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8422149 No.8422149 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita comm thread?

What's your local comm like? Dramatastic? Quiet? Ita?

How many comms are there in your state/county/country?

>> No.8422168

I got very lucky to be in a wonderful friendly comm.
It's a sub branch of the main one, but still doing lots of events. I've been amazed how the most talented ones were so concerned about everyone and helping around. Fun thing is everyone is always bringing so much handmade food but I guess it's like a tradition in our region now...

>great friendly comm far from drama I'd never hope for when joining

>> No.8422281

I don't even have a comm.

>> No.8422284

Same for me.
At least we don't have all the drama. LOL

>> No.8422355

Comm in my city is split. Recently learned that I was part of the "ita" comm and the sad origins around it. No way to get into the "nice"'comm or meets because they are secret and hidden. Not even sure I want to anymore.

>> No.8422398

My comm leaders are incompetent and spineless. They piss around till the last second on everything, some of them aren't even active anymore. It's too bad.

>> No.8422408

My comm is kind of boring tbh. Not much happens and I tried to organize more meets that aren't "let's go to this town and run around and have a drink" but it never really lifted off. At the last meet I organised, half of the people abandoned the others and went alone before we even arrived. All the people from when I started off have faded out of the community life and I never clicked as much with the others. So close to becoming a lone lolita, I'm tired of trying and getting nothing in return.

>> No.8422415
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>> No.8422416

My home comm is literally 5 or 6 people. The bigger comm in the state is really great, though. Mods are level-headed, open, and handle drama swiftly and without incident, to the point that most people never even see it happen. Meets are fun and varied. The other local mod and I are trying to pump some life into our tiny comm, and hopefully some upcoming tiny cons will help with that. Generally pretty pleased!

>> No.8422472

My comm is very mellow and drama free (from the outside). Somehow there was a mass of self post detections of my comm last week and Idk what the hell is going on with them.

Their very accepting too and can give advice and concrit without being so harsh.

>> No.8422484

My comm is itas on one side, and bitches on the other. Just want to be a lone lolita at this point.

>> No.8422537

My comm is mostly pretty relaxed, though we did have the drama around ILD time. I can't shake the feeling people in my comm don't like me. I'm not an ita as far as I know.

>> No.8422540

I just moved and I haven't met my comm yet. I'm on the fence about it. I did the lone thing for several years before getting involved in the comm I just left. I sort of like being a lone lolita, but I don't have any friends here yet.

>> No.8422543



>> No.8422548


Why not contact a member of the other comm and ask to join or come to a meet? I don't know why people just expect to be invited to things, if you don't ask you don't get.

>> No.8422549

Join the comm to make some friends. You don't have to attend every meet-up or be involved in every little thing. It's a good way to get your foot in the door socially, though.

>> No.8422572

My comm is dying fast. The mods are all sweet girls but none of them have a clue how to lead or organize anything. Meetups end up getting cancelled or changed at the last minute. And most of the comm are girls who are only barely interested in lolita.

>> No.8422582

I've joined the Facebook group and commented here and there. I'll probably attend the next meetup so I can meet people.

>> No.8422688

The Hawaii group is going crazy right now.

>> No.8422689

Are you sure it's divided like that? My experience is that there are often 2 groups in a city, 1 public comm for everyone, then 1 smaller unofficial group that's a tighter circle of friends that are more experienced or more into the fashion or just better friends. Sometimes the girls who like more $$ events will form a little circle. But most still participate in the main comm too. I think it's a good way, personally. One big public comm doesn't always suit everyone's needs.

>> No.8422717

Don't really have a chance to speak to anyone from it but there is a huge public meet coming up so maybe.

There is a public one but it is barely active with meets, mostly used for news. The other comm is pretty large from photos I've seen (also found out about it here), and then there are obviously private friend ones, which I don't care about and I organize some with my close friends as well.

>> No.8422760

come on anon, deets

>> No.8422789

If you're really interested go find out for yourself. I'm not at liberty to talk about it.

>> No.8422792

I live all the way out in wyoming. The nearest comm is probably a four hour drive minimum.

>> No.8422815


If you're "not at liberty to talk about it", why even bring it up?

>> No.8422832

I brought it up so people could look into it. Everyone else here in Hawaii is too afraid to come out about it or else getting blacklisted by the community. All I can say is that there many members of our group in favor of Anime Matsuri Hawaii.

>> No.8422840

Are there any active comms in Virginia?

>> No.8422850 [DELETED] 

It's like the kid on the playground that goes "I have a seeeecret"

>> No.8422853

Well if photos are posted, it can't be so terribly secret, can it? Maybe it's invite only. I just think it would be odd to have an 'ita' comm and then another, what would be the point? I'm not sure why people get mad when they are left out of private groups. It's not like there's some democratic 'invite all' rule except in public local comms. Even then, those are often less than ideal groups unless the mods are super-organizers because everyone is at so many different levels with different interests within Lolita, different ideas for meets, activities etc.

>> No.8422855 [DELETED] 

>so people could look into it
who is going to look into it?
special cgl undercover OPs?

>> No.8422856

Does it have to do with the recent AM/John drama?

>> No.8422908

My local comm is small. I do things with them occasionally but they are such penny-pinchers. They prefer free activities and it's embarassing when they try to deal, coupon or freebie EVERYthing. Once in a while is ok, every time is just ugh. They buy fan stuff and go to other hobby activities that are more expensive but not for lolita.
Y u so cheap, frillies?

>> No.8422925

Yes it has everything to do with it. Basically a lot of them are already brainwashed by John and is trying to whitewash anything related against them. They also openly attack anyone who says otherwise and harass them into leaving the group.

>> No.8422990

An out of state lolita joined the group and started harassing the members. She was politely asked to leave while the drama was going on so the members can deal with everything. The girl ended up threatening the mod and was removed.

>> No.8423001

Don't forget to mention the members that were harassing her, and that she was only trying to talk about the Anime Matsuri incident, but no one wanted to admit it was the truth and started attacking her while accusing her of attacking people.

>> No.8423009

A few members does not mean many. The comm was actually supportive of each other to make their own decisions. A thread was started that linked to all the info that was being released so members are aware.

>> No.8423011

Damn, guys. If you want a lolita event, seriously do it yourself. Get a bunch of responsible people together and even hire an event planning group to help out if you need to, there are so many lolita-run events that go just fine. With all this shit that we *know* about John the comm is honestly just asking for trouble by letting him in. Have fun getting taken over and ruined like he did with HLC. I hope someone is able to talk some sense into y'all.

that's not the right usage of whitewash btw

>> No.8423014

was it that stephanie chick from RC:U?

>> No.8423016

If she had voiced her concerns and provided links to new information, it would have been fine. Instead, she made accusations, insulted people's intelligence, and made threats. She ended up hurting her cause.

>> No.8423017


>> No.8423018

And then afterwards people called for the thread to be deleted so as to sweep all of this under the rug.
So yes,
It is whitewashing. They don't want anyone to know about what has happened and pretend nothing went on.

>> No.8423020

Can you provide proof of all these accusations? While also providing caps of everyone who was attacking her and everyone else who tried to speak against John?

>> No.8423021

We do organize our own events and John and Deneice were removed from the comm by group consensus. Unfortunately, the convention will still happen and having the comm being viewed under a microscope doesn't help. We look out for each other and would not let someone victimize our members.

>> No.8423022

>do it yourself
you do realize how much events cost, right? I'm sure their comm doesn't have that kind of money easily available.

