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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8429363 No.8429363 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is saging big time.

One month to go! Who's ready? Plans?
Anything you're looking forward to? Not looking forward to?
Spill the beans.

>> No.8429444
File: 402 KB, 698x600, hamatora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's ready?
Not me
All three days, Thursday for badge pickup, still deciding whether to get a hotel or just drive an hour home each night. Still trying to convince friends to go. Cosplaying as Nice from Hamatora
>Anything you're looking forward to?
A couple of the panels sound really cool, and someone pointed out there's a chance we might have under 30k people since 19k badges are still left. I'll be glad if it's a little less crowded.
>Not looking forward to?
The cost of everything, the fact that it's Baltimore (at least it's not Philly), and maybe some other stuff. Not sure.
>Wanted to have my AW11 ready so I can cruise around in it
>Still not done with it
God fucking dammit

>> No.8429872

stupid question, but I will be in Baltimore that Friday. since there aren't any single day tickets, is it possible to walk around the con (without going to panels or anything) without purchasing a badge? I'm wondering how uptight security is going to be, or if I need to suck it up and pay for all 3 days

>> No.8429905

If I remember right you had to show security your badge to just get into part of the building, but in order to get into the place to buy the badge they would let you through.

>> No.8429953

>tfw vidya cosplay at an anime convention
I'm worried at how many people I'll trigger doing this.

>> No.8430114

Literally nobody will care. Ota is the largest con on the East coast and for as long as I've been going I'd say at least 40-50% of cosplays are vidya, Western cartoons, Disney, capeshit, etc.

There's no room to gripe about game cosplays when there's at least 12 Deadpools running around.

What are you cosplaying?

>> No.8430147

Uh, I've cosplayed video games almost every year and don't see the problem... no one cares.

>> No.8430411

uhh have you ever been to an anime con? you're not limited to dressing as an anime character.

>> No.8430603

Reminder that If wants lodge in for Thursday to Sunday

Here's my email:DaBrotherman@gmail.com
STEAM ID:Creedx31

The room cost under $700.00,it's a $150 each person is a total of six or seven will join in for the room

If you need more information look on top of the post.

>> No.8430630

also,I do accept paypal

>> No.8430643

I'll be lodging at Hyatt Regency Baltimore Harbor

>> No.8430668

Uhh kinda, just need to take some things into get tailored, find a tiny crown, and make boot covers

Idk seeing friends, buying a ton of merch hopefully, and doing some photoshoots. Reeeally wanna see if I can meet other CG fans!

Anything you're looking forward to?
Wanna check out the maid cafe so I can know if I'd wanna do it some year

Not looking forward to?
The crowds and the heat, since one of my costumes involves fuzzy shorts

>> No.8431126

Do you need to somewhere to stay out for Thursday and Sunday

>> No.8431733

Somewhere to stay out? Do you mean stay in? I have a room for all days, thank you though

>> No.8432917

>Who's ready?
Tan is coming through just fine already worked out enough
> Plans?
Meet up with /cgl/ hang out with some chill people, and work with the DJ
>Anything you're looking forward to?
having fun, chillin like an insane villian
>Not looking forward to?
The fact my hotel is so far way...

>> No.8432927

>worked out enough
lets see it

>> No.8433033

sure I will show you at otakanm

>> No.8433050

Do it now
Doesnt have to be in cosplay just a body shot

>> No.8433056 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 525x499, dicksx32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me drunk as hell in some FB post pic is like 3 months old

>> No.8433124

You didn't need to delete your post anon, you look like an average person

>> No.8433339

Sorry drinking a bit too much so I got a little too self consensus

>> No.8433494

No, there are usually security guards checking badges at the entrances to the convention center.

You can still get into the hotels that are connected to the convention center, and you can hang out on the street outside, where they have picnic tables and stuff.

>> No.8433538

They will let you in to the badge buying area after you stand in line to get in the front door (possibly for over an hour, just FYI). In theory, you could go in and try to walk around the ropes, but there is a high likelyhood of someone catching you and putting you at the end of the line back outside.

They are pretty strict about checking badges at every door and have pretty good line control (lines have staff walking them, they aren't blobs.)

>> No.8433565
File: 492 KB, 1201x1142, mobile-azir[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a someone to shoot my Azir cosplay at Otakon this year

>> No.8433675

Some of the panels actually sound pretty good this year. Sad I'll have to miss it.

>> No.8434276
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>Who's ready?
I'm not. Ugh, so scared I'm gonna fuck my costume up. Plus I'm kinda behind. Hooray for anxiety filled procrastination!
Hopefully that pre-con /cgl/ hangout is going to happen Thursday. Had one of my friends bail out on me so I have no one to go with this year. Cosplaying Stein.
>Anything you're looking forward to?
Thursday and Friday meetup, a couple shoots, just seeing cosplays in general, merchandise.
>Not looking forward to?
Being alone.

Hopefully this year is as fun as my last two. I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I can finish my costume in time. Blargh.

>> No.8434483


Buy a badge, there's honestly no way you wouldn't have a hellish time trying to get into the convention center w/o one

>> No.8434614

No coslay plans, just partying it up with the rest of 1449.

>> No.8434620

Still working on stuff currently but I feel pretty good about my progress. I should get everything done in time!

>> No.8434636

no one cares

>> No.8434897

You could probably get away with it later on in the evening down at the Pratt St. Entrance but dont expect to be able to attend panels once youre in. There is anal security at every door otherwise especially at the entrance/exit of Hilton/BCC..

Late Friday night last year we got a few local friends in at the fountain areas but with how the attendance is you could stay outside and see just as much imo

>>havent attended a panel since 2010
>>been going since 2003

>> No.8435091

Okay, so when are we doing our meetup? I would like to try and hangout during LINECON 2015 on Thusday with seagulls. But, are we also doing one Friday, or is it Saturday. I have become confusion.

>> No.8435107

Apparently you do weeb, are you upset you can't get into our parties? We got two suites and a boat and over $4,000 in alcohol.

>> No.8435125

>"Look at me, I'm insecure, so I need to flaunt my money and "popularity". My parents have money, so that means I get to be a mooching baby."
Please, devour every rotten penis ever.

