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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8450924 No.8450924 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Expo thread.

Late Comedy Show edition.

>> No.8450949

I went to the meet. had a good time. left to go to fat urger. Now planning out the next day.

>> No.8450951

Shit OP image, use something people can actually notice as an AX thread.

>> No.8450967

Rate this AX so far


>> No.8450973


>> No.8451024

porter robinson is fucking INSANE

>> No.8451036

I left a seagull hanging. I thought I posted and I didn't. Sorry bro. Well get wasted tommorow.

>> No.8451037

Dude had to be on fucking heroine.

>> No.8451051

AX was great
Line registration was really an improvement

>> No.8451063

When is the /cgl/ meetup?

Also, what did ya'll do at AX?

>> No.8451068

If you didn't go see Porter Robinson I FEEL BAD FOR YOU

>> No.8451075

>Mfw people actually paid $35-$50 for parking when spots at the convention were $20
>Mfw if you had the strength capacity to walk 5+ minutes, you could have gotten parking for free, $4, or $5 practically anywhere

>> No.8451079

I mean it was good but like, not that great.

>> No.8451088

Little Bitch Academia was fucking great.

Also met some ugly ass /a/ people.


I'll give it a 9 out of 10 but it's my first AX and I'm comparing it to Comic-Con which although better organized is too fucking crowded and too fucking big.

>> No.8451094

Anyone know when the Steven universe cosplay meetup is?

>> No.8451101

also where were they giving out those little witch academia pins?

>> No.8451102

Lol left Porter Robinson early. Literally nerdbait music.

>> No.8451105

Which ones?

>> No.8451123

The burlesque show was pretty fun. I haven't expected to ever see Yuno Gasai strip but it's something that I wanted to see in the end.

The final girl was a little odd... Mishmash of everything and it felt like she rushed the actual stripping part.

Anyone going anything?

>> No.8451124

Comedy show was hilarious

Who was that lady lolita judge I missed her name

>> No.8451127

was it a good yuno?

got any pics?

>> No.8451131


>> No.8451136

saturday you'll feel like it's comic con

>> No.8451144


>> No.8451146


All she had was the black dress and sword. Her sword swinging was pretty meh but her actual dance was pretty good imo. And she was a qt, although it was mostly just her body.

No pics couldn't take them in there

>> No.8451159

I can't believe I kept getting memed on in the dance hall

>> No.8451179
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This might be better posted on /v/, but if any seagulls play this old game, I'm taking all challengers at the JW Marriott lobby. Bring your own controller!

Beat me 2 out of 3 and win a slightly smashed but tasty donut of your choice! Limited time only!

>> No.8451196

Are the really hipster looking guys outside near the convention center with the badges really going to the con

Or they're just there outside to pick up girls

Swear to Jesus got asked for my number twice tonight by these clowns

>> No.8451208

Yoooooo any room parties going on any where

>> No.8451211


>> No.8451214


>> No.8451215

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.8451223
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>> No.8451224


Aw, I saw the laptop walking past and wondered what game that was. But I don't play it :(

>> No.8451251

Alex a real nigga

>> No.8451286

Pool party was great thanks VN bros.

>> No.8451308

that was a fuckin solid after after party. s/o to the seagull that invited only the non autistic people. shit was fire

>> No.8451434

Who else staying up to watch sunrise?

>> No.8451443

Im at the jw marriot lobby chillin. Gonna be here till like 6 then catch the bus back home.

>> No.8451450

Idk the /cgl/ meet was literally filled with autists and fucking neckbeards stayed for a while and bounced. Just letting you know that you are no different from them. Legit only 2 people in there looked normal. The rest of you faggots looked like disgusting neckbeards and autists.The autism was to much for me. Which was suprising since im from /a/.

>> No.8451454
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>mfw realizing at AX I'm fantastic at talking to people but not with them
>mfw no face

Also did anyone get a free dollar for watching a video about animals being murdered? I did, I was pissed that it didn't say anywhere what kind of video they would show, they could've scared some people.

Anyway pic related looked surprisingly happy to get their photo taken. Best cosplay and she was even in character!

>> No.8451501
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RIP W.T. Snacks

He died from a weeaboo death this morning. A furrylita pushed him off the balcony of the JW Marriott and he fell into a pile of glompers who crushed him.

His ashes were mixed into a Super Gulp and spread onto a local 7-Eleven.

>> No.8451606

>Just letting you know that you are no different from them
from the containment board meetup? anyone actually worth talking to from this board already have our own set group together. you autists from /a/ are dumb enough to actually go to that shit

>> No.8451613

Porter plays the same set, with maybe one song switched out. I've seen him several times in the last year and it's the same boring pop synth songs off his Worlds album in the same order. So no, feel happy for me that I didn't waste my time at Porter.

>> No.8451618

how did the meetup actually go? I'd prefer to hear from actual seagulls and not the autistic crossboarders

>> No.8451625

Saturday meet up has been pushed to 8pm.

>> No.8451634

>only two normal people

I like to believe that I'm one of them.

