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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 116 KB, 422x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8462286 No.8462286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

old one is saging, post your worst.

>> No.8462287

christ she's back at it again.
insert obligatory "WHAT ARE THOOOOOSSSSE" joke here.

>> No.8462290

Why must muslims try getting into lolita? Their religion obviously makes it impossible.

>> No.8462291

Can't wait to see her defend her horrible fashion choices because ~muh unique snowflake style~ on her blog again

>> No.8462298

Can we not shit up the thread with this argument again

>> No.8462299

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8462300

I think it could work if done right?
why is she wearing those shoes though

>> No.8462313

She's also wearing pants under her dress. I see more girls with leggings nowadays than actual pants, so she must be a from a stricter background.

>> No.8462332
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>> No.8462340

It honestly just seems like she made this dress and was so excited that she wanted to take a picture without having prepared a full coord.

Does that make her ita, or are you opposed to the kente trim?

>> No.8462407

Again? Lame!
I wanted a NEW Ita CoverGirl damn it!
I'm so over this grumpy little mud hen.

>> No.8462415

If it's tagged LolitaCoord then it's up for crit. She KNOWS what's wrong with it, she knows there are a more than a few of us opposed to this kind of thing. She's just another pushy ita poorfag with wishful thinking like so many before her and the many who will follow. So can we just call it what it is? I hope whatever comm she lives near is prepared. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.8462419

I'm sick of seeing this girl posted. Stop giving her attention.

>> No.8462422

Link to her tumblr? Yiiiikes.

>> No.8462424
File: 47 KB, 653x415, dis bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did pastie-cutie send her this ask?

... actually sounds a lot like her sort of wording -- the whole fashion should be fun acceptance shit

>> No.8462425

there's so much samefagging in this thread, take this stupid vendetta somewhere else. you hate muslim lolitas, we get it, shut the fuck up mrs. edgy and let's get back to our regular ita posting, yeah?

>> No.8462426

14 posters anon, 15 replies. So no.
but yeah, back to itas please.

>> No.8462427

I really don't object to the hijab and pants for modesty. They may not be my cup of tea but most intelligent people really can look past those 2 items IF the rest of the coord is on point! If there are other unrelated things wrong with the coord then guess what? It's just ita. No one has given her any negative critique over the hijab or pants at all, did you notice? Many Lolitas have stuff that they have to work around to get a good coord, some are fat, some are male, some are poor, some are very short or tall. Point is, she's not trying hard enough. This is not lolita, and neither is her attitude. If she made this, she could have also chosen to make something more like actual lolita. Im not giving her any slack, she's being a stubborn pig.

>> No.8462428

I don't understand when people say it's too hot to wear a petti. Saying it's too hot to wear a blouse makes sense to me bc layers of fabric but petticoats are only made of layers of organza or tulle and it's not like the material is stuck around your legs???

>> No.8462429

It's not muslim lolitas, it's her fucking annoying way of tagging unfinished coords with everything that she can think of.
I don't mind hijab lolitas unlike some, but this chick rustles my jimmies.


>> No.8462432

Speaking of!
You guys seen this train wreck yet?
....sorry it's off topic

>> No.8462435
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Dropped pic derr

>> No.8462438

>wow what a hot body

>> No.8462441

Nice socks.
Wish they were longer
Like up to her chin.

>> No.8462444


>> No.8462446

I will second that motion.

>> No.8462449

oh man that gut, looks like she's popped out like 50 kids already. Shiet.

>> No.8462454

Nothing like emphasizing your beer belly

>> No.8462456
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>> No.8462463
File: 37 KB, 600x541, tumblr_nqxo4dezSF1qkukogo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't post the best ones

>> No.8462465
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>> No.8462473


I'm guessing she's going down the ~*~nymphet~*~ path but that shit don't work when you look like.. like that I suppose.

also cut your fucking wig bangs jfc

>> No.8462475

Well she has added gagballs to her amazon wishlist lol

>> No.8462476

kek she shooped assne

>> No.8462487

You can tell she's a pigslob.
Flabby body
Acne on her ass
Farmer tan on chest and arms
Cheap nappy wig, uncut bangs
Cheap sailor fuck-u, no shimapan, alternately, shitty knit 'lingerie/room wear' Neko set
Cheap lashes and hooker brows
Shitty wall texture in her rent-a-dump
Such sexy, much sugar baby, wow.

>> No.8462488

... no... oh my god fucking kek
next thing you know she'll be begging yeha (or her followers) for shitty plastic bdsm bras and collars.

>> No.8462491

Nah, she'll just get a cam daddy to bang her paypal for enough to buy the the fakes.

>> No.8462493

Hey. Kids. No reason to harass the girl in the OP photos. Seriously. Let tumblr do it themselves. Considering how many of you tell people to go back to tumblr, maybe some of you should stay there as well. We talk so much about how our lolita is better than those of tumblr, yet I can easily tell some of you left here to go harass her. Its really disappointing. The tumblr lolitas can handle her.

>> No.8462510

Except they can't. Because it's ***fucking tumblr***

The whole reason they suck is because of their "everyone is beautiful desu! It's lolita if you want it to be!" Attitude

>> No.8462511

I don't know the specifics and such for Islamic dress rules, but surely leggings/thick tights, with knee-high boots and a longer cut, below-the-knee, dress would look so much better?

>> No.8462519
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>intelligent people agree with me

>> No.8462528

This type of bullying isn't helping her at all and is only going to make her deviate more from the fashion.

>> No.8462532

is it really bullying if its nothing but hard facts? con crit or not she's not going to listen to anyone who tries to help her.

>> No.8462539

Yes. Its not helpful to be an asshole just because she won't listen. This side of lolitas I hate the most. Its not classy, its trashy. Half of the girls on here shouldn't even be allowed to wear lolita and call themselves lolitas with how they act. Its embarrassing.

