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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8440831 No.8440831 [Reply] [Original]

What are your cosplay/con pet peeves?
Not things you hate but that just rustle your jimmies just a tad too much.

I'll begin:

> Unsealed bodypaint
> Party City wigs
> Wrapping a towl or shower wrap around oneself...I'm XYZ in the shower (WTF do you wear a towel IN the shower?)
> Herds of Homsteaks
> Lolitas having impropteau tea parties or meetups taking all the avaliable seating in a food area
> Mememe

Post 'em Seagulls Pic not related.

>> No.8440838

>Heards of Homesteaks....

Dude just stay home. Fo Real Its like going to a farm and being shocked and frightened by the chickens.

>> No.8440925

>Asshats making a quick buck by buying multiple rooms and selling them after the block has sold through
>unattended children acting like assholes
> photographers/cosplayers blocking the walkway

>> No.8440995

>> Wrapping a towl or shower wrap around oneself...I'm XYZ in the shower
what the hell is this really a thing


>using phone during screenings
>walking side-by-side in crowded area
>clustering in front of a booth to ogle a cosplayer, blocking or trapping anyone interested in that booth
>not making room in an elevator
>con staff giving conflicting information and yelling at people for not following the shifting rules
>tables or seats that are "reserved" and never in use
>people watching videos or playing on their mobile devices without using earphones
>people who want to touch your cosplay or props

>> No.8440997
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People who do the bottom left face in every picture they upload.

>> No.8441048
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Pic not related ot the post but the OPs pic reminded me of this MJ from a small con a couple months back. Guys all liked her.

> Huge group photoshoots taking up stairs and making them unable to walk down
> Random guys with boomboxes
> Random guys with guitars
> people walking barefoot, i mean put some damn shoes on

>> No.8441054

>people walking barefoot...don't most cons worth their ticket money ban that shit?

>> No.8441075

Disgusting fat pig.

>> No.8441082

OP pic sums up a fuckton of them.

>> No.8441106

People bitching about and nitpicking things that aren't against a con's rules. Lodge a complaint, with staff, mention it in the exit survey, post about it in the actual con forum, maybe your peeve will be heard.

>> No.8441117

honestly i would usually get behind this anon except that most of these things are just peeves, they dont really effect a cons bottom line and most cons see dollar signs.

thumbs up though if anyone has had any success with people blocking the booths, doors, etc problem.
i know dragon you have no time to stand around lest you be trampled to death

>> No.8441615

San Jose recently banned all prop firearms that look realistic, even with the orange tip cuz of gang stuff.
The new Fanime policy is that all prop guns must look fake (think super soakers) to abide by the city law.

You would not believe the number of adultbabies that crawled out of the woodworks like "BUT MUH RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!!!!!!!!"
Shut up. Deal with it or pick a different con.

>> No.8441710

> goes to a con
> sees a girl with red panties and a blue push-up bra with the letter "A" on one cup, looks like it was painted on with whiteout.
> "I'm sexy Captain America!"

I feel like this bothers me more than it should.

>> No.8441816

>tight outfits with no effort to wear body compressors/dance belts or cups
>cosplayers bragging about their elite skills then turning up in sacks/quality like babby's first cosplay
>groups taking refuge right in the centre of a on floor and messes up traffic flow
>homestuck meets being where everyone else enjoys lunch. Go down the street or something
>random cosplayers trying to be 3edgy5me to all congoers and expect them to understand the joke/reference
>cosplayers attempting horror characters purely to "scare" others
>cosplayers with weeb grade cosplays getting salty over better cosplayers because muh attention
>females in obvious female cosplays getting called male names and getting offended if you use their real name
>people who want a photo while you're adjusting yourself/eating/waiting for a bathroom and instead of waiting as asked they just take the photo and leave

>> No.8441839

Its super commen now. Everything is "sexy" and you can't disagree with the crafting or you are jelly.

>> No.8441847

>people with large wings stading in the middle of the hall of extended periods of time. we get it,, cool wings now move

>> No.8441868
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Convention Feminists.

So here I am, going to a con cosplaying as Homura ( Puella Magi Madoka ) and some sperglord unshaven guy comes up and strikes a conversation with me about how great all the "cosplay is not consent" posters are. Blabbing on and on while I'm just smiling and trying to politely excuse myself from his stench without coming accross as a bitch. ( SERIOUSLY WHO THE FUCK THINKS NOT SHOWERING BEFORE CON IS ACCEPTABLE OH THATS RIGHT MALE "ALLY" FEDORALORDS ). Then finally when I escape I try to enjoy the rest of the con and come accross some girl dressed in basic bitch garbage plugging her blog. Later that evening I check it out and BIG FUCKING SURPRISE SJW NONSENSE. Ooga boogaa! The big bad patriarchy is coming to take away alllll our rights! boooga! Just recently while playing my favorite anime mmo guys from my guild were talking about how they would never date a fujoshi because "all of them are feminists and we don't want to be accused of rape for just asking them out". AND YOU KNOW WHAT I WANTED TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I FUCKING COULDN'T. I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING BLAME THEM. No fucking wonder I can't get a boyfriend that isn't a normalfag all the decent guys who are both /a/ and /fit/ automatically assume I'm a fucking tumblr feminist wackjob.

Seriously just how socially retarded does one have to be to not realize that the modern string of feminism does nothing but damage gender relations? Especially between us "nerds" because most of us are nerds as a result of an already hard life. Does it really need to fucking be this way?

To all tumblrina feminists: Fuck you. You are a bunch of spoiled brats. The very fact that we are allowed to go to cons dressed however we like is proof that your bullshit patriarchal oppression is nothing but an insane conspiracy theory to hide your own victim complex and insecurities. Grow up.

To all male allies: Fuck you too. You are desperate and disgusting and I for one will never EVER EVER sleep with one of you.

>> No.8441873

You sound like an awful person.

>> No.8441891


Hey it's a vent thread and I'm venting. I used to be proud to be a fujo but legions SJWs have turned it into something retarded. I think I have the right to be a little mad.

>> No.8441903

You're the reason why people are now jumping on the "hate the anti sjws more" bandwagon.

I easily prove to people I'm not overly offended sjw by making jokes and being lax in conversation instead of being a fucking spazz which is what you sound like.

>> No.8441926

>ban fake guns cause they look real cause of gang violence
that's fucking stupid tho.

>> No.8441938


>tables or seats that are "reserved" and never in use

As programming staff for half the cons on the west coast I can tell you right now that 99% of the time those reserved seats are for people with disabilities. We have to have them set aside. It's a disabled access thing. Even if nobody disabled shows up to the panel/event/live programming they still have to be open in case they do. There's also times when the con chair/board say "Oh we're gonna attend X event" and we set aside seating for them but then they never show.

>> No.8441949

Ich mag dich. <33

>> No.8441969

One of my favorite stories is that all of the police in Pennsylvania were retrained in the state's open carry laws due to the Pittsburgh Police reacting poorly to a giant blue kangaroo legally open-carrying Downtown during Anthrocon.

>> No.8442013

I'm not saying it's not stupid. I just hate all the whiny 20-30-somethings who get butthurt because suddenly they can't have prop guns.

If you can't be Homura or Dante without guns, then I don't think you've really looked into the character.
There's always alternate props like Homu's shield time turner thing and Dante has Rebellion.

