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8504588 No.8504588 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start. Sorry if this gets long.

> Meet up at a local cafe. There is an art walk going on.
> An ouji who normally comes with his lolita girlfriend is there.
> Ouji-san orders a hard cider, finishes half of it without talking, and goes to the restroom.
> He doesn’t come out for a long time. People are complaining to the manager that they can’t use the toilet.
> Manager unlocks the door. He is vomiting all over the floor.
> Manager and some of our girls drag him outside.
> He is slurring and his breath smells like liquor. He continues to vomit outside on the concrete in front of the whole art walk, causing a huge scene.
> Manager is rightfully pissed, demanding his carkeys and threatening to call the cops. Eventually we get his keys, unlock his car, and then hand them over with a shit ton of apologies.
> We put him in the car where he passes out. There is a 1/4 empty bottle of Triple Sec in the passenger side. We take it and try to call his GF.
> She says she can’t get him and he has no friends in the area, so her brother-in-law is coming to get him.
> We stay with him for a while, trying to force him to drink some water. He just drooling it out all over his AatP vest and pants.
> Eventually we all just say “Fuck it, we barely know this guy; lets try to salvage this meet”. We leave him in his car with the water and text his GF with instructions on where he is and how to get his keys back.
> Come back 3 hours later and he is gone. According to the manager, the BIL picked him up about 45 minutes earlier.
> Comm never really speaks of it again.

>> No.8504596

Wow what a fucking tard. Did he every show his face again, or did his gf ever say anything?

>> No.8506031

I love this type of thread, hope it gets more responses.

>> No.8506083

Holy shit. What comm is this?
Also I want to hear stories of weirdos in your comm; sissies, ageplayers, fetishists, general creepers, etc

>> No.8506180

>Giant meet up few years ago
>Because of its size, there are some itas there
>While we're walking to our destination, a park, we are told to hold hands so no one gets lost
>Think it's kind of weird but remember there are younger people there so roll with it
>This short girl takes my hand
>Her wig looks like a yellow birdnest, her makeup is a mess including panda eyeliner and her coord is a cheap hot topic styled mess
>I try not to care about her appearance too much, she might as well be a young newbie
>She honestly looked like a 14 year old
>While we're walking we small talk a little
>She drops the bomb and tells me she's 20
>She also tells me weird stories about paranormal and aliens that include herself
>I'm a little freaked out by now because the stories are violent and she raises her voice like a mad man
>After the meet up is over she sends me a facebook friend request
>She also asked my number from my friend and sends me weird messages because I'm the only one who knows her "secret"
>Never go to a meet up that is bigger than your comm again

>> No.8506227

>comm puts on a lolita fashion show at every goddamn convention in the tri-city area
>I usualy walk in them, but I'm working this convention so all I can do is watch while I do my job
>Sit down for a moment to catch my breath between radio calls, monopolize the only chair in the corner of the "changing room" for the fashion show
>End of the show, every single girl in the comm that bothered to show up floods into the room
>I'm suddenly struck with an unfortunate realization, now that I'm an outsider looking in
>None of these women know how to dress themselves
>Whole comm is itas
>Does this mean I'm an ita too???

About five minutes after this the massive obese comm leader was standing right next to me talking to another one of the admins about how she hadn't washed her hair in two weeks. I haven't attended a meetup in the state since then.

>> No.8506243

Why the shit does this even happen?
Was he drunk because him and his gf fought/broke up or something? I just can't believe neither would have said anything to the comm about it; either the gf trying to save her own face by explaining the situation, or the boy attempting to apologize for being intoxicated in public. That's just fucking bizarre.

Meh, evidently you aren't missed so I guess it's no loss.

>> No.8508018

>drooling it out all over his AatP vest and pants.

>> No.8508025


What's the problem? AATP is cheap as chips.

>> No.8508078

She isn't missed? how can you know that? It sounds like you're just playing devils' advocate for the fatty-chan comm leader. There is nothing glamorous or acceptable about not washing your hair in 2 weeks, its a disgusting slob thing that only fatty-chans do.

Don't support healthy at any size bullshit, fat people have tonnes of health problems and should be shamed. Obesity kills so many more people than anorexia its not even funny. You can't argue with those hard facts

>> No.8508087

whoa, slow down there crazy. you hop off the troll train from r9k tonight?

>> No.8508093


/r9k/ is filled with a bunch of feelfags and frogfucks what are you talking about

>> No.8508126

because you went off on a totally random tangent, freaking out about something anon's post never even implied in the slightest. pretty sure their comment wasn't meant to be a jab at anon but at her comm - she was just saying she wasn't missed likely because she is far ahead of her comm while they're a bunch of gross, dirty itas.

in the meanwhile pls calm down friend

>> No.8508133


Oy, the irony of this post.

>> No.8508140


>> No.8508144


>flipped out and called anon /r9k/
>her or other anon calls you out on it
>you go off on a tangent saying they (which is true) went off on a tangent
>tell them to calm down


>> No.8508149

how was calling them r9k me "flipping out"?

whatever, the more I reply the more I dig myself into a hole, apparently I look like I'm going off on a crazy tangent?

>> No.8508150


I'm honestly just getting sick of three threads in a row going "hurr durr /r9k/ " when the posts aren't even about >tfw no gf all women are sluts except my 2D waifu.

They're still stupid for sure, but at least call them by their right name. It's like calling a black person a spic at this point, and almost as stupid as kneejerking into "hurr durr tumblr" whenever anyone so much as mentions anything political.

>> No.8508152

It was uncalled for and what more, inaccurate.

>> No.8508296

>five years ago, new to lolita
>attend meetup as a clueless brand ita and be intimidated by how gorgeous everyone looks
>due to life stuff I drop out of lolita for a bit and only pick it back up last year, decide to step up my game before joining new FB comm and attending another meet
>go to meet, itas everywhere
>not even saying that to be cruel
>skirts made out of Disney bedsheets, leggings with converse, lace shoddily sewn to Hot Topic graphic tees and monstrosities from the depths of the Bodyline separates section
>lots of screaming, constant anime/homestuck references and obnoxious juvenile behavior in general
>wonder where those fabulous girls from five years ago have disappeared to
>turns out many of them have left lolita and the ones that are left are no longer active in the comm but stick to their own private cliques
>can't blame them
>but still

I just want to go to a meetup where I don't feel like I'm babysitting a bunch of (mentally) 14-year-olds...

>> No.8508324

>fat acceptance!!
...my post had nothing to do with that and didn't remotely imply it. Bad day, anon?

>> No.8508333

Do ur research, there is nothin wrong with no washing hair
Fatty ita is just fat duh
>tfw girls have no idea of longhair community and methodes

>> No.8508342

Lol this. Wtf

>> No.8508349

>There is nothing glamorous or acceptable about not washing your hair in 2 weeks, its a disgusting slob thing that only fatty-chans do.
>yfw washing your hair every two weeks was considered "frequently" in the '50's
Only reason people started washing every day was because of the invention of shampoo and the beauty industry.


>> No.8508356

I don't get the outrage either. Unless you work out, are greasey, or just smell there's no reason to wash hair all the time. Even older ladies don't do that and wear shower caps to preserve their hairstyles.
Anon just sounds really butthurt tbqh

>> No.8508359

If I don't wash my hair for a week it becomes a greasy, stiff mess. I've never met anybody who could last 2 weeks without being disgusting and oily.

