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File: 18 KB, 240x320, 402441-1850-2015-06-26634566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8429411 No.8429411 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>8405925

i'm looking for
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Koitsukihime Stained Glass Angel / Seraphim JSK in Black

email is up top, or you can PM www.lacemarket.us/author/empire/

i think i missed a lacemarket listing for it, or maybe it was already on hold but either way i'm really sad

>> No.8429613


Yooo wasn't there an anon looking for this?

>> No.8429635

YOOO and it's cheaper than the ones that were on y!auctions/mbok

good luck anon

>> No.8429748
File: 9 KB, 320x240, 150030160019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:c sigh

>> No.8429922

I'm looking for you, headbow anon!
I did find this on Y!J, it's a similar Meta style in black but it's not the TJ bow. It might be an okay placeholder, though?

>> No.8430464
File: 76 KB, 250x333, TwinkleMermaidJSK-bxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do 10 hail Mana's every night before bed so why hasn't Maki granted my wishes yet? I should be over due for some good burando luck with how all these releases and auctions have been going for me lately

>> No.8430478

>wants AP
>hail Manas

Well that's your problem right there, bub.

>> No.8430482
File: 20 KB, 300x400, meta_op_twinklejourney_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TJ Anon here- man this week has been a rollercoaster for me. Didn't get the rerelease, but I'm in that auction I was linked to last thread. Ideally I'd win that. If that doesn't work out, a gull sent me an email saying she'd sell me her dress.

My bank account is taking a major hit this week, but only for good things. Dream dress and last minute plane ticket to see my love, this is what I've been saving for.

> If you don't stress about the costs everything is good news!

>> No.8430499
File: 156 KB, 938x1172, 532965554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do Wunderwelt, Maidenclothing, Tokyo Alice, Fururun, and Violet Blue update?
Also, for those of you who browse Fril, how often does new stuff pop up?

>> No.8430588

A lot of AP pops up on fril, some Baby and not so much AatP. I don't follow the other brands so I can't tell you about them.

>> No.8430745
File: 127 KB, 1072x419, JSK 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8430750
File: 112 KB, 969x417, JSK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8430762
File: 415 KB, 416x556, Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 3.38.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please I'm desperate

>> No.8430866

Really wanting to find the Merry Making in Ghost Town JSK II in Black. I do have a red but don't think people would trade for it

>> No.8431130

thank you for thinking of me anon

>> No.8431414
File: 1.12 MB, 870x912, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My top tier is basically every dress of my dreams that I was too stupid to get when they came out. I have never felt more regret than when I search for that top tier secondhand.

>> No.8431485
File: 561 KB, 463x623, Only Tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you to the anon that remembered me and linked the Sweet Devil Hat. My wallet is fairly safe bar a recent splurge on a dress I thought I didn't want that much any more.

>these will never be mine

>> No.8431498
File: 590 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1433005105437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for Pleats A La Mode in either navy or black. Thank you so much to everyone who linked me the OPs and the red JSK, but I think I'm set on these.

Also, if anyone is looking for the Dim Lights in bordeaux, I'll totally sell it to you.

>> No.8431500

*Dim Lights JSK, whoops.

>> No.8431503

>Sugar Dream Dome
I know that feeling of regret.

>> No.8431504

Hey now, I cover all my burando deities

>> No.8431514

Fancy paper dolls comes up pretty regularly, I'll keep an eye for you anon.

>> No.8431519
File: 124 KB, 480x640, redridinghood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone remembered me!
I actually just won an auction for it last week for quite a bit more because I couldn't wait any longer. ($500) Now i'm kicking myself. I haven't gotten it shipped yet, because i'm waiting for my ss to receive a few more things. Thanks kind anon!

On a side note, if anyone finds my red riding hood in red (preferably with cape) I'd be all over that. I foolishly bid $800 on the dress/cape/bag set thinking it would be enough to win, but it wasn't.

>> No.8431521

Anon can you drop your email for Dim Light JSK just in case?

>> No.8431572

God, I hope you find it soon so you stop posting.

>> No.8431596

Not OP, but fuck off, bro. Let someone be happy for once.

>> No.8431598


Wasn't there an anon looking for this?

>> No.8431709
File: 203 KB, 500x600, 01231104_54c1ac4300b25 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this on my body, but I haven't seen it for sale anywhere. Keeping my eye on Fril for it and for some seagulls dream dresses.

>> No.8431872

Just tired of hearing about this, like I give no fucks about plane tickets or bank accounts, that's for blogs.

>> No.8431874
File: 45 KB, 332x443, fcQCyh-ElYbIHjB6wVU2uPm9xbpTKKo6siGxdEeZUG5iarbfyCc6reFgP5OG64Wmmnj5gVZ7ZBnUe-8-00z-4N_-wYMlNGS4LEw1dWeMdVYeJx5hb4zOKOc34x8bpUyaAo2FVvJnIjz3k6IpunSr=w332-h443-nc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431878

Sorry about that. I thought it'd be okay to babble a little since I was excited / people were chatting and following along with me for the past few threads (no one has said anything up until now) If I'm still dress hunting by next thread then I'll just post the picture and keep hunting.

>> No.8431882
File: 99 KB, 758x1000, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much chalked these up to probably never.

>> No.8431888

Don't worry anon, I think it's cute. Hospital Doll used to annoy me though, but then again she seemed really conceited and fake.

Good luck!

>> No.8431892

I've been looking for the black version of those socks forever. I've never once seen them for sale...If I see the white ones I'll post here anon...good luck!

>> No.8431904
File: 322 KB, 520x668, tumblr_nql1zkpjWv1tbni8yo3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avenue D'enfer Tea Time in Bordeaux, skirt in pink/small. I'm trying not to cry in front of my roommate but the tears are rolling. I had to wait until today to borrow money after a convention, but the store received more orders than expected and closed the pre-order early.

I set the print as my background on everything and put it on my dream dress list before I even saw the cuts. I'm also frustrated because I just had enough to buy the skirt, so my-lolita-dress selling it for the next two days for a way jacked up price is a no go.

