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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 300 KB, 2000x1800, 11334040_1114209585259476_3897241058067554551_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8438947 No.8438947 [Reply] [Original]

Old one saging.

This is such a fucking mess

>> No.8438952
File: 71 KB, 716x960, milhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is back? I thought she left

>> No.8438976

wtf happened to this photograph

>> No.8438981

looks standard to what most lolitas dress like so meh. plus, lolitas are hardly fashionitas. lolitas all look like a mess to regular people.

>> No.8439024

what's even happening here?

>> No.8439166
File: 368 KB, 1152x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8439236

How old is this bitch????

>> No.8439260

what dress is this? the print actually looks really nice
>pls don't be handmade

>> No.8439269


She won't stop posting... I'm starting to think she's a very elaborate troll...

>> No.8439311

JSK & Headbow: Harajuku Dolls Castle and Aurora Fabric
is from the post

>> No.8439325

where is she posting? deets!

>> No.8439328

Closet of frills. She's posted like 7 coords in the past 3 days, all shitty with shitty lighting.

>> No.8439333

derped out and forgot these are from CoF, thanks!
too bad i can't even do a simple running stitch, the fabric is gorgeous

>> No.8439334

Ok so her and makeup could do with a bit of work but you're really clutching at straws. Leave the girl alone.

>> No.8439360

Sadly, I don't think this is a troll. She's probably one of those extreme cases of a clueless person.
She doesn't seem to grasp what the basic rules of Lolita are by the looks of her coords.
It's possible she's one of those overenthusiastic newbies, they always seem to get carries away and post a little too often on cof.
But at least she is willing to listen to concrit, that's a start I guess?
She can't help that she's born very unattractive, but she also doesn't seem to make an effort to look nicer either.
Now, I'm not the prettiest girl in the comm either, but I at least put on some flattering make-up and do my hair/wig. And put effort in my coords as well, make sure things go well with each other.
Her hair is un-styled, she wears no make-up, her headdress doesn't go with anything, the dress is ill fitting, normal fag pointed collar blouse, bad accessories, can't comment on her shoes and legwear as they are barely visible.
The quality of her pictures is so bad, so grainy.

>> No.8439497

Her ugly face at least detracts from the ugly coord

>> No.8439502

I am triggered

>> No.8439509

>lolitas all look like a mess to regular people.
People always say this, and I've never understood why. We're well aware we look ridiculous to normal people, but amongst ourselves, we can still tell what looks good and what does not. Normalfags may think their tank tops and jeans are cutting edge fashion, but someone interested in alternative fashion may think they look like a slob.

>> No.8439665

She seems like leaving a party, wasted.

>> No.8439670

Most Lolitas do not look like this.
Most Lolitas don't care what outsiders think.
No one cares what you think.

>> No.8439678

Over-filtered with so-called artsy filters?
Start with washed out phone photo.
Apply sup-par automatic filters until contrast is better regardless of terrible color. Oh well, muh print!
Photoshop levels are too hard.
I <3 Picmonkey 4evar.

>> No.8439679

It's a well coordinated outfit with an arguably less than flattering hair arrangement (could have also been a style that's fallen out somewhat) and pictures, hardly what I'd call a mess. If you wanna go mega picky, the make-up perhaps isn't the best but not every snap is for a photoshoot y'know(?).

>> No.8439682

love that jsk, should have picked one up when I had the chance.

>> No.8439688

Messy hair, meh makeup, trying to use cosmic into a classical coord when cosmic is very casual(?), there's so much going on in this coord idk where to begin.
What the...
Shit son, if only there were a price to not trying.

>> No.8439707


She's actually, legitimately, in her late teens. She's like 20-21 max. But probably in her late teens. Still lives with her parents whom I think is taking the photo. She has obviously has severe social issues but has been surprising every one in the comm with her thick skin. She's been given really, really harsh concrit from the start, at first the comm was almost trying to push her away but surprisingly she kept coming back and started buying brand. Recently she's found the greater online lolita community and although she's been abusing CoF, she actually takes the concrit seriously and has been improving believe it or not.

She's also hinted at living with an abusive and oppressive father that freaked the fuck out about lolita so no need to make her life any worse than it is.

>> No.8439717


I also think she said at one point she's been threatened against wearing makeup.

>> No.8439738


I find it hilarious that people refuse to like her coords because of all the times she's pissed people off in discussion groups

>> No.8439740

Not fashionistas? In a fashion that pretty much requires a good knowledge of how fashion works, as well as dedication to it. kek ok

>> No.8439860
File: 96 KB, 925x670, FB_IMG_1435680888584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could write essays about how much I love this.

>> No.8439871

I think ankle socks and a slightly flashier outfit for the boyfriend would've worked better, but it's pretty cute overall.

>tfw no boyfriend to wear dorky matching outfits with

>> No.8439873

Is that why most of them look absolutely disastrous outside of lolita?

>> No.8439874

This is too adorable

>> No.8439875

Really cute and looks like they are having such fun. Nice pix, interesting collage. Well done!

>> No.8439877

Eh, it's not that bad. She needs to have a date with the hair brush though. And some make up lessons...

>> No.8439880


Are the rest of her coords any good? Seeing as the only one posted here is a grainy green pic where the most obvious thing one can see is that a homemade dress is too short and not poofy enough, and the waist bow has weird propotions, I'm inclined to nitpick it even though I don't know her.

>> No.8439884

Only a poorfag, fatty or failed lolita/brolita would care this much to press the (non)point. Unless you were rejected by a lolita or are just a bitchy creeper? Ah well, attention is attention so thanks for giving us your time.

