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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 720x482, Confessions-booths-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8508815 No.8508815 [Reply] [Original]

confess your sins!

I went against my morality and bought a replica. not because I can't fit the original or don't have the money, but because it's in a color way that the original doesn't come in, so I guess it's not too bad. hope it will look decent when I get it.

>> No.8508827

Sometimes I fap to the pics I take at cons

>> No.8508837

Holy lantern?

>> No.8508839

It's that bluish Holy Lantern, isn't it? Because if so, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it myself...

>> No.8508840

Whenever I cosplay a character, I look for people who cosplay the same one I do poorly and criticize them in my head so I can boost my ego.

I keep it to myself though and never ever voice my thoughts because that would be really pathetic and awful lol

>> No.8508855

yup, it's the holy lantern jsk, the green-blueish one is the dark green version according to mylolitadress, there's also a navy version, though no pictures of that one.

>> No.8508858

Are you me? I do that too. Just in case I fuck up. Don't want to eat my words or be called out for it.

I went through all my exes plans for cosplays and considered doing them to piss them all off/make them not do it at all. I feel it's the one time I can act elitist and not feel bad.

>> No.8508870
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I feel like I might have a drinking problem.

>> No.8508876

there's this one girl that I know who likes to cosplay the same character types as me, so we tend to have the same cosplans a lot. she's not all that cute, though, so it makes me feel better because I always suit the characters more than her

>> No.8508880
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I feel sexual urges like wear diapers for months. Never have done it but I feel like I'm going too far.

>> No.8508889

what makes you say that?

>> No.8508891

I'm considering buying a replica. I'm pretty new to lolita, and for various reasons I'm probably only ever going to collect and wear in my home and not out to a meet or convention, so no one would ever know. I understand why replicas are bad, but this particular one.... I honestly like the print better than the original.

I'm probably going to end up buying it, and maybe some other things, from my-lolita-dress since I'm still too afraid of making a taobao order because I'm worried it'll end up being more expensive because I only want 3-5 items at a time and have no one to order with.

>> No.8508906

There's this one mega bitch in my comm who used to talk about me behind my back and try to get the rest of the comm (including some of my closest friends) to ostracize me because I couldn't afford brand except the cheap secondhand stuff. Now that I'm done with school I have a well paying job and I can afford much nicer pieces, new releases, etc. A couple weeks ago I outbid her on an auction for her dream dress. She doesn't know it was me, but I loved reading her meltdown on Facebook about it and I can't wait to see her face when I wear it to our next meetup.

>> No.8508916

Do it! I also really want some replicas of dresses I could never get, to wear them alone.

>> No.8508944

....sometimes I buy ultimate dream dresses from other people's pages because it feels good to own something other people want really bad lol

>> No.8508951

Someone throw me some links on where to buy replicas, I only own indie and brandu and I have no idea what the fuss is about. Also this alt colourway sounds neat.

>> No.8508952

>mfw all my ultimate dream dresses are over $1000 :^)

>> No.8508955

mylolitadress, just use google

>> No.8508976

I think the Millefeuille bolero by IW is seriously amazing. I own two and want at least three more colorways.

>> No.8508980

There's this girl I find absolutely fucking annoying in my smallish circle of lolita friends but she's really good friends with one of them so I always have to smile and pretend to be friends. One or two of the girls find her really irritating as well so we bitch about her behind her back.
>tfw i really like everyone else
>tfw hanging out with them would be perfect without her

>> No.8508995

Don't feel too bad, anon, if I hadn't spent $156 on figures this month I was going to buy more than one colot.

>> No.8509000

So glad I am not the only person who does this.

>> No.8509002

>I honestly like the print better than the original.
Why anon? Don't take this as an attack or anything, I'm just curious.

>> No.8509018

I just want to kill myself out of boredom and frustration. It's not even over really terrible things, I just don't want to bother. If I didn't care about the few people I know it would really hurt, I'd burn down my house and od.

>> No.8509045

Don't feel bad anon, I've been thinking about it as well

>> No.8509050

My friend is an ita and I wish she would improve
>she got my dream dress the other day
>someone is selling it in my preferred colorway in the bst thread
>I have a con to save up for

>> No.8509054

I literally just cosplay for attention. I have jealousy issues and attention-seeking issues that I've learnt to control more as I got older, but it used to be a massive issue that made me depressed and suicidal. The ego boost I get from a con keeps me going until the next one. I feel awful that I care more about the attention than the craftmanship or whatever, but on the other hand, if it keeps me from hating myself and doesn't hurt anyone, I don't see the harm in it.

>> No.8509055

Have you tried to help her, or is she one of those itas who thinks that they're perfect?

>> No.8509073
File: 35 KB, 400x411, MTS_Springbunny-1469969-coordinates1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about buying second hand bodyline to wear when I visit my friends house where they smoke inside or my family where they have poorly behaved dogs that sometimes jump on me.

>> No.8509080

Nothing wrong with that. Bodyline can generally take a beating in a washing machine.

>> No.8509218

I have a replica of that bolero, though the lace is more gold. does the material on the original have stretch to it? My arms aren't fat or anything, but it's quite tight on the one I have if I try to wear it with an op or anything with long sleeves

>> No.8509225

I have 2 friends and my life is empty.
I've been into lolita for 2 years collecting but never wearing out. I'm so pathetic.

>> No.8509230

That's not the worse honestly, it's fine.
As long as you aren't a egocentric cunt irl.

>> No.8509239

I'm thinking of buying the melty cream doughnut replica. I just can't justify the going price for something I'd wear to college where it could get caught on something or damaged.

>> No.8509245

Why not? I don't know your area, but in mine people couldn't give a shit beyond a compliment as long as you're dressed nice and don't look like an OTT Angelic Pretty vomit queen with teddy bears and shit all over you.

>> No.8509260

I have a good friend, that I cosplay with.
At first she was awesome but she is starting to look shittier everytime.
She has a cute face and gets away with loads of things. But the quality of her cosplays start to bother me more everytime.
I tried to help her and casually advice her. But she gets attentions because of her looks and doesn't take any of my advice. Besides that the attention in going to her head, she feels like she is so much better than everyone, it's annoying to listen too.

I badly need new cosplay friends.

>> No.8509264

Today my old college crush got married and I feel so empty.
My life has a lot of boxes ticked but I'm not actually going anywhere with any of them. I don't feel like I live with any sort of feeling or conviction, I just float along. Lolita isn't even a real hobby, it's a style of shopping!
I feel so lost and wonder if I've wasted my life already.

>> No.8509289

I have to keep a secret I never wanted to know, just to keep an ex-friend from ending up in deep shit. I'm like 99% sure she was an incestuous relationship with her sister and she kept hinting at it to me cause we were into anime and Ouran Host Club and the twins and now I have to live with all the fucking ideas and questions that come up with a subject like that and I hate her. And it's all anime's fault, I swear.

>> No.8509301

I purposefully have a plan on when and where to walk around conventions to maximise photos in my costumes

Things like standing outside the exit after the con finishes, walking past food seating areas, and walking 4x slower than normal. It works really well but it feels like I'm attentionwhoring.

>> No.8509305

A lot of my friends from high school ended up in j-fashion and I revel in the fact that I am the only one thin enough to consistently fit into current brand.

>> No.8509358

To be fair a lot of same-aged siblings consensually 'experiment' when they're really young.
I wouldn't say it's normal but there is a paper out on it if you want to read it, I think it was in the news a lot after a politician came out as saying she'd done stuff with her sister when she herself was 8. I remember kissing my friends when I was 8.
It doesn't necessarily mean they were in a incestuous relationship if something like that happened only once or twice when they were really young.
It's difficult to get unanswered questions out of your head though.

>> No.8509359

I left my dream dress out on the bed

I came back in to discover my boas had escaped and one of them did a big steaming dump on my dress.

Fuck my life

>> No.8509365

I'm afraid of making suggestions, she's been in lolita longer than I have. She's the one who got me into it

>> No.8509367

anon said she thinks Ouran was the cause, implying their friends were probably above the age where they would be beyond playing doctor.

It's not really that weird for young kids, but usually not too long after they start grade school they learn about boundaries and the like.

>> No.8509390

Slight color differences. The replica has slightly more muted colors and I personally prefer that look. I'm still debating it; the replica is ~88 USD pre-shipping, while the brand one goes for above 500. For a dress that will probably never see the light of day... that's a lot of money to pay for a dress that I don't really like the colors on.

>> No.8509391

What's the taobao store?

>> No.8509400

But it's also a lot of money to hand over to someone how makes a living off counterfeiting. You could literally buy a brand dress for that amount.

>> No.8509413

i hope you learned something, anon. sorry about the dress , though

>> No.8509418

... why do you think I'm posting in the confessions thread? I know. Thus why I'm still weighing my options instead of just buying it. Just because brand dresses exist second hand for that amount doesn't mean they're something I would buy.

>> No.8509702

Go see a counsellor anon. Depression might make you feel like you're not worth it but you are.

>> No.8509752

My friend wants to do a stupid panel at a con next year. She's trying to rope me into it too, but if rather try a lolita panel. At least I know she'll never actually do it because she has no ambition.

>> No.8509780

This is such a strange story.
I am so sorry.

