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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 358 KB, 1259x1920, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8421370 No.8421370 [Reply] [Original]

What's the sexiest cosplay you've ever worn? How was it received? Post pictures if you want.

>> No.8421415

The most 'revealing' cosplay I did was Mukuro from dangan ronpa (which tbh, isnt that revealing).

I love the game a lot and it was fun wearing the costume but got some really unwanted attention and people grabbing me around the waist for photos, which I havent had that happen before.

Im not exactly top tier so I didnt expect any of that but well I guess thats just what happens when you wear a 'revealing' cosplay.

>> No.8421449
File: 80 KB, 390x602, hurrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this about 4 years ago. Blew all my normalfag friends' minds. It was fun, I love GiTS, but as >>8421415 said, I did get some weird photo experiences. As my second non-closet cosplay all the attention was surprising (though I guess really shouldn't have been).

I want to remake it without the shitty headpiece which is literally old headphones spray-painted silver (I suck, I know).

>> No.8421451
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Not going to say who, but it ended up here. Flattered at first until it was used to start drama.

>> No.8421612

I feel terrible because she is essentially what is secondary fap bait, but her uniform somehow possesses an irresistible desire to try it on.

Maybe someday I'll build the courage to wear her to a con someday, but I'd like to put in the effort to make her weapons and props first.

>> No.8421641
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rangiku is probably as revealing as I have worn to a convention.

>> No.8421665

>What's the sexiest cosplay you've ever worn?
Pre-TS Yoko

I didn't involve myself in the online side of cosplay, so I had no idea it was so stigmatized. It was a summer con, and that was my second favourite outfit besides the Bounty Hunter variant but the jacket and boots for that would have been too much of a hassle since I'm loads better at props than sewing.

>How was it received?
It was my first "real" cosplay (aside from closet bullshit I didn't wear to cons) and everything that came from it chased me out of the hobby until this year.

I expected photos, even though I don't like them, but I was inundated with people wanting photos every time I stopped. I didn't get perved on at the con (another thing I knew was inevitable) but I ended up losing two friends over it.

I've considered doing the bounty hunter version because I don't want the rifle to go to waste, but other than that I don't think I'll ever do a cosplay that revealing again.

>> No.8421676

You comfortable with sharing a pic?

>> No.8421682

>inb4 subtle begging for fap material

>> No.8421684

wow much reveal

>> No.8421687

Ive worn my R Mika costume breifly two times, reactions went as so:
-a few girls here and there 'wow cool cosplay'
- collection of dudes ranging from silent awkward teenage boy to annoying overly friendly drunk bro appreciating the sexiness of the costume
-dude street fighter fans who are pretty nice fangirling over a seldom cosplayed characters

Your reception depends on the event you wear it. From my experience comic conventions have way more dudes who will openly appreciate your body, anime cons will have less dudes and overall more appreciation of your costume.

>> No.8421722

Did a Mega Milk at a recent con and had so many closet pervs asking for my picture. Even to do the boob grab shot. It was pretty hilarious. Best joke cosplay ever.

>> No.8421850


>> No.8421877

You're not a D-cup, I don't care what you think

>> No.8421884

I cosplayed Rangiku, Rei Takashima and Tsumugi, all pretty covered characters, but I felt exposed in the costumes. Perhaps because I'm not a huge fan of wearing revealing clothing outside of cosplay?

>> No.8421895

This. While I loved cosplaying as Rangiku, it was really noticeable how many people looked at my chest. Especially guys. Even girls did, but it was more so, "Suddenly tits oops Im looking" because, frankly, thats how I do when I see a cosplaying with tits out. You go to overlook their outfit and suddenly their boobs are out and its like, "Shit shit shit avert avert Im so sorry!"

I really did like wearing her though. I felt very strong because she is an extremely strong character and I could connect with her on a level which is why I wanted to cosplay her. Plus orange is my color. Looks good on me.

>> No.8421896

She's the reason I dyed my hair from my natural blonde. Then I played Persona 3 and now it's red red red red all day long.

I know exactly what you meant. I talk a big game when I get into costume, then go out into the con floor and suddenly its MEEP MUST HIDE CHEST.

