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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 9 KB, 260x200, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8428303 No.8428303 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna hear stories about all the cringey things you guys did when you were young, whether it be weeaboo phases, newbie mistakes, or other shit you did that makes you wish you could go back in time and smack yourself whenever it crosses your mind (all /cgl/-related, of course).

For starters:
>be me, several years ago in high school
>discover /cgl/ for the first time
>"funny" thread pops up
>post link to thread on Facebook for everyone at my high school to see and write "LOL THIS THREAD IS GENIUS"
>entire thread was mostly me samefagging with forced 3edgy5me humor

>be me, around the same age as last story
>be obnoxious fangirl/whiteknight of famous cosplayer
>post on her fan page wall asking her where she gets her fabric
>she writes "hancock or joann"
>this was back when fan posts appeared in the same place as her posts, so the 10,000 people who liked her page at the time saw what I wrote

I hate my teenage self.

>> No.8428325
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>be in high school
>feel edgy because 'adult'
>go through the discovery of makeup
>go through clothing experimentation
>wear mostly black and suck at makeup
>get photoshop

I still have all these photos up. Holy shit. I could go through them and delete them all, but they are SUCH a good laugh when I go far back into my gallery.

>> No.8428344

>first day on 4chan, board was /cgl/
>before lurking for even 5 minutes I start 3 new threads
>don't know how to reply to posts so I write stuff like, "@ seventh poster..."
>get called out for being an obvious newfag, and people were assholes
>didn't realize how much I deserved it, so I started acting like a whiny baby and saying similar things to that one navy seals copypasta
>get laughed off the board
>come back a year later after I finally stop being butthurt and read the faq/lurk before posting again
>been here for 7 years now, and blend in nicely

>> No.8428362

>starts brand
>fucks up

>> No.8428369

>high school
>tried too hard to be liked
>was bleached blond, "outgoing", a flirt
>thought I would make friends in anime club
>the only people who liked me were already in my circle
>the quiet anime girls who were club staff hated me because I was some sort of "threat" I guess
>just wanted them to like me and listen to some of my anime suggestions instead of watching fruits basket all the time
>during one club banquet social I brought in chinese take out stuff
>we were supposed to make our own dishes
>people liked it but one fat guy pointed out that I pretty much didn't make it because he frequented where I got it from
>apparently I was so disliked that I wasn't even invited to go to the conventions that they went to

I wish I wasn't such a cringey tryhard. But oh well, once I graduated college it was satisfying to know that the quiet girls were major weebs and then I didn't feel so bad.

>> No.8428372

You were pretty though.

I don't understand why you'd blur out your face like that.

>> No.8428377

> be me
> senior in high school
> just discovered lolita for the very first time
> decided to cover lolita fashion for Japanese class project
> asks mom to buy me lolita shit since I didn't have a job at the time
> mom says no
> she then takes me with her to mall and buys prom dress, some crappy plastic shoes with cheaply made roses, and a rose hair clip
> wears a cheap cardigan over it
> "lolita"
> ends up wearing that for Japanese class presentation

> be me, a few months after first story
> finally saves up enough money to buy first "lolita coordinate"
> cheap, ita gothic lolita set from Joybank and cheap, ita mini top hat from F+F, all bought from cosmates.jp
> no petticoat
> "lol so rori costume"
> wore that for an Alice in Wonderland presentation for English class presentation
> also wore that monstrosity around at school several times

Good thing I don't have pictures of either of those things...

>> No.8428379

>buy horrible sweet bodyline skirt through ebay
>wear it with shirt that barely matches and gothy knee boots
>no petti
>actually wear that outfit to college classes

>> No.8428465

Because I felt cool when I discovered that filter and then wound up using it on all my photos. Lol.

>> No.8428536


>> No.8428537

Try not using Google translate, anon. That whole thing is a mess.

>> No.8428546

I went throught an overall cringe weeb phase around 14. This is when my mom made me my first costume as well.
Weeb cringes I can remember:
>I wore a hoodie everyday that had been painted by some 19 year old that had a crush on me.
>He made the hoodie look like rasengan was going up one arm and chidori was going up the other. Leaf village symbol on the hood, naruto and sasuke patches on the front pockets.
>I set that shit on fire after I found it buried in my closet senior year of High School.
>Wearing pigtails, hello kitty knee socks, plaid skirt with giant hair bows to school.
>I did a closet cosplay of Midori from Guitar Hero to a school dance.
>Take "cat girl" photos of me and friend running around my yard as cats.
>The whole squad wears naruto headbands and cat ears out to the mall and school frequently
Past cosplay cringes:
>Mom makes me shippuden Sakura Haruno cosplay
>Don't have shoes to go with it
>Buy black flip flops. Take some knee high black tights, stretch them over the flip flop to the top of my foot. Boom, got myself some genuine ninja shoes.
>Had a Maka Albarn costume I made. One of the firsts I made myself.
>Cut up some old bra for some shoulder pads.
>Was going to just use my hair cuz it was pretty long. Went in for just a trim. Came out with a botched hair cut. Damn it.
>It's okay I'll just use my lady gaga wig.
>Wore it.
>See photos of that day. Regret.

>> No.8428554

>be high school freshman
>join anime club because I was a mega weeb
>become friends with the president who's a junior
>all my friends want his weeaboo dick
>end up dating anime club president
>I'm the first lady of anime
>friends get jealous and stop talking to me
>its ok
>2 weeks into the relationship decide I dont like him and want to break up
>he says that he'd kill himself without me
>dont know what to do and just stay with him
>2 months later forget to text him for a day and he gets insanely angry
>now's my chance
>just ignore him when he tries talking to me he's balling his eyes out by lunch time
>snotty weeb clinging to me begging me not to leave him as I walk to math
>still ignoring him
>he lets go of me right before I enter the math building once I'm inside I start laughing
>never talk to him or go to anime club again

This is the situation that broke me out of my weeb phase.

>> No.8428607
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>be hs freshman
>friend gets hair cut short and dyed black
>halloween rolls around and decided to be ninjas
>since i'm blonde, i do naruto
>she's sasuke
>we're in basketball shorts and i have a bright orange shirt on
>crappy eyeliner whiskers
>run through the neighborhood as ~super kawaii invis ninjas~
>go home and change into masks
>collect more candy from the exact same houses

We did that shit for two years.
Another gem:

>Be junior in hs
>more in kh than ever before
>decide to dress as Sora for Halloween
>since it's halloween, do halloween town sora whynot
>keyblade looks okay for a first try.
>my dad loves it
>wear black basketball shorts
>turn a nirvana shirt inside out and SPRAYPAINT the lacing and stuff onto it
>make tiny jack o lantern hair clip
>i'm in lit club and every year we have a party
>put on this monstrosity for it
>have previous sasuke friend spike my hair
>my hair was super long and she makes my points look all droopy
>fuck it
>she has me stand with my head down and she proceeds to brush and spray my hair
>flip back up
>basically scene queen by then
>go like that and then trick or treat

Thank god I deleted all those photos from my camera years ago.

>> No.8428615
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>14, middle school
>wore a cheap fedora with anime buttons all over it
>genuinely thought it made me seem cool
Besides that, I didn't really have too horrible of a weeb phase, since I didn't find out about cons and cosplay until years later, and there weren't any other weebs at my school to act as enablers. I'm really glad my middle school didn't have an anime club, honestly.

>I'm the first lady of anime
Lost my shit

>> No.8428634
File: 60 KB, 706x706, CRINGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did art back in high school
>oh i know why don't I take photos of my anime figs, trace them and then paint them!
>my final art showcase consisted of half of it being konata and haruhi figs posing
>still have them in my wardrobe somewhere, might release a curse if I burn them

>> No.8428647

> have a japanese friend who I told to call me "-kun" because I was older than him and I'd call him "-chan"
> wore Sasuke & Soul Reaper cosplays to school in 7th/8th grade
> always went to Tokyo Lifestyle and loudly about Japan/Japan related things beyond anime to try and impress the workers
> Use to buy a lot of tokidoki and harajuku lovers clothing
> Drew pictures of my original characters and paired them up with canon characters like Zoro or Naruto
> LARP'd at school as far back as elementary
> Asked my mom to style my hair like Sasuke and Rukia daily
> Learned Hare Hare Yukai and Lucky Star dance
> In middle school I was that girl who drew really shitty anime drawings but no one had standards so apparently I was really good at art to them
> I remember saying in 7th grade after my first AX how I would one day commission Limebarb to make me a Haseo cosplay with a budget of $500

I can't remember much else but man... elementary to early high school was a weird time for me. My weeb phase lasted so long. One of my friends actually uploaded some super old drawings I did back from 2005-2007 of all our Naruto oc's.

>> No.8428651

Oh, that reminds me.

Our middle school had a Halloween fair every year and I convinced my friend to wear her soul reaper robe with me. I made the captains coat but the construction was really shitty and I took black acrylic paint to the backside of it. I think I cut up an old fitting sheet. I think I still have the picture.

>> No.8428655

Not either one of those anons, but that is a technically correct way to say it. It literally translates to "You are not cute."

>> No.8428657
File: 40 KB, 615x461, resr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 14, going to halloween dance
>want to wear a kimono
>grandma says she will make me one. It's one of the shitty bathrobe patterns
>shiny fabric, basic sleeves, I'm so ecstatic tho
>what could make this better?? I thought
>black cat ears and a shitty fan so japanese!
>plus white socks and flipflops
>nyaaaaan!! best costume ever
>now i look and cry
>5 head showing, so awkward

>> No.8428666

Holy shit you were 14 there? you look about 36

>> No.8428668

Too many stories and my power level fluctuated over the years. I'm glad that I didn't have my own camera to abuse with bad edgy-desu pictures or pics of my plushies doing stuff. I do remember obsessively watching Spirited Away when it came out and my friend and I thought it would be fun(ny) to run down a staircase at the mall like Chihiro did (arms up). It was scarier than it sounded because we had no control and we actually slammed into a glass window display.

>> No.8428677
File: 499 KB, 500x289, 2ndhandembarassment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek. I remember doing a family photoshoot and the lady who owned the place basically owned a costume shop, and while everyone was getting ready/taking photos, I was eyeing the Japanese costumes and insisted that I take "geisha" photos, complete with geta shoes, paper parasol, and makeup.

>mfw the photos still exist in one of the family albums

>> No.8428684

> a bunch of friends and I tried to start a LARPing club in high school
> it got shut down before we finalized it because it "promoted violence"

Here's a story about my first cosplay monstrosity:
> friend holds a party for her 16th birthday
> "cosplay encouraged!"
> decide to "cosplay" for the very first time as Alex Mercer from Prototype
> "it seems like an easy costume to make out of clothes I already have without having to buy/make anything else!"
> gathers everything except a black hoodie
> has to borrow mom's hoodie
> it's bedazzled in the back
> a bunch of friends and I actually ran around a park a block away from birthday girl's house in these shit costumes

I also met LittleKuriboh at a con when I was closet cosplaying as a member of my favorite band at the time. Yikes.

>> No.8428693

>Saw Elfen Lied and wanted to cosplay as Lucy
>Bought crappy satin dress at ebay
>Wore that shit with ballerinas and kneehigh socks
>Every 2nd day

>Bought Naruto headband
>Pretend I was an own character from the anime
>Always had the headband on my bag

>Grandfather gave me money for first lolita dress
>Bought a cheap dress from ebay with plastic lace
>No socks with chucks
>Wore that to most family partys

I'm so glad I didn't have a camera back then..

