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File: 278 KB, 950x950, stirland-9th-1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8444959 No.8444959 [Reply] [Original]

larp thread!

>> No.8444989

What shall be this threads topic?

>> No.8445034

making fun of faggotry rising

>> No.8445066 [DELETED] 

someone's trying to get an Oscar

>> No.8445091

>the ham is strong with this one

>> No.8445524
File: 116 KB, 1017x786, whfb_landsknecht___open_wams_and_hosen_by_ring_a_ding-d606w52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one create a team like OP? LARP seems to attract many special snowflakes who won't want to be just infantry so what is the key to maintaining a uniform team? is it being strict on character standards? outright excluding snowflakes (including tragic-past ex-nobles, secret demon princes from other realms and general non-matchyness) what would entice you to join a uniform empire-like team? Pretty much maintaining team standards is what I'm after

Pic sorta related

>> No.8445541


Don't play with Americans.

And no, that's not a troll. We have plenty of special snowflakes too, but we've also got a decent-sized population who is willing to play as part of a group. The American larps I've attended don't have that sub-population at all. There 1 or 2 in a local area, and that's not enough to do anything with.

>> No.8445568

Mostly you need a group of friends to start it off.

It also gets more common the bigger the game is, imo.

>> No.8445573

What should I do, I want to get in to LARP but our "local" LARP group is just... well a bit corrupted and filled with all kind of wrong people...

>> No.8445588

I am a female btw, but I do not wan't to skip around the battlefield dressed as a princess/mage/druid/prostitute

>> No.8445637

find sane people. and a good leader

>> No.8445638

find a different one. or make the existing one better. or make your own with blackjack and hookers

>> No.8445647

Where are you located?

>> No.8445684

There is just one, existing one is long gone. I'm thinking about doing that but i'm not leader material..
I'm from Serbia.

>> No.8445688

well you can come and play in hungary, croatia or bulgaria

>> No.8445713

Sadly that's not an option, i'm kinda stuck here at least for now.. I heard only the best about hungarian and croatian larp groups.

>> No.8445714


>> No.8445718

Nope, economics.

>> No.8445720

sadly I can't tell the same about serbian larp groups. I mostly heard about the Green Banner only and while my only experience with them is that they promised to come to more than one larp and at the end didn't I also heard serbians think they aren't that great company.

also you should look up the United Southeastern Europe Larpers on facebook, sometimes there are serbian larps promoted there too

>> No.8445727

Is there any way left around Facebook for finding events?

There's thousands around, but the pages that index them outside of social networks list a few hundred at best. Most events have a web presence, but Google isn't very good at finding them by region. LARPers meet a lot on boards and forums, but those are specific to the event or even one camp on one event. These boards aren't advertised or even open to the public sometimes.

FB seems to be the last worst hope, but I refuse to use a social communication service that is based on selling me out as a consumer and who knows what else, that manages my personal communication according to their shareholder value with crass measures even including psychological experiments on unwitting users, and that uses my identification to their server to track me across any web resource with a like-button. Yes, Facebook can tell your employer what you wank off to. And I'm sure once employers or other interested parties start offering money for that information, they will.

>> No.8445730

>FB seems to be the last worst hope, but I refuse to use a social communication service that is based on selling me out as a consumer and who knows what else
and yet you use google.
Anyway ask yourself this: is there REALLY something in your life that worth selling? Keep in mind that most people honestly with full of their heart just doesn't give a single fuck about you

>> No.8445734

I don't tell Google my name, either.

And it's not about me having secrets worth keeping. It's about refusing to be reduced to a table of values that indicate likely behavior and opinions.

I don't want to get into this here. If you care see if you can watch Adam Curtis' All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace from your location.
Other than that, just assume that FB banned me. They didn't, they don't know me as anything other than an IP range, but for the sake of discussion, assume.

>> No.8445743

Yeah the Green Banner is a disaster, and it's getting worse. Thank you I will have a look at Southeastern Europe larpers.

>> No.8445744

Look, I perfectly well know what kind of stuff they can know about you but to be honest, why should you care? Doesn't matter. At all.
Also if you really against it don't use the internet at all. And fun fact: you don't have to tell facebook your real name either. I mean sure they want to but nobody is holding a gun to your head.

Anyway: do a google search for larp groups with the restriction of searching on facebook.
Then I would recommend searching for a place where you can buy cheese graters as you are already doing something that's pretty close to masturbating with one of those: slightly interesting but way more painful

>> No.8445745

Wow dude. I mean sure, you don't have to care. But this? It's not only misinformed and loudmouthed, but also hostile without reason. And here I thought you were an okay guy.

>> No.8445753

look, I am saying is if you want to enjoy the benefits of facebook without going on facebook you already stabbing yourself in the dick metaphorically, so why stop there?

>> No.8445755

Right now the only benefit of FB I care for is their apparent monopoly on networking LARPers.

>> No.8445767

>All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace
This should work

>> No.8445769

you can also use someone else's FB profile. And then later talk to those larper through that FB profile. May or may not send that guy to the larp too.

>> No.8446071

>Yeah the Green Banner is a disaster, and it's getting worse.
>getting worse.
It was never good to start with, all thanks to green shield armoury cancer

>> No.8446448

why do I feel like it should be Balkan storytime?

>> No.8446460

It is LARP thread. It is always story time.

>> No.8446536

If you refuse to use social networking sites, you don't have the right to complain about not having the benefits of them. Most employers don't even bother calling references, much less finding out exactly how many tentacles you want inside you (if they did care, there would be a lot fewer employees). Here are some options for you:
>most games have forums
Most larger games do actually have forums for the entire game. Most games that have forums or chats have a link to such on their main website which can just be found by googling. Most forums will require you to sign up in order to participate, or sometimes view them at all.

>Using Facebook from a library
Use a fake name and only access it from a public computer. Only use to to scout larps, don't post anything.

>Use a separate browser
I have no idea how much this works, but a friend of mine uses a separate browser for Facebook and nothing else (not a separate window, a whole different browser application).

>> No.8446550

>most games have forums
And once you found the game they are a mighty resource. But finding the game is the issue.

>Use a separate browser
They still fingerprint you with installed fonts, screen size, IP region, etc.

>Using Facebook from a library
That's even worse. I don't trust library IP departments. They have no way of keeping up with security demands. So it would mean making a new FB ID every time I go there. I don't even know if this would work. I imagine FB registration to be more involved than "leave a burner mail".

>> No.8446558

Google -general location (state usually works, or country if you're outside the US)- LARP. Any that have a website will appear.

If none appear, use a state or country you'd be willing to drive to and try that.

If still none appear, it's becaise Facebook bought all the domains and is hiding them from you.

>> No.8446568

Just being paranoid does not mean people aren't after me!

>> No.8446586

have you considered that if you go to a larp people will take photos of you and put it on facebook where their image recognition software process it and you will be in their database?
just saying

>> No.8446589

I feel like you're teasing me.

But yes, I have considered it. But there's nothing I can do about that, or the thousands of security cameras everywhere, except not connect the images to my name.

>> No.8446601

but if you were at a larp people can comment under the picture like "here is me and anon from the larp"

>> No.8446614

People only know my character name, that's fine. And who would even do that without asking?

>> No.8446620

you have to sign a waiver and stuff like that for insurance and whatnot. So at least the organizers will know your name and probably after a few games everyone else

>> No.8446626

There's 300 people at my main event. No one knows anybody's last name.

The organizers don't post the names anywhere. They can't. There's legislation governing that. And the need for signing waivers never arose. Eurolarp, mang.

