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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 140 KB, 1101x678, arda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8501942 No.8501942 [Reply] [Original]

"Each contestant was given a box of assorted styles and colors for three projects: A Fashion Genre wig, a tutorial, and a style inspired by a Pokemon."

Pic Related: Artflower (Fashion)

>> No.8501943
File: 304 KB, 2048x1546, arda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowbutt Crunchies (Fashion)

>> No.8501946
File: 588 KB, 2048x1712, arda3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misch.Axel (Fashion)

>> No.8501949
File: 107 KB, 1400x525, arda4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artflower (Pokemon - Azelf)

>> No.8501951
File: 214 KB, 954x960, arda5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowbutt Crunchies (Pokemon - Pidgeot)

>> No.8501955
File: 308 KB, 2048x1020, arda6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misch.Axel (Pokemon - Pumpkaboo)

>> No.8501959
File: 78 KB, 1400x541, arda7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artflower (Tutorial)

>> No.8501960
File: 241 KB, 2048x1775, arda8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowbutt Crunchies (Tutorial)

>> No.8501961
File: 120 KB, 773x960, arda9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misch.Axel (Tutorial)

>> No.8501973

Congratulations, Crunchies is the 2015 winner!

>> No.8501975

That was the best they could come up with?

>> No.8502014


what even?

>> No.8502024

I like how they incorporated the hair into the hat design.
That's pretty damn amazing but nitpicking that hairline. Something seems off about it.
loving the colors and styling, the hairline looks really nice imo
Very elegant. Love the color. only nitpick would be how the gold crown part looks on the bun portion. It looks a little sloppy to me unless it's just the photo/angle
I really like this. I love how they emulated the feathers as well as the construction. She could have done away with the tendrils hanging down in front and back but overall, it's pretty awesome
this is super cute!
This is actually neat in a costruction aspect.
Kek at the middle face.
most lackluster imo

>> No.8502094

Artflower had nice construction throughout Iron Wig, but I think CBC actually kept trying to test their limits and experiment with things. A lot of Artflower's nice pieces came down to "make something out of wig fibers and pop it onto a styled wig" which is nice (like the tiny hat wig in OP is gorgeous and must have taken so much precision to assemble), but CBC presented something different in "feel" each time.
>and I'll be honest, they did keep finding/making great outfits to photograph their wigs with, which helps a lot in presentation

On their wigs this round:
>The fashion wig is my favourite, possibly in the entire competition. I'm a sucker for the retro-futuristic scifi feel, and it's executed really well here, with the lights and fins and *beautiful* blue blending along the hairline (which does look weird, but maybe they were going for a bulbous alien look?)
>Pidgeot wig is fucking incredible, and the sculpting on the feathers looks insane
>And ...Sokka is Sokka

Congratulations on the win, CBC (since I know at least one of you lurks this board) - it's well-deserved.

>> No.8502752

I think this is one of my favorite things to come out of IronWigs. Really, really love the feathers and overall design.

>> No.8502825
File: 34 KB, 457x303, 1436302178304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8502868

Impressed by the hairline and cleanliness but this is just the default style every visual kei kid does everyday.

Can confirm because I was a vk kid, kek.

>> No.8502931

What the.... I'm still learning how to spike wigs and even I can probably do something like this without a tutorial.

>> No.8502981

It's a shame. Artflower is definitely the most talented, but Cowbutt had an army of tumblr followers behind her for votes. Oh well. All of these things are popularity contests anyway.

>> No.8503309

The contest is judged by Arda staff. There's a popular vote but it's just for an extra gift certificate, not winning the whole contest.

>> No.8503325

Thank you OP for this thread
I don't cosplay or do anything related to wig styling, but the Arda wig contest threads and updates are my favourite thing about cgl.

>> No.8503337

>being this salty
Like the other anon mentioned, the popular vote doesn't determine who stays or goes. Besides, Misch.Axel has been the one who's been winning them so your comment makes no sense.

>> No.8508258

Am I the only one who doesn't think this looks like the pokemon at all?

>> No.8508269

I've thought I'll never see a good JunJun wig in my life.

>> No.8508630

no. this wig is so poorly made concerning the pokemon it is based on. one wouldn't guess it would be this pokemon so I would give it zero points

>> No.8508633

you think this one is great? I think the hairline looks sloopy and unrealistic and the construction is way too high and all of the proportion look so off

>> No.8508657

she coupd have done better but she had not enough time. just be fair

>> No.8509504

Not going to be that anon that calls selfpost, but some of these replies reek of Artflower...

>> No.8511085

Seriously? Ugh

>> No.8511108

Jealous much?

>> No.8511239

CBC certainly deserved to win. Those feathers are amazing! I really enjoy the dreads at the sides too. Lots of cool textures in this.

Such a disappointment. I got hyped seeing their fashion wig (i think it's the best one in the fashion category imo), but it got worse the more I scrolled. The pumpkaboo wig is just a styled orange wig with a black hat thing on it that just so happens to be made of wig fibers. It just looks weird and not very elegant. That Naruto wig is just...a lazy entry. Not a bad wig, but bad for a contest, especially when they're going up against the other two. They could have done a tutorial on how they did the braids in their fashion wig or something else.

>> No.8511371

Probably not Artflower (she's very nice IRL) but she has a lot of whiteknights. She's currently winning the audience poll right now by a landslide.

>> No.8511487

def. my favourite for the fashion wigs.

if the hairline looks off it is probablyl just because they didn't bother making it a lace front, which I understand because shit is time consuming.

>> No.8513568

It's also a weird choice for a "spiking" tutorial since it's not really spiked?

>> No.8516528

WTF is this lame shit?

>> No.8518478

Before this thread falls off, I figured I should ask here. How do you enter in this contest? I'm not the greatest at wigmaking, but I think I could beat out something like >>8501961 no problem.

>> No.8518548

Everybody who knows how to use his hands could beat out this.

But to answer I think there is simply an application time.

>> No.8520304

Yes, they take applications at the end of the year and then pick the contestants based on what wig photos you submit. Based on who stayed in the contest this year, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of Europeans again.

>> No.8520337

Nope. It's a nice wig, but I would never guess it was supposed to be Azelf.
Color is off, the crown/bump needed to be higher on the head, and they needed something more on the sides to emulate the shape. The braids also don't look like the tails.

It's a nice wig, but it looks more like something from fire emblem.

>> No.8522599

>Easily the worst wig in the entire competition
>Winning the audience poll

>> No.8522766


>worst wig in the entire competition
>clearly third place loser
>gained 21 votes today alone all in the span of a couple hours

dude's trying to get a consolation prize out of that gift certificate.

>> No.8522795

some people have enough friends and relatives without shame to fuck things up for everyone else.

>> No.8522832


some people also have enough extra email accounts