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File: 411 KB, 1000x1500, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F6d9e324cff9d2e0145e0a060739484c7%2Ftumblr_nownnatdZH1rt8x5go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8506793 No.8506793 [Reply] [Original]

Mori thread!

>> No.8506797
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I can't handle any mori of this.

>> No.8507181
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>> No.8507186
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>> No.8507205
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>> No.8507206
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>> No.8507210
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>> No.8507216
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>> No.8507477
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>> No.8508220
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Does anyone has/knows good mori kei tumblrs to follow?
The tumblrs I've seen so far only geblog from each other.

>> No.8508221
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>> No.8508226
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>> No.8508230
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>> No.8508233
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>> No.8508235
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>> No.8508237
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>> No.8508238
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>> No.8508241
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>> No.8508793
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>> No.8510040
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Which Tumblrs do you already follow? A lot of the mori blogs I like stopped posting a long time ago, unfortunately. My dashboard has been so devoid of inspiration recently.

>> No.8512930
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>> No.8512936
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>> No.8513166
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>> No.8513169
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>> No.8513294

It's probably partly because she's holding her skirt out like that but I love mori girl that's reminiscent of lolita so much, this coord is perfect.

>> No.8513308
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>> No.8513317
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>> No.8513559
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>> No.8513584
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>> No.8513585
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>> No.8513591
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>> No.8513605
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>> No.8516688
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>> No.8516856
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I'm a lolita looking to get into mori for more everyday wear, what would you consider some "essential" or versatile pieces to start out with? I just purchased pic related to begin my summer wardrobe. I have a good handle on ideas for accessories, but any styling tips and tutorials are welcome.

Also, any tips for wearing it in the summer? It reaches over 100 Fahrenheit with high humidity here, so the less layers the better. Picture spam would be appreciated, too.

>> No.8516889
File: 51 KB, 464x674, 1434971646088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breathable cotton and other natural fabrics are a staple of mori girl and are suited to warm climates. I like the crochet vest you bought, crochet is a great textile for layering. Some essential pieces are summery dresses, lacy slips, knit cardigans, peasant blouses, oversize anything, flow-y skirts and scarves. The fashion really is based around lots of layers and the oversize silhouette is a big part of mori girl but you can tone it down with fewer pieces for summer, sure. Instead of legwarmers wear floral socks/stockings and invest in a few mori style dresses (from taobao or axes femme and similar brands) that will fulfill the mori aesthetic with just a simple cardigan or blouse. I can pick spam some more inspiration as well for you.

>> No.8516901
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*pic spam, sorry

>> No.8516920
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>> No.8516924
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>> No.8516941
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>> No.8516952
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>> No.8516961
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Adding to the summer mori pic spam

>> No.8516965
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>> No.8516969

Love this store! Thanks for the link

>> No.8516971
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>> No.8516993
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Cotton/Linen one-piece dresses are pretty much mori girl staple, and are easy to wear in summer with some added accessories.
Most can still be worn during fall winter with added layering.

>> No.8517007
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>> No.8517010

Does anyone have a tutorials or patterns for mori dresses (wide models).
I tried making a couple of wide dresses in the past, but they always end up looking wierd.

>> No.8517018
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IMO, layers can be pretty minimal as long as your accessories are on point. Also, single pieces with layers/detailing built in are a great way to "cheat," as it were.

>> No.8517021
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>> No.8517025
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>> No.8517030
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>> No.8517033
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>> No.8517051
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>> No.8518487

Random, but since this is a Maori thread, here I go. Imo, while 'forest girl' may attribute to a lone fairy looking girl walking down the opposite path from you, I think all these layer requirements look counter productive for living in a forest. Although I can envision an old forest witch type sitting at tree roots constantly with a cottage for sleeping at night. But let's say you had to run away from an animal, you would have to scurry make sure the layers don't get caught, and run before it mauls your asses. And there is a high chance it will because one of those layers may get caught on something.
Ink, I just find find that forest girl doesn't fit really, more lime cottage girl or something. Just like when I first saw fairy key, it didn't remind of fairies at all.
Anyway, this is something coming from someone who just likes the fashion and isn't really in it.

>> No.8518489


>> No.8518528
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True, the clothing style is not a wise choice for wearing in an actual forest, but the name is not to be taken literally.

This video explains the reason the style is connected to the forest.

