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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8443277 No.8443277 [Reply] [Original]


Last one's saging.
Let's get more culturally insensitive up in here.

>> No.8443296

I love Victorian Letter, I wish more people had it.

>> No.8443389

Obligatory "fuck wonderbitch" post

Wow, for being new (as she says) I'm really impressed. Only thing I'd change is the shoes.

>> No.8443416
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>> No.8443440

She reminds me of a mentally challenged girl in my comm. It's just sad to watch them embarrasses themselves without realizing it. there is no way to help, since they just can't completely understand it.

>> No.8443443

She's made a lot of improvements. She just posts a little too often.

>> No.8443510

hey i love killua too

>> No.8443524

I'm rooting for her

at least there is actually something wrong with them. some itas aren't handicapped and still cant get the hang of it

>> No.8443539

She needs to stop posting in CoF and ask for help in the big sisters of lolita group. I'm rooting for this awkward human.

>> No.8443545
File: 2.97 MB, 2584x3054, not offensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wanting to read up on the drama that happened... here's a screencap

>> No.8443552

Holy shit based anon. I was just kicking myself for refreshing the page on my phone only to see everything deleted.

>> No.8443556

Thank you!

>"If someone is offended, then it is offensive"

Most fucking stupid thing I have read in a while

>> No.8443560

I had to do it.
I just really find it funny how these goddamn social justice warriors come it try and tell OP how offended they are about OP mixing cultures, when 3 people of Indian and Chinese culture came in and said it wasn't offensive.

And then these white bitches go on to offend them, telling them their opinion means nothing because it's still offensive to people of their culture.

Is this what Tumblr has done to people?

>> No.8443571

>42 fucking delusional bitches agree with Cimcunt


>> No.8443573

Stupidest thing I've seen since that pastor who said the gay marriage ruling is equivalent to 9/11

But, it's Linda, and she's radical "let's bully in the name of social justice" garbage so I'm not surprised

>> No.8443584

>i'm offended for other people... and it turns out those other people aren't offended but I'm still offended so it's offensive.

>> No.8443588

Lol Nate at the end

>> No.8443589
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>> No.8443590

> You're not Indian or Chinese, neither am i but i have a friend who is so i'm allowed to be offended and you are not tehee!
Srsly, wtf? And i didn't even read the entire thing yet.

>> No.8443598

Ahh I'm not American so I've only just heard that! I'm not offended, but I'm only quarter Chinese so I'm probably not PoF enough to be allowed an opinion to her

>> No.8443603

Did anyone manage to cap that last comment before it got deleted? My bf has been following this pretty closely and was saying someone said that he needed white people to defend him or something like that I want to see the exact way they worded it and who posted it

>> No.8443607

Damn. The tumblrina's are fired up.

>> No.8443609

There were a couple more comments before that screenshot, but there was a girl at the end who told all three of the Indian/Chinese people in the thread that their opinion meant nothing because they "don't speak for everyone"...

And yet her white ass does?

what the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.8443618

Did the chick get banned from CoF for that insane outburst or is it being let slide?

>> No.8443621

I love when white people speak up about what is offensive to groups they are not apart of

>> No.8443626

The SJW comments were so retarded that it triggered me to slam my head on the desk. Good fucking god, go away Tumblrinas.

>> No.8443627

and we wonder why there are so few decent attempts at wa and qi. well i sure wouldn't try it after this shit.

>> No.8443628

Wonderfinch? Lol yea, right. The mods are too busy banning anyone remotely associated with Fahr to ban the actual shitposters

>> No.8443634

ffs CoF mods need to sort they're fucking shit out (also its not fahr they have the problem with its one of her friends)

>> No.8443635

Wonderfinch is Linda right? She shitposted me on BtB using hidous photos of me. She gets away with everything, the twat.

>> No.8443640 [DELETED] 

I was one of the Indians
OP didn't offend me
The people getting offended for me offended me.
Especially when they shat all over the people who's culture they were talking about.
What you you doing with your life that you become the insensitive people you hate?
Why does my opinion about MY OWN CULTURE not matter, and your white opinion matter?

>> No.8443641

>tfw you are actually part Indo-Chinese and don't feel offended, just sorry for OP for her unintentional slip up.

So the arguement is that it's offending certain Asian demographics but people from those demographics are basically told to stfu because they don't speak for everyone.despite being MOST representative of that group? What a load of shit

>> No.8443643

I'm all for respectfully wearing non-religious traditional garb but using a sari for a tacky qi lolita coord was stupid. She might as well have called it oriental kei. WF came on strong but she had a point. WF really does have an Indian friend and both of them have lived with a lot of racism so I don't really blame her.

>> No.8443644

I was one of the Indians
OP didn't offend me
The people getting offended for me offended me.
Especially when they shat all over the people who's culture they were talking about.
What are you doing with your life that you become the insensitive people you hate?
Why does my opinion about MY OWN CULTURE not matter, and your white opinion matter?

>> No.8443646

WF is Cimone

Linda is just an annoying SJW who posts on all of the FB comms to spread her ridiculously stupid opinions

Which one of them posted you to BtB? That's kinda messed up

>> No.8443651

Chindian here, I felt the same way. Why do white people get to speak for me, but I can't even speak for my own culture?
It's infuriating.

I can't speak for my own kind because my opinion doesn't fit into their "Social Justice" mindset.


And yet NONE of our opinions mattered because "We don't represent all indo-chinese"

Fuck SJWs

They are the opposite of what they claim to be.

