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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8451174 No.8451174 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the pictures I took of the brodeo. I apologize for the quality. This is honestly the absolute best I could do with one speedlight, my camera's iso ability and the available light. I also need a wider lens. The meet was fun.

Post pics of one's you got. I'll dump slowly, gotta edit them a bit.

Yes, this sausage fest needs its own thread. Although I am sorry I made it it's own thread.

>> No.8451198
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>> No.8451202
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>> No.8451219
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>> No.8451227
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>> No.8451231

Any room parties going on?

>> No.8451242
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>> No.8451246
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>> No.8451255
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>> No.8451259
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>> No.8451261

aw gawd make it stap
drinking was a bad choice

>> No.8451264
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>> No.8451269
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>> No.8451282
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That's it. Thank you for letting me take your pictures. I look forward to some other con's cgl meet.

May I please post pictures that I have taken throughout the convention and you concrit? I will most likely post them tomorrow If anyone wants to see them. If not we can let this die.

I'm open to all criticism.

>> No.8451288

is it just me or do we all look dark as fuck

>> No.8451289

you made this thread specifically for the meetup. it is about the meetup now.

who went? were all the guys hoping to get a gf?

>> No.8451291

Ok, I will not post other pictures. Thank you for reminding me and keeping thread on track. I recognized a few people who normally go to meets. I met beanie for the first time. I do not know if anyone was hoping to get a gf.

>> No.8451307

428 at the J Dubz

>> No.8451310

whoops. meant 328. just walk on in

>> No.8451330

I'm sad to say I went, the meetup was full of autismos spouting off sad frog pepe maymays and spurdo sparde shit

>> No.8451331

sickest party tbh

>> No.8451336

were there any people that weren't complete autistic retards by chance?

>> No.8451340
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>> No.8451341

yes, sadly very few though, certainly not enough to cover up the fact of how bad the whole group was

we cant invite anyone from other boards to these meets i think, they dont understand our board or con culture at all

>> No.8451343

Other boards were invited?

>> No.8451348

Spike was cool though, he brought some good shit to the table.

>> No.8451349

yea, check the archive, some people came on the threads from other boards asking if they were welcome at our meet

so of course it was overrun with common /a/ and other posters

>> No.8451352

dont even get me started that you guys were associating with an autistic brony

who the hell even let /mlp/ people be invited? they have their own containment board

>> No.8451373

bruh edit these so they don't look dark and grainy as fuck

>> No.8451375

still waiting on those upskirt shots

>> No.8451381

I can smell the autism from here. This is why cgl must stay online for me. I like you all better when I'm not seeing you.

>> No.8451389

After looking at these pics... I'm glad I forgot to go, LMFAO.

>> No.8451658

This. There were literal autists there. There were probably 5 chill anons at most. Rest were literal autists. I'm glad I left early.

>> No.8451676

Looks like a sausage fest

>> No.8451683

It's funny I know exactly who you are from this post

>> No.8451687

It looks exactly like that from the pics. It's incredible seeing what gets posted on /cgl/ and what they actually look like.

>inb4 "The ATTRACTIVE COOL KIDS would never go to a meetup!"

I'd give the lolitas a pass, since none of them seem to be in these pics, but goddamn the amount of fuggo explains so much about every board, every time.

>> No.8451692

Mr. Freeman mcfreakin loses it

>> No.8451694

jfc you nerds. Just don't talk to the people who aren't interesting. I never heard anyone talk about Pepe shit. The Just Do Itttttt was the annoying thing but they were kinda drunk or didn't give a shit. Somehow everyone keeps calling everything autism. Just like have a good time maybe?

Talking to people was fine.

>> No.8451706

These are the types of people who browse 4chan all day. Social awkwardness is expected, but I still enjoyed the meet.

>> No.8451708

surprise surprise, only desperate uggos hoping to get laid

>> No.8451811

So is the meetup today a go or no?

>> No.8451824

What the actual fuck

The /cgl/ meet at Katsucon was mostly normal with a mix of normal-looking people, and actual females.

What is this neckbeard autism festival?