>> No.8508360

It's okay anon, that was just a 2/10 attempt at trolling

>> No.8508362
File: 52 KB, 444x287, 1427897085366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>weirdos in your comm; sissies, ageplayers, fetishists, general creepers, etc
>mfw people now equate "weird" with "sexually creepy"

what the fuck happened

>> No.8508367

Anon who went off about fatty acceptance needs to take a chill pill too. That was a really stupid response.

>> No.8508368

>>She also asked my number from my friend
hope you told your friend to stop giving your number out.

>> No.8508369

>if I can't do something then I can't fathom anyone else doing _______!

Oh, you're one of those people...

>> No.8508370

I'm saying that people didn't ONLY start doing it because it's 'trendy.' It's fucking necessary for the vast majority.

Do YOU go two weeks without washing your hair, anon?

>> No.8508374

Anon gave you a video with a source for their assertion and now you're making a claim from nothing besides "sure you musty be dirty"? Poor form. Shampooing is proven to increase oil production, thus requiring people to shower more frequently.

In MY experience when I was shampooing heavily my body would stay clean for days while my hair would get greasey very quickly because I was stripping it so much. Visit a long hair forum and see if those women are washing their hair everyday. Or people with delicate styles like perms. I can wait.

>> No.8508376

Different anon, but yes. I only wash once a month typically.

>> No.8508380

I was my hair pretty regularly but as far as I know the issue is that once you start washing your hair often you have to keep going. So for you to be able to only wash your hair once every two weeks you'd have to get through weeks of greasy disgusting hair until your body stops overproducing.
It's not any different from animal hair in that regard.

>> No.8508392

Diff anon, but yes? Even longer if I put in a protective style. If you go on different forums for different types of hair care, you'll see that some mention shampoos stripping hair of their natural oils. (Which is why most recommend ACV or Co-washing) And depending on your hair texture, it may cause it to break more easily.

Can't say that though if you're possibly someone with bone straight hair as those are the types to have a tendency to produce more oil and they therefore need more washing than the rest.
Sorry for the Ot, this is what hair threads are sort of for.

>> No.8508396

I have an oily scalp, so I have to wash every other day at least. There are people at the other end of the spectrum with very dry scalps/brittle hair who don't wash often because they have way less sebum and actually need the oil. Some people have developed methods of "stretching" washes such as washing with diluted shampoo for various reasons, sometimes they just don't need a full-on cleaning or don't want to go out in winter with wet hair (a lot of long hair girls have sworn off heat tools). There is literally an endless list of haircare methods, and there is definitely not a one size fits all regimen such as daily washes.

>> No.8508401

It takes a lot of time, effort and dry shampoo in this day and age. A lot of the problem is that hard water is common place, which makes your hair disgusting if you don't use shampoo or have a water softener.

>> No.8508691

That sucks anon. Maybe you could create a different comm or try to get in contact with the old girls who are still into it but do stuff with their own friends?

>> No.8508713

> first meet-up of new comm after moving
> super excited so I try to wear my best coord
> comm seems super nice, everyone is well dressed
> a wild kawaii-chan appears
> kawaii-chan wears a pale blue jsk with no blouse underneath, a straw hat, a filthy wig, lots of bows that looked like glued on the wig, weird brooches all over the jsk, pink socks and black ballet flats
> "Ohyahoo, ma'am! My name is [some weird wapanese] and it looks like you're my new senpai!"
> I hoped she means someone else
> but she was talking about me
> kawaii-chan stays with me all day long and screams "KAWAII!" at everything and everyone
> apparently even white walls are kawaii now
> coming home from meet up at late evening
> I am happy I survived kawaii-chan and hope to see her never again
> a new friend request on facebook
> I didn't know it was her because I didn't give a fuck about her name
> she starts wiriting me strange shit
> "Konniichi wa, anon ~ I was wondering is we could meet again, like privetley?~ I mean I just *~HAVE TO *~ see you again!"
> this almost sounds like she's into women
> check out her profile
> she is into women
> her messages get more explicit over time (perhaps because I didn't reply to any of those and she thought she must be clearer?)

She stopped messaging me when she left lolita a few weeks after the meet up. She said she needed more time and money for her shitty cosplays.

>> No.8510956


>> No.8510982

Normies invaded. BAZINGA!

>> No.8510990

Yeah, gotta agree there.

>> No.8510991

>mixed feelings about new guy in the comm, keep feelings on a down-low and am nice anyways.
>notice he's blacklisted on Lacemarket, though he's made a new account where he's already getting bad reviews for scamming.
>still don't say anything, don't wanna be gossipy
>comm starts getting BTB secrets weekly despite the fact that it's extremely small and we've never had problems with it before
>person flips out because I don't want to be facebook friends with them and calls me rude and antisocial, claims I never hang out with my boyfriend or friends while I'm literally sitting next to my boyfriend and friends.
>everybody else thinks they're the sweetest/nicest thing ever
>never go to meets again
>too afraid to deal with their passive aggressive bullshit

What do I do?

>> No.8510993

Put on your big girl panties and go to some meets.

Don't let the assholes and idiots ruin things for you, or you'll never leave the house.

>> No.8511000

You're totally right. The only issue is is that the comm is really small and only 7 people ever go to one meet, so I don't know how I would avoid it.

Funny you say that, I actually haven't left my house since aside from work and school. Ugh.

>> No.8511567

Jesus, I feel for you. Even if you're in a small town, there's gotta be other fun, non-lolita things to do outside. It's the summer, don't let it go to waste. Even if you're always exhausted from work, make plans to have at least one beach day or something.

>> No.8512846
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>at meetup in cafe
>already getting plenty of attention because we are a large group of girls in frilly dresses, the usual
>some girls in comm decide to break the ice
>they start having an orgasm sound contest
>everyone is extremely uncomfortable
>never show my face in that cafe again

>> No.8512854

why did no one tell them to stop?

why are most of these stories about someone, or a group of someones, letting stupid shit happen without doing anything about it?

>> No.8512877

Yeah. You had the opportunity to say "Ladies, contain your orgasms" and blew it.

One in a lifetime chance

>> No.8513108

At least you dodged a bullet there

>> No.8513419

> why not stop them

Most folks don't want to babysit a group of dummies.

>> No.8513509

What is wrong with your comm?

>> No.8513552

> Years ago
> Halloween meet-up
> Decide to take a walk in some forest
> Meet-up starts nice, we have some new people, we talk a bit, walk around, take pictures
> Continue walking
> Little kid is taking pictures of the scenery
> One of us is ~certain~ that he's taking pictures of us and omg so rude
> Kid's barely 10
> She asks the parents if they want her to take a picture of their family
> Only does this so she can check the memory to see if there's indeed a picture of us
> Berates the parents for not "raising their kids well" since the kid was "taking pictures of us"
> Situation escalates quickly, this particular Lolita is known for stirring shit and shouting at people
> Insults both the parents and the kid
> Lolitas try to take the new girls away so they don't have to stand there and watch this embarrassing display
> One Lolita steps in to try and smooth it over, defends the other one unaware that she started the fight
> Parents get even angrier
> Try to just shuffle away and leave it behind
> Shit-stirrer huffs and puffs and moves to the front of the group while the parents keep shittalking loudly and are following the same road (only way)

God, that was so embarrassing. Every time I think I can have a normal meet, she starts to shout or flips people off for taking pictures of us. We're dressed in alternative fashion, ofcourse they're going to look - you can at least just politely tell them to not do it or just block their sight with a parasol jfc

>> No.8513598
File: 393 KB, 1200x1000, 1437886715249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lolita community always seems to attract sexually creepy people
Maybe because normies assume it's some kind of sex thing (hurr its different therefore it must be about sex!)

