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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8438649 No.8438649[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Men of /cgl/

Are we all females here or are there some dangle part packers hiding amongst us? Post pictures maybe? Lolita Bros?

>> No.8438692

I would say at lease 5-15% of /cgl/ is guys I don't know how many are brolitas but I assume their some brolitas that cross over between boards.

>> No.8438712

I know theres some huge soldier guy who posts on here a lot. Some keep calling him Soldier-kun but ive seen him called other stuff. Theres also a few Brolitas but they mostly just post pictures

>> No.8438736

There's also the male cosplayers, remember them?

>> No.8438744
File: 269 KB, 747x1328, helmet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dangle part packers
Dangle part packer reporting in. Sorry I'll only share this pic of my Ironman helmet I made. I'm fairly new to cosplay although I fell much better about myself looking at some of these cringe threads. Unfortunatly I'm slow at crafting things and work full time so I can really only make maybe 1 new costume a year at the rate I'm going. I think the next costume I make will be Korosensai from Assassination classroom. I saw it in a cringe thread done very poorly and became a fan of the show. I think I can make a great costume for it. I think making the "Hand" tentacles look good and hopefully move some will be the hardest part. Already have a perfect head picked out.

Also sorry I'm not a Brolita and never plan to be.

>> No.8438754

Just like anything, they're here, and often quiet.

>> No.8438763

I also like assassination classroom and wanted to do korosensai in the future to but torn between two hobbies and also a full time job prevent this but I hope you pull it off I would like to see a good one.

>> No.8438776

I don't know what you're talking about, we're all little girls here

>> No.8438777

Why do we need our own thread? What's there even to discuss?

>> No.8438816

I'm into cosplay and /tg/ stuff, my girlfriend is one of you salt miners. I mostly browse here so I'm not totally ignorant of what to get her.

Ya'll are fucking crazy though. Just so you know.

>> No.8438821

Having dicks makes liking fancy clothes different I guess. I dunno, do you feel having a dick ruins your Fancy Dressed Make Pretend?

>> No.8438829

Only if the skirt is too short to cover the dangle. Frilly panties are too hot this time of year.

>> No.8438834

Ah, when the angle of the dangle is too hard to wrangle, it becomes a scandal.

>> No.8438839
File: 100 KB, 448x796, 20150629_170151_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started browsing /cgl/ about a year ago when I was getting into cosplay photography. Stayed for the convention, makeup, skin care and crossplay threads.

>> No.8438841

If he's the same one I'm thinking of, yeah, I don't like him. Too much humble-brag. Occasionally gets terribly offended at any criticism even if it's gentle or implied. Or if questioned. Seen him really go off on people once or twice, it's not very much in character with all the good stories he likes to tell about himself. Also seems a bit, hm...thick? I never reply to him.

>> No.8438842

Plays hell with pleats too, I mean to tell!

>> No.8438847


you bangled that up

also, guy here, love lolita, wear ouji, used to cosplay, tired of gender bullshit, primer and foundation just arrived, gonna look decent for next con

>tfw 3 brand new wigs
>tfw Moitie blouse
>tfw Boz jacket
>tfw dissatisfying half pants
>tfw boring OTKs
>tfw old shoes
>doesn't matter, got brand

>> No.8438849
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, sadakoEye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8438850

You know, I was going to use bangle, but I couldn't come up with a joke about a cockring.

>> No.8438853

a metal-spangled dick bangle strangles your wangle


>> No.8438858

For sure, mon seignor.

>> No.8438879

I may as well. I've never worked with such a long wig before and it is a freaking nightmare. Sadako might just be the best choice here.

>> No.8438998

Or crossplayers

>> No.8439093

her outfit is shapeless enough that you could probably pull it off

>ba dum tsh

>> No.8439139

I really want to get into cosplay with some of my friends

They want to go as SnK army people, I would rather go as a made up JoJo character.

Which do you think would go smoother?

Male, 5'7", Hispanic from Uruguay, tan skin, dark black hair, brown tint in certain lights. Pretty fit, can become toned if need to


>> No.8439234

I browse this board around the times of cons (specifically in Texas) to see what everyone's expectations are for it. I'm too shy to post a pic.