>> No.8421902

Lolyep! I would take my arms away when I got a photo taken, but walking down the hallway I would hold my sleeve in front of my chest with my sword I was carrying. I had to also hold the sword at and angle though because I noticed it went between my tits when it was vertical. qq

>> No.8421908

>What's the sexiest cosplay you've ever worn?
Nudist Beach Nonon and Finale Regalia Nonon
>How was it received?
The only one I wore out in public for an extended time was NB Nonon to Wondercon; it was received pretty well? I didn't really get any creepers, but people did take pics and I got a lot of "wow you're so brave" from other girls

>> No.8421921

Ryuko Matoi, normal senketsu.

>> No.8421927


>Because of how people react online, would this inhibit you from cosplaying an outfit you personally love, of a character you love, at a convention if it were revealing even if you were confident in your body?

The instant "She's barely wearing anything, what a whore!" as soon as they see the outfit posted anywhere. Would that keep you from wanting to dress in something you have been wanting to wear regardless of how revealing it is and instead you personally see the outfit as empowering or beautiful?

>> No.8421958

because it is terrible or...?

>> No.8422043

The most revealing outfit I've worn is Ryuko Matoi in the plain ol' uniform like >>8421921, but despite the fact it ain't even that revealing compared to some I was getting a couple losers trying to upskirt me. Best thing was all they'd be met with was my spats if they managed it. There were also quite a few people staring at my boobs, which was odd since a) I'm a damn A cup b) mmmm completely covered titty

I've found that the worst offenders aren't usually at the convention but normies on the way there. Because it's totally fine to harass a girl if they're in a costume, you know.

>> No.8422049

>I've found that the worst offenders aren't usually at the convention but normies

fucking this.

I wore a schoolgirl swimsuit cosplay and got all this creepy shit from normies, everyone was normal to me at the con though, no creepiness or comments

normies however
>at food trucks had one whisper in my ear "are you alone?" and walk away when I said "no."

>Had someone follow me shouting at me "where you goin girl!?"
>Had a security gaurd for a food place tell me he liked my outfit, told me he'd hold me real close and teach me basketball. made a note that its "alllll" about handling the ball"

Jesus fuck normies are awful

>> No.8422051

>lost two "friends" for wearing a bikini


>> No.8422110

Second time I dragged my friend to a con we cosplayed Panty and Brief, she was seventeen at the time and I had warned her before that it was a cosplay which might get her unwanted attention (and I did suggest she push it forward until she was older, which happened though only by a year) and though there were no creepers to talk about I definitely noticed a difference in how people spoke to her vs to me.

>"Can I take a photo with you?"
>"Yeah, sure!"
>"Oh, no. Just Panty!"

She doesn't go to cons anymore (for different reasons) but as a person consistently read as male it was interesting to see.
Worst I've gotten was when I cosplayed a fan favourite and a few fifteen year olds threw some pretty inappropriate comments my way.

As for "sexiest"... Well, I have one costume with a huge fucking codpiece, though I've yet to wear that out and about at a con.

>> No.8422198
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Lol, that's not how it went. I chose to drop one and the other one I still have on FB but I avoid him most of the time.

>first one was twice my age at the time (so 44)
>second was a HS friend
>both of them hardly spoke to me because we didn't really have anything to talk about
>just status likes here and there, maybe a small comment
>cosplay photos get posted
>suddenly they're messaging me with compliments
>no big deal obviously
>then it turns into praise
>kinda overboard when they don't even anime, but whatever. I don't really give a shit.
>HS friend invites me to hang out
>talking the day before the plans to meet up
>says he always had a thing for me in HS
>I know for a fact that's bullshit
>mention the guy I've been in a kinda sorta LDR with
>gets upset, subtly begging me to stop talking to the guy
>tell him I haven't been feeling well and don't think its a good idea to meet up
>he's an hour away, I don't want to tell him he's being fucking desperate
>gets noticeably mad, saying its his birthday as if that means we have to hang out
>steady stream of conversation abruptly ends
>find out a month later the geezer told his neighbor that we were dating
>showed his neighbor pics of the cosplay like "this is the girl I'm seeing"
>never, ever, ever ever ever gave the slightest hint in any way shape or form that was the case
>he messaged me a month later bitching me out for being disrespectful (wat?) and mentioning about 6 or so times he was seeing someone as if I was supposed to melt into a tar bubble of heartbreak or someshit


>> No.8422223

mm.. I think it looks good on you
This style of cosplay suits you well

>> No.8422290

Now that I'll be bringing the scissorsword with me I feel like I wont be as uncomfortable.

>> No.8422305

He sounds like he's thirsty because all the salt he's got over you not reciprocating lmao.

