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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 300x300, confessanonymously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8439958 No.8439958 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again. Get everything off your chest, it's good for you.

I have a confession myself. Someone on /cgl/ recently asked about a fabric choice for their cosplay. I know the perfect fabric for it, it's just the right weight and texture, but I'm not going to tell them because I'm cosplaying the same character and want mine to be better. lol.

>> No.8439968

What character? And how does fabric choice make a better cosplay? It depends more on construction IMO.

>> No.8439973
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>> No.8440036

Pixyteri used to talk to me and would send me nudes and vids all the time. Tons that haven't been seen. Then she sent me a message that I didn't reply to because I was working, she got pissed at me and stopped talking to me altogether.

>> No.8440049

Post them to her ED page.

>> No.8440058

I'm cosplaying as a character because I'm infatuated with the IRL person it reminds me of. We cheated on our significant others together, and then drifted apart. I'm still dating my gf and I hate myself for it.

>> No.8440083

Occasionally self-induce vomit when I feel extremely full or I've eaten a ton fatty sugary food. Usually after a big event with food like parties and weddings. I don't really consider myself bullemic because it's so infrequent. I'm medically trained so I know what to do before and after to do the least harm. I'm not saying I'm not being damaged by it at all but I don't really consider myself bulimic because it's so infrequent.

>> No.8440084

I've done that once or twice. I just eat too fast and before I know it I have an entire chicken friend steak in me and if I can't ride it out I'm like "okay, this has to go."

>> No.8440126

OP here. I forgot to mention that we should keep this thread entirely /cgl/-related so it doesn't get banned.

>> No.8440127

I hate cosplayers with a passion that's quite difficult to put into words. Asian ones are ok, but White girls who like anime in general are just so fucking slutty and nasty. There have been occasions at cons where I've wanted to physically hurt girls cosplaying Nonon for example. I've really had to contain my rage in those cases.

>> No.8440136

You probably shouldn't be going to cons in that case.

>> No.8440140

You must break them

>> No.8440145

Ever since I moved away, my previous lolita comm has been treating a friend of mine like shit. They're having a huge picnic and I secretly put up their event as an ad for a silly string fight. Too bad it rained and the date had to be moved.

>> No.8440146

I think most of the girls in my comm are itas and I can't wait to join the elitist groups

>> No.8440170

Construction is most important, but fabric choice can make or break a cosplay. I've seen many well-constructed cosplays look lackluster because of bad fabric.

>> No.8440192

I love eyepatches and collect them.I know it's ita as fuck but I wish I could wear them outside of lolita,like fake glasses.

>> No.8440264

You want a Burberry one? I had an eyepatch for a while and hated the plain black look so I covered it in Burberry plaid from my eyeglasses case. Don't need it anymore but didn't want to throw it away.

>> No.8440619

Why put yourself through something so unpleasant and disgusting when you could just watch what you eat for the next several days? You're not going to gain 10 pounds in one night. At most probably 2-3 but half of it is water retention, which comes off easily if you just drink a fuck ton of water.

>> No.8440632

Who hurt you?

>> No.8440635
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>> No.8440641

Spoiler alert: You're bulimic, whether you choose to call yourself that or not.

>> No.8440650

Suicide is the only solution, I'm afraid

>> No.8440675
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I like the way you think anon

>> No.8440692

My parents buy me brand. They haven't funded all of my wardrobe, but they have bought me a decent chunk of it, with most of the things they've bought me being fairly sought after pieces. I wouldn't think much of it except that /cgl/ is always hating on lolitas whose parents buy them brand. I don't feel that bad, and the more they whine the more I want to brag about it.

>> No.8440702

>I want to brag about it.

What exactly is there to brag about? You have stuff you didn't earn. You have nothing to be proud of. It's fine for your parents to buy you stuff if they can afford it, but you should at least be humble and grateful.

>> No.8440711

The whole point of posting about brand online is to brag IMO. Being humble and grateful is for my family.
Besides, it's fun to piss off salty bitches.

>> No.8440759
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There's a cosplayer I've thought was pretty awesome for about 5 years now. I've seen them at every con I've been to but never said anything to them. We have a bunch of mutual friends, but I'm afraid to approach them because the person who introduced me to cons had a fight with them around the same time she started bringing me to cons and she can't seem to get over it. I'm afraid if I talk to this cosplayer she'll get upset, or they won't trust me because I'm associated with her.

I'll be cosplaying from the series they're known for cosplaying from soon and want to send them a message on Tumblr and ask if they want to meet up in cosplay (since we have mutual friends it wouldn't be like I'm some random person asking to hang out), but I'm just kind of terrified of getting a negative response from this person due to my associations...

>> No.8440763

So it's one of those nonbinary freaks?

>> No.8440769

I have a crush on a cosplayer I'm really close to
I'm giving up the hobby soon though to pursue my career so I'm hoping she'll still talk to me.

>> No.8440774


>> No.8440780

Explain the pronouns then. Why couldn't you just say him/her?

>> No.8440783

Why do you care?

>> No.8440791

Why are you getting so defensive?

>> No.8440797

I'm not, I'm just wondering why you're so focused on the pronouns.

It's a he. I used "they" because that's how it came out when I wrote it. I wasn't even paying attention to the pronouns.

>> No.8440799

Not that anon, but do you not use they/them when you talking about a generic person whom's gender you do not want to disclose? It's a lot easier to type and say than him/her, so it's pretty common.

>> No.8440800
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>> No.8440810

When I'm talking about a male I use "he" because I'm not an autistic SJW. It's far more confusing to use "they" all the time, which is why I don't make friends with trans people.

Also she obviously didn't want to keep his gender a secret because she just said it was a he.

>> No.8440815
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>Getting this riled about the use of a common word

>> No.8440834

Who the fuck are you? I don't remember your trip in the past.

>> No.8440836

Jeff Goldblum

>> No.8440848
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I smell summerfag.

>> No.8440850

Confession: I've bought a couple of thinspiration lolita dresses that I want diet to fit into (nothing drastic just require good diet and exercise, they are a realistic size for my frame) but there they sit, still too small. I just can't get motivated to lose and I'm in a rut. If pretty, expensive dresses can't do it, what can?

>> No.8440852

you sound like an idiot

>> No.8440854

I love summer. It smells like bonfires and thunderstorms.

>> No.8440855
File: 50 KB, 1023x575, Cute Please stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm not autistic
> makes as much of a fuss about pronouns as a SJW
> what is the singular they
> thinks they have to use 'they' around transpeople instead of the person's preferred pronouns

>> No.8440860


>> No.8440866

Trannies like everyone they meet to call them they, xir, ze, and it. I'm cool with transsexuals who prefer he/she if they can actually pass as the other gender, but most trannies these days are nonbinary and they're the type of people to avoid.

>> No.8440871

Funny, I post brand (and offbrand, and my clothes in general) to share my coordinate skills and to be part of the hobby with my friends and participate in discussions, not to brag. I'm not really going to be impressed, get mad or think you are more or less special because you have rare brand pieces bought by your parents. I'd just think you were immature and not very skilled at the hobby or conversation in general if that's your biggest achievement point to date.

>> No.8440872

I broke off a friendship earlier this year because I was sick of the person being utter trash. Now there's a con soon and we share a lot of mutual friends that it's going to be impossible to avoid running into her while I'm there.

>> No.8440878

She's just another desperate attention whore trying to promote herself via /cgl/. Don't even reply.

>> No.8440882

Just be pleasant but distant. At this point, the best you can do is to not make the mutual friends uncomfortable. If they see you are chill, the situation will be much less tense or complicated. If trash ex-friend starts something, be the bigger person and just don't respond.

>> No.8440889

Thanks anon. I'm probably mostly worried because only my close friends know I've dumped this girl, and I don't want to make anyone feel awkward for being friends with the both of us.

>> No.8440913

I actually don't get all the hate people get on here, most of the people on here are beginner's, most have room to improve, yes, but will actually make improvements in their skills.

