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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8451663 No.8451663 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in auto sage >>8425210

Fabric finds
Finished projects

Try not to be a gigantic twat unless someone REALLY deserves.

>> No.8451669

I'm going to start this bad boy off with a fabric question. Someone posted in the fb comm about some Joann's fabric that had these adorable jars on it? Looked very Leur Getter. I can't find it online, someone pls halp.

>> No.8451715

What is the best way to attach ribbon to ribbon or ribbon to fabric without sewing. Using glue makes it bleed through and look gross and crafty.

>> No.8451721

Maybe some kinda of hemming tape or heat n bond?

>> No.8451729


Sew it. You're just going to have to sew it, I think. In a hot jiffy and for something totally tacky looking, you can use hot glue, but I highly advise you sew ribbon on, or not to use ribbon, but a cotton trim fabric that's better suited to be sewn on. Ribbon tends to be shiny and looks horrendous if done wrong.

I actually found a really cute way to get an over dress pattern by butchering the Wizard of Oz pattern by simplicity 4136.

when making dresses, how many of you use zippers on the skirts rather than elastic? I hate sewing elastic.

>> No.8451730

It's not available online anymore but I was at my Joann's maybe a week or two ago and I'm 99% sure I saw a bolt of that fabric in the quilting section. You may have luck checking in-store.

>> No.8451800

I use zippers 100% of the time and sometimes combine that with a smallish panel of elastic in the back. I hate the feel and look of fully-elasticated waistbands.

>> No.8451890

Zippers all the way. As much as I dislike sewing them in I think they look 100x better than elastic. I also have a weird problem with doing shirring... it feels like the cheater's way to get a good fit.

>> No.8451907

Zippers for skirts, back shirring for JSKs. I would use zippers for everything, but I'm losing weight so I try to give my dresses a good size range.

>> No.8452654
File: 553 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, this isn't sewing related but it is handmade accessory related so I hope it's okay?

I want to make a hair accessory from a tea cup, just wondering what would be the best way to adhere the bottom of the cup to the saucer? Also, what would be the best way to attach it to the head? I wanted to do an alligator clip but I was thinking that the cup might be too heavy for the alligator clip to stay in my hair?? So I was just gonna go with a headband.

>> No.8452677

Epoxy. Scuff up the surfaces where they connect (make sure it isn't visible) and clamp them together until the glue cures. I agree with using a headband, it's probably going to be heavy and you don't want it to fall and shatter.

>> No.8452703

okay, yeah epoxy is what I was thinking too. I'm assuming just use sandpaper, what grit should I get?

>> No.8452711

I mean, you just want to rough it up so it's not critical what grit you use. Anything medium-ish in grit should be fine, just make sure you clean the dust from sanding off before you glue them.

>> No.8452789

If you get a lightweight teacup (i.e a plastic replica one or if you find a cheap Made in China one at a thrift store) you could do it with 2-3 alligator clips, and make them sit at opposite directions so there is extra security on the head so it doesnt slip off your hair.

There are teacups made with heavier porcelain, not all are the same. Anyway that is how Im going to make mine once I stop procrastinating lmao

>> No.8453201


It may be a little more secure with a clear or small metal headband that can be hidden in a wig. A plastic tea cup or heavier hairpiece will fall to the fate of gravity, and slowly slide around or jostle. I don't know about y'all, but I already have to police how my wig sits, and it may just be easier to adhere it to a small headband for a little more peace of mind.

>> No.8453236

Does anyone have any suggestions for lolita compatible knitting patterns?

>> No.8453326
File: 271 KB, 680x1400, bunny_jsk-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished making this jsk, it was so fun to make and I'm overly excited to wear it. Print is bunnies and veggies.

>concrit would be lovely
>please excuse my parent's garage in the background

>> No.8453364

anon, while this looks lovely, I'm afraid the stripes in the bottom feel a bit 'lost' in the concept. I see them working if you were to wear a blouse with a similar pattern or if there was something of the same fabric on the top, but I'm not sure about its current situation. Great job though! If you like it the way it looks right now just ignore me and enjoy your new JSK.

>> No.8453390

Thanks for your thoughts! I was nervous posting but I'm more terrified of not getting concrit and being an ita in handmade. I might try working the stripes in somewhere else; I get what you mean. I have plenty more of that material so I could definitely alter the bodice to include it. Or maybe I could make a little cap sleeve blouse?

>> No.8453402

I meant puff sleeves, short puff sleeves. I'm tired.

>> No.8453418

I'm giving concrit since you asked, in a compliment sandwich, because I can see how much time you spent on this, and hand made things are precious!
It looks like the bodice is shaped properly, which is awesome. And the skirt appears to have good proportion. Did you draft this or use a pattern? Good job!
I think the bottom ruffle seems a bit disconnected. I don't like the exposed tape(?) bit at the top of the lace ruffle, I think it looks unfinished and I'd maybe add another row of ungathered white lace(cluny or some sort of thready looking, not solid lace) to hide the edging a bit, or french seam it. If I were to remake this, I would add the lace trim to the shoulder straps and take it off the bodice, and I'd also pay attention to the direction of the print, it would look better if the print was horizontal across at least the middle bodice panel. It also looks like to spent enough time ironing your seems which is important and something people making lolita sometimes forget.

>> No.8453426

the stripes would be hard to coord properly, but i also think it gives some character to the dress and i like it. i can see what >>8453418 is saying with the exposed ribbon at the bottom, but it doesn't bother me that much, and unlike that anon i really like the lace trim on the bodice. also that print is absolutely adorable.

tl;dr it's a very cute jsk and there's nothing i can think of that would warrant an actual change.

>> No.8453438

I'm gonna need source on this fabric. I have a beatrix potter print that I need a backing fabric to make a quilt, and this would be PERFECT.

>> No.8453448

Thanks for your comments! I made the pattern, I'm a seamstress so putting things together is the easy part, the hard part is making sure it looks nice. I didn't really think about the ruffle, but only because it came as a ruffle on a little band. I could change that pretty easily.

I think it probably came from Wal-Mart about 10 years ago. Our store closed out the fabric department back then and sold everything dirt cheap. My mom bought a ton and it's been lying around unused since then. Good luck, I have no idea if anyone sells it these days.

>> No.8453495
File: 115 KB, 736x556, 43cd05f5bf76a7d7d8cc2beb3239e3b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check my walmart next time I go, just in case. Thanks.

>pic related
Found this in a taobao shop that sells lolita type fabric. I really like it, but I have no idea if it's loliable, or moriable, or what to even make with it.

>> No.8453501

>taobao shop that sells lolita type fabric
wanna spill the sauce on shop?

>> No.8453523

There's more otome kind of fabrics, and some just plain ugly ones, but there's some cute ones as well.

>> No.8453910

You need to sew it. If you're having trouble with it puckering, use a walking foot and make sure you stitch in the same direction on both sides of the ribbon. Also, adding some sort of stabilizer to the ribbon can help to. Attach it with fusible webbing first then stitch over it. If you're still having issues, hand stitch it.

>> No.8453914

I would use a headband, a wide one would work best. E6000 is a miracle worker, too.
I would totally find a way to glue it differently though, the illustration on that saucer is just too cute!! Maybe have the teacup tipping off to the side like it's falling, with some faux strawberries and greenery flowing out?

>> No.8453920

Honestly, I really like this. I like the stripe fabric, it would just be better if it were echoed in the top of the dress, perhaps as a ruffle on the edge of the strap and as the bow?
I don't really mind the eyelet lace with the seam binding, I think it still looks cute. I really do want sauce on that fabric though, bunnies are my favorite!

>> No.8453923

Shoot, just read the rest of the thread. Darn!

>> No.8453926

is that a cotton printed to look like a sweater? This makes me think of that art someone posted once that had a lolita wearing a sweater and I'm just imagining this would look kind of cute as an OP with actual sweater sleeves and a knit peter pan collar and a crochet lace ruffle on the hem. I'm sure plenty of people would think it was weird or ita but I would love it.

>> No.8454116

I came to this thread looking for something just like this actually. Have you any tips on drafting a pattern to make a jsk like that? It looks reasonably simple but I'm not sure where to start. Or I suppose I could modify an existing pattern, but it's proving difficult to find simple dresses with gathered skirts.

