critique and she took literally none of it

>> No.8520548
File: 629 KB, 600x600, after2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent more time on this than I'm proud to admit.

>> No.8520622

Not everyone hates them, obviously, or people would not still be wearing them. Just wear what you want. I bought a pair just recently, idgaf.

>> No.8520655
File: 196 KB, 670x704, Onlythedeadcanknowpeacefromthisevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8520681

even my 'normie' friend linked me to this article, i cried figuratively

>> No.8520746
File: 79 KB, 960x960, 11295762_842248812521053_1653181291741450850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8520753
File: 9 KB, 206x206, 1437590537888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such improvement, wow!

>> No.8520758

forgot to caption it sorry, it's a drawing ofher by her best friend. I think something is missing. like the weight and the ill-fitted clothing. Also chin.

>> No.8520937

Just gonna say this girl is a massive bitch.
Also she stole an anon's comment about 'pink overload' from the coord help thread lmao

You need to lie low for a while idiot :^)

>> No.8521065

>Also she stole an anon's comment about 'pink overload' from the coord help thread

>> No.8521611

I love when people are delusional as to what they actually look like. Like how do you draw this and think it looks even close?

>> No.8521932
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 11831734_643259809141807_4443127567695257241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this

>> No.8521940

Good coord, but she shouldn't pose like this, it looks retarded.

>> No.8523266

does she have teeth or nah?

>> No.8523552

>asking the important questions

>> No.8524081
File: 156 KB, 960x960, 11223738_10153520212717812_6179137960025546513_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so fucking much


I can't stop laughing

I saw this and almost died


>> No.8524098

This is probably one of the best posts there in a long time.

>> No.8524125

I'd much rather bearded lolita overtakes the muslim lolita trend, this is a great idea.

>> No.8524127

the beard works surprisingly well.. especially with the aatp theme

>> No.8524130

the rundown is perfect

>> No.8524135
File: 48 KB, 583x960, 11800480_10204120994138218_8879876384788769535_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this!

>> No.8524146

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8524148

If only she had a little baby dragon bag or accessory this would be totally perfect

>> No.8524157

or a hippogryph. Buckbeak forever.

>> No.8524160

every single picture is perfect.

>> No.8524191

I want a friend that would do this for me.

>> No.8524307

Her character themed outfits are always amazing, but this one might be my absolute favorite. It's so great.

>> No.8524330
File: 155 KB, 960x960, 11781635_10204792915407484_2057987152850483316_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus that loaf.

>> No.8524350

mad props to hagrid chan A+

>> No.8524395

Me too!

>> No.8524400

go away, cake fucker

>> No.8524402

muh genetics

>> No.8524404

Now. NOW I fully understand the term

>> No.8524422

Alyssa is a convert but I don't think she darkens her makeup, I think you're confusing her with the other chick that is in a wheelchair.

>> No.8524438

Oh man another girl there had a plush dragon. We should have borrowed it for a pic.

>> No.8524475

I love her so much. She nails it every time.

>> No.8524553
File: 187 KB, 387x588, lolihagrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by this?

>> No.8524672
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>> No.8524723

My little harry potter heart is so happy

>> No.8524735

This is so beautiful

>> No.8524771


Age play fatty-chan of nightmares desu. Why do fatties never cover their mottled cottage cheese thighs? It's disgusting.

>> No.8524808

fuck, combined with her goddamn creepy tiny teeth its all super unsettling looking

>> No.8524867

hate it

>> No.8524929
File: 91 KB, 720x720, 11822485_10207328530721327_2077361751709036082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those photos
>not a single front on full-coord shot

>> No.8524930

Also the jpeg-iest jpeg at the bottom

>> No.8524941

Lying on the fucking ground.

>> No.8524991
File: 1.40 MB, 908x960, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of chin I shaved off her face is unreal

>> No.8525068

I'm not. Look at her skintone. And compare her hand to her face.

>> No.8525086


Someone on the help thread suggested pink shoes, so I wore pink. When I posted it to CoF, I said that I love the color pink

So I guess I stole the idea from the girl that gave me concrit?

>> No.8525158

Holy fuck she looks so much better

>> No.8525168

I was wondering why this looked so different from the rest, until I realized

>> No.8525189

Possibly, but I'm hispanic and my face tends to get darker than my hands, if I don't use proper sun block. I'd really like to see a before and after shot though.

>> No.8525251
File: 40 KB, 672x371, 1356622765091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not. You report them to the copyright holders so they can take people to court.


Why would any lolita take someone who disrespects lolita fashion and treats it like a cheap costume by buying low quality fakes of pieces made by people who are highly respected in the fashion seriously?

