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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 133 KB, 480x720, steven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8414956 No.8414956 [Reply] [Original]

Old one dying!

>> No.8414960
File: 101 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nq7jp1Glbq1qgqkz0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rainbow Quartz cosplays are fucking everywhere now. The design is so crappy too. I don't know why everyone likes her.

>> No.8415010
File: 410 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nq88r6hTHv1r37papo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another one

>> No.8415014

Yeah I've been waiting for the tidal wave of "FIRST!!!!" Rainbow Quartz cosplays. :V

>> No.8415015

Oh man. This Rainbow Quartz design is too creepy. Not a fan. I do like Amethyst's new colors, though. I might attempt that sometime. Don't know if I'm heavy enough to look good as her, though.

>> No.8415028
File: 859 KB, 900x1354, tumblr_nq2hfb0mWD1qjlm5ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell what her expression is supposed to really be, or who's who with the eyes since the smug eyes seem like Pearl trying to one up Greg or it could be Rose being playful. And so far, the fusions have had clear eyedentities.

Also, she just looks so lack luster in comparison to the other fusions we've seen. Not a fan. But hey, sitcom gems to look forward to. Garnet actually looks weirder with 2 normal eyes.

>> No.8415032
File: 141 KB, 640x960, 10259715_834159753329706_4873348462000712797_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8415041

Oh yeah. It was pretty odd to see her with two normal eyes.

>> No.8415050
File: 391 KB, 960x583, 1434781324902-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8415058

I liked someone's theory on /r/stevenuniverse that the makeup of a fusion depends on how much of themselves the gems give to it. That's why it looks so much like Pearl, because Pearl gave her full self, but it looks so little like rose, because Rose is always holding back and keeping secrets.

>> No.8415065
File: 150 KB, 402x254, thesearehilarious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8415070

Pearl is so gay for Rose

>> No.8415084


We need to make this fusion gay.

Let's make it between a really thirsty lesbian space rock and the object of her creepy over the top obsession.


Let's put her in tight yoga pants and leg warmers.


Let's name her Rainbow Quartz.


>> No.8415102

quit stealing tumblr posts summerfag. this isn't /co/.

>> No.8415121



>> No.8415138

I took them as smug ass Pearl eyes but they're black like Roses and the wide eyes match Pearls, idk man. Also going to jump on the Rainbow Quartz design is uggo train.

>lack luster

>> No.8415340
File: 142 KB, 640x640, 1434413174847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, rainbow quarz is poor gemsona tier

>> No.8415349

I like the show, but conwise this is going to be the new homestuck, isn't it?

Multicolored unsealed paint and awful quality fucking everywhere

>> No.8415359

Ugh there are so, so many tutorials for body paint and other shit that would be useful for SU cosplay thanks to homestuck, yet not many people seem to utilize these resources.

But there is no way SU cosplay will ever be as popular as homestuck cosplay so it won't ever get a reputation quite that bad.

>> No.8415485
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 11116632_376014935915570_1677120250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl of the left has a giant ass on real life, that was hot

>> No.8415497

>really torn between cosplaying Amethyst or Rose
>love them both
>bf's favorite character is Greg
>I guess it makes more sense to cosplay Rose now, but...

>> No.8415552
File: 5 KB, 227x222, heh..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8415581

Probably not nearly at the same scale. The reason Homestuck got so big cosplay wise was because:
>big variety of costumes ranging from n00b-tier to pretty advanced
>lots of room for interpretation, no specific body shapes means people don't feel as tied to one character
>lots of different versions of the same character, including easily recognizable AUs, means a cosplayer is likely to return to the same character for new challenges
>same basic mold can be applied to nearly all characters => lots of fandom-specific tutorials for everything
>unlike SU, character designs actually translate well to real life even with minimal effort

>> No.8415609

Take a little butler with you and go as Amethyst.

>> No.8415651

Steven Poo-niverse

>> No.8415683
File: 1.95 MB, 500x278, tumblr_nq5xp83zDH1usgx9ao2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know there's gonna be a lot of fails for everyone rushing to do Rainbow Quartz. I want to do it, and was wondering would it be best to use my real eyes for the bottom pair and draw the top ones, seeing as they should be much larger than human eyes, and do a prosthetic nose tip seeing as birb mom has a pointy nose.

Does it sound like I'm moving in the right direction?

>> No.8415690

Lol no

>> No.8415699

Ah yes because just saying no to someone shows them how they're wrong.

Godbless summer.

>> No.8415705

Godbless salty bitches.

>> No.8415706

SU threads bring us lots of tumblr trash

>> No.8415709

Anon if you honestly think that's a good idea and need reasoning behind why it's not then you truly concern me.

>> No.8415724

If you have enough forehead otherwise you won't get the correct proportions of her face. Rainbow Quartz also is the only Pearl fusion to not have the stick nose so contouring could achieve the look without over doing it. Some of these are just hard to translate to a real face You just need to play with what you have.

>> No.8415725

unless you have a gigantic fivehead like rainbow quartz, i suggest against drawing the top pair

>> No.8415730

Don't do a prosthetic nose, those probably won't look good.
Are your eyes squinty and small? Do you have a large forehead?

>> No.8415757

Still no good peridot hair

>> No.8415764

No, black pair seems much too low on the actual design to be made with your real eyes. You real eyes really should be the big ones

>> No.8415770

>>Be skinny and 6'0.
>>can't be Garnet cause I'm white.

Life is not fair.

>> No.8415786

what about your eyebrows

>> No.8415790

All the fatties cosplay the purple one, makes them easy to avoid

>> No.8415816

good peridot hair doesn't exist

>> No.8415818

Dark red makeup.

Garnet is not black, and anyone who gives you shit for it; punch them in the gut.

>> No.8415881

Nigger you can cosplay any race you want.

>> No.8415888

>Garnet is not black
It's because she's modeled to represent someone black that people get this misconception. The only gem with normal skin is Rose really. Pearl is close but she blushes blue.

