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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8492799 No.8492799 [Reply] [Original]

Last one died

OC cosplays when ed

>> No.8492873
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>> No.8492893


>> No.8493177
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I really like her wig (unless that's not a wig and just her hair)

>> No.8493188
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>> No.8493198

The hair is lifting a little at the hairline, so probably a wig. She needs to add some more volume imo but it's a good color.

>> No.8493202
File: 110 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nrq5jlut811tkmwdoo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for pointing that out, and yeah the wig does need more volume, but the wig as itself i would like to have it in my possession.

>> No.8493211

Steven Pooniverse

>> No.8493212

that is the best peridorito wig ive seen yet.

>> No.8493215

I like this Peridot the best so far. Good job.

>> No.8493237
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>> No.8493249

Yeah i really liked them, i just wish they added more definition/contour/highlights to their paint.

>> No.8493322
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>> No.8493399

So many Lapises, yet nobody can style a good wig or make dress that doesn't pucker like hell. Anyone have any above average ones? I remember seeing one or two that were pretty good, but none stick out in my mind.

>> No.8493402

Hey this is looking good. Is this the anon who came in here last thread to ask for advice about her wig?

>> No.8494233

I tried putting more makeup on when I wore it on Sunday but found that the eye makeup in particular came off very easily despite my best attempts to seal it. It got pretty sweaty under that visor. I used Ben nye creme and sealed it with transparent powder and Ben nye final seal. I'll be wearing Peridot again about a month from now and would love to hear suggestions for what I could change in that time or how I can seal my makeup better

>> No.8494318
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>> No.8494333
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>> No.8494335


so much leg hair

>> No.8494337
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What do you recommend?

>> No.8494353
File: 495 KB, 2048x1536, 11059708_10155759959445181_6349193482346959846_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw her at Anime Midwest, her costumes a pretty above average one, fabric give a kinda water effect to me

>> No.8494356

aw i met her at acen! shes a real sweetheart and her costume looks impressive irl

>> No.8494368

It looks pretty well made, so points there. bodypaint also looks well done too, I'm sick of seeing blotchy bodypaint on Lapis cosplayers

>> No.8494374

yeah! though i always wonder how she keeps her tights from running/getting dirty on the bottom, since it doesnt seem like she wears shoes

>> No.8494397

I'm hoping she added some kind of pads on the bottom.

I finally found a basic red t-shirt in store for my son's Steven cosplay. You think it wouldn't be that hard to find a basic red t-shirt to fit a baby/toddler without ordering on online, but I finally did.

I'm planning out Rose and trying to figure out how I want to do the cutout. I'm thinking of sewing some fabric, probably the lycra/spandex like they use for ice skating outfits behind the cutout, and then attaching the gem to that.

>> No.8494400
File: 968 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_nnr296359R1r5sfkb_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GMing a Steven Universe themed RPG with my friend group
>We've all watched SU so our character's aren't stupid af but none of us have art skills so we just have descriptions, no illustrations
>also, these characters are for game use only, I don't want this turning into some weird fanfiction bullshit.
>one friend suggests we all cosplay our characters and make videos
>lol no

I laid the idea to rest gently because I'm the only cosplayer in the group so they didn't realize what a cringeworthy idea it was.

>> No.8494405

this is the first quadruple eye i like

>> No.8494415

am I being trolled? awful fabric is awful.

>> No.8494472


am i missing something here? I mean, her body color looks great but it's kind of negated by that offensively awful dress.

>> No.8494474

as I said, it's probably supposed to look like water, since, you know, she's basically representative of that

>> No.8494477

awful in what way? fabric or construction? I'm not saying it's the best but from what i've seen so far, it's pretty much my favourite at this point in time

>> No.8494483


>> No.8494502

>Steven Universe RPG
That sounds really fun. I would kill to have a group to do that with.

>> No.8494522

I feel you. That organza just looks absolutely terrible and shiny and her top isn't patterned correctly. It's like she just gave up on the straps and said "fuck it lol lets just sew on more organza and tie it around my neck". There isn't any continuation onto it either. She's definitely one of the better ones in terms of body paint, but this is one of the worst costumes I've seen.

>> No.8494540

isn't it tied around her neck anyway?

>> No.8494552

It is, but it should be a continuation of the top itself. The way she did it is really lazy and it looks sloppy too.

>> No.8494562

her cutouts are wonky but she's really cute

>> No.8494581

Requesting some Pearl cosplays? Sorry for the newfag question, I'm just now starting to get into SU.

>> No.8494657
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dat leg hair

>> No.8494686

Different anon, but shiny, cheap organza always bothers the heck out of me so I see where they're coming from. I'm guessing she was going for a watery look, but she'd have gotten a much better effect with nicer fabric.

>> No.8494715

Could they not just buy a fucking mop? seriously IS IT THAT HARD TO BUY A MOP? WHY MAKE IT?

>> No.8494739

probably because she seems to have a long face, she has room to put the eyes on there without it looking weird.