>> No.8454385

I can try to help! There are only 4 pattern pieces to the dress itself, so yeah, it's pretty simple. I draped the pattern for the bodice, but if you don't know how to drape the easiest thing to do would be use a fitted bodice pattern that ends at your natural waist (or alter one so it ends at your natural waist). For the skirt all I did was gather a rectangle that was about 3 yards long to my waist size, then attach it to the bodice. You can just use any dress pattern with a separate bodice and replace the skirt with a gathered rectangle.

>> No.8454464

Awesome, thank you! I do know how to drape, but I'm currently without a dress form so I'll try and find a nice simple pattern. Cheers, anon! (and I love the dress you made!)

>> No.8454500

I would like to point out that that is a plate and not a saucer. This bothers me immensely

>> No.8454505

Requesting good patterns that have been tested and actually work well. I want to get into sewing soon, but I don't know which patterns are good and which are shit

>> No.8454523

Diff anon but yeah most of my early dresses were actually modified blouse patterns. Just find a bodice pattern you like and determine where your natural waist would be, then sew a gathered rectangle onto that point.

>> No.8454691

W-what do you mean? If you go to a store and buy a pattern it's going to be what it says it is.

>> No.8455232
File: 62 KB, 426x599, 426px-Nozomi_pure_r500_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made plenty of gather ruffles in my day but I'll be trying circle ruffles for the first time this week. Would hooking half-circles into each other for patterning save fabric? Cutting out whole circles will eat up a ton of fabric but I might just have to deal.

>> No.8455239

There's sewing pattern review sites. Just go to hte store, find something you might want, then google the pattern number and it should be one of the first few hits. Any commercial pattern should be fine. Only after you've had a ton of experience will you start noticing if these patterns could be done better. The most important part is that you know how to use them properly. I went 2-3 in high school declaring patterns were shit because I didn't know what I was doing. Look for a youtube videos that explain the terms and techniques.

>> No.8455372

I'm just starting out and I kind of want to go for an ambitious project. Is it a good idea to do a test run of cheaper fabric?

Also my sewing machine can use some fixing. I have never really heard/seen a sewing repair place, are they hard to fix?

>> No.8455398

Yes for your first question. It's called a muslin, but it can be made of a lot of fabrics, and it helps you with fitting and adjustments.
For the second, they are generally fairly complex, and most places have a sewing machine repair shop, if you look.

>> No.8455576
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>> No.8455624

If you mean cutting flounces as half circles (like two C's facing each other) rather than cutting them in full circles like a doughnut, yes, that works fine. It just doubles the number of seams you have.

>> No.8455693

what makes it *not* a saucer? there's a small indent for the cup...isn't a saucer just a type of plate anyway?

>> No.8455728

Honestly, it looks like it would be easier to do box pleat ruffles with horsehair braid in the hems if that's the character you're doing imo.

>> No.8455742

To add on to >>8455398 make sure your muslin fabric is somewhat similar to your final product. It doesn't need to be exact, but make sure you test spandex on spandex, knit with knit, wovens with wovens, etc. and be sure to pay attention to whether you cut your pieces widthwise or lengthwise because with some finicky fabrics like organza it does make a difference.

As for a repair shop, just google sewing machine repair near (your area) and you should come up with something. If there isn't a specific place, call around to other small appliance repair shops in the area and see if any of them have experience with sewing machines.

>> No.8455747

Believe it or not, walmart has a few gems hiding in their fabric section here and there. I know right now they've got this cute paris themed print, and a polka dot and cherry print in a few colorways, and they had that polka dot and floral print in several colorways along with coordinating plain floral and plain polka dot fabrics. A little while ago they had that gold cross fabric that was really gorgeous, I've seen one anon on here who made a dress out of it.

>> No.8456389

Teaboo watched too much Dr Who and Downtown Abbey and now knows more about england than the queen.

>> No.8457026

When you do box pleats on a dress how does that interact with a shirring panel? Do you just never do box pleats and shirring on the same dress?

>> No.8457061

It's just going to be gathered in the portion attached to the shirring panel.

>> No.8457299

Added some more to the doc of patterns anons, feel free to throw out some advice, any patterns you may have used, etc.


>> No.8457311

When I do it, I just make the pleats wider/looser in the area with the shirring. They end up as gathered pleats, if that makes sense.

>> No.8457574

So for the bodice, would you have a front panel and two side ones that connect at the back?

>> No.8457646

I have Simplicity 1606 and it's probably my most used pattern. 10/10 highly recommend. I use both the sweetheart neckline and high neckline.

>> No.8457649

Oh, I also have the Cynthia Rowley 1873 and I only recommend if you really really really like darts. At least for the cap sleeve view.

>> No.8457727

That's a great pattern. I love that it's pretty much the two main types of jsks. I've been looking for some new basics. Would love a suggestion for a super simple OP

>> No.8457751

If you don't mind using Otome no Sewing books, then Book 5 has a nice simple short sleeve OP.

>> No.8457793
File: 188 KB, 1503x894, jsk_bodice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bodice is made with 3 pattern pieces:
There is a front panel (princess seam to princess seam), then a side front panel (from princess seam to side seam), and a back panel (from side seam to center back). It might be possible to do it where the back and side front panels are connected, but I like side seams because they help with the shape.

Pic related is a rough sketch of the pieces.

>> No.8458233

I'm the writer of the google doc, it depends on the type of OP you want, but you can usually add sleeves to most JSK styles. Sleeves from other patterns aren't perfectly mix and match but they are to a certain extent. I'll get more patterns on there that have usable sleeves once I start working through the costume pattern section! If you have a picture of what you're looking for I can probably give you a more accurate recommendation right now.

>> No.8458409

Do you mind explaining this a bit more, maybe a flat layout of every piece together?

>> No.8458651
File: 115 KB, 2002x699, jsk_bodice-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That... kind of is the layout? Here it is for both sides, but sewing patterns are usually only one side so that's all I drew the first time.

CF = center front
PS = princess seam
SS = side seam
CB = center back

>> No.8459903
File: 61 KB, 900x600, chiffonscarf_stitch_highres1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I would normally just roll chiffon hems with a straight stitch, I just learned how to do it using my serger (because I kept being told that it's the professional way to do it, and it looks so much cleaner.) but I'm.. Not impressed.

It's thicker and seems inherently messier than a straight stitch just because there's so much more visible thread.

>> No.8459965

Eh, to each their own. If your picture is what your serger is doing, I think it looks quite nice. If that isn't your picture, and your rolled hems aren't turning out that neat, you probably have a tension problem that's making it look messier.

>> No.8459984

I think maybe the anon is at a more beginner level?
You may be better off just using a pattern like Simplicity 2176. Save them the time of explaining everything to you and just use the instructions on the pattern, because it's almost exactly what they're trying to explain to you.

>> No.8460319

Yeah I'm just... I'm trying here. Thanks for giving them a pattern.

>> No.8460334

I think most of the patterns people have when it comes to sewing is not reading and comprehending the instructions. it's like in a science class, you read all the instructions and collect all the data/materials before you start.

>> No.8460338
File: 24 KB, 287x395, pleats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner and I'd like to request some guidance, with tips/ tutorials/ patterns, on sewing otome/ casual lolita styled dresses (JSK, OP maybe), especially high waisted ones. I think once I get the basics down on bodice shapes and some skirt types I can go from there but I'd like some help to begin with. I haven't found any commercial patterns I particularly liked, or vintage in my size (85cm bust). I like the pleats and shape on this one, for example. It looks good with some poof as well as without.
I have ONS 6 and it has a decent basic lolita/ otome JSK in it but I think I'd like to try some western patterns first, so I can understand what is actually going on. Google hasn't been particularly helpful and I'm not a big fan of a lot of the traditional 'simple' lolita dress shapes.
Also basic beginner sewing stuff. And yes I have checked out fyeahlolita.
Sorry for being a noob/ if I'm annoying.

>> No.8460352
File: 30 KB, 272x363, sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also tips on accommodating different cup sizes/ modifying patterns without shirring. Damn bust: waist ratio.