>> No.8435131
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>We got two suites and a boat and over $4,000 in alcohol.
Ok? I'll have my own house

First time on a boat or something? After living in Maryland its pretty normal

Woah $4,000 in alcohol! You're probably a light weight who will only drink $40 worth. I literally drink alcohol for free whenever I want and have more alcohol stocked in my house then you guys will on your boat. Perks of knowing the right people, like my uncle who owns multiple liquor stores.

>> No.8435147

>probably a light weight who will only drink $40 worth. I literally drink alcohol for free whenever I want and have more alcohol stocked in my house then you guys will on your boat. Perks of knowing the right people, lik
Haters gonna hate. 1449 hosts the best party at cons. You're going to be jealous after hearing how much better our parties will be than yours.

>> No.8435154

Now you're not even trying with the bait

>> No.8435157
File: 35 KB, 675x359, 10525844_10155357068100034_1552106200983269201_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also got a presidential suite for Connecticon, we got a boss sound system in our suite for that con.

>> No.8435168

You're posting as if this somehow makes you better

>> No.8435178

>Look at all the things I can get with my parents' money.

>> No.8435188
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Same anon who posted this.

In light of our 1449 friend, if anyone plans on meeting up at the /cgl/ meet up on Friday and is interested in free liquor just shoot me an email at cglthrowawaycgl@gmail.com just so I can get a count on how many bottles I should bring.

>> No.8435205

This already sounds way more fun than some lameass room party with "$4000 worth of alcohol"

>> No.8435266

I may definitely send you an email. Thanks for the lovely offer!

>> No.8435307
File: 69 KB, 960x720, 11054430_10153367716601203_7156361874396690334_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what our parties usually contain, too bad we don't invite your usual autistic weeb.

>> No.8435312
File: 236 KB, 636x853, ss+(2015-06-28+at+07.39.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that it?
CHRIST DUDE my one bedroom shits on that

Also, did I mention I got it free?

>> No.8435318

Wow, you guys have absolute shit taste in alcohol. This is like what a 16-year-old would consider cool.

>> No.8435375

Seagulls, are there any Otakon hotel pools open during the weekend (or on Thursday)? My group is looking to do a swimshoot shoot in/by the water, but we want to avoid the fountain for obvious reasons.

>> No.8435439

lmao that's 4 grand worth of hooch? anon, please. looks more like a high schooler's first house party.

>> No.8435443

Can we vote to start a new thread and let this one die? I can feel the autism seeping into my brain.

>> No.8435444

I'll shoot you a email as well

>> No.8435541

What Lolita events are there this year? I haven't been to Otakon in 10 years and wasn't into lolita back then. I heard Moss Marchen hosts tea parties?

>> No.8435572

Na, just ignore the idiocy.
This thread will probably go through Otakon.

>> No.8435905
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1432096860489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, $4k in alcohol? You must be super rich!
>mfw there's $300k in race cars in my garage right now
Enjoy being poor and having fun with a bunch of losers on a shitty boat while the rest of /cgl/ has more fun than you.

>> No.8435947


Kind of glad west coast con party scene is a lot more hype/less douchier than this.

>> No.8435959

Yeah for some reason at Otakon it's pretty bad. At least when it moves to DC this boatfag can't brag since it won't be right on the water.

>> No.8436571

Workshops were posted. They're all meh. But for anyone who didn't go to the Build Your Own Ray Gun panel last year, go to it this year, cause it was tons of fun. I may bit up the Bozu making panel.

>> No.8436614

>tfw you don't drink at conventions

I feel like the biggest fag of all now

>> No.8436630

You're most definitely not. Who cares if you don't drink, there's nothing wrong with that. We'd still love to see you at the meetup!

>> No.8436640

Sounds like someone is jealous they can't get in on #boatakon.

>> No.8436660

Please, stop with your childish bait. If you wanna be an idiot, go to /b/ or /s4s/.

>> No.8436707

Yeah you gotta put a little more effort then that.

>> No.8436744

This. People in the DMV are extremely douchey and cocky. I moved to VA for work a year ago and have never encountered so many stuck up assholes in my life, so it's not limited to confags. Even worse are the photogs. They're so narcissistic and asshole-ish, and think their crappy pics will get you published. 4 out of every 5 photogs I've worked with in the area has been a creep or an ass. I seriously can't wait to move back to the West Coast, I'm so over people's rotten attitudes in the DMV.

>> No.8436758

Oh god, stick to gloating on Facebook groups 1449. No one likes you and no one is impressed

>> No.8436975
File: 29 KB, 338x257, 08218_g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real, it's annoying as hell when they turn these con threads into their own personal chat.

Sorry, anon, I just know that the Days Inn pool tends to close. Maybe someone else has more info for you.

>> No.8437316

>too bad we don't invite your usual autistic weeb
as if y'all don't fit the criteria for that

>> No.8438254

You can talk to someone at the Renaissance, Though that is an indoor pool and you'll have to be let in by someone staying there, unless you go on Thursday afternoon and don't look to conspicuous. I know that the hotel is attached to a mall so you could slip in thru one of the entrances and walk over to the elevators that lead into the hotel it's self.

>> No.8440119

So wheres everyone coming from?
Ohio here. 8 hour drive, woo.

>> No.8440241

Why not take a plane?

>> No.8440275

Florida. Usually take an ~18 hour drive, but group bailed on me so flying over.

>> No.8440375 [DELETED] 

Cause its hell expensive.

>> No.8440383

Cause its hella expensive.

>> No.8440398

It's only $250 dollars for a round trip ticket.
Worth it if you ask me. Sitting in a car for 8 hours is horrible.

>> No.8440401

It's not really that expensive, I got my round trip from FL for 150.
If you're driving with a group and splitting gas that's another thing, though.

>> No.8440416

Anyone else get the mailed badge option? When do you think they will start mailing them out?

>> No.8440420


I'm in NOVA and all my friends are in RVA so not too bad.
I imagine we'll still grab a hotel room every year even after it moves to DC, because that's part of the fun, you know?

>> No.8440422

they said a week or so before the con

>> No.8440426

I'm coming from the DC area... So I've got about a two hour trip.

>> No.8440446

I'm 20min south of con, usually still get a hotel room because between having multiples costumes a day, and just knowing you have a cool room to take a break in, even it's for 15 min, without have to deal wih parking /traffic/etc is comforting..

