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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 95 KB, 640x451, 7071724db8de1b02d439e1bb5c8df834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8401914 No.8401914 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of trap cosplayers?

>> No.8401919

i think they've gotta step up their game

>> No.8402219

Crossplay scene in this board looks dead.

>> No.8402223

i'm a girl but i love trap cosplay and it kind of turns me on??? but anyways

>> No.8402229

The attraction of nicely done dressup followed by a surprise package underneath..

>> No.8402247

Ratty wig and that toothpick skinny shapeless body and bad makeup face 0/10 i can totally detect the dong from here.

>> No.8402278

This isn't fucking tumblr.

>> No.8402285
File: 479 KB, 1200x1600, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting better everyday.

>> No.8402555

Its hot but i rarely see any good ones.

>Hoping for quality crossplay image dump

>> No.8402576

he looks like venus's ex-bf

>> No.8402598

It's not a trap if it's obviously a man

>> No.8403798


>> No.8403888
File: 99 KB, 528x732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been fooled once before.
Luckily I have no shame and said buy me enough drinks and let's see what happens anyway. Thanked me for the compliment but didn't take me on the drinks offer


Here's one that almost got me too but something about the the jaw line tipped me off.

>> No.8404571


This is making me have weird feelings.

>> No.8405070

>something about the jaw
do you mean the fact that its fucking huge

>> No.8405143

Agree anon. And i'm a girl too.

>> No.8405173


>> No.8405948
File: 29 KB, 450x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406004

oh god cannot unsee

>> No.8407146

Maybe i'm a closet bi but who cares.

>> No.8407209

Contemplating self posting test shots from last night but nobody else is posting >_>

>> No.8407333
File: 23 KB, 759x422, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8407346

that eyeliner is terrible

>> No.8411499

I got trapped hard at ALA.

>> No.8412301

Fucking idiot that's obviously a dude look at that face and jaw. You gotta be stupid to fall for it. I'm really good at pointing out traps.

>> No.8412376

Other than Matt, Ichiro and Gogo, who else is worth worshipping?

>> No.8415737
File: 171 KB, 1600x856, poi008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u a qt grill
I think this dude stopped because of harassment and drama in the past.
There's a lesbian that's hitting on me on Twitter and it just feels weird mang, like I don't know what to make of it.

>> No.8416046

Since I might be doing a crossplay in a few months, this is probably a suitable place to ask.
What's the easiest way to remove a lot of body hair?

>> No.8417220
File: 420 KB, 1600x1199, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best trap Cosplay ever

>> No.8417289

This thread still here?
Well, time to contribute I guess
Trap cosplay is hard to pull off, unless you have feminine features.
I've seen a few really good traps and they really take care of their face, skin and... hair? :V
>fair skin
>feminine features
>using beauty products
>good make up

But there's one thing I noticed in traps is their broad shoulders which is a dead give away

>> No.8417791
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 51WWSOlQyxL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had good results with magic shaving powder.

Just don't use the cream version, it smells horrible. The powder actually smells kind of alright.

>> No.8417987
File: 84 KB, 491x373, ss (2015-06-21 at 01.20.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using an epilator with great results. Hurts a bit the first time, but if you keep it up it becomes practically painless and the level of smoothness is unreal.

I recently upgraded to pic related and wet epilating is super ez mode on everywhere but down there.

>> No.8420389
File: 53 KB, 468x832, 1352067227206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then fuck the lesbian if you're into that

>> No.8420895
File: 58 KB, 833x600, IMG_35218993372303..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8420944

>females aren't normal

>> No.8421033

I don't have the chart on this computer, but how do you guys normally tuck when trapping?
I do the "Push balls inward toward abdomen and pull ball skin over dick while pushing dick down toward anus" method.

>> No.8421099

That's his transformation to normal guy to female cosplay, also known as trap cosplay

>> No.8421149

Most traps are awful. If you think you're a trap, you're probably not. I know tumblr hates the word, but I always saw "trap" as a compliment, the cream of the crop for males crossplaying women. If you can't fool people and make them think you're an attractive girl, then you're not doing it right.

>> No.8423200


>> No.8423205


>> No.8423270

Want to self post. But still not the best at trapping...

Dear lord reading that made me nauseous.

>> No.8423281

If you can't fool people and make them think you're an attractive girl, then you're not doing it right.
>I have unrealistic expectations.

>> No.8423703


Self post anyway

>> No.8423747

That shit never worked for me
Do you have to be Asian for it to work? lmao
Even when I can get the twins in, Frank is usually enough to create a bulge on his own so I don't understand.

>> No.8423793


>> No.8423938

>If you can't fool people and make them think you're an attractive girl, then you're not doing it right.

I look like a perfectly average grill when I crossplay and I'm fine with that.