>> No.8415988

bruh pearl is just pure white

>> No.8416008


stevonnie's just sad to be the only one in the group that actually tried

>> No.8416013

There is no way this design will ever look good in real life

>> No.8416021
File: 9 KB, 200x200, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wanting to be the embodiment of Pearl abusing Rose's trust to fuse just so she could take a petty, jealous jab at Greg about how he can "never have what they have"


>> No.8416043

Why has Pearl been 10 feet up Rose's vagina in every episode of this season so far?

>> No.8416050

You realize they've probably fuzed a ton of times before and after that, yeah? And given how easy it was, I kind of wouldn't be surprised if they were in a relationship. It was petty and terrible, but I'm pretty sure the show acknowledges that and given that Pearl and Greg DO get along now, they're going somewhere with it.

I don't think Pearl's a thirsty abuser. I think she's mad she can see that she's on her way out.

Rainbow Quartz is interesting as a combination and just out of character design, I can see why people would want to do it.

>> No.8416052
File: 93 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nmez2jU9DW1r1d1iio10_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess to give her character some depth other than being the atypical neurotic mom who hates fun. I'd prefer to see more depth given to Steven or Greg, Steven's character still has a lot of unanswered questions and I got to admit that Pearl's jealous fixation about Rose doesn't do it for me.

>> No.8416055

>You realize they've probably fuzed a ton of times before and after that, yeah?
Sure, but it's a character that nobody knows much about other than that instance. Just seems shallow to like it for design, which is really unappealing at that and wouldn't translate well irl.

>> No.8416227

are you afraid of tumblr or something?

>> No.8416551

As >>8415818 said use dark red. I've seen one person do it and it looked pretty alright. She only blended her face though but it was enough to be passable.

>> No.8416601

Still not as bad as the ones on /co/
>never again

>> No.8416622

I'm kinda getting into the idea of cosplaying her because there's finally a character that fits my body type. Wig doesn't worry me too much because I won't go out of the house if it isn't 10/10 and I have body paint experience, but yeah those cheek eyes look like shit so I'm on the fence.

Also word of the wise to anyone who does end up cosplaying her: Leg warmers don't fucking count as foot ware especially since half of her feet are still bare, please for the love of god wear flip flops with them

>> No.8416624

She's coded as black. Seriously, its not hard to accept. Anyone without any knowledge of what the show is would see her and automatically think: Black woman. We can accept that rose quartz would be "white" why can't we just accept that she is coded to look black?

>> No.8416636


Yeah. When I didn't watch the show seriously, I didn't even notice her skin was unnaturally red (and not just a dark, human skin tone)

You can do it. But even outside of tumblr ppl giving you shit, you're not going to look good.

>> No.8416655

Coded to look black =/= black. You didn't even say anything relevant.

>> No.8416664


I'm not that poster, but: she might not be officially black, no. But it's still gonna look stupid if you're white, no matter how accurate the red paint shade is.

>> No.8416686

>punch a black person in the gut
>because they're mad you're "stealing black characters" or w/e
and that's how you book a one-way trip to the morgue

>> No.8416712

>seems shallow to like it for design

Are you new to the concept of cosplay or.........

>> No.8416714

Because the stevenbomb episodes seem to be connected, so it makes sense that Pearl's jelly has popped up a few times this week. Fusion was the other running theme.

>> No.8417013

You could just make the second top set with large false lashes and drawn on lashes, wear a smaller set on the bottom, and close your eyes for pictures like >>8415683
shows. Although you will be walking around with only the bottom half "open".

There is no way to leave them open without them looking creepy. If you did attempt it, the top ones need to be the fake ones. Otherwise your eyes are on your cheeks.

>> No.8417082

Please dont do the nose omfg it'll look terrible

>> No.8417085

>Otherwise your eyes are on your cheeks.

You mean exactly like in the gif, where the eyes are on the cheekbones, same level as the nose?

>> No.8417270
File: 187 KB, 1280x1920, 11218242_503046506514059_2201671510020579511_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8417405

flip flops would be so out of place there. You're better off with skin tone ballet flats.

>> No.8417420

Pearls always been like that though
I marathon-ed both seasons and it's super obvious.

Like I'm sure she cares about Steven and all but truthfully it seems like she's having a hard time telling them apart now since Steven is getting better control over his powers

>> No.8417534

this would make sense with how much more malachite took from lapis than jasper

>> No.8417568

why her skin brown? neither pearl nor rose are brown

>> No.8417570

What are you talking about? She's purple

>> No.8417583

aw shit, so she is

she just sort of looks brownish in context with the other colours, idk why

>> No.8417749
File: 268 KB, 1153x557, erg32thg2et5h436h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes not, actually. Pic related, though she definitely not something you can achieve naturally

>> No.8417753

What materials do you think they used for the shield?

>> No.8417793


I think resin but I would also like to know how others would do the shield

>> No.8417795

It doesn't look like its curved so my guess is painted acrylic.

>> No.8417857
File: 109 KB, 1280x960, 10329754_834655496603809_815176282449714586_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8417880
File: 222 KB, 511x366, Steven Universe Episode 018 Watch Steven Universe Episode 018 online in high quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paint ya damn skin Garnet

>> No.8417965
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1434919259962s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human peridot

>> No.8417973
File: 162 KB, 460x282, 9ab861a752556a90d9aa1efd2c7462b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8418273

Did you save a thumbnail?

>> No.8418651
File: 94 KB, 960x960, 11412190_775708465876422_2820097406729797006_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dustbunny's Rose wig looks super promising

>> No.8418664

It looks so pretty.

>> No.8418666
File: 166 KB, 540x281, cn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god please dont fuck this up

>> No.8418938

...Is that it? Or is this a WIP?

>> No.8419018

Why do we have this conversation every thread?

>> No.8419033

what do you mean "That's it?"
That wig looks like its gonna weigh 15lbs on its own!!
It has to look flattering on a person, not on a cartoon.

>> No.8419186

I just wish she hadn't used a GLW wig. They're so cheap and shiny for that price. I hope she slathers that fucker in talcum powder.

