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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, British-Flag-Wallpapers-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8423316 No.8423316 [Reply] [Original]

This is how you birtfag thread. Flag and brit. Makes it easier to find in the catalogue.
Last thread archived >>8385248

Few discussion points
>Photo copying drama
>Kyle General
>GoT drama being stirred up by G
>Tabby being souless
>Anons mystery drama, due in a week now.
>Upcoming cons
and bonus
>Where the hell is Valentine?

>> No.8423335

OP bless you. This is the right way to make a Brit thread. Last op got it so wrong.

So what July cons are you all going to? I'm going to kits but I want to do one more.

>> No.8424089

gonna be honest, I'm OP of the old thread and I was drunk as fuck when I made it, we'd just had a BBQ on the only nice day this year and I drank all the wine my in-laws brought with them. I didn't even have a title and just copied in the text for all the cons this year from a site. I'd say sorry but eh, wine.

>> No.8424385

I'm excited about Hyper Japan (though that's more of an expo than a con) in the new venue. If they keep expanding like this, it's going to replace MCM as my annual London weekender. I stopped going to MCM a while back because as we all know MCM is utter shite, but I always really enjoy HJ and would happily make a weekend of it if it started to approach MCM in size.

>> No.8424452

I'm so excited for the guest bands (dempagumi!!) and I hope its succesfull in the new place for the exact same reason. Also is LAC any good? I've never been, wondering if I should bother buying a ticket.

>> No.8424556

What is the difference between an expo and a con? From what i understand, expo is more like a company owned event and a con is privately paid for event. Both of them terms seem to have rolled into the same catageory, mcm was called expo and then now changed to comic con, so my understanding goes out of the window, nice to know the true meaning.

Thats the thing, when you say size, either way for an event to grow they need visitors and to predict the numbers so they can afford a bigger place. Excel is the biggest, you won't find a bigger venue in uk. As for people attending, if hj did get big it would mean more people attending and it would be overcrowded just like end up being mcm nightmare!

Hj is more of a culture event so i don't think it will ever get as big as mcm would, as hj grows, so will mcm. Infact i hope hj doesn't grow to a point where its so damn busy it becomes impossible to move around the stalls!

>> No.8424569

...also, bigger place means paying more for entry. Remember people last year complaining about overcrowding and not enough space to move at mcm, so they increased the floor space this year and unfortunately also increase ticket price to reflect this, so becareful what you wish for because you might just get it...

>> No.8424592

And its not mcm that jacks the price up its ExCels asking price for venue space. Mcm has to cover this (including extra staff and security) and the only way is to increase the ticket price, if it stayed the same size than it would not increase in price by much year on. Its a business, what business doesn't want to keep getting bigger and not having to increase price, but unfortunately, its got alot of external costs to cover which is not in their control. Example, cleaner company will demand more because fucktards throw bottles and shit outside in the grass area in the late evening/late at night.

>> No.8424608

I personally thought they did a great job this year from MCM standpoint.

The security had no idea what to do though, they even said so on friday when i was waiting for some friends.

Excel really fucked up this year though. They made MCM rearrange their entire floorplan because of the christian book fair on friday.

I enjoyed the break area this year though. That was a great idea.

>> No.8424725

TBH, i think they was hoping for some publicity stunt, like wasn't there a con in America that was held same time as some religious convention and ended up police being called over some girl wearing what the religious people considered skimpy/nude, but by con standard it was nothing.

Yes, the open space which they allowed people to just sit away from the stalls and whatnot was appreciated indeed.

>> No.8424897


It's not that Tabby's soulless, she just isn't as involved in the scene as she used to be. To be fair, her dad's biz comes first and she probably has to help out with the gruntwork more, after they laid off staff. Mind you, they've still got loads of time to do videos about making each other's fancy dress costumes.

It's undeniable that Tabby doesn't make as many cons ... she dropped out of LAGC and it's iffy whether she'll make LFCC. I get the sense that if she's not a guest or judge at a con, she's not bothered. She spent her time at MCM hanging around the SyFy 360 cam thing, so it's always about publicity and promotion.

Tabby once told me she didn't have time to read comics. I hope she has the decency to buy and read Swords of Sorrow after Gail Simone was generous enough to bung her on the cover with her mates.

>> No.8424915

What does everyone think of the Swords of Sorrow cover?

>> No.8424931

Ah, anyone remember the Peace festival, where someone got stabbed?
Alternatively that huge preaching event?

>> No.8424938

LAC is shit

>> No.8424940

No one remembers London Anime Club any more unfortunately.

>> No.8424997

It's pretty good IMO. Creative Edge do good work.

>> No.8425009

Whatever happened to Adam Jay?

>> No.8425046

Ya tink? To me, the pic looks a bit porn-y with that lighting … not that that’s anything new for a Dynamite comic.

As for the models, Vampirella and Dejah look great. I can’t remember the name of the Jungle Girl cosplayer, should hand in my cosplay credentials rite now – think she’s Spanish? She looks like she’s about 15 though – not sure about the message THAT sends out…

My biggest problem with the photo is Tabs herself. She looks fetching enough but Red Sonja is supposed to look tall, powerful and fucking TERRIFYING as well as hot. She doesn’t need to have heaps of muscles but Sonja needs to look like a woman who can credibly punch out fucking Conan himself … which is exactly what Sonja did in a comic not long ago. I think Tabs looked great as Leia in that recent shoot and she looks great as a lot of other characters like Black Cat or Juliet Starling btu she’s just too cuddly for Sonja. It’s one thing to cosplay a char at a con but if you’re modelling that character in their own comic, you damn sure’d better look like them.

>> No.8425051

Chiquitita I think?

>> No.8425056

I don't think it's anything amazing as far as edits go in the scheme of things, i don't see the big fuss, but then im not a fan of any of sword of sorrow work, so might explain it.

>> No.8425074
File: 355 KB, 900x1350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks amazing

>> No.8425077

This gets me though, guy has a studio, but instead of setting it up so it looks like the cover, he takes the photo, photoshops it so it looks no longer like a photo. Whats the point? Might as well redraw the cover.

>> No.8425083

Keep on plugging Tabby.

>> No.8425117

Yeah, the art’s sublime but I don’t think the story’s any great shakes, no better than the other big Dynamite event book ‘Prophecy’ from a few years back. It’s Gail Simone though, so critics are crawling over themselves to praise it and this is also Gail’s last hurrah with Red Sonja. She’ll be off soon to a more popular title or to rescue another supposedly ailing franchise that doesn’t need rescuing. Unlike most, I wasn’t exactly blown away by Gail’s run on Sonja.

Dunno if I’m the only person who finds it hilarious how hard Tabby campaigned this pic. She’s so desperate for attention. I wonder what her reaction would’ve been if she’d sent the pic to Gail and Gail had said ‘Meh’.

>> No.8425122

Tasha on the right looks so fucking awkward

>> No.8425156
File: 1.98 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_1661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,

Some LADS and I plan to dress as the Faith Militant from GoT for a GoT themed club night. We've bought (pic related) monk costumes that come with ropes, and we've bought the clubs.

The problem though is that they are Polyester and light brown, when we need them to be black. We've looked into dyeing them and apparently it'll require disperse dyes. However I'd rather just spray paint them black and leave them to dry. Would spray paint work? As a similar question, what's the easiest accessible and cheapest way to dye polyester fabric if spray paint doesn't work? Id rather use spray paint because its easier and ive used it before for Halloween, except the fabrics were different.
Any tips?
(as a side note,my mates are being pretty shite and saying we dont need to dye them... Even though the faith militant are all black and our current costumes are brown with white rope. I dont even know why theyre bothering if they dont want to get it right but whatever)

>> No.8425159

Hey guys,

Some LADS and I plan to dress as the Faith Militant from GoT for a GoT themed club night. We've bought monk costumes that come with ropes, and we've bought the clubs.

The problem though is that they are Polyester and light brown, when we need them to be black. We've looked into dyeing them and apparently it'll require disperse dyes. However I'd rather just spray paint them black and leave them to dry. Would spray paint work? As a similar question, what's the easiest accessible and cheapest way to dye polyester fabric if spray paint doesn't work? Id rather use spray paint because its easier and ive used it before for Halloween, except the fabrics were different.
Any tips?
(as a side note,my mates are being pretty shite and saying we dont need to dye them... Even though the faith militant are all black and our current costumes are brown with white rope. I dont even know why theyre bothering if they dont want to get it right but whatever)

>> No.8425160

Sorry for the double post, phone is being an ass

>> No.8425173

Anyone going to Sunnycon this weekend?