>> No.8422310
File: 164 KB, 496x550, ch01 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by sexiest you mean most revealing I've worn Venera/Kate to 2 cons and nothing really happened. A lot of my friends complimented me and said I looked good and a dude asked me how I made my mask.
It was pretty nice but it's difficult to walk around in since I can barely grab anything with her gauntlets on

>> No.8422338

>tfw love Natasha but she's completely uncosplayable because she's literally just underwear, lab coat, and half gloves

>> No.8422420

>What's the sexiest cosplay you've ever worn?
I've worn a decent amount of revealing but not necessarily sexy cosplays. I've done Litchi Faye-ling, Lightning, a Mithra (both the Novennial and Leather armor sets), and a couple sailor senshi.

>How was it received?
Most of them were received fairly well. Like >>8422043 said, the most harassment I've ever received has been from the normies outside of the convention.

>> No.8422464

>Sexiest cosplay?
Junko Enoshima.

>How was it received?
I honestly can't think of one creepy instance while being Junko, even though major cleavage and short skirt.

The only time I've had creepy experiences is when I was wearing a cosplay that covered most of my body. I was cosplaying as Mitsuru (Persona3) and I had people giving me some creepy comments and talking about their hotel room. Also, once while cosplaying Erza Scarlet, some 11 year old asked me for my number. That was a good laugh after that happened.

>> No.8422490

I wore a sukumizu version of a character i like for colossalcon, and i got more creeps than i did when i was wearing a bikini.

>> No.8422497


>>8422043 here again

I did have the Scissor Blade; mine was a metre long and made of 1" thick MDF and if I smacked you with it you'd bloody know about it. I was /still/ getting shit from people, although it was all verbal stuff and nobody tried to grope me. It's a good deterrent for 95% of people, though. Just be wary of the other 5%.

>> No.8422499
File: 32 KB, 255x266, 1424075189736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the fap bait pictures?

>> No.8422511

Also, I don't think you know how bra sizes work.

>> No.8422514

Hooker Blair from Soul Eater was the "sexiest" thing I've worn at a convention.

Outside of that I've done lingerie version of Hanna Justina from Strike Witches and the pole dancing version of Rias Gremory.

Wearing "sexy" costumes at a convention is not something I condone anymore. You should limit that stuff to photoshoots. Unless you are really just really love attention.

>> No.8422531
File: 111 KB, 1000x900, ch03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a Zvezda Plot cosplay for me too. I went as Natasha and I had a pretty good experience. I think I freaked myself out more reading con horror stories online.
People were mostly interested in my arm tentacles and whether or not I could see through my mask.

Everybody was pretty cool yup yup.

>> No.8422566

facepalming hard because even the most retarded photog with the most basic sense would ask to take photos of you together, then each of you individually
it's the fucking digital age, we don't have to keep tabs on film consumption anymore

>> No.8422600

So from the sounds of it, if I'm a male and see an attractive woman in costume and would like to chat her up- I'm shit out of luck, regardless of approach.

>> No.8422605

Oh man. I love their stupid outfits.
Also, could you see through your mask and could you tell me how you did it if you could?

>> No.8422610
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a-a board-tan...

>> No.8422628
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I have "friends" that slut shame so it makes it difficult to share any sexy shit on my page without back handed compliments. The type of fat cosplayers that get no attention but claim to be elite tier shit. They're not real friends though and never speak to me unless I'm wearing something they don't approve of like rave gear for dances. There's a lot of conservative bitches in my comm so to avoid their harassment I don't post about my sexy shit. If I wear a revealing cosplay I'll do it without announcing it. That usually helps but still annoying that others can be open about it and not get the same level of hate.

>> No.8422635
File: 57 KB, 580x329, one_piece_usopp_2-t2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Not that reveling, but for someone who is usually covered from head to toes going shirless was very hard, and it still my favorite cosplay to this day. God, I miss being /fit/.

>> No.8422726

G-got any pics?

Nah. I have family who loves my cosplay and will post it all on their facebooks bragging about me. All the talk in the world doesn't mean much when it's online and not to my face. These anons live all across the globe, and will most likely never see me in person. Unless I have a nip slip or the cosplay itself is poorly constructed, I have nothing to be concerned about.

I actually have quite a few revealing cosplays planned for next year since I have a job now. And most of them "basic bitch" like Shadow Rise, Roxy (Final Fight), and a commissioned Skullgirls cosplay. I know gulls hate people like me, but can't help my love for being in the con spotlight.

>> No.8422727

Last year I cosplayed Poison Ivy from Batman Adventures. I wore a corset and had everything done up. Probably my sexiest to date.