>> No.8443653

>WF came on strong but she had a point
>WF really does have an Indian friend and both of them have lived with a lot of racism
who gives a shit? I'm black and I've lived with plenty of racism, am I allowed to say their opinions don't matter because my oppression trumps their oppression? get out.
also this >>8443651

>> No.8443657

Ahh I see, sorry I got confused! It was Linda was did it. At least I'm 90% sure it was her, I don't see who else would have access to my photos on facebook (She had added me as a friend). It really pissed me off as she put the photo which I hate so much and was writing things that weren't true. If you're gonna shitpost me, at least say things that are actually true and not make up shit. Sorry, rant over now

>> No.8443660

Nate,, save your edgy lol i troll u omg gb2tumblr XD faggotry for 4chan. Doing it on FB makes you look like an underage summerfag. Didn't you already get banned somewhere for calling someone a cunt? You obviously haven't learned your lesson.

>> No.8443662


>> No.8443668

So do the Indians who were offended by it not count? The ones i know don't bother fighting it anymore because everyone tears them apart for being oversensitive SJWs.

Orientalism is kinda fucked up. Wear a qipao, wear a sari, wear a kimono, but mixing them up makes you look like a dipshit.

>> No.8443673

I suppose chipao made of indian fabric are a thing anyway right ? I know kimono in indian fabric or indian style patterns used to be a huge thing, the style is called sarasa irrc, I bet Chine had the same kind of thing going on.

>> No.8443674

>So do the Indians who were offended by it not count
There were three Indians on that page, and none of us were offended.

>> No.8443676

Everyone counts. You're allowed to be offended by stupid shit. You're not allowed to demand that everyone cater to you though

>> No.8443678

That's super fucked. Wonder if she added you just to get a picture of you for BtB =/ Linda is so slimy. iirc she's also the one who was involved in that like bullying campaign against that girl Jenna

>> No.8443679

No one is saying they don't count, the point is the Asians who chose to comment pointed out they were not abashed as OP had obviously made a faux pas, and their opinions were then.IGNORED. It's a case of the demographic in question being ignored unless they are fanning the aggro SJW flame

>> No.8443682

Re read my post. I saw two people complain about it being insensitive orientalism but neither waded into the thread because OMG TUMBLR KIDS ARE SO STUPID IT'S NOT OFFENSIVE SHUT UP even though it was a sloppily sewn ita mess.

>> No.8443683

>So do the Indians who were offended by it not count?
>The ones i know don't bother fighting it anymore because everyone tears them apart for being oversensitive SJWs.

>The ones I know
Fuck off

I'm Indian, immersed in indo-chinese culture and I don't find that the case.

OP wasn't offensive. All she needed was a little direction, but she wasn't offensive.

>> No.8443689

Oh I will admit it was a mess
not lolita

ita as fuck

but I don't think anyone immersed in said cultures were truly offended by it

sure we might have cringed at it, but it wasn't insensitive.

>> No.8443690


Thank you. I had forgotten about Jenna - at first I thought the first little jokes were amusing but then it just got worse and worse and it was disgusting.

>> No.8443691 [DELETED] 

There are many kinds of Asian, but the only opinions that really matter are Chinese-indo asians.

>> No.8443693


The most relevant youtube video of all time.

>> No.8443694

Where are you salty pro-orientalist hos when someone tries to start a kimono thread and a bunch of anons scream about how white people can't wear kimonos?

>> No.8443698

There are many kinds of Asian, but the only opinions that really matter are Chinese-indo asians.

>> No.8443702

The two people in question are both Indian.

>> No.8443703


>> No.8443705

So should I post my Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan inspired coord to CoF and ask if anyone is offended by my appropriation?

>> No.8443708

If WF hadn't posted, this thread would be about how shitty OP's outfit was instead of MUH TUMBLRINAS

>> No.8443709

>anonymous imageboard
Please go back to facebook if you want to discuss on this level.

>> No.8443713

>there were people who said blahblahblah
so basically, your imaginary friends

>> No.8443721

I'm chindian, there is one other anon here who's Indian, and there were three indians in the thread who all said it wasn't offensive, just miss-guided.

So two (who aren't here to say anything on the matter, if they even exist) against 3-4.

ok then

>> No.8443730

Most Jews (including me) would find that Nazi one amusing. Mel Brookes has the Nazi thing perfected https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu2NqfISm9k

>> No.8443737

As long as its for humor or aesthetics alone, I would be cool with it.
You know it's fine when two Jews agree on something other than Bernie Sanders.

>> No.8443739

Thank you for posting this.

>> No.8443746

My roommate had a real Nazi officer's cap and I would have loved to incorporate that into a coord for shits and giggles.

>> No.8443750

Unfortunatly I'm a Brit Jew so I have no idea who he is!

>> No.8443753

SS kawaii desu

>> No.8443757

Jew here - would like to agree with both Bernie Sanders and Nazi coord.

>> No.8443760
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>> No.8443785

I thought about screencapping the Facebook post I read but since I don't want to out someone who feels bad enough they didn't even want to criticize on the original CoF post and I'd have to hide their name, you'll just accuse me of composing it myself. The other thing I saw was on Twitter, I'm not going to be able to scroll back and find it. All I can say is I'm not making it up -- what would be the point? You don't give a fuck.

I am all about not getting mad at white people for wearing traditional garb. I love kimono and cheongsam and sari and I'm white as hell. I'm not going to make a fuss about white people wearing dreadlocks. I don't like getting told I can't respectfully and accurately wear those things.

But I think mixing and matching cultures is tacky and comes off as a unique special snowflake lolita costume -- especially since OP did it so poorly.

If you think I'm a big SJW who should go back to Tumblr I get that. I feel bad that you think I'm that extreme but I get it, this is 4chan. I'm just saying I saw two Indian people (one a friend, one I don't know very well) say it made them uncomfortable but they're tired of being shit on.

OP isn't racist or anything, just an insensitive, tacky, bad seamstress.

>> No.8443797


Damn, I've never talked to American Jews before, hey cousins...

So... Seinfeld ey?