>> No.8446637

>They can't
how so? they will be shot by a secret agent if they start typing the names or what? three letter agencies will send a party van for them if they tell it during drinking with their buddies?

>> No.8446649

They would be fined. They could loose public funding (everything that doesn't make money is supported with public funds here). And why are you trying to poke holes here? Are you bored?

>> No.8446652


If you're in a photo, there are lots of OCD Facebook users who feel compelled to tag every person they recognize. If you go to any sort of LARP event, there is a high probability that you will be photographed even if you're just in the background and the photographer was trying to take someone else's picture. It seems like almost everyone has a smartphone with camera/video recording capabilities these days.

>> No.8446655


>> No.8446657

kind of. Anyway, who said that other's will know that they said it? Maybe they will post it anonymously on an anonymous image board

>> No.8446758
File: 31 KB, 460x345, 1560372_10151906444846453_265649147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARP thread
>nothing but bullshit "I live off the grid" edgelord crap

Shittiest LARP thread ever. Good job, faggots.

>> No.8446838


Worse than the last one where people were getting banned from larps for actually being competent at fighting?

>> No.8446852

That's EVERY LARP thread ever.

>> No.8446904

well i can understand people being frustrated by such things but getting BANNED for it? like wtf?
yes some people might actually practice weapons forms, this is why you have levels and other abilities to compensate for your lack in actual skill.

>> No.8447154

The crazies are what keeps this thread moving half the time.

Anyway if you're still hanging around, anti-facebook anon, it's worth noting that the single best way you're going to find local games is by word of mouth. Ask around enough and soon someone will happily try to get their game's clammy, cheeto-stained hands on you.
As for actual scheduling and shit most games have their own websites and forums that post schedules/logistics/FAQ, though usually you have to know the name of the event before you go looking for their website.

That's a more of an inside joke that gets the midwestern tapfighters rustled from time to time.

>> No.8447201


I'm a girl too. I'm still trying to figure out what to do about garb. I have a basic men's tunic that's okay for right now. It's harder to find female garb that a.) is practical to fight in and b.) doesn't look like a slutty corseted Halloween costume.

>> No.8447231

What if that backfires though? What does he do if they start to reciprocate?

>> No.8447273

Go for Greek or Roman then, their tunics are unisex.

>> No.8447297


This aside, ignore the fact that the men's section all have men as models. Since you're looking for garb to fight in, you can pretty much get away with anything in the men's section that looks like a shirt or tunic.

>> No.8447447
File: 137 KB, 533x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got any funny stories about wearing your armor either to/from larp or while going on a lunch break outside the larp?

>> No.8447462
File: 135 KB, 800x532, ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow girl!
Practical female garb is pretty much the same as practical men's garb- tunics and pants. Some tunics will be cut slightly differently so as to shape around a bust better, but unless your breasts are so big you need handmaidens to carry them, it won't make a difference. They are also usually nipped in a little more at the waist but again- doesn't really matter.

You also probably know this already but boob plate- as in plate armor with boobs shaped into it- is not practical armor and doesn't actually work.

Do you have any specific questions? I make a lot of garb and can answer pretty much anything.

>> No.8447596

Anyone dump some cool fantasy armor or Inspo pictures. Im looking to get some ideas for some armor.

>> No.8447641
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>> No.8447855
File: 176 KB, 533x800, training_gambeson_by_sombrefeline-d4a6f7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a grill, but in my experience you can never go wrong with a good gambeson.

>> No.8448054

>And the need for signing waivers never arose. Eurolarp, mang.

Calling bullshit. Every halfway serious larp (30 or more people) around here has you sign waivers concerning your property being damaged and your health issues (whether you're diabetic and whatnot)

>> No.8448068
File: 838 KB, 2200x2200, card-when-life-gives-you-lemons-a[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8448276 [DELETED] 

>grabbing lunch at supermarket with a few others
>getting funky looks from people
>it's awesome
>get to cashier
>"Anything else my lord?"
>"Have thou heard any rumors?"
>Cashier laughs "Just a story about a tyrant who underpays his staff."
>"Then my party will investigate this matter further. Be safe!"

Some normies can be fun I guess.

>> No.8448404

>whether you're diabetic
You need to sign that you are not diabetic? That's not legal mumbo jumbo, that's just collecting expensive personal data.

>> No.8448411
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not really

>> No.8448412
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>> No.8448425
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>>8445743 >>8446071

That's strange considering that in Serbia Green Banner was the only serious organised LARP group for a long time.

>> No.8448457

>that's just collecting expensive personal data.
Its also collecting personal data that would be relevant if you started dying and needed medical attention, its the sort of shit you should be telling EMTs so they know whats going on.

>> No.8448464

Better go and tell your employer then. In fact get a tattoo just to be safe, at an exposed position, not hidden by clothes - in case of an emergency!

>> No.8448472

Are you really that paranoid?
Any time you go out into the woods to do strenuous physical activity, you damn well should tell the people in charge what medical issues you have in case you do start convulsing in the field.
The waivers are also there to insure that you don't sue them for making your fat ass run so much you had a stroke. That you chose to do that yourself.

>> No.8448480

So why are people so much interested in just a western style oriented LARP, what about eastern style LARP, like something Islamic with weird names from Central Asia and mongol influenced style troops while gurgling weird sounds.

>> No.8448481

Which one?
Na koju mislis? Koliko znam, GoR su jos uvek aktivni, grupa je relativno mala ali ne verujem da su 'korumpirani' kako ti kazes.
Are you the same person that's been talking shit about some girl in your larp group? You sound bitter with a heavy case of self-hatred.

>> No.8448483

I think it's too much of a sensitive topic atm.

>> No.8448484

Mate, are you really this far gone?

It's pretty fucking useful for people to know that when you're choking at a larp, it might be because of a peanut allergy, or a bee sting, or that an epileptic seizure is a thing that might happen to you, etc., etc.

And I don't know where you want to claim to be from, but in countries with socialized medicine, it's pretty fucking common for an employer to know what ails you.

>> No.8448485


It's all raycis blackface weabism. All of it.

>> No.8448492

>I cannot comprehend that identifying a potentially lethal medical condition to people who would help me should I need it is a good idea.

>> No.8448494


Not really, its just boring to see all western style sir-Knight-a-lot bouncing in full plate and chainmail in any form through high middle ages. Viking fighters are at least fun, they break monotony but it is really hard to find someone that wants to be a steppe raider.

>> No.8448500

It's not like there aren't any, there are quite a few people around that are doing near, middle and far easterm characters. Hell, two of my three active characters are definitely Eastern and at least partly Arab inspired.

Still there are certainly fewer of those characters around and relatively few cons that are going with such a theme exclusively.
This boils down to two reasons mostly I think.
Firstly most cons are low to highish fantasy and the go-to setting for that simply is Europeanish. If you are going to create a fantasy character you are far more likely to think about the western archetypes first, that there is mostly western characters around if you are looking for inspirational pics will also nudge you in that direction (which essentially leads to a cycle). Also most people are just simply more familiar with European Middle Ages type fantasy.
The second reason, and that is imo also why there are more west and central Asian, and fewer east Asian characters is because of the availability of premade gear and/or creafting materials for diy. This is especially noteworthy if you are planning a central or east asian fighter-type character and want appropriate metal armour. Whereas for European characters you can get pretty much everything off the shelf if you want to (at least over here) for Eastern characters you have a lot of work cut out for you.

So in essence because it is a) no the go-to choice and b) harder to do, it leads to very few beginners choosing such characters and the numbers in generally being cmparbily low. This again leads to relatively few dedicated cons.

