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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 851x315, 10177449_648186335269779_614578533187762805_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8451797 No.8451797 [Reply] [Original]

CoF, Rufflechat, Pintucks & Lace, Lolita Sales, Lolita Updates, etc
Old thread here >>8447233

>> No.8451812
File: 45 KB, 487x385, screenshot-www.facebook.com 2015-07-04 17-20-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully this'll lead to the modding being less of a clusterfuck.

>> No.8451815

Wow, I didn't think they would actually get rid of her.

>> No.8451821

she mentions adding new mods, not removing Laelette

>> No.8451822

It doesn't say anything about getting rid of anyone though? Also does it mean they will re-instate the old rules since the new ones were only made to cover this up and are not likely to be able to be followed since no one knows which members are banned or not?

>> No.8451825

Oh, my bad. I guess I misread. Damnit.

>> No.8451827

I'm hoping they open up mod applications rather than cherry picking friends, hopefully that'll dilute the crazy at least

>> No.8451831

This is actually better than I expected. Glad they're not just blindly taking her side now.

>> No.8452083


So Laelette definitely lied to the other admins about how many people she banned. There's certainly more than 3 people who were banned, isn't it like 6? She needs to go.

>> No.8452216
File: 212 KB, 447x842, kai back in the saddle again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other news, kai narita is scamming again, apparently

>> No.8452217

How are they choosing the new mods? If they're their friends, it doesn't matter how many they add, since they'll all be on their side.

>> No.8452262

lol look at Aimi whatever her fucking name is being an asspat. White knight harder, you little cunt.

>> No.8452295

What's her deal, anyway? She's been on laelette's side since this first started. Is she friends with her IRL or something?

>> No.8452305

Even Kyra was sticking up for Laelette. Lea is despised by the Scot Lolis and the Northern comms, there's a pattern with these London Lolis kissing up to Lea. No idea why though. She does have her own store, so that might have something to do with it.

I don't know them but it wouldn't surprise me if they're as bad as Lea.

>> No.8452315

I want to know how LSG was supposedly bullied by these Scot girls. Does not attending a meet because it's sponsored by a persona non grata count as bullying in her mind or is there something more?

>> No.8452317

bullshit, Lauren is not despised by any of the northern comms, Leave us Northerns out of your petty arguments. Starting drama with the English lolitas is not going to get people on your side

>> No.8452325

As long as the banned members are added back in and new mods are added, this is pretty much over, yes? Let it go? It's boring to read when the problem is over.

>> No.8452330

So start talking about something else? This is a general thread after all, other topics are allowed.

>> No.8452331

LSG bullied a girl in the original Scot Loli comm to the point of almost suicide, harrassed other members and bitched them out to other friends, and cut ties with a lot of people, and other things. There are actual victims here, and if the attempted suicide caused by the online bullying is true, it wouldn't be LSG who calls the police, but it is her they would go to. The original victim was nice enough to drop it and to try and move on with her life. The police excuse stinks of horseshit.

Sorry, that's just what I heard. I haven't heard of her up North either so I stand corrected. But she's still a horrible person and this shows she hasn't changed.

>> No.8452344

Bodyline unicorn print is ugly as shit. I wouldn't even pay $20 for that.

>> No.8452370

I agree. Bodyline was never accepted as anything more than a bit of cheap wardrobe padding so seeing some girls 'swoon' over one of their prints or talk about getting this or the sailor costume (in multile colorways, maybe!) makes me laugh.

Rock on, Bodyline-chans. You make it so easy for the rest of us to look really good.

>> No.8452441

That "trans" chat on RC tho...
When has anyone on cgl ever once shat on Emma for her gender? She is a cis female, and has openly said so before.
Unless being "indian" is a gender...

>> No.8452451

Never. People shit on her for being a racist cunt and that's about it. She's just trying to get more oppression points.

>> No.8452458
File: 326 KB, 500x715, CSO0005-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The unicorn print is shit as fuck.
They should buy Chess Story's unicorn print, it's cheaper and cuter with a similar idea.

>> No.8452481
File: 19 KB, 407x56, indn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I retract. She is supposedly agender.
Although I do remember seeing her say something a few months ago like "as a cis female..."
I am 100% sure of that as I was searching for this comment when I found the agender one.

And now... now we are making fun of her gender.

I don't support nonbinary identities and I don't support anyone who makes no effort to pass - if you don't have dysphoria you aren't trans and you can just suck it up instead of making a nonbinary identity. Dumb SJWs want to remove gender roles so everything is based around "identity" but they lose the fact that if the core social differences between sexes are removed then being a "boy" or a "girl" will mean nothing and their current identities will all be void. Which they are anyway, never met a NB person who wasn't a sexist piece of shit that didn't understand what gender is.

>> No.8452494

>when I wear a skirt and bake cookies I'm a girl and when I wear shorts and play videogames I'm a boy (◡‿◡)
Yeah these types of people can fuck right off.

>> No.8452507

Not just those people. Anyone who has a gender outside the binary (or agender) - save the one intersex person that I met. Once you get talking to them you really see the crazy.

