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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 27 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8426822 No.8426822 [Reply] [Original]

How do you wear them without looking like a grandma? How do you not wear them? Who actually looks good in them. Post good and bad and coord help as well.

>> No.8426825

I think you have to be super tiny and flat chested, and even then it's hit or miss.

>> No.8426882
File: 583 KB, 600x443, blog3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they can look nice, the coord in pic related looks really good to me because the girl did her hair and makeup nicely, and is cute (the only thing I might add/change would be wrist accessories and shoe colour).

But I'd like to see more sack dresses, especially what they look like on larger body types. People seem less likely to coord them with a lot of acessories.

>> No.8426883
File: 136 KB, 300x400, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dresses like the wrapping ribbon OP are really hard to find worn pics of. I wonder if it's because no-one could really make them look good.

>> No.8426903
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>> No.8426905

I feel like you need to wear a belt so it looks less like a sack of potatoes, but even still, I don't think anyone has done it yet.

>> No.8426907
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>> No.8426908

There was one photo posted a few days ago, girl was wearing the cosmic op and she had used a gold chain around her waist. I cant find it atm but I'm sure some anon saved it.

>> No.8426909
File: 124 KB, 480x762, o0480076212580608869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8426922

only girls with no boobs and really defined waist/hips look good in these,especially the boobs. they need to just kind of fall down. some of the girls ITT look pregnant in them because their bodies are different types than banana(right?) or because the dress goes over the boobs and falls from them and then billows out instead of lying flat.

>> No.8426935

I agree. I think you can be pretty much rail thin and maybe have small breasts, but that's it. Tbh I want a sack dress, but my shoulders are so broad that I'm too afraid. I can compress my normal b cups comfortably with a high impact sports bra so I dont think that'll be an issue.

I do agree with the anon above referring to the gold chain. In the otome thread, they discuss belts for the shapeless jm dresses

>> No.8426967

Agreed. I have small boobs but square shoulders and a prominent rib cage. I just look preggers in sack dresses. I have to wear a belt with them.

>> No.8427140
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i got you

>> No.8427146
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not a big fan of this but i like the colour scheme, the red looks tied in nicely.
i think it's just the angle that's awkward

>> No.8427149
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>>8427146 I like this girls coord better. I think maybe lemon tree is a bit big for this cut - she's not super rail thin. The pic isn't very flattering. I do like that print with red though.

>> No.8427152
File: 65 KB, 557x960, 10005900_1036189663066889_3302644347536191520_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fresh from COF

>> No.8427176

Sorry for slightly off topic, but I think you mean pear shape b/c banana shape is characterized by very poorly defined waist/hips. Pear shape is little boob, little waist with hips that flare out a lot.

>> No.8427184

I hate these cuts of dresses. They look so infantile and crappy on lolitas no matter how they dress them up.

>> No.8427194

I know no1curr but I'm a petite pear and these dresses look TERRIBLE on me. But I think it's because I'm so short so they look super childish on me. Cosmic OP looked like a girl's nightie on me so I sold it as soon as I got it. So disappointing. I love it when people can pull these sack dresses off, though! It's so hard to make shapeless garments look cute.

>> No.8427201

Be cute and small.
That pretty much always looks terrible, the chain belt above looks better than the other ones I've seen though.

>> No.8427206
File: 27 KB, 280x373, apholylan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have huge boobs. 98cm chest x 71cm waist.
I love this "shapeless" cuts, but I have to go heavy on the petti in order to not look pregnant.

I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it.

>> No.8427221
File: 191 KB, 650x1040, 12013033-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the Rose Letter OP but I have a 91cm bust and a 70cm waist. I might just get the JSK, since I really like the print.

>> No.8427231

Do you have anymore cosmic?

>> No.8427238

They're adorable but they won't look good on you unless you are stick thin and have absolutely no boobs whatsoever.

>> No.8427241

I think that anon meant "NOT really defined waist/hips". At least, that would be more consistent with everything else they were saying.

>> No.8427300

Do waist and hips really matter in these dresses? I thought you couldn't see them in the sack shape anyway?