Crying over a missed reservation is a lolita first for me, so that's kinda cool. I'm hoping they re-release it- gotta snoop for more info.

>> No.8431911 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1421984576382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.... and a very good stroke of luck to you as well.
I'll keep my eyes open, if I see the black ones as well.

Also I have no idea what this reaction pic is.... surprise, I guess.

>> No.8431913


Las thread someone posted that dress for sale secondhand on Taobao, but I'm not sure if the person looking for it actually bought it.

>> No.8431916
File: 17 KB, 447x446, 1407459145724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon.... and a very good stroke of luck to you as well.
I'll keep my eyes open, if I see the black ones as well.

I have awful reaction pics.

>> No.8431920

That IS pretty. Sorry you lucked out, Anon. :(

>> No.8431925

Last thread the only taobao dress link was for the Chess Story dress, and they were unable to get it. Did you mean to quote >>8431598 ?

>> No.8431927

Sure! Email is in field.

>> No.8431936

Oops yeah, wrong person. Since they didn't get the dress off Taobao, it's a good thing that the price on Lacemarket is nice.

>> No.8431948


Thanks. I'm in the last stage of grief at this point-acceptance and making a plan to obtain it later. Post it here, post a WTB when people start getting it, etc.

>> No.8432038

Name of the btssb ballerina-esque white jsk on the far far right 2nd from bottom?

>> No.8432128
File: 16 KB, 236x275, 6d7412b5dbea5c012c73dc2d4f0e691f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, they closed already? I'm glad I got mine in early...sorry you missed it, anon.

MIne is pic related. I missed it on lacemarket because I didn't have any money, and I've been so fucking bitter about it. I don't want to settle for any of the other cuts either.

>> No.8432161

yooooo did you get it?

>> No.8432167

I'm fucking shaking I think I won holy shit

I won it.

>> No.8432173

nice, congratulations!!
40,000yen is less than what you were looking at paying right?

>> No.8432177

Much much less. I'm so happy right now, I can't stop grinning goodness.

Thank you everyone for all of the support and linking me to the auctions when they popped up. I'm sorry for being so whiny at times and the babbling, but it's all over now.

> Time to fade back into anonymity and help others find their dream dresses

>> No.8432186

Congrats, anon!

>> No.8432237

So are you going to sell that bow to head bow chan? Because you said you would and it would be kind of unfair to go back on that promise.

>> No.8432246

A promise is a promise! When I get the set in my hands, I'll message her and see if we can work out something. Honestly, as unlikely as it is, it'd be fucking terrible if something got lost in the mail or some other horror story, so I don't want to work out any deals until I actually have the stuff with me. Kinda common sense on that one.

Soon!! This is a victory for both of us!

>> No.8432316


>> No.8432322

Don't worry about that anon. This is a forum, forums are for discussion. If they want to sit in a corner and piss and moan then let them. This is one of the few threads on here where people actually have personalities, and I like seeing that.

>> No.8432361


>> No.8432381

Is it the Holy JSK?

>> No.8432382

I woke up today to seeing this beauty for sale. I'm finally getting my dream dresses after searching for a few years anons! Feels so good, I dropped a tear.

>> No.8432394
File: 322 KB, 2000x770, PicMonkey Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's on

>> No.8432417

Either flocky anon shone or we have a shattered dream on our hands here.

>> No.8432464

Cinderella for super cheap on mbok:

I don't know if anyone is looking for these, but
AP Katrina JSK: http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_470411388.html?_SRC=li_i0
Btssb Claudia: http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_470084453.html?_SRC=li_i0
Vintage Cameo: http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k192329791

>> No.8432466
File: 26 KB, 240x320, AatP - Stained Glass Angel JSK in Ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be here. Forever waiting. Here's to us, OP.

>> No.8432469

Anon I found that Aatp carousel JSK!

>> No.8432540
File: 112 KB, 240x320, 2006 - Stained Glass - 130319 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take it in whatever cut or color, lost the auction to the OP in black.

>> No.8432549

Congrats! I'd been keeping my eye out for it, so I'm really happy you were able to win.

>> No.8432653

Omg, thank you so much! Someone linked me to it on Facebook and I'm currently the highest bidder!

>> No.8432659

Same. I don't understand why everyone was so in love with her and concerned about finding her stupid dress, especially when there were others who had been looking for things just as long and she's just gone right back to obsessively hunting for other dresses.

>> No.8432662

Anon, if you have the money I'd just do a bin. the price isn't bad, and I'd hate fire you to lose it because someone snatches it up before you.

>> No.8432663

hate for** damn it

>> No.8432667

Hmm, do you think thats likely? I was waiting to see if anyone bids against me and going straight to BIN if someone does.

>> No.8432693

I don't get why people feel the need to have tripcodes in this thread. It's supposed to be for finding dresses, not famewhoring. Emails, I can understand, but just "hospitality doll anon" was a bit excessive.

>> No.8432702

I lost out on my dream dress through this tactic last week. Don't do it, anon.

>> No.8432708

Not sure, I'm just saying that's what I would -personally- do since I'm a worry wart and would drive myself insane thinking about it. Your plan also sounds very reasonable, so in the end just do what you think is best!
Good luck!

>> No.8432720

The thing I don't get is why people are still complaining about that; shit's old news. One person said stop and she stopped; is that not good enough? Let it go ffs

>> No.8432801

Shit that price for Katrina is reasonable as fuck why am i moving, whyyyyyy

>> No.8433001


>> No.8433065

Oh fucking thank God, let it be the end

>> No.8433066

ooh the other anon who owns this said that if she ever sells hers she'll post it here first!

were you not willing to increase the bid, or was it too late to do so?

>> No.8433104

Sorry, I own the 2006 BtSSB one, not the AatP version.

>> No.8433114

If the other anon isn't interested in the older white cut, can I have a look anon, I'm looking at completing my 'set'.

>> No.8433117

Not planning on selling atm, but I'll post it here first as the other anon said before putting it up on sales websites.

>> No.8433182

Comprehesion failure on my part, sorry for the over eagerness there anon!

