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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 148 KB, 1000x600, irish fleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8437985 No.8437985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Ireland General

C'mon lads, I know we can get to bump limit this time. Let's keep the underaged out of this thread.

>> No.8437990
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Yes. indeed.

>> No.8438012

So someone in the last thread said ArcadeCon was shaping up to be a disaster.

Does anyone have any deets?

>> No.8438027
File: 13 KB, 633x758, TFW nogames.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about cosplay for once?

>> No.8438030

Go to a non-country-specific general if you want to talk about cosplay in a civil manner, we have nothing to offer here.

>> No.8438042
File: 124 KB, 796x640, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about the wham bham double whammy of basic bitch cosplay you'll likely see 20 or more of at Eirtakon this year

>> No.8438047

I wonder what next years big over used cosplay will be.

>> No.8438049

Remember when catwoman was the go to basic costume? Bitches gonna basic but at least they come in at least 3 varieties now.

>> No.8438052

I'm gonna say "sexy" jedi for the comic cons and a resurgence of shitty FF7 costumes for anime cons

>> No.8438302

Does anyone know how Lizard Lady can afford to go to so many cons despite being on disability?

I also heard she has a 2000euro snake

>> No.8438307

I suppose it's not too bad if you don't spend money on much else.

>> No.8438346

She lives with her parents as far as I know.

>> No.8439177

I don't think we should talk about lizard lady. She is mildly annoying because of her disability but she's harmless. Just feels like bullying.

>> No.8439266

I agree, she is actually grand like. She's never done any harm so it feels a fit unfair to slag her. A fuck tone of more autistic people have done far worse like.

>> No.8439286

Who /Brocon/ here?

>> No.8439369

She's done harm to me. She won't fug me ;_;

>> No.8439492

I think these factors are going against it:
1) At €40 it's the most expensive con in Ireland while still being mediocre at best.
2) After paying an increased fee in the door you'll also be expected to pay the guests for their signature. Normally this is free at other cheaper cons.
3) It's way outside city center in Blanch and accommodation is expensive as fuck.
4) Most of the committee are mega douchebags that roll around in the drama. I'm sure there are some nice members, right?
5) It's headed by the ego-meister that is Declan who pockets all the money.
6) The con often advertises to be an anime con but is more a western animation/comic, and gaming con. This isnt a bad thing but a lot of it's attendees expect anime and walk away bored. They need to be more clear.
7) Not a lot to do except hang out with friends if not into gaming.
8) Trade hall is usually one of the worst in the country.
9) Their website looks lazy with no info a few days to the con.

Those are just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.

>> No.8439550

Might as well list what it has going for it too:
1) Declan whores out his gayness and many people go with the misconception they're supporting gay pride. Basically takes advantage of people seeking acceptance to make money. Is he actually gay? I head he's Bi.
2) The exams just ended and weebs looking for pretty much any con to go to.
3) They hype the fuck out their con to bullshit levels.

For now that's it but I'm sure there's more.

>> No.8439556

>3) They hype the fuck out their con to bullshit levels.
Remember that year they were claiming to be the very first 4-day con in Ireland when they added a few hours in a random pub on a Thursday night? Yea, Gaelcon weren't too happy about that.

>> No.8439650

I think it's only Troy Baker who's charging. As for Picardo last year, he always charges for autographs as well as charging an appearance fee.

I've never seen them advertising to be an anime con though

Website is shit though

Most expensive con price I've seen as an Irish con was 50euro, OctoCon had to boost their ticket price because they got George R R Martin a couple of years back.

>> No.8439652

I thought the first time they started doing the Thursday thing it was a burlesque show they put on

>> No.8439655

LOL, check on this Brit con's facebook cover pic

>> No.8439667

Yea, burlesque show, pub quiz and some other lark that amounted up to about 4 hours of stuff.

>> No.8439671

Who cares about Cucklan's sexual orientation? People who make being gay their entire identity should seriously off themselves

>> No.8439677

The same way people who base their entire lives around being a disabled tranny should off themselves too.

>> No.8439687

oh boy

>> No.8439710

Don't forget the sea of grumpy and rude artists in the artist alley.That's always a treat to the eyes.
Oh and all of the horrificly rude staff memebers that outwardly told me to fuck off when i asked where the bathrooms were.
Such lovely people

>> No.8439727

I get Dicklan but what the fuck's a cuck?

