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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8423519 No.8423519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some people can't take a joke

>> No.8423538

Ronald is pretty scummy though.

>> No.8423543

I don't know which to be more surprised by. Ronald Ladao causing drama or Luna Lanie doing something for attention

>> No.8423557

I think you mean unsurprised.

>> No.8423587
File: 61 KB, 630x945, Officer-Caitlyn-Cosplay-by-Luna-Lanie-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the one Momocon asked to change?

>> No.8423595

Those tits look so uncomfortable.

>> No.8423704

She looks like a legitimate stripper here.

>> No.8423724

you can't post this photo without referencing black luigi's rants. little bitch posted about luna every fucking day.

>> No.8423734

"the TMZ of cosplay."

more like the joke of cosplay

>> No.8423741

Joke in bad taste

>> No.8423744
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>> No.8423750

... what kind of photo would you even get like that? the texture of the fabric?

>> No.8423751

Who is that cosplayer anyway? She's kinda fat.

>> No.8423752

lel. SL1? no self respect photographer would brag about using the fucking S L 1.

>> No.8423754

that perv is trying to get a photo of her nip. If you bump up the ISO high enough you can see thorough fabric.

>> No.8423760
File: 209 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are lining up to use that piece of garbage

>> No.8423767

Oh man, Adam Wright. That guy is such a wealth of self-righteous nonsense it never ceases to amaze.

>> No.8423792

Adam Wright is such a chicken shit he deleted the post after it backfired on him. you're quick with the screencap, anon/

>> No.8423804

I still can't get past miss "I shouldn't have guys saying sexual things about me in my cosplays" doing suggestive things as jokes.

>> No.8423831

Post is deleted, looks like. Anyone got that imgur link?

>> No.8423838

She has nice boobs but Luna's face is just so.... Eugh

>> No.8423842

her smile sort of looks like that picture of drake where they photoshopped the teeth out

>> No.8423845

the only thing anybody should give a shit about is if he asked her first

>> No.8423872


10/10 bait. I responded to this nonsense.

>> No.8423886

I really dislike this guy.

But taking a broader view of the community, why are so many people such bitches? Like, fuck the passive aggressive bullshit, say wtf is bothering you, and be a man.

Don't post tough-guy statuses on Facebook, white-knight these cosplay attention whores, talk shit behind other people's backs, play the victim, or try to exclude people.

It's like the cosplay community is LITERALLY Adult middle school. Fucking faggots.

>> No.8423894

As someone with no idea who any of these people are; It's obviously a joke. There's no way that he could take a focuses shot at that distance, and even if he did it'd be a barely recognizable fleshy line.

ACTUALLY getting titty shots of female cosplayers who have obviously got their tits out in a costume also seems.. Fine?
Unless she's specifically asked people not to, one would assume that
>She wants photos of her cosplay taken.
>Her cosplay happens to involve having her tits out.
>Therefore one can assume that if she is comfortable with the cosplay being photographed, she is comfortable with her tits being photographed.

>> No.8423895
File: 116 KB, 503x702, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ron man lol

>> No.8423914

Ugh Gerardo Flores, haven't heard of him in sometime. Didn't he do a shoot with a camera lense that was damaged and out of focus, saying he could fix it later in photoshop?

>> No.8423923

I can't stand Ron, the man's however old and is so into con drama, it's embarrassing and obnoxious. Literally no one cares about your opinions, Ron.

>once again, inb4 he links this thread lol

>> No.8423930

All these broads look the same.

>> No.8423936

just stick with talking about literal shit and oreo, ron.

>> No.8423944

you can see the full res photo on mineralblue's page.

>> No.8423949

You get a dark, blurry mess. There's not enough light when you're that close and the lens has a minimum distance of 5 feet. It's a joke photo to anyone who understands a camera

>> No.8424114

Black Luigi don't know

>> No.8424186

I thought geraldo retired?

>> No.8424760

Not seeing it.

>> No.8424763

if he knew a thing about photography he wouldn't be using a SL1

>> No.8424819

This is what I dont get: how does Ronald get so many people wanting to shoot with him when he's mediocre at photography and he posts shit like this?