>> No.8451834


>> No.8451847

I literally don't recognize anyone from previous meets but 2 people and I've been going to cgl meet ups in SoCal for years. Wtf. Who are these people

>> No.8451854

Almost like there is 80,000+ people at AX

>> No.8451858

>most people not cosplaying
I expected most of /cgl/ to, you know, cosplay.

>> No.8451861

>What are fuckbois

>> No.8451869

Spergs who hoped to get laid.

>> No.8451873

It's somewhat understandable that some that did cosplay just didn't want to get their costumes covered in vomit. But it is a lot more fun to hangout and do drunken adventures in cosplay than not.

Katsu was okay, but from actually being there it was no different than any other meetup. It's was also alot less cringy than the thirst corner at Otakon last year.

>> No.8452160

Did a drive by on the way out. The only thing worse than the "cgl" meetup was the nest of Homestuck circles on the bottom floor of south wing. You could feel the stench before you even smelled it.

>> No.8452189

>shitskins and ugly fatties
Lel, what a surprise

>> No.8452212


The real /cgl/ meetup for years has been my panel and the afterparties. But people here refuse to listen, so whatever /cgl/ gatherings are made outside of LCS ain't my problem.

For those of you who made it to my panel, thanks! Anyone who's from /cgl/ gets in to LCS without having to wait in line, I'll always have a seat for y'all in the front, every time.

Shoutouts to the anonibro Chad with the glasses, you were chill.

>> No.8452258

Duude, I saw you before the panel and was going to ask if you let seagulls in early but I just sperged and ran away. It's nice to know for next year!

>> No.8452281


Definitely! If you mention being a seagull or this board, I'll let you in from the back door. It's been that way unofficially since I started having the panel. :)

>> No.8452287

Dude, didn't go but I could only imagine. You fuckers who went to the Jojo panel screaming Corey in the House was the best anime need to chill the fuck down. That was some of the most annoying shit I experienced at AX

>> No.8452291

Yeah most of the trips were at lcs, including the grills. Unfortunately, the meetup time is always the same each year to avoid confusion, but it conflicts with the lcs. The ppl I met were nice, small amount of spaghetti tho. There were only like 5 trips there, everybody else was an anon. Lot of crossboarders too.

>> No.8452300
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I like /cgl/ board culture and sometimes contemplate going to an anime con but then I see this and think nah.

>> No.8452321



It's why I don't go to the meet ups at AX typically, same for a lot of others

>> No.8452334

this fat girl around 5-2"-5'5" grabbed me while yelling "siege hell" which is not ho you pronounce this name

i still don't know who it was

and why they were so sweaty.

pretty disgusting

>> No.8452345

You werent at the meet were you?

>> No.8452347

for a bit, didn't tell anyone who i was

no im not in these pics

>> No.8452351

All the girls from I recalled were nno where close to being big

>> No.8452367

If he's the real deal he's a fat Asian dude. Maybe mixed Jap.

>> No.8452633


I bet u were

>> No.8452991

What panel are you on?

>> No.8453008

What spot in westhall are we meeting and why are there two thread? Which one is the real one?

>> No.8453019

Idc. Outside west hall. I'm coming in yaoi hat, rally to me in worst case

>> No.8453028

anyone else at the Westin? is there a party on the roof right now or some shit?

>> No.8453029

Parties evrywherr. Ita 4th of july

>> No.8453032

Shuttle took forever to get here, brought the gallon

>> No.8453058
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>Shift worker
>get home and get three hours of sleep and head off to AX only to leave at 8PM to prep for next shift tonight
ANd tomorrow I get off at 7AM and will be at AX at 8:30 AM till 6PM or so.
I can feel myself dying, but I have to keep going.

>> No.8453085

blue body paint person from uesterday here. going to the con with no goal in paricular. if you see a trap with a white offshoulder tunic and dark purple lipstick, help make my night more interesting.

>> No.8453089

me and my gf are bored is anyone getting together at the 21 lounge or a bar or something

>> No.8453098


>> No.8453100

meetup at hooter 9 o clock

>> No.8453102

I thought it was closed until 9pm

>> No.8453104

Want to meet and grab a drink? 4th of July turnup is real.

>> No.8453107


how many in your group/party/nakama???