>> No.8423024

> Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)14:30:10 No.8422856▶>>8422925 >>8422990
>Does it have to do with the recent AM/John drama?
im a lone lolita now

>> No.8423025

Thread is still up so members can be updated on new developments.

>> No.8423026

The problem is you are still setting up a meet up to meet John and his wife. Everyone is taking this as an attack when people are just trying to warn you about the potential danger everyone is in. But everyone disregarded as saying its not really true, even with all the evidence and posts provided.

>> No.8423027

What's your local comm like? Dramatastic? Quiet? Ita?
My local comm is very exclusive, to the point where they created a private facebook group, only inviting their personal friends or already popular, well known lolitas. I used to be friends with one of the comm leaders, but due to some stupid distpute the friendship fell apart. She was the only lolita in my comm I was close to, which means I'll never be part of that comm again because I have no chance to access to the FB group. I also want to avoid any drama in case of being confronted my former friend, she's pretty popular in that comm and I'm a nobody. So yeah, that's why I stay away from that comm and became a lone lolita by choice.

How many comms are there in your state/county/country?
In my state only one, I have no clue country wise.. it are a lot if you count in smaller city comms. Relevant comms maybe around 10-15.

>> No.8423029

mfw i fuck up the reply

>> No.8423034

Are you saying you're a lone lolita from Hawaii? I'm sorry, I'm not following.

>> No.8423041 [DELETED] 

Our comm has nothing do so with the AM meet and greet.

I would like to add that I will not be attending and have signed the petition.

>> No.8423043

not everyone in Hawaii is crazy just Heidi she isnt even loli

>> No.8423049

Our comm has nothing to do with the AM meet and greet. A member who is a staffer is organizing it. And no, she is not trying to take over the comm.

I would like to add that I will not be attending and have signed the petition.

>> No.8423051

Anyone go to the midwest meet this past weekend? How was it?

>> No.8423053

OP here, this is a comm thread, please take AM/John discussion to the relevant threads because I don't want this one derailed or deleted over AM drama.

>> No.8423056

Isn't she part of staff at Anime Matsuri? Doesn't surprise me then how much she was reflecting in that post.

>> No.8423064

okay I'm not from HI so I have no idea what she said but tbhs he needs to chill - I get what she's trying to do but it's not her place at ALL as a random girl who isn't apart of either HLC or HI comms to come in and stir shit like that. even though people should see buttcape and choke's blog posts I don't think it's her place to just randomly come in like that. totally unnecessary and more drama than it's worth.

>> No.8423071

fundraise? you don't even have to do a 3-day convention with big brand guests either. you could do a smaller 1 day event. still costs money but easier to scrape up money for and I'm pretty sure if you reached out to people like buttcape and rufflecon they wouldn't mind giving someone pointers.

>> No.8423074

Lolitas from other comms have sent concerns and helped keep us updated and we really appreciate that.

>> No.8423081

no i meant to reply to the topic to say im alone with no comm.

>> No.8423082

Thank you, we have some things in the works and will probably post and reach out to people once it gets closer to the date. Being in the middle of the ocean does make travel hard for out of state attendees.

>> No.8423091

>What's your local comm like? Dramatastic? Quiet? Ita?
Pretty good, no drama, there was something 2 years ago but it wasn't really comm-related, just one member being a fuck-up. It seems to me like any drama/badmouthing that happens are from people who aren't even in the comm anyways, just lone lolitas who seem to have a bad impression of the comm from how it was a few years ago when there were some drama whores and young people the group. Our group is kinda small (compared to other comms) and there's a lot of people who come and go (there's a lot of people who wear lolita once and never again or go to a meet like 1-2 times a year) but there's a pretty solid group of regulars and semi-regulars. I'm happy. I like the people in my comm and I quickly made friends and try my best to be involved since for a while the comm was pretty quiet. I feel pretty lucky that our comm is as chill as it is, and lately with how we seem to revitalizing with new members and frequent meetups. If anything, I think this really has shown me that you can only get what you put into a comm (with some exceptions, I know, some comms are just doomed).

>How many comms are there in your state/county/country?
I think in my state there are technically 2, and then one that is a general area group where people from different states can post their events and talk to people from other comms. We have a sister comm in a neighboring state, that's also similar, chill, nice, and drama-free. I'm hoping one day I can hitch a ride with someone and go to a meet there.

>> No.8423289

Ok this is clearly NYC.
The "ita" comm was the result of one of the members flouncing and starting her own comm because of problems she had with some of the moderators.

The main public comm page is pretty dead because the originators of the comm are largely just interested in chilling with their lolita friends and few others are willing to step up to the plate and run their own meets. It's definitely a hard comm for a new lolita to break into and meet people and i think it's sort of annoying how everyone goes into super-defense mode whenever anyone points this out. I totally understand that it's difficult to organize things for a large group, and I even understand preferring to just hang out with the lolita friends you already have. But in that comm if you don't have any lolita friends, you're pretty much beat and it sucks. The "ita" comm is really welcoming and I've met several girls from that comm but it was awkward for me to really talk to them as a lot of them are replica-chans who hate on brand for being too small or too expensive. I like chatting about new releases and coord ideas and stuff like that so whenever I was around those people I kinda wanted to steer clear of the topic of lolita, which defeats the purpose of having a lolita comm.
I think a few people who are from NYC and are really interested in building a comm really need to step up to the plate and kind of inject some new life into that comm.

>> No.8423332

>I think a few people who are from NYC and are really interested in building a comm really need to step up to the plate
How would one even go about this? Isn't the issue that the large number of people simply makes it impossible to organize events?

>> No.8423339

Did the Seattle comm finally chill out after ILD? I'm moving to the area soon and seeing all the drama from that time really made me second guess joining if everyone is so nuts.

>> No.8423348

I am just super mad at her comments, like if some rando just came into NYC comm and persistently kept posting complaints and continued to stir up shit while not actually living there, most mods would ban the person from the group. I knew this HLC drama would turn on HI soon anyways, how soon will Germany comm be targeted for doing "nothing"?

>> No.8423354

It's not impossible. A girl is organizing a giant picnic in the park where all comms and lolitas are welcome. There have also been some for big events like a festival or the Harajuku Fashion walk. The problem is that everyone is probably too caught up in their own lives to make events. For a large group like this, it would be interesting to have some sort of committee for ideas or planning? But once again, it may be too much for most people, and it's much easier to just take a back seat and come to a meet when one is organized by someone else.

>> No.8423369

No. The issue is that no one is that interested in trying or is too afraid too.
A girl hosted an open meet not too long ago at Alice's Tea Cup and it went fairly well. She did originally plan it too close and it had to be pushed back iirc but then she made a reservation, took money beforehand, and it went perfectly fine.
You just need to put attendance caps on events. The Alice's meet didn't even fill up. It just takes a little planning, organization and dedication.

>> No.8423381

I'm from NYC and heard some very mixed things about the comm. I haven't joined and being a lone lolita is fine with me, but I am curious to the experience of meet ups. To join or not to join. Can anyone give a nice summary of NYC's history that's not blatant hate/praise?

>> No.8423390
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I just started being active in my comm, on facebook and coming to meets and such, for the last few months, but I kind of wish I could just slip back into the shadows again. I don't have many pieces and I'm not really interested in getting many more, I never buy first hand so I'm not interested in the releases, etc. I feel like lolita is a lot of people's only (expensive) hobby, whereas I have a few. I'm also scared of saying something identifying me posting on /cgl/, even though I know it's not a big deal in my comm. I'm full of regrets. I don't regret the meets, though, those are fun.