>> No.8424104

Post pics

>> No.8426515
File: 418 KB, 1440x2560, -9bBX3Y-Y6mstWK68z7TRwCyx8U-XQEs9-b-Z1fvfG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427410

Do you get ingrown hairs at all? I've tried epilators once but got a lot of red ingrown hairs afterwards

>> No.8429047
File: 106 KB, 501x447, ss (2015-06-25 at 05.33.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the after?

I don't really notice much to be honest. Make sure you're going against the natural growth of the hair and I would highly recommend regular physical exfoliation. I use pic related for that.

>> No.8429337
File: 1.62 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah same, it's especially bad on my thighs.So exfoliating prevents this?

>> No.8429343

From what I understand, it doesn't prevent it, but "uncovers" it so that it doesn't continue to grow inwards? Someone else clarify >_>

>> No.8429382

I've been meaning to trap crossplay for many years, I actually might have been able to pull it off back when I was 18-20.

I'm turning 24 this year, and started growing hair on my legs and stuff, so probably not going to happen anymore...

I remember one of the happiest days back in the days was when I borrowed a maid outfit from a friend and could actually fit it and pull it off.

>> No.8429485

I epilate, and yeah, I don't get as many red ingrowns as you. Slight ingrowns, yes, but exfoliating usually allows the hair to 'pop' out and grow outwards instead of inwards.

>> No.8429530

Christ what potato razors are you using???

>> No.8429642
File: 255 KB, 1920x1080, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 27 and I just started. Man the hell up and epilate or just shave before crossplaying - ez pz

>> No.8429689

Or wear tights.

>> No.8431387

it's not the same thing as trap cosplay i guess but i plan to crossdress at AX next week.

>> No.8434608

Something that I've wondered about is make up, I've seen a few tutorials on youtube, but it all seems really confusing. Would it just be easier to convince my sister to do it?

>> No.8434624

Being a trap has less to do with your age and more to do with your features. I'm 23 and I feel like I can still trap. Only difference between now and when I was 19 is I need to take better care of my skin and constantly improve makeup skills.

>> No.8435435

Does anybody have tips on how to thin your eyebrows to look more feminine? I'm afraid I'll screw up.

>> No.8435460

Get a photo of how you want them, take it in and get them waxed or threaded professionally once or twice. Then pluck weekly to maintain them in that pattern. Worth the investment and they will look good. Lots of Metro guys get theirs waxed often just to keep them looking neat, it's no unusual thing to the salon techs.

>> No.8435478

you should try shaving with the grain.

>> No.8436233

Really? Everybody tells me to do different things on this matter.

>> No.8436236

If you're shaving thick/long hair, go once with the grain, and then do a second pass against the grain with basically no pressure; just let the blade glide over your skin.

>> No.8436470
File: 2.85 MB, 1182x880, 1433405182921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to crossplay at this year's Anime Expo? I'm down to do some photography. Shots and edits are free.

>> No.8436521

Impressive if they're passable, awkward if they're definitely not. I also really like the overly masculine cosplays (2hus with thick beards and whatnot)

>> No.8437513

Come hang out at the Kancolle gathering.
There's going to be plenty of crossplay there.

The Touhou gathering as well if you're interested.

>> No.8439490

Anyone have advice on using makeup to make your arms look less masculine in Cosplay? Is that even a thing?

>> No.8439925

I suppose it's possible, but I've never heard or seen it. The usual is just to cover up your arms with sleeves/wear big wrist accessories, etc.

>> No.8442140
File: 497 KB, 1390x1600, 6419516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick to good legs is ridiculous exposure.
I have no idea what I was thinking when I bought these socks. Thankfully I don't use them anymore.

>> No.8442251

The legit biomale traps look horrible every time. They might take photos from flattering angles and photoshop the fuck out of themselves, but in real life they always have a square jaw and very strong facial features that makeup can't hide. Usually they don't even attempt at contouring either.

All the good, praised "trap" cosplayers are always low-profile FTM transgenders who enjoy the attention they get for being the OMG BEST TRAP WAIFU EVER ^.^.

>> No.8444366
File: 50 KB, 529x600, mr bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8444955
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>> No.8444990

>that toothpick skinny shapeless body
Thats what the character looks like.

>> No.8445031

oh my god he's so cute

>> No.8445046

selfposts okay?

>> No.8445050

That is why you need natural long hair.

>> No.8445555

Of course, bb

>> No.8445671
File: 305 KB, 1248x830, give me your worst cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8445685

Good job. Convincing.

>> No.8445686

Skincare routine bae?

>> No.8445728

Honestly I don't have much of one. I just wash with a face wash and moisturize in the morning and before bed. However I've been reading lots of skincare threads and I'm planning to start a more robust routine.