I had many people ask for pictures, nothing unusual or unexpected.

>> No.8422749
File: 59 KB, 625x405, ewww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the woman. I love when others wrap their arms around me and pretend I'm their hot girlfriend for their photos. It's the only action I get all year, the amount I get "creeped" on is an ego boost. If they seem shy I tell them it's okay. If she's okay with it, she'll be vocal about it, if not, she'll still be vocal about it. Everyone has different boundaries, you shouldn't force yourself on them but they'll usually let you know. Or you could just ask? If it's only to chat, most people regardless of gender already have set plans for conventions, you'd have better luck trying that online vs stopping her in the hallway. That attitude against women though would drive even the sluttiest girl away.

>> No.8422775
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catcalling and being a creepy asshole to female cosplayers is not the same as trying to chat them up, mate. The former two are the main area of concern here, not being flirted with.

>> No.8422814

>this picture
>step one: be good looking

>> No.8422941
File: 1.26 MB, 616x1400, boop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see, but not very clearly. To me, it felt more like what I see without my contact lenses. And wearing sunglasses. It was harder to see at night since everything is darker. But I could safely walk around without help.

I have no idea what the fabric is called specifically (it was a thin black sheer fabric), I just walked around the fabric store sticking my face into all the black fabric haha.

Visibility is much better with 1 layer, but you could still see through it so I went with lesser visibility+hidden eyes. I just glued it to the back of my mask (I rushed this cosplay woops). I plan on remaking the mask eventually. It got warped on the drive back from the con and I'm not sure if I should stick with the glossy paint or try a more matte paint hmhmhm

>> No.8422954
File: 112 KB, 800x1200, Enji 186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one. It's not me of course, but it's fap bait.

>> No.8422963

>I love when others wrap their arms around me and pretend I'm their hot girlfriend for their photos.

Doing God's work, anon.

>> No.8423079

I like you :)
(Not creeping just a fellow lady cosplayer)

>> No.8423344

Normies are the fucking worst when it comes to harassment.

I've always wanted to do a playboy bunny character cosplay but I'm noping out for two reasons
>heels are uncomfortable
>I've had normals follow me to my hotel

I carry a tazer that goes unchecked by staff (most halfassedly check bags)

>> No.8423361

Do you have that image of just her hips? I think it was a WIP.

>> No.8423371
File: 35 KB, 500x821, Enji 114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have. Aaand there it was.

>> No.8423373

Yes. Thank you very much.

>> No.8423376
File: 58 KB, 679x1188, Enji 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy fapping

>> No.8423395
File: 75 KB, 530x800, CCeddSBW0AAUFaZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so perfect. So very perfect.

>> No.8423398

make a fap thread if you're so desperate.

>> No.8423403

Meh, cba.

>> No.8423579

>tfw I have Enji hips with longer, slightly slimmer legs

Feels good bruh

>> No.8423862


I will legitimatly timestamp a picture of my 38" hips if you fuck off to a new thread.

>> No.8423876

Do it.

>> No.8423911

Not that guy but please do it.

>> No.8423973

in the new thread you guys fuck off to. got it?

>> No.8423992

Won't do it until you post it on here.

>> No.8423993
File: 130 KB, 900x599, eva_photoshoot_temptation_by_mascara_taintedtears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8424013

This. Post now. Then we can go back to discussing or weird experiences when we wear revealing outfits and how horrible normies are.

>> No.8424015


Can't photographers pose cosplayers better than this?

No heat felt from this photo at all.

>> No.8424043

your loss.

I gave you my word but if you continue to shitpost here you have nothing.

I'm done with this thread now, you ruined it. you could either
A.) move to a fap thread and get more fap material + picture of my hips
B.) stay here and get nothing

>> No.8424052

Half my problems with these photos are they aren't plot relevant
Honestly I wouldn't even care if they were shitting on each other as long as it's plot relevant

>> No.8424070
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1434176984026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asuka shitting all over Rei
Seems pretty accurate to me

>> No.8424107



Threads like this always get derailed, tinyhips.

>> No.8424115



Well someone made one. Post.

>> No.8424573
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>> No.8424579
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>> No.8424641

Its really hard for me to cosplay sexy characters because I have a cute face that, regardless of how much I try, my makeup won't let me look sexy and instead I still look cute regardless. My body, however, is sexy and it fucking sucks. It makes it really awkward to want to cosplay a sexy character because my face doesn't match the sexy outfit.

