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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8501531 No.8501531 [Reply] [Original]

For all your help asking needs

Former Thread

>> No.8501534
File: 1.81 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20150723_151025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a new version of Aku, forgot to do a curve. This means it won't curve to the tube like our previous version.

Should we build back and make a curve? At an angle or straight back?

>> No.8501593
File: 441 KB, 1280x2105, ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a mask that's close to this? Also what kind of wig would be recommended for this?

>> No.8501597
File: 218 KB, 500x880, 89_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Houshou from Kancolle, but since I only have one reference picture, I have to do some guesswork regarding her clothes. After some research, the best seems to be a kimono with the sleeves tied up (like Akagi and Kaga in the anime), over a nagajuban and hadajuban, and with a andon hakama, but I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to traditional japanese clothes, so please tell me if I'm in the wrong with my choices.

Also, what fabrics would you recommend for the kimono and the hakama ? I know many kimonos are made of silk, but I'm afraid it will look too fancy or shiny.

>> No.8501599

Mask is a kitsune mask.

>> No.8501609
File: 48 KB, 500x298, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone clarify with me what makes good cosplay makeup?

I'm not sure what a good look is, but I don't like the droopy eyes and I don't like too artistic like pic related (because it doesnt translate real well onto me) I'm only good at western looking makeup (cat-eyes, smokey eye, big brow), so I'm not great with japanese-esq makeup styles.

So does anyone have good tutorials on more girly eyes that don't look too silly but more subtle and natural?

>> No.8501614

Depends which character you are playing. What is their eye shape, how close is it to yours, how much can you imitate it?

>> No.8501627
File: 866 KB, 1055x1280, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on what to use to make those red stripes on weapons?

I have those kamas finished except for stripes and don't want to use anything that would look crappy or cheap

>> No.8501670

Aren't those stripes just paint? They don't seem to be jutting out or are thicker than the rest of it.

>> No.8501714

Lately I've been having trouble with my eyebrows in cosplay..
So my eyebrows are pretty dark naturally, and I decided to try and bleach them for a cosplay, but now they are growing in dark so like they are half blond half brown and it looks so weird..
I go over them with pencil everyday so I don't look like a freak, but recently I've thought of jjust shaving them off like the girls on Insta do.. thoughts?? I just don't want dark bushy eyebrows that I have to try and cover with neon pink because it looks weird..

>> No.8501727

So is there something that is a cross between ouji/ kodona, and aristocrat? I feel aristocrat is too mature for me but ouji is too young. I like dandy though. I cant pick....

>> No.8501743

Pluck and shave carefully. Don't pluck or shave everything off, just enough from the sides while following your natural brow shapes so that you'll have thinner but natural brows. For love of god, please don't pluck them off and draw them back on like a freaky Asian lady. I have black, bushy brows against pale skin and the first time I plucked/shaved took a while, but after that it was just maintenance work every other day to catch 1-2 hairs growing back in.

>> No.8501780
File: 76 KB, 704x960, 11791605_10153346453700743_1183286612_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is the right place to ask... I recieved this jsk (pic related) a week ago, and some of the lace is folded the wrong way, and will not lay down as it is supposed to! I don't know what to do. The fabric is all chiffon, and the brand is Innocent World. Anyone who knows what to do?

>> No.8501796

Iron gently with press cloth between the garment and your iron. Start on low heat setting with steam and turn up the heat as you deem safe.

>> No.8501797

Iron it?

>> No.8501799

Pin the lace down and then steam it. Keep the pin(s) in until the area completely dries/cools off.

>> No.8501801
File: 8 KB, 104x126, Wadda_sprite_sailor_outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make the skirt for pic related. Does anyone have any good tutorials for box pleats? Should I wear a small petti underneath, or should my hips be enough to make it flare outwards?

Also, is the scarf thing a rectangular or a triangular piece of fabric? I remember an anon posting a picture, but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.8501827
File: 105 KB, 960x843, 11758800_10153346522130743_802246864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, ok, I'll try ironing it, but I'm really scared of putting water on it (I have chiffon ballet skirts with stains from water), and I'm sorry if this is very wrong and I'm stupid, but does this symbol mean that it should not be washed or what?

>> No.8501829

Dry clean only and iron on low with a cloth barrier

>> No.8501839

If you want to do a very simple box pleat skirt from a rectangular, length of fabric will be waistband X 3. Each pleat is that number divided by 8. You can even buy a commercial pattern on sale for $1-$2, I've seen 8-pleat box pleat patterns before. In the rectangular pattern case, you do not need to wear a petticoat if the skirt is very short. If it's knee-length, then a low-poof A-line petticoat will suffice.
Can be either. Square scarf would just be the square folded diagonally to make a triangle. I'd personally go with triangle unless official artwork says otherwise.

>> No.8501868

Okay! Thanks a bunch, anon!

>> No.8501879

Thank you!

>> No.8501889


>> No.8501945

Tbh I feel that ouji = short pants, aristo = long pants. Ofc there is slightly different styling, but the pants are the main difference. How about doing ouji, but with long pants?

>> No.8501950

(1/2 because I can't tl;dr)

So far, so good. Just commenting to make sure you realize those hakama are super super short, which probably means your kimono/juban will also have to be super short. I don't know how much you already know of kimono/hakama dressing, but to do that you can either make the ohashori really large, or make your life easier and make them about half the length they normally would be.

Some of this you'll already know, but here are some details, from (mostly) top to bottom:
>If you have large boobs, consider a sports bra or even a binder. Cylindrical silhouette and all that jazz.
>Hadajuban. If you'll be buying this, keep an eye out for a two-piece one; you probably won't need the bottom for this costume. It's also probably not completely necessary, so unless you want to go for 100% accuracy like I would, you shouldn't feel too bad for skipping this one.
>Juban. This will contain the white bit of collar you can see in the reference. Another aspect you can cheat on if you like, such as if you're worried about having too many layers. Google "kantan eri" to find out how to make/buy a fake collar without the rest of the juban fabric.
>Han eri. A cover for your juban collar (or the fake one). Not completely necessary, but I'm listing it here for accuracy.
>Kimono. I don't know the character so I don't want to tell you exactly what to get, but traditionally kyuudou outfits for girls will be furisode/hakama, so if you're going for accuracy you might want to consider longer sleeves. Sleeves on furisode meant to be worn with hakama will be shorter than sleeves on furisode meant to be worn alone; take a look at Google results for "kofurisode" or "chu furisode" for some reference. I also have no idea if you'll be buying or making this, but it will need to be very short if you don't want it to show under the hakama.
>Obi. A normal meant-for-yukata (hanhaba) obi will do fine, just don't forget to wear a stiffener (obi-ita, or mae-obi) underneath.

>> No.8501962

I thought about that. TBH I have never purchased anything for coords. Where would I find tops and such? I just get links to asian websites... I mean is it possible to find american based sites that sell? Or ouji/ aristo swap sites?

>> No.8502008

>Hakama. As you seem to know, these are based off of girls' hakama, which differ from men's in that they are more like a skirt than pants, and will not have a backboard the way men's hakama will. These in particular are atypical length, as they are not usually meant to be shorter than ankle-length. If you'll be making them, use a medium- to heavy-weight twill fabric, and consider a polyester blend instead of straight cotton, so it will hold pleats better.
>Tights. I assume, unless they're thigh-highs.
>Okobo? I'm guessing.

Extra stuff/things I forgot to mention:
>Tasuki. To tie your kimono sleeves back. A reminder that it should make an X across your back; Youtube has a few videos on how to tie it.
>Himo. You'll need a bunch of ties to keep everything together. I'd plan for at least 3-4, depending on if you'll be using a ful-length kimono or not.
>Eri shin. Put this long strip of plastic in your juban collar (or fake one), to stiffen it and keep things from flopping around. It'll help keep your kimono collar standing, too.
>Date eri. That strip of yellow going down her kimono collar? I'm pretty sure that's a date eri. You can either sew it to the collar or attach clips to make it removable.
>Yugake. Googling "kyudo gear" tells me she's probably wearing a mitsugake, which I'm sure you can find out more about on your own.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. I don't tend to come into help threads very often, so I won't promise I will be here if you have any more questions, but I'll try to drop by once or twice more just in case. Remember, Google is super helpful. The Immortal Geisha forums (which are no longer active, but kept online for archival purposes) have a ton of useful resources when it comes to kimono - not necessarily cosplay or kyudo, but lots of info nevertheless). Good luck!

>> No.8502118

Is it possible to achieve a sharp inverted corner with pleather/pvc?

>> No.8502167

Polyester chiffon doesn't get water spots. You can steam the hell out of it, just make sure to use a cloth and don't start with the iron too hot because it is poly. It can melt and get shiny.

>> No.8502185

Yes, just clip it close to the point.

>> No.8502322

I'm looking to do a Jack Burton from "Big Trouble in Little China"

Can anyone help me find the right boots?

>> No.8502403
File: 191 KB, 370x650, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best thing to use to paint on spandex?

Specifically I need to make Nitori's shorts, planning on using dance shorts as a base and painting the purple on but I'm not sure what type of paint to use. Something that stretches/won't crack. I can have someone wear them that's about my size while I paint them.