>> No.8443798

Okay, but why does that fact matter so much? There were other Indian people who didn't care, or who found it cute - why does your offense warrant more importance than their opinion? In normal society people who are bothered by someone else's clothing keep their negative opinion to themselves, or perhaps approach the offending person in a polite, considerate, private way. They don't send their attack dogs out to give a condescending lesson on race and culture to everyone who might be browsing a LOLITA COORD group. Basically you're not the only person in the world connected to that culture so stop acting like you're a spokesperson for it and acting like showing your ass is acceptable because you have the excuse of being offended.

>> No.8443804

What the hell is there to feel uncomfortable about from that CoF post besides how fugly the dress is? They're the only ones who seemed to feel that way and they couldn't say so themselves. No one else other than SJW white girls said it was an insensitive post so it's no wonder people are thinking you have imaginary friends.

>> No.8443811

Mixing and matching cultures is a very important part of world history.
If you cannot see influences of other cultures all around you then you need to take a step back and research (or "educate yourself" kek) where the items you use come from.
Everyone does it. The Chinese. The Indians. The English. The German. The Russians.
Without a world where we work together and mix the best parts of our cultures, we are nothing.
Just because this person liked two aesthetics and combined them in a way she liked is not appropriation.

>> No.8443812

Sorry this was more directed at "you" being people who openly commented about "how offensive" the dress was rather than literally you, to clarify.

>> No.8443816

I can understand where you are coming from, but I don't think what OP was doing was offensive. She was genuinely misguided.

if someone had deliberately tried to mix Chinese and Indian culture, as a white person, to wear as a coord, sure, I could kinda see that how other indo-chinese could be offended by that.

I wouldn't be, but I could see how others could be.

But I the OP in CoF wasn't deliberately going out of her way to experiment mixing Chinese and Indian culture together.

So that is why the Indo-chinese here and on CoF didn't find it offensive.

>> No.8444002

SJW fag here, that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.8444026

no prob

>> No.8444166

While I would call this dress mildly culturally insensitive, I don't think that this warranted such an explosion of OMFG APPROPRIATIOING BURN HER
>It is a trainwreck, but that's besides the point

Also, I want dealth penalty for using the phrase ''concern trolling'' in a serious discussion.

>> No.8444217
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Back on topic

>> No.8444220
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>> No.8444223
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>> No.8444225

Does anybody have caps of this fahrlight drama that is currently going on? I sadly think I missed it.

>> No.8444233

tea parties look so weird without the ankle strap

>> No.8444235
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>> No.8444241


>> No.8444244

I like the overload of accessories/details on this. Keeps giving you something to look at even after you scan the photo a couple times.

This is much better than the other coords of hers I've seen.

>> No.8444253


Rufflechat:Uncensored also has a thread.

>> No.8444274

this is like the 2nd or 3rd time that I've seen someone question OP's photo, like: 'if she IS really new...'
Are the oldfags just threatened by her coordinating ability, or is there any evidence that she's just pretending to be new in order to garner asspats?
I mean, her wardrobe seems impressive, but she might just be a spree-shopper with a large budget.

>> No.8444281

I'm a fan of this, on the fence about the shoes ( they match, I just find them odd) but the red details tie in really well

Make up game so strong

>> No.8444300

The person you quoted didn't even really call it into question. She literally just clarified that OP said she was new, and for being new, the coord is good. It's really not a big deal.

>> No.8444309

it's the same girl that got secrets about her made on btb with that seashell tiara, right? someone's mad. either that or 'she can't really be new' is a summer rallying cry for 2015.

>> No.8444350

You could directly message me anon. I would never post anyone to BTB. I would tell you to your face, for the record.

>> No.8444357

Yes I can imagine that you would tell someone to their face, you have no problem pushing your dumb opinions on to others anyway.

>> No.8444372

> I would tell you to your face, for the record.
Nah, you'd probably run to your SJW lolita "activism" group to bitch about them and/or brainstorm ways to fuck with them incessantly

Go away. No one here likes you.

>> No.8444373

Well, for starters, I don't add people on FB that I don't like.

So more than anything I'm concerned that I hurt someone I do like. But Meh? I rarely express my opinions hostily, people just assume I do.

Pushing is a very different thing than expressing. I don't force anyone to do anything and frankly no one is asking you to read my posts. You are more than welcome to block me if you don't want to read what I write on FB. TBH I think most of the people who don't like me just want to start drama. Which is fine. Drama doesn't really phase me anymore.

I think this is the 2nd time I've ever actually written anything in CGL ever. Entirely out of concern. So if you're worried about seeing another reply from me, you won't.

Again, to the person that thinks I posted them, I'm sorry that happened to you. BTB is the worst. I wouldn't wish that or do that to anyone. Please PM me if you'd like to talk about it.

>> No.8444374

No one here likes anyone.

>> No.8444377

If Asians are poc then them being prominently featured in lolita media is not it being "whitewashed".

>> No.8444393

"if someone is offended, it's offensive"
your "expressions" are asinine and often entirely false

>TBH I think most of the people who don't like me just want to start drama.
right, because it couldn't be that the people who dislike you just plain old don't like you because you're shitty. no, that can't be it. it must be that they just want to create "drama", because who could dislike you for any other reason?

>> No.8444422

>I rarely express my opinions hostily, people just assume I do.
>TBH I think most of the people who don't like me just want to start drama. Which is fine. Drama doesn't really phase me anymore.

if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your own shoe. if this many people are misunderstanding you, it's probably your own fault, and if drama follows you everywhere you go, it's probably you, not everyone else.

i know nothing about you personally, but those kind of statements are always red flags.

>> No.8444428

Me too!
Bad taste for clothes but good taste for husbandos.

>> No.8444439

I don't think this is bad for casual lolita.

>> No.8444442

Why does she always make this face it's so unattractive and it distracts from her coord. All I can look at is her awkward expression.

>> No.8444458

No one said it was bad?

>> No.8444461

I'm not in RC uncensored, is much happening there or is that drama dead already?

>> No.8444465
File: 325 KB, 482x568, Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 8.44.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go buy your votes like you did the last time and keep this shit out of CoF

>> No.8444469

Pretty sure that's just her face, anon.