>> No.8460370
File: 45 KB, 640x427, IMG_1294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question here, but how would you make sleeves that look like pic related? I get that they're elasticated, but I can't figure out what the pattern piece would look like.

>> No.8460376
File: 1.42 MB, 1050x800, cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, some cuts I like. Just went through randomly... I know they're all quite different. I like A line/ pleats that can still take some poof but I know rectangle skirts are often needed with printed fabric.

>> No.8460394

a full bust adjustment.
and you know, making a muslin.

Your issue is all the dresses you posted are simple

>> No.8460400

That was on purpose, because I'm looking for basic beginner shapes first. Probably should have asked the other question later when I got into making more stuff.

>> No.8460407

>I'm not a big fan of a lot of the traditional 'simple' lolita dress shapes

look up basic sewing blogs and sewalongs

>> No.8460423



>> No.8460429

I meant the ones listed in fyeahlolita for example; just waist cut and cupcake shape with really square neck/ straps. Well those are what I found in the non-dead links. I find them unflattering. But I will, thanks!

>> No.8460484
File: 711 KB, 1000x685, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this bizzarely high quality tablecloth at a thrift store for 2 dollars. It's 70inches in diameter and round.

The pattern itself is too tacky for lolita in my opinion, but I thought it could make a decent Christmas dress. Sort of like an ugly sweater in dress form.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any colors that wouldn't kill the poisettias or leaves that I could gradient dye this fabric to make it a little better, or all around any form of advice. I was thinking about cutting off 1/4 of the circle and save the 3/4 for the skirt, and using the last 1/4 for sleeves or something, while using the enter as a possible bodice peice. Thoughts?

>inb4 burn it. It's ugly

>> No.8460485

gradient dye is just making shitty thing shittier

>> No.8460634

You may find that you need more fabric... but I would design something first, a few somethings so you have an idea of what you want to do with the bodic and how much you'll need for it.

>> No.8461758

Been using a really dicey sewing machine from the 60's that it's super hard to find bobbins for. It's finally time to make a change and get a brand spankin' new one. I've got my eye on a few models, but I certainly wouldn't mind some recommendations.

>> No.8461767

What are you looking in a machine and what's your budget? What's your experience level?

>> No.8461798

I'm 20 and I've been sewing since I was in seventh grade. I'm on a pretty low budget, ranging anywhere between about 75-150. I'm looking for something super idiot proof. I'm sharing the machine with my mother who has taught me and continues to teach me everything I know about sewing. I want something that's super mobile, not too noisy, and dependable as I'm probably not gonna be in a position to buy another for a while. I'd also like something I'd be able to use with really delicate fabrics. I guess you could say my experience level is intermediate, but I haven't use a sewing machine very often considering I can't find any friggin' bobbins to save my life.

>> No.8461812


Sorry anon but that small amount is not going to get you a very good machine. If you want something dependable and idiot proof, consider saving up for a good Janome. I personally have a Janome School Mate that goes for about $500. That may sound pricey, and it's certainly not fancy, but it's a solid machine that will last a long while and can handle a beating.

If you're looking for something to just last a few years, you can definitely pick up the cheaper Singers and such, but I'd recommend trying to find a slightly used machine on craigslist or eBay. Plenty of people take up sewing and then end up not really using their machines and then sell them. You might find a good secondhand deal.

>> No.8461822

Yeah within a few years I'll be able to afford something a lot nicer. Right now I'm just looking for something I can use for simpler cosplay and lolita; I'll probably get a real-deal sewing machine if I decide to take up fashion design as a major or start doing more historical costuming and stuff.

>> No.8461849

Look for an older machine from the 80s or 90s at thrift stores, garage sales, best groups, etc. They're still solid machines and you can usually find equipment for them easily.

>> No.8461991

I downgraded from my grandmother's old, solid metal and plastic brother from the early 1980s to a new cheap ass janome. Nanna's machine was slowly falling apart and it was hard to get bobbins for it too, but I avoided getting it serviced and it died in the middle of my major project for uni. I really regret not getting it fixed because my cheapo machine is such a lightweight piece of crap! I regret not saving up every time I miss a feature of the old machine(bigger bed around the foot, it not moving when I'm sewing really long, big seams/breaking off the thread in a less than elegant manner). Sorry that my recommendation isn't what you want to hear. It wasn't what I wanted to hear either, but I went with the cheapo machine, and I have such sewing angst with it. When I have time, I find that I take my work over to my friend who has an industrial machine and use hers. It's just so frustrating.

>> No.8462012
File: 138 KB, 1500x1430, 71WYLMoKDDS._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $140-$150 you can pick up a Brother CS6000i and it's an excellent machine for the price and ease of use. It is a solid beginner's and intermediate machine and a lot better than most of Singer's similar models. I highly, highly recommend it and you can easily find many reputable sites (and hundreds+ of users) attesting to this machine's dependability.

>> No.8462126
File: 30 KB, 780x482, Bernina530b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a cheap brother CS6000 which is very similar to >>8462012 and I honestly cannot stand it. The tension discs get dirty if I look at them funny and ruin my seams. Any tiny bit of lint and it has a tantrum. Maybe the CS6000i is better, but I say go with what >>8461849 said and get a solid older machine.

>> No.8462242

This is actually one of the models I was considering. As for getting something used/older, I would like to but my mom wants something brand new and we're going halvesies on it.
That's actually still helpful. It's always good to know what not to look for. Those 70 dollar plastic-y Janome machines look awful, like something a high school would buy for their home ec class because budget cuts.

>> No.8462418

I have a singer serenade, got it cheap new (100 euros). and while it does get noisy after 2 years, it sews like a mad thing and is idiot proof (I'm quite on the clumsy side of the spectrum). got it serviced just a few days ago and sounds smooth again. people can complain about singer, but this one has withstand quite a few dresses over the years and is still my go to machine. I sewed cotton, chiffon, organza and even some kind of stiff book cover fabric with it and barely had any problems.

>> No.8462531

Thats a special hem/ neating... thats why it doesn't look that good with a normal machine

>> No.8462660

So many ugly gramma couch prints lately. :/

>> No.8463424

So I'm rainy day dress from over here >>8443224 and the nice lolita who was helping me was totally right :( There's no way I can attach the city lace the way I was intending. It just starts unraveling, and it really doesn't look neat or clean at all. Any thoughts on how to hide the join at the top to make the transition look a little smoother? The mesh it's embroidered to is a really similar color to the background fabric, but it's still pretty obvious where the mesh ends.

>> No.8463972

I would wear the shit out of that. I'd do a retro style dress with a solid color bodice (red, probably, perhaps with a nice sash in a matching red but different texture) and the print as a circle/flare skirt. Embrace the tacky. Trying to dye it is just going to ruin it.

>> No.8463985

I've had my eye on my mother's early 80s all metal Bernina tank for years, but she just told me she's going to get rid of it because you can't get parts for it anymore. Buying an old reliable machine is a common recommendation and it's not a bad one, but there are downsides. It's also a personal preference; I prefer working on new decent-to-higher end machines to older tanks, though a tank is always better than a cheap new machine.

>> No.8464001
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the antidote!

>> No.8464063

Anon. Those ain't cute.

>> No.8464090

I really need to pick up these prints.
did you get yours from taobao or etsy?

>> No.8464214

Can you not just cover it with a ruffle?

>> No.8464262

I'm trying to make a low poof dress. What would one look like at only 2x gathers?

>> No.8464361
File: 165 KB, 960x723, 11223906_862271763859560_170074084020364390_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scalloped hems are much easier than expected! Just time-consuming.

>> No.8464414

Etsy from pikobeagle2000. She has lots of cute prints and is really easy to talk to and request other lengths.
I suspect you dont like anything.

>> No.8464437

Do you have any good tutorials? I'm working on a cosplay that just has one huge scallop and I have no idea how to go about hemming it

>> No.8464443

Scallops require a facing. Sew, trim seam allowance, clip and notch, turn under, and finish.

>> No.8464455

I have a couple of Jane Marple dresses with 2x gathering on the skirt. It's enough to give it a girly, gathered skirt look and it looks fine (or better) without a petticoat. So, otome level of poof.

