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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8488546 No.8488546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ireland General

So what, if any, Irish cons are coming up before Eirtakon?

>> No.8488572

I'm going to Dublin Comic Con and MCM. Are either of them any good?

>> No.8488623


Nom-con has a chance of running on time this year. They're trying for a more professional image.

Other than that, nothing really worth giving your hard-earned euro. Spent it on figurines with squishy boobs instead.

>> No.8488694

Nom com this year seems like it will be its worst, they seem to be pretty much throwing out the same repetitive shit. They got in Cosplayers but there Nonody anyone cares about! Their guest is good but it was weeks after she was announced most were aware they had her. MCM Dublin has 3 anime voice actors, Sasuke from Naruto and Greymon from Digimon and such. I know loads who are skipping Nom Con.

If you're in to expos go MCM and DCC, I prefer MCM, if not just wait for Eirtakon or Akumakon.

>> No.8489022

Me and my friend are going to DCC. We're fairly new to the con scene, we've only been to eirtakon once so we're wondering what to expect?

>> No.8489079

I skipped Nom Con last year and had intended to again this year, but I have like 3 friends running events so I'm gonna make myself go. Excuse to throw a cosplay together, I suppose.

>> No.8489375

I may regret asking this, as if you mention Cao Cao he's likely to appear & all, but what drove the last nail into the coffin of the last thread?

Other than that, if DCC is shit, I want to know why. Akin to MCM, or another kind of beast?

>> No.8489408 [DELETED] 


Which one of ye was this?

>> No.8489486

If I have to see that "mistress j" stuffed into a costume again I'll flip out,

The cons this year have been quite lacking tbh

>> No.8489507

My problem with MCM is my problem with Weatherspoons.

Weatherspoons is 'generic englsh pub product'
MCM is 'Generic english con product'
And like McDonald's 'Generic Yankee burger product', if you eat enough of it, you might find you like it.

Right. That sounds hideously hipster. Sorry lads. I'm out to the termination booth.

>> No.8489526
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I'll walk you out, sure.

Ah, to be honest I know what you mean. If you go to any convention, you expect to have something to actually do instead of being treated like some obsequious consumer. A con that can't plan entertainment ain't worth the effort. A con that hasn't even got a bar can just feckoff.

>> No.8489553

MCM and DCC are pretty much the same thing. Seems MCM want to clash with DCC and hopefully get rid of them maybe.

Anyway basically both are a hall with a bunch of traders and then some guests but you gotta pay extra to meet them. Both of them usually have a bunch of comicbook dealers and that knockoff plushy dealer you see at every con in Ireland.

I went before and left after 2hrs. Honestly go to MCM London, it's 20 times bigger and worth going to.

>> No.8489556

Ah jaysus, you know I really want to give it a miss if its like MCM. I'll have to make sure that my other mates aren't going to commit a chunk of their funds if outside of the guests there's nothing for them to do.

>> No.8489565
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To be fair DCC pretty much just ripped of MCM and Comic-Con.

>> No.8489572

If you want something more like Eirtakon then go to Nom-con but if you're more interested in traders and Comicbooks go to DCC

>> No.8489593

I'd be tempted to go to DCC for the comicbook guests. Does anyone know if you have to pay to get their autograph?

>> No.8489596 [DELETED] 

Has the Irish Comic-Con gotten its act together? Last one I went to was awful. Just stalls, no real events and the atmosphere was non existent, especially when compared to Eirtakon.

Any of you anons gonna be heading to G5 next weekend?

>> No.8489598 [DELETED] 

Has the Irish Comic-Con gotten its act together? Last one I went to was awful. Just stalls, no real events and the atmosphere was non existent, especially when compared to Eirtakon.

Any of you anons gonna be heading to G5 next weekend?

>> No.8489601

Has the Irish Comic-Con gotten its act together? Last one I went to was awful. Just stalls, no real events and the atmosphere was non existent, especially when compared to Eirtakon.

Also are any of you anons gonna be heading to G5 next weekend?

