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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8404026 No.8404026 [Reply] [Original]

Lets get this started since it's just a few weeks away. July 7th-9th in Hartford, CT. Who's going?

>> No.8404049

>Shit programming
>Shit location
>Shit security still forces attendees outside with the normalfag crowds.
>Shit city is still dangerous as fuck with next to no food options because everything is closed on Sat and Sun
>Shit staff still blames congoers for being assaulted by said people when they put their programming in a far away building and stop running shuttle service. IE "You shouldn't have walked."
>Badges are $75 and still climbing every year
>Hotels are still expensive as fuck

Not this time, ctcon. I hope RICC puts your asses under.

>> No.8407765

I'm going. I'm going as the bajjilonth Ryuko from KLK, and possibly Y'shtola from FFXIV.

>> No.8407780

July 7-9th? Wat

What day are you planning on being Ryuko? I'm doing mako.

>> No.8409147

I haven't fully decided but I'm leaning towards Saturday.

>> No.8412216

/cgl/ meet up when and where?

>> No.8412298



I heard ricc was a shitshow too this year though?

god why can't new england get it's act together.

>> No.8412481

I'll be Mako on Saturday! I'd love to get a photo with you.

Are we planning any sort of seagull meetup?

>> No.8412504

Is anyone here that's going a photographer? I'm looking to have a private shoot or two done and not sure where to look.

>> No.8413277

Yeah I'm photographing during the con. Whatcha looking for?

>> No.8413321

I'm not entirely certain, something affordable but not awful. Do you have a page you'd care to drop?

>> No.8413516

RICC muffed up their ticket onsales. They expected the con to cycle more (people come in, do their shit, and leave) and instead people stayed. They went over capacity and got shut down because of this. It was poor planning, but their expectations fit with a comic convention that is pretty much a glorified dealers hall - there's no reason to stay once you've got your shit, so you leave. They didn't expect the teenage mall rat crowd of people who just show up to socialize and not spend any money taking up space, plus their guest list brought in a lot of traffic.

This year they are selling tickets in advance with a cap and opened up the DD center for more space. Fingers crossed it will fix itself now that they know what to expect.

>> No.8413518

CTcon is shooting itself in the foot. The con chair hates anime despite it being his biggest draw, their entire cosplay staff bailed out because they couldn't take critique over their shit events, and the price for the weekend is ridiculous.

They're trying to become a comic convention with their guest list but the draw of a comic convention is a $30 badge and then paying for your autographs, if you're going to charge Otakon prices you don't charge for autographs. Almost no one I know is going, it's going to be a ghost-town.

>> No.8413519

I would love to see a better multi-genre con like this kick ctcon to the curb. I remember ten years ago when ctcon would break their budget and go tens of thousands of dollars into the red, and they'd set up huge donation fundraisers to bail the con chair out. And then do the exact same thing again next year. Ticket prices keep on rising, clearly they can't manage their money still.

>> No.8413521

Don't forget how the chair hates cosplayers lol. Last year he publicly announced that the con would never allow cosplay-related guests or workshops because they wanted to save the space for "real" panels.

>> No.8413527

They can't manage anything. Like >>8413518 said, their entire cosplay team walked this year. They had to scramble to find people to to pull it together.

It's not going to last too much longer which is sad, I hate Otakon so CTcon is usually my summer con.

>> No.8414738

>It's not going to last too much longer
That's sad because it's my home con, but at the same time, good riddance. Put the con out of its misery.

>> No.8417331

>everyone seems to hate ctcon
>was my first con years ago.
>oonly con I live 10min away from and don't have to buy hotel rooms

I just want to cosplay with you guys. We went out to northeast comic on this weekend and it's shit. Anima Boston can be crowded as fuck. CTcon is really a good middle ground for me as I mostly just hang out and people watch.

But on topic: I'll be finishing up my monster hunter Nargacuga armor for this one. Always fun time with you guys at meet ups.

>> No.8420939

I'm also a photographer booking for CTCON. What's up?

>> No.8420942

Do you have a page I can see/contact you at?

>> No.8420966


book of faces /pages/EMCP/244561405738346?fref=ts

>> No.8421057

I can't believe this con is still around... I went once like 8 years ago when I still lived in the area, and it was boring as fuck and way too small. Can't believe their badge costs that much now, that's AB or Ota prices... people pay it?

>> No.8421123

I went once and the only thing that made it worth it was seeing my gf tbh. I have friends who are going up this year (from nj) but I'm not gonna bother since I'm not with my gf anymore and is rather save the money to go to nekocon and katsucon.
The halls just felt so empty and it was so hard to find food since everything closed early.

>> No.8421193

What's your rate?

>> No.8421200

it's more expensive than AB, they also cut out like most of their events.