>> No.8440917

I feel you, Anon. There was this guy in my con group who I didn't want anything to do with, but I had to deal with them rooming with us for a few cons until shit went down with the con and they were gone for good, and other friends slowly started realizing how scummy this person was.

I have friends who don't like each other and nothing terrible has happened, they just don't speak or hang out and everyone respects that.

Are you worried this person is going to try and start something during the con?

That's my name!

>> No.8440935

The only ones who get hate (speaking about Lolitas) are those who get concrit and refuse to improve, are snippy or get bitchy when politely critiqued or helped, or try to force and defend their non-lolita crap. Getting posted to the ita thread is not hate but that's just going to happen if they post something ita.

Everyone has the ability to learn and follow the rules of lolita, post carefully and be polite. I don't see any of that sort of person getting any hate.

>> No.8440947

I used to talk to PT, there's a log of our conversation on her ED page. She doesn't use MSN (or at least that MSN) any more, as far as I know.

>> No.8440959

True, but a lot have come a long way thanks to cgl here, and they still get mocked. And most of them are nitpick

>> No.8440966

I don't interact with other lolitas outside /cgl/. I enjoy the fashion on my own and only really come here for the drama. Bragging about brand is a decent way to start drama, so that's why I do it.
I guess it's a difference of opinion, but I don't see lolita as much of a hobby. IMO it's just clothes. What I wear doesn't really say anything about me as a person, so I don't really feel any need to have lolita friends, participate in real life comms, or post coordinates online.

>> No.8440970

What did star Chan girl do? Is she an ita? Or a bad cosplayer? I saw only one picture of her in the draw thread and she looked decent.

I mainly lurk, but I haven't seen anything about her upbringing on cgl infamy?

>> No.8440978


>> No.8440987


Sounds like she just posted too much, wouldn't take advice, and was bad at makeup. I don't pay attention to these things, but archives usually help to stay in the loop.

>> No.8440991

If they are getting mocked or nitpicked repeatedly, their coords are not yet up to par in some area after being told how to improve. Those are the ones who keep repeatedly posting bad coords or ones full of loliables, have bad hair or makeup etc. There's usually a reason beyond just "y'all are mean". Yes we are, but only under certain conditions.

>> No.8441004

Oh, you are one of those then. No one cares about your kind of lolita much anyway so do as you like. Sorry that's all you have in lolita though, it's kind of time and really a waste of that brand. But I understand your need to feel important because you are just a lone bitch lolita so that's basically your only way to do it. Carry on.

>> No.8441007

Seems like a typical noob mistake, hopefully she's learned from it.

>> No.8441010

my sister said that my new gold vivienne westwood x melissa heels were ugly so i put ants in her room.

>> No.8441011

This is more directed towards someone if they happen to read this,

You called me antisocial because unlike you, I haven't been fired from my job for being a girl with a bad case of the mememes and am consistently busy, not because I "had it out for you". But you know, nevermind. At least I'm not blacklisted on lacemarket for trying to rip people off.

>> No.8441016

Oh, and yes. I see you made a new Lacemarket account and as expected, you're already inconveniencing other people. Nice going, buying a 400 dollar dress then not going through with the sale. You were banned on your four other LM accounts and got your own boyfriend banned, so maybe you should just stop?

>> No.8441077
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>dad does cosplay as a profession
>makes party pat mascot head
>thing weighs an easy 35 lbs.
>walking to con from hotel
>it's Seattle, really busy
>dude with cart thing trips him
>head comes off
>starts rolling into the street
>in the street now
All I did was stand and watch
>head=completely ruined

>> No.8441088

If I wanted to feel important, I'd be on tumblr, not 4chan. Nobody gives a shit about anyone here, myself included. I don't get why lolitas are so wrapped up in the idea of communities. Yeah, it's nice to have friends with shared interests, but you all act like if you're not part of a comm you're somehow incapable of enjoying the fashion. Do you really need to surround yourself with others to make your brand "worth it"? Is wearing brand by yourself really a waste of brand? Shouldn't wearing the clothes you feel good in be enough?

>> No.8441176
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Seagulls, what's the best way to avoid straight-up telling people where you're from when they ask?
I moved to a new country whose people aren't particularly fond of people from my country in light of recent events, and they aren't politically correct enough to even pretend to like me. I feel like refusing to answer will just create a Streisand effect, and I'd feel bad lying about it (which I've done before, and got found out and excommunicated from my friend circle). But saying where I'm from literally has the same effect on these people as wearing a shirt that says "I <3 Putin" in big bold letters, and as much as I like my country I don't like it enough to bear insults and sour faces every day, but I still want to join the one comm they have.
>inb4 jus b urself

>> No.8441192

Just say you're from the country right next to it. In all likeliness, the accents will be similar. If you manage to make a close friend you can admit it to them jokingly, and any good friend wouldn't care.

>> No.8441218

Just say "[city you live in right now]". i see many refugees do it and no one questions them because they don't want to sound like assholes. Most of the time they take the hint, and if they don't you just back it up with the trusty ol' SJW technique of "so you're saying everyone from x has to be ethnically x and speak x? What ever do you mean?"

Most of the time that doesn't happen, though.

>> No.8441235

It's a waste of time and brand if all you value it for is to start bullshit drama or brag. Sure it's just clothes but it also is sometimes more, it's friendship and community. That's why to me, just having clothes for brag rights is stupid and a waste. But I guess if that's what you enjoy then I hope you continue to enjoy it. Otherwise you really have nothing else, right?

>> No.8441246

I hate wrist cuffs. They just always look tacky to me.

>> No.8441283

kind of agree with you. they look ok on other people just not me

>> No.8441288

When did I say I only wore brand to start drama? I wear it because I like it and it's what I feel most comfortable in; the dumb internet drama is an added bonus. I don't need clothes to make friends or feel like I belong in a community, and frankly I don't want to be involved in a community so prone to drama. Drama is only fun over the internet.

>> No.8441318

I lost 25 pounds so I could fit in brand and look better than my plus sized friend.
We started lolita at the same time, but now I look tiny and she's still a big sweet marshmallow.
I like her, she's just a little too tumblr sometimes.

>> No.8441355

I think I'm starting to feel like lolita is ridiculous, impractical, and a waste of money. But literally everyone I hang out with right now I met through lolita. It's not that I dislike the clothes, I just don't know if it's worth all the trouble. I also hate my body and feel disgusting lately which doesn't help.

>> No.8441383

I feel like everyone I meet in lolita in my area is a materialistic, attention-whoring piece of shit who I can't hold an intellectual conversation with. I hate going to a meet up feeling exhausted as if I've just talked with customers at work, I'd like to feel like I actually connected with people and had a good time. Everyone I've met through this hobby just seems so childish.

>> No.8441393

How did you do it? I need some inspiration and to lose this much for same purpose. I feel like its a waste not to lose it when it's not that much and brand is so cute. Just out of my reach!

>> No.8441401

Burn more calories than you take in. The end. Eat less, exercise more.

>> No.8441410

Not OP but I also lost weight for lolita. Count your calories and write down what you eat. Go for lots of walks. 10+ dropped off me.

>> No.8441419

My local comm also doesn't suit me though for some different reasons. I still meet with them sometimes but I also go out of town a lot to visit a few other groups. It's really worth it if you can manage to do so.

>> No.8441427

Thanks, I guess I just need to get motivated and start. I admit, I've been lazy.

>> No.8441429

I bought BDs carousel print skirt and accessories just for ageplay with my FWB and can't wait to try it out with him.
It's even better that most the itas in my com own this dress so I'll be able to giggle at my own private dirty thoughts when I see them wearing it.

>> No.8441434

The friend who got me into lolita lives on the other side of the world to me and unfortunately is still pretty damn ita. I plan to visit her sometime in the near future and really want to buy her a decent brand dress and a bunch of accessories but she's plus size and probably wouldn't fit. Not only does this frustrate me but also makes me feel like an overly attached creeper seeing as we haven't talked properly for at least 2 years.
> I just want my friends to liok cute & be happy.