Jesus fucking christ, can we go one thread without mentioning that which should not be named?

>> No.8439736

Yeah but Troy Baker doesn't always charge. He wasn't when attending Eirtakon which means Arcadecon wouldn't pay him enough. You'd think they would have enough to pay him with the increase in ticket sales or are they that broke from Declan squandering the con's money on himself? It feels like a slap to the face paying a premium to get into the con and then being charged extra for the signature of the guest which a lot of people are going to meet. Also they've intentionally poorly advertised this fact and haven't announced the cost of the signings despite knowing when they signed him up.

>> No.8439742

I've heard it's €10 which is why they're reluctant to mention it in case it puts people off.

>> No.8439747

Did Eirtakon mention that he wasn't charging? He didn't actually end up attending the event because he was poached by MCM Expo

>> No.8439775

He cancelled last minute and there was never any mention of charging, plus their other guests didn't charge that year.

>> No.8439776

Google 'cuckold/cuckoldry'
It seems to have replaced 'fag' in being the go-to 4chan insult

>> No.8439849

>what the fuck's a cuck?

The weather across the country isn't the only thing confirming it's Summer today it seems

>> No.8439863
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Who /summer chic/ here, seagulls?

>> No.8439872

Jesus Mary and Joseph...

>> No.8440069

Jesus christ, cover up yer gut for fuck sake

>> No.8440085


>> No.8440094
File: 171 KB, 640x1006, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this salty

Girlos pls

>> No.8440220

Jesus fucking Christ if my eyes could vomit

>> No.8440236

Cant your mouth do that for you anyway?

Speaking of which I feel like I could vomit now, too much coffee today, no water plus eating a burger too fast, ugh

>> No.8440303

Girl need to learn posture and angles.
And how to straighten a fringe.
And how to shop for shoes.

>> No.8440307
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>> No.8440432

Will you please stop? Do you want this thread to be deleted as well?

>> No.8440438

Why would me pointing out that Potsy is a man have the thread deleted despite everything that's been posted already?

>> No.8440697

>youngone I matched with on Tinder uploaded a moment of her posing in the mirror for a cosplay she's wearing to ArcadeCon
>it's just a coat, shirt and tie
>apparently some guy called Castiel from Supernatural


>> No.8440784

Slap her.

>> No.8441265

I've never been to arcadecon but obv heard nothin but bad news from it but i also really want to meet Troy Baker. Is making the trek up from Cork worth it?

>> No.8441280

Slap her one for me too

>> No.8441293

I'm not going to bother, but if you really want to meet Troy Baker, you should go for it. You wouldn't know when he'd be back. It's not like it's hard to get to Dublin from Cork City anyway.

>> No.8441457


you bully autists all the time, though, like catfish and amy king...

>> No.8441472

They put themselves out there though, while Liz pretty much keeps to her weird little self.

There's no joy in ripping into the quiet kid.

>> No.8441495

>They put themselves out there though

it's this sort of thinking that gives people social anxiety. just because someone isn't quiet doesn't mean they're giving you permission to harass them. you basically end up with "well you walked outside the door today, your fault someone made fun of you!"

>> No.8441513

This tbh
I can sort of see how the beast of cork deserves it, but Amy?

>> No.8441516

I'm sorry, but the world isn't a safe little Tumblr hugbox, and if you proclaim yourself the face of Irish cosplay or carry on the way Potsy does, you are going to land yourself some slagging.

>> No.8441532


from what i've seen she doesn't even go to cons anymore, and rarely comes here. the fixation with both these girls is unhealthy and obsessive. you can't really expect to be taken seriously as an adult when you can't show any responsibility or restraint in your own carry on, just because the world isn't a "hugbox", which is really just an empty catchword. i doubt you know what it's like to be in their shoes.

>> No.8441538

I don't personally talk about Amy at all for the most part and find all the carryon about her here pretty annoying and repetitive if I'm being honest, but come on. She does still go to cons and she isn't very good at cosplaying despite her heavy and frankly, pretty cringey self-promotion. That's why she gets made fun of. But you're right, I don't know what it's like to be in her shoes because I wouldn't go on TV3 promoting cosplay while barely knowing how to put a costume on, let alone make one.

