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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 72 KB, 500x749, milanoo pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8410793 No.8410793 [Reply] [Original]

Show some bad(or good) Milanoo experiences you unfortunate souls, show the world how much of a scam this website is.
My friend got an actually decent dress from Milanoo and it makes us both unsure.

>> No.8410799

They sometime re-sell taobao dresses for a heavy up mark.
don't give your money to them, they are a terrible and shady company.

>> No.8410802

Oh i know that i just wanna see some of em crappy experiences, i've heard they badly replicate brand dresses

>> No.8410842

My friend recently got a dress from milanoo, and it was actually really nice. Higher quality than bodyline. The tag itself says milanoo, so it's not from taobao

I think she just got lucky

>> No.8410850

I have gotten lucky too. Its a gamble and so far all 4 of my separate orders have been good quality. Sorry to the people who get shitty quality stuff.

>> No.8410868

i'd like to see some bad to see just how bad it is, but all the pics i've seen are from a while ago.

>> No.8410891
File: 330 KB, 2048x1529, school bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there aren't too many. I know a lot of lolita outfits and cosplay outfits come out bad, but I have seen some good reviews about normal type outfits. I got my uniform there a while ago and the base dress for a cosplay of mine that I altered and those were very good quality. Also some Chobit ears and a black catsuit. None of these had any issues with them at all.

>> No.8410901

the other stuff is especially because it's relatively basic clothing your everyday person wears, pretty hard to screw that up

>> No.8410939

Yeah. Ive noticed that most bad things to come out of them are usually very, VERY custom stuff or lolita replicas. Some of their cosplay pieces are easy to make, so those don't get messed up too much. My Chii ears were exceptionally nice. I really liked those. They were hard plastic and well molded. I didn't give a damn about them opening and closing, so the metallic shine they put on the plastic was all I needed.

>> No.8411666

The dress we had was milanoo exclusive and it was pretty decent, do you think that relates?

>> No.8412131

I ordered my first 4 jsks from there and luckily they were all taobao resells.

>> No.8412177

It always shocks me, because I went on there once just to see, and the prices were the same if not more than bodyline, wtf

>> No.8412187

they're MUCH more expensive than bodyline

>> No.8412198

Some rules of thumb for people who want to purchase from Milanoo:

>Price check competitors. Especially for lolita and cosplay outfits.
>Check all materials being used in the outfit before purchase. This is easy to know if the outfit will have shitty satin or not. People don't check and that's where all the shitty satin lolita remakes come from when they clearly state what the fabric is.
>Expect 2-3 week delivery for US.
>Best thing to do is buy basic outfits, alter them as needed for cosplay.
>Don't buy lolita from here.
>Buy simple things that you can use for other things like cosplay, lolita accessories, items you can alter or modify to get your end result.

Milanoo isn't as horrible as everyone says, buy buying from there can be risky if you don't know how to shop from them. I have been using them for a while and I have yet to be disappointed in my purchases because shopping from them is kind of a science. You need to know what is a good buy and what is a risky buy.

>> No.8412206

I see you've been studying anon

>> No.8412209
File: 2.77 MB, 893x1893, mistakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this dress to an ita thread awhile back. I bought it for my eighth grade dance, and luckily it didn't look too terrible.

Still hanging in my closet to this day, waiting to be burned.

>> No.8412215
File: 77 KB, 380x500, 784f800c-4b84-4a0a-9fca-ed2c12c64aa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered this from Milanoo because a blogger recommended it. It took over a month to ship, and by that time I had lost hope, but when it got in it was actually pretty good. Cheap material, but that was expected.

>> No.8412221

I hope you're not actually wearing that shirt..

>> No.8412235

oh god it's horrible

>> No.8412240
File: 70 KB, 300x400, EkaterinaOP-gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a poorfag from a shitty Slav country so I didn't know about lolita before this.
I had ordered a Milanoo dress for prom some years ago and the result wasn't too terrible, luckily. Same cut as some MM OPs (pic related), except peach pink and floral.
I only received the top part of the dress (blue in the pic), really wrinkly. My mum ironed it and asked our seamstress neighbour to make a petticoat for it. The material was a cheapy-looking cotton but in the end it hadn't been that bad-looking. I did stand out a lot because everyone else was wearing skin-tight gowns and cocktail dresses, but all in all it wasn't terrible.