>> No.8462541

It depends on background as well. Im a half white half malay muslim, I wear thick tights with lolita, I just don't show leg. This girl might be from a stricter culture (personally I shudder at wearing pants with lolita)

>> No.8462545

Say what you like to think you are clever but the hijab and leg coverings usually are not what most people critique in a coord that has them. Yes, there are people who really dislike the look of hijab and shit on the coord because of it no matter what and there is no reasoning with them but they are usually the type of people who say shitty things about gingers, make racial slurs and post fedora memes too. Just sayin.

>> No.8462548
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OP dress has potential actually.

*should go with a better black fabric.
*take the waist bow off and use it as a hair bow
*no to that lace. Get nice lace or leave it off.
*bodice is a bit plain. A center placard with buttons covered in the kente cloth and some pin tucks might help
*same with the shoulder straps.

Optional would be some type of decoration on the black part of the skirt. Maybe some very narrow stripes of kente verticaly spaced in 3s or every 6 inches or so.

A nice black shirt with a rounded collar and some cuff detail. New black pants so they are nice and dark.

A pretty shoe.

All in all the potential is clearly there. If the keeps at it for a couple years her sewing prowess will improve and her eye for design will too. Everybody has to start somewhere.

>> No.8462550

I personally think she has potential to sew a really good coord. She has basic sewing down pretty well. Its fairly clean. Its just about integrating more lolita aesthetics to it.

>> No.8462554

who the fuck do you think you are to even say that? and well guess what you're one of the girls/guys on here just like the rest of us anon and don't you dare exclude yourself. you're literally the type to pull down every lolita and tell them 'oh no that isn't classy, it's trashy you don't deserve to wear lolita and call yourself that. it's more embarrassing that you would say that in general.

>> No.8462561

Try green text next time.

Don't be mad that someone is calling you out for clearly being one of the girls from /cgl/ to go to her tumblr and give her grief without criticism. Everyone talks about how lolitas should act. Bullying is not very lolita-like and it is embarrassing. This is someone who is learning, has potential. Yes, she is disregarding stuff, but that doesn't mean turn into foul mouthed brats and start harassing her because she doesn't want to listen.

She will figure it out on her own and of course she will be upset that people want to tell her what to do. From her tumblr and instagram you can see she is very religious. Its harder for a lot of lolitas who are interested in the fashion to really break through properly when they are highly religious. I know not many people like the hijab style, but especially for Muslims this style can be difficult.

Instead of attacking her, just leaving her with what has already be given on criticism should be enough. The lengths some people are going to now are just harassment straight out. Its uncalled for.

>> No.8462566


You're on /cgl/, not fucking Neopets.

>> No.8462571

Also not tumblr. Anon is right. You all talk about how much you hate tumblr, so don't go on there.

>> No.8462572

>the hijab and leg coverings usually are not what most people critique in a coord that has them
Those are literally the first things that people complain about because they look completely out of place in lolita. Where have you been?

>> No.8462573

Different anon but I'm so tired of summerfags like you that are trying too hard

>> No.8462582

Thanks, anon! I'm just thinking that with the longer cut dress and long boots, the whole issue of showing one's legs off can be circumvented quite easily, if their background is of a stricter background than say, yours.
I've seen aristo done really quite nicely by a girl wearing a hijab. It was only a simple outfit with a full length skirt, but it pulled together well.

>> No.8462583

>being this butthurt

>> No.8462588

>don't be mad that someone is calling you out for clearly being one of those girls from /cgl/ to go to her tumblr and give her grief with out criticism.
any better for you, anon?
first of all you should know that you come off as really controlling and you should probably stop. or maybe you just have a controlling personality via the whole

'those girls shouldn't be classified lolita on how they act' type of view of the whole thing.
bitches are gonna be bitches and you know what it happens everywhere.

secondly i'm not one of those anons to go and give her shit on her tumblr.
yeah there are some girls that do but hey you picked out the wrong one. but keep going i love hearing you yap on about things that other girls are doing and how you shame them about it which is probably rightfully just. continue to talk thought anon i can't wait to see what others will put.
tbh my only problem with you is that you picked the wrong anon to put into that category.

>> No.8462590
File: 733 KB, 1006x715, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do all Muslims have such shit taste? I've never seen a Muslim lolita who wasn't an ita.

>> No.8462591

this exactly thank you anon <3
>talking shit

>> No.8462593

She may not like that style or not know of it though. Thats the only problem with that thought, but still a good thought nonetheless. She is new, its easy to tell. We all had our ita moments, even giving bad advice and not wanting to listen to coaching. Eventually she will learn.

I agree with the stricter family or stricter personal religious views. This seems very possible. Especially considering her other normal wear which can be found on her instagram.

>> No.8462594

I can't wait for school to be back in session.

>> No.8462595

> Bullying is not very lolita-like and it is embarrassing.
top kek

>> No.8462598

can't wait for you to go to sleep

>> No.8462600

Poor thing. This is baby's first coord. As other anons have said she seems very strict with keeping her clothing as in line as possible with her religion. She looks like she may be confusing costume lolita with actual lolita. She will figure it out eventually with all the hate she's getting.

>> No.8462608

is it just me or do lolitas outside of japan have this huge idea that they own a fashion that they didn't invent and feel the need to lash out at people who are 'doing it wrong'? ive only ever seen real drama arise from the uk and america on several sites. what the hell is the deal?

>> No.8462613

>Muslim, which is a sandnigger religion.

Literally how?! Is one of her parents Arab or something? That's all I'm wondering here, besides how one could possibly make a lolita coord this boring and frumpy.

>> No.8462619

You know you can change religions, right? I have a friend who has no one else in their family being slightly religious, but she became a Mormon because she found a purpose in it.