>> No.8421232

Send my page a message on the book of faces? :)

>> No.8421500

Check my stuff out at Vander Photography on Facebook if you're interested.

>> No.8426604

>tfw ctcon was first con
>still only go to ctcon because of shit transportation

I feel you bro. Like I just want to chill and cosplay and meet people. Like idk if there's a /cgl/ meetup but I so would go.

Anyways, cosplaying as Ash from Hotline Miami 2. My roommate's going as Tony from HM2, so at least i wont look like a total loser cosplaying by myself.

>> No.8426621

/cgl/ meetup, we all want it. let's have lunch somewhere not at the convention center.

or play a board game in the game room.

maybe some custom /cgl/ related CaH.

>> No.8428056

I'm down for getting some food. Will definetly give my say once cons closer. Wish CT wasnt such a fucking depressing area and had more places to go.

>> No.8428213

There's going to be a comicon in Norwich at one of the casinos, which isn't too far from a couple nice areas like Mystic and Niantic. I just wish the convention itself sounded more interesting because I'm not set on going to that one either.

>> No.8430057

some positive changes!

>tabletop RPGs moved to the Hilton
>LARP moved to the Hilton
>console gaming back in convention center
>RKO Army not constantly on Main Events stage
>George Takei

maybe things will be better this year

>> No.8430075

>Having any late night programming in a hotel so far away that multiple people got mugged last year


>> No.8430136

forgot about that
i was just excited to have the unpopular and time-intensive activities away from the main area

>go to con last year
>food court eating area crowded as fuck
>tabletop RPG area a ghost town
>try to sit at empty table
>asked to leave

>> No.8430269

This. The rpg area was maybe occupied at 6 tables max, or the 30 they had there. I feel for the people in >>8430075 but this area is shitty no matter when or where.

>> No.8431502

>$90 for 30 min of hilariously mediocre photography

Who do you think you are, friend.

>> No.8431642

Affordable is different person to person. Also, in New England people put out $250+ to get their money taken and shoots skipped (Pihlgate). At least I'm actually showing up, turn pics out, and when my customers aren't satisfied they either get their money back or a reshoot.

It's cool if you don't like my pics though. If you got some critique on any of them go post it so I can take the advice.

>> No.8434653

Honestly I don't see what all the CTcon hate is about. I've been going for 4 years, and I didn't enjoy last year, but that's because there was a massive inflation in ponyshit and homestuck panels that the organizers thought would be more appealing.

I'm truly looking forward to this year though. There's so many good looking panels to go to, and they're re-organizing the site so that console gaming is back at the convention center, and rhythm games are bigger, among other things.

Other than that
Pay early, way better pricing
>No restaurants
You clearly didn't use a map

As far as local cons go, this is pretty up there.

>> No.8434663

The RPG area has always been a ghost town there. To my understanding they're moving it so they can move console gaming (clearly more popular) back this year. Food court will probably still be crowded as fuck, but I'd highly recommend making the 3-5 minute trek across the street and paying an extra 2 or 3 bucks to have better food, nicer seats, and a bit more of an experience if you're not from around here.

It makes more sense for the RPG area though. People who come to play RPGs generally spend upwards of half the day doing so. I don't think the LARP should have been moved, but I've never been to the LARP, and maybe it's less popular than I had previously thought.

In all seriousness though: >>8430057
They really look like they've welcomed the community feedback from last year. Last year was in my opinion their worst year so far of the ones I've been to, and it looks like they're doing all the right things to change that this year. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.8434672

Oh, a quick add-on about traveling through the city, because some of the people here seem to be genuinely concerned about the trashier parts of Hartford:

>Travel in groups.
>If you have a cosplayer in your group, and you know that where you're going will allow prop weapons (like if you're just going to Burger King or something, or the Hilton for the con activities), have them carry their cosplay weapon openly, not concealed or on their back or something. It's a legitimate deterrent.
>Bring a flashlight at night, and point it at the ground, even if you don't need it. Also a minor deterrent.
>There ARE city buses, even if CTcon is not supplying them, you can google the hartford bus schedule and find out when they are stopping by.
>Use walkways. Seriously. Don't take shortcuts if you're walking alone.
>Use a phone GPS if you have one. Hartford can be an annoying place to get lost in.

>> No.8435099

1449 here, we got a presidental suite and we're going to be the party of Ctcon!

>> No.8438798

what floor are you on?

need my beauty sleep, want to know where to avoid if possible

>> No.8440003

Any cosplayers looking for a photographer? :D

>> No.8440052

The difference between her and you is that her work was actually top-tier. Didn't make up for her being a completely shitty person and a scam artist, but I understand why loaded cosplayers would be willing to drop that kind of cash on beautiful photos. There's a trend over here where mediocre photogs think they can charge the big bucks just because someone 100x better than them is doing it, and it's a bullshit notion because it drives up the prices regardless of quality (I've seen outright shitty photogs charging $45). My casual friends take photos that are a little less or about as good as yours, and they charge between $0 and $40 max.