>> No.8502437
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1432698246484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate asking this but does anyone know specifically what editing app this is?
I've been hunting for so long its driving me insane

>> No.8502454
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, black-ankle-wedge-bootsall-about-wedge-ankle-boots-and-how-to-wear-them-ankle-bootco-6i6zxt2v[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to extend a bodysuit pattern into bootcovers? Specifically, I need to make a pair of bootcovers for wedge heels. I'm using the stretchy.org pattern, which only has a seam on the inside of the legs.

I'm using a light-coloured thick spandex, so my last resort is to go the standard path and make the suit and shocovers separate pieces to just pull up over the legs (the fabric chunkiness and colour don't allow for that very well).

>> No.8502498

looks like decopic to me

>> No.8502523
File: 80 KB, 640x360, kancolle-first2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my god, thank you so much ! This is wonderful, I wasn't expecting such an in-depth answer and all these details ! There are so many things I didn't know about or whose names I didn't know, wow (I didn't even suspect the date eri was a separate part)

I don't have many questions coming to my mind since your answer is very complete ! I'd like to try to make most of the cosplay myself, so I'll look for patterns (the vocabulary you gave me will be a great help). I've also joined the Immortal Geisha FB group and will look at the forums.

I've found a screenshot of the anime featuring two other characters who are also kyudo archers (unfortunately Houshou only made a 2-second appearance and her sleeves weren't very visible), and they clearly have long sleeves that are tied back, so a furisode seems perfect !

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to answer, you're super helpful.

>> No.8502536
File: 22 KB, 540x380, crey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, I checked

>> No.8502551

Isn't it the line app, aillis? The guy in the picture seems to use that and photoshop a lot.

>> No.8502557
File: 738 KB, 846x496, Samon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb questions. Doing my first cosplay, going to a con on saturday, realized I don't have a way to like, hold on to the sword. The pants don't have pockets or loops or anything.

Any suggestions? I'll be wearing a gym bag so I guess I don't care if it looks like shit as long as I can easily take it off for photos.. I could sling the sword over my shoulder somehow I suppose, but any advice would be nice.

Also, it's a straight up wooden practice bokken. I tried emailing the con staff if that's allowed but never heard back. Is something like that typically banned? It has some decent weight to it, but it is clearly wooden and dull.

>> No.8502568
File: 336 KB, 563x1000, 20150708_215504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to fix pic related without damaging the dress too badly? One suggestion was to take fabric out of the waist ties and make an invisible patch, the other was to take the garment to a thread reweaver and have them fix it. I was thinking of finding someone who specializes in high end garments and bridal wear to fix it, but I value the opinions here.

>> No.8502591

What's the con? I can try to dig up some weapons policies.

>> No.8502608

Don't sacrifice the waist ties for this, you can probably find a close enough colour match at a local fabric store. Also nice seeing you again TJ-anon.

>> No.8502730
File: 92 KB, 400x282, 1430959198197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that one either! Thanks tho!

>> No.8502758

Natsucon, in Collinsville, IL

Pretty damn small con and I can't find any information at all about weapons on their website.

>> No.8502786

I was super reluctant on touching the waist ties so I'm glad someone else is agreeing with me that its a bad idea. Luckily since its just the purple, I'll find an alternative fabric, fix it, and maybe cover the spot with a bow of ribbon flower.

And thanks! I'm always lurking around!

>> No.8502826

What do you mean by curve, exactly?

And the sculpt is nice on the face, but clean up your paintwork a little. Jeez, its always depressing to see great props ruined by subpar painting. >>8501627
Tape, or paint

>> No.8502971

Glad I could give you some direction! I did far too much research when I had to make a similar hakama/kimono-based costume, so I jump on any opportunity I get to share that hard-earned knowledge with others, haha. Here, have some more tl;dr!

From that screencap, assuming those characters have the same uniform(?) as Houshou, I'm going to note that these girls seem to be wearing skirts rather than hakama. Hakama patterns will give you something with a V-shaped opening on both sides from the waist to maybe halfway down the thigh, so you will see the kimono underneath. Maybe consider a pleated skirt with ties? Though it depends on if you want to be more accurate to traditional clothing or the anime I guess.

As for patterns, I THINK you will find a slight difference between yukata and formal kimono construction, mostly in the back where the collar attaches, though please don't quote me on that. Consider whether you will want to line your kimono or not (if it's not a yukata it probably should be, but it will also make your kimono thicker/heavier/warmer - also, who's really going to check?). And if you're making it from scratch, it's probably easiest to just make it short to begin with, so don't waste your money buying enough fabric for a full-length kimono. It'll be straight lines for the most part, so it should be relatively straightforward. Once again, good luck!

>> No.8502983

ONE MORE THING to put in the "things I forgot to mention" section: A chikara nuno was really helpful for me in keeping my collar in place. Google it because I'm terrible at describing it, but it's probably the best thing I added to fix my own kimono-based cosplay.

Sage for double-posting, sorry.

>> No.8503022
File: 143 KB, 989x1008, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to do Godoka's gloves? I have literally everything except the gloves done for some reason-- I have never made them before so I have no idea what to do and what material to use.

>> No.8503093
File: 25 KB, 340x340, mary-halo-crown-spiky-virgin-mary-madonna-catholic-inspired-dia-de-los-muertos-saints-iconoclastic-headpiece-headdress-headband-resplendor-apatico-crop-340x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm making one of these kinds of crowns and i was wondering what size zips ties are usually used and what types of paint sticks best to the plastic and metal?

>> No.8503307

I use garden furniture spray paint for all cosplay props and accessories because it's fine in rain and weathers well.

If you prime it it will last even longer.

>> No.8503475
File: 930 KB, 1920x1080, kancolle-anime-ep-10-review_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After checking more screenshots, Akagi and Kaga (the characters on the screenshot) seem to actually be wearing super short hakamas (their design is a bit different from Houshou's but they have similarities), so I'll go with this for Houshou too (plus it will be more accurate and I love the look of hakamas). And since in the game she has some "old fashioned housewife" lines, traditional clothing would make sense.

I think I'll line the kimono, I like being accurate and lined clothes look good (also, contests judges always like it when cosplays are well finished). And thanks for telling me about the chikara nuno, it will be very useful !

Before I forget, do you have any recommendation for the furisode's fabric ? Is it possible to use something other than silk, or would it look weird ? (though I'm looking at the silk bolts on Ichiroya right now and holy shit they're cheap)

>> No.8503507

A character I'll be cosplaying soon wears a labcoat, but it's going to need to be made since the coat has a hood up top. Anyway, I wanted to ask and see if anyone has tutorials or patterns for a more fitted labcoat, more suited to a feminine shape?

>> No.8503606
File: 490 KB, 1024x768, Syaoran-and-Sakura-Again-syaoran-li-14494917-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on Sakura's Clow Staff but am having a hard time with the head of it. How do I go about making the bird head thing? Should I use foam? Also should I make the beak separately? I'm a semi beginner at props.

>> No.8503634

Prime it, honestly you don't even need spray paint for something that flat. Buy some enamels - they stick best to metals.

Make it separately. Carve a form out of foam, use putty to buld the raised parts. Use sintra or thinner foamboard for the wings. resin cast the gems.

>> No.8503648
File: 171 KB, 700x700, 88e7720485113a09f2376901017353624d276102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/ !
I'd like to cosplay as Yu from Persona 4, but the girl version.
However, I'm fairly new to cosplay, and I have no idea how to go at it. Should I buy a premade outfit (does one for this exist anyway? I googled and couldn't find it), or should I make it? What are your recommendations for a newbie for an outfit like this? Any recommendations for a wig? (my hair is quite far from that).
Help me please!!! I'm not too ambitious about the results because I'm new to this, but I'd like to be efficent and serious about it.
I hope this is the correct thread to post this.

PS: also any special tips about fitting considering I'm tall, slender, and a guy?

>> No.8504037

It's not a difficult uniform to make, but there is no harm in buying one. There are tons out there since Persona 4 is very popular and has been out for 7 years.
Get a wig. It's a long, gray wig at its core. You should be able to brush and braid it yourself. If not, find a braiding tutorial.

>special tip
Put on makeup. Not like drag queen level, but shave, fix up your skin complexion, and have light makeup on. Too many times I've seen male cosplayers just throw on an expensive wig + costume and call it done with their acne-ridden blotchy face.
>special tip #2
Wear appropriate shoes (they're black loafers). Don't do sneakers, sandals, etc.

>> No.8504046

I would use the waist ties since you only need a small scrap of fabric. I've shortened waist ties an inch to do this kind of repair work. imo it's worth the improved look you get from having the patch color exactly match and blend in. A reweaver could do it, but whether that's worth the cost depends on the monetary and sentimental value.

>> No.8504198

>zip ties

I feel like that's an even dumber idea than the skewers, zip ties aren't that sturdy, they'll sway around and bend.

>> No.8504406

Thanks for the tips!
About buying the uniform: I'd do it, but I'm worried about the cloth material. I'm afraid to buy something and have it end up being made from cheap costume fabric. And it might be a bit hard to get the correct size, considering I'm about 6' 3", and Yu's skirt is longer than the girls' too.
Do you have any recommendations to avoid these problems? or a good tutorial on making a serafuku...
Thank you for the information on the wig.
Do you perhaps know of a good place to shop for those in the EU?
Regarding the makeup, absolutely yes! I'm very hyped about trying makeup, it would be my first time. I hope I don't overdo it. Thankfully I don't have any acne or bad skin.
Ok, black loafers it is.