>> No.8424625

I feel the same way, but I figure in a few years when I have more money- it'll change a bit.

>> No.8424642


I wish I could find people that have other things going on outside of weeb shit. I mean it's fine if people like weeb things, but I don't and it's getting really tiring to only ever have lolita in common with the girls in my comm since most of them are heavily into anime/cosplay/manga/gaming and I'm just a slightly outlandish normalfag for all intents and purposes.
Even on /cgl/ it feels really lonely since most of the time I don't care about the drama/new releases and I just keep wondering what the fuck I'm even doing here.

>> No.8424666

Go to a few meets and see for yourself

>> No.8425102

I moved to the middle of nowhere in northwest downstate Michigan. Are there any lolita comms in northwestern Michigan?

>> No.8425191

There's only one Michigan comm, and most of them are in the southeastern/metro Detroit area. There've been a few Grand Rapids meetups this year, though.

>> No.8425218


>> No.8425231

I would avoid large meets that cost $$

>> No.8426304


>> No.8426328

Do you even want to be apart of this stealthy secret half of the comm? It could be kind of elitest. If you have no issue with your "itas" and they're nice, you might not want to be with the other girls if they're so willing to divide

>> No.8426349

Most of the girls in my comm are into pretty normal stuff. A couple are hardcore into gardening and terrariums, lately, and go on weekend walks to collect moss or stones to put in them. A few are super hipster foodies who hit every mason-jar juice bar in the city for Instagram purposes. A handful take dance lessons (one does ballet, a few do swing, and one even does ballroom on a competitive level). A group of girls got together for a local music festival meet, which had Metallica headlining. And more than a few have pretty serious careers, so they only ever talk about the fluffy, inconsequential stuff at meets.

I didn't know about any of that until I started seeing people outside of lolita to hang out. Poke around and see what you find.

>> No.8426366

My comm is not tiny, but it's not particularly big either. We try to do monthly meets, which have been growing in size as of recently but still stay under 10 people most of the time. Our FB group is well populated, but most people are lurkers and that's fine. We're close to LA comm, so we go to their meets a lot and interact with bigger groups that way. It's very nice. People are pleasant and considerate. No drama, no bitching. Everyone is pretty well dressed too.

Except for Penny, that old ass ita sack of fucking lard. Fuck Penny.

>> No.8426374

I kinda wish my comm would stop inviting certain members to meets if no one wants them around. I feel like they get a pity invite while everyone rushes into groups in order to avoid them. What is the point of including them in the meet when everyone avoids them while they are there. It doesn't help anybody.

>> No.8426381

Goooood I'm so sorry you're in Penny's comm. Bitch annoys the shit out of me with literally every ita-tastic post.

>> No.8426398

I'm not friends with her on FB and thank god for that. I can barely stand it just seeing her post in the group.

>> No.8426446

I think the last 2-3 meets all had over 15 people, so yeah we're definitely growing in size.

>> No.8426451

We had a comm mod who appointed someone and quietly stepped down. She doesn't live in the area, she's not into lolita, and yet she was all over the HLC posts. She picked the wrong comm to be head of, since we have such little drama, but I'm glad she's gone.

>> No.8427285

i posted in the previous thread but i don't think i got any replies/thread died before i could check. what's the NZ comm like? (esp for visiting lolitas)

>> No.8427422

Funny thing is on the rc:u, the Hawaii mod and Stephanie talked about her being added to the group and why. This was of course, before she deleted all her comments. Bitch invited that drama into her own damn comm!

>> No.8427455

The mod had no reason of knowing Stephanie would act the way she did. Two members started talking about the comm on RC:U. One of them is a friend of a lolita who has a vendetta against the mod. She started posting disinformation and claiming the mod can't do her job. This led Stephanie to join the comm and upsetting members.

>> No.8427484

Stop derailing the thread.

>> No.8428862

Who is this Penny and what does she do?

>> No.8429011

Stephanie and Yanise are both New Jersey lolitas who stir up so much shit and unnecessary drama wherever they can. Yanise was very bitter and was asking every lolita in pm for dirt on John when she wasn't cast in the last AM Fashion show. She knew her chances of becoming KA were next to nil with John andv his wife were appointed JLA managers. She has had it out for them the while time, and I am not saying I support the Leighs, but just don't trust anything those two Jersey girls spew.

>> No.8429019


Is that the same Stephanie who invaded the HI comm?

>> No.8429042

Thislittledolly Stephanie, yeah I'd assume so.
Yanise is the one who was doing all the begging for votes and wound up winning the Kawaii International contest.

>> No.8429082

Where/when are you visiting? I recommend you send a request to join Facebook/NZlolita - message me (Melissa) when you ask to join so I can add you right away (I have to message you anyway if you aren't from NZ, to cut down on spam). From there we have a doc and you can see all of the comms and find the one nearest to where you are visiting.
I feel it is quite welcoming to newer members or visitors because it is very small, the biggest meet up in the country (that I am aware of) was only 15 people.
Can't speak for other comms though. I am from Auckland.
It would be lovely to have you visit.

>> No.8429436

Lol you got some of your facts wrong. Stop being a sourpuss. I didn't even know you guys were still talking about this shit here. Seriously shut the fuck up and let people talk about their communities.

>> No.8429450

My comm is small. Everyone is nice aside from this one girl who threw a giant fit and told me I'm terrible and antisocial because I didn't want to be friends with her on facebook and wanted my stuff more private. She thought it was ludicrous because she's not a "total stranger" when all we have in common is wearing lolita.

She then accused me of never hanging out with my real friends or boyfriend despite them both being in the room as I tried to reason with her. Why is facebook such a big deal? I will never understand.

>> No.8429455
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>> No.8430024

L3? I went and it was great. Kind of small, but everyone was really well dressed and the vendors had some fantastic shit. The MO comm is awesome and they hosted some fun before and after events. I'm from out of state, but I'm definitely going back next year.

>> No.8430030

>What's your local comm like? Dramatastic? Quiet? Ita?
The main comm is super calm. We all get along, all the drama died out long ago.
>How many comms are there in your state/county/country?
I actually kind of lost count. There's the main comm and then a few smaller comms in the main cities. Every once in a while someone has beef because they feel like the smaller, less active comms are being left out of big meetups. Ladies, please either host your own meetups or get a car.

>> No.8430039

I really like my comm honestly. I don't like everyone in it and not everyone dresses very well but we are drama free and have nice meets. We are a small comm but growing consistently. Only a handful of regulars ever come to our meets though.

>> No.8430044

I've never been to any of my comm's meet ups because I have really bad car anxiety. Like really fuckin severe, I'll start having panic attacks, and if my boyfriend or someone isn't there to calm me down I have to pull over for a bit.
I know I could get a ride from someone in the comm, but they all live on the south shore and that just feels really rude to ask. Plus I hate being that person.

>> No.8430276

that sucks anon, is there no other way for you to get to comms, like no public transport?

>> No.8430290

OT but how did you manage to get a drivers license with anxiety that bad? I have the same problem and so does my mother. My mother tried getting her license but was eventually told to give up because it was never going to happen, and I'm afraid to even try because I worry the same thing will happen to me. Not that I blame them, I don't even want to think about having a panic attack while driving and causing an accident.

Fortunately we have really good public transport where I live.

>> No.8430353

My comm is very quiet. It has picked up a lot recently, and by that I mean one meet up every other month which people rarely show up to. It's sad, really. We aren't even a small city. And we definitely don't lack people. We have plenty of people... but nine out of ten are flakes.. or cheap.. or have expensive hobbies outside of lolita that they care more about. And about half are ita as fuck and/or newbs who don't care to learn anything about the fashion.