I'm really hoping Hilton will let me bump my room up to a suite, so I'm waiting for the moment they get the housing info from Otakon.. -crossesfingers-

>> No.8441729

Has anyone stayed in the BWI Airport area? What's the most reliable form of transportation between there and the convention center?

>> No.8441786

If anyone wants to meet other cgl people

fb(.) com /events/1447161242255474/

>> No.8441905

My group dropped on me right before I booked a hotel. Should I go alone? Any seagull suite?

>> No.8441910


Driving down from CT - 5 hours, not too terrible.

>> No.8442136

Toronto. Also about an 8 hour drive. Not looking forward to that.

>> No.8442530


>> No.8442567

Dear 1449,

This is your friendly coast guardsman at SAR Curtis Bay. I'd like to thank you for informing/bragging about your exploits and how they will be conducted on a boat in inner harbor. As I am quite salty being that I ran out of leave to use due to an emergency earlier this year, I will not be able to attend otakon as that will be my duty weekend.

I am however delighted that the entertainment will be provided for me when we board your boat and proceed to "rain on your party". Because frankly, I know I will bust you guys for at least one major offense that you forgot to cover and it will give me great pleasure to being you guys back down from your self inflated cloud.

See you guys in a month.

Yours truly,
Petty officer first class Pearson

P.s. Bring lots of bail money. Baltimore cops are still pissed off about the riots and are throwing the book at anyone we hand over. I guess they need hell lot of money to repair the damage from the riots and rich arrogant kids with parents willing to blow any amount to get poor Sally and George out of such a dirty place is high on their list right now.

P.s.s don't drink all that liqour before we get to you. The station is gearing up for a party and it would be pretty awesome for you guys to so graciously involuntarily donate that stash for the party.

>> No.8442741

If this is genuine, bless you, sir.

>> No.8442811

Please be real.

>> No.8442867

Oh god hahaha, I hope you're actually real and not just messing around. Show them who's in charge.

>> No.8442902

You could take the airport shuttle from your hotel to the light rail station, then ride that to the convention center. If you end up missing your shuttle you could always uber back and forward too. An uber or lyft would probably beike $14-15 from the convention center out to your hotel as long as it wasn't peak time. If you've never used either someone could give you a code for a free ride up to $30 on both services then use everyone you're rooming with to not pay the rest of the weekend.

Exactly while even after the con moves to DC I'll likely still end up getting a hotel room.

Yeah for some reason the people I normal room with think the idea of getting a hotel room when the con moves to DC is silly. Idk it makes more sense then having to take the train and bus back home just to chill for a bit.

>> No.8442942

Bring it fuckboi, we're doing nothing wrong except doing cons right unlike you weebs.

>> No.8443305
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>> No.8443489

If this is real, I would love you forever.

>> No.8443623

If you do this, you will become the con communities best friend. 1449 is a cancer upon the con community, and I along with a number of people have had to put up with their crap for far too long.

>> No.8443677

I'm entering the singing portion of the Otakon talent show and I'm looking for suggestions for songs. Female singer, looking for something either fun and catchy or super beautiful/operatic. Song has to be in an Asian language, but that's basically the rules.

>> No.8443806
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>> No.8443815

Of course just look up the original version, without the English dub

>> No.8443832


>> No.8443877

Thank you for your help! I think these are both a little too cutesy for my voice, though. Things like Tabi no Tochuu from Spice and Wolf are more my speed, if that helps.

>> No.8444466

Yes, I am quite real.

Oh its already been brought!
*Head whip*
I've terminated wedding night voyages on being one short of a life preserver, try me wannabe. I guarantee I will find at least one enforceable violation on your boat that will lead to the boat being docked and impounded till mommy and daddy pay up. Oh yeah, that will be on Monday though, offices aren't open on the weekend and close at 5 on Friday.

Keep calling the station by the way, we are having a hoot of a time listening to you guys trying to troll us. Don't know why you keep hanging up when we route you over to Activities baltimore? Scared they might call the feds for trying to prank a government installation?

>> No.8444928

Holy shit. This is gold.

>> No.8446780

Thanks for proving this is fake bucko, none of us have called you and we don't have your number. Sorry haters but it looks like we're going to be partying ALL WEEKEND, while you stupid weebs sit in line all day for some stupid panel.

>> No.8446867

Yes. Please. Make this happen. The cancer on this thread needs to be eradicated.

>> No.8446972

Out of the over 1000 members that are in your Facebook group, I'm pretty sure you didn't check with everyone lol.

But oh my, you are a stupid one for sure. Did you forget how to use a phone book, much less the internet. I mean our station number is plastered all over the website, yellow pages and Internet phone books.

>> No.8448691

So why are you even talking in this thread if you're not going to Otakon? It's pointless, no one cares about your party or how much "fun" you're going to have. Do your thing and we'll do ours, there's no reason to be an asshat and continue talking about something that no one in this thread cares about. Now run off to another board and see if they'll give you the attention you think you deserve. KTHXBAI.

>> No.8449140

It's not even just here. All over Facebook these guy's start all kinds of shit, they're always boasting about how they're old enough to drink and how much better they are from your regular congoer. The Magfest group was the worst since the admin who ran this group was a chickenshit brown-noser hoping he'd get into their party. I'm just sick of seeing them stiring up shit all over the internet.

>> No.8449190

Me and a friend slipped into the Renaissance in 2013 and no-body ID'd or checked up... mind you, half the hallways and elevators were card only access, but we wandered and tagged along in some elevators to get around that easily.

>> No.8449193

Also coming from Ohio but flying in. B) 2 hour flight there.

>> No.8449210
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>> No.8449220

Oh neat. Where at in Ohio?

>> No.8449230
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Final cosplay list, because 5 costumes felt to be way too much. But here's a pretty much for sure list. I still need to start on May but almost everything else has some pretty decent/mostly finished progress

>> No.8450238
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Less then 3 weeks to go now

Can't wait, it'll also be my first time meeting my waifu.

>> No.8450246

Who's your waifu?

>> No.8451556
File: 101 KB, 507x496, 1398940630157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a FB event page for the /cgl/ meet up

Can't post the direct link but it is a public event so just search: Otakon seagulls meetup

Last year's meet was not very organized, so hopefully we will get something more organized with another facebook event.