>> No.8504445

You're not goign to have a lot of luck with that. With something like that's it's better to build it from scratch or at the very least try to applique spandex on shorts of the right color. Since it's so damn simple you might as well attempt to do it the right way.

>> No.8504752

Um... the green face is the old model from of our first cosplays three years ago. We're redoing it. The bottom is there to show how the former face fit the curve of the tube and the new sculpt does not.

Anyone else have input?

>> No.8504816
File: 165 KB, 1215x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a special name for the vest? It looks like it fits much lower than a normal one.

Also is the shirt purple or blue? I can't tell

>> No.8504846

Am I supposed to seal/prime air dry clay after it's dried and been sanded? It's my first time using it so I really have no idea

>> No.8505039

Im trying to make myself a huge pirate cannon that I could carry around. Where can I get jumbo cylinder styrofoam or anything related?

>> No.8505180
File: 63 KB, 382x410, pkb9gMz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find these exact glasses? ebay listings are off and i dont want to pay 200 for them. akujincos glasses dont haave the red arms either

>> No.8505200

For League, the colors are pretty open to interpretation. The in-game model has a bright purple shirt. As for the vest, it's a vest. Maybe search waistcoat if you wanna try another search term. Yeah it's got a more rounded, deep neckline but I doubt anybody would knock you for having an inaccurate neckline. The vest is a weird color, I'd go with a gray-ish navy. My boyfriend cosplayed Debonair Ez and found something really close at Kohl's (can't remember which one it was, though). If the color bothers you that much you could put it in an image editor and dropper it. Good luck.

>> No.8505212
File: 373 KB, 250x200, mako 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be considered rude or inappropriate to ask to pick out the fabric for a commission and then send it to the person making it?
I'm really picky about material choice and the way it feels because some fabrics just make my skin crawl, but I don't want to seem rude or too forward by asking to pick out my own.

>> No.8505242

Which character?

Not at all, since you're paying to have it made after all. If I were commissioned, I'd inform you if the fabric choice is really poor, but at the end of the day, I'll make whatever you want in whatever quality you like.

>> No.8505249

Figured out how to do them, nvm

Searching Homura glasses comes up with a lot of the same type of glasses as those, but not in that exact shade. I have no idea what other search keywords you could try besides that.

Nope! You might have to pay more depending on what type of material you want though.

>> No.8505270


Search for half moon red eyeglasses. Best I could do within the short timespan I had to look. Best of luck.

>> No.8505547

What are some characters that have small simple props? Im looking for beginner stuff. Hopefully outfit isnt too complex either.

>> No.8505552

That is pretty vague. Better off posting the in the suggestions thread and shifting through the suggestions. My first cosplay prop was Izaya's knife. Maybe try to look at the slice of life genre for simple props and costumes.

>> No.8505617
File: 24 KB, 300x300, yvKHaKVRr9Adh-QfEx2Kpryepphtt1cGpEtEyCdtU6zMBWcgfPwRH5sK8PY5swK_cjecuLUPoJjnYXBIo_2fqFYYCK3dTBlTlmMeolBbAFc58E23MzkUzlRT=w300-h300-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loose ringlets, how do I style these? I don't want firm hard ones.

>> No.8505663

Ah great, good to know! It was probably just that frame that made it appear more skirt-like, then. I'm glad you're going for traditional-accuracy; it's what I would do and I can theoretically help out a bit more.

As you probably know by now, traditionally furisode are made from silk. But good-quality silk is kind of hard to find/is expensive in the US, unless you're importing from Japan, and then you'd have to deal with shipping. I'm not the best at picking out fabrics myself, but I think you have a bit of leeway when it comes to making yours. I would suggest probably a light- to medium-weight fabric, and maybe try to avoid something really stiff. I made my first kofurisode out of a twill I think, and it's really thick and heavy. Doesn't look terrible, but after acquiring real-life kimono, I can definitely feel the difference. I think I've seen crepe fabric suggested somewhere? A super-quick Google search also gives me satin as an option, though that would be pretty expensive if you want to avoid shininess (you do).

A few more things you might consider looking into:
>korin belt (to keep your collars crossed tightly in front)
>datejime. I forgot to mention this one. It goes on top of your kimono and below the obi/obi ita. Please don't forget this, if you're going for accuracy.
>look up "magic belt" for kimono. it's a datejime with velcro and makes things easier.
>fold/store your kimono properly! (yukata instructions will work just as well) It'll save you a lot of ironing if you just take the time to fold your stuff after wearing them/airing them out.

I'm sorry I always write so much! I don't know how to keep things short, it seems.

>> No.8505725

Oh, Actually I think it's better not to fit the curve, since if it did it would mess up the balance. But otherwise it looks fine so far.

Also, fill in your foam a little better. Here's a thought, though. Could you articulate the eyes so that he could stare in different directions? That'd be neat.

Use a quikcrete tube

>> No.8505867

do you think i can spray paint these or will it crack?

>> No.8505880

If you sand the finish off first before you paint, use a primer and a sealer, it'll be whatever color you want it to be till they break.

>> No.8505966

Anyone have any good reccomendations for glue? To stick together eva foam.

>> No.8506018

Contact cement will forever be my go-to glue for EVA foam

>> No.8506157

Yeah, I was worried that it might look off if we did some kind of curve, that's why we said maybe at a steep angle inward.

Currently in the process of filling and sanding the holes, so hopefully those will be gone soon. And we are making him have inset pupils to look like he's following you.

Dream goal is full audio animatronic face but that's Mach 892 and way in the future.

Thank you

>> No.8506256

Unlike person above, I would not make it in poor quality fabric (or the wrong weight, drape, etc) even if that's what you picked out. That reflects poorly on me, and I don't want to put time and effort into working with crap materials. People who don't sew are for obviously reasons generally not well versed in fabrics. I frequently offer clients choices within the range of fabric types that would work, but if someone wanted to pick out their own and ship it to me (and they weren't themselves a good seamstress and knowledgable about textiles) I would ask them to show me what they wanted to use first.

>> No.8506344
File: 141 KB, 1057x1960, Peridorito_is_back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told that eva foam's a good way of creating Megaman legs and arms, but is there any other materials I could use in case I cant afford that?

A proper guide to making the legs (boots) especially would be very helpful as i'm not completely familiar with making something as this.

>> No.8506552

Any guides on led goggles? I found one but the leds were rainbows and I just need blue and red

>> No.8506639 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 960x960, tumblr_nrys0kbpbW1qhv122o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I get a giant pair of glasses like this in prescription? I don't have a time machine to go back to the eighties.

>> No.8506643

you don't unless youre a faggot

>> No.8506649

all right fine i'll ask in the dumb question thread instead

>> No.8506760

how do i sand the finish off without it getting a scratchy sort of look?

>> No.8506775

since it's so damn simple can you explain it for me as well?

>> No.8506784
File: 35 KB, 320x470, 1312289734_275975_rune-factory-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never crafted before so is there any kind of tutorial or something to help me create the floating light thing on this left arm?
Has anyone made something like this before and can give me advice?

Thank you

>> No.8506808
File: 114 KB, 385x731, shinobu_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help finding a dress that's similar to the one Shinobu from No More Heroes 2 wears, but I don't know what to search on google. Can any kind anon help me out on this? pic is her outfit from the game.

>> No.8506816

Thank you! What kind of wire should I use if I want a bendable hat?

>> No.8506855

I wonder if you would be able to find anything if you looked for "flapper Style"

>> No.8506857

Has anyone ever used Joann stretch satin? I want to make gloves to match a Casa satin bodice so I'm wondering what the shine is like.

>> No.8506867
File: 146 KB, 1023x772, shinobu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks m8 i looked into it and they're very similar to what i'm looking for, although i did find this as well


>> No.8506878

if all else fails, it doesn't look too hard to make at least

>> No.8507373
File: 59 KB, 417x800, Atropos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never cosplayed before and sewing skills are minimal. was wondering where I would even start with making a cosplay for Atropos. I have SOME Idea of what I could do for the wig, but that bodysuit is what's troubling me.

>> No.8507731
File: 132 KB, 315x390, Ethereal-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little stuck, how do I do these odd shaped thigh highs?

Will making thigh highs in that shape then sewing them along the design to skin colored mesh work? Or would painting them on skin colored tights flat out work better?

I've never seen any tutorials with this shape - apologies if I askes a super easy question.

>> No.8507739

have you thought about painting tights? it may be easier than sewing

>> No.8507798

I was thinking about that too. What's the best type of paint that will stretch with me? It isn't basic fabric paint, is it?

>> No.8507816

Making a bodysuit with piped seams might be out of your skill range at the moment. Your best bet right now would be to buy a dark grey zentai/bodysuit, put it on (or have someone else put it on) and paint on the lines with fabric paint. You can practise contouring effects and precision painting (ie, a thick line of light silver paint with thinner dark shadows), which will come in handy if you pursue the hobby.
For the future,
>bodysuit pattern
And the idea behind piped seams is that every line you see on her design is the boundary for a separate piece of the bodysuit.
>that's a lot of pieces

>> No.8507911
File: 250 KB, 1024x564, ViNFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever helped me with my Windrunner costume, TY! The harness worked out much much better than I expected and its surprisingly stable.