>> No.8425196

Jacquard idye Poly

>> No.8425202

>giving this much of a fuck (no one will care)

>spray paint if you really do care

>> No.8425312

That was their campaign in the first place, so ofcourse she will spam it. Her and edge studio has beem hammering to get noticed for ages, look back at his edits. You see the link...catwoman, spiderman, blackcat, red sonja. Except when edge does it she spams it alot more than anything photos people take of her.

>> No.8425313
File: 44 KB, 400x273, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You trolling right? It looks terrible. Everything, the lighting, the edges and the models... holy shit they are ugly! They look like they're all in their 40-50's. Only in Britain would they be considered above average.

>> No.8425337

It is hard to believe out of all the shots they must have taken, that was the best one. I think out of all of them chiquitita is the only one that look nice, not sure whats happened to mojojos face..way too photoshopped.

>> No.8425376

yep, tons of seagulls i know are going, hell some of the committee are on here too.

>> No.8425425

Tasha isn't even holding her weapons properly, and her mouth looks like an arsehole.

>> No.8425450


>> No.8425535

Then you must be the one of the other 3.

>> No.8425556

Or I'm not any of them and think it's good

>> No.8425615

Honestly this looks so awful and dated.
Tabby looks bored, and her pose is shy when it shouldn't be. She needs to pose stronger. And lipstick would help define her face
The chick in the red looks awful. So trashy. That was not a good fit on that costume, the crotch wrinkles make the costume look cheap as fuck. The wig is awful. If you have a black wig, you either need to get a low shine one or dull the shine. She looks so tacky.
Tasha looks like she knows well that she's only there because of tabby. Like tabby her pose is weak She also looks old as fuck. A more voluminous wig would have helped, and some decent makeup.
Blonde down front (dunno the name) Needs a wig because her hair looks plain compared to the others. It's kinda shapeless and lifeless, and just dry. And if she's got any sense she would have made the top as a proper bra so her boob isn't pouring out if it.

They all need to contour more as their faces look flat. Posing needs more work.

This just looks like it's a promo for a porno.

>> No.8425634 [DELETED] 

Someone post this on kellys stream, get her to twitch con. http://archive.anon-ib.ch/cosp/src/1407723999503.jpg

>> No.8425674

Ask Game of Cosplay UK they could give you some wonderful advice

>> No.8425714
File: 49 KB, 705x960, 10423926_908038242575052_4487911215792281713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't quite put my finger of why, but this picture is so off and just not right it's distressing.

>> No.8425771

Severe photoshop of background/face/especially duck lips? The camera angle and cut of the dress are poor as well, since they're making her legs seem way shorter than they are.

>> No.8425794

Actually she is just that short. IIRC she's under 5ft

>> No.8425807
File: 194 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8425860

Nope, cos why would any gull need to post a hq image of what everyone knows, blatent selfpost.

>> No.8425900

So blatent

Everyone seems to think they know who they are talking to on here

>> No.8425973

Welp, this is likely as far as they're both ever gonna get. They've done well for themselves but at the end of the day, Dyamite is the, what, 5th or 6th biggest comic company in the US and this is just one of many variant covers plus Gail's prolly leaving the company soon so Tabby's losing her as soon as she's got her on board. Big achievement for Dobdell and Tabby but it amounts to a hill of beans at the end of the day ... feedback on here seems mixed, I wonder if that's gonna be the case away from EGL

>> No.8426037

Tabby and Edge hadn't worked together for fucking ages - they did all that shit years ago, the Tomb Raider film and all that, then they barely did a thing until just recently. And now Tabby is all over Creative Edge's stuff. Shit, he just started posting interview on his Youtube channel and guess who was his first interview? I reckon Tabby went cold on Creative Edge while she was going out with that gamer3TK guy and now they've split, she wants to milk Creative Edge for publicity again (and vice versa)

>> No.8426074

I think it's him chasing her.

>> No.8426088

Whether you're being serious or not, I dont need to go to a specialised place to find out the best way to recolour polyester fabric, thanks anyway

>> No.8426091

Yeah and now she's single, she's got time for him again. Guy's a bit creepy ... on his FB page, he's all 'Here's another sexy pic of Tabitha to brighten up your days' ... he's gotta be old enough to be Tabby's dad.

>> No.8426123

All you need is google

>> No.8426259

You forget they also did a shoot with her red sonja alone just before the sorrow shoot and its never years ago. Edge has been stopping by her workshop a few times too.

>> No.8426284

Also as anon says >>8426091, they also did modelling shoot too. No doubt edge will use this 2 min fame and milk the fuck out of it.

>> No.8426305

Ive tried that, but there doesnt seem to be anything about spray painting polyester which I reckon would be ideal. I was just wondering if anyone on this board had any experience and I could get a quick answer

>> No.8426334 [DELETED] 

Also, anyone know if the edit edge did of chiquitita as supergirl on the meteorite is a cover art?

>> No.8426340 [DELETED] 

..and you know where im going with this right?

>> No.8426373

this wig is a 100% photoshop

>> No.8426431

Someone did respond twat.

>> No.8426484

He took that at a con. he's been stalking her

>> No.8426662

I think an Expo is short for exhibition, or exposition: it's somewhere to go to get information and see upcoming releases - like a giant advert. Whereas a convention is more about the events that go on. I think. Don't quote me or anything.

>> No.8426851
File: 121 KB, 640x720, 029d27b77189464ce5a265e2275285921397074391_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, should be nice! Hope we have good weather I want to hit up the beach for a quick swim after I've been around once or twice.

>> No.8427267


Alledgedly someone said they were approached by someone with a bible as a gift... but that's the mcm group so it's like believing a /b/ story

>> No.8427348

Anyone got any info on LFCCs cosplay comp? I'm kinda wanting to do it but I can find precious zero info on it. Friend emailed them last week and got no reply. Anyone got any idea whats happening?

>> No.8427360

No idea ... Showmasters' organisation is a shambles as usual. I still can't believe that after the debacle last year, they've had the gall to increase the entry fee from a fiver to about fifteen quid. I'm SUPREMELY fucked off about that. Still, they've got a steady stream of muppets willing to pay their increased prices without complaint so who can blame them

>> No.8427362

Oh, he's never totally gone away, he's been doing odds and sods here and there. His work with Tabby has massively stepped up in the past few months though. He may as well rename his company Creative Tabby.

>> No.8427366

I'm only going of the competition looks good, because I want to enter. But I need fucking info on it before I buy a damn ticket. And if they don't put out the fucking info soon I'll not have the chance to buy a damn ticket.

>> No.8427415

I love you
But your new website is awful.
Please go back to the old one.

>> No.8427473

Nothing on the forums at all. Looks like people have been asking in the fbook group too but there have been no replies.

>> No.8427478

The interview he did with her is pretty cringey. You can tell he is a little bit obsessed with her.

>> No.8427482

MCM raised the ticket price by 15 pounds this year too. 50 quid for a weekend ticket for a glorified dealers hall is ridiculous

>> No.8427483

Eevee is judging it and the winner gets to do a photo shoot with Game Of Cosplay UK so long as their comply with their rules. The loser gets a photo shoot with Lucas.

>> No.8427502

Surely the winner gets to shoot with him?? His wandering hands are the ultimate prize of cosplay

>> No.8427648

I've seen companies like him before, they come into the cosplay scene trying to get as much as attention as possible, than after a while they find out it doesn't work and they dissapear because its a waste of their time. Hes just another one of them.

>> No.8427654

Loser gets to shoot with Kyle, who then copies some better known cosplayer/photographer to gain "interest" to other well cosplayer who normally gets overlooked.

>> No.8427656

MCM Comic Con is still not a con. They changed the name but not really much of what goes on inside. It hasn't go the right events or sense of community to be a con imo.

It's still just an exhibition hall full of knock-off stuff.

>> No.8427678

Calm down faggot

>> No.8427680
File: 53 KB, 505x432, ShadesOn23424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Shades On is desperate when they have to take another photo from someone else to save to their folder, and not even a good one at that. You can smell his desperation to get noticed by Yaya and you wonder why he had to copy another photographer.

>> No.8427739

He's doing alright for himself and he's been at this for a while. He actually gave Tabby her first real shot in the spotlight with his Skyrim mini-movie ... she can thank him for a lot of her early exposure. I know he used to do wedding photography as his real job but he's pretty much given that up, I think. At the same time, he's said he can't do any more fan-movies because he can't afford them. He was talking about doing a Red Sonja movie with Tabby at one point but that's not happening.