>> No.8464481
File: 113 KB, 960x723, 11018608_862287733857963_3147215919126421997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this! This is the underside/facing on mine. I'm kind of regretting using black to topstitch them, though. I'll use white next time.

>> No.8464492

That fabric is really cute. Where'd you find it? Your scallops came out nicely, too. They're not hard but for some reason newer sewers seem prone to rushing through scallops (or not pressing!!) and they come out wonky.

>> No.8464505

It's true. Anything I do like really isn't Lolita (i.e batiks and traditional shit)

>> No.8464510

Cut the top of the mesh into a scallop. Find a double sided lace that's about 1 inch wide, give or take, ruffle it and put it along the scallop, giving it the look of a mist hanging over the city. You could leave the mesh straight and do this, too.

>> No.8464514

I'd just do a skirt and save the rest of the fabric for bows and shit and do a velvet bodice with either velvet sleeves and a velvet ruffle at the bottom, or chiffon sleeves and a chiffon ruffle at the bottom.

>> No.8464522

Eh, I'm kind of sick of seeing that chocolate print, I've seen a lot of meh-tier things made with it. I feel like I might like it more if there were a dress made with just the bar portion that left the drippy shit off. But I am looking forward to seeing someone pull off the pancake print! I just want to make curtains for my sewing room with it.

>> No.8464629

I have another chocolate print like that I plan to make a ruffled skirt with but this is because I dont fit into the melted stuff and think its adorable. To each their own but I will post them both completed.

>> No.8464644
File: 1.64 MB, 1947x1448, 20150709_115918_20150709120037552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get the chocolate fabric and make an underbust like this with it. Also a matching beret. I'm in it for the beret and gold detailing.

>> No.8464688

is there a beret pattern in one of those otome no sewing books?

>> No.8464849

Idk about one in ONS but here's an older one from the livejournal sewing community - http://sew-loli.livejournal.com/1296851.html

>> No.8464971

Word about Janome, I have one and I love it to bits, but it's one of their more expensive models and made with all metal parts.

Cheap Singers have the same problem. Basically, nowadays, I'd say any machine that's under $200 will probably be pretty crappy like that.

>> No.8465037
File: 1.97 MB, 1130x1500, IMG__201507190__0258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to make the bodice!

W-wholesaler. I've only been sewing for some ~4 months, myself. I think that most people think of it as 'what you see is what you get. Stick this shape to this shape.' and don't actually think about the structural/technical aspects of sewing..

>> No.8465047

It's really good anon, are you going to use princess seams for the bodice?

>> No.8465065

Yup! With a chiffon ruffle around the neckline, solid black straps and a chiffon bow at the front. I'll post the design from my pc later.

>> No.8465092
File: 57 KB, 278x161, Screen Shot 2015-07-09 at 5.21.15 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some black lace that is suitable for decorative corset lacing to be done through. What kinds are good for this? Any recommendations?

Pic related is a peek at the final sample of what I am making!

>> No.8465165
File: 98 KB, 247x248, 1434893312668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no invisible hem???

>> No.8465171

It's on scallops, anon...

>> No.8465183
File: 299 KB, 2070x1781, serger-2-thread-flatlock-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so flat on the pic I thought it was one of those wierd overlock seam all around the skirt. (pic related)
Sorry anon.

>> No.8465184
File: 91 KB, 528x554, skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive my crude drawing, but I was wondering if anyone here can recommend a nice pattern for a skirt like this that's lined? I have some lovely chiffon material I think would be great for an otome skirt, but it's completely see-through so I need to line it.

>> No.8465188

This looks like a circle skirt with an elasticated waistband. Cut out two circles of the fabric (one of chiffon, other of lining) that are the same length, hem them, and then attach a waistband. No need for a pattern, it's basic as fuck.

Unless those are supposed to be pleats?

>> No.8465200

Nah, that'll work just fine. I've just never done a lined skirt so I was concerned about needing to change the pattern slightly for the lining or something. Thanks!

>> No.8465201

Oh no! That's just the hem on the facing.

>> No.8465310
File: 84 KB, 280x373, 9bffc6291318812012a7ff49d2430d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one
I thought I might wing it, I mean it seems simple enough. I think berets are just like two circles and a head band. Could experiment with interfacing for something stiffer too.
Thank you for this, other tutorials online were kind of shit and used stretch materials.

>> No.8465326

Hey guys, beginner here.

I've bought a cheap 'lolita' skirt that I would like to regather and maybe pleat, does anyone have some good guides? Cheers!

>> No.8465334

Nope, but if you take a picture and/or explain the issues I can help.

>> No.8465566
File: 460 KB, 732x960, 11667361_862427810510622_7895446063286355090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is currently sewn? Gathered, elasticized, etc?

Aw man, I'm really happy with how this is turning out!

>> No.8465610

vernice lace maybe? just try to find something that has a large opening so the lacing can go through. or because it's decorative, you could also try to sew down the lacing first and then sew lacing on top of the lacing edges

>> No.8466222

This is gorgeous. Anything else you're planning to add to it?

>> No.8466258
File: 149 KB, 596x596, T2FK5QXq8aXXXXXXXX_!!194150647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao okay?

>I had some other nice ones saved but they were shelved or not available in black boooo

>> No.8466471

What increments are these sold in? I assume it's not by the yard? They have some really beautiful laces.

>> No.8468546

That's really pretty! How did you do the neckline ruffles?

>> No.8469488

I was browsing some Taobao sellers and bumped into some replica fabric.


>Replicas! Burn her at the stake!


Thought someone might be interested in making like sheets or curtains. Haven't bought any of it, so can't speak to the quality.

>> No.8471039
File: 2.38 MB, 4608x3456, _7099528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was feeling confident about this a few days ago, but now I am not so sure. >>8465092 back again - this is a toile for a "bat peplum belt". It will be made from black cotton and lace up the back. Pic is how it looks worn plain, with a bell petticoat it sits full over the top. I would like to make them to sell (about $20 each) - but I want to make sure that this design looks good before I pump out a bunch of them!

>> No.8471045

Forgot to add that I am aware there are a few sewing mistakes here in the crooked seam and front not meeting correctly, but in the final product this will be fixed.

>> No.8471075

dafuq is that an arrow pointing to vagina???

>> No.8471083
File: 28 KB, 163x155, 1334014525526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with you.

>> No.8471085

it is a nice concept, but not in this form. maybe turn it into a bodice/vest/corset thing or make the point in the middle less pointy. also make it look symetric.

>> No.8471087

whats worpng with tat person for making a disgutin belt dat point to vag?

>> No.8471092

I'm... just... what?
Anon. You are drunk. Go home.

Can do! How far less pointy? Would a less stylised right angle be ok? The arrow is just a joining point at the front for the two "wings".
The sides of this are actually completely symmetrical, just one stood up better for the photograph. My final fabric is stiffer though, so there won't be this issue.

>> No.8471125

well, the rounding for the point in the middle isn't symetrical (one side is more curved than the other). I like the curve in the point in middle, but it should just be less sharp and less deep (hope you understood this, english isn't my native tongue haha)

>> No.8471131

Yep, thanks!
I wonder how much of that is bad cutting out because I definitely made the pattern symmetrical. Can see what you are talking about though.
I think I will make the point a bit smaller, just waiting on more feedback - I thought it was cool and kinda dramatic but I don't want it to be a giant vagina arrow or something.

>> No.8471132

Yooo that was me. Its in local fair, in quilting. Its brand new. Sku# is 14214191, its $9.99. May be hard to find in stores, but if its in the local warehouse, you can soecial order it. you could also try a store transfer. The only plus side to working at joanns is I get first grabs at shit like this.

>> No.8471209
File: 97 KB, 500x893, The Princesse De Broglie, James Tissot, 1895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any recommended patterns for things that aren't clothing? like bags or such?

this, could be a cute swiss waist type thing


>> No.8471237

aha! I knew that the idea for the sharp point at the bottom came from something - those are it,
I didn't know their name but those swiss waists are totally what I was thinking of when I designed the belt!
I did originally want to make exactly one of those (I think I would describe it as a "pointy under bust corset"), but I didn't feel comfortable working with boning quite yet and the belt was a compromise of what I want to do and what I actually can do.
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing that article with me.