>> No.8451561

>Facebook event pages

>> No.8451626


>> No.8451788

>I'm afraid of social things

>> No.8451807

>he thinks Facebook is where people go to be social

>> No.8451810

Yes, it is social media, where people interactive with each other and be social.

>> No.8453998
File: 81 KB, 482x600, thirstyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you couldn't tell by the facebook otakon group page and all of his posts.


>> No.8454017

Ah yes, a new update on the thirsty boy. I feel so bad for this kid... is he really 21? All of his sad desperate posts looking for love remind me more of a tenth grader. I just someone give him a pity dicking.

>> No.8454021

Me too, anon! Flying out from Columbus.
This is my first time going to Otakon, super excited!

>> No.8454349

You'll definitely enjoy it! Going to the meetup? I'd love to meet someone else from Ohio?

>> No.8454378

How big is the yacht, I mean is it a 25 footer? Also, how the hell do you not get the CG on you, down here in VA the CG has been known to board and tow the party boats if they don't go out into international waters.

>> No.8454382

If you need someone to buy tax free liquor curtsy of the DOD, post in the thread and I'll post my throwaway gmail.

>> No.8454387

Hampton Roads, 4+-2 hours, leaving bright and early on Friday. I am ready to go.

as a navy guy i fucking called this shit, literally I see people getting dragged out all the time when in the HR, like If I had a gopro for all the times I've seen the CG raid someone while we are doing testing/trials I would be able to make Aqua COPS. (yes the 90s era old school shit.)

>> No.8454706
File: 190 KB, 500x375, 2760549076_4610b9b5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to otakon by myself. This'll be my first con ever. I'll be driving from cincinnati so it'll be an 8 hour drive. Can someone tell me how easy it will be to find parking space near the convention? Im probably gonna stay at ramadi inn or holiday inn and both are about 20 min away so i'll have to drive to the con from hotel. Will I be able to find parking easily on friday morning? I dont mind that parking is gonna cost me money.

Please help
im japanese

>> No.8454734

There are decks all around the harbor. However, a lot of the lots lock up at night and "close" at certain hours later at night. You can't get your car until the morning if you don't leave in time. The only overnight lots are the ones for the hotels. If you're planning to be at the convention until, let's say... 2 am, I'd suggest trying to find an overnight lot. Either way, expect to be paying around $30-$50 a day for parking (depending on the lot).

>> No.8454736

There should be a parking garage near the convention center. If you go past the convention center towards where the fountain by the harbor is located it will be on your left, I just can't remember the street name. I know last time I parked there I went in and out through the lobby of some company or building.

>> No.8454777
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cgl meetup

fb[ . ] com /events/1447161242255474/

>> No.8454824

Honestly, I would say that the better option would be to just leave your car at the hotel you are staying at and take a cab to the convention. in Cabs you'll probably end up paying $20-40 a day while parking is going to be at least $30-50 a day and would involve more walking over longer distances. The last time I used a parking garage in was the one at Harbor Place and that ran us $90 for the weekend and that was with the guest rate of parking... four or five years ago. It has to be so much higher now.

>> No.8454872
File: 68 KB, 543x960, 10562627_10154472934085529_995631123895516978_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the boat from last year, we were docked the whole weekend.

>> No.8454958

>Everything about this picture

>> No.8455072

There's 50 times more hype for #boatakon than Otakon itself.

>> No.8455184
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Less then 3 weeks, can it just finally get here already? I'm ready to party with seagulls

>> No.8455227

Noooooooo, I still have so much to do.

>> No.8455237

Related, how bad is Uber in the area. I am staying in an el cheapo hotel near BWIish, and taking the light rail into town, but if I stay super late and miss the last light rail, how much will it cost to take uber out of town late night?

>> No.8455245

As someone who lives near Baltimore, I can assure you your uber driver will 80% chance be black, maybe sketchy

>> No.8455391

You know here's something I've been wondering, what's the appeal of going to anime conventions just to drink? I mean going/travelling to a convention just to drink and go to room parties, while looking down at cosplayers and "weebs" and claiming you're better than them? I just don't get it, you don't really see this sort of party scene at comic cons and video game conventions (there is at video game cons, but it's alot less stuck up). So far every person I've met who goes to anime conventions just to spend the vast majority of their weekend in their room drinking has come off to me as just completely unlikable people.

>> No.8455401

I've always assumed it was underaged kids who can get away with drinking because they're away from Mommy and Daddy for the weekend.

>> No.8455411

I have heard stories about magfest that make this look tame.

>> No.8455412

But it's honestly not, these people are +25 years old. Granted some of them are absolute losers in life, some of folks I know of in particular have shit jobs, are in their late 20/ early 30s and constantly go on and on about how much better they are than anime con goers, while they like neckbeards themselves. Take the asswipes who admin the Otakon/Katsucon 21+ groups.

>> No.8455415

The party scene at MAGfest at least doesn't look it's nose down at nondrinkers and regular congoers.

>> No.8455426

Shit, I just hit 25 and I go to cons to meet weebs who are not at work, since they all have low power levels besides games. I do not get how you can drink that much, I did social drinking over the 4th and I have a hangover.

>> No.8455430

Not the 1449 people you're referring to but I am really psyched to drink at Otakon. I'm 24 and enjoy socially drinking here and there but the fact that I'll get to drink and socialize with other people who like anime and video games sounds pretty great.

Of course the con is good too, I'm not going solely for the drinking obviously.

>> No.8455438

>are in their late 20/ early 30s and constantly go on and on about how much better they are than anime con goers

Yeesh. I have no words.

>> No.8455503

I live in the area and I will tell you use Parking Panda because they have 24hr parking plus it's not to expensive. Screw what everyone else is saying

>> No.8455545

>implying everyone else doesn't live in the area

>> No.8455626

Yes, I am the only person in the entire thread who lives in the area. Thank you for mentioning that.

>> No.8455648

How are you getting from your Hotel to the light rail, I was considering staying near BWI but saw there was no way to actually walk to the station without crossing a 6 lane highway

>> No.8455672

>we don't invite your usual autistic weeb.
why did you and your friends fill all the autistic weeb slots in the party?

>> No.8455689

I'm considering going solo at this point. Any Seagull rooms open (that aren't huge drinkers or sweaty neckbeards)?