>> No.8489657

What's G5?

And DCC is more a trade expo whereas Eirtakon is an actual con. They're very different so depends on what you want.

>> No.8489663

Ah, G5 is a small gaming event but cosplay can be an add on to it. Granted last time I don't recall seeing any cosplayers. Was just curious if some of the con community also plopped into some of the Irish gaming scene too.

Yeah I noticed that. DCC being just a trade expo, not much of a surprise as it felt so underwhelming. Never mind the merchandise being limited. Here's hopes Eirtakon shows Madoka again though, had to leave early cause of a Smash event.

Thanks for the reply anon.

>> No.8489666

I got back from Eirtasocial, one of my mates knew one of the bands and they hadnt played in 4 years apparently, the first two bands were terrible, not even average busking quality, the last band was just okay but they played country, which doesn't really appeal to anime fans, I can't see them doing this again. It was fairly bad. The sound at the grand social isn't the best either.

>> No.8489697

We need more game or anime inspired bands in Ireland and slightly decent ones at that.

>> No.8489711

The Madoka movies are definitely worth seeing. Don't bother with the series as mostly in the movies and then it's continued on as well. Just get them on nyaa or buy them.

If your more into anime then I'd say stick the anime cons. Never that much anime merchandise at DCC as more comicbook stuff. MCM is ok for anime dealers but you'll see a lot of the same stuff if not more at the anime cons

>> No.8489729

There was loads outside because they didn't want to pay in. They should wait out video game of anime related performers or not run this again. Loads were hitching about it and went Circus instead spot on 10 o clock.

>> No.8489734

Cheers anon. Been looking to see Rebellion on the big screen after hearing some good stuff.

Would you know any anime cons upcoming before Eirtakon hits?

>> No.8490124


Nom-Con in 2 weeks. That's pretty much it until Eirta.

>> No.8490315

I'd pass on Nom-con, it's been downhill since it started. The people involved don't care about running a good event, they're just in it for the money or the praise. Or in some cases trying to get into the pants of attendees.

>> No.8490316

Jesus, that sounds fucking desperate.

I posted in one of the Ireland generals last year saying I wouldn't mind in the future getting a tight band together to perform at events like those and play select tracks from videogames and the like. Stuff from the likes of Persona is entirely doable with a solid band and would probably elicit some sort of a reaction out of a potential crowd

>country music

What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.8490324

Simple Answer, They weren't.

>> No.8490340

I don't think I can actually think of a genre of music that would appeal less to weeb teenagers/people in their twenties than country music.

>> No.8490360

It wasn't country music, I was there.

Anyway, I was told last night that someone on their committee just threw it together basically and she's related to all the bands or something? I think a lot of them are Eirtakon volunteers too. So she wanted a gig for these bands and told the rest of the committee they'd do this Eirtasocial thing rather than the committee came up with the idea and then looked for bands.

I was talking to a committee member last night and they said they didn't realise how shite the bands were. It was just a casual night thing, no giant event or anything but still, they should've vetted them properly beforehand but I got the impression there were some politics at play or something.

>> No.8490367

>politics at play
Sounds like the Irish con scene alright.

>> No.8490417

Last year was good imo so hopefully they've coped on. One of the better cons here for anime merchandise.

>> No.8490424

Trouble with these small anime events on any committee is often it falls to one committee member to organise as the rest just want to run the main event. Would be nice if there was an enthusiastic group of people that would just run a few small well run events during the year.

>> No.8490431

Irish seagull annual meetup when?

>> No.8490528

For sure but I hear it's hard to enough to find people willing to give up the huge amount of their free time required to run these cons so it's no surprise they're reluctant to give up even more time. A lot of the people on those committees have full time jobs too and I imagine running a con the size of Eirtakon or whatever is a part-time job in itself.