>> No.8440031

People don't like her coords because they're shit.

>> No.8440040

I really love this.
>tfw no ouji bf (or ever cute fashion bf)

>> No.8440061
File: 117 KB, 936x960, 11214207_942219965821169_4338846895054794407_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides her derpy expression on her face, I think this is an excellent coord. I'm loving the feather headdress.

>> No.8440227

I don't know who she is, she seemed pretty open and accepting to concrit though?

Jesus fucking christ this coord is so pretty but if those stupid sad eyebrows are becoming a trend I'm going to vom

>> No.8440257

I actually teared up a little over how cute and happy they look.

>> No.8440352

this is so cute omg, I love it!

>> No.8440358

>Jesus fucking christ this coord is so pretty but if those stupid sad eyebrows are becoming a trend I'm going to vom

Ugh I wish people would just stick to natural, groomed eyebrows rather than trying to do this gross overplucked stupidly shaped shit.

>> No.8440450
File: 873 KB, 1080x1690, Screenshot_2015-06-30-15-21-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.8440458

Comments explain it a little, but who knows who is right.
If it's true that a CoF mod has a vendetta against either of the two in the photo and banned them because of that though, we need to call for a step down. Because that's ridiculous.

>> No.8440459

Unable to get on FB right now. Can anyone post screenshots of the comments?

>> No.8440464


Aha, oh god, I was sort of hoping this wouldn't go this far and the mods could resolve it quietly. I'm just gonna go ahead and explain what happened so there's no speculation.

Basically, I posted on Closet of Frills for the first time looking for concrit back on ILD and I was instabanned and blocked by one of the mods who has a bit of a problem with me. I was sort of content to leave it, but I contacted the other mods because I think it's a bit shit that they have somebody abusing their power. Then, my friend posted a photo which happened to have me in it, and was banned and blocked today. Another friend who commented on the photo was also banned and blocked.

In short, a mod's mad at me so all my friends are getting kicked which is a bit sad.

>> No.8440468

Wow that's fucked up.

>> No.8440471
File: 176 KB, 600x600, True-Colours..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other girl in the photo was banned by Laelette/Lauren/LSG on ILD because she's best friends with the girl that LSG bullied relentlessly, which is why LSG was kicked out of Scottish Lolitas.

>> No.8440475
File: 162 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this and what you say is true, it's fucked up and abusive as all hell.

>> No.8440476

Name and shame, they deserve it.

>> No.8440481


Yeah, shit's cray. I dunno what can really be done about it though, I was planning on just sort of leaving it if neither of the mods ever got back to me. On that note, another friend of mine just messaged me to say she's been blocked and banned too and she doesn't know why.

What a clusterfuck. Lolita is serious business, y'all.

>> No.8440488

I can't imagine the other mods can just ignore this, especially now that it's public (as it should be).

>> No.8440497

They've literally been ignoring it since ILD, they are fully aware.

>> No.8440498
File: 37 KB, 434x522, 11693870_10207161510142513_8344879984524371580_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well this just got posted. I don't even know why she's so salty.

>> No.8440502

There's a reason it's a hugfest now. The mods have vendettas and enforce whatever policies they want if they just don't like a person. One of them has had a vendetta against my entire state since she left, so I'm not surprised at all.

>> No.8440505


Once a cunt always a cunt it seems.

>> No.8440508

This is so fucked.

>> No.8440512

This is messed up. And the mods can ban someone in seconds but not actually say why? Someone needs to remove them as mods.

>> No.8440519

I like this? I don't think it's that bad...
>inb4 you have shit taste

I also really like those shoes. I do agree something could be done about the hair and makeup though.

>> No.8440526

I like it too anon and I agree the hair and make up need to be improved.

>> No.8440531

Sorry, just posted where - on her personal FB page? Is she conspiring about removing everyone who associates with someone she dislikes? Jesus.

>> No.8440535

Is there any other side to this at all or is she just a massive cunt?

>> No.8440545
File: 35 KB, 474x247, cofdramu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Dom also banned from her local comm? What a great idea to have yet another group started by someone banned from their home comm.

>> No.8440552
File: 13 KB, 486x130, baleeted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8440555

She hates all the girls she banned because they didn't feel comfortable going to a ScotLoli ILD meet she was sponsoring because they're pals with the girl she harassed and also because she is BANNED from ScotLoli so why was she a sponsor?
In the Game of Frills you win or you die, I guess.

>> No.8440556


On that front I'll be honest, I don't actually know. I am aware that some people have talked shit on her here and BTB for shit she's done in the past, and I think she might have assumed that it was me because I'm best friends with the girl she harassed? It actually wasn't me, I'm pretty open when I have an issue and was pretty happy to ignore her so long as she left my friend alone, but I can see why she'd think it was me and go "this means war" or whatever.

The Rufflechat post has now been deleted and I'm guessing like everybody on my friendlist is now banned from Closet of Frills so I think this is one of those shitty things where there's fuck all to do about it.

>> No.8440557

wow, well where is there to post now if CoF is apparently filled with crazy power-abusing (in a fucking facebook group, they need to chill) bitches?

I know it seems like they're banning specific people they have problems with (and their friends) but now I'm like, damn, what if I get blocked for just looking around and if I just happen to be friendly with the wrong person?

can someone else please bring up their experience, perhaps we could get a mod revamp?