>> No.8442017

that last one happened to me recently at A Kon- was sitting at the cafe eating a muffin cause I felt faint, when this guy came up and whispered "can I have your picture when you're done?" I was a little irritated but wanted to be nice so I said sure. Dude then sat down right across from me and fucking watched me while I ate. When I was done I got up and walked off like I'd forgotten he asked. Yet another guy asked for my photo while I was outside the ladies room putting bits of my cosplay back on. This happened to piss off my husband who yelled "SHE'S NOT READY DAMMIT" and the guy snapped a pic anyways and walked away.

>> No.8442018

>To all male allies: Fuck you too. You are desperate and disgusting and I for one will never EVER EVER sleep with one of you.
i need feminism because people like you assume that my being male and being polite towards a woman means i want to have sex with her.

thanks for perpetuating the stereotype of the horny man-ape, patriarchy supporter.

>> No.8442020


I love this, your sense of worth is measured by your ability to put out

Way to go

>> No.8442022

>Spelling impromptu wrong

>> No.8442023

legions of SJWs are into fujoshit because they devalue female sexuality and would rather pour their emotions into their mythologized version of gay men than contemplate the fucked up dynamic between straight men and women.

it's internalized misogyny and ass-backwards feminism.

>> No.8442029
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>> No.8442032


Not that anon, but way to move that goalpost, you twat waffle

>> No.8442034

>Internalized misogyny
You're part of the problem too if you actually believe that

>> No.8442042

Overly sexual slut cosplay of a normal non-slutty character.

>> No.8442043

>i need therapy because


>> No.8442052

This isn't a vent thread, actually. We had a vent thread awhile ago, haven't seen it in the catalog but I'm sure there is one.
This is a pet peeve thread you've now derailed with your silly opinion.

>> No.8442061

Haha, that's fucking great.

I don't know about your animu sounding characters but my boyfriend cosplays Boba Fett and without realistic looking guns, I think it kills the cosplay. Any time I even had a fake gun with an orange tip, I painted over it, or cut it off.

Like, I'm sorry our country can't figure things out, but I'm gonna do what I want, without being stupid about it. Like I never brought my fake gun out in public and waved it around like a god damn retard asking to get shot by cops.

But it's a fucking con.

>> No.8442068

>Dude then sat down right across from me and fucking watched me while I ate.
You didn't say anything? I would have been like "are you gonna watch me eat?? Cause if so I'm leaving.."

>> No.8442104

I was so out of it that day and felt like shit. But you're right- I shoulda still said something.

>> No.8442119

I understand stuff like that is a problem, but remember that a LOT of fanime attendees are young and dumb. Fanime (out of the cons I've attended) has by far the youngest demographic I've seen.
Comic cons tend to have an older crowd, but anime cons attract people in their young teens who are stupid enough to do shit like that to seem edgy and 3cool5me. I saw a kid point his prop gun at an off duty police officer who was having lunch at a restaurant this year. It's a flat out stupid thing to do; anyone with an ounce of sense could figure that out, but a lot of people don't have common sense.

It's a shame the US can't fucking figure out its gun control laws and shit which ends up with pointless laws like this.

srry for the long rant-y post

>> No.8442193

>I saw a kid point his prop gun at an off duty police officer
How did that end?

>> No.8442250

He was like 13 or 14, definitely early teens, and the gun was obviously matte plastic so the cop just told him to put it down and to not do it again.
He didn't even put his sandwich down the entire time he was talking to the kid.

>> No.8442445

>posts in group after con
>"Anyone got photo of me as this guy from rvb?"
>"Didn't know you were meant to be him it's the wrong weapon thought you were just a halo guy."
>"Not really the wrong weapon. Who were you on that day?"
>"Oh i was casual griff! Didn't have a helmet though."
>"How was I meant to recognise you if you weren't dressed as him?"
>*spouts a fan fiction and supplies mspaint photos*

>> No.8442510



>> No.8442518
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>God tier cosplayers being rude to lower tier cosplayers
>Vice versa, shit tier cosplayers getting angry at god tier cosplayers for getting a lot of attention
>Con creepers
>Fake goods (like nendoroids/figmas etc) being sold to unsuspecting people
>Loud groups of cosplayers (I'm looking at you, Homestucks)
>stupid variations of characters as a few people have mentioned here

Also I find overdone cosplays kinda annoying but I can't really say much seen as I cosplay Ryuko from KLK so I'd be a hypocrite if I listed that one.

>> No.8442519

Glad to hear it wasn't a "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" situation. It really pisses me off when this shit ends poorly.

>the gun was obviously matte plastic
So are a lot of real guns.

>early teens
I've lived in some neighborhoods where young teens are the main demographic you need to be on edge about--they feel they have something to prove and they don't have a gang keeping them in line.

>> No.8442744
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>Fake goods (like nendoroids/figmas etc) being sold to unsuspecting people
Fuck I hate this
I feel so bad for all the people who are "scared" of shopping on the internet or whatever and buys that overpriced junk

>> No.8442815


Posted before will post again

>buy rainbow dash plush for sister at local con
>gives bagged present to her next day
>Plush has a anal cavity

Fuck bronies and their weird ass shit.

>> No.8442824

I report this. Many cons ban fakes from their dealer room. It's in the rules and on the dealer contract so the dealers already know better and do it anyway. Just no.

>> No.8442859

If it's a plush , could it not be like a puppet? For your hand to go in and maybe not your dick?

>> No.8442860

it's a brony fucktoy

>> No.8442861

hope you feel better

>> No.8442868

Those people who act in character the entire time. Like L cosplayers looking like deranged hobos who walked in. I can see sitting like him for a photo, but no one wants stank feet on the hotel couches. In addition, those people who act like dolls and don't interact with anyone but move around in groups to show off like models on display.

>cosplayers attempting horror characters purely to "scare" others
I'm a huge babby and I honestly hate/love this. Hate it because I'm like one of those red pandas. Love it because it's well done it can actually be cool.

There's a hallway at a hotel I frequent that has a little space for I think a power box where you can't see what's around the corners on either sides. So far I've seen a stock still Slenderman (when there was only 1 game out) who was really tall and a girl who I didn't know who she was cosplaying, but she was also dead still and in a rather uncomfortable position without so much as an eye twitch when people walked by. Walked by again some time later and she was in a different position. Still perfectly still and quite scary.

>> No.8442928
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Holy fucking shit

>> No.8442948

>anal cavity
>fucking shit
...I'm not amused.

>> No.8442964

>fake goods

This is my no. 1 pet peeve, honestly. It's really not fair to inexperienced buyers. They're technically not allowed at my local con, but sellers always do it anyway. We have a good system where people warn people of stalls selling bootlegs in several facebook groups, but I feel sorry for people who are new to the scene and out of the loop. They're usually kids too.

>> No.8443008

Actually a lot of fujoshit are into it because a fictional relationship between two males usually denotes a more equal relationship over a male and a female. It's more of internalized frustration over their lot in life with how women are usually viewed in a relationship. Or something, my psych friend did a study on it once but I wasn't really listening

Honestly, two dudes together are hot. The end.

>> No.8443101

Yeah, it's so sad. I've looked at a lot of 'how to spot bootleg figures' on youtube and most of them say that the way they obtained the boot was through a con they went to when they were young.
It's worse that the bootleggers are getting better too, it's becoming harder and harder to differentiate a legit figure from a fake one without taking it out of the box.
Thats the number 1 thing I always do now, ask to see it out of the box to inspect it for a shitty paint job, that sort of stuff.

