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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8475493 No.8475493 [Reply] [Original]

new larp thread
previous one >>8444959

new pics and stories from larps will come shortly

>> No.8475711

10 days till I travel down to Empire. I need a new timepiece as my cheap crappy pocketwatch just doesn't keep time right. Will have a wander around the charity shops this week and see what I can find.

>> No.8475715
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>> No.8475731

Very pretty. I assume it's some kind of sun/horizon lining up thing? If so, the crappy British weather would make that harder, same with night time.

>> No.8475954
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I can't see her whole costume, but this Rose looks adorable! And wow, that Connie is on point, though I wish she had smiled more.

>> No.8475955

Fuck, wrong thread, sorry. How did I even do that? Ugh.

>> No.8476050

Would this be an appropriate place to field a question for ren faire outfits? This sounds silly, but should shirts be tucked in? My previous outfits always covered my shirts, and my current concoction does not have anything of that sort.

>> No.8476058

A shirt is underwear, so yes. You shouldn't see more than the collar and cuffs. The more shirt you show, the more poor you look.

>> No.8476082


I see. Thanks! I'll have to add something to it then. Right now it's just a shirt, a half-cloak, and then my leather equipment

>> No.8476086

Start with a tunic. They're easy to make. If you want to fight, get a gambeson - also looks snazzy and will keep you warm at night. A cloak is also good for evenings and reasonably simple to tailor at home.

>> No.8476355

Hey Frenadian, are you sure it's Bico legal to cover the foam? Thats the reason we let it free like that. Covering it is gonna help prevent the foam from ripping I agree it's way better.

>> No.8476365
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We did it for years so its probably legal.

And yeah, it prevent from riping and make it look better.

its good especialy since bico want to ban duct tape weapons under 110cm for a better looking game (i'm totally okay with this)

>> No.8476371
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Also your trip could even be Darking Ductape now huhu

>> No.8476377
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alright so as the great /tg/ tradition says: it's "STORY TIEM!"

We are back from this summer's Chronicles of Demgard larp. it was awesome although sadly there are only a few photos and most of them is not that great quality. As always , everyone was playing and most of the photos were made when things got a little quite and things like that, so don't expect much from the photos.
But the stories, oh dthe stories, we bring you tales from a university, about mages, about gates that open to the void, about long dead lizardmen, about a nobleman who did at least 7 heroic deeds (if we tell this tale again next year it will be probably 13), about an unsung hero, about an evil prince, and MUCH more.

So grab onto your asses... or just go to the kitchen, grab something to eat and drink, we didn't pre-write these so it will take a while.
Anyway, it will be a wild ride

>> No.8476412
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Thanks for the tips about the spear!

>> No.8476447
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a little background for the game:
We were roughly around 60-70 players, although around third of them arrived very late of the first day so there is that.

The setup was that a biggest university of a province did a field trip to local ruins and close by there were a few barbarians tribes in FUN camps. But here is the whole background for the game

Anyway the ruins contained a dormant magical gate too, that was very interesting for the faculty of archeology. The tribes just received a third tribe which made things more funny around there, that was very interesting for the faculty of diplomacy. The relics around the ruins were interesting for the faculty of symbols and runes and the faculty of primal force. The Academy Fencing School just accompanied them. A few nobles come too to observe this field trip as a kind of open day in the life of the universtiy, and various other people come too.

And the Sterrenfels Fencing School got here because they heard about all of this stuff and decided that show those people that they are the best fencing school. I was with this group, as the herald.

>> No.8476462
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Got my mexican coca cola and a ice-cream sandwich

My body is ready
Also i was on my way back home today and i tought about that story

>Friend buy a shack in Lowtown at bico for 800$ in 2013
>our neighbor are spending their time singing song around the campfire and being baby boomers in general with kids and babies
>we are basicaly the blacks of the lowtown
>we pimp the shack and put stuff outside so its pretty clear that we are there (a big flag , a big fucking moose skull and our helmets on pikes)
> we try to keep it relatively quiet at night
> they sing campfire songs all night..lerl okay to everyone is own bico
> get waken up every morning by noisy kids
> They tell us to stop smoking weed because it smell
> they tell us to stop bathing in the river naked
> they tell us to stop throwing stuff like food on the ground at our pageboy in front of their kids
> they get mad when i throw some coins at one of them telling them to ''go get me some wine , peasant!''
> we decide to step up our game then
> we become noisy as hell
> i dig ditches all around our shack
> ditches fill up with rainwater as expected (it was a really rainy week
> people keep falling in it and everytime we hear people swear we scream ''Montmagny's ditches strikes again!''
> fast forward 2015
> these people offer to the guy who bought the shack 1600$ for it
> we just got gentrificationed (if its even a word)

>> No.8476489

before I tell you my side of the story let me introduce one gentleman who saved my life during the larp. He was a noble from another country, and truly a civilized person among the unwashed plebs who doesn't even knew basic etiquette. While my first contact with him was a little unfortunate as he and two children of noble birt wandered into our camp uninvited while we were out training it was quickly solved and later we became more and more like friends thanks to a man that we both started to hate and who called himself only the "Prince"... or sometimes the Duke. but in reality he was only the borther of the Governor of this province. And the title of the Governor isn't hereditary, so while he liked to present himself as the ruler of this land he had jackshit for power apart from what his family had.

Anyway I'm runing to far into the story

>> No.8476546
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HLF asked me to join in, because I know the details of the later incident a bit better, because... reasons.

So, henceforth enters Gaspard François la Motte Coriolis de Castinous, bored Irtrian Nobleman, Patron of the Arts and Gentleman Adventurer Extraordinaire.

My character was sent on a vacation because of some too well fought duel back home, I came to escort my twice-removed younger (~11 years old) cousins as they wanted to take a look at the different faculties of the academy. Naturally, the ones which seemed to be interesting to the noble ladies could count on the great honor of educating them and the even greater patronage that would come with that honor.

Anyhow, first day of the game, all was going well, if a bit boring, when the now infamous "Prince" showed up, demanded a royal welcome and got uppity, when he were told about such things as protocols, good manners or missing couriers, but was grumbling a lot about us not preparing the red carpet for him.

A few other things happened, when he visited the other camps as well, about which I won't go into too many details. Let's just say, that when I later that night took a walk and shit talked the prince publicly, noone disagreed with me.

>> No.8476598
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But apart from the prince others showed up to.
As I said there was a dormant magical gate, and the archaeological faculty take a huge interest in that and the ruins. The guy who played the leader of that faculty was actually an archaeologist so he knew exactly how to give out the shittiest kind of work to everyone in the exploration of the ruins.
Accidentally he took a very big interest in the gates and with some found relics he kind of half opened them. Which caused some lizardmen to leave the gate.
Now these lizardmen were in the void for 5000 years thanks to that gate, and for them no time passed so they were a little confused when everything changed after they got out of that gate. So they went to inquire about the state of things. This was one wizard king lizardmen, one servant and one warrior.
The warrior was on stilts so he was easily bigger than anyone else at least with half a mater, or more.
Some people were REALLY scared when all they heard was loud thumping approaching and then suddenly something bring brushes away the branches and looks down on them.

But the lizardmen were civilized and way more advanced. They didn't attacked anyone just looked down on everyone with arrogance, so the first night was without incident on their part.

Sad part is that while in the dark the lizardmen costumes where really great, as the shadows and darkness hides a lot of imperfection, in the light and in the photos they look absolutely shitty because of the flash and you can see everything that is wrong with them...

Meanwhile I did a little [REDACTED] and after that even spoke with the "prince" who's character was an egoistic douchebag with a lot of issues. Basically think about a disney villian who doesn't have real power but kind of close to it so he pretends that he has ALL the power.
Later it turned out the guy wasn't playing, he is like that in real life too.
Anyway, back to Gaspard

>> No.8476615

So.....if shy Spiderlady girl still around, would you miind posting more pictures? Your character is just so cool and cute

>> No.8476633
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Dont worry my mang, she's all giving us a weird boner.

But then...so is Hungarian

>> No.8476650
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That first night was also a bit more exciting, because soon after nightfall, there were rumors about a three-headed giant manbearthing walking on two legs, it supposedly ate a few of the tribal people who lived nearby. Naturally, the little ladies were a bit terrified of these rumors, but when I and the caravan master tried to find the track of this supposed monstrosity, we only managed to find a few fireflies.

Just as I sent this good news with him back to our camp and he left, I met two lizardfolk, who were supposed to be extinct, however they didn't really know this. Anyhow, I managed to somewhat impress them with my fabulous hat, good manners and a calm conversation about ice, snow and academies. These things were unfamiliar concepts for them and they acted very strange, but I wasn't too worried as there were a lot of professors around, so I left them to decipher what happened.

Besides publicly shit talking the "prince", I also managed to assure the professor of archeology that were this pompous asshole of a prince make good on his promise and tried to execute him he would have my and some other prominent people's backing.

This camp was also the place, where I had the chance encounter with a fellow Irtrian, Velia Concetta Arbore Battaglio da Tordetta, who was helping out the archeological site. She will have a central role later, when some barbarians wanted them some womenfolk, but I got ahead of myself.

We spent a good hour reminiscing about how all the imperial wine was like piss, the smell of spice, white steps of the great cities back home and the sound of the sea.

Anyhow, I finally wasn't alone in this harsh, cold and efficient province of the Empire. Picture related, it's us trying to find the reason behind the tribal people's dress code.

>> No.8476675
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>mfw sneaky spider fetishists are upping their game by appealing to my ego.
But I sincerely doesn't really have any other photos- people rarely take pictures at our game, and they even more rarely get ones of me.
Also to clarify, my *character* is shy. I am not.

>But then...so is Hungarian
I think it's the codpiece.

>one wizard king lizardmen
Was that AHLF's 'dragon' garb guy?

>> No.8476681


What does it eat?

>> No.8476686

>one wizard king lizardmen

Yes. Although in the light of the camera flash my costume looked real shitty so there is that.