>> No.8441570
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The girl who got me into Lolita cut all contact with me (and everyone else on our home country) when she moved to Japan. It's been over two years and I still harbor feelings for her (I had a huge crush on her back then but she was straight so I never pursued). I have a few prints that she used to own (not sure if she wears Lolita anymore), and I recently hunted down a rare dress that she had.

Sometimes I wish we hadn't gotten so close because it still hurts when I think of her and how she vanished without a trace, but if it wasn't for her I probably would have never gathered the courage to start dressing in Lolita. I just wish to improve so that some day I can inspire someone as much as she inspired me.

>This was the first lolita dress I ever saw IRL, it was hers.

>> No.8441645

everyone that comes to this board is a dense pussy motherfucker who refuses to take any advice idek why i even try anymore honestly

>> No.8441695
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I recently befriended a bunch of girls who want me to cosplay with them, and things have been going great so far. The only problem I have with them is that they're always complaining about basic bitches, coswhores, etc. like they're the biggest buzzkill in cosplay. The bonus is that half of them are fat or at least a bit chubby.

I really want to tell them to stop caring about what other people wear, and that it shouldn't ruin their fun, but at the same time I'm too beta to want to lose friends at this point.

I guess I'll have to get used to it.

>> No.8441705
File: 20 KB, 300x200, WTF+am+i+reading+_3a4889f6cc9962c0ee4c8e69286e478b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna date a /fit/ guy, but I rarely go out, don't have many friends and Im socially awkward. My only pro are I'm considered very pretty, like vidya and love being intimate.

>> No.8441724

Attention whores always are. I'm pretty sure the lurkers actually take advice, but tripfags and selfposters? Their egos get in the way.

>> No.8441757

I also stay and post because I know a lot more inexperienced people lurk but don't post and if they see enough experienced Lolitas agreeing on things like 'minimize loliables until you know what you are doing', 'ballet flats are not ideal' etc and read us critiquing the itas posted, they WILL learn.

>> No.8441761

Any time I ask a question I just get shooed away. Even if it's on topic and there isn't a question thread or I'd I asked in the question thread and got no response, still, no one ever will just answer even a simple yes or no question.

So I guess I'll just rock my ita and bad cosplays cause you guys insist on being cunts all the time.

>> No.8441768

I do try to answer lolita questions in the help and dumb questions threads. I don't catch them all though. What was your question?

>> No.8441773

>not accepting the fact that anime displays caucasian features
>white cosplayers are therefore more accurate

your logic is fucking retarded kill yourself

>> No.8441819

I've lost weight and I'm kinda grossed out by my husband's fat now. He's 240 lbs and I weigh 150 now. He's handsome. I hate that he can't cosplay with me because he's not slim enough. I've encouraged him to lose weight but he can't do much. He has exercise induced asthma and eats pretty healthily. I even eat his leftovers. I'm just wondering why he's so big. I wouldn't leave him over his weight issue because he was there for me when I was big, but it does bug me.

>> No.8441834
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I hit on girls at conventions not because I want sex or to date, but just because I enjoy flirting. I have a girlfriend now though, so I don't do it anymore.

>> No.8441849

>tfw no qt 3.14 gf

I'm a top-tier photographer (skill-wise, not necessarily cosfamous yet), and all I shoot cosplay for now is to find a cute sweet cosplay or lolita girl to cuddle with.

I used to love cosplay so much. But the cosplay community where I am is so ultra-toxic that I probably will stop shooting cosplay once I find a gf. But until then...

>> No.8441853

Diet counts more than anything else in weight loss. And surely his doctor or a specialist can give him some advice on exercise that will not trigger his asthma. You should encourage him to diet and get asthma management advice.

>> No.8441918

>anime displays white features

>> No.8441919


Sens a message. What do you have to lose.

>> No.8441942

I tried to go to my first lolita meet-up at a con but chickened out at the last minute when I finally saw other IRL lolitas. Ran back to my con-group and cried, making them feel awkward.

I wish I wasn't such a coward.

>> No.8441977

it's the little changes that'll add to a big differences

>> No.8442057

I pretended to be friends with a known cosplayer for almost a year until they gave me juicy secrets. I posted them everywhere and blocked off all contact and now everyone hates them.

>> No.8442127

>waste of brand

>> No.8442139

What was it about them that made you chicken out Anon? That's really too bad!

>> No.8442152

Blue, green, grey, light brown eyes, blonde, red, light brown, milk tea hair. Pointy chins, pointy noses, big round eyes, high foreheads, high cheekbones, narrow noses, longer legs than torso ratio...sure they are cartoons but you tell me, Anon. Are these features more Asian or more Caucasian?

>> No.8442153

Same. It's like I'm stuck in a room full of high schoolers even though many of the girls are closer to 30. I get not wanting to discuss politically-charged recent events or get into debates at a tea party but it's like they have nothing going on in their life other than lolita, tumblr, FB, and how their classmates/coworkers are st00pid normals who don't understand lolita. Even talking about TV series or video games would be better than this.

>> No.8442164

It's not this way everywhere. Internet stuff rarely makes its way into our meet conversations though most of us have tumblrs, etc.
We discuss our wardrobes, admire new pieces, brainstorm meet ideas, plan for upcoming events and travel, share progress about crafts or hobbies we've been working on, sometimes talk about food, share recipes, new tea we like, share some music we've been listening to recently. That kind of thing.

>> No.8442226

I have a secret pinterest board dedicated to motivational quotes and exercise shit that I use to help me stay motivated. You could do something like that. I also have a list of reasons why I'm trying to get healthier and lose weight in my memos on my phone that I occasionally read as a reminder. It helps.

>> No.8442229


>> No.8442253

My fitness pal is great for this.

>> No.8442610

You're never supposed to buy clothes too small to motivate you to lose weight. You need to find real motivation. Cheers.

>> No.8442640

Why would you do this?

>> No.8442648

Thank you, These are good ideas.

So helpful. Except not. Not sure why you even bothered to reply?

>> No.8442853

I found that the key to weight loss aside from eating healthy is to be on your feet and moving as much as possible during the day. I kept wondering why I always lost weight during cons even though I ate shit the whole weekend, and then it dawned on me that it must have been because I was walking around most of the day.

So go on lots of walks, don't take naps every day, and save sitting on the couch playing games, watching anime, etc. for when you're winding down at night. I did this for a year and a half on top of dieting and 40 pounds melted off. No weight lifting or running involved.

>> No.8442870

>A girl i really dislike is saying she is super into Lolita
>she's really not and just trying to be a special snowflake "look at how interesting i am" kind of deal.
>She was asking where to buy the best Lolita from.
>myself and rest of Comm that also dislike her all suggest Milanoo
>she spends well over 500$ on Milanoo shit
>she thinks she is the most kawaii in all the world
>we nearly split our sides laughing at her.

good times. good times.

>> No.8442871

I bought someone elses dream dress just because i could. They still don't have it. I wear it to any meet i know they will be at.
I regret nothing. their jelly face every time they see it makes me moist.

>> No.8442879

Unless it was some super rare or hard to get thing, that's not such a crime. She could track it down and buy it same as you found it.
Do you at least like it aside from the kick you get out of her being jelly?

>> No.8442883

Yeah, you got that right.

>> No.8442891

Of course. It's not to much that it's really rare it is just that i know she has been trying to get this dress for ages and every time she goes for it, it gets sold before she can get her hands on it.
I outbid her on the dress so it makes me happy to see her jellly. she's also a pretty shit person so it double the joy.

>> No.8442895

You sound like a shitty person too.

>> No.8442904

Oh i know i am and i'm okay with that.

>> No.8442914

It is but after a while I needed something more. I got a fitbit and seeing how my friends with them are doing motivates me to do better than them.

>> No.8443145

I identified as agender up until a few months ago because I was losing friends, and realized I didn't have any dysphoria. I'm just a straight white girl and felt my life was boring because I wasn't unique.

>> No.8443153

i want to make a [spoiler]fursuit[/nospoilersoncgl] because it looks like fun

>> No.8443159
File: 22 KB, 260x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you make one then?

