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8473260 No.8473260 [Reply] [Original]

Post/ talk about skin care to achieve that perfect canvas for lolita or cosplay!

>> No.8473366

I'm going to hit 25 next year and I'm really terrified of how my skin is going to progress from this point on. So I am looking for some advice. If anyone can spare the time to help me out I would really appreciate it.

Bit of back ground. My mum and Nana know nothing about beauty because between working on the land, being super poor and raising kids as a single parent things like that haven't been a priority. I have no female friends and whenever I get close enough to another person to ask advice on the topic its not really very helpful because I don't think they really understand what knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about skin care means.

Normally they will lead off by asking what moisturizer and cleanser I use, and when I respond telling them I don't know what those are they tell me to get them. Then they say I should mask once a week. This is followed by me starring at shelves upon shelves of stuff I've got no idea about in the supermarket with no clue what anything means or what I need to buy, by myself because no one is willing to come help me or be more specific.

I try my best to research online, but most of the information I find is normally heavily flavored by brand bias, or are outright just written by the brands themselves to sell, sell, sell. Of course leaving me confused and even more unsure of what I am supposed to be getting.

I went to a beautician to ask for advice on skin care but they were pretty much just really vague and tried pushing their own products, services and treatments on me without a consultation or anything.

I'm at the point of tears now really. I just want to know how to look after my skin so I won't become a lolita hag and I'm scared that it's already too late as my skin is horrid.

>> No.8473383

Do you at least know what cleansers and moisturizers are now? If not, that shit's self explanatory: cleansers cleanse your skin, moisturizers provide your skin with moisture. There's your bare bones skin care routine. If aging is your concern, then it's time to slather on the sunscreen, or at least do your best to avoid the sun. What other skin concerns do you have?

Do you know your skin type?

>> No.8473394

I know what cleansers and moisturizers are now, but I still don't know how to choose them or what to avoid etc.

I'm very deligent with sun protection, I always wear sleeves, hat, sunnies and most of the time (depending on outfit) umbrella/parasol.

I don't know what my skin type is 100% but from what I can gather I think it is dry, but around my nose often gets oily.. I'm not sure if this is the right thing to say.

other concerns: my face skin is sort of like lumpy.. Like little white pore blockages that aren't quite pimples but not blackheads either, but also not visible. It gives my skin a very uneven texture I think. I see other girls that even if they have a few pimples every so often, the skin is smooth. Where as I don't really get pimples or black heads but my face isn't really smooth.

>> No.8473430

Good! After genetics, diet, and lifestyle, sun exposure affects aging the most.

Product choices largely depend on your skin type and climate. It sounds like you're a dry-with-oily-tzone combination, but it's also possible that your skin may be dehydrated (skin over compensates by producing too much oil). Drier climates mean you may need to use richer moisturizers, while you'd likely want to keep it light in a more humid climate.

Those are called closed comedones and you can get rid of them through exfoliation. (Not touching chemical exfoliation because that will be a pain in the ass for a beginner.) For physical exfoliation, you have the option of scrubs, gommage peels (peeling gels), or gentle tools such as brushes, konjac sponges, and face washcloths. You should exfoliate once or twice a week, depending on how much your skin can handle.

I know some dry skin types avoid using fash wash twice a day because it's too harsh for them, and only wash with a konjac sponge + water in the morning.

>> No.8473436

reddit skincareaddiction and go to the FAQ; it'll get you sorted.

>> No.8473498

Thank you so, so much for your help! I'm so happy I finally have the info I need to start getting this in order.

>> No.8474232

What's everyone's shaving routine? Right now mine is pretty basic; it's just a L'Occitaine scrub to exfoliate, some skintimate shaving cream and I use the Venus Embrace razor and once I'm out of the shower I use some lubriderm but I kinda wanna try Lush's shaving creams. For the most part I'm pretty smooth but I still have a few razor bumps here and there, mostly around my kneecaps and my ankles.

>> No.8474259

Has anyone had success with vitamin c/retinol serums for undereye wrinkles, and if so which ones do you prefer? I've got wrinkles under my eyes that are making it really annoying to apply eyesbadow because it just collects in the creases. I don't need them gone, just minimised and sleep, hydration, not straining my eyes, eye masks and moisturisers aren't doing much so far, so I think I need an active ingredient.

>> No.8474280

I heard that you exfoliate after shaving too, so that's what I'm doing. So: Pluck, exfoliate in shower with shower lotion, shave, exfoliate again gently, dry and moisturize. I don't use shaving cream.

>> No.8474392

Sun spots and dark spots. Is there anything I can do to lighten them so they aren't as prominent? Aside from removing them I don't know if there's anything to do

>> No.8474410

Try Dr. Fred Summit's Skin Whitener. Every day, dab a layer on with a q-tip or cotton swab. Be patient, it might seem like it won't work at first but it will!

Protip: I also recommend this for anal-bleaching, oho.

>> No.8474435

I have a similar problem. I've ordered a hydroquinone cream and a AHA exfoliant to help with it and I'm hopeful.

>> No.8474449

I'll definitely look into this as a first step/try. Thanks anon!
Keep us updated with your progress pls. I wanna try whatever I can. I have so much regret from not shielding my skin from the sun when i was younger.

>> No.8474450

Honestly, I use a razor and water, some body lotion after. Dont understand how people even get razor bumps.

>> No.8474484

Maybe they shave against the grain when they should never EVER do that. I had a few weeks when I did for my lady mound and it was like a battle zone.

>> No.8475229

I love using a facial scrub like gel called Cure Natural Aqua Gel. It helps take off all of the dirt, oil, dead skin, and those weird little blackheads skin around the nose, helps me loosen up some normal black heads to just remove later . Also you can use this one your body and it helps make your skin more softer and take away all of the nasty dirt and dead skin that scrubbing with body wash won't get.

Then I use Garnier Clean + Blackhead Eliminating Scrub, For Oily Skin. I pat my face dry then use a whiting lotion called Petal Fresh: Whitening Facial Massage Cream in Aloe + maple sugar.

I been doing this for 4 moths, got my skin nice and healthy, stopped cause I got lazy a bit and had other more important things to do, broke out badly, have acne scar on my cheeks and now doing my routine again.

Does anyone know of a really good skin whitener? I want to make my face and arms a bit paler to look a bit more cute in lolita.

>> No.8475242

Venus 3 with the lotion bars, rinse well, moisturize with Neutrogena sesame body oil while my skin is still damp. No bumps, no razor burn, a nice close shave. I love this razor.

>> No.8475334

You'll need both but use them at different times, like a 1-2 punch. A serum will boost them too. Go to Sephora and show them your problem and let them do the skin diagnosis and give you some samples and suggestions. Eye cream regime will take 4-6 weeks of daily use to start showing results but the samples will let you choose the most likely products and test for allergy/irritation. Sephora has a great return policy and they are nice if you are communicating with them. It took several samples and then 2 trials of products to get something to show results on me and I returned 1/2 empty jars when the first products did not work for me. VIB for life and I'll probably hit Rouge this year.

Side note: I messed around with drugstore stuff for a year first and it was a complete waste of time and money for no result so that's why I advise you to do it this way. You don't need the suuuuper expensive stuff like Guerlain or Chanel but you need decent active ingredients in advanced formulas and the drugstore stuff is pretty much just basic moisture/sunscreen, skin soothing stuff etc.