>> No.8427829

Spray paint is a good way to make crusty ass fabric.

>> No.8427836


Ive already spray painted it. And you're right.

It isnt unwearable, it isnt flaking and it isn't actually as crusty as I thought it would be, but yeah I wish id left more time to get it done properly.

Oh well, its just for a club night

>> No.8427850

I bought a ticket to London Anime Con this 4-5th of July. I'm going with a group of my friends. Anyone been before? What should I expect?


>> No.8427851

Weaboos, low budget shit,decent array of merchandise so bring money

Sign up a group of fivefor the LoL tournament, all get pissed at the bar five mins before your game, GOMAD

Thats what our group did, kekkin mad time

>> No.8428120

Are there a lot of teenagers there? I'm 30 and I don't exactly like to spend my weekends with underage weebs.

Any afterparties? Or do Brits frown on this kind of thing? I know since I've been here, places close super early compared to the states, so the night life is scarce.

From what I understand from the "rules", drinking alcohol or bringing your own isn't allowed. Does anyone follow/enforce this rule?

>> No.8428122

Pretty sure it's 18+ only

>> No.8428309

Merc?? sadly I think most good stall will be at japan expo

>> No.8429300

looks like a still from a video with how bad it is hah

>> No.8429679

Not sure what conventions you've been to in the U.S. but by and large my experience is its over there where the drinking culture is frowned upon and you're not allowed alcohol in the raves or parties.

I would say a good portion of attendees spend a lot of their time over here at cons in the bars or drinking at the parties. It's definitely more of an accepted way to have fun in the UK compared to the U.S.

>> No.8429722

I'm not allowed to have alcohol in the raves or parties here in London? What a bummer....

Yes, it's true that most of the con goers in the states spend most of their time drinking; it's just what we do.

I would think that with the drinking age 18 instead of 21, Brits would be *more* into drinking. Unfortunately, I just read the rules for the con and bringing or consuming alcohol is forbidden. Bogus!

>> No.8429761

The venue has a bar which opens at 11am. Everyone gets drunk. It's the only thing that makes the LAGC bearable.

>> No.8429764

What is LAGC?

>> No.8429829

I think you're completely misunderstanding. It is far more normal to drink at UK cons, Kita, Ame, Aya, Minami, even Expo all have bars - with people frequently drinking throughout the day.

America by and large has a much less pronounced casual drinking culture which I've noticed is reflected at anime conventions over there.

It's as obvious as the fact you will see people at MCM in London at 11am with a plastic pint glass of beer walking through the hall but you aren't even allowed in the U.S. con raves with alcohol.

>> No.8429837

Okay I get what you're saying now, except you're entirely incorrect about drinking at cons in the USA. I've been to over 30 cons in the states and it's common (and encouraged) to bring your own drinks, walk around with open containers, mix drinks in hotel parties, and generally stumble around having a good time (as long as you don't get too crazy or offer drinks to minors).

While I have never been to a con in the UK (although I have signed up to attend London Anime Con), the rules *clearly* state no alcohol allowed. It's on the main page, under their rules.

From what I have experienced in the US, and from what I have seen in the rules of the cons in the UK, you're completely wrong.

>> No.8429841

From the London Anime Con FAQ:
"bringing in any drink whether alcoholic or not is disallowed"

>> No.8429859

That's a venue policy, not really a reflection on the culture of cons.

>> No.8429861

To bring. They can't make money off you bringing it. Buy it there.

>> No.8429896

LAC is probably not the best choice for your first UK con. It's pretty much the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.8430083
File: 104 KB, 632x760, lfcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again, another Gibson comp, hope its not another "most popular" cosplayer, rather than best cosplay comp. Remember the shitstorm it caused last time, the only time KJ comes out of the woodwork.

>> No.8430139

This isn't a competition. Did you even read it?

>> No.8430149

Don't correct me because you didn't even read to the end of it, fucktard.

"..an incredible 'Game of Thrones' Cast signed Guitar competition"

>> No.8430151

Calm down, it doesn't specify cosplay comp.

>> No.8430162

I heard that Game Of Cosplay UK will be holding a competition for a signed picture but the entry rules are pretty strict. This is also the only competition to get a signature from THE BEST DANY IN THE WORLD

>> No.8430226

And you can only enter if you're cosplaying a character from GoT they don't have.

Also I did notice Georgia is doing more and more of the girl from GoT. Not fussed really, it's just she made it so she can cosplay whoever she wants and stay in the group, meaning other girls get included as she wishes. Making so all the other girls have to cosplay around what she does.

>> No.8430246

sunnycon is so shit lol

>> No.8430674

You expected otherwise?

>> No.8430735

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.8430783

See previous thread.

>> No.8430784

Sorry, but it's a complete joke that she's judging it.

>> No.8430798

Did you really not get that joke

>> No.8430803

There is no competition with that group though

>> No.8430809

It's a joke they're making a joke

>> No.8431135

Jesus this GoT crap is getting so dull now, can we move onto something more interesting because you all just seem salty as fuck

>> No.8431200
File: 194 KB, 516x600, 1424563515765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8432084

Point taken.

What's a better choice for a good con in the UK? I'm open to pretty much anything (except Comic-Con, of course)

>> No.8432112

London Super Comic Con
MCM London

All have good and bad points, but generally they are the "better" ones in the UK. Everyone has different tastes, so do your own research online to get an idea, if it's your thing. All other cons are just stop gaps inbetween them generally and you can give them a miss and won't lose out on anything, but yeah, LAGC being your first impression of UK con is not good.

>> No.8432123

I don't blame that anon for not getting it, she was judging an anime league event about a week ago.

>> No.8432700

How the heck is chiquitita still getting guest spots? She does she shit all these days

>> No.8432701

Tits and blonde

>> No.8433036

Because she is friends with the organisers.

>> No.8433057

In general who do we think is pretty up and coming in our community? I'm sick of following the same faces and seeing the same costumes.

>> No.8433160

AL are having some kind of weeb meetup in Glasgow at the end of July. I'm tempted to check it out to see how much of a clusterfuck it'll be.

>> No.8433281

Did anybody go to sunnycon? Was it good?

>> No.8433515

You will keep seeing the same faces because they are the circlejerk and theyre not about to give their position away, so yeah, same people even if they don't cosplay much.

>> No.8434889

Jesus Christ anon they asked for a convention recommendation not a fucking trade show

You're pretty much out of luck for the rest of this year. Of the events left that are still to run Kitacon is the only one I'd recommend, though your enjoyment will vary depending on how much you like parties. It's also sold out now so you'd have to join the waiting list.
Everything else this is just a complete shit show or an anime league event (all anime league events are shite).

Your best bet next year would be Amecon, much to everyones surprise they actually ran a half decent event this year. And next year they'll be in a top class venue so it's shaping up to be a good event.

>> No.8434985
File: 44 KB, 637x960, 11665601_854201961282414_2619465684098853692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noctis, please, you're not fooling anyone, you don't look like this IRL.

>> No.8435044

Did you not read the captions that photo is from years ago

>> No.8435081

It's more of a joke that she's getting in and dating some creepy photog. who kept asking her for shoots and is working as his "PA". I'm not sure if she's doing it because she craves the attention or just doesn't see how fucking weird he is.

>> No.8435094


Okay, I'll check out Kitacon. Thanks for the reccomends!

So, what exactly is Anime League? And why are Anime League events shite?

>> No.8435193

Look up Michel Towers.

>> No.8435203


This guy?

>> No.8435238

Kind of shit. Main guests dropped out at the last second, No schedule or organizational plan, Mediocre food and all it really was was just a few anime merch stalls and literally nothing else.

Luckily it was on the coast so after a couple hours we just hit the beach for some sun and swimming and had a great day overall. Convention was pretty disorganized overall but I guess it was okay, I got some new Manga to read and had a nice day swimming at the beach.

>> No.8435273

That dude, but look up the underage sex shit.

>> No.8435310

Wait what?!

I've got him on my Facebook - added him years back when I was a lone nerd living in a Hamlet who had no clue what cons and stuff was good, I remember messaging him very nicely as he looked like he knew his stuff (13 me didn't know better) and received a cuntish reply.

Knew he was a twat, but a kiddie fiddler too? Maybe the rude reply was the better of two evils in his world...

>> No.8435709

sweet, thanks for sharing

>> No.8436351

A bit shit. Guests dropped out and it felt really disorganised. I feel sorry for people who bought VIP.