>> No.8448502

Every event I've been to that had camps featured an Arabian Nights themed one.

>> No.8448509

pretty much this...the theme certainly does exist, and is widespread, just not as numerous as typcial western fantasy.

>> No.8448511
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>> No.8448524

Oh yis, more halal from that.

>> No.8448526

>Viking fighters are at least fun, they break monotony

Ahahahahaha. No. You'll see far more vikings and assorted barbarians than knights.

>> No.8448547

Nah, the knight-a-lot is something I see more often then going full viking.

>> No.8448552
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At Eurolarps the gear for a plated knight costs about 4-5 times as much as a sword+board Viking kit. Sure there's a lot of wannabe knights. But people who actually invest into full plate are far fewer.

>> No.8448555
File: 216 KB, 640x366, 201606-wall[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure she is a different anon

>> No.8448558

Funny, I always believed Serbia was just past Cirith Gorgor on the plain of Udûn.

>> No.8448561

the guy in the full plate seems familiar. I might have met him last year at Drachenfest in the Blue camp.

>> No.8448562

Depends which part, you do have a geographically convenient Anduin sized big river that separates the country into two halves.

>> No.8448567

I'll ask him next year. It's a bunch of scouts that go around playing at several events each year.

>> No.8448588
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>> No.8448594

Round here assorted barbarians and low tech characters are the go to and build up about a third of every larp all to themselves. After that, all manner of elf is still more common than early to high medieval characters.

>> No.8448595

also on an unrelated note: my calimacil katzbalgers are now in the hands of the postal service... allegedly. So it's probably a question of months until it will arrive here in a trashbag after it sailed through the great pond three times back and forth and may or may not someone also took a dump in the trashbag too on the second trip

>> No.8448596

>says the guy who still uses the forint as currency unironically

>> No.8448598

>opinions not worth a fillér

>> No.8448601

nah, it's more like
>says the guy who lives in a country where the government will erect a fence on the Serbian border because FOREIGNERS!!!


>> No.8448615

All right, let's see....
>Mate, are you really this far gone?
One of us is.
>It's pretty fucking useful for people to know that when you're choking at a larp, it might be because of a peanut allergy, or a bee sting, or that an epileptic seizure is a thing that might happen to you, etc., etc.
If you have a serious condition you wear a medical bracelet. Why? Because while I'm choking I have little patience for someone to run to the organizers, have them go through their files, and hurry back with the information that it might be an allergy.
>And I don't know where you want to claim to be from, but in countries with socialized medicine, it's pretty fucking common for an employer to know what ails you.
In fact it is very illegal for your insurance to release that information, and for good reason. There is this concept of doctor-patient-confidentiality at the root of our understanding of the medical profession in countries with socialized medicine.

>> No.8448620
File: 177 KB, 800x533, cry baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw now we'll have to keep all the deported gypsies AND Syrians AND Kosovars
>mfw visit Belgrade last week and it's as if everyone suddenly became darker
>mfw America is still breathing down our necks and people are still calling us racist while a mosque is being built in my 10,000 person town as we speak
m-muh wisdom of the falcon... remove kebab...

>> No.8448624

>US geopolitics causing massive displacement just outside EU borders
>EU not prepared to provide relief, applies an unhealthy mix of ignoring the problem, reacting with increased security instead of aid, and profiteering
>Blame the refugees and their foreign ways
Yup, it's 4chan.

>> No.8448625

it's not the refugees, it's that we can't even feed ourselves and the place was already overflowing with beggars before more started pouring in

leave the hitler card for Germans

>> No.8448629

>US causes shit
>it's the EU's job to clean up after them
>whilst having to deal with Russia at the same time

>> No.8448631

I invoke Godwin and thereby proclaim this must be the Internet. Well done, people.

The EU is suffering from the embargo more than Russia is. Meanwhile British Petroleum (US owned) is developing oil fields in Siberia.

>> No.8448687

I love how this thread went from Larping to geopolitics just because some Hungarian dude wants to build a fence.

>> No.8448695

and a few hours from now we will rage about unrealistic armour or drool on larp women

>> No.8448696
File: 40 KB, 461x948, 2nun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viking fighters are at least fun, they break monotony
Said the 10 identical leather and fur vikingeaboo

Disgusting filth.

>> No.8448697

Holy shit, the UK LARP Facebook page has fucking exploded. One guy asked how to do good Drow makeup, and it's spilled into multiple threads discussing racism, personal attacks and some choice posts by a certain Mr Readmiww.

>> No.8448704

Must be Reddit overspill.

>> No.8448707
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post interesting screencaps or it didn't happened

>> No.8448713
File: 158 KB, 442x750, f91c38e4a0219772322d14d010fcaec4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your pale god.

>> No.8448720

I'm at work, was just reading them on my phone during lunch.
Just go find the Facebook group and enjoy!

>> No.8448725
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>> No.8448736
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>> No.8448738

>great white
I knew they went to Newfoundland, but this?
They really got around!

>> No.8448747
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First thought that came to my head.

>> No.8448750
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>> No.8448759

About that...

A few assumptions I have made:
No one actually puts their junk in there, it is purely decorative
Unlike a modern athletic cup a codpiece will somewhat shield the gurkin, but not the jewelry.
So basically you could just as well wear red superman undies over your pants.

Am I mistaken?

>> No.8448766
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, DSC03495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one actually puts their junk in there, it is purely decorative

>Unlike a modern athletic cup a codpiece will somewhat shield the gurkin, but not the jewelry
half truth, some may do that some don't. Depends on the kind but most of them are sitting too high to give any kind of protection from a well placed kick

>So basically you could just as well wear red superman undies over your pants.
I could but that wouldn't be as cool as a codpiece

>> No.8448765


>> No.8448800
File: 503 KB, 2144x1424, 16583553140_2b6a79abe9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, going to a larp in a few.

I'll be back with some pics hopefully.

>> No.8448806
File: 88 KB, 617x295, mandolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun

>> No.8448979

Roman style tunics seem like they'd be nice for hot weather. What else would make comfortable summer garb?

>> No.8449145

The Shirtless William Wallace

>> No.8449158

Any Mediterranean culture from antiquity had pretty comfy summer wear.

>> No.8449231

all the linen, wool and silk you can carry

>> No.8449496 [DELETED] 

You do know that most diabetics wear a bracelet or tag labeling them as such, right?

>> No.8449504

Linen tunic, linen baggy trousers, I made a pair of baggy trousers that was a common fashion in 10th century Russia and people confirmed their balls were always on good wind.

>> No.8449521

I got my garb from the bargain bin at a local supplier. It is mostly light cotton/linen blend. Pants, shirt, tunic cloak, 2nd shirt. The second shirt is thicker and has a puffy collar so I cannot wear it in sun light. The tunic is great but also impossible when it's hot. But the pants and light shirt are the lightest and most airy clothes I own. And it turns out it's the same for the rest of my camp who all went to different suppliers. The cheap option at most LARP shops will make a very light outfit, perfect for smoldering days like this record summer.

[spoiler]Can I have that snowball from the senate hearing? I'm REALLY hot!

>> No.8450255

Wow, the tumblrettes have really infected larp in the UK.

>> No.8450695

Dude there a mysterious (read: not yet planned or scripped in any way even a week before) the 11th at Bico, you going?

>> No.8450838

this isn't probably the best place to post this, but I'm going to try, anyway. What's the best way to split from an SCA group, especially one that's tried very hard to welcome you into their fold? I've spent about half a year with my current group, and despite all the friendliness, I simply don't want to take part in it anymore, but at the same time, I don't want to spit in the face of all those who've tried their hardest to make me feel welcome.