>> No.8453108
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Anyone else see Wagakki? Shit was good.

>> No.8453114

Man everything I wanted to see ended up being a bust ;_; I couldn't find anyone at the meet area, the Otaku debates got moved to later, I couldn't find a way into the masqurade, and the line for dungeon master was capped. I couldn't get food either. Right now I'm just waiting in line for whose line, and I almost got kicked out of the line lol. Anything else someone under 21 can do?

>> No.8453115

was it filled?

>> No.8453116

Unfortunately just me at the moment. The rest of my roommates are off at the masquerade.

>> No.8453118

I had high expectations and they blew them out of the water. Worth the 1 hr delay. Also got their shirt too.

>> No.8453121


do you know any good places to get a drink?

>> No.8453129

We have Ralph's booze if you wanna get drunk before the dance

>> No.8453132

The only good bars I know of in LA further down south, about halfway towards Long Beach. I haven't been to any of the bars in the middle of LA itself.

Bar hopping is always an option if you're down for that.

>> No.8453137

you guys still there? i got austrian booze again

>> No.8453138


our roommates have the car so we're limited to the near-con area and i'd rather we stay in one place in case more seagulls wanna join

>> No.8453142

Fair enough. Want to at least want to meet and pickup some people on the way?

>> No.8453146

What is Austrian booze? Stella?

>> No.8453150


sure, where do we meet up?

>> No.8453154

At my hotel right now brushing teeth. You cool with meeting by the shuttle area in about 20 min? I'll be wearing a pabts shirt and have my camera/backpack with me.

>> No.8453158

lmao who the fuck are most of these people

>> No.8453159


Sure, look for a tall femanon in burgundy and a guy with a white Dinosaur Jr shirt

We don't have an internet-capable phone atm so this is our last post, we'll be there in like 20~30 min.

Also if any other seagulls wanna join feel welcome to! (bring girls)

>> No.8453160
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Was so awesome! Agreed that it was worth the hour setback. Hope they do tour here!

>> No.8453168

Only saw part of it since I had to head back to my booth before the hall closed. Damn, was looking forward to that concert a lot too.

>> No.8453169

I'm sure someone from /cgl/ recorded it. Maybe you can catch them again if they do a tour here.

>> No.8453170

I feel your pain.

>> No.8453174

At least they played senbonzakura first so I got to see it.

>> No.8453187

Anyone going to the dance?

>> No.8453191

congrats sieg! you met the only girl would ever fuck you! big day, buddy! I sure am proud

>> No.8453202

sorry for being new, but what's your panel?

>> No.8453208

Westin Bonadventure patio party 10PM. We got drinks and snacks. 3rd floor follow the signs to the pool.

>> No.8453209

I think it's Last Comic Standing.

I admit I'm also a newfag too, so I had to do some research.

>> No.8453215
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>> No.8453230

look for glowing nipples

>> No.8453235

I'm the one in the lulu hat and two of my Asain bodyguards will be up after the Who's Line.

>> No.8453237
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>> No.8453244


No worries, my panel was formerly Last Comic Standing. Now it's Late Comedy Show. Exact same format as the previous name.


You are correct

>> No.8453247


Late Comedy Show

>> No.8453248

Small group drinking in Marriott right now. look for guy in grey pbr shirt.

>> No.8453249

Real talk everyone. Is there anywhere with chicks I could talk to with some anons. Dance ain't my place.

>> No.8453255

Real talk, you're a beta ass bitch.
You're at a con, theres literally women swarming around you, fucking talk to them.

>> No.8453258

I want to meet some anons. My cousins are all watching shitty Netflix movies and I'm a fucking loner right now.

>> No.8453260

Then come over. Just please don't be autistic

>> No.8453261


Go to the dance, talk to a girl you don't know

Or I will Shia LaBeouf motivate your dumbass and flood this thread

>> No.8453263

Where's the dance?

>> No.8453265
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i went to go take care of my car and park it in a different lot and i got lost.

Then i got angry

Then i got hungry. So i went back to my hotel and i'm soaking my nylons.

>> No.8453268


>> No.8453272

How many people are there atm? Gf and I are thinking about going?