>> No.8476691

Not my spider. Despite all my arachnid inclinations, I've only ever held one tarantula, a rose hair at a zoo.

B. Smithis, which is the in that pic (and the spider I play) eat crickets, other large insects, and small adult mice.
Sage for spider talk. If you want to talk spiders, feel free to pop into the IRC and I'll blather about them for ages.

>> No.8476694

Russian flies

>> No.8476697
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Yep, the prince promised an execution for that guy, and a lot more. Basically everywhere he went he promised something or made threats. Mostly made threats, like how he will cut back funding for the academy and shit like that. Which is especially funny because the university wasn't funded by him at all. Similarly he had no jurisdiction on executing anyone. He just thought that he has all these rights and when people corrected them he mostly ignored this.
Also he had a herald that played the kind of guy who lick himself into other peoples ass into the warm shit, or even to the bone. The kind of guy who call himself a worm in the sight of you and stuff like that. You know the archetype. Basically all of the people of the prince was some kind of disney villain or character.

Anyway, when morning come I bought a portrait from the before mentioned lady from Irtria. It was a portrait of our grandmaster Claus Reiter, the leader of the fencing school, who was supposed to be come to the game too but he had family stuff come up so couldn't come. But we made a picture about him and placed it to the exit of our camp.
Our camp had one exit/entrance and at head height there was a fallen down tree so every time you entered/left the camp you had to bow your head. To our grandmaster.

After that we did our morning training session with the tree students I had, planning what we will show for the noble ladies and stuff like that, after one hour of fencing it ended, and one of the students, Marcus, jokingly said he thought it was just the warm-up, he wasn't even tired yet.
So the students won a nice little run around the game area with the quickly made up song
>The best fencing school around here
>Run by Claus the Reiter
>Fuck you Marcus for this run
>It's your fault that here we are
Naturally I ran with them with club in hand if some of them was too slow or didn't sing loudly enough.

>> No.8476713
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The next day the remaining retainers arrived as well, meaning I could move more freely about, since I wasn't needed at all times, because of security reasons.

I started with arranging a fencing demonstration with the best, and at the time only fencing school. I spoke with several representatives about arranging a meeting with the little ladies, since they were here to get some insight of the inner workings of the academy.

I also found out that Velia was quite a talented artist and she had some very interesting pictures for sale. Naturally, I took this opportunity to acquire some very interesting Art, picture related.

I also commissioned a piece of my fiancée, leaving my medallion with her. A bit later some things transpired, which HLF will surely mention shortly and I went over to offer the Sterenfells School a place in our camp should they need it and that's when I accomplished my first, accidental heroic deed.

However I'm still pretty tired from the weekend, so enjoy the lewd pictures, I'll be back tomorrow to fill out the gaps and tell some other stories, like how the barbarians kidnapped the worst possible women to marry and such.

>> No.8476815
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I love these stories.

>> No.8476819
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about the fencing demonstration, after the run, we went there, and show a few things for the girls, then the girls demanded a little drunken fight which we showed them, one of the students was actually a drunkard so it was pretty easy for him...

Anyway after this I gave a little free time for the students and as a herald of the fencing school I continue to convince people we are the best fencing school. The trick was that I was only a herold not a master, and the other three guy was just a student and none of us was REALLY good with fencing IRL, and the other fencing school had a lot of members who were good at it IRL. So I had to avoid things were we would be doing a fight against them.
Then again, we were the Best Fencing School, and our main views of fighting were something like this: Always cheat, always win. The only unfair fight is the one that you lose. If you are at a disadvantage then your tactics sucks.

Anyway I happened to encounter more and more with this "prince" and he started to do more and more social muscling on me and the school, like we should do this and that for him but be aware that others are starting to spread rumors that we are thiefs and stuff like that and we aren't trustworthy but if we do this we might became, and be aware that we can't sail safely through the sea of politics because we fencers don't know anything about it, etc.
At the first few times I kind of ignored it and told him that we basically don't care about politics.
Then he came with the rumor that we stole magic books because obviously what else would a fencing school steal?
After that he decided that there WILL be a fencing tournament between the two fencing schools that he will organize and because of reasons the barbarians should come too. Even the other fencing school was like "you wot m8?" and the barbarians were never notified about this.
As you can guess we didn't gave a fuck about the lizardmen at this point and things started to escalate slowly...

>> No.8476869
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Your "prince" is setting you up for a fall. I'd strongly suspect his motives and be prepared for treachery at any given moment.

>> No.8476871

anyway he sent his scribe to us.to talk with us about this tournament and he was accompanied some random cutthroat to protect the scribe. Basically the cutthroat come in to our camp uninvited, and just said that a guy want to talk with us. I walked up to him and my beating club was already in my hands as I had a little disagreement with the students. Anyway I asked the guy to introduce the guy he is escorting properly but he doens't even knew his name, and just mumbled something, when I told him to speak up he just looked dumbly. So I shoved him to the students so they can beat a little civilization into him.

Then the scribe introduced me the failed idea of this tournament and it was pretty clear they only wanted to do something but they have no fucking or regular idea what is this something that they want. It clearly wasn't a tournament because they couldn't answered any of my questions, like when or how many people or what would be the rules.
But fortunately I spoke with enough people and did enough good deeds yesterday and today that we had a few friends and the "prince" had only enemies so I was later informed that he just wants this tournament so he can search through our camp for something.

As I said, things were slowly escalated.

In the meantime I was invited by the archeological faculty leader to a meeting with all the faculty leaders and the "prince" about solving the lizardmen problem and the problem with the gate which is half open and we can either close it correctly or open it properly. Shit nobody cares about.
I was basically there becaus originally on that meeting the "prince" wanted to judge the archaeologist professor about opening the gate and then executing him and I promised the professor to help him if he needs it. Fortunately this thing was dropped and the meeting was mostly about all the professors burning the "prince" about all the stupid questions he asked.

Then the meeting ended and I was held back to be searched...

>> No.8476875

no non nonononononononnnonononononono why why why why why why why WHY!

>> No.8476907
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I was held back by the herald (bald guy on the pic) of the "prince" for a search saying that they have the "authority" for this, and some more bullshit. I felt that this will be REALLY interesting so I stayed.
We were basically at the camp where the two noble girls were, there was also Gaspard who watched the whole "search" thing. There were the camp own guards too who already knew me and who enjoyed much the fencing show a bit earlier.
So basically I was on friendly ground and the herald of the "prince", the scribe and two of the cutthroats they payed wanted to search me and asking questions.

They started with the "fact" that during the meeting they searched through my camp and found some kind of illegal essence crystal or something like that saying it was under my hammock. I'm pretty good at bullshitting and backstabbing people so I felt a little professional pain on how weak was this attempt was.
Their story was bled from several wounds and the fact that the "crystal" changed during the conversation into a "cylinder" and later into a "magical key" doesn't helped either.
But I decided to play along for the fun.

They asked me to put down my swords at first. I did exactly that. Then they had to ask to put down my dagger and my club too...
Then they asked me to show my bag, which was surprise surprise didn't held anything that they can use against me.
And then, they asked me to strip down. Gaspard then had to remind them that there are children in this camp and they clearly can't be serious about this.
They were serious.
I had to remind them that stripping is something I only do to women, but they weren't moved by it. I think they thought I would be really threatened by this or something.

So I unlaced my codpiece first.

>> No.8476950
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This wasn't enough for them and they wanted me to strip down completely. While I'm not that shy but it's honestly a way more effort to put on everything properly with belts and laces and everything so I wasn't in the mood to undress in front of them. I rather grabbed the bald guys hand and said him softly and suggestively that I would rather guide his hand if he really wants to do this strip searching thing.
Now THAT made him back away really quickly and forgot about all of this strip searching thing.

The scribe rather casted a scrying spell on me, which is a magical equivalent of a cavity search. But luckily I had a protective amulet that protects me from various spells, scrying was one of them. Now if you have a protective amulet in this situation you can do a lot of things, you can for example tell whatever you want to the caster that he detected that and he won't be the wiser. Or you can completely block the spell and say that it just simply didn't worked.
I just punched him in the stomach and said to him that if he ever again casts a spell on me without asking me nicely before it I will use a sword next time.

This made a little problem among them and they started shouting things like I attacked a noble (apparently everyone was a noble in their group) and that they have authority to do this (they have a written permission from a local inquisitor whom I knew, good guy, always in black, looked like Snape), more shouting about why I didn't told them that I have magical protection on me which I replied that they didn't asked, and I can't read minds and apparently neither can they.
After a lot of shouting and the cutthroats drawing even swords Gaspard had to step in again to calm things down.
Finally they asked me if they can cast a scrying spell on me again, it wasn't a nice asking but whatever, I allowed it as I had nothing to hide.
Then I notified him that his spell failed again as my amulet was still on me and so is a shit eating grin on my face.

>> No.8476970
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Bicolline is basically just filled with douchebags and trolls, don't come guys, it sucks (unless you're a douchebag or a troll).

>> No.8476981
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As you can expect there was more shouting. Funny thing is you can cast a scrying spell on someone only once per day (the second scrying was done by the herald) if you do it again it will show the same thing.

Anyway they really couldn't do anything more and while there was more shouting I concluded that the search was over and so did the caravan guards who gave back my weapons. Then the herald grumpily agreed and said that I can leave. I agreed and reminded him that I do not need his permission for this as I'm on the camp of the Caravan, so if my friend Gaspard agrees I would rather stay for a drink. He of course agreed.

I think I don't have to say that in the meantime all the caravan guards and the noble girls really enjoyed the whole "show"

Anyway I stayed for a short drink but then the "prince" appeared and it looked like he was really angry, shouting more about how incompetent his men are and stuff like that. Even a professor from the runes and symbols faculty appeared and tried to cast another scrying on me. She didn't asked me either but I decided I rather not punch in the stomach here so I just waved at them and left walked toward the door.

As you can guess the "prince" started to shout REALLY loudly and commanded his bodyguard to hold me down.