>being this dumb
>probably bait

>> No.8462626


Arabs exported Islam to Africa. That worldwide caliphate isn't going to build itself, you know.

>> No.8462629

I always assumed Islam was just the national moon religion of the sandniggers, kinda like how the Hindi cow religion is for the currynigs, and that there are barely any converts to either cause its ethnoreligious or something.

>> No.8462631

Does that mean Arabs also participated in the national slave trade? So let me get this straight...

>Europeans enslave blacks
>Arabs do the same thing

Dat logic.

>> No.8462637

PLEASE let school go back into session.

>> No.8462641

*Nods* I agree, hopefully, she will learn, and yeah, I agree that her newness clearly shows. So people shouldn't necessarily tear into her quite so easily, unless she gives bad attitude back, refusing to listen. It is harder to work in strict dress codes, especially with the requirement of covering her hair and neck, etc, but hopefully she will learn.
It might be worth someone suggesting these ideas to her, possibly?

>> No.8462642


>> No.8462650

Are you sure that you're not the 'Summerfag' here, with that pathetically immature show? Typing '*Nods*' is just a show of agreeing on a point. Sheeeesh!

>> No.8462651

Ah christ, janitor please come in and clean this shit up

>> No.8462654

have you not been around cgl at all??? jfc go get the bingo sheet we have a winner

>> No.8462658

I suggested it to her. I hope she reads it. I talked about how elegant it is and how since her lolita taste seems very reserved, she should give this substyle a lookup and learn more about it in case it interests her.

>> No.8462661

Argh malay white muslim anon here. Fuck it I'm uploading a pic onto CoF tomorrow. Don't regard all muslim lolitas as itas

>> No.8462664
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>> No.8462671

I hope you send her this advice, its pretty decent anon

>> No.8462678
File: 1.99 MB, 300x171, typingfgdg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is awesome, anon. Don't worry.

>> No.8462688

Different anon, but holy shit. Get the salt out of your vag, honey. She's right that anons like you are the reason lolita has a stigma and girls get scared off.

A little tumblrette muslim lolita couldn't dress in your style and you're having some autistic meltdown. Did it hurt your fee-fees?

>> No.8462798
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>> No.8462811
File: 388 KB, 1000x685, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kente could work if it were more muted colors being used but then it throws the point of using kente out of the window. It's such gorgeous fabric and u has beautiful dresses that use it but it doesn't suit Lolita, like at all. If someone wanted to use African fabric in a coord something like guipure lace (pic related) used as an overlay would be better suited. Granted both fabrics come from completely different cultures.

Like what hoping people will buy them for her? Oh god.

>> No.8462852

why are you picking on the same girl? it's just coming across as bullying now

>> No.8462899
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>> No.8462902
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>> No.8462914

is this real life

>> No.8462919

>farmer tan
That isn't gross, it's normal. Have you tried not being a disgusting yank?

>> No.8462957

How is it normal to have an awkward tan on your arms? White girls need to learn how to use sunscreen ffs.

>> No.8462961

lots of blacks are muslim
black isnt just american black

>> No.8463066

>lolitas should be lovelies
top kek

>> No.8463078

Uh, >>8462957 is right. Have you tried not being a trashy redneck?

>> No.8463102

god damn, i'm so glad I stopped following her. I knew she was a trainwreck.

>> No.8463115

This looks like it could get a great music video

>> No.8463128

Malay muslims are the most laid back and easy-going. Of course your coords are going to fit in more with the aesthetics.

Look, it can be done 'close enough', but I honestly don't think this chick will rock the lolita well enough unless she's willing to go black gothic lolita style but man, with that comes the crosses which is against their religion, oh man, this is too hard.

>> No.8463140

I know that but since when was Islam, a Middle-Eastern religion in Africa?

>> No.8463143

Only Jews have something against crosses, Muslims are able to wear them since they already consider Jesus a prophet, just not the Messiah or the Son of God.

>> No.8463154

Most of northern Africa is muslim, anon...

>> No.8463157
File: 70 KB, 310x400, 1851_fashion_bloomer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any Muslim lolitas tried a classic look with long Victorian bloomers? I think it has potential to be cute.

>> No.8463165

A while, anon. Quite a fucking while.

>> No.8463168

Since Muslims from the middle-east went over to Africa and started spreading the religion.

>> No.8463179

Plenty of black Americans are Muslim, too. (You know that Muhammad Ali guy? Muslim. Along with millions of other black Americans and African immigrants.) The ignorance and racism in this thread is astounding.

>> No.8463248

It wouldn't be 4chan without the bigotry

>> No.8463291
File: 97 KB, 422x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignorance and racism
top kek. Let's just stop fighting like babies now. The muslim in OP's pic looks ita with or without context. Here we post itas. Not all muslims are itas. Moving on. Back to posting itas and cringing at their bad taste, before the fucking thread gets deleted for being a shitfest.

>> No.8463309
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 11667496_1632728763605409_7384211497996430258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately that's the only full body pic I found.
Her hair is even visible under that shitty wig.

>> No.8463329

I just showed this to my bf, he squinted and asked if that was a pimp cane. I'm dying here.

>> No.8463347

>tfw you own this dress because it was cheap and you were a noob but still wanted to coordinate it well
>tfw the lavender colorway is popular with itas
>tfw you wonder if you should even bother

>> No.8463356

>I love that her "blouse" doesn't cover her pudgy arms.
>The stringy hair, why?
>Grandpa's orthopedic shoes.
>No petticoat?
>What a mess.

>> No.8463396
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>> No.8463422

honestly i hate the whole "i'm kawaii but sexy" thing. it's disgusting.