>> No.8419218
File: 1.26 MB, 276x182, tumblr_inline_nq7kt3ldwu1slruxj_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Young Greg people were droolling over before seems to have his own Tumblr.


>> No.8419283
File: 85 KB, 500x647, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rainbow could've looked so much better if they just brought her fucking eyes up a few inches. all the fanart does it.

>> No.8419294

She couldve looked better if she had three eyes.

>> No.8419527

What wig would you guys suggest using as a base for a Rose wig? I love Dustbunny's so far but I've heard bad things about GLW and would like to use a better quality wig if possible.

>> No.8419601

Lmfao 15lbs what? There can't possibly be more than two wigs in there, and if there are she did a very poor job teasing it out for volume. This just looks like slightly bigger lolita wig that hits the shoulders - it doesn't have either the height or length that Rose's hair does. People are just drooling over it because it's pretty/clean.

>> No.8419624

You do realize that Rose's hair is a cartoon drawing, right? That's the one thing I think people forget about cosplay. You're never going to be able to mimic something 100% because it's a fucking unrealistic drawing. I think her wig is a lovely interpretation, you're just being a salty cunt.

>> No.8419647

Calm down. There have been plenty of decent Rose wigs that aren't 100% accurate and they all look fine because they still give the impression of being a huge mass of curls. This one does not because it literally looks like a short, perfectly even lolita wig. I would have never known it was for Rose Quartz if someone hadn't pointed it out... you're throwing an awful big shitfit just because someone on the internet doesn't agree with your opinion.

(Also still pointing out that 2 wigs short does not 15lbs make. I'm pretty sure that the better Rose wigs have all used at least 3 longer styles)

>> No.8419659

>you're throwing an awful big shitfit just because someone on the internet doesn't agree with your opinion.

Says the one beginning their post with "Lmfao 15lbs what?" Nice try.

>> No.8419675

Not the same anon but laughing at a ridiculous hyperbole isn't exactly the same as throwing a shitfit.

Either way, anon has a point about the wig looking like a standard, stylized wig. It lacks the wide curls, and length that Rose's hair has.

I like this, but the person who made this made stylistic choices that I don't think reflects the character's hair in particular that well. I can't comment much on the color since the lighting/filter? is shitty, but I do wish people would attempt to find wig shades in a lighter pink.

>> No.8419687

You need to dial it back if you think starting a reply with "lmfao" equates to the Utah salt flats. I'm starting to wonder if this is selfpost or just some serious whiteknighting.

>> No.8419691

>It lacks the wide curls, and length that Rose's hair has
Yeah and let me guess YOU can do better? So many jelly bitches in this thread.

>> No.8419694

You started out in this thread being salty, don't act like you weren't the same anon here >>8418938. "...Is that it?" You knew you were being bitchy in the first place, so I'll respond equally as bitchy.

>> No.8419704

...Never said I wasn't the same anon? And I asked if "that was it" or it was a partially done WIP because it seemed like a disproportionate amount of admiration for a wig that didn't strike me as nearly big enough for Rose Quartz. You are seriously having some rage issues here, why are you so obsessed with this wig?

>> No.8419705
File: 42 KB, 500x282, Bkmy72T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I can think of.

>> No.8419706
File: 213 KB, 730x1095, blazblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being really touchy towards me for no reason at all.
And talk about people being incapable of doing better? Anon, people HAVE styled massive wigs before.
So before you splash me with your salt why don't you consider that mild criticism is just that, and it's not like I'm telling you to go jump off a cliff and it's godawful.

>> No.8419707

Ah yes, the good ol' "you have issues" response. Classic.

>> No.8419709

Hi Dustbunny. Just don't be jelly when someone makes a more accurate wig than yours and gets more attention than you. Bitch :^)

>> No.8419710

In their defense, the other anon is really going off the rails over a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.8419718 [DELETED] 

I'll take Dustbunny Is Selfposting for 200, Alex. That wig is nowhere enough for this level of salt.

>> No.8419722

But..... but that wig looks terrible...

>> No.8419724
File: 37 KB, 399x400, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I like this ... it just lacks x and x.

>> No.8419725

I'll take Dustbunny Is Selfposting for 200, Alex. That wig is nowhere good enough for this level of salt.

>> No.8419727

No, it's pretty good.

>> No.8419728

>in your opinion

>> No.8419731 [DELETED] 

>in your opinion
As well. >>8418651 is pretty mediocre when compared to >>8419706.

>> No.8419733

Someone has low standards.

>> No.8419736
File: 451 KB, 641x1000, tumblr_nnlauw2X0J1s1humxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon than the one you're replying to but you're really missing the point. Huge over the top wigs are very achievable without them weighing so much the cosplayer will fall over. Rose needs those huge drill curls and/or lots of volume, or else you end up with a wig like >>8418651 that doesn't invoke the character at all.

I am not a big fan of this wig either because it's so messy, but pic related is probably the best attempt so far IMO. Even psychedelicpaprika's overpriced monstrosity is a good interpretation, even without the drill curls.

>> No.8419738

>in your opinion
As well. >>8418651 is pretty good when compared to >>8419706, which is substantially mediocre. Why are you whiteknighting so hard? Trolling maybe?

>> No.8419741

I just saw you post and then it disappeared. How are you deleting your own posts and rewriting them?

>> No.8419742

Wow I really can't get the order of these right and I already deleted it once.
Meant to say:
>>8419706 is good compared to >>8418651
which is mediocre.

>> No.8419744

>huge over the top wigs
Kek. Silly delusional anon. Only Dustbunny is capable and if you don't like it then you're jelly.

>> No.8419745

The first one is kinda ratty but it is a good example of how a wig can be made larger and have a good balance of cartoon and realism. The Rose wig everyone has been arguing over does at least look nicer than most of the ones people have made so far but I'm still looking forward to seeing a larger one. Honestly people need to start thinking of her hair less like a wig and more like a prop that just happens to have wig hair on it

>> No.8419751

Pretty much this. I'm planning on making a Rose wig out of a combo of drill curls for volume and more natural curls for spacers. I can't imagine getting the right amount of height out of just fiber alone without foam to support it.