>> No.8444477

At first glance I could have sworn she had backwards knees.

>> No.8444487

At first I thought she was wearing my dream dress in her profile pic and was going to flip a table...
It's not...
All is safe.

But her pandering for votes and the fact she advertises GLW in each profile pic puts me STRAIGHT off

>> No.8444504

God what a train wreck, that flanrre girl is fucking annoying
>i'm not offended so that means that no one is offended by it the end
I agree with what the one girl said that it looks like the lolita version of a sexy geisha costume, its just super tacky and ew.

>> No.8444530
File: 398 KB, 520x872, lame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Briz is again begging for votes in the tackiest lamest way, I guess it will be just like the meta contest all over again

>> No.8444562

>It's not even my culture but this is cultural appropriation!!'! and i am so offended therefore everyone else is too!!!

Get your shit straight the other one was way more annoying with that tumblrian activist attitude

>> No.8444569

She's basically wearing a set. Fine for a meet up but a contest? Really!?

>> No.8444577

Lol Briz and Dawn in the comments talking shit in spanish like no one else will understand them. Tacky.

>> No.8444601

go back to tumblr

>> No.8444616

Yeah and so was that Chri girl but somehow people didn't give a shit to say anything to her.

>> No.8444639 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 491x236, Captura de pantalla 2015-07-01 a la(s) 20.43.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can translate them if you want

>Dawn: Don't bother, my dear Briz, you know how people are, you look pretty
>Briz: Dawn, thanks for the cheers my friend, well I have seen people who publish their entrances and people don't say a thing to them, its an injustice
>Dawn: Remember how things turned when the Meta contest happened, they are just jealous, so let them bit the dust, haha
>Briz: Thank you Dawn

>> No.8444645
File: 59 KB, 491x236, Captura de pantalla 2015-07-01 a la(s) 20.43.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can translate them if you want

>Dawn: Don't hear them, Briz, you know how people are, you look pretty
>Briz: Dawn, thanks for the cheers my friend, well I have seen people who publish their entrances and people don't say a thing to them, its an injustice
>Dawn: Remember how things turned when the Meta contest happened, they are just jealous, so let them bite the dust, haha
>Briz: Thank you Dawn

>> No.8444651

She deleted her spanish posts afterwards

>> No.8444658

Yes, we are all so jealous of your bought likes. Please.

I can still see them

>> No.8444660

Why would she do that? I mean, her friend mentioned the meta contest, it is well known that she cheated, but that is just a little bit immature

>> No.8444665

Cry a little bit more about it, Voldie. I don't see you bitching about Chri's post.

>> No.8444670

Her friends comments are there as well as her saying thank you, 部tてぇおてぇrsあれのwごね

>> No.8444678

Wow, way to randomly change keyobard...

but yes, as I tried to say - Her friends comments are there as well as her saying thank you, but the others are now gone

>> No.8444682

Not voldie, and I normally think she's pretty awful, but I happen to agree with her on this one thing. It's weird.

>> No.8444687

I haven't posted in this thread yet. I also don't know who Chri is, but if I saw their post then I would have commented on that too. I find self advertising like that to be super obnoxious.

>> No.8444697

That's what I was thinking...

>> No.8444718

Did she shopped the hell out of her legs?

>> No.8444739

Ugh, I had, it - that cut and color too - and just sold it.

It's not a flattering dress for large cup sizes. The peplum just makes you look extra bulky, even if you're well within measurements.

>> No.8444749

Who is Chri?

>> No.8444760

Another girl who posted on cof for votes

>> No.8444762

She needs to get her under bite fixed or her chin shaved down, jesus christ. Every time I see her all I can think about is that her face is shaped like a fucking crescent moon

>> No.8444767

I feel like it was different with her. She didnt actually link to the contest, for context she just said "this was my entry for X" which I think explained why it was so OTT

>> No.8444797

She did link to it, it's the exact same.

>> No.8444826

Oh in that case her post needs to be edited also. For some reason I didnt think she linked to it

>> No.8444851

>Begging for votes
That's basically what everyone does at contests, I know cof isn't a place for it but you are all just giving her crap for the meta shit, yes it sucked but move on.

>> No.8444876

Flandre was one of the THREE Indians in there who said they weren't offended by it.

>> No.8444887

I know this girl. I think she has burns or something like that on her face.

>> No.8444902

what do you mean, like she has scarring on her chin or cheeks from being burnt?

>> No.8444921

yeah. She has scarring on her chin.

>> No.8444935
File: 47 KB, 450x311, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Christ.

>> No.8444972

I don't wish more people did because I want it so bad. There was one for fucking 165 on LM and I was like "oh well I'll get it a few days from now after Christmas since I'll get money" and someone else bought it and I had so much regret.

>> No.8444996

I had just assumed it was acne scars.

>> No.8444998

Is this a coordinate contest that she's entering? If so this is a terrible entry because it's basically just the CDC set with AATP boots.

>> No.8445017


>> No.8445019

>The Chinese-indo's opinion in the thread don't count because, possibly, other Chinese-indos might be offended by it
so, if I understand you right, the opinion of the people who's culture is in question doesn't matter, but your opinion, a person not part of said culture, does matter?
get the fuck out of here bitch.

>> No.8445081
File: 149 KB, 960x960, 11665386_10153445326667812_667925324971749797_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came up, I have no clue why; but at this point I'm too afraid to ask

>> No.8445094

such a shame; she's really cute!

>> No.8445098

I'll be honest, I like the idea, hate the execution.

What are colors even.

>> No.8445100

It was for an Enchanted Forest themed tea party

>> No.8445106
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>> No.8445112
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>> No.8445228

I hate her.

>> No.8445284

All I can think is... Why have slats for your futon if it doesn't even keep you off the floor?