I have 1 more question though. The quiver on the back. I am at a loss at how to hang this.

This seems like I would tie it around my neck but I tried this and it digs into my throat and kinda hurts me. Is there any way else to do this?

>> No.8507967

attach it to the pauldrons or a harness. you may have to work with the cape a little to find a passthrough for straps. you definitely want the weight to be distributed to your torso and not your neck as you found out.

>> No.8508044

Use a very fine grit sandpaper.

>> No.8508064
File: 9 KB, 230x230, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get non-airsoft toy guns? I want to bring a cosplay to next Fanime and they don't allow anything that was airsoft, even if it's completely gutted. I'm looking for something like pic related.

>> No.8508070
File: 151 KB, 800x783, Leoric_Skeleton_King_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copy paste from a thread started earlier hoping to get more help here.

I am unable to go to a big con that's coming up this year that I always go to due to school and financial troubles(school) but I want to make it up to myself for no going this year with getting an early jump on a larger-than-life cosplay for next year.

I want to do King Leoric from the Diablo franchise and I would like some advice on how to make the armor and bones (spine, elbow joints, skull) and been looking at different types of thermo-plastics. The ones that keep popping up the most are worbla and wonderflex.

What are the pros and cons of each as well as are they able to melt/loose shape once they harden the first time (like from sitting in a car in the sun for a few hours down in atlanta)? how durable are they? How much is enough of this stuff?

Pic related it's what I'm going to base it off on model wise.

>> No.8508086


does the light ring rotate around his arm or just stay like that? if it stays still I would say and arm band under the jacket with a hole in the jacket with a black thin tube holding it out.

>> No.8508090

These might do the trick.
I just kept my airsoft guns in my backpack and brought them out for pictures and shit, they never check your bag at Fanime.

>> No.8508092

Fuck, forgot the link...

>> No.8508098

I am planning on passing the straps through the scarf and the cape gap at the nape of the neck.

Im not sure how to get the item weight on my torso though. The "harness" is technically just 2 straps in an x shape attaching the 2 pauldrons together on the back.

Do you think hanging it by the x's is a good idea?

>> No.8508113

Take a look at load bearing harnesses. Mainly you just want it to have multiple points of contact with your torso so the weight is distributed not only on one point (your neck) but multiple points (shoulders, back, etc). Kind of like a backpack as opposed to your purse.

>> No.8508136
File: 133 KB, 650x701, bo wyatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I make a helmet like this?

>> No.8508143

Dude it's fucking 4AM down here why are you still awake

Anyways, I highly suggest against doing this if you're still asking those questions. It's good to be ambitious, but this is just such a HUGE project... I can hardly fathom this myself.

But I'll still give the best advice I can. Worbla, Wonderflex are great for thin armor. Not so much for something thick and heavy like this. You'll probably need a mix of sintra, polystyrene foam, fiberglass and styrene sheet if you want to do the costume justice. Read up on all those things, and build some smaller props to practice their use.

Also, consider building an extra-thick chest and hip piece. That way, you can have it stick out from your actual chest, leaving a recess you you can do the illusion of the spine in the middle.

>> No.8508145

Lisa cosplays? Love it. As for the helm, tough one. I say, find a lighting globe or some other sort of plastic sphere, and start from there.

>> No.8508147
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, FRNVWURGFRWRYXF.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a deep sea diving helmet, right? Build from this and cut out the top and neck piece? Seems fairly cost efficient as well.
> instructables.com/id/Deep-Sea-Diver-Halloween-Costume/

>> No.8508155


Is there a way I could make the window black while still being able to see through?

>> No.8508162

Slits. Lots and lots of slits. Or a black mesh section. Granted they won't give you 100% visibility but that's the tradeoff you face.

>> No.8508164

Car tints. If this link doesn't work for you, look up diy car tints and you'll want the limo black color.

> amazon.com/Window-Tint-Film-Yourself-Kit/dp/B003XFZRR0

>> No.8508167


i find it funny that you're asking why I'm awake when you're awake. Short answer major sleep issues.

I've seen worbla and wonderflex used to make 'thick and heavy' armor and it looks just fine to me.

I'm planning on using a mix of sintra and polystyrene foam to help bulk and use the thermo-plactics as more of a cover and wanted to know more about them. I've used all the other stuff plenty of times and wanted to spread out to try new materials.

As for the cosplay design It is going to be a half-puppet or maybe a 3/4 puppet design if i want to make the weapon. I'll be behind the hips wearing black under the cloak and have my head sticking out through the top. The legs are going to be partial stilts to be larger then just a normal suit cosplay.

You consider this a huge project and can hardly fathom it? Well I thank you for your input but it seems you aren't the type of person with the info i'm looking for but thank you for the advice.

>> No.8508817

Thanks and yeah, as far as I know it's static

>> No.8508847

I'm looking for cute jewelry/accessories for an OTT sweet coord.

Can anyone suggest websites/sellers that you think are good? I've searched quite a lot but most of it is over priced taobao stuff

>> No.8508873

World globes seem to be a bit expensive, online at least, and I can't find one that doesn't have raised terrain. Would it be possible to use a globe from here


in place of the world globe in the tutorial?

>> No.8508911

Go for it. If you plan on cutting open the sides for the glass, make sure your tool will go through it. Otherwise, it looks like it'll be okay.

When you're making it, you should post in the progress thread - I'm curious about a lisa cosplay

>> No.8508915

Thanks anon!

>> No.8508943
File: 130 KB, 890x540, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working on Olivia's bangles. I want to make molds out of it after I'm done.
I'm having the hardest time forming a perfect circle though. I have magic sculpt to alter it.

Any ideas?

>> No.8508958 [DELETED] 

There's this girl I find absolutely fucking annoying in my smallish circle of lolita friends but she's really good friends with one of them so I always have to smile and pretend to like her as well. One of the girls find her really irritating as well so we bitch about her behind her back.
>tfw i really like everyone else
>tfw hanging out with them would be perfect without her

>> No.8508964

Fuck sorry, wrong thread
>polite sage for dumb

>> No.8508997
File: 196 KB, 302x540, Bo_HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do. Thanks.

No idea how to go about making the poncho, though. Grandmother knows how to sew, but that's about it. Might just see if I can get it commissioned or something

>> No.8509042
File: 54 KB, 600x438, Lucina_Eye_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any jewelers in the house know how easy/hard it is to get into making pendants like pic related, with a flat space inside that could house something a bit bigger than a quarter in diameter? Where would I find materials I need to start, and how much of it do you think I can find already made, just requiring assembly?

I'm making keychain/necklace charm Smash Bros. Amiibos for myself, and at some later stage if it goes well, other people. I wasn't sure if this board or /diy/ would be better, but I figure more people here probably make jewelry.

>> No.8509059

I remember hearing about this thing you use to iron the edges of 2 pieces of cloth together and then you can cut shapes into the edge without it fraying. Does anyone know the name of it?

>> No.8509072

I would have started out using something round as a base to built it round, something like the buckets you've got in the background, but that doesn't help you at this stage.

>> No.8509142

that is how I drew it out. But I guess I'm not the most steady while cutting things out. Yeah, at this stage, I can't think of any good strategies other than sculpting, sanding, repeat, until perfect.

>> No.8509200

Fusible interfacing? You should still apply fray check or clear nail polish as you're cutting, but lightweight fusible will stop some frays.

>> No.8509280
File: 67 KB, 736x414, 7b2fed1169759675256c50e0a0494555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do I do about glasses with uncompleted frames like pic related?

>> No.8509369

What do you mean? They sell glasses with half frames like that, you know?

>> No.8509401

You posted this in another thread a few days ago and you got a good response, fucking google the shit they told you to.

>> No.8509409

>implying there's one single person on the internet curious about something common
calm down, retard

>> No.8509459

no it was a specific brand. you can cut jagged edges or scallops into it and it'll still hold together really well. Sorry if this is too vague.

>> No.8510177



>> No.8510199
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x1344, updated_acrylic_eye_tutorial_by_fenrirschild-d5tcztq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble deciphering your question. Are you making a cabochon or a sphere? This tutorial is for making costume eyes. Hit up google for "cabochon settings" and you'll find tons and tons of results. You can also use glass but acrylic has a glossier appearance.

>> No.8510230

>cabochon settings
Thank you, this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. As for the eye thing it was mostly just for an example piece, but that's a cool tutorial which I will definitely be saving.

As for glass vs acrylic, I assume if I'm not blowing the glass myself I'd need to find something in the exact size I want unless I do the acrylic. Part of my worry is that I want to be able to get back behind the acrylic afterwards, in case I need to do something with the NFC chip I'll be putting in it.

>> No.8511071
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 11401162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what kind of jacket this is? I'd like to make one of my own, or at least know what it's called so I could search for one to purchase. I like the high collar, open neck, and open waist after the button. I don't really want a stiff fabric, and I don't care about the details on the shoulders. Can anyone help? Thanks!

>> No.8511161

Does anyone know if Joann's will let me use a coupon from the cell phone app more than once? I used the 20% coupon yesterday and would like to go back for more fabric in person rather than order it online.

(sorry a little off topic for this thread, but the Joanns thread from last week is archived.)