>> No.8451138

Try not showing up.

>> No.8451273

tell them this?

>> No.8451392

Tell them thank you, but all the dangerous weapons and autistic detail worship is not for you and you're going to UL events now.

>> No.8451534

I know you're joking, but it hurt to read that.

>> No.8451542

Well I WAS joking. And I've never been to either SCA, or UL events at all ever. So there's that.

>> No.8451597
File: 2.79 MB, 1632x1224, scales.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mail.

It was a box.

A box I had been waiting for...

>> No.8451607


Cool. What's inside?

>> No.8451608

Hm- it's a secret!

>> No.8451615

The fun part: I bought the cheapest I could find because it's purely decorative. Under $20.

But when I play around with the scales they are highly accurate. So I check who made them and it turns out it's a company that makes lab scales. They must have made these as a gag. But they made them well!

>> No.8451808

Just a wild guess but maybe scales

>> No.8451899


Just stop going.

If anyone contacts you afterwards, tell them that you appreciated their hospitality but you have a lot of other stuff going on in your life and you won't be able to go to group events anymore.

>> No.8451962
File: 583 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, here's my shop.

The spice rack is still a prototype. It will be wood laminate covered in leather and velvet.

Everything packs up neatly and I can lob it around all day if I want. It is of course not for the battle field.

Whatcha think? Besides get a new camera I mean...

>> No.8452028

Looks nice, would shop at.

>> No.8452045

Damn! Now I have to come up with things to play.

I could actually sell spices I guess. Always a good idea to spice up camp food, and all the spices are real and really food. I have a pestle and mortar.

Or I could make grand deals involving wagon loads of imports, draw them up in ink, sign them, and hand the other player a copy to keep. Of course I will never deliver wagons of spices, but that's just another thing to play out.

I could offer appraisals. However I am ignorant when it comes to rare stones and jewelry, so I will have to make that up as I go.

I will have to plan this more intricately.

>> No.8452051

"Hallal my good sadiq, I offer you finest cinnamon for top shekel, yes good trade?"

>> No.8452066
File: 464 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! My good friend. Sit down. Be comfortable.

I see you have brought cinnamon bark from the South. But have you taste Lapacho bark? I have some right here. It has even more intense flavors than cinnamon, and makes a tasty tea which will settle upset stomachs and help with overly phlegmatic airways. It also mixes nicely with clovers and anise for flavoring Yule cakes. I have very reasonably priced samples right here...

>> No.8452371

merchant/10 would wonder if I'm being ripped off the whole time

>> No.8452386

At one event a few friends and I started the merchant guild 3 years ago. Since then 2 cycles have passed in game. Each time we raised and sold one minor fleet (something large realms do), traded goods between the realms for enough profit to raise another fleet on stock, and now own one or several of the special character items individual realms can produce every 2 years and only own 3 of at most themselves from about half the realms in the game.

But we don't field our own units so nobody is worried yet.

>> No.8452399

key word

>> No.8452433

For next year we're printing our own money. If history can be believed then that's usually when the war starts...

>> No.8452491

you sound like someone who knows what he is doing.
I know mercenaries who would accept freshly printed money

>> No.8452510

Yes, we have mercenaries, well trained troops full of discipline and prowess. And we offer seasoned marshals to lead the men, should your own supply of experienced battle leaders be short. But I will have to direct you to our master at arms, the one-eyed fellow in a leather vest back there with all the knights in plate.

>> No.8452697

Do you even Machiavelli's art of war motherfucker? Mercenaries are trustworthy only until the going gets tough since they're well aware that they can't spend their pay if they die.

>> No.8452706

I don't see the problem? We get our commission much sooner! The rest is marketing.

>> No.8452710

I'm still on Sun Tzu's Il Principe. I'll read The Art of War next.

>> No.8452823

Hey folks. Sup? anyone in chat?

>> No.8452861

>"They never have Titus. Is it that uncommon a name?"

>> No.8452903

What kind of sword is that guy holding?

>> No.8452933

Looks made up. Spiffy though!

>> No.8452971

Just checked my BotN Gofundme! Thanks anon!

>> No.8452990


> paying them in advance

>> No.8452995

One of the innumerable hiltless single bladed swords marketed as elven. Looks decent for what he wanted (pseudo middle eastern) but now more persian styled weapons are available too.


>> No.8453005

You have a gofundme? What for?

>> No.8453013

Fixing my ACL/BotN rig, and getting me back to go bring the Cock and Swallow to the world. I made it to US nationals before, and plan to do it again. wqjhc6p

>> No.8453024

>pay them in advance
Now they've already got your money and can run off the minute things stop going well for your side.
>pay them afterwards
Can't get paid if you're dead.

>> No.8453214

>pay them in beer
No complaints there.

>> No.8453688
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>> No.8453709
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>> No.8453938

That's good to hear. We bring our own armor and weapons, we are mostly in half plate and with a lot of polearms and if the money is right we can bring our own cannon.

As for the price: We want a pig farm. But not just a normal pig farm. If I get up early in the morning and start walking through the pig farm it must be so huge that I can't reach the end of it when the sun is setting. That's how huge the pig farm must be, with full of pigs. That's our dream

>> No.8454010

Honestly, good for you. Best of luck.

>> No.8454078

Oh thanks guys. Looked interesting

>> No.8454091

Should Deus or just Vult? Or maybe both?

>> No.8454795

>>8447447 Walked into a WH Smith after an event spending a weekend playing a roman. Said "Salve" to a bemused looking clerk. Then got on the train and got a load of funny looks. Turns out I was still had fake blood all over my face. I'd forgot to wash it off during camp takedown.

>> No.8454807

I regretted nothing

>> No.8454815

But most importantly of all, did you say it with proper Classical Latin pronunciation?

>> No.8454927

You have done well, my son.

>> No.8455190
File: 54 KB, 720x540, solar9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah , it's a tavern night.

It's because it was supposed to be the Crusade of Al-Saour-Asif but the true faith failed to gather enough ennemies.

I shit you not, we have the sanctuary that gives a lot of ingame power to the religion holding it, and for us it's like our jerusalem.

99.9% of the time its all the other religions fighting against true faith and winnning by a little or losing by a little , or totally getting wrecked like 2 years ago.

Now nobody want to fight against us for that because we make that our ''you dont miss this'' campaign.

And most people dont like to go to a campaign where they know they will get wrecked even if they are superior in numbers.

but the thing is, we are always trying to make the crusade more difficult for us,
-making us start far as fuck so we have to walk in full armor.
- having npc who plays ''sarasins'' that help the ennemy
- sending poeple in the other front to make sure they are enough
- having our lunchbreak ingame knowing that it will be easy for them to have a lunch at their place but for us we will have to bring chariot of food in difficult to reach place (i'll tell you the story of ''Bacon hill'')
- One guy even spent all his crusade transporting a giant banner , he could not do anything else with his hand than to hold this heavy thing
- Refusing all help by allies who are not believers

You get the idea

>> No.8456066
File: 62 KB, 476x960, 11215509_10152932370816606_848379128430616788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home from game.

>Held a knife to the throat of my character's dark elf ex lover who had been missing for 3 years

>stopped people from desecrating a body because muh squire duty

>Solved a long-standing conflict between a wolfkin squire and my spider by going out in the middle of the night and talking and laughing about normal stuff until his sister wolf got so mad that she came and dragged him away by the ear.

>Got cursed to not harm anything until it harms me. Which fucking sucks. The curse is coming off ASAP.