>> No.8452550
File: 166 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a moment I thought this was pinkzombies

>> No.8452562

i swear in the last week alone 3 different girls on my fb have come out as *genderfluid* and started spouting off how important it is to them and how sad they are when they get misgendered and yelling that ppl who don't think it's real can unfriend them. it's so stupid. haven't unfriended them yet for the lulz

>> No.8452575

this misgendering shit needs to die. fucking tumblrites.

bodyline is like the primark of the lolita world. taobao is a superior alternative with amazing inexpensive clothing and F+F seems like a good option too. i can't afford brand for the next century but i love taobao so i'm good.

>> No.8452609

It's good that they're adding new mods, but if Laelette is still there, there's still the risk of this happening again because Laelette will think she can get away with this bullshit again and again like she always had.
It's great that they're taking action of some kind, but someone like that shouldn't still be a mod.

>> No.8452623

Misgendering is a real issue, but should only be applied to trans people who actually attempt to pass. Someone who lives socially as a female and passes moderately well would feel really upset if she was called a he because its like "why even bother trying, I'll never make it and I always look like a man no matter how hard I try", and the like. It's very disheartening.
Someone who is perfectly comfortable with their sex and just doesn't like culturally defined roles so is "genderqueer", should not be afforded this same treatment as it's not a biological feature but more of a choice that they make based on their upbringing.

People put far too much stock in gender, we used to be called transsexuals and the only reason it switched to "gender" was because normies assumed that it was a sexual fetish.
A lot of transitioners actually pass, so it's always the non passing "hons", AGP/fetishists, cross dressers, etc that people clock. And drag queens and fetishists are inherently sexual, so they see that. Hons can't help it, but since they don't pass (testosterone is a bitch, the longer you have it in your system the harder it will be) people just assume that they are also cross dressers.

>> No.8452685

I know what you mean. I love trans people, I mean the young tumblr idiots nowadays such as a girl dressing in lolita and doing everything feminine and yet going 'I'm a boy, tehe~' it seems very bandwagony and a new trend. I don't mind if a boy wants to do everything a girl does and look like a girl, but that is so fake and feels so wrongly off.

>> No.8452699

Yeah this. I take extreme issue to people who do not want to pass and think the idea of passing is "transphobic".
To them I cannot fathom what being "male" means as they are comfortable with their bodies, and adhere to female gender roles.

>> No.8452728

Not that it matters at all, but I consider myself nonbinary, have some dysphoria, and don't think I'm a complete asshole. But then, assholes never do, so who knows. These people >>8452494 can absolutely fuck right off though. I also don't say shit about it on FB or correct people with pronouns because it just doesn't seem worth it. A minute of discomfort from being misgendered versus an awkward half an hour spent explaining. If I were ftm or mtf then it'd be easier, I think, but obviously there's a lot of shit that comes with that too.
Saging for OT.

>> No.8452741

What makes you think you are nonbinary?

>> No.8452755

I never felt that "female" was really right. But male isn't exactly right either. I didn't really think anything of it for a long time, I didn't know "nonbinary" was even a thing. Once I learned about it, and specifically the androgyne identity, it seemed to explain how I felt about myself. I have a lot of chest dysphoria, and would gladly get them removed to have a more androgynous body. I'm neutral about my other parts though, and I think I still would be if I had a penis instead. Maybe I could fit one of the binary genders, but nonbinary just seems more accurate to me. Again, I don't really talk about it to anyone, it's just something for me and how I perceive myself. Realizing nonbinary was an option relieved a lot of stress and confusion that I could never pinpoint the source of. I know a lot of people think nonbinary identities are bullshit, which is fine, because it doesn't really affect how I view myself, and I don't go around shoving it in people's faces or anything. The only place I express that identity is on Tumblr, and I only do so subtly. Saging again, I'm really not trying to derail this thread I swear.

>> No.8452857

Fucking Kai.

>> No.8452951

I kinda want to message her and see what she has to say for herself.

>> No.8452957

I'm in the same boat. I consider myself nonbinary ~genderfluid with some serious dysphoria that causes borderline self harm, but the difference between us and those types of people is that we know that this shit is our business, and no one else's. I've found that people that actively talk about being trans/nonbinary/whatever is trendy tend to be the biggest assholes because that's all they can define themselves by, so any slight against their gender of the day is a personal affront.

>> No.8453035

When humanity finally falls and our decrepit society begins to collapse in upon itself, find comfort in knowing that Kai would still be a scamming piece of pig-shit

>> No.8453171
File: 495 KB, 492x595, plsfuckoffsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting so sick and tired of shit like this getting posted on our comm's facebook page. Everything that's been posted lately has been either garbage like this, or newbie questions that can be answered with google or common sense.

>> No.8453183

Speak with the group admin. Some comms allow members to post things that aren't lolita but you can at least let them know you don't like so much unrelated stuff.

>> No.8453194
File: 54 KB, 632x631, Nandos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky nando's is such a cancerous meme.

>> No.8453195

The group admin does it too from time to time.

>> No.8453198

Then you probably have one of those comms where non-lolita everyday life stuff is also shared and that's the way the comm likes it? Just skip those posts if they bunch your bloomers and only comment and like the lolita things.

>> No.8453283

She's cute in general as a simple coord, i just wish that the waistline was a teeny but higher up. just my personal taste. Maybe like an inch or two. Different wig too. or maybe bangs cut.

>> No.8453406

...honestly you just sound mildly sexist. being female doesn't define who you are unless you want it to. liking boobs doesn't have much to do with it, and it's not like the girls with absolutely no boobs are any less female.