>> No.8440327

>between her and you is that her work was actually top-tier. Didn't make up for her being a completely shitty person and a scam artist, but I understand why loaded cosplayers would be willing to drop that kind of cash on beautiful photos. There's a trend over here where mediocre photogs think they can charge the big bucks just because someone 100x better than them is doing it, and it's a bullshit notion because it drives up the prices regardless of quality (I've seen outright shitty photogs charging $45). My casual friends take photos that are a little less or about as good as yours, and they charge between $0 and $40 max.
Vincent/Vander is charging like $150 an hour and his work is alright at best. It's getting ridiculous.

>> No.8440334

OH GOD! I didn't read this thread, Vander is actually advertising here? That's hilarious, what a loser. XD

>> No.8440563

Photography prices in general in the northeast are batshit insane. This is approaching wedding photography prices in some cases.

>> No.8442897 [DELETED] 


Choose one, pls.

Good photography should get a decent price.

But, I call bullshit on the "approaching wedding photography prices" allegation. I've never seen any cosplay photog charge anywhere near 4 or 5 figures for a shoot. And that's what "real" wedding photographers charge for their work. Not Uncle George with his D90 and 18-55mm.

That said, I'm still looking and booking cosplayers for shoots at ConnectiCon. I won't charge and arm and a leg, and I do good work. :)

>> No.8443040

If you're Vander, you honestly don't. I've seen people for your quality charge at most a drink at some bar/room party. I would consider your photography the bare minimum of professional, so don't flatter yourself.

>> No.8443088

Also, advertising on cgl and trying to get clients on here is probably one of the most desperate things a photog can possibly do.

>> No.8445822

>Not Vander
>Loling at the naked snark and aggression

Are you a photographer as well?

>> No.8445851

He's hawked in other con threads too (colossalcon maybe? Trying to think back that far).

Different anon, but the out of control photog pricing in new england/the east coast is pretty frustrating because it makes it tough to find any photographer for under $50 even if you just want barely passable proof that you wore a costume. So I can understand being salty at clowns like this who think $150/hour for okay pics is reasonable.

>Pretending that you're anywhere as good as Pihl
>"I won't charge and arm and a leg"
>Charging $90 for 30 minutes
Honey, please.

>> No.8446080

>Different anon, but the out of control photog pricing in new england/the east coast is pretty frustrating because it makes it tough to find any photographer for under $50 even if you just want barely passable proof that you wore a costume. So I can understand being salty at clowns like this who think $150/hour for okay pics is reasonable.

I'm acquainted with Vander, he's a freaking hypocrite. I remember before pihlgate he kept talking shit about how she was too expensive and how she was ripping people off. And now here he is doing exactly what's she's doing but at lower quality of service? Get out of here, not only is he pathetic enough to advertise on cgl he has the nerve to do something he was complaining someone else was doing over half a year ago.

>> No.8448726

>tfw 1 week left
>tfw not ready

>> No.8449480

Same anon.

What's everyones cosplay plans?

>> No.8450645


>tfw 1 week left
>tfw no bookings

My Otakon is looking SO much better than m ConnectiCon. I think I might have to skip it. :(

>> No.8450854

making a day trip for CTcon, gonna bring Suzi Q

>> No.8450868

I did hear they are having food trucks near this year, so thats something

>> No.8450922

Just for all the general comments:
- I had certain necessities that required higher prices. I'm glad there were clients willing to pay when I needed it. Some were repeats who understood and were awesome.
-If you don't like my editing, give me some examples of photographers who you consider top tier in this genre. Always down for setting some artistic goals.
-Even if you don't enjoy my work yourself my clients do. They leave happy and come back to work with me. I don't ditch shoots, avoid clients, or renege on photos.
- I do post around here. Usually only when people are asking for photogs or I actually have something to say on a topic. Very rare for both.

Anyway if anyone here wants to give me suggestions or say something directly to me come over to my FB page. I don't mind. See ya guys around CTcon.

>> No.8450927


>> No.8450931

is that the reason why the photoshoot events were being handled so poorly? everyone is confused

>> No.8450934

are you actually comparing yourself to lauren pihl? she's a bitch, but you sir has no skill in photography.

>> No.8450937

i hope it's just someone trolling as Vander.

>> No.8450939

what camera do you use? I checked out your photos and some of them seemed to be missing focus. maybe you should microadjust your lens

>> No.8452172

how bad is parking on saturday? i heard riverfest is happening around the block and i should get there as early as possible?

>> No.8452191

yes. parking fills up fast, especially on saturday.