This was his bodyguard

>> No.8477028
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The bodyguard drew a dagger and while extending his arm completely to me he started to run towards me, which is kind of a questionable method for "holding down" someone.
I just quickly grabbed his arm and thrown back the guy to where he came from. I drawn my sword after this and told him that he should quickly put away that dagger before I hurt him with it. He didn't put away the dagger so I cut down his right ear.

At this point the "prince" was totally enraged, may or may not frothing in his mouth and commanded me to stop, so I asked him on what basis he commands me to anything.
His answer? Because he owns this land...
That was the time I think that anyone in the game really reminded him that he doesn't own shit here, only his brother.
This silenced them but if looks could kill I would have dropped dead right there. Fortunately looks can't kill, but on the other hands pistols can and he drew one from his belt. Unfortunately for him, he was standing really close so with a quick step I closed the distance enough so that I could put the tip of my sword into the muzzle of the pistol, and calmly placed my left hand on my dagger that was still on my belt.

This time the professor stepped in who in all the shouting realized what is this all about and what was her mistake and she actually asked me kindly if she can cast a scry spell on me without my amulet on.

and of course she could,after all he asked it like a civilized person and I had nothing to hide. She confirmed this with the spell and while it was still possible I left to my camp and gathered my people. It took a few minutes until all of them arrived and two of them was even laughing because as it turned out the "prince" commanded them to kill me, and a few other people too.
Which meant shit just got real, which meant I handed out the bigger swords to everyone...

girl in the pointy hat was the professor

>> No.8477129

this is something I love in larp. How much time a information take time to pass, and how many people waste ressource to do the same thing again and again.
But usually, it's on different group.

>> No.8477179
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So we were walking on road, all peacefully, with a longsword at everyone, just stopped at the faculty of diplomacy to discuss a few things with them, like probably we won't have time to protect them anymore on the note of serious asskicking that is going to happen sooner or later.
And then somehow the "prince" and his men appeared at the road walking toward us, but when they see as they slow down but they see that we saw them too so they can't turn back now because egoism.

Then when they are close enough they stop. We are standing at the side of the road not giving a fuck, leaning on our swords.
The "prince" basically commands us to go away and with a short laugh we remind him that he can't command us and he doesn't own shit here.
He says we are standing in the way.
We respond that he should use the road then because we are just standing on the side of the road.
This goes back and forth a little but in the end he says something like "I say it the last time, leave!" which I had to respond with the "And I say, Fuck Off!" showing my polite site.

So he had to turn back and leave after all because he was afraid to go past us. This is when one of my men said: "When will he realize that is a dead end where he went?"

The answer to that question come a few minutes later when he come back with a two more men, and drawn swords.
Incidentally until then the arch-chancellor of the university arrived to and he was highly interested in what the flying fuck is going on here and why are there a fuckton of people watching. (we had an audience by now)

Cue a few minutes of shittalking again back and the Arch-Chancellor joining in too about how he had enough of this shit and everyone can go home and fuck himself and leave his university out of these things. Although he didn't used these exact words, but that was the meaning of it. But the prince was still felt threatened by us standing close to the road, even when I stepped back a few meters.

This is me, being threatening

>> No.8477217
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anyway, have to get some sleep now, I will continue the story tomorrow.

But here is Lechter R. Joachim is the caretaker of all the stuff and inventory the Academy provide to its students and teachers. His beard was painted purple by some students as a prank.

>> No.8477708

I don't know about you, but if some guy told this mook to fucking touch me, I'd shank him with his own dagger.

>> No.8478279

>I just quickly grabbed his arm and thrown back the guy to where he came from.
I wish I could do this at my larp, but they'd have a fit and die of heart attacks thinking about how "unsafe" it would be.

>> No.8478452
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I'm back, sort of and as promised, some side notes.

The night before the prince requested that the little ladies visit him, as he would like to toast on their health and wish them a successful endeavour here. Suffice to say, that they were less than thrilled, as this "prince" seemed a colossal prick already, even after a few minutes. By the time of this meeting, there was more than enough talk about the things that he did and said. Just to put this into context, one the little ladies was crying in her chambers for an hour, because she was so terrified that this prince would ask her hand in marriage. Naturally, it was decided that were this meeting to occur, the guardian of the little ladies would go in their stead. Luckily, the "prince" forgot that this invitation ever took place, presumably he had more important things to do, like doing all that shit described above.

At the first undressing request, both of the little ladies were sitting jut a few paces away and as such I had to insist on the herald to pull his head from his ass and take a good look around. I knew he was from an another country, but I hoped that at least this herald has some manners, if his "prince" doesn't. Alas, I was disappointed, so I had the little ladies retreat into the inner chambers, where they still could hear everything, but could see less of... things. After a while, the situation got a little hot, the common themes were HLF not being a noble and as such having no rights at all. At one point, the sell-swords even drew their swords, but after I asked them kindly to put their blades away before I decide that this was a threatening move against the noble ladies and act accordingly, they did.

I'll wait for HLF to continue the story, as I was doing mostly inconsequential in the meantime, I have no related picture, so have a random one.

>> No.8478785

so back to the "roadblock" happening, there was a lot of argument and the "prince" was furious and said I will hang for various crimes I did, like attacking a nobles, and threatening him and all kind of shit he came up with.

So as a solution I offered him that we can settle all of this with a duel like civilized people. He of course refused this. A fun fact I only learned after the game that the "prince" wrote in his backstory that he has a lot of titles from military campaigns and won all kind of duels etc, so basically he is a mary sue. And yet when he was talking to me he never mentioned how good he is at fighting and always refused the duel thing...

Anyway it turned into a "NO U!" after a while and it wasn't as entertaining so I solved the problem by offering I will go wherever this "prince" wants me to go. He wanted me to go back to Sterrenfels.
I said I'm totally okay with this and I will start the preparations for the travel right now.

Which meant I went to my friend Gaspard and the caravan with the noble girls. Because OBVIOUSLY we have to go by the caravan as that's the best method of travel, and if they just start the trip a few days from now that's totally not our problem. So we started to arrange this with the caravan master and that until the start of the trip we bring our staff to the caravan and merge our camps.

That's what when we heard a scream and went down to see what happened. And the happening was that the local inquisitor found out the the lover of the "prince" who traveled with him was a chaos worshiper so he shot her.

>> No.8478834
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A lot of people was surprised by this, I wasn't among them. What I was surprised about is that the inquisitor decided that the girl who was shot was to be tied up and we should guard her until interrogation in our camp because from his point of view the "prince" and his people no longer can be trusted.

So we went back to our camp.
After a through search we found gold coins at the girl which were clearly from a country where they worship chaos (in game coins all have the coat of arms of the country they are from)
A quick questioning of the girl doesn't gave us any useful information and I was on the decision of just kill her, suffer not the heretic to live.

But the bald herald came again and started bullshitting again and at the end managed to convince the inquisitor to give the girl to them so they can torture her and get information. Because apparently the herald was a master at torturing people too.
The inquisitor said that they can have the girl but if he doesn't have her head until sundown then everyone in their group will counts as a chaos worshiper in his eyes. And he also took back the paper from them that was basically an inquisitional warrant to act in his name.

Then the inquisitor started to rewrite that paper so now the Fencing School can act in his name. But just before he can sign it, the herald stepped behind his back and cut his throat and his men attacked us. We weren't exactly prepared for this ambush, like two of my students weren't there at the moment and I was holding an opened bottle of ink that was needed for the writing so I had to throw it away while I drawn my sword I tried to defend myself but alas we were outnumbered and it was an ambush, so I went down with great wounds, face to the ground, and started to bleed to death. Fortunately I still had enough life in me so that I could drink a healing potion I had so I won't bleed to death if nobody makes sure I'm dead.

And Gaspard was there too.

>> No.8478837

Was this at a WFRP event?

>> No.8478838

nope, but a setting is kind of similar, a little less fantasy and magic stuff

>> No.8478859
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Shortly before this, I retrieved the commissioned portrait of my fiancée (see picture) and went over to check on the Sterrenfels School's camp. I've heard there was a commotion and wanted to make sure there wasn't any problems with the "prince" as they were packing up to leave.

I admit, that altough I had a fleeting bad feeling when the bald herald showed up with four mercenaries, I was too preoccupied with the portrait and was very happy about pretty much everything. So naturally, I was very surprised when he commanded them pretty loudly that they kill the inquisitor and the others, meaning myself and the school's people. With the portrait in my sword arm, I was paralyzed with indecision, only when they came at me, only then could I bring myself to throw the picture away and try to defend myself. I managed to pull my longsword out and somewhat shield my chest as I fell down with my attacker on top of me. Luckily, after pressing his blades on me for a bit, which I mostly blocked with some squirming around and light grapple, he decided that I'm dealt with. Looking around I saw that the inquisitor was mortally wounded or even dead already, HLF was already on the ground, the remaining student of the fencing school was fighting, but was badly wounded.

The one thing I didn't see was the parchment that the portrait was on however, so after a bit crawling around I jumped up, determined to take at least one of them with me, like a true Irtrian. They weren't expecting me, so I managed to fell one of them with one swift move and halfway sever his neck as he was falling down. Since this hurt very much, I considered my next target very carefully and calmly, luckily the herald was within reach. So I jumped / fell toward him, with shouting literally AAAAAND FUCK YOU TOOOO and hit him hard in his armpit, but some spell protected the bastard from this otherwise clearly mortal strike.

After this, I decided to hug the fence for a little bit.

>> No.8478907

Taking some shallow breaths, I realized it was still four people against one, which is quite steep odds, even if you are not wounded. So I decided to shout as loud as I could, throw everything that was around me and poking around with the longsword. With this I managed to keep them at bay and focused on me, hoping that some civilized people would show up soon.