>> No.8439268

Use the suggestion thread >>8437495

>> No.8439487

I browse to see what the weebs up to. Some cosplays and Nanchatte seifuku is also nice to look at. Funnily I know Japs and J-fashion victims in real life, but they don't know the board and why talk to them about clothes.
And it's actually interesting to see what a dominantly female board is like.

>> No.8439498

Trans guy reporting in. Currently hoping for meds to make me more comfortable with the crossplays I have planned to do at some point since way back.
I've been looking more into aristocrat from this board, I guess.

>> No.8439507

Guy who's actively looking to get into lolita fashion here. As much as I've had an interest in this fashion over the years, I've never really been able to find out where to start as a guy. It seems like the only two things you can really go for are Ouji and Artistocratic, but I'm no good at finding clothes for my size.

I cosplay too.

>> No.8439511

I'm a dude and I'm into cosplaying, going to cons, etc etc

What's up?

>> No.8439514

Male here.
I just like making costumes and cringing so /cgl/ is the place for me.

>> No.8439518
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I want to cosplay but haven't yet so I very rarely post. Although I sometimes I give advice in the help threads since I'm good with props. Check me out on /k/ or /fit/ tho, I'm a shitposting MACHINE

>> No.8439520


I tought everyone on 4 chan is a little girl... Or is that /a/ exclusive?

>> No.8439529
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>I would rather go as a made up JoJo character

>> No.8439539



>> No.8439543

>posting this in a thread full of men

Please into statistics

>> No.8439568

Initially started browsing for the con threads and stayed for the crossplay ones. After a while I only really started coming back during con season.

Thank you, /cgl/, I have become much better thanks to you.

>> No.8439572

Guy here. Trying to figure out a good cosplay for the bf and I and having trouble coming up with anything.

>> No.8439583

One of my friends showed me /cgl/ about a year ago. I like Lolita fashion and I'm going to cosplay as Stocking around august. I'll probably look for advice on here about it sooner or later but right now I'm more focused on getting /fit/ for the act.

>> No.8439712
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, Picture 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been toying around wih the idea of making a Chespin Halloween costume since my little girl is going as pikachu. Not really sure how to go about it though.

>> No.8439792

would be better as its own thread

>> No.8439839
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I don't even cosplay, I'm just a perverted lurker who likes lolita.

>> No.8439850

you do you dawg.

>> No.8439969

Brolita here. There are literally dozens of us.

>> No.8440144

>not wanting your own stand/hamon
>not wanting to /fa/ as fuck with the style JoJo character's have

>> No.8440179

50% of /cgl/ lurkers are male

25% of /cgl/ posters are male

I'd brolita, but I aint about to dish out the money for that shit

I'm just here for con stuff

>> No.8440209

i am. i cosplay and wear ouji and decora.

>> No.8440406

>grills wondering if there are guys around

/cgl/ is Bizarro 4chan.

im a boy btw

>> No.8440452

Clearly not the wig care threads.

>> No.8440461
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>tfw have dangle parts but they are feminine.

>> No.8440478

Haha... Actually the wig looks a lot better now that I've brushed it and combed through it with a water/conditioner mix. The picture was practically right out of the bag.
Still a learning process considering how easy short wigs were to work with but hopefully I can make something work before AX this weekend!

>> No.8440550

Guy here. I mostly post in con threads to get an idea of what the crowds look like. I cosplay, all capeshit so far. I have a Riddler (Arkham City) and a Captain Cold (The Flash tv series) and am starting work on Scarecrow (Arkham Knight)

>> No.8440698

trust me we know

>> No.8440773

>sister used to be a lolita
>I get to be friends with the local comm
>still friends with them after she's stopped doing it
>Show up to their events because they're chill fun people who happen to be girls in froofy dresses
>start to care about different brands, love following the drama (sup AM)

Ask me three years ago if this would be my life and I woulda been like "wtf" and yet here I am

>> No.8440883

You go to lolita meets in normal outfits? The fuck? Are you sure they're not just too nice to tell you to fuck off?

>> No.8440897

>all these "guys" posting ITT but no pics besides two anons
Post your happy trail or you're full of shit.

>> No.8440916

my torso is hairless and if i post any indication that i have a dick people are just going to bitch about attention-whoring brolitas. no thanks.

>> No.8440922

>attention whoring
>in a thread all about drawing attention to yourself
post feet then

>> No.8440958

Nobody wants to be an attention whore.