>> No.8412247

do u got picture?

>> No.8412251


It's not completely without hope!

I still have my first dumb-12/13-year-old-weeb-random-offbrand-ita-maid dress from 2006. It sat in my sewing basket for ages, and every time I thought I was going to throw it out because I was scared to actually take a pair of scissors to it, I couldn't. Just about managed to salvage it for ILD though. I'd love to see people try to salvage their ita monstronsities too, just because it'd be difficult as hell and nostalgic.

I ordered a skirt, mini hat, rose ring, vampire knight bracelet, socks, a skirt and a sailor blouse on my first and only Milanoo order. It was all shitty quality of course. The ring was cute even if it was flimsy materials, but it just needed to look nice. The Sailor blouse was actually really cute but the neckline oddly high and a REALLY crease-prone fabric. I keep thinking I'll sell it now I have a few different sailor themed items from Dear Celine and Boyline, but not in black and white.

Will post the blouse and hideously pixellated-looking neon green and black socks I got tomorrow.

Also, I was pleasntly surprised (this was a while ago when I had literally just discovered online communities and stores/auction sites) that the quality was better than a F and F seifuku I bought when I was 15. It was WAY below Bodyline quality even, but I thought it was fucking amazing at the time. How F and F has gone dramatically upmarket since then. I'm really shocked and kind of pissed I've missed out on ordering from them in the last couple of years, especially as they do custom sizes and I have to get rid of lots of things when they arrive fitting like a potato sack.

>> No.8412252

I'm looking for it right now, but it seems I deleted it a while ago. The dress have as much poof as pic but it came close.

>> No.8412253

didn't have*

>> No.8412262
File: 1.51 MB, 500x343, thebellllarge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, if I had seen the shirt on Milanoo without first having seen the person in pic related wearing it, I wouldn't have even thought about buying it.
(src: pyrrhics.net)

>> No.8412646
File: 92 KB, 375x500, horriblegorrilladress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replica rescue here!

Don't burn it! Donate it for education!

...my collection of bad items is outnumbering my actual wardrobe.

During my last panel, it was brought up that this horrible dress actually has one arm longer than the other. I washed it, and the ribbons all frayed. It looks huge but it's actually small and short.

I also have a donated Milanope dress where the detachable ribbons were cheap 33 cent a roll craft store satin ribbon tied to safety pins.

>> No.8412681

I'm hopefully going to be doing a Lolita 101 panel and...that is such a great idea holy shit. If it gets accepted I'm totally asking my comm members if they have any disasters they'd like me to share.

>> No.8412689

oh... god.... how atrocious..

>> No.8412737

>>8410793 (OP)
Posted this dress to an ita thread awhile back. I bought it for my eighth grade dance, and luckily it didn't look too terrible.

Still hanging in my closet to this day, waiting to be burned.

This reminds me of how I indirectly got two dresses from milanoo burned because of fedex fail. The sad thing is that they were nowhere near ita tier.

>> No.8412746

You are a saint.

>> No.8412768

Ask around, don't limit it to just your comm members. Seriously everything I have was donated. I've even got a few more pricey replicas that were given to me. I've got a giant tote of all kinds of disasters to decent things all donated. People are happy to get rid of some stuff. I'll probably start accumulating so much that I'll just offer a service for people who want to do panels and need materials. I'm not quite at that point yet though.

>> No.8413034

HEY! There's that orangutan nightmare I bought 11 years ago! Duuuude, this dress is still so hilariously awful. I just found a picture of me wearing it...omfg. Slap me.

>> No.8413051

Don't tease, post it.

>> No.8413697

post it

>> No.8413743

Hell no I ain't posting that shit. It is SO AWFUL. It needs to stay hidden in the catacombs of my forgotten MySpace profile.

Wore that POS with white LEGGINGS and Kmart flats like an idiot. Worse than an ita.

05 was a hard year.