>> No.8427307

not that anon, but they don't really matter
just don't have legs and arms which are too chunky, and even if your legs aren't the slimmest, a poofy petti to widen the hemline makes your legs look relatively alright

>> No.8427404
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>> No.8427405
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>> No.8427407
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>> No.8427413
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>> No.8427416
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this one's not really lolita, but it is a pic of the jsk worn..

>> No.8427419
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>> No.8427420
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>> No.8427424


Not that anon, and I'm going to say I don't think they matter.

I think some of the other anons have a much better criteria -- shoulder width. At least two anons have mentioned having broad shoulders and not looking good in these sack dresses. Considering that the shape these things aim for are triangles/cones, I think it definitely helps to have narrower shoulders. Everything below the shoulders can be bound or padded, but the whole dress hangs off the shoulder width.

>> No.8427435


Any examples of your body type working with this anon? I am same measurements (a bit smaller boobs) and very curious

>> No.8427499
File: 981 KB, 675x1200, IMG_20150625_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the weird hotel room picture, it was all I had on my phone. Almost hoover loli because be a halfling dating a normal sized person.

The bigger the hemline the better, but sadly this is all this dress can handle and I like this look.

>> No.8427504

Seconding heavy on the petti with bigger boobs. I do the same thing. Super fluffy CP A-line petti works for me.

>> No.8429359
File: 488 KB, 378x438, sackdressexample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pardon my self posting and really not great coord, but I wanted to show an example of heavy petti + big boobs in sack dress. It comes out really well and I personally wear a 32F. Also, I tend to bind for lolita and it's nice not to have to with the sack dress.

>> No.8430179

this looks terrible

>> No.8430262

Holding your hands like that really makes it look much worse. It's not soo bad but it really does suit stick girls more.

>> No.8430342
File: 995 KB, 1276x1920, tumblr_nekz2uSSUl1rhmvqmo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sack dresses. I think they're great for casual wear -- fun to dress up or down. i'll dump what i have.

>> No.8430349
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>> No.8430355
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>> No.8430387
File: 143 KB, 560x420, 4457115_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another of Mila's coords for Cosmic. I like it.

>> No.8430394
File: 101 KB, 480x640, baby_jsk_dollheroine_color2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not a sack dress.

>> No.8430450
File: 257 KB, 800x1349, tumblr_m6g53hpLZt1rzi5eso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not like ap's sack dresses, but i own it and it's pretty sack-y in that there's no waist ties to bring in the waist, and it sort of hangs there.

anyway, more sack dresses.

>> No.8430475
File: 77 KB, 480x640, teeph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those teef tho

>> No.8430494

that shape looks really off

>> No.8430502

How do you wear them without looking like you're pregnant and it's the 80s is my real question

>> No.8430545

They don't look good on girls that don't have thin bodies with no tits.

They make you look pregnant if you arent slender enough.

>> No.8430552

this is amazing

>> No.8430585

Sorry, I don't think this dress flatters you. Then again, I don't really like sack dresses at all.

>> No.8430599

Oh, I like this one! Does she have a tumblr or anything?

>> No.8430606

I think this doesn't look too good, anon. I actually think no petti would benefit you greatly here. I thought you were much larger than you were until I saw your arms and legs. If it was more flat on you with no big petti, I think you'd look much thinner.

>> No.8430639

No hard feelings, anon.
I don't even post this kind of coord anywhere anymore because people don't like this cuts and all I get for con crit is: wear a belt.

On another topic, Cosmic was super popular... Is that because the print overpowered the cut? Because they were short and "shapeless".

>> No.8430690

Personally, I would love to own Cosmic if not for the cuts. Love the print, but sack dresses would probably never look good on me with my huge boobs. I prefer cuts with some sort of definable waist. I suppose I could wear a belt of some sort with a dress like this, if I liked the print enough.

>> No.8430736

I'd be more than willing try with a smaller petti. The problem is with my larger chest, I do need some amount of poof so I don't look pregnant. If I was to go petti-less, I'd have to bind down. But I already tend to bind down for Lolita so it's not really a big deal in that case.