Seeing that not everyone is lying on the ground, the herald commanded me to drop my sword and I didn't. Then he commanded me again and I realized he was casting a spell, but first forgot to show the type of mental effect. After a bit of confusion, he showed me the type, that my one use magick ring protected against, so it burned out cancelling his spell over me. After some more thrashing and poking around, he was very agitated that I didn't throw my sword, so I took it and threw it right at him, but sadly I only managed to score a grazing hit.

I wasn't unarmed for long, as I took the sword of the guy I killed eralier. Naturally, through all this I was shouting that I'm an Irtrian nobleman, this ambush was very bad form and very ungentleman-like. Now, I heard people noises from outside, so when the bald herald offered me a chance to surrender and shall no harm come to me, I took his offer.

When one of the new arrivals managed to patch up my wounds a little, so I could stand, I took a better look around. The bald herald was drawing strange marks on the bodies of the fallen and after that, he took one of the swords and tried to slice the neck of HLF.

I stepped one step forward, completely unarmed, shouted something about HONOR, MANNERS and attacking unconcious people a proof of LOW CHARACTER. They took several steps back, not knowing what to do and after seeing lots of people arrive a few minutes later, they decided to leave the place. I also recovered the portrait, which survived without a scratch.

They managed to kill the inquisitor, but couldn't profit for very long, as you'll see.

>> No.8478916

You guys make it sound like these people where taking themselves WAY too seriously. Is that for comedic effect, or did you actually have to deal with all that exceptional grognard failure all weekend?

>> No.8478918

They were taking themselves very seriously, portraying their "prince" as a lord over life and death, when in fact he held no official title.

>> No.8478920

>or did you actually have to deal with all that exceptional grognard failure all weekend?

>> No.8478958
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Thanks to the potion I drank and thanks to Gaspard I survived, barely. I was still on the ground and wasn't in a shape to move around so I just stayed there.

Fortunately for all the shouting one of my other students arrived and gave my another healing potion and protected my body, also a lot of other people gathered around wondering what happened. The bald herald leaved somewhere around this time. A few minutes later I was good enough to stand up with help and when I looked around it was kind of chaotic, two of the cutthroats was dead who come with the bald guy, and the inquisitor was dead too, others were injured.
The inquisitors body was inspected by two professor and a cleric was tending the injured too. They also inspected if anyone was actually chaos infected as the rumors already started to spread (on of the reasons the bald guy left to tell everyone that all of us were chaos worshipers and stuff like that) Anyway that wasn't true as the cleric can confirmed this.

And then out of nowhere one of the professors put the inquisitor's pistol in my hand. Loaded and with one more bullets and gunpowder. Also after a little more search three more bullets with gunpowder was found and some documents that proved the "prince" was actually stealing money through double book keeping.

Around that time I heard that the bald guy was coming back, so I stepped next to our Grandmaster's portrait and waited for him with the loaded pistol. The moment he entered the camp I shot him in the throat, without saying a word or leaving any time for him for speak.

I left the explanation to others who seen what the guy did and started to reload the pistol as I heard that others were coming too...

on pic, student that protected me being angry at others

>> No.8478995
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People started gathering in front of our camp and more were coming. One of them is no other than the "prince" leading a bunch of men, probably to proclaim his importance and how right he is all the time.

So I walked up to the entrance of our camp and when the "prince" was still talking to his men about something I stopped right in front of him and shot him too in the throat without any explanation or hesitation.
This made everyone stop and there was a few seconds of complete silence.

Thanks to the fact that the "prince" made nearly everyone his enemy or at least nobody liked him people didn't attacked me on the spot. Also Gaspard stepped up to try to explain the situation a little. But unfortunately a cleric turned up again and from plain altruism tried to save the life of the "prince".
I tried to buy as much time as I can so he will bleed out before the cleric could help him, I showed him the inquisitor's paper, and started bullshitting. When He asked me to leave regardless so he can do is job I of course agreed that I will leave but one second later I was between him and the body again and pleaded to him to hear me out. Basically I was like a door to door salesman leaving my foot in the door all the time.
Sadly after the sixth time others grabbed me and dragged me away so I cannot stop him to stabilize the guy.

But after that he left and it was decided that "someone should bring the body to safety". And we all know that "someone" means "not me" so nobody volunteered. And in the meantime a few barbarians appeared too with some kind of problem.

So I silently without a word acting all natural stepped to the body of the "prince" and with another guy we dragged him away to "safety" where I stabbed him several times with my dagger and paid with gemstones for the silence of the other guy.

You could say it was a successful fencing duel by Sterrenfels standards. Always cheat, always win

>> No.8479017

>So I silently without a word acting all natural stepped to the body of the "prince" and with another guy we dragged him away to "safety" where I stabbed him several times with my dagger and paid with gemstones for the silence of the other guy.

Based as fuck. The assassin's life is definitely in your future.

>> No.8479023

can't confirm nor deny it

>> No.8479024

No, an assassin would have gotten the job done without anyone being the wiser and before all those poor people got killed. The gods alone know what manners of chaos worship he got up to in the interval.

This was a kingmaker plot. Or at least a new noble house from the plebus story.

>> No.8479078

It could've been, but he was only the governor's brother.

Altough to be fair, without the "prince" the game / experience would've been lessened, every good story needs its saturday morning cartoon villain, after all.

Anyhow, my other more or less accidental, but heroic deeds are less exciting. I could tell you, how I made sure that HLF wasn't killed on spot, how the surviving mercenaries were chopped up by the barbarians, then eaten by an orc or how I managed to convince an all powerful wizard-lizard-king to let me and my companion go, but they require too much explanation.

The only one worth mentioning would be the time the Firebellies clan decided to get some women, because they had none. TBC in new post...

>> No.8479396

I'm competing in my first tournament later this month. Do you guys have any advice or stories that you'd be willing to share?

I'm far from being the best fighter in our group - I'm mainly doing it for the experience and because my friend is going to be in it too. I just hope that I don't come in last place.

>> No.8479734

What kind of tournament? What will you be armed with? What will your opponents be armed with?

>> No.8479820
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>Do you guys have any advice or stories that you'd be willing to share?
break the leg of your oppenent before the tournament. It's way harder to fight with a broken leg so you will have an easier time to win.

>> No.8479837

You really had an artist at that event, huh?

>> No.8479978

Does anyone have advise on easy and short Landsknecht pants?

>> No.8479985

There's 2 pdfs, one about Landsknechte and one about medieval tailoring.

>> No.8480003

buy 5 meters really expensive velvet, put it on you however the fuck you want, kill anyone who looks at you funny, avoid the provost.

>> No.8480005


There was a pattern/tutorial dump in one of these threads a while back. Can we get another one going please?

>> No.8480008

Can you post pfds on /cgl/ now?

>> No.8480086


was the prince and his goon a real faction ? he seem too cartoonish. NPC ? If yes, they really made a satisfying villain to fuck up.

>> No.8480259


People were posting them as image files. I don't think you can do PDFs here. You can post a link to a PDF though.

>> No.8480265

I could, but EGL doesn't seem all that interested. He probably has them.

>> No.8480339

call the provost I don't give a fuck

>> No.8480343
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>> No.8480377

It seems /out/doorsmen want our expertise.

>> No.8480385

That thread showed up in /tg/ a couple of days ago, I think.

>> No.8480856

>take him to a kendo school instead!
>have him try out for track or another sport!

Fucking normies on that board I swear

>> No.8480918
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>Nobody makes friends at a LARP!

That one especially made me laugh.

>> No.8481069

they mean the right sort of friends, of course. Neurotypical ones.

>> No.8481119

I see why would you think that, but they were a real faction, all of them PCs.

The common consensus at the end of the second day was that he was playing the classic Disney villain, who is brother of the king, somewhat ironically and tongue-in-cheek. I personally thought he did a phenomenal job at portraying this classic character, but sadly as it turns out, he's like that in real life as well.

Also, I'm back and typing in the wife stealing story.

>> No.8481246
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i was near the corner store when the drugs began to take hold, it was not my first time but these ones where memeful i was feeling like hunter s thomsgng doing a filature . i had to stay focused, as i aproached the store there was this man taking a giant sip of his liquid in a can , poor man was clearly a vigil of some sort , as i looked inside to see if the coast was clear this man looked at me and pointed at the doorbell, ''he knows'' i tought to myself as i tryed to stay calm as i rang de doorbell, he was watching me as i made my choice between many different species of beef jerky.

as i looked at the mondoux's candys thingy i saw the numbers 1,99$ , it was to good to be true, i took many paquet, even the ones i did not like, hell why not

then , as ''she works hard for the money'' by Donna Summer began to play i saw it, it was a rebate on the bleach , and i was not about to buy some bleach just for the sake of it. i had dignity.

i placed the candy back on the cardboard shelf and i starte laughing.

He knew. he jibbered something is some kind of arabic, funny...he was white.

What was this machination!?

turn out he was reading the Majora's maks quote on my shirt ''You've met a terrible faith haven't you'' ...you win this time pear man.

as i looked at what drink i could take to help me eat these beef jerkys i wanted to look like a tired man going to work at 2am ...some kind of fat vigilante or something.

i took a redbull. i knew i would regret this decision later.

i went on on my merry way and had particular conversations with myself , turn out i wasnt followed but these really tense 2 minutes told me otherwise.

as i passed the bridge i tought about throwing this can in the small river...and i said...no..you will be an enemy of nature and the raccoon you saw last time will be pissed and eat your dog , and you fucking love that dog.

>> No.8481262
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as i took this decision i saw a leaf blow in the wind..mother nature was saying thank you.

I then proceeded to grab flowers from gardens and make a bouquet inside the red bull can.

i saw a firetruck pass...i got nervous.

the bouquet was so pretty , i had to make something with it.

i remembered that one of my friend who got stalked by a psycho 10 years ago was living down the street. i entered her aparment building and put the redbull flower in front of her door...lerl she'll probably have ptsd flashback.

this road was dirt, i mean real dirt, tonkas everywhere, and this guy was following me.
As i remembered tupac words ''Dont give away free pussy for a dime'' i took an oportunity to look...the man was gone.

i then saw another firetruck, and as i continued on the road i saw the river rescue truck.