>> No.8428752

Languages should not translate literally word for word.
>vous n'êtes pas très intelligent

>> No.8428766

No offense taken, I completely agree. it's kind of sad tbh hahaha I just learned how to make myself look less like a fucking weirdo over time. Plus I got into actually giving a shit about my appearance.
pic left me at 14, right me now

>> No.8428767
File: 329 KB, 572x377, thennow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic gg

>> No.8428785

This is what happens when you learn what aging looks like from anime fucking weebs both cgl and PULL act like anyone who looks older than 5 looks 'omg so old'

>> No.8428800

14 year olds do not look like 36 year old women with three kids, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.8428809

>be major newfag
>find selfpost thread
>post one of my first coords and actually fill out name and email field
>people from my comm comment on it
>feel like idiot

>> No.8428814
File: 449 KB, 600x788, kawaiiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8428821

I think it's just the angle of that photo that makes her look older, also carrying some extra weight. She looks 18-19 at the oldest, and nowhere close to 36. You must be underage if you think she looks that old.

>> No.8428835

I'm the same. I'm told I look about 17 now, but when I was actually 17, people assumed I was 28.

>> No.8428843

This. I looked similar when I was going through puberty. Extra weight on body that hasn't yet 'settled down' really makes one looks middle-aged.

>> No.8428849

Who was the cosplayer?

I remember asking a popular cosplayer I was a big fan of if she could make me an exact replica of her signature cosplay, to which she politely declined, and understandably so. Sadly, my 14-year-old self got extremely assblasted and started talking so much shit about her in my DA journals, calling her a bitch and all that lovely stuff. I think I learned my lesson after people backfired on me and I got reported. I'm surprised my parents didn't think I was autistic or something, because I would pull shit like this all the time.

>> No.8428876
File: 41 KB, 500x376, weebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempted a closet deathnote cosplay with a friend back in high school. Looked ridiculously weeby, but at least it was a halloween dance. Not too ashamed though. We had fun and I'm pretty sure there were only a couple of other people who had any idea what we were doing anyway.

>> No.8428885

It was Pikmin Link. After lurking /cgl/ for a while I realized my mistake and felt embarrassed to ever comment on her stuff again, in case she remembered my name for any reason. She and everyone else probably judged me pretty hard there.

Good for you remembering your mistake on that one, hoo boy. I wouldn't dare making someone a replica of any of my cosplays.

>> No.8428908

I was far too fucking shy and awkward to go full weeb back in the day. But when everyone in my school got given touch screen tablet things in place of notebooks I would just sit in class copying pages from Chobits/fruits basket/death note. Everyone seemed to think I was pretty talented though at least. kek

>> No.8428923

>fifth grade
>printed out pictures of anime girls from Google
>compile a filing folder of all of them
>take them to friend's house so we can larp them

>> No.8428946

>be me
>be stupid as fuck
>get an anime tattoo like an autist cuz "anime is forever"
>now 24
>hates anime
>projected to spend a little over a grand to get the whole thing covered

>> No.8428963

What's the tattoo anon?

>> No.8428967

Yeah post pics

>> No.8428973

>using vous, not tu

>> No.8428975

there's 2. one is from bleach and the other is from fma. the fma one is gone, and we're working on the bleach coverup now. so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.8428998

Used to ask cosplayers for a hug after taking their pic.

Most were ok with it and pretty amiable about it.

But looking back on it I had no idea why it occurred to me to ask and it's really embarrassing thinking about it.

>> No.8429020

He's right vous is correct because it's the formal way of using "you"
French Harder

>> No.8429031

If youre insulting someone why would you use the formal??

>> No.8429049

They're still a stranger even if you're insulting them

>> No.8429139

I never did anything particularly bad. I don't think I was ever all that into anime tbh. Just a very short phase. This thread is great though. So adorable ;_; It compelled me to look up my old deviantart.. now that is embarrassing. Traced oc's and "lol i'm so random" journal entires.

>> No.8429144

No, it says "You do not have the cute", with "cute" being a noun as denoted by the verb "aru".

The correct way would be something like "anata wa kawaikunai", not "kawaikuarimasen".

This is first-year stuff.

>> No.8429167

Thanks, anon

>> No.8429197

Uh pretty sure "kawaikuarimasen" is the formal way of saying "kawaikunai." The informal way of saying "arimasen" is "nai" so anon was actually saying it correctly, just formally. Aru is a verb that means have/has but "arimasen" is also used to make something negative in formal context. Also, anon is using kawaii as an adjective. Ku is used at the end of "i" adjectives when making them negative.
If you're going to weeb, at least do it right.

>> No.8429200

Nobody uses "Anata" in casual speech anon.

>> No.8429227


You sure? My strict-ass Japanese professor back in college wouldn't let us use anata in formal settings because she thought it was too cutesy and informal.

>> No.8429239

You don't use any variation of "you" usually. It's seen as being kinda rude.

>> No.8429248
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This is gonna be fun

>no friends
>discovers Naruto
>drawfag so creates a bunch of marysues to marry Sasuke
>makes a speshul snowflake cosplay of OC, gets whiny bc no-one recognises her

Fast-forward a bit
>entire High School basically
>"falls in love" with a boy
>delves deeper into anime, becomes a weeb full-on Naruto headbands plus kitten ears and calls self Anon-SAMA
>speaks wapanese though friends can't understand therefore whoa she knows her shit
>more like she knows shit
>tries to earn boy's attention by trying to be cute as an anime girl
>didn't work
>gets rejected, evolves into goth weeb with band shirts and shitty converses and unkempt, badly dyed hair, bag full of anime buttons, pins and insults
>older sister gussies up more so ofc she's prettier, mom says I should take better care of my looks
>I snap at her because "she thinks I should just look like all the other girls how dare you compare I bet you wish I looked like big sis huh"
>get bitch-slapped and grounded

Also I tried to wear an old haori I thrifted to school, but we wore uniforms. It got confiscated and my mom had to go retrieve it. Never saw that haori again.

>> No.8429263
File: 332 KB, 960x1280, l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't the weeb in this one but its pretty funny
>dating exchange student from mexico
>after school one day he gives me this letter saying it was from some girl in his last period
>theres a drawing too
>open letter
>see this
>lose shit
Sorry for this shit quality.

>> No.8429265
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Can't forget the sugoi art!

>> No.8429313

I danced to Strobo Nights - Hatsune Miku 4 years ago.

>> No.8429317

>be me
>6 grade weeb
>somehow gets entire friend circle into anime
>"encourages" the use of honorifics
>calls everyone chan
> "boyfriend's" name is nick
>"hmm let's call you nii-chan!"
>calls him that for the entire school year

>> No.8429325

This reminded me of something that happened like ages ago. Likewise, I wasn't the weeb

>friend has crush on me
>after class he gave me a folded piece of paper
>inside was a badly drawn anime style (think how to draw manga) drawing of me and him kissing
>I stare at it for a couple of seconds trying to process it

I didn't keep the drawing, unfortunately. I threw it away as soon as I could

>> No.8429335

>be me
>first time cosplaying
>Gamzee from Homestuck
>tried really hard on my cosplay
>Spent a lot of money on Ben Nye
>Actually sealed my cosplay
>Go to 4/13 meetup
>Crab walk with other people around some kid
>Kid was obviously super autistic
>Almost make out with some other Gamzee
>Share a lolipop with some girl I didn't know
>Tons of other people had already licked that lolipop
>Literally everyone I hung out with was in middle school
>Still had a lot of fun

>> No.8429365

>Got into anime in middle school
>Write awful Yu yu hakusho and Weiß Kreuz yaoi and drama fics
>Show them to crush and make him critique my writing
>Hes the cutest and most normal boy in clique of losers but he humors me
>We are now 3 years married and laugh about it all the time

Still embarrassed by some of the stories I came up with though

>> No.8429367

This reminds me of that girl from Orange is the New black...

>> No.8429385

>used to wear Naruto headband everywhere
>deviantart roleplays
>really shitty cosplay
>friends moved on from anime and whatnot
>left me alone in the dust
>they refused to talk to me
>mfw they're going through their embarrassing weaboo phases at 20

>> No.8429387


I spent the longest fucking time staring at this going "...but dakuten on r sounds doesn't do anything" before I realized she put it in the wrong place on the フ.

Goddamn, Brittany. lrn2jpn.

Also lol captcha just made me pick pictures of sushi

>> No.8429395

>tfw this post keeps getting flagged as spam when I try to submit
Why tho

Teenage me wasn't too bad.

>Obsessed with Digimon and did "closet cosplays" of the kids but it was hardly noticeable unless I was wearing Tai and the shitty flat "goggles".
>Tried to get my teachers to show an episode of Digimon to the school as a way to fight the bullying I got for liking the show. Thank fuck that didn't happen.
>Went through a mallgawf phase and wrote awful melodramatic poetry for a contest which ended up being read over the loudspeaker when I... somehow won.
>Carried the TV Guide cover of Malik Ishtar from Yugioh in my pocket everywhere in 8th grade.
>Played Furc... regularly. Also had a VF account though I didn't do much with it. I posted emo vomit on journal sites.
>Favourite bands were Linkin Park, Disturbed, Korn, and Evanescence. The depth and meaning of the music of Chester "stage boner" Bennington and Jonathan "angry parrot with bagpipes" Davis really resonated with me.
>Had 3 Gaia accounts and pretended to be a different person on each of them. On one, I was a German man.
>Went through a scene phase when I was 17 and bombed it. I made coon tails.
>Had a 4chins phase at where I believed everyone was secretly from b.

Okay I lied it was pretty awful.

>> No.8429413


>Carried the TV Guide cover of Malik Ishtar from Yugioh in my pocket

I think I had that copy as well! I think it had something about how anime was being super cool and hip with the kids in it as well.

>> No.8429414
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>be 12
>wannabe emo
>roleplayed shit on gaia
>did private yaoi roleplay via AIM
>myspace profile anime roleplay (pic related)
>typed like "chu xXDDD!!!!111 LMFAO000 R0FLCOPTER~~~~ nyannn~~"

>> No.8429422
File: 37 KB, 267x400, STOP I KNOW THERES A NAME FOR THIS FUCKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, here goes nothing.

>sixth grade
>meets girl obsessed with Vocaloid
>just entered kawaii nya desu phase
>we called each other Miku and Rin for the entire year
>even when talking about each other that year we never used our real names

still have yet to know her real name

>> No.8429678
File: 236 KB, 500x230, yes yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nailed it. Thank you, anon. I shall update this image pronto.

>> No.8429686
File: 554 KB, 600x800, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured is my first attempt at "loilta" years ago. Since then I've learned, I promise.
Also I closet cosplayed as Kankuro from Naruto for halloween (black hoodie, eyeliner makeup, tshirt cut and sewn into his hood) in high school and was somehow proud when the japanese exchange girl knew who I was. I made kunai out of duct tape and thought they looked so cool.

>> No.8429687

I was right about to ask if his name was Carlos, Jose, or Juan.
pinche cabron jajaja

>> No.8429695

>10th grade
>i should've known better, but what was judgement
>friend from a school i transferred out of is friends with a group of really good artists on dA
>i want in and ask him to introduce us
>insist on making him add me to their msn convos
>suck up to them heaps and try to get them to draw me art
>one of them actually drew me something really amazing

>they all have different designated suffixes
>chan, tan, sama, san, etc
>they're all taken so i try to make my own, because so subarashiiii!

>i draw them crappy fan art
>they're nice enough to tell me how to improve and encourage me to keep practicing drawing

too bad they were all in college, and i was an annoying tag-along, but after msn died i've never talked to them again. too scared to ask for contact info through dA, and they're also inactive there

>> No.8429703

There used to be a weird homestuck community around here when it's popularity boosted a bit, and I was always the oldest at meetups. Everyone was around 12-14 and I was 16 nearly 17. i wasn't too cringey, but the comm members were awful
>twins cosplaying gamzee and sollux decide to do a photoshoot in kohls
>I wasn't there for that but they posted pics on fb
>twins laying on display beds at kohls kissing

But in 2009-2010 I was really into Vocaloid and acted like I was superior for not listening mainstream music and would get mad when people that were in media or big YouTubers would talk about Vocaloid because they'd attract more attention to it.

