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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8395645 No.8395645 [Reply] [Original]

It's coming up seagulls! Let's try to get hyped.
itt discuss:
>cosplay plans
>panel expectations
>possible cgl meet up
>whatever else you want idk

>> No.8395738

>cosplay plans
I've yet to get to business and work on any of them, but I'm definitely doing a Shironuri coord on Saturday. That's when the jfash show is I think so it works out.
>panel expectations
Steven Universe, Homestuck, Lolita 101, Love Live. I'd like a decent makeup panel for once. My expectations for panels arent that high, obviously.
>cgl meet up
So excited to see all of my con friends. If anyone wants me to rec cool places to eat downtown hmu haha.

>> No.8396403

>cosplay plans
I plan to do alot of idol and video game related cosplays and maybe some touhou project. I haven't decided if I want to double cosplay on some days

>panel expectations
Something idol related, touhou, asian pop society concert, lolita 101, and whatever else I'll see on the schedule as go "ooooo" at

>possible cgl meet
Let's do it!

I know a few aspiring idols and dance cover groups coming to San Japan and I want to get together with them and have a dance gathering. Also I do want to plan to do a anime idol cosplay meetup but no final plans have been made.

>> No.8396515

pls be doing love live

>> No.8396556

>Let's try to get hyped.
Dude I've been hyped since last San Japan, I ad such an amazing time last year!

>cosplay plans
Not cosplaying, but whether or not I make it into the jfashion show will have a big impact on what I wear that day. Got 80% of my tea party coordinate finished, which is super unusual for me because I am a procrastinating piece of shit

>panel expectations
None, I don't usually go to panels.

>possible cgl meet up
Don't really care either way tbh, I always end up missing them because the rest of my group wants to do something else.

>whatever else you want idk
I am so ready to see all of the great coordinates and gorgeous lolitas running around, omg

>> No.8396560

I was the girl from the idol thread wanting to do Nico Yazawa School Festival Ver. but thinks she is too fat to do it. I honestly don't like love live as much as 0048.

>> No.8396577

First time going to San Japan and San Antonio. Hella hyped as I've heard sooo much good shit about SJ.

>cosplay plans
TF2 Soldier is my newest and will debut there, otherwise I'll reprise TV head, Jotaro Kujo, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. civ.

>possible cgl meet-up

Idk I'll probably be too busy

>> No.8396711

Might be going? Regardless it's a great con

>> No.8397615

>cosplay plans
Being Yu-Gi-Oh trash again this con. Might bring Yako Katsuragi for Sunday?

>panel expectations
I don't really do panels, but I hope there will be something interesting enough to change my mind.

>possible cgl meet up
I always chicken out of meetups last minute lmao

>> No.8399010

Cosplay judges were announced earlier today, they seem more or less legit.

>> No.8399016

>cosplay plans
Hopefully Max Rockatansky and possibly Shay Cormac when the sun isnt blazing down.

>panel expectations
I hope to be hosting a bad fanfic reading on friday late night with some bros

>possible cgl meet up
Yeah ok

>whatever else you want idk
Hype to see con friends!

>> No.8399167

Wow I didn't know shoeless was still around, cool. I feel so old.

>> No.8399184

Yeah, I hadn't heard much from her since she judged at the first San Japan, but in the bio it says she moved to New York, so that's probably why. I'm not very good at paying attention to cosplayers outside Texas.

>> No.8399189

I was judged by her at the second one so it feels especially weird.

>> No.8399209

>Cosplay Plans
I'm gonna fuck with all of the TG cosplayers while in Owl Takizawa which should be tons of fun

>Panel Expectations
Don't really care about panels. If something extremely interesting gets confirmed then yay. Won't really be disappointed either way.

>Possible CGL Meetup
Meh, "MAYBE" if I have time. Going with a fairly large group so I'm not too concerned about having to resort to seagulls for company

Takizawa will be fun as fuck. May even bring a pineapple or two.

>> No.8399216

>cosplay plans

Godoka, Sakura Chiyo

>panel expectations
Hoping my friends panels gets accepted! Other than that, I barely go to panels.

>possible cgl meet up

Nah, but I'll be looking forward to cosplays!

Other stuff that I hope for: a 3ds meet up like last year! I also also want to go to photoshoots and the swap meet.

>> No.8399788

She isn't really still around. She hardly cosplay anymore. Probably why you haven't heard anything.

>> No.8399921
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>cosplay plans
Friday I'm doing Fionna from Adventure Time (hopefully I can take pics with little kids this year, I love that), Saturday is for Shironuri, and Sunday I'm doing Chibi Romano from Hetalia. Overall nothing amazing, but I'm at the point where cons are just really fun regardless of what I wear
>panel expectations
Hmm, don't have any. I will go to the Mr. Creepypasta one again if they bring him back, shit was so dope last year
>cgl meet up
Totally, I'll even bring cute stickers maybe.
Looking forward to seeing cool cosplays! Rooming with some Houston peeps at the Hyatt this year and I'm so so excited. I hope everyone has a good time!

>> No.8401274

>cosplay plans
what ever I didnt use for A-kon
>panel expectations
hit or mess dont care, I go for the con vibe and peeps
>possible cgl meet up
sure, even though last time I went it was mostly crossboarders
>whatever else you want idk
make friends to go to cons with? all of mine are graduating soon and leaving me behind

>> No.8401386

Any cool cosplayers going this year?

>> No.8401763

Is the lolita programming even good? I know the tea party is full but I'm debating going on the waitlist if it's gonna be worth it.

>> No.8401920

>cosplay plans
Link and Zelda with the boyfriend
>panel expectations
Who even knows
>possible cgl meet up
Sure! Would have my non-cgl bf with me though
>whatever else you want idk
Good art and fairy kei vendors

>> No.8402032

Is anyone cosplaying or know someone who's cosplaying a Movie Bane? Pls let me know. I have some plans and a photographer friend already agreed to it.
Also obligatory it's gonna be a great convention with good content but it's in my home town and I know too many people there. It'll be great for a seagull meet up I guess, finally got a room this year.

>> No.8402625

>cosplay plans
Deathstroke and switch to Ryu if I start to die from heatstroke haw haw haw

>> No.8403892

>cosplay plans
They keep switching (which isn't good for me) but for sure mostly idols.
>panel expectations
Not too high, but I'm not the type to get hyped for panels so there's that.
>possible cgl meet up
>whatever else you want idk
I'm actually pretty excited about some of the artists coming! I'm also really excited for the road trip there, how far are you guys travelling?
(I'm not out of state, just far away.)

>> No.8405508


>> No.8405513

I think Dezzy Diamond and PHG will be there for many lols.