>> No.8511169

yes they will I do this all the time

>> No.8511494

Do you mean the online coupon from the website? Yes, those are nationwide same and unlimited uses.

>> No.8511536

alice auaa is a brand you should look into. They have all kinds of stuff like that.
Can't guarantee quality, but there's that jacket on ebay for you.

>> No.8511550

Oh, forgot to mention. Visual Kei, that's a related fashion that you can use this for.
Hope that helps.

>> No.8511560
File: 193 KB, 346x495, 2jczqlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a mouth like this? Which materials do I use? I got liquid latex which I'm guessing I would have to use to do the flesy parts and cuts but how to do the teeth.

>> No.8511587

Use baby teeth. Literal teeth pulled from baby mouths filed into sharp points. Nothing more horrifying.

>> No.8511595
File: 20 KB, 385x444, rmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a top like pic related. It's called a dirndl crop top, but I've also googled pirate top and peasant top and I couldn't find any tutorials or patterns. I'm okay sewing, but I only have a vague idea of what I'm supposed to do. Any help or advice would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8511599


try "gypsy"

>> No.8511614

Some people use cut-up fake nails or use moldable plastic pellets and shape them into what they need.

Also found a tutorial that kind of looks like what you want, with some altering. http://www.instructables.com/id/Custom-zombie-dentures-with-Non-SFX-materials/#step1

>> No.8511636

I'd have had the same problem, don't worry! That's why I normally try and use something as a mould/guide the whole way through the process. Good luck getting it sorted!

>> No.8511750

Thanks so much anon!! I looked everywhere and couldn't find it - you're amazing! I've never been too into jfash, but this looks really interesting, so thanks for that too. :)

>> No.8512175

Thanks! But how would I go about making it all the way to my cheeks since the grin is super big? What can I use as a base to stick all the teeth on?

>> No.8512295

>asks a question
>argues with the answer
Not even the person you're responding to but you look like a total wankfest.
He's right. This is NOT a project for a beginner. You will look like trash. You will waste all your money on worbla and turn out looking like shit.
If you already know what you're going to do, do it. Don't come on here and tell people with legitimately good advice that they "don't have the info you're looking for" because they didn't tell you to follow your dreams and you can be anything you want to be.
Fuck right off.

>> No.8512338
File: 132 KB, 759x1052, akumetsu_by_thefresco-d4ql6zh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make this mask. For props, I typically use eva foam, or cardboard, but it looks like it might be harder with this style.
Would crayola model magic be good? Has anyone had experience using model magic for masks?

>> No.8512450
File: 46 KB, 557x418, _B-A_Zoids_Chaotic_Century_-_06__92D7C6A0__0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to go about completing this wig is perplexing me.

Basically I'm unsure if it would be best to make a foam base for the spikes and go about it that way or to just do some gravity defying direct spiking. I'm leaning toward the later because her hair is less controlled spikes and more scruffy, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. Then I also don't know the best way to go about the ponytail part while still having the spikes either.

Or if there's another way I'm not thinking of or any other suggestions or the best tutorials for these methods, I'd appreciate it!

>> No.8512458

If you want something that's maybe more formable, maybe using wire?

>> No.8512491

I've never done anything like that but it does sound like a feasible idea, do have any good examples/tutorials for something like that?

>> No.8512556
File: 506 KB, 1280x988, tumblr_nkxq5l3DUw1uozn64o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a wig of pic related ,can't seem to find any remotely closed. Does anyone know of wigs that look like this preferably from taobao.

>> No.8512598
File: 47 KB, 693x1152, shinobu_jacobs_by_grievousgeneral-d2z5fzp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find a dress as close to the one in pic related? I can't seem to find any using google and the few that do turn up all lead to dead links. This is the only part of the dang outfit that I can't find.

>> No.8512632


>> No.8512650

Still stumpped on this, can anyone help?

>> No.8512660

i see stuff like this a lot at cheaper girls/women's stores. h&m might have something like that too. youre really just looking for a tiered/layered/ruffled dress. i know eclipse used to sell shirts like that, maybe they had dresses that were similar too.

>> No.8512669

How do you get your long, think hair into wigs? I've stopped getting cheap wigs from sites like Ebay since my hair's been longer (it just won't fit!), but I don't quite have the hang of getting it all in the wig cap, or not having to adjust my wig constantly.
I've heard braiding your hair helps, but I haven't tried it before. Does anyone have any experience with this? (All of my cosplay friends have short/thin hair, so here I am)

>> No.8512806

Don't do one thick braid. Do several thin braids, loop them around and use hair pins to pin them tightly to your head. Pull your wig cap on tight, then put your wig on from back to front, and pin that to the wig cap.

>> No.8513328

I want to cosplay a twintail character, and am looking at twintail wigs on Aliexpress - some look really good but I'm worried it'll come as just a normal wig that's not styled to be twintails.

Do wigs ever come already styled as twintails or do I have to do it myself? I've looked for tutorials but it still looks awfully tricky to do - any tips on styling twintails/know any place I can get an already styled wig? Thanks!

>> No.8513374

Looking to buy my first cosplay outfit online - I've only ever picked clothes after trying them on, so I'm worried they won't fit.

I took my measurements as instructed by the first tutorial I found, and they came out as 89-77-88 cm, for the outfit I want that's size S, but I'm skinny and tall so that my hight falls in size L. The outfit has a bare midriff and a skirt.

Do these standard sizes usually tend to have room to spare or are they tighter than advertised? I think with it's cut I won't have to worry about hight so much, so I think S would look better, but M would probably be the safer bet - I just don't want it to be baggy.

What are your experiences with online shopping?

>> No.8513411
File: 238 KB, 717x797, Veigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I have a .. very broad question, actually quite a few.

I'm not looking for the answer to all answers, just . some guidance to get into cosplaying.

I want to cosplay as Veigar, and I want to make it look good. I just need to pick up a hobby that isn't video games so I can go out and meet people while also not straying too far from my original hobby. I guess branching out is the word?

The thing is, I know absolutely jack about cosplaying. If I have all of the time in the world to do so, how long would it take? Would I first need to sew? If I were to just jump into this how much would it cost to get the materials and machinery to make such a thing?

>> No.8513609


Depending on how you want to do it, it's either very hard or hard for someone who's never touched a sewing machine or crafted. The robe portion is doable if you have time to learn the machine and basics, but that hat requires sewing and hatmaking knowledge and gloves are not beginner friendly.

>> No.8513627
File: 14 KB, 466x100, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see a room thread, so I figured I would post here since you gulls seem to have an eye for design. But who would have though decorating a single room studio apartment would be so ridiculously hard? Any advice on how to turn this concert room into a cozy little hovel? I've been thinking so hard if I should put the bed under the window and I can't make a decision. And yes, I checked out all the blogs and DYI sites and Pinterest for ideas, but those all seem to have a separate kitchen with a wall in between. My place is literally one big ass room. Any thoughts?

>> No.8513628
File: 347 KB, 756x954, cassandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay pick related, but I haven't found any patterns that might fit without any alterations. So far, Mccalls civil war pattern (M4745) seems close to what I'm looking for. But I don't know how to exactly alter the pattern to fit me better? Or even if theres a better pattern out there?

>> No.8513721

Using M4745 would be work than drafting from scratch. It's cut broad even for a male body, and it has seams where you don't want them and (obviously) no shaping for a woman's bust/waist/hips. A women's mandarin jacket pattern would be a much more useful base. Just a muslin to get the front flap the right size and angle and adjust the collar to overlap.

>> No.8513838

maybe start out with buying costumes?
i feel like if you try to jump into something so complex you are going to have a bad and stressful time.
I don't see that character in particular anywhere, but there are plenty of other LoL characters I can find that have premade cosplays for sell.

>> No.8513842

Try aliexpress.

>> No.8513854
File: 32 KB, 420x264, margiela_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am brainstorming a cyberpunk costume to wear for halloween.

So far I want: a big shearling jacket, sorta like the bane one, except maybe leopard print and/or colorful on the inside? Sounds difficult but something in that ballpark

pic related glasses, called "l'incognito"

A nintendo powerglove

A raspberry pi wearable with some kind of over-eye screen I can flip down to give me information

The L'Incognito sunglasses are expensive and also impossible to find, so any sort of similar knockoff would be fine. I've never heard of the kind of shearling jacket I've described, but does anyone know of anything similarly ostentatious?

the power glove is expensive these days so any sort of analog to that or replica would be fine.

>> No.8513912

you'd have trouble breathing/talking

>> No.8513934


>> No.8513950

I need to buy tea party shoes. What's the best website to get secret shop ones?

>> No.8514610
File: 71 KB, 600x769, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /cgl/. I wanna make cosplay of Griffith from Berserk, and I need some advice on that.

General notes on how armor should look like and details on making it is something I'm most bothered by atm.

>> No.8515013
File: 1.23 MB, 245x245, HOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got pretty much any instructions/models/anything for Sebastian Michaelis?
Sorry to be part of "mainstream" cosplayers, but it's my second real cosplay and I want something kinda cool that'll turn out nicely.

Thinking of going to a second hand store to look for "fancy" clothes for this. Any tips/suggestions to anything about this?

>> No.8515028

Fancy clothes like what? We can only see his face. Are you asking for makeup advice? What do you want? Be specific and not just "how do costume?"