>> No.8463452

OT but holy shit there's a lot of nice photography on her instagram

>> No.8463462

I'm sure you'll look cute in it as long as you coord it nicely, anon.

>b-but onee-san~

>> No.8463469

There are a lot of muslims in Africa though


>> No.8463505

I know; I certainly don't come to 4chan expecting nothing but sensitive, thoughtful commentary, but this thread was especially ridiculous and needless. cgl is usually a bit better than this.

>> No.8463510

Mary had a little lamb....

>> No.8463522
File: 349 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nr56aurOYP1s6h7xko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She ruins literally everything with her duck face

>> No.8463533

Your american is showing
fucking fat apes

>> No.8463547

>lolitas are all perfect lovely beings who drink tea all day. Definitely not human beings.

>> No.8463574

you're forgetting whovian trash

>> No.8463591

I bet they are a superwholock

>> No.8463721

She's covered up in that one and she always makes that dumb face, so it's not nearly as funny.

>> No.8463732

Dude, people make lolita hard to get into for a reason. It really is my secret club shit where you have to prove yourself before you're allowed in. That's why ita threads exist, to point out all the people who aren't included bc they don't do it right or they try to use the name of the fashion.

>> No.8463756
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>> No.8463779

i like it

>> No.8463790
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>> No.8463792

Jehovah Witnesses also don't like crosses, while claiming to be Christian.

Doubt they'd get into lolita anyway as looking like someone other than yourself is something they don't like.

>> No.8463795

Oh my someone please do this

>> No.8463798

she's not even wearing a wig cap oh my god
she didn't even bother to pin her hair up or anything good lord

>> No.8463801


>> No.8463810
File: 12 KB, 213x212, 1436387223517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463813

I could scream for ten years and it still wouldn't be enough to accurately describe my horror.

>> No.8463817

I'm sick of hearing about her too, anon. I tried to derail the thread with someone else as much as I could..

>> No.8463819

Is that a fucking mole or zit in between those eyebrows because holy shit. Either way, take cover because that shit is ERUPTING.

>> No.8463827

I'm crying. This is so bad it hurts.

>> No.8463831


>> No.8463834

Its so sad that people need religion to find purpose in their life. What a bunch of weak minded dullards.

>> No.8463836

There was a thread posted awhile back where someone translated a forum discussion between Japanese lolitas and they were just as catty as we are.

>> No.8463849

Is that a fucking sack dress?
Looks like a god damn moo moo.

>> No.8463868

Jfc this is too horrifying.

>> No.8463869

>makes all non-religious people look bad by bashing people who practice.

do their religious choices affect you at all? No, so from one non religious person to another, shut the fuck up.

>> No.8463875

>cheap nappy wig
How? I think the wig is the only nice thing about that photo. I think it looks fine.

>> No.8463886

this is great lol

>> No.8463895

this exactly

>> No.8463900

>Doubt they'd get into lolita anyway as looking like someone other than yourself is something they don't like.

Not sure what you mean? I don't think I look like anyone other than myself when wearing lolita. Well, I'm sure there are people that have worn similar outfits to mine, but that's going to be true no matter what you wear.

>> No.8463903

IIRC there was one part where a newbie was asking questions and they called her poor and ugly and directed her to Bodyline. Such lovlies!

It only looks okay under the filter. If you look at her icon you can see it's a cheap shiny mess.

>> No.8463908

i love how you think everyone is autistic damn i love this place for this exact reason

>> No.8463915

"fyi if its fucking hot im not wearing a petti it too fucking to be layering shit"
Then don't wear lolita during the summer?

>> No.8463919

You wouldn't even be having this problem with your petticoat sticking to your leg either if you wore bloomers or simple shorts underneath.

>> No.8463935

>IIRC there was one part where a newbie was asking questions and they called her poor and ugly and directed her to Bodyline. Such lovlies!
Fucking kek.

Though sometimes I question the advice I'm given here because of things like that. It's like you can't really trust anyone.

>> No.8463939

>do their religious choices affect you at all?
They do now and haven in the past.
There's a reason why religion spreads like it does, anon.

It's bad to discriminate and hate people but it's also bad to be welcoming to just about anyone, even rapists and murderers.

>> No.8463945

Yup. It's a seasonal thing for sure.

>> No.8463950

the things you can see below the image are not for human eyes to be able to withstand. The dress ends there, but the FUN begins.

>> No.8463956

100% b8 m8

>> No.8463957

If you look carefully... It's the higher cut version only the elastic where it should go under Her bust is waaaaaaay up...God if this is an oojia replica why didn't she just have it done mammoth size???

>> No.8464023

...holy shit.

>> No.8464057


Wow, there is a whole load of stupid going on here. Someone else's religious views, unless they're trying to ram their beliefs down your throat, has zero effect on your life. Kind of like how gay marriage becoming legal has zero effect on the marriages of every heterposexual couple worldwide. Just deal with it.
Also, not all religions have the same beliefs, and practices. There is also a heck of a lot more to religion than just the Abrahamic Faiths. This sort of closed-minded arseholery from some types of atheists is just as bad as the crazy religious extremeist types who do try to ram their beliefs onto others, giving the rest of us a bad name. Religion doesn't necessarily give you a purpose, aside for in some cases, in life.

Now get back to discussing Lolita.

>> No.8464082

This board is about discussing lolita, not religion. I don't particularly like religion, either, but this debate is better had elsewhere.

>> No.8464084
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>> No.8464091

Muslim doesn't mean hijab wearing. And there's one hijabi lolita with good coords, she used to wear sneakers but she now wears knee high boots

>> No.8464095
File: 24 KB, 250x250, 1435309953954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same comm? Yikes

>> No.8464109
File: 30 KB, 321x320, 1435373036185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those crooked bows

>> No.8464138

Thank you!