Someone died tonight

I saw the cops and i'm afraid of the cops, thats a bad sign... i'd hate to be american.

then i got home and the dog did not bark...was everyone dead? did my dog got killed because of my raccoon enemy , not to be confused with that raccoon boy with that cute ass and dimples on top of his butt also called thumbs holes.

the dog just looked at me...she knew.

i gave her a cookie and then she stood in front of the bathroom as i shat, it took me 10 seconds to realise that this feeling was not gonna last forever, i had to wipe.

i got back into my room and posted to strangers on 4chan about larps.

Larping : not even once

>> No.8481301
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Just to put the event in context, the "prince" was already dead, again... and a few hours have passed.

Velia and I became fast friends, mainly because of my earlier patronage and having a lots of things in common. So when she wanted to check on the professor of Archeology, naturally I offered to accompany her. We didn't get very far tough, because we were stopped by one the barbarian clan leaders, see picture (left). He wanted to know if there are merchants with the caravan. After I explained him that a caravan is simply an organized, more safe way to travel, not necessarily with merchants, he seemed very disappointed. I heard a noise from the side, then I felt a sharp pain on my head and was knocked out.

When I woke up, I did the most logical thing to do, which was to draw my sword and look for the clan leader. Naturally, he wasn't around, but several people were pretty concerned about me walking about with a sword in hand. After talking with some other tribal people, I found out where they this particular clan camped and decided to pay them a visit. I knew nothing about the kidnapped women at the time, I only wanted to have a chat with the clan leader and maybe hit him a few times with a longsword in a fair duel.

As I was walking towards their camp, a few barbarians started to follow me, that's when I heard some noises that were clearly women being handled against their will. Now, I got real angry and started to run towards the noise, the other two barbarians after me. Shortly after arriving, I saw that there were indeed women held captive. After a failed attempt to knock me out again, I started to fight the unwashed barbarians, but I was overwhelmed, bleeding out and soon passed out.

After a while, I woke up, still alive in an another camp, tied up with some rope, my wounds healed. Just in time to witness the marriage ceremony starting.

>> No.8481311
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>You're only teaching him to delve further into social awkwardness in all honesty. It's a little harsh, but sometimes making him tag along to social events and getting him exposed to people can help him adapt to the real world, not retreat to a fantasy one.

what is this the 80's?!

>> No.8481352
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Green Banner Maser race reporting in.

>> No.8481361
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>> No.8481438
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Just as the first part of the ceremony was starting, the other woman who was with the Study of Primal Force faculty cast a spell on the clan leader. She commanded him to untie them and when he did she run away, drawing all three of them away. I checked my person and I found my dagger still on me, so I started to work on the ropes and when I was free, run over to the hut and hid inside.

There was some commotion outside, which later I found out to be the girl's father, a master wizard himself, arriving and being less than happy. I looked around for weapons, but there was nothing inside and soon after two of the barbarians came back.

Luckily, there was again some commotion outside, this time with some weapon noises, so one of them went back to check it out. Only the biggest of them remained and I waited patiently, until he was looking away from the entrance of the hut. I jumped out, clenching both my hands into a fist, hit him on the temple and knocked him out. I took his sword, cut the bindings of Velia, we scaled the back wall of the valley, had a moment and the went around the forest back to the civilized part of the terrain.

After a short break, I gathered up some swordsmen mainly from the academies fencing school, promising them good coin. For some reason this time they didn't try to attack me and soon I had the full attention of all three of the clan leaders. After a heated discussion, we managed to settle things peacefully and in a quite civilized manner. The clan leader responsible for the kidnappings had to go down on his knees and apologize to the ladies, their clan also had to pay a compensation for the atrocities they committed. After this business done, we returned to the camp of the caravan, telling the tale and how it was pretty much like in the movies.

Now the funny thing was, the barbarians wanted to avoid kidnapping women with magical power or influential connections, but managed to do both.

Picture: some of the swordsmen, I hired.

>> No.8481443
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Just as the first part of the ceremony was starting, the other woman who was with the Study of Primal Force faculty cast a spell on the clan leader. She commanded him to untie them and when he did she run away, drawing all three of them away. I checked my person and I found my dagger still on me, so I started to work on the ropes and when I was free, run over to the hut and hid inside.

There was some commotion outside, which later I found out to be the girl's father, a master wizard himself, arriving and being less than happy. I looked around for weapons, but there was nothing inside and soon after two of the barbarians came back.

Luckily, there was again some commotion outside, this time with some weapon noises, so one of them went back to check it out. Only the biggest of them remained and I waited patiently, until he was looking away from the entrance of the hut. I jumped out, clenching both my hands into a fist, hit him on the temple and knocked him out. I took his sword, cut the bindings of Velia, we scaled the back wall of the valley, had a moment and the went around the forest back to the civilized part of the terrain.

After a short break, I gathered up some swordsmen mainly from the academies fencing school, promising them good coin. For some reason this time they didn't try to attack me and soon I had the full attention of all three of the clan leaders. After a heated discussion, we managed to settle things peacefully and in a quite civilized manner. The clan leader responsible for the kidnappings had to go down on his knees and apologize to the ladies, their clan also had to pay a compensation for the atrocities they committed. After this business done, we returned to the camp of the caravan, telling the tale and how it was pretty much like in the movies.

Now the funny thing was, the barbarians wanted to avoid kidnapping women with magical power or influential connections, but managed to do both.

Picture: some of the swordsmen, I hired.

>> No.8481454

Yeah, I already got them. Although there was a image on how to create a landsknecht barret that I'm also looking for.

>> No.8481466

That was gropey's.

>> No.8481515




>> No.8481609
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And just to finish my story, After I killed the prince for sure my character left silently and quickly before others would ask awkward questions and stuff like that...
And because I was needed to dress up as a lizardmen for the final happening.

Anyway, commencing image dump. Although as I said earlier only a few pictures were made and most of them aren't great...

>> No.8481614
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>> No.8481616
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>> No.8481617
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>> No.8481619
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>> No.8481620
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>> No.8481623
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>> No.8481626
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>> No.8481628
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>> No.8481629
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>> No.8481632
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>> No.8481634
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>> No.8481639
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>> No.8481641
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>> No.8481643
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>> No.8481644
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>> No.8481646
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>> No.8481647
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>> No.8481649
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>> No.8481651
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>> No.8481653
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>> No.8481667
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>> No.8481669
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>> No.8481670
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>> No.8481675
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just be grateful that the guy at least had some cloths on him

>> No.8481684
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>> No.8481685
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y u do dis?

>> No.8481687
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>> No.8481689
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doing what?

>> No.8481690
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>> No.8481694
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>> No.8481695
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>> No.8481700
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>> No.8481701
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Animatium is by far the most intricate larp I have been to so far. Massive amounts of ballgowning, angst, traumagowning, and fighting all sorts of things. I managed to accidentally break the injury rules requiring a mid game rewrite. 3 black bead pulls in a row!

>> No.8481703
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>> No.8481704
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>> No.8481706
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>> No.8481708
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>> No.8481709
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>> No.8481712
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>> No.8481714
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>> No.8481715
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end of good pics

>> No.8481720
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>> No.8481724

still not getting your point

>> No.8481729

The pic looked squished.

>> No.8481732

it wasn't

>> No.8481757

never heard of lens distortion?

>> No.8481806

Holy crap, what filter did you run that through?

>> No.8481814

Self Transforming Machine Elves I think

>> No.8482240


>> No.8482472

It's like ballgowning, but with even more angst and traumatic emotions.

>> No.8482474
File: 1.32 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20150715_220223872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
It's almost done, just needs more feathers.

>> No.8482486

Has anyone seen Gropey? Hes never around when you need him.

>> No.8482529
File: 93 KB, 613x436, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Ive been going around museums to get pictures of items I would need for my kit. Apparently the ancient greeks had a throat guard. I wonder what I could make it out of. Would leather work? I've seen one covered in a bunch of tiny scales. Anyone know a good site for tiny scales ?

In other news, at an ancient site today I saw a group of people worshiping the goddess Artemis and giving a sacrifice. That was weird...

>> No.8482533

Clearly Jesus ain't doing his job anymore, considering the situation in Gayreece

>> No.8482562

Leather would definitely work.

I'd use foam because if you trip and fall on leather thick enough to hold the shape it can crush your larynx. You can cover the foam in thin leather for the look, but thin leather cannot be worked with a relief. You could shape the foam and glue the leather to the contour though.

Do you want actual single metal scales, or will a fabric do?

For an authentic look you'd need brass foil stamped in the design. It would be rather involved and I'm not sure it can be done without learning to hammer brass designs yourself.

>> No.8482575
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Well I think I'll take my chances with just leather and that was a fancy one here's one that's just regular.

Also do any of you wear cups under your armor? Im considering it since my armor isn't the best for groin protection

>> No.8482576

Oh I was thinking real scales

>> No.8482598
File: 14 KB, 206x367, 11707391_869352939787019_973382449478530121_n[1].jpg_oh=1a0b874cbfd6a7aaf9e5b3e88f225959&oe=56101487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also little fun fact from our larp.
This was one of the chaos worshiper's back. Nobody noticed it.

>> No.8482655

>I'd use foam because if you trip and fall on leather thick enough to hold the shape it can crush your larynx. You can cover the foam in thin leather for the look, but thin leather cannot be worked with a relief. You could shape the foam and glue the leather to the contour though.
Or you could try not being shit at making armor and make something good enough not to harm yourself with.

>> No.8482674
File: 2.48 MB, 368x8000, bicoexplained2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made dis because i have to answer those question a lot.

>> No.8482748

Okay, so my interest has piqued. Are there any decent larps within Ontario? How does one get into larping? Are overnight larps like Bico generally safe for a lone female?

>> No.8482753

Don't know. Just go. Yes.

>> No.8482768

>Are overnight larps like Bico generally safe for a lone female?
do you have at least one dagger and some kind of hat?