>> No.8453480

Maybe the Brit lolis know more about the situation then they're letting on to.

>> No.8453506

am i the only one having problems joining lolita sales english?

>> No.8453634

Naw, I see myself as genderqueer too tbh - it's more of a dissociation with what you are than a "I want to be a boy sometimes so I wear a binder uwu"
I think that the concept is a personal thing that should not be publicised and kept to oneself, no special pronouns or any of that shit.

>> No.8453723

American spotted

I don't really see what's wrong with, it's just fun
Maybe you need a cheeky nandos

>> No.8453726

I still don't understand why they just can't sort this out properly. At least the people who were banned are now unbanned but I wouldn't feel safe on that group page.
I feel like they are letting her get away with it when imo she should be removed as a mod

>> No.8453736
File: 227 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1436100632127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole OTT trend is getting out of hand.

>> No.8453750

I had to apply to LSE like 4 times before they accepted me. No idea why, since my facebook page makes it's pretty obvious that I wear lolita.

>> No.8453755

what are you talking about that looks like a perfectly wearable outfit, not a costume at all

>> No.8453773

I agree with this. There's clearly some info missing that's causing them to look like they're whiteknighting. Why would anyone choose the clearly unpopular side of the drama unless there's something else going on?

>> No.8453775

OP of that post looks so much better without glasses. When they wear glasses, it looks like they're wearing one of those comedy fake nose/ glasses things.

>> No.8453807

I just imagined her in an I am Legend style apocalypse, hanging out in a dusty rundown foodcourt in her crappy cosplay.

>> No.8453808

Nope, me too

>> No.8453815

It's not really that OTT though. Like take away the scepter and the star on her forehead and it's fine. I don't get why it's wrong to dress OTT especially for events.

>> No.8453821

I think people are confused by the OP image, if you want to discuss the coords posted to CoF then there is a CoF general. The general was getting clogged up with posts about the drama so we made this new one for online comm discussion

>> No.8453857

>not carrying around a mounted horse head to match that print

>> No.8453874

Has someone done this? If not I need to see this happen.

>> No.8453878

IIRC girlyhoot once had this derpy stick horse with her that use was using as a scepter of sorts. It looked really out of place, though. I didn't save the picture.

>> No.8453941

Nope I'm British.

>> No.8453961

I think it also doesn't help that there wasn't a CoF thread, so I made one. >>8453958

>> No.8453968

Not if you hate cheeky nandos.
Begone, imposter

>> No.8453969

Having chest dysphoria is horrible, I'm working on throwing away all my bras and only binding. I didn't look at myself topless in the mirror for three years after puberty. People who dismiss it as not real grind my gears.

>> No.8454436

Closet of Frills is taking applications now for new mods

>> No.8454442

Forgot link:
goo dot gl / forms / Pc0t2DBVy5

>> No.8454742

I might actually apply to this... wonder how many mods they will accept

>> No.8455155

I usually laugh at this stuff but I actually like this one.

>> No.8455159

Frank would be a Forever21 mannequin she threw some Bodyline on

>> No.8456345
File: 30 KB, 485x289, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like wonderfinch just adds a year every time she pulls out the 'I've been a lolita for x years' line.

>> No.8456510

Wasn't it ten years around April fools? She's so full of shit.

>> No.8456514

Maybe she adds a battle year every time another lolita gets hold of Hospitality Doll?

>> No.8456608
File: 605 KB, 832x467, wonderita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She definitely does. I'm 100% positive it was ten years earlier this year.

>> No.8456635

and messaging a mod doesnt do shit.

>> No.8456641

That's hardly even possible, this girl is ridiculous. I don't know how old she is, but she has to be in her twenties or so. How does she expect anyone to believe this?

>> No.8456705

Doesn't she also pretend to be like some kind of law expert when all she does is work in a lawyer's office

She certainly has delusions.

>> No.8456744

Wow this is cute!

>> No.8457839

Has anyone else noticed that the SJWs have mostly stopped shitposting in RC:U, it's kind of nice

>> No.8458496
File: 113 KB, 1200x450, 10960329_10206181596399705_6608181870466591904_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how the Lolita Sewing Collective was created by a seagull to allow a space with honest commenting and constructive criticism alongside the Pintucks & Lace hugbox?

I know that most people are still too afraid to actually tell people when their stuff is shit, or offer honest criticism/help - But if I do, will I get into shit for it from the admin/s?

I feel like actually going through and actually trying to help some of these poor souls instead of telling them how 'unique' their satin clusterfucks are, but I don't know if the idea behind the group has actually changed.

>> No.8458676

I usually see people giving honest concrit, which post are you referring to? Maybe if one of the admins is lurking they can respond.

I would give concrit but I don't sew, I just like to look at people's projects.

>> No.8458701

I don't follow it, has it devolved? I want a lolita sewing group that uses real lolita patterns (from the bibles and Otome no sewing) and figures out a good way to translate the sewing directions/text.

>> No.8458728

I joined so I could get honest con crit on things I make. That aint happening, i'm back to posting only on cgl.

>> No.8459625
File: 76 KB, 498x476, Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 7.37.20 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8459667

Same. Hell if there were a group purely for Gosurori/GLB/OnS projects I'd join in a heartbeat.