>> No.8513690

Can someone please tell me the meaning of these once and for all? I swear I keep seeing them around and I am so confused.

>> No.8513725

>Drive two hours to a meet
>Justify it with "whatever, it's the day before a con, I'll just go up a day early"
>It's a picnic in a city park, so I'm at least expecting that we'll be using the picnic area with all the tables
>Wrong-o, I show up and it's a bunch of girls in Bodyline sitting around on the wet grass with no blankets
>I'm the only person that brought food, but there's no way to eat it because the girl who said she was going to bring utensils and plates didn't show
>The organizer apparently forgot what time sundown was because within 30min of arriving and standing around awkwardly with my picnic basket it's dark as the inside of a cow outside
>We're in the only part of the park that's completely unlit
>The park is known for hobo violence
>Nobody in the group apparently cares about this but me
>Nope back to the convention hotel

My comm has a long history of planning "picnic" meets and then not actually using picnic areas for whatever godforsaken reason. One girl recently tried to hold a gothic-themed picnic in a cemetery in the middle of a heat wave.

>> No.8513734

would you honestly rather be feel like the meet was spoiled and complain about it online than confront someone who was making you uncomfortable?

>> No.8513737

That image is detailed as fuck, is it about someone in particular?

>> No.8513748

Yes. I thought that was apparent from my comment.

>> No.8513753

Why would anyone think that's socially acceptable? Were they dumbass teenagers? I can't imagine an adult ever doing that.

>> No.8513758


>> No.8513769

evil triumphs when good men do nothing, and nothing changes if no one effects change.

enjoy being uncomfortable and having little control over your public life though

>> No.8513773

You must be fun at party's. People don't call you mom behind your back, do they?

>> No.8513775

>tfw Lolita made me discover my interest in age play-ish things
>tfw forever ashamed of self, even though I keep the two very separate
>tfw afraid comm will find out
>tfw afraid to post coords and become a popular Lolita in case the Internet finds out and I am shamed forever
>tfw I want to be normal but can't with out hating and hiding a part of myself, and being miserable

Fuck this shit so hard

>> No.8513779

I know adults like this. Some people never grow out of that edgy teenage mindset and if anon had said anything they would probably have called her a prude with no sense of humor.

>> No.8513781


No one will find out if you keep your weird aas fetishes in the goddamn bedroom. You're supposed to hide that shit.

>> No.8513783

To be fair you should keep what's for the bedroom in the bedroom so you're not really hiding anything, it's common decency. Unless you scream about your sex life at any public event, then you were not normal to begin with,.

>> No.8513784

lolitas are obsessed with appearances and how other people make them look. they wouldn't care about your fetish, only whether or not it made other people judge them personally for associating with you.

>tfw there used to be a distinction between online and real life
>tfw "IRL" hardly exists as a concept anymore
>tfw it's getting harder to maintain compartmentalization

>> No.8513786

Thankyou voice of reason. Fed up of of being told to go back to Tumblr when I don't even have an account but even I won't cry /r9k/ unless it's actually fucking warranted.

>> No.8513788

Can someone please explain this shit? It's like Pablo Picasso met Pop art, lol!

>> No.8513791

Forgot to mention that this shit is VERY VERY common in weeb/alt/fantasy/goth/geek circles and I'm not at all surprised some of these types found their way into into lolita, too. If I had a dollar for every time I've run into a 30-year-old greasy blonde pigtailed goth chick in a black tutu and striped stockings with this attitude at ren faires and the like I could buy myself some new burando.

>> No.8513820


Thank you guys. I guess at least it's not a sex thing for me, if that makes it any better.

May I never have the Google search results of our queen

>> No.8513822

>Just moved to a new city
>Attend a J-fashion picnic in a park to make some friends
>Person organising meet is a bit weird and weebish but otherwise ok
>A few well dressed lolis there, some of whom I know from other meets
>Suddenly, Spooner
>He turns up in jeans and an anime T-shirt and I, not knowing him, assume he's a friend of the organiser
>Won't stop singing anime theme tunes
>Won't stop practising his karate moves to show off
>Won't stop screaming random Japanese gibberish
>He's obvs on the spectrum and I don't know him well enough to tell him to calm the fuck down
>Gets louder and more annoying as it becomes clear we're trying to ignore him
>Last girl turns up, a teenage lolita just started in the fashion with her parents in tow
>Spooner spends the rest of the picnic educating said parents on anime, karate and basic Japanese
>This includes more singing
>Oh God this is what they'll think we're all like now
>He follows the group around the whole day
>Why Spooner, why

>> No.8513830

So, not really a horror story, but..
>go to regular cafe meet, my comm has lots of these, just hanging out in our favorite cafe
>decent sized meet, 15-20 people like usual
>mostly regulars, but two new girls showed up for their first time
>actual literal GIRLS
>they were fucking 10 and 12 respectively
>without an adult
>one wore AP (???) and one some remade kid's sundress
>nobody in the comm knew they were this young, everybody is in kind of shock and don't really know what to do, we're all uncomfortable because we now feel somewhat responsible for two kids
>they sit next to me at the end of the table
>try small-talking to them since they don't say anything to join the conversation
>only talk for like 15 minutes, because I'm an adult and have no idea how to talk to kids their age, especially in a situation where people hang out like friends
>"sooo I remember middle school... what a time"
>it's awkward
>we're all uncomfortable, our comm is pretty tight and we're all at least 18, mostly 20-25, so our conversational topics aren't really always child-friendly
>I have to steer the conversation away from cruder topics a lot because people would slip up and forget the kids were there
>while trying to talk to the kids and still have a good time myself
>eventually kids say they're gonna leave, they have a train to catch
>they said they lived in the suburbs quite a bit away
>are these kids allowed to ride the train that far by themselves?
>worry slightly about them finding their way back to the train by themselves, but they seem to be ok
>they leave and I still manage to have a good time, thankfully

Shit, why do kids that young go to meets? Why do parents let kids that young meet tons of unknown adults by themselves in the middle of the city, a long way from home? It's so awkward with young kids at meets, because you feel responsible for them even when you shouldn't have to. Thankfully they never showed up again. They were nice girls and all, but it was really uncomfortable.

>> No.8513847

I'm quite introverted (lone lolita for 7 years) but every now and then feel spurred to make an extra effort to be sociable. Yes it is mentally exhausting but most people seem to crave my company. I'm forever getting stopped in the street by people of both genders wanting to get my number and message me wanting to meet up and hang out. I feel bad for usually saying 'no' because I am either literally camping in library/working or just need to be alone. I'd also rather say no if I'm worried I'll flake due to social anxiety (I'm only officially diagnosed with ASD and Depression, but having been detained for 8 hours with two psychiatrists after a breakdown, they were eager to get me on anxiety meds)

I hear alot of girls in the greater regional comm want smaller, more frequent local meets in addition to the big ones. Whenever I DO arrange meetups and such however, no one shows up. In the two years since I joined my regional comm, only three meetups not organized by the biggest have actually happened: one of them was demoted from an official dominating-comm event and the date moved to clash with another of theirs, as if the attendees were deliberately being kept separate. For the others only one other person turned up. I feel like giving up trying to be sociable. I prefer smaller, private meets but people just don't go to them.