>> No.8464182

Jehovah's Witnesses don't like crosses because it's considered sacrilegious to them to wear what Jesus MIGHT (people were put on crosses and stakes and it's never specified which he does on) have died on around their neck or on their clothes. the example they use is it's like wearing the gun that killed your son around your neck.

Some Witnesses like lolita by the way. I am one and I know a few others.

>> No.8464212

>I've never seen a Muslim lolita who wasn't an ita.
Look up thehijabilolita on Tumblr. She was brought up in the last thread and she's pretty good at making coords while still adhering to hijab.

Sugarnoor is a hit or miss. Her old coords are awful (lacemonsters and sneaker+jeans pastel vomit) but she has a couple newer ones that are decent unless you're the type that doesn't like the pants look. I'm hoping this girl eventually grows out of her giga-ita phase like Noor did.

>not sure if bait
Islam stretches from Morocco, down to central Africa, all the way across to Indonesia, and up to the Europe/Asia border, and that's of course not counting the diaspora. Nearly half the population of Africa is Muslim. The country with the highest Muslim population is actually not Arab at all- it's Indonesia.

Polite sage due to mildly off-topic.

>> No.8464263

>#I hope I don't get negative msgs don't kill my vibe please


>> No.8464303

I'm surprised a witness would be on a site like this. I grew up as one and remember the talks about avoiding sites with strong worldly association. Alternative fashion was also frowned upon because it was materialistic and worldly.

Are witnesses less strict these days? I left when I was 18 and have nothing to do with the religion nor the people anymore.

>> No.8464327

where 2 kop shoes

>> No.8464420

How did she think posting this was ok?

>> No.8464440

>BoDy PoSiTiVe ~*

>> No.8464454

duckface is hardly what's ruined this

>> No.8464463

It's not a bad dress, it's just always coorded like shit
>Like that love nadia dress
>First dress, never done right

>> No.8464566

I feel like it would work in theory but would look terrible in practice. It would look like you're wearing sweatpants under your dress.

>> No.8464576

idaf 9/10 would poke her cute little tummy and bang. she has to trim those bangs, though.

>> No.8464600
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>cute little tummy

>> No.8464608

Eh I come here for the draw threads and coord tips and stuff like that. My family is very artistic and kind of let me dress as I please provided I'm modest and not wearing anything such as a cross. It probably helped that my mom has a degree in fashion and dresses oddly herself at time. I also don't have friends in my congregation so I get lonely. Usually, it is the case that a Witness wouldn't associate with worldly people if they didn't have to but I've always had mostly worldly friends because the people my age in the congregation were way worse.

>> No.8464651
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She didn't make that dress, she bought it at the gap for $5 and added fabric to it. Pic related, I own it for normie days.

>> No.8464664

????? I thought she was tanner/skinnier? What exactly happened to her? I know she was really popular in the kawaii tumblr community, but...

>> No.8464677

>oh honorable nipponjin desu. Daisuki!
jp lolita=/=non jp lolita

>> No.8464682
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>> No.8464691

Ew, she looks so old and that potato nose is gross.

>> No.8464694
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That vest is disgusting

>> No.8464703

Now that's ita. Holy crap

>> No.8464705

I love this one.
Shoot me.

>> No.8464726
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from the same meet

>> No.8464731

At least she tied it together. Nitpick for random necklace and mediocre wig.

>> No.8464734

The coord looks salvageable. That BJD however looks terrible.

>> No.8464766

same anon
it's so horrible it's sort of cute?

>> No.8464781

So many itas own this dress.

>> No.8464812
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>> No.8464816

It just brings me back to a simpler time when people who wore lolita were just freaks in frilly dresses, and not the polished tea party variety that whore themselves out online for likes.

>> No.8464819
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>> No.8464826
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>> No.8464830
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>> No.8464832

not remotely ita

>> No.8464833

I think the BJD looks adorable

>> No.8464834

This was from Otakon's tea party last year. The girl in the pink and sax coord was wearing lolita for the first time. I don't think she's active in it, but I guess her friend bought a ticket and couldn't make it and then someone made her dress. She was genuinely happy to be there. I felt so bad. I'm surprised it took this long for those photos to be posted on here.

>> No.8464835
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>> No.8464838
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>> No.8464839

these are decent , imo

>> No.8464842

Yeah. Chop off her hair, rip off those cheap tights, burn the dollar store hat, put on nicer shoes and it'll be remotely salvageble.

>> No.8464852

nother anon. this is cute!
cgl stop being so uptight.
you know you can use these pieces to just dress kawaii in general, and not actually lolita, right?

>> No.8464857

> dude looks like a lady

>> No.8464863

I smell some vendetta

>> No.8464873

>her hair is gorgeous and looks well kept
>Cute hat
>lolita specific tea party style shoes.
Not seeing it, anon. Lurk more.

>> No.8464875

But she posted it to CoF saying she tried to do OTT sweet.

>> No.8464895

>dat face
She looks so uncomfortable

>> No.8464899

Why follow her in the first place?

>> No.8464906

Maybe she can try this when she has more experience. As of now, she'll probably look really frumpy

>> No.8464910

What's wrong with that Deadpool?!

>> No.8464937

This is actually cute. Not quite Lolita, but I like it.

>> No.8464962

Dat mustache...

>> No.8464982

She's always filtering out her skin to look whiter, and no. She's always been kind of a chubster, it's kind of her thing because she always preaches about "body positivity" (or rather, self obsession)

>> No.8464996

she went cray and sent threatening asks to someone saying even if the other girl released these asks she'll claim it's photoshopped (which she did later) but her reputation pretty much got tarnished kek. She went into some gang girl phase but obv that didnt work so she's going down the nymphet road.

Oh and she got shit on when she tried to get around not wearing a petticoat in lolita. Her lolita phase was pretty short lived.