>> No.8453279

On a couch. You should see us when walking in from the back entrance.

>> No.8453280

just a few bros

>> No.8453282

The meeting went pretty well tonight. Got to chat with a few people but that's cook. Wish I could get drunk and do some stuffs more before leaving tomorrow. Hopefully next year will be better.

>> No.8453284

What's the headcount?

>> No.8453285

Dat Saber

>> No.8453287

At where? JW? Luxas?

>> No.8453293

we're heading to westin. join us anon. we're the cool people.

>> No.8453299

growing by the moment
10 people right now

>> No.8453306

Im down but we dont have passes for the elevator :(

>> No.8453308

Im here but everyone has their own crew.

>> No.8453309

Too drunk going to sleep.

>> No.8453311


Enter through west hall, make a left towards concourse hall, follow that hallway until you see it on the right side

>> No.8453315

look for glowing nipples

>> No.8453318

Is there decent parking around there? Also, is the pool available for use?

>> No.8453331

I saw some people leave after IA. From what I could see, it was pretty full.

>> No.8453340

Near the hookah?

>> No.8453346

Did everyone leave then?

>> No.8453348

Is everybody still at the Westin?

>> No.8453351


>> No.8453355

How do i get in if we dont have a key to the elevator?

>> No.8453357

you literally walk up two flights of stairs. you don't even need a key for elevator

>> No.8453368

Ok where you guys gonna be at we have a bottle?

>> No.8453371

take a left right before the pool. look for glowing nips guy

>> No.8453389

Oh my god Beanie you should be at Yaoi Bingo. It's great, you'd love it.

>> No.8453393

I must be blind because i dont see you? Are you the shiftless guy?

>> No.8453396

Sane here, no idea where you all are

>> No.8453399

where you at bud

>> No.8453400

Im some short brown guy with a white shirt and black shorts.

>> No.8453401

I've been harassing him on his phone to go to it but we're going to Yaoicon anyways so its whatever I guess.

How is the bingo by the way?

>> No.8453403

Kagami here gunna sing komm susser todd in about a hour in open mic come supporttttttt

>> No.8453408

Chad cosplay where u at I'm dtf

>> No.8453411

Kagami post a selfie, I wanna see how good/bad you're cosplaying muh waifu.

>> No.8453417

Yall are near the hookah right?

>> No.8453420

All dudes? I want to come up with friend, who's a grill, but she doesn't want to be the only one there.

>> No.8453421

Yeah where you at? Yell out cgl or seagulls!

>> No.8453425

everyone dipped. lel

>> No.8453429
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Gonna end tonight at tom's urban. Nice seeing ya'll tonight!

>> No.8453431

Asked a group if they were seagulls, said nope. Hung out with them anyway. Now there's a make out circle going. I'm wearing a green hoodie and a sriracha shirt

>> No.8453432

Nah there are some grills here

>> No.8453434

When will the meetup turn into an orgy?

>> No.8453439

Dude it just died where are you?

>> No.8453442

not v good looking doe

>> No.8453444

Back left area?
When one is thirsty, they'll drink water from anywhere

>> No.8453446

as a dehydrated man himself, im telling you right now that water will make ya sick

>> No.8453450

Eh, true

>> No.8453454

We are right next to the pool just yell out jojo

>> No.8453459
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On Friday night I went to this bumpin gay bar in West Hollywood called The Abbey. I wore my Asuka cosplay.

I was nervous as all fuck walking up to the club (didn't help that I went solo). During the night I definitely got some strange looks, but I got more compliments then those. Some people guessed I was in town for AX, and two even said Evangelion. I met some cool people to hang with next time I'm in LA. I even kissed a really cute girl, who took pic related of me and one of the gogo dancers.

It was a super fun time and so far the highlight of my con, even though it wasn't at the con. Looking forward to the Eva Celebration tomorrow. Also thinking about next year's cute cosplay to wear to gay bars in WeHo.

>> No.8453464
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The Abbey is a pretty top tier place m8. Good choice. Glad you cuties have fun.

I said I wasn't ganna go to AX this year, but the lady really wanted to go last minute so we picked up saturday passes and roamed about the con. Got dinner comped, people watched, and laughed at a lot of awful Steven Universe cosplay. We just missed the /cgl/ meet up as well.