>> No.8440967

back to tumblr

>> No.8440988

Depends on the event, and I don't go to everything. The regular boring whatever meet I'll dress normal but if it's a bigger event I dress nicer. I actually JUST bought an atelier Boz vest only to find out I made a size mistake and need to try again.

>> No.8441000

dick or gtfo

>> No.8441002

back to /pol/

there are only two reasons anon will demand photos: to judge or to fap. not going to fluff your ego mate

>> No.8441120
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Started coming to this board for the sodium based economy you guys thrive off of. Stayed because I want to pull off a couple displays but can't bring myself to stop bulking.
>I just want to praise the sun

I'm digging the beard. Started mine about two months ago. Hoping to get to your beard size in less than 4 months.

>> No.8441158

Post qt boys. I'll judge being one myself ;p

>> No.8441251

Another male reporting in, I did some capeshit and now just working on manga shit.

Could you post a pic of your Captain Cold? I really like that character. Also Scarecrow progress if you have any?

>> No.8441267

that's /a/ anon.

I'm planning on starting my first legit cosplay, Need to change my hair though first. Can't wait for san japan

>inb4 the rooms fill up before I get the money to reserve

>> No.8441292


dfw area?

>day 0 of akon, /cgl/ is already complaining

>> No.8441329

This thread is seriously lacking in pics of cute brolitas.

>> No.8441372

kissless virgin here, I mostly use this place to get a better understanding of how to talk to girls

>> No.8441382

half virgin here It won't help, at least talk to women casually at cons and various places. probably won't help you not be a kv, but you'll have some nice conversations

>> No.8441400

Old Tripfag here. I troll trolls, and help create meet ups at west coast cons. I make myself to be more of a villain and say outrageous things when I post here to get attention, but in person I tend to be polite and friendly.

>> No.8441426

Because most of us aren't secure enough in our appearances to selfpost.

>> No.8441471

Don't be a pussy.

>> No.8441475

>half virgin
I'm sorry to break it to you anon...but that's not a real thing.

>> No.8441479

So do most brolitas just dress up at home alone and not post pictures? I'm curious, actually.

>> No.8441485

I go to meetups and cons, but /cgl/ is usually to salty to self-post on.

>> No.8441490

I'm so confused by this comment. Trans people have existed for decades. Long before the cess-pool of tumblr came to exist.

>> No.8441492

pls make "dick or gtfo" a thing

>> No.8441534
File: 477 KB, 369x338, 1417203271022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mostly lurk and ask avbout meetups nothing else why do most girls think your strolling for con pussy or a creep for going on this board. I honestly enjoy the conversations here

>mfw /cgl/ taught me how to tapper my jeans and make clothes fit better
and teaching me a sowing machine was the best investment

>> No.8441536
File: 21 KB, 540x390, 6f33bmB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of me for those checking

>> No.8441549

happy trails are disgusting

>> No.8441563

Someone actually posted dick once. Their dick was unusually pointy.

>> No.8441568

I've been posted and selfposted a couple times so you've probably already seen me before.

>> No.8441573

so much for being a blue board

>> No.8441580

>/cgl/ online
all females
>/cgl/ meetups
all dudes looking for a cosplay gf, with maybe one or two chicks

>> No.8441586

>why do most girls think your strolling for con pussy or a creep for going on this board
because of crossboarders. grow a thicker skin and ignore the vitriol toward pervs, because if you're not one then it's not about you.

also stop not formatting your posts, and proofread at least once. that was a pain in the taint to read.

>> No.8441592
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sorry about that fam typing on my shitty slow tablet

heres a gif i found funny

>> No.8441593

> /cgl/ meetups
There used to be a lot of grills, but the thirsty dudes chased them away. :^(

>> No.8441600
File: 12 KB, 1280x640, 1414889476571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-does anyone wanna have a non consplay newyork city cgl meetup

>> No.8441602

>start dating girl who says she's into cosplaying
>figure I'll check this place out, not to pretend to be am enthusiast but just to get a general idea of what it's about
>spend less than 3 hours here then harshly judge her cosplaying choices internally

Fuck this is worse than /r9k/
But she does cosplaying fucking vocaloids.thankfully not miku

>> No.8441605


There's still a fuckton of hot girls, a lot of it is secret facebook groups and meet ups, if you're not seeing this and you've been around for awhile, it's because you probably give off a creep vibe

>> No.8441610

I said nope to future /cgl/ meets (along with several other girls) when dudes posted group photos afterwards ranking fuck potential of girls at the meet. They done fucked things up by doing that.