It's only frowned upon if you're a furry and the fursuit is of your fursona.

>> No.8443165
File: 188 KB, 400x403, 9+89876541654647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only frowned upon if [...] the fursuit is of your fursona.
im so sorry

>> No.8443203

I think it's pretty funny, actually. It's not like you caused the situation or are keeping her from getting one too. But who keeps 'missing' their dream dress? You stay alert and jump on that shit stat. How dumb.

>> No.8443274

Because I hate her. All tripfags must suffer.

>> No.8443288

You hate her...simply because she was a cosfamous tripfag? Are you sure you weren't just jealous? That's a pretty mean thing to do.

>> No.8443452

I spent the money given to me by financial support on cosplay.

>> No.8443455

fuck u all

>> No.8443464

>dad does cosplay as a profession
Genuinely curious: how does that work?

>> No.8443549

nice bait there buddy pal

>> No.8443553

guessing he gets paid to attend cons as a cosplay guest or maybe he's a commission artist

>> No.8443564
File: 547 KB, 912x912, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F4d13c913a4104cf8acf25027ccd2b7ac%2Ftumblr_nlkwwmNwzh1qd99c3o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had a build more conductive to crossplay, BEAR LIKE EASTERN EUROPEAN MAN doesn't

Pic related

>> No.8443769

Fuck off to tumblr, SJW.

>> No.8443784

Calm down, bitter-sjw-troll-chan. We get that you're agender and are above pronouns. We've been edge-ucated. Thank you so much.

>> No.8443807

Different anon, but I like how to so many people on 4chan, not being a retarded bigot is now synonymous with SJW.
Real transgendered people don't do this. People who identify as "binary" are just teenagers trying to be special snowflakes.

>> No.8443827

I'm getting really annoyed at people who complain excessively about their body/weight issues lately.

On cgl I understand it more because people are anonymous here so they're more prone to vent their insecurities and be toxic in general, I just hate it when cosplayers/lolitas gripe openly about it.

It's like nobody can handle the fact that they're perfectly AVERAGE.

>> No.8443928

So 90% of Tumblr.

>> No.8443951

I know an SJW who complains that she doesn't have friends but then gets angry when I don't share her anger that the school library doesn't carry books on Iranian feminism written by Iranian women or don't agree that tanning is racist. She's black so no one really wants to contradict her and she's pretty so no one tells her to shut up. Its not going to be good for her in the long run.

>> No.8444182

There is far too much drama in my community considering how tiny it is. Two of my friends seem to get repeatedly dicked on by others which is really frustrating since they're some of the nicest people I know. I am getting closer and closer to calling out the shit stirrers in this comm.

>> No.8444201
File: 482 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mersqyupYS1qj19sdo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tanning is racist.
I honestly want to throw these people in a wood-chipper.

I wish I could more convincingly crossplay guys.

Fursuits look fun as hell to make, especially if you do the moving jaw and digitigrade legs, or add lights like in pic related. Most people don't mind when they're actually pleasing to look at and well made, its just the super cartoony neon 80s vomit dogs/foxes that people tend to hate.

>> No.8444710

I find PT, voldie, and star chan to be kinda cute.

>> No.8444754

So basically...you're attracted to attention whores?

>> No.8444765

They're personalities need some work, especially star chans, but they are all cute and have a ton of potential.

>> No.8444880

You have some really low standards so I'm assuming you're ugly yourself.

>> No.8444944

Each to their own

>> No.8445083
File: 617 KB, 720x1280, star chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, yellow star chan
I prefer her over PT, appearancewise

>> No.8445096
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1421984576382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered two replicas

Fuck it

>> No.8445207

Is this really star chan?

>> No.8445223

Ok, but then don't cry when people shit on you for it if you wear it to a meet or post a photo of it. And usually for the cost of 2 replicas you could have bought something brand if you shopped around. I'm sorry that your standards are low and you have no taste, replica-chan.

>> No.8445226
File: 146 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_npcopiKv771rigp8fo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with voldie and starchan, not PT though.

>> No.8445252

PT, with make up on, has potential.
I don't get the hate on others though, people are new, especially star chan, and she's come a long way.
Even though she's cringy af, she'll learn.

>> No.8445261

That looks less like a furry and more like an art costume. Pretty cool!

>> No.8445269


Voldie looks cute in this image, and when she dresses in classic. But in sweet I find her absolutely disgusting (even though sweet is my fav style). She usually does the two poofy twin buns on her wig and maybe she would look better with a natural color long wavy wig??

>> No.8445276
File: 120 KB, 500x667, 1420229435570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kind of agree with anon , some fursuits can look really fun and creative to make. I hate the western dead eyed fur suits, but the more original/creative ones can look really neat.

>> No.8445281

I haven't seen her use the poofy buns in a while, but I agree that they looked bad on her.

>> No.8445357
File: 447 KB, 500x342, rs_500x342-150106140304-tumblr_m2y1rgRLCh1r4etbjo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And while I am at it, not even going claim they are replicas when I am posting my coords all over the internet.

>> No.8445385
File: 67 KB, 280x331, 1429219951969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought stickers from my favorite manga at an artist alley at my last con and my biggest regret is not getting to know the seller more. I-I hope maybe next con..

>> No.8445389
File: 43 KB, 380x253, sad copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make a cool hyper realistic skull/animal head but i'm not a furry and don't know how i'd make it look non-furry

>> No.8445395

>PT, with make up on, has potential.

>> No.8445408

I have a crush on a girl in my community, and we both have boyfriends. I just want to have a four-way with all of us. I've been trying for awhile now and even making it obvious that I'm crushing on her. I think after months she's finally starting to realize that I like her. Our next meet is in a month and I think I'll finally make a move.

>> No.8445476

Silly twit we can tell, the differences are obvious in photos and you can't disguise it. Though I shouldn't have even told you and let that be a fun surprise for you. Oh well, now you can look forward to it even more. That cheeky bravado will deflate soon enough without any more comment and you'll just be left with your sad fakes. We've seen it all before.

>> No.8445804

Confession: I am tired of bitchy entitled poorfags in the lolita hobby and I'm glad Bodyline raised prices. GTFO if you can't afford the hobby and quit fussing at people who just want to enjoy their nice frilly things together in peace. Lolita is not a democracy.

This is NOT directed at budget Lolitas who are nice, who save up, buy their modest wardrobes and are pleasant and don't moan or gripe about being poor. Those Lolitas are amazing.
But we all know the other kind too and I'm just sick of them.

>> No.8445827
File: 94 KB, 960x1300, upset-baby-5065263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been browsing instagram photos of a friend I haven't seen in years (inb4 stalker, it's fucking instagram and she lives 3 countries away and I hear from her once a month, if that). She's going to a really prestigious school, has a gorgeous boyfriend who buys her flowers and takes her to the opera, they travel all over Europe practically monthly, and she always looks classy and posh despite buying mid-range to cheapish clothing. She's also very confident and photogenic.

Meanwhile, I live in a rented flat with my bf who not only doesn't care about operas but doesn't give a shit about anything other than video games, farts during formal dinners and chews with his mouth open. My wardrobe is okay but always manages to look very 'Welsh farm girl visits city for the first time' rather than classy, when we do travel somewhere my bf moans and complains and wants to go home, and the locals treat me like rubbish because I don't look rich or old enough to have money, let alone eat at posh restaurants. He doesn't want to take pictures with me even.

I'm not even jealous, I'm actually happy because she's always been my idol, and I live vicariously through her in a way. But it feels bad being poor. Whenever I try to do something for myself, my bf asks me 'why' and basically tells me that looking like a slob 24/7 is fine because 'no-one is gonna judge you' and trying to act more polite is wrong because 'I shouldn't be ashamed of what I am'.

I don't wanna settle and be stuck where I am.

>> No.8445832

What's nice is that the entitled twits usually don't last very long in the fashion once they realize that there aren't super-rich people around in their local comm who will drop a few hundred dollars for them as pity gifts or "donations to their wardrobe". Everybody else saves up or gets a well-paying (or second) job to afford the fashion.