>> No.8494745

Do you think I'd look dumb if I cosplayed Sadie despite not being chubby? I'm about 5'2" 100-105 lbs. I like the show but have sensitive skin that's much too pale to do Connie. I figure if I stuff my bra and get a shirt that isn't tight around the waist it might look okay because I'm short, but I'm not too sure..

>> No.8494750

you could pull it off! maybe try hip and chest padding to give a larger silhouette, along with a baggy shirt. maybe you could even contour your face to seem rounder/chubbier?

>> No.8494783
File: 76 KB, 2077x2458, tumblr_static_8lsk2wymecwsgk8go08kc0gg8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everybody! In a previous thread I asked people about their opinion on materials to use for my Peridot 'armor' and I was wondering if anyone had any firsthand experience painting the yoga mat/eva foam material, and had any tips or suggestions? I plan on airbrushing it to give it an even coat (that way I can mix my own colors) but I worry about paint chipping off. Is there a specific type of sealant to use?
Sorry in advance for all the questions, this is my first time working with this type of material.

>> No.8494823

does anyone else have a pet peeve of people painting their gems on? ive seen it done with pearl a lot and they always look so flat, even with shading. it isnt that hard to buy a cabochon or make one yourself

>> No.8494846

i really like this lapis but i wish the proportions were better. the skirt needs to be a lot higher on her waist and longer overall

>> No.8494999
File: 240 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fb397c38d56032a383a34b952c95670c0%2Ftumblr_nrqystopxD1qjyq9xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. here is more of her cosplay.

>> No.8495008

Why did she do that to her poor Peridot shoes?

>> No.8495009

its a wip anon
im sure shes not done

>> No.8495144

It really seems to be a sticking point with several cosplayers that human faces are damp and visors are hard. Peridot's design is already very simple so I don't know where you could slip some vents in or something.

>> No.8495147
File: 122 KB, 539x810, tumblr_nrtmyy0SCC1r16mllo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone even guess what this is meant to be?

>> No.8495163

The star outline made me think either rose, Steven, or rainbow quartz. But it's not even the right shape. Maybe somebody's fan design for a fusion?

>> No.8495164

oh nooooo

>> No.8495203

It's honestly meant to be Rose's gem. I'm pretty sure it's made of tinfoil, Sharpie and hot glue.

>> No.8495207


>> No.8495226

I'm confused like, what's with all the weird cube shapes?

>> No.8495241

I'm willing to bet that it's meant to be gem cleavage. You know? The flat planes that most cut gemstones have. It's just that the crafter in question is just really really lazy

>> No.8495250
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>> No.8495253
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>> No.8495255
File: 81 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nrstvt8KwY1rrk0lqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Bowie is my favourite gem.

>> No.8495256
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>> No.8495259
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>> No.8495267
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They all somehow managed to fuck up what could be the easiest cosplay in the entire series.

>> No.8495271
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>> No.8495272

I would like this if the skirt was fuller. What's with people and not getting proportions? everything is always far too huge or far too small.

>> No.8495274
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>> No.8495275
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And that's it for now. I'm done tag diving.

>> No.8495280

jesus christ

>> No.8495284

You gotta get swole to be able to stay swole.

>> No.8495294

I have a question; if I were to cosplay Rose Quartz, is it generally accepted that her skin tone is do-able with White Skin, or do you think I should go a step ahead and invest in a pale pink bodypaint?
I'm not starting the cosplay for a while, but I'll need time to practice the paint as well as contouring so, opinions?

>> No.8495306

Skip body paint completely and just do nice face makeup. Rose is basically Caucasian toned.
Body paint should only be done if absolutely needed. Coming from someone who's done a lot of it, it sucks dick. Especially if you're going to be wearing white. It'll fuck up pale clothes' armpits and neckline irreparably.

>> No.8495332

This is probably the only RQ I don't mind. The eyes look good and thats because she has a long face like the character, so it all lines up well enough. The eyes are also nicely done and not freakish like how everyone else is going them.The wig needs more volume. I am excited to see the rest of this.

VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOUR PERIDOT! What you did with the fingers was such a good idea and everything looks so clean and nice. Possibly outline your eyes a little darker, however, to make them pop behind the visor. She may not wear makeup, but outlining them in a darker green or some light black liner will make them appear more visible in photos.

>> No.8495334

I think you are being trolled. This doesn't look good. The paint it shotty. The wig is awful.

>> No.8495348


well, these are mine. still a work in progress monster. I was a bit scared it might get posted

>> No.8495512

>Still tomato red
>Jet black wig

New pet peeve activated

>> No.8495526
File: 24 KB, 875x685, tumblr_nmk90wmGAp1uqea4io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone mind explaining the dark purple shoulder.... Collar thing? I'm not sure how to interpret it.

>> No.8495535

I love munchkin amethyst

>> No.8495538

TBH it just looks like an extra large peter pan collar that isn't attached to anything. Kind of like a cross between a large collar and a small shrug?

>> No.8495569

Is that just a towel on a stick?

>> No.8495575
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Always thought it was something like this

>> No.8495582
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Can you hear me out there, Bowie?