>> No.8446714

bump up the jam

>> No.8446804
File: 895 KB, 500x513, mmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8448475


>> No.8448559

How does one go about either not getting, or hiding stubble?

>> No.8448835

depends on the severity and thickness of your beard growth
>laser hair removal
>androgen blockers
>women's estrogen supplements

>> No.8448898
File: 247 KB, 750x600, shaving lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating red meats and milk
switch to soy
lots of phytoestrogens that reduce your manliness over time

>> No.8449373

>dat pic
Someday... I will laser my body...

To prevent derail, I think some trap cosplayer can look very good, I appreciate the beauty, in many ways, so I don't mind if they really are "males", most of times.

>> No.8449449

Do you reckon this is why Asian men are effete? Most Asians have lactose intolerance, and red meat for the longest time was considered crass to eat.

>> No.8449473

I shave my legs a couple of times per week and I've never had something that horrifying happen to me. Use a regular razor, like the ones you can buy at the co op in packs of 10.

>> No.8449489

Not a trap, but I shaved my puss recently like usual, but erupted in painful acne, mostly on one side.

What the fuck? Is it my razor? I've always used the same type of razor... Did something get on the blades and infect me? Its so awful...

>> No.8449507

Was it a new blade? I always use a fresh one if I'm going down town.
>sage for buginas

>> No.8449513

When was the last time you switched out your razor and did you do anything differently this time (lather, direction, exfoliation regimen, etc)? I dip my razors in alcohol between uses and I switch them out every 2-ish weeks and back when I shaved my bush I always used a new razor.

>> No.8450219
File: 193 KB, 516x624, 57941 - Metal_Gear_Solid raiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, but it was newer.

Maybe a week ago? I don't shave my legs regularly, just my pits and my vag. And this time I did it via sink instead of in the shower.

Any idea on how to treat the bumps? They super hurt.

>> No.8450622

Mika best trap 4 ever

I want to see a good trap cosplay of this idol so badly

>> No.8450831

I used to lift weights so I developed a broad chest and shoulders and my arms are muscular. Is it still possible to get into trap mode through cardio and diet or will my body fat percentage just decrease and I'll still stay muscular?

>> No.8450916

If your chest and shoulders are broad you're kind of screwed, sorry.

>> No.8451015
File: 560 KB, 1440x2560, 2015-07-03 23.21.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I don't even have them on me, but here's one I just took from a boba place near AX.

>> No.8451035

What boba place? Was it any good? I haven't gotten my fix yet...

>> No.8451043
File: 84 KB, 614x960, yuuki kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought about that but it kinda makes sense.

>> No.8451059
File: 452 KB, 2829x1590, 2015-07-03 23.58.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AU79 Spirit I think was the name. Not walking distance but damn good.

>> No.8451081

why do traps get their own special category to be discussed
it's all the same cosplay tbh

>> No.8451084

Because they are tireless attention seekers?

>> No.8451109

Shave and wear stockings/tights, its what I do, feels great having smooth skin, itching sucks the next day though.

>> No.8451229

Starve yourself for a while, you'll lose muscle definition much faster than if you go full cardio.

>> No.8451236

xsauc, why do you call yourself "thinktrap" if you're not fooling anyone?

>> No.8451322

Hey there, nice Youmu cosplay today at the gathering!
Because trap cosplay is fckin hardcore

>> No.8451879

I'm already on a 1200kcal diet and I do high-rep upper-body lifts 3x a week. I can't work on my legs since I have an ankle injury. The rest of the days I do muay thai or bag work for an hour.

>> No.8451891

Someone called me that, the identity stuck

>> No.8451901

i mean you're giving it attention so

it's not any different from anyone else cosplaying

>> No.8455556

Wow I actually mistook you for a girl at Friday's Touhou panel. Good job.

>> No.8455571

Why you so shiny, bruh? Powder a bit.

>> No.8456290


>> No.8456319

It's not gay if they're wearing a skirt, anon.

>> No.8456662

post moar

>> No.8456903

Exfoliation means that if you get ingrowns from the hair hitting dead skin, you won't have that any more.

>> No.8456906

fuck off you piece of shit, traps are gay and so are you fucking faggot

>> No.8456909

is there more of this fat guy? Actually fat cosplayers are my fetish... would like it if you have more ;)

>> No.8456936
File: 487 KB, 1200x1745, 1417264781940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that, kid.

>> No.8457194

Tempting to self post. Trapped Sat. of AX

>> No.8457199
File: 101 KB, 372x203, 1431291208942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best!
Unless they are stupid breeders and don't want a ride on my dick.

>> No.8457232

>not liking girly d's
You are the faggot.

>> No.8457239

IMO guys can pull off some anime chicks better because they have stick-straight legs like in the animations. Girls are more likely to have fat and curve on their legs.