>> No.8405543

I posted this in the comm thread but I wanted to post it once here as well. I was thinking that, possibly, any lolitas who are down could meet up at Bakery Lorraine. It's much nicer (and admittedly probably cheaper?) than most of the places around the hotel. Plus I don't mind driving a couple of people! It's only a couple of miles away. Just tossing that out there as a potential Lolita meet up for the weekend. Hope to see all of you gulls there!

>> No.8405584

Time for best con in Texas.

>> No.8405602


>> No.8405763

Who are they? Story time?

>> No.8406139

Big titted lolcows who both have a delusionally overinflated sense of how "famous" they are.
Neither one of them are particularly important or relevant. They do shitty costumes and have some sort of stupid rivalry.

>> No.8406550

There are so many cool places itas could meet up for tea in town but they're all so far away.

>> No.8406554

Erm lol.
But yeah, that's why I suggested the Pearl because it's not too far (it's right by Sam's Burger Joint for those not familiar) and like I said, I wouldn't mind driving a couple of people if they were up to it.

>> No.8406580

Sounds like a great idea I love dropping by Lorraine whenever I go to SA, the place has delicious macarons and it's perfect for pictures!

>> No.8407546

Too hot to cosplay, can't deal with humidity. But much stupidity will be had.

>> No.8407582

please don't go you'll just ruin it

>> No.8407618

Congrats on getting a free pass to all the Smash Bros photoshoots

>> No.8408348

i know my friend's bringing a whole love live group.

>> No.8409504


>> No.8409780
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As I am now living in San Antonio, I'll defnitely be going.

>cosplay plans
Nothing at the moment, might just wear a shirt or something

>panel expectations
I'm up for anything, I always have fun just attending new ones

>possible cgl meet up
Yeah, that'd be cool! I might go by myself so.

>whatever else you want idk
Idk, just looking forward to another experience, hoping to make some friends around the San Antonio area that are into the same stuff as me.

>> No.8410604 [DELETED] 
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>>8406139 >>8405763

Yeah, they both think they're hot shit because their boobs are huge
even though they're just saggy titted ugly fucks.

>> No.8411247

They're always trying to compete with each other on the same cosplays and try to do it better it's hilarious. PHG is always the queen of cringe in SA though.

>> No.8411285 [DELETED] 

Anyone know if the fat ugly whore and skinny dyke will be hosting the Live Action Cosplay Contest this year?

>> No.8411384

>cosplay plans

Basketball anime stuff for ease and comfort. Maybe something all cloth like Naruto/Bleach too but unlikely. Can't do props/armor, I'm flying in.

>panel expectations

I'll check the schedule when I get there. Usually I like the makeup/crafting/how to panels over anything else.

>possible cgl meet up

Sure why not? Maybe this way I can see firsthand how faggoty Jebus of a is.

>whatever else you want idk

Going to observe and check out AA, Dealers Room, and the convention center. I'll probably take half a day to drive/walk around San Antonio and check it out. Never been.

Room party anyone?

>> No.8411687

So many sandy vag's in here already.

>> No.8412267

They are. They had to open it to all characters, not just live action this year though because no one ever signs up

>> No.8412871
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>Maybe this way I can see firsthand how faggoty Jebus of a is.

>cosplay plans
Serenity and Endymion for sure, MAYBE Rin and Producer from IM@S Cinderella Girls, aaaaand iunno. There's still a ton of time to work on stuff. We were hoping for there to be full body scans of the FE:Fates characters we wanna cosplay, so we're hoping to maybe work on Nyx (because I never finished/really worked on Tharja) and Joker. No clue other than S&E though right now.

>panel expectations
I haven't seen anything up so far, and the fb page seems really dead, so other than the AMV contest...we're not looking forward to anything because I don't think the schedule is out yet. (Is it?)

>possible cgl meet up
Missed last years, but still caught up with a few of you after. We're maybe okay with a meetup, depending on when it is, and if it coincides with the cosplay competition, then we won't make it. Please for all that is holy, for whoever plans on organizing the meet up, take into account how far shit is by walking because it's goddamn hot outside in the middle of the summer.

>whatever else you want idk
I really hope we have a massive rain storm on Thursday again because it seemed so much cooler on Friday.

>> No.8413224

I'm also curious on good cosplayers attending.

>> No.8413523

Texas Jet will most likely attend!

>> No.8413526

And Colony Drop Cosplay! They are Top Tier cosplayers.
Best in Texas.

>> No.8413557

Anyone know if it's possible to transfer lolita tea party tickets? I don't think I'll be able to go any longer.

>> No.8413717

They really are; all their work is always finished off so nicely.

>> No.8413775

I hope you are being sarcastic...

>> No.8413811

Its just vendetta-chan from last year, ignore her.

>> No.8413827

Yeah! They have a waitlist of names posted up in the SATX community.

>> No.8413858


It's just Loreli, ignore her

>> No.8413904 [DELETED] 

He's absolute shit. He has never made a single piece of any of his cosplays and he tries to break up cosplay groups he doesn't like.

>> No.8413908

LOL. They're good, but hardly can be considered "top tier"

>> No.8413998

I think anon was just being a facetious dick, they probably believe the exact opposite and were looking for you to react exactly the way you did.

According to a post the cosplay head made on the Facebook group, it's actually because the live action contest got more entries that they're opening it up again. Had the live action contest gotten no entries like the old hall contest did, they would have done away with hall completely.

>> No.8414102

Any idol cosplayers not doing Love Live? I'm hoping to see some iDOLM@STER or WUG but I don't know how likely that is.

>> No.8414103 [DELETED] 

I hear he hooks up with underage girls. Didn't he fuck one of the Live Action Cosplay judges?

>> No.8414156

Haha, because they'll definitely admit to something not going right.

>> No.8414160 [DELETED] 

I heard he raped her when she was younger. He's like in his forties too.

>> No.8414174

how dare you say those things about him!
I bet you are all jealous of Jet n Colony Drop!

>> No.8414191 [DELETED] 

Nah, he's a piece of shit. Hard to be jealous of some single forty something year old that breaks friendships apart and has never made anything himself and just reaps the fame from other peoples hard work.

>> No.8414489

Not true, we established this last year. He's an asshole, but he's not a rapist. This was a rumor made up by someone who was trying to say that's why Jet's Warhammer group didn't win Best In Show, but it makes no sense. Not only do the hall judges have no sway in the main stage contest judging, they also gave an award to someone FROM the Warhammer group.
It's just made up bullshit. And it has nothing to do with the con. Can we move on?

>> No.8414778

Any dirt on the con chairman for this con?

>> No.8414902

What are you even on about. Did this happen to you and that's why you're so mad?