Meet up was alright. Hung out, drank a bit, took a photo, then people started to filter out to find something to do. Better than expected, which isn't saying a whole lot.

>> No.8451637

Which people looked normal?

>> No.8451638

When I got there at 9ish the conversations were pretty active concisting of groups of 3-5. After people finished the 1 bottle of mixed drink and about 2? water bottles filled with alcohol I saw being passed around people tried organizing a plan ranging from little Tokyo to the ax dance but they all fell through as organizing a large group autistic weebs could be difficult. After that everyone scattered and went their own ways. Pretty much as you'd expect it.

>> No.8451640

anyone know if they accept card for convention center parking?

>> No.8451642

I think some do.

>> No.8451645

sorry, I meant for the actual convention center parking inside LACC

>> No.8451646
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Oh shut the fuck up you incredible faggot. If you want to meet up with a bunch of fagot normies and chads go to a reddit meet.

>> No.8451648

To be fair, the group as a whole was too large.

>> No.8451649
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>Using Chad in a non-ironic way
Confirmed delusional neckbeard

>> No.8451650

so I missed nothing. neat

>> No.8451651
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damn straight i'm a neckbeard.
I'm on 4chan.
You are in my home

>> No.8451653

The best part of the comedy try outs was when one guy was talking about walking into gamestop during a shitty set and some guy yelled out "keep walking", forcing the guy off stage.

The black guy was hilarious too.

Top kek

>> No.8451661

>my home
Do you own a guy fawkes mask too?

>> No.8451662

Eh, everyone was really tired and taking a shuttle somewhere with 20+ people wasn't a keen idea. Talking and mingling was fine, people complaining about autism and shit have weird standards as everyone could hold a convo.

I'm glad I went to the meetup.

>> No.8451666
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are you just upset you diddn't get pure japanese maiden pussy last night? Meet-up was a fun time. Don't go to tonight's if you're going to be a mean bitch. Go find mace-chan or some shit and form a mean bitch jamboree.

>> No.8451670

Someone tell Chad to stay home next time.

>> No.8451671

>you diddn't get pure japanese maiden pussy last night?
Was does this even mean? Convert to English

>> No.8451674
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oh wow great comeback.
>me no understandy!
You can stop now.

>> No.8451675

are you ok?
pls dont come to the meet up

>> No.8451679

Sunglasses Chad? Felt out of place yeah.

>> No.8451680

>oh i'm just going to shit all over everyone
>I'm such a cool dude and they're so lame lolz

>oh buy don't get me wrong, imma still go! I just need you all to know i'm top dog!

Yeah stay the fuck home if you're gonna pull that shit.

>> No.8451684

nah just shitting on you and your neckbeard, btw take a shower before you go out next time?

>> No.8451685

the miku guy who was yelling? Yeah kinda. I was talking to him a bit though. He seemed kinda boring. All he talked about was internet shit.

>> No.8451686

oh i should take a shower?

Which one was I? Protip: Everyone stinks at the end of a con. Most people were there 9 hours+

>> No.8451688

He's too normal for us.

>> No.8451689

>making excuses for smelling
have you tried deodorant or just being a normal person

maybe if you werent so fat, you wouldn't sweat so much

>> No.8451690

Are you one of the uggos in the pics?

>> No.8451691

HA! ok now i know you're not talking about me.
lol yeah, i am. You should probably try tinder if you want to get laid.

>> No.8451693

nah i know who you are
skinnyfat kid

>> No.8451695


>> No.8451697

Really now?

What was i wearing?

>> No.8451698

Stop fucking replying.

>> No.8451699

you know big boi

>> No.8451700
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This is fun

>> No.8451703
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but you don't

>> No.8451705

I do though
but you don't know who i am

>> No.8451709

No you faggot. You are all normies but autistic ugly pieces of shits. Thats the thing. You are autistic normies pretending you actually browse 4chan. Asked multiple people what other boards they browsed and they all said cgl only for cons. Only 2 people there weren't normies and weren't autistic. You people are disgusting. Im not the only one who thinks this. It wouldn't be a problem if you weren't more than one of these. Everyone there except like 4 people were all three of these.

1. Ugly
2. Autistic
3. Normie

Its really pathetic especially if you consider the gatherings of the past. Mostly good looking people and non autistic. I just decided to drop by and see what my old home board was like in person. Last gathering i was at was when Hobbes came to ax. Was already turning to shit when that faggot decided to show his face. But seriously you guys are a fucking laughing stock. Thats the truth. Sorry if you don't like it.

>> No.8451716

Well judging from all these post look like there won't be a meet tonight. Oh well I see you faggots around then.

>> No.8451720

cya neckbeard

>> No.8451724

I love you too.

>> No.8451727
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Well, i had a good time. Sorry you diddn't.
It's just one or two people blowing off steam. I diddn't see anyone having a bad time last night.

>> No.8451728

8pm outside West hall.