My main gripes were queuing to get in really. They were letting in 5 people at a time, something about the scanners they had broke which made it an even longer wait. They either didn't have enough money to print out timetables or couldn't be arsed, so you had to go to a volunteer with a timetable.

Edmund was there being a massive cunt per usual.

Afterparty was great though. Booze prices weren't too bad. Stalls were alright as well, but seemed to be more artists and shit rather than merch.

Hopefully it's going to be better at St James's Park next year.

>> No.8436517

Am i the only one who thought Sunnycon is getting worse and worse as the years go on?
This whole con was just nothing to do but walk around and look at the basic bitch stalls they had.
Cosplay Masquerade wasn't bad, although the organisation was shocking.

>> No.8436522

It was a complete shambles. For £1000 you don't even need to bring your costume into pre judging and the judges turned out to be absolute nobodies with questionable qualifications too

>> No.8436527

I know right? Turns out they were just random people in closet or store bought costumes.
The people competing weren't as bad as what i anticipated, some good costumes actually showed up other than a guy wearing a huge costume that he couldn't move in. I'm glad he got 3rd this year.
Free £1000 if you ask me

>> No.8436604

Went to SunnyCon last year.

While I had a huge amount of fun it was almost entirely down to the company I went with than the con.

The con itself was a train wreck.

The dealers were boring. The tent was too loud and it was difficult to pay attention to the main stage, if you can even call the space at the front a stage.

The worst "rave" I have ever been to which was only made amazing by the fact the group I was with just didn't give a shit about how bad the setlist was and danced like the drunk bros they were. I mean holy fucking shit, I heard Run to the Hills by Iron Maiden 3 god damn fucking times that evening. Once would have been out of place and forgivable if the rest was amazing but it's like the DJ had no idea where he was.

My partner was laughing at a 20 something yearold guy larp with 16 yearolds while dressed as Sora from Kingdom Hearts which was AMAZING anyway and then she got asked by someone if she knew what larp was and if she'd be interested.

The other highlight for me was sitting in the masquerade when a FMA cosplayer was on. The announcer said something like "Our next cosplayer is dressed as Edward Elric from a show I think you'll know. Here's a clue, it's about Alchemy!" My friend sarcastically said "Metal Alchemy! Wait no, Full Alchemy or something?!" and some young neckbeard legit turned around and said "I think you'll find it's called Full Metal Alchemist."

Me and my friend looked at each other trying to hold back our laughter as if to "Did he REALLY just say that! What a colossal faggot!"

>> No.8436607

*as if to say

>> No.8436631

I agree, certainly worse than the last few

>> No.8436636

Sunnycon 3 in a nutshell
I feel like they could run with the whole "fairground" thing they had, with the shitty marquees and burger fans and made into something different if they didn't run it so cheap and awful. I mean they are right on the beach and they didn't run with that idea?
I know it's ran by self proclaimed"otakus" and neckbeards but come on.
It's one of those cons where you NEED good company or the con will be utter shite.
I've never been to the afterparty or rave, what are they like? Judging by the con itself, not good.

>> No.8436718

Is anyone going to Glasgow MCM?

Seems like the attendance is gonna tank this year.

>> No.8436810

£1000? That seems like a lot for a small scale con like Sunny.

>> No.8436829

As far as I know he tends to go for barely legal girls in the 16-18 range rather than underage kids.

>> No.8436834

That's the thing. The con actually has potential to be alright if it was just managed better. Instead they only cater towards mid-teens and I found there wasn't much for you if you were outside the 14-16 age bracket.

Clive Lee was a great guest though and let a lot of people try on parts of his Banshee. The guy seriously committed to that costume.

Yeah the prize money for the competition is actually great considering. Even 3rd place is pretty mental considering how easy it is to make the top 3. Literally paying for your weekend and then some.

>> No.8436837

I'm tired of the weebs and tryhards who have been screaming about it for months now. It's pretty local to me so i'll probably give it a visit for one day.

>> No.8436839

For that price they could get a venue that doesn't run out of bog roll.

>> No.8436927

I loved Clive Lee as a guest, probably the only guest i've actually enjoyed at that convention.
I agree with the 14-16 age bracket, they do have a Yaoi/Yuri panel but that isn't gonna be bringing the adults into the convention now is it..
I'm more disappointed they're moving cities, Newcastle is bigger and has more to offer but Sunderland has no local convention now. I hope another comes along to take its place.

>> No.8437022

Who won then? I'm guessing the guy in the massive suit was some sort of space marine?

>> No.8437064

He came 3rd, someone from Tokyo ghoul was 2nd and Lina from Dota 2 won.
I had no idea who he was cosplaying but he got 1st last year. His costume is really impressive but he could barely move in it not even walk off the stage to pose.
Call me old fashioned but i think movement in a costume is just as important as how good it looks.

>> No.8437074

One of the things that irked me was the apathy from volunteers. When MasakoX was reading shit fanfics and asked Eddie (who wasn't there for some reason) for water, none of the volunteers in the room got him any. There were 3. An atendee ended up getting him some.

I think the reason why it's so disorganised is because of mainly disorganised people organising it. Tucky and Donna are usually on the ball with this stuff, but people like Eddie and the music guy in the afterparty probably didn't contribute much at all.

>> No.8437106

So none of the usual comp crowd then? Find it odd that none of the usual lot entered, given the prize.

>> No.8437112

None that i recognised, I thought a few from the usual crowd entered but they must have pulled out. I was surprised by that too.
I assume with the con moving to Newcastle more familiar faces will pop up.

>> No.8437128

Are they renaming it or are they being stupid and keeping a name that won't make any sense in Newcastle?

>> No.8437139

I have no idea, Anon.
I hope not and some other event can come, take the name and make a good convention of it.

>> No.8437201

The afterparty on Saturday was pretty good. It all depends on the friends you have.

I witnessed the most autistic display of the whole convention though. I was outside having a fag and there was some bread stuck on the floor, which for some fucking reason was the theme for the night where people were putting slices of Hovis on their heads, so this one guy peeled off the bread whilst his other friends I guess were around him and started doing some speech about it. I had no clue what the fuck was happening at the time and I only had one pint.

So yeah sometimes you see golden moments like that and treasure them with you and your friends forever.

>> No.8437332


Yeah, I'm about 20 miles from Glasgow, so I might show up for one day. It's stupid how many people talk about it like it's significant though. It's just another MCM, but even worse.

>> No.8437334
File: 54 KB, 540x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one?

>> No.8437349

Is that it? That won?

>> No.8437354

According to her page baggy cosplay that won £1000...

>> No.8437357

'Baggy' cosplay. You get to give yourself a whole new name to be known by in this scene and she opts for 'Baggy'

>> No.8437366

Suppose it's a disclaimer if none of your Cosplay's fit right?

>> No.8437408

Yup she won.
Comparing her to some others there she was one of the best but not the best in my opinion. they were so adamant on the rules one of the "judges" posted on the Sunnycon page about their judging system. She had no stage presence but they were trying to justify their choices on the post. I never got a good look of her at the con. I was hoping who cosplayed the Ice Blade Shyvana would place, up close her costume was pretty impressive.

>> No.8437413

What is her page name?

>> No.8437415

Baggy Cosplay

>> No.8437446

Christ, looking at her page how the fuck did she win?

>> No.8437540

If you excuse the crappy paint job, shyvana wasn't bad. The finish wasn't great but the shapes were good.

>> No.8437602

Finally able to go to my first expo/con this year after dreaming about it since I was about 11. Decided on MCM in October, seems as it's probably the most newcomer friendly (inb4 its shit. yes, i know). Although I'm going to cosplay, I'm interested in photography. Can anyone give me tips on cosplay photography/interacting with cosplayers? Are their any types I should avoid? Do I need to let them know where I intend on uploading the photos?

>> No.8437633

If you've got a photography page I recommend bringing business cards - You can print them out at home, just something with your name and page on. The majority of cosplayers will ask for a card when you take a photo.

>> No.8437641

I see, thanks for the advice. I don't actually have a photography page, though I suppose I should set one up. Is there any specific platform most of the other cosplay photographers will use to upload onto?

>> No.8437642

>make neckpiece
>worbla with craft foam sandwich method
>choose to cover it in fabric instead of painting it

Yeah, because that was really a cost effective way of doing it. Seriously, these people need to stop fucking using worbla for things that don't even need it.