>> No.8429708

You give me hope anon

>> No.8429717

i wasn't even super into anime, but used to try to make the ^_^ face at people.

People probably used to wonder why it looked like i was angrily squinting at them.

>> No.8429723
File: 15 KB, 366x273, 1352078060512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liked anime during my highschool years
>Tried to be 'animated' in some regard
>used lots of emoticons like ^_^ in my online postings
>fancied myself as effeminate for having long hair
>chronic masturbator for grorious 2D Nippon waifu

And it went away as soon as I graduated.

>> No.8429727
File: 39 KB, 478x638, jesusfcking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A short timeline:
>roleplay Inuyasha, Pokemon, Naruto with friends constantly in school
>this includes doing the Naruto run in PE, in full few of everyone
>draw cat girls on everything
>Sesshomaru is ultimate husbando
>spend all my time on Neopets
>learn neoHTML, have MCR lyrics for my signature on the NeoBoards, have a page dedicated to screenies xDDD
>later roleplay on Gaia which eventually turns into cybering
>don't actually know how sex works but I make believe my ass off
>wear Tripp pants with lolsorandum Invader Zim shirt

Luckily I sobered up a little before entering high school, though I had a short-lived scene-but-not-really phase. I figured out the email to my Myspace. I think this was ninth grade. Why did I like this picture so much? This is disgusting and there's hardly any point to it because I fucking loved high contrast and saturation. Guh. At least I didn't join the anime club.

>> No.8429743
File: 43 KB, 402x604, punku rori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to work out how to post this without showing my full face, but the complete and utter lack of makeup makes this even better.

>be thirteen

I actually put on more weight, but I'm definitely more composed now. I have some awful cosplay photos, too. I'm only just starting to dip my fingers into the scene again to be honest, but my main focus is on losing weight tbh.

>also I was with those weebs that said 'nyan' all the time

>> No.8429779

>most of everything i did in highschool
>naruto headband around the neck + big hoodie = "hinata" every fucking day for a good year
>first time meeting some new people and all I said was 'chii' for the first two days
>shitty hellsing OCs
>shitty animu drawings inside binder
>would draw nothing but anime in most art classes
>caramell dansen shit
>wore actual cosplay costume to school
>used to go to chinatown and spend all of my money on ff figures
>'how to draw manga' books sitting in shelf
>long distance anime boyfriend for a good 2 years or so
>broken wapanese
>used to take pictures and edit them (change colors of hair and eyes) and pretend they were shitty OCs
>kawaii animu emojis! xD!!! ^-^;; ^_^

I'm sure I have a lot more, but that's the most I can think of right now.
All in all, I wasn't as bad as I could be, I was a quiet weeb and I did keep my power level hidden around strangers.
I still have the FF figures, tbh. I ended up with a pretty good collection and I do wanna finish it someday.

>> No.8429860

>be in 10th grade
>have a group of friends
>I want to be the most popular person
>one of the more popular ones constantly wears a fedora
>figure out if I wear one too I can be popular also
>buy a fedora
>wear it around school for a weak, even in class
>think I'm the classiest mother fucker ever
>don't even care about the constant snickering behind my back

It's not full /fa/ related but that's my story. I realized a couple years later that most of my friends were just stuck up an arrogant so I ditched them and actually found some real friends .

>> No.8429867

>cringy photos in family albums
There's a group picture floating around of my mother's side of the family where I was at the peak of my Death Note phase. Messy hair, raccoon eyes, stoner expression and horrible posture ahoy. Much nicer pictures have been taken since then but for some reason this is the one that is proudly displayed everywhere.

>> No.8429873

yo this is me and my fiancé except recent and he's 27
>meet guy
>start dating guy
>he tells me he's taking a painting class, shows me some of the paintings he made which are adorably bad
>whatever it's just for fun
>move in with him a year later
>"anon I have to show you something"
>it's a really badly done how-to-draw-manga-style picture of the two of us kissing on a background of pink and red hearts
>he ran out of space near the bottom so our legs are hilariously short
>apparently he made it at the beginning of our relationship and was too shy to show it to me until now
The painting is hidden away in the back of a closet somewhere (for extortion purposes) and we're getting married in spring next year. So the moral of my story is I guess sometimes it works?

>> No.8429891
File: 2 KB, 105x128, 1428547748200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much /cgl/ related, but ...

>from ages 13, 14, 15
>visited /b/, funnyjunk, /x/
>made infrequent fb statuses "why dont girls like nice guys :((("
>constantly liked anime/video game related fb pages and added all the admins
>"omg my internet friends are so much better than my irl ones :((("
>all-round general edgy faggoty kid

>uploaded guro manga on my fb profile
why was i so fucked

>> No.8429913

you should give it to him as a wedding gift

>> No.8429975

>accidentally created sasu/naru vid that was borderline cp
>youtube asked me to be a partner because of the number of views
>tfw was a chubby kid w/ no makeup and my pants had ripped halfway through the day and ppl still wanted to pay me

broke but the video is gone.

>tfw you look up the title you gave it and people have re-uploaded the video to other websites

holy shit should I report for cp or something guys? This just went from weird to really weird.
I was 13-14 and yeah, totally my mistake for being 'edgy'.

>> No.8429977

How borderline are we talking here

>> No.8429998

This was the most cringeworthy part of the thread for me.

>> No.8430014

The cringe started early for me:
>Be in first year of middle school
>Discover BL
>All hell breaks loose
>Start shipping male classmates with one another even if they so much as look at each other
>Notebooks are filled with terrible drawings of scrawny boys in skimpy clothes
>All of my "OCs" are abused/abusive generic dorito chin animu boyz with super rapey dark brooding backstories
>Obnoxiously start going around telling various guys that they look "seme" or "uke".
I truly want to die everytime I think back to those days.

>> No.8430016

I actually checked every link, lots were labelled .flv so I thought that they were downloaded.
there is no problem unless the russians who shared it relabelled it.

>it's so borderline that there is grinding

>> No.8430038
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>Obsessed with reading/writing fanfics, particularly YuGiOh (tendershipping, bakushipping, thiefshipping), Naruto (Sasusaku) and Wolf's Rain
>Have compulsory lunchtime clubs so join anime club. They have nothing so I bring a dozen copies of Shōnen Jump and other assorted manga
>Tried to spray dye my hair pink to cosplay Sakura for Mad Hair Day at school for charity. Be black, so all it does is make my hair frizzed up, dry and it covers nothing
>Literally write Naruto fanfic for GCSE English
>Literally suddenly learn piano and flute in 2 months before GCSE options because my friend got me into FFX and perform two pieces from the game for assessment without ever having a lesson in my life
>Join orchestra, convince them to play Tifa's Theme at Christmas concert
>Constantly LARP FFX
>Carry around an art folder of copied animu stills (still a drawfag after doing a Diploma in art)
>Have one of those silk bathrobe 'kimono' and wear it with the obi tied around the front in a Japanese restaurant like a fuckin oiran
>Keep the packaging of every vaguely japanese food I ate. I had/still have about 20 more boxes and 50 copies of Neo magazine)
>Speak dumb textbook japanese untl I meet fluent friend who is so natural sounding in conversation I felt intimidated and stopped practising/learning altogether
>Have 100 anime pin badges of my bishies and an AnimeLeague one
>Still have the weebiest bookshelf known to man
>Insist on buying cheap nasty western instant noodles (pepperami??) until I discover Demae Rāmen
>Must eat everything with chopsticks cuz azn (still like beng able to eat everything with one hand free)

The second I finish my Creative Writing degree I'm going to go straight back to fanfic and smutty doujin

>> No.8430047
File: 138 KB, 636x636, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeb bookshelf. doesn't look much different from when I was 14. Unrepentant weeb trash.

>> No.8430049
File: 53 KB, 960x720, 11233803_698159773643871_7926668654825911282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just going to post a picture of 14 year old me. you can see one of the shitty "anime" drawings peaking out on the wall.

>dem weeb pigtails
>i don't actually wear glasses i took my grandpas spares cause i thought i looked kawaii desu
>fucking troll shirt

4 years and a loooot has changed

>> No.8430055
File: 142 KB, 288x411, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retarded 15-year-old weeb / gurl gamer XD
>obsessed with Nintendo
>Brawl comes out, best friend and I immediately start talking about yaoiz with all the pretty boys
>we decide to cosplay Link and Marth together so we can be fakebois and pretend we're boyfriends
>costumes were terrible because baby's first cosplay
>come up with retarded special snowflake "male" names and try convincing everyone at the con that we're ghey boiz
>people give us funny stares but we don't understand why
>start making out against a wall around a shit ton of people for attention
>thank god no one knew who we were at the time because the secondhand embarrassment must have been strong

I want to go back in time and beat myself with a hammer for being so autistic. But I feel even worse about how we disgraced those two characters, holy shit.

We also almost asked someone to film us so we could put it on YouTube, but we figured our parents would find it. At least we made one good decision.

>> No.8430064
File: 318 KB, 1544x716, 563520_301856483274204_548612902_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand found pics at 13 that really show the weeb. i remember finding sasuke so ~dreamy desu~ and following him around. poor guy.

>> No.8430069

Ayye but you look so cute at least

>> No.8430074

You were pretty cute too anon!

>> No.8430080

>balling his eyes out
what the fuck anon, that's Van Gogh tier

>> No.8430156

>7th grade English class
>Teachers keep quitting and getting fired so the class has basically devolved into 2 hours of Show and Tell
>I bring in a japanese anime song to sing on a CD and print out the lyrics from AnimeLyrics.com
>Get up in front of the class to sing it and realize it's a two person song
>Ask a boy I had a crush on to sing the other part with me
>Music starts and we both slowly realize what a terrible idea this was and he just starts talk-singing the lyrics and mispronouncing everything because uh it's romaji japanese and he has no idea about it lol
>he sits down
>I sing a few lines and then say nevermind and sit down too

I can't listen to that song without dying a little now

>> No.8430164

I have fma ink, heh. Oddly enough, no regrets.

>> No.8430258 [DELETED] 


>> No.8430298

This thread is adorable lol

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a cringey past.

>> No.8430316

>4th grade
>no one even knows what anime is
>wear death note shirts to school
>bought a death note journal off of ebay, brought it to school
>forced my dad to take me to see the live death note movie when it was in theaters

im glad I got my worst weeb phase out at young age...

>> No.8430324

Wow. As a Nintendo fan who adores both of those characters, I cringed so hard reading this. Good thing you realize now how bad that was, because people who do that kind of stuff are cancer. I knew about the Marth/Link ship but I didn't know people were that extreme over it.

>> No.8430331

Unless you live in Asia then you are for sure 18, how old are you??

>The American and UK release of Death Note was in 2008 mate
>If you were 9 in 2008, you're 15,16

>> No.8430371

even better, scan it and make it the image on his bachelor cake/grooms cake

>> No.8430402
File: 78 KB, 583x865, 5b5tzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see manga for the first time in Barnes and Noble
>"but is it educational, Anon Jr.?"
>of course mom
>it teaches me the power of nakama
>brings volumes to school everyday
>eventually run a make shift weeaboo library out of cubby hole

>bring ds lite to school everyday
>teacher thought it was calculator or some shit
>spend entire class periods pictochatting classmates
>complete with rping, kawaii emoticons desu~~~ xD and crude drawings of dicks

I thank baby jesus everyday for my mother's strict foreign upbringing being my saving grace from shitty cosplay and milanoo.

>> No.8430471

20 something weeaboos are probably worse than teen weebs.
I know a girl who is like 30 and still weeby as shit. Greasy hair, smells bad and is always wearing an Edward Elric cloak whenever possible.

>> No.8430546

Same here. It gives me life to know that I wasn't the only one with a shitty weeb phase. I literally can't think of a single year of my life before I turned ~16 without cringing so hard I want to die.

>> No.8430564

oh shit nigga
are you from Maryland?