>> No.8451745

More like 10 people.
Sorry it seemed so shit unlike before, but you've probably been on 4chan long enough to see it change. I thought the meetup was fine enough bouncing between the groups of 3-5 talking, but I went in with no expectations.

Also too bad cupcake wasn't there, she was sweet.

>> No.8451747

You retarded bro? I did have a good time what makes you think i didn't? You must be pretty mad to not even realize why i replied to that faggot in the first place. I responded to the moron who was talking about the after party not inviting autistic people. So i called him out and said everyone there was autistic. I called out a clueless hypocrit.

Stay mad autist

>> No.8451750

>first meet ever
>thought it went fine
>wake up and everyone is screaming

>> No.8451769
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>> No.8451774

Your post really missed that point and felt inflammatory given the rest of the posts going on. Carry on anon.

>> No.8451790

Original mad guy here. I thought you were just shitting on people to make yourself feel better. I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee now and I apologize.

Let's all have a fun meet tonight. No bully.

>> No.8451791

Because it was. That was the point. To make him realize hes part of that same fucking group.

>> No.8451801
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>> No.8451802

you're literally autistic

>> No.8451819

Sattttttuuuurrrrday here we go. God I've seen some awesome cosplays.

>> No.8451829

I thought it was 5pm

>> No.8451832

The concert is around that time. 8pm works better for everyone, spread word of the change.

>> No.8451867

Looks like the concert is from 3:00 to 5:30. No clue why it's so flipping early.

>> No.8451874

Do we need drinks for tonight? I don't want to bring any and find out that no one wants it.

>> No.8451876

who /bandai-sunrise/ here

>> No.8451878

No idea why people are saying I shouldn't go to the meet up, but if people want to see "Chad" embarrass himself, I'm in the parliamentary debate at 9:45. Help get me drunk before I go perform.

>> No.8451880

Chad has tequila, but no stealth bottle to carry it in.

>> No.8451883

>Anyone with sunglasses and acts like a normal person is a Chad
You redpillers man, you're a hoot

>> No.8451884

The 18+ panels this year were fucking gold. Talked to a ton of cool people in line.

Also, my bf was looking for the anime tiddies shirt. which booth was that at?

>> No.8451887

Where it at

>> No.8451911

Someone called me that, I'm just using the name. Sorry if I offended you, anon.

Workshop 1

>> No.8451939

So I went to Anime Expo for the first time this year. Seriously what is the big deal? I have always wanted to go, and this year I was hyped but when I got there i didnt know what to do. I spent my first day in the dealer room wandering around looking at overpriced garbage that i could find easily anywhere else. I then went to the entertainment hall and nothing was going on except for a few arcades. I left around 5 pm tired and pissed off. Anyways yesterday was underwhelming but I saw glimpses of fun. If it wasnt for the Porter Robinson show then it would have been a bad day. Now I decided to stay home because fuck paying 20 for parking for something I wont like (also my friends dont want to go either and we split the parking cost). I went with friends but hung out by myself because they dod was buy shit. Part of me still wants to go, because i need to find out why does this con bring in so many people? Everywhere I went was fucking packed. So why? What are some tips that you'd give me to enjoyAX more? I might end up going Next year to try again because i really want to like it.

P.S I did not go to any panels. The lines were either too long or I forgot what time a panel I wanted to see was and I missed it

>> No.8451958
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>tfw you're a shift worker this year
Been running on fumes this AX. It definitely ruined my time here. Tired, I look like crap, can't stay for any of the interesting late night things. Can't even snap pictures of things I wanted, and my body took a beating from all the walking I do at work and did at the con Day 1 that I miss the entire day 2 to sleep and heal.

At least some people are enjoying themselves, right?

>> No.8451960

what time are we meeting today, 8PM? and where?

>> No.8451966

Get better friends/make new ones being in cosplay actually helps a lot even if it's shit

>> No.8451980

Any cute/fit girls wanna hook up with a clean and fit handsome guy?

Yes, there are clean, fit, handsome guys on /cgl/.

>> No.8451993

If I see you again I'll hook you up with some whiskey/coke I'll be carrying around

>> No.8452001

I went into venue (swank club at westin) and of course they wouldn't let my flaky blue body paint ass in.

>> No.8452009

This is my first ever con and I love it, a college friend of mine suggested I try it out. I don't buy much, but the panels are great and so is meeting new people that share my interests. I know this is one of the larger cons, if not the largest relating to anime. What are the smaller cons like in comparison to AX, especially the ones in northern California.

>> No.8452018

I think Sakuracon and Fanime are a little more northern. ALA is a good one too,but they're taking the reg. cap off this year so it might be bigger

>> No.8452020


>> No.8452042

You're worse than the autists in here.

>> No.8452047
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Clean fit handsome don't mean I'm not an autist

>> No.8452055

Hey My first time sucked and I vented about it earlier this thread. How did you meet new people? People were nice but every seemed to be in a rush and would only say a quick hello and leave.