>> No.8414917

I'll be doing a 0048 cosplay on Friday!

>> No.8414938
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The butthurt is strong with this one.

>> No.8415077

So that one guy actually shot himself yesterday. Lulz

>> No.8415091


>> No.8415093


>> No.8415099

That one loser dude they doxxed last year.

Heard it from his neighbor.

>> No.8415174


>> No.8415357

If this is true that's horrible. I honest to god hope you are just trying to stir shit up.

>> No.8415406
File: 139 KB, 1176x664, videogames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, a San Japan thread.

I'll be running the Late Night Gaming room this year, so...yeah. Hi. Let me know if there's any dumb tournaments or setups you wanna see.

I'm gonna try and do a Beartic gajinka with my son doing Cubchoo. Gonna spike my beard, color it white, mite b cool.

>> No.8415435

Thought everyone hated that douchebag.

Here is what I know. Cops show up at his house adn are outside for a while ambulance came they went inside come out and load a stretcher in with a sheet covering and left. Cops were looking around the neighborhood.

Im really hoping the ugly aidsfag am heroed.

>> No.8415483

I don't care if he was a colossal dick, reveling in even the possibility someone would take their own life is absolutely disgusting. You are disgusting.

>> No.8415560

Oh, you will. Don't worry.
Too late.

>> No.8415655

Do you mean Barry Cuda?

>> No.8415656

I need richi mahjong tournament.
Pls, I can bring 2 sets.

>> No.8415688

Guitar hero.

>> No.8416005

Been trying to call him and text since I saw this crap.No FB when I looked. I'm going to drive over there today.

>> No.8416262

This. Barry isn't easy to deal with, but he's a human being. Just because he can be abrasive and self pitying doesn't mean anyone should seriously wish death on him. That's sick. I know being "edgy" is the cool thing, but seriously, this is some dangerous sociopath shit if you're seriously laughing about this. I mean, did it ever occur to anyone that the reason he was difficult was because he has a history of mental illness and suicidal ideation? And that egging him on like everyone did might have serious repercussions? I seriously hope this is just an awfully off color joke and that he's okay.

>> No.8416869

Approved Panel List Now Up


>> No.8416984

Has anyone here entered the hallway cosplay contest before? I'm thinking about entering this year and have no idea what to expect.

>> No.8417452

It's pretty chill. You go up to the sign up table and fill out the form, they take your pictures and flip your seams and then if you win, they text you telling you to meet them during line up for the other entrants. And you get to watch the whole cosplay contest front row without waiting in line, then at half time they give you an award. Well worth it, and you have a better chance of winning something as less people enter.

>> No.8417582
File: 55 KB, 900x506, feels_good_man_by_nhkira-d305qru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no shit homestuck panel this year

>> No.8417596

The feels are strong m8 it does feel great

>> No.8417644

I don't know if you've ever been to the ones in previous years, but that shit is straight up cringe worthy and embarrassing. I'm glad its not gonna be a thing this year, even though theres probably gonna be a shit ton of Homestuck and Steven Universe cosplayers (all that body paint....)

>> No.8417700

Oh I've been since SJ5. Even year since the homestuck fad has been around, I actually had really bad run ins with homestucck osplayers. Either they follow me or get mad when I say I have no interests in homestuck. I try my best to avoid them but it's hard to when they come up to you out of nowhwere.

>Tl;dr: all homestuck cosplayers in SA are crazy

>> No.8418484

Now that there's actually a list of panels, what's everyone excited for?

>> No.8418497

I'm excited that it looks like San Japan gives a shit about the idol and cover dance community. Finally getting rid of most of the kpop

>> No.8418533

Thanks, anon! It sounds fairly laid back, plus the front row view is pretty legit.

Definitely going to the Ito and Jojo panel.

>> No.8418609

Nice self post. Their work could use a whole lot of polishing and they purposely compete in small competitions to be able to say they're *~award winning cosplayers~*
Try again next time

>> No.8418612

He's a dumbass. Not much else real dirt.

>> No.8419031

You're looking for the Anime Matsuri thread.

>> No.8419365

Going as anzu

>> No.8419373

>cosplay plans
I'm not sure yet. Hell girl is one and I really want to try to be bonnie from pokemon so I can have an excuse to carry a dedenne plush.

>panel expectations
none, dont go to the panels, planing to attend lots of room parties this year

>possible cgl meet up
n-no thanks.

>whatever else you want idk
I really don't want to see FNAF or steven universe cosplays but I know there is going to be a lot. Hopefully I'm drunk enough to not care.

>> No.8419617

Maybe doing Miku Maekawa (Cinderella Girls) and Cyan (SB69). I'm tempted to try and throw in an Aikatsu cosplay but I already have a bunch of idols lined up. Sayaka Maizono (DR) is also on my list, she's an idol so it counts.

>> No.8419973
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Crashing those meet ups with no survivors was so fun though.

>> No.8420015
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Guitar Hero or Rock Band is pretty much guaranteed.

Yeah man, I can bring dumb games for prizes. If you wanna bring something, you're more than welcome.

>> No.8420995

Based pat. Why dont the zaibatsu come to san japan one year?

>> No.8421177

any news?

>> No.8421433
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I dunno, they just went to Momocon so I guess they're open to come to any dumb con if they're asked. I'll throw it in the suggestion box for next year.

>> No.8421437
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meant to tag >>8420995 I've been drinking and playing dating sims

also I have too many Pat reaction images

>> No.8421620

If they come to San Japan, Ill have to cosplay streetfighter again

>> No.8421759

So what do you think we'll see a lot of? My money's on Steven Universe and Love Live! cosplayers. I don't mind idol cosplayers since there's not body paint smears. I guess the good thing is that it won't be a sea of gray.

>> No.8421793

I'm looking forward to the idol cosplays. Especially the non-love live ones

>> No.8421795

Holy fuck the shit storm over AM is crazy.
Does SJ have any con staff drama? I've only ever been a part of two panels and heard nothing, and ive never interacted with head con staff. I've also been going since the con started, and have yet to hear dirt.

>> No.8421797


SJ has fucked up staff too. Just don't think it's quite the same level as AM fucked up though.

>> No.8421799

There really is no dirt. If anything, it's the cosplayers and attendees that start drama between eachother.

>> No.8421800

I guess that's comforting lol

>> No.8422220

Aside from the security guards being kinda douches - although I think that's just a general con thing - SJ doesn't have too bad of drama. That or they're really good at keeping it hush hush.

>> No.8422330

Jay (the second in command) is a bit of an abrasive asshole at times, but the other anons are right: There just isn't dirt on the level of the AM dirt. They don't sexually harass their lolita and cosplay guests. In fact, they barely interact with them.