>> No.8464998

Studying Witness here. It's pretty much conscience based decisions and trying to protect their spirituality. I like cgl because it's super helpful with lolita and I find it no different than being out in the world. Also it helps that I'm old enough to make my own decisions.
I haven't actually worn lolita yet (still building up my wardrobe), but my family has seen my dresses and loves them. I think if anyone would have a problem with anything, it'd be OTT sweet or Goth styles.

Incorrect, it's because crosses have pagan roots. Early Christianity adopted them to draw more pagans into the religion and weren't actually associated with Christ.

>polite sage for OT

>> No.8465063
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>> No.8465067
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>> No.8465076

what the fuck is going on with the random strip of lace?

>> No.8465077
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She replied to me and she said she will look into it. Im glad she accepted and was very nice about the suggestion.

>> No.8465080

Why does she have a censorship bar on her bust?

>> No.8465088
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>> No.8465089

Why did you call it aristo *lolita* though. It ain't lolita. It's just aristo.

>> No.8465093


>> No.8465097

i thought the same thing fellow anon!

>> No.8465098

>weren't actually associated with Christ
Wasn't christ kinda... HUNG ON A CROSS?

>> No.8465099

These aren't ita at all.

...that is the strangest bodice lace I have ever seen.

>> No.8465100
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Previous to this she apparently said the girl's friend (whom got bullied by acid-desu) deserved to kill herself or something like that.

>> No.8465104

I've gotta say, I like this girls attitude. Not her clothes, but she seems like a pretty cool gal and she is going to be just fine in the end.
Everyone has an ita phase, hers is just... better documented.

>> No.8465114

EGA is a sister style to lolita, so anon probably just used the term to make it easier for her to understand what she was recommending.

>> No.8465117

>Cheap nappy wig
Nappy doesn't apply to straight hair jfc just say messy.

>> No.8465161


She is interested in lolita. The easiest way to get this girl, who seems very resistant to critiques people are giving her, is to use the term 'lolita'. If she actually does the research she will learn about it as its own sub-style.

>> No.8465163

According to historic evidence... it's anyone's guess. He was more than likely crucified on a single stake with a little foot peg and a cross-beam, was likely tied up as well as having the nails driven through his hands/arms and feet. However there is speculation and conflict amongst reports and accounts from the time. A single stake was more commonly used, and the very first manuscripts found were vague at best about what exactly he was crucified on, and then later writers were super wishy washy about it, with everyone saying something different.

The cross is an appropriated pagan symbol, (It feels super weird using the word appropriated unironically btw) just like Christmas (jesus was actually probably born in late summer or early fall) and believe it or not a lot of the other things they told you in church are also either straight up wrong or educated guesses at best if you look into actual fact a little bit.

Sage for OT tho.

>> No.8465172


Damn. I found info on her on the liars forum

>> No.8465175


>> No.8465181

Oh my. It was tagged lolita?

>> No.8465187

yeah those are the messages that I mentioned in my post, also some previous usage or some "offensive" language or something.

She had her own thread on lolcow for a while. it's probs buried in their archives/catalog.

>> No.8465197

Time to bring it up again, perhaps lol.
She turned her shop-cute blog into a nsfw blog all of a sudden, thanks for the heads up...not. I want to find cute pastel items not look at a vagina.

>> No.8465207

Yeah I am pissed at this one since I keep my tumblr clean of nsfw because I browse tumblr in public places. Was not too happy about that honestly.

>> No.8465220

wtf? Even her shopping side blog? jfc

she just reblogs stuff from taobao resellers, you're better off just browsing cgl's taobao thread instead.

>almost went down this path
>thank god lolita saved me

>> No.8465257

Nitpick at most. I would change the tights and switch the pink shoes for some red ones.

>> No.8465307

Same. I browse tumblr at work when I got nothing to do. I don't want pictures of naked people with a pastel filter to pop up when I'm looking for fashion inspiration on my dash wtf.

I know, I know. But it lets me see things that might be to my taste so I know what to look for next time I browse taobao.

>> No.8465353

Her skin tone really sucks... The only thing that looks good is either black or brown. Blonde and pastel looks so bad on her. She must love the colors, but they don't love her. That must really suck.

>> No.8465374

As previously discussed, hijabilolita is a rich white girl who makes typical lolita coords but instead of a wig wears a hijab. I don't think she counts. She doesn't stick to her religion and mostly wears it as an accessory. Sugarnoor and others end up being itas in some people's eyes because they actually try to stick to the "modest" part of islam.

>> No.8465380

Why are all religions so retarded? Not even trolling

>> No.8465387

You can be a part of a religion, but not have to comply to every rule all the time. Especially with clothing. This is especially true with Muslims. A lot of the newer generation choose when they feel like wearing the hijab, if at all. I have one friend who sometimes wears it and other times she doesn't. Especially during the summer and for a few parties during the winter time.

>> No.8465388
File: 638 KB, 725x1280, tumblr_npy1x4RxV31qicfk4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rich white girl
what kind of white person looks like this??
>she doesn't stick to her religion and mostly wears it as an accessory
how she interprets her religion and what she defines as "modest" is none of your business lol shut up

>> No.8465395

Sun > tan.
Tan lines just means you're wearing a shirt and in my country wearing shirts is acceptable afaik. I don't see how it's 'redneck' or 'disgusting' but you're a fat American so your beauty standards must differ from mine.

>> No.8465399

The kind that wears tanner and paints on her eyebrows thick. If I wear light colors they make my skin look darker, too.
There are strict modesty rules in Islam and the hijab is a tiny part of this. Haram erryday.