>> No.8455690

what is 1449??? how does it relate to Otakon?

>> No.8456106

dunno what "rules" happening but spots seem open >>8430603
so far seem to be going solo myself as well, at least friends going

>> No.8456305

My car, it is brand new. Need a ride?>>8455689
If you need a room, you can stay with me, Anon kun

>> No.8456324

I got a room for $230. Interested?

>> No.8456334

......you guys are seriously bragging about that run down piece of shit?

>> No.8456438

I used parking panda last year. My hotel was about 12 miles out. Even by the airport though you could just take the shuttle to the light rail and take that in, if you don't want to bother with traffic. However they stop operating so if you plan to stay at the convention until late you'll need to get a taxi if you take this route.
Parking panda is really nice and there's a garage on the corner of Pratt and Gay that I used. It cost me around 60 dollars for three nights unlimited. Some shuttles also take you right to the harbor too.

I think all the hotels will have a shuttle that takes you from the hotel to the airport, which is right by the light rail station. Get a ride if you don't like public transport though

>> No.8456449

Aren't you guys an exclusive club though? How can it have 50 times the hype?

Based off just what I've seen in this thread it's an anime club filled with people who get drunk and think themselves better than everyone else, possibly with their parents credit card. Seems the frat boys of anime

>> No.8456535 [DELETED] 

>We are 1449. Officially assembled in 2010, >We love to party, and we want to party with >you.

>This is a common-interest group for >convention party people and as such, the >mood is pretty easygoing. Feel free to >exchange party information, link up, post >dumb links, etc. etc. whatever.

1449 Core/Admins will 99.9 percent of the time will let a thread play out. You'll find a lot of blunt honesty and trolling here, fair warning.

Feel free to link to events which you feel may be "relevant to interests".

>> No.8456542

>We are 1449. Officially assembled in 2010, We love to party, and we want to party with you.

>This is a common-interest group for convention party people and as such, the mood is pretty easygoing. Feel free to exchange party information, link up, post dumb links, etc. etc. whatever.

>1449 Core/Admins will 99.9 percent of the time will let a thread play out. You'll find a lot of blunt honesty and trolling here, fair warning.

>Feel free to link to events which you feel may be "relevant to interests".

>> No.8457312

I'm not ready lol I have to finish my cosplay.

I plan on having fun and maybe take some cosplay photos so if anyone wants to meet up let me know

>> No.8457412

I'm not ready either, hooray.
I'd love to meet up, I'm going alone, so the more the merrier.

>> No.8457472

>will 80% chance be black


Racist pls go.

>> No.8457477

I know for people traveling alone and female that this is probably a scary thought, its just a heads up to expect it. Calm down tumblr

>> No.8457528

That's why you take a screen shot of your driver's information and text it to someone if things get shady.

>> No.8457550

This year I went to magfest and was wondering where everyone I knew was. Apparently they would drink during the day and game very late at night. However, even if they only slightly knew you, if you brought drinks, you were downright buddies. Otakon never felt that way. Granted, Magfest has replaced Otakon for the it convention for most of them.

>> No.8457585

I am black, if anyone needs an escort I will be one, I have military skills needed to ensure the precious white cargo will make it out of Baltimore safely, compared to the shipyard and bad news, Baltimore is easy mode.

>> No.8457610

I just got back from Anime Expo and now that I live on the east coast I'm thinking of giving it another go and hitting up Otakon.

What can I expect from there? How does it compare to AX?

>> No.8457662

Can't you just read the thread and find out for yourself?

>> No.8457707

Are you guys only okay with having people who don't regularly browse this board at your meet ups? I'll be with a group of 4 and we all enjoy Otakon for everything it has but are looking for some other fun things to do as well.

Also, do you guys cosplay if you go to pick your ticket up early on Thursday?

>> No.8457709



***Are you guys only okay with having people who regularly browse this board at your meet ups?

>> No.8457777

>Also, do you guys cosplay if you go to pick your ticket up early on Thursday?

Some people do but you just look stupid, really.

>> No.8457791

I figured as much. I'll pass then. Thanks!

>> No.8458164

I don't think anyone cares if you're not a board regular or not at the meet ups. I know a couple of people there last year weren't.

>> No.8458174

Well that's good to hear. What sort of things do you guys end up doing?

>> No.8458190

I thought you said you were gonna pass?
Or was that you being a passive aggressive little bitch

>> No.8458225

I'm not the anon you were replying to but sheesh, I think they were just saying they're passing on cosplaying at the ticket pickup?
I don't even see where you picked up they could of been replying passive aggressivly

>> No.8458351


... Was going to pass on cosplaying on Thursday when I pick up the early ticket?

>> No.8458403

Mingle at the con, maybe a group picture. Then migrate to designated watering hole and drink, play pool, witness thirst, etcetc. And if we're lucky waffle fries!

>> No.8458502

If I bring drinks can I expect waffle fries?

>> No.8458517

The bar runs a chance of running out. If I'm feeling really good I wouldn't mind sharing a plate of waffle fries with others.

>> No.8458586

Sounds like fun. I've been to Otakon for the last two years and haven't met anyone there yet. It'd be nice to hang out with some of you guys.

>> No.8459210

Meetup was mostly (cool) dudes last year. Would go again and actually make my way to the drinking spot with ya'll this time.

>> No.8459785

Do you guys usually go in your cosplay at the meetup?

>> No.8459836

I will be in cosplay and more when I show up. It's about 60/40 moreso out of cosplay is what I normally would expect.

>> No.8459924

Cool, I'll guess I'll cosplay and show off my shitty costume then, yay.

>> No.8459927

I'll be wearing lolita all weekend so I'll be going to the meetup dressed in that. And you're at an anime convention, may as well be in costume!

>> No.8459938

Oh OK that would be pretty cool I'm all up for meeting cool people

>> No.8459963

Serious question, Do you guys think the ticket price is worth it for the show content? Not trying to start a war just want to see what Northeast (corridor) shows are the best bang for my buck

>> No.8460255

For the concerts? Not these for these two no names it isn't. Last year we had TM Revolution, so that was worth the price. This year is kinda butts, music-wise.

>> No.8460356

After paying almost $100 for the con ticket, not to mention the overpriced lodging in one of the most impoverished cities in the US? Fuck no.