>> No.8459697

Not enough people actually buy them to make a group I bet...but it's a nice thought! I have some GLB and one OnS and I'd like to get more. If more people looked at Jfash magazines and nooks, the dumb questions about fashion could likely be cut by 1/3.

>> No.8460126

Yes, the only issue with that monstrosity is the length

>> No.8460340
File: 89 KB, 447x836, _bskagdtjsjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this about?

>> No.8460456

How does one LITERALLY have a name in their mouth?

Tattoo it on their tongue?

>> No.8460468
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1920, 2015-07-07 10.36.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also is that a fucking dildoe in the captcha??

>> No.8460486
File: 474 KB, 196x181, tumblr_lq729vYhxl1qf3xsk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8460492


>> No.8460493

yes but did you count it as food

>> No.8460515

I once got Obama as a food captcha

>> No.8460533

What do you mean, anon? I really like this coord.

>> No.8460542

Katie can fuck right off. We don't want her here if she just comes to get high. Gross.

>> No.8460612
File: 66 KB, 560x546, whyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8460643

Is this the girl with the Ronald McDonald coord and the one who was all "I'm better than everyone because I don't like anime or Japanese culture"

>> No.8460654

jesus christ what a fucking idiot

>> No.8460656


>> No.8460672

Well, if she's already planning to major in something useless and probably non-existent (seriously fantasy photography, who the fuck would offer that), I guess it doesn't matter where the hell she goes...

>> No.8460688

She already has a useless degree. She just wants to "do fun stuff now"

>> No.8460699

I know I'm just going to rage when I hear, but what is it?

>> No.8460701

I highly doubt this bitch was into lolita in the early 2000s when it was even more niche and almost exclusive to Japan. Get out WF.

>> No.8460718

According to Facebook, digital art

>> No.8460750

Digital art is not a useless degree at all.

>> No.8460754

If you're not doing anything with it, it is

>> No.8460762

You could say that about literally every degree.

>> No.8460772

Did she alter the sleeves shorter or did she just roll them up? The OP has long sleeves.

>> No.8460794

Gee, maybe people hate her because she's obnoxious and rude... I'm not even in her state's comm, and I constantly see her being a brat in the sales groups.

>> No.8460811

Quick someone tell her the Netherlands is about to criminalize marijuana and that the lolita comm died out
I don't want her here

>> No.8460826

It means to talk about them anon
>I'm talking about this asshole named John
>John is on my tongue
Get it?

>> No.8460830

The thread was deleted. But before that I'm pretty sure someone linked her to the comm lol

>> No.8460834

Did anyone save the leaked AP mushroom print photos from Lolita updates? I forgot to save them.

>> No.8460848

It was posted over in lolita general.

>> No.8460869

thanks anon! I searched there and didn't see it.

>> No.8460893

I realize that, but it's a figure of speech, not "literal" as she stated.

>keep my name out of your mouth both literally and figuratively

>> No.8460905

Well fuck.

>> No.8461075


>> No.8461082

Oh oops my bad

>> No.8461120

She should just give it up and say 'over a decade'. Anything else just feels like a pissing contest challenge. I think someone once posted a timeline breakdown of when she first posted questions asking about lolita vs when she posted her first buy and neither were accurate to how long she says she's been in it at any given time.

>> No.8461265
File: 267 KB, 1250x833, wonderfuck_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, fuck her. I made this when she was claiming "ten years a lolita" which was indeed earlier this year. What a daft cunt.

>> No.8461309

It's really something a lot of noobs do, so I guess it makes sense for her. They count the first time they saw lolita in an aniboo and ~fell in luv~ as the first time they were "into lolita" like anyone is going to be fooled when they justify their shit coords with "been into lolita ten years". I think pretty much everyone has way more respect for girls who are new to the fashion but knock it out of the park. It's irrelevant posturing for itas.

>> No.8461312
File: 560 KB, 1127x612, wonderfuck4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8461316

Her parents probably hate it because even they can tell she's an ita.

>> No.8461352


>> No.8461361

Do you guys think she pretends to have been a lolita for 100 years because that's the only way people would take advice from her ita ass

>> No.8461382

So someone just make a secret about it calling her out on the bogus shifting times and point blank ASK when she wore her first full coord (pretty much accepted as when 'you are actually a lolita' ) and see what her reply is? I'm actually curious because she may indeed be the the one longest in the hobby to still be called ita on a fairly regular basis.

>> No.8461384

Her advice is often at odds with how she looks, she needs to take more of her own advice.

>> No.8461388

Making a secret about WF is like throwing a tomato to the wall and expecting the tomato to knock down the wall.

>> No.8461391

Honestly, I think this is pretty pimp and I'm not even a frillybutt.

>> No.8461398

I think she would either reply to it because she'd get bent to be called out or it would motivate others would do the detective work to produce an answer of some kind and if it wasn't right, she'd correct them to prove them wrong.

>> No.8461402


>> No.8461411

Either way, I see WF wearing lolita in the year 2020 and still being an ita.

>> No.8461428

Kek. That's a given. I'm still stumped how some of her advice can be decent and sensible at times (when she's not on full batshit mode) so you look her up for the first time and the reaction so often is THIS? THIS IS HER?? Too funny, it's almost legend at this point.

