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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 108 KB, 960x720, racists-aka-cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8463812 No.8463812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Museum of Fine Arts Boston recently announced "Kimono Wednesdays," an interactive art event inviting museum-goers to pose in front of Claude Monet's La Japonaise while wearing a replica of the kimono worn by Monet's wife, Camille, in the painting.

It was later cancelled after the racist nature of white people "appropriating" Japanese culture was brought to light by protesters and twitter users.

The Museum admitted their mistake in being racist by letting white people wear japanese clothes.

"We apologize for offending any visitors, and welcome everyone to participate in these programs on Wednesday evenings, when Museum admission is free.

The kimonos will now be on display in the Impressionist gallery every Wednesday evening in July for visitors to touch and engage with, but not to try on. "


So /cgl/, do you think the museum did a good job in stopping white people from wearing non-white clothing which is racist? Are you worried /cgl/ fashion will soon be banned?

>> No.8463820
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racist white imperialists trying on /cgl/ fashion and being told their offenses by protestor.

>> No.8463822

that's retarded.

>> No.8463826
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The event allowed visitors to wear a traditionally made kimono and take pictures with it.

Now the event will not allow anyone to try the kimono on, thanks to protestors who stopped the racist action.

>> No.8463837
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protest signs read

"Lets dress up orientalism with more orientalism"

"It's Racist, It's appropriation, it's orientalism"

"Orientalism, Exploitation, dehumanization...

>> No.8463838

I can see why this is racey but it seemed more like a sharing of culture than apropriation or racism.

>> No.8463841

Yeah I'm sure this will help end racism

>> No.8463846

We will be holding on-site protests and inviting critical dialogue in response to the MFA's participation in cultural appropriation and orientalism "inspired" by Monet's painting "La Japonaise." Museum visitors are invited to try on an Uchikake kimono (a traditional and highly formal Japanese garment), and take pictures without education from staff on the painting itself, nor the "orientalism" that was occurring at the time. There is no education on the garment's origin, history, uses, or importance in Japanese society at the time. The act of non-Japanese museum staff throwing these kimonos on visitors as a "costume" event is an insult not only to our identities, experiences, and histories as Asian-Americans in America, but affects how society as a whole continues to typecast and deny our voices today.

The MFA has not sought to understand why this event is oppressive and dehumanizing from those of us who have confronted them, but continually deny any wrong-doing or mishandling of this event that invites you to "flirt with the exotic."

We plan to go every Wednesday, free entrance to the public after 4:30pm, as long as they continue with the event: 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29. A willingness to engage thoughtfully with museum employees and visitors on the bullshit of this white supremacist "costume" event are welcome. If you cannot come in person please call the departments below to make our voices heard, share this event, and bring awareness to this issue whether it's through social media, dialogue with friends and family, or revoking your membership/donations to the MFA.

>> No.8463848
File: 92 KB, 800x535, APPROPRIATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these racists trying on traditional clothing!

>> No.8463850

I hope they put down the painting too. And all of the other Japonism artwork they might have. And then apologize and close down to make room for our new SJW overlords.

>> No.8463851

What does this have to do with /cgl/? Take this shit to /pol/.

>> No.8463855

to plastic asians born and raised in america anything is an excuse to get offended
it was an art movement in the 1910s, do these kids think sticking -ism onto anything is gonna make it sound scary and serious?

>> No.8463856

Someone on tumblr actually made a well-researched rebuttal (!!!) saying that based on the way the dress was structured, the embroidery etc it was probably made as a costume.
Meaning the people who always automatically foam at the mouth at any sing of cultural appropriation were literally freaking out because people were wearing this costume... like a fucking costume.
Pisses me off even more when stuff like that comes out, it just shows the people who think they are 'defending' poor, helpless PoC and their cultures rarely know what the fuck theyre talking about.