>> No.8518759

I need pants like this omg

>> No.8518825
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silly goose, there are no big scary monsters in the forest girl's forest! Mori girls only attract bunnies, fluffy kittens, and baby birds. Practical clothing is only for bumpkins in their boring real forests.

>> No.8519379
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I have this lace poncho thing (left) that looks quite nice on it's own, but looks like a giant lace bag when worn. Are there any suggestions on how I can alter it to look a little more flattering? Or something I can wear it with? I recently got the one on the right and it gave me the idea of maybe adding something on the front of the left one so it looks a little less plain.

>> No.8519780
File: 200 KB, 754x1100, 061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key to a solid mori coord is definitely in the accessorizing.
You could try adding some brooch pins to it.
If this is a cool weather outfit try accenting the upper body with a colorful scarf.
Also, a long sleeve top or dress in a less neutral color that peeks out will also add some visual interest.

>> No.8519788
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>> No.8519793
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Another coord with a similar style poncho for reference.

>> No.8519958
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Someone has some ideas to incorporate denim pants/pants with the style? I find pants more comfortable for when I have to go to school since I have to walk a lot through dusty and crowded city areas.

>> No.8519969
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Casual style pants and cuffed denim are more common in mori than some think. Just pair them with flowing tops, accessories, even long one-piece dresses can be worn with pants or jeans.

>> No.8519973
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>> No.8519977
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>> No.8519978
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>> No.8519983
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>> No.8519984
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>> No.8519986
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>> No.8519989
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>> No.8519993
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>> No.8519997
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>> No.8520000
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>> No.8520012
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Mori pants are typically loose fitting/boyfriend style so keep that in mind!

>> No.8520015

I can agree with your point from a logical standpoint, and from experience as I simply cannot count the amount of times I have become snagged on something because of my knitted poncho, fluffy scarf or lace skirt, I think you fail to understand what the fashion is trying to be. Mori girl, meaning forest girl, is about capturing the feeling of a girl who just stumbled out of the woods, hence why layers and a disheveled look is appropriate. There's also Yama girl which makes for a more practical fashion to wear when doing outdoorsy things.

Jeans, particularly loose-fit or slouch pants are quite common in mori girl. Layer them under a dress, tunic, or with a blouse and cardigan.

>> No.8520084
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Thanks! I did try adding a scarf, but maybe something more colorful would be better as you said. Unfortunately, most of my stuff is mostly in natural and light colours at the moment. I only have like two brooches at the moment as well. I was thinking maybe a few long necklaces might look good. But I'm still not too fond of the drape. I feel like it looks very solid and not flowey? It's not a stretchy knit like most of these are, and I feel like that might be the cause.

>> No.8520109

Oh okay, I see. I guess I was just looking at it from an outsider's view. Somehow like if someone mentions lolita, they'll associate it straight to the book? But different. Thanks anyway.
On another hand, the style is really nice, and I would love to try it, but I'm very clumsy and those nice scarves, ponchos, dresses and skirts would be absolutely in tatters by time New Years come along.

>> No.8520123

True, it could be simply down to the type of material used, so it's not draping well for you.

I've found that some items have that "mori look" to them, but just don't work well with mori style.
However, a necklace would be a good idea to try.

>> No.8520216
File: 55 KB, 515x387, 20090428_1074266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the other anon is really on target with their advice, especially re: creating contrast with something darker-toned. What I personally don't like here is the billowy-looking dress. Fit in mori should definitely be loose, but I think the issue with the poncho is that it's making the whole coord look uniformly baggy and wide? I may be totally off-base since it's hard to tell just based on one photo, though.

Pic related is a little different from your coord but illustrates the balance of colors and pieces that I think would probably make yours work.

>> No.8520325
File: 82 KB, 450x600, IMG_32051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it could be what you said about the fit of the dress. I've had this poncho for a few years and I could never get it to look good with anything I wore though; it always had that baggy look. That's why I thought it had to do with the drape.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot dark pieces that I think would work right at creating that contrast at the moment.

I thought the other poncho looked better at the time I took the picture, but now that I've looked at the pictures a few times, I'm not sure, haha. I was wearing brown shoes/socks to balance the scarf.

>> No.8520339
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Before you give up on the top, try it out with a simple a-line skirt if you have one, because as anon above said, the two pieces may be too wide to work together.

>> No.8520360

I tried them both on again after I posted this, and I think I may have figured out what bothered me about the poncho. I think the first one makes my shoulders look rounder, as if I was slouching. The second one makes my shoulder look more square.