>> No.8452058

I used to go with my cousins but they never wanted to watch anime or do panels and that shit made me hate AX even more so since they moved to LA and became clothes expo. Seriously all we did for years was walk around the exhibit hall all day. Now I don't even bother going because I know how it's turn go out. If you do go back wander into rooms and see if you find something you like makes the whole thing a lot better.

>> No.8452064

Beanie-kun is fucking king and I had a blast yesterday, made friends with two qtpi seagull lurkers too!

I'm heading back today a bit late, no pass but gonna try to wing it in. Would any (out-of-state) seagulls like to try some boba milk tea? I'm feeling generous and gonna buy two extra from Half & Half

>> No.8452069

Are you a grill anon? Did beanie hit on you too?

>> No.8452078

I promised a seagull a Persona 5 bag, I won't be able to make it for the meetup if it's at 8PM.

Could we set up a time to pass off this stuff? Maybe after 5?

>> No.8452081

Thought that nigga was full rainbow,is he not?

>> No.8452085

Idk what you're talking about beanie-kun only hits on the cute asian boys~

>> No.8452092
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Mfw I want to hang with people and have fun since most stuff I want to see has been capped. I'm a grill btw

>> No.8452095
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>mfw the most common cosplay this year at AX is from an American cartoon

Fuck Steven Universe.

>> No.8452096

I hope you have a penis.

>> No.8452098

Hey you want to meet up? I am by myself with nothing to do. I am a guy btw

>> No.8452099

Come to the little witch acedemia panel before its capped, no line, just walk in while you can, Im just chilling for it to start

>> No.8452101

Does anyone know if they are going to sell Premiere badges for next year on site?

>> No.8452102

8pm outside West hall

>> No.8452106

Did anyone see those Warboys from Mad Max yesterday? Some random guy went up to them, yelled out "Witnessed" then the warboys yelled witnessed back and sprayed the dude's mouth with silver paint. It was great

>> No.8452109

The hearsay going on right now is that it's all online only.

I just want a grace period for current premiere fans if true.

>> No.8452110

Feel free to have a pre-meeting meeting at 6 or sometime around there.

>> No.8452113

Sounds good to me. How about outside the West Hall like usual?

>> No.8452118

Yeah. I'm actually out there right now killing time until my next panel.

>> No.8452123

Anybody else in line for the Wagakki IA concert?

>> No.8452128

>tfw want to go to a seagull metting but I am too ugly and awkward

Fuck this is 4chan why are you faggots so decent looking? I am a sterotypical neckbeard

>> No.8452130

I've got a gauntlet of panels to run through today so I actually won't be free until 5. But I'm looking forward to meeting up again later even if it's not the actual meetup.

>> No.8452132

I'm in 406 watching Spice and Wolf. I'm tired and taking a break. Friends are in dealers room.

>> No.8452137

Meet me in west hall by the staircase so I can make you even more self-conscious

>> No.8452142

I noticed that too. It's like, Gasp! People tend to be more friendly when you're not a gross blob??! What is this? 2015 or something?

>> No.8452148

What character and why

>> No.8452163

I'm a gangly balding brown asian. Let's sperg out together!

>> No.8452209

Poorfag here, I spent all my money but wanna drink tonight.

How do I ask people to share some liquor with me?

>> No.8452215

With your mouth.

Also, LP2 not being cleared out, no line for panels. Grabbing a spot up front for Mega64 if anyone wants to join.

>> No.8452225


I'm feeling generous. Are you going to be partying tonight?

>> No.8452234

Maybe, the rooftop pool's been our go to.

Your ax thread is shit, everyone is posting across 3 separate ones and its hard to find.
0/10 kill yourself.

>> No.8452242

I would like to be partying. If you share liquor I'll definitely party along with you and company. How do I find you?

>> No.8452251

Is there a line

>> No.8452253


>> No.8452257

Can someone explain this meme to me? I haven't heard it at AX but keep seeing it here. Nike commercial?

>> No.8452260

Umm has it? I must have missed that discussion. I can still make that, but I picked 5 because other stuff is happening tonight.

>> No.8452264

Don't a line for the cool Japan concert where is it if there is one?

>> No.8452267


you must be new


Look for me after midnight at the LACC.

>> No.8452271



>> No.8452272

8 overlaps with CWF. I'll still come meet up at 5:00, for any seagulls who are leaving early

>> No.8452273

I dunno I love yuki yuna and would have gone to the pony canyon panels.
also fate panel since ubw is popular.

>> No.8452276

AX has had at least 3 scheduling/missprints on event times which hasn't helped. The 8PM idea was to work around the concert :/

Maybe next year will be better, thanks for helping me not be lost.

>> No.8452277

That overlaps with the concert, so 8 works better for most of us. I have to skip a panel, but it's not something I'm dying to go to.

>> No.8452279
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So I guess we're meeting around 8 then? I should still be Homura, see you all then.