>> No.8465405

You clearly know nothing about Islam lol

>> No.8465407

I'm not going to dig them up but in other photos she is obviously a white girl. Even her friends defended her as such. She draws her eyebrows in thick and just happens to be tan, wears tanner or picks dark photos. Maybe she's halfu. but she's a convert and not ME

>> No.8465408

Just go back to tumblr. You're so wrong you're not even wrong, you're just dumb.

>> No.8465412

Her tits have a moustache.

>tfw can't turn on nsfw filter because it also gets rid of anything tagged lolita

People are just kind of retarded in general, it's not limited to religion.

>> No.8465414

And you don't know anything. Probably some fat white whale who thinks she has to protect the poor brown people. Just go away

>> No.8465416

Sun > wear sunscreen and seek shade > no tan or gross damaged sunburned skin
I'm from Europe. Farmer's tan makes you look like you're too stupid to protect yourself properly.

>> No.8465418
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit guys, go argue about religion elsewhere instead of constantly derailing this fucking thread. Yes, I'm mad.

Meanwhile on Instagram's #lolitafashion tag...

>> No.8465419

I agree, wearing sunscreen isn't hard. Farmers tan kinda shows you're a pleb that can't even go to the beach or anything.

>> No.8465420

What mystical place in Europe are you from where a decent amount of people or even the majority think that?

>> No.8465422

Sunscreen is for people who can't tan. Here everyone tans and looks good doing it, if you don't want a 'farmers tan' just take your shirt off. Not everyone cares about being a ~eternally youthful pale rori~.
Back in the day when people didn't wear sunscreen you wouldn't have survived for 5 minutes.

>> No.8465424
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ni07uurrur1qicfk4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's her in dark colors. still looks non-white to me. you do realize that ethnicity isn't always about skin color, right? look at her facial features ffs.
>i don't have proof photos but lol just trust me ;)
i don't have a tumblr, try again. quit samefagging.

>> No.8465425

No, it shows you live in a sunny country where people have to work and don't have time to go to the beach 24/7. But keep thinking that, snownigger, enjoy that one week of summer you've got :^)

>> No.8465436

>I'm from Europe
Bullshit. I'm Finnish and even here most people get a farmers tan in the summer and it's perfectly normal. Only Americans get this buttblasted about silly things like personal appearance.

>> No.8465441

Girl, her features are Caucasian as fuck. Just go to her tumblr and ask her if she's white, I'm sure she will say yes, or give some "well I'm actually 1/16th Cherokee" answer.

>> No.8465472
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She says her nationality on her instagram

>> No.8465478

who cares. you can be muslim no matter what nationality

>> No.8465482

Well, you're both kind right. Spaniards/Italians are Caucasian (albeit tanned) but have a hefty Muslim population due to the influence of North Africans so it's not impossible especially if her family comes from the south (which seems like it, based on her looks). However, I've been to Morocco and not many people are wearing hijabs. Some even drink. Perhaps it's different elsewhere.

>> No.8465490

You can, but the whole point is that she's essentially a white convert who plays up her "ethnic" features for brownie points on the internet. I get that you want to defend this girl but it's ok to be critical of people if they're exploiting a marginalized group, you know?

>> No.8465492

So is this bitch Arab or not?? Or is she just a white convert to Islam? Anyone in this thread ever see her parents? Are they Muslim as well?

>> No.8465555

That sad strip of lace.

>> No.8465580
File: 672 KB, 500x252, stupid things.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I didn't think this thread could get more dumb. You're as stupid as those 'cultural appropriation' protesters. Time for me to bounce from this thread.

>> No.8465585

You do realise that there's people who are European, white and Muslim, right? It's not a religion reserved for Arabs. Have you not read a single history book? Have they not ever mentioned the Ottoman Empire? Go to Bosnia, half of the people are light-skinned, light-eyed Wahhabi Muslims. Her features mean nothing.
Fucking Americans...

>> No.8465588

I was gonna get that dress for my first dress too anon! (Not counting the god awful Milanoo dress I got when I had no experience in anything whatsoever)
Unfortunately it was sold out when I was ready to order it ; - ;

>> No.8465596

>that bjd
Let me save you my love!!

>> No.8465631

Thanks for the update. Sorry, but I'm with >>8465089 on this one, aristocrat is a sister style to lolita, although you can take influences from one and use them in the other. You can also get longer length normal lolita dresses, such as what IW puts out from time to time. BABY also do some, but they tend to be quite flamboyant. IW's better for a more reserved lolita, I think. The Romilda jsk is a great example of this, from a couple of years ago.

>> No.8465638

Shh I was trying to speak the tumblrina's language to get her to shut up. Guess I was too good.

>> No.8465640

>exploiting a marginalized group
they're not marginalized when they're fucking taking over entire continents anon.

>> No.8465641

You do realise that caling Spaniards and Italians as all being 'tanned 'is dumb? While some are fair, a lot also olive skinned without a tan? Not everyone in Europe is pale white? Yes, they're Caucasian, and classes as 'white' racially, their skin isn't necessary white white, and never will be. Yes, they still tan on top of that.

Also agreeing that here isn't the place for debates on the ins and outs of religion, and stupid calling it dumb.

>> No.8465647

>You can be a part of a religion, but not have to comply to every rule all the time.
>this kind of thinking
What is the point of even being religious then? Like, you just pick and choose what suits you and then claim to be a part of something even though you aren't following the rules.

Kind of the same thing for lolita. Like, that shit needs to be looked down on for a reason.

>> No.8465653

> Spaniards/Italians are Caucasian (albeit tanned) but have a hefty Muslim population due to the influence of North Africans
Almost every single Muslim Caucasian from Europe, is stil a convert.

>> No.8465656

>doesn't want to be shamed
>threatens to shame someone
ah, tumblrinas.

>> No.8465657

tanned is a common expression for olive-skinned people you retard.
have you not ever heard of catholics? in my parish they play fucking bingo in church, and smoke. welcome to religion.