>> No.8520383
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It looks fine at the waist with the a-line skirt, but I think it still looks a little baggy around the shoulders. If drape the shawl around the shoulders then it doesn't look too bad, but then I think I'd be better off just wearing an off-white blouse with a belt or something.

Sorry for my messy room....

>> No.8520409

For what it's worth, I'm >>8520216 and think this is much cuter already. But if you don't like the way it looks on you, that's reason enough not to wear it.

>> No.8520412

Thanks for your input! I'll definitely keep trying to find a way to make it look good.

>> No.8520885

This looks cute anon! I personally would wear it without the scarf thingy but to each their own!

>> No.8522453
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>> No.8522455
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>> No.8524846
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>> No.8525978
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could I use this dress for a mori coord? I'm trying to figure out what style to coord it in and the fit seems to lean towards mori (it's a size L and I'm an S so it's very flowy)

I'm worried that it's too "fancy" or dark though. I'm only seeing creams and light neutrals itt

>> No.8526733
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>I'm only seeing creams and light neutrals itt
I feel like you didn't really look through this thread.

My problem with this dress is that it looks really scratchy and synthetic which mori avoids as a general rule. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with the color or details and I think it could be coorded just fine. I'm curious how it looks on you, though, since you'll want it to be loose, not ill-fitting.

>> No.8528978
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>> No.8528982
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>> No.8529192

the color isn't a problem, but it might not have the right silhouette for mori. You could try layering pants or skirts under it, though.

Mori doesn't have to be all wash out, just natural. When making an outfit pick colors that show up in nature.

>> No.8529575
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>> No.8529588
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>> No.8530047
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>> No.8531706
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>> No.8531711
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>> No.8531974
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>> No.8531977
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>> No.8531980
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>> No.8533667

/r/ing coords with cute hats/headgear!

>> No.8534702
File: 46 KB, 500x667, 20140709160415741_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just any kind of hat?

There's some in the thread already, but I'll do my best.

>> No.8534710
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>> No.8534715
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>> No.8534727
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>> No.8534732
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>> No.8534734

Can someone explain to me what I'm looking at with these gorgeous socks/shoes? Spats?

>> No.8534743
File: 129 KB, 600x1200, z-1782d-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're some kind of wooden sandal made by the Rakuten shop Nashare paired with socks. As far as I know, they don't sell them anymore.

>> No.8534753

The lace looks easy enough to replicate. Super cute look. Thanks anon!

>> No.8534760
File: 68 KB, 600x733, z-1782d-3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! They were really ubiquitous for a while, I've been feeling kind of nostalgic for them myself.

>> No.8534824

They're called mules or / and clogs on EBay, I quite easily got a few pairs on EBay when I started my mori girl wardrobe. I used to do a search on EBay using the search term mules or clogs and filter it to my size and preferred colour then save the search and set an alert for them. Bearing in mind this was a few years back but it couldn't hurt to try if your interested. I even customised a pair with lace.

>> No.8534845

Oh, clogs, duh. I can't believe I forgot what they were called, haha (I was just looking at the Japanese sales page which literally said "wood sandal" and feeling mildly confused). Thanks for the info, I might look for a pair too.

>> No.8535035

>Not the silhouette
Would you mind clarifying this a little? I'm starting out too, and I was under the impression this kind of knee-length dress was a go-to for layering skirts underneath.

>> No.8535874

I wanted to know too. I've been wearing mori for a few years now and it looks like plenty of dresses I've seen worn well in the style.

>> No.8536020

I have a pair of these in floral. Very cute, but not comfortable.

>> No.8537234

thanks for posting mori that's not all beige layers!

>> No.8537274

What type of fabric is it? Another point that sets Mori apart is the focus on naturally occurring fabrics. No polyester, no acrylic etc. Silk, linen, cotton, wool are all good go tos.

>> No.8537545
File: 968 KB, 562x750, tumblr_n7pe2iNWyd1qblmr0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meant to reply to >>8525978, right?

>> No.8537546
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>> No.8538800
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>> No.8538950
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True. Colours are perfectly fine in mori as long as the hue is right (muted natural/earthy colours).

>> No.8540728

I must have this hat.

>> No.8540830
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>> No.8540833
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>> No.8541216

Search term derby hats on EBay. I've ordered two and was lucky as they came with those hard plastic thingies inside them to hold their shape through the post. Sort of a gamble though as you may wind up getting one squished and misshapen during transit.