>> No.8456187

>ex lover
I thought spiders ate their mates, or is that some other creature that haunts my nightmares?

>> No.8456223

You are correct for the most part. The females species of spider I emulate can be put into trances by being rubbed on their bellies. Males often take advantage of this so as to give them more time to escape afterwards.

To give your nightmares a little worse, female spiders of some species (not mine) are also tiny eugenicists who will sometimes eat males who are just passing by if they seem to be genetically inferior so as to prevent them from passing on their genes. There are also two species of spiders in South America where the males will eat females if the females are not virginal.

With regards to my spider in particular, she was young, the dark elf was handsome and she thought maybe her people's traditions may be wrong and this was a glorious civilized world where she could love someone and not eat them.

>> No.8456400

>, he could not do anything else with his hand than to hold this heavy thing
so... like any other standard bearer?

>> No.8456961

You know what, would risk hitting on

>> No.8457078

That new mask is freaking awesome!

>The females species of spider I emulate can be put into trances by being rubbed on their bellies

Is that what you kids are calling it these days?

>> No.8457091
File: 609 KB, 2048x1360, 19281242120_c0e5b96e74_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, but nobody does that at bico sadly

Also i have new pics from this weekend larp

>> No.8457100

did I ever told you in the last 5 minutes how retarded are these black knight limb systems look like?

>> No.8457107
File: 970 KB, 2048x1360, 18847138803_85b194ffee_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this scene in particular with the cook fighting a legged knight made that pretty ridiculous as you can see in all the public's face on >>8457091

>> No.8457234


That looks really cool with the fur accents. Do you have pictures of any of your other garb?

>> No.8457527
File: 57 KB, 540x720, 11011266_10202399983120091_7756807166594937812_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon! The suit in that picture is my brand new one, so the one in these photos will look slightly different. Here's my tie-on skirt. 4 panels of fabric that gets tied on with a waist tie. This also gives a good look of the back extra arms (the new suit doesn't have the extra arms- slavers pulled them off ;;;_;;; )

>> No.8457535
File: 62 KB, 720x715, 10945405_10202508643876542_1097599470431922965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here, though obviously I'm not wearing the suit over it, is my other main piece of garb. Drafted the pattern myself, the arm holes sweep back to fit the extra legs and I modeled the back tails after a spider abdomen.

I have a lot of other garb in my trunk but it's mostly shirts and pants and skirts and things that aren't very exciting.

>> No.8457659


I like the hood. It looks like it would be really comfortable and practical to fight in.

>> No.8457747

I can't tell if you are being sincere or referencing the guy who wanted to make the SCA/Assassins Creed garb from several threads ago.

I've been here too long.

With regards to actual comfort and practicality, it's pretty excellent. I've never been a fan of hoods but the shape of this one doesn't cut of my peripheral vision and it means I don't have to pin a hijab on like I normally do.

>> No.8457753
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x800, 19299233332_711805a610_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to my first overnight SCA event just last weekend, and it was fun. All sorts of classes, food, and enjoyment to be had, and even got into a decent photo!

>> No.8457765

Kind of a stupid question, but where the hell did you get the idea to be a cool spider girl wearing a pretty headscarf? Your character is so rad.

>> No.8457812


I'm being sincere. I'm new to LARPing and it's nice to see things that people have made besides standard tunics and tabards.

>> No.8458073

People who make their own cloaks, what type of wool do you use and where to you get it? All I can find is suiting, which isn't nearly warm enough for the shitty upstate NY weather. I tried to google but it hasn't helped.

>> No.8458129

Mask is awesome, if very very creepy!

>> No.8458298

Coating wool is likely what you want. Or a felted wool.

If you are lining the cloak you could also interline it with flannel to add thickness and warmth.

>> No.8458376
File: 185 KB, 1024x680, smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find thicker wool online, preferably coating wool like Caer is mentioning.

If you on a budget, high-quality cotton flannel (two layers, lining and shell) that you have ideally dyed yourself is a popular choice here.

Not a stupid question at all!
The original idea to play a spider came about because I was teasing my girlfriend at the time. She was deathly arachnophobic and I asked her what she would do if I played a spiderkin.

Being the heartless person I was I decided that it actually sounded pretty funny and put it together. I picked the B. Smithi (pic related) species because they are popularly known as very friendly and docile spiders, and they have a very distinct color and pattern. Girlfriend was not pleased. I loved the character and I loved the challenge of the garb and costuming for her, and eventually I ditched my main character (who was my girlfriend's wife in game. She was even less happy about that) for the spider.

With regards to the headscarf, my spider is very shy and has pretty low self-esteem (since people tell her she looks like a monster/she's horrific to look at/etc). Pretty headscarves make her feel better.

I'm personally into intricately engineered costuming, and the fine line between beautiful and monstrous, and the character just fit. I've been playing her for ~6 years and can't see myself stopping any time soon.

>> No.8459340

Those steam rapiers. hnnggg

>> No.8459549
File: 254 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8459558

I see one rapier. Do you even épée?!

>> No.8459614

I don't see steam either

>> No.8460101

Nope. Foil/Saber all the way bro

>> No.8460120
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, Annulus Astronomicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spent some money.

>> No.8460129

A saber isn't triangular in cross section, bro.

>> No.8460143

Never said it was.

>> No.8460162

>steam rapiers

>> No.8460170

Steam = non electrical fencing weapons i believe

>> No.8460179

are you sure it's not a digitally distributed version? bought in the summer sale and what not?

>> No.8460399


>> No.8460547

Looks neat, do you know how to use it?

>> No.8460567

Somewhat, yes.

I set it to the right latitude on the outer ring, set the month on the slider that is missing in the pic, and dangle it into direct sunlight until the light shines through the hole in the center onto the inner ring.

>> No.8460798
File: 27 KB, 262x288, 1433201249693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wered you pick that up anon?

>> No.8461042

So I scored some cast-iron utensils from the Crazy Crow Trading Post, and they came wrapped in plastic and soaked in some sort of black slime. What's the best and brightest way to remove this gunk?

>> No.8461060


They sell a few different kinds of cast iron polish/cleaner at Bed Bath & Beyond. The black gunk is probably some sort of oil that they used to treat the iron.

>> No.8461065

Did you quilt the fabric yourself or did it come that way?

>> No.8461077

Used military blankets are your best resource for cheap wool and are great for cloaks.

>> No.8461179

seconding this

>> No.8461182
File: 51 KB, 450x581, 2015-07-05 21.15.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new project will be something akin to Rhaegar here hopefully. Stuff like helmet I will probably commission because I do not have time to build it.

>> No.8461210

For what system?

>> No.8461222


>> No.8461238

That would look awesome, pricey, but awesome.

>> No.8461358
File: 32 KB, 457x500, 2_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pricey place with an awesome catalog. But I looked into it, and the only manufacturer seems to be in Spain and the import is €50 wherever you go. The one I got was made in Austria though, so maybe do your own research...

>> No.8461467

>Did you quilt the fabric yourself or did it come that way?
I did not, though I should have. It is quilted fabric that can be bought at most fabric stores, the batting is polyester and the shell is cotton.
It's very convenient (when I made it I didn't have much time) and makes a reasonable looking final product.
BUT because of how weak the outside cotton is, and because the batting is polyester, it is unsuitable for things like gambesons or anything going under armor. It also can get uncomfortably warm (hasn't been a problem for me, but only because my design has no sleeves).
It also requires that all seams be either frenched or bound, because otherwise the batting will get *everywhere.*

It's cheap and fast, but there are significant downsides and I don't recommend it if you have the time to quilt your own fabric.