>> No.8460426

Anyone have any confirmation for their badges being sent out? Or are they just dragging ass as expected?

>> No.8460443

idk I'm actually way more fond of Oreskaband then TM Revolution. But I've been listening to them since their first EP way back when. I'm actually kind of pumped up for a show from someone I like. I mean I'm not L`arc~en~Ciel or Yoko Kanno excited but it's a huge improvement over other years for me.

I don't think any cons are really worth it for the shows unless it's a band or performer that you REALLY like. Like the most I've ever spent to see someone was like $75 that was the cost of my transportation, lodging, and concert ticket price. Of you're only going to a con for a concert save up and go for someone you're really going to enjoy.

Yeah the lodging rate is crazy, especially when my friend who lives in Baltimore's rent is about the same as my hotel room for the three days. I'm wondering what it's going to be like when they move to DC...

>> No.8460464 [DELETED] 

No, Otakon is at best mediocre. The only reason i'm going is just to see my cons that I don't see for months at a time. If this years goes about the same as last year, Otakon to me is officially shit-tier.

>> No.8460473

No, Otakon is at best mediocre. The only reason i'm going is just to see my friends that I don't see for months at a time. If this year goes about the same as last year, Otakon to me is officially shit-tier.

>> No.8460550

I feel like Otakon has the highest hotel rates out of any major con I've been to. Here's hoping the rooms (and tickets) are more affordable when it moves to DC.

>> No.8460582

Thanks for the responses, though when I said 'show content' I meant the entire convention (I was thinking trade show in my mind) sorry that was misinterpreted

>> No.8460706
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>Little over two weeks left
>17k badges left

>> No.8460796

What do you think thats about? I hope people aren't still honestly afraid of the riots, jesus.

>> No.8460812
File: 96 KB, 352x499, 1407034836961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably because of the riots. But if the attendance is under 30k, I'll be fucking happy because it'll be a lot less crowded. We all know that the people that are dedicated to this will be there, and that only the fairweather non-cosplaying casuals are scared to go.

>> No.8460818

I'm leaving from Cleveland.

>> No.8460819

Ah no con has that great of a dealer's room in my opinion. There is nothing there that you can't find online for cheaper. I mostly spend my money in the Artist Alley and the Otakoin Artist alley is pretty sweet.

Yeah they really should be! Awesome Con is in the same convention center that Otakon will be in and they charge $75/ticket. They said that they had 40k+ attendees (though I think they count each person more then once). and Otakon caps it at what, 35k? Idk man I think Otakon is charging $100 just because they can at this point.

That's ok by me. Honestly my biggest issue with the con the last couple of years has been that there are just too many people. Maybe it's also about the price?

>> No.8460823


I'm going, but I still haven't bought my badge yet. Need to pysch myself up to drop 90 on a con badge, I guess.

>> No.8460824

It's a shitty con in a shitty venue and people realized they only reason they go is because it's big

>> No.8460829

Also its way too expensive

>> No.8460851

>I think Otakon is charging $100 just because they can at this point.
This. They always come up with some bullshit about how expensive a con is to run to justify it, but let's not forget that AX is bigger and FOUR DAY badges are only $55

>> No.8460855

>less people at Otakon is a troubling sign, a BAD thing for the congoer

Everyone who shares this sentiment should go fuck themselves holy shit

>> No.8460871

This. A million times this.

However, I know a particular group of people who not only look down on the "con weebs" and "trash" and bad mouth them, but actually solely go to convention to get drunk/high and hook up with under the influence gals.

I've always just said to each their own and looked the other way, but I suppose the aspect of "easy pussy" is their appeal.

>> No.8460901

I think it's because it's the DMV. All the cons here are kind of over priced. Hopefully if they don't do well with sales this year the price will go down.

>> No.8461026


So where and when will everyone be meeting up?

>> No.8461074
File: 71 KB, 625x544, 1431082400017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make post in Otakon FB group about how the pricing is getting ridiculous
>Everyone is at my throat about how I shouldn't complain and that Otakon is doing nothing wrong.

>> No.8461083
File: 948 KB, 318x162, 1386541478235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Mike Campbell

>> No.8461111

This con has really gone down the shitter over the years

>> No.8461191
File: 21 KB, 338x384, 1420344661821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I am a poorfag and didn't get my badge mailed.
Their FB page and forums are a symphony of tears right now over "WHY ARE WE BEING PUNISHHHEDD I DEMAND REFUND" because no one is getting their badges/tracking info with less than two weeks to go.

>> No.8461208
File: 623 KB, 1152x2048, 2015-05-29 17.46.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awesomecon hitting 40k+
I was there and it was dead as can be. By the time the dealers/exhibit hall closed the place was a ghost town. I couldn't even find other cosplayers walking the streets. The only thing I can think of that could make half of that is how busy their guest photo/autograph lines were. It was the only place I saw that had a moderate mass of folk.

Pic related, this is a glimpse of the registration area the entire weekend.

>> No.8461221

Yup, that's what really turned me away from Otakon. Which group was this? Last year I posted in one of the Otakon groups asking if I can refund my badge or transfer it, since I wasn't feeling like going. And there were these shitheads gloating about me not going to Otakon, and how I was a loser I was for missing out on the "best and biggest convention in the east coast". I took pleasure in seeing them whine and bitch when the pre reg line became a disaster on Thursday.

>> No.8461245

I'd hardly call us folks who are picking up badges poorfags. Those fucking things are $80 minimum.

>> No.8461246

Wait what the fuck happened? I said to pic mine up on site

>> No.8461250

Not sure about everyone, but I have some beers during the con to take a bit of the edge off. Going to the parties at night is fun because most of the fun events have ended, excluding gaming and dancing

>> No.8461295

Otakon was limited by Baltimore,DC should trivially hit 80k since its like top 10USwide

>> No.8461301

The staff just hasn't gotten the tracking info from the company hired to ship the badges. According to a staffer on the otakon forums, the badges started being shipped as of yesterday, but the company won't give tracking numbers until they've shipped every single one out..

Of course, people aren't reading and immediately going "MUH BADGES IS NEVER COMING! WE MUST SUE THEM AND STORM THE CON CENTER!!

>> No.8461302

Parties at hotels or bars?