>> No.8441618


Yeah, see stupid teenage shit like this fucks it up for smarter low key niggas. Sure you get to have your funny comment or you point out the obvious like the girl with the big tits, but it actually fucks it up for everyone else

Then again most of the time the guys who make those kinds of comments have already mentally committed that no girl would actually talk to them, so they almost intentionally fuck it up for people who might have a chance

>> No.8441620

No, I'm a girl. And basically this >>8441610. Who wants to go to a meet where you know you'll be judged on your waifu-potential by a party of sausages.

>> No.8441623
File: 22 KB, 169x229, panickingneckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but i fingered my fwb while she jerked me off, thats like half way right?

>> No.8441626

happy trail?

>> No.8441630

The line of hair starting in the middle of the stomach and leading to one's pubic area

>> No.8441636
File: 89 KB, 300x660, GEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, see stupid teenage shit like this fucks it up for smarter low key niggas

/this if i like a girl imma try to talk to her after the meetup or ill pm her why would you make a shitty offensive joke these fuccbois man

>> No.8441639

>just got done doing some exorcising
I would post my sweaty trail but black hair is hard to see on chocolate skin anyways

>still tempted to post a pic because no face

>> No.8441642

Post thighs instead.

>> No.8441648

but my pants are on anon

nobody wants to see some dudes sweaty legs...

>> No.8441656

I bet all the people asking for pics of guys in this thread are dudes.

>> No.8441662

its why I don't want to post my pic, even dudes don't like other dudes oogling their photos

>> No.8441664
File: 58 KB, 580x774, love me oniichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thighs are delicious, no matter guy or girl.

Do you know where you are, anon?

>> No.8441669
File: 511 KB, 1920x1080, 20150630_222655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This length is fun. I poke my wife in the ear with it if she over sleeps. My skin is toughening from the slaps

>> No.8441670

sure doesn't seem like that on /fit/

>> No.8441674

Because /fit/ is all closeted gays.

>> No.8441678
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1920, 20150630_222238[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh whatever, just no bully

>> No.8441677

Fair point. I go there to collect fap material sometimes so that makes sense.

>> No.8441715
File: 227 KB, 767x1363, 20150606_222719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess since no other brolitas are posting I'll go first. Be gentle /cgl/.

>> No.8441722

You need a fuller wig to balance out your shoulders, but otherwise not bad.

>> No.8441728

here's your response.

>> No.8441731

You sorta remind me of Cillian Murphy.

>> No.8441741

Good job! I second the fuller wig for better proportion. A few other tips to help you: iron your dress, thin and trim your brows just a bit if you can, make sure your sock motifs are straight and even. Try out some wrist cuffs to see if you like them.

>> No.8441742

Dangle part packer here. I'm a cosplay photographer from NC. Ya'll have some juicy drama.

>> No.8441776

why would you go to meetups looking to hook up at all?

maybe i am older and asexualler than the average male seagull but i would want to go to a meetup to have fun with people who share some interests. why the fuck is everything about getting laid for you guys?

>> No.8441806

when you're young and still have testosterone you want to have sex, its natural.

geek guys can't into dating so desperation sets in..

I wish prostitution was legal so the thirsty's can calm down and just have platonic relationships with women

>> No.8441811

>Are we all females here or are there some dangle part packers hiding amongst us?
I gather there are a shit-ton of pre-op MtFs and trap types.

I'm one of them.

>> No.8441824

Shit, I'll take that, he's pretty hot in drag.
Unfortunately it's not the wig, bein' a dude just means big shoulders. Also not my A game since that pic was taken at like 10PM after a meetup day.
Thank you though!

>> No.8441845

You wear a fuller wig so your head looks larger and your shoulders look narrower by comparison.

>> No.8441848
File: 3.69 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20150531_1144064_rewind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No progress yet. Im still in very early planning stages. Wont be done till summer of 2016, I bet. Haha.
Yeah heres pictures from Phoenix Comicon. A little give gave me a hug at one point. She loved the Flash apparently. Heres me with an Arrow cosplayer.

>> No.8441854

You're no Wentworth Miller. The arrow guy is pretty good though.