>> No.8430572

>clinical depression
>be 14
>discovers death note
>spends the next month in depths of sadness crying for a death note of my own
>goes to church and prays for one every week

This isn't as bad as some other peoples but for me looking back at myself weeping and praying for it all the time is hilarious.

>> No.8430649

You look like two of my ex-best-friends. I'd ask if you were one of them, but you're too young to be her.

>> No.8430717

Holy shit I read the first few lines thinking BL was Bodyline and you shipped men off to Mr. Yan as sacrifice to show your love.

>> No.8430751


>> No.8430763

My hs bffs and I all wore ribbons with a silver bell on it almost everyday. We had just read Tokyo Mew Mew.

I also wore a shirt from Megatokyo that said "PH34R TEH CU73 0N3Z" often.

We borrowed manga from a slightly creepy guy who wore a shitty Vash the Stampede duster to school everyday, as he was the one with the large collection of Evangelion and Sailor Moon manga. He was super into Di Gi Charat it was way creepy.

God I'm old.

>> No.8430766

>be around 12
>friend is going through a vampire phase
>would go over her house just so I could cut myself so she could drink my blood

I wasn't really weeby at the time but thought that it was some rad edgy shit we were doing. I don't really cringe back on it since I was on the receiving end. I'm sure she looks back in disappointment though

>be a couple years later
>now 13ish
>Yaoi fan girl up the ass
>would ship obscene shit like Jason and Freddy from the slasher films and southpark characters
>mfw I still have some of the yaoi underneath my bed in a box so whenever I need to remind myself of my art progress I can.

I'm willing to pull them out of anyone wants to see. Same goes for the vampire emo cut.

>15 now
>gross homestuck now
>really big friend is also homestuck
>she starts laying on top of me and pins me down to the couch
>tell her I have to go home or I'll get grounded
>She threatens to bite my leg if I get up
>don't believe her so I get up and she bites my leg (lol what a fukkin shocker)
>I pour faygo all over her face and she starts choking on it
>leg is bleeding and friend is back to normal
>still friends with her years later

Atleast I have a cool looking scar I guess.

>> No.8430779


>be in 8th grade
>mom makes red jello
>be edgy desu so put it in a jar and claim its a heart
>carry that gross shit around after it gets old and expires
>everyone believes me
>claims the title of squirrel heart girl
>teachers are well aware but none of them give a rats ass

I'm so glad I'm not 13 anymore. Those were some edgy fucked up days.

>> No.8430787

Haha, this reminds me of my first post. I was on /b/ and I did a shitty personal army post trying to attack someone from my school. I put my full name and email and the picture I posted could be traced back to the actual kid. Someone replied back to the thread with my full name and email and the kid's facebook and I thought they hacked my computer. I shut my laptop and was scared for the longest time that some creepy neckbeard would come and kidnap me.

>> No.8430807

/cgl/ in a nutshell

>> No.8430824

I been watching anime since I was like 8 with my brothers but I was always embarrassed to admit I ever liked it for some reason, and is not like weebs were looked down in my country either. Went through middle school and part of high school without a single friend that liked anime as much as I did, because I never fucking admitted I liked to watch it.

Finally visit the anime club in my junior year of high school and become friends with one of those typical full on fujoshi weaboo cat-ear wearing abominations. One time I visit her house her younger brother almost starts crying in the living room after he sees me saying his sister finally made a "normal" friend

I have a huge powerlevel of 500+ anime and some more sane friends that like anime to go to cons with now. And I am not as embarrassed to admit I like anime now as I was back then

>> No.8430850
File: 6 KB, 221x177, Reaction 610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around 16
>country boy
>discover LAN parties
>discover animu
>Naruto is gateway drug
>watch a bunch of other animes
>holy shit, things are actually progressing and stuff happens, this is awesome!
>read my older brothers comics since I was 5, no character development at all, animu and mango blows me away
>when weeb phase was most severe around 18 I contemplated adding Zaraki or Kenpachi to my name [so kuur!]
>first name change is free of charge or very cheap in my country
>discover 4chan
>learn how incredibly faggy that idea was
>animu starts losing its charm, shit is plagued with its own set of tropes and pitfalls
Thank FUCK for 4chan for saving me from myself

>> No.8430873
File: 42 KB, 300x247, Super_Sailor_Zim_n___Gir_by_ChibiKeba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Florida. Glad to know someone has had a similar experience though.

I also brought in the Sailor Moon Christmas CD for the holidays when we were supposed to be bringing in our own culture's take on the holiday

>> No.8430878

Posted selfies on /cgl/ while still underaged b&.When people called me ugly I posted even more selfies to prove they were wrong. Pretty sure I ended up getting dicks photoshopped on pictures of me eventually. Made me a stronger person. Ty gulls of the past.

>> No.8430962

This might actually be a little creepy in retrospect.

> Be 13
> Hanging out with friends and her older brother (17-18)
> We're cool friends, all have watched anime but none of us are particularly weeb, surprisingly. Worse we've done at the time was listen to vocaloid music together or talk about manga recs.
> Friend goes to kitchen to get food, other friend follows her. In deep conversation about Lucky Star or something SOL.
> Left alone with friend's older brother.
> Talk about Beyblade because weeb.
> Suddenly brother: "Call me Onee-chan from now on. You can be my cute little sister, and say nya".
> Not Japanese but Chinese. Refers to sister as jie jie sometimes rather than her name. NBD to me.
> Agree and begin saying "Niiii-niiii" to him and going "nya nya~" at the end of my sentences.
> Graduate from middle school and part ways with my friend since we're going to different high schools.
> Only hang out in the vacations. Brother went to college, don't really see him.
> Three years later, me: 17, Brother: 22
> Greets me as his "precious kitten imouto"
> Oh god no.png
> By this time realize what he was doing. Tell him that I'm not that into anime anymore (still casual fan).
> He keeps telling me to say "nya" and offers to buy me a meido outfit or cat ears. At one point even tells me he wants to see me in a "sexy traditional Chinese dress".
> nopes out of there.
> Hides with friend for rest of visit in her room. He leaves us alone.
> Leaving house. Family comes to say goodbye and stuff. Brother there.
> "See you later, kitty"
> Nopenopennopenopnope

I started exclusively letting friend come to my house instead of me going over hers. We're still friends though different colleges, and I haven't really seen her brother since. Apparently he's dating someone. Good for him. Hope it's not another weaboo.

>> No.8430965


>Sixth grade

Jesus christ, I'm getting old...

>> No.8430990

i uSed to tYpe LiKe thiS.

>> No.8430998

>selfpost with pic "wow this girl is so qt riiiigght"
>also start another thead giving all info about myself and asking advice
>frenemy sees both of them and posts both of them on her wall

>> No.8431000

So Random!! Lol xD xD

>> No.8431021
File: 807 KB, 887x3902, death_note_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gods...
>On Neopets from the ages 11-15
>Got me into roleplaying though, and my writing improved since then.
>No weebs in middle school
>Feel so sphecial
>Get some weeby friends in highschool
>Go around squealing about yaoi
>Was *ahem* well devolved for me age, so I was the Mikuru Asahina in our group
>Get grouped and squee like a fanservice schoolgirl

Also made this thing and a few others.

>> No.8431035
File: 50 KB, 480x680, 30369727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon, I could go on for days about all the shit that went down through public school...
>I also brought in the Sailor Moon Christmas CD for the holidays when we were supposed to be bringing in our own culture's take on the holiday
jfc topkek

>> No.8431036

I was a homestuck once. Thats cringe-worthy enough.

>> No.8431068

>be 12
>be couple years later

ok, high school buddy.

>> No.8431095
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1424362333699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age 14-15 or so (5-6 years ago)
>Mom went with me to help me buy clothes because money
>Hey anon these hats look really cool
>It's a bunch of trilby's
>Le euphoric fedora meme doesn't really exist yet
>Think that they'll make me stand out and be unique in a small way
>Wear them for like a year occasionally but never at school
>Over time fedora's become more and more of a meme
>Even to this day they're hiding in my closet
>All those hours of sleep lost thinking about how when old friends and acquaintances probably think of me when they see fedora memes online

>> No.8431112

I made a couple of horrifying fursuit heads. They're still at my parents' house.

>> No.8431197

>junior in HS
>first competent cosplay, ky - gg
>go to con, meet people
> great gathering, having good time
>boots have no grip what-so-ever
>"better be carefu-"
>slip on con floor while posing with sword
>eat floor, sword snaps
>all eyes immediately on me
>many sweet girls "are you ok? oh no?"
>face beat red
>pick up sword pieces
>hurry up stairs toward hotel going "sorry! fine im fine sorry!"
>realise great talent for embaressing myself no matter what

there are so many instances just like that where people must think im mentally deficient or something.


>> No.8431245

oh... oh god

>> No.8431263

>met first bf at first con
>let him break up with me 5 times over 1 year

>> No.8431276

>just wanted them to like me and listen to some of my anime suggestions instead of watching fruits basket all the time

Holy shit this is how it was. The girls in my anime club just sat around drawing the characters from that anime on notebook paper the whole time.

>> No.8431288

don't diss fruits basket. and don't diss drawing anime on notebook paper

>> No.8431323


Hey anon, I admire your courage to laugh at your mistakes so freely, i wish i was more like that. Thank you for posting.

>> No.8431380
File: 595 KB, 300x200, mjwacm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes nothing.

>quietly be into 'mainstream' anime from the early 2000s like Digimon, Sailor Moon, anything from the Toonami Afternoon block
>discover Digimon yaoi fanfiction in the glorious days of FF.net and lemon/lime ratings
>meet weeaboo older friends in last years of middle school
>LARP Sailor Moon with them
>start writing cringe-worthy crackfic for Gundam Wing
>friends all choose Gundam characters to go by when we hang out, I was Duo and my boyfriend was Heero
>read all the yaoi fanfic, print stuff out and put it in a binder to read at school
>start branching out into shitty anime drawings
>playing that online Naruto game and reading fic during computer class
>only HTML I know is neoHTML and my Neopets look-up and forum signature are emoticons and badly translated Japanese
>roleplay all the yaoi on Neopets and get banned a ton for it
>meet my first girlfriend on Neoboards and have a whole vampire yaoi universe roleplay with her
>buy all the Japanese shit I could find for my room
>cosplay for the first time in an overpriced cosmates seifuku and flipflops
>crossplay for the first time using ACE bandages and nearly bruised my ribs doing it
>so many embarrassing pictures of my shitty cosplays those first few years

>> No.8431421

This is great

>> No.8431431

Fruits Basket was king tho. Anyone who knew of that series was pretty cool. Met one of my high school best friends that would later turn into my "ex-girlfriend" from that series. It's still a really nice, kind of obscure series.

>> No.8431441

ooh, you were one of the cool weebs

>> No.8431487

I once ate a salad with my fingers sitting like L.
At Applebee's.

>> No.8431493
File: 95 KB, 605x639, 1410695733611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally deficient or something

Certainly anxiety disorder.

>> No.8431496
File: 1.14 MB, 500x281, 3500695023100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god ok mine was from a few years ago

>Getting drunk with friends and going through OK Cupid profiles and laughing
>Friends like to make troll accounts and mess with guys
>anon you need to make an account!
>Drunk me thinks that's an amazing idea.
>Luckily I have enough forethought to make a dummy account
>Account name is under "Barnaby Brooks Jr." or something
>icon is blurry image of some Barnby cosplayer, profile is seeking athletic older men who are fathers
>Actually get some messages
>Start chatting with some older asian dude with a kid who is legit interested in me
>This guy is actually really nice, have super chill chats with him
>Realize two weeks later that I'm fucking pretending to be a thirsty 20-something year old white guy named Barnaby
>Feel so bad for this other dude who is honestly interested in me
>Quickly abandon account

Oh my god I am such an asshole.