>> No.8542650

I love this thread. Mori is so similar to my "natural" style but more consequent and thought out. It's also exciting to find people, who also share an interest for forests and nature.

>> No.8542672

Thanks! I may have to treat myself, as a 'back to school' piece.

>> No.8542789
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>> No.8542796
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>> No.8542803
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>> No.8545062
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>> No.8548085

Has anyone seen that Simplicity seems to be trying to hop the mori wagon? Not very well, mind you, but one of their 'boho dress' patterns (aka plain tunic with pockets) greatly resembles mori photo spreads right down to the models posing and the background. I wonder if one of the designers maybe knows someone into jfash, and thats why we get so many fail-lolita patterns too.

>> No.8548125

Haven't seen them, do you have pics?

>> No.8548127
File: 650 KB, 794x1142, 1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're referring to this pattern, then I'd have to agree that someone in the company is looking to J-fash for inspiration.

>> No.8548130

After checking out the name dottie angel I came up with a designer's page

>> No.8548137

I really like this tbh.
Its like a mori otome blend.
The bust darts are gross but the pockets are cute.

>> No.8548154

It is cute.
I feel the same about the darts; it's the main thing keeping it from having the mori aesthetic.

>> No.8548430

I really fuckin like the grey flower print in the big view. Wonder if the local stores would have that, it would make a really nice skirt.

From the looks of it, the bust darts are more like tucks. You could probably skip them really easily.

>> No.8549182

Iis there such thing as plus sized mori kei? I'm plus sized by jfash standards (au size 12, 5ft8) and I love the mori aesthetic, but I never seem to see it on taller/curvier girls - is there any way to not look like a sack of potatoes?

>> No.8549294

Anyone have any photos of their wardrobes, or their favorite pieces? When shopping I find that it's sometimes hard to visualize what would work well in a wardrobe, so I'd love to see what pieces are you gulls's favorites.

>> No.8549504

Fuck yeah, a girl in my comm is about your height or taller, and maybe even built a bit bigger overall too and she looks like an amazing forest goddess. Like best mori, has amazing natural hair too. Admittedly I haven't seen much mori in real life so...
She doesn't really post pics publicly though. I have no idea how she does it. Maybe not giving a shit about looking sexy/ defined/ usual fashion tips and just going for a good coord. She does long skirts and layering... maybe the shawls help define her waist a bit, ie. No long cardigans without an extra contrasting layer around the top breaking it up visually. Mixing brown tones with white instead of completely pastel. Also lighter layers/ open crochet vests. If your face is slender don't have really long hair covering it.
Size 12 isn't that huge for 5'8" by the way. I think a larger person in it looks pretty cool in it as they draw attention and look even more deity like instead of just a waifish delicate 4'9" girl, though both are nice.

>> No.8549688
File: 166 KB, 862x1100, 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8549761

you have some pics?

>> No.8549764

I'm curious as well. She sounds like a goddess.

>> No.8550454
File: 329 KB, 750x500, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are a couple things I have hung up right now since no one else seems to be going first. I don't really know if they'd tell you what to look for, though, they're just pieces I have that I like. But I've wanted to see other mori wardrobes forever, so it'd be cool if more people would share some of their favorites too.

>> No.8551164

omg thank you!!! you're an angel this has made me feel so much better about giving it a go.

>> No.8551237

Anybody got any examples of mori lolita and the like? I love that substyle so much, but it seems to be really rare.

>> No.8551515
File: 2.64 MB, 5120x3000, moristuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few of my faves.

>> No.8551900
File: 961 KB, 2400x742, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some of my favorites. I also have a lace underdress with adjustable straps, It's my all time favorite. But I coudn't get it looking good on the picture.

>> No.8552389

absolutely perfect in every way.

>> No.8552418

Wear something you really like when going shopping and try to add to it, like if you have a top you'd like a skirt for. If you have other clothing in a similar vein already in your wardrobe then more than likely you'll also be able to match it with other items, which is always really exciting when you go through your clothes and find those combinations.

>> No.8552481

Also I'd say try to invest in good pieces, don't be cheap about it. Thrifting you can get away with finding good cheap quality goods, but brand new stuff that's cheap looks super cheap. I'm seeing some coords in here with shitty pleather shoes and it looks terrible, invest in a good pair of genuine leather shoes for authenticity.