>> No.8461699

>my spider is very shy and has pretty low self-esteem (since people tell her she looks like a monster/she's horrific to look at/etc). Pretty headscarves make her feel better.


Those are all rapiers except for possibly the cup hilted one. We haven't allowed Foil/Saber/Epee blades in years, and schllagers are falling out of use with cheaper, better bated rapier blades available. The guy is obviously a newbie, and is probably only using it for the class.

You done good.

Yay! I helped! That black slime is oil. Dawn dishsoap and water. get scrubbing.

>> No.8461761
File: 90 KB, 480x713, 1436325142128..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8461764

Iron utensils rust within minutes. Clean with soap and a brush, immediately towel dry and grease with edible oil. I use olive.

After use just clean with brush and water, no soap. And apply oil regularly.

>> No.8462135
File: 111 KB, 640x960, 11667384_10153354460616488_4335807905596122285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my spider is very shy and has pretty low self-esteem (since people tell her she looks like a monster/she's horrific to look at/etc). Pretty headscarves make her feel better.
(it's actually a cute story)

Going to the army surplus tommorow to take a look at that then.

so much to do, i'll just eat with a wooden spoon and a wooden bowl then.

>> No.8462246

Anon understands.

>> No.8462584

>wooden spoon and a wooden bowl
You should clean and oil those as well...

>> No.8462770

I also take it Dawn is your next choice if your Marcher dies?

If my Wintermarker gets done, I'm considering a ballsy League Bravo. Or a very heavy lineage Briar Dawnish knight, proper Green Knight kind of thing.

I suddenly want to hug the giant spider lady, even if she might murder me.

>> No.8463018

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.8463231

What do you oil wood with? Olive?

>> No.8463259

Im glad someone does.

>> No.8463262
File: 256 KB, 1500x1500, canola-oil-organic..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well some say olive oil can go rancid and develop a smell so use canola. I for one have never had issues with olive oil or smells.

>> No.8463274

>so use canola.
also known as rape

>> No.8464027
File: 474 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good way to pack/display "tools"?

>Leather roll?
>Fold out bag?
>Attached to the armor?

I'm considering a second career in dentistry.

>> No.8464175

Yeah Dawn has caught my eye, not a big fan of Viking asthetic so Wintermark/Varushka are not really my thing. I do have a Brass Coast outfit/disguise I wear for the Festival of Heresy!

>> No.8464192

Is there ever much trouble with people dressed like SS officers? I imagine that the reactions wouldn't be so severe in Japan.

>> No.8464205

Olive oil goes rancid if you heat it and leave it out, keep it in a cool place and you'll never have problems.

>> No.8464399

Oh damn, forgot to put my trip back on for >>8461699 and >>8463259. Damn phone.

>real saw
>X-acto knife blades

Good luck getting that into a game.

>> No.8464415

People at my event carry steel swords and axes, so no problem.

>> No.8464423

Are you a Larp or something else?

Also, are you a post apoc/WWI ish kinda deal?

>> No.8464575

>With regards to the headscarf, my spider is very shy and has pretty low self-esteem (since people tell her she looks like a monster/she's horrific to look at/etc). Pretty headscarves make her feel better.

That is adorable.

>> No.8464630

You're adorable

>> No.8464787

>Be shy sad spider
>A whole pile of anons, namefags, and that one spider fetishist show up all of the sudden to game
>Spider is showered in attention and affection
>...This has to be a trap.
>*panics internally*

>> No.8465609

I don't think I would be able to get over my OOC phobia well enough to come within 20m of you while wearing it.

>> No.8465643
File: 7 KB, 231x173, 2015-07-07 18.02.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8465831

Hungary must be one hardcore place if you're getting raped by the canola oil.

>> No.8465876
File: 516 KB, 1150x2048, sad music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After using a 1m longsword ( with a rigid cross-guard, balanced and shit ) and seeing people who one handed sword longer than mine,
got a 2h with the mass and equilibrium of a steel longsword. Weight 1k200, ect. Can't try it now.

What's the biggest problem with 2h in larp that hema don't prepare you to ?

I before tried a regular 2h, and it happen to get "stuck". between an armpit, the arm of someone and his dual sword, ect.

>> No.8466112

not the oil, the plant

>> No.8466716

From Latin rapum; unrelated to rapere, the verb which developed into rape.

>> No.8466995
File: 352 KB, 2048x1365, 11698832_10152869541052035_2866883024860109784_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some new pic from this weekend larp.

Pic related : Food porn

>> No.8467069
File: 474 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that bread looks suspicious...

>> No.8467098

hey i'm looking for that cap on the battle were the gypsies intercepted the army then eveyone got drunk and paniked causing the amy to fight itself does anyone have that cap?

>> No.8467139
File: 97 KB, 640x960, 11713691_10152869539497035_4053946638635139510_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think he is the murdrerererer?

>> No.8467150

It is so white, it's probably full of chalk.

>> No.8467230
File: 315 KB, 2048x1365, 11222995_10152869543027035_7910970509706693365_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean....the spices of kings

>> No.8467510
File: 321 KB, 450x270, yw903Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the biggest problem with 2h in larp that hema don't prepare you to ?

That people don't like when you do this

>> No.8467882

/v/ told me I need to spin to win. (forgot to delete namefagging)

And seriously, this shit is really only good to get disarmed. Or hitting your friend behind.

Sauce ?

>> No.8467885

Hard to be a God.
It's a great film.

>> No.8468173
File: 479 KB, 2048x1365, 11731561_10152869541682035_2388816013108291313_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpity bumpos

>> No.8468250

>What's the biggest problem with 2h in larp that hema don't prepare you to?

If you mean full size two handers like the montante/spadone, then you are playing with an entirely different set of mechanics and rules. It's a hard concept to explain, but it's similar to why historical rapier techniques are useless with foam swords and boffers. Actual blades in a martial environment handle much more differently than in a LARP.
As for the armpit thing, try to keep your cuts descending for the most part until you're a lot more confident in your ability to gauge measure. Rising cuts with longswords can be really tricky because it fucks with your measure, and it only gets worse when you're using giant foam tubes that get stuck on everything.
As filthy renaissance fetishist trash, I can safely say that those are all rapiers. The things I could do with that saxon hilt on the right... hng.

Don't do this.

But that's wrong. The guy in the .gif isn't really going it right, but a flourish with a montante/spadone is fundamental two hander technique, and is the basis for almost everything about handling large, double-edged blades.

>> No.8468614

Only reason I went Wintermark is that most of my OC friends are there, and since it was my first field larp it made sense to play with them. League or Dawn is my next character I think.

>> No.8468778

I just want to see her clock that dude making kissy face at her with that pewter mug.

>> No.8468957

>that one spider fetishist

>> No.8470257


Sounds like you all have different experiences. What is SCA like, typically?

>> No.8470513
File: 86 KB, 476x480, bass canon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, yes, it was just the "holding it with the 2 hand on base of the pommel" who shocked me.

But I admit that I don't know shit about the montente/spadone. As I said the thing I herited is a larp 2h of 150cm with the balance and weight of a longsword. pict related.

I'm only used to longsword. lichtauner, vadi, ect.

Surely, with a rapier you have to forget everything about trusting and everything staby, thus limiting much of the historical rapier, but on the other hand...
I would have thought that the fact that you know that your double edged blade is double edged, is something that may be useful and that most larper seem to never put in use.

Also, learning to Keep the cross-guard always at the good angle save stupid touch to the hand.
keeping the good distance and reach, too.