>> No.8515039
File: 57 KB, 400x341, sebaschan model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that's not my subject in the gif. I just posted that for attention.

Sebastian is a butler with fancy clothes, so I suppose I'm asking about what sort of trousers, vest, shoes, chain, etc. etc.

>> No.8515203
File: 190 KB, 1115x1978, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time going to cosplay so I would like some pointers and suggestions because I have no idea what I'm doing.

What materials would be good to make a pipotron monkey costume? Specificly the pipotron helmet.

>> No.8515232
File: 673 KB, 2048x1152, 20150728_215500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is too basic of a question.

I'm painstakingly teaching myself to sew, and am making a simple shirt (albeit our of knit fabric) from a Butterick pattern. All I have left is to cut the sleeve, but the pattern piece has a grain line arrow parallel to the selvage (obviously) while the pattern instructions (pic related) show the sleeve in a position where the grain line arrow would not be parallel with the selvage.

Did I read the instructions wrong? Any help would be appreciated. I'm terrified that I might have cut wrong and now have to buy/wash/iron/pin all over again.

>> No.8515320
File: 59 KB, 485x750, Red Hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking to create a Red Hood outfit, and wanted to mix and mesh some of the versions of him out there.

I want to take his dark brown or Black leather jacket. I then want to take his logo and put it on the back of the jacket, in red, much like him from Arkham Knight.

However, I am not sure which kind of paint would work best.

I dont need it to be perfect, as it being a bit messy will help the look of it. I also dont want to it crack with every shift I make.

Not sure if Latex paint or spray paint or acrylic would work best.

Does anyone have experience with painting on leather/pleather?

Thank you in advance

>> No.8515333

Bump on this?

>> No.8515338

Is it alright for me to get concrit on a picture I edited?

>> No.8515359

I need help. A local commissioned me for a budget cosplay, but isn't going to the con they needed the costume for because of a family situation and now can't pay me sooner than a week after the original deadline. The costume has been done for a week and they knew. Charge late fee on the final payment y/n? I wish I could say I was surprised this happened.

>> No.8515499

A few things to take into consideration, then.
> Have they been a good customer up until this point?
> How long til they pay you - is it closer to a week after the deadline or is it actually going to be at least a month?
> How do you feel about this customer - do you FEEL like cutting them a break?

If they've been a douchebag throughout the transaction, jack up that late fee.
If this is the first indiscretion (despite them knowing your timeline, you can't choose when emergencies happen after all), do you want to charge them?

The fact that you say you aren't surprised by this makes it sound like this is something that happened with them often. If that's the case, slap on that fee. Use your judgement after taking that into account, anon?

>> No.8515734
File: 25 KB, 540x720, heather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought some brown rain boots, need to add the orange part along the top. What type of paint should I use?

>> No.8515736


Don't paint it. Get some bias tape and glue it on.

>> No.8515741

I'm a guy and I want to try get into crossplaying. Does anyone know how to start.

>> No.8515742
File: 1.15 MB, 2250x4000, 2015-07-29 02.45.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I add this collar?

>> No.8515750

oh, didn't even think of that. Thanks.

Pick a character you like. If your craftyinclined then make the costume, if not then buy it, or buy the pieces to bring together to make it.

Can't even tell what it is that you are making.

>> No.8515752

>general notes on how the armor should look like
however you want the armor to look like, retard.

>details on making it
google "craft foam armor tutorial". we can tell you've done 0 research.

>> No.8515769

If you get those ones with clip-on twintails, then I guess that counts as pre-styled.
Arda has wigs with a part down the back for twintails.
If you have a long wig in the color you want to use, try out this tutorial: http://nekomikasai.deviantart.com/art/Wig-Tutorial-2-high-ponytails-212212585

Your best bet is to ask the seller. Step 1 is always to ask the seller since they'll be able to provide you with better information than strangers on the internet can.

>> No.8515792

The hell is this?
Follow-up thought: sew side seams of the collar piece together to make a ring first, then pin to collar opening, easing when necessary. Sew. Sew again 1/8" from the original stitch line into the seam allowance for extra durability if desired.

Addendum: iron your shit and vacuum the floor

>> No.8515797

Thanks on all counts. Con is in 2 days, I'll vaccumm after

>> No.8515813

google 'leather paint'

>> No.8516190

Bring a real gun with no firing pin. That'll show em. What are they gonna do, prove you wrong?

>> No.8516197

Too short m8

>> No.8516318

I dyed a pair of shoes with acrylic paint mixed with leather dye (they're leather shoes).
I plan on painting them on top with only leather paint cause I had to mix colors and I didn't get what I wanted (and the store that sells those dyes is quite far from where I live, but I'll just buy a bottle with the color I need).
My question is, will it stick on the acrylic paint base?

>> No.8516332
File: 28 KB, 400x469, normal_Roy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having some trouble deciding how I want to be able to close the front of my tunic for Roy. I was thinking of using an invisible zipper, but I'm afraid of it getting those weird bumps/buldges that front zippers often get.

I don't really think velcro or snaps would be a good idea, but any input would be greatly accepted!

>> No.8516486

Seconding other Anons who replied. Either you learn how to sew and craft or you just start how we all started: Buy a costume or make very simple one (maybe with help).

>I wouldn't recommend Veigar either, as his clothes are quite complicated and you need to craft stuff like his gloves or belt.
>And doesn't he also has a staff? So you need to sew, make a face cover, craft gloves and belts and make a prop.

>> No.8516876
File: 427 KB, 654x584, make-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help deciding on a make-up style for Super Sonico. Thank you in advance and apologies if this is the wrong thread.

>> No.8516942

Bottom one. It looks cute anon - go with it. What are those eyelashes btw?

>> No.8516949

Iirc correctly, they are Eyemazing 002 on the top and Eyemazing 202 on the bottom!

>> No.8516951

If you want to go for accuracy and know what the model is (sometimes you can find it on IMFDB), or at least can find a similar model, you can check around for replica/training guns. The official training replicas usually cost 50+, but there's a guy on Ebay, crazyredj, who makes molds and charges 36$ including shipping. I got a Glock 26 model from him, and I'm getting two more once he makes molds.

They don't come with the orange tip, but you can easily just paint the muzzle orange or make a plug (he's willing to drill a hole in the muzzle if you request it).

>> No.8516955

Meant to reply to you, oops.

>> No.8516968

I'm new here, what is EGL?

>> No.8516978

Thank you! It looks nice.

Now that I'm looking at it though, maybe go with the middle one? You want it to show up on camera but Sonico's makeup looks a little downplayed.

What outfit are you doing? If its her default, go with 2. something more extravagant, go with 3.

>> No.8516987

Thank you! I was thinking the middle one but with a rounder shape, if that makes sense? More cute. I'm going for her nurse uniform, it's a bit of a basic bitch costume but I love the blue colour. Thank you for all the help!

>> No.8517008
File: 29 KB, 325x512, f1b88588fdb27956c7c62b2ddb5e52bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about doing an immortan Joe cosplay but I can't figure out how I should do the clear chest plate and sholder pads

>> No.8517042

The 3rd one

>> No.8517064

Elegant Gothic Lolita.

>> No.8517080

Oh wow that sounds pretty cool, actually. Thanks!

>> No.8517170

To avoid bulging, put in boning. You can hide it in the bias tape (the yellow part). It will keep the zipper straight and sturdy.

>> No.8517175

Riding coat is the usual term. Obviously there's some mods (partial key hole neckline, the ribbon corset back, split tails), but those can be modded into an existing pattern.

>> No.8517480
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x1062, monkey_d_luffy_render_9_by_roronoaroel_d5l75aj_by_trishas1law-d8dfyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best method for dying liquid latex? I searched around and keep finding mixed answers. Like I would like to dye the latex something reasonably close to my skin tone for a healed scar on my chest. Is it fine to mix in foundation into the latex or should I use something like acrylic paint? Also I plan on using this for a d*con so would this stick fine or should I invest in some kinda adhesive to mix in too? I worry my sweat is gonna make it fall off. I've never worked with liquid latex before so any help would be appreciated.

>> No.8517639

In general you shouldn't be using acrylic paint on your skin.
Just because it says "non-toxic" on the container doesn't mean that it's safe for your skin. Acrylic paint can clog your pores and the paint preservatives can cause skin irritation depending on how sensitive your skin is, what brand the paint is, and what preservatives are in the paint.

>> No.8517643

Well I wasn't planning on dumping a ton on there. Just a dab to get the right hue. But I get what you're saying. Would foundation work as an okay alternative?

>> No.8517644
File: 742 KB, 1159x1280, Pokemon_ORAS_Team_Aqua_Grunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been to this board before, so I don't know where to ask.

I need to make 3 ORAS Team Aqua grunt costumes.
I don't know where to start, trying to find clothes online is difficult.
What things can I buy and what things do I need to make? How and where?
I don't know what I'm doing, and I only have about 3 or 4 weeks.

>> No.8517645

Forgot to mention all three are guys.

>> No.8517658

Follow the grain line on the pattern, but cutting on the cross grain is perfectly fine for woven fabrics. It's a technique often used for large pattern pieces to avoid adding seams. That diagram is showing the sleeves cut on a separate piece of fabric and is generally not to scale.