>> No.8553292
File: 1.80 MB, 1305x1750, IMG_20150814_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my wardrobe, but I think this girl's outfits are a good starting place to reference for someone new to mori. I feel like they're also good examples of 'every day mori' the kind of outfits you can swan off to the shops in and not feel too self conscious. Start simple, collect suitable separates as this girl has, the roll up jeans worn under layers, the Maxi skirt and so on.

>> No.8553479

How do I pull this off with big tits? It makes me look fat.

>> No.8553765

Do you know this girl's username? I like her outfits and would like to look at her page.

>> No.8554010

Mugi. On Coordisnap (I think)

>> No.8554057

This makes me hope Maori-kei will be a thing someday.

>> No.8554062

I think it looks great. I'd like to see it with a poncho over it.

>> No.8554067

God I know, her navy blue vest or whatever that is is giving me life.

>> No.8554069

You have to break some of the "rules" and wear more fitted pieces on top and accentuate your waist with some belts and like, while still trying for the overall aesthetic. You're still going to look a little on the big and frumpy side, but just embrace it.

>> No.8554561
File: 1.69 MB, 5120x3000, Downloads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned to stay away from certain styles of dresses and tops. Also use scarves and shawls to cover the bust.
I've added some example photos of no-go's for big boobs. Even if you fit within the bust range, these won't look too good.
And as the other anon said, mori girl makes most people look a bit frumpy/big so accept that as part of the style.

>> No.8554837

thanks guys
I'm working on losing weight so hopefully my titties will shrink.
by the way where are these images coming from? I can't find them anywhere but if whoever dumps these has a blog or something I would love to keep track so I don't feel like I'm stealing someone elses collection.

>> No.8554924

The pictures in this thread? They're all just magazine scans or random images you can find on Google, I don't think they belong to anyone.

>> No.8554948

Also some photos from personal blogs/tumblrs I think.

>> No.8556776
File: 229 KB, 500x620, tumblr_mh4m23FpkF1ruuck3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8556785

Will I ever be brave enough to wear that bright yellow

>> No.8556802
File: 73 KB, 500x750, 89f4c80d03a284c083460156501ad1fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have courage, anon. Honestly, it doesn't look that bright to me, maybe because the surrounding muted colors downplay it a bit?

I quite like yellow in mori, actually.

>> No.8556804

Anyone have any inspo pics of slightly chubby girls wearing mori? I recently put on some weight, mostly in the leg area, and I don't want to have to sacrifice cute fashions while I'm working on shedding the pounds. Looking for pics of girls in the 130 pound range. Most mori girls seem very petite, so it's difficult to find inspiration.

>> No.8556824
File: 709 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nr4hb9pdA61s4sxkno2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe one day, I only have off-whites, white and brown in my closet atm.
I really love this color too, makes the coord so inspiring.

Sorry anon this is the only heavier mori girl that I know. I hope you'll find a way to dress that flatters your body.

>> No.8556830
File: 404 KB, 398x600, tumblr_nhtwh2Jncb1s4sxkno3_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8556924

That's not necessarily them trying to do mori. It looks more like some of the dresses we get from British brands that cater to middle class housewives like Cath Kidston or Boden.

>> No.8558765
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>> No.8558826
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>> No.8558831
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>> No.8559002

i actually really hate this girls look :(

>> No.8559058

I hate it too.

>> No.8559071
File: 622 KB, 1063x1600, DSC05995_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fatty chan and i wanna get into mori too. I have a few pics saved.
>girl on the left.

>> No.8559075
File: 286 KB, 428x640, tumblr_m2u5eyDbFn1qctvt2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally find this outfit on her very unflattering, but i saved the pic just 'cause she's a chubby mori.

>> No.8559079
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>> No.8559086
File: 99 KB, 500x533, 1435836029354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like whatever sillouette fits your body type best is what you should continue wearing in mori. Even though we see mostly all baggy looks. there are still a few that can flatter any shape as long as you try. like pic related for instance would look good on a pear shape chubby mori girl.

>> No.8559132
File: 200 KB, 768x1024, 3e2c780520e1f30d9fe91d92a796d9a95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SM2 has/had some chubby-looking shop staff (by average Japanese standards, at least).

>> No.8559133
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>> No.8559138
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>> No.8559142
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>> No.8560620

Yeah she looks like a gnarly little grandma or something.