>> No.8437656


>> No.8437686

It took me a minute to realise this was even Lina

>> No.8437939
File: 28 KB, 500x435, mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only person here getting tired of seeing all these sub par local cons popping up?
I think it's good that they are trying to make the cosplay scene a bit bigger and that, but my god are they shittily organised a good chunk of the time.
One of the ones near me is having a cosplay masquerade this time around and I asked if it was going to be split up into different categories for different performances (walk ons for handmade only/performances for both handmade and bought like they do at MCM to make it more fairer) and I swear to god I got penalised for even suggesting the competition be organised slightly more fairly. Even the fucking organisers were like "we're a family event", I never suggested they weren't, if they're holding a competition they better fucking run it right and fairly.

>"Stop sucking the fun out of cosplay anon!"

I shit you not one of them said this to me

>> No.8437970

The problem with the local events is that it's always the wrong kind of people organising them, which is why they're a fucking mess. You either get a group of weebs and neckbeards trying to start up some shitty anime-con or self-confessed event managers who try to fleece money out of people in the name of putting up a few shit stalls selling knock-off merchandise. If people who actually had experience in event management came together and listened to a focus group of con attendees to see what they want, instead of just guessing and putting together complete horseshit, then there might actually be more good local cons.

>we're a family event

What the fuck does that even have to do with what you asked them? Are the organisers actually retarded?

>> No.8437971

What con is it?
Problem with smaller cons is that if you have about 6 categories, you'll only have one or two people in each. Because not that many enter. Why not just have one category and a better prize so more people want to enter.

>> No.8438003


>Retarded organisers

Honestly judging by the way they articulated their messages (spelling mistakes fucking EVERYWHERE) I wouldn't be surprised if they were.


I wouldn't say it's too small. The last con pulled in a fair few people and was held at a nice/large enough venue. One of the people commented that a con in a area close to the con I'm talking about held a masquerade once and they didn't even have a fucking stage.

I'll post screencaps of the convo if you're interested.

>> No.8438018

So the last thread mentioned not to mention You-Know-Who

So is You-Know-Who a certain someone who has an Encyclopedia Dramatica entry and got banned from MCM Expo events?

>> No.8438020

Go on then. Also, what con is it?

>> No.8438059

Does anyone know why Scowny is no longer involved with KitaCon?

>> No.8438062

Some issue with the committee as I understand it. Precisely what or why I do not know. It's a shame as his MC'ing in Kita's early days helped make the event what it is today.

>> No.8438071

Nope kj doesn't have an ED page. Who are you talking about?

>> No.8438072

Only reason MCM raised it is because they changed Friday from a half-day into a full day

>> No.8438079

Look up FreeSaiyan, go to the Encyclopedia Dramatica entry on him

>> No.8438083

Your not allowed bring in your own booze, doesn't mean that alcohol isn't allowed in the venue, you just have to buy it there

>> No.8438105

>>Even the fucking organisers were like "we're a family event", I never suggested they weren't, if they're holding a competition they better fucking run it right and fairly.

Translation - 'we're going to give the top prizes to the youngest kids who enter because it wouldn't be fair if they didn't win because kids kids kids'

>> No.8438109

Mike Towers/FreeSaiyan

>> No.8438110
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Not really comfortable with saying what con it is because it is REALLY close to where I live, so putting that kinda information out on 4chan makes me a tad uncomfortable. I will say it's in the North West though.

Tbh this whole thing got way too spergy and I should of left like 10 comments from the end but I was bored.

I mean mfw I literally typed the same message 6 times and it still didn't go in properly.

>> No.8438134
File: 715 KB, 1240x8532, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to blot something out. Reupload:

>> No.8438135

That fucking chav arguing with you. I want to reach through my screen and choke him.

>> No.8438236

Okay guys, so just for fun, what would be your perfect con?

I'd like something in a major city, with parties in the evening but well-organised events during the day. It would have Hyper Japan's mix of interests, with more of a focus on nerdy stuff than legit culture. And a maid cafe. Why are there no good maid cafes at these events?

>> No.8438257

What the fuck is wrong with green's spelling?

>> No.8438263

OH man I was going to start a thread like this.
>At Excel
>LSCC size. Pretty much LSCC with a few changes.
>More sets and things for cosplayers to use.
>Lounges. I know some shit little cons have them but I think they could work. Maybe if there was always at least one or two guests in there, and it was kept on topic.
>Not strict on what media. This really shits me about LSCC. While it's nice to get rid of the anime, I have a limited love for comics. I'd like to see more games stuff.
>Game trails and stuff
>Workshops with cosplay guests. Like lounges but more hands on where you can get help.
>Food vendors like the ones MCM get in. Because I'm at a special event, I want special food.
>A fashion section like hyper japans
>Not run by the circlejerk and co

Basically smash HJ and LSCC together

>> No.8438296

Every local con I've been to has a rule that bought cosplays can enter but can't win and a scrapbook has to be submitted to prove you've made it.

>> No.8438305

Is it J-Con?

>> No.8438372

So is anyone going to AutoAssembly? It's the last one this year unfortunately

>> No.8439105

Someone told him the success of a con doesn't depend on an MC with a disturbed fan following.

>> No.8439349

Sunnycon 2 was great, good organised and well know people were there. I never went to sunnycon 3 but sunnycon 4 was a massive step down in quality

>> No.8439385

>currently 27°C
>tomorrow is 31°C with a thunderstorm
What the FUCK

>> No.8439386

Sunnycon 2 was my first SunnyCon, and i gotta say it was the best of the 3 i've been to. Not sure if it was because i was younger then but I do remember having a fairly good time. The stage wasn't bad that year too. It was just a shame about the weather really.

>> No.8439393
File: 97 KB, 960x720, TopNotchConventionThere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checks out SunnyCon on Facebook
>Greeted by their cover picture
>Quality Convention

>> No.8439396

very very frightening.

>> No.8439634

Disturbed fan following?

>> No.8439660


She knows about the bitching.

Anon is a shitbag for dragging her dirty laundry into the thread

>> No.8439743

galileo, galileo, galileo, galileo, galileo figaroooo

>> No.8439745

Deleted. What was it?

>> No.8439755

The bitching about her was in the previous thread which is still available

Her tumblr post is still up - Anonymous said: I just thought you should know that someone's bitching about you in the Brit thread on 4Chan's cgl
haha what show me where pls

nevermind i found it, it was exactly who i thought it would be ahahah

i’ve just chosen to ignore her now. she’s made some really cruel posts about me already calling me a ‘cow’ etc, ive never said i don’t like her at all! that feminist post was about people who say that in general cause i’ve seen it multiple times.
i’ve been into cosplay for like 6 years now so i have no idea what shes on about there.
i had explained it multiple times that some days i genuinely don’t want to talk to anyone because my anxiety gets that bad, however she still sent me messages every day and i felt really pressured so i didn’t know what to do.

anyway basically i dont see myself as an ‘attention whore’ if i meet someone in a band im gonna wanna post about it, everyone does?? not to make anyone jealous.
and i’m not only starting to cosplay myself now because i’ve ‘only just got into it’ i’m only doing it now because i’ve suffered from extremely bad anxiety and body image issues for years and didnt have the confidence. so it’s great to know that now i’m finally trying i’m getting shot down for it.

i’ve never said anything so terrible about her, and for her to say all of that, including ‘ I really hope it comes out shit and falls flat on her face’ is really fucking mean.

anyway thanks for sticking up for me anon you’re the best if you ever wanna come off anon that’d be sweet

>> No.8439977

who the fuck is this and who the fuck cares
seriously I have no idea

>> No.8439983

Sorry, whoever organised this "masquerade" is a fucking idiot. What work exactly can you judge with a bought cosplay? Some performance on stage? If it's going to be that way, then it would be a performance competition and not a cosplay one. This kind of shit is what pisses me off about certain cons. There's nothing discriminatory towards asking handmade and bought cosplays to be in separate groups, that's called BEING FUCKING FAIR. Some people need to take the stick from up their arse and drop this stupid faux, inclusive, tumblrista attitude.

>> No.8439990

What is this about and why is it being posted in the thread?

>> No.8440051
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>> No.8440066

Someone was bitching about her in the previous thread and someone informed her of the bitching

Who's that druggie?

>> No.8440070

Some loser has a weird obsession with a girl on tumblr and was/is trying to set 4chan on her just because she gets to go to concerts she can't go to

>> No.8440077
File: 27 KB, 500x362, 1429924543152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this whole mollycoddling mindset of the cosplay community as a whole that is ruining everything.
I mean how that guy I blotted out in green brought up body types when I mentioned how these competitions are judged.
It's almost as bad as the tumblr buzzwords crap but instead of using buzzwords it's get out of jail free cards like "stop judging me because of my body type! GODDD!"