>> No.8471362

My phone is derping out so I can't get to that particular page, but Taobao lace stores often do sell by the yard. With smaller simple laces like that one it's sometimes two yards. It's not like AE where you need to buy like 40 yards at once, fortunately.

>> No.8471620

There's something saggy and squished and uneven looking about the "wings" that I can't place my finger on. I think the points need some sort of wiring or light boning. Maybe they look better with the skirt underneath? Idk but right now they look really messy. Also, don't be afraid of boning, it isn't as hard as it seems.

>> No.8471655

What do you gulls think of the idea of posting a fabric or dress idea and offering for someone to commission it from you? I already do commissions but I have dress ideas of my own that I really want to try out. I know tattoo artists among other do something similar so I don't think it's that far fetched. I'd just really like to be able to try these ideas out and rather than make them and just put them up for sale where they might sell at no particular point and where people will scrutinize my prices because blahblahblah handmade, I can charge a fair price for my labor and be guaranteed a customer to buy it?

>> No.8471673

That is a saucer. A saucer is meant to go under a teacup, like that one, with the indentation for the rim of the cup. A plate is something you serve food on. Get a life.

>> No.8471748

I'm thinking of doing that but don't really know how to go about it. I haven't sold anything online yet.

>> No.8471756
File: 32 KB, 715x504, 20301_768167733297058_8657787537858835933_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful anon!
I haven't made a lolita dress in ages. seeing yours really gets me excited to start sewing again.

>> No.8471915
File: 115 KB, 1207x485, il_570xN.730449625_5srj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any free patterns for a pj top similar to pic related, or can they draw out the pattern pieces and do a quick explanation? I can figure most of it out. What I'm really looking for is the neckline like that, that's separate with the ruffle. It doesn't have to be round, it can be square, and it doesn't need to button, it can tie with a ribbon or something instead. I'm making a chiffon top in that style with matching bloomers.

>> No.8471948

That's just a yoke with a ruffle underneath. Simplicity 9012 might be good, although the collar doesn't come up quite so high.

I did consider the wiring at first but in the end I opted for darts to hold shape, the fabric I am using in the end is way stiffer so they should hold upright on it. I added fullness at the edge so it would fit over a petti, they lay flat.

>> No.8472068

I'd buy this tbh.

>> No.8474331

>gets shiny new sewing machine
>reads the directions, everything is properly threaded
>starts sewing
>lots of loops on the back of the stitching
>"Something must be wrong with the tension..."
>Still lots of loops
>Rinse, lather, repeat to no avail
>WTF is even happening
>Sudden realization that the presser foot has been up this entire fucking time.

I'm medically stupid, seagulls. Medically.

>> No.8474551

it's ok. i have a machine that beeps at me if the foot is up. happens every time i sew

>> No.8474683

Been there, done that, anon. Drink some tea and continue sewing.

>> No.8474763
File: 142 KB, 826x559, IMG_2444.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this fabric when I went to Japan...Do you think it could work? Here's my idea, made with >>8464644 this pattern.

>> No.8474792

The fabric is really cute and I think it would work well with a solid red bodice with some trim, but I think I'd prefer it without the red ruffle on the bottom.

>> No.8474800

I second not having the red ruffle. Just gather some lace, or if you insist on a ruffle, the do one in the print fabric's background colour.

>> No.8474810

Alright, I think I'll just add lace, then! I'm a little worried about the bodice being too plain. I thought of adding corset lacing, but I'm not sure...

>> No.8475055
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 11717044_1019360491408185_668054722_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made this skirt a while ago, but I think is too simple. Any thoughts?

Just to keep in mind, i'm a beginner.

>> No.8475065
File: 133 KB, 292x221, Schermafbeelding 2015-07-13 om 06.55.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice construction for a beginner! maybe add a ribbon to the skirt's waistband on the side, like on the pic. use the same lace trimming as on the skirt's hem. maybe also add a gold colored charm to the ribbon to make it pop a bit more

>> No.8475092

It looks great, but the waistband could have been interfaced or made smaller to stop it wrinkling in the middle like that.

>> No.8475105

Thank you anon! I love this, will totally made a ribbon.

Thank you! I totally forgot about interface, I'll do this next time. I think it doesn't wrinkle so bad on my body, my hanger is much smaller than I am.

>> No.8476165
File: 17 KB, 236x474, 90003a4bf5bb3dbd319bf4b72531ef4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you could add some of the same fabric but horizontal at the bottom? though not simultaneously with >>8475065

>> No.8477605

A ruffle or some lace on the hem would definitely be nice.

>> No.8477642
File: 789 KB, 500x600, 07091229_559dea9e8ec80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm thinking of making a dress with a bibbed front and collar like pic related and my question for anyone who owns/has made and OP with this style of collar is as far as collar construction goes, is it just sewn directly to the neckline or is there a collar stand like on a proper collared shirt?

>> No.8477673

Proper collar...
It's literally part of a shirt sewn to a dress. When I made mine rather than drafting a pattern I thrifted an old shirt, cut the desired shape, took it apart and then used that as a pattern.

>> No.8477914

A unruffled embroidered net lace along the hem would be perfect and I like the bow idea. Other than that, I wouldn't add too much because it's already such a bold print on it's own.

>> No.8477954
File: 125 KB, 704x704, 3005093_open-uri20130429-27604-1f5dpas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on making a hat similar to this one to wear in the winter and I'm not sure what the best way would be to keep the ears from flopping over?

>> No.8477972

I'd recommend buying one to support the artist who makes them (if it's just a reseller never mind).

>> No.8478016

Ah right interfacing, I admit I've never really used it before.
I'm not sure what you mean by the second part though? KawaiiGoods, HolleyTeaTime, and MintyMix all make hats that are sorta the same (pic is from KawaiiGoods) so it's not exactly an original idea.

>> No.8478031

Nevermind then. I thought that someone specific made them.
You can also use darts to shape them so they will stand better.

>> No.8478057

Eh.. Then you might as well buy directly from Spirithoods, because they were making animal-eared hoods before she was.
Not everything that follows the same idea is inherently a 'replica' or stolen.

On that note, seconding interfacing. Or a thin plastic (corflute) for extra stiff, sturdy ears.

>> No.8478802

Animal ear hats are not a unique or new idea.

>> No.8479297
File: 41 KB, 300x400, mary_op_claudette_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make something similar to MM's Claudette OP but I don't even know where to start with looking for a similar pattern etc, any suggestions?

>> No.8479319

get a fitted blouse pattern with puff sleeves and peter pan collar, shorten it to fit the bodice, add a strip of fabric for the waist, make a box pleat skirt, and attach.

>> No.8479322

That's a belt, not a strip of fabric.

>> No.8479341

Anon you would have more versitility if the bib was removable.

>> No.8479343

i never would have thought of this anon you bloody ripper

>> No.8479418

I agree with >>8479341, it would be easier to make too. You could just give the dress a plain round collar and use a shirt pattern to make the bib thing.
But that's just a normal collar, anon. Then again, the buttons and the button band are fake, so there wouldn't be any harm in just plopping the collar down on the neckline and having it open in the back instead.

>> No.8479776
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 20150714_164728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fix up this dress and make it lolita but I'm not sure what to do. Maybe princess sleeves with some cream lace? I'm open to any suggestions, but I'm trying to style it a bit more hime than classic.

>> No.8480040

Aren't those knife pleats?

This looks like a childs party dress. Like seriously, I had one almost exactly like this as a kid.

And now I am wondering - would anyone be interested in a lolita sewing channel where I do tutorials on how to make various things in detail - like a series of different ways to add flare to a skirt (this includes pleats (and making a pleat board) godets, panels, etc) and how to construct one, some basic pattern drafting to adapt commercial patterns (altering fitted to puffed sleeves, changing neckline, adding pintucks) and stuff like that?
I am seeing an influx of dresses made following Yumi King tutorials (barf) and think that this is because there are no good alternatives. I'm not very experienced with sewing, but I have a certificate in apparel construction and think that my knowledge would be far better for beginners than the stuff she craps out...
I've been wanting to do this for ages - my issue is that I haven't figured out how I can film myself doing this stuff without needing someone to hold the camera.