>> No.8431505


Keked so hard I fucking choked, I hardly ever see my favorite anime talked about but when I do its always so satisfying

>> No.8431580

>gets whiny bc no-one recognises her

You're not the only one to ever act like that, and you won't be the last . . . which is so damn weird to me. I mean, wouldn't someone realize going into it that it's a given no one will recognize an OC cosplay? How delusional does someone have to be to think strangers will know their OC?

>> No.8431588

I had the exact same reaction, although mentally I was calling it "den den" because that's how my Japanese teacher referred to that symbol.

>> No.8431652

The manga came out in late 2005 in the US, buuuuut I don't recall seeing shirts of it (in Hot Topic, anyway) until much later.

>> No.8431659

I would post a lot of the other ones, but this one was the most funny. Im going to look back on these 10 MORE years later and have another good laugh.

>> No.8431701
File: 885 KB, 371x230, tumblr_n3qxwcqJBg1sdxmcpo8_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just chalk it up to a drunk mistake and then genuinely making a connection with someone? At least you realized it was a bad idea and abandoned ship before it turned into some crazy catfish thing.

>> No.8431705

The manga came out earlier, but the movie itself wasn't released until 2006 in Asia but 2008 in America and the UK. And I was 13 when I saw the Death Note movie here in the States and I'll be 21 soon.

>> No.8431952
File: 82 KB, 349x378, 1429375154855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did all the old memes on deviantart like the yaoi meme and the south park shipping meme and tYpEd SoOpEr RaNdUmB!!! XDDDDDD

none of the memes were with my own art, because i didnt have a tablet and i was at least self-aware enough that i didnt want to put my shitty art online. i just MS painted together screenshots from the actual shows/anime the memes were about and wrote SOOPER WITTY!!!1! XDDD comments on them

and of course completely unironic use of pl0x, phear/PH34R, lawl and so many emoticons; O_O <_< ^_^

those deviantart accounts have long since been banned and then deactivated so i am safe from my past

>> No.8431984

Anon, I would've had the exact same reaction. I might've cried though since I cry ridiculously easy for a gull. Don't be so rough on yourself.


My contribution
> Be sophomore in HS
> In the school's anime club
> Everyone loves Naruto, Inuyasha, or Bleach
> Argued with someone over who was the biggest fan of a character
> Always wore a necklace with said character on it
> Also argued with a guy over which was the bet martial arts / strongest anime characters
> We see who has best moves
> I try to kick him and smack my foot on the metal desk
> Plays it remarkably cool and laughs it off even though everyone saw my foot collide with the desk
> After the mock fight guy starts hitting on me
> Brush it off

Then junior year of HS
> Guy still hitting on me, I've just been indirectly shooting him down
> Never bring it up bc it'd sound conceited
> Start dating a girl, tells him I have a girlfriend
> Dude literally shouts "Why does every girl I like become a lesbian"
> Don't know whether to laugh or run
> Awkwardly laugh, tells him mom is waiting for me
> Never brings this up again

>> No.8431988

He's got a honker on em.

>> No.8432042

cgl now or cgl's weeb phase? because i look nothing like this now.

>> No.8432046

I once wrote thinly veiled Hetalia slash for a history assignment

>> No.8432054
File: 57 KB, 416x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My idea of art in Highschool. So cool. Ninja wolf girl. Kawaii desu.

>> No.8432058
File: 88 KB, 604x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be so Kawaii, dress in bad Quistis cosplay for 9/11 to show I am 'strong'
>Smash hands in pool to be like FF8 summon
>Add chan to all friends names
> Write self insertion fanfic

>> No.8432059
File: 54 KB, 604x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anime/star wars HS club. >.< We were all in love with the guy he was super douchey and dumb.

>> No.8432087

If everyone is looking back to highschool and before, thats easy mode.
protip: everyone had cringe until 20.
Fuck, im 27 and i had a cringe worthy moment today trying to explain cross stitching to a gym buddy. Yes, i now realize it fell on deaf ears, but he's trying to beef up to be sol badguy and his look of disapproval to my sewing prowess was cringey, but that's on him.

>> No.8432102
File: 59 KB, 500x375, IMG_2200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW i have the same travel "Japan" book as a weeb

>> No.8432122


>> No.8432145
File: 142 KB, 447x480, My cringe worthy Fresh men self no edits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well iv got the cringe for you.

>me be fresh out of middle school entering high school "were my inner fashion japan weeb sprouted"
>me and close friend who introduced me to the harajuku fashion scene tells me we should both dress harajuku in high school.
>nexted semester 9th grade dressed in try hard hand made outfit and things found in hot topic.
>she ended up going to a different school.
>decided to become what i thought was going to be the most amazing looking visual kei sensation "lived in small town people had no idea, thought i was crazy/and trying to be scene."
>ends up dressing like the most try hard visual kie for 3 years of my high school life "just because i enjoyed the complements from friends and teachers who said they liked it."
>before my last year i stopped because my mom beat me out of it.

Thank god she did or esl who knows were my style would have end up next.

>> No.8432151
File: 113 KB, 330x495, CT00025_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This was my dream outfit for the longest time

>> No.8432178
File: 197 KB, 380x346, Ingimvuavatarm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we're posting old pics, here's one of my failed attempts at scenefaggotry and Photoshop abuse from when I was 17.

>> No.8432192

Oh wow bad fashion choices of the past are my favorite. I went on a trip with some friends when I was in high school and we decided to dress in different kinds of jfashion each day with....interesting results

>> No.8432200

I think it's pointless for any of us to vehemently deny we are still weebs. We just express our weebiness in a slightly smoother and more tasteful or subtle manner.

I have several editions of the same Lonely Planet guide. Still haven't made it to glorious Nippon, partly because I'm restricted by my degree, finances and scared of fucking up/getting lost/ making a total ass out of myself. I'm an autist on top of being a weeb...

>> No.8432203

I burned this to a DVD once and showed it to my (nonweeb) friends. all 10 of them.

>> No.8432204

There is no Paisley pattern in any of those pics?

>> No.8432205
File: 465 KB, 1000x1502, 1409752801597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awkward guy
>wrote slash fiction for weeb friends in jr high
>apparently I was pretty good at it
>requests get more and more extreme, rapey and gore
>weeb girls assumed I was gay because I wrote slash
>kept trying to set me up with straight normies outside of our group
>too spineless to admit that I wasn't gay
>finished middle school, went to same high school as all the weebs but pretended not to know them and got a new group of friends


>> No.8432209

That reminds me of one time I stupidly self posted in /soc/ and someone pretended to recognise me. The next morning I had 5 missed calls from Texas but when I looked the number up they were telemarketing calls.

>> No.8432211

There's a socal cosplayer named paisley that looks exactly like you. and she loves weed.
well whoever you are, if you're at ax hit up the hot rock cosplayer, we'll smoke and be merry. otherwise w/e

>> No.8432214
File: 136 KB, 300x300, skdmfsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any snaps of le results.

>> No.8432217
File: 56 KB, 157x413, 1923397_7653860855_8511_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be decora.

>> No.8432218
File: 59 KB, 604x451, 1923461_8143120855_7147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was jpunk

>> No.8432220

cgl now. it hasn't been THAT long anon, you probably look just as bad, you just think you don't. when you hit your mid 20's you'll look back at now and cringe.

>> No.8432221
File: 127 KB, 453x604, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got pics of me at not one but two weddings wearing this utter monstrosity I bought in 2006. I still have the dress but modified it to look less ita

Tbh I am still nostalgic for the old school look partly because it was closer to what I saw in animu as a kid with meido/doll-like characters rather than all-over printed opulent princess dresses and chiffon or grandma kei (jk, I do actually like classic)

>> No.8432226

Really? Shit I'll look her up if I have a doppelgänger. Unfortunately I'm in the UK but would love to have a stonerlita meet with tea and space cakes. I'm surprised how many lolitas are ok with getting blind drunk but cannabis is verboten

>> No.8432229
File: 43 KB, 404x618, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, i really do look way different. Excuse kinda awkward expression and blurry pic, its the only one i have on my pc right now and taking selfies is a long and awkward process as i suck as posing.

>> No.8432236

Pics please. I'm a tattoo designer- I love ogling ink for inspo. Or inkspo?

>> No.8432380

I actually wrote the plotline of a Sgt. Frog episode and changed all the names for an English assignment in high school. I got my paper back with a 100 written on the top and a written comment from the teacher that said, "Very creative and original!"

>> No.8432487

You look a lot like a girl from my old school. Do your name start with an L, and have you ever gone to a school with the initals OE?

>> No.8432504

Nope, not me anon.

>> No.8432513

>before lurking for even 5 minutes I start 3 new threads

I don't know why but I find this so fucking funny

>> No.8432541
File: 27 KB, 500x442, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakura-con 2008.
>Never been to a convention before, I was in 8th grade?
>Go on eBay, spend summer money on a $70 costume on a songtress job outfit from Final Fantasy X I think? I didn't even fucking play Final Fantasy.
>Outfit is a wreck, skirt was wayyyy to small, fabric choice was basically all chiffon, didn't exactly fit, lots of ties that didn't really stay up, didn't care was just excited
>pic related
>Went with cousin, had a blast though in my foolish youth, bought those popular plastic cat ears
>All I remember from that con was some other person dressed in the same outfit (that was better) giving me a nasty look

To top it all off, I was a bit chubby at the time as well.

oh god after a quick ebay search I found it still there LMAO http://www.ebay.com/itm/Complete-Final-Fantasy-X-2-Yuna-and-Lenne-Songstress-Cosplay-Halloween-Costume-/251344991067?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8554335b

>> No.8432558

Hah. The first time I posted on /cgl/ I found one of those meetup/friend threads and posted everything about myself, including full name, phone number, home address, and even added a photo of myself. I was called on for being 13 at the time and banned. Thank god there was no archive system running back then.

>> No.8432585

I used to hit on /cgl/ girls and think they're marriage material.

Boy was I naive and dumb back then.

>"omg a girl who is into anime/vidya/etc just like you!!"

fucking insane Tumblr sluts

>> No.8432588

Congrats on having the most cringe-worthy post ITT, fuck

>> No.8432625

Still homestuck. It's awful. Those of us who have been here a long time are far easier to spot too eughhh

>> No.8432675
File: 737 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I cringe so hard at past-me.
>Be 16
>Twilight comes out
> Instant fan
> I'm a secret vampire guys!

>> No.8432677
File: 53 KB, 440x487, notsmuganymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to Cosplay as a 'hookup piano'
Basically, I would have a childselectronic keyboard tied to a rope worn around my neck,like a necklace and during conventions I would take pictures of cute girls, then I would run off to a library or wherever had a printer to print their pictures, and would glue them to the different piano keys. then I would ask girls to play their key if they wanted to hookup
got kicked out of 3 concerts doing this before I realised it wasn't flirty or funny and was very weird.

>> No.8432682

>be 12
>still don't use any websites outside of facebook and youtube
>in the middle of my death note phase
>find a vid with some hot lxlight yaoiz
>post in comments "what chapter was this??? asking 4 my cousin who doesn't have a yt account. for my cousin. she wants to know"
>get a response that it's fan art or something
>"wtf that's not allowed XP that's illegal you can't copy animes"
Not as bad as the one chick I knew that invited me to be involved in her ohshc "wedding" where she was going to cosplay Tamaki and she was planning on forcing her bf to cosplay Kyoya to make her yaoi dreams come true.

>> No.8432684

That is hilariously cringey, bloody hell, man

>> No.8432704

Bahahahaha at least your class wasn't confused as fuck about what you were anon!
>>Be kind of a tomboy but didn't dress like it besides a fox brand hoodie and wore my guy friends hat sometimes
>>Had 6 guys confess to me and 4 girls at the time
>>Turned them all down nicely
>>Had a few female stalkers growing up that were cringy as fuck
>>Classmates make jokes "Jesus anon you got more girls after you then me!" kind of jokes constantly.
>>The day I graduate we're all lined up outside for our friends/family to take pics and friend gets a call on her phone
>>She says something so I turn my head and end up kissing her dead on
>>She walks away like its nothing on the phone with her mom who got in an accident and waves bye to me
>>Whole class saw and they think I'm a lesbian
>>End up living with that friend because my parents suck ass
>>Family makes gay jokes, brother in law got me "Know one knows I'm a lesbian." Shirt
>>Aunt is a cunt we a hate anyways and she told whole other family i'm gay
Fucking aye..