>> No.8452283

The early birds are aiming for 6 because the concert ends at 5:30

>> No.8452285

Tfw first saw your satsuki at the lunar festival and started following you, only to find out you're going to a cgl meetup. Now I feel like a stalker

>> No.8452286
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truth hurts, dont it tripfag. :^)
maybe you could do a panel on dank memes, im sure that'd be epic l0l

>> No.8452288

It's my first AX too and my experience has been about the same. Came with gf but she's been working the dealer's hall the whole time so I've spent the entire con wandering around by myself and wasting money on overpriced shit. I've been to plenty of smaller cons (like Sakuracon size) and had fun but I think there's just too damn many people here for anything to be enjoyable by yourself.

>> No.8452294

Did you cosplay as Satsuki yesterday? I think I saw you a couple of times

>> No.8452298

Delivering 2 fresh milk teas to two seagulls, any takers? ETA 2:30 outside west hall

>> No.8452302

I did Satsuki last year, yesterday I was FSN Assassin.

It's cool, just introduce yourself and you won't be one!

>> No.8452304

who wants to meet up and yell JUST DO IT in one of the lobbies?

>> No.8452306
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>> No.8452308

I wish, but I'm camping LP2 for the Mega64 panel. There's a free seat next to me.

Why don't you go grab a couple spergs and just do it?

>> No.8452312

hows the crowd? any chance of the room filling up? I dont want to have to go an hour early

>> No.8452313

I'm just barely getting up right now but would be down to sit for mega64 after I shower and get all my other shit for the day. You said they weren't clearing the room?

>> No.8452316

Man this reeks of desperation. Anyways Ill go and get one. Look for a muscular mexican with the Miku shirt

>> No.8452318


I do, it's called Late Comedy Show, you should come

It speaks at your spergy sense of humor, I'm sure you'll love it. I'll even save you a front row seat

>> No.8452319

They're confirmed not clearing the room. The front is pretty packed for this Suzuki bitch, so you'll need really good timing to get a good spot. Gonna run for a center front position when this ends.

>> No.8452322

I'll have one!

How do i find you

>> No.8452327

Fug I already got in line for the cruchyroll panel

>> No.8452337

Going back to the room to do some business and then head out to get some pho before the mega64 panel.

>> No.8452342

Yall are way to grumpy. This is how you dont get invited into the secret oldfag club.
Also, I had to leave the con, so I doubt any trips will go to your meetup tonight, I am usually the one to get people to come out.

>> No.8452359

You just gotta get involved somehow with people. I realized cons aren't really meant for people who like to do things by themselves.

Ask for photos and then try to have some small chit chat about the show/character they're cosplaying, chat up the dealers and artists, go to panels, and cosplay! Seriously cosplaying is probably the easiest way to break the ice and get things going.

Just make sure to not take some of the toxic elements of the cosplay community into your own persona life i.e. drama, gossip, e-fame hunger, etc. which can be said for any community though.

>> No.8452365

Im in LP2 wwiting for mega64, what the hell is this gay shit

>> No.8452368

girl with purp hair and guy with striped tank. We'll be sitting by the shade in west hall with the bag, make seagull noises tho! Cosplaying?

>> No.8452373

Light blue shirt, second row on the left. Look for me.

I'm camping LP2, can't leave right now.

>> No.8452374

Be a little patient heheh, i'm on my way

>> No.8452378

Whats happening there? Im chillin outaide entertainment hall

>> No.8452380

It's an hour long Q&A session for some stupid chick manga. People are starting to flood the back in preparation for Mega64

>> No.8452384

Nope, not cosplaying

>> No.8452393

Leave it to a panel of women with a feminist dyke to make the most boring hour ever.

>> No.8452396

No, he's just a nice regular person. ya'll grumpy as fuck as other person said.
I'll make a note to see it next year and say hi
Damn too bad, you were pretty chill

>> No.8452397

>saw Marty McFly cosplays

What's the big fucking deal

BTTF was garbage

>> No.8452400

I sort of feel bad, more than half the room is here for mega64 and everyone is talking loudly, like jeez at least pretend to be paying attention

>> No.8452407
File: 518 KB, 1920x1080, 1436045684447-256489566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pick up the slack.

>> No.8452408


>> No.8452410

I-i cant find you. Sorry im dumb

>> No.8452416

Anyone visit that Fakku box booth?

>> No.8452417

Yeah, but most of their fans are obnoxious, so it's expected. Come find me, anon.

>> No.8452418

yeah fuck you guys shut the fuck up

>> No.8452422

where you at

>> No.8452425


>> No.8452426


>> No.8452427

Why has no one fixed suzukis mic yet. Or at least get her to speak up. Holy fuck

>> No.8452431

Front left, second row. Light blue shirt and short brown hair.

I'm gunning for center front when this shit ends. I have one seat open next to me. Come up.

>> No.8452435

We're under the trees near the Web Toons guys outside west hall!

>> No.8452437

Ill try bro

>> No.8452440

Just walk along the left side, I'll wave at you when you get up here.

>> No.8452450
File: 2.26 MB, 4160x2340, 1436046684243-1881516383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who IA here

>> No.8452453

the mega boyz are in the back of the room talking to us

>> No.8452461

Hurry up anon. Just walk up here.