>> No.8443109

Something that should never be sexy being sexed up, ''sexy female!Garrosh Hellscream'' and the like

>> No.8443146

I hate people who stand around in groups clogging up walking space. Go find a wider area to chill in.

>> No.8443197
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You are a wonderful human being and my respect for you is immense.

>> No.8443209

Yeah that's why I said attempted. So far I've seen people throw contacts and blood on them and then grab people while screaming or howling. I was more worried the scarer would get punched in the face or something.

>> No.8443243

Do you really run into a lot of elite cosplayers being dicks to newbs?

I only ask because on many occasions I've asked what someone's armor is made of and they either ignore me or they're super guarded and standoffish. Usually i was out of costume so they might assume I'm a normfag or wouldn't be skilled enough to understand.

That being said I've had plenty who were willing to talk

>> No.8443261

I hate hotel roommates who insist on waking up at an extremely early hour every morning. I could understand wanting to get up around 8:00 or so, but not fucking 5:00 in the morning.

There's a girl I've been stuck rooming with at the past several cons I've been to who does this. She's a gurl gamer and likes to show off her Zelda ringtones while she's at it, so we're stuck listening to this at 5AM:
Which I thought would be cool at first, but it scares the shit out of me every time. Makes me want to smash her phone.

>> No.8443283

Yeah, it's just stuff like that like what you mentioned. Just being unwilling to help less experienced costumers. It's not like it's their job to help out younger/less experienced cosplayers but it still comes across as dickish to not at least entertain them a little.
I think they are few and far between though, I've met more that are more willing to answer questions.

>> No.8443294

Sorry I should've clarified I meant "obviously plastic" i.e. it's obviously light and hollow on the inside after seeing it for a couple seconds.
However, if it was on the streets, I don't think a cop would've taken the time to look.

A lot of kids do stupid things. Most adults can and will handle prop guns responsibly, but I think the Fanime rule mostly targets kids like that one.

>> No.8443351

I often ask people who do work like that how many people get attacked back or stabbed. They admit it happens sometimes. They don't deserve that since it's their job and the people who go should expect it. But if a con goer gets judo flipped or punched in the throat I'm gonna be amused.

Save up and room solo. If she asks why then just tell her you want to get up at your own speed with no interruptions or loud ringtones.

>> No.8443365

Giv' 'er ur diq m8

Once things are awkward she'll leave you

>> No.8443376

Has anyone here actually talked to Vera Baby in real life? Just wondering what she's like as a person.

>> No.8443406

earplugs or earphones may save your sanity

>> No.8443496

people cosplaying as a crossover of anything and getting upset when no one wants their photo because no one recognizes them

>> No.8443529
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All you need is a camera. She's not required to talk, it's not her job to.

>> No.8443532

The shirt is latex???

Trying way too damn hard.

>> No.8443714

She looks like she's done porn sometime in her life. Tattoos aren't helping.

>> No.8443743

>I just really love the character

>> No.8443817

Why does she look so unhappy? Im assuming she is doing this for fun?

>> No.8443835

I did not talk to her myself, however, to her credit from what I saw when I was about 2' away from her booth at NYCC last year, she's probably a decent enough person.

An older gentlemen actually collapsed literally at her booth and convention security had to be called. They were asking him if he was okay to get up, and she was offering him power bars and water and whatnot. She did seem legitimately concerned.

If I recall after a bit, they helped him up, and he was okay to walk away.

I can't say what she's like in regards to other cosplayers and community wise, but she did concern herself with this man when she probably didn't have to since security was with him also.

>> No.8443841

I would also like to add, this is the same area it happened in, I remember the grey beams. She was in a different costume, though. I don't remember the character, but it was a yellow and black getup with a short black wig.

>> No.8443883

yeah she used to cam whore

>> No.8443979
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>she is doing this for fun

>> No.8443982

As a vendor who makes a living selling real figures, bootlegs and replicas make our lives hell.
Nothings worse than some smug kid walking by the booth telling everyone how they saw the exact same nendo for $20 and how we're ripping people off, only for me to go check it out and see that it's an obvious bootleg.
My other number one pet peeve is people who don't know anything about figures asking why our "toys" are so expensive, and then trying to offer $10 for a $50 figma because they feel it's the right price for an "action figure".

>> No.8443987

are.... her boobs going to be okay? some people need to accept the fact that they do not have boobs.

>> No.8444047
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>and then trying to offer $10 for a $50 figma because they feel it's the right price for an "action figure"
Oh lord I would go crazy if I would have to put up with that
Like I would seriously be a total bitch towards anyone who acted like that
I'm impressed by your courage brave anon

>> No.8444048



I also hate people who say than con stuff is "overpriced" when online is cheaper because 1) they don't have other expenses 2) they most likely don't pay import taxes 3) you are not paying for shipping.

>> No.8444068

To be fair this means very little to a customer. When you shop for something you want the best deal. I understand not giving deep discounts on stuff but I saw people selling things for double the retail cost at AZ - this shit makes me so salty.

>> No.8444081


It's not even double price. I have had people chew me out for a $10 price difference and all I can think is "do you asshole realize that's what you would pay for shipping?".

Also, customs are a nightmare over here regarding time - you are also paying for not having to wait more than a month and a half for your stuff.

>> No.8444129

>it's not even double price
Yes, I was bringing up a different issue that I find upsetting as a customer. People need to calm down, but there are vendors who grossly overprice.

>> No.8444157

yeah double cost is shitty. at the same time lowballing people is insulting.

I used to build gaming rigs for a large group of friends, and occasionally we would end up with an extra mid-high end computer that we would have to offload somehow. people (especially teens, which i suspect has some overlap with the con crowd) would often throw out an absolutely insulting price that wouldn't even cover 30% of the parts cost (no you are not going to get a quad core SLI-GPU rig that can play Battlefield/Crysis on max settings for $300, kid).

at least we had the option to flat say no and stop dealing with them.

tl;dr there are shitty vendors and shitty people, i've been on both ends

>> No.8444173

Another pet peeve I thought of, as a customer:
People who take sell shitty taobao wholesale items and triple the cost, and claim that they made it just because they turned it into a keychain.
Person you're replying to, SERIOUSLY. Everything from my booth is imported from Japan. and people don't understand just how expensive that is.
You have to deal with some pretty dense people when you work in a vendors hall.
The 2nd most irritating are people who will buy blind boxes and then throw huge tantrums when they can't return it after not getting the one they want.

>> No.8444178

also thank you!

>> No.8444204

I do horror cosplay nearly exclusively, mostly from games. My major pet peeve is all the people who think it's hilarious to come up to me and ask me to scare their friends like I'm a haunted house worker, then complain when I say no. No, I won't get out of line for this panel because you want me to jump out of a corner at your friend, and I don't care how big of a tantrum you throw. If you want photos, okay; if you want me to pose, okay. But I'm a paying guest at an event and I'm not going to drop everything to scare people.

Other peeve is people grabbing my prosthetics--I do a few characters like the FF Blinded Maiden that have prosthetics, and for whatever reason, I've had three people are different events pull on or try to remove my prosthetic because they wanted to see if it was real/if it would come off.

(I also hate people bringing young kids to cons, especially horror cons, but part of why I hate that is that I feel obligated to act silly or make it obvious I'm wearing a costume so I don't scare the shit out of some kindergartener. Leave your kids at home.)