>> No.8440558

Now the mods of Rufflechat have deleted it? Seriously what the hell is going on? If the mods of COF are banning people because they don't like them that needs to be talked about. Stopping the discussion just shows that the Rufflechat mods are just as bad

>> No.8440560

is LSG the crazy girl obsessed with milky fawn?

>> No.8440562

She's just a massive cunt. She doesn't like that one of the girls is friends with her 'victim' and is vendetta-ing all over the place because of it. I'd like to see the folk that bullshitted that she's oh so changed defend blatant banning of people who did jack-shit

>> No.8440564

It got deleted for that screenshot from the mod's personal FB. Hopefully she recreates in RC:U.

>> No.8440570

Seriously for that? I hope she does too. I want to know more about this.

>> No.8440575

Them's RC's rules, it's fair. But yes, I hope she does too. With more discussion maybe something can be done. I'd be disgusted if nothing came of this. I'm not the biggest fan of Fahr, but neither her nor >>8440556 did shit to get banned.

>> No.8440581

The 2nd thread was just deleted as well. Still don't see anything in RC:Uncensored. So, what now? Just let the CoF mods be salty cunts? CoF:Uncensored is dead as shit too.

>> No.8440583

Nah that was Laura B or whatever her name was, I think.

>> No.8440590

not that anon but she posted it in COF I believe and it was almost instantly deleted

>> No.8440594

That level of salt is just embarrassing. What a bitch.

>> No.8440597

How fucking dumb do you have to be... well that means it wasn't a personal post so the RC thread shouldn't have been deleted.

>> No.8440620

I can't wait for BtB this week

>> No.8440629

Seriously, the secrets have been really lacking lately.

>> No.8440634

Fahr vs. LSG in the battle of the decade. Who can throw the biggest hissy fit meltdown?
Never thought I'd be rooting for Fahr.

>> No.8440642

Same. Think Fahr is a massive cunt but she's the lesser cunt in this battle.

>> No.8440643

No, that was that arseface Laura B

>> No.8440646
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dropping some caps for those that missed it

>> No.8440648
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>> No.8440649
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>> No.8440652
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cap 3

>> No.8440654
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>> No.8440655
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>> No.8440657


>> No.8440662

That one girl's (red here) whiteknighting was super annoying tbh, but the point stands that this is still shitty. Thanks for the caps anon.

>> No.8440665

Shitty instagram filter?

>> No.8440666

yeah, let's ignore that and just pay attention to the facts. Lealette is digging her own grave right now.

I never thought I would say this, but Fahr is right this time. I saw the post when it went up on CoF, she did nothing wrong.

>> No.8440669

It's Laelette. Fahr kept making the same mistake too... point stands that the girl is a cunt, though.

>> No.8440671

>muh German culture!
Fairly sure Germans aren't a collective of wankers (though knowing Merkel...) and besides, you can't excuse being an arsehole on culture (like the Dutch tend to do).
That said I'm with Fahr on this one

>> No.8440679

what mistake?

>> No.8440680

The spelling of her name.

>> No.8440683

What has sinsemellia done to warrant such a vendetta?

>> No.8440684

Fahr is such a drama magnet. There's some Drama going on about her every week.

>> No.8440685

Her real name is Lauren though. She uses a fake name on Facebook.

>> No.8440686

She explained what happened ITT.

>> No.8440688

I knew this was going to happen the first time I saw her post on CoF and saw she was getting back into lolita again. At least she doesn't disappoint.

>> No.8440695

>and I was instabanned and blocked by one of the mods who has a bit of a problem with me.
What for?
I don't understand that girl's raging butthurt, surely just an outfit post couldn't have caused it?

>> No.8440696

Be friends with a girl who Laelette bullied several years back

>> No.8440701

Me too. All parties involved seem to gravitate around drama but this time I actually feel a bit bad for Fahr. It really doesn't look like she did anything wrong.

>> No.8440704
File: 29 KB, 425x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big vendetta
>for her

>> No.8440709

AZ comm here.
Yes, Dom is an enormous psychopath and drama-monger. Having her be a mod for any sort of group is definitely bad news bears

>> No.8440710

there is another side to all of this but they don't want to post it publicly.

come on, Scotland if your not all at the same meet ups then why does it bloody matter, grow up

>> No.8440716

be careful, she's gonna see this and throw a bitch fit lol

>> No.8440720

DINNAE. This is nothing to do with either of the comms, this is about Laelette. Just simmer.

>> No.8440727
File: 40 KB, 396x627, 1431233747559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power-hungry mod deleting a poorly shot picture of two frumpy coordinates
Favors were done on both sides. My eyes were saved and a bad mod has been outed. It's a win-win for parties not involved.

>> No.8440731

can someone post about this in RC: U

>> No.8440732

Mate... We've been wondering the same thing. Wish folk would kindly just drop it.

>> No.8440733

agreed. BUT they didn't just delete the post, they banned 5 people. for liking it or commenting.

>> No.8440738

>a power-hungry mod being outed

>> No.8440747

Someone please post on RC:U!

>> No.8440762

Even outside of Lolita there's always some Drama going on about her. She's such an attention seeker.

>> No.8440765
File: 114 KB, 637x960, 11693958_10152958162077078_4564563037888248447_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we post more COF pics of coords.

>> No.8440770

Nobody's denying she's an attention seeker, but it's clearly Laelette being the bigger cunt here. You can't ban people just because you don't like them.

>> No.8440772

wtf is this? It works fine for vintage inspired coord but not for lolita, damn.

>> No.8440775

Dirty socks?

>> No.8440776

Are you actually complaining?