>> No.8441544

Well not many people are transsexual demikin paedophiles with 35 self-diagnosed mental illnesses, to be quite fair

>> No.8441545


fine, she's overly enthusiastic relative to her cosplay skills. she's still fairly harmless and not really noteworthy to obsess over to this extent.

and in terms of not going to cons i was referring to catfish.

>> No.8441555

Oh right, fair enough, you're right there I'd say. As I said before, I do agree that the obsession's excessive and annoying when we could be talking about more interesting stuff, I just don't really see the need to defend her, either.

>> No.8441575

>Well not many people are transsexual demikin paedophiles with 35 self-diagnosed mental illnesses, to be quite fair

see, there's no excuse for this sort of shit. the next time i check back she'll also also be declan's secret mistress or something.

>> No.8442416

The thing that gets me is Josephine Thomas, she openly posts here all the time, you could say she is self promoting herself here, she may or not be one of the most vocal about Amy King on here but because she keeps openly posting here, I'm convinced she's gonna end up being Amy Kings, Sineads and Potsies punching bag.

>> No.8442434

She's s SJW, so no great loss

>> No.8442436

She's in her 20s and she looks like she's 12.

>> No.8442451

Hi Jose

>> No.8442525

I'm pretty sure she posted the last time Amy was posting here with her name on and said she didn't have a clue why Amy used her initials to call her out along with a few others, since she didn't have any bad feelings towards her.

I don't know her personally (just as a friend of a friend) but she seems harmless and doesn't self-post, she just mentions her Eirtakon panel now and again.

>> No.8442541

Josephine, I know that's you, you post very distinctively. I know for a fact you were the one posting about Amy and Sinead.

>> No.8442547

Is Josephine one of the Lolita girls? or is that the other Josephine who runs Pokecon?

>> No.8442550

I'm not Josie, lad. I agree that she's a bit of an SJW too.
The former.

>> No.8442556

AAH right. The Jose that runs Pokecon is fucking lovely so it would have been weird to hear drama about her.
the other Jose however i don't know too much about. Is she really bad?

>> No.8442568

There's literally no drama with J. She's an admitted seagull so /cgl/ always accuses her of posting the biggest lolcows in the scene.

>> No.8442571


What the fuck is the tone of this thread?

>Someone slags established national lolcows
"Oh can't we all just be adults and leave each other alone?"

>Someone starts trying to stir drama about someone who runs a panel and occasionally posts feminist content on their own personal tumblr
"Oh well fuck her anyway she's a Social Justice Warrior!"

Which is it lads, you can't have both?

>> No.8442577

Fucking this.

>> No.8442584

welcome to the internet.

>> No.8442590

Two days to the con and they still don't know if he's charging according to Dicklan? Sure, that's completely believable at this point.

>> No.8442591

With the way you all post her she might as well be the only cosplayer in ireland

>> No.8442594

Wow and what everyone else on this website is a saint? I'm pretty sure more than one person writes on this thread anon. I think the Irish thread is practically just about those 3 people

>> No.8442598

Nope, there is no drama. If people don't like what she posts on tumblr don't follow her. Besides I've seen far worse on that website.

I've just marked a frappucino as an ice cream. CAPTCHA get it together

>> No.8442599
File: 37 KB, 267x400, 1428023240560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>occasionally posts
>the irish thread is a hivemind!!11

>> No.8442600

we also have Nathan and Geek Eire, Naomi, Sinead, we had that abbi girl in the last thread as well.

Irish threads always devolve into bitching and chaos, its part of the fun of it i think.

>> No.8442611

Oh wow what is this wild and uncharted "inter-net"?
I'm just sayin' there's quite the disparity here.
People using the term "SJW" as if it excuses all ill behaviour towards a person. There's a difference between coming in and derailing threads by shoving insults down people's throats like Potsy does (although from how ye bait her I can almost understand), and posting social commentary on a blog that nobody's being forced to follow.

I's stupid. Just because somebody's openly a seagull, suddenly they're responsible for all the shite talk that goes on here, when really, would it not make more sense for someone to be open about being a seagull if they were the type who DIDN'T talk shit?