>> No.8452468



>> No.8452472


Also had to leave. Won't even be back until after midnight :(


Based Spike

>> No.8452473

Masquerade Is sold out!??!? Oh come on!! Any gulls selling tickets? Me and my two friend want to go to it pretty bad!

>> No.8452489

Still have the front left seat. Anon hurry, some disabled girl wants it.

>> No.8452493

Only one seat left, huh? Can't see it without my chums.

>> No.8452509

Where you guys at? Stand up and wave or something so we know where we are

>> No.8452515

anyone else going to the Masquerade?

>> No.8452516
File: 153 KB, 750x556, IMG_3215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends can't go to AX today or tomorrow and gave me their 2 passes.

Do you think I could sell them to make a small amount of cash for spending?

>> No.8452521

No, the most common cosplay is fucking jjba shit it's 4chanblr's flavor of the month anime

>> No.8452523

Post-Mega64 meet up by the stairs?

>> No.8452526


>> No.8452531

Where and how?

Should I just keep screaming outside about selling 2 passes?

>> No.8452537

Let me know if anyone is yelling about masquerade tickets.

>> No.8452545
File: 1017 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm another boat today! I'll be wandering until the gathering so say hi. Had fun with the flock yesterday too!

>> No.8452544

I might sell mine, what's your email?

>> No.8452548
File: 110 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Wakkagi line, someone say hi.

>> No.8452555


How many do you have?

>> No.8452560

a pair

>> No.8452563
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls notice me~

>> No.8452565

Hillary clinton is at the mega 64 panel #hillaryishere

>> No.8452567

Awesssome. Standing by for your email.

Still need a third one if anyone wants to be super.

>> No.8452569

You were the Canti that was with that qt Mamimi right? Took a few pics of you guys. You were awesome.

>> No.8452583

what the fuck, check the booklet for panels that interest you and go to them. the main hall is just a place to hang out when you DON'T have a panel.

>> No.8452587

>qt comes to my table
> we talk about nerd shit, hit it off well
> don't know how to drop my infoz without looking too thirsty
> spaghetti all over my coord

What was the right move, cgl?? How do I play this game??

>> No.8452588

I only have one cosplay for this con, Hot Pants from Jojo. I accidentally ruined my cosplay by getting e6000 all over the capelet part of the costume and now I don't know what to do. Anyone have any tips or anything?

>> No.8452592

If you had a table,you should of had cards with your info on them

>> No.8452598

Yeah i shoulda went to a few panels. Literaly for the past 2 days I spent my time either at the dealer hall or entertainment hall just wakking alone. Some of my friends said the panels suck because nothing good or new is announced and feels like buisness mettings instead of a fun fan event. I guess Ill just try next year and be better prepared

>> No.8452600

Uuuhhh the Alucard in my row just handed everyone real bullet shells????????? Thanks man?

>> No.8452601

It seems so obvious now... Idk he said he'd be back tomorrow.

>> No.8452602

From personal experience, just ask them to show you their dick in the corner. #noshame

>> No.8452607

Does somebody want to hang out

Ive sorta ran out of things to do and dont want to leave ;_;

>> No.8452608

Where are you?

>> No.8452613

yeah, most industry panels are just giant promotions for their disc sales.

Mega64 panel is always a blast.

>> No.8452615

Im in the entertainment hall right now sitting at a table. I dont mind getting up to meet you though

>> No.8452619

I was on my way over there anyways

>> No.8452630


are you guys dudes? I'm a girl.

>> No.8452632

Yeah, i'm a dude

>> No.8452635

Is it just you at your table?

>> No.8452642
File: 2.91 MB, 5376x3024, 143605153832696032573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there are some other people, im in normal vloths near a unicorn looking girl with a big box

>> No.8452643
File: 31 KB, 500x300, america intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy America day errybahdy, i hope you're all celebrating accordingly. I have no idea what direction the fire works will be from but the pool seems a safe bet. brb in and out.
captcha is drinks: you devil.

>> No.8452644

We can meet up with you. Three anons, two boiz one grill

>> No.8452647

Best think to do is go on the roof or any high floor of a hotel, you see all the buildings shooting shit off, it's pretty neat.

>> No.8452650

I didn't see anyone alone at that table so I just left

>> No.8452653

Wasn't able to make it this year, but im just wondering if there were any WIXOSS things there?

>> No.8452656

Sorry, i had to go to the restroom and i didnt want to keep my stuff there. Where are you now? I can meet you

>> No.8452663

I can just head back

I'm playing tales of symphonia now

>> No.8452664

o ok, i'll stay put

>> No.8452686

IA/wagakki band started an hour late

Hope you weren't planning on seeing the whole thing and going to the exhibit hall again

>> No.8452693

Another anon on the way. Who do I look for?

>> No.8452731

Body paint guy!

I thought you were really cute.

>> No.8452739

This is a good nickel back concert

>> No.8452743

Have yet to meet with any seagulls... I'm planing on hitting lounge 21 for drinks and then transferring right to ax dance floor after a shot or two.