Is there is others things that seem natural for Hema faggit that could be of use in larp ?

On the contrary, with the habit of trying to hit only when I'm sure that it's not putting me at risk, ( and expecting the same mentality for the opposition ) I find myself way too defensive and surprised by "stupid moves".

>> No.8471029
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I use a 2h "red" which is our classification for
a two handed sword. they have a few really nice perks, firstly being that they can hit through armor, and secondly that with two full force solid hits to a shield; it breaks it.

The thing ive learned fighting two handed is that while a sword and board fighter has a line of attack and defense, respectively the sword, and then the shield. Which allows them to attack and yet still be defended. When using a greatsword, each attack must also be a defense. Regardless you ALWAYS open a line of attack, and if you cant play range, your at an extreme disadvantage.

Fighting a spear, being a spear fighter myself, i can typically win in a draw as its a matter of getting past the head.

Fighting another 2h, its more of a dance, and depends on the fighter.

My issue, is shields. Typically, a shield man will rush myself, and finish with a wrapshot to my back or ass, once he is close enough. And while circling helps, the only shots I have available. are to chop at the shoulder covered by the shield and hope i have enough force to press the shield down and hit the shoulder. The legs, And if you can manage to get the shieldman to swing, an arm.

So i ask, what should be done against a shield
(keep in mind it IS possible to break shields, grappling, pushing, etc etc is allowed)

>> No.8471100

>What's the biggest problem with 2h in larp that hema don't prepare you to ?
Usually it's an issue created from the individual larps rules. 2h swords are very inconvenient at Alliance. It's lightest-touch so the knocking power/unbalancing of the 2h is lost. It's much slower than any other weapon choice. It also has a negligible stat benefit.

Compared to dual wielding (double the damage, double the time! Woohoo!) or sword and board (shields are way, way overpowered) really the only reason people take 2h as their weapon is for aesthetic reasons.

>> No.8471146
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>What's the biggest problem with 2h in larp that hema don't prepare you to ?
How quickly a spearman/archer/shieldman will kill you

-The spearman: will poke you before you can reach him
- The archer : will shoot you from 20 meter away
- the shieldman : will enter inside your effective range and kill you with his shorter weapon

I'm not saying 2 handers are useless in larp.
But you have to be really efficient and know when and how to use it to be effective.

So unless you are a master at it or your local larp gives you ridiculous bonus based on how much movies they saw where two handers were op.
i dont like these types of larp

>Compared to dual wielding (double the damage, double the time! Woohoo!)
The only thing you should be holding in your second hand is a shield or a dagger, if you dual wield in any larp not based on a potato hitpoint system, you will quickly get killed.

Pic related, he sad nao

>> No.8471171

>The only thing you should be holding in your second hand is a shield or a dagger

I absolutely agree. I've deeply regretted trying to do longsword/shortsword, and I could be a lot more effective with a (longish) shortsword and dagger.

One my current weapon reps are rendered unusable, it's my plan to remake them this way.

>> No.8471772

Interesting, never heard "crusade" stories, tu me conteras ça à bico.

What event was that?

>> No.8472025


>When using a greatsword, each attack must also be a defense

Yes, it's the basis for hema, and the thing that make me alway a bit too defensive. I always try to do some attack in a manner that the blade protect me from any riposte, and get surprised when people just go YOLO on me and do stupid thing that leave them open.
That usualy end in a "both touch", but it's still not a good thing.

>So i ask, what should be done against a shield

My tactic is to aim for the pauldron, force him to get his shield up, maybe covering his vision, and then go for the unprotected leg. Or the other way around. After 2 hit on a location ( rather the shield protecting a location, a feint usually work.

If the shield isn't a rectangular or normand one, he can't protect his feet as well as his pauldron. If he has one, then it's fucked. But this should slow it down, being heavy as fuck.

If you are in a 1c1 scenario with empty space, try to strafe right. His sword is on his right hand, on your left. so go to the other side.
the shield if big may impair his vision, too.

With my bastard sword I never had problem with shield guy closing in. Had the habit to power attack their sword and hand. I've got 2 hands on my sword, and mine is weighted, so I usually can force my way or deviate their sword.

Can't you try to get in double blade with your lance ? hold it by the middle and attack on each end ?

That is coming from someone who can't push or grapple.

So, you can also shove them with your lance. but it can hurt badly.

ho yes, archer.
those guys are always annoying, but without shield... crap.

No OP 2h rules, they deal 1dmg, as every weapon in game.

but it's a body part hp system, and every-part of your body has 1 hp ( +1 light armor, +2 heavy )

So range can save more live than any 2weapon machine gun.

>> No.8472054
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The thing with Grappling In our system, is that only people with previous experiance will do it. and no one who fights Red has any experiance grappling, id be learning, and perfectig my own style; a pioneer. and while thats cool and all. its super slow. most of the time they will simple either kick the shield as they advance, push into the shield and jump back gaining distance as fast as possible. or slam into the shield and do a duck spin and clip the hip with the sword.

And no, we cannot strike with the pommel. we can choke up on the blade though. using only the "safe" end. I also use a minimum length 2h at about 49 inches. Its difficult to mess with spearmen.

If found when fighting a spearmen, Presenting the flat of the blade works wonders. Also crouch and make mass as lower. when a spear thrusts, either grab for the weapon, or push it to the side and sweeping your body away. if you have a back shield present that and rush. strike at first possible convenience and hope a shieldmen doesnt kill you.

I actualy have a picture of me presenting the flat. though its ruined by the scrubs in pink.

>> No.8472510 [DELETED] 

Are those guys all wearing pink? Maybe it's just my monitor.

>> No.8472514

The Pink Triangle Marines have a looooong tradition...

>> No.8472519


So it's not the Hello Kitty Action Squad?

>> No.8472523

No, the Kiti Howaito tradition only started in 1975. It would be anachronistic at a Fantasy event.

>> No.8473365
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It was at Avalon , another larp

And yeah i have a lot of stories to tell
If you like to get wasted you'll follow us during the ''Purple Knight night out'' or the ''Boyarderies''

>be me the wednesday at bico
>Sergeant Boyardee arrive on the site
>sun is going down so we are already pretty drunk
>boyardee decide to join us
> fill is big mug with 40oz of rhum
>proceed to drink it way to fast
>30 minute later he's passed out in Yves-Jacques shack
> he fell in the only puddle of water on the way
>i decide to rejoin with them since i got separated by people wanting to talk to me about war stuff for the morning after (it was the thursday big battle)
>on my way to the shack the Hellequins tell me to join them to eat some nachos and drink
>i tell them maybe later i need to find my friend
>theyre all in the shack smoking weed with the midget who sell poutine
>we smoke then we get hungry
>we all go to the hellequin place
>i brought my female friends with gigantic mammaries
>everyone is looking at these females persons
>me and the other proceed to eat all the nachos like racoons eat in trash or like a jew would eat free smoked salmon
>5 minute later we get the fuck out
> i have no memories after this nachos raid

i'm starting to use my longbow and its a joy, i often call poeple just so they look at me before i kill them.

i do it for 2 reasons
1- because i'm a terrible person
2- so they get very very nervous and are more concerned about arrows than the real danger in front of them

the best way to kill a spearman is to enter is range, but a good spearman will not work alone.

not only they work with shieldman but good spearman work in ''trios'' like i often say

- the tease ; Will make everyone scared because he will harass them and will make sure you look at his spear or even better that you try to push it aside with your weapon

cont ...