>> No.8490685

DCC is fucking nothing like MCM I've to both and MCM is like paying into a shopping centre with little or nothing to see. At least with DCC they'll have a predator set with 10 predators walking around this year plus the wasteland experience sounds interesting

>> No.8490697

Dunno about MCM dublin but it's been very common for years at MCM london to have loads of stormtroopers and predators wandering about. They also usually get stuff like Kit from Knightrider, the general Lee, and Doctor Who set ups. Sorry nothing new and most likely it's where DCC get the idea.

>> No.8490715

pls never

>> No.8490739

The predators and set sound cool but it'll only entertain me for a few minutes at most. TBH most cons have a predator or two wandering around these days so I'm not really bowled over at the prospect of seeing one again. Call me spoilt really.

>> No.8490749

Yeah, you're right. There'd be too many SJWs

>> No.8490755

I've only heard of one who frequents these threads. I'm more afraid of You-Know-Who showing up

>> No.8490770

If there ever was to be an Irish seagull meetup, it'd be in Dublin and there's not a hope the beast would ever come here alone to go to one.

Also, even one SJW is too many.

>> No.8491120

It's probably best to do something else as it really is a joke when Ireland biggest anime con runs an event that has nothing got to do with anime or video games and the bands are shit and the music is not what anyone in this community listens to. There was literally a huge crowd outside, who wanted to hang with friends but didn't want to pay 5 euro to see bands that had no interest in.

>> No.8491154

Meh, I didn't really care about the bands tbh. They created an opportunity to meet with people you only see a few times a year in a social setting and that was all I cared about really. It would be cool to perhaps have the option of some good entertainment too but I'm fairly certain most people just came for the company.

>> No.8491182

>asking people to gather at and pay into a specific venue at night
>entertainment is optional

top kek

What was to stop everyone from literally going into any of Dublin's thousand other night venues that don't charge you to get in if it was all about the company?

>> No.8491194

The charge is usually the venue themselves and stops random normalfags coming in and laughing at the nerds trying to dance or at least I think it was.

>> No.8491200

but yeah it is nice to go to the bar and know that everyone is into animu and nerd stuff

>> No.8491321

If you want to go to MCM, go to the London one. The Dublin one is tiny and thrown together. Your only entertainment will be wrestling.

>> No.8491385

Is Octocon before or after Eirtakon?

>> No.8491401

One of the charity cosplay groups had a movie quality War Machine at MCM London last May, looked fucking awesome

>> No.8491409

Depends on which Comic Con you mean, do you mean MCM Expo Dublin or Dublin Comic Con?

>> No.8491419

A single drink cost more than the entry, it didn't exactly break the bank. I met some cool people with similar interests so I was happy out anyway.

>> No.8491422

You've only heard of one SJW who frequents these threads and you're more afraid of You-Know-Who showing up, you are aware that You-Know-Who is a SJW too?

>> No.8491434

That goes without saying, but the horrors of You-Know-Who go above and beyond SJWdom.

>> No.8491437


>> No.8491447

The exploits of You-Know-Who never cease to entertain me. The latest story going on her Kiwi Farms thread is how she harassed and stalked some woman living in Cork on Twitter to the point of said woman having to block her and say "If you keep it up I'm getting the police involved" and "You're not fucking entitled to me because we live in the same city"

Oh how I kekked

>> No.8491448

The charge went to Eirtakon, they thought they could profit from this, if they rented Grand social they made a major loss, if they got it free, it should have been free with how bad the bands were.

A lot of people who just went for the company, hung outside and didn't pay. Any bar with a live band would have been better.

>> No.8491499

Octacon is before Eirta, It runs in early October I think. But I could be wrong. Like you I'm too lazy to google it.

Sci-fi con, totally different beast to the anime scene. Completely different crowd and an entirely different atmosphere.

>> No.8491531

No, not Varoufakis, far worse.

>> No.8491622

I wonder if Potsy's one of those transwomen who think lesbians are obliged to sleep with her

>> No.8491636
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>> No.8491690

ouch! why did she attack in the first place?

>> No.8491713

I think it was a Waterford whispers article making fun of political correctness, she was in the comments doing the usual shit