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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8515500 No.8515500 [Reply] [Original]

Just a little over a month till the con
No masqurade registation up- has been bugged about this and instead they just post more voice actors.
New person in charge has kicked at least 1 of the old judges out, sadly the one who made it fun while we waited too.

Who are you going as? /cgl/ meet up? Bla bla ranting about how shitty it is, ect.

Friday- Splatoon and Noodle of Gorillaz
Saturday- Rina of Digimon Re: Digitize
Sunday- Star Butterfly

>> No.8515526

Man, I really hope the con itself won't be awful. We're bringing a newbie friend with us - it'll be her first time at a convention, and cosplaying to boot, so I hope she can enjoy herself.
>if the con ends up bad, praying that she gets the first-timer convention glow anyways

That masq situation sounds disorganised, dang. I've never participated in the competition, but I *am* side-eyeing that registration for cosplay meetups hasn't been posted yet.

Cosplaying from ATLA/Korra, Over the Garden Wall, Steven Universe - basic-tier flavour of the month stuff.

>> No.8515542

Depends if I get it done, but I'm going to try to come as Akumetsu from.. Akumetsu.

If that fails, I'll bring my old cosplay, Camera Otoko

This will be my first time at Sacanime. My only other con before hand was fanime. Anyone tell me about it?

>> No.8515577

It progressively got bigger and more expensive, with not that much more to offer.

Still, plenty of nice areas to shoot within walking distance if you don't want to just take pictures at the hotel or in the convention center. Decent sized crowd. It has pretty good parties too, if you know who to talk to.

A lot of beginner (or cosplay for fun) cosplayers attend, so the really good cosplayers stand out a lot more. But most of the people that attend are usually nice, chill people.

>> No.8515580

sac anime sucks ass. you should've saved up for a different con.

>> No.8515643

>>8515526 here, the big cons I do are AX and Wondercon (I'm in a star-cross'd lovers relationship with Fanime because I'm always busy that weekend lel) and while SacAnime isn't on the same level of crowds or overall quality as the huge-draw conventions, I'm fond of it because of the local feel. I've been going since 2010, and it's been nice to follow its expansion and improvement over time. IMO it's easier to go solo at Sac Anime because of its size - it's less intimidating to break into groups and meet other people.

>> No.8515762

it can be fun.
I'm just worried over the whole new people taking over everything part of it.
Find some panels or the viewing room if you're into that stuff. Vendors hall is always full and busy, and last time they were badge checking meet ups I heard.
The bar is fun if you're all old enough.
The masquerade is so hit or miss. Last time I got in & out during check in which was nice, but then we had a hour long set back for the actual show to start. Not to mention my friend busting her ass on stage since she ran full speed out.

I'm kinda glad cafe hoshi is back, but it doesn't even list if it's all the same old staff...I care because of twins.

>> No.8516335
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i live right down the street and don't even care to go

>> No.8516517

Sacanime has always sucked. Surprised people even go.

>> No.8516523

>Fanime has crappy guests
>AX charges you up the ass and is over crowded
>Sac Anime brings in great guests and you can still attend their panels for free.

Yep, sure is a sucky con right?

>> No.8516704

I'm doing the AA again this year. It's definitely got more of a family con kind of feel (then again I'm comparing it to experiences at Fanime) with a lot of locals. I don't care too much for the events but I'm always surprised at how many guests they bring in.

That 7-11 across the street from the venue has probably seen some shit.

>> No.8517444

I'm mostly going because I've always wanted to try going to more cons
I've only gone to Fanime and (the now defunct) Japan expo

>> No.8517479

i pray for that 7/11 and the subway

>> No.8517781

Since my group goes down on Thursday we usually end up making a 7-11 run the first night so a snack and tell the people working good luck and that we're sorry for the shit they'll see. They always laugh and thank us.
Subway can go fuck itself though. Its the only one I've been to where the cucumber tasted like hair spray.