>> No.8440214

Its rather personal in nature but there are a few that know the whole story.

>> No.8440238

So deets?

>> No.8440523

I'm going to hyper japan next weekend but don't know whether to go on friday or the weekend days

Do you guys know if there's any difference? I don't really care about the different acts who are there, I just want to know if it's significantly quieter on the friday or whether there's loads of kids and teens there during the weekend etc ...

>> No.8440528

who are the cosplay guests for lonfon film comic con havent seen anything online

>> No.8440530

She's lurking, i've just seen her post basically asking for people to whiteknight. I don't understand, if she wasn't mad/upset about getting posted, she wouldn't feel the need to publically tell everyone about how she's not bothered by "haters".

>> No.8440568

Friday as kids will be at school


Not seen any will be the usual whores

>> No.8440658

Screenshot of the post?

>> No.8440721

I wish cons would update their go-to whore. We've got more talent than the usual lot nowadays, but they keep getting the same people for years, even of they hardly cosplay anymore.

>> No.8440835
File: 116 KB, 482x428, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but I think this is the one they mean. As someone who's been posted on this board before, I don't understand what her point is. Anyone who genuinely doesn't have a problem with being posted about on the internet would say nothing, not make a big long post like this and make a mountain out of a molehill. She apparently understands winning the comp would put her in the spotlight, yet really expected to not get posting on a board like this? Kek.

>> No.8440869

>"Ignore them like I'm doing"

Yeah, because making a post specifically about that one thing is clearly "ignoring it".

>> No.8440900

Her post doesn't infer that she doesn't 'expect to not get posted' but she is questioning the fact that people are being critical of her cosplay everywhere but to her or on her page.

In fairness, discussing a cosplay and having a negative opinion about it isn't necessarily wrong so long as it's impersonal and entirely critical even if it's not nice to hear. You could argue she didn't ask for criticism but I think when you enter a competition and sign away the rights for people to use photos and videos of you on stage you might, as she says, guess you'll be somewhat in a spotlight.

But I agree, posting about how you don't care is obviously saying you care. I think a better approach would have been to post a progress album and talk about all the techniques she used. Surely that's giving back to the community as well as aptly presenting her point?

Also I don't like this default argument that people would prefer the biggest/sexiest/popular cosplay to win. Although that does happen in competitions from time to time.

But if we're being honest looking at her cosplay I'm seeing basic details added with top stitch, some amount of gradient dieing and use of the clear worbla magic trick. It's not something I'd pick out of a line-up as the £1000 winner but I'd want to see the rest of the entrants first.

>> No.8440936

No clue. The Cosplay side of lfcc this year has been terribly organised - no guests announced, no panels announced, no news on the competition even though they were hyping it up with qualifiers at other cons etc

>> No.8442528


>Dragging dirty laundry into the thread

...you mean like what you're doing right now?

>> No.8442558

Sone stalker girl is trying to get us to care about her little schoolgirl vendetta against her rival because she is more popular and has met some celebrities and has a tumblr.
She needs to stop reading her tumblr and concentrate on not being a salty bitch.

>> No.8442644

I'm beginning to doubt this bitching on /cgl/ even occurred, because I certainly didn't see anything like that last thread. So I'm guessing you're siouxlolita and you've got some reason to want to frame someone as shittalking you on cgl. Well, can you go do that somewhere else? Because we have our own special brand of shitposting here and you clearly don't get how it works.

>> No.8442670

Never mind, just realised what they're on about, it was the one with that girl and a band and blah blah honestly it was the most boring inconsequential shit. no1curr.

>> No.8442716

The problem is that all of the top UK cosplayers have bought their likes so the organisers think they are getting a celebrity. I think they have realised it's not worth it.

>> No.8442919

Hey guys, thought I'd post it here. Just saw on my Facebook feed that Geisha Wigs is closing down (for those who don't know they are a UK based Wig seller), the status said that there would be a closing down sale. This could be a chance for getting some decent wigs for a cheaper rate, without having to wait for the shipping from places like China

>> No.8442959


>> No.8443061

I don't think they're closing down I thought they were just changing name?

>> No.8443133

>This post is not one I was intending to write at any point, and I have to admit that it is really heartbreaking for me to have to. After much thinking and soul searching, I have decided to close Mermaid Wigs (seen as I never really made progress with this new name I guess it is more Geisha Wigs). It has been such a journey over the last few years and I didn't expect it to end, and especially not yet, however now is the right time.

It seems that they are completely going

>> No.8443193

Oh no! That sucks

>> No.8443208

Oh how awful. Overpriced taobao wigs will now have to come fro,china and we'll have to wait for them.
Even though half her wigs were pre-order only anyway.

Just use coscraft, way better wigs.

>> No.8443215

This. Coscraft are great. Although I will say stay away from the curled ones, I heard bad reviews for their curled wigs. Straight are fine though, I have one and it's the thickest/heaviest wig I own

>> No.8443239

Had a shitty experience with Geisha wigs, waited 6 weeks having to prod her for updates only to get refunded. Found the same wig for cheaper on lucaille.

>> No.8443287

Really? I own a few curled wigs from there and have had no problems besides the ends looking a little frazzled, and I'm sure that's down to me brushing them without using a spray.

The Jeri is far superior to the Charlie though.Much thicker.

>> No.8443335

Jeri is my fave. I have 4.

>> No.8443404

Ah, fair enough, It's just I had heard some people say the curled wigs from there aren't as good as their straight ones. Must depends on the model, then.

>> No.8443407

The older curled ones weren't great, and most the fashion ones were kinda awful. Only had good experiences with their new ones.

>> No.8443514

Is going to a con in cosplay completely on your own socially acceptable?

>> No.8443615

I hope so

>> No.8443758

No, how dare you go on your own.

Does this mean less cosplayers posting 10 times a day just to add caption "Wigs by Geisha wigs".

>> No.8443762

No, people will chase you out the con while heckling you

>> No.8443839

"please sponsor me"

>> No.8444016

It's back now?

... It's not good. At all. Seems chunky to me.

>> No.8444279

100% this. If the prize had been smaller or the costume more elaborate It wouldn't have even been commented on. I have no idea what the other entrants looked like but if that quality of work won at a con like lscc can you imagine the shitstorm? The bias detailing is sewn on with one stitch meaning the sides are loose and floppy, it's ill fitting plus the feet sections look especially tight and the worbla work under the collar was subpar which is why it probably got covered in fabric. And the tea light flames are just...

That being said the gradient dye is quiet well done, the wig seemed to keep its style well and the character is recognisable. Wouldn't have given it first but could have been worse.

>> No.8445673

O-oh Creative Edge Studios and Tabitha and co are making more comic photo covers.....

>> No.8445964

ew no

>> No.8445989

No surprises there. Creative Edge and Tabitha and her buddies will work for free and Dynamite Entertainment are cheapskates.

What's sad is that Tabs will most likely end up being the most famous Sonja cosplay model around. Back in the day, it was Tireen, who looked like she was about 12 but who was obviously a big fan of the character and recreated her poses from the covers. Then you had Bellechere, who's not as hot as Tireen or Tabs but who again clearly gives a shit about the character and recreated the poses from 'Queen of the Frozen Wastes'.

Tabs, by her own admission, doesn't bother to read the comics. She's just after the exposure. Unlike Bellechere, she doesn't even get the costume right - sure, she does the bikini but the rest of her costume (what little of it there is) is wrong.

>> No.8446223

Unfortunately thats most top cosplayers now, sucks for people like me who don't have money backing, and don't buy likes, don't even get a look in, even though we genuinely like and read comics etc.

>> No.8446226

Oh boo hoo get your head out of your arse

>> No.8446285

If you don't get asked to do stuff, get sewing. You're not good enough sweetie.

>> No.8446346

You want to get known and seen then you have got to get yourself out there. Its not just how good your costume is. You have to network, know the people who has genuine large following, photographers who can do your costume just, people in the industry.

>> No.8446350

This. The circle jerk have things going well for them for a reason.

>> No.8446384

But as mentioned, if your costume is any good then people will also go to you, but end of the day you have still got to make the effort, do homework, find out whos who in the cosplay scene, follow them and support other peoples work too, if they like your stuff, also like theirs too. It won't happen overnight, it can take years.

And for god sake, don't do the whole share for share thing, this will only hurt you in the long run. Sure you will have a number to your page, but your genuine followers who do actually give a shit what you do and like to see your progress, will never see them because the organic reach facebook gives is so low and it ends up giving it to the people who are there just for the share for share and will never make the effort to "like" your photos/wips, or ever comment on anything of yours and im sure they have actually disabled your posts from actually comming up on their wall.