>> No.8444298

When people do like one cosplay and then keep posting it again and again and again
This is probably most common with Harley Quinn Cosplayers
>does one meh tier Harley cosplay
>posts 20+ picture of that cosplay
>posts pictures out of cosplay trying to look like Harley
"I'm basically Harley lol"
>names account after Harley
>does 4 other cosplays, all Harley related
>tries to make a slutty character slutty in anyway possible

Just went trough the #harleyquinncosplay tag on IG, my jimmies are so rustled
Just needed to vent about this a little..

>> No.8444395

Women like it because almost all Yaoi mangas on Earth has extreme domination in it but since it's happening to two guys the girl feels "safe."

Similar reason that some people are into snuff films.

>> No.8444423
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Not even. Its just hot. I like seeing hot drawn guys fucking the shit outta each other - I couldn't care less about the other crap. Most of the ones have super vanilla situations anyway ["Oh Kamui sent a text to another man! Woe is me! *Pouts* Oh its his brother? Lol silly me! *Cue butt fucking*"]

(Also, not that anon but...seriously, don't read so much into yaoi. Its not The DaVinci Code.)

>> No.8444435


This, fucking this. I hate having my taste for gay pron / yaoi analyzed when the fact is that it amounts to "straight porn doesn't have enough dicks on the dance floor."

> almost all Yaoi mangas on Earth has extreme domination in it but since it's happening to two guys the girl feels "safe."

lol no, there's quite a good share of fujos who are sick of the "rape is love" trope, me included. Consensual domination is perfect, though.

>> No.8444452

>people bringing their children to horror conventions
Fucking triggered

>> No.8444454

Sorry for OT but what do you think would be a good song to wake your roomies up to? I'm going to to room with 3 other people at AX (first con) and we were talking about getting up around the same time so we don't miss out on the day. I think it would be cool to pick a nerdy song since I have an iPhone now but I don't want to be obnoxious. Help?

>> No.8444473


>> No.8444517

I wake up to this every morning:

It's loud enough to keep me up but not obnoxious. It's really motivating and there's something magical about it when it echoes my room in the morning, especially since I've got nice quality speakers.

Hope that's "nerdy" enough for you.

>> No.8444833

She's doing it because it's her only option.

>> No.8444855

Shouldnt this be in the vent thread?

>> No.8444865

>Similar reason that some people are into snuff films
Are you into snuff anon? What a sick faggot.

>> No.8444884
File: 412 KB, 850x472, 8ef8f125b75820d65f84feb89c22a94c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No fucking wonder I can't get a boyfriend that isn't a normalfag all the decent guys who are both /a/ and /fit/ automatically assume I'm a fucking tumblr feminist wackjob.

mfw you think those are actually good places to pick up the men. Love yourself, anon.

>blames literally everyone else other than yourself for clearly being a female bottomfeeder bitch
>can't even use basic communication to say "i don't like feminism" to men you're interested in
>fuk u tumblr and male feminists for making me single !!
>It's Your Fault I'm Not Popular!

>> No.8445167

>guys all liked her

>> No.8445175

seems pretty reasonable to me honestly. how hard is it to just talk to people? wait...nvm i realize where i am.
why can't people just not suck?

>> No.8445194
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People who will just walkup and nit pick your costume.
>Dressed as the Great Saiyaman from DBZ
>Standing in line to play Taiko Drum Master
>scrawny ass nerd dude in glasses walks up to me, looks my costume up and down and then points out some discrepancies with my helmet
>I just stand there in awe and confusion since i'm super deaf while wearing the helmet.
Like really though? At least i gave it a try, most Saiyaman costumes i've seen in person have been the bandana with sunglasses.

the costume in question in the pic.

>> No.8445209

you should have done some poses then flipped him off

>> No.8445213

Dude, I love that helmet.

>> No.8445216

Dear Homura-anon.
I like Madokers magica too.

Let's talk.

>> No.8445248

I dislike people immensely like this. Bonus points if they don't actively craft. It's just so rude. Your cosplay looks really good!

But one pet peeve of mine is matching groups. If they're all meant to match (same pattern) then either one person sews it and the group pays or share the pattern around? Probably absolute nitpicking but Sailor scouts are the easiest example to notice when a member or two did theirs on their own without referencing the group's work.

>> No.8445255

I fucking hat nitpickers. Like sorry, but no cosplay is ever perfect. There's always that one person that thinks you should've chose a different material, or the color of something is different in screenshots and so on. I've had friends do it to me, but if a stranger did it, I'd be pretty bitchy.

Helm looks really cool though, anon!

>> No.8445287
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>tfw reverse
>person cosplaying the same character is a mess
>they admit they're a mess in comparison to me
>can't bring myself to agree
I feel bad for not giving them critique but I feel even worse for trying to give them an "A for effort" pep talk when their effort was so minimal. I'm no pro cosplayer, I buy everything off Amazon/ebay/local beauty supplys. So I know there had to be little to no effort if they couldn't pull it off.

Talking is hard.

>> No.8445317

As the biggest DBZ fan ever I would have knocked him in his balls for you and asked for a picture with you. N-no homo.

>> No.8445422

>pic not related

OP's got jokes

>> No.8445428

I hate the tumblr mentality too, but you're in crazy-person town and need to check yourself in.

>> No.8446378

Dude she's disgusting.

>> No.8446877

Only if you pose

>> No.8446919

They essentially fucked over any cosplay that is military looking. Like Resident Evil, or to a lesser extent Metal Gear (those costumes don't always rely on weapon props like RE though)

>> No.8447478

>Wanting an /a/ boyfriend

But they only like cartoon little girls.

>> No.8447580

>nitpicking costumes
fucking really?
even if someone's looked like absolute shit and I have to ask what the fuck it's supposed to be, I don't pick at anything
/tg/'s sticky rules are always in my head at a con

>> No.8447879


For real though feminisim and politics needs to be kept out.

>> No.8448098


As a normalfag guy, I just ignore the sjw craze. None of the people that are into it are really the type of person I want to associate with anyway. I agree its pretty stupid, but dont let it get to you. If you are friendly you will meet a normal guy that doesnt make assumptions on sight.

Ive never heard the term 'ally' before but I know exactly the type you're referring to.

I dont cosplay, go to cons, watch anime, or play video games. I just like to come by /cgl/ now and then to check out the costumes.

>> No.8448107

It's one thing to bitch about people's costumes online, but bitching to them in person is so rude and completely lacks in social graces. You can ignore shit online, but it's hard to get away from a person who is hassling you in real life.

>> No.8448229


>wanting an /a/ bf

Have you actually been to /a/? I like anime, but those guys are worse than fucking 9gag. It's like extra chromosomes are handed out on your 5th visit like a rewards program.

I'm sorta right wing, but I think I could get along better with tumblr people than I could with /a/ fudge packers.

>> No.8448405

Shame no fujoshi likes blacks

>> No.8448773

Tumblr SJW shit leaking onto con schedules.

"Transphobia in Anime and Gaming"
"Strong Black Females in Anime"
"Homophobia in (XYZ fandom)"

Seriously, fuck that shit. It's destroying conventions. It's always run by the same type of financially privileged white teenage and college girls who not only don't watch any (decent) anime, but they're usually completely Ameri-centric and ignorant of Japanese culture.

Of course, conventions can't just ban them because that would look like discrimination. Yet, ironically, these panels usually consist of 50 minutes of precious schedule time wasted talking about the evils of cishet white men.