I did the artist alley last summer. It was fun-ish. I made a nice chunk of money but my friend didn't even make back her booth fee.

>> No.8518099

Yeah I remember I visited them the first year they held it at the convention center and they seem to be taking it well, with all the people that flood it every day.

Also that sucks, it seems like I've either seen people do moderately well in sales or barely get any business. I definitely have seen more first timers too.

>> No.8518135
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>IMO it's easier to go solo at Sac Anime because of its size

I am new to Sacramento and would like to go in hopes of meeting other weebs who are local. The thing is, I'm 28 years old. How many people in my age group can I hope to see?

>> No.8518188


>> No.8518194

it's not a sucky con if you like hanging out with 13 year old weebs who just got babby's first overpriced taobao reseller cosplay or are wearing a closet cosplay.

>> No.8518198

Samefaggin pretty hard, it's pretty obvious

>> No.8519173

well if your age group you mean 21-29ish a decent amount. Yeah there are a lot of little weebs but if you stay out of the fandoms they're in you're fine.
Homestuck, AoT, Naruto all come to mind for lots of underage. Oh any anything yaoi fangirl related.
They older crowd usually takes over the hotel lobby area, the bar and the rest area in the corner.
most people link the two posts they're claiming samefagging on. Also with how small the /cgl/ sac anime group is go figure they'd reply in the thread again.
And there are a shiton of baby's first cosplays-which is why the good shit stands out so much more.

>> No.8520228

I'm saying it because it literally looks like the same person every 10 replies, nothing to do with the con

>> No.8520291

Does Sacanime have hours? Or is it a 24 hour con?

>> No.8520346


>> No.8520525

pff 24 hour con that's cute.
While the "electronic dance" goes till 1am there is no other con activities after about 10pm at the latest. Vendor Hall closes at 7pm, bands/dance start between 9-11.

It's funny because a lot of the people who have gone to this con since the beginning have asked for years for some later hour things like more "adult" anime or panels. Last con I think we finally got some adult panels. They love to scream "we're a family friendly con" okay just check ids at the door to that shit so people older than 18 have something to do other than drink in their room and create horrible soul caliber characters with giant dicks.

The old con hotel was awesome because there was at least the pool and hot tub, which were hella fun. That stupid pool at the new one is just a pool of sadness and lies.

>> No.8520568

So what do people do after 1?

>> No.8520600

idk drink, watch anime, get fucked in the scary alleys, pretty much the same as AX

>> No.8520664

I usually crash by then since I wake up early to get first dibs on the shower and bathroom. I imagine most people do parties in their rooms or start to crash by then.

>> No.8520679

tbh i preferred the old venue so much more. seemed way more open and shit. i can understand why they brought it downtown but, fuck, man.

>> No.8520903

Which pool are you swimming at?

>> No.8521409

but there really aren't as many guests as they said. We needed something in the middle on size. Something bigger than the old hotel, but smaller than the convention center.

The sad one in the exercise area on floor 3. It's small and stupid. Though you do get a good view of the stuff facing imax.

>> No.8521910

first time going
am taking my Keiji from Terraformars cosplay (starting it next week)

>> No.8521978

Pretty hype for cosplay, I've got groups for Psychonauts, Jet Set Radio, and Splatoon.

I'm getting kind of antsy about aa though, I've been waitlisted for months and I haven't gotten any updates.

>> No.8522064

Cool didn't say what hotel but good job

>> No.8522178

Did you try messaging the AA Facebook group? You might be able to get some updates.

>> No.8522215

Oh I didn't even know they had a FB group, thanks

>> No.8522851

Holy fuck what Psychonauts and Jet Set characters?! If nothing else after con please self post in the thread we'll have because if I don't see those during the con I'll want to see them later hella bad.

Oh sorry, the main one right next to the con...I forget the name every time.

>> No.8522973

One of the three hotels next to it, that narrows it down

>> No.8523001

Would you by any chance be one of the anons who's posted in the help thread for Raz before?