>> No.8513848

>Shit, why do kids that young go to meets?
dunno, but it would be good to specify a minimum age for events just in case.

>> No.8513855

Honestly, y'all need to contact these kid's parents and speak with them or at the least specify your meets as 18+

>> No.8513865

Top fucking kek, this is my comm. I think one of the girls said it was her first meet with the comm, too; we're so sorry that was your first experience with us.

>> No.8513867

Oh Spooner, I've encountered him at a few conventions. Harmless but really fucking annoying.

>> No.8513873

Oh, you poor soul. I feel for you. Out of curiousity, was this a loli-based meet or general J-fashion?

>> No.8513874

I sat in a pub by myself for two hours waiting for replies. Ended up sitting on the street outside crying in my brand. I'm supposed to be doing uni resits this summer and my future depends on it but I kept letting dates for meetups encroach on that time because I have friends who are mad I haven't seem them in over a year despite telling them when and why I can't be around. Then they don't show or change their mind when I'm halfway to their house, so all that termtime I couldn't seen them is wasted, all the summer I've been working is wasted and so is the time I could have been working, but tried to make time for friends, is wasted too because I'm getting failed.

>> No.8513884

We've honestly never even had to consider an age limit, because the youngest we've ever had show up was 15, and that's at least an age where you're mature enough to move around town on your own. But if someone suggested an age limit in the facebook group, people who don't even go to our meets but are still in the comm group would scream about being excluding. It's a hard situation, but luckily we've never had another instance of this young people showing up after the one I talked about.

>> No.8513898

You could at least put the age limit at 13 without much fuss, since people aren't even supposed to have Facebook accounts below that age.

>> No.8513910

If another situation like that one arises, I think I'll suggest an age limit of 13 to the others, it makes sense to have it that age with the facebook thing and all, thanks anon!

>> No.8514030

As another lolita with social anxiety and depression, it sounds like you need to take a break from trying to please or cater to other people, especially if they flake on you.

If schoolwork is what's most important to you, I think you should focus on that for now and perhaps keep in contact with your friends over text/the computer for a little while. Then you can try socializing again and going to larger meetups when you're a little less stressed out. Also during that time, I'd probably recommend waiting for people to contact you and initiate the plans to hang out, instead of putting all the pressure on yourself to do it.

>> No.8514036

who is Spooner?

>> No.8514038

Focus on getting on top of school and life in general. If you told your friends why you can't see them but they're still mad, fuck'em. They're shitty friends anyways.

>> No.8514247

My mom says a lot of things, but "evil triumphs when good men do nothing" is more what my dad teaches me.

>> No.8514270

Excuse my curiosity, but if it's not a sex thing, what is it?

>> No.8514296

Nice blog

>> No.8514305

a legend among us

>> No.8514421

I hope that's his actual name instead of being named for what he does to people.

>> No.8514904

It's his surname.

>> No.8515020

I am fun at parties actually
Unlike whimps like you

>> No.8515057

Its dumb as fuck but there are some parents out there who assume if you're in anything resembling a costume you must be some form of kids entertainer/babysitter. I've had it happen at a con before.
>small group of lolitas (like 4-5 I think)
>girl and her mom seem to really like us
>lots of pictures, following us to chat
>after a while the mom says she's going back to hotel and tells girl to call her
>girl hangs out with us for almost entire day
>gets to be about midnight and some of us plan to see some of the adult only events
>the under-agers and the random girl part off to go do whatever
>as we're in line to get in the mom shows up and screams at us
>apparently the girl is only 11, looks 14-15ish
>also apparently mom 'left us in charge' of this kid without actually telling us so
>we just seemed so child friendly she felt safe doing so
>kid doesn't have cell phone(?! why leave her alone) and so she cannot be contacted
>lady tries to rat on us when someone in the group finally has the brains to get security
>security does not have a shit to give
>"you left your child with a bunch of costumed strangers lady this is two steps from an episode of criminal minds"
>kid was later recovered trying to sneak into a yaoi panel

>> No.8515059

Not same anon but it seems like some age players just genuinely enjoy being a baby/child. They don't feel aroused from it at all, they just like being coddled and taken care of and playing with kids toys or whatever.

>> No.8515063

if i skip out on washing my hair for anything more than a day or two it starts to become greasy, oily, and disgusting

>> No.8515118

That's not just a costume thing. That's a "you look organised, and I can't be bothered" thing. I had some idiot try to do that at the fabric store I worked with. Kid brought a rack of upholstery fabric down, trying to climb it like a jungle gym, and she got pissed that we weren't watching him while she shopped.

>> No.8515299

this isn't the anon you're looking for
No, unfortunately

>> No.8515339

>pretending to be a different anon

if you're going to impersonate at least spell "wimps" right ok

>> No.8515645

>tfw not into age play but want a randoseru but I feel like I can't buy one because I will be associated with age play even though I just think it is a really cute bag??

>> No.8515772
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Just tell people you're a Dutch infantryman.

>> No.8515935

Retards do have more fun

>> No.8518821

don't die thread, i need more stories of lolitas in comms allowing or encouraging horrible behavior without confrontation.

makes me feel better about being a lone lolita.

>> No.8518850

Lolita didn't help me discover age play but I discovered I enjoyed it after I was already into lolita. (the non sexual kind)

But I keep it strictly personal only a few people know and I'm not hugely into it in fear of being found out by lolitas.

>> No.8521228


>> No.8521299

Most of the women on longhair community are fat.

>> No.8521440

Host small meets with girls you like. Say you prefer small groups instead of big comm meets as an excuse.

>> No.8521459

I carpooled a lolita to a meetup once. While I was driving, she was watching some lesbian porn film. When we got to the traffic light, she showed me the film. She told me this reminded of us and how much she loved me.

I decided to drive back because there were issue with the turbo encabulator.

>> No.8521466

Oh dear lort.

>> No.8521504

>girl with Asperger's joins comm
>all good, two other comm members diagnosed and are functional adults with the occasional social weirdness
>we can handle this
>girl is 20, all over MLP and Monster High stuff
>comes to meet in babby's first convention coord with parents in tow, with a little kid's backpack for her purse
>parents stay a safe distance away in cafe
>conduct isn't too bad during the meet, but whips out yellow pony and gargoyle doll near the end and tells us all about them
>everyone is polite, but a little confused about why she brought them to a lolita meet
>meet concludes
>fast forward to just before the next meet
>new girl wants to add a theme to the meet (casual lunch and purikura outing)
>wants it to be yellow pony themed, so we should all wear yellow and wings and stuff
>"It'll be so cute in the photos!"
>everyone declines
>she takes this as a personal insult and starts demanding to know why we don't want to participate in this wonderful theme
>throwing a goddamn tantrum on the FB planning post less than a week before the meet
>newgirl cries to a mod who tries to reason with her
>this goes nowhere
>one of the other members with Asperger's starts sending her PMs at the mod's request, trying to reason her through things and calm her down
>attempt is unsuccessful
>newgirl is so sheltered by her parents that logic doesn't penetrate and she calls us all meanies and bullies for not wanting to be yellow ponies
>she never comes to a meet again, and mods all relieved of the duty of having to actually ban her like they'd been planning

>> No.8521525

damn those parents for not preparing her for the world.

>> No.8521533

Right? And who, at 20 years old, brings their parents along?

Awkward as fuck. Have seen her at conventions a few times after that, usually with her parents looking bored nearby.