>> No.8482787


What is the significance of that design?

Sorry for being a noob.

>> No.8482791

Eurolarp story, happened 2 months ago

Our camp at our annual 1 week camp plays a lot of PnP. This year the organizers sent a rare (everyone knows everyone after 15 years, there's babies) newcomer to our camp on the 3rd day. She had heard about the event, which is half PnP and half LARP, and was curious. She had brought dice. We let her join. I'm not sure what we played that night, I believe it was DG.

The next day we hardly saw her as she had taken our encouragement to join the LARP to heart and was all over the place, now in borrowed garb. She sat in on another of our sessions and stopped by late when the other camps were calming down several times.

By the weekend it turned out that she had actually promised to meet her boyfriend and was now dodging his calls because śhe was 2 days overdue and feeling really guilty.

But when she joined the IC bachelorette party in a drunken tour across the camps in search for a stripper she seemed quite alright.

I think she'll be back next year.

>> No.8482799
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>Are there any decent larps within Ontario?
According to Ontario Larpfag, not really

>How does one get into larping?
finding people with this interest help a lot.

>Are overnight larps like Bico generally safe for a lone female?
normaly yes

also , fuck quick get in here


>> No.8482800

well, in the larp where I played last weekend chaos worshipers put chaos symbols on themselves after every cast of a chaos spell. These symbols show others that he is a chaos worshiper, and after a a few symbols other things will happen too.
It's just that he had a fuckhuge symbol and nobody noticed it even after scrying spells flied left and right

>> No.8482807

aaaaand only scraps left.... i just bought 6 cali weapon at 25$ each.

now only some swords left

>> No.8482997
File: 223 KB, 307x463, zzzzz18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these 3 fuckers who just bought all the stock left!

one of them now have 20 cali weapons , the other one got for 500$ of them, and one of them even had the audacity to take all that was left.

oh wait...it's me, the amazing chinaman richard and joey...

Guys i think we just took control of a monopoly... want cheap cali?

>> No.8483101

fuck the sca I worked my ass off at one event because I saw you needed the assistance only for you all to get bitchy at me when I cant make to the next event to do all your work for you?

fuck off i'm done with this shit

>> No.8483130

All I wanted were some extra shortswords to borrow out to my friends who I'm trying to drag into larp. At least I snagged one.

>> No.8483151


Yes, the entire international organization of several hundred thousand people are responsible for the ungrateful douche who voluntold you to do shit.

Now calm down, and tell me what happened

>> No.8483199

Nice work!

>> No.8483206

You are fast. Show me your wares, my 4th year at Bico and I don't own a weapon.

>> No.8483220

Essentially I refused to go an event because of conflicts, and the lady who I helped out at previous event got all passive aggressive at me, and all throughout the week I've been getting messages from people to tell me to go and help her work the kitchen because she can't do it herself and its clear I make things so much easier and it'll be a big burden on her if I dont go.

>> No.8483227

(Well I do own 2 daggers and one bone-saw)

>> No.8483229

But I've made plenty of friends through LARP, and I'm as close to neurotypical as you can get!

>> No.8483261

>the lady who I helped out at previous event got all passive aggressive at me

Stopped reading here. This isn't an SCA issue, this is a douchebag issue. Drop her. Cut her out. play with your friends and let her pound sand.

Its a hobby. People who want to take your fun away are people you don't have to play with.

>> No.8483487
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Well, i bought them all fast at 75% discount and i'm gonna sell them to someone i know who own a larp shop for a little more.

This way the market dont get flooded with cheap weapons and he can sell them regular price while i make money and a 100% sure buyer.

This is also how i got mad rich in the auction house while playing WoW.

Buy everything cheap, if nobody is selling it, put a low price, see the market value drop, buy all the cheap stuff , hoard it, sell it in bulk for a cheaper price, watch as people pay a lot for something you just bougth for cheap.

Create a demand, offer the supply, create a shortage, make the seller panick so they think they will have to lower their price, offer them to buy all your cheap stuff so they now own the monopoly.

Any questions?
Yes...i still have my foreskin

>> No.8483537

>This way the market dont get flooded with cheap weapons
But if more cheap quality weapons were available the average quality of larpers would go up.

>> No.8483552

So? He's talking money making ventures, not making it easy for buyers to get crap cheap.

>> No.8483583

>not wanting to improve the overall quality of your larps
What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.8483829

What are you, some kind of idiot from the past?

>> No.8483964
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Yes, I'm from 50AD. I'm still confused how the Italians managed to turn into such faggots.

>> No.8483975

Not sure if war reenactment counts as LARPing but would a Nazi character be distasteful?

>> No.8483990

Depends on what you are working out, but it's definitely fetishy. I guess there's some reenactments where this is a thing, look at softair circles. Actual LARPS usually follow different themes (Fantasy, medieval, Jazz Age, Scifi) and have no context where such a thing would make any sense.

>> No.8484050
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Woah woah woah guys stop stop...

I think you all forgot the real message here.
I'm a moneygrubbing whore.

>> No.8484091

I would try out or visit the game first, to see if anyone else is.
Personally it feels either try-hard edgy, or fetishy. I wouldn't do it.

>> No.8484203

>stopped reading there
>not getting to the part where numerous other people in the shire are taking her side
>not understanding from the connotations that the only way to escape this all is to leave the shire, which is the only one around for hours


>> No.8484251

....so get together with the people who dont suck and play with them?

>> No.8484592


>> No.8484733


If they're going to treat you as slave labor, then yes it's time to say "fuck off". Publicly.

>> No.8484936

>slave labor
Nah, the SCA is primarily medievalists, its the classicists you've got to watch out for. They'll enslave you the medievalists will just make you a serf.

>> No.8485037

Being a serf is worse than being a slave. At least slaves usually aren't sent off to die in wars.

>> No.8485170

>At least slaves usually aren't sent off to die in wars.
That depends on how much actual history the medievalists know. Sending your means of food production off to die is a good way to starve to death.

>> No.8485446

Why is larp haven so full of faggots?

>> No.8485483
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i got some stories from Call of Cthulhu larps if anyone cares?

>> No.8485486

I got an admin banned for a thread. They are great to milk for drama.

>> No.8485494

Play with who you want and do what you want. If its a real issue, talk to your Barony. Shires are branches of local baronies that are too big to maintain direct governance, but not big enough to be an independent group. They are still subject to the rule of their baronial elected officials thoughm They exist at the bottom of the totem pole in the SCA and tend to be cancerous due to how small and insular they are.

There is no shame in asking for help.

>> No.8485509

Trivia point: serfdom didn't become a thing in eastern Europe until it was imported during the Baltic Crusades, but slavery had existed there for centuries, and serfdom was considered crueler by the Lithuanians, Poles, and Samogitians.

>> No.8485526

We are in need of a new raid, and I have a new target:
We need people to monitor her channel to find when she starts a stream, then we strike. She's a stuck up arrogant prick, and she deserves this. She may have 10,000 subscribers on Youtube, but if we try hard enough we will ruin her career. Share this with your friends. Everyone be on the lookout and see when she streams, so we can ruin it. Do everything you can to make her stream hell. DDOS her, text-to-speech spam her, ANYTHING, as long as it will make her stop.
Thank You,

>> No.8485547


>> No.8485653

>I got an admin banned for a thread.
Story time.

>> No.8485809
File: 482 KB, 625x800, ph_2810_chainmail_on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have goofed. I just bought a chain hauberk that 'Fits up to 50" chest' but my chest is 38"

Am I going to look like I'm wearing a metal tent or are they meant to be large to fit over clothes and such?

>> No.8485844

Should be fine. The max on those listing are usually "when it is stretched over you so tightly that it leaves chain prints on your chest."

>> No.8485986

yes plz

>> No.8486051

Alright larpers, I need help.

Our next event is going to be a formal event. I need to make a dress/something for my spider.
Because I'm a squire it needs to be formal and clean.
But because of my spiders's background I want it to be tribal-inspired, and hopefully show off the fur patterning.

I also need a fancy way to do a headscarf.

Does anyone have any tribal/formal inspo pictures or suggestions? I can make pretty much anything.

>> No.8486165
File: 212 KB, 1200x851, otoyomegatari-1231949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend looking at some of Otoyomegatari's art for ideas. It's got some really excellent embroidery porn.

>> No.8486171
File: 222 KB, 1200x854, otoyomegatari-1231970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a few panels on hand, by way of examples.

>> No.8486175
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>> No.8486176
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>> No.8486231

>formal event
My chapter's definition of "formal" seems to be, our outfits aren't covered in mud. Its also rather difficult to convince the fighters to wear anything besides their armor anywhere anytime.

>> No.8486255
File: 80 KB, 477x720, 223421_477402102313817_733023224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should wear a gambison under it anyways, so yeah its not a problem that you bougth a bigger one.

you should also wear a belt around it so it reduce the amount of weigth you have on your shoulders

>> No.8486296

because it's the meeting place of nearly all the idiots from US larps as far as I know.
But then again I got banned from there a year ago so maybe things got worse since then

>> No.8486302
File: 59 KB, 545x613, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do WW2 airsoft, and here's quite a few guys that have SS uniform and kit. But the site is aimed at WW2 so it's fine. I have Red Army kit.

>> No.8486321

How'd that happen?

>> No.8486324

I think there is a button for this to ban people from groups

>> No.8486327

What did you do to piss them off enough to get them to push it?

>> No.8486333
File: 24 KB, 487x359, 10859330_10152867074754454_1013176477_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, you see, they started a thread there about "larp memes" and encouraged people to post "larp memes"
Which basically meant they posted shit tier pictures from larps and put some barely visible text on them with MS paint which wasn't funny and out of context nearly every time so you have no choice to understand what the "joke" was meant to be.
here is an example that I saved although there was way more and sadly I didn't saved all of them...