>> No.8454088
File: 451 KB, 515x622, NargaSBM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be in male nargacuga armor with exemplar blade. Definitely under estimated how hard thermo plastic is to keep shape so mask might be shitty.

>> No.8456474

that looks sick, you have any progress pics or a sample?

>> No.8460565

who's doing prereg thursday? the line was ridiculous last year

>> No.8460800

Ah, Christ. I've never been to CTCon before, but I agreed to join some friends under the impression that it'd be like any other local con. What did I sign myself up for?

>> No.8460878


>large for a local con
>expanded into multiple locations, including a pub crawl that a shuttle runs the route of
>convention center staff are sometimes dicks but volunteers for CTCon are usually all right
>artist's colony is first come first serve so lots of local people have tables, good or bad
>ditto with panels it seems
>bretty gud cosplay
>huuuge tabletop/card gaming presence
>no real anime guests beyond english dub VAs
>ice cream stand with fucking gigantic cones may be the only in-con fresh food to pay for
>mix of ages and genres, if you have friends and don't be a sour edgy cynic you will have fun just running around being geeks
>if you go alone and are not a teenager the experience can be disappointing

i usually enjoy the death matches, check out the art fight for at least a bit, skip the masquerade, and give money to artists and craftspeople instead of exhibitors.

the con tries to be a platform for indie artists, entertainers, game designers, etc., but the crowd wants typical con fare, and the organizers are too clueless or stubborn to properly support the indie people they bring in. if they officially changed focus, they could probably help build a decent indie weeb scene, imo.

>> No.8460885

i meant the ice cream cones may be the only con food WORTH paying for.

you can have pizza delivered to your hotel room, otherwise plan to visit area restaurants ahead of time.

>> No.8460979

Okay, so the usual shitty-organization-but-cool-congoers affair? That's not so bad, I normally go to cons for the social aspect anyway. Thanks for the tip about the ice cream, though. What's the dealer's room like? Is there a decent amount of import shit, or is it largely the usual Doctor Who t-shirt fare you see at smaller cons?

>> No.8461001

there's a decent amount of figures and shit but i can't tell the difference between bootleg and real deal. it's usually only current and popular stuff, but there are different stalls with a huge selection of manga in both English and Japanese, from old to new, if that's your thing.

last year the dealer's area was weaker than before, which i hope is not repeated this year. last year it was because the exhibition hall was shared with the aforementioned empty tabletop RPG area, as well as the artists' colony, so my hope is this year that wasted space will not be so wasted and we can see a return to the variety of previous years.

also if you're into leather or maille or weapons there's usuallu a bunch of that, though i can't vouch for their quality.

>> No.8461012
File: 416 KB, 1600x1067, connecticon_2014__giant_monopoly_game__by_meisterprince-d7qknv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll dump some pics i found from previous years so you can see what it has been like before. they are not mine.

here is part of the eating/gaming space, where people were allowed to gather (not the bullshit empty "reserved" spots).

>> No.8461015
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-07-11-17.57.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a corner of the artist area

>> No.8461019
File: 74 KB, 400x267, tumblr_na578gX2Bi1s76juso1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like rhythm games and ugly carpeting this is the con for you

>> No.8461027
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aerial shot of exhibition hall

>> No.8461034
File: 110 KB, 983x553, 9126106_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get there early or you could be waiting in a line that extends through the garage to get in.

>> No.8461036
File: 76 KB, 600x402, ctcon2014-smoongrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walk around outside during the day to catch some cosplay photoshoots

>> No.8461045
File: 95 KB, 600x400, ctcon-trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a significant jfash contingent, but little to no programming for them. however, LOTS of artist colony people sell lolita and kawaii goods.

>> No.8461050

>tfw only friend of mine that's going is gonna chill with her friend
>tfw its just gonna be me doing nothing mostly
Hopefully there will be cute girls r-right /cgl/

>> No.8461053
File: 21 KB, 300x200, connecticon_2014__can_t_get_enough_of_deadpool_by_theteenwonder-d81yl90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herd of deadpools in front of the ice cream stand. this is the only pic of it i can find. i hope it's there this year, the cones are huge.

>> No.8461055

Steven universe
It's pretty easy and it didn't take long to get any of the items.

>> No.8461063

Any Danganronpa Cosplayers wanna meetup? Kinda just wanna hangout with someone with similar interests.

>> No.8461064
File: 201 KB, 1095x730, connecticon_2014__attack_on_titan_cosplayers_5__by_meisterprince-d7qkrbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but it's Connecticut, so they won't talk to anyone they don't know.