>> No.8422411

Is Anime Matsuri even worth going to if you're not lolita? It looks like that's what the con is all about just from reading their thread.

>> No.8422501

Not into lolita myself. At one point several years ago before rodeocon happened, they were a decent/good con to attend because they always brought big japanese guests/bands and voice actors. These days, things are run so poorly and are hardly ever on time. Really the only reason we go these days is to see Louisiana friends and it's an excuse to go to another con around my birthday, but from an events/convention aspect, it's not the best. The prices have gone up over the years and it's not really worth it.

>> No.8422639

>San Japan confirmed best texas con

>> No.8422765

Yes. They also bring over Japanese artists and bands. They basically had the entire studio trigger out this year.

>> No.8422776

Jay is as bad as John, guess he's just smart enough not to do it online.

I honestly find it almost funny there's a mob after AM for being horrible because they let a sexual predator staff when SJ has the same problem...

>> No.8422796

>Jay is as bad as John
That's just silly.

>> No.8422824

All you AM folks need to stop trying to spread your drama over to here. Just because your con is going to shit doesn't mean you should ruin it for others by starting more unessecary drama

>> No.8422880

No, its really not. I guess since I have no proof you guys can all pretend he's an angel and not as gross as John.

>> No.8422921

Ive known and worked with him since zero day and he's was always fine (albeit it a very nervous/highstrung person) so I'd LOVE to hear what you're talking about? For the record I do believe in giving everyone a chance especially if there is something wrong we need to hear about; but from the personal experience I've had, I am finding this hard to believe.

>> No.8422955

But when someone says they've never personally had a negative experience with John they get called a rape apologist?

>> No.8422997

I am not keeping up with anything AM so I don't know what's happening with that, sorry.

>> No.8423004

Please refer to >>8422824

>> No.8424345

are we just going to ignore the fact that there's a 18+ panel dedicated entirely to puns? Because that sounds great/

>> No.8424348

If by great you mean absolutely horrible then yes!

>> No.8424374


>> No.8424441


Jay is pretty scummy, it's just he isn't as active online and does a lot of fucked up shit behind the scenes.

Then again a lot of cons have scummy people in high positions, they are just better at hiding it.

>> No.8424551

Isn't the point of 18+ panels to go and laugh at cringeworthy things anyway?

>> No.8424562

They're amazing if you're plastered.

>> No.8424596 [DELETED] 

If its the same chick hosting it that was at Ikki, itll be amazing so long as that "cohost" isnt there sitting awkwardly never saying anything

>> No.8424634

How's their maid cafe? I don't see any asian maids in their photos and I want to be served my food by someone cute. Is it worth going or weeb as shit?

>> No.8424843

Weeb shit, mostly black girls too.

>> No.8424900
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Had to dig through their page but they look like they have one this year. She looks like she wears a lot of makeup though.

>> No.8425080

You should probably look at their dance practice on their facebook to get a better idea...
facebook etcetera/ SJMaidCafe

>> No.8425672

Shit, man....

>> No.8425833

Details? I don't want to find out down the line that this was just a cruel, elaborate joke

>> No.8425970

Maybe he's doing this to see if anyone worries about him?

>> No.8427848

Any guests that anyone is particularly excited about? Lame as it may sound, I really just can't wait to meet Svetlana Chmakova (who wrote Dramacon). I just love that little three book series to pieces.

>> No.8427928

So with Anime Matsuri kind of a mess, do people really think this is the next lolita con for Texas? And does anyone know what lolita programming they usually have?

>> No.8427934

I really hope not because I don't want their drama following them here.

>> No.8427937

AP is coming back with a booth along with some new brands. Also, we got a model and her brand running the fashion show. Let's also not forget the tea party and any small meetups inbetween

>> No.8427940

This by the way

>> No.8427972

Don't know if it's true but I was under the impression the lolita community always looked down on cosplayers and have run into more than one that were very rude; so I'm with >>8427934 and >>8427940 in hoping they don't decide to move and make SJ their new headquarters.

>> No.8427974

Throwing my throwaway email into this if any lolitas/Jfash people wanna meet up and possibly hit up Bakery Lorraine. Other gulls welcome, too. Also down to drink on the river walk on Saturday night if anybody wants to do that. It's expensive, but it can be fun.

>> No.8428119

None of the lolitas I'm friends with are like this at all. A lot of lolitas are also cosplayers... I don't see San Japan becoming snobbish like AM, the city and communities just don't have the same attitudes...

>> No.8428164

Lolitas are normally only rude to people who are rude to them when outside of Houston. I always felt like I could have a good discussion with them at SJ, A-kon, and Ikki, but not at Matsuri, whether I'm in Lolita or in cosplay. The San Antonio girls are really chill, you shouldn't have a problem with them.

>> No.8428762

Fucking Dezzy Diamond is hosting the dating game this year. That's going to be a trainwreck. I saw her dating game at mizuumi and odyssey and they were laugh worthy.

>> No.8429307

There is a volunteer by the name James. He tries to make himself look important in the community by posting things on FB groups but ends up making things awkward for everyone. He ends up following girls around and asking women weird questions. My friend had a weird encounter with him at Mini Mini Con and last SJ. Just be careful guys and report anyone that seems suspicious, volunteer or not.

>> No.8429503

So basically one entire person out of the whole con staff is kind of abrasive and that's it?

What the fuck do they run this con on, unicorns? There's no cosplay drama?

>> No.8429506

There's cosplay drama but it's usually between attendees, staff is never involved unless they turn into physical cat fights

>> No.8429551

Everyone at this con is more mellow, I dunno. Usually people are able to get away from the con to blow off steam if they need a break; you can go to the riverwalk bars and eateries and I think that's how dramu is avoided- they take it elsewhere.
Maybe. Just a theory.

>> No.8429568

Thanks for the warning, anon!

>> No.8429990

I also think everyone that attends is generally just chill. My impression is that it's a fun con, with the expected amount of blunders and fuck ups, and so drama is normal. Also, I think in contrast to AM it seems underwhelming...

>> No.8430043

In my experience the attendees are generally polite and chill. Probably the most chill at any convention I have attended actually.

Staff can be very high strung, especially the people in charge. That is where you'll find the most drama and downright unprofessional people.

>> No.8430285

I'd rather they be high strung than just chilling saying "this is fine" while the whole con burns down around them. Just sayin

>> No.8430332


Links to proof? Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.8430339


Peeps keep saying the head staff are abrasive and high strung, but I dont see examples.