>> No.8521546

I am so glad nothing happened to the kid, but fuck, that mom deserved that scare.
I'd hope she learned something from that, but probably not.

>> No.8521552

I think most normies would have no idea what it is, anon. It really is just a cute bag.

>> No.8521595

I use a pink randoseru for my daily bag and I've never had anyone say anything negative about it. My Japanese friends made some joke but said it was cute, nobody's been offended or weirded out. It really is just a cute (and nice quality) bag.

>> No.8521774

Thank you for your input anons, it makes me feel a bit better, but how old are you though...
>26, almost 27, not sure if I can get away with it

>> No.8523487

Plz don't let this thread die, I live for these horror stories.

>> No.8524375

>show up to first meet in a new city
>head to toe in brand
>meet up is at someones apartment complex "club house"
>drives out to an odd part of town
>walks inside with a handmade cake
>a very creepy young but balding man opens the door wearing renaissance clothing, gives a curtsy and says "welcome to the tea party, madame"
>immediately feels unsafe
>homestuck cosplayers
>girls wearing tails and ears
>very manly man clamming to be a woman dressed in lolita
>several women in too tight dresses
>no one in a proper coord
>sits in the farthest chair to avoid talking to people
>everyone talks about weeby stuff
>someone noticed that I was wearing brand
>wouldn't stop touching me and my coord
>pls no
>tries to enjoy my very crummy tea
>leaves after one cup of tea
>never speaks to anyone in that comm again
>genuinely concerned for their mental health
>nope never again

>> No.8525548

Wasn't present for this one, but.

>lolitas go to meet
>everything goes great
>on the way to next location, some girls are splitting off to go home
>suddenly, bronies
>bronies everywhere
>some kind of citywide meet-up of their own
>small group of girls manage to escape to the bathroom
>other girls actually more or less trapped by neckbeards with cameras, asking them about anime and shit

I never heard how it ended, but one of the girls who managed to get into the bathroom said she felt really bad that she hadn't grabbed some of the others in their dash to avoid the group. They were apparently visible from heaps far away, but so are lolitas, so it was almost impossible to fully dodge them.

>> No.8526502

>first Kawaii store ever opens up in town. All the lolitas are super excited and we decide to meet there to check it out. Grand opening has balloon guy and hello kitty taking pictures.
>Run into little teen(14, and im 21 at the time) looking at accessories inside "im going to buy this flower headband and buy a dress to go with it!"
>No! Please don't!
>We tell her to get a dress first, and accessorize around the dress rather then the other way around.
>Glad to have a new fledgling Lolita under our wings to help.
>next week, teen finds me on fb asks a million and one questions on Lolita. I'm just happy to help.
>talking about lolita meets, we haven't been to one in a while. Town is small. Maybe 8 lolita all together?
>I post on fb about newborn lion cubs and how i really want to see them.
>All of a sudden, teen messages me saying she's going to plan a meetup to the zoo.
>I'm super excited! I get to frill up and see the cubs all in one day.
>arrive at zoo, all 8 of us there, plus teen who borrowed dress and wig from a friend in the comm. Makeup all done up(looked Like a 10 year old did it. Figured it was her first time wearing it, so didnt give it a second thought.)
>Meet goes along great, everybody's happy. Teen is super sweet,and im just excited that her first meet was a good one.
>As we're leaving, teen says she has to use the restroom. We say ok and we wait, engaging in small talk
>15 minuets go buy, teen never comes out. Friend goes in to check on her, teen has locked herself in the bathroom and won't come out
>Friends tries to find out what's wrong. Teen is having a fucking meltdown in the bathroom. Inconsolable crying. Tears and makeup everywhere
>Everyone leaves by then. I stay to make sure teen and friend were ok
>apparently, teen planned the whole meetup just for me, trying to impress me because she liked me. I guess i mentioned something about my boyfriend and she snapped because she thought i was bi or something and thought she had a chance.


>> No.8526531 [DELETED] 

>barely 11
>Just about die
>Stays with friends until she can get kid out of bathroom and changed into her clothes before driving her home
>Kid starts messaging me on fb like usual
>Not the same nice sweet kid as before.
>Super edge lord
>talks about how age longs to go back to Japan with her Real dad. She hated her mom for trying to lie to her and deny her heritage. Typical PT stuff here
>Im having issues with my bf at the time
>Edge lord makes comments about "men suck that's why I'm a lEsBiAn" and "you change boyfriends faster then i change socks"
>Ignore it, shes a kid
>This goes on a while, finally i hear from her less and less. I think she finally deletes me from fb.

I sometimes wonder what happened to her. She would be 15 or so by now. Jesus was that meet fucking crazy. No body knew her age until her meltdown that day. I never even knew her real name. She had us call her some made up wapanese name and everything.

>> No.8526537

Gosh, that is too bad. Whenever I hear about kids like that I wonder how detached their parents really are from them - it always sounds like they aren't getting the right amount of monitoring/attention. (Seriously, 11 and planning meets? Getting a ride from you? Mom where the fuck are you?)

>> No.8526557

From what i heard, her parents were super sweet and loving. Ill be seeing that friend again next month, so ill ask if she knows what happened to that girl. Last i talked to her she was going to be a dj. Not sure if it was related to the fact i went to raves around that time or what, or if it was just because raves and hardstyle we starting to be really "in" at thatt time here

>> No.8526656

this sounds like an actual nightmare.

>> No.8526744

My hair isn't at all greasy and I haven't washed it in 8 days now. It's a person to person thing. And if you are someone who washes your hair every day then you can't go a long time without washing it because you're body is over compensating for being dry from frequent washing. Meanwhile people like me who have never washed their hair more then once a week or so can go two and three weeks without their scalp getting greasy and gross.

>> No.8529716

That sounds like a terrible idea. Not only would that be shoving yourself in someones business you know nothing about, it also enforces peoples perception that this is a sexual related thing by being 18+
Though that's not to say some meets shouldn't have an age restriction, such as if it's at a place that doesn't allow minors/alcohol is served.

>> No.8530264

Is it okay to bring your firearm to a meetup? I'm new to lolita and I want to attend meetups, but I have a concealed carry permit because I live in a rough neighborhood. Is it okay to open carry your firearm to a meetup or should it be concealed in whatever purse or bag you bring with you? I also plan on customizing my holsters so that they match my coords so if I do that will the community be more accepting of me open carrying at the meetup?

>> No.8530269

This has to be bait but just in case it's not; no.

>> No.8530338


I know this is probably bait but why would you do something that could potentially ostracize you from the group at large on your first encounter with them? A lot of people are justifiably wary of folks that open carry, and you may not find yourself making many friends. Why bring it up at all if it's just for protection? Keep it in your purse and don't tell anyone about it so some social retard doesn't make a grab for it thinking that it's a prop to go with your Annie Oakley-themed country coordinate. I'm sure you're "trained to use your firearm" and it's perfectly safe in your hands, but the second some fucking idiot edgelord ita gets her hands on it all bets are off.

On the other hand though I kinda wanna see someone try to fit a shoulder holster under a Baby overcoat now.

