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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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[ERROR] No.8481023 [Reply] [Original]

Hopefully the Janitor doesn't delete this...
Can we have a lolita exercise/health discussion? I want to know:
>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
>What exercise routine do you do?
>What is your diet?
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)

>> No.8481028

I-I am inspired to do this to my kettlebell.

>> No.8481032

>Lifting shit with bows
You're not gonna make, brah

>> No.8481034

/fit/ is invading

but in all seriousness
>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Badminton maybe? Or tennis?
>What exercise routine do you do?
Lift heavy 5 days a week, cardio on 1
>What is your diet?
I'm a vegetarian, I also cut out soda and processed foods
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Nah, I exercise to look hot af and have a booty like bam
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
Not really, if you are happy in your body and you like the way you look in lolita, you're golden

I'm theliftinglolita on instagram
my arms aren't nearly as big as my thighs, still gotta fit into blouses you know...

>> No.8481035

I really like to focus on the chest, push ups, presses, what ever works the pexs. Trying to get down to a b cup. Fit more clothes

>> No.8481039

oooo girl, I've got news for you.
Building your pec with just make your boobs bigger. You have to lose body fat to reduce your boob size.

>> No.8481040

>lift to fit into brand
>trying to get down to b cup
Lifting will... decrease bust size?

Anon, y-you ruined my dreams.

>> No.8481041

What's the image from?

>> No.8481046

You need to cut. Count your calories, avoid most processed food (because of the excess of simple sugars), and remember to eat your vegetables and chicken breasts. Also, drinking makes you more feminine.

>> No.8481048

No... but I want to.
I only walk places because I don't like cars, otherwise I'm pretty unfit. I'm kind of embarrased to go to the gym, maybe because I was bullied for being bad at sports (I have bad knees). I also see people bitching about bad form/ basic bitches at the gym. I know, pretty lame excuse.
I'm tall/ size 4 so I don't really have a problem fitting into brand currently. I cook my own food, though not with the aim of being healthy, it just ends up balanced. I guess you could say I'm skinnyfat.

>> No.8481050

Mister rococo film. IMO it far surpasses Kamikaze girls.

>> No.8481053

I can already fit into brand and have been able to for years, it just goes with the theme of my instagram

Also, sorry I ruined your pec dreams too

>> No.8481057

Thank you!

>> No.8481064

No one is gonna make fun of you (well, maybe the landwhales that are there for free pizza day or for social points). the trainer will help ypu with your form. Don't be afraid, lifting is good. We all are gonna make it, brah.

>> No.8481067

Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
>not sure?
What exercise routine do you do?
>Martial arts 2 days a week, Iron Fit 4 days a week
What is your diet?
Literally fast food and breadsticks from work, I'm a carboholic and I need help
>eat fast food at least 5 times a week
Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
>do what you want

>> No.8481070

S'ok. I have h cup honkers, exercise to fix them would be awesome. Started this c because I am quite unfit and on the point of becoming fat, was looking to see what other ladies did. My legs used to be too wide for brand socks because what is arm day, but now I have lost all of my muscle and flabbed up, and want to get healthy again without bulging out of my clothes.
My genetics are great for lifting, but not for lolita.

>> No.8481087
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Okay so if you want to lose body fat and tone up again you have to basically change your lifestyle. Say no to fast food (unless it's the ONLY thing available), artificial sweetener, sugar, soda, salt, processed food. Try to eat whole foods like rice, grains, fruit, and veg as much as possible. When I'm cutting body fat I eat 80/10/10
That 80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein. Carbs are actually REALLY good for you since they fuel your body. Also eat at a deficit so if you are suppose to get 2000 calories a day, only eat 1700 . In the gym, lift as heavy as you feel comfortable with and do cardio about 3 times a week. Push yourself. I believe in you anon.

Search around on bodybuilding.com if you need more info on cutting body fat and exercises

>> No.8481090

also drink a fuck ton of water

I drink 1oz of water for every lb I weight, so I drink 130oz a day

>> No.8481092

Read the fucking sticky, just saying.

>> No.8481104

>Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above.
How is it not related?

>> No.8481111

this sticky

>> No.8481122

That's what I thought you might say.
This is /cgl/ NOT FIT BRAH
We are not talking about lifting, we are talking about general wellbeing from a lolita standpoint.