>> No.8457272

>draws perfect girl
>calls it a boy
that's not how it works, japan

>> No.8457280

Please do!
I'm sure you look cute.

>> No.8457807
File: 230 KB, 362x328, 1416772576164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Local and never knew about this place
Nice to learn about this place.

>> No.8459640
File: 1.19 MB, 1432x2164, trap mode guide v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has nobody posted this yet?

>> No.8460236
File: 186 KB, 332x512, 1419534125705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you the one that stepped on my dick and I flipped your skirt at the party at the Westin on Sat night?

>> No.8460292
File: 24 KB, 527x383, Rui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make-up guides where?

Especially to make my face a bit more pointy at the chin, like pic.

>> No.8460296

I dated a trans. I got tired of the drama. I got tired of her always needing to CONFIRM her gender to herself and others like it was a big fucking deal. Ok, so you're a woman trapped in a guys body - what else do you have to talk about? Do you have anything to offer the world other than the fact that you have boobs and a dick?

>> No.8460297

>stepped on my dick
Sounds like a great party

>> No.8461103

I was using a men's Gillette, you're saying I should actually use a cheaper razor?

>> No.8461113

Was it your first time doing this? If so then you might be like me, and yeah, this first time it's gonna suck for a few weeks. Shower often, and there are even skin creams you can rub in to help.

Did this for the second time this AX and am having nowhere near the irritation I did last year despite doing the same thing.

>> No.8461728

So, if I shave consistently, then my legs won't be as irritated?

>> No.8461780

Thanks! I didn't make the gathering though because I suck at putting on makeup (took me 2-3 hours >_>).

Excellent! Mission accomplished!

Haha, yeah... This was right after KBBQ so I was pretty roasted and I forgot my blotting paper in my room.
I'm pretty new to this (2nd time cosplaying), but would powder be better than blotting paper in this situation or would the essentially accomplish the same thing?

>> No.8461784

Yeah, basically.
Exfoliate occasionally to remove dead skin and reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs.
Buy a big bottle of lubiderm and just go to town on your legs after showering.

>> No.8461810

Yeah, pretty much. In fact I'm so surprised with the lack of irritation this time around that I'm considering just shaving more often instead of letting it grow back.

>> No.8462289

Im thinking about going full brolita, as I have a feminine body,and I love the dresses. It helps my hips are wide, and my waist is girly, but not skeletal, cause muh genes.

For me, its not a thing of sexuality, its just I love the dress patterns, coordinating styles, layers and the makeup all in one package.

Accessorizing and pursuing a fashionable image while coordinating pieces to match my taste is a liberating aspect that you cannot find in male fashion.

dying and haircare/messing with long hair and fingernails is probably the messiest part for me.
fuck wigs, my hair is natural

dropping 200-300 a dress set, while it breaks my wallet, is exciting, it gives me something to look forward to.

that all said.
I need help.. I cant decide what college or state to go to, and time is slipping away!
What kinds of places would be good for an effeminate guy to go without getting beaten to a bloody pulp/ bullied till he an heros?

>> No.8462315


>> No.8462413

This won't be any help, but that's a pretty interesting perspective.

>> No.8462753

I feel you. I don't particularly like being a guy and like feminine clothes a lot more. California is pretty open to expression and can offer you a nice place.

>> No.8464186
File: 64 KB, 620x930, DSC_0706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took me forever to build up enough confidence to try my hand at any crossplay, but once I did it's actually done a lot of pretty good things for me. Basically I went from being a giant fat rolling neckbeard to someone who looks like a regular human being just because wanting to crossplay gave me the motivation to exercise every day, eat healthy, and take care of how my body looks in general. Just for the few days out of the year that I can go to a con and go through the process of emulating some of my favorite characters.

It's always really weird when I have old friends ask me what my motivation is for getting back in shape and becoming healthier overall, since the answer of "I wish to be the little girl" isn't really one that makes a whole lot of sense.

>> No.8464221

Was this from the Persona AX meetup?

I think I saw you there anon, you were so cute :D

>> No.8464252
File: 155 KB, 1280x852, DSC_0734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was! Hahaha I didn't talk to many people so I'm surprised anybody noticed me, so it's definitely a confidence booster to know that someone did!

>> No.8464314

I was the really tall Chie at the gathering, so I kinda got to notice everyone lol.

>> No.8464464

whats the deal with your ears anon?

>> No.8464501

>For me, its not a thing of sexuality, its just I love the dress patterns, coordinating styles, layers and the makeup all in one package.
>Accessorizing and pursuing a fashionable image while coordinating pieces to match my taste is a liberating aspect that you cannot find in male fashion.
You... my trapcosplay nigga!

>> No.8464908
File: 336 KB, 650x975, c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My penis is confused.