>> No.8509787
File: 36 KB, 419x604, 1430252098485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm "retiring" from j-fashion. It's not really because of money or "wearing weird things". I've just moved on. That made feel a bit bad because I made a lot of friends through jfash and I still come here to lurk, but everytime I come I just refresh the catalog a couple of times and leave.
Thanks for everything gulls, keep doing your best.

>> No.8509793

I always think about what it would be like to find a girlfriend at cons. I wonder what it'd be like to do a couple cosplay, or hell, have sex while either at least partially in cosplay or in character.

>> No.8509805

A boy began to get super naughty with me in my college english class while i was wearing one of my favorite dresses i was too nervouse to say anything to him at the time now he thinks its okay with me so everytime the teacher turns off the lights for us to watch something he starts toying with me (the part that sucks is that i cant make any sounds)

>> No.8509808

Nice b8 m8 made me reply /10
Go roleplay somewhere else.

>> No.8509987
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 1402697854788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty in to a girl that I learned about through a classmate/cosplayer. She cosplays as well and is pretty much my 10/10 waifu material. Finally saw her at a con and went to say hi to my old classmate and chat her up but the spaghetti came out and I didn't end up even acknowleding her aside from getting a quick picture of them in their costumes. She lives in Montreal and I will likely never get the chance to speak with her in person again. Hups.

>> No.8510097

I feel this way too :(
I'm sorry.

>> No.8510108

Not that specific print though, I mean when have you seen Melty Cream Donut for $100 shipped?

>> No.8510141

I want to commission someone to do a painting of me and hang it above my desk in a gold oval frame. It would be an oil painting of me looking at a high angle so it would show off the jawline and I'd be wearing lots of pearls and btssb. I'd want it to look like a painting of a victorian monarch.
Thinking about it makes me pumped but I think actually doing it would be going too far.

>> No.8510143

it annoys the shit out of me when i want to cosplay something and then my friend also wants to cosplay it and i'm the more compatible of the two. she's much shorter than me, is pudgy, has big boobs, and has sharp eyes and always chooses moe pettanko characters to cosplay. at this point, i'm even going out of my way to avoid introducing her to new anime as they air because she'll want to cosplay things out of her compatible range that i want to cosplay and she'll pull out the tumblrite in her
>"oh...... ;w; i-i wanted to cosplay that, anon, heh"

>> No.8510183

A lot of people do it, it may be attentionwhoring but it's accepted and it feels sooo good

>> No.8510184

They obviously don't mean that you can get that print or any other popular print for that much, but you can find second hand brand for easily that.

>> No.8510186
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>> No.8510187

I did something similar to a bitch in my comm. It's worth it, anon. Treasure that moment.

>> No.8510191

Sounds like it might be time to see a doctor, anon? It sucks feeling that way, but there are things they can do to help.

>> No.8510197

Of course, but isn't that the point that the OP was trying to make? She wants a very popular print, but she doesn't want to go to meets or cons in it, so she was wondering if a cheaper replica is acceptable in that scenario.

>> No.8510202

Not the most amazing confession, but I feel bad about spending my money on nice things. I'm not "ugly" but I'm not really cute either. For a long time buying any makeup or clothes has been really really hard because I can't justify giving myself nice things. Now I've been saving money for a couple cons for a long while, and I realized I would have no way to go to them (this is long term, saving 6-12 months in advance and planning and realizing 6 months before con that it just wouldn't work). I'm stuck at a college in the middle of nowhere, USA. So now I'm just not buying anything and sitting on a pile of money while feeling very, very sorry for myself. This is a very whiny, mopey, confession, and I'm mad about it but can't really change my nature.

>> No.8510208

I would say it's still technically counterfeit goods and art theft, you are giving money to folks who stole the IP of someone else to sell it. Morally speaking, nobody can judge you for it because only you will see it, so it's just based on how you personally view giving money to folks for false goods. If you don't mind, then more dresses for you. The only other hangup would be actual quality and if you actually wanted to go out in the dress at some point.

>> No.8510209

I love Lolitas. I love the fashion and the beautiful dresses and seeing little herds of them at cons. But I don't think I'd ever wear it myself because I don't think I have the face for it.

I also get twisted satisfaction when I'm stopped for photos and my friends aren't. I like seeing how they stand off to the side looking grumpy while I'm in the spotlight. It's why I try to keep my cosplay more elaborate than theirs, even if we're doing a group.

>> No.8510212

I love lolita but all of my closest, true-est fans are cosplayers. I feel like if I go to a con I would have to abandon them and spend time doing lolita things by myself, which makes me feel a little guilty.

>> No.8510243
File: 980 KB, 450x253, cryevrytiem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm pretty cute irl, I'm not flawless or drop-dead gorgeous, but people tell me I'm adorable, and I think I look alright in the mirror.
But jesus christ, pictures of myself make me want to fucking cry. I'm not photogenic at all. If the picture isn't taken at exactly the right angle, I look so horrific and I absolutely hate it. Maybe this isn't a confession, more of a rant, but I just saw some pictures of myself taken at a recent event and I wish I could change my face. Why do I only look pretty at certain angles? I'm so embarrassed my comm saw those pictures, they're going to think such shit of me.

>> No.8510247

who's making replicas of them? also interested in whether or not it has stretch

>> No.8510248

I've bought JSK replicas before for no other reason than not giving a fuck and because I could.

>> No.8510249

I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm abusive and a pathological liar. And leaving the long term relationship that I am in because I care for him.

probably either gonna learn to live on my own or off myself to be honest.

I want to sell my Lolita dresses to help with the move but I have so many jeebus its gonna be a long process

>> No.8510258

I hear you on the photos part. I never look the same in photos as what I see in the mirror. For that reason I hate getting my photo taken, and I rarely even take my own photo or have it taken.

>> No.8510262
File: 20 KB, 438x219, CRAAAAWLINGINMYSKIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wish I had a bunch of cosplay friends, but with how clique-y some cosplay communities can be here in Cali sometimes I feel like I don't have a chance.

>> No.8510312
File: 14 KB, 272x186, old-people-middle-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an old cosplayer and yes I think I am better than cosplayers from the past 10 years

I'm welcoming as fuck because we're fans. Fans are great. But if you are tied to only have what ebay makes or pulling together some crappy Goodwill cosplay you didn't even bother to make fit you better or a little more accurate then I think I am better than you.

If you only comission lovely confections that cost oodles of money and don't bother to even learn the basics like hemming or repairing a button then I know you're just one of those stupid useless people who balk at anything taking a bit of time and effort. Those people are ALWAYS a chore. They never have gardens where they grow stuff. They throw away things as soon as it's broken. They can't cook worth shit beyond mac and cheese cause it takes TIME.
So many things have to be handed to them.

That's why I will always think the worst of store bought cosplayers until proven otherwise.

>> No.8510333


No, I actually think that shit is fun.
It's sorta like a retro glamor shot but with painting.

Do it anon. I think it would be cool. That's a fun conversation piece and if you play it off as a neat thing to do it won't seem ostentatious or self absorbed at all.

>> No.8510345

I LOATHE one of the members of my cosplay group because she is unreliable, lazy, and completely full of herself. I keep dreaming about ways to get her tossed out of the group but I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. I honestly think I'd have to leave to get away from her.

>> No.8510350

sameeeee. its a curse.

>> No.8510414

What did she do for you to hate her so much?
>asking because i too have people like this

>> No.8510432

Wow! That color is gorgeous!

>> No.8510460

are you my forever lost twin? I got the same, pictures make me look ugly most of the time, only unposed and with good light I look decent.

>> No.8510469

>make friends with a photog
>he's pretty cool
>we got a lot in common
>he wants to do some photoshoots with me
>meet him for the first time
>kisses my neck, calls me baby, and tries to kiss me on the lips
>i just met you
I am nervous to do shoots with him, I plan on bringing a friend
>he messages me often like 'i wish u were here bb <3'

>> No.8510562

If I won the megabucks or something I would have oil paintings of me and all my friends in different era paintings like from Jap, Chinese, English time lines as if we never aged and just got our paintings done throughout the century's.

>> No.8510563

Ik that feel.

>> No.8510594

>I badly need new cosplay friends
Preach. I have so many friends who just skate by on their good looks and have no concept of people trying to cosplay who aren't as good looking (example; me). They have these rushed-out cosplays that get complimented to death just because they can look good in anything.

I am jelly, but mostly I want to be friends with people who actually care about accuracy and craftsmanship and not just being "good enough".

>> No.8510597

I feel you, anon. If it makes you feel better, a lot of people think they look ugly in photos because they're used to seeing their image reversed in mirrors. When they see that non-reversed image in photos, they interpret it as ugly not because they were ugly all along, but because there is a disconnect between the image of themselves that they are used to seeing and the image in the photo.

>> No.8510603

>>I like being indoors as much as I enjoy being outdoors.
>>Still into anime and manga, not as much as I did when I was a kid, not weebish or wear apparel, but still enjoy it and want someone to share it with now that I'm older want to do cosplays and go to cons.
>>Most of my friends grew out of animu which is fine, but still sucks a little, so no cons with them and I hide my power level.
>>I enjoy riding on motorcycles, campfires, going to the bar, fishing and hunting a lot even though I look and seem pretty feminine.
>>Tfw id love to do a real maid cafe since I'm good at making socially awkward people feel comfortable.