>> No.8517678

I hadn't thought of boning before!

Just to clarify, would boning be put in before or after the zipper is?

>> No.8517691

Thank you kind anon. It's a knit and I'm still a bit confused, but I'll give it my best shot tomorrow and see how it turns out. I just think it's odd that the directions say to keep the selvages on the sides but the pattern piece's grain line arrow, if laid out as shown, ends up perpendicular to the selvages.

Sorry for poor typing/image quality, I'm using my nook.

>> No.8517744

i have a jumper thing that i recently thrifted and it has a skull on it
the fabric is black and the skull is screened on with some sort of white paint
i dont want the skull on there, is there any way to remove the white paint stuff?
if i put black fabric dye on it would it make the skull black?

>> No.8517745

Any tips on getting asian hair to hold curl? I want something with tight curls or frizzy looking. But I think I might just have to settle for teasing it instead.

>> No.8517747

also forgot to mention the jumper thing is made of a thin cottony material

>> No.8517752

pics of the jumper pls
if you dye it the skull is probably going to still show up.

>> No.8517768
File: 11 KB, 300x300, rserseresr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant take pics right now but i googled the tag and found a stock pic of it
if i can use something to cover it up or make it all black i would do that, i thought the skull was cool at first and now i would just prefer it to be all black because i can't see myself wearing it out often with the skull
it was only a few dollars but i really like the shape and everything else aside from the skull so i'd really like to try and salvage it if i can

>> No.8517778

uh a skull that large you won't be able to get rid of...i thought you were talking about a small decal.
if you want an all black jumper, take it apart and copy the pattern from it to make your own.

>> No.8517783

nah, i'll just try putting something over it
i don't sew anyway

>> No.8517787

Use a heat protective product on your hair that is aimed at curling it. Use a medium or small curling iron, and do tight curls. Break them up a bit if you don't want a super curly style. I'm assumjmg you have long hair but if not, hair curlers like those old ladies use would do the trick. Or, get a wig.

>> No.8517789

Sorry missed that you mentioned knit. Unless it's a 4-way stretch cutting on the cross grain will put the stretch direction the wrong way. Commercial pattern errors are pretty common. In the last pattern I used, the shoulder seams were about two centimeters different. Unless there's a reason to do something atypically, I assume error and do it the standard/right way. Same if there's conflict in the instructions.

>> No.8517828

I sliced my fingers open while cutting EVA foam, and had to get a tetanus shot. What do I do?

>> No.8517882

Develop better hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

>> No.8517893

get a slash resistant glove if you don't trust yourself

>> No.8517905

I have fine motor control issues...

>> No.8517915
File: 47 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1438228696885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what this is from

>> No.8517954

That girl must be a long, skinny pear when the Bodyline outfits aren't hiding her curves. I have the same measurements as her but 2 inches shorter and my hips/butt aren't that huge.

>> No.8518028
File: 23 KB, 476x635, unnamed-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help with my pattern! i didn't realize that the size for these shorts is a size 8, but i'm a size 2. is there any way to adjust the pattern to fit me? some of these online pattern altering tutorials are a bit confusing

>> No.8518029

How do you tell if a commissioner is trustworthy or not?
There's someone I'm thinking of commissioning, and her work is beautiful frm photos, but how to I tell the quality or the actual item?

>> No.8518033

Are you sure those sizes are correct? Sewing pattern sizes are very different than premade clothing- I'm generally a US 4-6 in stores, but a pattern size 12.

>> No.8518039

Your best bet is to match your measurements to the sewing sizing guide on the pattern envelope first and then check the finished garment measurements as well, which are usually printed either on the envelope or on the pattern pieces themselves. Those measurements will give you the best idea on fit and ease.

Remember that sewing sizes aren't the same as vanity sizing. I'm usually a size 00 by today's vanity sizing standards but a size 4 on sewing patterns.

>> No.8518041

that helped a lot! whoops it's my first time using a pants pattern haha

>> No.8519526
File: 235 KB, 744x858, Vidalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Vidalia from Steven Universe, who's really simple but I'm completely stuck on how to style her wig so it's recognizable but not totally awful looking. Does anyone have any ideas??

>> No.8519544
File: 7 KB, 236x354, 54f4b04629424fd7c141508e8dfd54c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use an Arda Rufio as a base to get the top point.

conduct magical voodoo ritual to attach the rest

>> No.8519596

Get the wig that >>8519544 mentions. Cut out the back part of that wig. Get a long wig also from Arda in the same color to guarantee a color match. Cut out the front of that wig. Sew the 2 wig halves together

>> No.8519602

try this method, but don't use too much glue or hairspray.

>> No.8519608

eva is very cheap, if you can't afford that, I really don't know of another option for you other than cardboard or foam core.

remember to google, just typed in megaman boot tut, not hard...

>> No.8519619

Your best bet would be to paint the tights with them on you. (may need a friend to help) you can wrap your leg in saran wrap first. Fabric paint would be best, it's made to stretch with you

>> No.8519920

Can someone tell me who's the anime girl at 00:08 in this video ?


I wanna cosplay as her.

>> No.8519927

The red haired one on the left that is.

>> No.8520110

I made a thread asking this question but maybe someone here can help me out instead. I want to cosplay at an upcoming local con but i have no real skill in making costumes or the time for it for that matter. So i'm trying to look into buying a costume which i have done before in the past but the problem is now i'm trying to go as a power ranger and i can't seem to find a decent helmet for the suit. Most websites i have found are only selling power ranger body suits for whatever reason does anyone know a good place for me to buy an entire power ranger costume for a reasonable price? it doesn't really have to be the best quality i just want a real helmet and not a cheap Halloween mask.

>> No.8520230

You will not find a decent helmet for under $200 and that is just the helmet. A well made, and well fitting full power rangers suit, can easily range from between $500-$800 and will not be ready for you to wear if your con is in less than 3 months.

>> No.8520489


Except he didn't give an answer to anon's questions. He first insulted anon about the time he posted then said it wasn't for beginners. He was asking for help being two different materials which IS the info he was looking for.

Your high-horse, get off it.

>> No.8520827

Wow man, after seeing this video I feel really shit about liking Japanese culture / associating with Japan. What a pathetic patriarchal shithole of misogyny Japan is even today, smh

>> No.8521221

Stupid question, but the stupid question thread disappeared.

Do glow-in-the-dark contact lenses exist? All I can find are ones that glow under UV light, but I'm talking just normal every day glow in the dark.

>> No.8521226

No, no, don't be sorry for writing a lot ! Everything you say is very interesting !

I'm going to visit a few cities' fabric districts/stores in the coming month, so I'll be on the lookout for things that would be appropriate for a furisode. And if all else fails, I guess I'll cross my fingers and buy a bolt on Ichiroya (I think some of the ones I've looked at were silk crepe, actually)

>> No.8521326

anyone has any experience with cold casting?

I wanna cold cast only the edge of a sword and I wanted to know if it's doable to brush cold cast the edges only (apply powder then urethane with a brush) wait 20 min then slush cast the rest?


>> No.8521407

Ideally? Vacuformed plastic. Transparent worbla.
On a budget? A rainjacket of some sort.

>> No.8521430

I am a sort of dark skinned female, there isn't much cosplays from franchises I like that I could pull off with my skin color without being cringy
Give me all your colored person cosplay ideas please.

>> No.8521473

There have been tons of amazing cosplays done by people that weren't the same skin tone as the character. Just do what you want. But more importantly ask in the suggestion thread.


>> No.8521547

Those are easy man.

-Find a jet black bandanna
-White athletic tee shirt (probably a running shirt that sticks tight to the body. (Check a sporting goods store)
-A pair of long white thigh socks
-Long black gloves (you can trim the excess back and fold it)
-Black work boots
-Worn jeans from thrift store
-Black material from fabric store that matches close to the gloves and bandanna. Like Joanns or something similar.
-white fabric paint for bandanna
-Craft foam for boots
-blue fabric paint for shirt, socks and boots
-similar colored blue paint for craft foam on boots

Wanna go the extra mile and do pokeballs? Find anything round in a craft store that's the size of baseball or smaller and paint it. Wanna be a super lazy fat fuck? Use a white morph suit and cut off the arms and head part. Paint blue stripes on it. Bang you have both your shirt and socks done. You could knock this out in a day easy if you have all the materials together.

>> No.8521581

Thank you dear anon, I'll follow your advice

>> No.8521590

I want to do a princess peach cosplay but I just have no fucking idea where to start...I tried googling some tutorials but every single one of them looked like shit.
Should I go with a yellow wig and stick with canon or go with kind of dusty blonde? (I really like the blonde to be honest)

>> No.8521605

I know Arda wigs sells fiber samples. You can buy a few and see what looks best with your coloration

>> No.8521628

http://www.smooth-on.com/video_play.php?video_id=8BIxSp6QNvA&autoplay=1 You're pretty much describing the smooth-on tutorial, except they mix the powder right into the resin. That may be a better idea just in case you bang the edge of the sword on something. A powdery coat on the surface will mar more easily than a layer of metal impregnated resin. As long as your first layer of urethane hasn't fully cured, your slush layer will adhere to your first layer.

If you're using smooth-cast 325 give it 24 hours before you demold. The cure time on the bottle is nothing but lies, that stuff stays floppy for a while.