>> No.8461459

totally forgot the password to my trip so I hope this works. if it doesn't, I'm pattern-chan, one of the mods on LSC!

both Sewing-chan (the founding admin) and myself have talked about this and I know personally, I'm a little discouraged about the community's progress.

however, Sewing-chan and I have been crazy busy. on top of this community, we also run another community, have multiple jobs, and are cosplayers. may-july is our busiest time, so we haven't been able to put as much time into LSC as we would have liked. that will change, but for now we're a little preoccupied. we'll try to offer concrit and advice when we can and we do check LSC daily, but we may not always respond right away.

we want people to be honest about things. there's a lot of stuff on lolita sewing communities that just plain doesn't look good. just because we are not commenting to add our opinion doesn't mean you can't critique it. as long as you at least hold basic decorum and offer constructive criticism (as opposed to salty unhelpful slanders) we honestly don't give a fuck. basically if you're going to say somethings shit, that's ok, but at least offer advice so they can make it not shitty anymore.

if anyone has any suggestions or concerns, please don't feel like you can't reach out to us. we'll be happy to talk to you or answer any questions.

>> No.8461639

Me too, I had been refused like 2 times and my fb is open and with my real name/photo.

>> No.8461660

It's not just the sales group, Ina's an obnoxious, poorly educated brat everywhere. One of my fb friends added her and receives comments from her on statuses and whatnot all the time...her level of stupid is unfathomable to me.

>> No.8461673

I did some snooping on her page, and found she made her own comm fb page. Amusing. Well, I am happy to learn that I'm not the only one who thinks she's a jerk.

>> No.8461679

I feel like she's been flooding CoF lately. Nobody needs to post daily. Start a Tumblr.

>> No.8462151

Not sure if should post this here or not but anyways.
I'll be moving to San Antonio in a couple of weeks and would love to be part of the comm. Unfortunately I have failed at finding them online.

>> No.8462164

Closet of frills: DAILY lolita coords.
Shut up, anon.

>> No.8462190

'San Antonio Texas Lolitas' on facebook

>> No.8462200

Awesome, sorry for my lame google-fu
Anyone from the comm who would like to share a little info about it?

>> No.8462371
File: 40 KB, 499x580, GGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this?

>> No.8462416

Feminism does not mean you have to be a violent badass.
Most feminists are "victims of muh patriarchy" though so I suppose it is a nice change to see people actually taking some goddamn responsibility,

>> No.8462542
File: 136 KB, 761x865, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will probably be comprised of cringeworthy tumblr feminists in ill-fitting animetrashswag clothing who have the delusion that they look/act like the girls in this music video?
And at least one will be wearing that one "weeaboo motherfucker" omocat jacket..

>> No.8462546


>> No.8462703
File: 84 KB, 960x960, tmp_6265-FB_IMG_14363560257331067164063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it bother anyone else how similar this dress is to Dream Marine?
Maybe it's stupid to be bothered by though. She has a cute coord regardless.

>> No.8462758

Clearly her parents were dressing her in lolita when she was child even though they hate it.

This. If someone looks like shit but then claims to have been into lolita for years and years I don't reassess my initial judgement of their coord, I think "ooohh honey".

>> No.8462765
File: 12 KB, 307x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8462790


>> No.8462800

Funny thing is if she still struggles with her parents over it, I can't think they would have been keen enough for it to let her start buying when she was a pre-teen. If she's 22-23, 15 years ago she would have been 7-8, yes? So well, no. She has not been 'in the fashion' that long. Even "10 years" is pushing it.

>> No.8462880

Maybe if her coords were better I wouldn't mind, but it felt like all I was seeing was her earlier this week.

This is the general online comm discussion thread. CoF thread is >>8461670

>> No.8464072

nice selfpost there. can't wait until you post yourself to btb this week.

>> No.8464280

I'm not her, I'm just genuinely curious, someone I am friends with liked the post and it's public, so....

>> No.8464607

I thought she was older, like 26? She words it pretty carefully, saying "into the fashion" instead of "been a lolita." And she did say over ten years, 15 years is technically over ten years.
Still it's irrelevant, the caps clearly show she's not been a lolita that long and her weasel words are obviously intended to trick people who don't know better but maintain plausible deniability against people who do. It's so obviously bullshit.

>> No.8466151

the final version of the rules is up on CoF

>> No.8466270

Oh my god they actually did it! They made con-crit implied, and you have to specify you don't want it! That's how it should be.

>> No.8466500
File: 9 KB, 203x249, this pleases mabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8468690

where my BtB secret submission post at

>> No.8468712


I wanted to get mad at you for spouting transphobic shit, but this is actually very true? so confused.

>they'd better be watching Kamikaze girls. Epic lolita fighting movie.

fuck yeeeeaaaah

>> No.8468747

Mods have clearly stopped giving a shit

>> No.8468956

In fairness, BtB is pretty much only relevant now if something really big happens, or for newbies who don't know how to into cgl to shitpost.

>> No.8468986

Girlyhoot paid them to no longer run the site.


>> No.8472058

Haha thank you whoever posted the wonderbitch secret

although I should have known there would be people in the comments defending her

>> No.8474784
File: 43 KB, 485x220, Screen shot 2015-07-12 at 9.31.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch can't keep *anything* on her personal page. First the baby in CoF and now this. Like, you could have built a discussion about this situation in general, but stop dragging all of your bs onto the online comms searching for attention.

>> No.8474871

She needs to have her own Facebook fan page.