Unless those entitled twits happen to be high schoolers who can't get jobs for any reason (parents forbidding then, them having no time, hating working, etc.).

Some think that it's normal to talk about not being able to afford stuff (and to be fair, who hadn't complained that at least once amid friends during high school), but using that as conversation material to people in their twenties and beyond is pointless. It also shows to other people that you are a bit naive and know nothing about the economic reasons of why lolita brands have much higher prices than, say, Forever 21 and H&M.

>> No.8445991

Not OP but I used to do that.
Because I like food. The taste make me feel alive. I am so bored and all so I eat shitty things. And feel bad again because it won't made me fit in JM. I can't really control what I eat so I end up so full that I can vomit without forcing myself too much.
It's like an opportunity to not gaining weight/losing weight without having to force yourself not to eat great things and all. I know it can cause health issues though, but I don't do that any often anyway and won't consider myself bulimic or anything.

>> No.8446009

Why are you even dating him tho.

>> No.8446020

Who expects 'donations to their wardrobe'? Is that really a thing? If so, poorlita entitlement has reached new heights.

>> No.8446029

A million times >>8446009 this. Literal crab mentality.

>> No.8446040

Because I love him, or at least used to, and because I'm financially dependent on him right now. I don't mean leeching off of him, but his parents own everything I 'own' and if we broke up I'd be homeless, penniless and forced to go back home. 'Home' is a small town in the sticks with no schools and only one bus goes there weekly. I wanted to move out and get a new place we could live in a long time ago, but his parents own the apartment I live in and have him on a short leash. Not to mention that I'm grossly indebted to them and have been for years.

So it's not 'literal crab mentality' and things aren't always easy.

>> No.8446044
File: 250 KB, 500x313, tumblr_ms60okXrKF1qlmwx6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't attended a meet in 3 months because I'm too poor to buy any new stuff for my wardrobe. Not even a new blouse. My comm is super nice and I'm sure they wouldn't say a thing but I just can't stand the idea of repeating outfits.

>> No.8446048

I've done this before but it makes me feel ashamed and gross as well as hurts, so I avoid it as best I can and try to just do exercise to make up for splurging. It only happens a couple of times a year that I lose control so badly.
Even if you are medically trained I don't understand how you can minimise damage though, other than just not doing it.

>> No.8446052

I started to like iron gate. I keep telling myself since I started lolita that is a stupid thing to do, but that fucking dress blessed by Mana have grown on me so much that I can't even look to other dresses anymore.
Plus, I use sweet lolita. I have like, just one fucking gothic dress in my entire wardrobe. That makes no sense.
tldr: I'm a idiot.

>> No.8446054

I always wondered how budget Lolitas deal with this if they have monthly meets. I know some wear the same coord or coords over and over like a uniform or costume but I also know people really do notice if you repeat wearing your print dresses a lot. Try for some solid color main pieces and change the coord up with accessories, maybe?

>> No.8446058

So take a break, if your friends are your friends then they won't care if you dress one way or another.

>> No.8446060

It's a magic dress. It catches some of us like that. I will get it. But not yet. Though I fear the price going up, not down.

>> No.8446072

Actually, being binary is when you identify as a man or a woman, regardless of whether you are trans or not.

>Hence stupid snowflakes talking about ''binary trans privilege''

Stuff like agender, gender-fluid, bigender etc is being non-binary.

>> No.8446735


None of the actual transsexuals I've ever met in real life made a big deal about being called whichever gender they appeared to be.

Making a shitstorm about it is fake trannies on tumblr who want to be special snowflakes.

>> No.8446955

Even more embarrassing when these non binary people are well out of their teens, and look and dress and act like their sex but insist they are not.

I somehow ended up knowing so many of those, because the cosplay scene attracts them like flies to roadkill.

>> No.8448035

It's just like I'm on /pol/ again....

>> No.8448043

Transtenders =/= real tranpeople

>> No.8448055

You're a Russian which moved to....a Baltic country?

Say youre from Belarus

>> No.8448061

the people who would bitch the hsrdest about that are probably ethnic nationalists who would say 'yes, go back to your country' especially given this is eastern europe and people have grudges

>> No.8448084

I'm likely to run into someone from Belarus who would call me out on my shit, so I'd rather not.
Its kind of sad that someone's opinion of a person can be coloured by their opinion of their government so easily. I'm not much fond of America but I'd never be mean to an American unless they deserved it. It's common sense that many people seem to lack.

>> No.8448145

Here is a link in the archives.


At least that post got promptly removed from the comm page, thank goodness.

>> No.8448155

this is what happens when /pol/ corrupts your thinking.

>> No.8448206

Wait, what country are you living in? People in the US dont give half a shit about the ethnic shitfit in Ukraine, unless they have connections there. Even US media admits that the people who took over the government in Euromaiden werent all pro-EU democratic reformist.

If you're in a Baltic country or Ukraine (especially western ukraine) it's an ethnic prejudice that people have against you, as opposed to the government.

How would they know you're lying about being from Belarus? Almost everyone there speaks Russian, often as a first language. Can't you say you're from a small village in the east of Belarus close to the Russian border? Or is the accent too different from your accent?

>> No.8448208

I have come close to cosplaying at SDCC but I never take the plunge because I not only can't quite decide on what I want to be AND have it JUST right but also because being black, I don't want to deal with special snowflakes of color who think that because I put on this costume I have to represent them with the utmost sense of responsibility and duty (no matter how well or badly I do it or different we are to each other).

And of course, the attention from creeps in general will totally increase.

>> No.8448220

Not that anon but people from Belarus speak a different dialect of Russian and most likely have a different accent. Just like people from Ukraine speak with a different dialect from Russians. And if she sounds like a Muscovite or someone from Eastern Russia it'd be incredibly difficult to pass as a Belarusian because it's a huge country and the language differences are noticeable. I mean, the UK is a billion times smaller and even they have a different accent for every little borough. It's not like America where dialects only differ from one another by the words they use.

>> No.8448234

I'm not a Russian, but I remember reading in the last century the dialects of Russian eere lsrgely standardized/leveled due to to developmentof the country, and that eastern Belarus basically speak the same as western/central Russia

if the persons speaks wits a 'Moskali' or 'Baltic' accent that makes better sense. Im surprised she (he?) wouldnt try to just learn belarusian do surzcyk to fit in better

>> No.8448256

> Im surprised she (he?) wouldnt try to just learn belarusian do surzcyk to fit in better
Why would I? Might as well learn Polish, which I'm doing at the moment. It's gonna sound fake anyways.

>> No.8448264

Well that explains the butthurt locals

>> No.8448273

I dream about becoming efamous. Not efamous like girlyhoot or peachy, more like xylia-x or nokecha or realistic sweet. I don't care about a bunch of followers or being idolized by itas, I want to be a fashion inspiration to others like they were to me.
That being said, my only social media is facebook, I only use tumblr to follow other blogs. There's just something keeping me from putting myself out there every time.

>> No.8448318

oh. Poland. No matter what, you will have asspain

>> No.8448493

Thisssss I've had people be afraid of associating with me because of an ex friend. Don't be afraid to talk to them. We will just keep you at arms length because we are nervous you may run and tell shit to the asshole but, we won't be mean. At least in my experience..

>> No.8448497

Sometimes I post stuff onto threads that are just enough to get people riled up, while keeping it low-profile to where I don't get called out for bait. I love watching people lose their shit on CGL sometimes.

>> No.8448498

I want to get into lolita I always have. I enjoy ouji the most it would be my aesthetic preference but, I'm afraid of doing it. Most people in my area are ita as fuck and I know it and I don't even dress in lolita. I just don't wanna get hate because my coords are subpar. I get enough of that as a Cosplayer. .

>> No.8448499

Same here. A problem I have is the people in my comm who are trying to become e-famous - needless to say, they're tryhards. I don't want to be rooted with them.