>> No.8481130

you're still human, the same thing that works for a woman that lifts heavy will work for you. Well, is mainly the dies (which the sticly talks about), but you still need excercize

>> No.8481143

This isn't about lifting/bulking. Back to fit with you.

>> No.8481157

it sounds like you're insecure about being slim, healthy and strong

>> No.8481168

10% protein? Are you cutting muscle as well?

>> No.8481175

Nah, I've never had a huge problem with losing muscle either. A lot of vegans and vegetarians follow 80/10/10 and don't have any issue. Look at VeganGainz on youtube, he's built af

>> No.8481191

I-I'm gonna do it
A lot of my friends are proper athletes and I feel like shit.

>> No.8481204

remember to count your calories. Myfitnesspal is a great app for that.

>> No.8481241

Post booty

>> No.8481272

Oh, I don't need to lose much weight, I need to get strong. And I know, 500 cal deficit and all, I already have an app like that.

>> No.8481287

people from my comm lurk and the can easily tell who I am from my instagram. So I'd feel really weird if one of them saw it

>> No.8481293

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
maybe equestrian sports or stuff like tennis, although as someone who has done both, they aren't glamorous and are still sweaty and dirty. maybe archery could be okay?
>What exercise routine do you do?
lift 4-6x a week, run rarely, sprint maybe 2x a week. i used to train for MMA and BJJ 6x a week AND lift, but those days are over.
>What is your diet?
not good... i have IBS which limits my dairy intake, so that helps. i've also never liked soda, red meat, and a lot of unhealthy foods like pizza, but i have a big sweet tooth and just over eat. i also eat a lot of rice.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
no, aside from my shoulders, i've never had problems fitting into stuff, even at my highest weight.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita?
i hate fat people whether they are lolita or not, but i have to say that fat, well dressed lolitas don't bother me nearly as much as the average fat slob. fat people used to not bother me that much, but after moving from a city up north with few fat people to a southern town where most people are fat, i can't deal. there are so many fat people where i live that normal sized people are accused of being anorexic, sickly, and unhealthy.

>> No.8481297

I'm so fat. I've always been huge. my pants size is currently 14.
I'm constantly starving myself and then binge eating on the grossest food. I want to be skinny so bad and I want to fit into beautiful dresses and have a hot cosplay body, but my mental health is too messed up which causes the binge eating and me just giving up.
I needed to vent, I'm sorry. I'm so sad.

>> No.8481300

I'm also sad-drunk

>> No.8481315
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>lolita exercise or sports

I kind of expected some of the sweet lolitas to say something about practicing idol dance covers as a form of aerobic exercise. It's hardly the most efficient way to burn fat, but lolita isn't the most efficient clothes out there either, so they do kind of go together (my opinion ofcos).

>> No.8481329

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Horse riding maybe? For classic, at least. Not really a "sport" but it's some exercise.
>What exercise routine do you do?
I run a lot, plus a good amount of sit ups and push ups. I'm in the army so I have to keep up the requirements. I used to be a competitive swimmer but I quit because I didn't want my shoulders to get too big. I alternate running 5-10 miles in the morning with stuff like biking every other day.
>What is your diet?
I just try to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. If I have to eat fast food I get lean meat and a healthier side. For breakfast I have some kind of smoothie and some toast, then lunch is a sandwich with some fruit and vegetables, and dinner is whatever I've made for the week.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Nope. My weight is pretty fixed at 125 pounds and I'm 5'6". I've never had trouble fitting into brand and I don't do well on diets.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I guess. I think it's more of a thing on cgl than in other online communities. I'm sure it's upsetting to like a brand and not fit into it.

>> No.8481331

14 isn't so bad, anon. It's pretty average in the U.S. Do you have the ability to cook at home, or a friend who could make a commitment to eating healthy with you?

>> No.8481334

I'm glad I posted it in that other /fit/ thread. That video is ridic.

>> No.8481335

Not yet, in the process of moving out. Which reminded me, my mom is also overweight and is constantly baking sugary unhealthy things. It's hard to avoid shoveling unhealthy things into my face when they're all over the house. I'm hoping moving out will help me eat better and start buying healthier foods.