>> No.8560632

This is kind of what I am always paranoid of doing - layering too many things that cut straight horizontal. It always looks weird and dumpy to me personally. :\

>> No.8561031

I know a lot of mori girls are on Tumblr. But are there also Instagrams? I have a mori tumblr myself and I want to move to another platform. I have grown very tired of Tumblr. I find IG very easy and good to use. But I wonder if there even is a mori community on there.

do you have/know a mori kei instagram?

>> No.8562576

What have you girls ordered recently? I posted my recent buys here >>8562546

Also do you prefer online shopping or thrifting? I like a bit of both but my better pieces are always from online shopping.

>> No.8563030
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, 2376144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my only recent thrift purchase.
I like a mix of both new and thrifted goods and
do both types of shopping online.
There's still a lot of Japanese girls getting rid of older mori pieces, and rakuten second hand shops tend to have really good finds.

>> No.8563149

different anon but what is this dress style called? (Not mori girl but the styling of the clenching at the waist) I'm a curvy girl @ 141lbs 5'5' but I love Mori girl. Ebay and Aliexpress links are helpful

>> No.8563376

Not the op of the image, but I think the style is called a high waist dress. I see lots of mori dresses with a similar cut, and some have ties at back (or front) to cinch the waist more.



>> No.8566841

This. All I have in instagram are stores.

>> No.8566845

>I'm a curvy girl

>> No.8566854

Well what else do you want me to use
I'm not fat, I'm chubby if anything, and I'd asked cgl if I was considered overweight (Measurements thread to know if I was "Plus size") and no one said I was.

I don't see what's wrong with the term curvy if you're curvy. Sorry if the landwhales of tumblr ruined the term for you.

>> No.8566857

Like omg I'm not even fat :(

>> No.8566860

Put my name in so you can look up who I am to see for yourself.

>> No.8566863



>> No.8566883

is this vendetta or just summer

>> No.8566890


>> No.8567108

very new to alternative jfashion, so is mori like a 1930's dust bowl aesthetic? that's what its reminding me of,

>> No.8567488
File: 226 KB, 600x870, 1401509598_WDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, that's the first time I've heard that interpretation. It's pretty much exactly what the name says, an idealized fairytale image of a girl who lives in the forest ("mori" in Japanese).

>> No.8569971
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 14-near0036-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually love summer mori but I'm officially over this weather, bleh. Just waiting for winter when I can wear cute earmuffs.

>> No.8571487
File: 897 KB, 633x590, morijacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some basics I should aim for to start in this style? I have some beige lace/floral dresses in a nice babydoll shape, but they're mostly short. I am looking up stuff on Aliexpress but I never know how to style it...

Like pic related. How would you style that?

>> No.8571713

Ask yourself what you like about mori and how you want to wear it. Because it doesn't really have a formula with standard pieces you need to have for a functional wardrobe, it's hard to advise you without knowing your individual preferences. So I recommend looking at coords and magazine scans and taking a mental note of the items that catch your eye and then you'll know what kind of style you like/what items you want to have in your individual wardrobe while having a reference for how to wear them well.

Relevant to the above, is your pic related something you're interested in wearing? You could pair it with pants like >>8507477 or a long skirt or something. It's kind of more casualwear so it might not be easy to get a mori feel from, though, even though it's from a mori shop.

>> No.8572390
File: 138 KB, 600x670, IMG_20150823_091006_1372536612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice anon. I think I'm more into casual coords, and their cute/"quirky" aspect rather than coords that feature, for example, a super raggedy and assymetrical skirt. Since I am looking for stuff to wear daily I tend to go for more practical things. I'll be getting pic related to wear under my dresses and make them a bit longer, and getting some acessories to put on my shawl/bag.

>> No.8572444


>> No.8572475
File: 94 KB, 425x638, dark mori 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on that dress? all i can find on reverse image search is an unsourced tumblr post and a post on an old cgl thread. Also unsourced. :(

>> No.8572499
File: 93 KB, 300x426, IMGP9035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has one left, mocha brown, short sleeve.
No clue if the store is still active though.

>> No.8572509
File: 199 KB, 500x750, cute hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8572713
File: 460 KB, 1233x1920, dark mori 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'm not really a fan of the mocha version, though, so that's too bad.

>> No.8572731

what happened to forest girl fans the taobao shop? I miss them...They had wonderful quality and beautiful pieces.

>> No.8572732
File: 211 KB, 765x1100, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that is not mori...