>> No.8440777

Except she's done FA this time. I don't like her but she's done nothing wrong in this instance so I'm all for her calling out bullshit where it's due

>> No.8440778


this is cute in a weird, non-lolita sort of way? Hate that shapeless blouse though.

>> No.8440782

Yeah sure, I just wonder if she maybe knew that something like this would happen. To me it seems like she's always trying to get involved into some Drama.

>> No.8440789

I'm going to vom, that's nasty.

>> No.8440794

Not really though, it looked like every other post she has made on COF. I don't understand why they banned her. It seems a bit OTT imo

>> No.8440795

we never said anything about her deserving this?? I just made a comment about how I'm not surprised that Fahr's re-entry back into lolita has been nothing about drama filled.
I don't understand how drama follows someone so much. If anything, this is more perplexing because you could say normally she brings the drama upon herself but she did literally nothing this time.

>> No.8440803

From the tone of her COF post it's obvious she knew posting this pic with her friend would piss off Lalette. But Lalette was dumb to rise to the bait because banning all those people has made her look even worse

>> No.8440813

The only thing not doing it for me are the shoes. Everything else looks pretty good!

>> No.8440820

Holy fuck, this is cute.

>I need to send this to the bf

>> No.8440825

I think the problem is that commenting on the current situation with that makes it seem like you blame her for this drama, when it's completely on the mod.

>> No.8440832

Laelette is a dumb bitch. What did she think was going to happen by doing all of this? Did she think no one was going to notice? Did she think someone like Fahr was going to just shut up and take it? Seriously, she's a stupid cunt and deserves all the back lash she's gonna get from this. Not even just for being salty, just for being a fucking moron. I have no idea what she was even trying to accomplish here.

>> No.8440842

Afaik Fahr's friend has had long running issues with one of the mods of the Scot Loli comm. When the mod lifted Laelette's ban she and her friends left and started up a second comm. I don't know much more but I get the impression that they're all as bad as each other in general.

>> No.8440846

Okay. Not trying to say that at all, I agree the mod is completely the one in the wrong here, I'm just saying I find it weird drama seems to apparently follow her wherever she goes - even if she isn't the one doing anything. That's all.

>> No.8440868

Okay... Wow. Not what happened at all but you just crack on, anon. That rumour mill ain't gonna turn itself, right?

>> No.8440886
File: 21 KB, 511x225, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see if this gets left up.

>> No.8440888

Seriously, keep that bitch away from modding anything; she's awful.

>> No.8440894


I understand that she did nothing wrong. Just wondering how she always get's involved into Drama even with doing nothing wrong.

>> No.8440902

The more I stare at this, the weirder the straps of the JSK become. It looks as though the straps weren't meant to go over a shirt, but that's probably just me.

>> No.8440904


That's not really what happened, and the issues I have with that mod are completely unrelated to this entire topic, it was a personal argument that had nothing to do with lolita. We no longer talk and stay out of each other's way.

>> No.8440906


shame about the ugly bag

>> No.8440909

Same feeling, they are not bad or unmatching, just not the best choice for lolita. If evrn one other thing was off, she'd get nitpicked because of them. But she's pretty and this coord is well done, I can't fault it.

>> No.8440954

this is true, since they're gulls too they're probably reading all this nonsense too. Seriously ladies move on and attend your own comms meets without worrying about what other people do. You'll all be a lot happier for it

>> No.8440961

I hope she's able to get some sort of result with this.

>> No.8440965

We were doing just that but people seem determined to keep dragging shit up.

>> No.8440980

Like, 50 people just joined rufflechat: uncensored all of a sudden. I hope someone makes a thread because I have no idea what's going on either.

>> No.8440989
File: 42 KB, 515x461, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see

>> No.8441003

Then what is RC for? God these mods are all in cahoots

>> No.8441019

I think they just don't want it to be a place where people air their personal drama.

>> No.8441021

I pm'd her and told her about RC:U, hopefully she will take the discussion there

>> No.8441027

She joined the group, but hasn't posted yet. I'd like to give her the opportunity or someone who knows about this. If no one makes a topic for a little while I guess I'll make one since a lot of people seem interested in this.

>> No.8441032

Did all mods ban her?
I don't see how there's not a single unbiased mod who would be unwilling to let her back in.

The drama was funny like hours ago but c'mon. There's no need for this shit to escalate like how it has.

>> No.8441034

you forgot the part where Dom wanted to start a new CoF because she thinks the current one is full of Itas

>> No.8441042

> she thinks the current one is full of Itas
I don't like the bitch either but I mean... she's not wrong. However, making a new group wouldn't really fix that problem. Unless she wants to make some kind of exclusive "no itas allowed" club which sounds silly, because they need concrit.

She also mentioned that CoF: Uncensored is a failure, but it's just a little slow, which is understandable, not many people know about it

>> No.8441045

its insane, im not even that close with the chick the mod has beef with and i got banned, i didnt comment on the photo i only liked it like i would any other post i see on CoF, none of my previous post have broken any rules literally no reason at all to get banned, all i have is the chick on my friends list and to have attended meet ups with her

>> No.8441049

CoF: uncensored doesn't have much direction. It's for people who want concrit, but you can get that on CoF proper if you ask for it. So it ends up being casual coords or 1st try coords people don't think should go on CoF. I guess if more people knew about it it would make more sense.

>> No.8441050

Are you able to communicate with any mods? Ask your friends to message them explaining your situation if you're unable. If they don't respond then some bullshit is up.

>> No.8441055

i messaged all three mods and none have got back to me yet

>> No.8441056

Give them a day to respond and if not cap all the conversations and make a post explaining the events to RC or some other platform where it'll get a lot of attention. Have you been banned from RC as well?