I'm spilling the salt here. It's just unprofessional for someone to post their opinions about these people who are practically in the same business as him. He seems like such a negative man who makes snarky comments at the cosplayer he's shooting. That just may be my opinion though.

I've been at cons with Ron before. He's always looking like some sweaty obnoxious cheeseball who will always get in your way. During photoshoots he would be the one in the front row blocking cosplayers trying to take 300 pictures of some skanky cosplay.

But yeah, spilling the salt. Sage for being an asshole.

>> No.8424828

Ron is exactly that who blocks everyone and then he'll bitch about it

>> No.8424852

He still shoots when he can trick someone into loaning them their camera, but he's already burning bridges looking for his photographer senpai and damaging people's shit returning them

>> No.8424855

He writes for Nerd Calibur, right? That's why. Many mediocre photographers get a large following just because they write for the shitty nerd blogs like Nerd Calibur, We Rise, and Aggressive Comix. Those three are the worst offenders in the Northeastern Coast scene, but some others do trickle into the con scene every once in a while.

>> No.8424899

dont shit on SL1 its a good travel DSLR

>> No.8424905

i dont know ron, but looking at his photos, I'm guessing he has decent gear and know how to use it. cosplayers would shoot with anyone as long as they can produce good photos.

>> No.8424910

Yeah, he has nice gear and shit but his editing is shit. So many grainy pictures when it's a basic fix in lightroom. I know 13 year olds who can edit better than this.

>> No.8424946

Just look up his page. His photos suck ass. I can do better with a fucking point and shoot. Honestly he should sell the SL1 so someone else can take decent photos with it.

>> No.8424987

Sunday. 9:59pm

>> No.8424996

I don't think Ron has people lined up to shoot with him. He mostly does hall shots. And most of his shoots are with Toby and people huge drool over

>> No.8425185

Not surprised to see this involve east coast photographers. West coast has none of this drama. Wait till Adam see the After Dark shoots. His virgin brain can't handle all the T&A

>> No.8425195

East Coast tends to be toxic due to those involved willing to cut one another off

>> No.8425580

Whose an actually good at his/her job photographer in the East Coast? Someone none creepy as fuck. I can't find anyone.. Any suggestions?

>> No.8425863

Joe from Cosfamous Studios is my go to photographer right now. His editing is so good

>> No.8425883

Who's best in the West Coast? Ron controls the Midwest

>> No.8425885

Dan is better

>> No.8425897

>non creepy as fuck

What does that even mean? You immature broads think everything is creepy.

>> No.8425921

To be fair, a good amount of photographers strike you as the very odd and screw-loose types. Then again, on the other side of things we have people willing to spend hundreds of dollars to replicate an outfit from a Japanese children's show.

No one is exempt.

>> No.8425951

I very rarely hear anyone ask, "Who are the best cosplayers on the East Coast? But please, none that are creepy as fuck."

>> No.8426097

It's presumed.

>> No.8426121

What is more likely presumed when that is ask is "who is the best, isn't creepy, doesn't charge, and would actually spare time to shoot something that isn't plain T&A based"

Because if you don't want creepy, you are gonna either have to pay, become good friends, or present a costume they want to shoot.

>> No.8426132

Is it more of a coward to not respond to Adam, or posting this status and then take it down in less than 30 minutes?

>> No.8426341

Thank god none of this shit is going on in SoCal comm. Aside from the drama with After Dark, it's mostly calm waters.

>> No.8426354


I am so fucking happy to see Ron getting dragged here, I've known the guy since like 2007 through cons and he has made me uncomfortable literally since then. He prefers to do hall shots when he's better (and I say that with an extreme grain of salt) at studio shots, and both are unbelievably mediocre. I can't believe how much the Chicago comm shits their pants over him.

Also he's always sweaty. Why always sweaty.

>> No.8426392

Hi Felix, please stop. You're embarassing yourself too.

>> No.8426414

Is that the after dark alliance, who they raping now?

>> No.8426462


>>It's like the cosplay community is LITERALLY Adult middle school. Fucking faggots.