>> No.8480075

I've been wanting to do the same thing for a while too, anon. Setting up a tripod is pretty easy. There's plenty of skirt tutorials out there, but I think dresses are really lacking.

>> No.8480098
File: 577 KB, 1051x1773, Portfolio1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a brain fart. Thank you anon!
I'll start very soon, I can video myself making pic related to test the camera and stuff.

>> No.8480101

there are so few good bodice pattern drafting tutorials, that show from start to finish how to draft from measurements a basic jsk, an op etc so that would be awesome
There are a few jsk tutorials out there but they all assume you know how to draft your bodice so it's totally annoying

quick question, what's the best type of cotton to use for a plain colour jsk? a poplin? would a drill be too heavy and textured?

>> No.8480110
File: 139 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-01-15 at 2.18 pm #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd not recommend poplin, it's too cheap looking IMO. If you can see the weave, bleh.
Drill is not too textured, pic related is a progress pic of a jsk I started (never finished, must get onto that) before I knew how to draft patterns so it's kind of wonky (just look at how the fabric lays)

Personally I would go with neither and get a nice kona cotton.

>> No.8480132

This is not very good advice.

>> No.8480139

what's wrong with it?
I suppose one could find a nicer quality poplin but in my experience none of it has looked very good.
I'm talking the stuff you can get for 3-4 dollars, never seen anything better quality than that.

>> No.8480170

woops i actually meant to put kona, no idea why i said poplin!

>> No.8480173

Kona is great.

>> No.8480203

What are you even trying to say with "if you can see the weave"? That's a meaningless statement. You can see the weave of every woven fabric. Kona is a perfectly fine fabric for JSKs, especially if you're doing solid + print, since so many lolita style prints are on fabric of similar weight and weave to Kona. Depending on the cut and style, there are a bunch of different fabrics that work for JSKs, from chiffon to twill.

>> No.8480213

Do you have a pattern to modify? All you need to do is draw your design line, cut along, add seam allowance to either side and then sew a ruffle in between. If you want the gathered look for the bottom you'd need to add width to the lower part.

>> No.8480297

With poplin it is generally thin enough to see through, and the cheaper varieties especially the strands woven in are not a uniform thickness so it looks really cheap and not good for lolita.

>> No.8480535

I know, but I don't like collared OPs without a bibbed front and I always tend to damage/loose detachable bits anyway. I was probably going to do a smaller bib as well,

>> No.8480845

Your boobs actually look fat. The bodice needs to be a bit bigger to accommodate them and lose those horizontal stretch wrinkles that are telltale of a too-tight fit.

>> No.8480970

I know. I majorly messed up with that dress because I didn't know how to draft patterns and just winged it. I'm going to fix it soon, it is not going to be for lolita in the end.
Was just showing the fabric in use.

>> No.8481125

Cheap fabric of any weave is cheap. Good quality poplin is fine.

>> No.8481419

>HTT making anything original or herself
My sides
Never support that art stealing cunt she just needs to take her fat buck toothed ass back up her moms vajay since mommy does evwrything for her anyways

>> No.8481511

You must not have been looking very hard, because I just recently ordered a swatch of cotton poplin and it was very good quality and not see-through. Of course it exists.

>> No.8481513

Just search tutorials on how to draft a bodice. drafting a basic bodice is a good skill to have if you want to sew and has nothing to do with lolita. I personally like this one:

You need to do some fitting, and it's very basic, but straight-forward.

>> No.8481523
File: 1.09 MB, 900x1350, IMG_8770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished this JSK and thought I would share it. It's still a bit wrinkled, sorry about that.

The scallops came out a little wonky, does anyone have advice? I clipped the corners and everything, should I have topstitched?

>> No.8481622

I do this nearly every time I start sewing again after a long hiatus. Sometimes I thread the machine wrong, too. It's okay anon, you're not the only derp out there.

I'd love this, actually! Even if I'm not a complete beginner, I just love watching other people sew. Even better if it's lolita-specifc (and not a hot mess like you-know-who).

>> No.8482088
File: 485 KB, 565x427, Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 9.34.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this fabric? I like it, and it's a good price (abt $2.89 a meter before shopping service/shipping etc.), but sometimes I get stuff and I'm like, wtf was I thinking?

>> No.8482093

On this note, I think some people are so blinded by things needing to be lolita that they forget that they're basically sewing simple ass sundresses and that they can look at regular sewing blogs/tutorials.

>> No.8482097

looks like daycare wallpaper dnc

>> No.8482153

Is the thread only for lolita?
I've a question for you seagulls: I own some clothes that, while nice-looking and sturdy in every other aspect, are practically see-through. How would I go about lining them without damaging the fabric? The garment in question is a summer blazer, so it's not meant to be super thick or anything in the first place.
I have a cheap entry-level Brother and can do some basic mending.

>> No.8482162

The short answer is you can't.

>> No.8482176


Yeah it's probably beyond the skills of someone with only basic mending skills and even if it weren't, it's probably not worth the trouble.

>> No.8482177

why not?

>> No.8482185

Ah well, never mind then. Pity, it was really difficult finding a blazer like this and it fits me perfectly.

>> No.8482205

>see through
that's what proper under garments are for

>> No.8482266

I can't quickly and easily explain it to someone who doesn't know how a jacket is cut and assembled. You just can't take a finished jacket without a lining, especially a commercially made one, and add one.

>> No.8482301

This is true. I think the problem is that quite a few people who want to start sewing specifically for lolita skip the basics, and don't understand how anything actually works. You don't need a tutorial on how to make a lolita JSK, you just need to learn how to draft a bodice, gather a skirt and sew in a zipper.

>> No.8482319

I think it's actually possible and I have read tutorials on how to do this.
You will need to trace pattern pieces out of your existing jacket and add seam allowances. Add pleat for middle of the back. Sew the pieces together and fold up the bottom of the hems and sleeve hems. Press or baste. Stitch lining to shell at existing seams, tacking at the armpits and sides. Slipstitch at the hems, catching few fibers of the shell at a time.

>> No.8482328

>I need a shirt to wear a shirt

>> No.8482354

It's pretty gross. Sew a huge skirt out of it and send it to tiferet.

>> No.8482356

Wear a nude bra.

>> No.8482368

I do. The problem is that I can't wear a nude blouse, so it shows through the blazer.

>> No.8482378

under garments = underwear you tart.

>> No.8482432
File: 212 KB, 500x600, aphrodite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna make something super detailed and ostentatious like pic related or pompadour. I've already made some chiffon ruffles for the skirt but I have no idea where to begin on the bodice. Anyone know of a good pattern I can build off of?

>> No.8482603

>reading comprehension

>> No.8482854
File: 828 KB, 1755x840, 1416506536276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just looks like a princess seamed bodice from what I can tell. Refer to >>8481513 , and then look up tutorials on dart manipulation.

Otome no sewing book 6 has a piece with sleeves like that, pic related. I guess you could use this as a base too if you change the neckline and such.

>> No.8482904

this looked like minions fabric from a distance

>> No.8484095

This. Not to be mean or anything but if your blazer doesn't have a lining to begin with it's probably not a very quality garment, so it's not worth the trouble.

>> No.8484216

Really depends on the scale, but probably not the best idea.

Probably do a fairly straightforward bodice as the other anon suggested, but sew lace along the seams and add lots of other decoration.

>> No.8484228

Wait are you trying to wear a blazer on its own without a shirt/blouse underneath?

>> No.8484239

I'm saying that I'm wearing a dark shirt underneath and it bothers me that it's showing.

>> No.8484244
File: 441 KB, 500x280, 1410101554485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't get why you'd buy see-through outerwear if you don't want your innerwear to show through. Wear a light camisole instead?

>> No.8484259

You don't wear a dark shirt with a light jacket

>> No.8484283
File: 184 KB, 612x959, xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't get why you'd buy see-through outerwear
Because it's warm where I live and I need thin outerwear.
You absolutely can.