Oh no...

>> No.8453465

shit you look busted

maybe these girls here aren't SO BAD

>> No.8453466

I was in bottom. Pit was full. Back was not very full but still some people. Video press cage was full. Photo press cage was empty during ia. Got full before wagakki. No clue about top.

I like ia more than I thought I would. Loved wagakki. Wonder if more people would have gone if they knew there would be a delay between ubw and ia starting.

>> No.8453470

You look like you had a blast and i wish my quest to go out in cosplay was as fun as yours

>> No.8453473

Got off work early, in lounge 21 backstage. Where you gaybois at.

>> No.8453475

Sieg, you're literally a fat asian fuck. Why haven't you committed seppuku out of shame yet

>> No.8453478

Anybody still partying at the westin? I'm giving away our alcohol since we can't take it with us. Anybody want it before I hand it out to randoms?

>> No.8453479

I'm passed out in a lawn chair if you want a friends. Ask for ryan

>> No.8453482

If you can smuggle shit into the con center we can talk

>> No.8453483

you want to fuck me in my car?

>> No.8453484

Did you enjoy the Fakku panel as well

>> No.8453486
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Saw this on the facebook page. Wondered if anyone in the thread knew anything more about this?

>> No.8453488
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I went to Expo for the first time in my life, any expo really, and I was immensely uncomfortable.

It was packed, no one would move out of obvious traffic zones, it reeked so bad, and I don't understand why, if one didn't give effort into their cosplays, they'd do it at all.

Next year, be on the lookout for the one passing out clinical strength deodorant.

>> No.8453490

A poster said there was a crazy guy and the cops rolled in with shotguns to subdue him. Probably non lethal rounds

>> No.8453491

Don't even know what i'm looking at

>> No.8453494

Jesus. How crazy do you have to be for them to pull out shotguns though.

>> No.8453496
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does that mean you guys are calling it in?

>> No.8453499

It's the LAPD, they're even crazier.

>> No.8453500


not very

>> No.8453509

Aight I'm looking for you man
Sorry, too tired and lazy to go back to lacc

>> No.8453517

Any more identifying markers? I'm out here

>> No.8453524

LAPD mind

>> No.8453531

Anyone know what happened at the daiski secret panel?

>> No.8453532

Is there a meetup Sunday? I'm from Florida and would love to meet some CGL from SoCal! :)

>> No.8453537

Any gulls at the crazy branding party at the westin?

>> No.8453538

Meetups are all non cgl dudes looking to fuck and a couple of girls that didn't know any better/desperate. That's why every one who shows up is ugly af. Don't go. The actual cute girls avoid it and meet up in secret.

>> No.8453550

this. literally just want to hang with other cgl anons, not autistic fuckboys from /a/

>> No.8453553
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Welcome to old school cgl

>> No.8453556

/ck/ spike still welcome?

>> No.8453564

An old school cgl orgy?



>> No.8453590

Fuckbois still up? On my way to westin

>> No.8453594

It was close to getting busted last time I checked. Sirens at the lobby.

>> No.8453603

It must've been hard to get all that alcohol into that broom closet.

>> No.8453604

Accurate, just saw them. Is pool deck kill?

>> No.8453611

Nah still poppin'

>> No.8453633

2/3rds dudes lol. Where my seagulls at?

>> No.8453636

Is there even a point to going tomorrow? Did anyone go to karaoke or the gong show?

>> No.8453643

From what I could tell last, only Beanie.
I was going to ask him if he knew, but looked busy.

>> No.8453657

Gone, gave all my shit to soto. Hope you enjoyed all the women drink and fireball

>> No.8453691

Any of you faggots still up? Who wants to grab some breakfast.

>> No.8453697


Chris Dobson?

>> No.8453708
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I went casual this morning. The lighting in the 21 lounge can make anyone look halfway decent. I looked pretty trash in reality though and lost my wig at the westin party and just looked like some retarded drag queen afterwards.