There are a lot of other comms (that are actually active and have nicely dressed members) in my state that I have been thinking of meeting up with. I just have severe social anxiety and it's quite a drive to get to any of them.

>> No.8430696
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This is Penny.

>> No.8430790

damn, she's like white trash. she ought to belong in the Inland Empire or Mojave Region, not OC.

>> No.8430831

She belongs in a dumpster.

>> No.8430981

Why do you always have to post about her in every comm thread? Seriously it's annoying.

>> No.8431055


Because Penny is fucking annoying.

>> No.8431879

Heidi wasnt even part of the drama.....

The only people who got out of control was A and Stehphanie. Both who never have and probably wont attend our meets.

>> No.8431886

is "Ladies of the Empire" the 'official' Köln community or is it a tiny friend group? Im part part of the lolitas Germany FB page but the only more direct group i can find is from animexx list but all their meet ups seem really small.

I want to get a sense for things now but i havent posted on the FB group because a lot of the people posting seems pretty new (and ive only seen the Munich Comm be mentioned to someone visiting.. maybe because they filter heavily?) and i wont be moving there until this winter.

>> No.8432050

They are the official one.

You need to know that Nordrhein-Westfalen as a state has cities really close to each other. So you might be also interested in the meet ups of Chateau Chocolat.

There are a lot of Lolitas in NRW but I think they mostly have meetups in private or on cons. I'm not from NRW so I'm not sure about this, but it's the feel I get from blogs etc.

You may want to check the events page on Dunkelsuess.de. Their list is quite concluding.

>> No.8432125

My comm is really nice. We're more like than a bunch of friends who happen to wear Lolita and go all frilled-up together than a serious comm. We're starting to do stuff at local cons, so I guess things are gonna get more serious, but still it's tons of fun.

>> No.8433892
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Goddamn it Chanel, can you just not embarrass your comm for once?

>> No.8434430

Speaking of NYC, how did the picnic go? I wasn't able to attend due to prior plans and I'm kinda bummed I missed a big chance to meet more lolitas around here.

>forever lone lolita

>> No.8434432

Oh, Chanel

>> No.8434439

tfw one of your lolita friends/acquaintances makes a thinly veiled anti-gay marriage post and now you see them totally differently...

>> No.8434442

I hate my comm. 60% Itas, 1% Furry trying to groom noobs into furry Itas. 30% mental disorder (aka gold ticket to be excused and act like a complete ass prick cunts to nice ppl) 9% actual Lolitas.

>> No.8434486

It was rescheduled for September.

>> No.8434488

I'm starting to think she's faking it. There's no way anyone can be this retarded.

>> No.8434535
File: 36 KB, 497x122, 17837274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this explains it.

>> No.8434540

you mean 'mental disorder' (aka self-diagnosed tumblrinas that think being bonkers makes them special)

>> No.8434563

...oh my god??????

>> No.8434595


I've been thinking about another open central park meet before that while it's still summer//girls are still home from school, but I've been scared to post it on facebook for dumb reasons... seagull picnic?

>> No.8434687


>> No.8434730

Does anyone know what exactly her disability is?

>> No.8434744

Maybe she meant driving herself around? Wishful thinking.

>> No.8434745

I hope this isn't a double post, but I am moving to NYC in october and I am hoping someone can tell me the name of the FB comm(s) for NYC. I have been a lolita for years, and am super active in my local community. I am really nervous about leaving all my lolita friends and starting over, especially since I really want friends who I can talk to about new releases, and who can afford to attend big events with me or go to cute cafes with - older/experienced lolitas ideally :(

>> No.8434815

That's the one, anon. In my mind, I've wacked them over the head with a frying pan many times.

>> No.8434917

one person in a previous thread said they were wondering if she had fetal alcohol syndrome, other people I think just suspect autism or something. she references her 'condition' but I don't think she has ever outright named it. for example, if you go back on her profile this one of her statuses from May, here's a snippet "...I had joined the community because I fell in love with Lolita fashion and also wanted to try to make more friends since because of my condition, I have had struggles with bullying and making friends throughout my entire life..."

anyways, to answer your question more precisely, no one knows. she's never said, so all people do is speculate.

>> No.8434921

She should take advantage of free university tuition that Germany offers to all students (including foreigners). They offer beginners classes in German, and a lot of their technical classes are increasingly taught in English, so all she had to do is fill out an application form and get a passport. That program is probably not going to last forever since a lot more Americans are trying it out to minimize debt and get a relatively good education. Also, you can travel Europe on your days off.

>> No.8434931
File: 38 KB, 506x255, nahhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally forgot I capped this until now. This was back when the John/JLA drama was at it's height last week. I have no idea about the comments or if she's deleted this by now. She now asks her stupid questioins in BSoLF instead of Rufflechat because people ~attack her~.

"not saying I want to be one" good, cause you aren't gonna be a goddamn KA chanel, don't even think about it.

>> No.8434976

I'm cringing at the thought of how much more she can embarrass the rest of her country.

>> No.8434983

Someone should ask her or post a secret asking. It would be nice to know after all.

>> No.8435169

Our Comm feels like it's slowly dying. Meetup have been happening at a much slower pace and our comm leader's moving. Most of the girls in a veteran/leader position are more concerned with going to bigger comm's meetups, though I honestly don't blame them. I don't have the cash to take a train ride every other weekend, though.

Lately we've been having a serge of itas in our comm, especially one who's just... ughn... You'd never think a single girl could tear an entire comm apart, but then I met her. It's shit.

>> No.8435339

Oh damn, what happened? Because of the rain? Maybe I'll be able to go to that one then... What day?

>> No.8435343

The Facebook comm is New York Lolitas. Do not join the Victorian ladies or whatever the fuck that is Simply26's infamous ita comm. Any plans to go to RuffleCon? That's probably your best plan to meet people since a lot of the nyc comm goes.

>> No.8435345

Yeah because of the rain. It's September 12th.

>> No.8435367

I'd be up for this! The last seagull meet was pretty fun.

Thank you!

>> No.8435412
File: 306 KB, 1916x1080, cRoMUP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to join my local comm but I have episodes of severe social anxiety. Am I allowed to bring my boyfriend along to the meets? He's not into lolita so he'll be wearing normal clothing.

>> No.8435415

It depends on the comm. You can ask.
Ours only likes that if the boyfriend dresses up in some complimentary fashion and is a fun addition to the group himself.

>> No.8435430

yeah you should definitely ask your own comm because everyone is different, but if you explain that you have social anxiety and would feel comfortable bringing someone familiar to you, I feel like people should understand. I think as long as your boyfriend is chill people won't mind - sometimes boyfriends are a little...i'm not sure how to describe it, but sometimes they get too into the comm when they aren't even involved in the fashion...as long as he doesn't pester or creep on other girls or try to control things ("I dont wanna do thissss, it's boring/too expensive/too long/too ___") it's fine. he doesn't have to shut up and not say a word and never contribute to discussion but yeah you know what I mean hopefully.

on that note, make sure your boyfriend understands what he's going to, because I've seen some boyfriends offer to come on their own free will but then just mope around all bored like they were forced to go and it always confuses me.

>> No.8435448

Don't bring your boyfriend. He will have too much fun. He will see all the pretty girls there. He will fall in love with your lolita friend and backstab you. He will cheat on you with her while you're working hard to earn money for more burando. He will compliment her dressing style even though he's told you countless times that he hates lolita. He will tell her she's beautiful when he doesn't even say that about you. He will dump you just so he could be with your friend who you thought you could trust.