>> No.8530351
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>I also plan on customizing my holsters so that they match my coords
>so if I do that will the community be more accepting of me open carrying at the meetup
>be more accepting

>> No.8530373

Just do it but dont talk about it. Simple

>> No.8530389
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Is there a place where you can get a decent randoseru for a decent price? I think they're cute and they seem really spacious but most of the genuine ones I've seen are upwards of $600. The ones on ebay and amazon are like $130. but I'm not sure how quality they could be. I think a pink one one would be super cute.
>the q-pot randoseru tho

More of a confession than a horror story but one time I sold a used bodyline blouse to a girl in my comm for way more than it was worth, and I feel really bad to this day. I'm pretty sure there was manic panic rub-off and/or makeup on the back of the collar too.
I'm also guilty of haggling and pretending like I don't have enough cash for something when I actually have a $20 in the back of my wallet. I feel like I borderline scalp/lowball people for the thrill of saving $3 but then feel like a douche later. I'm a horror story waiting to happen.

>> No.8530470

not lolita related, but I know a girl like this. We went on a school trip, and she brought a LOT of money (cash). Then she would always be haggling vendors for like 50 cents, and playing all "oh.... I'm 50 cents short..." don't know why. If you feel guilty about it later, a good thing to do is stop being an asshole and charge/pay a fair price.

>> No.8530744

what does that picture mean

>> No.8530766

I think the piss bottles are like a /tg/ meme? Anyway it's kind of saying internet kawaii girls are actually gross nerds too in reality. Obviously exaggerated/ stupid like r9k's tendies and manchildren stuff.

>> No.8530826

Maybe it's just a cultural thing. but I don't think most people would know wtf it is outside weebs maybe. You'd be more accused of age play for buying a little kids backpack. I never had a bag like that for school. When I was little, I always had some bright colored Lisa Frank bookbag or something similar. TBH, I'd probably still use an adult sized one if I had to take a backpack anywhere.

>It's a matter of time before I get accused for being an ageplayer. I collect (but don't play with) toys I had when I was growing up. In general like a lot of childish things. But I'm a kid at heart, vanilla in the bedroom, and a normal functioning adult who doesn't need to be coddled. But apparently /cgl/ assumes toys and AP = sexual fetish.

>> No.8530831

Yeah, I like collecting toys and cute things and doing coloring books. But I have zero desire to be or act like a child, they're just things I think are cute. Idk, at what point is that kind of thing ageplay?

>> No.8530865

>actually stepping into the apartment after that greeting
Thank your blessings anon, you could have ended up on the news.

>> No.8530983

>Idk, at what point is that kind of thing ageplay?

The point where you actually like to pretend you're a child/baby. As much as other people would like to go "Well if you wear/collect ___ then you're an ageplayer." it's not true unless you have the mindset of actually behaving that way.

>> No.8531001

Honestly, I think everyone should crack open a colouring book at least once in their adulthood. I started colouring over exam time to de-stress myself and it definitely helped a lot. But yeah, back on topic, I'm on board with what >>8530983 is saying, none of those things count as ageplay unless you're doing them specifically to act like a child.

>> No.8531009
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>everyone should crack open a colouring book at least once in their adulthood

Hell, they have adult coloring books now specifically sold to help with stress and anxiety.

>> No.8531079

>don't be a statistic

>> No.8531132


>> No.8531186

>even older ladies
Oh because we should aspire to be like older ladies

>> No.8531564

Classic Spooner. Whenever I'm in a group with others, he'll always single me out and ignore everyone else...

>> No.8531698
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and recognizes me in *normal clothes too

>one day last year
>disheveled guy hits on me FOREVER at bus stop
>I am not a shy person, and normal handle flirting okay, but dude was not okay
>completely disregarded my discomfort and my relationship status and kept persisting
>tried to politely decline and get away from him
>"that's alright, I know what bus you take"

Like 6 months later...
>mostly avoid this guy and other weirdoes who try to take the same route as you to sit by and talk to you the whole time by changing routes and times
>mostly okay time for about 6 months
>then he spots me in a completely different area in the city in head to toe lolita
>calls out to me, flirting and pet names, almost does something super illegal** in the process of coming to where I am, so a transit worker stopped him from getting to me and I escaped on a bus

And then...
>dude spots me
>I'm in normal clothes today, are you kidding me, why?
>"Hey GORGEOUS, where have you been hiding, you don't take the (bus number) anymore? Still got that boyfriend? Where you been livin?"
>deadpan fuck you stare.
>hail cab and vanish.

TAKE A HINT, you've made me uncomfortable for a year, the reason I carry mace! I almost wish he would just do something blatantly so I could spray the shit out of him, but instead I have to put up with this gray area shit because "it's just a little attention" and vague threats to follow me home.

(*I use that term lightly because I am aware that Lolita has skewed my mainstream and professional fashion sense enough that I still stand out)
(**like crossing the tracks of a bullet train to get to the opposite station instead of using the overhead walkway, walking through a red signal, or getting on a train from one side just to immediately depart on the other, something dangerous like that and I cannot recall exactly what)

>> No.8531765

Only Japanese people associate it with elementary school.
Hmm, why'd you ask in the horror stories thread?
Doesn't get much cheaper, I've looked.

>> No.8532401

Have you tried telling him point-blank that you are not interested and to leave you alone? There are some guys who don't get the hint (or just convince themselves you're playing hard to get) unless you spell it out for them.

>> No.8532549

Coming from someone who works as a vendor at cons, please don't lowball people. It's really irritating. Especially when the majority of us make our living selling at cons.
My crew and I always talk shit about the lowballers and creeps and warn other vendors/AA folks about them, because it's so disrespectful and makes you sound like a 12 year old.
"M-my mom only gave me $20, are you sure you can't sell me the $45 figure?"
That's what you sound like

>> No.8532555

I wouldn't, he sounds dangerous. Like the guys who completely snap when they get rejected.
It's so messed up that this is a common thing we have to deal with? Can't reject because you fear for your life.

>> No.8532569

I got this vibe too, that something isn't quite right with the dude.

I would say, either talk to security/police, and/or if you have a regular bus driver, let them know that this guy is creeping on you and making you feel uncomfortable. They may not be able to do anything about it, but at least they'll know about it IF, god forbid, something should happen.

Whoever posted this story, please be safe.

>> No.8532606

Different anon but I've only haggled once in my life with a vendor and that was to get a plushie for $5 off because it was defective and I specifically wanted that one. The mouth was sewn badly and the head was deformed but I had to have it but didn't want to pay full price for a defective item. Seller seemed pretty chill about it though.

>> No.8532637

Haggling really is situational. You should never ever lowball with some ridiculous price, but some people just never learn. If I bought something (or several items), it was the end of the convention, and it was like $32 I'd ask if $30 was ok, especially if I was paying cash. If an item was used or slightly imperfect, I might ask for a few dollars off the price. The worst they can say is no. It really, really depends. Sometimes people really are flexible on the prices, especially on the last day when they'd rather unload stock then have to pack it up and take it home with them.

I also try to not be too disrespectful with handmade items and haggle on those, but general mass-produced merch? I'd try to haggle.

>> No.8532660

Not same anon.

A lot of age players do not experience it from a sexual pleasure, although that group does get discussed a lot. From my research, many suffer from trauma of any number of combinations. Ageplay is a form of self-therapy that focused on the sensation of safety in dependency. It is believed by many psychiatric researchers/professionals to be that they were somehow denied a childhood. However, some may find adulthood to be ultimately taxing and seek refuse in the worriless mindset of a child. Data shows that the sexual fetishization is actually in the minority. It is often similar to why some may become so engrossed in video games; it is an escapist's coping mechanism.

>> No.8532665

I am just getting an image in my head of lions attacking panicking zebras.