>> No.8481354
File: 155 KB, 757x676, classiclolitabadminton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badminton is the best example of 'lifestyle' lolita exercise for me.

>> No.8481374

Aaah that looks so fun for a picnic meet! Of course I would suck at it though.

>> No.8481381

It's a lot easier than it looks!

>> No.8481382
File: 828 KB, 1188x792, IMG_7771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to shoot this down since I'm tired of /fit/ invading, but I actually am really fond of a thread like this now. Lolita depends so much on being thin enough to fit in dresses and doing a lolita lifestyle activity to get there sounds great.

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Badminton, golf actually (a reserved sport and not physically intense), croquet, swimming, horseback riding, maybe even fencing.
>What exercise routine do you do?
Swimming has always been my forte. I'm not a sports person.
>What is your diet?
Almost entirely vegetarian these days. I won't touch anything that's not organic or non-GMO. People wonder how I look decent and stay fit. So much of it is sacrificing what you eat. Haven't touched artificial garbage since I was a teen.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Naturally skinny.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
Lolitas hate fat, which is weird to me as an eternally skinny thing. It's fine to have some meat on your bones or even be thick. As long as it's not morbid, I don't think people should be harassed.

>> No.8481392

I think the photo was taken at a picnic meet and I'm sure you'd get the hang of it anon, it isn't too hard.

>> No.8481402

You know metabolisms don't vary by that much, right? 'Natural' skinniness or fatness is just different levels of what you consider feeling 'full'/ the quality of your diet.

>> No.8481406
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More cute Alice croquet related things. Would make for a really cute meetup.

>> No.8481414

I know what you're saying. My metabolism seems really high though. I have to graze constantly in tiny bits. Another lolita friend of mine can go a whole day without eating anything and not notice. I'd probably be shaking like a leaf if I attempted that.

>> No.8481441

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Ballroom dancing, equestrian, fencing...
>What exercise routine do you do?
Jog 2-3 times a week (5-10k each run)
>What is your diet?
I eat whatever tf I want. But I don't eat past 8pm.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No. I like being healthy and building a good habit (family has a history of diabetes).
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
It's more about hair and make up tbh. And the $$$.

>> No.8481453

Making meal plans for the week will help. Try not to grocery shop when you're hungry- make a list and stick to it. Write down what you eat everyday.

Exercise will help, but weight loss is mostly what you eat. Good luck anon!

>> No.8481470

I get all my exercise dancing, doing contortion, and other circus-y things. I think that's lolita enough. As for dieting and exercising to fit into brand, it's almost counterintuitive for me. My upper arms are pretty muscular so a lot of the time sleeves on OPs and some blouses are uncomfortable for me.

>> No.8481491

I ride my bike everywhere and rollerskate, both of which I think are pretty kawaii. I also like to swim, but my local pool has been infiltrated by annoying teenagers
I also did badminton and fencing for a while but since they kept pressuring me to participate in tourneys and I'm the least competitive person in the world I noped out after a while.

>tfw I actually did get harassed by muscleheads at my local gym
>no trainers/staff to be seen
>not going back there, nope

>> No.8481503

I workout 3-4 times a week for about 2hrs each time. 40 min cardio and about an hour of lifting. Watch what I eat, count cals and macros, never eat junk.
But damn my waist is 71cm and my dream dress is listed on LM right now for so cheap and its max 69cm and I'm so assed up at myself.

>> No.8481509

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Ballet, fencing, horseback riding, maybe archery even.
>What exercise routine do you do?
Cycling and workout DVDs. I used to be an avid runner, but I've gained a lot of weight, so I had to put that on hold until it's down.
>What is your diet?
I'm a vegan.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No, I exercise because I'm fat and it takes a huge toll on my mental and physical health (I have depression and BED, and being fat stresses me out so much that I binge even more, get fatter, etc.). But fitting into brand is a nice side effect.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
- If it doesn't fit, don't wear it.
- worry about your own body.
- don't just focus on being thin, take care of your hair and skin too

>> No.8481546

>doing contortion, and other circus-y things

Deets please. Interested to hear what exactly this is and how you got into it.

>> No.8481565

I cosplay, so I will talk about this from a cosplay standpoint if that is okay..