>> No.8465659

Just do what the Christians did
>new testament

>> No.8465663

Wedding ceremonies have pegan roots to my friend and Witnesses still have those. The not wearing the gun that killed your son and not knowing what Jesus on are actually in several publications. Pretty sure both are in What Does The Bible Really Teach and Keep Yourself In God's Love though I haven't read the first in years so I could be wrong.

>> No.8465666
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>> No.8465668
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>> No.8465669

> Jesus died on

My phone is a jerk

>> No.8465672

>Studying Witness here
People like you in the congregation always got to me. I'm not a Witness anymore and never wanted to be but my mom made me go. I'd always run into people like you who were studying and weren't actually into it. Do you actually go door to door and shit? You really think you'd do that in something like lolita?
I'm surprised no one else in your congregation hasn't stopped you or talked to your family yet.

If you're posting here you have to be over 18 which means you're doing this willingly, or at least for the most part.

Get out while you can, anon. You don't need that shit. None of it's true anyway.

>> No.8465673
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>> No.8465676
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>> No.8465678

>welcome to religion.
I'm the other person in this thread who used to be a JW. not the one who's studying.
I'm not new to religion, I just think people are absolute idiots if they really think they're truly religious yet post on a board with hentai.

Why are they here? Is it because they're hypocrites like the rest? Probably.

>> No.8465681

Not that person but, I'm pretty sure you can have lolita clothes and own normal dresses too.

>> No.8465685

Oh I'm sure she's a huge otome lover as that's what most JW girls wear anyway, haha. That's all otome reminds me of, which is why I don't wear it.

>> No.8465857

uugghh jenny

>> No.8465894


>> No.8465898

I'm so mad bc I honestly love this dress but its such ita bait I'd be afraid to wear it.

Nah. I'ma get it. I can coord this shit.

>> No.8465902

Total nitpick. This is fine.

>> No.8465907

You just lift it up for easy access.

>> No.8465910

C'mon this is total nitpick.

>> No.8465915

Using removable Bodyline bow as headbow.

+ 10 ita points

>> No.8465919

Ayy! Now I know for sure my fat ass will fit into some bl

>> No.8465925

Is she a midget

>> No.8465932

I never saw any of her lolita stuff, where do I find it? She's a fantastic train wreck...

>> No.8465935

Can we just get a new ita thread with actual ita and less vendetta please?

>> No.8465938

People are yelling nitpick but that dress is way too shiny. Fucking gross.

>> No.8465939

Watch out with the high-waisted skirts though, they use cheap plastic boning that is likely to warp if you have a bigger waistline.

>> No.8465941

Not until this one auto sages, people will throw shit at you for starting a new thread too soon

>> No.8465943

Thanks for the tip! I'll use a waist cincher too.

>> No.8465992

Is she wearing that on ther head or is it a decoration behind her? What is that even.

>> No.8466030

Do you know what an ita actually is, anon? These belong in the nitpick thread if anything.

>> No.8466050

Autosage with less than 100 images, you HAD to derail this thread with religion.
Next time move it to /pol/

>> No.8466242


North Q, wear a
>a petti
>fix your hair
>do make-up

1 year gone, get with the fucking program!

>> No.8466393

I was raised in a similar situation albeit Mormon. Just don't do it anon. It's not worth it. All of it's bullshit whether Witness or Mormon and just causes pain in the end. We left the church a couple years ago after being in it forever (since I was born) and it still causes a ton of pain.

>> No.8466587

Okay this is completely irrelevant. I don't know how people still aren't getting it. It's not a question of whether Spanish/Italians can be muslim or not because she's a convert. Her parents probably aren't Muslim anyway,
So basically we have a girl who converts to muslim by choice and plays up her ME features with thick eyebrows and the same eye makeup ME girls often use. She picks and chooses what parts of the new religion she converted to she wants to follow - notice how all the other lolita who wear hijabi also wear pants with their coords? You think they do that for shits and giggles? notice how often she wears pants?
She picks the most prominent visible wearable icon of the modesty aspect of the religion and wears just that while not really following the other rules. Then she fucking goes and brands herself with this. It's like if I converted to Judaism and starting calling myself the Yamaka Lolita.
If her parents actually are muslim too it makes more sense but still suspicious.
And the thread is saged now so its not being derailed.

>> No.8466655

The violin looks badass though, everything else is a fucking mess

>> No.8466692

How do you even get acne on your ass

>> No.8466696

Looks like those felt antlers you get around Christmas time to me.

>> No.8466698

looks like she's had children already tf

>> No.8466706

How can she have such a flabby, protruding belly yet zero ass

Also her face is super creepy

>> No.8466764


People in my country never shield from the sun, so most of them start getting farmers tan around late june. Except for actual farmers, who work fields in summer shirtless and are in result nicely, evenly tanned.

However I've noticed that older women around here have noticeably more spotty, damaged and flabby skin in the exact places where they tan. Since then I've started using strong filters all throughout the summer. Yeah, I'm gonna get old and saggy eventually, but I still do have the possibility to delay or improve it...

>> No.8466887

It's one of the cheapest BJD's available, a bobobie/resinsoul. Can't remember the exact mold name but it's basically babby's first BJD and ita of the BJD world.

>> No.8466909

That's the cheapest one? I just got one for like $20 off ebay. Bought a head for it separately - most spending on these things comes from getting a face up done.
Not only that, but most BJDs look the same - it all depends on what face up you get and the clothes you buy for them..
I watch BJD secrets and there are rarely "ita" type things going on in the community.

>> No.8466914

>OP insisted on posting the same musli girl as last time
Yeah, this whole thread was just trolling anon.

>> No.8467302

>I just got one for like $20 off ebay
You probably bought a recast then.