>> No.8452744

Wont be in cosplay this time, will bring a gallon of some fruity shit to the meet up

>> No.8452745

Pool party at hotel figueroa, don't know if it guest or vip only, no outside alcohols

>> No.8452751

chilling in my hotel, waiting on my mates to go get sushi later.

anything good going on tonight?

>> No.8452758

When's today's meet?

>> No.8452760

8 PM in front of West Hall.

>> No.8452762


>> No.8452764

Ug i got lost, i forgot where you guys were lol

>> No.8452766

You know, the first two days of the con were super fun but all of a sudden today I just got super depressed for no reason

Feels pretty bad

>> No.8452767

Its been posted, 8 outside of West hall

>> No.8452769

Didnt mean to reply, i got what i wanted but am a dummy with a bad sense of direction and couldnt get back

>> No.8452775

I've been depressed since the start.

>> No.8452777

It's weird like before I was doing just fine and now I'm just miserable

Nothing even happened. I don't know what brought it on. Hopefully it will pass

>> No.8452778

I think it's just the exhaustion. I'm pretty spent too and getting somewhat depressed, but I can't deny that I'm still enjoying myself nonetheless.

Also, I'm hanging outside West Hall rn and still need to hand off this P5 bag.

>> No.8452780

Can you faggots fuck off with your negativity?
No one cares, quit bumming people out, its why you're alone right now

>> No.8452782

Who hurt you

>> No.8452783

I can come get it, you fag.

Not them, but today was a huge downer for me, too. I know it will pick up later.

>> No.8452784

Should I buy a Veigar hat!??!? I really don't want to cause its 20 bucks... But on the other hand I really want it and I love LoL so munch.

>> No.8452786

You know what will cheer you guys up?

An orgy.

Who is willing to host

>> No.8452788

Not everyone is cool enough to be you.

>> No.8452790

>Tfw I've been at the actual con for less than 4 hours since day 1

>> No.8452791

Why do you guys want an orgy so badly

>> No.8452794

I have a suite, but it has to be entirely cute Asian guys. Will assemble dick squad.

>> No.8452795

I'm depressed cuz I have no qt con gf to hold hands with.

>> No.8452798

Im at some shitty youtuber panel my friend insited we go to and these people are annoying as fuck please kill me.

>> No.8452799

I don't fucking see you.

>> No.8452801

Is it Miles Jai, anon?

>> No.8452802
File: 1.10 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20150227_163221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol... And it doesn't help that as you struggle to to swim past people at the.halls you.notice all the couples who support each.others exhaustion.... FOREVER AVAILABLE

>> No.8452803

But the lulu one instead, it's much sturdier

>> No.8452807

Standing near the same light post from yesterday.

>> No.8452808

happy lee erin or something

>> No.8452814

Fuck my feet hurt from these lines

>> No.8452816

What the hell are you trying to say and is it as embarrassing as I feel like it is?

>> No.8452827
File: 255 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the Lulu hat. I've never been happier.

>> No.8452829

Any girls down for drinking?

>> No.8452830

Watching porn at my hotel room any grills dtf?

>> No.8452833
File: 30 KB, 400x300, a5249f4901fe3896fc90c29e7edce930.400x300x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8452835

Which one of you faggots has a seagull on their head?

>> No.8452837

Sure meet me across the freeway in a dark alley

>> No.8452840

I'll be there

>> No.8452842

Anybody wants a drink?

>> No.8452845

Where muh seagulls at

>> No.8452846

Yeah but I m not a grill but still pretty qt ; 3

>> No.8452849
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x1836, 20150704_174514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eatin dinner at Lawry's. We were the last ones in before they shut the doors.

>> No.8452854

me : 3

>> No.8452856

Lonely anons looking to have meaningful interactions with the sex that you are attracted to.Any of you going to the dating event?

>> No.8452859

drunk white boy in leather wandering the halls, lookin for cute boys and girls to drink w. holler.

>> No.8452860

we dont haaave to take our clothes off,

>> No.8452865

we could dance and party all night, and drink some cherry wine

>> No.8452869

How was the LWA panel? Didn't get to go cus I got to the con late/was trying to stay close to my group. Really disappointed none of the studio trigger crowd are doing autographs

>> No.8452875

I'd feel pathetic and desperate if I'm going it alone.

>> No.8452877


>> No.8452879


>> No.8452880

Stairs in the west hall. I'm on the right side.

>> No.8452881

It's actually super lame and the whole audience e participates. Everyone has a chance to win, so you have to guess better than everyone else in the room.

>> No.8452883

Sry to the seagull who asked if that was my msg earlier at the entertainment hall - not me! But still a gull (kinda). Had to meet a friend for food. Gull meet up at 8 still go?

>> No.8452884

I'm walking around as a shitty crossplay Sendai tonight. About to grab something at yard house. Let me know if you want to party. Still have kratom, it's kinda like booze that makes you less tired instead.