>> No.8475358

Do you mean permanent lightening to your lightest skin tone possible or a temporary white cast?

>> No.8475361

/r/skincareaddiction really is the go-to place on the internet for all skincare issues. I'd really check it out if any of you are serious about improving the health/appearance of your skin.

>> No.8475580

Worst mistakes most women do when shaving:
1. Shaving as soon as you get into the shower. Is best to shave afyer 15 min of stepping into the shower, otherwise the hair will be coarse.
2. Shaving dry, shaving ddy can caise the most cuts which can later become infected.
3. Shaving upwards, accordong to somebeauticians shaving upwards is wrong because it causes the most hair bumps.
My 2 cents: Buy eos shaving cream, best shaving cream ever and Victoria Secret's body butter.

>> No.8475587

I have very thick, coarse hair, very soft babby skin and 3-4 hairs growing out of each pore. The pain I feel in my legs is IMMENSE.

Honestly, the best thing I've found to help is to suck it up and buy an expensive razor. I went on holiday last year and had to buy a $30 razor because I couldn't find anything else and it really was so much better.

>> No.8475721
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Im hoping against all hope someone might help me. Im a dermatillomaniac, my ahoulders, back and a bit od my legs are covered in tiny scars as a result of constant poking.
I've been making progress at aropping this behavior, or at least diminish it.
Has anyone gone through the same experiences as I am and can recommend skin producrs, or should I go straight to laser treatments?
>pic related is my left ahoulder

>> No.8475729

Aka monkeys trained to sell you shit
>buy this!

>> No.8475862

anon........most of the people who frequent these threads already know about /r/skincareaddiction and have read it. It's not something magical and new that nobody knows about.

>> No.8475871

Get an italy towl to use to exfoliate you back and arms and shit. That should help for starters.

>> No.8476298

I want to permanently lighten my skin to my lightest skin tone possible, especially since I want to achieve that nice light colored skin without the use of heavy makeup just to make myself look lighter.

>> No.8476308

Since we are talking about whitening, ha anyone tried this "crystal enzyme" soap bars that are all the rage on Aliexpress? They are super cheap and I was actually considering buying one but I won't waste my money if they don't work.

>> No.8476311

So cgl. A dream is coming true for me. I have a mole under my nose. It's the witchyest mole ever. Skin tone with tiny hairs that have to be plucked off. It's awful. When I get a cold and use tissues lots it gets sore. Urgh.
Anyway, I'm getting it radio'd off a week tomorrow, but I have a con+comp the sunday after.
I know from previous similar surgeries that any bleeding stops within 72 hours (and that was by my eye so it bled loads).

The surgeon has said I can wear makeup after 72 hours, but I'm worried it's going to be super obvious. What ways are best to speed skin healing and hide scabs?

>> No.8476394

Avoid the sun if you're not doing so already, and get into the habit of wearing sunscreen when you go out for more than several minutes/if you live somewhere with a high UV index.

Look for products containing arbutin, niacinamide, vitamin c, and yeast ferment as those are the most common. Numerous plant extracts are also associated with whitening, but the only one that comes to mind is licorice root. There's also hydroquinone which is more controversial and only available over the counter afaik.

SK-II started the whole yeast ferment trend, and there are now many brands with yeast ferment dupes. Japan uses arbutin in their whitening products and niacinamide second, vice versa for Korea. L-ascorbic acid is the most powerful form of vitamin C, a powerful exfoliator; you can easily DIY your own with water, glycerin, and ascorbic acid. (Just keep in mind that L-AA is unstable thus prone to oxidizing and becoming useless.)

Also, astaxanthin is the fucking shit.

Most of the above was referring to face products though. I know papaya soap is popular for body whitening.

>> No.8476450

I've been DIYing mine for a while, so here's some field notes that I've taken over time:
>I don't know what it is about VitC, but it dissolves some moisturisers into runny liquid so they become more difficult to apply. Strangely enough, the thin film they usually leave is still there when it dries.
>DO NOT let it get into your eyes, it burns with the force of a thousand suns. I'm assuming you'll make this mistake at least once if you use it to lighten your under-eye circles.
>There's a recipe for it on leddit, that's the one I've been using at least. If you don't like runny, watery serums, feel free to add more glycerin. The result of that recipe is very runny and difficult to apply.
>Make sure your moisturiser doesn't contain any vitamin A. You may find yourself staring at a beet-faced monster in the mirror if you're not careful. It's not harmful and it goes away after ten or so minutes but if you'll be heading outside shortly after it's better to play it safe.

>> No.8476963

> eating ice pop
> cut off too with scissors
> put in mouth
> cut side of mouth on plastic
> a day later, a scab appears
> greatly resembles a cold sore

What to do, gulls? Any way to hide it or make it heal faster? Looking like I have herpes doesn't make me too happy.

>> No.8476967

Top*, not too. Damn autocorrect

>> No.8477149

Consume a ton of vitamin c, drink a ton of water, and moisturize.

>> No.8477157

Moisturize it generously, probably before bed too so you don't get tempted to touch it. Also, concealer. I got cuts on the sides of my mouth for a few months due to dehydration but a day or two of moisturizing healed them up pretty quick.

>> No.8477190


Thank you! I been looking for answers for years and only come across the stupid bleaching methods which is not cute or good for anything. Ya'll are life savers!

Going to start looking around for papaya soap and making my VitC serum and junk to get my dream color skin. And also thanks for telling me that it burns in your eyes, I will be stupid enough to get it near in there by accident if I didn't know better.

>> No.8477264

Anyone know of good products to get rid of acne scars?

>> No.8477284

If you can get a Dr. to prescribe it, tretenoin cream. I had the worst fucking acne scars for years and after a year of use people literally thought I had skin grafts or something because it got so clear. Be careful in sun though and it dries your skin easily so always moisturize

>> No.8477314
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Thanks anon I'll try it out

>> No.8477456

There is no Sephora in my country so that really isn't an option for me. I'm happy to look for samples etc online but was hoping for some more product names. I already have a good regime for my acne but it's based primarily around BHA+AHA products and not retinoids, plus I don't use it any of the active products on my eyes, just the mizon snail moisturiser and snail eye cream

>> No.8477753

So when I was a dumb stupid teenager, I self harmed a lot. I don't do it anymore but the scars are just barely visible in the right lighting. Any tips on how to lighten them more/remove them? My skin is really pale if it helps, and they are mostly on my legs and thighs but also on my shoulders and a little on my arms.

>> No.8477793

cuming in these bottles - yay or nay?

>> No.8477801

ello lad tbh

>> No.8478196

it's summer, anything goes

>> No.8478203

Jojoba oil, vitamin e and vitamin A cream. It's important to massage the area as well to encourage normal collagen/elastin production, so try and rub in whatever moisturiser you choose at least three times per day.

>> No.8480067

Is there anything I can do for hormonal acne? Tried birth control, doesn't work.

