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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8458144 No.8458144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can 100% say that they are fake now

>> No.8458147
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>> No.8458160

It looks like her "boobs" are going to explode.

>> No.8458173

I'm thinking she went over the muscle

>> No.8458177

OP, you say this like there was ever any doubt.

>> No.8458192

Some people were heavily in denial so now they can see the obvious round shape of the implant.

>> No.8458205

I'm just mad because that's how Jibril's face looks like in the eyes of Nigiri.

>> No.8458206

I try not to be critical of boob jobs but those seriously don't look very comfortable.

>> No.8458224

>money from her fans
>money from her fans buying her pictures

I have a PhD in boobology and I pretty sure those are 100% fake.

>> No.8458241

I wonder if they look like bolt-on's out of a bra

>> No.8458309

Oh look. Another thread about her boobs. Everyone knows they are fake and no one actually really gives a shit.

>> No.8458313

I wish jessica nigri would take that ugly piercing out of her nose. Shit isn't kawaii.

>> No.8458314

This year seemed to be plagued by theft. I heard stories of badges, cellphones, merchandise, and even two gigantic cardboard stands that was meant for auction. How the fuck did two cardboard stands for auction get easily stolen?

>> No.8458320

Because the AX staff figured that people walking around with them - and I saw a lot of people walking around with stands at the end of the weekend - probably won them off of auction and unfortunately there isn't enough organization between the members to call each other to double check about the stands taken from the DH.

This was my first year and I don't think I will be coming back. This convention is pretty shitty.

>> No.8458338

someone walked off the floor with a life size lego batman at Fan Expo one year

>> No.8458358
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>those fucking shitheads screaming JUST DO IT

I'll find you, and I will have my justice.

>> No.8458389

I-I actually really enjoyed that. I might have gotten into the meme just before AX though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YRu-rEVNHA

>> No.8458416
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I honestly wasnt that bitter about it, I just felt she lead me on intentionally then got over it. I'm pretty sure she was trying to cheat on her bf and not tell me about it. I'm not even okay with that. And I started flirting with other girls as soon as she left. Here's was my reply.

>> No.8458450

I had fun, other than a dude that was in my group of friends that was beta af and following me around everywhere, fuck that. Otherwise had fun getting high and doing stupid shit with friends. The dance was fun we hardcore did some weeb spirit bomb shit that everyone in the crowd got in on

>> No.8458452

Aw, sorry to hear. You seemed pretty excited about it.

Real talk, though, does anyone have Velociraptor on Facebook? If yes, message me. I was trying really hard to remember her name so I could add her later.

>> No.8458456

Ugh. At AX too?

>> No.8458463

>This was my first year and I don't think I will be coming back. This convention is pretty shitty.
This is exactly what I said last year. From a distance what I can tell is that this year was better, but worse. Staff was a total clusterfuck, badge linecon has been completely fixed, but events linecon has gotten worse. The convention center is now as packed as they can legally get away with, and they just signed a new contract with the LACC so it's only going to get worse.


>> No.8458464


>> No.8458467

Don't get mad cuz you got MEMED on

>> No.8458489

why immediately assume sinister intentions? going from that text and your greentext alone it seems to be a simple misunderstanding. I go from the fact that she was down with everything except when you tried pulling her towards you (however gently you intended to do that). and the fact that she mentioned a boyfriend (if she even has one at all) is to probably eliminate much of a chance of it happening again and probably turn you off from contacting her.

>> No.8458514


That price point is totally ridiculous.

>> No.8458516

I didn't like how every event was another 'Pay more' type of thing. It was super annoying. The price of the badge should come with events as is being already paid for. Not having to pay more money for another event. The concerts I understand, but not stuff like the cafes or some of the panels. Its like wtf.

>> No.8458520

Fuck this shit, it's the new "I just lost the game" bullshit from several years back.

>> No.8458539

They can get away with it because attendees let them get away with it. If you want changes, hit where it hurts the most: money. However, you really think that people will stop going out of principle?

>> No.8458571

With more and more new attendees and normal people going, this won't change. They don't know the difference. Especially for those who have this be their first con. This was my first Anime Expo, not my first con, so I knew what I wanted to do and didn't want to do beforehand, but for those who have no idea, they will still make money.

Im actually having a hard time wondering why this convention is successful considering their lack of preparation, their maze-like organization of where panels should be, and their overall lack of care for goods that even got stolen. I saw so many ghosters because of how their line handlers didn't give a fuck. Especially for high paid events. They didn't bother checking. It was easy to sneak into everything. Except Lounge 21.

I had to walk back and forth so many times because no helpers knew where shit was and the map was useless as hell. I wound up going back to my hotel and just watching anime on Day 3 because I was fed up with this shit.

>> No.8458592

Nice try Jnig.

>> No.8458600

Yeah you're maybe right too, it just felt like we were doing things together to the point it felt kinda date-like. But this is also my fault for not asking if she had a boyfriend earlier, something I quickly corrected when I talked to girls after. Prevented myself from hitting on the qt asian couple that went to the westin later that night.