>> No.8461307

Both are fine, I don't care either way but it mostly depends on the amount of cash I have on me and my cosplay. If I have little cash, and my cosplay is something kinda nice I will go into a hotel.

It just really depends on the con and what is around, chances are for baltimore, I will feel safer in a hotel

>> No.8461318
File: 17 KB, 620x620, FB_IMG_1436078378466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting my name on 4chan
thanks, now I'm going to get doxxed and sent pizza and I'm going to have to kill myself.

>> No.8461324


Oh sure, no one is knocking drinking at cons in general, just the insular party-harder-than-thou sects that treat conventions as nothing more than a venue in which to be drunk.

Being both a cosplayer and a dirty hippie, I like to dabble in stimulants like 2-FMA during the days of cons. Not out of some delusion that it makes me "hard" or "cool," but because they give me energy, suppress my appetite, and aid socializing.

Use whatever substances you want, kids, just don't be a cunt about it, ja feel?

>> No.8461335

So they were probably counting every single time someone came into the building regardless of if they'd just stepped out for a smoke. I had a coworker who went just for the WWE people that were there and asked him how it was and he said crazy but I take everything he says with a grain of salt (mostly because he's obsessed with WWE).

Oh god I hope not. That would just be way too many people... and on top of it they'll proably want to charge like 120 a head.

Oh shit. My friend had the mailed badge option and she just left for Scotland today for the next week... and if she saw that on FB would be flipping out. Really though they should of had that shit put together correctly by now. I'm helping out at someone's AA table so I have to pick up my badge with her.

>> No.8461339

>just the insular party-harder-than-thou sects that treat conventions as nothing more than a venue in which to be drunk.

Oh yeah going to a con just to drink in public is stupid I completely and I agree that using cons for that reason is stupid.

I'll just do some rum and cokes during a con, just enough to get the edge off (because there are some really interesting characters at some). But no being drunk because you think it is cool is literally what underage/just turned 21 do

>> No.8461360

Yeah, I agree with the hotel part. Do you just meet new people and see where the parties are at? I'd like to do something like that this year. Unfortunately our hotel is not in walking distance of the con

>> No.8461366

Sometimes I meet people at the con, other times people have been going to their room and asked me to join.

>> No.8461367

Before you fuckbois start thinking Otakon is gonna be some party fest like they did in AX threads. You actually have to talk and socialize with people to get to these parties, just a heads up to prepare yourself for disappointment.

>> No.8461415

Friday and Saturday around 6PM and 7PM by the entrance fountains.

>> No.8461435
File: 220 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pool is the best part

>> No.8461437

Where is this?

>> No.8461442


I don't have any fear of socializing. I spent the last Otakons with my ex and she would never had wanted to do anything like that.

>> No.8461444
File: 246 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8461452

Also please don't get on the threads and start crying because there aren't any females at the meet. It's off putting and makes them not want to show up. It was really depressing reading the cries for attention on here last year.

>> No.8461454

Oh cool, that's super close to the event too. Have to check it out

>> No.8461457
File: 691 KB, 2156x1100, 1407291295820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /cgl/ meet usually goes there for fun, so just go to the meet

>> No.8461468

She shouldn't freak out. Had a few friends get their badges today. So more folks should be getting theirs over the course of the week.

>> No.8461488

How many people are usually at the seagull meetup?

>> No.8461489

Sure thing! Are you the one who said they meet at the entrance fountains at 6 and 7PM?

>> No.8461542

Is this Fucking Josuke? Please let this be Josuke

>> No.8461999 [DELETED] 

Anyone looking for a photographer? check me out on Facebook, Vander Photography.

My prices are adorable.

>> No.8462003

Anyone looking for a photographer? check me out on Facebook, Vander Photography.

My prices are affordable.

>> No.8462296

i want to go as a creepy vampire.

not like "blaaaa im Vlad Dracula!" but like, something.

>> No.8462401

No, not me


>> No.8462917

You posted in the last Otakon thread and the prices were far from affordable.

>> No.8463170

I think after he got chewed out he changed them. Still not sure who he's trying to target with $100 an hour as "affordable."

>> No.8463364

*chuckles* I know him personally. He used to talk shit about Lauren Pihl being expensive and ripping cosplayers off before pihlgate. Yet here he is doing it himself. What a joke.

>> No.8463401

It's funny because his photography isn't even good. His poor models look so haggard because he can't take a flattering photo...

>> No.8463442

Got my badge today!

>> No.8463530

I'm interested and do you take paypal too man

>> No.8463563

Contact me there. We'll talk.

>> No.8463572

Looking to go to Otakon now that AX is over. Conventions are like drugs, once you get a taste you just can't stop. Something about the whole cosplay and meeting random people atmosphere.

>> No.8463582

He shot with the whore herself, Danielle Beaulieu, so I guess he thinks that gives him credibility.

>> No.8463622
File: 47 KB, 500x636, damnboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They roastin' you now

>> No.8463626


>> No.8463922

Not for longer, LACC is smaller than Walter Reed by 300 000 square feet. Otakon may take the largest con in the U.S. Crown yet.

>> No.8463934

Anyone need a hotel room? Not roommates or anything, but an actual room. I figure I could transfer info to a lucky seagull before cancelling.

Hotel is the Lord Baltimore, like 2 blocks away from con ctr. Thurs-Sun, total due would be $606.38 for the weekend. It's a reg room, double bedded.

If anyone wants it, let me know here or by email. (email would be best so I know that I see it)

>> No.8463940

You tell em sigma

>> No.8463943

whoops, dropped my email.


>> No.8464350


I'd be interested if it doesn't work out with the other anon. anonymous.donations@yahoo.com

>> No.8464469

I'm content with life now, thanks anon

>> No.8464547

does sharing a room with people you don't know generally work out? i don't have a room and nobody i know is going to otakon this year so if i want to be in a room i'll have to take up a roomshare posting. i feel incredibly anxious thinking about it. i've never roomed entirely with people i didn't know at all. any advice? i'd really like to be in a room because i can't stand having to carry everything i bring/get with me around the con in the hottest pat of the summer. not having a room usually means i come once to talk to people at the AA and get whatever looks nice then return home and that's about it

>> No.8464628

Is Amanda in the FB group from /cgl/? I've seen her creepy fursuit posted on here.