>> No.8495628

Would you call that something other than a peter pan collar? (the rounded, not-pointed version) Genuine question, I thought that was the proper name.

>> No.8495747

How does one get the poofiness of this wig?

>> No.8495765

Do not just paint the foam itself, it will absorb the color if you mean to use an airbrush or spraypaint in all likelihood. You need to put a coat of something on the foam itself before painting; I recently made armor made of yoga mats, plastidip before paint, and mod podge as the final coat of sealant once the paint was on. The plastidip also has some give, so it won't chip due to the rubber quality of it. Good luck!

>> No.8495799

At a guess, you combine many wigs and tease them.

>> No.8495801

It's a Peter pan collar

>> No.8495848

on the bright side, that cutout looks great

>> No.8495880
File: 117 KB, 1007x720, Screenshot_2015-07-21-10-33-45~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does EVERYBODY do the layers straight across?

>> No.8495902
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2015-06-19-01h40m04s137-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in some of the flashback episodes (story for steven, we need to talk) her dress doesnt seem to have a train and the layers are more straight. maybe she added a train when she and greg got married to symbolize a wedding dress or when she got pregnant?

>> No.8495904
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another picture for reference

>> No.8496011
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I fucking love this song and I fucking love you too, anon. I just wanted to let you know that I totally get the joke and I think you're a pretty cool customer.

>> No.8496062

Different anon but...I have to link this because I think it's the best version of that song. Sage for extremely groovitational OT.


>> No.8496063
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>> No.8496100

because layers like that don't translate well into real life, it would look like someone sewed it askew

>> No.8496112


Some part of me kind of loves how they did the Ruby hair. The other part of me hates it.

>> No.8496149
File: 61 KB, 500x744, Ralph and Russo Haute Couture Fall 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want some masochist to try it like this

>> No.8496158

I have to be the one to tell you, anon, but that's felt.....

>> No.8496162

*hate, what is typing

>> No.8496186

No it looks terrible like that

>> No.8496198

Unfortunately that will probably never happen because, everyone that cosplays rose is a potato.

>I want to be swallowed into those layers.
>That entire runway show was magical.

>> No.8496206





>> No.8496234
File: 651 KB, 1278x702, 1436912540438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this posted? i forget


gif is too big to add

>> No.8496239

wait, it was. she says how she made it
>it's a wedding dress

>> No.8496248
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>> No.8496252
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>> No.8496258
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>> No.8496276
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Shield Anon back. Test piece here. Trying to create more variation in the vine colors

>> No.8496287

that sapphire is really nice, she should get a better wig though, or at least brush her own.

>> No.8496300

i hope she fixes those marks on the arms (what looks like bite marks maybe and a paint drip?) but i doubt it since theyre already painted green /; also that hacked leg edge...

>> No.8496305

this series is so fucking shameful

>> No.8496308

Looks like a good start. Think you would be able to make Peridot's interface thing?

>> No.8496311


How dare you mock the lesbian agenda

>> No.8496318

because that's how you curve foam the way you want it, dumbass

>> No.8496327

It's still really nice looking, even if it's an altered wedding dress. I wish that her layers were lighter and more pastel, and her cut-out was, well, an actual cutout. Still, I really like this. She's got a good physique for Rose and her wig is big and full.

I'm excited to see where this goes. I like that she went with a closed-eyes thing instead of awkwardly painted on ones like the other Rainbow Quartzs do!

>> No.8496410

are you implying jamie shaves

>> No.8496456
File: 24 KB, 280x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I think you're pretty far out there too.

>> No.8496516

Maybe it's higher in the front because of the preggerbelly she has going on? In these pictures >>8495902 >>8495904 she has more of a flat belly

>> No.8496706

I have a theory that Rose actually reformed some time between the events of We Need To Talk and Lion 3, that would explain the subtle design differences in her hair and gown

>> No.8496744

Looks promising so far! Be sure to update us on the complete version when its done

>> No.8496789
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 11694061_791887090932219_5417150047217108822_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly off topic, but I've got to laugh at the post the otakon photoshoot coordinator just made in the facebook group, hawking her photography services to anyone attending the shoot. For only $5, an image like pic related could be yours.

>> No.8497129
File: 340 KB, 640x480, wings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self post in progress. kind of bummed about how badly these photograph - probably need to tint the plastic somehow.

>> No.8497135

I kinda like them that way but without color a lot of people will run into them at cons.

>> No.8497137

woah, those look so cool so far!! what did you make them with? also, try stained glass paint- you can get it at most craft stores! i got some to paint my peridot visor with.

>> No.8497149

Wow, that's amazing! Background and lighting will effect how the photograph immensely but some color will help a lot too.

>> No.8497154


They're PETG.


Yeah, good point, definitely going to try tinting


Thank you!

>> No.8497292
File: 101 KB, 700x700, 1436360461115-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphite, /sug/ is kill, I'm going to need you to be posting your updates in this thread since I always forget to bookmark your tumblr.