Fuck you Josh, you prick

>> No.8435464

Poor anon. Fucking Josh sounds like a prick anyway.

>> No.8435472

You're too good for Josh, anon.

>> No.8435479

Are you the poor girl from the worst things done OP?


>> No.8435480

In our comm, someone at a public meet with visible severe anxiety issues and boyfriend in tow would be a big no. We expect attendees to be capable of behaving well in public social situations. If they can't or don't, they are not invited back.

>> No.8435483


Anon, you deserve so much better than either of them. Bet that other bitch wasn't even cute.

>> No.8435666

Wtf why wouldn't one be 'well behaved' with anxiety...? It's not like that's going to be the type of person jumping around like a wild weeb, usually it'd be the opposite.

>> No.8435669

Fellow OC lolita who's a seagull??? Please be my friend.

>> No.8435696

We've had someone flip out with a panic attack and another who could barely speak, she just stared at everyone like a terrified rabbit. A third turned on her babble machine and wouldn't shut up the entire meet. That's three common examples from life. All with 'anxiety'. So yeah, from experience, you need to manage that before you come out to meets. If anxiety Anon has it handled then all is well but I'm thinking if she needs BF to hand-hold her in a simple casual gathering of her peers then she might want to work on it more before coming out to a public meet.

>> No.8435788

Theres quite a lot of OC seagulls. I'm surprised you didn't know. Most of us don't like stirring drama though.

>> No.8435805

There's also social anxiety. I'm a mod in my community and I suffer from it. Like I literally seem totally aloof until I scope out people and feel comfortable and join in on conversations. I'm friendly as hell I just get extremely anxious. I was extremely nervous my first meet or two until I made friends. Also I have anxiety wearing lolita in public (drawing attention to ones self) and prefer to do with with others. I still do it anyway, I just try to seem confident. There are plenty of people with anxiety that don't flip shit or have people in tow and just try to do it anyway.

>running to bathroom mid movie in cute sweet coord. oh god oh god oh god stop looking at me. keep your head up don't let them know...

>> No.8435822

I realize that and from your post, you seem to behave normally in public. But it's a red flag to me if someone 18+ can't attend a social outing without bringing along their SO in a situation where he isn't part of the company or interested himself. She may be fine. I'm not saying she isn't. I hope she is. But I've seen otherwise too, that's all.

>> No.8436164


Anyone into a NYCgull central park meet, +1 to your best 3 available dates here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10JwA9inr3gAoiw_rzZ8OvQ4mvUYbtTkPWzRWI2cImko/edit?usp=sharing

I'm not available for all of the dates but I'd be happy to organize an open meet that's actually in the summer. I'll make a separate thread if I haaaaave to but am still wary of getting it onto facebook//drawing too much attention to making a second meet.

>> No.8436364


>> No.8436405

There's a fair amount of us, but it's still somehow a blessedly quiet comm.

>> No.8436609

For some reason it's only coming up as Read Only for me. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thank you for setting this up by the way! I was super disappointed when the main picnic got rescheduled.

>> No.8436653

general comm meet question: do you expect the organizer of a medium-sized cafe meet to come up with ideas for activities during tea time other than eating? or is it alright if the only organizing they do is gather everyone together?
also, if going to a cafe/tea place, do you expect them to bring extra decor to make things fancy?

>> No.8436667

I think that people with anxiety or the socially awkward need to be in social situations so they can 'practise' and learn how to be normal. They aren't going to get that by being forced to stay at home until they have it under control, especially if it is related to large group situation or meeting new people. Why not let everyone come along and help them out when they disclose they are nervous/anxious? I get that it can be annoying and take time but the gain for them and the comm is significant.

>> No.8436706

Cool, then you should volunteer to do just that. But not all of us want to spend our time that way. Let them practice with their own family, friends, SO or therapy group until they are confident to handle themselves. I'm tired of some groups moaning about their socially awkward members ruining gatherings or doing embarassing things in public (we see several get complained about on here regularly) but being too spineless to honestly tell them 'behave or stay home'. What social club or gathering group of adults and older teens doesn't expect a measure of socially acceptable behavior from attendees? Most do.

>> No.8437231


derp, i changed it to a survey, new link!


>> No.8437733

Went ahead and voted, thanks for doing this, anon!

>> No.8438908

How large are communities normally?
There's only one really large community in my state and I'm debating on trying to get together my own smaller circle of people so monthly meetups aren't always 2-3 hours away and everyone could get to know each other better. It 's daunting looking at a facebook group with almost 300 people and all my interactions feel so impersonal.

I know its different for every comm based on whose in it, but generally, do you think people would get salty if i was all "sorry your meetups are all so far away and large im gonna just do my own thing?" politely of course.
i feel like i should ask for permission but i honestly don't think i really need to unless i plan on advertising to try an get more peoples attention on the big groups facebook page.

>> No.8438921

I think if you are mindful of not scheduling conflicting meets for those living in between to have to choose, it's fine. If you and others local to you just aren't making more distant meets due to the travel time not being feasible, I think it's reasonable to want to have a group with activities you can go to more easily and often.

>> No.8438937

If there's a 2-3 hour distance to the other comm, you definitely don't need permission. Hell, even if there weren't a gap that big, if you're not stirring up trouble, there wouldn't be an issue.

Poke around and see if there are any smaller groups for your area, btw. I recently found out that the comm in my area has at least two "splinter" groups for regional meets outside of the main city centre, and nobody cares (most people don't even know unless they live in those areas).

>> No.8438988

My comm is...tiny and full of itas. It's a branch of our huge main comm for the few girls who live too far away to go to all the big meets. Most of the girls, including me, are friends with the mod. And personally, I think she only keeps them around to make her look better. I didn't go to the last meet, but I saw the pictures and I'm really glad I opted out. Two girls were wearing Milanoo, one was basically in a Misa cosplay, and one wasn't even in lolita. But the mod went full OTT with her coord, despite it being a tiny meet at an equally tiny cafe. And sadly, the two girls in Milanoo were dressed by the mod with some of her old dresses because they're brand new to the fashion and don't know any better.

I'm a little intimidated by the big comm, and it's usually a long commute to get to meets, but it's honestly better than dealing with my friend and her obsession with being top dog.

>> No.8439006

Guess who else is coming back?

Nancy. Prepare yourself.

>> No.8439007

How's the comm in St.Louis? There's a pretty good chance I'll be moving there in a few months. I've heard a few bad things in the past, mostly about people starting shit for no reason and spreading nasty rumors, but I have no idea what's true and what's not.

>> No.8439015

What comm is this? Why do you let terrible people in?

>> No.8439019
File: 113 KB, 672x1280, meet-the-hijabi-lolita-body-image-1435176679[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but after racheal dolezal I can't anymore.
-She's a recent convert. She chooses to do this.
-Her eyebrows are painted on as shit to look heavier and more ethnic. Just look at them.That is NOT an ethnic girl's eyebrow. I would know. That is a girl who is trying to look more ethnic.
I'm sorry but I'm sick of this.

>> No.8439029

Nancy was never apart of OC comm, only LA comm.

>> No.8439032

My meetup expectations are based on whatever the organiser sets out. Pretty straightforward I think. If they have extra activities planned and they mention it, then cool. If we're just meeting up for lunch and socialising then that's fine too.

It would be weird to bring your own decorations to an afternoon tea venue unless it was a bigger event. Sounds kind of tacky to bring your own decorations to a venue to be "extra fancy" if the place is already classy to begin with.