>> No.8461072


avoid the hotel elevators unless absolutely necessary. especially during checkout. the system is fucked up, and if you can manage the stairs you will get where you're going much faster and with less BO

>> No.8461091

I love the continuity of having a convention 10 minutes away
But not that I know no one, if someone came up to me and just wanted to hangout and stuff I wouldn't object, but everyone is just a fucking introvert or a damn homestuck cosplayer.

>> No.8461093

Went to CTCon when I was 17 to meet ~internet friends~, only stayed a couple hours because my parents drove me and didn't really get what a con was (they took my sister to the nearby science center, though she later regretted not tagging along). I was fine with only a few hours' time with friends since I had some serious agoraphobia I fought through for it, and it was fun, but I saw next to nothing and didn't get much "con experience" (though I got a hug from a girl who liked my cosplay as soon as I registered and had photos requested a couple times which was very exciting at the time!)

5 years later I'm going again with friends, for real this time. We were a little late but got a nice Marriott studio room 10 minutes or so away. We're going as a bunch of wannabe Tunnel Snakes, because Tunnel Snakes rule.

Not sure if I should call this my second con or my first, though.

>> No.8461161

it's your second, even if your first time didn't last long (few people's do)

i feel you, moving to CT from the south made me feel like i'd never see a friendly face again.

so, seagull meetup?

>> No.8461306

I'll be cosplaying from the Fate/ series on Saturday then a girl from an obscure ecchi series on Sunday.

>> No.8461327

what's your page? are you looking for a photographer? check me out on book of face, Vander Photography

>> No.8461328

Should I just tell people it's my first time? I don't want people to think I'm a slut... Especially if my first time was so quick.

>> No.8461438

If you wanna hangout that would be sweet, cause this is a pretty fucking kicken board and a meetup would be nice.

>> No.8461472

Seriously, you're still doing this?

>> No.8461508

>if you go alone and are not a teenager the experience can be disappointing

Well fuck...here I was gearing up to re-visit a con I haven't been to in years and then I see this and all the other shit talking I just read.

Is it really too much to hope that it's good. It's my first Ctcon since I've moved back from the west coast

>> No.8461688

i have to block him on facebook. he spam all the cosplay groups I'm a member of.

>> No.8461872

I literally laughed out loud when I read this. You're a clown for advertising here, and you are one of the most hypocritical people I've met considering you were bitching about how expensive Lauren Pihl was before #pihlgate. Do you have any shame at all oser?

>> No.8462271

I'll hang with you guys. If you see a bunch of shitty DC / Marvel cosplayers of varying races, it'll probably be me and my friends. I'll be the shitty spiderman, just walk up and say hi

>> No.8463678


Heh, I got a group doing Jacket, Rasmus, and Mark. Maybe a Biker too but his transportation is getting kinda borked. Trying to help him out.

>> No.8463690

>shitty spiderman
There has to be something that stands out other then how horrible it is right?
Cause I'll definitely hang with you.

>> No.8464223
File: 238 KB, 894x894, 1423030345667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's surreal seeing a local con on 4chan for some reason

anyways i'll be one of those shit-tier SU cosplayers

say hi if you see a Tiger Millionaire on the floor on sunday, i guess

>> No.8464321
File: 96 KB, 540x960, KR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my group of friends is. considering that its from 2-10, it seems like they're getting their shit together

>> No.8464340
File: 93 KB, 540x960, MEGAMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo I'll meetup. If you see a guy in shitty imitation football armor with a swan mask, feel free to say hi.

shit now you got me hyped, i'll try and find you guys there to say hi and prolly talk about HM or something

pic semi-related. not me, but one of my fav cosplays from last year

>> No.8464369


Shouldn't be too hard to find us. We'll be there all three days. Technically tomorrow as well to wait in line in the heat.

>> No.8464396

Anyone know if there's going to be a lolita meet-up? I saw that there was a panel, but the people running it aren't the same from the last few years so I have no idea if they're have a swap meet afterwards or anything.

>> No.8464520

Not much, I might have my mask off for a bit, so look for a nig spiderman. I might just bring a sign with a seagull on it for hahas

>> No.8464642
File: 2.08 MB, 4128x2322, prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry hadnt been on in a while. I should get an award for how fast someone can put shit together in a week. Heres the first prototype of the weapon. Going to be fixing it up, filling in gaps and rounding edges and repainting. We got an air brush and I was just eager to use it.

>> No.8464653
File: 1.15 MB, 748x732, mask first attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at the mask. Have since made a smoother one but thermoplastic is still a bitch to work with in bulk.

>> No.8465312

My friend is in the background of this picture, huh

>> No.8466593

What's up with this preregistration line? Technical issues again? The back of animals Boston preregistration went faster then this and I'm in the front

>> No.8466602

It's too late for me
Never preregistered
I'll see you all 50 minutes after the con is over, the whole first day will be waiting for tickets. FUCK

>> No.8467670

I preregged, didnt pick up today. Am i fucked?