>What exercise routine do you do?
Cardio multiple days a week, plus more during that same day if I feel rested enough from work and have had enough to eat [because minimum wage]. I also have been throwing in weights lately which are very fun. Mostly for my torso and arms and to tone up my butt. I am fine with my hips staying the same, but my legs getting the cardio they need to slim down just a bit.
>What is your diet?
I don't really follow anything much except no soda, try not to have sweets [Halo Top ice cream helps though for my cravings!]. Otherwise I just eat smart and workout more than I eat.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into cosplay?
Yes. I stopped cosplaying for about a year because my weight gain has gotten out of hand. I don't know if anyone remembers, but there was someone talking about having thyroid disorders run in her family. That was me. With being diagnosed 6 months ago I have been able to already lose 20lbs. I'm still working on being healthier, but already I am happier.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear cosplay?
Yes. It has gotten a lot worse lately. Body acceptance is becoming more universal, but in the convention scene it seems that, that has only gotten harder due to online criticisms, how popular otaku and geek culture in general has become to people who beforehand didn't know so much about conventions and cosplay. The magnifying glass being put over every cosplayer has become more noticeable and while I wish it didn't bother me, it makes me feel very vulnerable if I don't look a certain way for a character I otherwise would love to cosplay.

>> No.8481567

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
I don't know, the posh stuff
>What exercise routine do you do?
I swim. Oceans, seas, lakes, swimming pools, I love swimming and I do it wherever and whenever I can.
>What is your diet?
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No, I'm fairly slim.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I don't think I'm the right person to ask about that, as I don't care.

>> No.8481570
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You sound pretty care-FREE!

>> No.8481572
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best anime tbh
Nagisa a cute

>> No.8481578

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
horseriding, lawn bowls, croquet, ice skating
>What exercise routine do you do?
mostly cardio, and just walking around the shops a lot
>What is your diet?
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
i wish i had the motivation, but no
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
uhh... i suppose so?
if something doesn't look good worn, a contributing factor may be one's body weight / fat distribution, but the answer to whether you should change your body just to look good in a particular dress is up to individuals to decide

>> No.8481698

>>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Lacrosse for sure, tennis, badminton... any racket sport looks quite elegant. Fencing might pass as well, although you couldn't get away with wearing lolita while you practiced it would definitely fit the aesthetic.

>>What exercise routine do you do?
I lost a lot of weight recently due to illness, and obviously in that time I wasn't particularly active either. Right now I just do everyday active things, like going for walks and cycling.
Before that though I didn't really do a routine, I just played sports with my friends.

>>What is your diet?
I'm prone to anemia, so my diet is high in iron. I eat lots of tofu and green vegetables. I'm not vegetarian or anything, those are just the most iron-rich foods. Cereals are also pretty important.
I avoid fatty foods, they make me feel really ill. That said, I eat a lot of carbohydrates like pasta and brown rice. If I snack, I snack on fruit, and for dessert I normally have sorbet or an ice lolly.

>>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No, not really, although I have been trying to gain back to my regular weight for a couple of months, so hopefully my clothes will look nice on me again!

>>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita?
Compared to other fashions, not so much. Obviously there's the issue that a lot of brand, like most expensive clothes, comes in quite limited sizes, but there's no pressure to be absolutely stick thin because the cuts of the dresses lend themselves to a full figure.

>> No.8481718

I'm pretty much like your friend, but I still eat since food is delicious.

>> No.8481734

>>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
None, I don't really believe a "lifestyle" lolita would exercise. But I could be proven wrong. It just seems like there's too much work and preparedness into getting kawaii for the day just to mash an intense fitness routine somewhere and get hell sweaty.
>>What exercise routine do you do?
Zumba twice a week; four to fives times a week walking to the gym (4 miles) then jogging and lifting once there.
>>What is your diet?
Mostly meaty protein and veggies. I don't drink soda and I avoid a lot of carbs.
Drinking calories is still a problematic temptation for me though because I love milk.