I'm quitting anime cons soon because I'm just completely fed up with that shit. I go to anime cons to talk about anime, not hear about your ignorant political opinions that are really just being used to mask your personal insecurities and get you attention. Cons shouldn't be your personal hugbox/soapbox, but unfortunately, they've become that, and every year, they just get worse and worse and no one does anything about it. Fuck the high school drama.

>> No.8448779

>Fuck the high school drama.
>quits because people are saying annoying things
>too entitled to create a solution or god forbid run a panel

>> No.8448784

>tried to run a panel
>no one was interested

>> No.8448786

What's your solution?

>> No.8448837

what was it about?

>> No.8448971

>usually completely Ameri-centric

holy shit, this. I've been called out for having "-phobic" or "-ist" opinions when those people don't realize that all the world doesn't work like the USA.

Even worse when the discussion is about "representation in X" and if you say you are part of Y group and don't mind, then you must have some interlized problem.

>> No.8449038

I'd actually like to see some panels about brown folks in anime...I like seeing people that are similar to me in different cultures - always nice to see how it's handled and whatnot.

>> No.8449086

or you could, y'know just watch anime with brown people in em. It's not even that rare anymore
Michiko even has a dub now. It doesnt deserve panels about it.

>> No.8449090

It's all too strange when they're running a panel on a JAPANESE topic and all the views they present are completely centred around American culture and their criticisms of it.

>> No.8449093

You could even just google "black anime characters" or "brown anime characters".

>> No.8449098

Or you know, we could have a panel since it doesn't hurt anyone if we do. I may know of shows that feature that but it doesn't hurt to find out more and meet interesting people.

Maybe this only pertains to the cons I go to (Midwest area) but we don't have very many panels anyway. It wouldn't hurt anyone to add something like that. People that freak out over anything they consider "tumblr" cause more problems complaining and need to just calm down.

>> No.8449115

My favourite people will always be the fujoshits who say they are crazy about yaoi because "muh LGBT representation" instead of "muh masturbation"... yet they can't name a single yuri anime without consulting google.

Then, they create panels like "LGBT Representation in Animu"... which end up failing big time because they've never heard of half of the shows people want to discuss. It's all are really centred around them being too insecure and sexually repressed to admit that they just like having something to flick their clits to.

>> No.8449120

If this has nothing to do with tumblr, then how come you never saw panels like "Patriarchy in Fandom" before tumblr became a big thing?

>> No.8449127

I don't know what cons you've been going to but I have seen them. It was a big thing before and apparently still is. Sorry you think tumblr is ruining your world but stuff like that has happened before and will even when tumblr isn't big anymore (whenever that may be).

>> No.8449131

It does hurt someone: the people who want a spot on the schedule to talk about some anime that has a small fandom, but can't get one because tumblr trash stole the spot.

I'd rather see a panel on some show that had black characters (like Michiko), and include some discussion in it on how race was portrayed and how other anime compare.

>> No.8449147

I've been attending cons for 10+ years, and social justice panels were pretty much non-existent until tumblr became the "in" thing. Maybe it is because, back then, conventions weren't full of teenagers and attention whores.

>> No.8449183

I could see that if your cons are first come first serve - as some of them are - but a lot are given rooms and time because they had good talking points or whatever/a reasonably good panel rundown or are bound to have people show up and bring people in. Obviously the people who are wanting to run these "better" panels should get their act together.

Either way, its nice to see all inclusive panels as opposed to just one. I know about Michiko, what reason do I have for going? If there's more than one thing talked about, more people would show up.

As have I and teens and such have always been around. What world do you live in that they don't show up? I've never had a patriarchy panel but we did occasionally have feminism in -insert anime title- and differential views type things.

>> No.8449203

The world is called "the pre-Narutard era". Anime cons used to be mostly 20+ college and uni students, and teenagers were the minority. There were still flaws back then, but at least those flaws didn't revolve around teenagers projecting their insecurities everywhere you looked.

And, those days, on the odd occasion when there were topics like "Gender in [anime xyz]", they were run by people who actually understood Japanese culture and didn't spend the hour bitching about how they're repressed by white cishet men.

>> No.8449209

>back then, conventions weren't full of teenagers and attention whores.

i have been going to cons since 2004 and there have always been teenagers and attention whores. the number of social justice panels has definitely increased, but even my first rinky-dink con had an LGBT panel.

don't blame the incrrase on a demographic that has been at the heart of cons for a long, long time.

>> No.8449213

You mean "the heart of anime cons". Comic cons are still mostly adults.

>> No.8449314


this as well.

"why aren't anime/videogames more diverse"?

huh, because japanese society is pretty homogenized?

>> No.8449342

>they were run by people who actually understood Japanese culture

In my opinion, the best panels are either those or run by people who have some kind of legitimate studies in the matter. Back when I was in college there were some pretty damn good thesis about asian studies from social sciences people, and I wouldn't mind an anime panel on those lines.

>> No.8449390

But anon, didn't you know that Japan is a holy land that's full of catgirls, yaoi, manga, idols, Totoro, and kawaii things?

>> No.8449435

do comic cons even have panels that aren't "Meet a celebrity" or "Learn from the experts"? never been to a comic con that accepted panel submissions from congoers.

>> No.8449534
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Con masquerades/cosplay contests where the judges are underqualified/have no idea what the fuck they're doing. It's coming the norm because cons tend to invite cosplay guests based on likes and titties instead of skill.

Sure, people like Nigri and Ivy have appeal and they're fun, but they have no place on a judge's panel. Pic fucking related.

>> No.8449687


>> No.8449702


> sewing on a place

how? pretty sure you can't take needles on a plane.

>> No.8449739

I hate when fat girls cosplay curvy characters (big tits, nice waist, big hips/ass) and think that they're being "accurate". I don't really mind fat cosplayers, but it gets on my nerves when they're so delusional that they think they actually have the same body type as these characters that are not fat.

>> No.8449745

You can. I have handsewn on a plane as well.

>> No.8449753

eg. sonico cosplayers
most landwhales are delusional though

>> No.8449779

white people using makeup tutorials meant for asian eye shapes

>> No.8449796

Fat chicks

>> No.8449833

They're better off cosplaying Pochaco tbh.

>> No.8450429

Exactly. Especially with all the AUs going around tumblr guns for hire

Buy a helmet and wear normalfag clothes kinda close to character's armor color? Totally not lazy rvb cosplay

>> No.8451303

Every white Nozomi cosplayer ever.
Landwhales always either go for Nozomi or Nico.

Depends on the person. Either it works ok or it looks like shit. There is no in between.

bring guns anyways.

>> No.8451379

nah, i like it because it's often very much not equal relationships that are fucked up for the sake of being fucked up and not just because one of the partners happens to be a woman and thus naturally inferior.
i can enjoy fucked up hentai too as long as it's clear the domination aspect is caused by the characters personalities and not just their sex. it's just hotter if you actually have a choice.

>> No.8451928

So how about femdom? Men getting fucked in the ass by women with strap-ons or by futa?

Fujoshi forget that that exists.

>> No.8451935

>because one partner happens to be a woman
>forgetting that most yaoi consists of uke who represent the "female" in the relationship and who are usually just negative female stereotypes (dumb doormats with Stockholm's syndrome)

>> No.8451978

i don't care, they're not actually females, so being negative female stereotypes is actually their personality.

what about it? it fits in the fucked up hentai category to me, it's enjoyable when it's well done.