>> No.8484376

If you want the jacket to stop being see-through, it means adding a lining = thicker, hotter jacket = you wouldn't be able to wear it anymore because it's too warm

>> No.8484391

There are very nice, expensive summer/lightweight blazers made without linings (though odds are that's not what OP has) but if it is a nice piece that's just all the more reason not to butcher it.

>> No.8484403

OP has an Orla Kiely blazer, for reference.

>> No.8484558

What type of patterns do you guys prefer? are the paper ones worth it, or do you prefer to find them online?
I am in desperate need for vintage patterns.

>> No.8484560
File: 320 KB, 1004x1500, Simplicity 1950s 1838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic like an idiot.

>> No.8484568

You mean paper, as in commercial patterns from J's or something?

>> No.8484626


Sorry, I meant the ones that you can pick up at Joanns or Walmart, the ones that are in a little packet.

>> No.8484646

I see what you mean. Yeah I always use commercial patterns. They go on sale constantly for like 5 for $5 and it's so much easier than any other type I've come across. Def. worth it. You can buy reproduction vintage patterns, Butterick has a good selection, or you can buy legit vintage patterns from places like Etsy, but they require a lot more care when using, as often times the tissue is pretty much falling apart. I have only used an actual vintage pattern once, and I just traced it onto pattern making paper.

>> No.8484656

I like paper ones, since print out digital ones is a pain in the ass. if you want vintage, but the paper patterns and trace that shit.

>are paper patterns worth it?

WTF are you gonna cut your fabric out with?

>> No.8484671

I meant the paper packets you can get from stores.

>> No.8484723

Are there any lolita sewing blogs? I'd love to drool over some hand made stuff.

>> No.8484732

I use otome no sewing book and gosu rori for everything. I've had terrible luck with commercial and especially vintage pattern from the big pattern companies, they just don't fit my body at all.

>> No.8484743

I have some for you, anon:
http://stoff-im-gehirn.blogspot.de/ (most of her dresses are handmade)
https://imaprincessblog.wordpress.com/ (inactive)
http://ameblo.jp/mary-ribbon/page-3.html (inactive)

Some of them are not exclusively sewing. I have one too, but it's about 50/50 sewing/random other stuff. If anyone knows more, I'd love to see them too.

>> No.8484780
File: 127 KB, 570x828, il_570xN.372713519_apzx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want vintage, this shop takes really good care of their patterns and puts details of condition and stuff on the listings. Definitely recommend them.


>> No.8484786

I'll definitely go check them out, thank you so much!

>> No.8484886

Oh my goodness thank you. This is fantastic! Can you post your sewing blog as well? I'd love to follow it.

>> No.8485303

Sure thing! Mine's http://milk.frillville.net/..

Also, realisticsweet does some crafting,
http://yaplog.jp/realisticsweet/category_5/ (general crafts)
http://yaplog.jp/realisticsweet/category_9/ (original prints)

I love hunting for lolita sewing blogs, too bad sew-loli is practically dead.

>> No.8485625


Not the original anon you were responding to but thank you!

>> No.8486421

I've been making veils for a while and I wanna start selling them but not until I'm confident I've perfected them. I feel like tulle crinkles and the layers stick together too much, but recently I tried this printed chiffon and it was way too stiff and it didn't drape well at all. They look nice on me with some futzing but I don't wanna sell them to people if they're subpar. What's the best material to use for these? Would starch help?

>> No.8486573

Why not use chiffon? High quality, obviously. I think you could use organdy too.

>> No.8486618

I think organdy is way underrated as a veil material. More body than chiffon but still very delicate.

>> No.8486638
File: 79 KB, 600x800, skirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did an experiment yesterday, and I can safely say that it failed miserably. I was looking into making a hoop crinoline, bc the summer pettisweat was getting to me. I saw a post on a mom-blog about how she made her daughter a hoopskirt for her Glinda costume using vinyl tubing, so I tried as well. I only used stuff I already had, and got some 1/4" vinyl aquarium tubing at home depot for $5. I think it would have been awesome and the answer for all my needs if the damn thing had worked. If there was too much tubing in too little space (I was going for that extreme bell shape) it tended to start curling into itself, but even when it was slightly gather it might start buckling in anyways. I adjusted the lengths of the tubes a lot, but this was the best I got. pic related is a good picture of how it looks, other than the huge bump in the front, that one's just from bad storage. It wasn't random, though, the buckling happened in the same places every time, so I think maybe it was my fault for not making the lines straight enough. Weird thing was, the bottom hoop was always perfect. I don't get it.
I might try taking all the tubes out except the bottom one, and just use it as a crazy a-line thing and put some short pettis on top of it.The tubes are really flexible, so it was easy to sit on without having it fly upwards, and squish through doors and stuff. It held up my dresses just fine. Having a thick AP dress with the tulle layer was was good, because it masked the dents, but my handmade and lightly lined btssb dresses just looked weird and sad.
Anyways, just thought I'd share, in case someone was interested. I searched the archives and lots of lolita blogs for something like this and didn't see anything. It's a great concept, just don't get why it doesn't work.

>> No.8486692

Also: I know this comes up every handmade thread, but how about dat custom fabric printing. I have my first print ready to go right now, and I was going to use spoonflower just to keep it simple. But while I was going through the reviews to see which fabric to use, the more I read, the more I never wanted to order from them. I looked in the archives and google, but I didn't see a lot on custom fabric printing from zazzle.com. Anyone have any experience? My intention is to scale down a yard with all the colorways on it and print it as a fat quarter.
Looking at this, I'm considering fabric on demand as well, but in the archives, someone was saying it was basically the same as spoonflower, but they switched for the customer service.
This is just a personal project for my friend and I, and I don't mind paying a sort of high price, I just want to get my print soon. I feel like I've exhausted the internet looking for suggestions.

>> No.8486754

Why dont you just replace the tubing with boning?

>> No.8486767

I honestly might, bc why not. I just feel like boning may be too stiff for the job, or do the flipping up thing that my grandmother used to complain about. The tubing was more of a test for the material, I guess.

>> No.8486831

Spoonflower fucking sucks. I ordered two swatches and they both were off-color, the color faded a lot even with gentle hand washing, not to mention that each one is 5USD which is kinda steep in comparison to other services. Honestly, look for something local if you can.

>> No.8486915

Do you have any advice on how to find some local places? Should I try yelp? None of the tech-y (like techshop) places in my area seem to have a fabric printer. I doubt my tiny college does either.

>> No.8486968

It's actually not awful. With a little work it'd be great to give you a nice Rococo shape.

>> No.8486987
File: 182 KB, 512x512, 1420651655335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to knit a Madotsuki sweater...do you think any weebs would buy it? I haven't played the game or anything, but I want to make the sweater for fun.

>> No.8486993

Get the silky faille from spoonflower. It's polyester and takes dye and holds it, unlike the cottons. For personal use, nothing's really any better than what spoonflower is offering. You have to order industrial quantities to get really good fabric printing.

>> No.8487187

This is lolita sewing general not cosplay. Probably won't get much of a response in this thread.

>> No.8487356

I'm planning to make a jsk out of faux leather. What kind of blouse should I wear under it? Or should I ditch blouse completely?

>> No.8487441
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so idk. I made this hat and I don't know what else I want to do with it.
Netting y/n?
Is it too big?
Does it need anything else?
Thoughts on coording it?

Thanks for opinions.

>> No.8487453

I actually used that, I swear I'm not one of those people that thinks tutoials have to be lolita specific, I was just wondering if there any tuts I've missed
quick question, is it weird for one side of your body to be different to another when fitting a muslin, no matter what I do if I use two side panels the same it won't fit and I have to adjust them side by side

>> No.8487815

I just googled "textile printing <country>", and some stuff came up. It will be a lot pricier than spoonflower though.

Right now I'm using wovenmonkey, they're UK based. But they only have four fabrics, so that kinda blows.

looks pretty sad, to be honest. Also, the glue spots on the hat...

>> No.8487822

You're good then!

Assuming you're female, most women have one boob that's slightly bigger than the other, and your body is generally not perfectly symmetrical, so it's not that weird.