Anyway, I commented on them that it's nice to see that these "memes" are on the same level of quality as the US larps. That started a small shitstorm and I was quickly worse than Hitler. Even though I tried to explain to them that I OBVIOUSLY meant that if the the pictures are from US larps and the quotes on the pics are from US larpers then again obviously it must have the same level of quality, and I didn't said anything about where is that level exactly. But the name calling and stuff like that already started.

>> No.8486337
File: 152 KB, 960x720, look_sir_faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after that an admin got in the thread and asked me to stop this "hate speech" I do and I had to ask when will the others stop all the hate speech against me. I didn't got an answer for that, rather the admin posted that this should be enough and someone should post a larp meme to get back to the original conversation.

So I posted this one, and a few seconds after that I was banned.
I think US larpers doesn't really understand the situation comedy about firewood...

>> No.8486344
File: 264 KB, 503x667, Sucrebleubonbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pic was probably the only funny one too

There used to be a bico forum back in the days.

Good ol' days of quality trolling

>> No.8486351

funny thing is after that they started a circlejerk thread patting each others back how good a job they did.

Then again by some totally unknown way a month later my cock and swallow flag found it's way to that group and there was another shitstorm about that too. I heard a lot of people promised they will beat the living shit out of me if we ever meet, just because of that flag.
And they would never go to a larp that allows a flag like that. Then again, I don't think Drachenfest will be worse because of those guys absence

>> No.8486360

>I heard a lot of people promised they will beat the living shit out of me if we ever meet, just because of that flag.
Those are the same people too scared of getting a boo boo to allow calimacil in their games, you'll be fine.

>> No.8486364

I'm pretty sure they aren't willing to travel through the great pond.
Also these aren't the first people who say that. There is a pretty huge waiting list for this

>> No.8486365
File: 117 KB, 393x594, 20150205172614-7810e937-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy, i like him

Also i was with Purple Knight yesterday and while we watched a movie i just went : ''Oh yeah by the way i just bougth like 20 brand new calimacil weapons for 500$''

Priceless moments

>> No.8486386


We've all seen the Red Wedding, man.

>> No.8486388


I'm sincerely confused by that "meme"

>> No.8486389

Pretty simple. "Show off your gypsy costumes" and one guy said "we kill gypsies on sight!"...So I started repeating everything they typed with "nigger" and "jew" swapped for gypsy.

He tried to defend it "because he got attacked in japan for being white". The other mods were mortified.

Screencaps soon.

>> No.8486390
File: 85 KB, 960x638, Larping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go up every Saturday any questions ask away. I'm on the left.

>> No.8486391

do you know how the ear candles work? We have an argument about that in the office right now

>> No.8486394

When you make vinegar boiled eggs , how much vinegar should i put in the water?

>> No.8486400

Apparently they don't
Tablespoon per egg

>> No.8486402

>implying their shitty chain and rusty plate will save them from crossbows at less than 20 feet

>> No.8486410

i just had a really really bad idea.

Should i shoot my chainmail+gambeson with my longbow just for the lulz and post a video?

And not be as autistic as skallargrim while doing so

>> No.8486413

Then you'd have a hole in your chainmail that would need mending.

>> No.8486419
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we smashed my old helmet when I got the new one. Then hammered out so it can be used for city guards from assholia costumes

>> No.8486422

are you sure that they aren't powered by happiness that they suck out from the user?

>> No.8486433

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gu46zGuOqk&t=41m30s 41m 30s

Unless you have a spiffy new arrow or mail concept to demonstrate, there's no need to break stuff.

>> No.8486484

So the group I'm playing with is very inexperienced, and the game is combat heavy. How should I go about trying to do more exploration and discovery, without coming back to a complete camp roll?

>> No.8486487
File: 91 KB, 600x903, 10321019_879871258730193_3640737071530757474_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a camp roll?

>> No.8486488

Where the entire PC camp gets killed by NPCs. I might be using a wargaming term

>> No.8486501
File: 80 KB, 720x523, 1236415_10200942210612082_1374860385_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh i see.

Well...Tell them that they will die
Here's a translation of a thing i said to newbies we got as mercenaries who were most likely to rout.

Context = 200 vs 600
we are the 200
mostly Haldorf, southern land and Arganne and some mercenaries vs Andorre, The Sultan forces, the empire, the Elves, the dwarves...well you name it. all paid by the endless money pit of the sultan.

Given command of some medium mercenaries.

''You will die, i see in each of you a dead man,This is for you only a contract, why are you here? You are unprepared. In front of you there is 3 times our numbers.

Why are you not afraid? why are you still standing here? You see this road? it lead to safety, any of you want to leave do it, you will not be judged because if you stay with us you WILL die.

*after seeing weird looks and nobody leaving (as expected) i keep going*

But then again...where would you go?

Home? there is no home to go back to!

If you follow us there is a reason, you came with us knowing we did not have the gold to pay you as much as the sultan but you still came with us.

Why? am i looking at fools?
Or am i looking at mens and womens who know what justice and honor is?

Follow us, be proud, be deadly, any of you die without sending atleast 2 of these dogs to the grave is better hope i dont see you in hell.

Let them know our fury, let them know our hate, let them see how the fires of hell itself have no fury like ours!

Death to the sultan!
Deus Vult! ''

>> No.8486545

I don't think that's my issue at all, great speech though. I'm worried about the game of inexperienced PCs being killed while I'm off in the forest looking around

>> No.8486552

Make them follow you.

Or train them to be prepared, they need to get scared enough to take the danger seriously

>> No.8486591

Look at YouTube for hijab tutoials. I like the look of the ones that use neklaces. For a bit of a spakley touch.

>> No.8486653

>Make them follow you.
>they need to get scared enough to take the danger seriously
Agreed, it's coming along though thankfully

>> No.8486863

You are hot. The guy in the middle is kinda hot, too.

>> No.8486866
File: 66 KB, 800x800, zzzzzz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, i tought i was the only one.

I now feel less weird.

Also, i am now selling the calis with 25% discount on a facebook page about larp stuff, Darkwing duck if you want one i'll give you a way better price , so if you see the post on Troc ton stock, just go ahead and chose one.

>> No.8487155

Just came home from lateshift and that just made my night, thank you.
Would be enough if they travelled over the pond, but in case they ever manage, I don't think you would have to stand alone.

>> No.8487353
File: 96 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mh3ws0xKg11s0exbio3_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Any tips on where to find good vegitable dye wool for making viking clothes? I'm only just beginning to assemble a kit and so far my google-fu has only shown me the rules laid out by super hardcore reenactment groups as to what is and is not allowed.

I want to do something like this but trading the cloak for the hauberk

>> No.8487364

Look for flax/linen. Wool felt is great for cloaks, but it gets really hot when you work in it. So I suggest only using it for garment you can easily take off.

>> No.8487407

I shamelessly confess I stalk LARP threads for two specific things: hot guys and cold steel (or the latex/foam/cali/rattan equivalent thereof [the steel, not the guys]).

>> No.8487455

What weight wool are you using? I've been wearing some 100% wool I found at a joann fabrics and its been super comfy with a layer of linen under it.

>> No.8487485

Wool does not equal wool. Basically only use felted wool as woven wool fabrics come much later.

A lot of the stuff out there is a wool poly blend felt material. It's easy to work but impossible to wear as it loses the water absorption of wool which is crucial for comfort.

The best wool felt is worked with physical agitation only and has never seen a chemical other than water. It's pricey though.

Old wool blankets can be a great source for heavy material. Check surplus places, virtually all WW2 blankets are wool.

You can use boiled wool which is softer but soaks up rain faster.

Expect about $30/m for a 500g quality.

>> No.8487594

MARRY/FUCK/KILL between Hungarian Gropey, and Frenadian. Pick now.

(Marry Hungarian, fuck Gropey, kill Frenadian is my choice)

>> No.8487601

You must be very bored.

>> No.8487605
File: 34 KB, 720x477, 1148986_588832191167436_1796247673_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wasted a choice, i'm already dead inside.

I'm only a rotten corpse begging for an end that just wont come, no matter how hard i try to fuck myself up.

>> No.8487619


But I like them all. :(

>> No.8487623

In a LARP thread, wouldn't wed/bed/behead be more appropriate?

>> No.8487624

Approved. Telling the provost now...

>> No.8487629

Also yeah, i just made new arrows and they are looking pretty neato, instead of the usual foam i use a foam ball cut in half for part of the head and its giving a really nice result once covered by a balloon

>> No.8487642

later then what? that is a seriously vague statement. additionally it is my impression that the loom is one of the first "machines" invented. So unless you are larping a caveman in furs and grass skirts then woven fabric is fine.

If you mean that a lot of medieval fabrics were fulled, yes that is true. But they were woven first. Wool felt and fulled wool are two different beasts.

>> No.8487659

Anyone but that Gropey dude.... What a faggot- Wait, wut?

Anon IS on 4chan.

>you wasted a choice, i'm already dead inside.
We all are.

Awww <3

+10 horse points.

>> No.8488132

Well done sir.

>> No.8488198


>> No.8488372

Some research shows that England and Spain had a flourishing wool fabrics industry in the High Middle Ages.

Advantages in sheep farming allowed for breeds with softer furs. The wool was separated by quality and then processed in lots of complicated ways with chemical and physical treatments. The result were yarns, felts, knitted and woven fabrics and textiles, even carpets.

Trade delivered materials and knowledge from the Arab world and the Indian subcontinent.

>> No.8488824
File: 225 KB, 796x793, 5de98db30c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Now I just need to learn how to sew and read patterns...

Is it cheaper to just buy the clothes?

>> No.8489100

Easyer yes, cheaper, probably not.

>> No.8489367
File: 44 KB, 736x671, ddbe384af5c4c9e44fdeba324143ff9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having trouble with patterns? Viking is easy if you have sewn before since it is all rectangles and sometimes triangles, but if you are new then I recommend making a practice shirt out of a sheet first.
Try an undertunic of linen and an overtunic of wool or linen again if you can, viking is all about the layers. I wouldn't worry too much about dying if using linen which comes in a variety of colours, but a dyed wool blanket can be rather nice.
Hats and hoods really elevate your outfit too (see pic).