>> No.8451991


What would a quad core SLI-GPU rig that can play Battlefield/Crysis on max settings cost?

>> No.8452057

I love you.

>> No.8452119

Our local con states is not allowed to sell counterfeit goods but they never enforce it because they need the money they get from those bootleg shops as sponsorship.

Whenever the management is asked about this their only response is 'I don't check their goods - the stores have to know themselves' or some thing.

It's a really stupid situation really.

>> No.8452149
File: 999 KB, 500x281, cStxghK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of a bitch about this and it makes me feel really bad but I tend to cheer everyone in costume because there's power in numbers and I've seen cosplay transform many people including myself from shy and awkward to proud and outgoing just from wearing a favourite character. I always always compliment everyone I can recognize for their bravery but I secretly gain massive confidence from seeing super shitty costumes. I want to beat them and be better. And I talk a lot of shit about the extra bad ones.

>> No.8452165

I saw a sociologist do a talk about how there's no leading female roles and powerful women in anime. Everyone seemed to be super impressed and interested.

By the name of the moon, fuck your shit.

>> No.8452187


there's a diference between a talk given by a sociologist and a talk given by tumblr teens.

>> No.8452394

Which is exactly what I was trying to say all along.

Someone with a degree and qualifications has a chance of putting on a good panel because they know what they're talking about and actually know Japanese culture.

Tumblr teens, on the other hand, have no qualifications and keep their panels completely Ameri-centric even though they're talking about media made by and for consumption by Japanese people. It's also really just a thinly veiled way to voice their personal insecurities.

>> No.8452402

Yet, those uke were written based around the those female stereotypes because they're made to represent the "girl" in the relationship. They don't just happen to have those personality traits. They're written that way for that reason.

>> No.8452594

That's a good thing to know for when I go to future cons, thank you

>> No.8452617

I bought a fucking lego batman for 20$ and he is just a fucking knock off with a broken hand. Like they molded the FUCKING thing to make money.

>> No.8453163

i'm imagining the crouched running in place but then just giving the double bird suddenly at the same time.

>> No.8453207

This! You don't even have to look at cons, just look at Tumblr itself!

They sent death threats to a Japanese trans woman who said that Chihiro from Dangan Ronpa isn't trans and that him dressing in feminine clothes is pushing boundaries enough.
They chased Mogeko (the artist of Wadanohara) off by sending them nasty messages including death threats.
They repeatedly ignore Japanese people saying that magical girls aren't empowering, but rather shove young girls into strict gender roles.
All of their animu uwu empowerment and headcanons are 100% ameri-centric.

Also I'm really annoyed by the Tumblr weebs who think that SNK the game company should get out of the snk tag.
SNK has been around since the 80's, bitch. Get your weeb ass out of that tag and search "Attack on Titan" instead.

>> No.8453220

haha you fucking crazy man

>> No.8453266


What, has he never seen Ghost in the Shell?
Any older Magical Girl Anime? Jojo Part 5? Mirai Nikki (depending on whether they factor "self-serving independence" as a necessary factor of strength)? Baccano? Dennou Coil? Any Miyazaki movie with a female protagonist, which is... wait, almost all of them, isn't it?

This isn't even anything comprehensive, this is just all of the shit I can think up off the top of my head.

It's not like sociologists are real scientists, but I'd like to see a recording or transcription of the presentation, to see what exactly he's talking about.

>> No.8453276



You can order an official Batman minifig in a set with a bunch of other stuff for like 10 bucks, why would you ever buy that?

There are like 4-5 different sets with Batman minifigs.

>> No.8453300

since i don't automatically associate those stereotypes with being a girl, i don't necessarilly care if the author does. call it delusion if you want, but i don't think it's exactly that.

by the way, i don't think you've read that much yaoi, there is a lot of stereotypical stuff that just model itself on the saddest hetero relationship, that's right, but there are also a lot of other stuff where it's obviously not the main concern of the mangaka. i personaly think yaoi is sometimes a way for women authors to write about weird psychological stuff they wouldn't feel confortable writing about in mature shojo for a number of societal reason.

>> No.8453427

>be tall, attractive, /fit/, stylish man who likes cosplaying nerdy girls (actually nerdy, not the attention whore nerds)
>actually 200% /pol/ "race war/happening any day now" inside
>talk to girls that first appear nice
>actually turn out to be tumblr-tier SJW marxists
>smile externally
>rage internally
>when they reveal themselves as SJW marxists, I just scare them off by calmly discussing my opinions with them

>> No.8453430

I always suspected Giorno was a woman.

>> No.8453535

When I paid extra to see great cosplay at the masquerade and these fucktards are taking goddamn selfies on stage. Showmanship, ffs, get some.

>> No.8453772

Except her knowledge of anime and japanese culture both seemed very shallow backed up by the fact that she only listed 'damsel in distress' type of animes.
I'm pretty sure she has tumblr, too. Everything about her presentation sadly made me doubt her degree

>> No.8454143

Depends what exactly is being put into SLI.

Just the graphics cards can be 1000+ USD

>> No.8454159

not to go all ~sociology~ but this is literally the concept behind the masquerade, its a well known sociological phenomena.

>> No.8454162

Stone Ocean is part 6.
Part 5 is Vento Aureo (Buccellati's gang)

>> No.8454164

just letting you know, a lot of us goverment employes are enjoying you all being put on watch lists now.

>> No.8454641


>> No.8454659

>tfw I cosplayed as Daru from Steins;Gate last year and was told I am not really cosplaying because my costume was too simple

>> No.8454730


>> No.8454759

Sometimes I think the Deadpools can be funny. While waiting in line for Otakon tickets a couple of years ago I heard a shit ton of cheering and laughter and on the balcony there were a bunch of Deadpools losing their shit over Freakazoid. It was cute.

Some of them just never know when to quit their shit. I'm sorry you're not actually a super powered cancer victim, let it fucking go.

>> No.8454869

Well quad sli with 750 tis would be sufficient for maxing out BF3 and Crysis 1. You could run a decent passively cooled setup if you went for the kalmx variants too.

>> No.8454877

I was thinking of cosplaying watashi from the tatami galaxy but people will just think I'm wearing normal clothes...

>> No.8454929


Some, sure.

The thing about Deadpools though is that a lot of people who cosplay as Deadpool thinks it gives them license to do whatever the fuck they want, even if their costume is really shitty. The quality of the humor is directly reliant on the sense of humor of the person in the suit, and so a lot of times it's just dreariliy unfunny, annoying shit, or pandering garbage where they rehash tired memes.

It's basically like the new generation of guys wearing Guy Fawkes masks and shouting memes at people, except they might also fuck with your costume, prank you, ruin your photo shoots, or literally molest you.

>> No.8455334

>It's basically like the new generation of guys wearing Guy Fawkes masks and shouting memes at people
Happened at a con recently actually.
>Le Shaia DO IT meme so fanny XDDD

>> No.8455357

Oh no, I absolutely get that. There's also so many Deadpools and dudes in spandex or form fitting shit that don't wear any sort of dancer's cup underneath or anything and you can see like every outline of every vein on their dick to the point where I'm not even sure that some of them wear underwear.

It's creepy. Stop that shit.

>> No.8455901

>Deadpool cosplays
>Staff volunteers (are they all on some goddamn power trip? )
>Stenchy odors
>Cosplay whores blocking walkways

>> No.8456177
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>be in 18+ panel
>everyone acts 14
I especially hate it when I'm behind someone incapable of sitting still and they flail their arms and wont stop screaming. This happens near every 18+ event I go to. Or if there's no spazzing out people just shout things an 8th grader would say. I'd know because I remember the kids in my class yelling similar things.