She'll have more fans than Girlyhoot within a week.

>> No.8474907

it's impossible. i've had friends try adding me twice now.

>> No.8474913

Is this why she felt she had to post her baby in CoF? Like, if you don't wear lolita, there are other ways to stay active in the community without annoying everyone else.

>> No.8474937

She's just an attention whore. Nothing she posts is relevant to anyone but herself but she throws it up on heavily populated FB groups for all the attention. Try telling her it's inappropriate and doesn't follow the group's rules and she'll throw a passive-aggressive bitch fit like on the CoF post.

>> No.8475193

I have a question for COF in general, so like we can give concrit to ppl cause it's implied unless otherwise stated right? Just want to make sure before I go off and give some of these girls here some advice.

>> No.8475198

If it doesn't say "Concrit ok" or anything similar Mods are gonna be on your ass. Sometimes I see people ask "are you open to concrit?"

>> No.8475201

That girl just posted on rufflechat about how she sold all her clothes for a school certificate or something? Idk. She made her own thread about it and all it was was her sob story about why she doesn't have any lolita things anymore. Great discussion topic.

>> No.8475202

Damn you guys beat me to it lol

>> No.8475208

Damn thanks for letting me know. I was just asking cause I read the rules and say this part:
> "If you do not want comments or con-crit, please clearly say so in your post. In general, con-crit is OK unless the person specifies no con-crit"

Which I meant basically we can concrit everyone now (nicely) unless they say no. Damn summer girls will never learn to coord nicely cause ~feelings~

>> No.8475218

Sold her lolita clothes.
Posting in a lolita group still.
Lolita is about wearing the clothes.
Bye girl.

>> No.8475919

You had the right idea. The other anon is wrong/doesn't know about the new rules, you /can/ give concrit unless the person specifically says they don't want any.

>> No.8475931

>assuming it's from the local comm
>as if half the online lolita community doesn't despise her

>> No.8475940

>posts baby picture to ootd community
>baby picture as icon
Next time I'm just going to assume it's the baby who's posting. Would explain some things.

>> No.8476366

at what point did btb become irrelevant? I know that it is, I'm just wondering when everyone shifted over here

>> No.8476423

I think you'll be fine. She doesn't seem the type to make the effort to learn another language.

If she shows up anyway, just continue to speak in your native language at meets. I'm sure you're all perfectly fine in English, but we don't need any more Americans being coddled abroad.

>> No.8479864
File: 124 KB, 720x960, 11202860_941157625948821_7507359031667803645_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita sewing collective is kind of a joke now lol

>> No.8479876

Why yellow :(

>> No.8479896

I have a friend who had to sell everything due to emergency/health/life issues. She's still in our comm and is posting again because she'll be rebuilding her wardrobe and coming to meets again in the fall. Thing is that she's not annoying and doesn't make "look at me" stupid posts.

>> No.8479915

>Has to liquidate her assets to take care of personal emergency
>Immediately jumps back into frivolous spending
Why? Why do people do this?

>> No.8479918

The sideways bothers me more than the yellow

>> No.8479923

Oh my god I didn't notice until you said something.

>> No.8479925

>It's my first lolita dress I'll actually be selling, so I made sure it was the best quality I could do. My dad says it's my best one yet.


>> No.8479928

It wasn't immediately. It's been almost two years. The emergency was family related - she is financially solvent herself but was trying to help out a family member who became ill suddenly. Things have changed so she no longer needs to funnel her spending money towards that.

>> No.8479930

I don't understand why new diy lolitas make wide ass straps they should be like 1.25in max

>> No.8479934

Dude, the strap width is really not what she should be concerned about here.

>> No.8479935

but is anyone giving concrit? LSC was supposed to be a place of honesty. turns out seagulls are just cowards.

>> No.8479940

This makes her sound like saint and >>8479915
like a judgy asshole

>> No.8479954

Someone just tried to give her concrit and she just basically just ignored it

>> No.8480010
File: 30 KB, 450x292, hjskdlgvsabhndvsahsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im dying you guys

>> No.8480047

>AP quality
oh my god my sides

>> No.8480051

As a member of the SF comm, I find that anon deeply embarassing.

>> No.8480055


>> No.8480078

Aaaaaaaaaaaand this is why people won't give concrit

>> No.8480080

>be me
>search her name in the group
>see all of her other pieces
I wonder which one is near AP quality... Whoever said that is kidding themselves...

I'll just copy over what I posted in the handmade thread:

And now I am wondering - would anyone be interested in a lolita sewing channel where I do tutorials on how to make various things in detail - like a series of different ways to add flare to a skirt (this includes pleats (and making a pleat board) godets, panels, etc) and how to construct one, some basic pattern drafting to adapt commercial patterns (altering fitted to puffed sleeves, changing neckline, adding pintucks) and stuff like that?
I am seeing an influx of dresses made following Yumi King tutorials (barf) and think that this is because there are no good alternatives. I'm not very experienced with sewing, but I have a certificate in apparel construction and think that my knowledge would be far better for beginners than the stuff she craps out...
I've been wanting to do this for ages - my issue is that I haven't figured out how I can film myself doing this stuff without needing someone to hold the camera.

Does anyone think this is a good idea? I really want to do it, I can start in a few months and upload a video every two weeks or so.