Y'all niggas need to grow up.

>> No.8426574

yeah. Felix is a fucking creep too.

>> No.8426652

>ron controls the midwest

Absolutely not. There are a few people who shoot with him but generally speaking he's regarded as a creepy pedophile who's super mediocre at pictures, both shooting and editing. Also his watermark is ugly as fuck.

He says he only takes hallway shots but he does shitty photoshoots as well. His subjects are also usually fat, ugly chicks with terrible costumes who are likely underage.

I'd say he has a foothold in the Midwest because he goes to a lot of cons and has been going for a while, you can't not make a decent number of connections with that.

>> No.8426663

Haven't heard anything new. Drama with Yirico is pretty much dead now.

>> No.8426672

This. Ron has a shitty reputation. He keeps his "friends" close but that's about all he has. He just talks big shit.

>> No.8426682

And... why is that a bad thing again?

Should photographers shoot the subjects you want, have no creative input, and not even be allowed to give you a compliment? All for FREE?

Photographers are not your ego-stroking tools. I'd sell all my camera shit first before I shoot under those conditions.

>> No.8426889

Yes it is!

>> No.8426916

has anyone posted the back view yet? still dont get how she violated the dress code

>> No.8426921

what an unfortunate face on that girl

>> No.8426927

He's also the typical slut-shaming nice guy. He literally wears a foreveralone shirt every year to a porn con

>> No.8426946

I'm not felix you ass.

>> No.8426978


>>8426354 here, I have no idea who Felix is, I'm a cosplayer from the midwest and I've literally never heard that name before. If he's creepy too I wanna avoid him.

>> No.8427022

Im reading all these comments and Im a bit annoyed. While she was the one who made the accusations of harassment, this doesn't mean that you can't joke around with friends in an image like this. I mean...Seriously. I don't know about other cosplayers, but personally I don't like harassment, but I do have photographer friends who I will ask to take a stupid shot with if I am in a revealing cosplay. Harassment and consent are two different things and most of you are getting it twisted.

Cosplay is about having fun and you can have fun, but unwarranted harassment from people isn't fun. That doesn't mean that you can be silly or stupid with your friends for the hell of it all because you were outspoken about an incident that happened. Hell. I cosplayed Hinata before and having everyone look at my chest was really uncomfortable, but I did a group picture with my friends at the same convention where they grabbed my chest because it was a joke about how people kept staring at them. Those two things are completely different in how the person makes consent.

Damn. Most of you just want to jump on the blame victim bandwagon because you have no proper opinions of your own and don't know how to actually think about situations logically.

>> No.8427048

felix is just as bad as ron, if not worse. he loves drama and hit on cosplayes all the time. avoid him at all cost.

>> No.8427094

That's BS. Felix is just socially awkward and won't hit on you unless you're Sarah Fong. Adam Wright will hit on you if your white or Asian, and is one of the walking definitions of creeper. Guys a drama magnet and even threw a hissy fit at Felix, when the guy didn't even post the screenshot of Wright whining about the photo with Luna Lanie. Also the only reason Wright bitched in the first place is because no attractive girls will let him do that to them

>> No.8427124

He is a actual photographer with a job in it?
Not some fake guy with a camera. I have watched him shoot and he is always respectful to cosplayers. He could careless what cgl thinks.

>> No.8427131

Unprofessional? Have you met this community?
East coast photographers talk shit all the time.
I hear the most from Iconiq Photography talking about MageTV and Euphoria or Emerald Coast whining over just about everyone.

>> No.8427166

Felix is fine he just frequents here or something.

Photo was obviously a joke. It made me laugh when I first saw it. WTF is wrong with people.

>> No.8427186

People just want to jump on a bandwagon because they have no real opinions of their own and don't know how to take jokes.

No fun is allowed as a female cosplayer.