>> No.8464636

>Something about the whole cosplay and meeting random people atmosphere.

That's the main reason why we attend anime conventions, and keep attending them...

(and I still haven't even started packing or creating my music playlist for the convention...)

>> No.8464680
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>> No.8465105

I originally wasn't going to go to otakon, due to financial issues, well not issues, it just wasn't something to put ahead of everything else. But I guess I am going now.

I went to Katsucon earlier in the year, and I tried to do the whole /cgl/ meetup, eventually found you guys and I just sat in a corner by the fountains before fucking off and doing my own shit. I think this year I may actually try to socialize, but i have no hopes. I just turned 21 in April, and I am already developing an alcohol problem so I will probably sit a bar for most of the con.

I haven't used a trip in years, but I want to pretend to mean something for the next few minutes while I mix myself some OJ and Sour Apple vodka.

>> No.8465617

Jesus, I hope you're pretending to be emo as hell, cause its not flattering at all.

>> No.8466100

Room sharing in general is a mixed bag. It can range from a very relaxing to very stressful experience. At the end of the con, it will at least fulfill it's purpose of a cheaper means of being near the con.

I'm sure otakon will provide you with a better time.

>> No.8466204

Finally preregged. they have 16.6k badges left... Here's hoping that number doesn't get too much smaller (I just don;t want the con to be too crowded so bad).

>> No.8466213


Yeah, not pretending, as social as I try to be "IRL", I just go the opposite and end up looking really fucking creepy and lonely. Just can't get it to work.

>> No.8466470
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-09-13-48-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really think this looks good?

>> No.8466492
File: 1.18 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-09-14-01-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks better than this whale at least.

>> No.8466519

i actually prefer this one, because while she is fatter, she isn't letting her belly flab hang over the pants

>> No.8466583
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-07-09-14-30-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oww, the edge! Look at me I'm drinking at a convention, I'm so much better than you!

>> No.8466621

It can be a decent experience or a complete shitshow, and there's not much you can do to influence which situation happens, sadly. However, if you put down some important preferences down when you post for roomsharing (party room or no/drinking/smoking/general sleep schedule), you might be able to find people who you at least can peacefully co-exist with for the weekend.

Dude you're depressing as hell, put the booze down for a second and breathe

This one looks better because the shape is more flattering and less awkwardly designed, actually

I honestly wonder when they're gonna learn that being drunk and disorderly in public, and often in the middle of the damn day, doesn't make you cool, it makes you a nuisance

>> No.8466643 [DELETED] 

I'll give them a 5-10 more years? Richardo in particular is like 32 years old, so maybe he'll grow out of it when he has a mid-life crisis in 10 years?

>> No.8466688

I'll give them a 5-10 more years? Ricardo in particular is like 32 years old, so maybe he'll grow out of it when he has a mid-life crisis in 10 years?

>> No.8466785

Alright so I've decided to take Friday off work and will drive to the con for Friday and Saturday. I'm going solo for the first time and am hoping there will be enough meetups and such so I'm not wandering alone aimlessly.

>> No.8467651

I am trying boo, but I gots these mad insecurities. Like we all do.

>> No.8467674
File: 273 KB, 875x1222, 1406514761664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like we all do
Yeah, but we don't go around sulking 24/7 about it though. DO NOT come to /cgl/ meet up if you're gonna be some crybaby.

>> No.8467803


Those are some good implications bro.

>> No.8467810

you sure showed me

>> No.8467829

I can definitely see where I went wrong just offhandingly throwing in a potential alcohol problem, definitely seems like it was just thrown there with no where to be or go.

But I'm not sulking 24/7 I feel it's a misrepresentation, I stated I just that with actual meet ups with people (that I really don't talk to just lurk threads) I don't communicate well or at all, so it looks fucking creepy and weird to just try to blend in and stick in the background which is a perfect description. Like a lot of people these days way more sociable online.

I don't see the sulking 24/7 so I feel triggered

>> No.8467846

Fuck I just used the word triggered.

>> No.8467851

Honestly I've only had bad experiences. The last Otakon I went to my room manager was shit and didn't collect money beforehand so like 3 of our members pulled an "I'm too poor sorry" a week before and we had to cancel the room and pay fees. However, I'm rooming with a new manager this year and all seems to be going well. We're in contact and all our hotel expenses are paid.

>> No.8467852

Do you even read what you type? Please don't go to the meet up, you are a downer.

>> No.8468030


As someone who is looking forward to meeting new people here, I hope to see you at the meet ups (wherever they may be).

>> No.8468078


Conventions are unfortunately still the same as everything else -- you get what you put in. And getting drunk is an easy way to have a bit of fun, but it stops you from going out and meeting people.

Come chill w/ us and take it slow and you might just end up having a lot more fun.

>> No.8468196

I will be there but you won't notice me.

>> No.8468207

I never aim to be drunk. I space each drink at 20 minutes and I have a glass of water between as well. Most I have been is buzzed at best.

>> No.8468325

the fuck is going on here now.

>> No.8468394


Don't worry, assuming this s real or not makes no difference to me. I have real connections and that group will be in for a rude awakening. I don't condone actions of pedophiles and people that try to spike drinks in a pathetic attempt to get laid. Their actions will have consequences.

>> No.8468420


May I ask why youre charging that much for a spot in your room?

>> No.8468431
File: 331 KB, 485x507, edgy and cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8468706

Is this real, like I am cringing at that.

>> No.8468855

Why do you ask? Do you think it's too much or too little?

>> No.8469273
File: 861 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-10-00-32-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got kicked out of their presidential suite at Ctcon. XD

>> No.8469318

>Those ugly people
I thought they were elitist

>> No.8469352

The FB group is cringe overload. Why are there polyamory and singles threads? Jfc

>> No.8469365
File: 299 KB, 483x692, otakonfacebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8469420

Do yourself a favor and bring ear-plugs.
Last time I roomed at a con with people, one of them snored louder than a dying walrus.

>> No.8469462

Made that mistake before. I let some of Adam Wright's friends room with me at a previous con and his two friends snored so fucking loud we got a noise complaint.

>> No.8469489

New thread

>> No.8469516

Better new thread


>> No.8469518

For what purpose?

>> No.8469524

Shhh, just let it happen.

>> No.8469697

Which group is this in Otakon 21+?