>> No.8441058

While it's true that you can get concrit on CoF if you ask, one of the reasons it got made was because so many people reported that they weren't getting concrit on CoF even when they asked. Hell, it's happened to me before. People just gush about how you are so kawaii and perfect and, while flattering, it;s not helpful for people who are serious and want to improve.

>> No.8441063

no nothing but closet of frills, i thought it was just my fb being weird and not letting me on the group but i used my other account to search for it and it turned up in the search. im hoping at least one of the mods will respond even if its just an explanation. i just feel that this has gotten out of hand

>> No.8441070

A lot of people would be on your side anon. I would be.

What happened to you isn't fair and if these mods are abusing powers then they need to be properly called out for it.

>> No.8441078


I feel these posts. I used to post in Closet of Frills but never gor any crit past the "OMG SO KAWAII" comments, despite asking people for actual comments on my pictures. When CoF:Uncensored opened I switched to posting there, but there was so little traffic I hardly got concrit either. I ended up going back to CoF in hopes that someone will finally give me some fucking input on how do I look.

>> No.8441086

Post in RC: Uncensored is up

>> No.8441087


>> No.8441089


link or caps, I can't seem to find the group

>> No.8441094

Too many bitches named Lauren

>> No.8441099


>> No.8441100

Lauren (Laelette) has been banned from comms for very solid reasons, I'm surprised people haven't questioned her inability to deal with things reasonably up until now.

>> No.8441101

My best bet is usually to ask lolita friends I trust who know how to coord. Sometimes I post on /cgl/ but block my face out.

>> No.8441102

This. It's obvious that there is some vendetta there of some sort and RC isn't cgl. This same topic wouldn't have been permitted to stay on EGL, why would it be permitted on RC?

>> No.8441103

She seems to have done a pretty good job of building bridges in new comms since then. I guess she's had a lot of people fooled.

>> No.8441105

How is she a mod of CoF? Do people really have such a short-term memory? I wouldn't have her within ten miles of a community, and yet people flock to her and her "roomwear brand".

>> No.8441107

But this isn't 100 per cent personal? If these mods can ban people for pretty much no reason they should be called out for it

>> No.8441109

May we know those reasons? I never knew any of this before tonight, I'm a Scot Lolita so am wondering what's going on up here which I've missed!

>> No.8441110

I feel the same way about the straps, they're just so jarring against the solid block colour blouse. I feel like if the collar was a different colour or something it would look more like the blouse and jsk were meant to go together.

>> No.8441112

I know scot_loli aren't drama-prone, but I really wish they'd made a bigger deal about her when it happened, because next to nobody knows that she's trouble.

>> No.8441113

afaik, she tried to bully a girl out of the comm, made comments like her being a pig because she was a little heavy. I used to be friends with her on fb at the time, and she used to try talking shit about the comm with me. I started talking to her a lot less and I think she was banned soon after. If you look for lolisourgrapes in the archive you'll find a better summary of what happened.

>> No.8441114

Thank you! I shall look now

>> No.8441118

It was a very long time ago but she consistently bullied one girl and made some extremely unpleasant comments about others appearances to their faces at a meet. She wasn't the kind of person you'd want to have around then and it sounds like she hasn't changed much now.

>> No.8441121

People, please. The other 2 mods are not even likely online. At least give it 24 hours for a response and then a bit of time after to let them discuss and sort it. THEN if it's not resolved, that's the time to get mad, discuss, freak out, make another group, etc.

>> No.8441127
File: 137 KB, 338x377, 1356649128898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on 4chan
>people mad at someone for calling someone else fat

>> No.8441128

I was friends with her ~new persona facebook~ up until about this time last year, and she's genuinely insufferable. She was over the top polite and sweet, and the one thing that always sticks out in my head is when she complained about some dialogue options in Animal Crossing not being polite enough. Jesus, get a grip.

>> No.8441130

Lol, not sure how you missed it. We weren't the only comm to have these troubles with her and it wasn't quiet at the time.

>> No.8441132

my bad, I took a while out from Lolita when it happened so I guess I just didn't hear much.

>> No.8441133

Fahr posted her letter stating the mods read it but didn't redpnd so far

>> No.8441135

Wait, what? Why would scotloli let her sponsor a meet if she was banned? What the fuck

>> No.8441140

it was suppose to be a scotloli meet but after the drama came out the girls running it quickly changed it to not being a scot loli meet as they wanted her to sponsor it because she is innocent angle in their eyes

>> No.8441143

The shoes feel too conservative and serious for the pretty frill level of the rest of the coordinate.

>> No.8441145

That's so sketchy, and really bad of the girls running it, how stupid do you have to be to think she was innocent?

>> No.8441150

Didn't she claim that she was bullied by the members of scot_loli and a load of other shit?

>> No.8441152
File: 49 KB, 889x343, lae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in the archives - same girl?

>> No.8441155

yes its way better to have 10000 "where do u buy wigs?" and "what do you think of ero lolita?"
It's not so much personal drama as something that calls into question the moderation of a major lolita facebook comm

>> No.8441163

Did you post about the direction you were looking to take your coord? Unfortunately, if it's a good coord according to the rules, anything beyond 'wow, Kawaii' is hard to get since so many people seem to just have trouble achieving this level. But if you ask more specific or leading questions like, 'how can I make this coord more x' or 'how would you improve this to be more y', you might have better luck. If any new group were formed, I'd like to see something like 'Lolita Fashion, Beyond the Basics' to discuss many things past beginner levels and to give and receive more in-depth concrit.