>> No.8480081

I have dry body skin so i scrub with some coconut oil/sugar and then get some conditioner or use my nivea in shower body lotion. i haven't used shaving cream in years, conditioner is so much better. then i use a dude razor like a gillette one

>> No.8480125

What are you using on your skin? I had hormonal acne that got really bad on the depo shot and was only minimally better on adapalene/antibiotics/combined pill but responded really well to a high percentage glycolic acid cream. My current regime is:
Cetaphil for oily skin face wash
Cosrx bha/aha toner
Paula's choice 2% bha lotion
8% aha serum
Bravura london 15% glycolic acid night cream
Benzoyl peroxide 5% to any active zits/problem areas

In the daytime I skip the 15% cream and use the neutrogena rapid wrinkle defense daily moisturiser

>> No.8480151

I use Neutrogena pink grapefruit cleanser and Essence anti-blemish moisturiser. I was thinking about adding some glycolic acid toner to my routine but I didn't think that it would work on my acne since they root pretty deep on my skin.

>> No.8480171

What birth control did you go on? Not all birth controls are the same-- some are better for getting rid of acne than others.

Spironolactone is an option for hormonal acne, but it must be prescribed, and generally you should have blood tests every month or so when on it, as well as be on birth control if you are sexually active. Some doctors are more lenient, while others can be extremely strict with it, especially on already being on a form of birth control (birth defects are very common when the mother is on spironolactone.)

High linoleic acid oils are also something that could potentially help, according to anecdotes from people. Generally in supplemental form-- evening primrose and borage are common ones.

Tretinoin is nice for acne scars, but there are OTC methods like AHAs (lactic, glycolic, mandelic acids) or vitamin C serums, and possibly hydroquinone. I'd try out one of those, unless you're also keen on the anti-aging effects of tretinoin as well. Especially if you don't have insurance (and live in the USA.)

>> No.8480182

>Especially if you don't have insurance
Is tretinoin dangerous?

>> No.8480218

No, it's just prescribed.

>> No.8480325

I used Diane 35 pills, it was easy to go and buy from store without prescription. Also I had my hormones tested a couple years ago, I don't know if they are changed but my hormone levels were completely normal then.

>> No.8480355

Well, if you're willing to go to a doctor's to get a prescription, Yaz/Yasmin and it's generics are generally prescribed for acne.

This is a good post for checking out birth controls and seeing what types are good for helping acne:

Are you completely positive what you're experiencing is hormonal? Just because your routine is rather small (which isn't a problem if it works for you!), and hormonal can honestly only be treated from the inside 99.9% of the time.

>> No.8480386
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Might be lengthy post, I will try to keep it short.
I am looking at ording these products. Just looking for opinions if I am going in the right direction.
I have combo skin, more on the oily side and a awful time with acne.
Not sure if I should go with the backing soda cleanser or the rice water one. Thinking about adding the rice water oil too?

I am also looking for suggestions of a good moisturizer

Also does anyone have any experience with the cushion compacts? It seems more convenient?

>> No.8480407

Well it follows my cycle and my pimples are very deep, very big, hurts like crazy and not really visible from outside (unless I touch and irritate them, which I generally do).

Actually we can get Yasmin without prescription here, so I can try that one next time. How long should I use it to see a difference in your opinion?

>> No.8480436

That Missha cushion is shit. It's $5 for a reason. I like using cushions, just get anything but that.

>> No.8480493

ha ha, well deleting that out of my cart.

>> No.8480621

Did you go to a beautician or an aesthetician? I just covered facials in my cosmetology class and it doesn't go nearly as in depth as an esthetics course.
Do you have dry or rough feeling skin? Go for a gentle cream cleanser
Do you feel greasy and have larger pores? Go for a gel or foam cleanser.

Toner is also a good thing to have, I recommend Thayer's witch hazel and rose water, it's essentially the same thing my school(Aveda) uses but heaps cheaper. It makes sure your skin is completely clean after washing it, along with reducing inflammation (in the case of witch hazel)

With moisturizer, it really depends on your skin type. What I like to do for myself is use a cream moisturizer on dry spots and a lighter lotion or gel moisturizer on the rest. (My skin is like the Sahara though so it needs the extra moisture)

Please stay away from Proactive or their pyramid scheme offshoot rodan+fields, St Ives apricot scrub (don't even use that shit on your body!) And most " acne " drugstore facewashes because they strip your skin and can irritate it which can make your breakouts look worse.

Also, please try to wear some kind of facial sunscreen. (Broad spectrum spf 15 at a minimum) the sun ages you so quickly.

If you're looking for the cheapass minimum, (nothing wrong with that) I'd say go for Cetaphil facewash, Thayer's witch hazel rose water, and Say Yes to Carrots' daily facial moisturizer. (It has the spf too!)

>> No.8480635

Yeah, that totally sounds hormonal! I had the same issue, but they weren't only around my cycle unfortunately.

That's great! I'm currently on the generic of Yasmin (Zarah), and it took me about 1.5-2 months for mine to go away entirely.

I wouldn't suggest the EH cleanser. Their cleansers tend to have very high (8~9) pHs. That specific Face Shop cleanser also has a high pH (8), but the Rice Water Bright Cleansing Milk has a pH of 5.5.

This is a pretty good list for asian beauty pHs:

>> No.8480641

Be careful. Kojie-san made me break out in hives!

>> No.8480687

Thank you for the link, that is really helpful.
For the face do you want to stay in the rage of 5-6?

>> No.8480751

Kojie san uses an acid to strip out the melanin in your skin, you have to use it in small doses, no sun exposure, and in combination with moisturizers. I use it fairly often, but I'm not the least bit surprised other people have had problems.
Can anyone attest to Secret Key? I've been looking at their stuff and it's pretty surreal the difference it supposedly makes. Does it last or is it short term only?

>> No.8480769

No problem! 5-6 would be ideal.

>> No.8480841

I have that Étude House toner and it made my combo-skin pretty dry.

>> No.8480865

Under my eyes are kind of shallow and it bothers me. Does anyone know any good cremes that help with plumping up or filling up shallow under eyes?
Right now I've been trying Olay Professional Pro-X Eye Restoration Complex for around 2 months, but I'm not noticing any differences.

>> No.8480896

Awesome, I decided to try the milk rice one.

I thought so. Decided to switch it out for a toner from Eminence. Going to regret spending a butt ton on a toner, but I don't care right now,I just want my skin to get better.

>> No.8480949

while we're on the topic of korean skincare, what are your hits and misses when it comes to essence/ampoules/creams/lotions etc? I'm in search of a new night cream, and I'm also interested in adding in other steps as well, but I'm getting overwhelmed just scrolling through everything on roseroseshop. I have oily/combo skin, but anything would be helpful just so I have an idea of what to research further.

>> No.8481478

What skin concerns do you want to address though? It's easier to narrow down from there.

Or you can be a packaging whore like me.

>> No.8481494

Whether you should shave against grain or not depends on your skin on the location you're shaving and your shaving equipment. It will provide closer shave but not everyone can do it.

With a sharp razor I can shave my face and legs against grain all I like but my neck will always get bumps if I try to shave against grain. And if I try shaving with a dull blade against grain you'll see it on my face for sure. Taking a long hot bath or shower before shaving and using good quality shaving cream will also help in reducing razor burns and irritation.

>> No.8481497

How would a cream plump up your skin unless it's one of those ones that irritate it/ make it swollen (like lip ones)
Honestly, anything over the counter isn't going to do shit. The under eye is quite a delicate area. Only implants or something would work, it's probably your face structure/ bodyfat.

>> No.8481522

How do I get rid of acne scars and ingrowns on my crotch?
I can't have hair there and I can't shave it (it feels TERRIBLE to me, it's not even a question of aesthetics), but epilators fuck my shit up something fierce in terms of ingrowns.