>> No.8453710

>tfw you didn't buy many things because you are going blow all your money in a few days in San Diego
>tfw you won't be able to do laundry with your cosplay in between events
>tfw not ready and still recovering

S-see you Seagulls on Wednesday in San Diego

>> No.8453729

Westin patio party just ended. that shit was fuckin fire. fuckloads of people showed up.

>> No.8453753

>fat indian kagami
thanks for ruining things

>> No.8453756
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>> No.8453776

found out that the cgl "veterans" are as awkward as the meet cross boarders. tip: meet people at cons that are not from cgl. 9000x better

>> No.8453779

Are these costumes? I can't tell exactly.

>> No.8453782

the 'cgl' veterans didn't go to the thread meet up

>> No.8453787

Parts of my jojo's, yessir.
I have an early flight back to texas, but i already have the con blues.
Since i'll be very bored at LAX ill make the next and final thread,
suggestions for final thread theme welcome.
currently listening to:

>inb4 nice blog J.

>> No.8453835

Stop this shit.
It's fine, were all the same family pretty much so we should try to be nice and help each other. Even if we don't like each other. It's important to try and help anons socialize so they don't kill their parents or a kitten or something. Social skills are important in modern society and it's good to meet new people. Especially for chronic 4chan users.

It's so easy to just shit all over everything, instead of trying to look at things in a positive light. Or god forbid helping someone out of the kindness of your heart. The most important thing is to just have a good time here, fuck everything else, this is great time to be alive and interested in cosplay. How much money did you spend to get here? Just have a good time and don't hate on each other, board animosity is stupid. This website is divided up by hobbies mostly, and I've contributed to many boards at different times in my life including cgl as my intrests changed. It's stupid to divide us into groups like spergs and autists or rookies or veterans, especially when it's an offline meetup thread

>> No.8453848

Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.8453850

Oh cool there was a suprising amount of jojo this
Nice Blog.
Good luck with your flight.

>> No.8453858


>> No.8453882

this guy right here. You should all be ashamed.

>> No.8453886

'Why didn't I get invited' the posts

>> No.8453888

hey what time is terminator today?

Figured i'd ask the projectionist.

>> No.8453890

So who fucked who ?

>> No.8453891

So who actually got in the Cosplay Wrestling Federation?

I heard it was super difficult to get a seat, wast his true?

>> No.8453898

never try this again

>> No.8453900

I did get invited, I had a good time too. Why do people instigate shit?

>> No.8453901

I'm just sayin, there's NO REASON we can't be friendly. Like seriously, drop the mean bitch routine . It's stupid and serves no purpose. Just be friendly. We're all here for the same reasons, surely we can all find SOME common ground.

And for the record, i left before anyone got invited to anything.

>> No.8453902

Thanks for admitting you weren't part of anything, now stop talking like you matter

>> No.8453906

This isn't reddit. Fuck off to where you came from if you don't like it. Simple as that.

>> No.8453930

Did you end up getting laid

>> No.8453949

I think I passed by on my way to something so it counts that I was at the meetup, right?

>> No.8453985
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why would you say that?

Like honestly, what do you gain by acting that way?
i've been here since winter 2004, so i am back where i came from.

Pic related, it's me. Any of you see me today, feel free to say hi. I'm a friendly guy.

As for you two, spend some time off 4chan. Not everything is a territory war.

>> No.8453992

You and your gross ass looking diaper panties
Please kill yourself, nobody liked you

>> No.8453994
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Beanie-kun is pretty fucking cool

>> No.8453996

>nobody liked you
Nah I did alright.

>> No.8454008

Nope u belong on reddit. Go cry about cgl talking shit about people elsewhere. As if this isn't what this board was founded on and still continues doing to this day. Im telling you to fuck off because you clearly don't understand this. Go to reddit. What you want is clearly not here. So get the fuck out.

>> No.8454012
File: 1.20 MB, 270x210, YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME NOW AND YOURE NOT SO BIG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im telling you to fuck off
Guess i'd better listen to bitter anon. Lord knows i don't want him to wrinkle his trench coat as he stomps around the room.
>Stop telling everyone to have a good time! Get back in that bucket crab!

>> No.8454013

Wow, none of the real life meetups I've been to had anybody this openly hostile.