>> No.8456199
File: 248 KB, 543x405, 1376077900427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male cosplayers who can't/don't do makeup
If you're putting in the time, money, and effort for a cosplay, can't you at least look up and practice some makeup tutorials? I know not all men have much experience with makeup, but at least fucking try.
I'm just tired of seeing my favorite characters look sleep deprived with 5 o'clock shadow and caterpillar eyebrows.

>> No.8456216

Asked for advice on this in the wig thread, but this for wigs.

I'm trying to push my friends into the right direction when it comes to wigs and general quality, but they're firmly rooted to what they think is fine. I can't blame them since /cgl/ poisoned me. But I don't want my friends to end up in a bad cosplay thread. Also, I don't want to pressure them to much and I come off as a huge nag.

I-I just want them to look pretty.

>> No.8456350


Seriously, even just some foundation to take the shine off your face instantly elevates any cosplay by miles.

No-one's expecting you to learn how to contour or shit like that, just make you look a little more photogenic.

>> No.8456359

Sit in front, wear gothic lolita, turn and glare at anyone loud. It will put a damper on the panel though, trust me. But sometimes that's ok.

>> No.8456372

>fat girls
>pro cosplayers

>> No.8456530

There are NO good make up tutorials for men.
Either they end up looking like adam lambert or they have a 10/10 face already.

>> No.8456600

>eyebrows don't match wig

>> No.8456613

>People and groups of people who stop on their tracks to ponder about whatever while walking in a crowded, narrow corridor, blocking it entirely
>People who sit in stairs
>Con staff who don't have basic human communicating skills but instead yell and bitch at congoers
>People who hog the only mirror in dressing rooms for two hours
>People who stay at the dressing rooms to gossip and hang around

>Just recently while playing my favorite anime mmo guys from my guild were talking about how they would never date a fujoshi because "all of them are feminists and we don't want to be accused of rape for just asking them out". AND YOU KNOW WHAT I WANTED TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I FUCKING COULDN'T. I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING BLAME THEM. No fucking wonder I can't get a boyfriend that isn't a normalfag all the decent guys who are both /a/ and /fit/ automatically assume I'm a fucking tumblr feminist wackjob.

Muh soul sista.

I'm a woman in tech, the only woman present at my workplace, and thanks to all these SJW nutjobs guys are afraid of talking casually with me because they're scared that one "misogynistic" peep out of them and I'm taking it to the social media and getting their asses fired. Like that case from Pycon, some guy in the audience made a really innocent dick joke to his friend next to him and some psycho bitch heard it, took his picture and posted it online talking about the ~rampant misogyny~ she experienced and the guy, a father and a husband supporting his family, got fired.

And due to working in a male-dominated field I have a lot of decent male friends that are just as dear to me as my female friends, and I fucking hate hearing from the tumblrite sjws about how every man is essentially responsible for anything bad that happen to women and women themselves don't have to take responsibility for anything. Bitch I've experienced more harassment at conventions from batshit female congoers than male.

>> No.8456752

Are you angry?

I host a panel about sexuality in the geek scene and regularly get packed ballrooms and the like.

mad someone didnt attend your "LOLITA RULES AND REGULATIONS" panel?

>> No.8456834

Jesus motherfucking christ this. They blatantly evaluate the Japanese culture anime usually represents by American standards and think the whole fucking world works like the US. For example, some pink magical girl series is ~sexist~ because it applies ~traditional sexist gender roles by associating cute and girly things with females~. No, fuck you you uneducated pieces of shit, the kawaii culture was a fucking empowering counter movement against the traditional silent perfect nadeshiko female roles young girls were supposed to follow. It was started by school girls adding cute things to their handwriting and getting in trouble for being unladylike. Sometimes those cunts bitch about lolita being about girls pandering to pedophiles while in all actuality it's the opposite, the original Japanese lolita fashion is hated by men which is why the girls want to rebel and dress up in it. They don't give a shit what men think.

But no, the whole world has the same cultural history and ideals as the USA.

Actually the SJWs act like they hate yaoi because it's "objectifying gay men" and "has unrealistic settings" (because two unrealistic, pretty guys fucking is really serious business right) so they make their own shitty comics which are pretty much some ridiculous shit with grown men acting like 15-year old girls. But it's made by a gay asexual demiromantic nonbinary genderfluid unicorn, so it's totes the best and most accurate thing ever!

>> No.8457404

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzipAd7txvE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD742GZaLWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfrhZ8Jm2bk

>> No.8457439

>Bitch I've experienced more harassment at conventions from batshit female congoers than male.

Stories please.

>> No.8457442


Glorious. Continue being you. Screw the emotional ones. Have fun, enjoy shit and don't take it too seriously. Rock on.

>> No.8457548
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>a gay asexual demiromantic nonbinary genderfluid unicorn

i lol'd so hard. you are the best.

>> No.8457674

>Deadpool cosplays
oh god I hate these people. they are that one guy in drama class who took it way too serious and also wanted to be centre stage.

>> No.8457679

worse than that
>skinny male cosplayers
just buy a set of weights and do some basic exercises at least. Really 80% of male characters you want to be getting in proper shape for

>> No.8458580

people who are so fucking cheap that they have to get everything handmade because the original is expensive

like this one girl asks where she can get a seifuku - and then everyone tells her to get one commissioned. Bitch, please, a regular seifuku is $50 at most.

This is why their sorry asses look so ugly at cons.

>> No.8458864

That middle dude has the angriest cheek bones I've ever seen.

>> No.8458875

For comics? Yeah. But most anime guys are sticks. Especially clamp guys.

>> No.8459035

Why is she dressed so badly? Her breasts look suffocated. Do men actually find this sexy? She looks trashy and disgusting.

>> No.8459082

eyy baybay, ill be yo boyfriend, NIIIIIIGGAAAAA!

>> No.8459847

That still depends. If you are just Joe Harem then you can probably get away with it, you'll just look like shit anyway. Any shonen or other action you want some muscle at least

Plus it helps with stuff like skeleton face that you see with a lot of people

>> No.8460393

I don't normally see highlighting makeup at stores like Rite Aid, Walmart or Target. Is there a substitution to this?

Currently I use a darker foundation for the shadows but what about the actual highlights?

>> No.8460405
File: 69 KB, 900x675, tavros_horns_commission_by_simple_minded_saul-d4z7w0q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not the cosplayer, but at a con i was at recently, some homestuck thought it would be a fucking great wear horns like this but they were 1m long BOTH SIDES.

Everytime someone wanted to pass them, especially on the on floor, they would tell people to "limbo" under them or be expected to be hit in the face. No. im not going to limbo in my cosplay armor to avoid your shitterly painted Styrofoam horns

>> No.8460411

I have health reasons why I can't exercise much. My arms are messed up and my right ankle can't handle strain.
I am skinny twig if someone says "lose weight fatty" for my health problems.

>> No.8460524

most likely a summoner cosplay, his horns are that big in canon. still doesn't excuse that cosplayer's obnoxiousness

>> No.8460640

>armoured disney princesses
>armoured any character that doesn't actually wear or require armour

>> No.8460813

>It's disney princesses but X
no, no more. It has literally all been done and I am using literally

>> No.8460946

aw shit, i considered this too. i love that anime so much

>> No.8460952

Hey if you're going to Target (or maybe Rite Aid too I dunno) check out NYX makeup. They have a good number of highlighting/contour makeup products available that are pretty decent.