I went to make a Hand-holding Peridot thing for you but then realised that I would need an extra hand to take the picture with or somehow set it on timer and hold it in my mouth, then I remembered how you once drew That-which-should-not-be-drawn. So I didn't bother but now we'll call it even steven.

Love your stuff, do you have a good Robonoid yet or are you still figuring them out?

>> No.8497296

I'd recommend some glass paint or at least a light coating of a tint. Enough to make them a tad more visible and show up better in photos. They have a really nice shape to them.

>> No.8497304

tbh people will run into them anyways. be careful lapis. you may need to hold your hands out in front of your wings while walking around so that people will realize something is there. People dont move out of the way even when there is something pretty obvious

>> No.8497320

If anyone wants to feel some despair:

These look lovely

>> No.8497395
File: 79 KB, 409x810, tumblr_nrvfyivk4e1r16mllo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, well they installed the gem. At least the dress looks okay? It desperately needs a petticoat though.

>> No.8497398

That's just sad looking.

Also question on making Rose's dress. I haven't made a dress with multiple layers/tiers on it. How would I go about constructing the layers. Like maybe have the top layer attached to the bodice, and the bottom three attached to a kind of lining skirt on the inside?

Also on the bodice I'm thinking some nice boning and a heavy interfacing on The star cutout to help keep it's shape. I also have some horsehair braid laying around I could try on hem of each skirt layer to keep them looking a bit less flat.

>> No.8497411

Those were all pretty adequate. I can find something nice to say about almost every single one of these.

My favorites are the Blue-Lapis and the Greg & Steven Universe dad and son, really sweet.

Biggest gripe is that people need to learn how to pose for a photograph and smile photogenically. If you're wearing cosplay at a convention, people will take pictures of you, so you should at least be ready to pose slightly. Looking at you Lapis-near-the-bottom.

>> No.8497419

the last pearl at the end is adorable! it gives kind of a baby's first cosplay vibe but in a good way.
otherwise this is depressing, it really is the next homestuck. jesus.

>> No.8497422

I like the dad and son dressed as Greg and Steven too. I also like the kid Pearl. Cute kid.

>> No.8497430

We've been having SU threads for weeks now, come on, anon.

>> No.8497446
File: 632 KB, 2322x4128, 3bqVdlA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for posterity.

>> No.8497452
File: 683 KB, 2322x4128, XdTmkAq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first cosplay

The rest of the album also has somewhat of a 'babby's first' feel about it -from the unreserved joy of the cosplayers (remember how happy you were to finish your first cosplay?)- but not quite as charming.

>> No.8497456
File: 371 KB, 245x245, tumblr_static_2esh8te017gg0wk0w0c0kok0s[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw realising that the Steven's shield is a paper printout pasted over a Captain America shield
>parents and their unending resourcefulness

>> No.8497461
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Used some glass paint we had around to do a test piece, will probably do this to the rest of the wings

>> No.8497463

Funny how it still manages to be better than a lot of the ones I've seen so far

>> No.8497465

Both of these are so cute

>> No.8497469

(minus the splatter obviously)

>> No.8497473

Hey it worked. Also it means it already had the handles in it to make it easier for the kid to carry.

I'll take that over all the painted umbrellas.

>> No.8497475

Look up bridal dress construction. Typically you would make a corset that is attached out of taffeta or organza that closes with hook and eyes and the bodice with a zipper. You could attach your layers to that corset it would be sturdy enough if you do taffeta. Then the bodice Rose's dress doesn't have a waist seam so it will have to either have fish eye darts/waist contour darts or it could be princess seamed. As for the skirt shape I would either make a petticoat or hoop skirt to determine the fullness and drape the layers. My guess without draping it myself that they will be circles. As for the cutout I'm partial to reverse appliqué.

>> No.8497482

Ugh, thin people cosplaying Rose.

>> No.8497484

oh no the horror im so triggered

>> No.8497492

cue the shitlord.

>> No.8497494

So, I just fell in love with this series and want to do a steven cosplay, problem is that I'm a giant burly man with a dark beard, so I wanted to do an "adult steven" cosplay, or possibly Mr. Universe cosplay.

IF i were to do the adult Steven, what weapon would he use besides the shield? do you think he'd wear the same T-shirt and Jean-shorts or a Full pair of jeans?


>> No.8497496

I'm talking to a friend with a higher seamstress level then I for ideas too. I was thinking doing a sweetheart neckline with princess seams.

I have a bridal petticoat so I don't have to worry about making one, though depending on fullness I could add a petticoat layer on top, or even a small hoopskirt.

>> No.8497504

Watch the episode, so many birthdays. If you want canon you can do the professional beach hunk version.

>> No.8497508

shield is badass, you dont need anyting else

>> No.8497513
File: 55 KB, 400x655, MANLY FINN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have but the costume is so meh, I wanted to do an adult fun version of the costume, pic related, like a universe (heh) where he learns how to fight

>> No.8497521

I have my bachelors in fashion so my way of articulating patterning is complex sorry it's hard for me to break from that. The big problem I see with most Rose dresses is that they want to ruffle the skirt instead of making it tiered circles. Draping that will help control the volume and it will give it a controlled conical silhouette.