Either it's just trolling from somebody who was never there or maybe the fun-haters are seriously internet-only hardasses since they're exactly the kind of socially anxious that would keep them from ever showing up

>> No.8454019

i can guarantee you this person diddn't show up. Everyone was nice to everybody and I diddn't see a poor spirit in the entire group.

There was ONE couple who kinda staye off to the sidelines and kept to each other, i diddn't even think they were with us at first till they showed up the 2nd night, but hey, no judgement man.

>> No.8454022

ok typo
you're fucking retarded tbh lmao

>> No.8454029
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>Points out you're pissed because people had a good time
Clippety clop it's time to stop.

>> No.8454030

Then who was camera

>> No.8454043

So whos staying for the final day?

>> No.8454046

Blue body paint person here. I think you're cute.

>> No.8454048

I am, then i'm heading to the arcade. I wanted to go last night but google maps said it was closed.

I'm itching for some SDVX. Gotta gitgud and all that.

>> No.8454049

I had a fun time watching from afar and then getting drunk

>> No.8454076

Not Kagami, but where did you dissapear to last night?

>> No.8454085

What to do on the last day of AX?

>> No.8454099

browse them dealer booths and snap the last shots of cosplay you can!

>> No.8454105
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If you are unpleasant to be around, people are under no obligation to help you learn how to not be terrible. Don't try to guilt people into spending time around your unwashed, overweight, autistic ass and make it seem like it's THEIR fault that you're a maladjusted fuckwit who apparently tortures kittens for fun.

>> No.8454117

Sunglasses anon here. If anyone wants to grab a quick lunch today, we can figure something out.

Today is artist alley for me.

>> No.8454147

>Tfw Soto wouldn't let you and your pink haired qt see his dick
AX '15 is ruined

>> No.8454163

What time does the expo hall close today

>> No.8454167

What lens do you use, I have my old 40D and I'm going to buy a 70D ( i need to travel so I have to spend my bonus on that vs full frame, 2016 full frame, 5Dmk2 soon), and what ISO do you use, 1600?

>> No.8454178

At 3! You have four hours.

Good luck finding what you want, seagull. I bailed out today after I went home and searched up the online prices of the figs I wanted, and it seems like AX marks everything up 2x. Just gonna buy junk online, and I've already taken enough pictures.

>> No.8454185

the fuck?

it's always closed at 5

>> No.8454186

Yeah I only buy figures online, but AX does have some stuff that's harder to find online/shit that I wouldn't wanna pay shipping from japan for. Plus there's bootlegs running rampant there; don't buy figures from AX. But anyways yeah, thanks bruh

>> No.8454193

Not the best but not the worst I've seen.

>> No.8454202

Since the con closes at 5, the exhibition hall closes at 3.

I could be wrong; that's what my friends told me. This year, I didn't use my guidebook much since I was spending a lot of time running around and I'm not attending this Sunday.

Yeah. I did buy a Banpresto fig, not even sure if it's a bootleg or not. It was cheap though,so whatever; I just wanted to leave with something besides cute Touhou yuri doujins.

Hm, what kind of stuff that's harder to find online? Like custom-made stuff?

>> No.8454207

Would it be acceptable for a skinny white guy to cosplay as Toph?

>> No.8454216

This was my first con and I had a great time and can't wait to go to another con. Just checked out of the hotel and getting ready for the long drive home.

How was AX changed over the years, who here have attended the most Anime Expos?

>> No.8454221

pretty sure that girl is gay anyways, why the fuck would she care about your half-asian dick? up your game, sieg

>> No.8454232

>asian mongoloid
>calling other people busted

>> No.8454237

Yes. Follow your dreams.

>> No.8454239

Anyone remember if the two girls at the make out circle were hot?

>> No.8454241


>> No.8454248

I had fun~
Hope people are less grumpy next AX. It's not /cgl/ without dumb drama anyway. I actually have some people I'm thinking I might cosplay as as well!

>> No.8454254
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am i suppose to hate this swagfag in the pic as much as i do?