Something similar is happening to my shins, of all places. They're full of scars and pockmarks and the areas in question are always darker than my usual skin tone.

>> No.8482392

general anti-aging, pores, leftover scarring from acne.

roseroseshop is having a 50% off sale on missha's time revolution ampoule, so I'm really tempted given how much everyone seems to rave about their time revolution essence...

>> No.8482569

Seagulls, what are your favorite pore minimizers?
Also does anyone have experience with that Aztec Secret mud stuff? It's like $7 a pound and the reviews are pretty good, but a few reviews said it made people break out more

>> No.8482817

On the subject of Korean products, has anyone tried the Tony Moly Panda's Dream products? I'm getting so sucked in by that adorable packaging, I just want those little guys around my flat. Am I wasting my time with them?

Also I'm really after something to help with my dark circles. I drink a lot of water and sleep a lot but damn I still look like a junkie.

>> No.8482838

Retin-A, vitamin C.
As for the panda, it doesn't really do anything,

>> No.8482860

Thanks for the advice, I'll give them a go.

I'm tempted to get the pandas anyway, they're just so damn cute.

>> No.8483084

If you want just for the packaging, then hand creams are always harmless.

>> No.8483524

After I soak myself in hot water for loosen the deadskin cells and I exfoliate with those fancy towels or gloves, I use this.

This probably won't get rid of the scarring, but it helps me tremendously with the bumps on my arms. Its a tad acidic so if you have any open wounds then it will burn like a mother fucker. The fear of the pain from the burning helps me not pick at it.

You might also need wear shortsleeves/longsleeves to cover up the arm area because that area will be light sensitive for a little bit if you don't use sunblock but it will also help deter from the picking. Out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.8483547

There's a sale going on right now at roseroseshop. I only wish I didn't buy the Time Revolution Ampoule and toner from the Missa website a month ago.

Also I recently added Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Sleeping Mask to my regime and I think its really helping out.

>> No.8483580

Any cream with a decent content of hyaluronic acid will attract and hold moisture if it's from dryness or dehydration and drinking more water will also help. If there's any darkness accentuating the hollows, vitamin k supplement or arnica cream can help but as other Anon said, if it's just indentations and you aren't dry, dehydrated or having darkened skin, only injections will really help.

In fact with any skin concern, unless you have a deficiency, are dehydrated or with any other unbalanced concern, over the counter topical products have little effect. If you eat and drink right, get enough sleep, avoid stress and cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize correctly for your sin type and still have skin concerns, it's time for the dermatologist.

Of course if you have shitty skincare and don't eat, drink or sleep well then yes, a good skincare regimen will help a lot and if you improve sleep, diet and hydration, ditto but after that, products can only do so much.

>> No.8483587

I should be washing my face more often if I get some pimples right? Right now I usually only wash and use cleanser once a day, when I take a shower straight after work. Should I be washing my face also when I wake up in the morning before work?

>> No.8483617

I was pleasantly surprised how much my skin improved on the glycolic acid cream (it doesn't do anything for me just in toner, but the combination of that with the cream is really good) as I was getting 2-3 nasty forehead cysts per month. The benzoyl peroxide helps as well, but it was the night cream that's made the most difference

>> No.8483632
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oops, forgot pic

>> No.8483638

I LOVE their so cool eye stick. It's a lifesaver sometimes and helps my dark circles, but not the fine lines.

>> No.8483646

Yeah, I did all that too. I was completely covered up from the sun except my neck and hands and still got hives. It may be because I'm already pasty, I just wanted to even out freckles.

>> No.8483661

Might want to try something different then. Filipinos know their shit on skin whitening though. I used Likas soap, there's Silkas soap too, which is apparently finer, but it's the same stuff, works like a charm. Might want to see if that works better without the issues. Active ingredient is derived from papayas. Just a forewarning, it smells weird (doesn't leave you smelling like it though).

>> No.8483665

I'd try a gentle cleanser with glycolic or salicylic acid 2x per day and spot treat pimples every night with 5-10% benzoyl peroxide treatment. Clay mask 1x per week.

>> No.8483723

The Secret Key thing just leaves a temporary white cast.

>> No.8483748

Glad I went the Likas route then. Cheaper too.

>> No.8483752

vitamin e oil is a must with acne scars

>> No.8483757

Uh, anon, if you say your hormone levels are normal then your acne isn't hormonal. It could be something else like your diet or lacking in supplements.

>> No.8483947

Hm I just use Clearasil Superfruit Scrub three times a week, and their Avocado and something daily wash every day, along with Olay moisturising cream before bed. Works well for me, gets rid of my teen pimples

>> No.8484028

Moisturize, moisturize. Always exfoliate before and after removing hair.

>> No.8484114

I didn't, so it was a good suggestion for my particular query.

>> No.8484595

While I'm showering, with cheap razors from a pack I share with my boyfriend.

Is this going to fuck me up down the line? I've never cut myself or gotten weird bumps or anything, but I wonder if it's really okay to cheap out on something like this.

>> No.8484755

I wouldn't necessarily say that. I got a blood test done for my hormones, because I was afraid I might've had PCOS. Everything came back fine, but my own cystic, under-the-skin acne that only appeared on my jawline and chin went away with only birth control.

I've read accounts of people who actually do have PCOS have had blood tests done that ended up completely normal, and do have hormonal acne from it. Since they're always fluctuating, especially in females and around cycles, you can't rule out hormones solely because it came back normal on one test.

>> No.8484759

I think it's fine as long as you aren't reacting in any weird way. Some people really need the specialty razors to deal with problems but looks like you just lucked out. Carry on and use the savings on something else.

>> No.8484760

it's fine as long as you don't get any ingrowns or cut yourself.

>> No.8484772

>oily acne ridden skin all my life
>tried countless creams, wipes, etc
>nothing works
I've found some wipes that manages to keep my face from looking like a join the dots exercise like it used but I've still never gone a single day without a break out and I fucking hate it. Does anyone here know of any secret miracle treatments, or is laser treatment the only way? Before you ask I wash my pillow cases all the time, avoid touching my face if I eat greasy food, and am currently on a regime of cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and acne wipes. I ask because lately its been spreading. It used to be just my face, but then it was face and chest, face+chest+shoulders, and since I had my legs waxed its now face+chest+shoulders+legs. Sometimes I just want to get a knife and slice my skin off it bothers me that much. At current its the worst its ever been with all of the above and a few strays on my lower arms, stomach, back and butt. Please help me.

>> No.8484796

This is the kind of shit that makes me think there is no right or wrong choice and different things are gonna work for different people - so it's kind of hard to teach.

>> No.8484803

People have had luck with murad products. Sephora has a great return policy so if you can go there at least product samples are free and returns are easy for things that don't work.

But if it's spreading, I'd consult with a dermatologist, it might be worth it to find the cause, not just treat the outbreaks.

>> No.8484840

I was always the only person in any class who had acne in school, and other people were always telling me "you're young! it'll go away/get better on its own when you're older" and the fucking opposite has happened. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll try Murad since I'm in the UK but if that doesn't work I'm giving up full stop and I'll just save up till I can afford continuous laser treatments.