>> No.8521631
File: 253 KB, 776x231, goddamnitchina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got these sunglasses, and while the Ebay picture showed them as having burgundy faded lenses, they look way too black. They're supposed to look like the pic on the right.

I'm considering trying to paint them with heavily watered down paint, but I feel like that will look like shit and be too hard to see through. Any other suggestions? Maybe some sort of transparent paint I can try?

>> No.8521644

Thanks for answer and the tip, is smooth cast 320's bottle all lies as well?

>> No.8521651

We did have a huge thread dedicated to this with a ton of characters, but it looks like it finally died. Here's the archive of it:


You can still cosplay light-skinned characters without looking terrible, all you need to do is make sure the colours don't clash with your skin tone. Earthy and washed out colours look terrible on dark skin, so if the character, for example, uses a medium brown, you might need to switch to a deep dark brown.

Some characters use different shades or completely different colours depending on the art source. Like, I'm working on Kino from Kino's Journey/Kino no Tabi, and some of the art for the novel has her in either black or very dark green, whereas in the anime her suit is an olive green. I've heard Jojo characters have completely different colour schemes in different art, and of course fighting games have canon colour variants.

>> No.8521654

Never used 320 but extra time in the mold never hurts.

Glass paint isn't expensive, just go pick some up and do some testing. If it looks like shit, try looking into colored window film or translucent vinyl. Auto body shops that cater to people with more money than sense might have your hookup for that sort of thing, but the popularity of Cricuts is really expanding craft stores' stock of vinyl sheeting.

>> No.8521671

Oh, one more thing. If painting is your only option, paint on the back instead of the front. That way you won't compromise the pure glassiness of the lenses. It's how puppet people make eyes sometimes: they paint the inside of plastic christmas balls

>> No.8521676

a lot of cheap sunglasses's tint is actually a very very thin film in the back of it that is pressed unto the glass (not mixed with it) if you're desperate try to sand it off with some 3000 grit sand paper (last resort is case it fubar like hell)

>> No.8521687


It might be difficult to find plastic lenses, though. I did have luck googling "aviators clear lenses" however

>> No.8521693

Oh yeah I guess I should've mentioned that I'm black. Not dark skinned but definitely not light skinned, I was thinking the bright yellow wouldn't go well with my skin tone

>> No.8521705

Put the zip in the back or under an armpit :V Or maybe hook and eye tape

>> No.8521736

>Transparent worbla
That is not a thing.

>> No.8521755



>> No.8521766

It is not transparent worbla. It is made by the same people, but the are vastly different. That is TranspArt. It does not stick to itself, it doesn't really stick to anything, it has a different heating temperature, you can recycle the excess bits.
Calling that Transparent Worbla, would be like calling Wonderfelx "White Worbla". They are different things.

>> No.8521769

>you can recycle the excess bits.
can't recycle excess bits.

>> No.8521776

white worbla, browish beige worbla, transparent worbla, grey worbla, liquid worbla, worbla in pellets, worbla fabric, all the same thing :^)

>> No.8521791

Except they aren't. Each one is very different from the other. They have different uses, different strengths and weaknesses, and they react very differently when heated. Giving incorrect info and saying all thermoplastics are the same is shitty advice.

>> No.8521797

I was being facetious and yes you're completly right

>> No.8521799

thick fabric, thin fabric, stretch fabric, sheer fabric, shiny fabric, dull fabric, all the same thing :^)

>> No.8521822

That thread is the one that'll answer some of my questions, thank you
So if I see a white character I'd like to cosplay I should check their various outfits and see which one fits me better, right?
So what colors would clash with dark skin?

>> No.8522304
File: 483 KB, 1036x1580, 5806429987_f24667ee1f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know any good patterns I could use for Cammy? I haven't found anything with a super high cut+thong.

>> No.8522330
File: 221 KB, 241x415, fuckin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I asked before but didnt get any help, does anyone know what the girl from this still is cosplaying? It's super cute.

>> No.8522334

Hey, I was saw this really cute skirt at otakon that I can't seem to find online ( I couldn't buy it at the time cause I lost my credit card). It was covered in pictures of bread. Does anyone know where I might be able to find this skirt

>> No.8522417

Thats wadanohara from wadanohara and the great blue sea. She's got some really cute costumes

>> No.8522580
File: 89 KB, 600x800, 7581140170_3e71870aa0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need some general help with his jacket. Are there any search terms I can use to find a jacket with that type of collar/button? Or tips on how to make it (i'm super new at sewing)? Thanks in advance.

>> No.8522743

that looks like a sleeveless vest over a tunic.
the collar is called a standing collar.

>> No.8522953

I'm planing for next year i can afford a $200 helmet plus suit. i just don't want to pay $800 which is what aniki is asking for one. can you give me any website names were i can possibly order one?

>> No.8523306
File: 123 KB, 374x726, memoca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for advice on pic related. She's supposed to be a human version of a seagull (kek) but I'm not sure how to do the arms. It just looks like an oversized top/dress but the black ends confuse me. For the record, other human/animal characters from the source typically just have animal tails/ears so I don't think they're supposed to translate as literal seagull wings... I feel like I'm overthinking it but I don't want to do something stupid.

>> No.8523310

Just alter the general shape of those bunnysuits, they usually have that really high cut.

>> No.8523370
File: 215 KB, 1216x1036, orochi cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning to cosplay Orochi soon but i am struggling with how to do the snake scarf. I have seen some cosplays where they stuffed the scarf but it looked a little goofy, any ideas on how i can make it look decent?

>> No.8523374
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm actually thinking about trying Guts.

So if you and anyone else that wants to throw in their opinion, should I try Golden Age guts or post eclipse?

I'm 6'4", but I don't think I'm nearly jacked enough to pull off post eclipse full berzerkerrrr mode Gattsu. Which is a shame because it's the more interesting costume.

>> No.8523375
File: 623 KB, 1024x576, pre hawks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Guts closest to my lanky ass for anyone that doesn't know Berserk

>> No.8523376
File: 168 KB, 577x640, gattsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And beefcake mode

>> No.8523377

if you go full armor mode don't worry too much about being jacked, just make sure the armor looks nice and the sword is massive

>> No.8523379

I was thinking about doing his Hawks get up which shows some biceps. I can't imagine doing the Berserker armor, I'd definitely fuck it up. Now that I think about it, post Eclipse would be really hard to pull off.

>> No.8523381

You could just keep them as sleeves (I imagine having hand wings would be a little odd to maneuver around) and make the tail all bird like - feathers and shit, the whole 9 yards.

>> No.8523386

pre hawks Guts wold be the best then, the sword is not to hard to make and the costume is rather simple. go for it

>> No.8523388


>> No.8523555
File: 221 KB, 1340x630, memoca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do either. Neither seems like a "wrong" way. However, I rarely see literal wings (only this cosplay) as majority just use fabric over feathers.
>pic related

>> No.8523898

No it's a jacket, those figures joints are just a little wierd.

>> No.8524351

The photos should be good enough to judge construction. If there are no close ups and/or the pictures are photoshopped at all (other than color balance) I would be wary. Google their ship name and see if any warnings come up. You can try asking if they are able to give you past client references, though as a commissioner I generally try not to actively annoy past clients like that, and it's not like that's hard to fake if someone's a scammer. PayPal probably buys you the most protection.

>> No.8524853
File: 116 KB, 184x271, Bajanna-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this dress style called - its not a sheath dress since I looked that up. I'm not sure how to make the base since I don't know what it is.

>> No.8524866

I might have to ask this again if this thread sages. I've already googled this and gotten mixed answers.

So is Anna House actually good for plus size? I want to buy some blouses from them but I've read where a few people say they mess up custom plus size orders. But then pretty much every guide for plus size has Anna House near the tops. I also can't find very many reviews for people who've actually gotten custom plus size orders from them. Then there's a few people who say there's an extra plus size fee on top of the custom fee. And yet no one ever says how much that is and it's not on the site.

Sorry if I sound dumb. I hope this is the right thread to ask this in. As I said before, I've already researched this and I'm not satisfied with what little I've found.

>> No.8525470

Someone make a new thread, this one will get bumped off because some dumbass is spamming

>> No.8525556
File: 194 KB, 417x469, Wonder Red 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good way to do Red's Mask? (including the earpiece)
Also if anyone has any tips on making morphsuit patterns?

>> No.8525878

I'm working on a peach cosplay too! Personally I'm going for a softer blonde just because it looks a lot nicer. I'm looking at these two wigs, though I haven't settled on one yet.

What is it you're stuck on? Patterns for the dress? Fabric choices?

>> No.8526437
File: 198 KB, 695x1057, opal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I apply the yellow sections of Opal's outfit? I'm thinking of making the bodice a separate piece, and making the yellow part the hem. Are there any good tutorials on how to do this?

>> No.8526820
File: 71 KB, 479x500, gore armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is where I shoud ask.
I want to know if you guys know about good armor tutorials? Me and my friends know nothing about making armors, but we want to cosplay as characters from monster hunter and would love to do it with quality.
Pic related, is the armor I want to make

>> No.8526878
File: 50 KB, 579x666, ErronBlack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys use for convincing scar tissue? I want to go as Erron Black from MKX, and I don't want it to be cheap rub-off.