>> No.8454256

Yes, he tripfags and is always being a faggot

>> No.8454258

Some booth there was selling Figmas for about half off what they were going for at the Good Smile booth

Red flags all over

>> No.8454281

Visit me! I'm in the back (i51) and I am so ronery

>> No.8454285
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>> No.8454303
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I met this guy but tmobile inside sucked so I couldn't read the thread and know he was a seagull

>> No.8454305


Kongo was cute as fuck, I confirmed.

>> No.8454339

Had fun. Didn't get dik suked. 10/10 con experience.

>> No.8454359 [DELETED] 
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Tmobile inside con was shit so I couldn't check con thread to know this guy was a seagull.

>> No.8454400

I've been going since 2008. I know people will always complain about the lines and shit but it has definitely improved. Yes the lines are longer but I feel like its 100% more organized. I really like them putting the lines outside in shaded areas. The registration is extremely quick compared to before. In the past there use to be shows outside that use to hold mini cosplay contest and throw out free stuff (body pillows, figures, etc.) to the crowd but I've seen people get decked for them so that stopped early. The industry panels have a lot more shilling than they use to but overall panels have improved. Over the years the guest of honor and stuff seem to be less exciting but I feel like they really picked it up this year.

>> No.8454414

why are there so many southeast Asians on cgl?

like you Filipino and Korean kids all jumped ship this year

beats that year where it was ovverun by mexicans tho

>> No.8454422

>just now noticing white people are the minority

>> No.8454429

What happened anon?

The girl in the pic is a gogo dancer. The girl I kissed is the one who took the pic.

>> No.8454441

Just got to do the EVA event and the closing ceremonies. Then post con blues. 10/10 would get premier again.

>> No.8454457

lel sieg wishes he were white

>> No.8454535
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>> No.8454562

Me and a grill in a Spike Kig passed them as we bumblefucked around. That dude's a cutie.

>> No.8454564

Kongo-san you alive? I wanna know you've actually made it back to your place fine

>> No.8454568

10/10 premiere and hentai panel, would do again in cosplay. On my way back, hopefully I'll be back home at 5. I'm really tired

>> No.8454591

Wow I was out in the street and my bus drove right fucking past me. What the fuck is wrong with this city

>> No.8454594
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>> No.8454598
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>> No.8454600

Yeah I'm alive hungover as hell though

>> No.8454602

i think i'm in love

>> No.8454608
File: 5 KB, 100x85, whacka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh bb

>> No.8454636


Such is the drinking life

>> No.8454639


It's incredibly funny how this board (and to be fair the site in general) is ruthless and a good chunk of you go out of your way to be terrible human beings UNTIL it's time to socialize IRL and your poor ass needs to be BABIED into properly socializing. Suck it the fuck up. Learn not to be a screaming fucking weeb memefactory 24/7.

People not wanting to socialize with you is the lesson itself.

>> No.8454671

I made a friend we hung out for a bit, then he disappeared after a panel.

I did this all the time before, and I now know how it feels. Never again. Also AX is pretty much over, did you have fun? I did.

>> No.8454680
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Excuse me, but does anyone know the name of this cosplayer or her fan page?

>> No.8454683

xlosuh on instagram

>> No.8454737

Eva event had too much dubshit, but Yoko Takahashi was great. She seems really chill and cool. Also the final sing-along was fun.

>> No.8454744

So since AX is kinda over should we make a new thread for photo dump?

>> No.8454749


>> No.8454762

>spent more time at bars than at panels

Did this year suck or is it just me?

>> No.8454764

They all look the same. What make his special? You'll get your chance next con or next year. Don't blow it.

>> No.8454768

nah that's just what happens as you go to more cons.

>> No.8454778
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>> No.8454791

I didn't even attend one panel. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and >>8454762
is on point.

>> No.8454977

God the next train comes at 7 I should of just gone back to the con to fuck around. I've spent 3 hours doing nothing. Fuck that bus that drove pass me, I want to file a formal complaint.

>> No.8458645

I think we found Leonard Nimoy illegitimate son


>> No.8459205 [DELETED] 
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>head to meetup
>nerves kick in
>autism shifts into maximum overdrive

Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm not usually such a sperg.
It was nice to converse with some of you guys, though. Nobody was spouting off memes while I was there.