>> No.8484970

Even though I put on layers of sunscreen many times two days ago and wasn't outside during the hottest time of the day, I managed to get an awful sunburn on my face. It started peeling and even turned into a sun allergy. That hurts a lot and whatever moisturizing cream I use make me near than crying as it really burns. What should I do ? It's so dry and all.

>> No.8485460

Try some aloe vera gel? As close to 100% as possible, I'd suggest.

>> No.8485874

Kind of semi-related to skincare, but I am getting devoured by mosquitoes right now, and I'm the kind who gets super inflamed and swollen, like I'm having an extreme allergic reaction. Any of you have any magic suggestions to help with the itching/swelling/pain? I already use Mizon's anti-blemish cream for dealing with the scarring afterwards, but until then I'm just slathering myself in Cortizone.

>> No.8485880

That's more of a medical question.

>> No.8485939

Does anyone have any fragrance free products they recommend?

For skincare I use Clinique, First Aid Beauty, Simple and Cetaphil. Their products are generally good to me.

For sunscreen I use Sawyers All about the base and Banana Boat Kids.

I'm always on the lookout for recommendations.

>> No.8485963

seconding this

>> No.8486098

Thank you; I will.

>> No.8486133

I use a mixture of cortizone, goldbond and neosporin. On top of which I take an antihistamine to get the swelling down.
Not totally sure if this is bad or good for you, but whenever I first discover a bite, I take a spoon and run it under really hot water and then press it on top of the bite, and sometimes when i feel that its ready, I squeeze the swelling area too.

>> No.8486148

That's a terrible idea.
Just use an anti itch cream. ffs.

>> No.8486151

Antihistamines. The drowsy ones are the best but clearly only good for night time when you get woken by the itch as otherwise they'll just make you zombie out. Ice and topical antihistamines work better for me than hydrocortisone creams

Not true. You can have normal hormones but hormonal acne, because your skin reacts to the normal variations in hormone levels, usually the progesterone. Hence the "I get acne before my period" thing. Birth control containing oestrogen helps because it keeps you from getting the progesterone surge and also keeps oestrogen levels more steady

>> No.8486160

The only bad idea in that is squeezing the bites. Everything else works just fine.

Hot spoon over the bite is an easy way to get rid of the itch. It may not help that much with the swelling and inflammation but at least you don't want to spend the entire time scratching those bites after it which helps a bit.

>> No.8486177
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I've been off Accutane for a while,and the grace period of no blackheads/tiny pimples is over

thoughts on my sample-cart? any recommendations? critiques?

I could use all the help I can get truly

>> No.8486190
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Go get your face zapped! Works amazingly well. They're usually called electric or galvanic facials.

>> No.8486896

I remember reading somewhere that perfect whip is the wrong ph to put on your face, you want something more acidic.

>> No.8486898

Holy shit, do those things actually work? How?
I bought one on amazon for my mom after she asked me too. We don't know how it works because it only comes with a bad instruction book. As far as I can tell it looks like a scifi tool.
Iirc, one of her massage parlor customers told her to use a lotion or olive oil on face and then hover that device over the face.

>> No.8486950

OP here. I was suspecting PCOS too, because of my acne and well I'm kinda hairy but my periods are amazingly regular. I have no idea what is wrong with me...

>> No.8486957

I suffered through this disorder for about 11 years of my life, the severity of my disorder almost gave me skin cancer because I literally ripped so many layers of skin off me, however its been about a year since I stopped and the majority of my scars aren't noticeable. I use MAC's green gel cleanser to cleanse and tighten my pores (enlarged pores are the remained damage from my skin) and I make sure my moisturizer, MAC's Lightful gel rests on my face before I apply any primers or foundation. The main key I've found to preventing acne or any other skin flare ups is to remove all oils that would secrete from the skin and replace them with products that hydrate. It also helps eliminate the urge to pick at the skin. The only thing you need to make sure of is using some sort of skin illuminator after drying out the face, or your makeup could look cakey. I mix MAC's strobecream with my foundation to fix that problem.

>> No.8487197

yikes that sounds freaky
do you have any recommendations?

>> No.8487462
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What are some of your favourite Asian skincare/beauty products gulls? I'm prepping for a visit to Hong Kong later in the year but I'm not entirely sure what to pick up.

For reference, I have combination-oily skin and I tend to break out often around my forehead and chin with enlarged pores around my nose. All these issues seemed to start at the beginning of the year after a couple months of travelling, when I had pretty decent skin beforehand and practically no pimples. I pretty much overhauled my routine when it wasn't doing anything after a month or so.

My skincare routine now looks like
>Simple sensitive skin cleanser or Pond's cold cream (steam/remove with hot washcloth)
>Thayer's rosewater toner
>DCS Aquaderm Super Aqua night cream (sparingly)
>apply makeup
and the occasional bentonite clay mask on problem areas once a week

>Cold cream (steam/remove with hot washcloth)
>Biore Foaming cleanser for sensitive skin, (I would use another cleanser that isn't so drying, but i'm trying to use it up) - occasionally used in conjunction with a konjac sponge.
>Thayers Rosewater toner
>Treat pimples with a salicylic acid/benzoyl peroxide blemish gel
>wait 15+ minutes, apply a couple drops of rosehip oil to face, more on hyperpigmentation/scars
>DCS Aquaderm Super Aqua night cream and/or aloe vera gel depending on how dry it is.

I haven't really seen any drastic results from the rosehip oil after 3 months, so I've been eyeing the Mizon all-in-one snail repair cream or their snail recovery gel - is there anything else i should look out for?

>> No.8487527

pick up a sunscreen, anon. asian ones measure SPF as well as something coded with ++++. the more + the better coverage.

their sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB, SPF is for one and the + scale is for the other.

sorry i am in prodrome migraine phase and can't think straight, but def grab some cool sunscreens and review them here when you return. your routine lacks sunscreen so get it together.

>> No.8487578
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Ah, I usually rely on BB creams for SPF, but I do have an Asian sunscreen from my last trip, which i mostly use to sheer them out occasionally to apply/absorb faster.

I use Sunkiller Perfect Water Essence SPF 50+ (PA++++) right now. The texture is gel-like, very light and sheer. It absorbs quickly, isn't greasy, not at all drying and overall leaves my skin feeling pretty good. The only dealbreaker here is that it has a strong alcohol scent since it's basically the 3rd ingredient, like the Biore one. It makes my eyes water if i put too much too close and I can see it irritating more sensitive skin.

Hope you feel better soon anon!

>> No.8487584

So gulls, I just moved to southern California from the northwest, and I find myself really confused about sunscreen. All of the ones I've purchased, including expensive ones, make me sweat way more than normal, making it effectively impossible for me to wear foundation or even concealer because it'll just run off of my face.

Do any of you guys have any good daily use sunscreen recommendations that don't have that issue? I'd be forever grateful.

>> No.8487734

If I were to get drugstore brands of Asian skincare products, should I go for Japanese or Korean brands? Is either regarded as generally superior to the other?

>> No.8487838

It's probably just plain ol' hormones, anon. If you are very worried, go get another blood test and an pelvic ultrasound. I'd just recommend trying a different BC.

>> No.8488044
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Looking at buying these products. Has anyone else here used these ones before?
I've got combo skin (oily t zone but pretty normal elsewhere) and don't tend to break out that badly.
I'm wanting to get into the habit of a better skincare routine but not really sure where to start. Any advice would be super helpful!