Dustbunny's is pretty but I feel it's going to look very underwhelming once worn.

>> No.8419753

Agreed. It's just a shame advice like that is met with overreactions from angry anons who think we're telling them to burn the wigs or something.

>> No.8419755

Is Dustbunny a popular cosplayer? I've heard the name in passing before, but I didn't realize she had froth-at-the-mouth levels of whiteknights.

>> No.8419756

Was my plan exactly with both just different days.
My husband looks exactly like Greg and our 3 month old is a little steven, he has the naturally curly hair. He'll be a good bit older by con time for us. He'll also be Lil' Butler sized.

>> No.8419760

200k likes so yeah I'd say so
I think people are getting defensive because she seems genuinely nice/has no drama

>> No.8419768

I'm planning to make one (not cosplaying her, I just really want to make it) and I'm going with a foam/fabric base and probably make the lower half of the wig an entirely separate piece attached by harness to distribute weight.

>> No.8419769

>TFW your 10 year old brother loves Steven Universe and has learned a bunch of the songs on his guitar
>TFW your dad is excellent on acoustic, electric, and vocals, and already has Greg's bald + long hair combo, and wears shitty beach clothes all the time
>TFW you know this ultimate cosplay will never happen

Hold me, seagulls.

>> No.8419782

I would pay actual money to see a lil butler cosplay, fuck

>> No.8419805


He could go around cons, looking for extravagant cosplays so he can say, "You have too much money!"

>> No.8419833


>> No.8419971

Give them cosplay pieces as gifts for special occasions until they can't refuse. I believe, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.8419981


I never called them "drill" curls. They are spiral curls that have not been combed out. Huge ones. Huge spiral curls done with a 2 inch barrel and not combed out.

At least, that why I see those wigs are starting to look good. They are catching on about the nature of the curls.

The best way to do it though would be to get the volume and base first and then do the curls very last.

>> No.8419984

Yeah, I noticed that after I mentioned it.

They are right on the cheeks, aren't they.

>> No.8419999

You and I have a very different definition of "huge curls."

>> No.8420042
File: 171 KB, 500x281, v after Nintendo Direct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet fights.

>> No.8420150

Need more ruby sapphire cosplays

>> No.8420155
File: 63 KB, 720x480, FB_IMG_1434999829363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more Peridot too

>> No.8420242
File: 21 KB, 250x188, jasper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Jaspers?

>> No.8420255
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, megacon_ruby_and_sapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8420373


I'd like to see good versions of pretty much anything other than the main Gems.

Jasper, Lapis, Peridot, any and all fusions, etc.

>> No.8420393

Ruby cosplays always look weird to me. I don't know if it's because nobody has done an outstanding job, or if the design just doesn't look good on a real person.

Everybody seems to use their real hair, which rarely looks good, and the red skin is really off-putting for some reason. Like a terrible sunburn.

>> No.8420398

Nah bruh. There are way too many lapises

>> No.8420408
File: 109 KB, 517x303, fuck me greg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still doesn't look great

>> No.8420417

well at least we have Hanari's Peridot?

>> No.8420421
File: 583 KB, 1108x1920, tumblr_np0yoeGZX21te80tgo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Ruby cosplayers I've seen so far have done straight-on red skin when she has more pinkish-red or cerise skin. It's the SU equivalent of how some Homestuck cosplayers would paint themselves an unmixed medium-/dark-grey and look awful.

>> No.8420427
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_np0yoeGZX21te80tgo10_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pumpkinetics had a good Lapis, imo the only good complete Lapis I've seen so far (ie not a progress picture that's missing paint)

>> No.8420434
File: 60 KB, 500x527, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her design is shit. im disappointed in what Pearl/Rose could've been.

>> No.8420435

I was wondering, has anybody considered looking into drag queen wigs for Rose. If anything, a dragqueen seems like the type who could pull it off.

>> No.8420475

Needs more muscle, but otherwise good

>> No.8420478

Jasper is meant to be a beefcake not full of beef and cake

>> No.8420531

>pale as fuck
I've thought about cosplaying Pearl, but I've had to cut conventions from my budget the past year. Are the Steven Universes the new Homestucks because I don't know if I want to be a part of that

>> No.8420546

Would anyone mind a bit of a tag dump?

>> No.8420565


>> No.8420580

has anyone made up a fusion and cosplayed that? since there are people who cosplay their ocs out there

>> No.8420627
File: 299 KB, 640x852, tumblr_npxe64D3XU1rp49iwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going ahead anyways. this is one of the best versions of connie's outfit i've seen so far.

>> No.8420631
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>> No.8420637
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>> No.8420640
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>> No.8420647
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>> No.8420649
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>> No.8420652
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>> No.8420655
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>> No.8420657
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>> No.8420667
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>> No.8420674
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>> No.8420678
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>> No.8420686
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>> No.8420691
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>> No.8420693
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>> No.8420709
File: 596 KB, 1280x899, tumblr_nq62peCTtF1u6nrv9o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outside of the ruby's face this pair ain't so bad

>> No.8420714
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x1329, tumblr_nqaytmHs0h1r81ow8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am incredibly curious to see how this turns out

>> No.8420726
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>> No.8420738

Oh hey, I know that guy. He's gone good foam work before so I'm thinking this will be pretty good.

>> No.8420740
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>> No.8420746
File: 185 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nqbg9cqfRR1qf3wi9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand that's about all i got.

>> No.8420750

>crushed velvet

>> No.8420759

Gdi, that's pretty as hell.

>> No.8420769

any sugilites?

it looks like her hair fell on her face suddenly and they're reacting to it

>> No.8420805

Good god this show is like a magnet to fat people.

>> No.8420822

Her boob is making me so sad.

>> No.8420823

Something I noticed was rubies don't get their cloth color accurate. A lot are just red and then blend in with their paint :/

>> No.8420833
File: 500 KB, 336x189, 13493817004449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The umbrella shield, I'm laughing so hard.