>> No.8441165

>expert level experience
Fucking kek, and yes, that's her. That Mentoring Group is such a shitshow.

>> No.8441170


>> No.8441177

If is fine anon. I have had the same issue with The Maid Cafe Resource. Followed the rules and everything. Got banned due to one of the mods disliking a girl in my cafe. Isn't right

>> No.8441180

Then they are probably discussing it and will say more soon. They know they have to address it or most everyone will quit the group.

>> No.8441187

people have complained about repeat topics for years, and there has never been an elegant solution for it. JL search sucks. FB search sucks.

>> No.8441195

RC didn't ban anyone, a couple RC posts were deleted for violating the rules.

>> No.8441197
File: 78 KB, 486x858, fahrletter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8441202

I usually state what I was trying to achieve with the outfit, the type of place I wore it to (like a meetup, normie event, date, etc) and my personal crit on the final look (my hair wasn't as good as I'd like to, placeholder items for something else that's still in the mail, should have incorporated this or that colour better...). I don't know what else to say in order to fuel discussion, The group you're describing is something I'd be all over, by the way. Count me in.

I already ask my friends privately, mainly while choosing what to wear, but I'd also like to have external opinions (because friends will always be softer with you than anons). Maybe I should selfpost more often, but for some reason the few times I've tried the thread has either derailed into something else, saged or some other iteration of useless attempt. I guess I am somewhere in between boring and unlucky.

>> No.8441211

Fahr irritates the shit out of me but I hate LSG with a passion so I'm rooting for her this time.

>> No.8441212

God I know! I was going through the archives of her and she seems like a total butt

>> No.8441214

Same, Fahr is the better of two evils, and LSG has literally never suffered from her actions other than being thrown out of a comm she clearly didn't like anyway. Someone like her should NOT be getting asspats from other Lolitas.

>> No.8441215

hm, yeah these are good points. I guess this biggest problem is lack of exposure for the group.

>> No.8441234

She also has a youtube under the name lolisourgrapes and is the owner of Atelier Dormir.

>> No.8441236

Is that the "lolita roomwear" shop? All of their stuff is either tacky-looking or overpriced. I can't believe she dropped out of college to sew overpriced pyjamas.

>> No.8441238

Because the girls running it were so far up her anus fighting for free, badly made, polyester bloomers. They were pm'd and told about the ban. Did not care.

>> No.8441243
File: 331 KB, 2048x1826, 10379751_912148105525423_4207789580685292649_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Connie, not sure how I feel about that neck ruffle. Especially considering this was just to run errands?? For a meet or tea or something ok. Just seems a bit costumey for every day.

>> No.8441244

Don't you take this out on poor polyester

>> No.8441245

I think Fahr's insecure and a bit of an attention seeker who doesn't know how to resist bait but she isn't malicious, whereas LSG is manipulative and petty.

>> No.8441248

I second that. But no white knighting please.

>> No.8441253

The ruffle's too much for the rest of the outfit, that's some straight up OTT-only shit right there. Otherwise I think the outfit's spot on.

>> No.8441255

Just my logic for picking the shiniest turd.

>> No.8441257
File: 174 KB, 1600x724, sexylsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She clearly has "expert level experience," so who can blame them?

>> No.8441259

Hooker wear!

>> No.8441261

Totally agree.
People were actually trying to claim LSG had "matured" recently and her drama was alllllll in the past.

>> No.8441262

Looks like a panto costume.

>> No.8441263

That top is so badly fitted holy shit

>> No.8441269

Maturing is saying "Look I was an insecure dickhead in my teen years but I'd like the opportunity to change" not brushing it all under the rug and developing a saccharine personality.

>> No.8441271


I love the outfit, but I love the ruffle too - in fact I'd like MMOOAARREEE ruffle. That's just personal opinion.

By any chance anyone know where to get that ruffle or one in different colours? A Shironuri here wanting more of the OTT in their life

>> No.8441279

I love it, it's adorable and sometimes it's fun to just dress up on a regular day for no reason than your own pleasure.
Also, ruffs please become a trend.

>> No.8441289

I think she said in the comments that it was handmade. You could try and get her to commission one for you, but alas.

>> No.8441296

Sigh...she makes me question my sexuality. I love her coords.
Does she have a Facebook page that I can like? Or does she just post to CoF?

>> No.8441298

This advert looks like a 'teen' in her bedroom advertising her amateur camming services.
Other kind of lolita.

>> No.8441299

Yeah it's handmade. This is what they said in the comments:
>They're not that complicated to make at all - I'm sure you'd be able to do it! It's just a load of ribbon, carefully pleated and stitched on each of the folds. It can take a bit of time, but it's pretty relaxing to do

You could probably find a tutorial online easily enough.

>> No.8441306


Oh thankyou! I shall check up on it now, to make many, one in every colour...

>> No.8441348

That actually looks really cute in a modern classic way. I would get a pair if I wasn't just lazy at home and naked most of the time after work and in bed because 2tired4me to do anything else.

>> No.8441386
File: 121 KB, 960x960, 11702854_10204479078519017_2334378969513306643_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on w/ her lipstick and eyebrows.

>> No.8441392

Lipstick looks a little smudged, eyebrows are too thick to suit her imo.

>> No.8441397

Probably Tumblrite influence. A worrying amount of people seem to think big dark caterpillar brows = "eyebrow game so strong ugh you are FIERCE"

>> No.8441405

I think she just bumped the contrast up on this photo so the print shows better.