Oh and typically most meals I regurgitate a third of it back because of my stomach surgery.
>>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Not necessarily brand.
I was big all my life (7~ years and never got below 200 pounds), and now that I finally am it's nice being able to walk into a normalfag store and try on cute dresses without dreading not being able to fit into any of them. Losing weight did a lot for my self-esteem, but I still have issues.
Although I'm doing it mostly so I can be healthy. I was never taught, and my parents still don't understand, that exercise needs to be part of a daily routine.
>>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
Well, there is.
Speaking as a fattychan there's brand pieces I typically avoid because I know there's no hope in hell to fit into them--namely skirts, unshirred OPs, and some smaller jsks. I've also heard empire waists look terrible on fatties (maybe not so much me because I have no tits compared).
Nevertheless, I've never had a problem finding brand to wear. It's fun to be able to participate in popular releases without having to worry about sizing as much.

>> No.8481741

>>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Dancing, Badminton, Cycling & walking

>>What exercise routine do you do?
I'm a member of a North West Morris team so I dance regularly. I also enjoy swimming and try to walk between 5-10 miles a day before I start work. I also try to do my workout dvd with weights a couple of times a week.

>>What is your diet?
Its pretty bad at the moment, I relapsed on my EDNOS and I'm currently just trying to get that back in order. I mainly eat fruit, Veg and drink exclusively water. I'm starting to cut down my calorie intake to get my weight loss back on track because I'm definitely in whale territory. Bread and carbs are things which really ruin my diet.

>>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Not at all, I diet and exercise because I want to be healthy. I fit in to fully shirred/full back brand. I'd like to get down to half shirring at some point but since I have broad shoulder and a broad rib cage I'm also being realistic in understanding I might still need to alter shit.

>>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
If there happy then nah, let em do what they want. Just because I'm unhappy with my weight and appearance doesnt mean others should be to.

>> No.8481743

get it, a lot of the time they actually aren't as small, i bough't some moitie pieces that say max bust is 82cm, and mine is 84.5 and they zip up fine with room.

>> No.8481766

>>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Anything you can look elegant, pretty or cute doing, this is a fashion so we can find fashionable lolita friendly workout clothes to do most things. Otherwise, just step aside of the fashion, get on sweats and lift! But I care about looking nice to work out.
>>What exercise routine do you do?
3 days per week are my gym days: weight circuit, elliptical, swim laps. Then I do some Pilates and para-para every other day. If I exercise every single day there's just never any debate about it. Yoga if I'm tired or stressed.
>>What is your diet?
Low(ish) carb, no refined carbs but added fruit.
>>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No but it is one factor and I admit it, and it motivates me to stay 10-15 pounds slimmer than I otherwise would. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to diet as much. But it's well worth it and I'm healthy so...?
>>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
Yep. There are tiers for sure and people classify you and judge, whether they say it out loud or not.
My personal mark is 'can't fit most 1/2-shirred brand.' Bigger than this and I don't like the way someone looks in lolita but it's a personal view and I don't go saying anything unless it's to reply to a question like this.

>> No.8481783

Para para is the obvious answer.

>> No.8481791

I've done aerial hoop, dabbled in acrobatics and pole dance. Used to ride horses weekly for 7 years until I got priced out of it. Also did 6 weeks of ballet and gymnastics classes but it wasn't for me (I was singled out for being... Thick)

I keep getting told how awesome lifting is and how I should try it but seriously I am big enough as it is. I play DDR and Pump it Up as exercise now, which is just sort of weeby/koreabooey rather than lolita. Lolita hides my huge thighs which is great and the skirts don't ride up my ass so much as regular skirts. I tend to wear long sleeves because muscly arms aren't kawaii.

Also, having had an eating disorder and being assured I wouldn't put on weight if I ate normally (more than a couple apples a day) I really don't appreciate the obvious shock in the voices of NHS doctors at me having put on 13 kg since I was ill and proclaiming me overweight. Yeah, ok my BMI is now 27 when it was 18 but I don't look *hugely* fat at this weight; I looked disgusting at 18 even if that would be a normal weight for someone else my height. It's difficult to come to terms with my build when I'm used to seeing anime girls with stick legs and most women with skinny legs in real life. I want to wear kawaii skirts and shorts or t shirts dresses and leggings but I just can't pull it off really. And I don't even have the excuse of 'muh lifting'