>> No.8465055

Nonomy is always worth it.

>> No.8465333
File: 428 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-3288281371666699982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more of us out there than you think... if only there were a con specifically for trap cosplayers, I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat ;_;

>> No.8465428

Same here, though preferably in California... and hopefully with panels on how to up your trap level 'cause that would be awesome...

>> No.8465661

thank you anons,
I'll look into Cali.

Im from the far north in the states though.

Im the opposite.
I dont mind being a male.

Ive always thought "its the clothing that makes the man/woman"

In unrelated crap,
When people moan about 'being a woman trapped in a mans body' it always never fails to go over my head completely.

Maybe because I dont particularly care to "identify" as anything, because I am simply me, or that I've accepted the fact that I'll never be a strong man, or a busty woman.
Having a body like this is as much a curse as it is a blessing.

Oh well as long as the dress is gorgeous, the makeup properly applied, and the accessories match for coordination,
thats all the 'identity" I need.
If people constantly mistake me as a woman until I open my mouth, so be it.

>> No.8466307
File: 1.22 MB, 2988x5312, 20141228_124921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ive always thought "its the clothing that makes the man/woman"
>When people moan about 'being a woman trapped in a mans body' it always never fails to go over my head completely.

I feel you on the "being a woman" thing, but I definitely don't think 'it's the clothing that makes the man/woman'. I don't identify as female at all (ever) even when I'm in crossplay, I just enjoy cosplay meant for females so much more than I enjoy cosplay meant for males. There's just so many more options and the makeup and clothes matching choices are just so much more fun! It is funny when I'm at cons with friends and some people who hear me talk will ask me what it's like to be trans/self-identify as a different gender and I have to explain to them that I still self-identify as male.

I've gotten a bit lucky though, since I'm still able to keep my hair cropped short, put on a suit, and go to work and just look like a skinnier version of every other dude there, I don't have to deal with a lot of problems that people who do have gender identity issues do (or even the problems that effeminate men have to deal with).

>> No.8466321

Don't get confused by beauty.

>> No.8466336
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1419636100367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Mr Yan holy fuck

>> No.8466359
File: 1.95 MB, 2988x5312, 20140921_132722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know who that is so I'll take that as a compliment

>> No.8466372

so sorry, trap-chan. it is not a compliment.
so sorry

>> No.8466385

My kokoro is boroko

>> No.8466445 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1309x462, SAM_3447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I still think I have long way to go before I am able to crossplay convincingly though

I kind of look like my dad and brother so I think that helps

>> No.8466498

Don't worry, just lose a bit of fat from your face and you'll be fine. You have a good frame to work with.

>> No.8466518
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, 1422071465503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to get into this, and I'm short enough, but my shoulders are broad as shit, and my legs are kind of muscular, they'd be huge by female standards...

>> No.8466549

Get clothes with puffy shoulders to hide the broadness of them, wear a corset, and either wear long dresses or make sure you wear dark tights to hide the muscle definition

>> No.8466793
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 1398058943371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U sure? Because right now I'm 90% sure you're Mr Yans crossplaying lost sibling

>> No.8466826

Man you are a cutie. I would love to meet you, I mean these people are just hating.

>> No.8467232

[Workout motivation intensifies]

>> No.8467986
File: 54 KB, 528x960, 11666037_861549157254847_4500183981524448482_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure :3

No, didn't wear this to any parties. :(

>> No.8468111

I don't remember spotting you at the Kancolle gathering. Was I just blind or weren't you there Saturday?

>> No.8468137

I got there about half an hour late (around 2:30). I was helping a friend change into her cosplay, which took longer than expected.

Once I got to the gathering I stayed until it ended.

>> No.8468140

Ah drat! I left around the time you showed up! Argh!

>> No.8468184
File: 106 KB, 1024x595, 1386578553505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert, but I think you really need to work on your mannerisms and posture.

>> No.8468255
File: 70 KB, 600x800, DSC06215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me about 3 years ago. Broad chest is an obvious giveaway and my face is kinda round. Also the makeup sucks, the shoes don't coordinate well, and I'm wearing the pochette like a belt. Gained a lot of weight after that after I got sick and I didn't know what the hell I was doing so I stopped. Lost all that weight a few months ago and now I weigh less than I did back then. Chest is still too broad from all the lifting I did, though. Also, I've done a lot more research on lolita since then so I think I can put a decent coord together. Still need work on makeup, though.

>> No.8468475
File: 218 KB, 1125x1500, 593994-samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this count as crossplay?

>> No.8468509
File: 155 KB, 765x1280, cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a common pic most of you have probably seen before, but its relevant

>> No.8468526

Not unless you're willing to do zero suit samus.

>> No.8468539


>> No.8469604

...stop being so cute

>> No.8471866

Ok I'll bite.
Which one's the boy?