>> No.8445330

There are few things I hate more than people not accepting the mixing of cultures in general. It happens everywhere, get over all this "appropriation" bullshit.

>> No.8445334

There is a part of me that likes this, but I know it's horrible. I can see a lot of potential in this outfit, I think it's just a large collection of minor changes that throw it off. Fixing all of them would make it wonderful in my eyes.

>> No.8445336

This. It's good and important. When meta did it for their new print combining Japanese elements and qipao nobody seemed to give a fuck.

It is one thing to mix cultures. Another to mock a culture through caricaturing it. One is good and promotes progress, the other is disrespectful and makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.8445392

Her outfits literally pain me... we have some similar dresses, and it hurts me to see them abused this way.

>> No.8445402

Well, more importantly, it's still a shit coord. It's not even worth arguing over whether it's appropriation or not.

>> No.8445419

The green shoes match nothing. Cream shoes would have been better.

>> No.8445479

Somebody screenshots please!

>> No.8445490

It was worth it to put sjws into their place.
Them getting owned by the people they were trying to not offend, and sequentially offending those they were trying to defend, was hilarious in of itself.

>> No.8445513

No that's not the same girl.

>> No.8445517

For what it's worth, I saw an Indian woman wearing whatever the name for those casual Indian pants with a silk qipao top


>> No.8445532

It should have just stuck to this and not derailed. I'm not sure there's even any way to fix this coord.

>> No.8445670

Love this! Sauce on the skirt/dress?

>> No.8445674

God I hate this bitch. Also her coord is unoriginal af

>> No.8445782

isn't briz a kawaii ambassador though?? this is more the reason why she shouldn't be participating in contests against lolita plebs

>> No.8445819

I think it's surface spell

>> No.8445840

It's unoriginal yes, but have you seen the rest of the contestants? 98% of them are a right mess.
Sadly, despite being unoriginal, she was one of the very few that did look decent.
I can't stand Briz and decided not to vote at all this time cause all of the other decent ones were also rather "meh" and not really worth voting for.
Not friends with any of them either so I don't really have a reason to vote.

>> No.8445984

I don't think she is, Daniela is the only Mexican one.

>> No.8446115

"Admin post:
We would like to clarify that linking to or mentioning that the coord was entered in a contest does not violate the rules. The admin team will be revising the rules to make them clearer as we understand there has been some confusion about this issue, and the rules will be updated as soon as we finalize the revision.
The admin team (Caterina Giolo, Laelette Romanov, and Jacie Huang)"

Well I guess that's that?

>> No.8446140

This is adorable.

>> No.8446142

This is not.

>> No.8446193

It's fucking JetJ. She said right in her post.

>> No.8446220

While we're on the subject of admins, have anyone gotten any updates regarding the Fahr drama?

>> No.8446232

"Another admin post:
We understand there has been an issue where some members have been banned without warning. We have been discussing and working on this issue to make the best decision. Sorry it's taking this long, but a draft for a notice and explanation is in the works and it will be posted here as soon as we finalize it.
Thank you for your continued patience and support,
The admin team"

>> No.8446238

basically they're trying to bullshit a reason as to why people were banned after obeying all rules and doing nothing wrong

>> No.8446250

If only she wasn't a nasty rude bitch I would enjoy her coords.

>> No.8446282

Not a fan of the cupcake on her head honestly though everything else I like.

>> No.8446298

So I guess Voldie got a warning (and yet wonderfinch didn't lol)

I didn't see her comments past the one where she said "isn't solicitation against the rules", what else did she say?

>> No.8446312

What has WF done to break the rules besides have an unpopular opinion?

>> No.8446313
File: 77 KB, 960x733, 11188369_1100341303327995_8887900003923678421_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Choke just entered, if I'm going to vote for someone is going to be her, also despite being from the same comm I can't stand Briz

>> No.8446320

Her comments about cultural appropriation were meant to stir shit and she knew it. They derailed the entire thread. It also had nothing to do with offering concrit. This isn't the first time I've seen her do this, either.

>> No.8446323


Beat me to it.

>> No.8446324

I don't particularly like choke, but I hate Briz more. So, I'm going for the lesser of two evils here and voting for her

>> No.8446336

I don't understand half of these kawaii.i coords entries. The theme is "Mix it up Kawaii", where you're supposed to mix other types of fashion with lolita (the episode showing an example of it was on Qi Lolita and they used pinup or heritage as examples for the contest) so what have these coords got to do with it? Aren't these all just themed lolita?
>I know I'm salty af

>> No.8446352

I love her look here, it's different to her normal style but it's so damn nice. I really want that jacket

>> No.8446373

so they are fabricating reasons right now!? how mature.

>> No.8446377

it takes so long to come up with the reason because they have to invent them first.

>> No.8446397

i finally got a reply off them saying they were discussing my ban but the second i asked what my ban was for in the first place they started ignoring me (i havent posted in 2 weeks, haven't commented on anything followed every rule they have in place so im really fucking pissed right now)

>> No.8446408

you'll have had plenty of time to come up with some great secrets for Saturday then

>> No.8446430

also turns out main admin has blocked me for no reason too so this keeps getting better ;/

>> No.8446443

It's so unique
God I fucking love choke

>> No.8446462

They weren't meant to stir shit. She is a genuine SJW and meant it when she said she thought using special Indian fabric for a bad qi lolita coord was inappropriate. Shit stirring would be Nate Serrano bringing 4chan gb2tumblr posts to the thread.

>> No.8446500

No, wrong. being a "genuine SJW" doesn't excuse her behavior. Accusing someone of being offensive and of cultural appropriation has nothing to do with coordinating lolita and her comment derailed the whole thread. She has done this kind of thing before and will it again.

By the time he came along the thread was already too far gone so imo his comments were not really as egregious

>> No.8446543

Ugh why even have these contests? They might as well just put up a poll that says "who do you like more Briz or Choke"

>> No.8446545

Are you fahr?!