>> No.8420841

What is this...it looks like shit

>> No.8420844
File: 40 KB, 1193x715, 1427659317802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit is that a nipple?

>> No.8420903
File: 86 KB, 500x356, tumblr_inline_nq4le5HbtT1qcv7xy_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of Connie's outfits during Open Book

This is a nice photo, but why would you put a sharp weapon there?

>> No.8420924


>wool tweed... tank top
>all dat eyeshadow
>not contouring for the canon face shape

I like that she used dusty purple colors, though.

Really nice wings, at least on film. Not a fan of the glitter tulle (?) or high-glamour makeup, though I'm glad she has some lipstick on unlike >>8420740

>> No.8420926

Is that miwa?
if it is her SU game is fucking strong

>> No.8420936

Yep that's Miwa. So jealous. She can spit really decent costumes out so fast.

>> No.8420950

She's smart tho, I'm sure this probably boosted her popularity

>> No.8420976

reminds me of ponty

>> No.8421004


>> No.8421012

I can't stop looking at his junk, it's so disturbing

>> No.8421024

alright, since garnet's not black, I'm black as hell, I should just cosplay pearl and paint my face white since pearl's not caucasian she's literally white, it'll look fine, right?

I want to be pearl pretty bad

>> No.8421035

i dare you, i'm pretty interested in seeing how that would turn out

>> No.8421040

pure white seems to look bad on everyone who has tried it but more of a cream color would be okay. Her skin is a slight cream color anyways. Just make sure you can make the color go on pretty smoothly. It can be difficult to go lighter than your natural skin color but it can definitely be done well

>> No.8421043

It might work if you paint it like the way shironuris paint their faces white. I've seen one black girl doing shironuri and her face was totally white (atleast on the photo)

>> No.8421125

Godspeed, anon. White is notoriously a pain in the ass to use, even for pasty assholes. Seconding the suggestion of looking into shironuri makeup.

>> No.8421494

Starring Jack Black, as Rose Quartz, Lion, and Steven Universe
Fatties: Fart 3 - Coming this Christman to a Wal-Mart near you!

>> No.8421525

>really decent
you've... never seen one of her costumes up close, have you?

>> No.8421582

Anon, you can't just share this information and not make it happen!

Which gem would you be? Get planning!

>> No.8421591

body paint is awful.

>> No.8421597

People are so bad at making Steven's shield. I feel like I could make a killing on Etsy making something that looks remotely good.

>> No.8421643
File: 64 KB, 600x366, DSC_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got a lot of attention over a year ago from her Totoro ballgown but wouldn't stop talking about it for a long time and had an okay followup with a Pikachu ballgown. Not Pikabellechu levels of terrible just kind of boring except the lights under the skirt.

She seems genuinely nice and she tries to actively talk with her fans by starting a lot of discussions on her page.

STill not looking forward to the drama she'll get for being a non-fat Rose Quartz.

>> No.8421666

nice self post

>> No.8421673

She talked a lot about the Totoro thing because people were still hyped about it, sharing her photos. I don't hate people who talk a lot about a cosplay they got popular over. They deserve every right to.

>> No.8421794

holy shit he looks like my ex

>> No.8421803

DRAG QUEEN AS ROSE. I really need this.

>> No.8422102

Sadly they live across the country from me (I only visit a few times a year) so cons are out of the question... but TBH I may just make my little brother a Steven shirt for halloween and see if he can sucker my dad into being Greg with him. My dream goal would be to record them playing a duet with each other, but hey, baby steps!

>> No.8422162

I thought the same when I saw the Lars in this pic >>8420647

>> No.8422304

The wrinkle? It's in the wrong spot to be junk cause you can see the und errrr wear crease

>> No.8422316

and Garnet looks like a good blend of Sapphire and Ruby.

>> No.8422324

tfw you know this person
I felt secondhand shame seeing this. I had such High hopes for their cosplay of this tow b/c their like 6'3 and use a lot of shapewear.

>> No.8422327

>no makeup
>hipster glasses
>short dress
>no curls

JFC SU cosplayers.

>> No.8422332

That shade of green is awful...

>> No.8422336
File: 85 KB, 640x960, 11000878_699732410136986_2544562255546195592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8422379

That shirt looks fucking awesome but that wig is painful to look at

>> No.8422710

Crack addict Lapis?

>> No.8422859

Can I ask you for that link to the photo of that Pearl?

>> No.8422887


>> No.8422953

Yikes that photographer sure is upset

>> No.8423080

Is adult steven the ultimate easymode? All I'd need to do is buy a graphic tee, grow my hair out and maybe dust of the ukulele. Apart from the backpack and maybe his little figures I can't think of anything to spice it up, but this is the only SU related thing that suits my time, budget and figure.

>> No.8423087

I agree with the photog not bothering to add a link is impolite
not sure how i feel about the 'dont edit' tho tbh

>> No.8423088

A face not shooped to hell scares the common seagull

>> No.8423101
File: 113 KB, 480x640, fuckinghell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the paint

>> No.8423124

Don't like him. He's not cute enough or young looking enough. He looks like Greg after he starts aging into the balding Greg we know today.

>> No.8423126
File: 18 KB, 195x195, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think Rainbow Quartz's 'real' colors are?

The scene she shows up in obviously has mood lighting that throws everyone's colors off. So what the hell would she look like in normal lighting? I'm having trouble figuring this out for my cosplay.

>> No.8423147

Reposting was pretty rude of the cosplayer, and I think the photog's "don't edit" was directed at the shitty filter slapped over the photo. I know that photographers will put a lot of work into colour-editing photos, so it must suck to see all that labour trashed with some messed-up levels. I've done small editing on photos of myself - erasing flyaways, getitng rid of fabric wrinkles, cleaning up makeup - but those are personal gripes that don't mess with the overall "feel" that the photographer tries to capture in post.

All that said, the only photoset under the "animenext" tag on the photog's blog is a bunch of selfies, and the only post under "pearl" is a shoot done with an entirely different cosplayer.