Oh no, of course not.
No, there are only six people in Ireland who post on /cgl/, and three use trips.
Nobody would be so sly as to be horrible people anonymously.

>> No.8442615

*It's stupid

Although I AM aware that by having the hope the Irish seagulls might be capable of displaying a bit of cop-on and/or decency, yes, I's indeed stupid.

>> No.8442619

I think you need to calm down dear.

>> No.8442620

"Occasionally" being "whenever something palatable and salient crosses her dash" which on Tumblr is every couple of posts without being a solid stream.

Jesus for someone so salty about someone else's Tumblr you sound like you're wholly unfamiliar with the site.

>> No.8442623

I think a thread-wide calming down is in order tbqh...


>> No.8442626
File: 21 KB, 236x350, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were all pretty chilled till you got your jimmies in a twist.

>> No.8442628

Regardless she's a stuck up bitch who has openly said she looks down on some of the other girls in the Lolita community.

>> No.8442631

True that.

>> No.8442634


>> No.8442639

That is a fucking beautiful shoop.

Alright, I'm mildly less twisted, you got me.

>> No.8442645
File: 31 KB, 329x373, 5950081670840320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Openly said where?


>> No.8442647
File: 90 KB, 720x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting guys, baby bear is watching.

>> No.8442649

Hey is that Naomi?

>> No.8442650

Verbally at Eirtakon and on here on previous threads when addressing her panel.

>> No.8442651

Where the fuck are you getting "stuck up" from? I chatted with her briefly at a con and she was only lovely.

>> No.8442652

She's not fat and ugly enough.

>> No.8442653

Oh good, so I'm sure you'd be able to find us caps in the archive then?

>> No.8442654

Anyone who has talked to her for long enough can tell you she has a fucking huge ego and she's two faced.

>> No.8442655

I supposed her face needs more pockmarks and she doesn't look angry enough.

>> No.8442657

The women really puts me off being more active in the Lolita community.

>> No.8442658

I go to the same college as her, she's a fucking cow.

>> No.8442660

everyone and their mum goes to the same college as her you eejit, this is Ireland.

>> No.8442661

Oh I assure you this girl is very ugly>>8442649
Search kailyn marie or forever kailyn She's a youtuber

>> No.8442662

>whiteknighting yourself

>> No.8442664

Again caps?? I've never seen it and I don't go to cons

>> No.8442665

>The women

Well it's a good thing you can enjoy dressing the way you like as a solitary activity because I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.8442667

I've have spoken to her and she seemed fine to me.

Seriously this is what puts you off?

>> No.8442671

The thoughts of being looked down upon and sniggered at behind my back by people like her?

>> No.8442675

Pretty sure she's not even in the thread.

All's I'm saying is what I've seen of her at cons -when people can be at their most flustered and socially off- she was a good person.

But by all means, continue to repeat how she's The Worst To Everyone™ with no real proof and expect everyone to take your opinion as fact while disregarding mine as anecdotal fluff.

>> No.8442677

She does do that! She bitches about everyone in the Lolita community, I've had to hold back friends at cons from approaching her about it.

>> No.8442678

If that stopped me I wouldn't be able to leave my house. If you want to dress in this fashion I think you need thicker skin.

Why are you being looked down on anon? That's not right

>> No.8442679
File: 965 KB, 3264x1836, IMG_20150701_131137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, quit using my face to get your point across! Don't make me give you the bear finger!

>> No.8442681


Seriously until I see genuine caps this is pointless.

>> No.8442683

> looked down upon and sniggered at behind my back by people
> at all

I'd say she's doing you a favour by putting you off, you don't sound like you're cut out for this at all. It's not all sweet aul' biddies telling you you look lovely all the time.

>> No.8442684

I really want to see what the Bear finger is...

>> No.8442685

Proof? You openly talk shit about them, remember what you said to me after your panel at Eirtakon? Now trying to defend yourself as anon.

This girl is literally two faced, she will praise Amy King to her face and talk shit behind her back.

>> No.8442690

It's when Chris plays mammy and daddy with little bear O..O

>> No.8442692


I've heard her say nice things about people behind their backs. I've heard her defend people I thought were absolute melters.