>> No.8468193
File: 861 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-10-00-32-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1449 lost their presidential suite lmao.

>> No.8468210

how the fuck did they manage that

>> No.8469022

Holy shit I am laughing so hard. I love that the cons are starting to catch onto these clowns. Anime boston was all over their asses too.

>> No.8469040


Who's this dude?

>> No.8469242

They were hyping the living fuck out of their presidential suite as well. They didn't even show it off or anything and lost it within a few hours. It's hilarious. XD

>> No.8469282

This place is very empty

>> No.8469342

1449 save us. CTCon is shit. Been shit since 2012. The ONLY saving grace for CTCon is Tokyo Attack, Nerdfit and the awesome nightlife.

Old Yeller style, take it out back and shoot it with the shotgun.

Save your money. Hit up Ota, Dragon, AB, AAC or NYCC.

CTCon is done. RIP.

>> No.8469660

>ney. Hit up Ota, Dragon, AB, AAC or NYCC.
>CTCon is done. RIP.
Fuck Ota, after last year it's a shit-tier convention as well.

>> No.8469731

1449 is a group of nerds who like throwing big parties in suites at cons (which would be fine by itself), but then have a tenancy to get in trouble with the hotel and con staff because they're messy, loud, and constantly come here to brag about being the best thing to ever happen to the con scene. They're pretty much incapable of holding a room party like normal people.

>> No.8469789

Also they're colossal douchebags towards people who aren't in their social circle. I'm sure they throw amazing parties and they're a blast to hang out with. But I just can't get over how obnoxious they are both here and on Facebook, as well as just being shitty people in general.

>> No.8469812

Anyone know what's going on in the lobby? They wouldn't let us down the escalators or even near the windows while we passed by outside. Apparently emergency vehicles were showing up? We were leaving at the time and had to walk the long way around to get into they garage. Did someone jump or something?

>> No.8470186

The first year I went to CTcon I remember playing ninja with a friend and a lot od strangers on a large wooden practice floor for swordplay that wasn't in use, and I didn't attend any panels.

3 years later and I'm like the complete opposite, I go to a lot of panels and don't really interact with strangers for anything other than the console games.

I don't know if this is because i'm getting more socially awkward each year or if it's because CTcon isn't really encouraging social interaction. Like there's no longer the giant wooden practice floors for people to have fun on; they've been replaced by the previously mentioned "reserved" tables that no one actually uses. And they have so many tables for board games now that it doesn't really encourage people to get desperate and ask strangers to play, and then resultingly make new friends.

In either case, i don't want to spend the entire weekend with just my group of friends, so are there any hotspots for doing fun things with new people?

>> No.8470573

>cosplay falls apart
>roommate letting me borrow cosplay
feels goodman

>> No.8470589


My group welcomes new friends who can endure our nonsense. We like to invite people to the new board games we decide to try out.

We'll be there Saturday during downtime after panels and photo shoots. We're the Hotline Miami trio if you want to hunt us down.

>> No.8470615
File: 608 KB, 1280x960, P6050003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swan guy, can confirm these guys are rad, parked two spaces away from them, have similar interests, cant wait to chill at HM photoshoot tomorrow because >>8470573
pic unrelated

>> No.8470620

Monster hunter guy here. Cool seeing a couple of you today (hotline Miami guys and gene cosplayed from /v/).

I acidentally entered the craft contest. They had a couple no shows and told me to go to a room and explain. What am II in for?

Anyway, stop me and say hi, I'll have the red and black greatsword.

>> No.8471364


Well, addendum to this. Just a duo now of Mark and Jacket. Our Rasmus became sick

>> No.8471452

Are you the guys that submitted that rediculous video to the FMV contest? If so, I enjoyed it, as silly as it was.

>> No.8471571

All of this burgeoning lolita friendship!

>> No.8471585

Just FYI we got another presidential suite at another hotel. Get fucked :^)

>> No.8471598

Meanwhile in our presidential suite that cost us a fraction of the other suite and thats closer to the convention.

Oh, and the gameroom staff are lazy as fuck. Maybe get a tournament started on time instead of eating your slice of pizza.

>> No.8471629

1449 are a bunch of felons. From what I hear they get underage girls drunk and molest them in their room parties.

>> No.8471630

Anybody in the cafe or around?

>> No.8471645

Anyone at the prerelease? A shame it coincides with the deathmatch but there's no Cobra this year so is it really worth it?

>> No.8471666

Anime Boston is shit tier anyway and will try to shut down any hotel room with more than two solo cups in it. Which is weird considering half the fucking city is Irish.

Y'all just mad that you can't figure out where the decent room parties are.

>> No.8471710

Someone please have lunch with me

>> No.8471725

Where are you

>> No.8471735

That's depressing m8.