>> No.8432712

This one's cute

>> No.8432714

Seriously, this should be the banner for this board. It's too perfect.
Is it ok if I use this as a reaction image?

>> No.8432718

Where did that idea even come from?

>> No.8432727

I can't stop laughing at the KH story

>When I was in 7th grade I was totally into KH too.
>We had to hold a book presentation for literature class.
> I asked the teacher if it could be something else than a book presentation.
>We are fresh from 6th grade and a new class so she says ok only this once.
> I bring my KH case to school and start explaining what the game is about.
> I talk for 15 minutes about the storyline and how awesome the game is
>. EVeryone looks at me all confused.
> Are there any questions? None.
> Sit in chair. Super proud of myself.

>> No.8432775
File: 102 KB, 960x960, 1014035_395149947271963_2030074428_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was a 80kg 1m53 fat weeaboo all my lift lel

> I was 12 my sister was 6.
> She looked up to me (still does).
> I was a weeaboo since age 10 (24 now). > Anyway, I was also really into Gravitation and I made my little sister watch it with me.
> She liked the pretty pictures and Ryuichi and Kumagorou,
>Tell her 'call me Ryuichi from now on'
>She says ok 'call me Shuichi than from now on'
>We call eachother Ryuichi and Shuichi for 4 years (age 6-10 and age 12-16)
>I lied, she calls me Ryuichi for 4 years and she keeps getting angry at me for forgetting to call her Shuichi
>Vacation in Turkey, we're swimming in the water, we roleplay Shuichi and Ryuichi swimming in the water
>She tells everyone 'this is my sister Ryuichi', when she is angry she yells 'damnit Ryuichi!!!' and calls me Ryuichi when family is around
>I never hear her say my real name
>One day I say, you can call me by my real name you know
>She keeps saying Ryuichi accidently
>Nowadays she calls me by my real name though

>7th grade
>Like Pirates of the Carribbean, Goth style and EGL
>Wear a selfmade goth pirate lolita dress with a plastic sword to school with black spice girls shoes (google it)
>Classmate says 'so cool you dare to be yourself'
>Feel badass
>But why do I have only one friend (also a weeb but she hides her powerlevel)

Also I am >>8432727 too

>Like Beyblade
>be 12
>Weeaboo friend and I are in last year of middle school + last year before this school is 'destroyed' to be rebuild (
>We have to make shirts for the whole school because we both like drawing and as a goodbye gift as 6th graders
>We make beyblade shirts with shitty markers and Kai and Ray
>With the name of our school
>Everyone gets one to bring home with them

Also I wanted to be goth so badly I would write names of bands like Within Temptation or Ac/dc on my bag but I didn't listen to any of the bands

But Ryuichi and Shuichi turned out OK in the end fortunately.

>> No.8432791

You are brave for posting this
I love you for sharing it with us

>> No.8432804

That's the American release, many weeaboos had already seen Death Note by then with subs or read the manga which is a few years older

>> No.8432811

This was the best story itt, it's just so edgy

>> No.8432901


Even back then I didn't really care about being mistaken as a homo, but the cold, angry stares of the guys they tried to set me up with... I still get goosebumps thinking about it.

>> No.8432933
File: 63 KB, 640x426, coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they was an interesting thread a while back about cannabis in lolita, which was surprising as most admitted they partook personally or with a clique within their com. I think it's a innocence clash or something? i unno, i like passing a J before a shoot to loosen things up, seems to go over well.

were you a late bloomer too? i discovered personal investment around 21 and have lamost become a different person.
Also, you're very pretty, if you were in the US i'd ask you out for some coffee

>> No.8432940

> LARP'd at school as far back as elementary
you too?????
i was such a fucking cringe in elementary and middle school

>> No.8432976

>year 8/9 (brit school)
>me and friend massive weebs
>playing game amongst our class where people take in turns saying a name
>you have to work your way through the alphabet, if you can't think of one you're out
>me and friend in final few
>keep saying names of characters out of animes
>we end up as the last two, this process goes on for a few minutes until teacher gets us to stop
>we just fucking look at eachother and grin
>insanely proud, I stand up and give my friend an overly dramatic thumbs up and yell "beleive it!"

>> No.8433007

Can you be my girlfriend pls?

>> No.8433010

>dat bulge on pretty boy on the right in the left picture

Should have grabbed onto him while you could.

>> No.8433060

>I still want to cosplay him one day
Bou was such a cutie.

>> No.8433062
File: 504 KB, 492x736, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found more "art"

>> No.8433074

I'm from the UK too, and I'm pretty sure we did the same thing.

>> No.8433077

oh god i used to draw shit like this too
im glad i burned it all

>> No.8433236

> Never fucking knew it was a cosplay until now
I thought it was just a really cool outfit. I'm cringing so much more now holy shit.

>> No.8433303

This was only 2 years ago...

>> No.8433343

Yeah, it was our senior year. I guess that makes it even better though because she was like 17 when she did this.

>> No.8433362

Middle School:
>Larp Pokemon and then later Final Fantasy
>Get really into Final Fantasy 8
>Spend all my time on online. Hook a number of "internet boyfriends" with terrible glamour shot in halloween costume "kimono"
>Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin is my husbando.
>ask internet boyfriends to be my Sanosuke/buy me FF swag.

High School
>Obviously too cool to hang out with other weeaboos so I make fun of the girl wearing cat ears/guy wearing naruto jacket.
>go to school with short spikey hair (read: soccer mom haircut), cargo pants, and Trigun shirts.
>wear men's ties and different shoes on each feet because LOL so random. XDDDDD
>Have decent figure drawing/realistic drawing abilities but draw anime instead.
>Have no social life, go home to RP with internet boyfriend I had since 8th grade. Get addicted to WoW.

>learn to hide power level

Post-college I've settled down with my long time internet boyfriend, so I guess it's not all that bad. I miss RPing though. Still a huge gamer, but I saw a guy wearing an animu shirt at a restaurant the other night and cringed for the both of us.

>> No.8433365

I wasn't really. i suppose i was socially, i could never seem to make friends until i hit 17, and i'm 18 now.
sure thing

>> No.8433367

go ahead! i cherish this picture also.

>> No.8433368

>Larp Pokemon and then later Final Fantasy
My whole class in elementary school used to larp Pokemon... we used rocks instead of pokeballs.

>> No.8433370

I'm >>8433362 we had Pokemon cards banned in Elementary school, my mum worked at mine so she gave me some she confiscated to start my collection.

In Middle School we got really into it and made OCs-- mine was in love with Gary since my cooler and better looking friend got to be in love with Ash.

>> No.8433379
File: 25 KB, 297x517, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I have this trainwreck of a photo

I actually got a compliment on that outfit though

>> No.8433384

>Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin is my husbando.

He was my first cosplay in 6th grade/ was my husbando too

Middle School:
> Make weeby best friend with girl at karate studio
> Introduction to RPing
> Fucking Pretear/ Tokyo Mew Mew RPs
> Spend hours after school RPing on AIM
> Friend loses interest in animu and goes through scene/emo kid phase
> Stay friends, continue to RP with her cousin
> Friend eventually moves
> Lose contact with them

I miss that friend a lot honestly but I cannot remember her last name or find her anywhere online. Feels bad man.

High School:
> Still RPing not shitty OCs at least
> Now RPs on MSN
> Hardcore weeb, thinks about RPs at school
> Has a notebook full of bad RP ideas
> RP through notes in class
> Moves onto Skype when MSN hits the shitter

I still RP on tumblr and skype now (even though its hard to find a good partners and drama is everywhere), It's a stress relief for me. I no longer do shitty one liner replies filled with emotes.

I have an OC that was in love with Gary too. There's fanart of her somewhere, I'll post after dinner. I had the worst OCs- One was shipped with Gary, one was for Seto Kaiba and Ryou Bakura, and one was this bad One Piece self insert.

>> No.8433397

Hahahahaha the Sasuke is my cousin! His first con was Supanova and he dressed up with a Naruto, they ran around the con doing the 'ninja run' all day.
I felt second hand embarrassment so hard back then.

>> No.8433399


I wish I had my pokemon art, there were a lot of original pokemon too that I made that were all based on dogs/cats. My deviantart is still up but it is mostly cringey drawings of OCs from RPing.

I use to RP on Palace and then on AIM, one time it got pretty steamy on AIM. I accidentally sent the message to a friend in another window.

My reply: "Sorry that was for Microsoft Sam! I'm just seeing what he says..." Pretty much cybering with MS Sam. Awesome!

I still don't think she believed me but I was like 15 and freaking out...

>> No.8433402
File: 27 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruto headbands. I also ran like they did in the show with my arms back.

>> No.8433406

>>8433362 again.
We had that happen for a short while at the peak of the phase. Used my l33t drawing skills to make Pokemon cards and sell them in the playground after school.
Sold 6 cards for a dollar until my parents found out and made me return the money.

>> No.8433447
File: 46 KB, 230x319, scan0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of the pokemon self insert. I didn't draw it, but I commissioned someone on Gaia to do it. I don't know which one is worse. At least it is better than most bad weeb art.

>> No.8433460

When my degree is over I actually want to go back to roleplay. I think the art I did for my OCs and other people on the site was pretty sweet. Only I think they are shutting down the site imminently, so I'd better copy/paste everything I can find before they pull the plug. I took it for granted...

>> No.8433473
File: 40 KB, 403x657, blitzzzer XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boyfriend and I use to draw pictures for eachother. Here is one of his.

Here is a Wakka from FFX circa 2004

Note the file name.

>> No.8433476

Tbh though, I had a pretty terribad weeb stage when I found out conventions existed.
>be 16
>massive FF fan, especially VIII and Seifer
>first convention is Manifest 07
>dreams come true, there was a Seifer cosplayer there!
>proceeded to stalk him the whole weekend, even showing him the Gunblade I bought at the dealers hall

It gets worse...

>second ever convention, Melbourne Supanova
>bidded to save Monica Rial from kissing a sweaty neckbeard. She ended licking my cheek for the lulz. For charity!
>incoming Seifer 2.0
>fangirled like a shit and he thought it was hilarious.
>until I saw him later in the day and ran 100m to glomp the shit out of him and almost winded him.
>in reality I would have ended up tackling him if he didn't hear me coming.

Anime I wasn't too bad with, I just had a bag with a shit ton of buttons from artist alleys and read manga in the library at school instead of studying.

Our school also hosted Japanese exchange students once a year and my family would always have a kid staying with us. One girl was a massive Prince of Tennis fujousji who shipped Tezuka and Fuji like nobodys business. Good times.

>> No.8433482
File: 707 KB, 245x196, fuckedup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a weird and disturbing weeb phase.

>10 years old, almost no friends, desperate to have a leg up on the cool kids
>Tell everyone about my cool older boyfriend!
>He's just an anime character
>No one believed me anyway

>12 years old, extreme out of control hormones and sexual urges beyond what should be at my age
>Read too much rapey smut, believe I can seduce classmate
>Constantly grab onto him, try to drag him into corners, try to pull his pants down, leave weird love notes in his locker and on his desk
>He's terrified, other boys are terrified, clearly I'm nowhere near sexy or seductive to them, just an ugly succubus
>I get removed from his class and placed elsewhere, shocked to this day that they never contacted my parents to tell them I tried to rape a classmate
>Resign myself to writing BL fics about them and distributing them via email to AOL chatroom friends

Sometimes I open his FB profile and want to message him an apology, but I never do. Turns out he was deeply religious the whole time, I must have been all the more terrifying. Maybe he's forgotten everything by now, at least I hope so.