>> No.8441406

That dress seems too short on her too, but maybe it's the angle. Her makeup is atrocious.

>> No.8441461

the eyebrows are atrocious and imo I don't like lipstick in lolita because it can look drag queen and throws off the coord

>soften the eyebrows and go for a simple gloss and it would of look 50x better

>> No.8441503

I think in gothic and classic styles lipstick often works. For sweet if you are going to wear lipstick go for a subtle colour.

>> No.8441505

someone tell Dom to shut the fuck up for me, I have her crazy ass blocked.

>> No.8441506

>imo I don't like lipstick in lolita because it can look drag queen and throws off the coord
For non-gothic, I tend to agree, unless it's a fairly neutral shade.

>> No.8441529
File: 91 KB, 540x960, 11655074_1467855926861293_621150465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just a big softie, but I'm sort of starting to warm to this girl. She's definitely open to concrit and she seems to be improving, and let's face it, there's not a whole lot she can do about her face, I get the feeling applying makeup would go badly for her. She just wants to be pretty and I'm rooting for her, dammit.

>> No.8441543

I think she's definitely improving and that makes me smile

>> No.8441548

shut the fuck up and get over your hate boner for dom. shes a bitch, we get it. we dont need to hear about it every time she gets brought up.

>> No.8441554

I am too. I think cleaning up her brows, cutting bangs and wearing tinted lipgloss would go a long way to helping. She's not the worst ita i've seen by a long shot and i'm kind of rooting for her too.

>> No.8441691

I think this is a huge step in the right direction!! She genuinely wants to improve, and is listening to people, even if she comes across as awkward online.

>> No.8441753

I agree with every thing you said, I want to suggest that she get bangs so badly! I also think some cuter glasses frames would benefit her as well.

>> No.8441756

She could use better shoes, unless those are some sort of orthopedic shoes or something.

>> No.8441766

Better glasses frames, even clip-in bangs if she can't get bangs cut. If she needs them, orthepedic inserts in actual lolita shoes. Though I still think makeup/brow shaping would do her wonders.

Note to everyone who just says seagulls are mean salty cunts. No. When we see someone gracefully taking concrit and improving, we give good advice. See?

>> No.8441767

God, maybe that's true, but she's such a raging cunt jfc

>> No.8441771

Expert level experience? My GOdddddd pull your head out of your ass, please. Seeing people being so full of themselves like that just bothers the fuck out of me.

>> No.8441779

I misread that as Lolis our Grapes and had a good chuckle

>> No.8441785

>those basic ass tights
She needs to try harder.

>> No.8441793

Yo man some people don't want to buy tights that are covered in cat faces, checker boards, crosses, roses, and bows. The tights are fine. Her makeup though..

>> No.8441794

This has already become a joke. So many people have already posted their frustration over what incorrect, opinionated, uneducated, out-of-date and just plain BAD advice the mentors give?

>> No.8441801

in her defense, there's not a lot of cute tights you can get in plus size. It's mainly polka dots or solid opaque.

>> No.8441828

Socks. She can wear socks.

>> No.8441876

y u mad?

>> No.8441880

I think plain tights look perfectly fine with a print dress! What is choice?

>> No.8441892

>patterns on top of patterns
shit needs to stop tbh

>> No.8441927

reading this, i feel like LSG has a touch of whatever is wrong with John Leigh

>> No.8441930
File: 289 KB, 1200x1600, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please get less talking, more ita-ing?

>> No.8441932

This isn't the ita thread, dumb bell

>> No.8441934

This is the CoF thread, not the ita thread. Is that even from CoF?

>> No.8441941
File: 498 KB, 500x273, bye2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Im a dumb fuck. Ill be on my way!

>> No.8441978

Where is that vest from? I've been thinking about trying ouji recently, and have a mighty need.

>> No.8442172

It's from Meta's Secret Library series.

>> No.8442201

Depends on the lipstick. I feel like the super saturated, almost neon lipsticks that are really trendy right now aren't really great with lolita most of the time. Looks nice with really saturated hair colours for more mainstream alt-influenced gothic, but really odd in basic sweet looks like this one.

>> No.8442274

This is such a big, genuine improvement honestly. Still stuff to work on that was pointed out, but she is actually applying concrit. Also, that's a really nice level of poof, man. I'm happy for this girl and genuinely want her to do well!

>> No.8442388

any news on this?!

>> No.8442396

I like it for the most part. I was actually looking for lolita roomwear recently, but I looked at their Etsy and it looks like next to nothing, though? Like bloomers and trash she sold and nothing before. I want something along the lines of this if anyone has a better place to shop from or just higher quality room wear.

>> No.8442398

It hasn't even been 24 hours, jeez.

>> No.8442403

Not a thing. She said the two mods read the message she sent and haven't replied. People are guessing LSG meant to post that photo in a mods-only CoF group, which is almost worse. It means the other mods are possibly already on her side, if the tone indicates anything. I'm not sure if anything can be done, if that's the case... Maybe if enough people question them, but if they're content with letting LSG ban literally anyone, I doubt they'd have any problem doing the same to anyone who messaged them about it. This is shady as fuck.

>> No.8442442

Not everyone likes socks anon. The tights are fine imo

>> No.8442447

As someone with calves that big, anything she wears will warp and look horrible. She made the right choice.

>> No.8442668

I want ruffs to become a trend. There is a great etsy seller- forget the name but she's based in Melbourne... Maybe Elizabeth Nadine or some combination of those names. I just got a gold ruff from her the quality is amazing can't wait to wear it

>> No.8442714
File: 230 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in.