>> No.8433205

Hey gulls, I need a second opinion. I found my holy grail dress for a very reasonable price. The only issue is that it's missing the buckle on the front and I can't find anything online that's similar to the missing piece. I've only seen one other listing with this dress in the last year, so I'm worried that I may not see another for a long time. Is it worth buying?

>> No.8433213

What's the buckle like? Is it essential for the look and fit of the garment? If not, I'd just go for it.
Having a dress with a missing piece is better than not having your dream dress at all, I think.

>> No.8433222

I agree with >>8433213
If the buckle isn't so essential, I say go for it. It's reasonable price, rare (haven't seen it in the last year), and your holy grail, you should go for it.

>> No.8433245
File: 35 KB, 250x345, choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heart buckle is the piece that's missing. The dress has belt loops on the side so taking the pink belt off entirely might look a bit odd. I'm absolutely fine with finding a replacement buckle, I'm just having no luck finding one right now.

>> No.8433259

Get it and worry about the buckle later.

>> No.8433263

it looks like it'll be easier to just get a different belt altogether. Get the dress and find a belt or ribbon to tie around that matches either the pink or white.

>> No.8433272

Get it. The buckle looks like a plain plastic heart buckle. Honestly it might be easier to find one on young girl clothing rather than hunting down actual buckles. Just buy the dress, then keep your eyes open for a good replacement.

Also >>8433263

>> No.8433277

Thanks for all the help! I'll definitely look into all the options mentioned.

>> No.8433279

i'm not sure if this one's the right size, but there are belts on taobao with heart buckles that you can use for this


>> No.8433283

I know I don't post much in the dream dress thread, but I'm Sugar Hearts anon. I finally got my dress in today, and I'm crying so much. I got the mail after a long day of work and the dress was in the mailbox.
It is the most comfortable dress I own now and I'm very happy that I was able to find it within my price range.

>now for my twinkle carnival hunt, but only after my bank account recovers a lil bit

>> No.8433287

This would work perfectly! YOU ARE MY HERO thank you!

>> No.8433294

Aww, I'm so glad to hear that anon! You're not the one who was looking for the bracelet as well, are you? I'm keeping my eyes out it still.

>> No.8433321

I would be so pissed off if another gull took it

>> No.8433326

Nope, I don't currently have any dream accessories.

>> No.8433342

I briefly thought about getting it before I remembered someone else here wanted it. It would've been an on-a-whim purchase so I'm glad I stayed my hand.

>> No.8433354
File: 757 KB, 1242x412, dream dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drives me insane is that I've seen all of them for sale in the wrong colourways.

>> No.8433376

Oh Anon that's beautiful. If I ever see it I'll be sure to post it here for you, but since it is a new release scalpers will probably have it up soon. You know how it goes.

>> No.8433398

Shattered dream :( when that was posted I was not awake, and now it appears to be gone

>> No.8433405
File: 60 KB, 338x450, B39OJ232-bl-480x640_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the last thread, but it was already dead.

Damn this dress blew Lotta right out of my mind for rank 1 deer tier. At least I nabbed the skirt to hold me over, but one day this JSK will be mine mark my words

>> No.8433432
File: 131 KB, 650x1138, METADIMLIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only seen it for sale once then some silly bitches drive the price through the roof. Saw it again recently and now I want it even more. Damn

>> No.8433433

Has everyone who wants Le lac de cygnes got it? White jsk is chilling out on tokyoalice for a fairly reasonable 10,800 yen http://item.rakuten.co.jp/tokyoalice/a84578/

>> No.8433440

No, sorry! It's the pinafore JSK.

>> No.8433445

Good luck anon, I was just about to link this to you!

>> No.8433488

I don't really care for the print (its just pretty for me) but damn the silhouette on this dress is lovely.

>> No.8433693

66,000yen seems pretty reasonable to me for that colorway and cut, if you're talking about the auction from last week

>> No.8434055

I feel you, anon. We're in the same time lag boat. I want the cuts/colourways I posted above and it's like watching tumbleweeds.

>> No.8434181
File: 301 KB, 830x1037, wishlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an intense love for velvet.

I know that the Doll Museum JSK is still in stock, but I have a hard time justifying paying retail for it when a lot of dresses like it will go for a lot less second hand.

Will keep a look out for other sea gulls as always.

>> No.8434201

It's the same with the twinkle journey gull though.

Don;t get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a douche. I love a good success story and helping out, it's just excessive, across multiple threads and you're not the only one looking for a dream dress, Post your pic/wishlist and an email and be patient, it doesn't need to be this epic saga, it doesn't make it pop up any quicker.

>inb4 why so salty haterz

>> No.8434250

I understand where you're coming from/ didn't mean for it to really be that way. I don't think I was here as long as Hospital Doll, but when I saw some anons/gulls doing it, I thought it was okay. So I really do apologize for making it into this big deal and such. No one said anything sooner, I just knew not to tripcode because I've never seen a positive reaction to that.

So again, sorry about being excessively whiny and talking a lot over the past few threads. I completely understand why it would be annoying, especially since everyone is looking for a dream item and doesn't need to hear every sob story (I should've taken it to feels threads if I really needed to) or misc. issues. Thank you everyone for putting up with me/this for as long as you guys did. It's all dead and done with now, so let's keep the thread back on topic and start helping others.

>> No.8434263

Do you think when making a new Dream Dress thread there should be a little guideline/ reminder to say "Keep personal life talk to a minimum" or just not at all- something of the sorts? That way no drama between gulls really stirs up, no one gets feelings hurt/ gets annoyed, etc. I don't know if it would make a difference or not, but it could help cut this back.

It'd also be nice to have a google spreadsheet (I'm thinking like the Taobao threads) of all the secondhand stores posted each time, but that's a lot more effort, also I know some of you are greedy.

>> No.8434266

honestly the chatter breaks up a lot of the boredom stemming from dream dress hunting, but i guess if the next person to make the thread thinks it's a good idea, they could add it to the OP

i personally would rather there isn't a list, because honestly that makes me feel like i'd be more likely to miss out on a dream dress if it popped up
>not sure if that made sense

polite sage

>> No.8434278

I agree with this personally.
Going through a list of dresses and not being allowed to chat at all sounds pretty boring. It's a discussion board so we should be allowed to talk about things.