>> No.8446399

And if someone does share you out of niceness, thank them.
Also enter competitions. Think how much attention the Sunnycon winner got, and over winter the LSCC entrees were out main source of dramas.
And you can do things like submitting your pictures to NEO to get featured, cosplaying in groups with other cosplayers among other things.

OR cause a massive drama and get attention that way.

>> No.8446401

The circlejerk knows how to hype themselves and Tabs is moderately more attractive than your average convention attendee. You can whine and cry all you like about her not caring about the fandom or how much better you are at sewing. It doesn't mean shit. She's the one doing shots with people in PR and she's the one willing to get her above-average rack out so she's the one that will get the attention.

You want to be a top cosplayer? Lose some weight, buy a push up bra, learn to do your makeup better and go hit the afterparties.

>> No.8446403

>OR cause a massive drama and get attention that way.
Aka the Stacey Rebecca method. You can even make a sex tape and upgrade yourself to the KJ method.

>> No.8446415

Being friends with organisers and the people who choose guests is key imo

>> No.8446426

Tried that. They just keep getting the same old tired faces. Tired faces that only cosplay if they're a guest. When their friends are churning out 10+ good cosplayers per year, but get ignored because they're new.

And then the same con pays for mediocre foreign cosplayers to come over because they're novelty because they're foreign.

>> No.8446427

who even chooses guests :/
My girlfriend wants to be one she is obsessed with YaYa. i can send them a large gift.

>> No.8446433

Tried that? So you made friends with an organiser just to be a guest maybe they say through it mate

>> No.8446437

More like
>Made friend by going to afterpartys.
>turns out they were the organizer.

>> No.8446444

whose at anime con this weekend?

>> No.8446474

I'm only here for that dramu that suppose to "almost 100%" going to happen this week, but hasn't, that anon is a let down!!

>> No.8446493

The organisers do i expect, it would be a very different story if members of the cosplay comm gets to choose for sure.

>> No.8446504

Please don't start drama just for attention, Kyle from shades on tried that and it backfired, really badly...now everyone laughing behind his back.

>> No.8446555

Ever notice that no matter what the drama, Kyle is always involved, one way or another?

>> No.8446566

Na, hes not involved with the others that get mentioned alot on here.

>> No.8446592

There's been a bunch of the normal back and forth dramu, a con that was a shambles and a few other things, maybe they were just expecting something to blow up bigger here than it did?

>> No.8446595
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This. I feel like I'm doing pretty well in the cosplay side but I'm awful at networking.

>> No.8446634

are you fucking new?

>> No.8446730

Ok, lets have an overall view shall we, is he linked with the following?

KJ: No
Lucas: No
Stacy: No
Eevee: No
Valentine: No
Tabs: No
All the million Beths that get mentioned: No
Other UK cosplay photographers: No

Lady Noctus: Not directly involved
GoT G: Yes
Laura: Yes

So, no, hes not involved in everything. If you have beans to spill, please do.

>> No.8446731

What does involved count as?

>> No.8446750

basically involved as stated, something he's done to cause shit. Yes he has an ego and thinks hes the shit, he reeks of it from his page name/slogan to the status he posts, and his latest stunt is the cherry on top, but hes not involved in other dramas that gets mentioned alot.

>> No.8446755

but then again, hes thinking of cosplaying now as well, so he'll probably proclaim himself being the best at that in a few months time.

>> No.8446787

Oh Kyle. Your selfpost is showing. You've messed people around so much now that cgl don't like you any more.
Just accept it, don't dig a deeper hole.

Thing is, he always comments on all the posts and gets involved by obviously picking sides.

>> No.8446793

Well, he is involved with almost all mentioned as he's friends with all apart from KJ so

>> No.8446820

Uk cosplay scene is not as big as you think, everyone has friends that they don't directly involved with. The difference is do you see them together around or not?

I bet you have friends in your friends list that you don't even talk to, doesnt mean you know them well or associate yourself with.

>> No.8446828

He likes to whiteknight if he can get some kind of attention and boasting rights.

>> No.8446837

Fuck Ya ya. That fucking chink and the other fuck nut "cosplayers" are the reason I find myself falling out with the con scene more and more.

>> No.8446842

Well quite a lot of people on that 'not-involved' list he's very good friends with.

>> No.8446907

Have you ever seen Kyle at the after partys? At the fox he jumps from person/group to another to network.
Good for networking, but it means he'll drag himself into trouble when he whiteknights for them later

>> No.8446915

Ohhh yeah we don't want you in the con scene. So go to Weatherspoons to hang out with your fellow bigots.

>> No.8446996

Well now hes been called out, not many would really want to associate with him nomore.

>> No.8447000

And the fact he needs to ride on other ppl to get ahead, like the sz boys had to advertise for him, which is pointless. If you're any good people will see it. Stuffing it down peoples neck won't get anywhere. Hes just another, if you're not famous in the cosplay scene then he doesn't want to know. Forgetting the fact hes actually nothing himself.

>> No.8447053

>all apart from KJ
Literally nobody is friends with KJ so that's kinda redundant. Even Laura dumped her flat ass.

>> No.8447077

She seems to be friends with tons of american cosplayers. Doesn't surprise me - they probably keep in contact with her so little that the 'Haaaay gurl''s they share every three months are all they see of her, so they never know any of the drama.

>> No.8448401

who else /hypeforHJ/ here
I'm a bit less hype than I was last year, because Nintendo's E3 conference was shit terrible so I don't really care about their games this year, but I'm excited about the new venue. Anyone entering the fashion show? I can't be arsed with all that, but I'm looking forward to watching it and maybe taking some pictures.

>> No.8448471

'Moderately more attractive'. 'Above average rack' LOL damning with faint praise.

Nobody's denying Tabs works hard and this the way the world works unfortunately. It's cheaper for Dynamite to give a cover over to Creative Edge, Tabs and crew than it is to commission a talented artist for a cover. The sad thing is the photo didn't even get good feedback here and IMO having a cosplay photo on the front of a comic looks naff, no matter how good it is. Dynamite ran a comp a few months ago for an artist for a variant cover and got loads of entries, most of which were really good. Those artists worked fucking hard and it's a shame they couldn't give the cover to one of them. All Tabs does is buy a train ticket, turn up and pose and then harass Gail Simone afterwards across social media.

>> No.8448507

>didn't even get good feedback here

Opinions on here are pretty much worthless as it's mostly just negative bitching

>> No.8448512
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I'm in the fashion show. It seems to have been a bit more competitive this time round which is interesting.

>> No.8448606

Is the Hyper Japan COSparde a competition or just a catwalk? There's no info about any kind of judging criteria or prizes on the website.

>> No.8448607


>> No.8448712

Wait? She harassed Gail Simone?

>> No.8448749

No she loves it and it was her idea to make it a cover if you read her Twitter it's all on there.

4chan is just being salty when someone does something good.

>> No.8448787

And you don't think the cover was the endgame? She was tweeting Gail constantly after it was done.

>> No.8448792

She loved the artwork on one of the covers. Tabby has shown no evidence that she's actually read the comic. She's always getting ppl asking if she's reading Sonja or Spidey or other comics and she always responds that she's too busy to.

>> No.8448815

People recreate images of the characters they like and photograph themselves doing it quite often. Isn't that a big part of what this whole hobby is about?

>> No.8448821

Gail sent out quite a few tweets of her own gushing about how much she loved it. Or should we never share things we enjoy or have worked hard on? I'm not involved with it in anyway but it's just so weird how people try and attack others when they do well and achieve something. It only ever comes across as jealousy.

>> No.8448826

That's all well and good. I just think it's funny that Tabby was right on Gail's case when this photo was done - I went to a con last year which both Tabby and Gail were also at and Gail was doing a signing sessions. I asked Tabby if she was going to meet her and she looked distinctly unimpressed and answered along the lines that she couldn't be bothered. She was busy with her table but she can make time for Stan Lee and Jonathan Ross at cons. Gail apparently wasn't good enough at that time. When Gail can do something for her, though, it's different.

>> No.8448831

Not jealousy. I'm not a Red Sonja cosplayer. More like cynical opportunism from Tabby. She's not as wide-eyed and innocent as she makes out.

>> No.8448840

Why would you have to be a Red Sonja Cosplayer to be jealous of someone doing well?