>> No.8488650

thought that be the case! gonna be doing my final muslin now woo!
I know it's terrible and tacky but I'm going meta inspired and making a pleather jsk because i have a literal tonne lying around, and finding metas pvc stuff is just tricky
probably will never wear it out though haha

>> No.8488657

how weird, another pleather anon! I'm >>8488650
and I was planning on going fully old school with a white blouse

>> No.8488722

I love the look of chiffon with leather, honestly. I'm working on a dress right now that's chiffon and leather stripes with a slip underneath.

Also, I know there are a couple of anons around here that were wanting a bee print, just found this on spoonflower:

It's not ideal but I think it's still pretty cute.

>> No.8488749
File: 135 KB, 864x1200, url-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like something my aunt wore for her wedding. it gives off the vintage vibes, might coord it with a velvet New Look styled outfit.

>> No.8489551
File: 153 KB, 260x618, IMG_3442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seagulls, I want to spice up this jumperskirt a bit so it isn't so casual. I'm completely stuck as to what to do though since I don't want to draw too much attention away from the print.

>> No.8489552
File: 108 KB, 470x317, IMG_3443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have these buttons and ribbon, it's 5/8ths of an inch wide for both the dark red and cream. I thought about sewing the cream heart button to the red bow and pinning that to the top of the bodice. (The waist bow is detachable too.)

>> No.8489560
File: 49 KB, 570x570, 5db81fbd57d7aee3a0910e61c7259489[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on sewing a snood this week.
I'd probably be able to figure out the pattern myself with a bit of trouble, but does anyone happen to have a pattern for one lying around? If so, you would save me some work and I'd be grateful.

>> No.8489568

that's not a snood anon. that's a hooded scarf.

look that shit up there's a shit ton of free patterns.

>> No.8489599
File: 68 KB, 456x1002, shironui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it could look really nice in a shironui co-ord (I'm in no way an expert though!!). Here is a sketch of what I am thinking of. So a little jacket made of similar material to the hat or blue velvet and a flowy skirt made of chiffon. All over the clothes you could sew the same flowers and butterflies to bring it together. In the drawing I was kind of going for a forgotten doll look

>> No.8489602
File: 343 KB, 1000x1500, TK-2013-09-014-009-001-Harajuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if you don't like the skirt idea i think pairing the jacket with some puffy shorts like this picture would look nice

>> No.8489669

Wow, thank your for your ideas and the incredible drawing. It's really beautiful, and it's a great idea. I love structured jackets in lolita.

>> No.8489727

no worries! Good luck on your co-ord!

>> No.8490501


I think it's pretty cute as is, I would focus on jazzing it up with a fancier coordinate. Maybe make a chiffon ruffle underskirt, a chiffon overskirt, or a princess sleeve blouse with a big bow tie at the neck. Pair it with more elaborate headwear such as a bonnet or hat.

But if you're really set on making the dress itself more formal, perhaps try adding a chiffon ruffle to the underside of the hem and a button-on chiffon flutter sleeve. Maybe a row of buttons (i like either the silver roses or the white lace heart) down the front, or a row of small ribbon bows.

>> No.8490651

I think the buttons all look pretty cheap except for the rose buttons. If I were you I would probably do what >>8490501 says and just spruce up your coord as opposed to focusing on changing the dress.

>> No.8490667

Thank you!

>> No.8490935

Welp, that explains why I wasn't finding any patterns. Thanks anon, this helped a lot!

>> No.8490951

Trimming the seam allowance with pinking shears works great also.

>> No.8492116

that's one helluva teacup, anon. I'm jealous. I want.

>> No.8493420
File: 15 KB, 300x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to DIY some 2-way clips, but the ones i got have this rounded, rather deep setting to attach things to. i wish i had gotten something flatter, but this bowl-looking thing is what i am stuck with.

any tips on filling in the backing inexpensively so i can attach cabochons, handsewn puffy stars, etc.? i'm thinking hotgluing a circle of felt in there might help.

>> No.8493573

The dome is there to help the clip stay on better and give a neater look. When you glue things on, just fill the dome with glue and place the item onto it. The clip will glue on to the piece and the glue won't spread everywhere grossly.

>> No.8493988

just glue some felt to it and cut out the exess

>> No.8495486

What do you think about Yumi King's designs on youtube. They are like uber easy, but maybe too ita?

>> No.8495605

Her process is terrible. Don't watch her videos if you're a newbie, you'll just pick up a lot of bad habits.

>> No.8495616

Not even once. I sometimes watch her videos for cringe material, but I never last long.

>> No.8495641

We've been over this a million times. Yumi King's tutorials are shit and won't look good on anyone who isn't a board even if you use the proper materials.

>> No.8495722

Where do you get/buy good patterns?

>> No.8495741

I've started collecting the Otome no Sewing books and sometimes scour resellers of vintage patterns on Etsy, for instance. Most of lolita is the same few bodice types with the same few skirt types and sleeve types interchanged, so you don't need a huge library of patterns to make a varied lolita wardrobe.

>> No.8495782

there's an anon working on a google document here >>8457299
idk if they've updated it since that post? Document-anon, what's the news?

>> No.8499098

how to people use Otome no Sewing books? Do they just go by the pictures?? Do you have to know Japanese?

>> No.8499109
File: 1.11 MB, 2322x4128, 20150722_125512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a super simple dress at a thrift shop that i thought perhaps found some potential to be lolitable. If not it's no huge loss because it was 2 bucks but honestly if I could spice this up somehow it'd be so great. I also found a pretty simple blouse with some possible potential but i feel like it might need something more to it. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated, even if it's just saying they're both a lost cause!

>> No.8499112
File: 1.10 MB, 2322x4128, 20150722_125700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the blouse, for reference

>> No.8499182

I think the blouse could work if you made the collar rounded instead of pointy. If the dress holds a petticoat, then I suggest adding some white crochet lace to make it look old-school-ish if you're into that style.

>> No.8499472

i enjoy gothic more than oldschool specifically but i can probably make it work either way. if i were to apply lace do you have any tips for where/in what pattern to apply? sorry if that's too much to ask ^.^;;

>> No.8499678
File: 134 KB, 696x833, 1437595355464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the crap MS paint edit lol. This is only a suggestion, you don't have to follow it of course but a similar dress popped up in the oldschool thread. Perhaps for regular gothic you can use quality black lace instead?

Also, just a warning, don't use ^.^ faces on cgl, it really gets on some people's nerves for some reason.

>> No.8499679
File: 91 KB, 700x700, 1437444507731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I was talking about ^

>> No.8499797

wow thats so cute! i'll definitely have to shop around for black or white lace. thanks a ton for the advice and the helpful graphic and the emoji hate warning :)

>> No.8499816
File: 23 KB, 250x368, f2c8a5f752a3295c52af6f2cb29bd80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of buying a few cheap cardigan on aliexpress and altering them to look for lolita like.
Reason being is it's hard to match the exact shade online and I'm crazy about matching.

Do you guys have dos/don't for altering cardigans? Things that look generally tacky?

>> No.8499896

No problem! If you're not sure how to spot quality lace, there's a guide floating around on the internet somewhere.

>> No.8500024
File: 265 KB, 500x667, 1437614052140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really silly question, but what ratio should I use for ruffles like in pic related? Like how many cm of fabric per cm of ruffle.

>> No.8500028

Dos: Use cardigans that stop at or just below or above the waist. Not long droopy ones like in your pic. I've tried to wear long cardigans like that in lolita and it tends to look a bit frumpy.

>> No.8500587
File: 1.03 MB, 1101x990, lace collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if i'm being too dependant on this thread, but i'm very new and really want to try my best to get it right from the beginning. I found some lace that I think is nice, does it seem to be generally good quality and would it match the dress?

>> No.8500958

That lace is all fine, anon.

>> No.8501575

Seconding this question. I mean I would assume you'd go by the pictures mostly, and learn a few key terms as well.

>> No.8501575,1 [INTERNAL] 

Digital Textile Printing is an important manufacturing technology, and digital printing is on the rise, Fabric Textile Printing Solutions provides the solution to current challenges faced by the textile industry: increased flexibility and productivity.We offer service of digital printing on fabric like cotton, linen, rayon, polyester, silk & synthetic. We utilize best machines for printing