>> No.8434282
File: 77 KB, 550x836, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli Sleeping Beauty

And Metamorphose Vintage Cameo in black or purple

>> No.8434291

What cut of vintage cameo are you looking for? There's this:

>> No.8434292

I just won the set for this on yja! I found both of my dream dresses in the same week. Thanks for everyone who remembered me and posted links. I can go back to helping other gulls find their dresses now.

>> No.8434307

Thank you Anon! This cut I was looking for!

>> No.8434318

yay, half the price of the one on LM and it's a set! congratulations anon, the luck was with you this week!

>> No.8434347

Holy fucking shit is this legit?>>8434292

>> No.8434350

Goddammit, mobile. Didn't mean to reply to you, >>8434292
(Congrats, though)

>> No.8434355

A friend of mine has ordered from mfashion before and everything went well. They're based in the Netherlands, I think.

>> No.8434357

Are they seriously selling actual vintage cameo for that cheap, though? It's the real deal and everything?

>> No.8434361

I disagree with this idea. The chatter makes it more interesting, and I often remember people better that way and keep an eye out for the items they're looking for than if it's just a picture. There's no need to turn the thread into your blog, but a bit of chitchat is fine.

>> No.8434365

I don't know what it's usually selling for second hand because I never looked for it, but considering they have two it's probably just regular stock that's still there because the site is not well-known.

>> No.8434395
File: 161 KB, 500x500, 179049-6342-2014-09-24747741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This georgious thing in size 2.
Juliette & Justine Robe de Celadon OP.

>> No.8434400

They have Metamorphose Braid Tuck Pinafore in black on sale and I won't even have to pay customs and shipping half across the world. Thank you Anon.

>> No.8434408

>tfw you are the 'silly bitch that drove up the price'

Awkward, but you can drop your email if you want in case it fits strangely and I decide to sell anon.

>> No.8434410

I saw this I'm the recesses of the angelic pretty tag on y!ja. Not sure if it's still there, though.

>> No.8434489

Hey anons, I know lotta is a few people's dream dress. If you're willing to take the brown skirt off my hands i'm taking offers now. http://www.lacemarket.us/innocent-world-lotta-skirt/

>> No.8434515

Damn. Too bad it's not the black. I know a few of us are looking for the black jsk. The white is really pretty though.

>> No.8434585

Sorry Anon I was really thinking about it but its not my size

>> No.8434615

I was going to buy it or it in red, but I already got a dream dress this week. I'm glad someone else can appreciate it!

>> No.8434619

I had no idea how much it could've been worth. I always found it kinda ugly (some of the cameos being upside down irk me so much. Same goes for the one where the bodice print is in a different direction than the skit.)

>> No.8434787


>> No.8434861

Thanks Anon! Unfortunately some other seagulls were faster than me and bought it before I could pay with PayPal. No big deal, I don't think it would fit my 98 cm bust anyway...

>> No.8434937

That style of dress is abolutely gorgeous, unfortunately none of the colors would suit me. I'd still wish JetJ would do more dresses like this. This is the right direction, and not the pixelated photoshop vomit over a plain sundress style cut.

>> No.8435119
File: 549 KB, 800x800, 11122223333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also IW's Night Bear but I'm waiting to hear back from an SS about the skirt!

>> No.8435124

I wasn't able to find this, unfortunately; so I assume it's gone. Many thanks anon, though.

>> No.8436215
File: 84 KB, 700x700, 06291511_5590e1843f204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related on wunderwelt currently.

There's also a black Victorian Tassel on Tokyo Alice. I think there was an anon looking for that?

>> No.8436259

And it's outta here! Awesome price for that.

>> No.8436462

Were either of the gulls looking for pleats a la mode JSK interested in the red colour way? it's up on the fril app right now.
I just searched angelic pretty, it's in there.

>> No.8436530

Damn, that price! Hope it was a gull that bought it.

>> No.8436539

Thankyou! No wonder people think printed skater dresses are lolita when J et J get away with pulling that kind of shit. It's no like they don't know what beautiful construction is, they just can't be fucked. As it stands though, I wouldn't even go so far as calling then a lolita brand. Ted freaking Baker and other normalfag brands look more lolita.

>> No.8436545

I already settled on a delft lotta skirt and revival lotta, although I would have liked this too if my wallet wasn't already hemorrhaging. Also kicking myself for missing the original jsk on mbok in that time. I don't know what the hell happened but someone else ended up listing their Lotta skirt at the same time as you and a whole bunch of others all in the same fortnight, out of the blue. It was like, no sign of it for ages then all the Lotta turns up for sale at once

>> No.8436562

I paid more than half of that for the MINISKIRT.

Buy it. It's stunning as fuck.

>> No.8436641

Damn, missed both. That's the usual going price for that when it does come up, but the thing is so damn old that it's a rare one. Good job to whoever got it!

>> No.8436752

>Ted freaking Baker and other normalfag brands look more lolita
Top kek

I actually own a couple of Ted Baker dresses which I also wear for lolita, so I totally know what you mean.

>> No.8436783
File: 144 KB, 636x636, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my shit when the chandelier print came out. Also do you happen to own one of these (pic related)

It's crazy that if you posted one of the Ted Baker dresses saying you found it i a department store people would tell you it's not lolita, but if you told them it was J et J it would pass, no questions.

I have seen more 'traditionally lolita' looking things from offbrand than actual lolita brands recently in terms of silhouette and construction, but the huge rift between old school and new school looks complicates things immensely. This topic needs its own thread...

>> No.8436844

Kek, I wouldn't be offering it to someone so entitled.

>> No.8436864

Yeah I understand. I'm not going to lie, I thought it would be more popular since it's a lot of people's dream dress. I guess if a bunch of other people listed theirs at the same time that explains it. I'm trying to clean out my closet and while Lotta used to be a dream dress of mine, my tastes have changed a lot in the past few years.