>> No.8423268


> shit tier body paint
> shrill social justice 'demiboys'
> literally teenagers grown out of their homestuck phase but have learned nothing from it


>> No.8423291
File: 176 KB, 1280x708, 785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd reference the half of her in shadows here.

>> No.8423307

>didn't even try

>> No.8423362

Honestly? I prefer pikabellechu's ballgown over hers. hers was just.. so fucking boring. I can't believe she's selling prints of that.

>> No.8423368

probably terrible with my wide nose tbh

but you know what, I respect that there's characters I can't cosplay because it'll look fucking weird.

Me as pearl: weird
some pale girl as garnet: weird

I mean, we could both do it anyways but lets be honest there are characters we are better suited for.

>> No.8424087
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>> No.8424126

Stop triggering me

>> No.8424189
File: 28 KB, 500x282, tumblr_nkz5w5asqf1rdbl7ho7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm planning on putting together a Peridot cosplay, but I don't want it to turn out all sad-looking, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips to give? I especially want to make sure my colour pallet is consistent throughout the costume.

>> No.8424236
File: 607 KB, 1366x643, Peridot what the fuck are you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colour pallette consistency for Peridot is the issue I ran into my first time around. Her introduction scene was really blue-tone and it looked like her bodysuit accents were purple-tone, like in your picture. All of the other appearances of her have been in coloured lights, so really, as of right now her most accurate palette would probably be a mix between the one on the left and the one on the right in pic related. They haven't really released an official neutral-lighting pallette yet and the only official palette she has out is from Warp Tour, but I pulled from Hair, skin, darker bodysuit colour, lighter bodysuit colour, and her arms in that order in all of these.

>> No.8424257
File: 457 KB, 598x1102, armwip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also working on a Peridot cosplay and I think the most important thing is to figure out good looking proportions, particularly with her arms and legs. Making them a little on the thinner side can help make it look longer and not so stumpy like many do. For a good looking color scheme, I'd suggest going with something a bit closer to her Warp Tour palette. Having the greens become a bit more blue as they get darker and a bit more yellow as they get lighter is more pleasing to the eye than just plain green everywhere and I would bet that it's closer to her actual colors anyways. That also would help with the contrast so your greens aren't all just blending in with each other.

>> No.8424507

>inb4 this is done and people are still going to complain because they can't tell the difference between the colors in person

>> No.8424510

One thing i have yet to see a peridot cosplayer do is... how do i put this, make the costume make sense? It isnt at all a requirement to be accurate but everybody has made a costume that looks -exactly- like in show like blocky and no additional detail, making it look super costume-y. Like are her arm things a hard surface? Like would they have rivets or closures?

Basically tiny details that would be hard to animate that a costume designer would add if SU was being adapted into a live action

...im rambling but thats what happen when you drink and gull at same time heyo

>> No.8424520

I guess that could be interesting but we don't really know what her arms are. Considering what we've seen from homeworld's tech, I don't think Peridot's arms would have rivets or anything like that.

>> No.8424530

Considering these are personifications of GEMS, I don't see why there would be rivets or screws or any sort of mechanical or human-like details like that because their outfits are organic.

>> No.8424534
File: 864 KB, 1024x683, steven_universe___alexandrite_ver__2_by_annak1332-d8fxelj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't like this unless the entire point of the cosplay is to make something 2D really realistic. Pic sort of related since I couldn't find something akin to what you're talking about for Peridot.

And, just a personal opinion, I don't like the idea of them unless the creator comes out with where what goes if they were to be converted to 3D.

>> No.8424538

This. There should not be alterations like that to the design. If you want realistic then you need to look elsewhere. The smooth surfaces on the characters are there for a reason. If you haven't noticed, a lot of detail and thought goes into the characters. They are pretty detailed, yet simple, at the same time in order to keep them unique and each gem is pretty unique.

>> No.8424545

I get all this, it was just a suggestion. imo this doesnt do much for a solid-looking costume. I was having a dumbass time saying what i meant before but im not talking just rivets and shit, but also like weathering, texture variety... and more shit

That approach seems super convenient excuse to make a basic-looking cosplay tbh :P (not that theres anything wrong with that it has potential to look cool either way) none of the gems dresses or clothes in the show are animated with side seams but people are still using actual garments with realistic construction for cosplay and it doesnt look wrong. Considering the way the shows gone so far its unlikely her outfit will be shown in extreme detail anyway, so a more detailed take on Peridot wouldnt really be 'innaccurate'

But anyway I just have an obnoxious boner for costume design and Im just making suggestions, i dont think its crucial for a nice looking costume

>> No.8424547

Eventually people will need to accept that the designs on SU don't translate into reality well.

>> No.8424549

nah people just need to learn how to do it better

>> No.8424554

Im thinking like... the costume designers for the disney parks princess costumes didnt just make dresses exactly like what we see in the movies, a lot of stuff had to be altered and added from the original design to translate well to irl. I like approaching cosplay this way =u= its fun, and if done well doesnt take away from the orginal design your emulating

>> No.8424565

Well, it's Disney. Those aren't cosplayers who made their own dress. Those are designs altered and deemed acceptable by their owners.

>> No.8424595

alterations can be cool if they make sense and look good but i feel like a lot of people who try this dont manage to make it look right

>> No.8424654
File: 906 KB, 325x203, kjxLk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you anon. Some designs just don't translate well. There is a reason artists design in the context of their medium and theme. Characters are constantly being re-imagined for new content (comic book heroes for example). Just because a cartoon characters design is super simple (animation style) doesn't mean we can't take some creative liberties on how we would imagine the character in a realistic medium.

Of coarse, this theory falls apart if the cosplayer in question has a terrible sense us design.

>> No.8424842

The biggest offender in my opinion is Peridots fingers. I get many people want to do their best to emulate her "floating fingers" but when you're giving up your ability to use your hands for what simply looks like you attached Glow int he dark nerf-darts to your wrist using tooth-picks? It just seems impractical and doesn't look that great.