>> No.8572740

I was wondering the same! I haven't been on taobao for a long time and I coudn't find them anymore.
Loved there shop.

>> No.8572743

Here's the new page

>> No.8572755
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>> No.8572759
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>> No.8573321

Makes sense. I wish I could be of more help with it, I don't typically save item stock photos so I'm not good at putting together coord ideas. But I think if you focus on accessories (bag, hat/hair accessory, legwear, shoes) you can give it the right quirky mori vibe.

Also, you maybe saw it in the thread already but >>8553292 would probably be a good reference for casual style.

>> No.8576754
File: 207 KB, 400x600, tumblr_nslb6dVRMq1ucidllo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some inspiration dolls.

>> No.8576756
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>> No.8576785

You are my saviour based anon

>> No.8580371

Help me please, ladies. I've got a ball of a dark foresty green yarn and I don't know what to make with it besides a collar. What other kinds of mori girl accessories do you think I could crochet with it?

>> No.8583585
File: 116 KB, 735x833, 453543287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shawl or a very thick scarf.

>> No.8583993

mittens, winter is coming

>> No.8586390

I just found out about the new Facebook group Closet of the forest. here you can post your outfits.

what do you seagulls think?

>> No.8588303

The coords posted so far are quite cute, if a little typical. I feel really shy to post on Facebook for some reason so I guess I'll just be lurking from afar.

>> No.8589981
File: 40 KB, 338x600, 11953279_832233213557796_5571943659950847919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it is going to be overrun by tumblr witches, look at this

>> No.8590007
File: 694 KB, 1400x2180, morigirl0710-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I definitely didn't see that one when I looked before. I wish that if people wanted to do "dark witchy mori" they would at least reference the actual style a little more.

>> No.8590009
File: 13 KB, 168x299, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way. I have nothing against dark mori. But almost all the time when westerns try it. It looks nothing like mori at all.

>> No.8591735

Speaking of recently emerging online mori communities: http://little-acorn-village.tumblr.com/

I was a little bit interested for about five minutes, but I've already seen some of the inevitable "I got into mori because it's not mean like those *other* J-fashions!" and now I'm just kind of reluctant to engage.

>> No.8592290

It might be because it's late. But I find that tumblr very confusing somehow.
I would love to have a community to talk to other mori girls. I always love the mori thread here. Haven't found anything like it yet

>> No.8592555

>tfw no mori camping meetups in the wilderness toasting marshmallows and sausages over a campfire and making accessories with feathers and acorns

>> No.8593468

It is pretty confusing. Tumblr isn't good for communities, so they ask that you tag theme posts on your own blog with the comm URL in order for mods to reblog them and collect everyone's submissions together there, but it doesn't really sound ideal for just talking. I agree, I love this thread and try to do everything I can to keep it alive because there's just not a lot of places to talk about this fashion anymore.

On a separate (but related, I guess) note, I want to write a mori blog... The lolita lifestyle thread has been inspiring me lately. I've never worn lolita, but I think the "lifestyle" aspects are just really charming and could be applied to any style. I know blogs are pretty hard to maintain a readership for nowadays because Tumblr is so much more convenient, but it's nice to be able to immerse yourself in the writing of someone else who likes the same things as you.

>> No.8593478

I can't imagine something less mori than marshmallows and sausage.

>> No.8593486

I love mori lifestyle blogs. I always thought there was a lifestyle side to mori (more of a rustic hippie, nature enthusiast one than Lolita) and I always thought that my personality suits mori perfectly in that sense. Go for it! You could apply the same ideas in the Lolita lifestyle thread to a mori lifestyle blog. I've always liked personal blogs more than reblog-type tumblr blogs. I like to see original content and I miss the days before everyone just reblogged things in a big circle.

>> No.8593490

What? Sausage is definitely mori. Maybe not marshmallows, though...

>> No.8593492

Please do, I've been looking for mori blogs and YouTube channels with no success at all

>> No.8593573

Where do you find cute ones like these for mori girl?

>> No.8593583

How do you coord this? No idea what to search for I like the poofyness without her looking fat

>> No.8595720
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>> No.8595724
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>> No.8595731
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>> No.8595736
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>> No.8595742
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>> No.8595819

Thanks for the encouragement, I'll think about it. I was looking around for some of the old blogs I used to read yesterday and saw that Gohalainn made hers private. Kind of made me sad because it was such a great resource.

Also, image limit reached. I guess it's time for a new thread?