>> No.8463858

Moreover, the MFA, instead of investing in redressing past wrongs in colonial representation, chose an exhibit activity that would compel members of the public to participate in Orientalism, donning the uchikake as a form of yellow face and thus viewing La Japonaise through a racially uncritical lens. This encourages museum goers-of color to reinforce their own history with oppression and oppressive standards of European beauty and others to walk away thinking nothing of the Orientalism internalized in our attitudes and normalized by cultural institutions engaging in this type of miseducation. This is truly devastating within the greater context of the current media attention that the often-vilified #blacklivesmatter and indigenous rights movements are commanding. What happens in ivory towers of culture is intimately connected with the iconography that is institutionally and uncritically supported and propagated that informs the justification of violence against othered bodies on the streets.

>> No.8463860

if the entrance weren't free they wouldn't even be there to stir shit for attention because they probably can't afford it.

>> No.8463862

It's japanese fashion..

are you slow?

>> No.8463865

Yep, the Japanese people in the facebook group all said not to protest.. It was all other asian americans protesting.

They must know what is right for Japanese people more than Japanese people.

>> No.8463866

Well kimonos have a long history and they're not really "fashion" in the same way as the styles you see on /cgl/. Besides, a lot of Japanese fashion is "cultural appropriation" towards white people, like Mori, Lolita, and that one style where they paint themselves orange to look like California girls (forget what it's called).

>> No.8463867


>> No.8463871

Gyaru. And there's Ganguro where they bleach their hair blonde and tan/paint themselves brown. Someone should post ganguro pics on the fb

>> No.8463872

The protestors are all chinese-Americans or indian-Americans...

Not a single Japanese person protested.

>> No.8463873

I fucking hate this whole cultural appropriation bullshit tumblr is on about. Holy shit. Even in Japan they have areas in towns where tourists can try on kimonos and even that gets fucking hate from tumblrinas who want to 'protest for a country that doesn't want to speak up for itself'. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.8463874

Alright asians, time to take off those filthy westernized imperalist clothes then. Stop appropriating white people wares and go back to your traditional hakama and geta and other peasant materials.

Holy fuck, what a bunch of assclowns. I wish a group of people could band together and stop this bullshit. They'll pack-mentality a single person, but I'm sure SJWs would feel a little less brave if they had to face a group of ten or more educated individuals who would put their feet down.

>> No.8463877

kimono are literally just clothing
nobody in japan gives a fuck if you're white and wear kimono

>> No.8463878
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>we will protect you Japanese people!

>> No.8463879

Clearly they are most concerned about their pure little culture because they aren't actually participating in it.
I think it's a nice compliment even if done tacky and costumey when people dress up in national clothing of mine. But that's because it actually is my culture and my home country where I live right now and no one can take that from me. And these people are like third generation mongrel Americans trying to find something that's their alone.

>> No.8463880

I always got the impression that most Japanese people LOVE to see outsiders wear kimono as long as they're wearing it right. I'll agree that Japanese-Americans have faced tons of shit particularly around WWII, but literally none of that had anything at all to do with kimono.

>> No.8463884



>> No.8463887

>non-japanese get butthurt about people wearing japanese clothing
>actual japanese people try to explain that it's not a big deal and it's fine if people want to wear their clothes
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.8463892


>> No.8463896

Not Japanese Protestor on facebook's response to ban on wearing them:

Yea, but the replica kimono is still on display to be felt up. Dress is a funny thing: it's an extension of the body. We are still protesting because the kimono can still be touched and handled under an orientalist gaze and touch.

>> No.8463904
File: 79 KB, 960x960, LOOTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is lolita looting of Japanese culture?

>> No.8463911

In all seriousness, I never see them get angry that there's people wearing lederhosen as a joke, and the picture I posted is just one of many because it's a tourist industry.

But you know when it's cultures that aren't white, THEN it matters.

>> No.8463913

the sign.
i can't read it.

>> No.8463914

Well, since nearly all the major brands are selling and actively advertising their products overseas... yes, of course. Japanese people are too poor, stupid and oppressed to have control over their own thoughts and actions! We must save them from themselves!

>> No.8463917

>reframe the redo placards pwn the orientalism own the looting?

>> No.8463918

So... they're literally appropriating the heritage of another nationality to complain about something.

They're claiming to speak for Japanese people.