>> No.8532687

Conceal carry never open carry. As long as you have a good kydex holster, you can stick it in your purse with one in the pot and not worry about it.

>> No.8532808

If someone said this about gays people would rage the fuck out

>> No.8532813

Like gays

>> No.8532892

There's a pretty big difference between sexual orientation and fetish, anon.
>gay people can be into (sexual) ageplay too
>and they, too, should keep the ageplay in the bedroom

>> No.8533018

Oh god Anon, I'm so sorry. I've also had to deal with a guy stalking me like this (to make matters worse, he was well over 50 while I was 17 at the time).

Can't give you much advice other than doing what you're doing now. Change routes regularly, try not to talk to him too much if he finds you and you can't run away. Ask your boyfriend or dad to ride with you if you have to take your regular bus. Arrange with a friend that you'll send them a certain text if the creeper shows up so they can call you and keep you from being available to talk to. Those are the things I did.

My stalker disappeared after a year and I haven't seen him since (maybe he moved or finally got a job). So worst case scenario you'll have to wait it out until he disappears or you don't have to take buses anymore.

>> No.8533157

Those older ladies could no doubt teach you a thing or two, anon. Don't forget, you will be older too someday.

>> No.8533188

This is a flea market not a free market hurr durr

That's what you sound like. Don't want to haggle? Setup a real store.

>> No.8533191

Don't be such a cunt.

>> No.8533196
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>> No.8533198
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I'd rather be a salty seagull than a cheap cunt who goes around lowballing sellers and doesn't see anything wrong with it. Are you one of those people who steals from con vendors, too?

>> No.8533246

Just my personal very embarrassing experience on how its non sexual
>Already have fucked up fetishes, the more extreme the better asides from, mpreg, anthro and age play
>searching original fics for rape because they tend to be more brutal and I like reading about emotional anguish.
>see an age play story,
>not much else I hadn't read at that time
>Lots of positive reactions to I decided I may as well
>Read it and the archive warning was only there for the man who wanted to be a 'little''s past
>the entire thing is non sexual and incredibly sweet
>I have never been very close to my parents and am confident in saying I actively dislike my mother as a person, not to be edgy, just there are a lot of not very pleasant people in the world and sometimes they have children.
>When ever I was little she wouldn't like me hugging, or sitting up against her
>used to call me things like a cling on or parasite, say I have bad energy so she didn't like me touching her all the time
>various other things that I won't go into because they are not as relevant
>See the way the boy is being treated in the story by these men that have no actual obligation to look after him
>Hugging him, not getting angry when he gets upset, giving him attention.
>start fucking bawling my eyes out because I realise how much I want to be treated like that even now I am an adult
>feel ashamed because I am an adult and my ship has sailed for that kind of thing and I would never actually commit to finding some one to be a 'big'
and then
>A few months later read a story that is sexualising a little/big relationship.
>Absolutely aroused in any form and find it extremely distasteful and creepy.

>> No.8535838


There is absolutely nothing wrong with negotiation. No idea why you would equate that to stealing. I'm glad you enjoy pissing away your money.

>> No.8536055

Stop accepting people you don't clearly know anon.

>> No.8536073

a lot of therapy for overcoming bad parenting and abuse involves recreating the kind of experience you cried over never getting. maybe look into attachment therapy.

>> No.8536602

I think a lot of secondhand prices are jacked up in the lolita sale community, like people specifically buy dresses to sell for a higher price a few weeks later and the resale value for used dresses is really high. A lot of people can buy a dress and wear it a few times, and sell it again with almost no set back. So I don't really feel bad for haggling with people over prices that don't seem appropriate. However, it can come off as a jerk thing to do, so I don't ever ask for more than $30 or so off the asking price, or just rounding down.
But when it comes to actual handmade and resell products, they're being honest about wanting to make a profit, and that's respectable.

>> No.8537149

Nah, she'll be right, I'm aware of what the problem is and I don't think it effects me enough to actually ever deal with it.

>> No.8537374

Except my booth is a real store. Do you know the difference between AAers and vendors? By your post you sound extremely stupid so I'm assuming not. Vendors are businesses and stores that decide to sell their products at cons. AAers are people who make all their stuff by hand and sell.
Do you understand?

>> No.8537524
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keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8537838

why are poor people always so bitter

>> No.8537847

This is a nightmare I had last night

>Go to con, bringing all brand
>Come back to room with everything missing
>Start contacting everyone in comm
>They're the only one with access to my room!?!?
>No one's fessing up
>Start contacting mods for sales groups
>Contact mod for comm
>Run around to thrift stores idk
>Not finding them anywhere
>Comm's head mod was the one who stole them and was hoarding them, never to sell or wear, just for me to suffer
>Wake up crying

Thanks brain.

>> No.8537867

If you don't like haggling, what are you doing vending?

>> No.8537886

Why is Rosie O' Donnell so fat?

>> No.8537904

Because it's a minor downside to an amazing job.
I meet amazing people and make amazing money. I get to go to cons all across the nation surrounded by my favourite things. I get first dibs on exclusive merchandise. Etc. Etc.
I'm not giving it all up because of some annoying kids every once in a while.

>> No.8537909

You'll be fine, just keep them separate. I'm into some kink/bondage and I run across lolitas who are also into kink fairly regularly at parties, on Fetlife, porn tumblrs etc. including ageplayers. It's not that uncommon for lolitas to be kinky and as long as you keep them separate nobody will care.

>> No.8537913

what do you consider amazing money?

>> No.8537926

I have similar issues (including having other fucked up fetishes) and what helped me was finding a partner who shares my kinks and is just generally pretty cuddly/physically affectionate. At first I would actually recoil from his hugs and such but thankfully he knew it was me, not him and didn't give up. Your ship hasn't sailed. You can have that kind of physical relationship as an adult, sexual and romantic, and it does not even have to be ageplay or big/little dynamic. Just be sure to communicate your needs to your sexual partner(s). I wish you luck!

>> No.8538050

lolita people look like baby sitters anyways

>> No.8538174

Where do you live? How old are you? I would carry a gun. Mace can only do so much. I'm being completely serious that is some scary shit.

>> No.8538180

I carry in lolita all the time. I keep it concealed because I'm not a fucking retard and nobody gives a fuck. Get one of those garter holsters that's what i use.

>> No.8538198

Yup, as the other anon said that's the price range. Randoseru are built to be used every day for all six years of elementary school without getting replaced, so they have to be quality to last that long. On the plus side if your get it, it will stay with you a long time (the minus side being that it may outlive your current taste for it, by years).

>> No.8538203

yo fellow con vendor here whaddup. I don't mind haggling for the most part if it's the last day, stuff has small damages or whatever or if they buy multiple things...but why should I just give you $20 off for no reason??? Things are priced the way they are for a reason...The worst is when they say stuff like "they have it for [x price] over there..." Ok, so buy it from over there then, asshole. Sage for OT

>> No.8538216

This kind of long, forgive me.
Well we always work the bigger cons and have around 2-3 booths each con scattered around the vendors hall (the cost of that alone goes $6,000+ depending on the con). Each booth rakes in quite a few thousand dollars. Our average is around $85,000 per con, our highest ever breaking $100,000 at San Diego Comic con this year.
I leave with a hefty check of quite a few thousand dollars each con.
I also forgot to mention that the travel is an amazing part of it. Company covers flights and hotel. so when con season hits, I do a few cons each month going around the U.s., and then November-December I take a break.
It's definitely hard work, but damn it's amazing. Like I said, definitely not leaving it because of a few snotty kids.