>> No.8480103

>as long as you at least hold basic decorum and offer constructive criticism (as opposed to salty unhelpful slanders) we honestly don't give a fuck.
can you guys come into this thread >>8480010
and set the record straight because it seems like no one else has gotten this point

this actually sounds like a really good idea. i would really love to see something like this!

>> No.8480120

I've decided I will try, anon in handmade thread recommended a tripod - and my family has two photographers so this is not an issue. A bit bogged down at the moment but when I am more caught up in my work I can do it.

>> No.8480175
File: 711 KB, 500x300, delicious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cheering for you anon, please make this a reality.

>> No.8480191

even if she does not listen, it is good to read concrit given to others. as a noob i appreciate reading the critique even if she dismisses it.

>> No.8480361
File: 162 KB, 500x225, gossipgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. I hope the girl is ok.

Speaking of bullies...I'm fortunate to not have anything that bad happen to my comm, but I'm worried that things will come up because of alleged cases of certain members bullying or being involved in questionable behaviors in other comms.

I'd like to be less beta and confront the people about it, but in the end feel like the individuals' behavior are their own doing and don't reflect on what the rest of the comm is like.

>tl;dr: how to approach members about bullying and other destructive behaviors toward other members?

>> No.8480408

What did I miss?

>> No.8481215


>> No.8481434
File: 58 KB, 500x281, 1434971380863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just makes me feel really sad.

I want to genuinely help people like this, because they're obviously young and really enjoy what they're doing. They'll never improve without help and honesty. But then they turn around and get so sassy and rude about it, like they genuinely believe that they're already too god for you.

I want to be nice and encouraging but they just make it so hard.

>> No.8482318

This is such a perfect image for that whole situation lol

Check the rebecca black tech archive

>> No.8482358

I want to give concrit but my brain just keeps going "yech"

>> No.8482383

She probably wouldn't take it, anyway

>> No.8482401

Is that a fucking bowling ball on top of a PVC pipe? Jesus. Stop with the props, people.

>> No.8482456
File: 13 KB, 268x268, my-brain-is-full-of-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a thread right now where people are saying you should use muslin to line things. A girl started talking about Bemberg lining (which is what is used on men's suits, it's quality stuff) and they tell her she shouldn't wash it because it's rayon.

>> No.8482480

are you scared to comment/correct or something?

i am a noob and need all the help i can get. i have not posted in LSC in a long time but i read everything. please, if people are spreading misinformation, speak up. don't perpetuate the meme of saying nothing on FB and then bitching on 4chan.

>> No.8482485

Have you held a bowling ball? If it was, she probably has some mad biceps to keep it upright and straight.

>> No.8482593

I thought about commenting but if the people most active are the ones saying wrong things, I don't think I would be taken seriously as a lurker suddenly piping up. Someone has commented that Bemberg is what brands use, so hopefully that helps.

>> No.8482635

Did it? Can you post caps?

>> No.8482662

Just because they're regulars doesn't automatically make them experts. If you see people spreading false advice, you should correct them. There are a couple people who regularly give shady advice and there is just not enough time in my day to correct them.

Also, in response to the issue yesterday, we reiterated on our concrit policy on the page. Sorry guys, we unfortunately assumed that people would be on the same level as us and immediately understand the policy. But we honestly should have been more clear. but ive already seen some more real concrit up amd i feel like LSC is getting closer to what sewing-chan originally envisioned when she created it.

>> No.8482687

>people who regularly give shady advice

>> No.8482703

Let it be. If they're not causing drama that influences your local community, and it isn't giving your local community a bad name online, that's not your place to be mucking about being the moral mother. You're not going to like everyone in your comm, but you'll be the one starting shit if you try to police other peoples behavior within it.

>> No.8482974

Yo its not bad enough to warrant a name and shame. Its just little dumb shit. More or a question of taste than technique, in my opinion. And if its technique, sometimes its just concrut luted or strange but not technically wrong? Nothing extreme, just things that make you go "lol what"

>> No.8483078

thanks for making that announcement. people getting concrit shouldn't just immediately shrug it off as "haters gonna hate" bc its a waste of time for people taking the time to give concrit, and makes others hesitant to give advice in the future if their time is just gonna get wasted again

>> No.8483188

Just wanted to make sure it isn't me.
Call it out next time please.

>> No.8483756

the really depressing thing is, those were really quite nice as far as concrits go, especially when you consider the dress they were talking about...

>> No.8483932

On a related note does anyone know if the OnS books have a "do not sell anything made using these patterns" clause? Most of the things I make were based on OnS patterns (and then heavily altered) and I don't want to get in trouble.

>> No.8484748

Please do this!

>> No.8484884

realistically, who would know? who would enforce it?

if your only hesitation is you might get in trouble, you have nothing to worry about. if you want to make an ethical choice for the sake of being the type of person you can live with, THEN the prohibitions about selling might matter.

but you sound as if you are only concerned with repurcussions so don't sweat it.

>> No.8485604
File: 285 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat--2550528064133092828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through a sales group when I saw this
I don't know how things played out. It's not the first time I've seen someone pick and choose their buyers.

I hope the first girl gets it, but then again, the other person offered to pay immediately.