>> No.8452885

It's okay. I only embarrassed myself.

See you at 8.

>> No.8452886

I'm going for pre-drinks, feel free to attach yourself if you see me

>> No.8452892

im cruisin thru there right now. shout me out ;-)

>> No.8452895

still findoshi fucker?

>> No.8452896

Where muh seagulls at?

>> No.8452897

Where's the meet up again?

>> No.8452900

I'm watching all the cripples walk by. There are so many people with lame legs here

>> No.8452901

Still getting the drinks. I don't know if anyone want some but I'll bring them anyway.

>> No.8452905

8pm outside west hall.

>> No.8452906

i like the one crippled couple who own the fuck out of it tho : ]

>> No.8452908

Probably not but I am jell as.fffff

>> No.8452910

im popped right on the stairs atm.

>> No.8452916

Ffff. I see the Asians and a black guy. Is that you guys?

>> No.8452917


>> No.8452920

Can you not

>> No.8452925

at Yard House drinking before the Masquerade

anyone else going to the Masquerade?

>> No.8452930


>> No.8452934


>> No.8452940

LWA/Trigger people being happy by the reaction it got yesterday. Glad people liked it. Usual stuff like how much work it took to make.

Then it turned into a Q&A for 20 or so minutes and people asked the usual "what inspired you to do X" questions. Someone asked why don't they make a LWA series in the animation style of Inferno Cop so budget doesn't become an issue. The Trigger/LWA people laughed and I think the director said "We'll think about it" but probably jokingly.

>> No.8452941

might as well vuvuzela

>> No.8452944


If you wanna say hi I'm at a table next to the windows in a Sendai crossplay

>> No.8452945

Me and my cousin both have lame legs, if you saw two tall crotchetey cripples, the you saw us

>> No.8452946

Someone make a new thread. I'll be around briefly for the meetup in 30

>> No.8452952

as long as you love yourselves its all that matters : ]

>> No.8452959

Kagami here if you want a drink come up and ask I got 2 bottles of coke rum. Gunna be around for a few during the meet up.

>> No.8452963

This seagull fell ill during the convention so can't meet up with you guys tonight. Can we have a meet up tomorrow before the Eva concert?

>> No.8452973


>> No.8452974

Where the fuck is Soto

>> No.8452978

All the seagulls that were here before don't seem to post anymore... I guess they have their own direct feed towards invitations?

>> No.8452985

Kagami where you at? Hotel?

>> No.8452987

Exchange #s anon

>> No.8452993

I've been really busy today, but I'm heading to the meetup with some other gulls and lurkers.

>> No.8452996

Where are we meeting ?

>> No.8452998


>> No.8452999

Still looking for masquerade tickets. Anyone interested in selling?

>> No.8453000

Yeah omw to the meet up just look out for me prob hang out for longer than expected

>> No.8453001

You mean trips? Yes, older trips all know each other.

In front of the west hall. I'm coming in yaoi hat shortly. Just finishing my drink

>> No.8453006

Are we really?

>> No.8453007
File: 870 KB, 245x245, 1406029530810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the neckbeards and autists do their meet up planning in the thread
>the social and non-retarded users all swap #s to discuss a different meet that leaves out the retards

>> No.8453010


>> No.8453011
File: 2.26 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fucks did this

>> No.8453016

This is still 4 chan.... Im not dropping myy.number lol. But if you want a throwaway email or kik I have one

>> No.8453031

I'm out front of West Hall, where y'all at? Tall Homura with braids.

>> No.8453034

What are you guys standing next to in the outdoors of the westhall

>> No.8453039

People, mostly. Sort of near one of the lampposts, I guess. I'm with two other grills in kigus.

>> No.8453041

Fug. Lost track of time on my room I'll be there in 10 mins

>> No.8453043

This seagull is in line for the dungeon master thing, prob wont be able to show

>> No.8453044

Around the middle with other gulls look for tall kagami

>> No.8453045

at the masquerade, anyone wanna meet up and go to the Fakku panel @ 11?

>> No.8453061
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8453064

Which lamp post are you guys near

>> No.8453075

blue bodypaint from yesterday here.I'm going to the con with no aim in particular. look for the trap with the off shoulder tunic and plum lipstick

>> No.8453082
File: 621 KB, 1280x720, 1430691289999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn around
>some girl is bending over to pick something up and shows pantsu

>> No.8453083

I regret buying tickets for the masquerade

>> No.8453110

got more austrian hard booze if people are still there

but i guess u guys hate /mlp/ from how mad people were that I was there

>> No.8453113

Beanie-kun it's cute how drunk you are.

>> No.8453141

>Tfw i like mlp

Its ok i dont hate you

>> No.8453153


>> No.8453245

This masquerade is a demonstration for why cosplayers shouldn't be allowed to speak about themselves. Just get up there, pose-pose-pose, and get the fuck off. Jesus, these sound ques are fucked.

>> No.8453328


>> No.8453407

Maybe takers

>> No.8453909

talk to people in lines because your forced to stand together for large periods of time