>> No.8441858

You are right anon. I am no Wentworth Miller. Im working on it though. Im very new to all of this.

>> No.8441898

God damn I'm mirin that beard hard. Any good bearded displays you had in mind?

>n-no bromo

>> No.8441947
File: 32 KB, 259x350, phphFkFnCPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a 'Brolita' i just come here sometimes to see the cool things people are wearing. and to get potential ides for myself

>> No.8442089

Cosplay Thorin!

>> No.8442093


>> No.8442094

Do tanaka from Blue Spring Ride!

>> No.8442105

Shave, you look like a redneck suicide bomber
The only things you should learn to understand are the words 'no' and 'ew, not in a million years'

>> No.8442231

Yes i know i have a face like uncle fester from the adams family

>> No.8442460

Not him but that was uncalled for anon.

>> No.8442473

Why, because he has a dick? When a girl posts her face she gets called an attention whore and ugly and then gets told to suck it up because this is 4chan. I'm gonna call out uggos regardless of what they have in their pants, and no amount of your thirsty whiteknighting is gonna stop me.

>> No.8442479

I've always really really wanted to get into cosplaying and it's probably my biggest workout motivator but man i am all sorts of fuckin stupid with my hands. I cannot into arts n crafts to save my damn life.

Play a mean sax at least..

>> No.8442488

So for us gifted with a big dick, how the fuck do I tuck this away? Is there some tutorials out there for giant horse cocks?

>> No.8442489

Gosh the boys here are just escaped robots from r9k, who are looking for a qt

>> No.8442666

>omg post pics now I need to see it flirt flirt flirt

Here's your reply

>> No.8442682

I didn't think people would get into an arguement about it :(. I'm sorry mate. Is there a way i can delete 4 chan posts

>> No.8442699
File: 580 KB, 1920x1080, 20150701_063139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been growing since Aug 2014 when i got out of the Army, but i dont think i have a face for a Thorin cosplay

>> No.8442723

stop attentionwhoring and shave

>> No.8442747

Nvm I found how to through Google, I'll avoid posting from now on :p

>> No.8442800
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /neckbeard/ here?

>> No.8442916

Holy shit. I just finished terminal leave. I'm

>> No.8442938

if YOURE looking to cover it dancebelts

>> No.8442958

Kek, TERMINAL LEAVE, OUT MOTHAFUCKAS. Im the guy who watched Girls Und Panzer while plugging away in my turret with the 40mm.

>> No.8442971

fuck off redneck

>> No.8442991
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Nice try, FBI.

>> No.8442996
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>Are you a man or a woman?



>> No.8443002

Wait, this board actually consists mainly of womyn?

>> No.8443049

No shit.

>> No.8443290

You seem saltier than usual.

>> No.8443433

Watched cowboy bebop loved it. Otherwise looking for a gritty series

>> No.8443447

Heh, theres also the one with the sewer nazis with the MG42s

>> No.8443466

I just come here and read and lurk and look at cute girls in cosplay but don't partake

>> No.8443479

We're here OP.
We just hardly ever come out of the woodwork.

>> No.8443566

Male trip reporting in just been busy with con drama and I do crossplay and want to do more Lolita but need more income

>> No.8443605

We've been here longer than anyone else.

We just don't pipe up as much.

>> No.8443610

Wai, wut?

>> No.8443611

I like to fuck cosplay girls. I just don't get it--how can you enjoy me humping away on top of you until I blow my load? It's just gross.

But you always come back for more. Can't complain, I guess.

>> No.8444358

picked up cowboy beebop at fan expo dallas and i'm watching it. I watched it as a kid but I never got to see all the episodes, for some reason I kept seeing the episode where that mold creature from the fridge was attacking the crew

>> No.8444371

Scandal works, actually

>> No.8444402

What kind of cancer is this thread? This is why there's girls like me who won't venture outside of /cgl/ really. This -all male thread- is garbage. Burn it and burn your neckbeards.

>> No.8444456

I believe that was from moldy lobster. Or crab.

>> No.8444472

yea it was some lobster he saved for a year

>mfw that exact night i found a bag of breakfast burritos in my fridge that had been in there for like 6 months

>> No.8444478

At least you're honest???

>> No.8444484
File: 1.48 MB, 230x172, euphoricasfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we takin ova

we /cgl/ now

>> No.8444570

>it growls at you.