>>Tfw I secretly want to find a female friend to go cosplaying with and treat me like a sister and not be cringeworthy or scary as fuck and can still bond over things that aren't animu and hang out together.
>>Bonus points if they're clever and witty, don't mind if they have dry humor at all.

>> No.8510645

There's a cosplayer I know who's really, really shitty. She always posts about how she's going to make these awesome costumes, but never actually makes them and just does bad closet cosplays. Anyways, she thinks she's super skilled and wants to become cosfamous, and has announced she's going to enter contests this year. Since I live in the same area, I'll be here too, and I just can't wait to the the shitstorm when she realizes she's not as good as she thinks she is. It'll be hilarious.

>> No.8510713

Anon you have to tell him to stop or stand him up. Shit Will always get more uncomfortable.

>> No.8510714
File: 527 KB, 800x605, 1426351049552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to get into lolita but I feel like the only way to get good dresses would be from Taobao which I'm still too intimidated by to order from.

>> No.8510716

Enjoy getting raped/molested then. Jesus

>> No.8510723

I'm trying to get my first co-ord together too anon! I'm getting my first dress from surface spell (I'm really hoping i've made the right choice too...). If you really like the dress anon you should take the plunge!

>> No.8510746

Same, anon. Always a double chin. I do not have a double chin in the mirror unless I force one, but in every. single. photo, there the fucker is.

>> No.8510754
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cut off all contact

get raped

pick one

>> No.8510759

Why don't you try Lacemarket? If you're not too picky you can get a cheap dress and it won't be a big waste if you end up not liking lolita. You might even find a seller in your country and shipping will be cheap.

>> No.8510762
File: 934 KB, 360x246, 662245902.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a pocket gay

>> No.8510763

Good luck anon. I have a cornsnake, he shat on me and my laptop once.

Reptile shit is so foul. It smells worse than dog and baby shit combined.

>> No.8510859

I wonder how many other con 'photographers' still think we don't already know this.

>> No.8510895

One thing you could do is, like other anon said, buy from lace market. You could even get taobao stuff from there although sometimes that costs more than brand non print resells.

>> No.8510914

Seek help and don't be a fuckhead

>> No.8510938

I am too fat to fit any dresses right now. I am using them as motivation and because they are cheaper to get them now than in the second hand market

>> No.8511092

Some ita in my comm has completely attached herself to me. I have no interest in taking her under my wing. Frankly, she's annoying and has no hope of ever being considered anything other than an ita. She doesn't seem to get the hint that I don't want to talk to her and I don't want to be labelled a meanie elitist-chan and start a rift in the comm so I won't outright say anything to her. So I've started posting her to cgl in hopes she'll get discouraged and leave lolita.

>> No.8511101

there are these two girls who a year ago cut out one of my friends from their lives because of some petty drama (involving a forth person who they don't even talk to anymore). i'm still cool with the two girls but it gets really awkward when they try to bad mouth my third friend, knowing that i'm still friends with her. in any case, both of the girls are crying about not being able to finish up their cosplays in time and how they're so lost and i honestly think they deserve it. they would use my third friend as a personal seamstress and while i hope they get it done in time, i'm glad they're suffering.

>> No.8511258

I have 0 friend, anon.

>> No.8511288

I am on the fringes of a friendship group that has an amount of drama on 4chan especially, and I have to restrain myself from contributing all the time just because I love drama so damn much.

>> No.8511325

I've fapped to a pic I got of an Ezio a few times. I feel like a creepy fat photog but I'm just a dumb grill. It feels forbiddenly awesome.

>> No.8511342

That raise the question, what seagulls would think if they learned people would fap to pics of them ?

>> No.8511345

Identifying the problem is the first step to fixing it. Running away solves nothing. If you know what you do wrong, you can change, because you are human.

>> No.8511394

I've been following lolita since I was 16, and I'm 23 now but still can't afford to buy any pieces, and won't for at least another year or two. This is because I was dealing with a number of health issues and made some bad decisions that led to me being "stuck" and not able to finish school or find a job.

I worry that by the time I can afford my dream pieces I will be too old and look really terrible in them.

>> No.8511411

>my boas had escaped
girl you are lucky it was your dress and not you getting strangled in your sleep. Get a better cage ffs

>> No.8511442

I fucking hate one of my friends. She's obese, loud, disgusting and condescending. She often talks about how she hates skinny people and is the embodiment of a tumblr fat activist. She talks obsessively about lolita even though she doesn't own any and she complains about weeaboos even though her name on her tumblr is in Japanese and is covered in sparklevomit kawaii shit.

>> No.8511448

Oh god, I know this pain. I've been lurking the lolita scene for six years. My husband hated the fashion while I was 22 now I've worn him down and he doesn't mind it, but I'm 28! I've ordered my first dress and I'm so scared that I'll look too old to be wearing it.

>> No.8511485

Come on now, 28 is not being a granny.
You'll be 35+ I'd understand but 28...

>> No.8511511

I think almost everyone has had this thought at this point and I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that at least one person has fapped to a photo of you, be it something taken at a con or something you've posted online. I think it's a bit odd but there's nothing I can really do about it, as long as I don't have any creepy or fucked up experiences in person (like, getting flashed or masturbated on or stalked) then I just deal with the idea that this is something that has probably happened and move on.

I think if someone did masturbate to photos of me taken at a con, I'd rather not know about it at all.

>> No.8511553

I really want to leave lolita because of the e-fame hungry faggots. I love the fashion but I can't stand how everyone is so thirsty for "e-fame". I'm planning on still wearing otome and maybe toned down coords. Y'all need to get a damn grip on your life if you think that e-fame is important.

>> No.8511562

This, Kate, Jillian etc. turned this into a fucking e-fame race and it's disgusting. Lolita is about more than that, it's about having fun and wearing what you want, not to be a Kardashian

>> No.8511576
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I still support GLW because I feel they aren't racist... and I lowkey hate how everyone ran to Lockshop despite the shit Choke says/said and does/did.I feel people are just biased cause choke is cute so they ignored her shit but condemn GLW for their shortcommings.

>> No.8511581

glw is still overpriced for its quality tho

>> No.8511588


They are but girls straight up attacking others for supporting them so its hard to like them without having to get ready to defend yourself against the hate band-wagoners

>> No.8511598

I don't even care about the race stuff their wigs suck and shipping is annoying.

>> No.8511602

I mean, I think there are other reasons to not support them but either way, just don't mention it then??? if you're worried you'll stir up dramu or something by saying your wig is GLW just don't mention the brand or say you don't know because someone gave it to you, you bought it secondhand, off ebay (if it isn't a distinct wig thats theirs), etc.

>> No.8511717

I didn't tell anyone but I tried to attempt suicide 2 weeks ago now. I still don't know if I'm happy or not that it failed but I'm feeling fucking alone. What I know is that I just stopped caring about lolita and cosplay. It feels more than odd. I even think about selling my dresses, I just don't see myself wearing them anymore. That makes me feel even more alone.

>I'm in therapy. But when I tell her she has to take further steps. Fuck no.

>> No.8511739

I'm a dominatrix and I also design fetish wear. I don't bring lolita into that beyond wearing some of my handmades for ero coordinates/gothic coordinates. I love my job. It's been amazingly healthy for me and I'm proud of the person I've become. And I feel like I have to hide that and not go public with who I am because of lolita. Because I know everyone would flip their shit about me giving the fashion a bad name just by virtue of what I do for a living. At the end of the day, I'm laughing my way to the bank because hey, more burando for me. But keeping this a secret has an impact on my career, on my self esteem, on everything. It's so strange to be terrified of publicly being the person I am, a person I'm happy to be.

>> No.8512376

I'm getting really tired of mentoring the itas in my comm.
We're a tiny comm in the first place, about 40-50 active people and only comm in the country, and only about 5 of us aren't ita (6 if you count a Australian girl who's in the country for a year).
I'm too used to being nice to idiots from my job in customer service to really turn them down but ffs how many times can I answer "Is this a bell or A-line petticoat"/"what do you think of replicas"/other noob question? I already linked them to FAQs but they won't read them.

Mynon-lolita friends tell me "Not your circus not your monkeys" but I don't want them going out in horrible outfits and saying it's lolita...

Not to mention the long time itas we have. I can't even post them on CGL because of how small of a comm we are.

>> No.8512421

I wore Victorian clothes to my first con, and it was such a small con that people called it Gothic Lolita... And said I looked good in it.
It gave me an ego boost.. And I fucking wore cat ears, I hate myself so much. (Even though the cat ears are beautiful and super high quality and are my hair color)

>> No.8512437

I cosplay characters from things I didn't read/watch. I do it so I could get attentiom from big fandoms, and sometimes I just do it for the sake of having an impressive project.

>> No.8512439

>It's so strange to be terrified of publicly being the person I am, a person I'm happy to be.
doesn't sound like happiness to me, coward-chan

>> No.8512514
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>It's so strange to be terrified of publicly being the person I am, a person I'm happy to be.
Words of a serial killer if I've ever heard them

>> No.8512528


>> No.8512615

Nope. Can't even post which one because they'll know it's me for sure.
English isn't the main language here and I'm one of the only people who are fluent in it.

>> No.8512705

>I really want to leave lolita because of the e-fame hungry faggots

I really don't get this mentality, why should how they behave have any bearing on what you enjoy and how you enjoy it? Sometimes avoiding is as simple as cutting down your social media ties, microblog activity etc and stepping away from the computer for a while.