>> No.8424643

The Rei wig though....

>> No.8424671


>Cute face
>Sexy body

Presuming you're not lying, you're living the dream, anon. But are you really having trouble finding somebody with a cute face and sexy body to cosplay in anime? The breeding grounds of "moe"?

Just go as Mikuru from Haruhi, or any of the other 10,000 "moe" characters.

>> No.8424691

Thats a good idea. Thank you. And yeah.. This is true. I have a sexy body, but my face is really cute which makes it hard for me when I cosplay someone like Rangiku or Poison Ivy. Ive cosplayed those two before, but when I get photos back at conventions they look kind of weird because Im trying to make my face look sexy and it doesn't match up. qq

>> No.8424695

Would love to rape virtually every girl posted ITT.

>> No.8424697

And that is why it will stay virtual.

>> No.8424700 [DELETED] 

Would rape you so hard you'd not be able to cum from normal sex ever again.

If I were a porn recruiter, I'd genuinely hit up cons as prime recruiting ground. The sorts of girls who cosplay are probably the sorts of girls who are open to doing porn.

>> No.8424732

you're just not good at makeup yet and making a problem out of nothing anon

>> No.8424761
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>> No.8424762

>thinking its bait
i also want this

>> No.8424939

Can you post a pic of yourself?

>> No.8425037
File: 56 KB, 346x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cunt could drink two Olympic swimming pools and still be thirsty.

>> No.8425075


be thankful you lost those guys as friends

wearing Yoko was a good thing in hindsight, it showed them for who they really are

>> No.8425079
File: 212 KB, 720x960, 18686578-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. Yea, I wore the helmet all night.
All night long.

>> No.8425089
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What a sexual beast.

>> No.8425113
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>> No.8425443
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140123_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry but I am very good at makeup. My eye are just huge and doey even with black shadow and liner. My face just doesn't 'transform' into sexy well and then when I try it looks like Im trying too hard. ]: [Image related]


>> No.8425449

>doey eyes
>trying too hard to be sexy by squinting

Probably shouldve done a photo of me NOT trying to look sexy. Lol.

>> No.8425480


You look fine.

Full body shot?

>> No.8425492

You can find them in another thread.

>> No.8425506

okay i'm not that familiar with anime so i have no idea who the fuck you dressed up as, and googling Pre-TS Yoko really didn't bring up anything relevant unless you went as a transgender pornstar so...

post a pic from the anime of the character, please

and sage for me being retarded

>> No.8425654
File: 466 KB, 900x900, 1424500448672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8425660


Just search Yoko, Gurren Lagann.

Pre-TS just means Pre-Timeskip, as there is an ~10 year timeskip in the middle of it, and she changes outfits after it.

>> No.8425661


That's extremely vague.

>> No.8425662

by any chance could you post pics? It's my favourite anime and I hardly see anything from it. I really wanna work on Plamya, but I'm nowhere near to having the body for it.

>> No.8425816
File: 734 KB, 2666x3999, IMG_8683-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon.
I hope the image doesn't flip..

>> No.8425825

Saved because I love that show and never see any cosplay either.
I'd love to do Natasha. I have no idea how to get away with it at my local conventions other than hoping they wouldn't say anything.

>> No.8425830

I don't know anything about this show, but those horn things on the wig look great!

>> No.8425903

Thank you anon!
If you look through the tumblr tags there should be some more pics in there somewhere. I know the feel though, when I was making the cosplay I wanted to find other Veneras as references to see how they tackled the cosplay but there were only like 1 or 2 that popped up on google at the time. It was really dissappointing tbh.

>> No.8425987

oh my gosh could you pls post a pic? I used to play R. Mika as a kid. I really hope they bring her back for sf5 but the chances are super duper slim.

>> No.8425997

Woah. That's actually really well done! I really wish I knew how you got the horns on there like that.

>> No.8425999

I don't cosplay sexy stuff (mostly because of not really finding a design that works for me), but when I was fifteen I got my ass slapped for cosplaying a character that happened to have boobs. I was literally wearing a floor-length skirt.

>> No.8426122

Thank you! I made the base with tinfoil and wrapped it in masking tape. After that I glued on the hair and left some extra at the bottom and top so the bottom could blend into my wig and the top could be cut and smoothed out with glue as I saw fit.
The pink (which may not be as visible on the pic) was painted on with a sharpie.
As for the attachment I think it was a combination of hot glue and sewing it onto the wig. I also put in bobby pins to have them stay properly in place but I should probably resew them soon.
I hope that helped a bit.