>> No.8481821

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" Lolita?
Idk something stereotypically feminine and or old fashioned... Like synchronized swimming (which is a great work out btw).
>What exercise routine do you do?
I don't have much time for the gym and often not the energy when I get off of work which has to do with my diet. I do walk a lot. On days I work typically 2-5 miles and when I am off of work at least 6 (to the gym and home). At the gym I will do some kind of water aerobics or laps.
>What is your diet?
Currently horrible. I am on a prescription to treat migraines that also happens to be an appetite suppressant used to treat bulemia. One of the side effects is anorexia (which upsets me that it's treating one eating disorder with possibly another but that's besides the point). Anyways it leads me to not wanting to eat, like at all. I'm supposed to be consuming 1500kcal/ day and it's a struggle to get there most days simply because I have no desire to eat and when I do it makes me feel so nauseous. I absolutely hate it. It makes me so tired and weak that even walking to the bus stop and home is a struggle.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No. That's just a bonus. I recently got diagnosed with something's hadn't even heard of until a month ago and the most effective treatment is weight loss. Basically I was told to get to a normal weight or go blind and even with loosing weight it's not a 100% garuntee that I will be ok but it is the most effective non surgeoc option and generally speaking a good idea to do.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I don't care about fatty chans honestly call me a typical fatty-chan (because I am one) but I believe you can look good at any weight in many styles if you know how to play with proportion in a way that flatters you.

>> No.8481831

I want to reduce my boob size because dysphoria, I'm currently a D, anything I can do health wise?

>> No.8481835

thick as in stupid or thick as in fat?

>> No.8481848

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
I have no idea, maybe tennis or badminton?
>What exercise routine do you do?
I walk but I hate exercise.
>What is your diet?
I try to just eat unprocessed foods but I crack far too often.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
The only reason I diet is to fit brand, I've lost 5kg because of it and want to loose 5 more.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
nah not really.

>> No.8481962

Thick as in built solid

>> No.8481977

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Badminton or ballroom
>What exercise routine do you do?
Ballroom 2-3 nights a week, yoga the other 4-5
>What is your diet?
I eat lots of meat?
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No, I'm really petite already
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I think they're used to be, but that you're starting to see more different body types in Lolita now.

>> No.8482168

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
dancing according to your prime substyle, croquet, badmitton, bocce, horseback riding.

also: anything that improves your posture. lifting weights, resistance band/tube, yoga, stretches, bodyweight training... anything that builds muscles that will support a healthy posture. slouching or lordosis ain't kawaii.

>What exercise routine do you do?
cardio 2-3 days a week, lifting 1-2 days a week.

>What is your diet?
whatever i get. if i get unhealthy food i try to make sure it has vegetables (fiber to help pass that greaseball, as well as vitamins to make up for empty calories). i manage my portions and thankfully have a stomach condition that makes eating big hard. if i go over my calories for the day i add time to my next workout.

>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
not just to do it, but it is a motivator.

>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
yes, but in regards to age more than size.

skincare is important for lolita health. drink water, avoid dairy, wear sunscreen and moisturizer always. you will know your water intake is sufficient when your urine is basically clear. you should be able to pee a whole lot and then look in the bowl and feel confused because it looks like not much is in there.

also: if you want to lose weight, losing water weight is easiest and quickest and can help you short-term while you're busting fat for long-term. drink a shitton of water and the water weight will get flushed out. you will also poop easier which will also bring your weight down a bit.

after shedding water weight, the real fight begins...

also: does anyone have tips for reducing bloat short-term? either from poor meal choice or period nonsense. ruins my waistline and tight stuff feels painful.

>> No.8482172

*touches your abs*


>> No.8482178

I find staying away from bready, starchy things and dairy stops me bloating ridulously. I'm talking pregnancy-level distended stomach.

>> No.8482186
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I see some of you frilly twiggy things with anxiety issues and eating issues and IBS/Crohns issues

Some of y'all need to just smoke some weed, see if that don't affect the quality of your life

>> No.8482188

Still waiting for the day when a brand releases a weed leaf print

"AP Kush"
"Baby the stars shine bright O.G"
"Bodyline haze"

>> No.8482197

If you have bad knees go for biking or swimming, softer on the joints than running

>> No.8482198

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Croquet, Horseback riding, and synchronized swimming?
>What exercise routine do you do?
I used a weighted hoolahoop, squat with weights, and practice some yoga.
>What is your diet?
I eat whatever but I was raised a vegetarian and a healthy eater. I also just don't have a large appetite in general.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
No, I only exercise to have a hot body for my s/o. If I don't I have a flat ass and no thighs and we can't have that.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I just think that people should be healthy in general.