>> No.8439034

First off, she's never denied she was white. Secondly, why are you posting her to the comm thread? It's not relevant.

>> No.8439035

No1 curr

>> No.8439037

She's a white girl pretending she's a poor oppressed ethnic girl. You really don't see the problem with this. The self tanner? The heavy eyebrows? This is ok?

>> No.8439040

She doesn't wear self-tanner. And she doesn't draw her eyebrows like that to look ethnic.

Get your head out of your ass, you have a vendetta, and this isn't relevant to the comm thread.

>> No.8439053

So she draws her eyebrows ridiculously thick and off and looks way darker in photos for no reason, just as she's converted. I normally agree with sjws but you'd have to be blind to not see the issue here.

>> No.8439059

And I don't have a vendetta. I like her coords. Comm threads often involve calling out specific people.

>> No.8439058

>still not relevant to comm thread

>> No.8439063

>I have no retort
>Baah it's not relevant!!
>even though these threads frequently involve calling out specific individuals

>> No.8439065

Vent thread.

>> No.8439069

How exactly do you know if she wears self-tanner or not? A lot of girls wear it. I couldn't tell you if any of my friends wear it or not. That's oddly specific knowledge, and i've never seen her accused of wearing it before. How do you know this?

>> No.8439160

I more have issues that she will wear the hijab with a completely non conservative fashion like lolita.
She looks cute but there is no reason to wear the hijab when you go out of your way to dress in such an elaborate manner aside to tell others of your faith. It does not follow the religion at all.
But it is not relevant. Let people be idiots by themselves.

>> No.8439162

Women wear hijab with evening gowns, designer fashion and elaborately beaded and embroidered dresses. Educate yourself or hush.

>> No.8439242

She's super cute and I love her coords. There's no fucking problem with the fact she wears the hijab. She found the way to wear what she loves without renouncing about her faith and religion.

>> No.8439245

okay cool, because i don't really want to do anything at the cafe, and i also don't want to spend extra money on flowers

>> No.8439246

loads of girls do their eyebrows like this. In my country, it's more the white girls (who are p much all non muslims) who do this rather than anyone else
her eyebrows are none of your concern

>> No.8439284

Me educate myself... what experience or knowledge on Moslem do you have?

Those "elaborately beaded and embroidered dresses" are in moderation, on the sleeves/neck hem. It is fancy, but loose and flowing, they are still conservative and a small symbol of status or fashion. There are ways to be luxurious and modest.

Lolita is like a huge "LOOK AT ME I DRESS WEIRD!" banner. Not conservative in any element.

Girls who wear the hijab in lolita do not do it because they are deeply religious, they do it as a symbol of their faith to tell others.

>> No.8439406


Take this to the vent thread, it's irrelevant. The thread is about whether your comm is good or not, not whether you agree with their personal brand of religious expression. I don't want my thread deleted because somebody decided to derail it into bitching about hijabs.

>> No.8439418

Vendetta-chan pls

>> No.8439421
File: 212 KB, 728x953, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not heard of polysemy or?
>muh fancy dresses aren't modest!
They are where it counts
Are we in the Middle Ages?

>> No.8439434

Voted as well, thanks!!

>> No.8439563

This is my comm as well and it's absolutely lovely. I'd like if there were meetups a bit more frequently but I've hosted one recently and I'm thinking of some more that might be fun.

There's definitely girls who run the bigger events such as ILD and do a WONDERFUL job! But there's also a good range of girls who also step up to run their own events as well and I think that's pretty nice.

I like the people in our group because everyone is so well-dressed and kind, and it's really neat to have a sister group that we can do things with as well!

I hope that we can stay this way.

>> No.8439620

Weird. I've always thought that the STL comm was pretty quiet and almost non-existent. I know a few girls in that comm and they're really nice. The FB group itself is a pretty big group though, and I think it's partially due to people from the other parts of Missouri, namely from Columbia/Mizzou visiting STL for meets. I suspect it being a little cliquish because of how spread out everyone is (people just gravitate to whomever is closest), but I don't see them being unwelcoming. I've hung out with one of the admins and she was very welcoming even though I came from out of state for a visit.

>> No.8439739
File: 65 KB, 517x561, Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.23.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yay 4 attendees//interested people so far!

i don't know why the dates are out of order on the form @_@ sorry about that

>> No.8439865

I think we're going to have a fashion walk in Forest Park sometime.

>> No.8440235

Any comms in ND, and how are they? I just moved here and would love to make some lolita friends.

>> No.8440311

I'm a brand new lolita (I just bought my first set!) and I'm wonder how the south FL/central FL comms are!
Any advice about attending would be nice too, I've only been to conventions and I don't actually have any lolita friends yet.

>> No.8442433

on cgl everything is of everyone's concern

>> No.8443220

How is the Mississippi comm?

>> No.8446006

Pretty dead and not much going on.

>> No.8446079

That's disappointing to hear. Why is that?

>> No.8446103

I'm from Florida and in the Central group. I haven't been to one of their meets yet, but it seems like they're a group of friendly, well dressed people.

>> No.8446136

Why the fuck would a girl convert to islam ?

>> No.8446143

A lot of girls do it. Some to be edgy, sure, but I think a lot of it is to do with the lack of spirituality in Western society today. People grow up nominally Christian, not really knowing or caring about the religion at all, and then they start getting curious about Islam of their own accord, start reading about it, and find they connect. The same might happen to them with Christianity if they sat down and read the Bible or whatever, but that wouldn't be exotic enough.

>> No.8446191

Closest comm is the CLAM, still unsure whether to start going to the meets. All the shit that goes on around it puts me off.

>> No.8447100

Moving discussion of CoF/ the Scotland comm to here so as not to shit up the CoF thread.

>> No.8447109

What the FUCK? I never knew she was white, this is such a grab for likes and followers oh my god. I love her coords either way, but damn I feel betrayed

>> No.8447111

You realize that not everybody of middle eastern descent is brown right?

>> No.8447116

I assumed it was a trick of lighting mixed with her being half. I know a few islamic girls with lighter skin so it made sense to me.

>> No.8447125

Mississippi has a few members but they don't do much. NOLA has the most members and meets. There's also a North Louisiana group but there is only 4 active members.

>> No.8447139

Religion's a funny thing. The town where I went to college had a huge Mennonite population, and an Amish town nearby. The Mennonites often came into town to shop, but also to do odd jobs (they were the go to for roofing repairs, for example).

Girl that was in school with me admitted that she was mostly there for her MRS degree, and that she had no plans to do anything after college. Met a nice Mennonite boy one day at the store, started talking to him regularly, dropped out of college, and converted so she could marry him.

>> No.8447143

Hampton Roads seems to be fairly active.

>> No.8447206

I might be moving to North Texas in the next year or so.

I've heard things about the Houson community, but is there a Dallas/Ft. Worth comm? If so, what are they like?

>> No.8447207

The qu'ran specifically states that women should (essentially) hide and avoid ornamental wear. I know what I am talking about, you clearly have no idea.
Moslem is perfectly legitimate spelling.
Lolita is a very immodest and gaudy fashion - modesty is not solely defined by how much you cover up.

And posting pictures of Ala Dergi hardly count, this is a high fashion magazine. In a typical Moslem country you can go talk to the people and see what they think of those young people who dress like this.

>> No.8447224

The bible says not to wear clothes with more than one type of fabric or get tattoos, but Christians do it anyway. All religious people pick and choose what parts to follow, but this girl is singled out because she's Muslim. Mind your own business and let her deal with her religious issues herself.