>> No.8426126

I forgot to add that when I sewed it on I also made sure to part the hair a bit so it could blend in easilier.

>> No.8426936


I agree, the horns look pretty great on that and having read how you did it, it's pretty damn clever.

>> No.8429150

I cosplay as DMC3 Dante, and yet I get groped and hit-on way more when I cosplay as Slenderman.

Something about me covering my face and not talking makes me irresistible. I dun geddit...

>> No.8429292

What do you mean? It looks pretty well made. I think it's not a flattering angle and makes anon look a bit stumpy, but the cosplay itself looks excellent.

>> No.8429536


Slenderman is more immediately recognizable, and the fact that it's a "scary" cosplay makes more people want to defiantly be friendly to it.

>> No.8429552


This, I work with kids and a lot of them love mine craft, five nights at Freddies and slender man

>> No.8429592

heh my most revealing cosplay was Soifon in her assassin attire. Some fatty told me in a snotty tone that my underwear was showing because of the cut outs in the hakama that show her fundoshi-type underwear thing.

>> No.8429683

I'm a dude, and I did a Spartan once.

Only wore it to summer cons, and only wore it about 3x.

I was shirtless with about a mid-leg skirt and under armor, so basically picture swim trunks.

and I didn't get creeped on at all. I'm not super fit mode but I was enough to pull off the costume. Occasionally I'd catch people staring but for the most part it was just taken at face value. People make this giant deal about creepers and harassment at cons and I just don't see it happening.

>> No.8429711
File: 31 KB, 599x563, senbaitzakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8429715

Thats because a lot of people don't know what the fuck a hakama is. Ive had to make one from scratch one time for my Himeko cosplay. I wound up buying Rangiku because I didn't want to go through that disaster again.

>> No.8429894
File: 74 KB, 720x960, kiga2k15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feel, anon. I'm weak for short pleated skirts so it was perfect.

>> No.8429937

Looks great, too bad the star wasn't caught on camera, you can almost see it!

>> No.8430035

I really think love you. :D

>> No.8430040

IDK, I had a cosplay where I played chronic from Kaiba, and it was all midriff, but it didn't feel sexy to me.
My Karina one felt sexier, even though I was more covered up.
(but thats also because i sewed the dress too short for my fat ass and it was kind of hanging out. whoopsie)
I feel like my sailor moon one will the sexiest because of the boots I'm choosing to wear. they're really high/sexy. But I'd rather used boots i already have then buying new ones.

>> No.8430046

Nice try, /r9k/ misogynist. My body, my rules.

>> No.8430289
File: 1.66 MB, 2400x1556, _MG_7109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen of Pain , dota2, mixed feelings cos it was the only dota cosplay and some people here are anti-fitness lol
Overall appreciated the costume and the physique, no creepers

>> No.8430410


>> No.8430518

Probably Pre-TS Yoko, Boa Hancock, and Fishmen Island Arc Nami. Technically I also did swimsuit costumes at Colossalcon also, but I didn't get too much creepage which was nice. Can't say the same for the other three though. I remember getting swarmed as Nami and Yoko, which is why I don't really do revealing displays anymore without a group to at least kind of discourage creepers. I also started making terrible faces in pictures when it's obvious that the picture-taker is a normie who just wants fapbait. Other Yoko cosplayer, I understand your pain completely. I still want to do bounty hunter anyways because Yoko is perfect, but I'm trying to get actually fit before really cosplaying mai waifu.

>> No.8431971
File: 15 KB, 754x406, 1434036164729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people here are anti-fitness lol

>> No.8431976

Every Halloween I dress as a risque fairy with a color scheme. I started with blue and every Halloween since it is a different color.

Hair all the way down my back, twin tails, painted stripper heels, Flowers, pearls, gold, themed accessories. The wings are the funnest part.

Short skirts, thigh highs, and tube tops.

Once a year, I'm fabulous.

>> No.8432481

Perfect? Are you fucking retarded?!?!?

>> No.8432485

awyis dota2

>> No.8432486

I think it's awesome when underappreciated characters are cosplayed. I'm more impressed by a semi-decent Makoto than a smokin' hot attention-whore dressed as Cammy.

>> No.8432823

Are you?
Sounds like you need to calm down.

>> No.8433719


>> No.8434127

lol I know this girl

>> No.8437955

Nice job! Too bad Star not in field of view... maybe next pic... I can see gloves would make manipulation difficult