>> No.8482199

Come to London plz and let's have a cardio session of this variety


>> No.8482209

Weed pulled me out of eating disorders when 8 years of therapy did nothing

I would love a naturalistic sativa leaf print with pretty punk and burple buds. Greens through to gold fan leaves, arranged as you would see in a nice japanese maple print. Maybe in a sketchbook style, as if it were the observational diary of a botanist...

>> No.8482226

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita
Fencing, ballet? Before my injury I was looking into going to Barre classes but yeah.
>What exercise routine do you do?
I have a strict ankle-strengthening work out from my physical therapist because I fucked up an ankle something big in an accident.
Besides that I try to do 30-45 min of cardio whenever I can.
>What is your diet?
I try to eat clean and under 1200 calories. Or I have been for the past 2 weeks, done 5lbs, very proud of myself.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Well yes, besides the shit I have to do for my ankle I ballooned up from general "I WILL NEVER WALK AGAIN" depression(witch turned out to be false but it was touch and go for months). Nothing like being on crutches forever to make you shove all the food into your face hole.
I used to be very thin, but I have wrecked myself and now I can't fit into my non shirred stuff but I am working on it
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
It is your body, do what you want. Eat to fit into what matches your personal aesthetic.

>> No.8482229

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Probably something dainty like lifting 1lb weights or walking your poodle in the local shopping district.
>What exercise routine do you do?
I jog and then I do bodyweight circuit training. My body responds best to strength training and less to cardio but I do get some for warming up purposes. Part of my job involves a lot of lifting too, usually about 50-60lbs.
>What is your diet?
Whatever I want pretty much in moderation and paying attention to nutritional value and calories/carbs.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Yep. Never got to much into it when I cosplayed but with lolita I feel like I have to in order to fit into things I like. My body is naturally on the bigger side anyway so I have to keep that in check.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita?
There really is. People believe that if you don't have a petite, lithe, frail bodytype you are too fat and stretching out what could eventually be their brand, how dare they destroy communal property! Those poor dresses!

>> No.8482244

Suggest kawaii ways to carry water on runs.

>> No.8482254

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Golf, dance, tennis, gymnastics?

>What exercise routine do you do?
I bike at least 20 miles a week, I do a bit of yoga, and I hoop.

>What is your diet?
I eat a mostly vegetarian diet because my fiance is a vegetarian. I occasionally eat meat though. I also try avoid dairy products and processed foods.

>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Nah, I'm naturally tiny. I just like to stay fit.

>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
I don't think so? I do think that heavier people in lolita need to pay attention to how they dress themselves for example wearing minimizing bras and shapewear. Proper undergarments and completely change how a coord looks.

>> No.8482316


Ty anon, if the auction hasn't ended I think I will @.@ worst comes to worst I'll just have to resell

>> No.8482376
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That would be dope. Or something like pic related

Shoutouts to any fencers itt

>> No.8482387

The rave scene, honestly. I used to be into that sort of stuff. Whenever I went to shows I would see fire performers and contortionists and aerialists and think "I want to be you."

It's actually pretty easy to find good things to start with. Stilting isn't too difficult once you get the hang of the whole balance thing. I was in color guard in high school so that helped me learn how to twirl fire staff. Contortion is just a matter of doing lots of stretches until those stretches look bizarre.

>> No.8482394

that looks cringe as fuck

>> No.8482396

Hey-yo, nice to meet you frilly raver!

>> No.8482421

I'm not into it as much anymore. I used to go shows every weekend but these days I just do the occasional gig as a costumer/performer. I rarely go to shows where I'm not working unless it's an artist I really love. I think the last time I went to a rave just for fun was Kill the Noise, before that Porter Robinson.

>> No.8482423
File: 132 KB, 611x570, WaterBottleSling1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried a water bottle sling? I use them while I'm riding my bike, I think they are pretty cute.

>> No.8482429

That's how I am I feel like I'm almost grown out of the rave scene (if that makes any sense?). The last event that I went to was paradiso and before that it was Porter Robinson, weird.