Rus pants are quite easy, they just require a lot of fabric, but you dont need to worry about fitting them

If you have any specific questions ask away. I do lady Viking in the SCA, but i've looked into mens quite a bit too. Best of luck, sewing the first outfit is always the hardest.

>> No.8489603

Has anyone wore foam latex prosthetics, like the ones sold at Mostly Dead? Are they bareable in hot humid conditions?
I'm interested in the lizard mask they sell, but don't want to get heat stroke or something.

>> No.8489626

That looks a lot like what another member of my LARP wore a few months back. She didn't seem to have any real issues with it in March temperatures.

>> No.8489645

Alright anon. I wear and make prosthetics, and live in a hot and wet environment.

>Are they bareable in hot humid conditions?
But you will hate yourself.
And you will regret it every. Single. Day.
On the plus side, you will look really cool.
Assuming the mask is actually foam latex (either hot or cold) like it advertises, that would make it a little more tolerable.

The problem is adhesive. If you live somewhere hot and wet, no adhesive in the world will last you more than an hour or two that isn't superglue. I suggest you add some elastic to the mask or prosthetic so you can slip it on and off (especially helpful if you plan on eating... ever).

Good luck anon, welcome to the ranks of the damned who wear racial makeup.

>> No.8489651

Thanks, will probably go for a slip on mask and makeup as needed.
Game I'm playing at offers the chance to jury rig a dinosaur. I feel like it's a civic duty to at least try making something

>> No.8489752

I'm looking to get some proper armor for my next event--nothing too fancy, but a step above gambesons. I'd rather avoid leather, because relying overly on it triggers my history autism. Does anybody here have any experience with the brigandine on Kult of Athena? How comfortable is it, and does it hold up under stress?

This is the specific one I'm looking at:

>> No.8489862
File: 459 KB, 683x1024, yourallgoodenoughright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we just given up at this point?

>> No.8489863


>> No.8489886

Why not go for chainmail? Also that guy in the video seemed to be fine after getting hit with a stick, so it look like it would do just fine for larp.

>> No.8489899

>spend money on calimacil pirate sword and fuzzy hat
>have no money left for outfit
>fuck it
>wear street clothes to larp
>be a huge faggot
>see other people in awesome armor and outfits
>think that maybe I'm not good enough for the game
>some faggot writes >>8489863
>think that I'm special just for being myself
>well clearly I'm just as good for this game as everyone else
>continue acting like a huge faggot

>> No.8489913

''You are good enough for this game''


''Make a fucking effort''

and many of us will pose

Its not by comparing ourselves to the lowest of us that we progress, its by trying to be even better than the best of us.

Fucking tumblrs untermensch

>> No.8489924

>Thou shalt covet thy neighbor's garb and gear

>> No.8489986

More like"
>though shalt want to one up the current guy with the nicest garb and gear

>> No.8489997
File: 123 KB, 375x500, 1434502545886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some aspirations cannot be met by mortal means.

>> No.8490009

Even if they don't succeed, everyone trying to one up that guy's awesome stuff would lead to a fucking amazing looking game.

>> No.8490015

Might do, but I like the look of brigandine a bit better for this particular character. Also not a fan of the weight--I've got a mild case of scoliosis, so even with the help of a belt, it gets a little hard on my back after several hours.

>> No.8490023

You know, I actually liked the part of this post where they talked about how being concerned about your costume's quality and wanting to improve are goods signs that show you're cognizant of how you fit into your larp and that you want to make it a good, immersive experience for everyone else.

Now if only they didn't have to qualify that with "but you're okay no matter what uwu!" Like, if someone wants to improve, don't fucking do the feelsy bullshit, tell them that yeah, that's a great idea, nobody gets it right the first time but as long as you keep getting better, you're fine!

>> No.8490025
File: 188 KB, 780x1015, Hastatus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate armor for someone whose back can't stand regular armor.

>> No.8490154

>take him to a kendo school instead!

Because kendo do not LARP.

>> No.8490194


>> No.8490196

well there is always one guy who is the best. I mean he is fucking Ugo, you can't expect to on up him on the armour department. Or the metal department. Or anything that has something to do with BDSM for that matter

>> No.8490199

well, if it's for a larp then just make it from aluminium. Nobody will care especially if it's a coat of plates

>> No.8490290

So are there any good larpers on YouTube besides the terrible "larpgirl" and the attractive redhead ?

>> No.8490309

as far as I know, no. And those two you mentioned are also very low on the informative scale

>> No.8490338

I think there is also a guy who gives tips for making things, such as swords and clothing. Though can't remember his name.

Why don't some of you more experienced larpers do stuff like that? Would be pretty nice.

>> No.8490350

the fact that I larped a lot doesn't mean I should make videos about larping. Nor that I can make good videos about it. And I'm pretty sure it doesn't make me any kind of authority in the subject.

Plus I more like discussions rather than a one way "this is how you should do it because I said so" things

>> No.8490369

I was thinking more along the lines of how to videos or stuff to help beginners. Or just some plain old videos of larp related things. Just some wisdom from experienced players

id like to see more videos from larps as there aren't too many good ones on youtube. Although I understand it would be hard to film at a larp without it looking out of place.

>> No.8490383

the problem is most of the stuff is way too specific. I mean what works at one larp not necessearily works on others. This is why you won't find any good generic larp videos ever, and for the really specific parts you are better with just talking to the right people.

So you either make videos about very specific shit that huge majority of people doesn't care about or just do some vague as fuck shit as people do it now

>> No.8490406

Most of the "LARP" vids in my bookmarks are about archeology, crafts, or a specific event.

>> No.8490412
File: 183 KB, 522x700, norse-warrior-viking-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never sewn anything before so I have no idea what I'm doing. At the moment I'm trying to focus on figuring out just what I want my outfit to look like.

Apparently rivetted ringmail like the shirt I bought was super rare and a sign of high status so I'm guessing I'll try and get a "viking prince" kit put together. Cobalt blue kyrtill with fancy gold embroidered collar/sleeve cuffs, brown Rus pants, leather belt with fancy silver fittings, sword with fancy pommel, and seax with fancy fittigns/hangers. Pic somewhat related. But that's a long term goal... I'll just stick with trying to make a basic kit and toss the mail over it.

>> No.8490460

and half of my "larp" pics folder are about reenactment and armas and armour pictures

>> No.8490538

on a scale from 1-10, how realistic is this guy's clothing(minus the boots, because it's the same design toriyama uses for pretty much every shoe), and is there any historical coats like his?

I kind of want to do his clothing for the sca

>> No.8490547
File: 118 KB, 600x900, Dq8-Hero_Concept_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot pic sorry

>> No.8490549 [DELETED] 
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, spagetti!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.8490556
File: 89 KB, 850x767, 1433802124784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8490565


Looks a little bit too anime

i dont know how is the sca but it doesnt look really historical, atleast occidental.

>> No.8490698

well... he is a human I presume. and maybe the bandana

>> No.8490702

Same, though I still need to add subfolders.

>> No.8490705

subfolders are for the weak

>> No.8490712

I swiped you on Tinder. Are we going to fuck or larp?

>> No.8490785


It would probably be okay with more muted colors and minus the bandana.

>> No.8490802


Thank you.

>> No.8490847


That brigandine is not worth the money.
At that quality, you might as well make it yourself.

>> No.8491132

I think in this case I'd rather buy something. I've been working on making my own weapons, and I really don't have the energy to make *every* piece of my kit myself.

>> No.8491140

Hmm. What makes you say that, Anon? Mostly I've heard good things about the stuff that Kult of Athena carries, have you had a bad experience with this one?

>> No.8491158

but on the other hand coat of plates (not brigantine, I mean even the link you showed was a coat of plates) is one of the simplest thing to make armour wise. And if you can get enough aluminium sheets you probably can make it waaaaay cheaper. I mean you just need a strong textile, a few sheets of aluminium and a few rivets.

>> No.8491160


>> No.8491339

Why not both?

>> No.8491633

Don't I need several pieces of specialized equipment to do the actual riveting, though? I don't have anything like that, and I've never riveted before.

>> No.8491655

You need a drill and rivets.

You won't make ancient steel rivets because it would require working very hot metal. But there are maybe 10 alternatives.

The cheapest and fastest would be a rivet gun, but the rivet heads are squashed and look shitty. You might as well use machine screws and nuts.

You can get a riveting stake and hammer flat appropriate rivets. Or you can even get one of these...

>> No.8491674
File: 322 KB, 1440x2330, peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's either trying to be Khadorian from Iron Kingdoms/Warmahoards, of a 40k Commissar.

>Some aspirations cannot be met by mortal means.
What are you talking about? Throwing lots of money at the issue is perfectly mortal!

>Very very vaguely generic peasant. A sleevless cote, a long untucked shirt and trousers are kind blah, as long as you ditch the modern bag, stupid sword on back and wtf boots. To my eyes, it looks literally like a cartoon version of pic related. BTW, nice taste in Vidya.

Maybe? My friends forced me to make it so I havent swiped much. Are you cute/sane?


>> No.8491772

Interesting. I'll look into that as an alternative, thanks!

>> No.8491816

you need a hammer. And some kind of hard place, like your floor or a piece of metal or a stone.
I guess they can count as specialized equipment

>> No.8491932

Pardon, I'm not at all acquainted with how this works. I can do basic chainmail repair, but beyond that metalwork is completely new to me.

>> No.8492438

Just found out my local LARP is expanding, they're adding a chapter elsewhere in the state and another in Kansas City. I'm really glad for the owners, seems like the system has been a labor of love for them and it's good to see it getting more popular.

>> No.8492812

well, you don't need much metalworking, just cut to shape the things and drill holes in it. Or if you are using thin enough aluminium punch a hole in it.

Anyway, we are in autosage so here is a new thread