>also I love Psychonauts

>> No.8523081

the one they hand out the badges in, you know the main one that fills up first. Sheriton or w/ever the fucker is called.

>> No.8523146

Yep that's the Sheraton, took ya three times, ya blew it

Anyways tell me you experiences with that pool

>> No.8523224

I have like half an hour to decide if I wanna go or not before they raise ticket prices
Is it worth it if I wont have a cosplay, have no real interest in panels and will probably go alone?

>> No.8523231
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>> No.8523233

Thanks for being honest with me

>> No.8523234

Not really, especially if your eliminate the two main reasons to go

But if you're into the other stuff sure, maybe a day badge

>> No.8523244
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No problem, anon.

Though if you're looking to buy art or hit up the dealers hall, then I say go for it. Otherwise, it's a waste of money.

>> No.8523334

On the flipside, I've always found the VA panels to be surprisingly good. I've never planned on attending one; usually stumbled into it for a place to sit down and take a break in the middle of the day. Something that's easy to forget about voice actors/actresses is that they don't just do funny voices, they're also actors and actresses who are usually good at interfacing with a group of people and keeping up an interesting conversation. Some of them also have quality stories about the business.

But I'd still agree with >>8523231, not a lot of reason to go if you won't be cosplaying or in it for the panels/guests. That's still a ~$40 ticket that you could spend on a movie or museum or wherever else you choose to find entertainment.

>> No.8523672

it's small, like the size of a public bathroom area. Not deep at all, was murky as fuck and is overall just a depressing pool. Also there is no hot tub. You'd think there'd be a hot tub at a nice hotel like that but no.

>> No.8524570

The hyatt is way better, they have a hot tub and a semi deep pool, about 8 feet

I have no idea if the Marriott has one, but sorry to hear about the shitty sheraton lol

>> No.8524596

Our Sasha can't make it, but we'll have raz, lili, milla, and Loboto. And for JSRF gum, beat, ryth, corn, and maaybe cube.
I mentioned it in the wip thread I think, but I never posted pics

>> No.8524656

nevermind, just checked marriott has one

Hyatt is also 5 feet my bad

>> No.8525055

good to know, sadly they don't usually do the early bird special where you get the vip tickets for $1 if you book your room right away for the other hotels, that's why we stay at that one.

looking forward to that so hard.

>> No.8525407

Honestly dude, if you want to have a good hotel experience, go to the hyatt, it rules and they give you way more shit and it's never crowded

>> No.8525410

To the Elise cosplayer last year, you were awesome and adorable

>> No.8525437

I stayed at the Hyatt last winter Sacanime and it's nice. It's only a few extra minutes to walk and it's further from the con crowd so it's nice and relaxing and not crowded with kids. I like the hotel bar there.

>> No.8525613


What the hell is up with all the panels? Is it just more or is there a pattern surfacing?

>> No.8526432

last con had like 3 different series with multiple panels. Homestuck having 4 I think. They just give panel slots to whoever applies pretty much.

Don't you love how nothing is updated on the site other than voice actors? Can't give us dick other than that. I feel bad for people who do skits, still not knowing if they'll even get in, so why bother practicing? Ugh the masquerade is gonna suck balls I think...or they're gonna be super stupid and just say "register at the con lol"

>> No.8527007

Yeah, plus having all those restaurants and cafes and bars close by is really nice too, the rooms are pretty great and you have a nice view of the capital building

>> No.8528638

I'm a 27 year old cosplayer who lives in Sacramento (Citrus Heights area). And yeah, there are a lot of younger cosplayers at SacAnime, and with the size of the con, they tend to stand out more because of how much louder they are than anyone else. But as someone else mentioned, they tend to stick with the flavor of the month fandoms like at any other con. I think since it's a smaller con, the louder, younger crowd is more noticeable. But there are others around our own age!

But I've also noticed that Sacramento in general has a lot of weeaboos. Are other cities like this?

>> No.8531682

> get drunk with dr doom
> have fun