>> No.8473374
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then the sniper ; he's waiting for an opening and strike

The ''piston'' ; he keep striking and striking, not a single moment without a pause even if he hit shields or whatever, he's there so the shieldman in front feel too threatened to advance.

usually the teast or the snipers are veterans and the pistons are newb who will become good spearman.

if you begin as a spearman and you lack the agressivity , meeeh, you would be better as a shieldman where what you need to discipline and being able to advance when told to.

i like to pair newbies with veterans so they dont get confused and just follow more experienced players in doubt.

nothing is more dangerous than a line that wont advance when given the order, it break all momentum and can make you lose a battle.

i remember

>be me at bico 1012
>we have a small detachement of 15 people
>we hear our allies getting killed 50 meters aprox in front (keep in mind its a wooden area so it hards to be sure who is who)
>we want to rush but our commander tell us to keep walking in formation but at a faster pace
> as soon as the ennemy see us he order us to run
>20 meters before contact the ennemy charge also
>our commander tell us to stop and form the line
>shield in front, spear ready
>ennemy is disorganised and is rushing
>they stop 2 meters in front of us
>they are 2 times our size in numbers
>commander see the opportunity
>tell us to advance
>we methodicaly rape them

its all about the momentum, the moment between the one we stoped to form and the moment we charged was exactly 2 seconds, not more.

the moment they stoped to reform . they were dead.

If any of you play total war, you know how much momentum is lot more important than what people imagine.

>> No.8473796
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got home from larp, have awesome stories and soon pictures to.
What is important to know is Sterrenfels Fencing School is the best fencing school

>> No.8473985

That group rustles my jimmies. Them all wearing yellow and green completely defeats the point of landsknecht attire.

>> No.8473991

they aren't landsknechte. Their stuff looks like swiss

>> No.8474052

The only difference being their nationality. There is no reason to dress flamboyantly if everyone around you is similarly flamboyantly dressed. The point of their outrageous attire was to stand out. Standard uniforms were also introduced in the 18th century, before that units were distinguished by flags and possibly tabards, which were already out of fashion by the time pike formations ruled the field.
This is just my historical re-enactor autism speaking, but this is pretty basic stuff.

>> No.8474077

I love spear, I'm making myself a new one today. I usually do the "tease" as you say, but I would rather call what I do "manipulating" : I keep trusting at open places so they feel threatened, push away other spears, then I push at the sides of the shields so they struggle keeping control of then and it creates great openings for others. It's harassing yeah. I prefer my allies lunge for the kills, I'm not in great shape and I hate dying huhuhu.

>> No.8474106
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>The only difference being their nationality.
complete bullshit, by that logic you could but the italians in the same boat too.

>There is no reason to dress flamboyantly if everyone around you is similarly flamboyantly dressed.
and they aren't flamboyant, that's pretty moderate and symmetric cloths they have

>Standard uniforms were also introduced in the 18th century
another reason why they aren't landsknechte, but let's not forget that that's a picture from a larp not from reenacting...

>> No.8474130

Look at the fucking filename. Looks to me that they are playing a regiment from Stirland (Part of the Empire from WHFB). As Hungarian said, they are not re-enacting.

>> No.8474149
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Spear workshop done!

>> No.8474154

Considering that the landsknechte were modeled after Swiss mercenaries, they are pretty much only distinguishable by their homelands and to whom they were pledged. The culture, language, dress, tactics etc. were the same.
And yes, the group in the picture aren't too flamboyant, which I find to be the flaw. Mercenaries of the 15th-16th century dressed flamboyantly, as what better use did they have their coin, other than feasting and dressing outrageously. Retiring from that profession was seldom non-violent. Actually, the more flamboyant your dress was, the more respected you were. It was a sign that you had survived previous engagements and made enough money to dress like an ostrich.
The point I'm making about standardized uniforms, is that they're several hundreds of years early. During renaissance units were identified by their flags, not their garb. Clothing was expensive, and soldiers were expected to dress and to an extent, arm themselves. This resulted in each soldier looking like an individual. And the more money he had, the more flamboyantly he dressed.
And if these people aren't pike infantry from the renaissance era, then what are they? To me this just looks like a landsknecht-inspired group that didn't fully research their sources. I feel like they could have more fun if they did, as it would've opened new possibilities.

Sorry if I sound like an ass

>> No.8474158
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Back from Animatium. An amazing system and a great event.

>> No.8474159

Shit, you're right. I apologize, it was me that did sloppy research.

>> No.8474164

Swiss mercs (Reisläufer) had different crosses in their decorations, and they had different blades than the short and round tipped Katzbalger the Landsknechte were famous for.

>> No.8474181

>Considering that the landsknechte were modeled after Swiss mercenaries, they are pretty much only distinguishable by their homelands and to whom they were pledged. The culture, language, dress, tactics etc. were the same.

The Landsknechte were _based_ on the swiss but they didn't copied them. They did their own "modifications" shorts swords weren't common in the swiss formations but for the landsknechte the katzbalger was kind of a signature weapon. And Landsknechts used way more firearms too than the swiss. As the years went by the differences became more and more.

It's true that mercenaries in general were more flamboyant but for the swiss symmetry was more common and for the landsknechte it was kind of non existent most of the time. Also on lnadsknecht cloths the slashes most of the time actually slashes, swiss mercenaries mostly had slashes that were properly made and sewn so it won't tear apart, etc

I agree with the uniform too but again, even when we look at it from a perspective of larp the cloths (and equipment) are more swiss inspired in my eyes for the before mentioned reasons

>> No.8474197
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The Swiss look entirely different...

>> No.8474230

You wanna tell me that swiss and germans have the same culture and language? Have you ever heard them speaking?

>> No.8474265

Was talking mostly about military culture, as variation between different German regions is just as diverse. Same goes for language.

>> No.8474429
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>> No.8474556

drink water.

>> No.8474619

which shippign method di you used^ btw note about calimacil, I<m fucking proud of quebec for having great brands and theres alot of larps happening

>> No.8474709
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The main use for a spear is support and suppression. Like a machine gun is for the modern military. While getting kills is nice, stopping a line from advancing, and installing your presence, is much more important. So i say to you good job!

When spearing do you prefer to use a back shield, an arm buckler, or none at all?

>> No.8474741

Talking about back shields, could anyone provide a clear example or a diagram of a longish shield with a neck strap and possibly an arm attachment with whitch you can spear/halberd using 2 hands? Like the Pheonix guys or your St-Sepulcre buddies Frenadian. I'v been looking for one forever and can't figure out the right angles and positionning of stuff.

>> No.8474745

uhm. you probably shouldn't strap any type of shield to you neck...

>> No.8474748

Or he could also get a gorget.

>> No.8474817
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The Macedonians disagree.

>> No.8474931
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>bass cannon

>> No.8474990

Got home from my second LARP event earlier today, still quite happy with it. I'm getting a much better feel for the system and I think it's showing in my performance. There was also a group of new players who had made pigmen drawing inspiration from Orks, Mad Max, and some other fantasy race I can't recall the name of. They were fantastic, easily the highlight of the week.

Now if I can just get this foamcrafting thing down so that my weapons won't become unusable every Sunday...

>> No.8475001
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put a wool sock or a nylon sock on top, so the yellow foam dont stick out, it look 100% better

>> No.8475006
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oi, another Quebecois?

not at all, just the spear, i even have my own defense tactics but they are hard to explain without showing them live.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.8475061

oh! hahaha i thought you were talking like, noose style.

I mean, im considered a tank spear men because i wait for people to rush me, for i have a side arm. but what do you do personally?

>> No.8475494

we are in autosage again so here is the new thread