>> No.8413784

you's a nigger
black out yo face grill

>> No.8413802
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x3683, PhotoGrid_1434744597395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BEHOLD! This is the only close to full body picture I could find lol. But as you can see, it was awful.

I swear to god I'm a lot better now lol.

>> No.8413806

what's going on with the skirt?
that's even worse than I though kek.

>> No.8413809

It's ugly and all but you overhyped this.

>> No.8413817

Nah, I think you were hoping for more anon. The picture doesn't do it justice (lol go figure)

>> No.8413856

Looking at this dress confuses me so much... how short is it? it looks so wide? is it a peplum top????

>> No.8413925
File: 72 KB, 500x600, don't you love it a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i can picture...

>> No.8413930

>ordering from milanoo
>more than once
what is wrong with you?

>> No.8413932

Rule of thumb for ordering from Milanoo
>don't fucking do it

>> No.8413963

This is so accurate. I was about 5'2" and the dress was obscenely short. It definitely channeled the OTHER kind of lolita.
This was a horrible ebay purchase...horrible decisions were made.

>> No.8413970

i love how dirty it looked in the pic too i had to draw that shit

>> No.8414021

From what I gather, anon is a collector of oddities.

>> No.8414034

nice panties on the floor anon

>> No.8414053

Like we've all never seen panties before, right?

>> No.8414118

Well i did not see that before

>> No.8414167

I can also confirm. I took measurements. It's truly an odd garment.

Shoulder to hem: 29"
Shoulder to waist: 14"
Skirt length: 15"
Bust: 37.5"
Waist: 36"
Sleeve A: 29"
Sleeve B: 27"

>> No.8414180

Im laughing so hard at this god bless you anon

>> No.8414212

Ordered from Milanoo a few years back when I was into lolita
My little sister ordered a dress too
Grand total was about $300 WITHOUT shipping.
It really shouldn't have cost that much for two dresses, two shirts, a pair of shoes and a wig.
The dresses were made in super cheap and shitty quality.
One of the blouses was okay, the other one was practically falling apart, loose buttons and threads
The shoes had scratches on them, and the wig looked like shit
After waiting for our order to arrive for like two months, we sent an email asking about it
Guess what
They had forgotten about it
So we had to wait two months more
The worst part of Milanoo though, is that they have so many sites that are disguised as another site, while still selling their stuff.
I also read that they make fake blogs and reviews so people will think it's good
Maybe they've improved, maybe they haven't
But I'll never buy from them again, nor will I recommend them to anyone

>> No.8414221

Don't be ridiculous and have some fucking shame, nobody wants to see your used panties.
(Not that Anon BTW)

>> No.8414306

>It really shouldn't have cost that much for two dresses, two shirts, a pair of shoes and a wig
For milanoo tier stuff maybe, but if you were (are?) seriously considering getting into lolita and thought getting that many items for $300 was outrageous overcharging, you're way out of line.

>> No.8414307

That makes my drawing seem even more accurate than i thought

>> No.8414311

bruh everyone is anonymous here i doubt anyone cares

>> No.8414314

Not the person who posted the pic but she wasn't showing off her used panties. She wasn't advertising them, bringing any sort of focus to them, or anything. No one gives a shit. That person who brought it up was just trying to be totesfunnyxD

>> No.8414327

Did you take this picture using a potato?

>> No.8414485
File: 23 KB, 542x205, milanoope orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enma Ai uniform that rode up really high in the front and back because it was tailored for a flat chested, no butt mannequin despite me putting in the right measurements. Cheap Naruto headband that I've seen better replicas at FYE. Shoes that didn't fit. And honestly, the only thing that did fit right were the thigh high socks that are actually quite comfy and I still wear them. But I had a lot of money to spend back then.

>> No.8414532

Clearly I didn't take the picture.
Yall remember the days when cellphones had super shitty quality cameras? That's a "photo" from those times.

>> No.8414537
File: 659 KB, 714x1043, Screenshot_2015-06-19-15-31-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8414546

pls wash your mirror

>> No.8414549

I actually got a really cute pair of boots from there back when I didn't know better and they're still really nice, even though I bought them like 4 years ago? They held up better than any other pair of boots I've bought. They're probably from Taobao.