>> No.8497541

It makes sense. If I did circle skirts I could get the nice petal shape each layer has.

Most of The skirts I've done have been rectangle skirts with either pleating or gathering at the waistline. But with the dress having no pattern on the fabric, I can probably buy a large bolt of a fabric and dye the individual layers(I'm thinking of trying out the new Rit dye for synthetic fabric) I'd have to test a swatch first though.

>> No.8497547
File: 156 KB, 720x1009, Screenshot_2015-07-21-22-14-23~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit I'm partial to the fan designs that give him the ringlets like his mother's hair. Weapons, you've got the shield, the sword, you can also take into account the plant abilities and maybe look into some type of rose vines. But you still need to make it recognizably Steven.

>> No.8497619


How do you plan on attaching them to your back with out nasty straps?

>> No.8497737

not that anon, but if i learned anything from unfortunately being involved in the homestuck cosplay scene until early 2013 it's that you seal your fucking body paint to hell and back, and that there's a shit ton of ways to hide harnesses under your top for wings and the like. I'd like to think that the anon is thinking something along the lines of that, at least, because it's certainly possible.

>> No.8497795

No way around the straps showing as far as I can figure out unfortunately, since Lapis's top is backless. Right now I'm planning on hiding them by putting extra water-ish pieces on top.

>> No.8498020
File: 255 KB, 1194x1588, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sug/ is kill? When'd that happen?

>> No.8498035
File: 130 KB, 319x244, 1437202652116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was alive last night, guessing it happened earlier today

>> No.8498039

Where will we shitpost now, where do we go?

>> No.8498222
File: 171 KB, 599x1488, 1437518076443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got the Haitus-axe last night.
Final picture was Peridot from FriendShip sticking her tongue out.
There was a semi-unbroken WE cycle.
It was a fitting end until episodes start up again.

Personally I'm going to slum it over at /sueg/ on Hotwheels-Chan. The place is shit but there are some diamonds in those turds like Pain's Universe.

In all honesty, Overly-Manly Finn works for the context of Adventure time, it won't reeaaally work so well for Steven Universe. One thing to go for Beach-Hunk Steven but trying some overly-manly bearded Steven isn't going to be memorable interesting or funny, you'd be better off going for Overly-manly bearded Pearl.

>> No.8498257 [DELETED] 

Did Supas ever get his mod? Please tell me he didn't, that would be the funniest shit.

>> No.8498283

Guys it sucks that /co/ gave you the boot, but keep your posts related to cosplay please. The mod has and will purge threads that steer too off-topic into the realm of /co/ stuff.

>> No.8498289
File: 140 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man. So what do you guys think about Jack Black getting into cosplay?

>> No.8498298
File: 316 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nro15mEe3E1tewrl1o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this Ruby, her proportions are great and her hair is actually dark red. The Sapphire not so much.

Aww man. Where else can I post constantly about Jasper?

>> No.8498329

Fuck, I laughed

Dang, it's a shame she didn't bother to paint herself. Other than that, her colors look way better than most.

>> No.8498339
File: 516 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nrrk7kyA311u5vjzko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's mediocre body paint and then there's whatever this is.

>> No.8498351

>all that hot glue
sweet jesus lord almighty i did not need to see that today

>> No.8498352

I think it's a rash.

>> No.8498412
File: 244 KB, 800x615, tumblr_nm9keqs3vI1r8lurwo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8498461
File: 209 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nrwbh4vvdd1rr9e97o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A WIP popped up in the tags. Looks like it holds promise.

>> No.8498498

if promise looks like broadcloth.

>> No.8498511

The top layer looks nicer but jeeze yeah, too bad about the bottom. Still looks nice though.

>> No.8498764

I like the shape but terrible material choice.

>> No.8498765

Thats the problem though, I have nobody to cosplay in this show besides Greg universe, and its not that fun Unless i can find the cherry sweater

>> No.8498779
File: 196 KB, 250x391, CherrymanGreg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Get vector of cherry art from anon
2) Go to Artcow and order it as an all over sweater print (about $37)
3) Profit

I can probably help you out with this one actually. I've been planning to make an artcow store for cosplay apparel and the cherry sweater is a good start. The art's easy I can do it by the end of today.

>> No.8498848

i'd imagine it being tough to get the scale right

>> No.8498859

>Shave your beard and crossplay
>Shave your beard and cosplay Ronaldo or one of the other guys
>Shave your beard and cosplay older canon Steven
>Cosplay Greg
>Say fuck it and cosplay fanart!Steven, but don't get mad if people don't recognize you.

You're going to have a problem cosplaying from ANY show with only a dozen characters if you won't shave your beard. It's like someone who won't wear a wig who has more limited options. This isn't really a unique situation.

>> No.8498893

I've never seen a take on Ruby's shirt like that (as a cutout-sides . I like it. She's very well put-together (and I am super envious of her booty).

Naw, I definitely meant it in a positive way about how resourceful it was. I hadn't even noticed that it was pasted on until I uploaded the photo and fullsized it to check.