Sounds like you're hella salty about someone being well-liked.
That's okay anon, you don't have to like her.
But trying to spread hate for someone you clearly don't know personally based on speculation kinda makes you worse than you're trying to say she is.

Good thing you're anonymous, right?

>> No.8442694

True, however people being cunts for the sake of it isn't good either.

>> No.8442695

Not that anon but yes proof. If this really happens it shouldn't be too hard. It's all hearsay till then.

Also this thread talks shit about Amy all the time so who cares?

Who does she talk shit about then? Why is this so vague?

>> No.8442697

Now was that before or after Amy drew names out of a hat to block on Facebook and drag on here?
Funny how context can alter someone's opinion of a person.

>> No.8442704

Funny thing about "people" is you can avoid them and still do your own thing if you want to.
Whenever I hear people crying on here about how somebody "put them off lolita" I'm like jesus fucking christ I hope nobody's ever mean to you while wearing pants? Shoes? Because if it's that easy to make you give up on stuff, you probably weren't in it for you in the first place.

>> No.8442705

Josephine, I know that's you, spamming to defend yourself so you don't get swarmed by other people in the community for being a two faced bitch at your next com are we? Nobodies liked, this is 4chan.

>> No.8442708
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This pretty much sums up this cow.

>> No.8442711

Sure, Josephine, sure

>> No.8442712

Seriously all we're asking for is proof stop being so salty anon

>> No.8442713

Again one person alone doesn't make up this thread

I've seen people on here bash Amy and the others so often but no irl is different

>> No.8442715


Not her anon, although what good is that to say on here anyway. Keep reaching though.

She'll see this and know *I* like her, and that's why I'm posting.
Josie, you keep doing what you're doing. Fucking speculation is for tools.

>> No.8442718

Fuck sake anon, do YOU actually think you can buy stuff for lolita in Penney's/Primark?

It's like 3 steps down from Forever 21, if you find a bag in there that works with J-Fash you'd be doing well.

...I think we've found the source of your madness.

>> No.8442719

Can we please get back to con shit or something, why is this being dragged on?

>> No.8442720
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I've experienced her to be more so like this..

>> No.8442724

yah, proof! proof! proof! proof! proof! proof! caps or gtfo

>> No.8442725

Yes thank you!

Bro con anyone?

>> No.8442726

In the right company her ego would come out and she would bash other girls to me but knowing her like I do, she would freeze up if Amy King approached her and would never in a million years say what she said to Amy Kings face.

>> No.8442727

Really? So you all love Amy King all of a sudden?

I guess she is the face of Irish cosplay for a reason

>> No.8442729

Yes and every person who bashed Amy King on here would all say it to her face? We are all anon for a reason

>> No.8442730

I bought frilly socks once.

>> No.8442732

We don't love Amy King but we don't love two faced bitches either.

>> No.8442733

Fuck yes brocon. Going to have a great time as always!

>> No.8442734

It's good for cardigans too. I would agree you can't get main pieces like dresses from Primark but small things are fine

>> No.8442735

More like: "Oh I love Amy King"
>Amy King throws shitfit on cgl
>King names JT among others
>King blocks everyone she feels is shit-talking her on fb
>Then continues to have seagulls talk shit on her *with caps from recent fb statuses*
>embarrasses self
Everybody: "cough What an embarrassment she is"

Don't ignore the full story if you're telling one at all.

>> No.8442736

Hahahaha, so it's okay to be a coward now because you think everyone else in the thread wouldn't say it to her face? Nobody else put their hand in the cookie jar like you did.

>> No.8442742

Okay okay, bags and socks.
Cardis I'd be wary of, I mean they're fine for some stuff but Lolita and Fairy Kei have shorter torso silhouettes than most of the tops you'd find in there.

>> No.8442743

JT, has openly admitted to me she hates Sinead and Amy, then she start talking shit about me lately. The girl is a mental case.

>> No.8442746

This anon LITERALLY thinks everyone replying to them in this thread is Josie. My god it's like watching a budgie lose it's mind and fight it's own reflection.

>> No.8442748

I've gotten quite a few that hit my waist and I like them. I wasn't referring to the longer ones

>> No.8442751

Yes we are all one person.

And none of ye have admitted that? And you are?

>> No.8442753

Your obviously her friend anon, I feel bad for you.