>> No.8471830

hey you see a kid walking around with a giant bag of gunpla say hi

>> No.8472399

I would love to have a qt3.14 to talk to tonight... I hope nice single girls are browsing this thread right now...

>> No.8472479
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctcon gets its own fireworks :^)
Anyone else on the roof of the garage?

>> No.8472508

i'll be in a yui hirasawa shirt if anyone wants to talk to a stranger and his brother and his brothers friends

>> No.8472548

Nope, we drinkking having fun. Fucking nerd.

>> No.8472594

so many lolitas here! in ouji/aristocrat for the first time and geeking out. hope to make it to swap meet tomorrow.

>> No.8472644

There's another swap meet? Where?

>> No.8472675

someone told me there was a swap meet tomorrow and i took their word for it - will double check

>> No.8472705

If we can seriously have a normal and actual meetup that would be great. It can just be a like 10 minute thing in the food court.
That monster Hunter guy was nice too, total bro.

>> No.8472712

I don't buy art from conventions without the poster or whatever being signed. I don't care about the value of your signature. I want my shit signed.

>> No.8472731

thirsty bros need poon, where do we find it :(

so ronery

so sad

halp seagull qts

>> No.8472772

what do you say about >>8471629 ???

>> No.8472893

Panels this year are fucking boring besides nerdfit.

>> No.8472904

>tfw I don't care about finding chicks amy more at this damn con
Now I'm just gonna save up horrible cosplay photos and post them on /cgl/ for a nice laugh.

>> No.8472931

1449 aint shit they think they are but let them touch any of my female friends at any con and I'll rock any of these niggas.

>> No.8472967


The females here are the most autistic I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

>> No.8472981

so's your mom but that didn't stop your dad from putting it in

>> No.8473059

>so's your mom but that didn't stop your dad from putting it in

Case in point

>> No.8473167
File: 3.25 MB, 4160x2340, 0712150354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Pat Murphy and this is my ass

>> No.8473219

All I see is a picture of John Chea.

>> No.8473349


>> No.8473443


>> No.8473547


Probably already fucked your female friends. "rocked" their pathetic little worlds. Get fucked.

>> No.8473559


Not even remotely true but yet you're jacking off to your 13 dollar hentai dvd because no one will even talk to your dumbass. Probably smelling like ctcon rave BO and rotten cheese.

Legit fuck yourself. I'm too busy fucking con bitches.

>> No.8473607

>Thinking anime boston just doesn't go out of their way to shut down 1449 because they're a bunch of assclowns
>Thinking anime boston cares about any party that doesn't involve minors or loudnoise
>Thinking anime boston staff doesn't hold their own parties

Oh, you <3

>> No.8473624

Stop responding to that guy. You wouldn't hold a conversation with your trashcan, would you?

>> No.8473645


That other anon is right though. There was an old thread discussing about it with proof and screencaps and shit that there was underage girls drinking that were brought up and several evidence as well.

>> No.8473674
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 10628240_10152782771306112_4656555941678897582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked nerds

>> No.8474284
File: 63 KB, 960x720, friends fb photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was this you?
it was taken by my friend that was Micaiah from FE

>> No.8474314


At least two of you guys are registered sex offenders and legally aren't supposed to be at anime conventions.

>> No.8474328

I'm not sure if people are trying to act like dicks intentionally but holy shit this thread made me not want to hang out with any of you.

The Zidane cosplay is really good.

>> No.8474559

lol, thats hilarious

>> No.8474675

Got herded away from the big squishy beanbag cushions Sunday afternoon. Thought they were just collecting them to take away but then I looked over and some poor girl was convulsing. Very impressed with the staff reaction at a glance, but I hope she's alright.

To be fair, though, the big squishy beanbag cushions are probably the best possible location to have a seizure, all things considered. If you're reading this, I hope you're okay!!

>> No.8474693

Fuck. Some of you people in this thread really make me remember why living on the east coast is such shit. Getting aid at a con isnt even that great or something to brag about unless your thirsty as fuck the rest of the year. Your shit ass room party aint shit. Last year and previous years, /cgl/ was fucking cool to hang with, went to every meet up at CTcon. Where the fuck did these clowns come from?

Anyway, the decent people I did meet this year and the ones I may have missed, still had a good time. Glad to come out and see a few decent cosplays this year, and the rythm games section kept us entertained. Holy shit the masquerade was awful. I had never actually gone before and was only there as a walk on, and almost just fucking left. some 3deep5me shit and cringe.

Loved the food trucks though, was nice to get something close with variety. Lets post some pics of shit we saw. Sorry I couldnt snap alot of you guys, my cosplay was pretty restrictive and the designated picture taker of the group went full fucking yundere on me and threw a fit most con.