Same thing when people bang on about avoiding 'drama', they never do the one thing that makes it actually go away - ignoring that shit, just getting on and doing your own shit.

Reminds me of when people flick through gossip mags declaring how shallow, destructive and pathetic they are, just as they reach for the next one.

>> No.8512921
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I got really turned on while getting lost in a crowd of almost all guys at an anime convention.

we were all squished together and I'm actually dissapointed that no one groped me.

I'm what's wrong with /cgl/ that shit's my fetish

>> No.8512928

Fuck your husband, you should wear what you want.

>> No.8513038

You sound like the otaku's sister from Oreimo, motorcycle and all.

>> No.8513076

I just go to cons to try to get with the nerdy girls. I like anime, but those events are filled with annoying lolsorandum teens, that the only motivation I get to go is get drunk and hook up with some girl

>> No.8513088

I get you. It's ridiculous that so many will pounce on lolitas who happen to be kinky. It's okay to be uncomfortable with a sissy at a meet up who is obviously getting off on looking at young girls in frills, but who cares if someone likes BDSM or even enjoys being fucked in their brand at home. It doesn't fucking matter. I'm sure many lolitas have embarrassing Internet histories.

>> No.8513090

40-50 is small..?
>tfw there are MAYBE 10 active girls in my comm

>> No.8513128

Anon you sound like me. I love motorcycles and camping.

>> No.8513129

I hate to deal with french buyers and sellers. most of the time their english is shit and their shipping prices are just ridiculous.

>> No.8513140

I taught my friends/family how to do prop work and sewing so I no longer have to. I just make the patterns and walk them through it and they do all the work. I know I could make everything at the same quality but if I'm not multitasking I start to become really anxious. I can't handle to just sit down and sew or sand something for hours straight.

>> No.8513142

Where you from? I need this in my life too.

>> No.8513143

I'm not even into the ageplay aspect either. Like I said, my love for BDSM is seperate from my love for the fashion. There's not anything wrong with ageplay, either, it's just one of my hard limits at work.

>> No.8513208

this is rlly hot...depending on what you look like of course

>> No.8513215
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All of the people in my life are such normalfags and it's getting old. My closest girl friend who I've known basically our whole lives is sweet and fun and we gossip together like hens maybe once a week. But she hates anime, doesn't play any video games, and dresses in a mix of punk / 50s housewife. That's fine I'm not such a child that I need friends that strictly like everything I like. But shit I have no one to talk to about anything. Every now and then I'll mention a new anime I'm watching our I'll try to talk about j fashion and I just get the feeling everyone wants me to grow out of it.

>> No.8513230

>people think I blog all the time
>I'm really an active roleplayer online
>mfw I would rather rp with friends than go outside

oh well, I've made a ton of friends this way

>> No.8513234
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Confessed to the boy I'm dating about this and he told me he's going to try to sneak up on me and grope me in a crowd. I'm so ready

>> No.8513238

congrats anon, I hope it's everything you've ever dreamed of

>> No.8513239

I fear for him when the breakup happens.

>> No.8513244

See, I want to have that bravery, but when I think about him being embarrassed of me my stomach gets tied up in knots. Plus, I've always wanted brand...when you have a joint-checking account, it's sort of hard to make 300 dollar purchases without having a "talk" first.

>> No.8513246

Get a new therapist, anon.

>> No.8513251

Good luck anon. Prove to us that you aren't just vowing to change for asspats and actually do it through to the end.

>> No.8513255

What part of Cali anon? I'm not too far from the cali/oregon border

>> No.8513321

I hooked up with a girl at a convention and she turned out to be batshit insane.

I want to break up with her, but I'm afraid she'll kill me along with my family. She knows where I live and she wants to move in with me, and I feel the only option I have left is to flee the country. If I go somewhere within the states--I'll probably be found.

I considered a restraining order, but that won't help if she kills me(and my mom). I don't even know why I've stuck with her for so long. I should have left when she legit tried to stab me and ended up leaving a couple slashes on my chest and belly. Or when she bit me on my arm so hard I had to go to ER(And the wound ended up being infected, paying for antibiotics was fun)

I feel backed into a corner. I also know that she somehow managed to get a gun permit despite being absolutely fucking balls off the wall crazy. I feel like even if I call 911, they probably won't even let me be under police protection, much less for a extended period of time. At this moment, I already packed up most of my shit and I'm trying to convince my mom to leave with me, but I must seem completely insane to suddenly want to leave the country like this(And my mother knows I haven't finished my degree yet) I don't think it'll be so bad for my mom since she has always wanted to return to her homeland(She's been planning to leave once I could care for myself 100% and inherit the property and all that) but she'll want to stay for me. I'm afraid she's going to tell me to just do something stupid like call the police and it's going to get us both killed the moment we leave the station and return home. I'm sure I can just go live among relatives in Australia and restart life over there, or I can stay with my mother in Laos but I cant' stand the village life.

If I even had a shred of doubt that this woman would hesitate in killing me, I wouldn't flee. I already booked a flight and I'm leaving with my mom on August 11.

>> No.8513366

>gun permit
NY or IL?

>> No.8513406

I've been in transition for over a year (ftm) and I've just now realized an interest in lolita fashion. It's not so much that I want to wear it, because I don't think it would look good on me, but I like looking at it, and I like seeing the coords people come up with. I feel like I can't allow myself to be more interested in it than that. Only my few very close friends know about my interests because I'm convinced that people would see it as a way to invalidate me and say I'm actually a fake boi.
When I get into better shape I want to try ouji, even though it doesn't appeal to me as much and I've had a lot of trouble finding stuff to buy.

>> No.8513602

See , this is why my bf and I ate having three accounts - his, mine and ours. Just as much as he would fuss at me for spending on dresses, I would fuss at him for his amiami and whatever toku order

>> No.8513616

>It's ridiculous that so many will pounce on lolitas who happen to be kinky
>pounce on lolitas
Anon, anyone (normies included), find it odd when an adult's income is purely made from the sex industry. A sissy is just someone who has a fetish, almost everyone has a fetish. Almost everyone has said something stupid on the internet. However not many people can say that they make leatherwear and gag balls for a bunch of subhumans who get off on being humiliated and told what to do.

If you're happy with what you're doing with your life then you have to accept that because of the path you chose, someone is always going to think you're the oddball. Neither side is wrong here.

>> No.8513634

Disappear for the summer and then come back to finish your degree and whatnot. Is transferring schools an option for you?

>> No.8513647

My girlfriend's best friend is phenomenal at cosplay while my better half is average at best. It makes me feel shitty when people are obviously more interested in the friend when my girlfriend doesn't have the funding or natural talent to excel

>> No.8513665

there's some elements of tumblr-kei that i actually like. and i can't wear them for risk of being seen as an edgy teenager

>> No.8513684

You are what's wrong with cosplay. Attention whore.

>> No.8513694

I hate seeing babies at cons. I don't really like children, but when I see very small children and babies at cons I get so worried for them. Especially if they're tiny and not being carried. They could get hurt so easily, or get sick with con flu, get lost - and babies must get so uncomfortable and therefore upset, ruining the con for the parent, child, and everyone around them. I can kind of understand when it's a small con but when it's the largest in the area just get a sitter or don't go. I privately think if you bring a baby to a convention you need to reorganise your priorities.

>> No.8513792

same here...... fml

>> No.8513805

It's gotten to the point where I pretty much just go to cons out of obligation to friends.
Whenever I go I end up bored and wishing I was home playing videogames instead of sitting alone in a crowd of people all by myself.

>> No.8514354

Hear, hear!

>> No.8514419

I don't see the point of making costumes that I'm going to see 234082 at a con. Yeah I COULD make it, but why bother when I could use the effort on something obscure I can't easily buy?

>> No.8514442

I'm too much of a wuss to stand up for myself when people gossip about me and don't even have the story right because the loudest idiots are always in the right obviously?
That and how do you even correct people judging you without having even met you without coming across as whiny or 'stooping to their level'
I just end up blocking a shit ton of people who can't keep their mouth shut because even if I did correct them, what good would it do? Drama whores gonna drama.
Sigh not even much of a confession just ranting my frustrations at how gullible kids are and how disgusting rumor mills can get.

>> No.8514450
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y'all just need to find your angle
practice with phone selfies, self-timers, and in the mirror. then next time when you see a camera, bam, just hit your angle

>> No.8514470
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I'm not super great at cosplay, I only started about 2 years ago. Despite this, I have been taking sewing lessons and practicing/ planning future cosplays like crazy, but they never turn out ideally.
My friend who is a big inspiration for me to keep cosplaying, makes gorgeous outfits and likes to comptete at masquerades. Lately I've been helping her backstage as a gopher, its really neat. Last weekend I didn't bring a costume to a con, and she seemed worried that I was helping her out with getting around and carrying some of her stuff instead of doing what I wanted. But the thing is, I enjoyed doing it.
Part of me wishes I did wear an outfit, but since I'm mediocre at cosplay, staying in the shadows is more comfortable to me.
I want to improve, but it feels like 4 steos forward and 6 steps back.

>> No.8514483

Ask your friend if she'd be willing to let you help her build costumes, where you could learn how to make stuff as well as her. I'm sure if you offer your help in exchange for the lessons, she would like the company.
You become closer friends, she gets help, you get better at making costumes.