>> No.8488263


neutrogena is a life saver here in
105F California or really any sunscreen marketed towards babies

>> No.8488316

>I'm going to hit 25 next year and I'm really terrified of how my skin is going to progress from this point on.
Better find a beta provider before it is too late.

>> No.8488319

So I've been using Retin-A (0.5) for about 5 months now, and I don't know if I'm seeing all too much of a difference. My face hasn't been as dried out and peeling at least, but I'm wondering if anyone can give me a little bit of their experiences. It just seems useless at times.

Perfect whip (for me) stripped away a lot of the moisture away from my face. Its deep cleaning though, just harsh.

I second Neutrogena. Its not greasy, I'd say just be sure to moisturize. I use 'UltraSheer', and it doesn't have moisturizing benefits.

>> No.8488324

Wait, you shouldn't shave against the grain? I'm so confused, how do you get a clean shave if you don't go against the grain? Surely you'd just be left all prickly?

>> No.8488345

The Hada Labo Gokujyun lotion is amazing, I would actually swap out the Kao Biore Foaming Face Wash with the Hada Labo Gokujyun Foaming Cleanser, the gokujyun range is really quite hydrating. I know I sound like a shill but those two products are in my holy grail skin care routine and I can't recommend them enough. I don't really give a shit about the rest of the range though

>> No.8488347

Not really. There's just a wider range from Korea due to the competitive road shop market and Korean products are overall easier to buy more cheaply.

Japan is better in having PA++++ sunscreens the standard now, though.

>> No.8488396

Thank you so much for the tip! I'll definitely be trying out the Foaming Cleanser as well then.
Would it be worth me getting the Milk as well or would I be better off just buying the lotion?

>> No.8488643 [DELETED] 

Do you need an eye primer if the only eye makeup you use daily is eyeliner? Or should I bother doing eyeshadow every day too so using eye primer won't feel as wasteful with more eye makeup?

>> No.8489445
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So I've decided to go and see a dermatologist. I'm in the UK so there are two options I can take:
I can visit my local private clinic and pay a medical professional £150 for one session. Or, I can wait 4 weeks for a GP visit, then a further 9 weeks for them to refer me to my local NHS dermatology clinic. What do? I personally don't mind waiting around and of course I'd rather save money than spend it. I stupidly asked my family to which they replied that my acne isn't even noticeable and that it'll clear up with age.
All my rage.

>> No.8489461

Hmm, if it's not that bad I'd say wait it out.

>> No.8489477

Alright, I'll set up a GP appointment. If I don't manage to get a referral (I doubt I won't, my GP is nice) I'll have to go the private route.

>> No.8490782

You don't. At least not as clean of a shave. If you hair is really soft it might work somewhat but you'd still have to shave much more often compared to shaving against grain.

However shaving against the grain is harder for your skin and can cause more ingrowns. Most people can do it, at least for most parts of their body. What's important when shaving against grain is to have a sharp razor, using good quality shaving cream and taking the time to prepare for the shave by taking a shower/bath beforehand. Shaving against grain with bad equipment is the worst.

>> No.8490799

What about own-brand drugstore toners? Boots in the UK sells a witch-hazel toner and scrub that I normally use, but I'd stop if they were bad for me.

>> No.8490850

I tried the Mizon Snail ampoule and I didn't notice any changes in my dark spots at all. I used it for 2 months, don't waste your money.

>> No.8492306
File: 96 KB, 960x638, 11110881_868410663225930_7070244375817791936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a Mary Kay consultant come by the other day, and she said "You will almost always break out with a new product before this product makes your skin clear."

Is this trufax? I mean, I know you have to wait for a month for results (or whatever a full skin cycle is), but will using a new product really make you break out for a litle bit?

>> No.8492311

No, and Mary Kay is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.8492333


Take this anecdotally, but Mary Kay was shit on my skin, and the whole waiting for a month is bullshit for me. I was still breaking out after 2-3 months. I switched to a new compact, and voila, my skin was clear again.

Mary Kay is utter shit for me. I hate it. I would not believe what she says.

>> No.8492384

Thanks. It sounded like bullshit. I just wanted to check

I know it's a pyramid scheme. That's why I wasn't really looking forward to the meeting I was dragged to. I honestly don't think that woman actually knew much about makeup. But now she's trying to contact me and I'm just not sure how to not-so-rudely tell her to GTFO.

Anytime I actually mentioned an outside product that intentionally ruins your skin when you stop using it, she cut me off as well. I don't know if this actually means anything about Mary Kay or what.

>> No.8492456

Not unless you're using something like a retinol, salicylic acid or glycolic acid and even then the only breaking out should be like...closed comedones coming to a head/your usual areas as opposed to entirely new break outs

>> No.8494892

Bumping this before it falls off the page.

>> No.8495636

Just got some coconut oil, seagulls.

Skin-wise what are you supposed to do with it, rub some into your face after cleansing/moisturizing/etc?

>> No.8495652

Tell her you've sold your soul to MAC. Rave about strobe cream. Praise their foundation matching system. She'll blow a vein and leave you alone.

>> No.8495761

It's replacement for moisturizer. You can also use it for shaving and lube (except for latex toys/condoms).

>> No.8496739

3 days before con..... test run on practicing makeup and I wake up the next morning with a blemish right under my eye someone help!

>> No.8501703

Put a thick layer of a creamy type of pimple medicine on it. When it dries, wipe it off gently with a wet cloth, pat dry and re-apply. Keep an eye on it and this should dry it up quickly. Try not to get the stuff on surrounding skin, it can be very drying.

>> No.8501722

>Have a facial piercing
>For some reason after 3+ years of having it, it gets this ugly weird lump next to it that seems to be full of puss
>Not as bad as it sounds, it's barely visible with the ring in
>Been harping on it for around two months, using gentle treatments, sea salt, and prescription strength cream
>I even bought a brand new material ring to put into it
>Get really fed up the other day, even though I know it's a really shitty idea I grab the white-head remover and just go to town on the lump
>Bunch of puss and blood come out
>It actually fucking worked

>> No.8501734

Does anyone know a good product to get rid of acne scars? or am I just gonna have to save my money and get laser treatment.

>> No.8502006
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I've been using sunscreen (pic related) on my face for the past months and since its really heavy and feels pretty fat I haven't been using any proper moisturizer. Is this bad? Should I use a moisturizer too?

>> No.8502068

you should

>> No.8502074

r9k please go

>> No.8503128

Alright, thank you anon

>> No.8503138

My doc recommended me some mechanism that I can't remember the name of, but its essentially a roller with tons of mini pins on jt that you roll over scars, it breaks them up to help heal them. Dermaroller I think?

>> No.8503612

I've received the hydroquinone cream (Ambi fade cream) and have been using it for a week and a half, and I've already started to notice results in some of the most recently damaged areas. I expect that when I receive the aha exfoliant it will help the cream be more effective. I definitely recommend it!

>> No.8503700

if you bump them or even pull or lay on the jewelry wrong in your sleep, they can abscess like that. Navel piercings too.

Or they can get a staph infection, same deal, a big puss-filled lump. You are lucky it did not make you sick when you burst it, that's a bit dangerous. I'd have gone to the doc to get it lanced and cleaned.

>> No.8504084
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any good way to remove easily blackheads on the nose and near it? i always have problems squeezing my nose...