>> No.8436997

SOMEONE WAS LOOKING FOR this in the other thread (sorry caps).
It's even cheaper

>> No.8437204
File: 372 KB, 1153x863, ted baker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the Ted Baker stuff I own (+ 1 Monet painting dress I couldn't find stock pictures of). I got all of it either on sale or second hand for pretty cheap. The higher end Ted Baker stuff can be incredibly expensive, and I wouldn't pay full retail for most Ted Baker since they tend to rip off higher end designer brands like Valentino and D&G far too often for me to tolerate.

But in the end all brands copy each other or steal ideas from one another at some point. It was only a matter of time, until a lolita brand found a way to make normal fag dress-silhouette work with their aesthetic. I just find it tragic that it has to be Juliette et Justine. The brand which was known for their impaccable construction and detailing, drifting away to some basic copy and paste design.

>> No.8437209

Where do you get 2ndhand Ted Baker? Ebay? Or are there better places?

>> No.8437234

Ebay would a good start, sometimes it takes a while for good stuff to pop up but it's totally worth it.

The dress on the top right was an actual local thrift store find. It's definitely worth checking those out, too. A good portion of luck is always needed, of course.

>> No.8437744
File: 68 KB, 335x401, jetj-jupe de la rose teaparty-sk-blk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that stuff is beautiful, especially the top left skirt. I was considering hunting down pic related from JetJ and I guess in the end it's quite similar...

>> No.8437913

I have the purse in black, make me an offer.

>> No.8438060

Can we go back to starting dd threads with dresses we're looking for for others? I'm kind of over seeings yours already since you've felt the need to start threads with it lately. I like helping people find their dreams, I don't like becoming so sick of seeing a certain poster/dress that I hope they find it just so I can stop fucking looking at it.

>> No.8438190
File: 1.71 MB, 1110x1754, 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have the money for it right now,I just want to know if someone ever saw it on sale.At this point I'm not sure if it's real or just a fragment of my imagination please help.

>> No.8438422

>rank 1 deer tier

i like the way you think, anon

>> No.8438431
File: 1.54 MB, 1168x1210, wishlist 5-28-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the usual, still looking for that Navy TJ bow

>> No.8438476

I saw the white one for sale within the past year. I believe it was a us seller and she wanted $200 for it? I don't believe she ever did sell it, so it you hunt on LSE you may still find it.

>> No.8438489

What are the 1st and 3rd ones? Too short for the cuts but the colour gradient on the 3rd is beautiful

>> No.8438508

to the anon that was looking for CDC accessories - there's a CDC unicorn ring in silver on LM! i hope it's the color you're looking for.


>> No.8438522
File: 209 KB, 627x335, 129345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i held off on my search for hospitality doll as long as the anon was also looking, but now it's back to the grindstone. i have seriously lost out on it about six times over the last several years. someday!

also had an opportunity for the old school monstrosity by btssb pictured above, but stupidly turned it down. and the vm bustier + mermaidish skirt. live and learn.

>> No.8438626

Ooof, man you just missed it again but I think a gull snagged it. So you might have luck again if the anon decides to sell. It has popped up maybe 3 times this year, so I wouldn't give up hope.

Got a preferred colorway?

>> No.8438640

>It's crazy that if you posted one of the Ted Baker dresses saying you found it i a department store people would tell you it's not lolita, but if you told them it was J et J it would pass, no questions.

Yeah, no. JetJ is ten times more lolita but still doesn't look lolita half the time.

>> No.8438648

I bought the Hospitality Doll set off Wunderwelt last night, but then they sent me an email saying it had sold in store and then they refunded me. It was so disappointing, ugh. I have no idea who else bought it, maybe a customer in their physical store if they have one.

>> No.8438660

I'm sure it'll make someone really happy someday. Maybe interest will pick up over summer. I'd try FB sales, too.

>> No.8438677

If it came in sax it would fulfil my wish for a dress that looks like wedgwood ceramics. I have a mighty need

>> No.8438690

white, but at this point i'm really past being picky! i saw it already sold out on wunderwelt this morning, woe.

>> No.8438748

God, that sucks so hard; I'm so sorry. But does anyone know if they have a physical store? Their so new that I don't know a terrible lot about them. However, they post their shit on auction sites at the same time as their site so it may have sold there.

>> No.8438752


>> No.8438758

I've thought about this too, a lovely crepe dress in that blue color with white lace. *sigh*

>> No.8439047
File: 394 KB, 1078x1038, skirtsonskirts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to embrace my love of skirts and begin to hunt for my ultimate dream pieces. Starting with btssb/aatp!

>> No.8439082

End of immortal eden is for sale on LSE/ (potentially)LM

>> No.8439119

Thank you! I've kept an eye on it, but it's a bit more than I want to pay right now. It's lower on my list and pops up more often so I think I'll wait and see if any of my others have been spotted recently. Thank you again!!

>> No.8439136

No problem anon, skirts don't get enough love so I'll keep an eye out.

>> No.8439193

May Mana bless you, anon.
My feelings exactly. I've been hunting dresses so long, maybe I'll have more luck with these babes.

>> No.8439227

Would you be interested in the Merrymaking in the Ghost Town jsk II in black? I am thinking about selling mine.

>> No.8439229

Not the anon you're replying to but it's a dream dress of mine, how much are you thinking about asking for it?

>> No.8439233

It's NWOT and of course it doesn't have any flaws, stains, smells or whatsoever. It's in pristine condition, so I was thinking around 600$? I don't know how to price shit, sorry.

>> No.8439252

No thanks. I am only interested in the skirts listed. The last one I saw of that cut and color sold for under $400 though, if you were still having pricing issues.

>> No.8439254 [DELETED] 

the last thread saged for 12 hours and no one had made a new DD thread, so i thought i might as well
as stupid as this sounds, i haven't found anyone else whose dream dress i can remember off the top of my head, since all the other consistent posters that i do remember have found their dresses (HD and TJ)

in any case, i'll just wait for someone else to make the thread next time

>> No.8439259

the last thread saged for 12 hours and no one had made a new DD thread, so i thought i might as well
as stupid as this sounds, i haven't found anyone else whose dream dress i can remember off the top of my head, since all the other consistent posters that i do remember have found their dresses (HD and TJ)

i thought dream dress threads weren't really for people to actually look for you, more like just to contact you if they happen to come across it

in any case, i'll just wait for someone else to make the thread next time

>> No.8440811
File: 925 KB, 1638x1842, Revised DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of this is available right now, I'd actually be able to get it. Clobba has a couple, but they haven't returned my email, no idea what's up with that.