Fair deal to me.

>> No.8514499

Thank you for the advice. My problem is that my angle tends to be having the camera at eye level or above and (I'm a cosplayer) a lot of photographers I know immediately drop to the ground and take photos looking up at me, emphasising the chin issue. When I tell them that a higher angle might be more flattering, they often get a bit offended and ignore me anyway. I don't want to tell them how to do their job, but at the same time, I know my face better than they do.

>> No.8514654


I actually think this song is really catchy

>confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8514668

> those dirty ass white socks

>> No.8514869

Just think of her as the ire sponge. If she wasn't there for you and the other couple girls to hate, you might find little things to resent about each other instead.

Your malice draws you together~

>> No.8514932

That song is terrible anon, if the music was a lot 'pop-e-er', faster and up beat, maybe, but the lyrics really are a mess

>> No.8515003

>It's okay to be uncomfortable with a sissy at a meet up who is obviously getting off on looking at young girls in frills
Why? Is there any reason the line was arbitrarily drawn here? Everyone has their limits there shouldn't be an understandable standard for what is and isn't acceptable.

>> No.8515014

I promised a friend I would attend an event with them ages ago and kept procrastinating on paying her for the ticket. My dream dress just went up for sale so I backed out at the last minute so I could afford the dress instead.

>> No.8515032
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Because otherwise >>8510312 will never see you as a "real cosplayer".

>> No.8515157

Oh. How cute. You're trying to run.

I'm coming over right now. We're gonna talk about you airing our dirty laundry in the open like this.

>> No.8515179

I was in the dealers room at a-kon, waiting for my friend to finish buying something and there was a super young baby, like, not even a year old, just in a stroller, crying. I was kind of concerned, so after my friend bought his thing, we loitered nearby to make sure that someone claimed it. 10 minutes later, some gross, stringy woman in ren faire clothes walks out of the nearby bathroom and hands it a plushie and walks off with it.
Just bring your kid into the bathroom, wtf

>> No.8515377

The plot thickens

>> No.8515391

ah, I'm from SoCal!

>> No.8515437

Because part of their fetish is the humiliation involved in being in public while wearing frills. Other people who are looking at them, are in a way, participants. It's also hard for sissies to then treat the comm members as normal people and not participants in their jerk-off escapade.

There are plenty of kinky lolitas out there, but as long as they don't involve others (who aren't interested in it) with their kink, there's nothing wrong with it. Even if it is a sissy fetish/ageplay/whatever.

>> No.8515444

I'm going to buy a Holy Lantern replica

>> No.8515514

>I feel sexual urges like wear diapers for months. Never have done it but I feel like I'm going too far.

what the fuck bro

>> No.8515541

Not arbitrary at all. It's inappropriate to meet with people, especially young/possibly underage girls, under the pretext of liking something similar to them (in this case Lolita fashion) when you actually are using the experience as fap material and/or to pick up chicks. That's a world of difference between that and someone beating it at home in a Lolita dress.

>> No.8515564
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I have feels for a cosplayer. We have mutual friends so he's not a total stranger, but I hardly talk to him. It could never happen for various reasons mostly relating to distance, not being ready for a relationship, and difference in social life, I'm just amused with myself.

>> No.8515587

where in. I need a friend and I'm having the same exact issue

>> No.8515590
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Uhh, do you think anon is going to be okay?

>> No.8515732

Fuck I know this feeling exactly

>> No.8515743

fuck I'm always so nervous that I'm that person because I'm so much younger than my lolita friends and they've all known each other for way longer

>> No.8515744


I'm 31 and I started at 24. You're not too old. Just dress in a style that suits you.

>> No.8515760

Anon, go to the police. Go right now, before you leave the country, with screen caps and your hospital bills, among any other evidence you may have of this girl's mistreatment of you. Police in America can be really unhelpful, but beginning the proceedings of getting a restraining order is a huge step in any legal confrontation that may eventually arise from this girl--and believe me, that's a thing that could happen, because it sounds like you stuck your dick in crazy.

Once you've started that process feel free to leave the country if you want. But don't leave without protecting yourself and your identity first. You don't know what this girl is capable of, as you've mentioned, and I wouldn't be surprised if she airs fake dirty laundry all over the internet and/or tries to get a vendetta army going against you for trumped up "abuse"

be careful, anon.

>> No.8515763

Why care if you don't want to be e-famous yourself, anon? Seems kind of silly to give up a fashion you like just because other people are doing it wrong.

>> No.8515767

Get a different therapist, please, for your sake, anon. It will help. Real therapists can help.

It sucks that people are like this. Honestly, I don't give a fuck and I just go for what I want. I'm kinky, I have nudes, and I wear lolita (although primarily gothic). Nothing bad has happened to me yet because of it but I can't say I'm not apprehensive that I won't get backlash eventually.

>> No.8515807
File: 153 KB, 580x385, tumblr_n9gnswNkvq1t5wir4o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a nice F+F dress on eBay and realized the seller happens to be located in the same town so I messaged her about meeting to save on shipping costs.
When she messaged me back she signed her name at the bottom, and it's the same name as one of my first childhood friends (in this same town, I never moved), who was the one who first introduced me to anime in elementary school during our afterschool program.

She was a few years older than me so she graduated our school earlier and I lost contact with her but missed her a bunch.
I saw her again when I got to high school and surprise she's the president of the anime club and a bigger cringeworthy ita weeb than before.
As a high schooler of course I was trying to be cool so my stupid pride kept me from talking to her, and with my dumb friends I laughed at the weird antics of the anime club but inside I wished I could be blissfully happy like them.
I was sure she didn't recognize me anyway...
But one day she wrote a cute little note for me on one of my papers she graded as a teacher's assistant, saying that she remembered me! I put her note in my folder but did nothing still.
She graduated and I didn't see her for a couple more years until I happened to be at the community college for a summer course, and she was there in a gothic coord and it was actually very nice. But again I fucking blew it and walked/ran away without talking to her.

Anyway, the eBay seller could obvi be a person with the same not-so-common name, but because the girl apparently still lives here (in this small isolated town) and the stuff she's selling is definitely her type, I really think it's her.
But when I asked the seller if she is indeed that girl, my old friend... there was no response.

I feel as shitty as she must have felt when I didn't answer her note.
Should I keep trying?

>> No.8515811

>Should I keep trying?
Sorry, just realized that is stupid of me to say because my problem is that I haven't tried much at all.
What I mean is-
>How do I tell her I'm sorry and I miss you without being creepy?

>> No.8515828

I've been there too anon. Sometimes just having a crush on someone is fun for a little while. I'm just now getting over my thirsty crush for a cosplayer and while it feels like a relief it feels like coming down from some awkward high.

>> No.8515832

>mfw a lot of girls never tell them to stop/fuck off when they start doing shit like this and then complain later on

>> No.8515836

Maybe just say you're sorry about the note and ignoring her. If she's still upset about that she most likely won't be anymore once you said you're sorry.

>> No.8515842

smh that was my dumb friend trying to be cute. dont worry, person who posted that, unless your stalker is a 26 year old manchild.

>> No.8515847

I really, really envy those obnoxious "kawaii idol" kind of girls like yuka and abiipop. I wish I could dress in seifuku and wear a randoseru and become e-famous for singing/danging videos and niconico lives or work at a maid cafe. I don't like male attention/sex or networking, and I don't think of myself as a little, I just want to be a cute girl and wear those kinds of clothes and have people love how cute I am. I am in my late 20's so this is especially embarrassing and am too old and haggard for such a stupid dream. I don't even know why I feel this way, I just really wish it could happen so badly...

>> No.8515850

I hate wearing lolita in public. I hate wearing it with other lolitas, by myself, or with my s/o. I hate the attention more than I can describe.

>mfw I have bursting lolita wardrobe with 21 brand dresses, a handful of brand skirts, plus tons of other pieces like blouses/socks/shoes/otks.

I dress up at home, take a picture that I share on instagram, and take it all off. The likes are 1% of the reason why I don't think it's a 100% waste, other than the fact that I love the dresses themselves.

I often feel like I am just a lolita collector as opposed to an actual lolita, but that seems one of the most wasteful hobbies I could have and I feel super guilty.

>> No.8515857

I have no life anymore outside of cgl, the farm, tumblr, instagram, and twitter. I can't stand 95% of my friends anymore (it has taken years to get to this point, it didn't happen overnight, but I have no more patience for a lot of the bs the comes with them). I have been unemployed for a year and a half and am living off savings in my old room at my parents house. I am depressed, lonely, and have horrible anxiety all the time, but getting therapy through my insurance was a costly joke. My boyfriend is addicted to video games and is starting to fuck up his own life which stresses me out more. I need to get a job or do SOMETHING but I just go online all day and do nothing but read drama and look at pretty pictures because I am too overwhelmed to try to put my life back together. I am too stressed to read, draw, exercise, cook, or do any other kind of hobby. Once in a while I motivate myself to do it but then I get discouraged or simply finish and don't do it again until I can drag myself to a lot later on. I kind of want to go back to school and get a BA/BS but I am too afraid to start, plus I dropped out of college before and it was a complete waste of money so I am worried about doing it again. I can't even life anymore. I hate what I have become.

>> No.8515873

Just treat it as art collecting!