>> No.8474700
File: 87 KB, 540x960, 11692688_865060343586960_6524882449107670566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy made me giggle

>> No.8474711

fuck, that was the gene from /v/. Love seeing his photo bombs every year.

>> No.8474722
File: 1.27 MB, 3072x2304, 5512541234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear there's another Gene here on /cgl/ or is that just someone posting /v/'s Gene?

>> No.8474725

Im pretty sure that was me (monster hunter guy) mixing them up. I always thought I saw his (yours?) posts here but I always saw them in /v/ cosplay threads. If its you, good work, always love the get-up and the poses.

>> No.8474738
File: 1.24 MB, 3072x2304, 14134214124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

darn, I was hoping there was someone else on the planet who liked the game enough to do a cosplay of it

>> No.8474906


Hey, thanks! glad you enjoyed our shit.


>> No.8475010

OMG meetups... just stop and jerk off to Miley Cyrus. No one cares.

>> No.8475016


And the closest you've been with a girl is:
A. Your sister
B. Your mom
C. You're lame. Threesome with both.

GFY, hard.

>> No.8475104

Fuck I saw you, but I haven't checked the thread all weekend

>> No.8475687

>the designated picture taker of the group went full fucking yundere on me and threw a fit most con.

....wow, thanks for putting me on blast.
You're so busted when you get home.

>> No.8475716


>> No.8475783

had a lot of fun this convention. better panels this year, but the dealer's room seemed a bit bare.

>> No.8476503

Micaiah cosplay? was it good? I love those games holy shit would have loved to see that

>> No.8476639

A friend of mine is trying to identify a (lolita?) dress they saw during the convention-
Apparently it was pink & purple with a bit of white, and it was 'covered in eyeballs' and has 'dream' & some other words printed on it.

I've tried to find it online with little success, but was wondering if anyone here knew what dress it was or had pictures? Thanks!

>> No.8476746

>A bear in a fedora

And it's not Dobson?

>> No.8477325

it's Dr. Pooh

>> No.8477576

Anybody get cosplay photos from the con? Post um!

>> No.8478036
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 11403168_517955851685395_3253274821018774885_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a couple more

>> No.8478193
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 11017445_517955285018785_3907989984910487657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8478194

Well this thread makes me glad I didn't go to CTcon

>> No.8478284

ignore the thirst and drama. it was better this year than previous years, and most people who went had a good time.

>> No.8478378
File: 79 KB, 309x329, 1435902019285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this thread end
I had a fun time
Got me back into cosplaying and even made me get much more info this board.
But other then meeting some cool dudes there, having a pretty lonely lunch, playing like 7 games of magic with strangers I might not ever see again, then meeting skimlines for the 4th time. It was an alright experience.
I hope to see more Junko cosplayers, less homestuck, and that monsterhunter guy cause he deserved more then he got, fucking awesome work man.
Also needed more good satsuki cosplayers. Not just 3 shitty ones.

>> No.8478540

Tfw you thought somebody posted your own pic. Damn you must have been right next to me.

>> No.8478999

Your shenanigans are always welcome.

>> No.8479271
File: 112 KB, 960x720, side_dodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Gene actually, my friend took the picture

>> No.8479364


>> No.8479411

I was American Speedo guy at the rave. I had a fun time.

>> No.8479643


Shit, sorry you missed us man. Would've loved to hang out with more people.

For the few I did meet up with here, we had a blast and it was cool to see other people with similar interests.

>> No.8479645

Welp, there's always next year

>> No.8479754
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 11742716_517955758352071_4023059810818542384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there another besides me?

>> No.8479988

One of the cops blocking it off said something about a "health issue," so I wouldn't be surprised if someone jumped or some dumbass tried to emulate that furry con gassing incident.

>> No.8480282


Yeah, I'm planning to go next year. As what, I don't know.

I want to learn how to make armor so I could go as Kamen Rider Fourze.

If that fails, I have a list of back ups in the works. Dr Forrester from MST3K is on that list.

>> No.8480287

>Dr. Forrester

do it please.

>> No.8480401
File: 13 KB, 250x220, 1436901036893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mother got angry at me because of the fireworks because she couldn't get through the closed exit
>I was supposed to hangout with a nonon cosplayer and watch the fireworks but she came early, about the same time the klk feminism panel started
All I wanted was a girlfriend but I left with a hole in my stomach.
I got that girls number but she hasn't answered for like 4 days.
Am I boned /cgl/

>> No.8480924

Probably :( Girls don't like telling to your face and making it easy, they like to know that you suffer and sweat a few days of "maybe" first.

>> No.8481247

>trying to pick up girls
>having your mom pick you up from a convention
i dont compute

>> No.8482245

Was it the tracksuit Nonon? She was super cute, wish I got her photo.