>> No.8448847

I'm not jealous of her doing well. Just think it's funny how Tabby didn't have time for Gail when she was right on her doorstep but the worm turns as soon as Gail can do something for her.

>> No.8448851

Basically I think Tabby's a fake. Do you know her personally to give me any reason to believe otherwise?

>> No.8448870

I've met her several times and she has always been friendly and genuine. I've met pretty much all of the cosplayers and she stands out as one of the nicest. Many are a bit awkward and quite a few are snobby and rude. Tabby is always outgoing and friendly and doesn't seem bitchy or create any drama.

>> No.8448872

Think thats been established many times on here, Tabby is just a face for Artyfakes, that is it. End of.

If she can't get fame for her dads business shes not interested. She tweets the fuck out of things that she and her dad thinks will get them business, otherwise they don't care. It's business, it's how it all works. No need to dig deeper and go into if she reads the stuff or not. Peronally i don't think their business is doing that well, if you consider how much free time they got to make their own costumes and streaming instead. When was the last time you heard someone got them to commision their stuff?

>> No.8448891

Just as an aside, i know laura washed her hands of him before the last drama started anyway, and Lady Noctis isn't a fan either from what I hear. Not surprised though, dudes a asshole.

>> No.8448900

Yes all those photos of her dressing up and smiling with her friends and making things. All business and money.

The way I see it, they have made their hobby their business.

>> No.8448909

Yeah, I don't think their business is doing great. It's probably peaks and troughs though. On the one hand, I know Tabby's had to cancel con appearances this year because of work. On the other, her dad tags along with her to a lot more cons nowadays to drum up business.

>> No.8448917

Did that last Anon say she didn't *enjoy* her business?

>> No.8449006

I've had the unfortunate chance of working with Tabitha and her Dad on shoots outside cons with groups of other cosplayers.
Both times they acted like they were above everyone else and expected special treatment. Made things awkward and unprofessional around staff.

>> No.8449025

that's kind of exactly what they were saying

>> No.8449299

That's bought likes for you. Speaking of which, Tabby's lost a few likes recently. Wonder why.

I visited her Twitter page earlier. FUcking hell, 'Team Tabby' is scary. Like One Direction fans but male, oldier, fatter and neckbeardier.

>> No.8449307

Lady Noctis can hardly be called a good judge of character. Shes a fake social justice warrior whos fame came from ranting about something that never even happened to her.

Also as a side note I find it hilarious she called him for not crediting as she is also known for not creating the work of other people, usually other cosplayers, who make stuff for her.

>> No.8449315

What rant are you talking about? I thought she got famous because of her Latex Saga

>> No.8449327

The whole 'going in dry' saga, bunch of dicks with a camera harassed people at a con (apparently not even her directly) she shared a story about cosplay is not consent and how awful it was and tada insta-SJW fame.

>> No.8449333

you mean the photoshop saga?

>> No.8449392

Shes such a sjw in every sense. Everything she does is purely for attention only. Period. Makes a big issue out of small things and she damn makes sure the whole world knows about it on all her social medias.

>> No.8449461
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Just leaving this here

>> No.8449599
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And this?

>> No.8449627

Ever notice that there is only one picture of this costume on her page? And it's a face only?

Also you can't see pictures of her, just her pictures?

>> No.8449643

Beware of those who only post images from chest up...

>> No.8449672

I wouldn't know, unliked her a while ago when she just kept posting the My Boudoir shots like 3 times a day. I thought she was a cosplayer, and then it was nothing but modelling shots which she paid for. No thanks, plenty of them on the internet if i wanted to see model shoots.

>> No.8449763

Did you see the one where the photoshop gave her a hoof thumb? I stayed just for the amusment of her page after that.

>> No.8449775


pics please?

>> No.8449777

Still the one of the best Battle Armour Grimace cosplays I have seen.

>> No.8449802
File: 44 KB, 627x960, 10421627_832470823455528_653914088483681657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno her uncle fester cosplay wasnt bad

>> No.8449812

She's a model. She only started slightly doing Cosplay stuff with the latex star wars thing, which took off massively, so she still does some Cosplay, but her page was always for modelling

>> No.8449814

have you noticed how she doesnt post con floor photos anymore?

>> No.8449820

The original isn't even too bad tbh she should have just left it

>> No.8449826

Have there ever actually been any good Cosplays of this character besides that Karin Olava girl that got shared anywhere because I keep seeing shit fat girls with patchy paint

>> No.8449828

Has she even cosplayed at a con recently

>> No.8449834

Yup, she was at london mcm and has judged at a few mcms since, shes been about 12 variations of harley at them as usual.

My favorite version was nurse harley from london mcm when her arse cheeks hung out of the dress...

>> No.8449841
File: 49 KB, 720x479, 11045316_722588601195597_7582606252607486068_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the beths did a pretty good job

>> No.8449844

that ones megabeth

>> No.8449853

"Model" is what she calls herself. But who in their right mind would PAY her to model for them. As in hand money over to>>8449599 this to be in their pictures and advertise products?

>> No.8449882

Luckily Alt models don't seem to advertise products and just get naked on the internet so I think she'll be fine

>> No.8449904

But thats not modeling. That is just being a needy whale.

>> No.8449917

Who would even pay to see her nude?? No thanks.

>> No.8449922

Not even if she was photoshopped to hell?

>> No.8449935

isnt that just her my boudoir shoot but with nipple?

>> No.8449940

Also, I saw that a character named "ani-mia" will be there.....what's the story with her? Credible? Or just trashy? What's the story?

>> No.8449947

I want to know when KJ is going to visit artyfakes she has a ton of cash from fans in the god fund me kickstarter she did but yet no trip has been made #awkward #dodgy

>> No.8449949

Seems credible enough read something about her in mym or neo

>> No.8451052

Well, her & Tabs are on good terms. Tabs wished her happy birthday on twitter t'other day and i don't thinK Tabs and Stacy R speak anymore. Looks like Tabs got off the fence onthat one.

>> No.8451407

Tabbys Mad Max cosplay...classic example of not doing any research, yup they definately have pink hair and leather corset in the wastelands...

>> No.8451487
File: 148 KB, 1365x2048, 10454356_677944962318818_6333344220565396869_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not even Mad Max though. She made it last year for a different event, and is clearly just calling it Mad Max to 1. Cash in on the popular thing of the moment and 2. Because she is unable to do the makeup that was demoed on her for the original character

>> No.8451536

Speaking of cashing in on the popular thing, where is Taschas mad Max cosplay?

>> No.8451539

It makes sense, because as we all know KJ hates Lucas and Stacy is his sidekick. I can't see Tabby shooting with Lucas either because KJ would have warned her, if she doesn't already know what hes like.

>> No.8451893

Did the UK place in ECG this year?

>> No.8451902


>> No.8452035

No but solo did get the best wig award

>> No.8452314

Jenny if you're here i'm sorry I made fun of you for liking cosplay.

>> No.8452498
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>Its not even Mad Max though

...it's very clearly Wez from Mad Max 2.

>> No.8452533

But that's not the point that was being made. The costume was made solely for a makeup demo, and was never called a Mad Max one. She's not just using it as one to cash in on the hype

>> No.8452629

A bit of a rant about this woman
I liked her page a while ago even have her personal account (for some unknown reason) I didn't know the drama attached to her until I discovered the clg board.

Every time I see her at a con, i'm nice and I say "Hello, how're you, nice cosplay" the usual she just fucking brushes me off like I wasn't there. First few times I thought she's just busy, but nope. It got worse and she just completely fucked off mid conversation in this god awful costume.
I remember when I first saw her irl she was in her Riddler cosplay. I didn't realise it was her at first, I mean who would with the amount of photoshop she uses. Her fucking ass was the most sorry thing i've seen in my life. I feel bad for that latex suit.

>> No.8452761

Stacey's ditched Lucas. She still uses his photos but she's not doing anything new with him. Chloe's the only one who shoots with him now. Tabs and Stacey still get on, Tabs just made it clear she's not picking sides or getting involved and Stacey's toned down her cosplay and convention involvement since her health took a turn. KJ is still despised by most and barely tolerated by the remainder but since she stopped do UK cons except MCM people are giving less of a shit.

>> No.8452772

My friend followed her online religiously When I pointed her our last MCM in that awful fucking Leeloo costume, my friend didn't believe me it was her!
Come to think of it. Has anyone seen photos of that Leeloo costume she was wearing...

>> No.8453067

It's the usual though, they have loads of followers online seems to give them some kind of right to be shitty to people IRL. But at leased she called Kyle from Shades On. Got to give her credit for that.