>> No.8485612

Ha ha wow, that's pretty scummy. I can't really blame the girl for taking the faster payment if she did in the end, but pink-haired chick really should have just PMed her with her offer to pay immediately instead of openly trying to wrest the sale out from under the other girl. That way the seller can say "oh sorry I accepted a private offer" instead of having to make a public choice between offers.

Also, pink hair girl has terrible makeup.

>> No.8486043

who approves new members into Lolita Sewing Collective? i smell a troll.

>> No.8486111 [DELETED] 


That was me. I deleted the comment. Sorry if I upset you.

>> No.8486119 [DELETED] 


It was me. I've had a few dresses lined with muslin and they are extremely comfortable, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. I deleted the comment and left the group. I'm very sorry if I made you upset.

>> No.8486430


>> No.8486601

Wasn't it common back on EGL to say that whoever could pay first would get the item? So this isn't really too crazy to me. I just wish that the second person would have done it a bit more tactfully.

Who do you think is the troll?

>> No.8486611
File: 12 KB, 250x375, 11040923_1129537393730413_5826086852050203187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixie Bold has no public activity prior to July 14 despite being on Facebook since 2009, posts only memes and low humor shit, and is "followed" by a whopping 2 people.

she posts using this image, which reverse searching yields nowhere. /cgl/ regularly swoons for this guy. using this pic, anx adding the emoji face and saving in low quality for no goddamn good reason, feels off.

she could just be that trashy and clueless. however, her posts seem too out of touch to be real. people are being very helpful while she remains obtuse. whether or not she is a troll, that seems like a good strategy.

>> No.8486615

>that seems like a good strategy.
*the helpful responses despite the impossibility of communicating with her seems like a good strategy on the part of LSC.

>> No.8486708

Aside from a blacklist of know problem people from P&L, we approve people indiscriminately. with the huge influx of members, it's not practical to check everyone's history, and it's easier to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until proven to be problematic. I have been checking and removing off-topic posts (or advising people to fix their questions to be on-topic) so it's not entirely unmoderated.

If they post more than one borderline troll question, I'm not opposed to removing them, but I do want complete newbies to at least have a chance to shape up before they are shipped out. It's not supposed to be an elitist community, but one for learning.

>> No.8489861

>I hope the first girl gets it
Why shouldn't the person who can pay upfront get the item? It isn't a first person comments gets dibs type of transaction. It's whomever pays first gets the item. Most people would do this.

>> No.8490586

>tfw you make a concrit comment and everyone but the OP likes it
>tfw OP likes asspat comments

>> No.8490608

Yep, first to leave payment info gets it and as long as OP had not committed to hold for first girl, she's under no obligation to do so if she gets a buy now offer.
Money in hand always wins. And no, it's not a douche move, I think the opposite, it's douchey to tie up someone's sale without a non-refundable down payment when there are others with cash ready now.

But it's up to each buyer the terms they set. I never feel bad for taking ready offers over hold or wait offers.
Pay or get out of the way.

>> No.8490616

Shitty scepters getting shittier. Like the one with the lady gaga perfume bottle. Looking too costumey. Just get a brand scepter, jfc.

>> No.8490805

I think it's one of those reflective spheres that people put in their gardens

>> No.8490816

Anon, are you the first buyer selfposting here for sympathy? We all know you post here.

>> No.8492669

It used to be whoever pm'd their paypal account first gets first consideration and most people used to state in their sales terms that full payment is preferred over holds and payment plans or that a 20% non-refundable deposit was required for a hold. Sounds like girl #1 didn't even have any down payment when girl #2 could pay in full right away. I'd sell to #2.

>> No.8493166
File: 27 KB, 471x115, Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 10.01.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this rufflechat thread

man, it's not that hard.

>> No.8495476

Who asks for holds with no deposit offer? Is the first poster new or something? Most people won't just hold something for you.

>> No.8495496

at least we are getting creative. I like this coord. well done. Its nice to see unique coords now with actually props and not just bears, bunnies & purses

>> No.8495500

haha what a lying twat

>> No.8495599

How is that coord remotely unique? Did you just wake up from a three year long nap?

>> No.8496361
File: 672 KB, 684x672, pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pixy tries to interact with humans

>> No.8496375

what is this photo from?

>> No.8496835

Why is this here it was from a private facebook post...?

>> No.8496859

Read the post, it's public

>> No.8496860

>it's on the internet
Quick story: a friend once drew me a gift and asked me not to show it around. I showed it to exactly 1 (one) person who I knew would like the content of the picture, and it still ended up on 4chan. Did my friend share it with someone else? Did the person (another friend) share it, too? Did someone get into the private album it was stored in?

Who knows? It's the fucking internet. Never assume anything posted anywhere "privately" is 100% private. Anyone with access to shit has the potential to share it.

>> No.8497656

pls anon, pls. As a partially handmade lolita there are a lot of things I'm a bit iffy on and while people can try to explain things to me online, i think it would be invaluable to see it done and explained via video. If you start this I will be a dedicated subscriber

>> No.8497706

Wtf why is PT offended? They were all pulling silly faces in the original, and the girl who's face that is (who is a cutie) thinks it's hilarious. Is she mad that she doesnt wear lolita anymore or something? Ugh

>> No.8497800

Its a great idea. An inexpensive tripod might help. I'm so tired of the crap construction and 'design' of a lot of handmade lolita I've seen. I know there must be something better. I'd love to see it.

>> No.8497879

The BTSSB fashion show at mechacon