>> No.8446547

at least Choke's has some originality. Briz had the originality of a rock, she wore the CDC set in blue with gold boots and called it a day.

>> No.8446552

nope! one of the other girls that got blocked and banned for no reason, i think i liked fahrs post originally its the only reason i can think of

>> No.8446590

It looks like a cheap lazy copy of Milas coordinate with this dress

>> No.8446600

That's fucked up. They have no right to treat you that way.

>> No.8446610

i literally just want a legitimate reason as to why i got banned!!! Also if they cant fabricate one i want an apology and to re join cof

>> No.8446617

>that fucking wig
She runs a wig shop but she couldn't think of anything better to do with the bangs other than to do them midface Miku-style?
>feels good that I'm not voting at all

>> No.8446624

Is this Fahr? or S?

>> No.8446628

Nethire one of the others (there was at least 6 of us)

>> No.8446631

If it turns into them sweeping it all under the rug and making up bullshit reasons to keep girls banned then I say it warrants a big old callout post on tumblr. Fahr has enough of a following for it to gain traction, right?

>> No.8446642

Doesn't make it not fugly

>> No.8446643

i've been keeping all the messages the admins send me so i can contribute, im not taking this sitting down! if it was only Fahr this happened to i can understand people would think shes causing drama but its a number of us so hopefully people will listen to us

>> No.8446654

Love the coord but please kill that wig with fire

>> No.8446656

So you are a scot loli as well

>> No.8446661

I don't know much about the gdl comm but isn't it quite small? I only know of Briz and other two girls of that comm.

>> No.8446710

You have a point. I am team Fahr this time. Or better team unfairly banned team.

>> No.8446722

Me too. I don't really like Fahr but what happened is fucking nuts.
Banning her while she didn't break any rules was bad enough, but also banning the people that liked or commented on her post is just straight up abuse of power.
And the CoF mods seem to do nothing. That Laelette or whatever her name is needs to be banned herself. It is not ok to use your mod power for a vendetta.
Also when the fuck are they ever going to ban that cunt WF? Shit stirring race baiter.

>> No.8446740

In kept track for most of the case yesterday, looked up all I could find, even double checked the rules . There is no reason for banning fahr. As sad as it us. She is posting too often for my taste but it was always ok quality.
Laelette goes too far.

>> No.8446747

You mean... Too Fa(h)r !

>> No.8446749

Laelette has always gone too far, and it's sickening that she's probably just going to get away with this reasonably scot-free, like she has done the whole time.

>> No.8446754

Scot-loli free, you mean !

>> No.8446759

This time we MAYBE should this fahr put on riot gear and help stopping laelette a reign of terror?!

>> No.8446761

i want know what fabricated crap shes gonna use to justify this cause if this was a genuine you people broke rules you're band it wouldn't take this long to sort out

>> No.8446763


>> No.8446764

That they can bann people for LIKING things now?!

>> No.8446767
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>> No.8446768

My phone is yoda! Kek

>> No.8446774

They ban people for doing absolutely nothing. Millions of them, all the time.

>> No.8446778

Has anyone noticed more Otome coords being posted in CoF?

>> No.8446782

But this time somebody caught them doing it. who has millions of followers. This time they can pin it on them.

>> No.8446788

If they say they are discussing it, they won't have a reply for you until they have discussed it. If you badger them, it will seem like harassment. If they haven't done something by Monday, PM again then asking for when you can expect some decision regarding the matter. That's reasonable. It's not life or death, it's a FB fashion group.

>> No.8446800

Well said. It's not life or death. It seems like it is to some sad people.The knives are certainly out now though

>> No.8446809


Yeah that's kinda the issue. Like she could have gotten away with banning me; the mods ignored me and I was just gonna leave it be because like I've said I can get concrit here and asspats on Tumblr if I want either. She would have gotten away with her vendetta no problem. Issue is, she was fucking stupid enough to take it further and ban my friends so there was no way she could claim a legitimate reason besides vendetta, and Jesus Christ was she dumb to pick a fight with Fahr. I was leaving it be because I frankly didn't care enough to do otherwise, but Fahr is not the type to take shit like that lying down or quietly.

>> No.8446814

You all have huuuge balls, gotta give you that!

>> No.8446872

seems more to me that Fahr was the one trying to find trouble here. Is she going to pretend that she doesn't know why any of this happened? Like all of these people who say they don't know why they could possibly have got banned.. Stuff happens for a reason. Who's really got the vendetta ?

>> No.8446876

It seems like there is more than meets the public eye regarding these recent bannings. I'm looking forward to hearing the full story when it all comes out.

>> No.8446879

huge sandy vaginas more like

>> No.8446886

Hi Laelette!
Seriously, whoever you are stfu.

>> No.8446887

More to it or not, she didn't break the rules. Same for the other banned girls. Vendettas have no place if you are a mod in a comm!

>> No.8446892

full story time!! listen round guys
girl gets banned from CoF because of a vendetta
Farh uploads photo of her and banned chick to CoF (fahr knows nothing of reasons for vendetta so thinks its ok to upload photo of her and her friend)
Girls that know Fahr comment on the photo cause its cute
some girls merely like the photo
vendetta mod notices some girls who liked and commented on the photo have first original banned girl on FB friends list
vendetta mod bans all these girls
literally all there is too

>> No.8446893

Hey laundryllama how full of grapes is your count right now?

>> No.8446897


I think a lot of people are viewing her involvement this way; I did not expect her to get involved at all, and I've got no part in any of her actions. I'm kind of taking an "it's out of my hands" approach because I don't want unbanned and I don't care whether Laelette stays a mod or not. How the other people who were banned wanna handle it is their prerogative. Fahr actually doesn't know Laelette at all, so I don't think she's got a vendetta, I think she's just really really angry that she perceives the other mods as not really caring and wasn't given a reason etc. I dunno man, I'm just here to try and avoid sparking any speculation, I'd rather say "here is what happened" than have people try to guess and rumours to start and shit.