All the museum-goers have been doing is trying on an item of clothing that replicates a garment in a famous painting.

The disparity here is incredible.

>> No.8463925

japaneseamericaninboston blog did a write up on it. Spam filter stops links.


The Kimono was created in Japan as a traditional replica. It was toured around museums for anyone to wear and take pictures with. It was then sent internationally for people to take pictures with and wear.

Boston museum got it and some non Japanese insane people protested it as yellow-face and now no one can wear it at that museum.

The Japanese people made it and sent it off to be worn in exhibits.. but SJW saved us from that exploitation.

NHK, Japan's public broadcaster, had a replica (close up here) of the uchikake that Camille Monet wore commissioned for a traveling exhibit titled Looking East: Western Artists and the Allure of Japan (the MFA also published a book by the same title). The exhibit was curated by Helen Burnham, Pamela and Peter Voss Curator of Prints and Drawings, who holds a PhD from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University. The replica took about three months to make and was made in Kyoto, home to kimono weavers and where kimono culture still survives in day-to-day life to a greater degree than in other parts of Japan. The exhibit premiered at the The Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville, Tennessee where it was on display from January 31, 2014 to May 11, 2014. It does not appear that the replica uchikake was displayed there. The exhibit then traveled with the replica uchikake to the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art (which opened in 1928 and is one of the oldest art museums in Japan) from September 30 2014 to November 30, 2014, the Setagaya Art Museum in Tokyo from August 22, 2014 to September 15, 2014, and the MFA's sister museum, Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts (N/BMFA), from January 2, 2015 to May 10, 2015. Looking East (minus the replica uchikake) is currently at the The Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec in Quebec City, Canada through September 27, 2015.

>> No.8463926

So do protestors also hate Monet and think he is an appropriator?

>> No.8463927

it should be noted that the kimono in the painting is the type worn by kabuki actors as a costume.

i'm not japanese, but it seems a bit silly to get so up in arms about people wearing a piece of clothing meant to be a costume ... as a costume.

>> No.8463929
File: 98 KB, 1024x683, blonde wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the kimono was on tour in Japan, Japanese people wore blonde wigs to take their picture with it to look more like the painting.

Obviously they need to be rescued.

>> No.8463930

its their culture, its a dumb event and it's embarrassing to see white people getting btfo because they can't participate in this goofy shit
there's no war on white people chill

>> No.8463938

none of the protesters are japanese in any way
the kimono was made in japan for this exact purpose by Japanese people
It's been on tour all over the world, for this purpose

>> No.8463944

MFA? Male Fashion Advice?

>> No.8463946

> they claim this make people orientalists

Of course. I, for one, spend all my day painting attractive muslim men lounging around next to tigers.

>> No.8463947

I was just about to mention the whole orientalism bit. Just using that word is racist. Oriental refers to artifacts, not people.

>> No.8463948

Museum name

>> No.8463952

it boils down to people getting mad the event was cancelled and it actually doesn't matter at all
quit letting the little shit bother you

>> No.8463953

That's stupid. I'm an Asian-American and I think it's hypocritical for them to believe they have that kind of authority. We're always ready to correct people on the falsehood of us being a monolithic culture (ex: No, I'm not Chinese/Japanese/etc.), but then this happens?

>> No.8463954
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>> No.8463963

Holy fucking shit. I'm Asian American, and I don't see why people are getting their panties twisted over this. It's not fetishization or "exotic glorification" of anything. If I'm not mistaken, Japanese natives actually do encourage people to wear kimonos. Like several anons have said in this thread, this is more of spreading and bringing awareness to a culture, not appropriation. Fucking SJWs.

Yes, I am mad.

>> No.8463970

It boils down to people who are not Japanese trying to rescue Japanese people from themselves despite their wishes. That's racist as fuck.

>> No.8463971

> Japan's Cool Japan is all about shit like this
> nooo you white people are appropiating japanese culture

asian pls.