>> No.8482502
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, Giselle_ballet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Ballet! I don't understand why there isn't more lolitas in to it, It's all about being gracious. Plus, alot of ballerinas have really slim arms and torso but very strong thighs/legs (because they exercise their legs waay more than the upper body), which gives a body well suited for lolita.

> inbe4 ballet is for rich snobs
It depends on the school and where you live. For me it does not cost more than any other usual sport, or other activity like playing instruments.

>> No.8482510

Because in a lot of ballet schools you need to have trained from a very young age to be able to do it properly. Also it's bad for your health.

>> No.8482513
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>> No.8482520

You lost 5lbs in 2 weeks? Congrats!
I'm trying to stick to the same diet, and I've just cut out all soda (although chocolate I'm having to wean myself off). It sounds like we're the same size too, and both have crappy joint issues.
Good luck anon, I'm rooting for you!

>> No.8482524

Calories, not diet* oops

>> No.8482525
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>> No.8482527

Was this taken on a potato?

>> No.8482534

Any tips for someone who'd like to get into ballet as an adult? I'd really like to try it but I'm embarrassed to walk into a class because I'm so out of shape and I'd likely make a fool out of myself.

>> No.8482547

everything about this photo looks painful

>> No.8482550

I take the video game route too. DDR, Para Para Paradise, and Dance Evo. Pop'n music kind of counts? Outside of that, I excercise to fitness blender videos daily.

I want to fit into innocent world again. My dad and grandad have diabetes and my mom is overweight. I don't want that life.

>> No.8482571


I actually had to learn a Love Live dance for a con recently (No Brand Girls) and that shit had me sweating after multiple runs.

Obviously not the top form of exercise, but I'd say doing some more challenging dances on a regular basis certainly couldn't hurt you.

>> No.8482579


like ur coords *z snap*

>> No.8482586


>> No.8482594

>lel 420 blaze it xD stoner life amirite
get an actual hobby that doesn't involve you making a fool of yourself

>> No.8482616
File: 21 KB, 527x141, 420blazeitsamefaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again faggot

>> No.8482627

Does anyone have tips for getting fruits and veggies in on a daily basis? Most stuff goes bad quickly, and getting to the grocery store is tough for me. I like to buy things in bulk when I can, but I understand this is tough to do with fresh fruits and vegetables.

I get frozen vegetables all the time, it's harder with fruit.

>> No.8482634

farmers market

>> No.8482642
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Ugh I have an innocent world blouse that is labeled as a small so it's super tiny. I had to add a little hook at the bust so it wouldn't gape and I have to button the sleeves before I put it on or else I can't button them at all

>> No.8482679

No it totally makes sense. Once at a show a friend of mine was like "I think I'm gonna leave the scene.." and I was still a fucking plurbunny so I was like "lol why would you ever?" and she just gave me the most serious look and said "Look around you. It's like middle school but with more drugs."

>> No.8482980

Farmers market, or find a grocery that delivers.
Like in my area, we have fresh direct, and they have better produce then I have ever gotten in a grocery store around hear imo.

>> No.8482983

not everyone has farmers markets and not everyone lives in america
my country is cold 365 days of the year and nothing grows here, where the fuck do you think I can find a farmers market around here
only thing they would sell is rotten fish

>> No.8483000

Badminton is fucking easy

>> No.8483009

grow your own in a personal greenhouse or move out of always cold bumblefuck? Don't asume people know your situation and then get salty when they don't know

>> No.8483017

>Which exercise or sports would be considered "lifestyle" lolita?
Badminton, ballet?
>What exercise routine do you do?
As of right now I'm just hitting the gym when I can.
>What is your diet?
Usually very vege based with chicken tossed in every now and then. But now that summer's hit it's whatever I can grab since I'm working so much. I lost 50 pounds last year, but I've gained back like 7 this year. Trying to get my act back together.
>Do you exercise/diet just to fit into brand?
Mmm... It's a large part, but not the biggest part.
>Do you think there is a pervasive attitude that one should follow a set of guidelines regarding their body to wear lolita? (not trying to be controversial, I have heard that there is from a lot of fatty-chans)
Not really, but I do believe in dressing to your body type. You want to wear something more suitable for a lower-weight-you? Lose some weight.

>> No.8483026

Late reply, but thank you, kind anon! I appreciate the support!