>> No.8499507
File: 1.08 MB, 357x249, tumblr_nrvwvwHJ931sshlz8o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8499562

Yeah. I think it's a good idea. Especially if they're not really experienced in prop making at all.

>> No.8499592


>> No.8499611


>> No.8499617
File: 29 KB, 400x432, gregs-cherry-sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ArtCow is amazing you can customize literally any part of a shirt.

Trying to pick either a screen accurate color or something a little brighter

>> No.8499626
File: 435 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nrw3xiR8BI1sshlz8o3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiserinn@tumblr. Her page says she's 16. I'm so salty, but at the same time, good job on the cosplay, child.

>> No.8499632

Wow that's pretty solid all around. Des she credit anyone for help because a 16 year old can't make that wig, bow or arms without help.

>> No.8499646

why not? age doesnt define handwork or talent. they're were 9 year olds in a prop making class with me (I was 12) that had more talent in their left finger than some of the best easy sellers I've seen

>> No.8499695

I'm sorry but that's mediocre at best..
The bodice needs to be more fitted and ironed badly. Talk about bad fabric choice though, yuck

>> No.8499706

maybe you can't, but I know plenty of people who could

>> No.8499714

dang, that Ruby is amazing.

>> No.8499725
File: 117 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mijfjpbvwT1qlijqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This chick has been doing this stuff since she was a teen. She made this when she was sixteen. It's possible.

>> No.8499729

I kind of agree with you anon, but at the same time I'm just relieved that someone young can do a challenging cosplay and not look like shit either way.

>> No.8499732

Her tumblr says 18.
Tbh that makes a lot more sense. Many get into costuming young and usually by 18/20 they have a pretty solid foundation if they've done it for awhile. Especially if they have access to funds and materials.

>> No.8499737

It looks so great in the thumbnail then doesn't really deliver.
So many people mess up Rose's dress by trying to make it ruffled or flowy, but they resisted that temptation well.

>> No.8499740

It says 18 but I went back in her archives to 2013 and got this picture from there.

>> No.8499745
File: 300 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_ni19jnI7Qf1tubooro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her accessory making has been on point for a couple of years now.

>> No.8499754

>because a 16 year old can't make that wig, bow or arms without help.
Clearly you weren't originally from the homestuck fandom, because one of the more skilled BNFs was a 14 year old. Some people start cosplaying early.

>> No.8499765

>spoiled girl with rich parents has a hobby and is good at it

Color me shocked. She has all the availability to do what she loves. Is it a surprise to anyone when it happens?

>> No.8499772

The point is that she's good at it. You being salty as fuck doesn't change that.

>> No.8499778

I didn't say she wasn't good at it? Stop being salty that someone is pointing out her advantages. What do you care?

>> No.8499785
File: 359 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nr12msv6nY1tilb4io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay is one of those things where often to produce really spectacular things you need both money and time. Which sucks but it's true of many hobbies.

Pic unrelated but let's try and get beyond the salt dunes back to the actual topic?

>> No.8499790

>Cosplay is one of those things where often to produce really spectacular things you need both money and time.

Pretty much this.
>still in high school and parents stingy as fuck
>"hobbies are a waste of time"
>not allowed fabric outside of Wal Mart
>internet sources weren't good at the time

>get min wage job
>college sucks up all my funds
>craft cosplay only with spare time and money
>it just sucks because it's rushed and materials are shit

>finally have free time
>better job
>better learning resources
>access to more fabrics
>better cosplay

>> No.8499798

Does anyone have any feelings on zentai vs arm stockings vs body paint for gems?
Paint is most peoples go to option but it gets everywhere.

>> No.8499799

Do arm stockings for conventions and body paint for photoshoots. It's the only way.

>> No.8499802
File: 42 KB, 874x913, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the perfect character for you to cosplay.

>> No.8499846


PAX is god tier for paint. Solid and consistent and won't rub off for anything. Looks more like skin than armsocks. It's just a pain in the ass to apply and pros aid is expensive.

>> No.8499847

Oh stop being butthurt anon, sheesh.

>> No.8499856

The longer you wear PAX, the more wrinkly it gets though. It looks kinda gross on arms after awhile because of all the joints and folds. Definitely never do it on the face!

>> No.8499864

Body stocking/zentai suit should be worn at con since they're high traffic areas and you risk rubbing off on people. Full paint for photo shoots since you don't risk getting it on other people.

Personally I'd rather see somebody do no paint at all if you can't get a sentai suit in time for con then risk wearing shitty paint.

>> No.8499908

those zentai suits always look so strange and shiny though

>> No.8499927

the problem is that no one knows how to make scalopped edges the right way and try making rolled hems that look like total shit

>> No.8499980

Always arm stockings above zentai suits, unless the character has an exposed midriff/chest area that won't cover well with arm stockings. Unless they're custom-made from nonshiny material, zentai suits always give off a "sporting event" feel

>> No.8500029
File: 72 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8500094

What fabric would you recommend for Rose? I really don't want anything too shiny.