>> No.8538253

not really horror but
>playing Cards Against Humanity at a meet
>a comm regular actually gets offended
>rants about how offensive it is for like 3 minutes
>receives endless asspats
I will never play that game at a meet ever again.

>> No.8538266

This. All of this.
We sell a lot of figures, and 98% of the time when someone tells us "It's cheaper over there...." It's a bootleg.
Also people offering like $10 for a figma because they think it's the right price for an "action figure"

>> No.8538278

This makes me happy that my vendor jobs are with comic industry people. People do their research and are fully prepared to drop a good amount of money for what they want.

>> No.8538298

rofl. wow. no fun allowed . my comm played CAH and had the best time.

>> No.8538343


what are they selling?

>> No.8538389

don't ever play that game with people you don't know personally

It's supposed to be an icebreaker game but we all know in this day and age being offended is a hobby

>the mere concept of applebees
> :^)

>> No.8538399

Trump no

>> No.8538427

>gets offended by a game who's whole point is to be offensive

Kids these days I swear

>> No.8538452

I'm glad I'm not the only vendor who hates hagglers

> "anon, this figure is $20 cheaper online!"

Have fun with dealing with customs yourself then, asshole.

>> No.8538479

Gosh I hate lolita nightmares. I had one where I was just starting out and my first coord involved an orange plaid blouse and bad bodyline. I woke up and hugged my brand to feel better.

>> No.8538508

In my experience, older people are more likely to haggle than younger ones.

But they're also more likely to haggle rationally, like asking for a few dollars off if they buy two or three, not asking for you to sell something at half the price and below cost.

>> No.8538559

>>Won't stop practising his karate moves to show off

Picturing a weeb version of Mac from It's Always Sunny

>> No.8538978

These are actually super helpful too if you want to practice coloring styles or color theory. Also helps break up artist's block.

>> No.8539200 [DELETED] 

still waiting for that salty anon we aren't a real business to reply lol
Figures, keychains, plushies, and gundams. All imported straight from Japan.
Figures rake in the most money.
Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.8539203

still waiting for that salty anon who said we aren't a real business to reply lol
Figures, keychains, plushies, and gundams. All imported straight from Japan.
Figures rake in the most money.
Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.8539257
File: 229 KB, 500x376, usagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

>> No.8539725

Just because someone does something unhealthy to themselves doesn't mean you have the right to shame them. It's their choice to be how they are, it's none of your business. I know challenging this ideal of beauty makes you uncomfortable, but people do things that are terrible for their health almost daily; so stop cloaking your hatred for fatness in some sort of 'bigger issue' and just come out as uncomfortable with their appearance.

It might make you sound like a dick but at least you won't be lying to yourself or other people anymore.

>> No.8539806

Honestly, I like it when people look. I never berate or get angry at people for staring. When parents smilingly tell their kids to stop starring I smile back and say that they should. We are different and different is good. People should be exposed to different. I know how up my own arse this might sound, but please read this as if I'm trying to spread acceptance and understanding instead of "LOOK AT MEEEEE!!!" spotlight.jpg

I like you, your honest with yourself.

Anon, I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but those friends wont be around for much longer and you should move on before they do. You feel like they are you friends now, but they have probably already moved on, because they are prick, which will hurt you even more to find out later.

I must confess, I have social anxiety, my mum has gone to a cafe nearby on my first couple of meets just incase I needed an out. 24.
Although my mum is my best mate so I see it as less being a "mummy mummy help me!! gimme lollipop!!" and more of a I might need support in this endeavour so I'm glad you got my back. Brofist.jpg

Your country is so fucked, holey shit.

This is very interesting anon! I am not questioning the validity of your argument or anything as it makes a lot of sense honestly, but I am wondering if you have any sources so that I can read up on this too. My curiosity has been piqued.

>> No.8543094

I've only just heard of the name randoseru but I've seen them before in anime and stuff and have really wanted one, whats the association with them? I just thought they were cute bags

>> No.8543102

People who reply to every post in a thread with their opinion as though they have anything interesting to add or that anyone cares in the first place are ALMOST as bad as people who feel a need to name/tripfag for no good reason.

>> No.8543115

They are usually associated with little Japanese kindergarteners.
Which is why people think someone wearing one is childish or look like anime pedo bait. Especially if they wear it with a seifuku.
However it's not totally uncommon to see adults wearing them in Japan as well, as they make adult sizes.

>> No.8543119

woah why the fuck are they so expensive?

>> No.8543136

Because they're supposed to last for more than one year. That and in some places it's a status symbol. The better/more expensive you get, the cooler your kid seems.

>> No.8543156

thank you anon! I've a tendency for utterly destroying my leather bags because I carry a lot of shit, will the bags last longer if they're built to endure more than one year of wearing?

>> No.8543203

>I have social anxiety, my mum has gone to a cafe nearby on my first couple of meets
>tfw you still need your mom to make doctor's appointments for you in your 20's
So close and yet so, so far. I'll make it eventually, just not now.

>> No.8543969

ooh no anon, that's so sad. She sounds really sweet too

>> No.8544048

Im just here for the horror stories... But I think I am a little smitten.

Whats your daily carry piece? Whats your preferred mount or wear?

Truely, /cgl/ is best board.

>> No.8544191

Good to see you still lurk around, ya old fuck.

>> No.8544316

I've seen vendors sell shit for £200 more than that shit is online. Their prices are cheekier than my haggling m8

>> No.8544345


>> No.8544352


Got deleted for some reason.

>barely 11
>Just about die
>Stays with friends until she can get kid out of bathroom and changed into her clothes before driving her home
>Kid starts messaging me on fb like usual
>Not the same nice sweet kid as before.
>Super edge lord
>talks about how age longs to go back to Japan with her Real dad. She hated her mom for trying to lie to her and deny her heritage. Typical PT stuff here
>Im having issues with my bf at the time
>Edge lord makes comments about "men suck that's why I'm a lEsBiAn" and "you change boyfriends faster then i change socks"
>Ignore it, shes a kid
>This goes on a while, finally i hear from her less and less. I think she finally deletes me from fb.

I sometimes wonder what happened to her. She would be 15 or so by now. Jesus was that meet fucking crazy. No body knew her age until her meltdown that day. I never even knew her real name. She had us call her some made up wapanese name and everything.

>> No.8544497

Not anon, but I bought a Taurus Curve explicitly to carry in coord. 9 o'clock vertical, in a Sheersure tuck in. It is totally hidden by my petticoats.

>> No.8544522


Where do you buy your bait Anon?

>> No.8544573

you probably should have put him in the recovery position. he was left there for more than 2 hrs, he could have easily thrown up again and choked to death on his own vomit

>> No.8545793

How is it? How does the ergonomics feel with the weird shell, especially with recoil?

Major question: It obviously hugs the body, but does that create an issue on the draw?

>> No.8546019

Absentee OP here. Honestly, I don't really think anyone had a goddamn clue what to do, myself included. I was kind of in favor of the manager calling the police for that reason. This guy we have only met a handful of times shows up to a public meet drunk as hell and we didn't know if he was driving while intoxicated or what. We also didn't think it would take hours for the BIL to get there to pick him up and only found out after. It was a really baffling situation overall.

Also, in case anyone was still wondering, I don't think I ever saw the shitfaced fuji or his lolita GF again at one of our meets. We were never offered any explanation either. I think they go to events outside our comm though.