>> No.8442738

Agree. The trouble that LSG has been known to stir up in the past is well-documented. She's a crazy, nasty, trouble-maker. I wonder how she became a mod in the first place with her history.

>> No.8442780

Because 1 culture is not enough for my dress, need 3!
I'm glad she made herself a special dress.
I'm sorry it is not lolita.
When something like this has so many not-lolita points to it, I feel like just calling 'not lolita' and not offering concrit at all, just saying that it deviates from the lolita aesthetic in too many ways to be considered lolita. It's easier and more honest.

>> No.8442790
File: 144 KB, 1045x886, FB_IMG_1435755011536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese "inspired" coord
Oh Lord. Stop.

>> No.8442792

Damn you posted first. But urg..... Just it needs to stop.

>> No.8442841

I've never seen qi lolita get screwed up so badly.

>> No.8442855

Lol she already got told to fuck off. She of course didn't respond to those comments though.

>> No.8442882
File: 188 KB, 495x575, Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 10.34.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she posts everyday now

>> No.8442893
File: 127 KB, 500x375, 9528203500_ac65e26b13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to share this

>> No.8442898

jesus she reminds me of Darla from finding nemo.

>> No.8442901

jfc from the thumbnail I thought she was doing a headless horseman coord or something.

>> No.8442908

Where is this from? I couldn't find it on the group page

>> No.8442910

That is the perfect, pretty, subtle, stoner-lita name.

>> No.8442921
File: 1004 KB, 720x1152, Qi-lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8442936
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 11403041_1468027110177508_4211982692633783713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8442937

Who's Aimi Francis? Why is she all "fuck Fahr she deserves to be blocked"? I realize Fahr is the lesser of two turds in this scenario but this girl is really against her. Sorry I'm a bit out of the loop

>> No.8442940

There's nothing wrong with solid tights (I buy all mine from Primark) the problem is they are both kind of sheer and shiny

>> No.8442941

It's not even a self-given lolita name, it's her actual name which I love even more.

>> No.8442947
File: 31 KB, 441x262, ss+(2015-07-01+at+10.21.02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wait patiently every day for Windowlicker Chan's posts

>> No.8442949

Her name is really ganja? I need to talk to her parents.

It is actually cute though.

>> No.8442955

her parents must be hardcore neds

>> No.8442961

Is she trolling tho? I don't usually post here but seriously. What's going on?

>> No.8442985

Agreed. This is nitpick. Her coord is fine, not wow, but fine. She could fix up her hair more, like use a curler if she prefers natural, plus I don't know if its some unwritten rule but Lolitas really do require fringes (straight bangs or side swept, you choose.)

>> No.8443000

Oh dear lord. I wish Cimone and the rest of her social justice crew would just leave. If everything on the Internet offends you, maybe you're the problem? The outfit is bad, yes but "boohoo my indian friend is offended"...FUCK OFF

>> No.8443011

Fucking hell, I just read that
>You're being insensitive because you used INDIAN SILK to make a CHINESE oufit!

Hoooooooooly shit.

>> No.8443012

Urgh exactly, can't even say something because she just coems back at you even more attacking.

>> No.8443024

>sari fabric
>qi lolita

Pretty material. Utterly wasted.

>> No.8443035

Before we even debate the tumblr side of the thing and muh culture, we can all agree that is a terrible waste of fabric and certainly not lolita and if CoF mods should delete anything I would like to suggest they start with this fug shit

>> No.8443045

>going to vom


>> No.8443077
File: 1.09 MB, 599x970, cofuadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this is why CoF:Uncensored is useless.

>> No.8443082

Is she purposely giving awful advice? Because that's got to be a joke.

>> No.8443128

Why does Fahr get banned for posting a totally acceptable photo and Cimone hasn't been booted after stirring shit like this?

>> No.8443138

Photoshop a photo of Cimone with Sinsemellia and Fahr and post it to CoF. Problem solved.

>> No.8443144

Me too, these fucking racist sjw cunts need to go. Especially wonderfuck needs to fuck off and die in a ditch.
If they can bash a white girl, they will take the opportunity.
Also, that cultural appropriation bullshit needs to die. Since when is wearing a dress disrespectful and offensive?

>> No.8443148

YES! Can we ban this bitch from all comms please?

>> No.8443167

Just came here with screenshots, but I should have guessed you guys were already discussing her. I can't believe she and someone else told that other girl off for "derailing" when Cimone was the one coming in with a fucking essay about how it was offensive. Jesus what an obnoxious cunt.

>> No.8443330

Can you post caps in the new thread?

>> No.8443526
File: 15 KB, 432x288, cringey..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf them brows

>> No.8443870
File: 209 KB, 500x375, 1432193967645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking long does it take to get accepted into CoF? Do they just never check shit or do you have to meet some sort of guidelines?

>> No.8445773

I think they check your profile to see if you are a lolita/have an interest in lolita

>> No.8445774

Yes that girl just pisses me off. She also ignored actual chinese/indian girls who weren't offended.

>> No.8445791

I also have in mind an indian inspired JSK design for years. I hope to be able to do it one day. I hope my version will not get the same critics. At least I will not say this is chinese inspired. lol

>> No.8445845

Of course she will ignore anything that doesn't fit her racial hate spreading agenda, I'm not suprised.

>> No.8445853

Well, I have a butt ton of dresses on my fb, but I'm STILL waiting.

How long does it normally take?

>> No.8446737

Thank you! Now I know who she is, I followed her yt in the very beginning. She looks so different now.