>> No.8433485

I had a middle school lady boner for Seifer too. It's ok anon.

>> No.8433489

Still have all my Beyblades (with parts logged in an Excel spreadsheet database) and all my Gravitation manga/anime/shamelessly smutty doujinshi

>> No.8433508

Little me was super lonely and pathetic. I spent a lot of my time making ocs to be girlfriends of male characters I liked. Sometimes they were characters a lot of people do find attractive, like future Trunks, but then sometimes it was really kind of odd (An example being a made a girlfriend for ViVi from FFIX and Dreg/Drunk from Bust a Move 4). I think I stopped doing this at around 13. When I was 14 I met a weeby guy on a trip to visit out of state friends. I promptly fell and love and proceeded to harass him until I got a boyfriend at around age 19. He was generally pretty nice about it but looking back I probably annoyed the hell out of the poor guy. Sometimes I want to message him to tell him how sorry I am that I was a loon ball. He didn't deserve that. The only reason I even stopped talking to him in the first place was the guy I started dating made me. I'm not with him anymore. I really can't be in a relationship.

>> No.8433510
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Apparently I drew myself when I replayed FF8 in high school. Kind of sums it up.

>> No.8433537

>be a generic over-achieving nerd all the way through high school but still have plenty of friends
>meet a friend in college who had been to japan
>he gets me into anime
>now I'm a huge weeb
>went to my first convention when I was 22
>feel super old and out of place

My story is a bit different than everybody else's. Honestly I wish I had some cringe stories.

>> No.8433564

I remember him with a naruto, i thought he was super rad and wanted him to do Sasunaru. Ahh the yaoi weeb days.

>> No.8433572

oh lordy here we go

>Childhood obsession with Sailor Moon
>Friendless edgelord right out the gate pretend Sailor Jupiter is my big sister
>Get in trouble for drawing her every day during art time
> Finally meet another girl who likes it as much as I do play with her pretending to shoot lighting at each other from our foreheads
>Life is good
>Until one day
>"Anon I don't want to be your friend anymore the other girls make fun of me"
>That night pray to Big Sis Jupiter to kill the dirty friendship traitor

Around middle school I was able to join a weeaboo cult

>"Anon we should make yaoi stories of all the cute boys in class XD"
>OC half dragon gay boy who looked an awful lot like Tuxedo Mask plez don't steal
>Madly in love with my king Gerard Way hes my boyfriend
>lol I'm still totally a lesbian tho
>You guys youtube is a great place to watch rare anime and learn glorious japanese
>Fanfic.com all day erry day
>Made friends in Naruto chat shit
>Twilight is a good book
>imma Vampire princess now bow down bitches
>Online Canadian boyfriend omg we are soulmates this is tru love foreva
>RP as vampires together everyday after school
>Everytime he tried to make it sexy i would get nervous and lie and say my mom needed the computer
>Only talk once on the phone consider it the best day of my life
> Actively tell people I'm gonna change my name legally to Sakura Willowtree
>All my clothes must be baggy and black because Imma Vampire remember?
>Draw animu pics all over my jeans and shoes in sharpie
>Rainbow eyeshadow for dayyyyyys
>So random lol I say penis I'm so edgy

Anyway thats all I can think of right now. I'm actually pretty nostalgic about those days I was absolutely disgusting but for the most part pretty happy

>> No.8433604

This isn't so bad but here we go:

> Introduction to anime is Sailor Moon/ DBZ
> Love Sailor Moon
> First anime art of it
> Ask mom if I can mail it to Toonami (IIRC they did a thing where they'd show fanart)
> Draw my own Sailor Moon compact on notebook paper
> Cut it out, holepunch, string, wear it as a necklace

Less cringy more cute when I think about it because I was only 6 - 7. The first T.O.M. was the host and I cried when he "died."

> 2014
> Go to Mandarake
> Buy a set of SMC compacts
> Buy a DBZ Scouter too
> Achieve my inner child dreams

>> No.8433658
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>tfw want to burn all my weeb art and poems from elementary and middle school
>mom saved it all and won't let me because she thinks I'll appreciate it when I'm older
I'm 22 now and I'm pretty damn sure it's still going to make me cringe in 20 years

>> No.8433683
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Oh man, I'll go with the cringiest story I can remember.

>be me, 8th grade
>really into Death Note and Soul Eater
>going to Acen 2010 with two of my other weeb friends
>do a mediocre cosplay of Spirit Albarn
>Vic Mcnuggies is a guest
>holy shit I'm so excited.jpg
>get to the line pretty early, but they already cut off the line
>met Vic once before so it should be fine
>start sobbing in front of the line, mom does her best to comfort me
>staff at the line feels so bad for me she lets me into line
>1 year later, Acen 2011
>in another guest line with my friend, see the staff that was working at the Vic line
>Never thanked her, so take the opportunity to tell her how much I appreciated what she did
>"Oh, are you the one that cried?"

God I'm still embarrassed about being "the one that cried"

>> No.8433709


Now that you're older, you should try actual organized roleplay. /tg/ has a lot of information on finding a group and what systems to use.

>> No.8433782

>twins laying on display beds at kohls kissing
I really hope I'm reading this wrong, but actual twins making out because of their ship? Is that what you're saying was going on here?

>> No.8433795

I'm 23 and my parents still have a picture I drew at age 14 of Harry Potter characters doing the hare hare yukai dance proudly displayed on their fridge.

>> No.8433796

I have some cringe about me, and some about a friend.

>be me
>gay 13 year old
>go on deviantart and paste FMA Roy/Ed fan art into a word document
>print it out
>hide it under my bed
>dad finds out about it and punishes me
>read shitty gay fan fiction on ff.net

I still cringe when I think about it.

>have friend, straight girl
>be at lunch in high school
>"anon, do you like yaoi?"
>silently sweats as I remember my weeb past
>"no, that's weird"
>she tells everyone I'm homophobic
>tfw I'm gay and have a boyfriend

>> No.8433876

Thinking back on it, my countries school system does a really good job of preventing all this shit.

>> No.8433879

I'm the anon from >>8428607

I'm in the process of trying to find some of my old notes that me and my weebs passed around. They are seriously horrible.

>go to friend's house for a sleepover
>she's got an edward elric pillow
>i hide it
>she goes apeshit
>blames her sister and beats on her and shit
>sister is like wtf is going on
>i quietly slide the pillow under her other one
>"oh look anon, it was just at the bottom"

>> No.8433932

omg i used to do the naruto run in P.E too lol
I mostly did it to make my friends laugh though not because I wanted to actually run like that.

>> No.8433949

post vid

>> No.8433963

haha yeah

>> No.8433995
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>> No.8433996

>was part of a group of Maximum Ride roleplay blogs
>my character had bat wings and a lizard tail
>and bright pink hair
>and an evil alter-ego/other person trapped in his mind
>name was Chaos Darke or some shit
Fucking hell it's depressing thinking about it. The worst part is that I wasn't even the worse, everyone else had much more special snowflake characters than me.

>> No.8433997
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Alright so I didn't find my cringy notes, but I found a cringy comic I made with a friend.

>> No.8434000
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>> No.8434002
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>> No.8434029

I must be awful, but that's hilarious. Wish you would've gotten the D, anon.

>> No.8434041


>> No.8434044

Making Naruto flash movies

>> No.8434094
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I tracked down the event on fb, turns out I was wrong, twins never kissed, but they both made out with this shitty (Halloween light up horns, black shirt, yellow pants, regular hair tied back) fem!karkat.
And she also pressed her chest to mine in an oddly sexual manner while hugging me without asking.
>pic is my favorite from the event

>> No.8434096

just yer run-of-the-mill weeb rubbish really
>Naruto running
>dressing as edji as I could on out-of-uniform days
>ghettoed Death Note notebook for maths (which got me a lot of stares and raised eyebrows)
>greasy emo haircut with the fringe over my face
>hair is naturally black but I dyed it blacker yet
>brought my Japanese notebook to practise hiragana in school
Needless to say I got bullied a lot, more so considering that this had all happened in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
But wait, there's more!
>town has no secondary school, so I move with my mother to the capital to attend a somewhat elite school in a neighbourhood absolutely full of posh kids
>think J1 visa daddy's money Erasmus in France type of people
>weeb fever still rattling my bones
>somehow befriend a gang of posh girls
>the head honcho is FILTHY rich, everyone else less so but still considerably loaded
>I had no idea that they were rich (on account of being such a gargantuan mucksavage that I legitimately thought designer shit 24/7 was just how city kids generally dress)
>they're fairly nice and accepting at first
>everyone else at school thinks I'm strange but says nothing because of my being friends with the big guys (for them)
>Because everyone was so accepting the first time around, decide to unleash my final form on the day of the school culture fair (stall for each language department)
>homemade kimono and geta, terribad homemade 'japanese' food, all that in front of a Japanese TA who had somehow weathered the event without getting a heart attack
>My Japanese was decent by then, at least
>Some girls I didn't know call me pathetic and sad, but think nothing of it because I was happy as a clam that day
>Mum just finds everything cute and is glad I'm taking an interest in foreign cultures so she doesn't say a thing
>summer holiday comes around, I spend mine rooting through Chinese markets and being by myself most of the time
>Little had I known...

>> No.8434097

>only asian girl in a school full of whites
>typical nerd A+ student
>starts anime club
>takes white weaboo friends to chinatown to eat ramen wearing Naruto headbands
>such gothic ita wearing red and black lace corset and miniskirt to school and wondering why people were propositioning me at the train station

>> No.8434112

(2/2, I'll keep this brief I promise)
>Next academic year
>something had visibly changed
>Although I wasn't as weeby by then, people had started to act strange around me
>My friends had been hanging out together all summer, not inviting me even once and seemed to have gotten heavily into Tumblr SJW crap
>Suddenly people start ignoring me, one friend in the group flat out refuses to talk to me
>End up alone
>Confront them about it
>They list a small dozen of things they dislike about me
>Start lying heavily about everything to strangers to conceal my weebdom
>Get outed
>Lose even more friends
>Final year rolls around, I'm the loneliest I've ever been, grades are dangerously low, not even that much into weeb shite anymore but get into LARPing
>that turns out to be even worse, people see photos on Facebook and label me a mental case
>Used to be fairly open to my friends about my anxiety, weebosity, hobbies, now start to HIDE AND DELETE EVERYTHING
>Richest Friend moves to the UK for college, everyone else attends local one except for one girl who became a literal prostitute
>Decide to do a complete 180, start doing my makeup and hair, browse Japanese normie fashion magazines
>become completely unrecognisable
>literally to a point of two of my former friends standing beside me chatting and not recognising me at all
>acquire nice friends
>do my Master's abroad
>never look back
And that's the story of how I became a normalfag. I sometimes hear people chatting shit through the grapevine sure, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.
I just make sure not to tell people who I am or use my real name online, otherwise my DELETE EVERYTHING phase took care of it all really.

>> No.8434131

This shit cheeses me off so bad. At least when I went through my piece of shit weeaboo phase I was surrounded by a tribe of equally piece of shit weeaboos and for the most part we took care of each other. Fuck those people for making you feel bad about the stuff you liked. I don't know if it makes any difference but if you went to my school I know 100% we would've been friends. I'm sending you internet love you beautiful bitch.