>> No.8515906
File: 460 KB, 800x600, 1372985533241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? I'm in the exact same situation down to the boyfriend in denial about game addiction. Though he's started giving me physical attention more lately after I cried to him about it. Doesn't make it easier since it's celebrated now to leave your relationships for games. After losing all my friends, and now this ongoing problem, it makes you feel so alone, but you're really not. I know a lot of "efamous" people and intimidating friends who ended up being huge neets, not that that's comforting. I don't know why or how it happens but those symptoms are exactly what I feel too since my early twenties. I want to say even before dropping out of college, but that was definitely one of the final nails on my coffin. My boyfriend said he wants to be a neet too, is even tempted to quit his high paying but stressful job so he can stay home and game forever making a living off streaming. He brings it up so often and comes home angrier and angrier it freaks me out. I don't think neet relationships can work? Maybe they can, but it'd be so embarrassing, I'm ashamed enough as it is.

>> No.8515929

Send her a note
>Hey [girl]!
>We were in highschool together and I keep seeing you around. You seem like a cool person and I think we should hangout sometime. I thought the note you sent me in [class] was really sweet but I was pretty socially awkward and didn't have the guts to send you a note back until now. I feel really bad about never responding to you then but I hope I can make it up to you and we can be friends!

>> No.8515982

My comm is really small. I'd say we're about 10 maybe 15 people. I really dislike three of the girls. One of them has really been pissing me off lately and I'd make a secret about her but it may not follow the terms of BTB. I've noticed that every week she complains about someone different in the comm via status on Facebook and likely hides it from them. I've noticed lately it's gotten worse and worse often talking about girls that are her closest friends in the comm (who just happen to be the other two girls I don't like). I really want to passively aggressive mention venting on Twitter instead to at least make her insults less noticeable. I've been saving caps every week or as often as she does it as well as comments/status that inspired hate from whoever she's taking about. She just announced she'll be moving so I guess it won't matter in a few months.

>> No.8516022

Wait till the bitch moves, then printout a compilation of all your caps and bring it to the next meet. Expose her for the bitch
she really is, then sit back and enjoy attending her good riddance party with your comm.

>> No.8516054

I feel you anon, I still have friends into anime but so many are starting to either 'grow out of it' (I hate this notion. like as if it's somehow more mature to not like anime) or getting into things that are not my thing at all (one friend got super into musicals which is great for them but I don't get half the shit they're talking about anymore)

One of the things that sucks the most is how certain things seem to be more accepted; I'd know that if I mentioned that I think having a "I think character x is genderfluid so I drew him with a bra" headcanon is stupid as fuck, I'd get so much hate from them.

>> No.8516071

I realized that last part sounded really vague, what I meant by more accepted is the stuff like every other character being trans, and dragging political issues into fucking everything.

I hate the hypocrisy that comes with it, talking about how sexualized things are for male fans while making every male character fuck every other male character from the same series.
It's okay to discuss if some things are too much sexual wise or not, but don't act like it's ttly different when you like teh yaoiz.

>tfw the only person who seems to not be head to toe into yaoi
>tfw nobody to talk to about cute ships that happen to be straight

>> No.8516084

What are some cute straight ships?
Maybe I'm just not into cute ships in general but the only straight ships I like are Max/Furiosa and Hannibal/Clarice. Not anime of course.

>> No.8516094

That would really depend on what you're into? I'm very into certain games and anime, and I just wish I was able to talk more about the ships I like rather then just nodding along when everyone's latching onto the one gay character in a gay.

>> No.8516095

I finally applied for weight loss surgery because I loved the idea of being able to fit into brand and feel more confident cosplaying. The surgery is in three days and now I'm getting cold feet - what if I'm never able to eat the food I like again? what if after I lose weight, I'm stil not able to fit into the things I like (the women in my family are pretty busty and have big hips, even the thin ones).

The only reason I haven't backed out is because my father offered to pay for it, and I'm sure if I back out now and want to get it later I won't be able to afford it on my own.

>> No.8516099

Do it anon and try not to fret over it too much (it's normal feeling nervous like that before a surgery) because honestly if I had the money I would get a surgery like that as well.

>> No.8516105

It's really rare for me to like het ships just because I tend to not like female characters. I think anything in fandom is fine - take Kaworu Nagisa and turn him into a flaming crossdresser who's deeply in love with Asuka, sure - but just don't destroy ALL of the characterization AND the original setting AND do that stuff AND seem like you're not even writing because you enjoy writing, that's all I beg of anyone.

We always had crack fics, but at least they had "heart" in them. Nowadays people are doing fandom stuff just to be "cool", it seems (I've seen a lot of people jump on bandwagon hate about series/characters when it made no sense, too - Samurai Flamenco being a good example, because "it was like the girl was raped b/c of her slightly-ripped clothes" except they showed her AFTER they showed a man who was completely actually naked and beaten up and err most likely was actually raped). We always had shitty writers and crack!fics but I feel like everything is different now, including how people react when you talk about fandom stuff - I tried to have a conversation about something in canon and the replies I got were "Well we don't know because it wasn't stated explicitly". What? Have you no imagination? No headcanons? This series is the entire theme of your blog and you have no thoughts in your head? ARGGG. I don't care about shipwars or other personal preferences but this fandom cancer is bothering me.

>> No.8516153

I don't mind 'crack' things as you said, but my issue for example with things like "character x is genderfluid" is that rather then saying it's a crack headcanon they tend to try and justify it with stupid ass reasons "I think they're trans because one time they put a bow in their hair".

Also as for het ships, most of mine come from games, for what that means.

>> No.8516309

I really want a lolita friend that i can have sleepovers with and hang out with and twin together. My bf wears lolita too but it's just not the same. I want a friend who is a girl. My local comm rarely has meets so i go to meets in a city that's a few hours away and everyone there is very nice but the only girl that added me on facebook was the girl who always organizes things and is friends with like everyone plus shes a lot older than me so i don't think she would be too interested in hanging out with me outside of meets. I think she actually gets along better with my bf because he's a lot older than me and they have more in common. I really thought i was hitting it off with this one girl because she talked with me and my bf about cons and stuff for a while but she didn't add me and i don't want to seem creepy or pushy so i didn't add her. Honestly maybe I just want a friend who is a girl. Most of my friends I had in high school i ditched because I realized they had turned into complete cunts and now the only friends i really have are people my bf has introduced to me. Maybe i'll make more friends when i start college.

>> No.8516344
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San diego

>> No.8516382

You have to know that the weight loss surgery is something to help you lose weight. It isn't a magic button and you can continue eating what you are eating and expect that you would lose weight.

>> No.8516384
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>tfw no /cgl/ girls taking creeper shots of my cosplay

>> No.8516396

Add her. Take the first step and if shes not interested she wont add you back.

>> No.8516403

I wish that I have more friends who are into Lolita. My best friend is into it but she is an ita who is in love with bodyline and looks down on me coz I buy brand. I tried to steer her to cuter taobao pieces but she doesn't want to make the effort

>> No.8516420

Just message her, say the note was lovely but you're really socially awkward, and that you regretted not having replied for ages. Apologise for being a chicken, if you think that'd help, and say that you'd really like to catch up at some point.

>> No.8516451

First off: Thank you for your replies.
I'm super happy with her, I'm really glad I found her. But I had to sign a paper at the beginning of the therapy that says something like "if therapist thinks that patient is endangered due to suicidial thoughts the safety of patient has to be ensured". I'm too afraid to ask what exactly that means plus there are more important thinks to work at (and I'm obviously alive). Also I said openly that I lost my direction and don't know what to do with my life at the moment.

But to keep it related again, I actually found joy in drawing j-fash. Fashion threads here are really helpful for reference. I'm not too good, but it's fun, and that what's counting right?

>> No.8516593

s a m e
I'd have been really into dolly style if I was 14, but my better judgement tells me to hate these girls, but honestly I can't. I like them tbh
>also confirmed for shit taste

>> No.8516658


I'm specifically worried about dumping syndrome. I don't mind the diet adjusments, since I do want to lose weight, but for example not being able to eat one slice of pizza *ever* again without feeling ill is not very appealing.

>> No.8516715

That's what happened to my boyfriend. He did the lap band and basically, he can eat small quantities of biscuits and pizza but if he eats too much, it sits in this throat and he starts coughing and dry heaving.

He didn't get his fill so he didn't lose the weight that he had hoped.

>> No.8516737

Hey fat people, go work out. Being fat is a choice.

>> No.8516742
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>> No.8516744

I tried the lap band but my stomach is wierd so I ended up choking in my own spit, regardless of how little liquid was put in the band. Not a fun experience.

>> No.8516767

Except it's not bait. Go work out.

>> No.8516903

I've used the existence of the comm ita as a model of what I don't want to become, ever, not even when I'm old.

Being a 40-year-old who is poor, fat, no degree, and unable to dress oneself is nothing new I've seen in my life (half the population of my bumfuck hometown already achieved that at 18 plus kids).

But she takes it to another level.

She claims she's in her 40s, but her wrinkles and black/missing teeth make her look like she's eighty (and no, that jet-black hair dye does not help).

She gets into weird housing situations, but cannot find a job. She is constantly out of money.

She almost only comes to potlucks, and half of the time brings nearly-expired stuff from the Safeway bakery, and the other half of the time nothing at all. Cocktail meet? If course she didn't bring her own alcohol. And yet she tells me about saving up for a hotel room for a LOCAL sci-fi convention, because there will be alcohol in rooms and that "that's how we party" with a shit-eating grin.