>> No.8427316

she actually doesnt look that bad. the photo is heavily pixelated for some reason. good job, op

>> No.8427573
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Adam is the coward here

>> No.8427580
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Challenges people to discuss and gets rekt by all his female friends and the photographer

>> No.8427594
File: 109 KB, 580x690, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His bitching about all the good cosplays were outside was hilarious. The con itself is dark and poorly lit. Such entitlement. You're a photographer, go out and shoot! Dude just wants a pity party cuz nobody will shoot with him

>> No.8427600

Adam is the worst. Talks so much crap and then uses it for his dumb podcast

>> No.8427609

don't bring Sarah up in front of him dude get all mopey. chick been avoiding him because of all the drama

>> No.8427611

benjamin tran stop ron wont give you credit for a fucking candid shot you tool

>> No.8427614

he complains every con, then people post pics of shit he missed. dude just like like to bitch

>> No.8427658

It's nice to see Adam get ripped apart here, I still remember when he called me out for unfriending him which was amusing. I grew to dislike him after I kept seeing him be two-faced towards his "friends" and then be a creep towards my friends. I'm just glad he's not part of any of my fandoms. He's pathetic and a sad excuse of a human being.

>> No.8427681

You see that right there is the reason I unfriended him, it's actually astonishing how open and frank he is about how "fake" he is towards people. I know he burns through people and shit, but how does the people he still keep around tolerate or even want to be around someone who is so openly two-faced?

>> No.8427721

I have some mutuals with this guy. After this incident, I have lost my respect for them. Why would anyone willingly associate with this guy? Clearly not for photos or exposure because his photography is shit.

>> No.8427736

He's also really not that popular or well-liked outside the Sailor Moon fandom, which I am grateful not to be a part of. He's friends with Greg Nugent who is a despicable person as well, but he at least deserves sincerity and honesty like any other human being. I watched Adam inject Greg's ex's with hatred, publicly mentioning/hinting him to these girls instead of helping them get over him. Meanwhile he's being all buddy-buddy and bro with Greg behind the back of these girls. The fact he's doing this at his age is what makes it even more pathetic and despicable.

>> No.8427778
File: 133 KB, 540x960, 11289732_10155631854300006_1810345775_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember when he called out a mutual friend of ours for unfriending him publicly. When he realized I was talking to her, tried forcing me to take part in his drama.

>> No.8427781
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>> No.8427782
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I realized I posted these out of order. Please use the time stamps on my screencaps as a guide. My apologies.

>> No.8427785
File: 62 KB, 490x491, OhDear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes still on about it like shes the victim, just because they didn't buy into her showing her tits at a family event. Talk about attention seeking much! See what happens when things don't go their way..

>> No.8427825

why are you talking like that
is that you Ron?

>> No.8427876

....what is "ghosting"?

>> No.8427879

It's when you go to a con and don't pay for a badge.>>8427876

>> No.8428013

Come on black luigi. Be a little bitch and whine about this on your page.

>> No.8428027
File: 693 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-06-25-13-58-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked up on it and 25 people liked that post. Are you shitting me? It at least helps me to know who to avoid at cons now.

>> No.8428029
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>> No.8428030
File: 710 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-06-25-13-58-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically a list of shitheads you should avoid at cons.

>> No.8428068

Of course Ron liked it.

>> No.8428415

Hey Erisaka is trash as well. But you know what they say garbage rolls in garbage. If her story of Greg pushing her down a flight of stairs is true she deserves it, considering she's cut from the same cloth as Adam.

>> No.8428544

stop your vendetta, Ron. That post was right after momo. She's not "still" doing it. Eat your cookies and leave the coser alone.

>> No.8428553

The internet has taught me that many people don't get jokes.

My friends will say they should do ironic sexy cosplay like sexy High Five Ghost or sexy Arthur and Buster but I tell them every time that too many people won't understand its a joke.

>> No.8428863


What happened?

>> No.8428888

Oh it isn't a bad thing. I am just saying that a ton of people assume that all photographers should be free and willing to shoot with them. I'm a photographer. I made some "drama" happen because I called people out on their shit and wouldn't shoot what I didn't want to. Just because we are friends doesn't mean I am gonna spend a good chunk of my con time to shoot you and your friends in cosplays from the current trending anime.

>> No.8428912

The internet should also tell you that people, mostly guys, can and will fap to your photos if it appeals to them.