>> No.8447228


>> No.8447239

New thread here

>> No.8447250

I do not care, but if she cared about the conservative aspects that other hijabi do she would not show so much legs - it's just for show.

>> No.8447314

Okay, but like, who the fuck cares? Why do you care so much that she's not following her religions rules to a perfect t - a religion that, I do admit I'm just assuming, that you aren't even even apart of?

I don't really understand why you seem to care so much about this, you even say yourself that you understand there are girls who just wear it as a symbol of their faith/religious identifiers. If she just wears it for that reason, let her. It has nothing to do with me nor is it interfering with my life, it's not bringing down the destruction of the fashion either.

I know we all like to judge others and we're literally on a board where we spend half the time laughing at people for wearing stupid shit we don't like but at the end of the day there's no reason to get so stupidly uptight, mad, or annoyed over something a small group of people try to do. If this is how she wants to interpret her religion, let her - she's not hurting anyone or anything expressing her own beliefs in this way. It'd be one thing if she went around trying force girls to dress a certain way or convert or lecture people on religion but she isn't. She's just wearing a piece of (religious) fabric around her head and minding her own business about it.

Legit, if you don't like seeing her wear it just block her on social media, unfollow people that post her, or leave those websites and be done with it. You look really sad right now.

>> No.8447403

Metroplex Lolitas, they seem nice enough. I saw them around at A-kon and I'm in the FB group but haven't been to a meet since I'm a few hours away. I'd recommend trying them out at least.

>> No.8447466

Is the main photo a good representation of the comm? Not very comforting if it is

>> No.8447591

Why, this one isn't auto saging yet?

>> No.8447615

I like my comm pretty much. Being in DC means that there's enough to do, and the meets I've been to were fun. ILD was great too.

I don't think there's any drama. Not everyone is very well dressed but those who are are really great, so it evens out.

>> No.8447662

Its messed up to cop other people's religion for asspats. Sorry but it just is.
>Diff person

>> No.8447712

Of all the religious hypocrisies in the world to complain about, you choose to bitch about the girl that's done nothing but wear an article of clothing on her head. Way to be petty.

>> No.8447715

There are a few very well-dressed people in my comm but it feels like the majority of people are itas who are poor and have no problems with buying replicas. One girl was asking about replicas and I was surprised at the amount of people saying they totally support them. Eugh.

Gotta wade through the eyesores to find the diamonds.

>> No.8447726

She is a Muslim. She is wearing the hijab because she converted to Islam. She is not copying someone else's religion, she is following her own religion that she chose to join. How on Earth is it wrong to change your mind? Ignoring whether you agree with her or not.

>> No.8447800

There are girls who are beaten, punished, or murdered for not wearing the hijaab yet this ignorant white chick chooses to wear it because that's what ISLAM (guys) says to wear only propagating the culture that to be Muslim, you must cover your hair to look decent. This is the kind of bullshit we're trying to get away from and yet...

>> No.8447817

I'm forever saddened because I'm in the Bahamas and there is no real comm here.
There's a couple of girls who are cheap so they only do handmade stuff but it's all painfully ita and another girl who has a bunch of brand but only wears her gyaru stuff and honestly doesnt know how to makeup or style anything so I sit here with my closet and sigh because I can literally only loli up when I visit the states (aka for cons)

>> No.8447837
File: 13 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are gays in Uganda who are beaten, punished, or murdered by Christians for not following the bible, but this ignorant Japanese man chooses to wear a cross because that's what CHRISTIAN (people) say to do only propagating the culture that to be a good person, you must follow the bible. This is the kind of bullshit we're trying to get away from and yet...

>> No.8447851


>> No.8448004

voted! thanks!

>> No.8448010

this sounds like a certain island next to a large city. I would just invite people i know personally or who dress decently and are actually in the fashion aside from being props for the mod to look good or to appear to be hosting normal sized meets. small comms suck when no one puts in the effort.

>> No.8448020

Yeah but one thing you're forgetting is that gay people make 5% of the worlds population and can hide their sexual orientation. Women make more than half of the worlds population and hiding tits and a feminine face is a bit more difficult, plus many Christians nowadays support gay rights. It's kind of a shite comparison but I suppose you've tried.

>> No.8448153

It isn't copying, but since she isn't following the dress rules of the religion with her outfit then the hijab is not being used to follow her religion, but simply to point out to everyone that she is a muslim.

>> No.8449363


People are still pissed about paying $70 a ticket that provided:

> Costco picnic food, no garuneteed seat for eating, (Some girls ended up ruining their dresses due to eating food on their laps.)

> Gift bag with 1 bathbomb and a shit ton of business cards.

> Bottomless mimoas were an additional $15.

> Inclinding all of this, only the hosts had champagne and reserved seats.

TL; DR: It felt like it was poorly planned, rushed and just down right insulting for most people. Some girls faraway from Seattle came too. Others complained that it was intentional to keep "poor lolitas" out as well.

>> No.8450993
File: 67 KB, 720x960, how i had die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comm is such a hellhole. We actually spit off from the main comm. The shit they post gives me cancer. Pic related.

>> No.8451932

There were things that could have been better but overall I thought it was really fun. I enjoyed the food and the music. I thought the mimosas were worth the extra price, they were strong and had 3 different flavors to choose from (and I know from throwing events that including them in the price would have caused people under 21 to complain). There were also a ton of raffle prizes to be won.

>> No.8452037

Ew. Poor anon.
Is the main comm any better? Maybe you can join that one instead.

>> No.8452114

I phrased that weird, sorry. That's from the main comm, the split comm is the good one. Still, I have to see shit like this from the main comm.

>> No.8452445

So this is thing we're going to do now? Point out lolitas who aren't following their religion? Do you do this with Christians or Jews too?

>> No.8452452

>2/10 bait

>> No.8452460

We would if they pushed their religion in our faces.

>> No.8452480

If Christian or Jewish lolitas suddenly started wearing ugly hats with their coords and claiming them to be 100% required for muh religion, yeah.

>> No.8452542

Thank you. Added to the fact that she calls herself "the hijabi lolita".. so if I'm getting this right, she's essentially a rich white girl who converted to islam a few years ago and proceeded to make it the focal point of her personality.
What happened to the girl who would wear hijabi and jeans with her coords? At least she tried following her religion

>> No.8452552

she does her makeup to look middle eastern tho. I know someone will say thick eyebrows are popular on tumblr blah blah but those are drawn on thicker than drag queens or most girls and it is on purpose. she does her eye makeup just like ME girls I know, too. It's just too many coincidences. Maybe you can hand wave one thing but all of it?

>> No.8452640

I am Jewish and yes, people constantly point out to me if I do not follow my religion to the T. I eat pig products, I tattoo and pierce, etc. It isn't a lolita thing, it is a common human behaviour.
The only difference is that Muslim is seen as an "oppressed" religion, so people like you treat them like they are beyond all criticism.

She doesn't look very Middle Eastern, anon. Under hijab and burqa women are not generally conservative at all. Since the only part of this you can see is their face (which almost always has a lot of eye makeup) people associate the heavy eyeliner with Middle Easterns. Her eyebrows look like drawn on shit that doesn't match her coord, but it is undoubtably the kohl that gives her the "ME" look. You can see she is very pale.

>> No.8452841

>Under hijab and burqa women are not generally conservative at all
This applies in the Middle East only because women are forced to wear it by law and would not be wearing it given the choice. In the Western world, most hijabi women are actually quite conservative because they are wearing it to better follow their religion. At least the ones I've met are.