>> No.8472715

Would you fuck a trans girl though? How much does it depend on the quality of their cos play? http://strawpoll.me/4876392/

>> No.8472719

Pretty sure the one on the right is a dude, that or she has an unfortunate torso/arms.

>> No.8472720

eeh yeah but the logic there is is you want the woman you think it is..only to find out in surprise that it's a guy...but what if you don't like men? or rather, what if you're not in the mood for men then? and then "oh you're a guy..."

>> No.8473215

If they're attractive, they could fuck me.

>> No.8473231

anyone have basic makeup tips? i feel like its one of the only things stopping me from doing way better at crossplay and i'm fairly bad at make up right now

>> No.8473399
File: 1.03 MB, 1800x1196, 1337597260077[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person for sure browses 4chan, just dunno which board.

>> No.8473476

traps are fantastic

>> No.8473500

Probably /jp/.

>> No.8473570

How do I tell my sister that I want to do a crossplay without her getting the wrong idea and thinking that I'm coming out as trans?

>> No.8473605

I think it's more your sister's problem than yours. If you can't just say you wanna cosplay some character or another straight up then I'm not sure what to tell ya.

>> No.8473794

Basically this. When I asked my sister to help with my first crossplay she was pretty excited at first, and a few cons she asked me if I was trans/homo and wasn't really concerned with it too much either way. Was super helpful for me to reaffirm that I don't actually want to be the little girl and that I just like the larger plethora of options that comes with crossplay.

>> No.8473795
File: 34 KB, 430x300, eating qt anime girls hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, some people are under the belief that anime is a long-term japanese ploy to turn western kids into sexually confused modern-day eunuchs.

Announcing that you want to crossdress as your favorite female anime chraracter really does make it seem like there's a shred of truth to it.

>> No.8473861

How to achieve Chun-Li butt?

>> No.8473878

squats and lunges

>> No.8473947

Isn't that just an old picture of Chisame? Could've sworn he doesn't post anymore. Not sure if still lurking...

>> No.8474125

I hope he's okay...

>> No.8474543
File: 40 KB, 861x574, 10984610_927739210601444_670768717651637276_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh he's okay, he doesn't visit CGL though.

>> No.8474611

The coasts are always a little more accepting of odd things. While you may not be trans, see how active the campus LGBT group is (and whether or not they have any trans* resources) and it's a good sign of how accepting a particular campus will be. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Also, see whether the area has an active lolita community.

I would 100% recommend a wig. What styles were you looking at?

>> No.8475090
File: 50 KB, 560x478, 3224853_two-shot_pink_hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! definitely going to look into that before sending in applications

As for Wigs, Im looking into one thats kind of like this.

Wavy is a happy medium between straight and curly, also Brownish Blonde is a subtle color that goes with any dress any day.

My natural hair is completely black, I take care of it with decent product, but of course, black hair isnt always good if you go for Sweet dresses, or want to dress in bright pink,

>> No.8478133

I heard somewhere that he stopped dressing up because he got too old for it.

>> No.8478206

I can't seem to get to his blog anymore. Kind of a shame, he was a big inspiration

>> No.8480496

It would get inundated by normies similar to shits from /fit/ and /soc/, I bet.

>> No.8480512

he looks better male cosplays

>> No.8480978


>> No.8481126

oh man the idea of people just going to people watch rustles my jimmies just thinking about it.

>> No.8482650

Are there any mannerisms that I should look into?

>> No.8482671
File: 39 KB, 388x392, 1436235011539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna be a trap cosplayer
>am a 6'3 hairy dork

>> No.8482672

>don't sit with your knees apart
>don't laugh too loudly/put a hand over your mouth when you laugh
>when someone is walking toward you YOU move out of the way so they won't have to walk around you
>don't speak too loudly
>try not to "occupy a lot of space" in general
>don't approach anyone aggressively (I don't mean like fighting, I mean being 'gentle' when wanting to speak ith someone else)

I can't think of any more "lady-like" stuff for now...

>> No.8482688
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, 1293916558372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482689
File: 760 KB, 2479x3508, trap posture guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482731

same problem with me. + shoesize 12,5

>> No.8482743

I'm sure this is great, but it's hard to understand a lot of it without pictures. Or maybe im just retarded.

>> No.8482759

See I would but , half these girls don't realize how cute they are to be honest.

>> No.8483239

Can manlets do effective trap cosplay? Like shorter than 5'5"

>> No.8483252

I think manlets actually have an advantage on that front! I'm 5'6" and am probably at the verge of being considered a bit tall for a lot of trap cosplays

>> No.8483416

I'm 5'5" exactly and it works out, but then again I'm also pretty skinny.