>> No.8430400

I mean, Jay that's well known, I've seen him lose his temper before when things were going to shit, and I'm not the only one whose seen it. But I mean... Things were going to shit. Yeah there are healthier ways to deal with that, but when every problem at the con is laid at your feet, I'd imagine it gets pretty trying pretty quickly.
Dave, the con chairman, is less abrasive and more beleaguered. He's definitely sees SJ as a business and treats it as such, and he doesn't take bullshit, but it almost seems sometimes like he doesn't even believe still that he ended up running this show (he honestly sort of just got it shunted onto him after it imploded before the first year). He seems sometimes that he'd be much more comfortable in a position where he isn't the figurehead of the con. He seems to enjoy doing little things, like fixing projectors at panels. I will say, Dave has definitely calmed down a bit in recent years compared to how he used to be during the con weekend. He used to look like he was on the verge of tears or a heart attack more or less constantly. It seems now he lets his staff take care of more things.
San Japan has had it's snafus (Jeremy whatever his name was last year comes to mind, and a lot of people get upset that the vendors can't sell food and the convention center doesn't allow shirtless cosplay and always every year there are a handful of shouty volunteers who never learned the difference between projection and yelling), but hey. They're doing pretty well, they've always listened to feedback, they don't steal merch from their vendors or abuse their guests.
Before you ask, not staff or even a volunteer, just a long time Texas con-goer

>> No.8431281

Okay but what about the cosplay contest? Those things are always full of drama.

>> No.8431350

You're really digging for dirt aren't ya? I got some barrels you can scrap.

>> No.8431385


>> No.8431651

What about Josh? He does the same stuff.

Not just one person. Is the main person you will have to take orders from. The rest of the staff just vanish when anything important happens.

See what i just wrote. ^ you have one or two high strung people that are unavoidable, and the rest avoid doing anything.

They do steal from other staff and guests though.

Google cgl archives of sj. Youll be treated to a few good examples.

Ive been looking and trying to get ahold of him. Anyone else have any luck. Has anyone tried texting? I may be blocked.

>> No.8431723

Oh, hello salty chan, nice to have you back again this year. You utterly refused to give us any proof backing up your claims last year, will you deliver this year?
Seriously I don't want to give the impression in doubting you, because I'm sure what you say is true, but you must know no one will listen to you on this site if you don't substantiate your claims.

>> No.8431752

Gear Project, who ran the contest the first six or so years, were asked not to return, but that was actually kind of quiet and not majorly drama filled. Their second in command took over (she had been basically running it for a while though) and brought them on as judges the very next year, so there seems to be no love lost. She's an Iron Lady, too, the new cosplay head. I think the main reason there isn't much drama surrounding the contest is that she manages to scare it away. And I like that.
The cosplay staff members who run the hall contest have some drama surrounding them, because one used to be a trip on here (a well liked/tolerated one too) and was upset about being mistakenly disqualified from the SJ contest two years before she joined staff. She mentioned it on here and everyone tore her to shreds (I'm sure even after I post this, people are going to go on about how Kitty is deluded and was bawwwing about her Doctor Who costume not winning, but seriously, I was there, she was upset because she got dq'd, not anything else), and then when it turned out she was going to be running a live action exclusive hall contest, everyone decided that she must only be on staff because she whined her way on. In my experience though, Kitty is actually really a cool person, so whatevs.
I'm sure cosplay staff also get their fair share of people each year who are silently disqualified or who make nonsensical complaints, but we probably will never hear about those.
Oh and last year their stage flooded. There was literally nothing they could have done about that, obviously, but damn if it wasn't dramatic.

>> No.8431764

>Oh and last year their stage flooded.

I can still smell it, that was horrid. It reeked of mildew and something else I can't quite put my finger on.

>> No.8432430

I can't wait to see the full stage this year.

>> No.8432482

>She's an Iron Lady, too, the new cosplay head. I think the main reason there isn't much drama surrounding the contest is that she manages to scare it away. And I like that.

I don't think she cosplays at all, so to put a face to it, she's the one running around the stage ferrying trophies and prizes every year. I don't think she even talks on stage at all.

>> No.8432670

salty vendetta-chan can't prove shit.

>> No.8433347

She used to cosplay a little bit, never anything super well known, but yeah she doesn't seem to have done anything for years. And she'll talk at the very end of the show but that's it. Honestly it seems like most of her energy goes into making sure the contest runs smooth and drama-free, and it seems to be working for her.

>> No.8433745

i'm going

>> No.8433765

>cosplay plans

A character from a hentai to wear to my 18+ panel should it make the final schedule! Other than that, nothing. I'm in maid cafe!

>panel expectations

I usually don't attend panels (sans the ones I run, obviously) but I'm glad to see no freaking Q+A panels this year.

>possible cgl meet up


>whatever else you want

San Japan's always a blast for me. I'm hoping to do some walking around the Riverwalk this year too!

>> No.8434676

Third Strike!

>> No.8435590

So many Steven universe cosplays I bet.

>> No.8435633

Probably because she herself is shitty at dating. Just another lolcow.

>> No.8435648

Love live trash reporting in. Anyone going to the Friday meet up?

>> No.8435779

There will be a ton, there were a bunch at Akon too.

>> No.8435849

It's the new Homestuck, so yeah probably.

>> No.8435876

I fucking tell you San Japan has their shit together. You really don't hear anything bad about SJ unless it's someone trying to make a name off of San Japan's reputation (Jeremy) or someone had a "bad time".

>> No.8435987


I keep seeing the mention of "Jeremy" but I haven't heard who he is or what he did. Is this a recent thing?

>> No.8436018

Another fun panel ruined

>> No.8436028

guy got his video taken by SJ and used for promotion without credit or asking him if they could use the footage
people get butthurt when he gets onto the con for using his material without permission or even offering credit because "IT MUH FAVE CON THEY CANT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!!1!!!11!'
ensue shitstorm

>> No.8436122

Or, alternatively:
Guy took a cosplay video at San Japan and was all too happy to allow them to use it, they accidentally used the wrong version without a watermark. Months later he decides it's time to cause a huge stink. The con apologizes to him as well as publicly, but he doesn't consider this to be good enough, since they decided to take down his video now because they don't want to have to deal with the drama leaving it up seems to be causing. He sics his sychophants on all the facebook groups and the /cgl/ threads, tries to get people to boycott San Japan and wants the con to pay him for "damages." People who were originally on his side to realize he was just a huge asshole and attention whore.
Basically >>8435987 you should look up the archives if you want the real story

>> No.8436166

Can't forget the whole time he's accusing SJ of "copyright infringement" he's using music in the video without the permission of the artist and without credit.

>> No.8436190

Was this around the same time the SJ tumblr or PR person blew up and posted crazy shit? I vaguely remember something with that but it was deleted.