Yeah, that pose and stance was pretty damn bad. I honestly didn't know what to do with my hands.

>> No.8430757

My second thought was honestly something for the waist then. If you get a belt or something and maybe even yourself out into an hourglass shape, I think that could help too.

I know the sack dresses are hard to work with if you have a chest, but maybe you don't have to bind as hard as you think. It could look interesting if you tried it.

>> No.8430761

Your torso seems a bit square. Are you binding here? I think as it is it doesn't work for your body type like other anon said. I think if you wore a cardigan with it it could work well for you, though! It's a great coord, btw.

>> No.8430796

perf i know

>> No.8430826

I don't think this flatters your chest tbh, anon. This makes you look much bigger than you probably are.

>> No.8430872
File: 63 KB, 764x605, 11257165_10206823708252292_6395243758005400995_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon. For the compliment and I the tips. I'm planning on using this jsk again soon and I'll try switching the blouse and going with a cardigan.

Yes, I'm binding. My chest is 98 cm binded. With a regular bra is 106 cm. I am really top heavy... I'm considering getting a reduction, btw.

>> No.8430901
File: 133 KB, 640x640, 1516311_365190377014765_238510987_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl wears sacks a lot- I think the cardigan helps break it up a bit.

>> No.8430973
File: 128 KB, 640x1152, takulu-1404001066-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a list of sack dresses? i want to buy all of them.

>> No.8430974
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>> No.8430979
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>> No.8430995
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>> No.8430997
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>> No.8431003

requesting to see like 1-2 pics of sack dresses worn by fatty-chans just to persuade me tf away from them
Like, everyone says you have to be tiny but i've never seen pics of a fat person wearing them except that wonky self-pic a girl posted.

>tfw money to spend
>no lolita friends to slap me out of stupid ideas

>> No.8431010

Where to find more?

>> No.8431017

this has got to be massively edited, those are some Clamp proportions right there.

The theme I'm getting here though in general is, be skinny or slim with long thin legs with narrowish shoulders and small boobs. They're cute but wouldn't suit me, I'm slim-ish but with broad shoulders and I don't think I could pull it off.

>> No.8431020

I'm not sure what would work for my waist with that specific dress but I can certainly take a look into it! And maybe I don't need to bind too much, to go without a petti or very light petti. I'd have to try it on with both my binder and then a sports bra just to see the difference between the two.

Thanks anon for the suggestions!

>> No.8431022

Name of this dress?

>> No.8431023

Here, you can see the horror of my selfpost. Excuse the weird hoodie, it was chilly that day and I forgot to take it off for photos. Either way the dress still didn't look good on my fat ass and I really hated it even though it was my dream print, so I sold it. Don't worry, my taste and coording abilities have vastly improved and I don't wear shit that doesn't fit me anymore, I promise.

>> No.8431024
File: 54 KB, 325x722, 10309757_10152152501898727_8701925223077660151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic like a moron

larger girls - learn your lesson from me, please.

>> No.8431056

Thank you, anon. it must be hard to take yourself down like that but I definitely see why 'tiny' is a criteria. Even in the ita threads, I never see sack dresses, so I've always been curious because I don't really own any flared sacks (the ones I own are normie clothes).

Thank you again, anon!

>quietly deletes items off wl

>> No.8431081

Eh, admitting ones flaws and mistakes make it a lot easier to learn from them, so it's no problem :) There are lots of other gorgeous dresses out there, anon, don't worry, your wardrobe will still be fantastic!

>> No.8431108
File: 171 KB, 529x800, mcd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Yeah I have a weight paranoia. I have two jsks that are at least 10cms too big for me. While I have a relatively small chest, my butt is the size of a planet so I would not be able to pull a sack off.


>> No.8431109

If it helps the pain, anon, I feel like it's happened to most of us with at least one dream item.

Once every few months I stare sadly at every JM piece that is just too LONG for my short ass.

>> No.8431145

Can someone give the name of this piece? I love what she did with it and gave it a nice waistline, too.

>> No.8431153

I like this girls coords but whenever I see her I just imagine her nipples. I'll never forget.

>> No.8431158

Wait, what?