>> No.8483731
File: 241 KB, 960x1280, 1436696344227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this cosplay I think its great in fact its my wallpaper and I what more of her and I can find any

>> No.8483744

Ugh, yeah. Seras. I fucking want her blouse in my closet and her tits in my face.
No even ashamed of my wantonness.

>> No.8483792

Any guys got some good chin de-emphasis tips? I'm a grill, but my giant chin makes me look like a mediocre MTF crossplayer in photos.

>> No.8483796

Contouring. Drag queens are bomb to get ideas from. Lots of youtube tutorials. Sounds like a hassle and just bad all around to use drag tips, but they really know their shit most of the time.

>> No.8483904

They're disgusting, what a meta thread.

>> No.8484489

For big, skinny guys like me i think we should go as Amazons because we have the right size many Amazons are described as big women who has a high strength and look almost male.

>> No.8487965


>> No.8488118

I'm too old to trap cosplay convincingly now, I wish I had the confidence to do it when I was younger.

>> No.8488186

Do brolitas tend to wear/stuff bras under their coords, or just stick to being flat chested?

>> No.8488212

Her name is Brittany Bors. Learn to reverse image search. Also learn to post in the right fucking threads.

>> No.8488261
File: 41 KB, 640x640, received_839108239510136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow this guy on Instagram for a while now, he normally does amazing makeup! Just thought it was a little to much on this one. He is fucking huge but really gets away with looking like a girl!

>> No.8488365

>I think this dude stopped because of harassment and drama in the past.

>> No.8488374

cool dog

>> No.8488531

>His reason for crossplaying Reimu
Truest dedication to a waifu I've ever seen.

>> No.8488534

Wanna share?

>> No.8488537

That's actually the main reason I do trap cosplay. I'm going to be at the age where I can't do it anymore soon, so I'm trying to go to as many cons and do it as much as possible while I still have time.

>> No.8488544

>Boys, by long habit, round the back much more when they sit, so the penis and testicles stay on top of the thighs.
wait what

>> No.8488550

I guess if you cross your thighs, that is. If I cross them and don't round my back or even push it forward, my testicles do indeed feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8488850

>want to do a crossplay
>tfw having a big manly stature
well maybe I can do it!
>tfw having a big nose
I'm not sure if I ever can look girlish.
I think I want to try it though, I think I'm gonna buy a wig and try what I can do with my face.
Anything I need to know?

>> No.8488867

Can you be more precise? I'm only a beginner myself, but I noticed that choosing the character and outfit is very important. Shoulder-free stuff generally looks horrible; having puffy sleeves will greatly help hiding broad shoulders. Having (a dress with) a wide skirt (basically anything with a pettycoat underneath) will hide a narrow hip.
And finally, I guess choosing a character that looks a bit male helps, too, but that may be out of the question if you want to look “girlish”.

For me, the next think I really need to improve on (besides making cosplay outfits) is fully getting rid of my beard shadow. I hope waxing works; covering it with makeup didn't work out very well so far.

>> No.8488877

>For me, the next think I really need to improve on (besides making cosplay outfits) is fully getting rid of my beard shadow. I hope waxing works; covering it with makeup didn't work out very well so far.

I have only a few beard hairs growing so I look totally clean when shaved.

What I would like to know is what I need to know when buying the wig, I saw huge quality differences at the con I visited this year.

>> No.8488888

>What I would like to know is what I need to know when buying the wig

Buy from reputable stores and don't be afraid to ask about them. Arda-wigs is well known for having great cosplay wigs, but they're super thick so buying long ones isn't always the best because they tangle easily.

Also take care of your wigs, especially long haired ones. Brush them and use product if you can. Don't forget to trim them (especially bangs!) if they're not the right length. A lot of guys tend to just throw on a wig right out of the bag Take the time to adjust it on your head correctly, brush it out neatly, and style and cut it to your face (there are a lot of tutorials on how to trim wigs out there, if you're willing to I'd recommend even buying a super cheap wig and testing out how it feels to trim it before trying it on your good wigs.)

>> No.8488894

If I saw cute crossplayers I would try to fuck em. I hope you're gay and like bathroom sex.
No homo.

>> No.8489177
File: 2.41 MB, 1440x1440, Screenshot_2015-07-18-23-25-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is pretty good. I follow him too.

>> No.8489620

Yes, because dresses look misshapen without boobs. Don't stuff with gigantic boobs, but B cups will help get the right silhouette.
Use Ben Nye blue neutralizer concealer to hide beard shadow.
Pick something which will cover your forehead, so with bangs. Guys have bigger foreheads and it's a dead giveaway.

>> No.8489753

The makeup fits for the character, though.

>> No.8492198

is she nice?

>> No.8492580

Say I'm shaving my body hair for the first time, how long before the con should I do that, so I can shave it off again a few days before the con?