>> No.8446900

Time to come clean guys.
I am one of laelettes friends. I was blocked by her two days ago because I stood up for one of the banned girls. ( not fahr, someone else)

>> No.8446906

???????? Make some sense!

>> No.8446916

I remember fahr uploaded photos with fellow lolitas before. I don't fet the big dal. We all hate some other lolita but that's no reason to make up shit and bann them from comms!

>> No.8446918

Yes my phone is yoda.

>> No.8446922

regardless if fahr stirred things up (which is unlikely since shes new to Scotland and doesnt know much about the drama) she broke no rules on the page, any drama that happens outside of cof is none of the mods business dont you think? and she broke no rules

>> No.8446926

god damn, thank you. i really wanted to like this but i can't stop imagining all the salt foaming at her mouth ruining this coord for me

>> No.8446927

you forgot
>CoF mods take 2+ days to decide this is stupid

>> No.8446934

I'm pretty sure Fahr knew what the likely outcome of trying to post that photo would be.

>> No.8446940

its a photo with her friend regardless of any vendettas that's hardly grounds to ban someone from a group?

>> No.8446941

And still it didn't break a single rule, if she knew or not. Why would she want to be kicked from COF? And the other girls? They wanted all that too , just by liking a photo?

>> No.8446943
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>> No.8446948

No it's just perspective and how she's posing with her legs. Looks really stupid.

>> No.8446951

hardly mad. I'm chill. There's just more to this story. I know a few people will be rubbing their hands, feeling pretty smug right now.

>> No.8446952

Have you seen the photo ? It is cute and harmless.

>> No.8446953

oh really? care to enlighten us then? also have any proof?

>> No.8446954

HI LAELETTE !!!!!!!!!! Got an grapes?

>> No.8446956

ofcourse she doesnt they all went sour like her personality!

>> No.8446958

you are a fool

>> No.8446959

Ooouchy, did fahr call you a twat on RC and it made you cry???

>> No.8446961

yeah, that's exactly what happened

>> No.8446993
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>> No.8446997

I think all of Scot Loli can agree the Laelette drama wouldn't have arisen again if it wasn't for Myfanny and Mhairis eyebrows.

>> No.8446998

Ofcourse but they needed free stuff for ILD!

>> No.8447043

Look it's Laelette naked!

>> No.8447044


Dude no, spouting shit like that just makes the people bringing up legitimate points against her look worse. Try to be as mature as you possibly can be.

>> No.8447051

point. Ok. Sorry.

>> No.8447058

>Try being as mature as you can possibly be.


You're asking a lot of them, anon.

>> No.8447062


Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed tbh.

>> No.8447063

At least one eats to try!

>> No.8447065
File: 48 KB, 500x380, 1411686633635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.8447067


>> No.8447068

Isn't LSG banned from multiple comms? Who would let her become an admin for cof after that and expect her to be unbiased

>> No.8447069

Because the other mods are just as bad?!

>> No.8447073

you act like people actually care, maybe lallete could try being mature and not letting her vendetta affect her admin abilities

>> No.8447075

I think she went off the radar for a while. She was banned from UK comms and I don't think the other mods are from the UK so they might not be aware of the drama. Its been several years since all this happened as well (2011-2012?).

>> No.8447079

And the best way to respond to the situation is

>> No.8447080

Didn't she rip off somebody? (2010 or earlier)

>> No.8447082
File: 149 KB, 960x706, cof1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we take this shit to the lolita general? or the comm thread because you guys are just shitting it up

I love this girls stuff since she always makes small handmade details but I really want her to either change her wig or at the very least cut in a fringe

>> No.8447083

I've only been active since 2012 so not entirely sure. The lolita community outside of 4chan has a pretty short memory, especially if smaller tightknit comms don't post online because they don't want to attract attention.

>> No.8447088

no less mature than banning people from a fb group with no evidence

>> No.8447089

I normally love her coords but that ridiculous headbow looks awful. Besides the headbow I like this it's nothing fantastic but it looks really nice.

>> No.8447092

This is summer on 4chan dude!

>> No.8447093

Same wtf, are newbies on cgl trying to join in on this topic or are the mod's supporters trying to make the other side look stupid or are the Scottish lolitas really just this childish? This drama got stale
Also yoda anon you aren't cute, check your posts before you submit them or just don't post at all

>> No.8447094

I agree, her coords are okay but that fucking wig. Her coords would look 10x better with a different wig.

>> No.8447097

At the end of the day, it's Lauren being Lauren (regardless of whether she's calling herself Laelette, or LSG), which is a shit-stirrer. She causes drama wherever she goes, and the current storm she's brewing with this banning for the most insane and petty of reasons, is just her latest trouble in a long line of it. Se's done it before to teh Scots lolis, and she's done it to other comms in the UK. Fahr and the girl who she was originally vendetta-ing (along with all of those caught in the cross-fire) are just her latest targets.
I'm amazed she made it to CoF mod, tbh, with her notoriety, and really should get slapped with a bunch of bans herself.

>> No.8447102

Sorry anon, I've made a post here if anyone's interested.


>> No.8447104

Fuck's sake, my phone is being shitty.


>> No.8447110

rubbish. she's not banned from multiple comms

>> No.8447115

Nope. That would be a lie. You've gotten her mixed up with someone else, or been given bad info

>> No.8447117

I was banned from CoF for liking the photo. I used to be friends with the other girl in the photo. That might have been the reason for Laelette to bann me.
But is THAT a fair reason? I just like something cute.

Can somebody please post the original photo? It's really only cute.