>> No.8463994

They should redirect this energy at Party City

>> No.8463997
File: 120 KB, 720x785, Screenshot_2015-05-21-14-07-28~2~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan makes replica of kimono that was worn in mo et painting, specifically so people can dress up in front of said painting
>kimono isn't even a regular style, it's based of a kimono worn by a kabuki actor playing a courtesan
>Japan sends kimono off to America to allow Americans to dress up to
>Japanese people are fine with It
>Non-Japanese people call it racist and protest


>> No.8464006

I bet she doesn't even know how to play the accordion, the racist bitch.

>> No.8464007

This pisses me off. Money is one of my favorite artists. Ive done fucking reports on him. Have these people done ANY research into him?

>> No.8464009

>asians being this buttblasted that the white man gives more attention to japanese culture and not theirs


>> No.8464011

She probably trips wearing those traditional wooden clogs too

>> No.8464018


>> No.8464022

This is the most American thing I've read so far, and not in a good way. Why do they get so mad for this, I understand that they can get upset because they feel like "their" culture is being appropriated but they're really exaggerating if you ask me. Meanwhile, some people and ethnicy are so badly represented that most people on this planet think we don't exist, these guys have really NO reason to complain about this.

>> No.8464035

This is stupid. None of these people are Japanese person. No one here get mad when foreigner wear kimono with respect. I think maybe this is only made up problem in America. Why can these foreigner speak for Japanese people? We can defend ourselves! It's very rude to say someone is misusing our culture when it is not our view or truth.

>> No.8464041

it's not a fashion baka it's a way of LIFE don't be racist

>> No.8464044

Tell them to take off those "American Clothes"

Fucking racist

>> No.8464047

Everyone is racist. There. Done.

>> No.8464061

What the actual fuck?

Sad to see a museum caving and denying free expression.

Even sadder to see a classic piece of Western artwork be derided as cultural appropriation.

Someone should tell those people in OPs pic to stop wearing Western clothing. They don't get to appropriate our culture either.

>> No.8464069


You can look forward to SJW protesters at your next meetup. After that, anime cons are next.


>Have these people done ANY research into him?

What do you think?

>> No.8464071

Things my country is known for
>wisdom of the falcon

The few people who have heard of it, hate it because of what the American media say. The fewer who've visited say they loved it.

I genuinely don't see what there is to 'protect' about Japanese culture, but then again I'm white (but not the 'good' kind of white apparently)

Letting tourists/foreigners wear your national dress is fun and it's something both parties enjoy. I've only ever heard the opposite from people without a culture of their own who jealously try to cling to their heritage because they have nothing else to identify with.

>> No.8464075

I'm glad the US got weed legalized in some parts, maybe now people will stop associating my country only with weed and cheese.

>> No.8464086

Don't forget the windmills, wooden shoes, tulips and fried food, anon.

>> No.8464089

True, also are we really known for fried food? I thought it was just the frikandel that foreigners find strange.

>> No.8464092

In my case I don't even know how to call myself in English because the only word I know for that is seen as a slur by dumbass sjws. I'm an indigenous North African and people who aren't from there or from France (and even then...), and people who don't know shit think we're from the Middle East, that we're white oppressors stealing Black people's lands or that we're Black. Litterally nobody talks about us in a positive light in the media the very few times we're shown (in the West) and we're called terrorists all the time. And some Japanese-American 4st generation think they're "so oppressed" because people awkwardly try to learn more about their culture lmao try harder. Are you from Eastern Europe? Sounds like it from your post.

>> No.8464101

It's different for immigrants. Other cultures/countries are ALWAYS stereotyped. When I came here I am teased for my accent, for doing "stereotype" things, etc. People always insult my original country (America - generally for being loud, braggy, fat, bitchy/sjwey) then suddenly look at me and get embarrassed because they think they have offended me. In America, you don't have this problem because it's the norm. But in a different country this stereotype is compounded, people always say I don't "act American" (unless I am doing a stereotypically american thing), like it is such a shock.

Pretty much the only "culturally American" things here are fast food restaurants and some tv shows. If I want to celebrate thanksgiving or the fourth of July, I have to go to the "American club" (this is a thing).