>> No.8437462

what's your panel named and what's it about?

>> No.8437930

It's called "Porn With A Plot" and it's about eroge! It's going to be a pretty mindless panel given it's going to be late in the evening. There's going to be lots of games, weird hentai, and prizes!

>> No.8438337

is the prize hentai?

>> No.8438493

Complete shit. Don't bother

>> No.8438538

I'm hoping!! I do own a few things I'm willing to give away (because I don't want them anymore.)

>> No.8439982

Did you ask for prize support from the con? They'll usually give you a few ecchi giveaways. Or at least they did a few years ago.

>> No.8439984

>porn with a plot
>prizes to give away
>I don't want them anymore
Used prizes confirmed.

>> No.8441284

I've never really considered it because the previous panels I've hosted at San Japan didn't require prizes. I'll remember to ask should I host this again.

Broe, I'm not about to spend a shitload on hentai for a panel that 80% of the audience probably won't even be sober for.

>> No.8441462

Is the artist ally worth it to go for 1-day? Not really interested in marked up dealer's room.

>> No.8441587

>80% of the audience probably won't even be sober for.
So should the prize be booze?

>> No.8441637

That's a perfect idea.
My prize problem is solved. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8441736

At least it sounds like he's going to show up to his panel, unlike you.

>> No.8441802

If you have a friend whose badge you can borrow for a look around the artist's alley, you might want to do that, tbh
Because there's cool stuff and it's worth spending your time, but not your money considering the price of a day pass. If you also want to check out panels or a concert or get an autograph from a guest, then I say a day pass is totally worth it.
Without the badge, you can still walk around and see some really cool cosplays, and meet and hang with some cool people. It's all about what you're there to do.

>> No.8441810

>cosplay plans
Prob nothing, I have so much half finished shit but I can't be half assed to complete any of them.

>panel expectations
I haven't been to panels in like 3 years pls

>possible cgl meet up
I'd really be up for it. I'm going alone again, so other than the two of you I met at A-kon, I know no one.

>whatever else you want idk
Anything worth nothing for a first time attendee?

>how far are you guys travelling
I'm from Phoenix, but I'm actually spending the week before in California and I'll be headed to San Antonio straight from San Francisco. Fun fun.

>> No.8445856
File: 31 KB, 600x425, dancing-monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there really no topless cosplay allowed? I was going to do a topless version of gilgamesh from fatestay, with the mana lines on his body and shit.

>> No.8445882

They say that but ive never seen it enforced. There was a guy going as the old spice guy and he didnt have a shirt on the entire con

>> No.8445918

pics plz

>> No.8446148


He had a robe on that he took off for photos. Don't be dumb.

>> No.8446903

Show me da proof

>> No.8447281

They do enforce it, Old Spice guy was able to get away with it by draping the towel around him iirc. Or he might have had a robe. But I do remember that he had to cover.
Topless cosplay isn't banned outright, you just aren't able to walk around without a top, it's a venue rule. You can pose topless for photos though, so maybe make a light robe or coat that matches your costume and take it off for photos?

>> No.8447842
File: 47 KB, 196x128, tumblr_nqm8h03DOi1qf32c2o1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed this on the maid cafe poster. Why can't this con just have ONE really good logo? That isn't either slightly offensive or hideous?

>> No.8447950

I know the first year I went to San Japan (San Japan 4, I think) there was a guy cosplaying as Vincent from Catherine and they made him wear a shirt He only took it off for pics, I wanna say.

>> No.8447996

I literally thought this said SJW

>> No.8448038

Can't unsee.

>> No.8449987

Well, I'm sad now guys, was gonna go to San Japan, but my best friend's grandma died, and now their family has to settle affairs in Illnois till the end of the month. Disappointment hurts.

>> No.8449988

Anyone need a room? In staying at the Hyatt thurs-mon and haven't found anyone. $175 and there is bed space.


>> No.8450749

I heard Barry aka Cuda is in hiding because Chris Holm kicked his ass and Barry couldn't bare to show his face in public anymore.
Chris Holm is one scary big son of a bitch.

>> No.8450767

Hi Josh.

>> No.8450782

Barry has spoke.

>> No.8450850

Not Barry. Hate that fuckface.

>> No.8450900

So I've never really been to a con before

Do any of you care if you see somebody in plain clothing? I don't really feel like getting into cosplay just yet

>> No.8450912

About 40% of the con will be in street clothes. You have nothing to worry about.

>> No.8450956

Thanks, now I feel a little less anxious about this

>> No.8451248

This >>8450912 except last year I think the number was closer to 60% were in street clothes. Don't worry about it, no one will mind at all.

>> No.8452770

I've seen Kaminas walking around without shirts though. I wonder if they just kinda count the cape as a top at this point. Either way, play it safe and get a robe or something.

>> No.8454293

>Cuda is in hiding because Chris Holm kicked his ass

Never happened, and more like Chris is hiding behind people because he beat up his little sister.

Maybe if you are a 90 pound autistic girl.

For you. overweight 5'*' manlet, furfag, pedo, so there is that.

>Hate that fuckface

Care to explain why at the least? I've known him a little over a year now. Is the Barry I know not the Barry you know?

First, fuck you. Second this is false. Third, thanks for making me look like a crazy bitch. I thought he was bullshitting about this gaslighting but holy fuck.

>> No.8454936
File: 595 KB, 978x573, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 7.28.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a screenshot of the december post way back, dear god I didn't know she was going to post again. She is back and angry.

>> No.8454981

She is a rude person irl. She talks about how she makes weapons and tries to haggle you into making you ask her to make a weapon. If you dont comply, she gets pissed and blocks you. Same way when you give con crit. Rude ass person and hope people will tell her off one day

>> No.8454999

Walk away before you start believing his tinfoil conspiracies that he'll try to trap you into. He has pissed off enough people to no return that he would do a service to everyone to stop existing so we don't have to look behind our shoulders worrying about his presence.

He doesn't need to anhero but he should consider leaving Texas as a good start. He can go piss off another crowd or go live in a cave so we can all breath as a sigh of relief.

>> No.8455120

I had a good laugh with her FNAF posts back then.

Dear god I thought she was trolling

>> No.8455209

They just look so shitty. I can't imagine anyone actually commissioning anything from her with that work.

>> No.8455403
File: 163 KB, 490x630, Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 7.24.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her comments got deleted but she was upset with some guy who decided to make his own wand.

I thought she offered to make them for free?

>> No.8455413

She has to be autistic or something..

>> No.8455443
File: 187 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-2011-11-10-19h19m39s159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a salty bitch.