>> No.8500143

Matte bridal satin or a thick polyester

>> No.8500175
File: 508 KB, 1058x1882, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8500196

I'm using a bridal charmeuse, I might use the non shiny side if it's too shiny on the right side, and chiffon for the scallops so it flows better

>> No.8500214

the fabric was a good IDEA
but it looks like shit and the wig is ??
but idk if its just me but alot of her body paint looks photoshoped besides her tights ??

>> No.8500221
File: 525 KB, 1280x1853, tumblr_nr7z6wIrbX1syu07to1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makeup and wig adornments are OTT, but I kind of like them! They add a shoujo feel to her face.

>> No.8500227

So much shoop

>> No.8500228
File: 124 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nqzp9ywoOF1qe4fcso3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8500231
File: 819 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nq5havGNH61rnurm0o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww dang, I just saw the shoop on the tip of the cheek bang closest to the camera. Not sure if it's shopped anywhere else?

>> No.8500234
File: 89 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nq5jlk062Q1u4t574o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8500236

did she draw those little side bangs on?

>> No.8500238
File: 463 KB, 500x593, tumblr_nrfrz6CloH1r81ow8o1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8500240

The hairline, all the swooshy bang bits, the shoulder blush, the whole top was originally white not blue and the star is also 'shopped on.

>> No.8500244

Nice mass.

>> No.8500250

is that the cluster

>> No.8500255
File: 297 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_nrrrrk1dFd1twyanao1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess she did

>> No.8500284

>everything is a lie
Man, I'd thought that the star was just a smudged painting job and am just now noticing the rest of the swoopy hair bits. I hope this is just her shooping herself as a reminder of what to add/fix, and she actually improves her cosplay to match the picture.

>> No.8500293

Yeah, it certainly proves that the shojo make-up can look good. They just need to do all the other bits now.

>> No.8500295

half of her wig is photoshop.... poorly done photoshop at that. also her makeup is fucking awful.

>> No.8500301

Why do so few Rose cosplayers make the star on her dress an actual cut-out? At they just that lazy? Scared that their flab will hang out? A flesh-colored patch in the middle of a gown is so fucking ugly, how can they not see that?

>> No.8500303

anon, you are so delightfully flat chested
>sorry for being pettanko loving trash

>> No.8500310
File: 243 KB, 1280x1853, 1437622031711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is everything shooped I can see with my inexpert eyes. The blue circles are where the color from the shooping hangs over/under where it was meant to go.

>> No.8500314

That's my friend's hand

>> No.8500316

They need to do their dishes.

>> No.8500350

because since the star shape is kinda hard to maintain in that area. the edges can get all floppy and not hold shape so they stick a fabric star on. honestly if people actually learn how to applique and pick a fabric that actually matches their skin and looks nice it could look alright.

>> No.8500414

looks amazing compared to most garnet cosplayers.
not really liking though shoulders though. whats with the pointyness to them?

>> No.8500420
File: 71 KB, 960x960, ugly woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person never, ever buys shorts or bottoms that fit her and basically calls it cosplay to cover her ass for not being able to zip/button the bottoms up. Just because almost fits your legholes doesn't mean you should still buy it and wear it.

This is going to be such a shitty Rose.

>> No.8500421

He's doing her current model, which has slightly more oval/pointy shoulders. Do agree that they could have been shaped better though.

>> No.8500445

I can do most of those things, but the final one seems the most fun, with a secondary cosplay of greg.

and fuck being ronaldo

>> No.8500464

I'd still fuck her

>> No.8500518

I think if people invest in a bit of nude mesh or lycra(like the kind ice skaters use in their costumes) and reverse applique the star, it could look really nice. Would also probably be nicer to have the gem attached to the dress rather then having to spirit gum to skin.

>> No.8500532

I'm getting a yeast infection just looking at this.

>> No.8500543
File: 56 KB, 490x288, 544648546548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations for the ideal way to style a Lapis wig? Seems like you guys never like the way they are styled. I always thought the way most Lapis' did it with back flipped up looked just fine.

>> No.8500699
File: 193 KB, 683x1024, 13597147085_92efcb60f4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a bad idea, anon.

>> No.8500722

I've been wondering why no one has done this

>> No.8500735

I wonder too. Because most of the time they sew the star on top. They do the easy way, when doing the star cut out would be a lot easier with the nude lycra behind it so you don't have to worry about the star losing it's shape. Especially if you have The nude lycra because you could have a proper dress lining or even interfacing to give it support.

>> No.8500736

There's been at least one Rose Quartz I've seen who's actually reverse-appliqued the star (but I can't remember her page now). I'm surprised it isn't more common, for all the people who have appliqued the star on top of the stomach!

>> No.8500744

Can someone post a tutorial about what you are talking about? Im confused about this lycra applique stuff.

>> No.8500752
File: 347 KB, 1024x573, 6005349080_c5bc218a4a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google reverse applique. Normally when you have an object sewn on top, that's an applique. A reverse applique is basically a hole in the fabric with the object underneath.