>> No.8440938

Sleeping Garden OP: http://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g154591389

What size did you need for Nameless Poem? Thinking of selling mine (size S, black)

>> No.8441239

you could always check Lacemarket and EGL comm sales to see what stuff has sold for before.

>> No.8441760
File: 107 KB, 480x640, red baby doll jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking around 2nd hand sites and posting in sales comms, but so far this colorway hasn't popped up. I'm absolutely in love with it, though. Is this one hard to find? I'm new to the 2nd hand market.

Email is there is you want to sell or know where I can find it.

>> No.8441989

Ahhhh, crap. No way that would fit me.
I guess I should have done more homework before I fell in love.
I'd need a size M or L. NP is the only one I'd be picky on price, 150 or so for it, since it's not exactly rare, but that tosses me out of the game more or less.

>> No.8442169
File: 42 KB, 250x333, image_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the going price on Westminster Choir?

>> No.8442207

Ooh, someone's grumpy! Who doesn't love seeing Seraphim? I already found my cut/colorway (through this thread a while back, thsnk you fellow gulls) but I smile to see it every time since its enjoying a little resurgence in popularity.

>> No.8442228

This might be the same gull who got mad at HD anon and TJ anon. I understand that seeing the same thread image over and over is frustrating in the sense that old thread and new thread look alike, but its a super petty thing to be mad over. Like if you have nothing better to do than bitch about people in the DD thread, that is really pathetic.

>> No.8442247

Can confirm that it's definitely not the same person. I just hate that dress, man. I will say that HD tripping got old fast but maybe I'm just bitter. Your call.

>> No.8442289

Well what is yours then? We should post it for the next DD thread. But if you hate the dress, help her find it so she can't post it any more. But I think a couple of people are looking for the print in various cuts. So you may be stuck seeing it a while yet.

>> No.8442303

Hahahahahaa, thanks but no. I actually do look for her dress just as actively as anything else posted here. Just happened to be extra salty the other day and mentioned it because something someone else said got me thinking about it. It did come off super shittastic but there's no real help for that now.

>> No.8442385

> http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r129725336

Just in case (though you said you were after the magic cat street dress now instead ? )

>> No.8442418

Thank you to whoever posted Brass Band Cat! Alice Fururun just sent me the invoice! I'm so happy! Also managed to snag Meta's Cat Door yesterday so thats two dream dresses taken care of.

>> No.8442432

Another lolita cat lady detected. So cute.

>> No.8442435

Damn straight! I even have that bodyline dress with the cats running on piano keys. It's cheap as hell but it had cats so I had to get it.

>> No.8442454

Yay! That was me and I own it already (another cat lady reporting in...)
I had to sell Cat Door last year because it runs a bit loose, but I'm sure you'll love it as long as you don't have a ridiculously small bust like mine

>> No.8442457

Was it the black cat door jsk on LM by any chance? I was looking at that but no waist ties = no deal for me (It would've been an impulse buy otherwise).

>> No.8442463

Luckily I do not. Meta is the one brand that will reliably fit my bust actually! Even if it didn't I'd alter it because I've never seen a dress that is so made up of my hopes and dreams before! It seems there are quite a few lolita cat ladies. What other cat dresses do you have?

Also to keep on topic, next dream dress up is Teddy Teddy Chocolatier collar jsk in navy. It's up for sale right now but after getting two dresses, I don't have much left over for a 3rd.

>> No.8442464

Yeah it was that one. I hate waist ties because I almost always wear cardigans so the no waist ties was fine for me. I could always make a pair if I needed them though.

>> No.8442466

How much do AP dream sky salopettes usually go for?

>> No.8442477



>> No.8442481

Lol at my fuck up, and sage for said fuck up, but really. There's a thread for that. Go to it.

>> No.8442491

Melody Cat is my only other one right now and the Cat Window skirt. I've had a few pass through my hands (Cat Window OP, Cat Garden JSK, and also a couple of ETC dresses, plus a handmade dress that I got in a trade that was like 5 sizes too big) and sold because they didn't fit right. I also have the Dangerous Nude coat and biker jacket in that cat tapestry fabric that was everywhere (Jeffrey Campbell Cat Litas, Irregular Choice shoes last season) as well as a luggage bag and small backpack in the same fabric.

>> No.8442500

The biker jacket sounds amazing! So does the luggage set.

>> No.8442554

Clobba should get back to you if they havent already. I got a reply with a sorry its late (although i think he only took a little over 24 hours)and that they always update their page. He seemed offended i asked if they had L still in stock.

>> No.8442627

I am, thanks Anon! I'd prefer the purple VC though.

>> No.8442956
File: 93 KB, 480x640, 108P329-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been dying for years over marini sailor. My god I need it like I need to breathe. I have the hat.......

>> No.8442963

But it looks like the lovechild of CCS cosplay and steampunk?

>> No.8442976

Were you looking at the jsk? I was looking for the salopette myself (moat jsks are too big on me) but the seller wanted like $250 when I made her an offer on an expired auction from months ago. That's dress price, not a glorified dungaree skirt.

>> No.8442983

Same here. I keep thinking I should sell it but no because cats

>> No.8442997

>black cat door jsk
Fuuuck, it was you, I've been looking for that colorway forever. Also, hello to my fellow cat lady lolitas.

>> No.8443428

I love it because its got some old school in it. I keep missing out on it and its driving me crazy!

>> No.8443531

Here's the bag incase you're interested anon

>> No.8443695

I'm sorry. If its any consolation, the seller found stains on it when she was packing it. I'm desperate for this dress so I'm getting it anyway but maybe when you find yours it'll be in better condition.

Same. It's also quite short on me but I keep it because cats.