>> No.8504098

they're sebaceous filaments, don't squeeze them out. use a clay mask or soft exfoliant like a konjac sponge.

>> No.8504993


Silicone helps a lot in fading scars. There are patches just for this purpose, but some people have found that even silicone-y hair gels or other products fade their scars as well. pls excuse the leddit link, but the results are pretty impressive.


>> No.8505830
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opinions and reviews on noxzema products, gulls? one of my friends swears by their cleanser, and it's helped her out even with her shit skin from hormones. I just don't hear about it much, if at all, nowadays, so I'm curious about whether it's in any of your daily routines.

>> No.8505862

It's the stuff I used as a teenager before I actually started doing research. There are tons more products that are better than this. Dries me out, makes my acne angrier, it's shit.

>> No.8506528

Anons, what are your thoughts on wearing hydrocolloid bandages or bandaids on your face in public? I'm currently on accutane and my face is just constantly spitting up all the yucky stuff under my skin, so I've taken to just slapping some blister bandaids over them and forgoing makeup, since I'm just a bit nervous about foundation and stuff making my skin worse. But I'm going to a nice ish restaurant tomorrow, not super fancy but wear kind of nice clothes. I figured I'd just do eyemakeup and forgo the rest of my face because I'd probably have some bandaids on it. idk, thoughts?

>> No.8506977

Hi gulls. Bringing this from my shameful mistake.

Opinions on Korean skincare products and your skincare regimen? I think my skin might have gotten used to my products because they're doing jackshit.
>Favourite shopping sites/services?
>Favourite brands?
>Morning routine, night routine or both?

Thank you.

>> No.8507179

>Favourite shopping sites/services?
Roseroseshop, ebay, jolse, avecko. Rakuten (but mostly for japanese products)
>Favourite brands?
Cosrx - Their BHA, AHA, and BHA/AHA toner are really good. I've never had a bad Cosrx product to be honest. It's the brand I recommend to asian skincare newbies or people with sensitive skin.
Tosowoong - Their advertising is hilarious and it looks more like an online/homeshopping brand, but their sheet masks, propolis ampoule and essences are actually very good. This brand and Cosrx give you the most bang for your buck.
su:m37 - Pricier, but I'm in love with this brand. My favorite product is their Signature Essence Full-Energy.
>Morning routine, night routine or both?

Current routine, not set in stone since I skip steps/swap out products whenever I feel it's necessary/don't have a lot of dosh to spend.

Cosrx AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner (ph adjusting toner)
Vitamin C serum
Wait 20-30 minutes
Hadalabo Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion (sometimes mixed with a few drops of a propolis ampoule)
Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream
Biore Aqua Rich Watery Gel sunscreen

OCM with a mix of almond and castor oil/cleanse
Cosrx AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner
Vitamin C serum
Wait 20-30 minutes
Cosrx BHA
Cosrx AHA
Wait 20-30 minutes
optional: Hadalabo Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion + sheet mask
Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream
Naruko Taiwan Magnolia Brightening & Firming Night Gelly

>> No.8508075

Looking to get into a better skincare routine and want to start using Japanese products. Any recs?

>> No.8508134

cut dairy from your diet.

>> No.8508521

This is very helpful! Thanks.

>> No.8508738

My skin went crazy for a bit and was both oily and had dry patches - I've always had a bit of a tendency towards acne but it was worse than it ever was as a teenager.

Korean product that has really helped me: The Face Shop's 24 Karat Gold Escargot cleansing cream. Honestly I don't know what it is about it, it's not a product aimed at acne control but it has worked and really managed to even help me get the acne scars to fade.

Lotion - Paula's choice BHA lotion all over morning and night, really low so it's not drying me out like the acne products before, and then some sort of eye cream - good ones are the Flebote white crystal or the chia seed eye cream, both from the face shop!

>> No.8509062

Are you sure it's hormonal, anon? That's the first thing you should check. Does it come and go with your period? Did you get your hormones tested?

>> No.8509067

idk, I'm fine with people wearing bandaids on their face. I find it kind of shitty that people stare, but the thing is I used to wear them because I had such a bad picking/face touching problem. Slapping a bandaid over it saved my face from scars so I eventually stopped caring about what people though. As for a nice ish restaurant, if it's black tie I'd say forgo them, but otherwise who cares just leave them on. I'd rather someone stare at my bandaids then my face full of craters and whiteheads.

>> No.8510259

Not sure if this is a dumb question, but can deep lying acne be attached to a vein or something? I've had this one problem area for a long time now where there's cystic acne and when I touch around where this protruding nightmare goes down into my face, it feels like a vein or something is branching out from it.

>> No.8510273

Alright then well my first suggestion is to use sunscreen with an spf of at least 50 since being in the sun can cause you skin damage (avoiding uv rays and such can actually keep you looking younger) since you are 25 i also suggest you use products with collegen in them since your aging and your skin wont have so much of it *this is for elasticity* use facial mask at night and use mosterizer,toners,facial serums in your morning routine ,if you use make up a good way to keep it fresh and to keep your skin glowing use facial mist (also use make up that is easy on the skin )

>> No.8510284

Hmm well this one is kinda tricky since cystic acne can sometimes be a type of infection have you talked to your doctor about it also does your family have this acne problem since this can be genetic if its genetic you can help to cure it by making rice water and washing your face with it since this is really soft on the skin and leaves it smooth or you can make a green tea scrub with also really helps cleanse the pores (please excuse me if theirs any bad grammar)

>> No.8510295

Does anyone know whats good for getting rid of dark circles? I have a good amount of sleep except on days when i have to pull all nighters to finish assignment*which isnt frequent* i do get allergies and i sleep on my back so im not sure how to get rid of them ive actually tried several gels and creams but they dont really seem to help much

>> No.8510536

Topical collagen products can't help produce collagen in the dermis, the most they'd make would be good moisturizers. Iirc the only things that do are would be dermarolling and Vitamin C.

>> No.8510542
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I have dark circles too, sometimes it can't be helped. I'm pretty sure mine are hereditary, since I remember looking at them when I was younger thinking, "why do I already have these?"

All I can suggest is learn to love them, keep hydrated, eat healthy and just concern on keeping your skin healthy as best you can.Hell, even over sleeping can cause them, I remember reading something about that.

I've looked these things up myself, and there is no sure fire solution. Good luck anyways anon, hopefully you find something that works.

Also, random pic to contribute.

>> No.8510549

Adding on to this, the collagen cells are too big to actually do anything, they're unable to penetrate the skin.

Also, an spf of 35 is fine for coverage. Anything more doesn't make much of a difference. No harm getting it though.

>> No.8510672

No. Veins don't work like that. However, the cyst itself may be attached to some underlying connective tissue or have scar tissue which is probably what you're feeling. >>8510284 is shit advice, rice water/scrubs do nothing for cysts since the problem is so deep and irritating the top of it with a scrub can make it worse. Usually the best idea is to bring it to a head then use topical treatments like retinols, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid to dry it out, and consider getting it injected with a steroid shot if it's persisting and bothering you

>> No.8511026

I'm currently on accutane so I've been relying on that to bring things to a head. But this one specific area is a nightmare. It used to be a lot bigger, like the size of a boil, but I lanced it a few months ago and tried to get as much gunk out of it as I could. It was definitely a mixture of blood blister and cystic acne. It healed over and is much smaller now, but I guess that's just a sign of how deep lying it is? It just feels very strange because I can feel how the bottom of it branches off like two veins. I'm guessing the best thing to do would be to ask for a shot next tmie I visit my dermatologist? What exactly would that entail? Sorry, I just want this thing gone! The rest of my face is clearing up nicely but this one spot is still swollen and potruding and is very reluctant to come to a head.

