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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 238 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1435513217968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8434632 No.8434632 [Reply] [Original]

Post pics where you aren't quite sure if it was photoshopped or not.

OP something looks weird about the size of her head and neck.

>> No.8434637

thats eikkibunny
its obviously photoshopped, that bitch couldnt upload anything that wasnt shooped like there's no tomorrow

>> No.8434652


I know there are obvs color corrections. But do you really think she changed the size of her head? Like.... Why?

>> No.8434666

To make herself more "cute". She made her eyes bigger, made the rest of her face smaller, and shaped her chin.

>> No.8434668

dude, its common knowledge that she shoops her chin drastically
she doesnt look like that, trust me.

>> No.8434773
File: 204 KB, 959x637, 11012071_1086137218081588_4006774315142769787_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jin claims this is just her amazing makeup skills and her devotion to being as accurate as possible

>> No.8434781

The nose shape from Cloud to Hiccup?? :'D

Make up yes with a few clicks of that liquify tool

>> No.8434789

jin's another photoshop addict that wont admit it

>> No.8434793

The way the eye shape is edited! Too painful

>> No.8434796

I think it's funny when someone over-photoshops and someone else posts a candid photo of them looking very different! Also, there's a website that analyzes where an image has been photoshopped.

>> No.8434808
File: 64 KB, 720x642, 11202590_1088346837860626_3051356876316019063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another

>Shapeshifter 101:
Probably the most common question is “HOW?!” Apart from effort in makeup, for me when it comes to pictures it’s about finding that one angle of my face that’s most suitable for a particular character to better showcase the makeup and facial expression. smile emoticon Like for Cloud, I know my face shape looks sharper when I tilt my chin down and turn my head to the side a little. For Sora and Roxas, the camera was around eye-level and my face was turned toward the camera more; that’s the angle where my cheeks look more full and the curve of my jaw is a little softer. For Hiccup, the camera was a bit below eye-level so my face looked more oval and my jaw and nose looked wider. Those small differences count! And that is the path to becoming a Lvl 1 Shapeshifter! Hahah!

>> No.8434842

Can confirm. I saw her at a con once and didn't recognize it was her until a friend pointed it out. She looks nothing like her shooped pics.

>> No.8434850

god no, let it burn

>> No.8435410

is that a man else? its terrible

>> No.8435450

well considering no one's jaw/chin looks like that in reality...

>> No.8435455

you cannot be both a animu character and that HTTYD kid at the same time
one is point chin one is bulky jaw. no just no

>> No.8437102

eikkibunny isnt eikkibunny without a obvious shopped chin

>> No.8437107

plz can we get pics of her without shoop
I must know the truth

>> No.8437111


Note though: all pictures are different angles

I feel like hiccup is the only one thats really out of place with the shape of her face

>> No.8437599
File: 178 KB, 437x471, eikki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one

>> No.8437611

Well I mean she doesn't look like her photos but she's not bad looking either

>> No.8437647

I agree, it always bugged me how she photoshops herself unrecognizable when she's already quite pretty to begin with

>> No.8437725
File: 304 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nldquvGVQv1scbgcdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8437734

she shoops her face but not her goddamn brows jfc

>> No.8437752
File: 2.12 MB, 1440x1131, Screenshot_2015-06-29-17-21-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's one I found on IG. Ri is on left & Ethan/boyfriend In the middle.

>> No.8437761

She looks like she's about to snap her neck off...

>> No.8437766

She looks old(er)

>> No.8437773

wtf is this shit

>> No.8437827
File: 57 KB, 540x720, kekibunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't taken her picture at a con before, but looking through some pictures from a regular at the events, she hides her face/chin in all of them. It's pretty sad that she's so crazy self-conscious about her chin. It could be so much worse.

>> No.8437839

Makes me think she has some genuine body dysmorphia going on. She needs a therapist.

>> No.8438112
File: 878 KB, 543x1000, ahripop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full size: http://i.imgur.com/70DW8fE.jpg

>> No.8438136

link to this website please

>> No.8438142

just look up "image error level analyzer"

>> No.8438150

C'mon anon. All her friends call her kitty waifu, isn't that enough these days??!! ISN'T IT??

>> No.8438159

She definitely took at least a half an inch off her chin for the first 3 images, and several years off in all of them. Lol stupid bitch, she thought people wouldn't notice.

>> No.8438757

she's not super bad but holy fuck ethan looks terrible

>> No.8438765

Holy shit I didn't realize Ethan shooped his chin that much too wow

>> No.8438770

That website isn't reliable though. I sometimes run my own photos through it and it often shows it's been edited even though it hasn't. It only looks for 'anomalies' in the photo but it's impossible for a photo to not have any at all, even when it hasn't been photoshopped.

>> No.8438772

It's cgl, everyone looks 50 here

>> No.8438782

This chin is made so small it makes her jaw actually look deformed. Way Overboard.

>> No.8439126

she looks like a middle aged mom accompanying her autistic teenage son at a con.

this looks like something you'd find at a serial killers house

>> No.8442008
File: 460 KB, 432x664, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 10.43.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she look so disinterested all the time

>> No.8442805

What is happening to the bottom of the skirt?

>> No.8442965


Bitch please. I saw her a few times when I was in Singapore for AFA and she was also there. She looked nothing like that in real life. She has an unfortunate foot shaped face that cant be helped without photoshop despite her "muh angle" claim.

>> No.8443177

You know how they always show touched up women on billboards or in fashion magazines when illustrating unrealistic beauty standards? Honestly, I wasn't ever bothered by those. But the first time I saw shooped to hell chinese kuroshit cosplayers on deviant art, I developed a deep hatred for my everything.

>> No.8443322