(Also I hate the sound of my voice in recordings)

>> No.8448571

one girl in my community is literally always asking for rides to every event. It drives me crazy. Like, the area we live in has fantastic public transportation and yet every single event "Can I get a ride?". I want to tell her to put on her big girl bloomers and figure it out herself.

>> No.8448895

people who are medically trained rarely recognize problems with themselves, you really should rethink what you're doing. If someone came to you and said that they self induce vomiting because they believe/feel that they've eaten too much then what would you say to them?

>> No.8449283

I've been buying a lot of accessories for lolita like headdresses, socks, purses, shoes, and blouses but I've yet to buy a dress or skirt.

Also have a trip to glorious nippon and south korea planned in February. I told my bf that I want to get fat grafts for my face, and he's fine with it, but I'm afraid to tell him that I want rhinoplasty too.

>> No.8449296

I use the summer as a cover for when I need to ask stupid questions

>> No.8449326

I hope your accessories will match main pieces you eventually buy. If you are worried about the nose job, can't you invent a 'symptom', nasal blockage, trouble breathing, etc. or whatever people get nose jobs for that aren't cosmetic?

>> No.8449347

>literally always asking for rides to every event. It drives me crazy. Like, the area we live in has fantastic public transportation and yet every single event "Can I get a ride?". I want to tell her to put on her big girl bloomers and figure it out herself.

Why don't you tell her 'we cant always get rights, try the el/bus/train.whatever?

>> No.8449610
File: 968 KB, 500x209, tumblr_n4szb8llwy1r7y4mbo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession to make; my current relationship turned abusive a couple of months ago because of some choices I made. Despite that, me and my ex are still seeing each other and still love eachother dearly. However, we might get separated soon for job reasons.
Also, I'm on the brink of becoming a SB with an old lover who is married.

>> No.8449666
File: 368 KB, 574x462, tyronedidntcallafterhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually do look for con pussy while at cons and i only talk and take pictures of cute girls


>> No.8449968

Holy hell she changes her appearance often

>> No.8449981

I'm sorry that things got abusive anon, that's not a healthy relationship
If you're going to become an SB, be careful and stay safe!

>> No.8450078

I have social anxiety. I started going to a local meetup group to make friends and to give me an excuse to start sewing/doing creative things again. At first I thought that I was doing okay, but lately, I've been feeling more and more anxious. I'm not sure if anyone in the group actually likes me or if they're just being polite. I'm also apprehensive about showing them my work because I'm afraid that it's not good enough, especially since there are a lot of people in the group who are way more talented and experienced than I am.

Sometimes I want to just quit the group altogether because I don't know if I actually fit in there.

>> No.8450087

I know the feel
I don't attend meets often, although people get excited when I do show up to one every couple of months

I start questioning things as well anon
I'm here for you

>> No.8450632

I'm a fattychan and I've lurked here since high school but I've never actually done any cosplay or dressed in lolita because obvious reasons. You would think that would have inspired me to lose weight long ago but it never has, I just eat like a pig and then feel bad about it over and over.

>> No.8450633


That is adorable and also horrifying.

>> No.8450661

I thought same. I want to like it because realistic kitty face is cute but at the same time, sticking it on human body is freaking me out!

>> No.8450714

thank you, anon. everything so far has been black or white, so i should be safe.

yeah, people usual say they have a deviated septum or something, but i don't really want to lie. also not sure if i should just get it done in the USA. it feels like i should get it all in one go.

>> No.8450825

I never thought I'd be in these situations, specially not at the same time. But I guess that's life (?)

>> No.8450989

>thinking Americans don't have accents based on region

I thought everyone spoke with a southern accent and then I moved here

>> No.8451021

Not as many as Europeans, no. even some people who live in Boston or Illinois speak standard American English.

>> No.8451027

Not as many, agreed but some people have said that the thicker American accents are much harder for beginning English speakers to understand. I'm not sure why many Americans like to pretend they don't have an accent. Not that I do, you understand. :^)

>> No.8451029

I don't know, I'm not a beginning English speaker and I live in Belfast. From my PoV regional accents in the States are pretty tame.

>> No.8451209

pretend you're muslim?

>> No.8451220


>> No.8451241
File: 899 KB, 680x697, 9123na.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I smile and play it off like I enjoy the interaction, when I run into girls while cosplaying with my boyfriend and they want to hug him and be all lovey dovey about how hot he is and how he looks "JUST LIKE MY HUSBANDO UWAAA~" I silently want to choke a bitch. I'm not a possessive kind of girl, but ya'll thirsty hoes are annoying as fuck. Specially when they try and pass him love notes or hand him their phone numbers and shit. It cracks him up and goes straight into the trash. Pic related.

>> No.8451257

it could be a useful diversion tactic

>> No.8451905

I could see how that could be annoying.

>> No.8451931

i would definitely say something if i were you. complimenting him (i would be fine with them going on about how hot he is) and even asking for a hug would be okay, but if i saw a bitch pass my bf a phone number in front of me, i would lose my shit.

>> No.8451946

Not that anon, but when I tell stories on /cgl/ or talk shit about someone I almost always use they/them pronouns because I don't want to be doxxed since someone could recognize parts of my story and I could get into trouble. Giving out the gender is a big reveal.

>> No.8451959

I think when it comes down to it I just like cosplay because I want to pick up qt cosplayers. I've made some great female friends in the scene and that's good, but I think the fact that I haven't been able to meet anyone interested in a relationship is the thing that's sapping my motivation to keep working on my costumes

>> No.8451998

Girl, what are you doing?

Get a job or go to school, find somewhere else you can move in with roommates or something. Develop SOME kind of independence and break up with your bf. Tell his parents thanks but you're leaving now. Work with them to find a way to pay them back over time if they feel (or you feel) that you owe them debts for things they handed you freely.

This is a bad relationship. Not only are you dependent on him, but he's pulling you down and keeping you from where you want to be in life.

Get out. It may not be easy, but it really is that simple.

>> No.8452004

I wish people would stop answering questions like "how to buy from Y!J/mbok?". They can be easily googled and I don't want any more competition when it comes to auctions.

>> No.8452232

this so much. Right into the bin then we laugh and make fun of the hoes hard core afterwards.

>> No.8452249

I have a small frame but a very large behind. I absolutely hate it because, the petticoat looks 2 times bigger in the back. Even worse, I am more prone to knock things over. I need to invest in spanks or something....

>> No.8452250

I go to cons all the time but I hate cosplayers. I like the IDEA of cute girls in cute costumes but then I get there and I just find everyone repulsive, childish and irritating.

>> No.8452259

Same, but the most annoying thing to me is that the skirt always ends up looking shorter in the back. When I make my own skirts/dresses I can usually compensate for this by making it a few inches longer in the back but with brand items the skirt is the same length all around.
>tfw my butt's not even nice-looking, just disproportionally big

>> No.8452261

It sure must suck being a skinny bitch with a ghetto booty. I really feel ya.

>> No.8452268

I wanted to befriend some girls from my comm but they don't want to be friends with me.

One of them told the other I behave like a lost puppy and act too friendly towards everyone. It's happened before but I don't know how to stop being lame.

>> No.8452282

I have this problem with skirts and dresses too. I am currently sewing a skirt and I am going to try this.

>> No.8452297

I hate a cosplayer in my group of friends so I always make the same cosplays they are planning before they do. Im better at sewing than them so I know mines are better, I love seeing their sad posts online about how they want to be the only ___ at a con. Eventually ill drag them out of cosplaying, cant wait for the day I dont have to hear lf them anymore.

>> No.8452307

Clearly your comm doesn't like Nice Girls. You need to Alpha up and be an asshole to them, bitches love assholes.

Srsly though, "too friendly"? Could they mean you come off as pushy or something? Because if I make a mental list of things I wouldn't want in a friend, friendliness isn't on there.

>> No.8452346

'Too friendly' or 'like a puppy' usually mean acting over-eager, try-hard or like a suck-up, not just ordinary 'friendly'. I don't like that either.

>> No.8452354

I think what those girls meant is that they think anon is one of those people whose behavior is just cringy enough for them to be kinda lame but not embarrassing. Those people who are just inherently uncool or try too hard to be friendly/funny so they end up being slightly annoying.