Reverse applique on Rose's dress is a star shaped hole sewn into the dress, with nude colored fabric sewn underneath to look like skin. Most people just sew a flesh toned star on top.

>> No.8500759
File: 83 KB, 720x1032, Screenshot_2015-07-23-02-11-43~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the lycra/mesh stuff I'm talking about is the fabric they use on ice skating costumes to look like skin. So the costumes look strapless but aren't.

>> No.8501062
File: 951 KB, 1280x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did Weeman start cosplaying?

>> No.8501068
File: 1.99 MB, 480x360, yardsard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was she worth the wait?

>> No.8501081

Motherfucker looks like Buddy from Incredibles with those teeth.

>> No.8501090

Actually, no. Buddy's costume actually looked good.

>> No.8501114


That Sadie is precious.

>> No.8501335

wait im so lost. is >>8501068 supposed to be a character from su??

>> No.8501368

from the text and the image title i'm guessing it's a sardonyx attempt?

>> No.8501519

Most people don't flip them - they just buy an Unstyled bob wig that is too short. If you keep the ear pieces long and flip the back it should be fine.

>> No.8501637
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>> No.8501642
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>> No.8501644
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>> No.8501647
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>> No.8501650
File: 66 KB, 540x405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three frybos

>> No.8501653
File: 394 KB, 956x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her shield is a purse

>> No.8501654
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>> No.8501655
File: 21 KB, 250x188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8501657

Other than the mediocre makeup/bad lighting, I like this. Dress construction isn't amazing of anything but it has charm

>> No.8501658
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>> No.8501660
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>> No.8501672
File: 81 KB, 500x509, tumblr_static_1f6rykyad4kkw4k4kkwcg00sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get bothered when I see Sapphire's with floppy bubble sleeves.

>> No.8501678

thats a man

>> No.8501680

purse shields would actually be really cute and probably sell tons if any mech person wants to pick that up

>> No.8501684

I mean, is it that hard to lightly stuff them or something? To give them a little shape? All of the ones I see are floppy and sad.

>> No.8501712

lmfao you're the salty one around here

>> No.8501757
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nrt96ip8GA1qj8sx1o3_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8501758

>still this salty a day later
ayyy lmao

>> No.8501783


>> No.8501878


You have an argument there.

Most teens don't have a seamstress mother with all the accoutrements she needs to do a good job.

It's akin to a kid being good at painting when their parent is also a painter. Yes you need built in talent. But it helps that daddy has proper canvas prep, nice brushes, good paint, and is there to teach techniques.

I applaud her talents but I'm not gonna pretend it's miraculous or amazing.


>> No.8502160

you're one of the cowbutt dykes aren't you

>> No.8502175

are you the anon who is going to add LED lights?

>> No.8502316
File: 37 KB, 635x960, FB_IMG_1437700016979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8502333
File: 338 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nqxx1gKjF01rn82jxo4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not...terrible. She definitely needs more band/strap support in the swim top (the cups are sagging and make her chest look sad) but overall it's a cute idea.Wig is a bit tangley on the top but at least she's got the volume down.

>> No.8502349
File: 46 KB, 720x913, FB_IMG_1437700742857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8502383

Oh for the love of god

>> No.8502408

>He's doing her current model
yeah im aware of that because of the color scheme, but her shoulders arent THAT pointy.

>> No.8502698
File: 2.31 MB, 1276x1272, 54783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8502705

that sadie is so cute. the shirt collar looks so nice and clean and so does the symbol

>> No.8502848

hey look pregnant Rose in a Bikini....Oh nevermind

>> No.8502873
File: 8 KB, 242x208, DEUUEAUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8502912


I gotta agree. This isn't horrible, but honestly I think Rose would wear a one piece. She may be larger, but I don't think she is overweight and flabby like this. Having a fat stomach is one thing vs a wide ribcage. And, frankly, you can have a large stomach without it falling over itself like this girl.

I do, however, like the wig.

>> No.8502950
File: 74 KB, 640x960, 1467361_481633305321459_3080761285277428353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw her post this, though this beach cosplay idea is shit i think her normal cosplay is well done.

>> No.8503009

Does she have an Etsy? I want that purse.

>> No.8503046

honestly it just looks like a painted frisbee with a strap.

>> No.8503122

God these character designs translate poorly into cosplay.

>> No.8503125

There have been some decent ones, I think most people just don't know how to properly adapt cartoony proportions to look good irl

>> No.8503131

People try to play things straight which is really difficult when the characters are impossibly designed, even if subtly. I think in general the highest quality of cosplay is normally Sadie, with Amethyst being the least-terrible gem.

>> No.8503154

why are all sadies so fucking cute
>tfw no Sadie cosplay gf

>> No.8503182


That's canonically (although after the fact) how Finn looks when he grows up, minus the arm. I can't see Steven growing out a beard.

>> No.8504156
File: 208 KB, 1280x1146, tumblr_nnvmpdlvCa1r8f200o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8504224

That's cute.

>> No.8504651

New thread

>> No.8505149

lol GIVE ME A BREAK Rose is FAT, deal with it