So I can understand where they are coming from. When your country is reduced to a stereotype and people take it seriously, it's really annoying because you constantly have to go out of your way to prove yourself. Cultural celebrations are reduced to holidays, and if trying to do something outside of one of those, people assume you are a walking talking consolidation of "Murica". We really do have to cling to our cultures as minorities.

I don't think what those sjws did is right, I think it is ridiculous. But even the most ridiculous things come from a spark of insight, and I think it is good to understand your enemy. SJWs are validated in their thoughts by others of their group, which makes them particularly toxic.

TBH this sounds like me when I used to pretend to be a different race on here to gain dem sweet opreshun points. We NEVER see people writing with "foreign" grammar like this outside of sjw/race related topics - please stop. I doubt there are a horde of ESL Japanese/Chinese/*insert race* people all sitting out there ready to prove how idiotic sjws are, and never responding on any other topics.

>> No.8464104

French fries and croquettes with a variety of fillings is like the essence of Dutch fast food to me.

>> No.8464105

And prostitutes.
If I am thinking of the right country.

>> No.8464114

Good point, I didn't even think of that

You are correct. Prostitutes, weed, fried food and clogs. What a legacy.

>> No.8464117

Please point out my grammar mistake. It's very hard to learn English some days. I post a lot in lolita threads only.

>> No.8464119

Kimonos aren't japanese fashion. Are you slow?

>> No.8464125

I am an immigrant too though so I understand that they can be upset being of what the museum did, as I just said earlier (not in America, I was born and raised in a European country, unlike my parents). It's how they protest directly in the museum that seem so weird to me. I really don't see the point, it feels so stupid and useless.

>> No.8464142

Yep, Eastern Europe. As a matter of fact, Brits are just now debating whether they should place the blame on my country for some war crimes irrelevant to this conversation and its not looking good. I'd love to say that most people aren't stupid to blindly believe everything they hear on TV but my experiences say otherwise. I've literally been told to leave a restaurant in Austria (as a tourist!) because some redneck was calling me names in German and I didn't even understand him. People interrogated me at the airport several times just based on my passport.

That's all a different story though, but it baffles me how nobody cares to defend the people who have been actually discriminated against because of jihad and wars being more media-sexy than cool history and food but choose to do shit like this without ANY prior research and still have the balls to have a holier-than-thou attitude.

Also OT, and I don't know where in NA you live but I've visited Morocco and it was amazing! These people would probably flip a tit at the sight of all those tourists wearing kaftans though.

>> No.8464144

Sorry. There is very little *wrong* with what you said, it's just little things (and I know english can be a bitch to learn) and I rarely see anyone writing with ESL grammar outside of threads like this - hence I often assume it is white people like me trying to sound more authoritative on subjects.
I'd change what you wrote to:
This is stupid. None of these people are Japanese. No one here gets mad when foreigners wear kimonos with respect. I think this is only a made up problem in America. Why can these foreigners speak for Japanese people? We can defend ourselves! It's very rude to say someone is misusing our culture when it is not true and does not reflect our views.

It's clearly not pointless, they got what they wanted. If you make everyone uncomfortable to do something then chances are less people will want to do it.
And they should not be upset as this was a cultural display curated BY JAPANESE PEOPLE. It was what every SJW agrees to be ok, a person of a certain culture sharing with an outsider. It's not appropriation, it is appreciation.

>> No.8464151

Thank you! This is helpful! I think there are maybe other Japanese girls who post here. Maybe their english is better than mine so I am obvious ww

>> No.8464155


Orientalist paintings are my guilty pleasure. The ones from people that actually visted are stunning, and the ones from people who painted based on hearsay tend to be really sensual.

Also some of them were weirdly homoerotic, which for me it's a plus.

>> No.8464157

I live in France but one of my parents is Moroccan and the other is Algerian, and yes Morocco is a very good place for tourists, the economy is mostly based on tourism so of course they're gonna be super welcoming and stuff. I often go there to see my family but I've been prevented to learn Arabic at school because teachers were racist as fuck so I can't directly communicate with most relatives.