The best ones I've seen are when they wear black gloves with a Neon "case" around their fingers from above the knuckle. Sure it isn't as "perfect" but it looks much more practical and dynamic.

>> No.8424887

Shes not literally white
See >>8417749 and >>8421040

Reasons why you should never use water activated white paint.

>> No.8425002

couldn't agree more. I'm working on Peri too currently and I put the fingers-on-wires idea away really quickly

>> No.8425043

IDK I kind of like the look of the wires (I wonder how a clear tube/wire would look?) because it looks so unnatural, but to each his own.

>> No.8425062

I believe green acrylic tubes with a bit of transparency would look awesome attached to transparent acrylic attached to the sleeves.

>> No.8425067

So kind of like the Daft Punk gloves but just the fingers? That's actually a really cool workaround.

>> No.8425072
File: 186 KB, 485x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody actually cosplayed Alexandrite yet?

>> No.8425108

Google gives me no cosplays, and so does the tumblr tag, which is extremely surprising.

>> No.8425129

Really? Fuck, now I'll never get to see how people work the throat mouth into their cosplay.

>> No.8425132
File: 267 KB, 1960x2266, Alexa_da_monstah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i was hoping to see all the horrible cosplays. But very likely people will do the version with the mouth closed, pic related

>> No.8425161
File: 159 KB, 960x960, 11017730_1003358636350380_1963463311832290252_n[1].jpg_oh=793695d32c17e1fbb925247ff75602ac&oe=55ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking the way this guy did his raptor makeup would be a cool way to do an open mouth. Not sure how well it would work irl though

>> No.8425176

Beautiful. I'd fuse with that!

>> No.8425386
File: 130 KB, 450x672, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been looking at hime wigs. I hate how bad the tube curls look when directlty translated, I'd rather have a mass of more natural looking curls. Obviously still would combine 2-3.

>> No.8425403

2 inches is generally the largest barrel for heat styling.

You could do them with something larger. Coke cans maybe...

I'm not sure what would be best to let the hair set on to get the spiral shape similar to a curling iron. Long foam? I'm at a loss.

>> No.8425410
File: 106 KB, 631x822, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8425415

That helmet of hair makes that poor girl look like she's a bobble head baby.

>> No.8425670

Not nearly as bad as it could have been.

I mean, not good but not terrible considering the design.

>> No.8425737

A styled wig would have made a big difference

>> No.8425744

This is definitely not as terrible as I was expecting. Real shame about the wig.

>> No.8425943


Jesus that top is so perfectly done but that wig looks like a giant horse crawled out of hell and spunked all over a rotting watermelon

>> No.8426046
File: 26 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n9cnr8THV11qdvd4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH reminds me of this "Rose Quartz wig"

>> No.8426064

Cifera's planning Rainbow Quartz. Said she just ordered 5 wigs for that massive wig.

>> No.8426095
File: 135 KB, 487x345, 1426710198781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so ready for this. i have faith in cifera

>> No.8426128
File: 175 KB, 1600x1091, su_cs_lapis lazuli wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the right wig color for Lapis Lazuli guys?

I feel like most cosplayers choose a wig color that's way too dark...? I'm going crazy trying to find a good color for her.

>> No.8426140

I'm glad that more capable cosplayers are attempting these huge wigs. Cowbuttcrunchies just posted her starter wigs for Rose Quartz too.

>> No.8426146

Middle image is the "right" one. People err dark because her introduction episode is completely in shadows, but tbh if the skintone is darker too like the reference pic I think it looks fine.

>> No.8426148

when will you people learn that cowbuttcrunchies is not a singular entity

>> No.8426159


It's kind of sad that four wigs stacked haphazardly on a head for a test shot has wound up looking better than 95% of the completed Rose Quartz wigs already out there.

>> No.8426161
File: 145 KB, 450x600, tumblr_nqgyxjvqoV1r35os0o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic. pic related

>> No.8426173
File: 259 KB, 640x371, tumblr_static_d3c2t431pi8gcw0ssksssocso_640_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW it's true
Fuck, I laughed.

>> No.8426189


>> No.8426202

It's.... Really bright..

>> No.8426220
File: 1.16 MB, 800x1087, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F3ffee8231a36f499e78f189d9b5ccf11%2Ftumblr_nqf74apo3i1tfxuuko2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8426238

Again with the umbrella shields...

>> No.8426242

....More than one person has done this?

>> No.8426244

jesus christ, that is way too hot pink.

Rose's hair is absolutely not that color.

>> No.8426247

see >>8420726

>> No.8426292

tumblr went apeshit over this one because of how "canon" she is but honestly I think this one is actually too fat if thats possible. That second chin...

>> No.8426294

I want to cosplay Pearl but I'm definitely not a living skeleton.

Good idea y/n?

>> No.8426327

Cosplay whoever you want

>> No.8426353

Never thought I'd say this but...
She's too fat to be Rose.

>> No.8426369

I think comments like this are why heavier cosplayers get mad when skinny ones want to cosplay canon fat characters

>> No.8426375

I just realized this had 10,000 notes on it because MUH FAT BODY.

Goddamnit, tumblr.

>> No.8426388

>Someone on the internet called me a fattychan, so now all skinny people ever are banned from chubby characters
Perfect logic

>> No.8426456

It's not a second chin, she's pregnant with steven in her neck.

>> No.8426530
File: 359 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nqga1r6jVo1s23p4ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8426535
File: 365 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nqga1r6jVo1s23p4ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8426539
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be great if she wasn't Amethyst's skin tone like where did she get that color from???

>> No.8426543

>this would be great
Even if she were the right shade of whatever Rainbow Quartz is, she doesn't have an actual gem and the wig is flat as hell.

>> No.8426544

I objectively know this is weird but fuck if rainbow quartz' eyes don't weird me out.

>> No.8426548

*Good, wow what is typing.