>> No.8434168

Ah well, it's a small country, everyone knows everyone, that kind of thing. Rumours spread like wildfire as a result, and sometimes people get their names dragged through mud. A double whammy in my situation was that, since everyone goes to one college (out of a few, but this one is 'the best' so everyone tries to get in here), some of the people from secondary school ended up meeting some people from my primary school and the retards from PS told everyone about my cringey baby-weeb days. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Thanks fam, same to you <3

>> No.8434177
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>be 14
> discover X-men Evolution
> who is this glorious creature
> made of snark
> and dark clothing
> Rogue
> Goth phase initiate
> Go to Catholic school
> Mandatory Uniform
> No make up
> No piercings
> No nailpolish
> no hair dye
> In retrospect Thank Christ
> religious and cultural jewelry is allowed
> Loop hole Motherfucker
> get the tackiest dollar storiest pseudo Victorian cross imaginable
> put it on velvet ribbon
> Wear every day for 2 years
> Teachers can't say shit
> it's religious
> first winter term rolls around
> need winter shoes
> schools only specification is black and covered
> convince Mum to buy me the chunkiest shoes I could find
> these fuckers had wedge soles thicker than my wrist
> heels are 7 cm high and wide
> they're black and they're covered
> Teachers can't tell me off
> breaking all the rules up on here
> edgy mall goth is edgy
> grow out of Goth phase at age 17
> never outgrow X-men Evolution
> Mfw I still use those shoes with lolita

>> No.8434185

>Ask mom if I can cut my hair like an anime character's hair
>She beats the weeb outta me with a belt
Traumatic at the time, but fantastic now because I don't have any cringey past. I cannot even imagine my parents letting me do some of the things in these stories.

>> No.8434190

I'm going to need a picture of that cross anon

>> No.8434197
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>She beats the weeb outta me with a belt
>Traumatic at the time, but fantastic now

I'm going to say that hitting your child with a belt because they want to get a shitty haircut is really bad

>> No.8434217


Yup, not that guy but I was raised by a tiger mom. I guess it "worked" because all three of her kids ended up pretty successful, but I know for sure and my sister and I are suicidal, my little brother doesn't talk to anyone and just flies a fighter jet all day long.

I'm not allowed to have fun, every action has to gain me prestige/respect in some way. I go on expensive vacations to beautiful places and give myself stress-induced panic attacks trying to find awesome pictures to post on social media. Gotta make the poorfags jelly.


>> No.8434254

>bad parenting

and here i thought i was fucked up for smoking weed with my mom regularly.
It's never affected my life, and shes a delight stoned or not. i like genuinely loving me mum

>> No.8434258

I don't think he cosplays anymore. I last saw him when I got married last year and he sat with a few of my con friends and played Monster Hunter (I think).

>> No.8434264

I still have an adult lady boner for him, regardless of the fact that I'm married >_>. I even have the Garden logo tattooed on me, though I don't regret that, it looks fabulous.

>> No.8434297

>me mum

>> No.8434339

That's awesome anon.

>> No.8434356

Here I go:

>commish Lolita /gothic dress.
>Had perfect length, decided to cut shorter because it was not sexy enough
>Go to con
>lie in floor to let people photograph my sexyness in shiny ass stockings
>skirt shows everything, don't care
>Flirt with weirdos who run away
>Stop when a drunk fat guy hugged me
>Learned my stupidity

Hate myself for that. Now safe and grown up, normal job, cringe everytime I remember or look at cons

>> No.8434362

>Narutoe is out
>Wear headband in neck everyday to high school, for some weeks
>Stop plis

>> No.8434363

>childhood done right : The post

>> No.8434390


I know one who is in her 30's. She dresses up in various cosplay outfits (usually demonic or horror-themed characters) and hangs out at Dollar General and Walmart to shock people.

>> No.8434394
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The colours and pocky boxes reminded me of this dumb weeb photo I loved when I was 14.
My only regret about being a huge weeb as a teenager is that I didn't push it further, I had a group of stupid friends with equally embarrassing memories and so I feel no shame, we should have at least made youtube videos and tried to make some bank on all that absurdity. Youth is made for enjoying.

>> No.8434398


The faded effect on the curls looks pretty cool.

>> No.8434399
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>> No.8434402

This reminds me of Chris Chan's attraction signs.

>> No.8434404

This, I really feel bad for the people who got bullied for liking anime or Japan. It's just a harmless hobby.

>> No.8434411

>GCSE English

>> No.8434544

plz tell me you were a member of the neopets naruto chat boards, anon.

>> No.8434603


That's way past creepy.

>> No.8434605

>Online Canadian boyfriend omg we are soulmates this is tru love foreva
I too fall for exotic men with exotic accents
this just makes me angry

>> No.8434613

That's cute and you should be proud

>> No.8434627

>Boom, got myself some genuine ninja shoes
lmao anon that's perfect

>I'm the first lady of anime
crying legitimate tears from laughter rn

Damn anon you reversed time or something

>> No.8434696

As Akuroku fan this amuses me

>> No.8434708

are you me

>> No.8434717

Fuck me, all right.
>approximately 15 years old
> just played Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
>write it up on the official square enix community website

Here's a quick example of things I would write.

> Weather: Cloudy. Dear diary, today there was I shooting across the street. I didn't even flinch, as such was normal for someone like me.

>> No.8434805

One of my online boyfriends was Hispanic and another was French Canadian.

I spoke on the phone once and only once with each of them and couldn't understand a word they said.

The one from Canada was super into Yugioh and his mom cut his toenails. I pretended to like Yugioh for a month or so, when he dumped me for another internet girl I was a bit happy only because I only imagined I'd be taking his mother's place as nail cutter in chief one day.

Of course you always imagined marrying your internet husbands when you are 12 or 13.

>> No.8434826

I honestly want to just wipe away Middle School and Freshman year from my brain it was awful.

>Middle of Freshman year
>Decide I want to be a special snowflake
>Wear a clip on fox tail I bought at an anime convention on my butt for a week straight
>Thought I was the shit for doing this
>Decide to stop wearing it after getting made fun of by math teacher

>> No.8434867

When I graduated college I found a picture I drew of Edward Elric riding a centaur while running away from some Harry Potter characters. And apparently I had an entire AU based off of him having amnesia and being mentally infantilized. I threw all that shit out in embarassment.

>> No.8434871

I have this secret KH comic that I made with a friend back in middle school. It is over 70 pages long and every other page is Akuroku or RikuSora. Some older dude stole it from us b/c he loved it so much.

>> No.8434884

Don't worry anon. I never dressed as a weeb let alone come off as one because I had pretty much zero say the whole time I grew up that I barely have any self confidence. Granted I was confused as fuck graduating high school because I honestly didn't expect myself to live past 16. Yet here I am, the biggest secret weaboo I know.

>> No.8434896

After I passed what I considered my weeb phase and thought I was more mature at this point, I held an presentation about Girls Generation, even showing Gee at the beginning.

I was 18. I grew out of the idea that kpop was way less autistic to talk about to strangers then anime was, really fast.

>> No.8434920
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i have done plenty of weeby things but this is where i began to question my existence

>defying the laws of the earth, by some stupid chance a stupider fatter and more obnoxious weeaboo girl than me graces my middle school and has my gym class
>immediately befriend her
>what have i fucking done to myself
>insists on singing to me the first inuyasha OP in both japanese and english (in case i didnt understand the first version) very openly in the locker room every day
>randomly gym teacher asks for volunteers to discuss with the class their future aspirations; she immediately raises her hands and exclaims we both want to pursue "japanimation"
>openly declares how thin believes her calves are
>she's 230 pounds
>"anon-chan!! ^_^" she exclaims as she throws a fucking basketball at my face??? i throw my hands up to shield myself and the basketball space jams my index finger into a fucking black and blue oblivion

in her defense she's grown up into a relatively normal woman but i've never had so many introspective thoughts as i did in 7th grade

also when i was like 11 my 9-year-old neighbor used to sleep over every weekend and we'd have a good old fashioned yiffing marathon to see who could bone the most dudes on furcadia in one night

>> No.8435069

I'm so happy I didn't have the internet until I was around 13 and got my first ipod.

Even then I was cringy as fuck online and can't believe myself on how acted. Can't imagine how I would have been younger.

>> No.8435153



>> No.8435174

sadly (or fortunately) I don't have it anymore, I wore it every day to school for 2 years and then the thing snapped in half so I threw it away.

>> No.8435190
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same anon as >>8431952 and i just remembered how much worse i was in real life

>6th grade
>draw a lot of weirdly fetishistic comics involving many anime and cartoon characters

>7th grade
>sing english cover of disappearance of hatsune miku to entire journalism class

>9th grade
>debate class
>our first speech was a "how-to" speech
>pick a hobby or topic or whatever and just give a how-to
>want to do a "how to draw a face" speech but was self-aware enough to know my art was shitty and weeby
>i know!
>i'll do a "how to make a vocaloid sing speech!"
>tell the whole entire class how to make a vocaloid sing
>give in depth run down of the program
>whole class looks confused

i want to die when i think about it

>> No.8435324

I feel so embarrassed just by looking at this. There are people shopping in the background. Ughhhhh

>> No.8435743

Part of me wishes I liked Homestuck because apparently all of the weird sexual shit happens in that fandom

>> No.8436528

Oh boy...

>6th grade, get introduced to anime
>have OC that basically marries all the male characters I was into from Beyblade
>drawfag, super shitty animu-style drawings (think How To Draw Manga by Katy Coope, my holy bible at the time)
>loved pixel art dolls, spends loads of time on paint doing shit pixel-doll "art"
>also a band fangirl, MCR becomes my holy grail, so my animu drawings also reflect my "deep dark and misunderstood heart" (puke)
>discover yaoi, when my OC isn't all over half the cast of Beyblade, I'm gaying up all of the cast (Kai x Takao 5ever)

I then evolved into an emo kid and left my animu legacy behind.

>dressed in full black most of the time
>thick black eyeliner
>drawn-on old converse
>oh so edgy and cool, live and breath MCR

Suddenly highschool hits me:

>meet weeby a couple weeby classmates in the first days of hs
>get re-introduced to anime
>Naruto is the shit
>wear Konoha bandana on my neck or my bag
>animu shit starts adorning my bag and jackets in general
>still fujoshit
>still drawfag, now I draw all my fujoshit dreams
>spend life on deviantArt uploading my shitty art and using shit like XDDDDD
>get introduced to cosplay
>find out I'm gay, gf and I drew our weeb shit together and cosplayed together

Everything was pretty cringe-y. I'd post pics but I'm too embarassed and I know people from my cosplay comm go here.

Fast forward to present day:

>STILL fujoshit, gimme dem bara tiddies
>still a drawfag, though I don't draw very often anymore
>better taste in animu, pull younger brother into animu as well
>kid has good taste, I've done a decent job
>got into playing more games
>still cosplay, my standards are much higher and I'm quite critical about my work
>getting into jfashion, want to be kawaii while I'm still young
>get interested in collecting figures
>will visit Japan at some point in the near future if all goes well

So basically I'm still a weeb.

>> No.8436532

This was unnecessarily long, I'm really sorry.

>> No.8437585
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why are you apologizing

>> No.8437857
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For the lenghty post, the typos/mistakes and my lost honor

>> No.8438197

I thought this thread would be dead but you luckily kept it alive.

Thank you.

>> No.8438290

sorry pretty late to reply back to the thread, but I might've been in 5th grade.. its really hard to remember. I turned 18 last year so it would've been 2007-2008 when I was in 5th grade.. I do remember watching the subs over the dubs though

>> No.8438831

>that entire outfit
I love it. I would have bought that troll shirt from Hot Topic if my boyfriend let me. I also wanted a Pedobear sticker for my car which he also advised against. If I stopped dating him after he showed me 4chan I'd probably have some cringey pictures.

Luckily my cringe was just in middle school when my only anime was Yu-Gi-Oh and I would ship Yugi and Kaiba with me. Never the three of us together, but the two of them always fighting for me. I wish I still had the notebook drawings to share.

>> No.8438977
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Cringe with a good ending
>played basketball all my life
>in HS
>start watching kuroko no baskuke
>love Midorima because he reminds me off Vegeta
>start staying late @practice and when they close I go to the basketball court by house and shoot for hours
>actualyl held a presentation about the show in class (kill me)
>get better after a while
>FF 2 years with daily shooting practice
>We win the nordic championship
Feels pretty good