>> No.8442755

And who are you, exactly? I'd worry if you've reached the same level of notoriety as CC (Crap Cosplayer), and Professor Umbridge?

>> No.8442756

But you don't need to be her friend to see that anon.

>> No.8442763

Well I feel bad for you because you're obviously not, and the girl is friends with everyone who doesn't belong in Dundrum Central Mental.

>> No.8442764
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>> No.8442765

Who is CC and Professor umbridge?

>> No.8442767

But being honest Josie may dress in slightly better Lolita than Amy and Sinead but she's still terrible and some of her outfits are laughable.

>> No.8442771

I always go for the drinking, not really much else happens there usually. I fucking hope they sorted the bar microphone out this year before the charity auction though, that was a fucking joke last year

>> No.8442773

Slightly better? I don't think Amy dresses in lolita even slightly well. And I don't think I've seen Sineads outifits

>> No.8442774

How come I have a feeling this is Josephine having a break down and I thought she was one of the only normal ones. Haha

>> No.8442775

True. Her panels were funny and enjoyable. Her demeanor when talking to me before she even added me on facebook was polite and actually pretty warm. I'd been scared of Lolita's before, and now I'm building a wardrobe. I honestly don't know what this anon's deal is.

>> No.8442778

I've never been what's it like? Is it worth going to?

>> No.8442779

Replying to yourself m'dear?

>> No.8442781

Amy's a cosplayer and Sinead's the original pioneer of grandma-kei though. Like comparing apples and oranges

>> No.8442784

That's great anon. I was terrified before I went to my first meet but that was based on American comms. They have so much drama

>> No.8442786

She acts so nice when you first meet her but it's all an act she's a two faced drama cow.

>> No.8442788

No this one>>8442756 is me I'd think I'd be worried if I was talking to myself

>> No.8442789

Yes. I've also been Josephine all along. Keep it up anon, you're winning.

>> No.8442794

Keep repeating that. Maybe then when people ask for caps you can cap your own previous comments and post them as "proof", lol.

>> No.8442796

Okay we all know Josephine is a stuck up bitch and is two faced at this stage, can we talk about Brocon please?

>> No.8442797

So... er... favorite panel you've ever been to?

>> No.8442798

If I go through 20 plus threads to find it, Im putting it in the Lolita facebook group for that effort.

>> No.8442799


>> No.8442802

Why not both? Assuming you can. Assuming you have both the posting rights AND the kajones.

>> No.8442804

Ah here, now you're reaching, anon.

>> No.8442807

Please do!

>> No.8442808

Oh because your the admin? I'm already in the group, deleting it will only make her look her or you worse.

>> No.8442809
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>> No.8442810

Let's do it anon. I want to know more about it

>> No.8442812

I liked the hentai panel at last years Kaizoku.

>> No.8442813

Okay, so whos excited for it?

>> No.8442814

well post the caps here then!

>> No.8442817

When is Brocon anon, Limerick isn't that hard to get to, plus is seems I can avoid all the hilarity of the usual lolcows there! Peace at last!

>> No.8442818

It's good craic if you have a few friends to go with, definitely geared more towards the gaming crowd than the anime crowd. Never bothered with any of the panels or anything, they've never been anything too impressive. So in short, if you're into gaming or have friends to go with, then yeah it's worth going to

>> No.8442819

Which group?

I am very excited for it. It's one of the few cons that all my friends can attend so its usually a good piss up.

it's the 12-15 of july

>> No.8442820

not me, pretty disappointed with the panels.

>> No.8442822

Potsy will be attending

>> No.8442823

Oh sweet baby jesus.

>> No.8442825
File: 341 KB, 720x453, suspense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So off. No, really, go for it. And in fact if you do it and get removed, I'd say she was only doing her job as admin to keep the group free of morons like you who try to stir shit.
Holding a very widespread negative opinion doesn't make you a bad human, but okay. Try and rally the whole group behind you. Topple her from her glorious ivory tower. For being so awful. Liberate your peers. They'll thank you for it.

>> No.8442828

ye durt

>> No.8442840

Are you allowed have a wank or a schlick during the hentai panels, yeah?

>> No.8442842

Do it anon get the proof. Which group

>> No.8442845

Actually no. It's more for a laugh than an actual wank.