She dominates table conversation, barely letting other people talk. When nobody talks to her, she attempts to start conversation with the closest lolita by fishing for compliments on her clothing that she either sewed herself (badly) or thrifted. She once wore a teal-and-pink outfit, said the circle skirt was from Guess and then said it was brand. Oh, her eye makeup was teal and hot pink too.

She has told me their that it's her dream is to get married in a replica of the ballroom dress from the movie Labyrinth. That she will sew herself.

Ladies, life sucks if you're dumb and uneducated. Beauty goes, dumb stays.

Her existence made me look into free online sources of how to further my education and skills, like beginner's programming and writing. If I don't at least make an effort to stay healthy and be useful at my job now, I will slowly turn into an obnoxious person like her decades down the road.

>> No.8516918

>"I think they're trans because one time they put a bow in their hair"
I left tumblr because of this shit. I have no idea why trans* people on that site tolerate it, it's insulting as shit and oftentimes is just "let's apply our really heavily restrictive gender roles to everyone!". I have my small camp of trans headcanons, but I keep that shit to my damn self and I'd like to think I try a little harder than they do.

I only have the sparing few het ships because I'm a lesbian irl so I tend to latch onto couples I can see as lesbians more. Duck/Fakir and Soul/Maka for life though.

>> No.8516981

Excellent taste

And yeah I actually have a trans friend who actually was super happy with that one post circulating around tumblr on how Samus was trans because one game developer of the series itself called her a shemale in this weird interview.
And before you wonder, they've been trans longer then tumblr has existed and I think they got happy about it because of the lack of trans people in the media.

>> No.8516996

I get sad about strong female protagonists being retconned into males by body or mind.

>> No.8517001

Exactly, if anything it would be worse if Samus was trans because it would mean that someone that strong and big HAS to be male.

>> No.8517012

I'm getting annoyed with the influx of people using Asian skincare products and then tagging their hauls and selfies with #ulzzang or #(insert race here)ulzzang. What got me the most is that the notorious "weeaboo story princess" is doing all of this when she was so against it a while back.

>> No.8517016

I should add I'm also sad when male characters who show any gentleness, pacifism, submissiveness, interest in looks beyond the purely physical or strong non-aggressive emotions are supposedly actually women.

>> No.8517029

>"weeaboo story princess"

Who? All I can think of is that one tumblr blog from a few years ago with all the weeaboo stories where the owner of the blog was called some sort of goddess by fans.

>> No.8517056

Holy Lantern replica? Where?

>> No.8517093

Yeah, that's the one.

>> No.8517112

She was so annoying, I remember how the blog just ended up with half of stories going "this person like this one anime LMAO WEEB" and her posting pictures of herself and taking tons of praise over her blog.

>> No.8517125

She's a cunt irl too. I had no idea she ran weeaboo stories so I had no bias against her, but ultimately I've had so many unpleasant interactions with her. she seems like an absolute trainwreck.
not to mention I saw her shoplifting once lol

>> No.8517135

I need more deets on the self proclaimed "weeaboo story goddess" since on the blog she always seemed to hold herself in higher regard then those silly weeaboos that people posted about

Also for some reason a lot of stories I remember reading near the end of following the blog just ended up being "lmao that fat kid from my highschool brings manga to school what a weeaboo" and other random things that felt more like petty insults then actual stories.

>> No.8517210

Not OP but I ran into her once in my town once. One of my friends is such a huge fan of her on tumblr and recognized her when we were hanging out in a predominantly Chinese mall taking pictures of all the dumplings and buns she bought while trying to impress her Asian boyfriend by repeating the name in Chinese. The poor guy looked embarrassed.

I also found out that she hangs out with the infamous amanikitty so that kinda explains her cunty weeb attitude.

>> No.8517229

I want to out an girl in my comm who is efamous cause she is such a rude as bitch and a two face one too. And she is being posted everywhere right now in FB groups and on news site but ugh I don't want to stir drama in my comm cause I love all the girls there (except that one bitch) and if I say anything, my ass will be hated and kicked out while that other bitch will get hugs and messages saying aww we all love you chu chu you are unique and brave chu chu chu.

Like this chick made me not buy a dream dress of mine cause she just snub it with a fucking attitude and made a face like ugh why do you even try when I tried it on when someone let me put it on to see how I will look. Also she bumped at a meet and rudely interuppted a conversation between a new lolits who was nervous about her first meet and me. Like it made me so embarrsed that this new lolita had to see this show that the rude lolita wanted to put on.

>> No.8517241

I really don't like my comm anymore because all of them are a bunch of high school/fresh out of high school kids that dress like shit. On ILD, a couple people that were there ended up borrowing an entire coord from another girl because they couldn't afford anything/too lazy to buy them. If you're going to a meet up and you don't even have any clothes to wear, what's the point?

They're a nice bunch of kids but I'm 24 and it's really awkward hanging out with them, not to mention we never have meet ups anyway, besides ILD.

>> No.8517361

What... exactly did she do? Like I can't understand your weird way of writing.

>> No.8517398

Fuck that bitch post her up. That efame shit must be getting to her head, you need to drag her ass back to earth.

>> No.8517486


Post her on lolcow or fatpeoplehate.

>> No.8517509

If you didn't buy a dream dress because of someone else's opinion, especially someone you claim to hate, that's your fault not hers.

Hell if someone I despised hated my dream dress that's added reason to buy it.

>> No.8517513

A girl in my comm was a dick to me so I've quietly deleted and blocked her rather than make things awkward for the comm. I found her ultimate dream dress for a really good price during my daily browsing and linked it to a seagull instead.

It's petty but it makes me feel a little better.

>> No.8517514

I will smack my friend if she gets at this one dude before I do.

>> No.8517844

I'm very tempted to get the recent Leur Getter card print JSK. I know it's wrong & 99% of my wardrobe is burando but it makes things tricky when you don't have time to decide & they're all sold out.

Really tempted. No one has to know. It can be the black sheep of my collection.

>> No.8518001

Just got popular after my last conventions with pictures I took. I have a lot of professional photographers and big people in my area messaging me and asking my secrets and what gear I use when all I use is a canon rebel and kit lens and do some basic editing in lightroom.

>> No.8518021

Not that anon, but I'm about 2 hours form the OR border!

>> No.8518031

Leur Getter is otome burando, if anything. The designer used to work for ETC. Why would you feel ashamed of buying?

>> No.8518044

I only browse /cgl/ for the shit-flinging drama and for suggestion threads to see what people want to cosplay as

>> No.8518329

Slightly unrelated but I fucking hate when people can't converse online like human beings with a backbone. Grow a set and don't use uwu and ;n; every time you have to tell someone something. Speak like you got some damn confidence.

>> No.8518333

Oh man, me and my friend are fighting over this too. She wants to do a character who's a little chubbier and me to do the flat chested girl with long hair (I hate long wigs) I've suggested to her that I want to switch characters but she looooves this character sooo much. I think I'm just gonna decide to cosplay the girl I want to but keep it a secret until the con.

>> No.8518344

probably because its otome and not lolita. thats so stupid. my wardrobe is 100% brand but its like 90% lolita 10% otome. gotta have comfy daily wear.

>> No.8518346

I would probably take a step back and stop coming onto cgl at all for awhile because coming here too often is going to make you feel even more shitty about yourself.

>> No.8518348

Honestly the Leur Getter JSK I have is higher quality than a lot of my lolita brand items. Nobody's going to judge you for having it.

>> No.8518352
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One of the few reasons I'm still into lolita at this point when I have no com, no cash, and no lolita friends is because there's so much unfiltered drama on cgl and btb and I get none of that on tumblr. I'm a shitty "uwu love everyone!" blogger and so is everyone else I know but I thirst for the unrelenting shit storm these internet cat fights bring.

>> No.8518399

>tried to stab me
>slashes on chest and belly
>infected bite wound
Is this the same anon from that convention horror story post? Holy shit, you've been dealing with her this whole time since posting that? I'm so sorry anon. Whatever you do, I really hope it works out for you.

>> No.8518614

>but because it's in a color way that the original doesn't come in, so I guess it's not too bad.
I don't understand the people who are against print replicas, but then have these weird little exceptions that make it more okay to them, despite the fact those reasons never negate the bottom line as to what's wrong with replicas in the first place. You're still supporting blatant art theft, either way. It doesn't matter if they photoshopped the print to be a different color, they're still profiting off of stolen art. It's no better an excuse than the original not fitting or any of the others. I'm not trying to start some kind of replica debate or anything, I'm just saying that if you say you're against print replicas, you can't just pick and choose what scenarios they're okay in.

That being said, a blush Holy Lantern would be gorgeous. What I wouldn't give for AP to do a rerelease and have that as a new colorway.

>> No.8518619

im so terrified whenever i go to a meet, i want to punch myself in the face, stop being such a goddamn wimp holy fuck

>> No.8518630

I have a pretty bad cyber stalking problem. I don't contact any of them, but I look at the FB, Tumblr, Instagram, ACParadise, etc. of girls I hate almost religiously. I'm not sure why, it all started when I was 13 with my ex-best friend, then ended up being a habit that followed me in later life. I still look at said ex-best friend sometimes almost a decade later and there's another few girls I've been doing this with for 5 years, and one girl just this past year.