>> No.8458601

Yeah i agree on the unorganized lines of the panels thing. the lines were usually either under the tents or in the upstairs hall. but since it was so unorganized i was able to get into a couple panels by just going to the front of the line and talking to people. (technically cutting but the 'staff' wouldnt even let me into the line so fuck them)

>> No.8458609

The only ones who are feeding AX with money are the parents of middle and high schoolers who only see this as the only con they will allow them to go to, people who could not get a SDCC badge, and idiot Sheeple who believe AX is the gold standard for anime conventions.

I only went for a day and I was bored as fuck after 4 hours because I was saving up money for the real show on Wednesday.

>> No.8458614

Im not, but at least once a month someone makes a whole thread for this even though we have a thread for stuff like it such as the Cringe Thread, we already have an AX thread this couldve been thrown into because it is still useable.. Things like that. Newfag just wants their thread to be noticed.

>> No.8458617

post m0ar b3wbs plz

>> No.8458626

The fucking lines would halt attendees walking across the outside walkways. I was about ready to get into a fight with one of the staffers because while the line for a weapons panel was halted and there was a clear path they made for people just walking to and from the halls, he wouldn't let us walk. I was furious. I wound up being late to a booth to sign up for an event in the Dealer's Hall. The damn line was separated and yet the regular attendees just walking weren't allowed to move. Fucking bullshit. They need to get their crap together. Seriously not coming back next year. They are dumb as hell.

>> No.8458687

>Idiots who purchased tickets to main events using actual American currency

I got tickets to the MomoClo Z concert and Eva event for absolutely nothing because I saw some hobo looking dude standing outside giving them out like they were cigarettes.

>> No.8458696

worst memetrain to date is still Caramelldansen

>> No.8458713

Anyone that went to the eva event, how was it?
I ended up not going because tickets are too expensive.

>> No.8458729


god, why are you so obsessed with her fucking tits? Are you a secret lesbian? Are you jealous? Are you salty she's famous and gets paid to play dress up and you're not and you don't?

God, if you stop posting her here, and stop spreading shit around, she'll eventually fade into obscurity.

>> No.8458742

It fucking sucked. Takahashi singing Cruel Angel Thesis and Fly Me To The Moon was the only highlight, but everything else made me want to get up and run the fuck out of there in a hurry.

>> No.8458747

Was there any post con parties on Sunday or did everyone checked out and went home?

>> No.8458748

I assumed that was the main reason why people went anyways.

Why did every thing else suck?

>> No.8458764

>Why did every thing else suck?
Because you're getting old

>> No.8458775

So it was just weebs and people thinking theyre funny when they're actually retarded?

>> No.8458798

Dub this dub that and cosplay contest was mediocre. I love that asian chick who played on the Cello, would waifu.

>> No.8458804

>AX going back to their old Friday-Monday schedule because July 4 is on Monday next year

I would rather use that day to rest and recover at home.

>> No.8458816

You seem to care more

>> No.8458839

Good bait, mate. 10/10

>> No.8458841

I personally like big fake tits. But if you want an attention whore to go away, you have to starve them of attention.

>> No.8458904


Or feed em coke

>> No.8458925

That just brings more of them anon, don't you know anything?

>> No.8458932


>> No.8459067

Is it just me or were there A LOT of newfags at the gathering? Like I remember a few of the particularly loud anons being very new, like "who is Miyu" "who is hobbes" "whats a brando" "no one goes to ALA" levels of new.

>> No.8459085

I feel like going since im starting to get into cons/cosplay more but i feel id be left out

>> No.8459090

AX meetup is more general 4chan than cgl

>> No.8459093

don't be obnoxious is the key

also don't be like some over excited proud to be a seagull tard if its your first meetup. A few new people were doing that at the gathering and man was it cringe worthy.

>> No.8459097
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> backstage after masquerade doing interview
>MFW i finished my last line when my helper friend jumped into the shot and shouted DO IT
>interviewer visibly not pleased about it
I didn't mind it on the con floor but during a legit interview...

>> No.8459100

>people ever caring about Jnigger

Male cosplayer anon here (also somewhat oldfag now, turning 30). I obviously like her tits, but can't see why anyone would give two shits about her otherwise.

Is there a reason people obsess over her?

>> No.8459103

she posted here when she was unknown and accidentally exposed she had no clue about any of the shit she cosplayed.

Anyone that remembers her Pokemon thing knows this.

>> No.8459104


Any source on this that ISN'T ED?

>> No.8459111

>being this new

Just ask for the photoshop that dude with the kamina tattoos made of the fake pokemon she claimed to have.

>> No.8459114

this is shit from seriously 2008/2009. You'd have to ask the people that were there when it happened to see if they screen capped those threads or if you could find an archive of the jnigs forums before she deleted them. Cause it was loaded with this shit.

Maguma probably knows since he was from that era I think. Like you could not go on /cgl/ during that time without seeing at least 3 Miyu vs JNigs threads.

>> No.8459132
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>had to explain to anons at the gathering what ghosting was and why its extremely easy.

I feel like I had to explain to some white kid that smoking weed isn't bad for you .