I'm really not surprised that sjw don't care about white people who are actually minorities, they think all white people are the same when they're not even that similar depending on regions within the same country sometimes. I'm really sorry all of this happened to you, it's terrible. Isn't that illegal to get you out of a restaurant for this reason though?

It really seems that racism in America is always super extreme, like it's either some terrible hate crime stories or it's people complaining because they received a compliment from a white person and it's """fetishization""" or some shit.

>> No.8464177

"try on the kimono and learn what its like to be an racist imperialist" ?????

Now that's lacist
- another jap anon

>> No.8464188

These protestors were obviously born in America.

In Japan, you can pay to be transformed into a geisha from head to toe. They let you were authentic kimono of your choice, apply the makeup and you get to wear a wig. You then walk around the neighbourhood and get pictures taken with it.

They take it a lot further than "just wearing a kimono to pose in front of a painting", and it's been going on for decades without protest.

>> No.8464196

White people can't have their culture appropriated because they don't have a culture, it's all stolen.

>> No.8464203

>tfw Korean coworker wants to see pictures of a 'white people party'

>> No.8464216
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Here ya go.
The guy on the cover is whitefacing, btw.

>> No.8464219
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>> No.8464225
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>> No.8464227
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>> No.8464228

Haha i said that before and every lolita got rustled

>> No.8464244

This. Japanese people actually don't give two shits about foreigners wearing kimono.

>> No.8464273
File: 42 KB, 500x378, dutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Americans view your country, Anon:

>> No.8464279
File: 66 KB, 610x480, redhead nude orientalist painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me there, Orientalists are my favorite school after Pre-Raphealites.

Have you ever visited the Dahesh Museum?

>> No.8464283

It's like when Avril Lavine did that Hello Kitty song and everyone screamed 'muh appropriation!!!!' but all the Japanese forums/image boards were full of people saying 'It's cute' and that they didn't understand what the fuss was about.

>> No.8464284
File: 44 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my country was known for funny hats, hookers and clogs... ;_;

>> No.8464290


C... can a guy do that?

>> No.8464293
File: 1.94 MB, 617x1653, xoxo conference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't find a whiter crowd than this one:

>> No.8464296


>> No.8464297

You would probably get stares, but money is money so... probably yes.

>> No.8464298

Tell fucking Asia that they're a minority. Go ahead. (I know you're not serious, but every time I hear this...)

>> No.8464306

At least you've got the best memes in town, anon

>> No.8464313
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Japanese people wear western styled clothes, so it really doesn't matter. Sometimes people want to bitch about stuff that doesn't matter.

>> No.8464319

No, I have somehow missed it every time I'm in New York. It's on my bucket list, though.

>> No.8464323

Google "American-theme parties Europe"
Clothing, food, probably music/movies, dancing, greetings, ways to act. I'd call it a culture if you can have a themed party for it

>> No.8464333

And the red cups!

>> No.8464335

But lemme guess, all the non-white protestors are wearing white clothes, like collared shirts, jeans, khakis, polos, tank tops, and sundresses? Some of them have glasses, or braces, or straightened hair. Many of them wear sneakers or boots or flats or heels. Many of them drive cars on paved roads and live in modern houses with electrical hookup and internet, typing on machines invented by whites, using a white language, walking in a museum built by whites full of paintings made by whites.

I mean, it's not like the Japanese (who aren't protesting this) don't appropriate white culture. It's not like Gosick, La Portrait de Petit Cossette, Berserk, Arlsan, etc. exist. Not like lolita is a thing.

Hypocrites. /pol/ is always right. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Goddamned unemployed liberal arts major fucktards, ruining fun things for everyone else so they can get attention for being so TOLERANT AND PROGRESSIVE by banning everything they disagree with by throwing hissy fits.

>> No.8464351

For my city's Matsuri, I had older ladies put on the kimono for me, to make sure it was accurate. I got compliments all day from older Japanese couples and women saying I wore it very well and correctly. They seemed pleased, and said it was nice that other races (I am black) were taking an interest in their culture.
. You know who didn't like it? For some reason younger white attendees. It didn't sit well with them.

>> No.8464352

Wait what kind of cheese are you guys famous for? I'd buy some