>> No.8452361

you must be real rays of sunshine
>don't be mean!
>but don't be friendly either, ew!

>> No.8452406

They might think your either too clingy or fake. "Lost puppy" makes me think you're being clingy/pestering them too much. Dial it back a little and give people space to warm up to you.

>> No.8452421

It's a social skill to learn to be pleasantly friendly in a group without being standoffish, awkward or overeager. When someone 18+ has not mastered this yet, it's a sign they they lack basic social skills so yes, it's annoying when someone acts this way in a group.

>> No.8452429

Well they'll never get to develop social skills if they keep getting burnt over and over again. I think you're just being a cunt.

>> No.8452519



>> No.8452527

If people don't get some feedback about what they are doing wrong, they can't change it. I'm telling her what she's likely doing wrong and why people don't like it. Telling her so she can FIX it. How is that being a cunt?

>> No.8453329

Today I went shopping for PJs during an independence day sale and almost bought a lacy Mumu just so I could make the most ita-tastic coord I could and post it on here to see how people would respond.

>> No.8453337

I'm surprised more people don't do this and then just return the stuff.

>> No.8453352

Lolita saved me from a really dark time in my life and now I feel like it may be destroying me. Like it's turning me into the worst version of myself. But I don't wanna just leave the fashion and sell off my entire wardrobe because a lot has been going on in my life to contribute to the person I've become.

>> No.8455832

I spend my financial aid on house rent, which apparently you're not supposed to do? I get a lot back so I guess they expect me to spend it all on brand new textbooks and graphing calculators. If I wasn't so Jewish with my money I'd spend it on kawaii clothes and office accessories.

>> No.8455839

Turn it around, Anon. If you made it through the dark time, you can overcome this. Be who you want to be, work on becoming a better person. You can do it and have your frills too.

>> No.8455842
File: 18 KB, 436x654, 1192351100002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to do a couple cosplay with someone of one of my favorite pairings and do cute things with them.

Is... is that so much to ask?

>> No.8455889

I do this too. Not to lose weight, but because usually a lot of fatty/sugary foods make me feel sick and I'd rather get them out and get it over with than sit there all night feeling awful and wondering when I'm going to throw up

>> No.8456030

I can't stop wasting money going to cons.

I get all excited to go but then I get there and I just feel so soul crushingly apart from everyone, and everyone is there with their friends so it feels impossible to try to make friends with anyone like I always read about.

I always leave early because it just makes me want to kill myself and regret going completely.

Then I just do it again next year because I feel like I have nothing else to do with myself.

>> No.8456051

Then why eat them. Not avoiding foods that 'usually' make you feel sick then force-vomiting? That's some classic ED behavior.

>> No.8456058

Join a LARP, a card game group or start tabletop gaming? Those will be much more inclusive.

>> No.8456070

If your petticoat has a fully elastic waist you can kinda move the poof away from your butt a bit to compensate. Kinda like a reverse butt roll

>> No.8456800

>paypal confirmation for antique beast headdress on the 20th
>still no email update

>> No.8456942

I love bad cosplay threads and yet I've never cosplayed. I know how to sew so I can critique on the bad construction but half the time I don't even know what character they're supposed to be.

>> No.8456966
File: 83 KB, 208x315, tumblr_m1uq8jZRCp1qgnf10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a chubby girl who is trying to lose weight and I feel like I am doing everything right with little to no results. I exercise almost everyday of the week (I take two days off) and I do cardio and strength. I also have limited my caloric intake substantially but still these last few pounds do not want to leave my body.
>INB4 eat less fatty

>> No.8457009
File: 68 KB, 511x768, Bummed-Kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like some aspects of /cgl/ but hate the others. I'm considering looking for somewhere else to hang out when I'm bored because I neither cosplay nor do lolita but every other place that isn't toxic is hugboxy and infested with SJWs. I feel like I'm in internet limbo.

I can't stand neurotic cunts who drama-monger 24/7, people who complain about the littlest flaws on other women and call them old/disgusting/ugly from within their kawaii rori glass house and girls who always complain about others' behaviour and call everything 'like, so cringeworthy'.

And that's fine, I can just close the tab and go elsewhere when it starts getting to me.
But any other website I try requires an account, is heavily moderated to a point where you need to show ID, or is a SJW hugbox. I'm too salty and jaded to go elsewhere but not salty and bitter enough to start bitching and reading about shitty drama. Sigh. Maybe I just don't know enough places where you can talk civilly about these things.

>> No.8457032

Anon, I have my fingers crossed for you

>> No.8457043

>when someone uses the word 'unfortunate' to describe a person's looks

>> No.8457066

Anon I'm sorry to say but there really aren't many places to talk civilly without anonymity these days.
For example, a scientist named Tim Hunt recently claimed women shouldn't work in science labs because he's fallen in love with them and they always cry when he criticizes them based on his past experiences. Was that a dick move? Yes. Should he lose his Nobel Prize for it? No. All the comments on the article however were claiming that was very rude of him and he should be fired, lose his award, etc. When someone tried to defend him all the commenters rushed that person and essentially shooed them out. Meanwhile on /sci/ there were posters on both sides but overall it was pretty civil.
Maybe try to find a different board to frequent or just avoid triggering threads on /cgl/? I feel your pain though. I was going to comment on an article I read about dolphin encounters but stopped typing midsentence because if my comment triggered someone I'd see no end to it. I ended up finding the article posted on /an/ and shared my opinion with no triggers.

>> No.8457247

Yeah, about that...
Other boards are just as bad in some aspects. Like, if I want to discuss music on /mu/ I have to sift through awful memes, people taking the piss because you like [insert band they don't like] when you just want to know something about an album, people on /lit/ unleashing their maximal autism and trying to out-tip everyone by quoting philosophers and calling you a pleb when you just want to talk Jane Austen, etc.

/cgl/, for the most part, isn't like that but you still have to wade through insecurity and petty shit all the time and it gets tiring. I don't mind disagreeing with people but a lot of people on 4chan can act like bratty self-important children and I just don't have the patience to read all that shit all the time.

I thought reddit was a bit more civil but if you critique anyone (nicely) you still get downvoted by insecure fatties and girls with fragile glass feelings. And I don't even mean the "this is bad, that is bad, this is gross" thing that some seagulls do, but anything short of "u look gorgeous sweetie :*** <3<3" isn't enough, it seems.

Sorry for the meta.

>> No.8457348
File: 104 KB, 846x960, 1433212444575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...how do you guys get active in your comms? is it through facebook, cons, what? i feel stupid for asking, but i've always wanted to see what my comm is like/try and get involved, but i'm honestly a little scared and have no idea where to look.

>> No.8457376

Facebook, I made an introductory post, which was mandatory in our comm. Then I went to a small meet up and met people

>> No.8457557
File: 20 KB, 368x285, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attended to a crappy local "con" and felt really out of place with all those naruto kawaii neko maids and teenagers. I'm the only one that cosplays from my group of friends and I really like cosplaying, but attending a con alone in cosplay or the only one cosplayed is no fun. I lurk facebook and feel kind of jealous of all those groups that cosplay together and wish they would invite me to a cosplay group. I'm too beta to talk to people.

>> No.8457603

>Shitting where you eat.

>> No.8457611

I'm a builtfat manlet who wants to cosplay slutty female characters

>> No.8457620

go for it cunt
wear a thong to show off the hairy boipucci

>> No.8457624

I'm 25yo, and I'm a child trapped in a adult body.
I don't want to work, pay taxes, have a family or shit like that, I just want to wear pretty clothes all day.

>> No.8457788

I know that feel anon, same here. I like my job though, at least that's something. But if I could chill all day at home and not have to work it would be fucking awesome.

>> No.8457853

I used to be like you until I got laid

>> No.8457856


y-you too

>> No.8457860

Why not get into lolita, cosplaying, or go to the game rooms (tabletop/arcade)? You're bound to meet people if you engage in your hobbies!