>> No.8511027

anon...topical treatments don't really do shit with cystic acne you need to bring it to a head.

>> No.8512144

>Have had a cartilage piercing for around 3 years
>Out of nowhere it starts hurting one day, develops a massive boil on the back of it

Going to the doctor to get it checked out and shit. Fuck.

>> No.8512186

The issue with popping cysts, no matter how big or where they are, is if you don't remove it entirely, it can cause worse infections. Remember, cysts form because your body is protecting you from the bacteria. Don't pop your cysts, treat it like a wound, stop fucking with it and use the accutane. It'll go away after a while, if you need pain relief, they sell oral numbing liquid for sore gums that should help you.

>> No.8512730

I've seen aha and bha thrown around a lot, im new to a better skin care (5 steps for me) and what do they do?

>> No.8512993

anon, I've been on accutane for months and I asked my dermatologist about lancing it and she gave me the ok. I wasn't popping it so much as draining it. There was so much preassure from it making it very painful, and a lot of it was this big blood blister that was trapped. Getting all that infected blood out actually helped speed along the process and the whole thing healed over in a week, considering it was just a pinprick sized hole and a bit of bruising.
I appreciate your concern but please calm down.

>> No.8513315

The shot is literally just like an injection into the cyst. It's no worse pain than lancing it yourself, and results are usually visible within a week.
I would still guess it's scar tissue that you can feel as facial veins are generally small, aren't usually palpable, and they are usually fairly squishy/collapsible rather than solid

>> No.8513453

They're chemical exfoliants. (Peeling gels/gommage peels, scrubs, wash cloths/konjac sponges/etc. are considered physical exfoliants.)

AHA exfoliates the surface of your skin while BHA exfoliates the oil.

I've been personally avoiding AHA products due to increased photosensitivity concerns (I live in a tropical climate), but God Fucking Bless BHA for shrinking my pores. Good riddance to the SFs on my nose.

>> No.8514149

It sounds like stupid advice, but I'm seconding this. Cutting dairy has worked wonders on my skin.

>> No.8514317

>Cosrx BHA
>Cosrx AHA

Just got these anon, how would you recommend to apply them? Fingers and massage or just cotton pad?

>> No.8514412
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I've got pretty oily skin, where in about 3-5 hours my forehead and nose already feel icky.

Also, I have these little white bumps on my forehead. How can I get rid of them? Clay mask?

>> No.8514430

>because I can feel how the bottom of it branches off like two veins.
Are you poking and pinching it in order to feel this? You shouldn't be touching it at all. Seriously, take it from someone who had severe cystic acne, the absolute worst thing you can do is touch the pimple. I know it's basically an unconscious action, but work on it. The less you feel it, the faster you heal it. My pimples rarely last longer than a few days anymore because I literally ignore them, besides using clay masks and my regular cleansing routine. Have you tried a Bentonite mask like Aztec Secret? It does a really good job at bringing shit to the surface.

>> No.8515510

I ended up accidentally ripping off a scab on my face today
Paranoid about it scarring up, is there anything I can do to lessen the chance? It's fairly small but in a very visible area

>> No.8515938
File: 136 KB, 744x520, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those bumps sound like closed comedones if they don't come to a head. An AHA should be able to clear them up.

Silicone can prevent as well as treat scars and can come in strips or as gels, so I suggest you look into them.

>> No.8516192

Scar-non here
Cool, thanks. Should I avoid using an AHA while the wound is healing up, or will it help, or is there likely just no effect of AHAs on scarring?

>> No.8516534

Products I've used before and have liked
>Etude House Darling Cream Snail Healing
>Benton Snail Bee High Content Essence
>Mizon All in One Snail Repair Cream

I've got oily skin with stress acne, and all those products have lessened the impact of the acne and helped a little with scarring. I *am* looking for a new essence, though, but only because I'm almost out of the Benton and like to try different products.

>> No.8517208

Thank you so much anon, I've been trying to find out what they were and how to get rid of them for a long time. Will get one!

>> No.8520297


>> No.8520594

Are there any tips or any products specifically I can use to help reduce pore size?
>tfw pores so large they look like blackheads

>> No.8520910


One thing you could do is use a BHA to exfoliate your pores, then a clay mask to pull sf to the surface, then oil cleanse the grits away.

But tbh, I stopped caring about my pores once I started using a BHA regularly.

>> No.8522219

I know people who pay close attention to PH don't like it, but I've used the Etude Baking Soda cleanser and I thought it was great. I'd been using a Different cream for my acne, and the baking soda cleanser + konjac sponge cleaned up all the dry flakes I would wake up with and kept my face nice and smooth through the day.

>> No.8522229

The Etude Moistful Collagen Cream has been a lifesaver for me. I have oily skin and live in a humid climate, so most creams feel greasy and my skin oily, but I can't skip it altogether because otherwise my acne products tear up my face. It's the only thing that I've used that moisturizes but still feels clean.

On the other hand, people really like the Banila Clean-It stuff, but I tried a jar and it irritated my face. Not super badly, and I actually did use the whole jar, but I went straight back to the Skin Food Black Sugar oil, which I like better.

>> No.8522896 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't think it would affect it, if anything the AHA should be able to help things along.

No worries! Glad I could help

Alpha-hydroxy acid -- a chemical exfoliant such as glycolic acid that works by loosening up the bonds that hold the upper layer of skin together. It primarily works on a superficial layer, while BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids) penetrate deeper.

>> No.8522901

I wouldn't think it would affect it, if anything the AHA should be able to help things along.

No worries! Glad I could help

Alpha-hydroxy acid -- a chemical exfoliant such as glycolic acid that works by loosening up the bonds that hold the upper layer of skin together. It primarily works on a superficial layer, while BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids) penetrate deeper.

>> No.8524796

It could be diet related. I find that I break out more if I eat a lot of red meat/dairy (At this point I've cut out almost all dairy and I'm trying to do so with red meat... Lots of hormones, you know). I know people who break out if they eat a lot of sugary things. What's your diet like? Do you eat enough veggies, drink enough water?

You might be showering with water that's too hot.

Also you should not be touching your face at all, except to wash it.

>> No.8524805

Same here, but instead of the hot spoon I'll run it under really hot water because the bites are usually everywhere. Bad for the skin, I know, but it'd be worse if I left it and I'm scratching myself to bloodied bits in my sleep

>> No.8525959

when is it time to start using anti-aging products? or worrying about aging in general? I'm 20 years old and I hadn't even thought of it but recently people keep telling me "you're going to have great skin when you get older" because I'm so pale and now I'm paranoid

should I be doing some kind of anti aging regimen? what are some precautions I can take other than staying out of the sun, since I already do that?

>> No.8527336

sunscreen with a high +++++ rating, moisturizer, and retinol.

>> No.8527363

If you're referring to PA, then the highest it goes is PA++++.

>> No.8527495

i just mashed the + to show emphasis but thanks for the specifics!