>> No.8460954

also gonna add you can just use a light eyeshadow for highlighting if you're cheap and/or just want to try it out to experiment. it should be maybe 3 shades lighter than your skin or so. similarly you can use a darker eyeshadow for contouring.

>> No.8462031


>It's disney princesses but WWII era tanks

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.8462085

>be gay
>visit a certain con for the first time with a friend (not gay)
>"LGBT Representation in Anime" panel
>Nothing else going on at that time, fuck it
>Panel is run by 3 teenage girls who run slideshows of fanart for their yaoi ships, then take questions and comments on them
>Rolling my eyes, ready to leave
>Friend raises his hand, points out politely that this is entirely different from LGBT representation
>Literally 3/4 of the room turns on him
>"You just don't get it"
>"You're such a homophobe"
>"You're probably not even gay"

>> No.8462103

Ugh that.
A friend of a friend fancies herself a professional cosplayer. (read: 50 followers on her cosplay page)
She keeps cranking out these disney cosplays, and they're all so random xD I can't handle it.

Berserker Pocahontas (which really just comes off as racist)
Genderbent Elsa (read: turquoise skater shorts and t-shirt with chest-binding)

and my personal favorite

Snow White with boxing gloves. Yeah.

>> No.8462138
File: 108 KB, 540x540, 7525_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Snow White with boxing gloves
>implying not the best
It's better than Memepool.

>> No.8462154

Buy them a nice quality wig for their birthday for a cosplay.

Done and done.

>> No.8462231

Pet peeves at cons?
> Photoshoots that turn into disorganized messes
> Attention Whores who start drama with their own friends at cons
> Panels sucking really badly
> Cosplayers who steal from thier fans and make a huge scene at the con about it
> Steven Universe becoming the new Homestuck

>> No.8462350

Pet Peeves?

> Florida
> Cosplayers and Cons from Florida
> Drama from Florida seeping into other cons

>> No.8462373

Drawing lashes under your eyes. I still don't get this.

Someone explain this shit.

>> No.8462382

Me too *hands in the air*

>> No.8462410
File: 573 KB, 1536x1152, 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, anon. I found these two five years ago at fanime and never once seen another Watashi. I've seen a few random Ozus, but I was never able to keep up with them to take a picture.

To stay OT:
>H-hey, kind of obscure cosplay, think I can take a picture of you? I don't see people cosplaying from this series often.
>Gets a snap
>So do you even know what we are? Like, where we are even from?

I never understood why people ask me that in the snottiest tone after I ask for a picture. I would understand, "So, do you like such and such series? Who's your favorite character?" Pic related, actually.

>> No.8462421

I love how you know they're from an obscure cosplay, yet they still feel the need to test your knowledge in the brattiest way possible.

Stupid snoot-givers.

>> No.8462515
File: 206 KB, 1608x2144, DSCF0915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like your cosplay
>"thank you!"
>Can i take a picture?
>*generic common sexy/bored/cute girl pose*
Bonus points if you ask for them to do a specific pose that character does and they have no idea what it is.

>> No.8462615


Deadpool cosplays just reek of unoriginality and attention whoring.

"hey look at me! I can be like deadpool and pop into any other cosplay shot because I'm deadpool! Aren't I funny!"

>> No.8463465

You forgot an expression the character would never wear.

>generic narrowed eyes
>head tilted down smile
>character is stoic/always smiling brightly

This is even worse for people who actually want to cosplay him without that in mind and get the lolsorandumb XD treatment.

>> No.8464153


Daniel Way has a lot to answer for, for absolutely ruining Deadpool as a character.

>> No.8464967

Explain yourself

>> No.8465086

Con funk

10 minutes is all it takes to shower, people.

>> No.8465137

>anime cons
>people cosplaying the following: Western cartoons, Western video games, Western movies, Western television
>panels about the following: Western cartoons, Western video games, Western movies, Western television
>waiting in line for HOURS to get badges and tickets for events

>> No.8465178

Stay mad because I enjoy these things.

But anon they don't have 10 minutes! Don't you understand that they gotta attend 5 panels in a row followed by 3 hours hogging the DDR machine?

I honestly left a panel that I stood in line for like 30 minutes and just barely got in (with about 3 spots available) because the stank was so strong.

>> No.8465439

The modern Deadpool, super silly memester who is the centre of attention and all the cringe which comes from those ideas, is a product of Way. Hence the term Waypool.

>> No.8466014
File: 61 KB, 480x355, 1425292171157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catch train to local con
>Train is full of tons of con-goers, naturally
>The doors open
>But so does the portal to Lucifer's asshole

For me where I live I guess it's the cosplay variety. It's always the same stuff year after year, though this year I saw a girl cosplay Stalk from "Saga" which you don't see every year so props to that bird.

Or least give your costume some 'pep'. All these Attack on Titan cosplays that are just the standard uniform with no 3D Gear. Why not a battle-damaged looking soldier who lost his gear or something? Just looking for creativity.

>> No.8467614

If that Ash is a boy, he got a cute butt.

If she's a girl it's middle-of-the-road.

>> No.8467630

I like scary cosplays. I mean, edgy, bloody versions of cute characters are annoying, but I love seeing Junji Ito characters or whatever.

>> No.8467673

I like yaoi and I also like straight porn where the woman is abused/objectified/dominated. What do you say to that, miss therapist?

>> No.8467686

She cams. Ask her when she's online

>> No.8468694

Go advertise somewhere else whore.

>> No.8469104

Florida really is a shitty place, I hate living here

>> No.8470712


Used? She's on a bunch of sites...

>> No.8470714


>used to

She was online literally 20 minutes ago when I looked

>> No.8470734

When people buy outfits that are way to small and they choose to wear it anyway.

>> No.8470763

You and me both. Let's be friends.

>> No.8471011

yeah ok.

>> No.8471012

go and stay go.

>> No.8471018

Stay salty.

>> No.8471022
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1286519692702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could feel the anger flowing through this post. Stay true grill.


>> No.8471051

>sell shitty taobao wholesale at triple the cost

What is that AA booth at AX selling those godawful weebtrash hats.

I don't have too many peeves, I tend to laugh before I get angry.

>> No.8471181

me too. i also suspect a lot of people are faking angriness for entertainment reasons.

>> No.8471189
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>> No.8471477
File: 966 KB, 200x150, popcorn amusement.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8471552

DDR players go to con panels?

>> No.8471701

>jelly bitches racing to beat other cosplayers with cosplays/groups as a form of revenge or something.

Usually the person/people doing it are jealous, haven't made it aware they are hating on the person they're trying to "beat" so the revenge is moot, or they're just spaghetti pocket weebs who think actually crying "FIRST!" Before a better cosplayer will add to fame. Bonus points if they publically announce this so everyone is aware they're doing it for the wrong reason.

>> No.8471734

>thanks to all these SJW nutjobs guys are afraid of talking casually with me

You can thank HR for that, too. HR's job, despite what employees think, is to protect the COMPANY from lawsuits.

>> No.8474723

Yes men find this sexy. She has a nice body, no denying.

Her bra is too small though and it's making her look like she has back fat.

>> No.8474880

nobody is looking at her back if they are behind her. just saying.