>> No.8414557
File: 118 KB, 1279x713, 3-16-2015 1-52-13 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8414573

every time i see that picture i keep thinking it's moot

>> No.8414891

Thats not my room, but thanks!

>> No.8414907

No, fuck all of that, give your money to companies that actually try to produce consistent quality.

>> No.8415042

Holy hell FYE
That's a blast from the past, damn. I remember going there with my weeb friends in the mall and looking at the Naruto merchandise

>> No.8415244

I'm not into Lolita anymore. Maybe sometime in the future when I can afford it
And yeah I meant for Milanoo tier quality
I obviously know that Lolita is an expensive fashion.

>> No.8415251

Post pics or you're full of shit/shit taste!

>> No.8415539


>> No.8415544

yeah i'd like to see

>> No.8415566

>moot is kill

>> No.8417698

video of one of your Milanope panels would be boss, anon

>> No.8417706
File: 1011 KB, 1686x620, boop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the latex catsuit, but I don't feel comfortable posting it here.

>> No.8419801

the black dress and Chii ears don't look that bad imo.

>> No.8423561

Nope and the ears fit very comfortably under a wig. The dress I had to alter. It came with an idiotic loose black veil thing on the bottom, but I cut that off which is what I planned to do from the get go when I ordered it. It was for a Gumi cosplay from a Vocaloid music video. Turned out pretty accurate and the dress was the perfect price, with the perfect alteration, with the perfect material.

>> No.8425186
File: 37 KB, 500x400, 1429796282626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone remember this?

>> No.8425620

Who is that guy

>> No.8425797

I wish I could remember, it was a video posted in one of the cringe threads. I loved it.

>> No.8427653

Full of milanoo cringe. Thank god there's only 1 "episode" of this shit


>> No.8427835

I'm trying to. I need to get a decent video camera or find someone to record it for me. I've been trying to get someone the last few times but it's not panned out. Hopefully it'll work out in the future.

>> No.8428156
File: 835 KB, 2560x1440, 2014-03-17 22.35.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this skirt a long long time ago from them. The cloth is actually really good quality cotton. I removed all the white bits on it and replaced the horrible scratchy white lace trim with something better quality. Oddly enough though, the seam between the main body of the skirt and the ruffles faced outward instead of inward like they should. The lace covered it up though.
Overall, not bad for I think around $20-40.
I also have a pair of shoes from them that fit perfectly and have held up fine over the years. I'm pretty sure they're from taobao though.
So I guess I got lucky. Obviously won't buy from them again since I know better now.

>> No.8428441

Their cotton is actually not bad at all. This looks to be the material that was used for that dress I had pictured above [the black one] and with a few alterations they are a good pick for cheap cosplay stuff. In your case, I guess cheap lolita stuff.

>> No.8428452

The only thing I have to say about this is that regardless of what shirt you get, matching it with a jsk like that and tucking it will sometimes cause this. Milanoo or not. Having boobs in lolita is hard.

>> No.8432280

Oh my god I had that one! It was so horrible and I still wore it like an idiot. Loose threads came of everywhere when you looked at it.

>> No.8435517

Film this panel and put it on YouTube please, all noob itas need to see your collection!

>> No.8435611

I cant even tell what is happening because shitty image and huge file size. You had one job, anon.

>> No.8435620

She's a fucking slob, this is what we are saying.

>> No.8435656

You're on 4chan, you may as well fuck off as 90% of the posters will be slobs and losers too.

>> No.8435671

It's Milanoo. Any good Lolita thing will be an exception so why would you chance it and risk throwing your money away? Every person who posts an 'it's not so bad' story is not doing noobs any favors.

People need to learn right off to just suck it up, save up and get a known decent thing from a reputable place. There is good lolita for every budget without resorting to this kind of shady business.

Milanoo is a shit company who steal photos and scam customers.
Just don't.

>> No.8435699

Wow. My roommates room is super popular. Ill let her know.

>tfw your room has no decent lighting so you have to use someone else's room.