>> No.8455865

Is this a new person or what's deal with this? I've never heard of her before.

>> No.8456545

I've seen her around since last year. Salty person who "makes weapons" or tries to make you say you want a weapon from her with a guilt trip then pull a 180 rude attitude saying how much time it took and she could have been doing other stuff but insist she is "too nice" to say no to n00bs

Tl;dr: fake ass weeaboo tsundere attitude of a shitty prop maker

>> No.8457999
File: 25 KB, 599x371, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh... did anyone else staying at the Grand Hyatt get this email?

>> No.8458065

oh wow. that is absolute bull shit.
Good luck trying to visit friends that are staying there.

>> No.8458140
File: 46 KB, 538x440, 943rq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL YES THANK GOD THEY'RE FINALLY DOING THIS SHIT. I don't care now that I don't have to share a room with people. Now we don't have to wait twenty minutes to get a goddamn elevator from all the poor/cheap kids packed into one room.

The delicious butthurt in the group on facebook is so good.

>> No.8458154

My room as seven people in it and we're trying to figure this all out. If anything how are they going to check that you're 18? Some people might be able to get away without having a wristband because of baby faces.

>> No.8458171

>tfw staying with friends so your parents don't find out you're a weeb
>tfw there's 5 people total
>two are engaged
>two are inseparable

oh fuck me guess who's drawing the short straw

>> No.8458183

My favourite part is all the hoops you now have to jump through if you're physically disabled. I have to go out of my way to find a security guard to escort me every time I want to use an elevator? Can't you just look at my walker and know that there's no way in hell I'm getting up the escalator? And my disability is at least visible, a lot of people it's not as obvious.
I appreciate what they're trying to do but it seems poorly implemented.

>> No.8458228

I'm pretty sure they'll amend the rules at some point to specifics like that, once we get closer to the con. The Hyatt is almost always more than accommodating to con-goers, especially if you're a special exception to certain things, and in that case, it's the disabled part.

Some of the meds I've had to take with me to SJ in the past usually need to be refrigerated, and back before they added fridges in every room with a little slot for an item, the front desk at the Grand Hyatt had to bump me up to an executive suite that had one empty for my meds, and a wet bar, at no charge.

I really doubt it's gonna be as difficult as it was back when Matsuri was at the Woodlands and had done the same wristband policy.

>> No.8458243
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean the craigslist con orgy is off?

>> No.8458425

I got super sketched out about them holding onto $50 extra a night.

>> No.8458453

That's pretty normal of most convention hotels, and hotels in a big city area, like how the Grand Hyatt is smack dab in downtown. Actually, most cons I've gone to have a $50-100 a night incidental deposit...why not get them to put it on someone's credit card? If you don't use incidentals, it shouldn't be a huge problem, as that money will be back in the account within a few days, and it'll be like it wasn't spent at all.

>> No.8458488

No it's not, or you clearly just go to shitty cons.

>> No.8458493

It really isnt man.

>> No.8458593

You have to be completely retarded to not understand that large hotels put an incidentals hold of anywhere from $50-250 depending on the tier of hotel you stay at. You clearly stay at shitty hotels.

>> No.8458613

I think the only other time I saw this done was at the 2011 AnimeFest at the Reunion Tower hotel. It worked ok there, it was easy to get to our room quickly but I can see how this will definitely put an end to being able to cut down on room costs.

>> No.8458643

This. It's like none of you guys have stayed at the bigger hotels for large cons. The hotels for DragonCon, SDCC, and NYCC all have incidental deposits. It's standard pracyice when they know the crowd they have will be fucking morons and damage the room in one way or another.
My guess would be that some one must've done something last year or the year before and the Grand Hyatt was tired of having to eat the cost of the cleaning and repairs. Even stupid things like bodypaint left all over the bathroom or stains in the carpet will set off a hotel into wanting to charge a security deposit.

So. Who did what to their room last year?

>> No.8458695

No, because I've gone to tons of large conventions that have nowhere near these type of rules.

You're a fucking moron. pls go

>> No.8458778

It was pretty convenient of the Hyatt to put this rule in place AFTER thoroughly selling out event blocks to people that may or may not have bought the rooms had they known of this kind of bullshit. I'm in the Hyatt, and now I wish I was in the Mariott.

I get that it's enforcement of a policy, but it's just such a bitch move after all the money they're getting on this shit. Waiting for elevators is just part of the game, what the fuck ever.

>> No.8458787

This has nothing to do with the convention. You must not do a lot of traveling if you don't know that hotels generally put an incidental hold on your account when paying for your room. This is standard operating procedure for every major hotel chain. You can have the incidentals hold waived if you verbally request it, in most cases, anyway.

I've traveled extensively throughout Europe and the US, and this is common practice everywhere. If you have not experienced it, odds are you either didn't notice it or stayed at a shitty hotel. As far as conventions go, each of the following hotels has at one point charged a mandatory incidentals deposit/hold. Some of these hotels have explicitly stated on their websites that they have repealed mandatory incidental holds this year, though in certain cases they may require you to pay one night at the time of reservation.

Anime Expo:
JW Marriott

Hilton Garden

Anime Matsuri:
Hilton Americas
Embassy Suites

San Japan:
Grand Hyatt
Riverwalk Marriott
Rivercenter Marriott

Again, it has jack shit to do with the "convention's rules". Please stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.8458789

why are you talking about incidental fees when they're talking about the wristband thing? do you not read??

>> No.8458793

No one is talking about incidental holds for room damage? The email goes over needing a wristband to get into elevators and rooms. Anime Matsuri did the same thing and it failed miserably.

>> No.8458797

hi jen

>> No.8458803

Jen? That's not my name...?

Summerfriend, please.

>> No.8458805


See >>8458425, >>8458488, >>8458493 and >>8458695.

>> No.8458808

So many fucking summerfags and underage b& in this thread it's not even funny.

>> No.8458809

See >>8457999 you know, the original post that started this.

>> No.8458811

The replies were all in response to posts talking exclusively about the extra $50 hold per night. Kill yourself.

>> No.8458812
File: 137 KB, 717x831, grandhyatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just helping out that the person was mentioning the deposit that was cut out of the initial cap of the email that was sent out.

>> No.8458822

Aww. Want me to find you someone to rub that salt out of your vag since you can't, sweetie?

>> No.8458828 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_2015-07-06-22-57-26~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elevator situation sucks, but in other news....