>> No.8443775
File: 2.87 MB, 1350x2034, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon, I think 175 is more than I would have been willing/able to pay for the condition anyway. I actually have the grey one, but I've been checking obsessively for black for months, and as soon as I look away, it turns up...just my luck.

To keep this post relevant: Pic related. I'd stab a man for the Leur Getter dress especially.

>> No.8443856
File: 1020 KB, 1416x724, catdreamitems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully she gave me a discount and paid for tracking because of the stains. I want the gray one so badly! Someday. Looks like we are going to have some words about some of our mutual dream items haha.

Black dot means I have that item already.

>> No.8443896
File: 134 KB, 600x600, cherry rose (b)-nobagkuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the only dress i have a deep need for, almost got it on CC but it sold out as i checked out

>> No.8443906
File: 2.68 MB, 1594x1430, guess which colours i like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are these tears coming from

Also I'm wondering if these would look good at me since I have a ~95cm bust

>> No.8444012

>implying multiple people aren't fed up with that shit

>> No.8444031

Oh, it's ON, anon.

>> No.8444032


>> No.8444246
File: 153 KB, 707x615, dreamdresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few. Favorite Ribbon and Scarlet Primavera Waltz are probably never going to happen but it's nice to dream, am I right?

>> No.8444248

Uh a lot of these come up often, are your tears because you don't have the money for them?
Misty Sky would probably look terrible on you, but the other fitted JSKs would look okay if 95cms fits the measurements

>> No.8444255

Ah. I might have offended him big time then, because I asked if surface spell would make a dress custom AND asked about multiple items being in stock. Go figure.

>> No.8444396
File: 729 KB, 891x421, oneday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merrymaking in the ghost town is my ultimate dream dress and it's the dress that sparked my love for lolita. Wonder box and Twilight Circus would be nice too but all of my love goes to Merrymaking.

>> No.8444436

I have the wonder box OP for sale

>> No.8444449

what do you guys think about owning multiple colorways and/or cuts of your favorite print(s)? are dream dresses more dream prints, or are you only really after one specific colorway and cut?
share your thoughts, and whether you do own anything in multiple colorways/cuts

for me personally, it varies. some prints i'd like to have in multiple cuts but only one colorway, others i'd like one cut but all the colorways, but mostly i just want a specific colorway and cut. i'm yet to own multiples of any dress

>> No.8444464

I have two colorways of a print that wasn't necessarily a dream print, but eventually grew on me and I love it, and honestly, I feel like it's a waste. I like one color so much more than the other that the other just sits in my closet and never gets worn because I just don't think it's as good. Unless the color radically changes the styling of the dress, it just isn't worth it. I'm looking for a second color of a dream OP that I acquired and it's so different that I know I'll get good use out of both, but for the print that I have, it's just a waste. I'll be selling it off after this week's craziness is done for.

>> No.8444476

I have two cuts of the same print, in the same colorway. I like it because I can wear them in very different ways, although I do prefer the OP to the JSK.
But usually if I like the print enough, I'd want multiples of it, whether it be a different cut or different colorway because I'm a greedy bitch, lol.

>> No.8444518

I now own my ultimate dream dress in 3 styles/colors, and my 2nd tier dream dresses all in 2 colors/styles. I get different colors and styles, I'd feel silly owning the same cut or color.

>> No.8444623

200 or so

>> No.8444872

Vintage cameo anon, I've found it on yj


>> No.8444936

Same here, and trying to get a 3rd cut. I might sell one of the cuts if I get that one though, since it's my first choice cut...

>> No.8444973

Major lowball. Maybe for the skirt, but the choir style JSK sold a while back on YA for close to $500 iirc.

>> No.8445362

Salopette has been on CC for a couple of weeks.

>> No.8445368

Chess Story dress on LM

>> No.8445386
File: 102 KB, 450x600, mysticaliceop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling the burning need.

>> No.8445410
File: 47 KB, 480x640, 470676048.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know somebody wanted this : http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_470676048.html?_SRC=li_i0

>> No.8445421

Can someone translate for me the condition of each Tokyo Alice letter grade? What is condition A, B, C, etc?

>> No.8445436

C is not trashed, but worn, dirty, damaged or stained such that it's noticeable. B is between that and 'new without tags'.

>> No.8445453

IT WAS ME, YOU BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL PERSON. Hopefully my ss gets back to me soon! Thank you so much. May blessings rain down upon you like the flying fat babies adorning this dress.

>> No.8445463

I just feel the need to burn it.

>> No.8445464

>dat price
Why did I not reserve it when I had the chance

>> No.8445469

It's hideous. But I can't help but love the tacky thing.

>> No.8445475

I love seeing shit like this

>> No.8445483

What is that gorgeous dress in the top middle called?

>> No.8445485

Holy lantern

>> No.8445539

I like it without the apron better but it's still so pretty!

>> No.8445648

Anyone looking for these?

Aatp gather chiffon jsk in blackxpurple

Aatp innocent low zia op in teal

>> No.8445681

I was looking for the blackxred but it was gone before I could get it

>> No.8445752

I have my ultimate dream dress in my favorite colorway and cut, but I also want a second cut because I know the cut I have isn't very flattering on me. There's also a few dresses that are dream dress tier that I want multiple colorways of because they give off a very different feel depending on the colorways.

>> No.8445761

Someone's selling the JSK and headbow on LSUK and LSEU , the listed price is £100 but they're open to offers.

>> No.8446575

Dim Light miniskirt on Lacemarket. A good $125 cheaper than what I paid

>> No.8446650

I can't remember if Redriding hood anon got her set but here it is on LM with the hood + cape + sleeves


>> No.8446680

The one on the left keeps appearing on eBay (at least I see it when looking on the UK site)

>> No.8446718

>someone else who likes wonder box
I want the red jsk myself. The yellow OP was on CC recently, but I'll keep my eye out for the green fot you.

>> No.8446777

Cheaper on maidenclothing

>> No.8446794

Anon, look! Drosselmeyer is up for cheap.

>> No.8446990

I did, thank you so much!
Although, I wish I had seen this one first, it's cheaper.
It was my ultimate dream dress though, so i'm still just happy I finally found it.