>> No.8459154

why do they fucking not understand that putting people in between the lines is easier than putting them ON the lines
that shit pissed me off so much, obviously people will be sitting down
just give them the fucking space in between the lines, who cares if you have to use ONE extra piece of tape

>> No.8459296

I don't care. I want fake tits like that myself.

>> No.8459300


I just love tits, man

>> No.8459307

and crossboarders, I was passing out jungle juice to seagulls and randos came up who didn't know who our queen was and i was disgusted.
I was rather drunk and was asking a known cosplayer about her, and apparently she is indeed super fake and not very cool. Kinda what I expected tbh.

>> No.8459312
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Hey anon..what's ghosting?

>> No.8459319

fun fact she used her appearance and promise of free promotion to weasel her way into a free trip to St. Maarten.

>> No.8459347

Who are Miyu and Hobbes?
Newfag here and willing to admit to it.

>> No.8459362

Honestly just look at everything she posts. She only ever talks about games like Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, etc. Pretty much all of her "nerd" shit is from Spencer's.
She never goes into the details of the games or talk about her favorite game in each series or favorite scene. Nothing.
She can't talk about lollipop chainsaw at all.


>> No.8459364

>inhaling burning cinders into your very sensitive organs isn't bad for you

It's not totally horrible, but don't say that there are no negatives.

>> No.8459374

She was a model for LPC though. She didn't need to know the series. They paid her to wear the cosplay to promote the game around conventions at booths.

>> No.8459391

If you spot a newfag are you willing to show him/her the way of seagulls or push him/her away? Teaches him/her how a seagull is or let that legacy die and become nothing more then a legend or leave it to a new generation to carry on the legacy into forever.Which kinda like 4chan is now. Even a seagull have to leave the nest and follow his/her dream. Nothing last forever.

>> No.8459392


Well I mean she's a cosplayer not like a lets player or game reviewer... not all of her posts have to be super detailed to "prove" she knows her shit? I think thats pretty nitpicky

I know my shit, but I dont post wiki-esque paragraphs as my photo captions

>> No.8459410

Miyu is a super old school cosplayer that was actually a model. You know, a real one?
Hobbes is a half asian shitposter that killed the cgl tinychat and everyone hates or dgafs about.

>> No.8459649

she's proven before in the old /cgl/ times that she doesn't know even basic knowledge about Pokemon

Her extent of knowledge comes from the shit she's paid to know or extremely mainstream normie stuff like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed

>> No.8459821

To be fair, if you are being paid to promote a product it is best not to say more than it is amazing.

>> No.8460482

idk if I went to buy a car, and the dealer was like "Yeah it's amazing" but couldn't tel me the make, model, year, and mileage, I'd immediately lose interest.

>> No.8460501

I remember when Hobbes went on /tg/ and challenged anyone to fight him (because 150# manlets are intimidating) and a crazy Hungarian (or other eastern European) LARPer offered to fly out to SoCal and Hobbes immediately went radio silent.

That's how I found /cgl/.

>> No.8460506

>comparing anime that you can try one episode of and drop to a car that you'll at least own for a few years
When you wanna suggest an anime to someone do you really go throught the entire plot or do you (like a sensible human) go 'You should check out xyz it's awesome'

>> No.8460797

There is not only a difference between a game and a car but also being there to promote and a salesman

My point was more if she ends up talking about the game in depth she is more likely to say something wrong/bad (like that whole destiny red bull thing) and that is less time posing with her tits out. She's a billboard for all intents and purposes

>> No.8460886

Advertising *is* promoting......

What is this Destiny/Red Bull thing you mentioned?

>> No.8460894

>Advertising *is* promoting
I haven't even said advertising so I have no idea what you are getting at

>What is this Destiny/Red Bull thing you mentioned?
At E3 one of the guys working on Destiny was asked about some exclusive dlc and basically told people to suck it up, people weren't that happy. That type of situation is why you don't get walking tits to talk about the game

>> No.8460903 [DELETED] 

Or at least space them apart more, there's like barely 18 inches between the tape lines, not nearly enough room for two fat neckbands laden with merch bags to pass each other without colliding.

>> No.8461581
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>not just calling it crashing
I get why nobody would want some randoms around, but why bother with a new term?

>> No.8461614

Ghosting is a term as old as the 1970's scifi conventions. It is not new at all.

New to you =/= new word

>> No.8461617

>not just calling it crashing
Because the user/avatar/account remains online, not allowing the user to get back online. You have to wait for the ghost to leave.

>> No.8461634
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Exactly, but regardless of how old it is or what came first, those guys at the con probably didn't know it for a good reason then after the dude is acting like
"Pffft had to explain to a few dumbshits how easy ghosting is and its meaning, get a load of these retards!"
It just comes off as a little elitist, also pot is crazy dangerous white kids have the right idea.
My uncle got cancer from snorting too much weed last month.

>> No.8461648


Most of the time mentioning Miyu brings up Adella, which I'm surprised didn't this time. Still the best Aeris cosplayer I've ever seen.

>> No.8461819

I'm curious as well....what is ghosting, exactly?