>> No.8518650

same anon. on tumblr im all "everyone is beautiful and kawaii cinnamon buns uwu!!!!" and im involved in some sj stuff but i'm such a massive cunt on here and irl and i feel like such a douche

>> No.8518756

Get off y'all fat asses and exercise

>> No.8519518

i hate fat people and i think they're nasty... but i always post plus size clothing on tumblr (from sponsored shops, of course) so that i get paid whenever the fatties click my links.

>> No.8519567

Finally someone as cunty as me.

>> No.8519609

You're a dedicated fan if you're giving them views. Hate or love stalking someone who wants to be known that badly is just helping them get noticed. I know that feel though. I try to look up new inspiring people instead of focusing on them and their success paid by others. Much happier.

>> No.8519919
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Norcal person here, I feel like you just have to be out going, find people that are into the similar things that you are into/cosplay from a series that you cosplay from.

Gatherings at conventions are also a good place to meet new people.

>> No.8520126

I'm going to have no money soon, no one to help me

>> No.8520875

I used to think of myself as a feminine girl and thought I was mildly attractive until I started posting on here and other j-fashion communities. Now I'm horrifically aware of the fact that I have a square jaw and I want to kill myself, because every time I post a coord that shows a sliver of my face someone comments about my man jaw.
I guess I'm an idiot for expecting anything else on the internet, though.

>> No.8520897

The only thing that gets me up and going to work in the morning is the idea that if I work for long enough, eventually I'll be able to have my own place. And in that place, I'll be able to have all my wigs on stands, neatly organised and arranged, instead of bagged up and shoved in a cupboard to keep them out of the way. I couldn't give less of a shit about having a career, even in the field I have my degree in. I just want that wig space.

>> No.8520917
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Ah, solid advice anon!
Yeah, I really got to stop being a weenie and just go out there and talk to people.
>this was comforting to read, the pug pic really helped, thank you anon

>> No.8520977

I'm a CA gulll too. Seriously, save yourself the trouble and steer away from the cliques unless they come to you. It's so easy to get caught up in that kind of bullshit and much harder to get yourself out of it, especially if you're seeing it in terms of "having a chance."

>> No.8520979

My advice for you is to get off the internet for a while. There was a time in my life when I was super into cosplay, and going on /cgl/ made me acutely aware that I don't have a tiny waifish figure (I'm very pear shaped). It got to the point where I had an actual sobbing breakdown over the fact that I didn't look like an anime girl. After I was able to collect myself, I realized that I was the one bringing myself down by taking everything /cgl/ said to heart and constantly comparing myself to overly shooped cosplayers. I ended up taking about a 2 week break from the entire internet and about a year long break from cosplay and going on /cgl/. I never really got back into cosplay, but now I come here for lolita and other jfash and while there are still things I'd change about my appearance, I'm happier than I was back when I cosplayed.
Don't make the mistake I did and let the internet permanently ruin something you love. If posting coords here makes jfash less fun for you, don't do it, or just post floordinates,. Your supposed man jaw (the internet tends to grossly exaggerate) won't stop you from enjoying jfash if you don't let it.

>> No.8521117

This is actually what I do, I wish more people wanted fancy portraits.
It sucks we live in a time when a nice portrait means vanity but 300 selfies a day is normal.
This sounds so cool, I hope you do it.

>> No.8521272

im sick of how consumerist my lolita hobby is

originally i just wanted to wear these old-victorian-style dresses and pretend im from 1890, not think of money and shopping ALL THE TIME

>> No.8521813

One of my good friends who I have known for about 5 years is constantly begging for money on facebook whenever she has to pay for anything unexpected, like car tickets, dental work, phone/appliances breaking, etc. She gets money from welfare but still whines about being broke or starts gofundmes like crazy, and people donate because she is basically cosplay famous. And she is over 25. Everyone she knows or who follows her keeps paying her way.

It makes me sick to my stomach and I have no respect for her anymore, which pisses me off because I never disliked her as a person, but watching her ask for handouts all the time when her welfare checks are more than I make I feel so bitter and also generally disappointed that she is so shameless.

>> No.8521820

Also I should add she does do skimpy cosplays now and then, but not all the time, so people who keep throwing money at her aren't able to oggle her goodies all the time. But I do imagine it's because a lot of people are crushing on her.

>> No.8521917
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Someone I know posted on her fb a Q/A to say something like "What I dislike in cosplay is the girls who wear skimpy outfits and slutty things just to show themselves !"

And then she proceed to announce she will cosplay pic related.
A character from a game not released yet we know nothing about.
Of course this cosplay will show very conveniently her huge ass and tits.

>> No.8521966

You'll be back. I retired from being a weeb for a couple years...it came back in full force.

>> No.8521973

Then you sure have quite some talent. Congrats!

>> No.8522221

I don't know if this counts as a confession but yeah coswhores are hypocrites. Anyone who ever slut shamed became giant whores in my comm.

>> No.8522311
File: 99 KB, 650x731, At+first+they&#039;re+all+like+++Oh+I+want+a+yandere+girlfriend+++But+then+hurr+durr+please+dont+kill+me++++Anime+Date+a+Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yandere is strong in this one.

>> No.8522347

Her ass is covered, and the tits there are minimum at best.

>> No.8522371

"Man simply is. Not that he is simply what he conceives himself to be, but he is what he wills, and as he conceives himself after already existing – as he wills to be after that leap towards existence...man will only attain existence when he is what he purposes to be. Not, however, what he may wish to be" (Sartre)

Any option you choose will, in the end, be the only correct one, do for yourself what you would will the rest of humanity to do.

>> No.8522425

It's still a skin tight suit with a plunging neckline that family conventions don't even allow in the dress codes anon. It's hilarious to see one slut shame then still try to pander themselves.

>> No.8523212

I sometimes like mini-hats in lolita coords.

>> No.8523676

I feel you anon
Worst part is, I've been seeing like 5 different psychiatrists over like 7 years and been on 4 different meds. Nothing helps
One day I'll probably just hang myself

>> No.8523859

Me tooo. I work super hard on (albeit novice) cosplay and then never take pictures because of my fucking weird face.

>> No.8523922

Are mini hats ita?

>> No.8523926

they very often are

>> No.8525784

I'm really jealous of my one friend who has online friends he met at cons from all over the country whom he just has a massive ongoing chatroom with.

Always go to cons with friends so can't stick around places and strike conversations cause they wanna go somewhere/see something or just stick around with them. In addition, too afraid to approach seagulls at cons because I don't want them to think i'm a loser and defame me on here.

>> No.8526490

Lady Sloth has a bolero that looks similar, but a lot of brands release boleros that look like them, so I'm not even sure if you can call it a replica at that point. I know AatP has one too, and I thought it was an IW one until someone said differently.

>> No.8526505

Yep! It's a tshirt-like material.

>> No.8526965
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>I don't see the point of making costumes that I'm going to see 234082 at a con. Yeah I COULD make it, but why bother when I could use the effort on something obscure I can't easily buy?

Old geezer here.
I actually think that's reasonable. There's no reason to make an Attack on Titan outfit really.
But here's the catch, if you just wanna show your fandom love that makes total sense.
But if you actually don't want to look like a crappy rendition #349584 of your character then you make it yourself.

That's how I show my love. Why would I shit on my favorite character? If I like it that much I'd try and do it justice.

Actually AoT is a good example of you probably would actually benefit from making it yourself. Have you seen them at cons? Shitty straps falling all over, coats with the pocket flap covering the logo, jackets they didn't even iron because tur dur I bought it and put in no effort.

When you make it yourself you can choose sturdy cotton that holds that collar up, choose nice patches, make the pocket flaps properly, and install velcro in your belts so they stay up.
Buuuut, people buy them because so easy and it shows. It's really hard to find a decent AoT character in a 10,000 person con. That is just sad.
That's the argument for making when you could have bought it. You won't auto shit. You at least have the fighting chance of being a really good looking one out of a sea of utter crap.

>> No.8526976


Well something has to come along and shake you into life.
Either it'll be something bad that will make you shape up cause you HAVE TO

- or-

You can just decide that this is it. There is a line and it's been crossed.

Because life shouldn't be just stuff that happens to you. it should also be things you make happen cause you fucking want it to.

Don't let it be the bad thing. Opt for it yourself. I don't know what I am doing half the time but I usually managed to make my way through and get on with it. You are no more clueless than the person next to you that you think has it all together. They don't.

>> No.8527000
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Good job anon.
I also use people I know as what NOT to do.
My older sister has made some pretty poor choices in life and man has it taught me to stay away from bad men I can't trust, drinkers, getting into contracts I can't support on my own, and having kids before I am ready.

She did all of that wrong and life has made her not the nicest she could have turned out. I totally use her as a cautionary tale.

>> No.8527133

I hate when my normie friends start getting interested in lolita because, for some reason, they figure I will just answer all of their noob questions. I mean, I really wouldn't have minded answering a few difficult things, or even some complete newb questions, but for some things, it probably took more effort to send me a text with the question and wait for a response rather than just googling it. Also, I didn't have anyone to do research for me when I started lolita, and resources were much more difficult to come by at that time, so I don't understand why they refuse to put in their own effort and figure out what the fashion is actually about apart from just ~*~*looking kawaii*~*~