>> No.8457863

This isn't abnormal, stop being special snowflakes

>> No.8457867

I totally understand how you feel, but I don't know of any other good places to go either. I guess we're going to just have to make compromises and pick frequenting the sites that are at least somewhat tolerable. I prefer /cgl/ over the other sites you mentioned, so I continue to come back and just hide comment threads that are drama-mongering.

>> No.8458011

Not hosting a Taobao group order ever again. Now I'm getting blamed the stuff hasn't been ordered yet when I clearly told them we had to pay upfront two months ago and I still don't see a penny from these people. I might not get my stuff for the cons I wanted to attend, but I'm not paying things that aren't mine.

>> No.8458569

Out of everything I read in this thread this one of the most spiteful post I read
Damn, good work

>> No.8458610

Them still not realizing that the 'finally grown-up feeling' is largely a myth.

>> No.8458801

>run into bf's ex at a previous con
>she's extremely pretty, many times better looking than me
>stalk her on facebook/other social media and find out that she's a richfag
>she literally gets to cosplay whatever the fuck she wants because her parents apparently have unlimited money
>despite being a newbie, her cosplays look amazing due to being pretty and having a roommate that's very experienced in cosplay


>> No.8458825

I cheated on my boyfriend and I liked it so I convinced him to get into an open relationship for me. He said yes, so now I find him even less attractive since he clearly has no self-respect. Should I dump him now or keep him just in case I need something from him?

>> No.8458834

If you need something from someone who has no self-respect, that doesn't say much for you, does it? Even if it's something material like money or whatever.

>> No.8458835

Lately I have been having several dreams about lolita. The ongoing theme is me being branded as an ita. I have never been posted here and I always get compliments when I go to meets. I even had a girl in my community tell me my coords have improved greatly. However, I am a classic lolita in a sea of sweet lolitas and I am worried people in my community will just think my coords are boring/ita.

>> No.8458843

try killing yourself.

>> No.8458853

I hate using wigs for long periods of time but I have a bald patch in my head that doesn't allow me to use my natural hair untied. And I hate headbows because of that.

>> No.8458858

I have the same kind of dream and I'm a lone lolita. I'm going to a big con this weekend and it's freaking me out. The coords I loved now seem boring and plain and uninteresting.

>> No.8458865

I feel your pain in my heart, anon. Unlimited money is cheating

>> No.8458873

i think we all sort of feel like that, but don't let these wishes come over you completely. trapping yourself in your own little world will not help you, and sadly i speak from experience

>> No.8458916

I feel for you. I get like this when my anxiety is low and I'm actually doing well in a social situation, like a party. Then if I get drunk the problem just gets exacerbated and I spend hours afterwards asking my friend over and over again if people thought I was horrible and weird, or if they were saying things when I wasn't around.

According to her I was fine. Maybe that person was just being a bitch because she's not as friendly.

>> No.8458918

You're a terrible person
consider suicide

>> No.8458994

Reddit is like a person that likes to pretend they're high and mighty and holier-than-thou, but really they're shit and they know it.

At least with 4chan we're all awful and upfront about it, that's why it's so great when people actually are civil and awesome on this site. I think sifting through the memes and bs is worth that.

Besides there's no karma or fake point system to get people all riled up or abuse.

>> No.8459002

What is your bald patch from?

>> No.8459043
File: 790 KB, 792x792, 1435437962341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cosplaying but I hate cosplayers.

>> No.8459274

lobbycon/ghost/crash that shit nigga

>> No.8459285

if you say youre chechen or tatar they'd teat you better than if you're slavic russian

>> No.8459320

Already do that with fanime and doesn't really help.

It just really sucks seeing everyone happy with their friends, I wish all of mine hadn't drifted apart and stopped liking anime.

>> No.8459394

this girl tried to become friends with me so we could cosplay together. mfw i stole her bf. mfw my con group/her old friends are starting to hate her. mfw me and bf literal fairy tale happiness for over a year. feels good being not only a bitch, but the best one.

>> No.8459427

You guys need to stop feeding this anon. Their only response will be to sperg out and scream "GO BACK TO TUMBLR HDJEIEHQPJD" and you know it.

>> No.8459442

You realise some of those replies are almost a week old right?

>> No.8459443

back to /r9k/ scum

>> No.8459447

Why the fuck did you move to Russia you retard?

>> No.8459582
File: 59 KB, 345x383, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>have no friends first year of uni
>join the uni cosplay club
>everyone pretty mediocre & lame & already has their own group of friends
>except one girl
>know her from local con in the past, but have never talked to her
>qt cosplayer, qt girl, good taste, funny
>want to be her friend so badly but 2 shy 2 talk
>eventually cosplay club goes on a con trip
>me and her hang out the whole con
>she starts to like me
>f-first friend..
>secretly check her tumblr every day, not following her because I don't have a tumblr nor wanting to make one and follow her and she know it's me
>notice she's posting about being depressed about something, mostly her appearance
>she is so beautiful pls do not be sad
>buy her flowers, buy her candy
>treat her like princess
>depression posts start becoming rare from her
>become good friends, she starts makin me feel happy
>stop having depression myself
>lay back for awhile after schoolyear ends so she doesn't think im clingy or some shit
>we message each other once in-a-while so far over the summer
>she really likes talking to me
>says sweet things about me
>start actually doing cosplay and not be a lazy piece of shit
>check her tumblr today, as usual
>she posts about how she can't stop thinking about this certain someone

If she reads this I'll die, but I need to say it sooner. Strong feels are real. I just want her to keep posting on tumblr what she would normally post without worrying about what I think.

>> No.8459655


She gets that, but you got the guy.

>> No.8459755

Did you even fucking read the post, you imbecile? She moved OUT of Russia. To Poland. Presumably because that's where the opportunity presented itself.

>> No.8459798 [DELETED] 

Oh that's okay then. I am from Poland too, I can be your boyfriend then, I have no problem with you being Russian as long as your qt.

Can you cosplay as my waifu Kirino?

>> No.8459933

Wow no need to be so rude.

>> No.8460898

I always think I'm a straight as fuck female who doesn't get off to women the slightest, but then I see an extremely cute girl with a great body and get the worst ladyboner. But I'm guessing I just want sex with them, I don't think I could go into a committed relationship with a woman.

>> No.8461084

Ten years suffering from Trich. I'm used to the bald patch by now, I can pass easily in normie clothes because a simple updo will hide it, but I as I am trying to become a full-time lolita and headbows are basically everywhere I have to alter them so I can use them.

I could use some hairdo tips though.

>> No.8461287

I have a meetup on Saturday and my face is flipping the fuck out, full on eczema break out and some sunburn, just for fun.
I look like shit.
makeup will not cover this.
I don't know what to fucking do, I have been looking foreword to this meetup but I look like a diseased fish, and it will be very small and at someones home, so it is not like I won't be missed.
At this point I am just liberally painting my face with steroids and hoping for the best.
I found a mold covered rag while cleaning (why was there a wet rag in a bag in the bottom of my laundry? The world will never know) so maybe that is what was causing it and now that it is gone my face will calm the fuck down.
I don't fucking know, I also am out of coconut oil and that is usually a gods send but it won't arrive in time.

>> No.8461565

other person insulted first

>> No.8461674

shit, this is what i just wish would happen sometimes.

>> No.8462033


Find a nice opera or masquerade mask and dress in some sort of formal party attire.

>> No.8462178

I've never done anything crazy at all at cons when it comes to guys, I always was good and only had my bf and all.
But I'm starting to wonder if I didn't missed out, you know doing crazy slutty stuff in my room. It's not my style, but things like this looks pathetics but fun, I'm conflicted.

>> No.8462381


Your boyfriend would probably be open to a MFF threesome, or might even be into MFM threesomes, who knows.

>> No.8462533

Every time I start working on a new cosplay I start thinking about giving up on this hobby. I know I won't ever be the best cosplayer of the character, so why should I even bother...I still force me to everytime, also because my gf loves my costumes and wearing partner ones.

>> No.8463348 [DELETED] 

Go tell her and good luck.