>> No.8426549

>'so I just realised that we technically don’t have a colour scheme for Rainbow Quartz bc she was under pink lighting and so her colours would have shown up differently'

She realized her mistake
It's still pretty well done, in my opinion. Granted, I don't know when the episode debuted, since I just saw this online and thought I would contribute

>> No.8426552

Eh, I was talking more about the face and not the wig. That wig is going to be a notorious fuckup on here.
And by the way, where do you get rhinestones as huge as the Gem's?

>> No.8426554

Since SU is becoming pretty much the next Homestuck, BNFs when?
Who are your favorite/least favorite SU cosplayers?

>> No.8426556

There isn't enough good SU cosplay out yet. Give it another 6 months.

>> No.8426572

I've not used them for a steven universe cosplay, but there are etsy stores that sell individual very large plastic/resin/glass stones for costume purposes. I used two for the hilt of a sword once, I definitely saw gems big enough that would work for garnet, amethyst, rose/steven, and lapis. Jasper, Pearl, and Peridot would probably be trickier to find gems for. If you search "gemstone" and a color on etsy a bunch of things come up.

>> No.8426579

There's a lot of 3d printed gems on etsy which look weird compared to resin imo since they're opaque. I don't really get why nobody is making the resin ones... is it because the 3d printed ones are easier to spirit gum on, or is it just sheer profit margins?

>> No.8426583

I couldn't tell you, I'm no expert in fabricating things from resin or 3d printers unfortunately.
"Allstarco" is the one I bought my stuff from. They have silver backs (usually) so the gem's color will stay bright and not look smudged by spirit gum under it, and they come in a lot of sizes.

>> No.8426587

I saw a SU cosplayer was making resin cast gems but they put coloring in it and it came out so opaque, like, what the fuck was the point of making it out of resin if it's going to look the same as clay or whatever

>> No.8426655
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On the subject of resin gems, in a couple months I'll be selling them on etsy. Would anyone be interested? Should I post about it again when I'm ready to sell them or is that a big no-no on here?

>> No.8426697
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>> No.8426714
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Please do! It would be much nice to see quality gems around the place. Would you make them spirit gum adhesive or attachable another way?

>> No.8426737

You are a week late to the party

Damn anon I wish you were selling these in time for otakon, ngl.

>> No.8426739

Is there another good way to do it? I was just going to put metallic paper on the back and maybe another thing under that if the spirit gum is able to wreck the metallic paper after multiple uses. This is my first time working with resin so I'm still experimenting with things and advice is much appreciated

>> No.8426762

Which one(s) do you need? I could possibly do it, I do have some other molds in progress already

>> No.8426875

Yeah, probably. Doesn't mean that everyone knows/doesn't know.

Can you do a small thin silicone backing instead of paper?

>> No.8426910

If there is silicone backing instead of metallic paper then it won't be as nice looking I think? Unless I did silicone under the paper. If that even works. I've never used it before but I might be getting some soon to make Peridot's fingers anyways so I could try that out then.

>> No.8426931

Okay but Rose isn't actually that fat. Everyone went ape when skinnier people wanted to cosplay Rose but she isn't all that fat at all she's just very big and proportionally curvy for how big she actually is, but ever since tumblr deemed her fat, it's a crime for her to be depicted as anything other than obese and it's 'stealing' from big girls. smh

>> No.8426977

That Peridot gem looks fantastic! You should definitely post when you get them up on your etsy. Do you have examples of other gems?

>> No.8427009

That makes me wonder, has anyone made any prop style whole gems? They'd make for great nerdy nicnacks

>> No.8427027
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Thanks! Right now I just have some molds in progress for Lapis and Pearl and I will also have an Amethyst one done for my friend within a couple weeks for sure. I've been working on my Peridot cosplay a lot so I haven't had much time for gem stuff. Btw Hanari I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your progress pics and all that for Peridot, I've found the info to be very helpful :D

Do you mean like pic related? cool idea o:

>> No.8427035

Aaaah thanks a bunch! I'm really glad that my pictures and masterlist helped so many people. It means a lot to me. I wish you luck on your Peridot cosplay! Post pics!

>> No.8427044
File: 141 KB, 500x281, laughsnicker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek right here folks

>> No.8427050

muh leg

anyone else have any progress pics to share?

>> No.8427054
File: 178 KB, 389x536, legwip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8427141

Sounds like they just did it wrong anon

(Everybody on cgl needs to chill tf out)

>> No.8427160

This is one of the only roses ive seen with a decent looking star cut-out so fuck ya'll. (Girl in pic if u ever see this I like your cosplay!)

>> No.8427164

99% of Tumblr doesnt give 2 fucks about cgl yet cgl wont stfu about tumblr, like you guys are really reallllllly butthurt over tumblr and its hilarious

>> No.8427177

Ok, but the best part was she was selling them for like 10 or 15 bucks a gem.

>> No.8427182

Resin creates a shine which is more gemlike.


>> No.8427242
File: 2.03 MB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_2015-06-24-23-56-27-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure are beautiful

>> No.8427249

>that defective pearl

>> No.8427516

...How the fuck even

>> No.8427577

shit I think she follows me on ig

>> No.8427599


>> No.8427615

I've seen a pic of that wig from the back, it's a complete disaster down there

>> No.8427650

there's a very beautiful person trapped inside of there... ;_;

>> No.8427672
File: 1.15 MB, 800x1200, tumblr_nqf74apo3i1tfxuuko4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress petals are poorly constructed too. Literally the only good thing she has going for her is her weight.

>> No.8427722
File: 295 KB, 960x960, 1431897210343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post a Rose that doesn't have multiple necks. Like, whoa.

>> No.8427732

Pretty nice wig too.

>> No.8428075

That gem though...

>> No.8428450

That muffin top...

>> No.8429211
File: 8 KB, 520x201, 094f8abd4e5fcd7caec7ed463d5dc226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just saw the post with this chick on tumblr. I'm sorry she is not the fucking perfect Rose. She doesn't have a neck.The costume is terribly put together. Fucking umbrella shield. gross.

>> No.8429219
File: 52 KB, 642x642, 995059_10204502435141713_1976007125474015766_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.8429456

New thread >>8429454