This is a fashion sub culture. If someone wants to dress up like a lolita as a costume then that's their business, but you can't come into a fashion group in what basically equates to a halloween costume and expect to be taken seriously.

That's like buying a "hollywood starlet" costume at party city and trying to join a group for people who buy and wear designer gowns.

>> No.8525257

Maybe it's just certain pictures, I think she looks kinda pale in others. Her eye makeup and eyebrows are still stereotypical as heck though.

>> No.8525258

How is taking advice she received stealing? what the fuck anon? fuck off outta here with all that salt jesus christ

>> No.8525262
File: 63 KB, 640x960, 11800535_10153531885149413_815973138969430060_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how coords lately seem to be more wearable than usual! is it because of summer?

>> No.8525291

That's what I was thinking, she accepted the concrit that someone gave her

>> No.8525297

I think people are just tiring of OTT stuff.
>that would be pretty hot even for summer

>> No.8525332

Sauce on dress tho?

>> No.8525347

Her usual wavy hair is cute, but those ringlets are totally adorable. Her outfits are really good too, she reminds me a lot of japanese lolitas, instead of the usual trendy western styles that pop up on CoF. God bless.
I'm so pissed. These outfits would look fine on a skinny girl. And I think a lot of her chin problem comes from the way she smiles in photos. I know if I smile too hard, all the fat/muscle from around the mouth area moves up to the cheeks, and it creates a not so flattering curve in angled photos. I think that's why >>8518127 looks slightly better, her mouth is almost shut.
I wish someone would tell her this.
Also her outfits need to be scrapped and she needs to be sent to taobao.

>> No.8525391
File: 136 KB, 1024x768, 11717408_869983209747613_1512654374889130052_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on her page just now and that is a terrible name for herself, but the saint michael's blessing coord is not bad at all, the blouse color aside. And her chin doesn't even look out of control. She's not as 100% hideous as everyone says, she just needs to learn how to take flattering pictures and not wear empire waists.

>> No.8525733

I loved reading through her blog! It's interesting seeing her go through a bunch of different substyles.

>> No.8525871

Metamorphose - Sweet Shooting Star jsk

Blue colorway is muh dream dress

>> No.8525874
File: 137 KB, 625x960, 11822620_10207231641047023_859586442692459792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this, really love the look

>> No.8525892
File: 74 KB, 655x655, FB_IMG_1438514960667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks pretty decent in this, I have to say. It's just that the dress doesn't fit well.

>> No.8526064

Oh my! This is beautiful.

>> No.8526084
File: 41 KB, 357x356, 1437847210902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow nice shoop. That change is astounding.

>> No.8526263

Finally, a coord where those socks work.

If she had a neck she'd look 10x better.

>> No.8526300

I'm so glad to see she's finally wearing nice-looking shoes!

>> No.8526615
File: 1.19 MB, 980x1022, Screen Shot 2015-08-02 at 3.26.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lately, I love gothic style, so I went and visited some cemeteries in Toronto. It was really peaceful and relaxing.
>I love gothic style, so I went and visited some cemeteries in Toronto.
>so I went and visited some cemeteries in Toronto.

Sorry but I don't think a cemeteries are places you go to wearing lolita. It's not a fucking photo shoot opportunity, it's a place where people lay their loved ones to rest. Maybe I'm taking it the wrong way, but I think she's retarded.

>> No.8526654

I'm convinced she only owns one wig and never brushes it or restyles it. Why the braid?

>> No.8526657

Why is her hair always so damn ratty?!

>> No.8526701

Probably because everyone loved that other girl's fishtail braids >>8513209

>> No.8526705

Wow so gothic she visits cemeteries, you're not a true goth until you relax at one.

Someone please hand me a bucket because I'm about to vomit

>> No.8526707

Hobo Lolita strikes once again.

>> No.8526720

It's funny cause the only gothic thing about her coord is the color black.

>> No.8526734

>It's not a fucking photo shoot opportunity, it's a place where people lay their loved ones to rest.

lolita photoshoots: defiling graves since 2005.

>> No.8526737

Isn't the blonde part of her real hair with clip ins? I remember seeing that somewhere before.

>> No.8526844

That bonnet is embarrassed to be seen w/ her.

>> No.8527039

apex kek

>> No.8527851

The centipede braid looks like a poo I took this morning

>> No.8528711

>>8528705 new thread

>> No.8528922

That and she was obnoxiously decked out in brand. Maybe AP wanted to pick someone that they thought looked how most gaijin look?

>> No.8529458

I was just thinking that lol, with it being mentioned in either the recent LJ or where are they now nostalgia threads