>> No.8453070

Wait thats a different girl? i assumed jeans evolved into wearing tights.

>> No.8453074

Not that anon but they have a very valid point. How is that bait in any way?

If anything, I'd say >>8447837 is more likely to be bait because of how butthurt they are about Christians in general

>> No.8453182

It's not bait, they are pointing out that the first anon is being ridiculous.
This is true, but covering hair is not the only the only tenet to follow.

>> No.8453217

Nope jeans girl was different and actually tried to follow her religion and not just score oppression points. I haven't seen her in awhile though.

>> No.8453252

>The only difference is that Muslim is seen as an "oppressed" religion, so people like you treat them like they are beyond all criticism.

>More like people like you harp on and shit up threads over this crap, all the god damn time.
Her coords aren't even that bad to begin with, like nitpicky for sure but no where near as bad as the salt mines here make her out to be.

>I am Jewish and yes, people constantly point out to me if I do not follow my religion to the T. I eat pig products, I tattoo and pierce, etc.

Well don't you sound fun

>> No.8453269

All this religious crap is off-topic for this thread. Let's get back to talking about comms.

What do you do when a new comm member is not taking advice, is shaping up to be ita and no one wants to tell her yet no one wants her to come to meets dressed like this either?

>> No.8454379
File: 89 KB, 469x167, 33834767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we know Chanel has aspergers

>> No.8454398

Ah. It makes sense now

>> No.8454409

Still not an excuse to act like a brat though.

>> No.8454451

Why didn't you cap Miss/Mr. Tumblrina's rant? That shit's top kek material.

>> No.8454492

Nobody said her coords were bad, they just complained that she was wearing a hijab from what I have seen.

>> No.8454496

What was the rant about?

>> No.8454512

Noooo we don't need the likes of Chanel making us look even worse! I never would have called this, to be honest. More 'general' autism or PDD-NOS maybe but she seems to be of below average intelligence, which is atypical for Aspergers. Then again I'm obviously biased in this regard.

>> No.8454513

Basically "boo hoo / I'm offended / bullies / why can't we love and accept everyone??" I get it, I'm socially awkward with psychological issues too, but I manage to not be a raging brat or weeby special snowflake.

>> No.8454518

Which group? Was it deleted?

>> No.8454557

Any comms in UK east midlands? Trying to find m8s.

>> No.8454587

Where are you from anon? I'm a lone east midlands lolita.

>> No.8454604

Lincolnshire, et tu?

>> No.8454607

Lincolnshire as well, live in the middle of Lincoln.

>> No.8454611

"They're not being brats, they just have condishuns and you're a bully for not hugboxing them!"

>> No.8454620

Are there any Facebook groups? Might start one if not, I'm only a fledgling lolita.

>> No.8454625

I don't think there's anything for Lincolnshire lolis, but I'm pretty sure there's a midlands group.
But I'm very new myself don't really have enough pieces to make a good enough coord, that and I'm super shy.

>> No.8454635

I'll have another looksee. I have one co-ord and a tiny bit of brand but I'm probably still ita ATM. What flavour of loli you leaning towards? I'm on the more elegant side of sweet.

>> No.8454638

I prefer more classical, but my wardrobe is more gothic at the moment.

>> No.8454661

Cool cool. Well I've joined the midlands group and I might set up a Lincoln one.

>> No.8454698

SF comm FB group

>> No.8454834
File: 284 KB, 504x896, sf comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the OP of that thread. What I find funny about this is that all the absolute worst people (mostly new, very Tumblr girls) have decided to butt into it.

>> No.8454855
File: 133 KB, 470x452, Ellejay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cue Ellejay, who obviously proceeds to makes everything all about her

>> No.8454861
File: 72 KB, 468x327, Chanel vs Ellejay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And apparently they have problems with each other.

>> No.8454893

I think people are confusing basic anti-discrimination rights and laws with special accommodation in a private setting. One is mandatory, the other is at the whim of the group. Sorry kids, privately formed Lolita fashion comms and groups aren't required to be equal opportunity anything for anyone. No matter how much you fuss about it.

>> No.8454931

So Chanel is butthurt that someone doesn't want to be her friend?

>> No.8454949

It's pretty amusing to me, because I had Ellejay as a friend for a while, but deleted her off my friends list after her posts got too whiny to want to keep around, and deleted her, and she somehow immediately knew that it happened and messaged me asking why I didn't want to be friends anymore? But apparently it's okay for her to do.

>> No.8454974

I'm not a big fan of Ellejay, but is Fakeboy ducking blind to whiteknight Chanel after all these idiotic things she said?

>> No.8455043

OP is new to the comm, and not a part of a lot of groups like RC/RC:U, so OP prolly doesn't know much about the comm members

>> No.8455167

ouch, that sucks anon

>> No.8455460
File: 51 KB, 626x612, truestory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what com/meet up did this shit supposedly happen?

>> No.8455473

in That Happened comm on the 12th of never

>> No.8455557

That was my first thought too. Most people with Aspergers that I've met have been quite intelligent.

She strikes me as incredibly dim witted as well.

>> No.8455603

Oh, look. 2 summerfag itas in their natural environment.

Protip, if you dont even have a first coord don't make your own comm. Other people will just laugh at you.

>> No.8455606

>she seems to be of below average intelligence, which is atypical for Aspergers.
Not really... Found the assburger

>> No.8455681

I was actually there and saw this go down in person. She didn't tell the whole story. After throwing her parasol and apprehending the thief with a citizen's arrest, everyone stood up and started clapping and someone actually gave her $100.
That sweet lolita's name? Alberta Einstein.

>> No.8455838

Religion and race cars two separate things so bringing racheal dolezal into it is irrelevant

>> No.8455849

I guess assburgers tend to score high on intelligence tests but they just can't figure out what to do with it in actual real life situations so it means fuck-all anyway?
But hey, muh test score, right?

>> No.8455852

There is a Lincolnshire group I believe. Search on Facebook or look in TPC comm list

>> No.8455878

I thought her name was Charlotte Norris

>> No.8456185

East midlands - there's a Nottingham Facebook group, and a Lincoln Facebook group (so no need to set up a new one - I'm not sure how active both groups are)

In terms of joining the big Midlands group, please be aware that they like you to message an admin before they approve you and they'll probably accept you quicker if you do. Meets tend to take place all over the Midlands - I think the next one is in Birmingham

>> No.8456434

I know a few of the North Lincolnshire girls come over to the Leeds meets as well. Which your more then welcome to join if your up for a bit of travel. The Leeds girls are always a reet laugh

>> No.8457291
File: 90 KB, 482x159, 8976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chanel has never been mean to anyone guys!

>> No.8457454 [DELETED] 

who tf are the mods for the SF comm anyway?

>> No.8457507

If you look at the 708 members list, it includes the admins at the top.
You'd prolly know this if you're a member.
If not, it's really not relevant

>> No.8457529

"I can't express myself properly but it's your responsibility to just not ever take it wrong because muh disability."

If that kind of thing was causing repeated upset for comm members, I'd remove her.

I'd be sorry she could not behave well enough to interact peacefully with the comm, yes...but I wouldn't keep forcing them to tolerate it either.
It's bad for the general morale.

>> No.8457595

I feel so bad for the mods at this point

>> No.8458458

I'm moving to Orlando, FL come January. I can't seem to find the specific comm for Orlando though. Does it have one? And if it does, is it decent?

>> No.8460316

Central Florida Lolita Society