>> No.8431159

You look like you have saggy boobs and pregnant. You really do need to compress your bust for this.

>> No.8431162
File: 2.22 MB, 2680x1380, 0d4b9b57-64a0-4423-ad86-fc64c2845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431163

She posted her nudes on /soc/ or something and they surfaced here and for a while all everyone talked about were her oreolas

>> No.8431164

Isn't that lamp-chan/victorianme?

>> No.8431177

She had a porn blog that she cammed on. did she post nudes to /soc/ too?

>> No.8431184

/soc/ might not have been her then. all I remember was that some girl posted a webm of herself in lolita flashing her tits

>> No.8431193
File: 199 KB, 373x640, 1404576892274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I remember regarding /soc/ and lolita is pic related. Deets on other stories?

>> No.8431199

I don't think that was her. The girl who posted on /soc/ was white

>> No.8431213

Yeah, probably not. She is areola girl though, right?

>> No.8431223

yeah. Oreo tits

>> No.8431246

That's nice, just gets a bit of definition to the waist. Most of the time if people cinch the waist in too much it looks really awkward but this is just the right amount to get some shape without ruining the form of the dress.

>> No.8431256

Looking at this thread, it's also kind of the poses the girls have in the photos that affect how these dresses look, not just body size. You have to have very arms-away-from-body poses to really show of the triangle silhouette properly.

>> No.8431452

This isn't sack/trapeze. It's an empire waist. There is shirring in the back to bring the high waistline in. Rather than the dresses in this thread which fall from the shoulders and over the bust. This dress looked nice on me whereas sack dresses looked like butt on me.

>> No.8432499

It's JM

>> No.8432520

I feel like if the white bib part wasn't there on the dress that this would be way cuter. Bib type designs with bigger bust lines just look awkward by default.

>> No.8432532
File: 138 KB, 400x224, tumblr_mwuzhoIfQR1rdutw3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see it.

>> No.8434990
File: 224 KB, 400x600, khe5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumping some AP's Sugar Pansy because I like it.

Not really lolita on this one, but cute anyway.

>> No.8434994
File: 110 KB, 558x451, 3051453_04182013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the OP from the special set.

>> No.8435000
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>> No.8435008
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>> No.8435015
File: 97 KB, 1406x716, 11165130_1584568521801252_4678087461708563742_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I don't like. Maybe it's too long on her, I don't know.

>> No.8435036
File: 396 KB, 360x600, tumblr_nlw7mk1KHF1qbuhibo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435067

I can't tell if it's the purple or just her makeup that's making her look so... bright orange.

>> No.8435071

IMO it'd look a lot better if she weren't holding it out way further than it's supposed to go. That's probably what's throwing everything off.

>> No.8435232
File: 381 KB, 1218x1920, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F3913323e3807aa6e21ea9ee20ea1e472%2Ftumblr_n4de7wvBgH1qc4i3ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435236
File: 102 KB, 480x854, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fffc6d9f27db5a2ef2db7e4412d32c278%2Ftumblr_mqnp3aQkzR1qgjjjyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435240
File: 231 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Faa87ddcad5cfbcdc77f6be583ec4dc1d%2Ftumblr_n3dbjzbw7J1smbdj9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435248
File: 449 KB, 1280x1280, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F8bebe48bd3bad311cfc1ea7cdc87b40d%2Ftumblr_nov2wzXslh1unmffio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone pulls this jsk's skirt for pictures, though?

>> No.8435258
File: 120 KB, 783x960, 10484173_10152769824632594_8061322243049490747_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8435447

I just bought 2 sack dresses and by looking at some of these posts, I have the dreaded feeling that they will be too short on me.

>> No.8435454

So that the design doesn't look scrunched. It's less of a problem with florals but a lot of prints have a lot going on at the border. Pulling it shows the full print AND keeps it from looking like garbage.

Like, on a dollar bill, George Washington looks fine. Scrunch up the bill in a few places and you can make him look like a janked up monster. Now apply that to kittens, rabbits, etc.

>> No.8435486
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 125011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That comparison.

>> No.8435780

Yeah, this is not flattering at all. Sorry.