>> No.8492585

We don't know how fast your body hair grows.
Just try it out for yourself.

>> No.8492788

Hey anon, I dunno about you but I have some serious scumbag hair genes. A year ago I shaved two days before the con and was starting to get it growing back the day of already. This year I shaved the night before and was good to go when I needed it.

If your hair tends to grow back fast (take your facial hair for example), then wait as long as you can before doing it, then follow-up every other night if you can.

>> No.8494918

Is he cosplaying the crossdresser from kuragehime?

>> No.8494950

I want to fuck their brains out

>> No.8494969

Are there actually any girls that find traps attractive and why? It seems like the only trap chasers that exist are men

>> No.8494974

I'm sure fujoshits would find crossdressing attractive.

>> No.8495011

It depends on the trap, but it's not like it's an instant turnoff or anything. Traps are usually guys with cute faces or the ability to pull off cute faces, and I like cute faces.

>> No.8495023

Some Bi girls would be into it.

>> No.8495502

I have yet to meet a girl who knows that I do crossplay who doesn't immediately discount the thought of any sort of intimacy with me ;_;

>> No.8495728

I'm a girl who finds trapping incredibly hot, anon. Don't give up hope!

>> No.8496801

Can you use this on facial hair?
I get razor burns everytime I shave, and while plucking works fine, it takes a ridiculous amount of time.

>> No.8496810

If your beard density is really sparse, like leg hair, then it would probably work.
Any denser and it would probably rip your skin off.

>> No.8496818

Guess I could a give it a try then. Thanks!

>> No.8496842

I would not do it. As >>8496810 said, it will probably cause damage if not rip off your skin. I personally just shave my facial hair and use the epillator for everything else.

>> No.8496890


The real question now is, Are you an attractive girl who finds male trapping incredibly hot.

>> No.8496898

>tfw trapping is the most attractive thing in the world to me
>every trap I've ever met irl is either flamboyantly gay or already dating someone
>tfw I will never have a qt trap bf

Where do I even find straight single traps?

>> No.8496907


On the internet anon, Its not like you are going to find some local boy at your favorite hang out and ask him "Hey do you enjoy being a degenerate and cross dressing."

On second thought try that, it may very well be the best pick up line ever.

>> No.8497050

I see... guess I could try on a small spot just to try. The epillator will be a good buy even if I don't use it for the facial hair anyway. To be honest I'm just being lazy and want to get rid of plucking.

>> No.8497062

> Regular Exfoliation

How often is regular? Daily? Weekly? Every 3 or so days?

>> No.8497117

I want that maid dress. Is there a specific place to get it?

>> No.8497127

I think I've seen some stuff on Bodyline that resembles it, but I'm not certain.

>> No.8497163

i have a hard time imagining what it means to round one's back. arch it like a Halloween cat, or bend it like you're pushing out your chest?

>> No.8497332

Right here.

>> No.8497381
File: 8 KB, 213x237, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm straight, and I'm totally into it, but my face is far from trap material.

>> No.8497409

same here. I just look like your 'generic ugly j-rocker in the background' with make up.

>> No.8497420

I love trap cosplay XD

>> No.8498296

Uh source?

>> No.8498300

Source pls

>> No.8498320
File: 28 KB, 281x297, ss+(2015-05-12+at+12.00.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Straight single man
>Single because crossplaying at cons and on twitch streams is a turn off for every woman I meet
>Women online keep saying they want to meet a trap
>mfw I read that people can't find me even when I spend all of my vacation time travelling to cons to do trap cosplay

>> No.8498347

I've been crossplaying for a little while but i know i could be a lot better (i've fooled a few depending on the character, like i've been called miss by some not by others) i think the key is makeup i need to learn it better any good tutorials that aren't like drag?

>> No.8498349

Like a Halloween cat (so the back is convex).

>> No.8498534

You know it sounds bad but after trying it just then I found out it's quite effective.

Works to greater effect if you're relatively small when flaccid (flaccid size can vary a lot from person to person)

>> No.8498571

What exactly are the effects of the workout?
Will it give me a nice butt, but also Chun-Li thighs?

>> No.8498572

so slouching, basically

>> No.8498782


>> No.8500205

Any tips on hiding a prominent jaw line? I have the perfect body type for this, but my jaw is a little larger than i'd prefer.

>> No.8500538

Holy shit what is this from?

>> No.8500570

You don't recognize Chinzuriina at a glance? Come on, man. It's called "Oshiri Ookikunaimon!" and it's the third chapter of "ChinDere".

>> No.8502987
File: 221 KB, 1500x1000, Jc3bX8y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like jaw line isn't something that's as easy to hide, but that might just be because I've never had to deal with it. I do know a lot of beautiful women with well defined jawlines though, so it might not be that big of a deal