>> No.8447002


>> No.8447010
File: 7 KB, 194x259, funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost count on how many times I've lost Funeral Procession Of Rose.

>> No.8447153


>> No.8447519

Fragrant Rose Skirt Anon

>> No.8447916
File: 78 KB, 400x533, 194712-444-2014-10-14467531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want not the dress, but the translucent jacket (Cyriacus See-Through Long Jacket). Sigh...

>> No.8448302

hey girl hey

>> No.8448418

This is closetchild's y!A, they also have it on their site:
Go get it, anon.

>> No.8448560
File: 67 KB, 280x373, ap lady gingham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will own you. One day.

>> No.8448639

How much are you willing to spend on the Knight Night dress? I have the underbust JSK in navy with tags though I really am quite fond of it, but Surface Spell keep tempting me by re-releasing my grail dress so Id consider selling..

>> No.8448649

It's really cute but looks like so many normalfag sundresses and swing dresses. You're better off looking for offbrand and not wearing it for lolita

>> No.8448660

Kek, it's a floor length gown on me. I've given up on many dream dresses for this reason but in the long run it will save my wallet. Unless we are talking about AP who cater to my need for circa 85cm dresses

>> No.8448681

How tall are you? I'm 5'3 and it goes mid thigh on me almost. Being very bottom heavy I'm sure doesn't help with that but I'd like to not flash people when I walk heh.

>> No.8448745

Is this a hyberbole, or is it literally floor length on you? How tall are you, 4'1?

>> No.8448758

Noble Stripe and Fairy Doll (2014 solid rerelease).

>> No.8448871

It's almost like people have different tastes.

>> No.8448929

Catlady anons, was it either of you that picked up the Leur Getter Cat dress on Tokyo alice?

>> No.8449194
File: 102 KB, 480x640, tumblr_nabl3sKgqp1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this ever pop up in sales? Or do I need to wait a bit longer? I wasn't online very much when it went on sale and by the time I saw it, this colorway was sold out.

>> No.8449206

Wasn't me (catlady anon that just got cat door). Totally jelly of whoever got it though.

>> No.8449586

Fuck I should have listened to you guys. Someone got it and it wasn't me. Never doing that again.

>> No.8449636

Fuuu, I had no idea it came up! But it's okay, I couldn't really afford it right now, and I'd rather want the just-waist cut because I'm tall (I tell myself as I weep).

>> No.8450057
File: 22 KB, 500x666, Long Sleev Kimono Bolero 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeby dream bolero here. Thought I had this when it was rereleased on AP's website, but it was sold out by the time my order was logged. Been obsessively combing the second-hand market ever since.

>> No.8450745

Sorry catlady anons,hopefully it'll pop up again soonish (when bank accounts are less sore)

>tfw I feel like I'm cross thread stalking by commenting on cat posts in mail thread

>> No.8450769

I sold my Unico like super cheap, anon.
>I'm so sorry

>> No.8450919

It just sold without the cape...I didn't see how much it ended at but last time I had looked it was like $400.

>> No.8450954

I figured it'd be up there. Thanks. I guess I'll just have to stalk auctions/second hand then.

>> No.8450987
File: 732 KB, 906x549, dreamdresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8450992


Oh boy, I didn't think my paint collage looked THAT gross. Sorry anons, here's the list if quality is too poop.

-Favorite Ribbon
-Cinema Doll Skirt
-Dream Marine Skirt
-Crystal Dream Carnival tiered JSK
-Merrymaking fuck you
-Eternal Party
-Cosmic Skirt

I'm taking a break from school, so if any gulls are selling take my money.

>> No.8451023

>hey look it's my future closet
i swear anon all of those prints in all of those colorways are my dream prints (already have cosmic too)
i like your taste

>> No.8451062

Aw nice! I'll wait years if I need to. I've made solid progress. I saw FR go for ~$100 on furunrun and girlyhoot posted she got it around the same time so? Either way, I have a lot of hope. I missed dream marine FOUR TIMES, I'm a piece of shit.

I already have cinema doll skirt in black and cosmic in pink/navy. JSKs are very unflattering on my body type (flat-chested, small waist, violin hips/thunder thighs).

>> No.8451118

Here's the Unico in navy.

>> No.8451153

I'm in the process of buying my dream dress, I'm so happy I'm shaking. It's from http://shoppies.jp, which is a mobile app that I haven't heard anyone link to yet so I'll be pretty much using myself as a guinea pig for this.

>> No.8451175

OH! And this: http://www.lacemarket.us/baby-the-stars-shine-bright-papillonnage-en-eclats-dance-jsk/

Also I just got thr 3rd release misty sky skirt in black. I could sell it to you since it's mid tier for you. Mine was navy and I got it, then I got the black when the third release happened. To be honest I don't wear the navy enough to justify two colorways. Let me know

>> No.8451432

I found one of my dream items on the fril.jp app. I'm probably being stupid, but how do I get a link to send to a ss?

>> No.8451438

go on the actual fril website, go to brand and find the item there (etc this is the angelic pretty page http://fril.jp/brand/49))

>> No.8451527

Anon, that JSK is on Fril:

It's a set, but I'm sure you can resell the rest.

>> No.8451567

The brand isn't listed and I can only find the item through the search function on the app. This is driving me insane.

>> No.8453139
File: 90 KB, 836x512, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a super long shot, does anyone happen to know the name of this Bodyline JSK (released in 2009)?
Bat wings on the straps with a plush devil tail-- Ahh I'm sure some will find it tacky and it's not exactly lolita, but it is my shameless dream dress aha..
Any help would be very appreciated and thank you so much in advance!

Wow these are absolutely gorgeous!
I wish you both luck and success!!~

>> No.8453273

Anyone looking for Holy Lantern? My friend is selling hers.


>> No.8453563
File: 105 KB, 426x640, 14_12_14_15_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8453746

Just seen this a week late... Well... Time to get the noose.

>> No.8456111


Meta nurse items

>> No.8458665

Fuck you anon
Now I want it.

>> No.8458688

5ft. When I say floor length I mean mid calf length. I tried on shirring princess and it was actually almost ankle length from sagging (fully shirred bodice)