>> No.8458854 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1080x1061, Screenshot_2015-07-06-22-57-26~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8458866 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1080x1048, Screenshot_2015-07-06-23-09-51~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8458869 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1080x1015, Screenshot_2015-07-06-23-09-46~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put these in the spank bank

>> No.8458874 [DELETED] 

holy fuck anon why

>> No.8458884 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-06-23-09-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8458885 [DELETED] 

because Dezzy is vindictive

>> No.8458972

Thinking she's that retarded stay at home mom jen that was insulting everyone top kek

>> No.8459091

Anyone looking for a last-minute room? I've got a room reserved at the Marriott for Thurs-Mon and I'm looking for roommates!

>> No.8460497
File: 94 KB, 900x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait does this mean I can't have room parties with anyone that isn't at the hotel? Our parties are now even more exclusive? I can't wait to drink alone.

>> No.8460856
File: 8 KB, 249x187, 3275459_249px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this will work out just as good as all the other times cons have tried similar measures.

>> No.8460928
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1436054445741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those people in the SJ FB group
So glorious. I can't wait to see who actually went through with cancelling their room.

>> No.8461219

You can't be a voice of reason.
So many people butt hurt over using the stairs.
Loose some wait assholes

>> No.8461271
File: 99 KB, 850x637, 1432135464016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to SJ during its second year, they were calling it 1.5 or something but it seemed ok for a new con. Considering going again, how is it now compared to back then?

>> No.8461587

That was their first year actually. They called it 1.5 because it had to be postponed from the original date because the first chairman dropped the ball.

>> No.8461615

>Loose some wait assholes
Is this a shitty pun or are you just that retarded?

>> No.8461623

God they have a lot of panels this year. Glad they still have a number of academic panels. I did 3 panels there last year and the following year. Sadly can't go this year. Running panels is so fun, aside from the woes of getting all the equipment running properly.

>> No.8461644

It's one of the best artist alleys I've been to. Huge, and a lot of good artists. I wish their art show was remotely comparable. I spent like over $100 in the alley alone last year.

>> No.8461666

My group did. We went to the Mariott across the street - barely any further so it's nbd.

>> No.8461800
File: 47 KB, 488x552, sjofficial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if everyone saw this, but Dave made a post about the wristband policy and the Marriott hotel adding more rooms.

>> No.8461899

I already booked at the Marriott. Don't regret a thing.

>> No.8463300

Okay >>8401920 here. I have my cosplays ready and sewn, props made, tickets purchased, money saved. What should I do now to prepare?

>> No.8464168 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-06-23-09-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Antonio's sexiest cosplay, ladies and gentlemen. Much class, little ass.

>> No.8464260

So I'm thinking about coming to this con from dallas. First time actually cosplaying. I've been to a kon, all-con and a fest in dallas, and liked all of em ( a kon is overcrowded though) how does it compare to these cons? I've heard its somewhere inbetween a kon and a fest as far as attendance and atmosphere. This con is in a convention center, so does that mean the con "closes" early?

>tfw friends might not come with so i'll have to find some seedy motel to room at.

>> No.8464868

Wow, I'm volunteering for the first time at this con, and it's like 100x times more organized than when I volunteered for Anime Matsuri. I've gotta give these organizers some kudos.

Also, their schedule is packed and organized like no other. Like, literally every hour there's something decent going on in every room across the hotel, con center, and surrounding areas.

Damn. I like this con already.

>> No.8464892

>shilling this hard

>> No.8464953

175/night or for the weekend? I need a room for friday/saturday/sunday morn

>> No.8464981

Thank you for the input, anons! I do have my eye on a few aa attendees and I'll look into panels once the schedule is posted up. I'm local so I'll be able to take a bus and mitigate downtown parking costs.

>> No.8465012

NGL, I'm pretty damn hyped.

>> No.8465247

anyone here competing in the cosplay contest? i want to participate this year but it seems that only journeymen level cosplays and up are avaiable and i dont know if its worth it since i feel that my cosplay isnt up to par with that level and it might tke up too much time out of my con experience

>> No.8465263

The hall contest might be more up your alley then, takes less of your time and they don't have an entry cap.

>> No.8465268

first time i hear of this, whats it like? it sounds so chill, i might check it out. what day anon?

>> No.8465297

The rules are on the SJ website and up thread I mentioned what it's like. >>8417452
Hall contests are a lot different than the main contest, the don't take place at any particular time. They're open for sign ups throughout the weekend and you're judged when you sign up. Go to the website if you want to know more, I don't know it all off hand and it will be there.

>> No.8465352


>> No.8466436

Make sure to give us all the background dirt.

>> No.8466469

Yep, almost every year! What the other anon said though, you might want to just try the hall contest if you wanted to just enter as a novice, and not as a higher level. Just remember with the hall contest, you're not going up on stage when you compete (unless you're getting an award). The hall contest is a lot more intimate and they take the time to look at your details and ask about construction, since there's more time than the regular contest judging. Worst case scenario, if you're that eager to being up on stage, you could always contact the cosplay directors to have them see if there's a waiting list so they can contact you if someone in the novice category drops out (because there's always a ton of dropouts in that category)

If you decide to enter the main contest after all, and you want friends to go see you on stage, make sure they go wait in line for the tickets you'll have to get this year. They're free and come with the badge, but you have to wait for one to get a secured seat in the room.

>> No.8466473

8 bit?

I doubt anyone in this board was alive when 8-bit was a thing.

And how is 8-bit related to anime?

So much confusion.

>> No.8466598

It's just a theme. Every year has had a theme to go with the number, and I guess this year they went with retro gaming. The only thing that it really affects is the promotional materials.

>> No.8466645

>I doubt anyone in this board was alive when 8-bit was a thing.
u wot m8

4chan is 18+, third gen consoles were huge with current 18-25 year olds.

>> No.8466685

Chairman picks shitty themes, this one lets him use austin band contacts for cheap, trying to suck up to the magfest/pax people too.

>> No.8466751

It's to continue the tradition of not having a typical numbering system, since 1 was 1.5. So there's been 1.5, 2.x, :3, 4tw, Mach 5, Sinister 6, Samurai 7 and now 8-Bit

>> No.8466863

Wait, what tickets are free this year?

>> No.8466881


"In order to best seat everyone efficiently, we are adding a ticket system this year for the Cosplay show and Formal Dance Masquerade."

They're requiring you to go and get tickets that come with a paid badge so you can get a for-sure seat at main events this year.

>> No.8467386

Beta schedule is up, just FYI


>> No.8468549


Really? would have sworn most 18 year olds started with a PS1 or something like that and think 8bit games are unplayable.


that makes some sense... I guess. Thanks.

>> No.8469078

I really want to attend the swap meet on sunday, I've never been to one before.
Can you bring anything anime/weeb related to trade? And more importantly, expect anyone else to bring good stuff? I have a few lightly worn shirts and a figma that I'm thinking about bringing.