>> No.8447118


I'm the one who posted >>8447044, I'm the girl who got vendetta-banned originally. I don't think this is the Scottish comm (this stuff doesn't have anything to do with any of the Scottish communities really, as far as I know Laelette is still banned from all of them.) I think it might be people just looking to defend Fahr and going about it all the wrong way. I dunno, I don't think making dumb comments like OMG LAELETTE'S FACE IS A BUTT helps anybody. This isn't a discussion about her looks or her products or whatever, it's about her being a shitty mod and letting her vendetta cloud her judgement.

>> No.8447120

Hi Lauren !

>> No.8447121

>that twintail wig

The sad part is she would have been 100x more popular had she did this in 2010/11 when people were CREAMING themselves over these types of wigs. Especially sweet split twintails.

>> No.8447127


>> No.8447133

I posted the most of the stuff with butts and all. I don't know who they are. I am not even lolita. but it's TOP KEK!

>> No.8447136


you type very like fahr.

>> No.8447138

Uggg I want that big ass flower headpiece.

>> No.8447144

Trust us, nobody here wants to defend fahr.
But what happened to her and others is an example, that's why most of us here are willing to get on her team this time. She is the lesser evil.

>> No.8447146

I still like twin tail wigs just not the crappy way they are usually parted (whose forehead is that low?) and those side-swept (I can't cut my wigs) bangs. It's sort of like the female version of a comb-over. If the bangs are cut and styled and the curls are well-shaped, I still think it's a good look for many lolita coords.

>> No.8447150


>> No.8447151

All in all its shitty what Lauren did but hopefully the matter will resolve itself quickly and those affected can get back into CoF and this drama will disappear

>> No.8447152

Holy Fuck! She's the shit-stirrer?! What are you on? Go take a look back through the last 4 years of Btb and Lolita Secrets. Go on. Tell me how many shitty, nasty, petty and pathetic secrets you see about LSG and then how many you see about the girls she is meant to have a vendetta against or bullied. One vastly, in fact entirely, outweighs the other. Are you sure she's the trouble maker? Nah. You are talking crap.

>> No.8447157

No rules were broken.

>> No.8447158

No, you're wrong

>> No.8447164


You are aware that a lot of the events where she pulled a lot of bullshit happened like 5 years ago, before BtB? It was back before the older secrets comms got purged and shit.

>> No.8447166

I thought this too.

>> No.8447167

How in the world could anyone guess that posting a photo that breaks no rules would result in her and everyone who liked the post being banned? Seriously even if you know one of the mods DESPISES the friend in the photo... they're a mod. Flipping out and banning people who haven't broken rules is not good mod behavior. You don't expect someone to do that. The only person in the wrong here is the mod.

>> No.8447168

Lolita burger and lolita secrets.

>> No.8447178

I'm neutral on cut bangs because I'd rather someone have a cute side-swept bang than risk cutting them shitty straight, or not having a suitable face shape for straight cut bangs.

Regardless even side-swept bangs, in my experience, need a bit of a trim.

It's kind of why Choke's wig >>8446313
rustled my mankeys a bit. It looks....sloppy for someone who's regarded as a wig purveyor.

>> No.8447182

Sorry, not true. She was 14 years old five years ago. She wasn't pulling any bullshit at any events back then. Also did I not say read Lolita Secrets too? I don't know if they got purged, but I remember reading shitty secret after shitty secret about her on Lolita Secrets. She didn't warrant the vile treatment she got dumped on her.

>> No.8447186


lol no way she's 19

>> No.8447195

she turned 20 about 2 months ago

>> No.8447208

Oh, she was pulling a lot of bullshit in less than the last four years. She was banned from some of the UK comms around 2011, before migrating to causing trouble in teh Scots comms. She was responsible for causing drama on both fb and cgl back then, and she got caled out on it. It's how she ended up getting banned. Shit-stirring and holding vendettas is nothing new to her. She has not matured one bit, it's just more of the same old stuff. Lauren is far from innocent, like you're trying to make out. When she got secreted, it was calling her out on her bull.

>> No.8447209

so what you're saying is that she should cut the bangs
no one said they gotta be straight bangs

>> No.8447212
File: 610 KB, 300x225, get out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

******* Incoming PSA *******
Could you guys move the Fahr discussion to the lolita general or make a CoF: Drama Edition thread? It's kind of annoying for people lurking who want to discuss coordinates but have to wade through BUTTS and HI ______ comments and the like.


>> No.8447216

Just thought I'd clarify because in old cgl when people said 'cut the bangs' they meant straight-cut unless otherwise specified.
>tfw took cgl's advice a couple years ago on that and the straight bangs didn't suit me so wig wasted

>> No.8447217

Somebody post a CoF drama thread please!

>> No.8447220

fuck off

>> No.8447221


I tried, no one listened.


>> No.8447229

I'll repeat this yet again - Laelette, LSG, Lauren, was never banned from any other comm apart from the scot-loli comm. The people who banned her there have proved to be far worse when it comes to holding a grudge and stirring up trouble then she ever has.

>> No.8447234

Here you go, guys


>> No.8447245

Thank you, based anon.

>> No.8447249

No, I'm asking you to do that dear. :^)

>> No.8447254

yeah, I remember seeing the secrets about her too. I don't remember them being anything other than snidey, bitchy digs at her looks, her wardrobe and her brand. There were loads of badly photoshopped pictures of her saying she had fat legs, no neck and things along those lines. That and people rehashing the same lame, old stories from when she got banned way back in 2011. They were boring first time around. Somebody out there wouldn't let it lie.

>> No.8447485

The wig took the coord over the downright tacky line. She always look like a beauty pageant toddler or a porn star.

>> No.8448080

She started cof you fool

>> No.8448363

Ugh why do I always miss everything? Definitely would have entered.

>> No.8448617

If it wasn't for that head-eating wig she'd be pretty cute.

>> No.8451515

I'm out of the loop and just returned to the world. can someone fill me in on meta dramu?

>> No.8451582

They had a coord contest some months ago and Briz won with tons of bought likes. Seagulls emailed Meta with evidence, Meta basically shrugged and went 'what's done is done'.