>> No.8442846

What gets shown at those panels

>> No.8442852

Usually really badly dubbed hentai that can be pretty funny, ridiculas hentai that really shouldn't exist (the obama hentai for exsample) And clips like that. Akuma has always had a good one, same as kaizoku. Nom con's one is stale as shit because they keep showing the same stuff for the past 3 years.

>> No.8442854

>tfw no Oni ChiChi

>> No.8442943


Always enjoyed it. For the small size of it there's always something going on not to mention that the guests are always willing happy and able to interact with the attendees.

>> No.8442986


Actually the 10th to the 12th.

>> No.8443091

I once had a two minute conversation with potsy at a convention and thought she was pretty sound.

>> No.8443094

I'm living at home and not being charged rent and very little in the way of food costs.

The 2000euro snake was an albino boa bought with the 8000e I earned when my SSIA came to fruition (that saving scheme where the government game you 1e for every 4e you saved)

And I only bought him because I was planning on breeding him so I could sell albino babies.

Anyway, after ArcadeCon I'll be attending AutoAssembly in the UK and DragonCon

>> No.8443104

At least she's not cosplay L from Death Note...

Never had a problem with ArcadeCon myself

Wait Amy's an autist? Since when?

When did Pissty declare herself to be demikin?

>> No.8443112

Nope, Josephine wasn't the one bringing up Sinead and the lolicon at the hentai panel.

That was me. I'm not into Lolita but I do know Sinead and I don't like her very much

>> No.8443121

A lot of people have had problems with it's organisers and the event itself.
Go if desperate to see Troy but it'll cost you. Aside from Troy the rest of the event would be meh and full of weebos. Also you gotta pay for his signature but you'll only find out how much when you get there. Maybe €10 but hell could be even more.

>> No.8443124

Who the fuck is Josephine Thomas?

It's PENNEYS not Pennys ya dope

>> No.8443136

Cocktail panel was a blast.

Afterwards on /cgl someone posted a picture of me mixing a cocktail in the Ireland thread in order to mock me and didn't realise he was reflected in the mirror behind the bar LOL

>> No.8443143

Obama hentai?

Avoiding the usual lolcows?

You are aware Pissty is attending aren't you?

>> No.8443179

I don't really know Josephine myself but I'd honestly be surprised if anyone wasn't a bit two faced when it came to well known people with dubious characters that you aren't particually close to. I mean would anyone seriously say crap to their face? It's well known Amy's alright but embarrassing as a cosplayer, always having her own weird interpretation of things, and into weird stuff from what I hear but not gonna say it in public to her. I guess it would be shitty if
a) she was a very close friend of Amy or using her in some way.
b) or intentionally going out of her way to badmouth Amy.
c) or she was gaining something from badmouthing Amy and just making up lies.

I don't think she's especially close to her, nor is she gaining anything from badmouthing Amy and I can't see her going around talking about her to everyone. She probably just came up in conversation and well Amy has a well know reputation and it's just gossip.

Seems like there's a couple of people that just don't like her which is fair enough but just saying I wont hold it against her if she gossiped a bit over Amy or somebody like her.

>> No.8443180

If you want real two-faced cows just look towards Naomi or Declan. They just don't shut up bitching about other people and speading shit.

>> No.8443202


>> No.8443213

I second that.
There's like 3 incidents where then two or people involved either lied about someone I know or blew it out of proportion and spread it.

>> No.8443244


Also does anyone know why Lorraine was booted from the ArcadeCon committee?

>> No.8443306

They're not quite so stupid so say shit online in public are they?

>> No.8443506

so what say irl then?

>> No.8443513

Yeah what did they say irl?

>> No.8443521

spider gwen...everywhere

>> No.8443765

heard the guy who ran the panel is a kiddy fiddler

>> No.8443778


Oh yeah i've heard so much shit about this guy from people. Just seems like an absolute fucking loser tbf.

>> No.8443800

What's his name?

>> No.8443855

Let's have some details

>> No.8443909


https://www facebook com/fing3rz

Cover photo alone makes me want to cut my own dick off. Embarrassing human being.

>> No.8443969

>5 mutual friends

>> No.8444195

I meant details of his kiddy fiddling not his cringy Facebook